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Name : _________________________________________________________
GRADE: 1 2 3 4 5

Printmaking Fish
! I drew a fish on paper +5
! I took the time to closely observe my fish and replicate its details and texture +10
! I traced my fish drawing twice on Styrofoam making sure the lines were deep enough for the ink to skip over +5
! I printed my fish at least three times, correctly labeling them +15
! My best print had enough ink coverage to clearly cover the negative space of my print +10
! My best print clearly showed the texture of my fish because I didnt use too much ink +10
! I printed my fish again, this time taking away the negative space and creating a new composition with my
fish +10

My project is complete: Yes ! No !

If no, why not? _______________________________________________________________________

Please circle one box in each row that best applies to you and this project. +20
Ms. Klausa will circle in a different color.

Effort and
I always put forth my best effort.
My project is neat and clean
I usually work hard and I try my
best most of the time. My project
is sort of neat
I sometimes need to be reminded
to try my best and my projects
needs to be more neat.


I always participate in class and
use class time well.

I participate some of the time and I
mostly spend my time in class
working on my project.
I need to be reminded often to
keep on task and finish work.

I always follow classroom rules and
never cause a classroom
disturbance. I am always helpful.
I usually follow the rules but
sometimes I need reminders from
friends and the teacher
I have a difficult time following
rules and I have had to have my
seat moved or referrals written.
Use and Care of
I used all materials appropriately
with no reminders, I always clean
I use materials correctly most of
the time but sometimes I need to
be reminded to clean up.
I need to be reminded to clean up
most times and sometimes I get
supplies taken away from me.

How is the process of printmaking our fish using Styrofoam different from the traditional practice of
gyotaku? Please answer in a complete sentence. +10

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