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J uly 2014

Despite price growth, housing

affordability was at its best
point in more than a decade
during the March quarter due
to record low interest rates.
The HIA-CBA Housing Affordability Index
improved 2.1 per cent in the March quarter.
Over the 12 month period, the index
improved 10.8%.
The index measures:
Weekly household incomes
The costs of home ownership house
prices and monthly mortgage repayments
The index assumes buyers are providing a
10 per cent deposit and financing the
remaining 90 per cent of the purchase price
with a 25 year variable rate mortgage.
Increases in home prices over the past year
have been significant, said HIA economist
Shane Garrett.
However, the impact of lower interest rates
and continued earnings growth has ensured
that home purchase affordability has
improved over the past year for existing
homeowners and those on the cusp of
entering the market in the short term,
said Mr Garrett.
If youre looking to purchase a home
or investment property today, contact
your local LJ Hooker office or visit
Housing at its most affordable

The most important element in lighting is
contrast. Its the interplay between light and
dark spaces that creates drama and the
illusion of space.
Use Natural Light to your Advantage
If a room is completely sun-drenched, try
using filtering window coverings to soften its
intensity. If there is limited natural light
available, consider the use of mirrors and
reflective finishes.
Dont Be Afraid of the Dark
As light creates shadow, this can be used to
distort the boundaries and dimensions of a
room which actually enhances its sense of
space. For instance, highlighting a painting,
artwork or sculpture on a dark wall gives the
illusion of objects being suspended in space.
Shine the Spotlight on your Features
In the dining room or kitchen, cabinet lighting
and illuminated shelving are impressive and
eye-catching features and create great
conversation topics for friends and family.
Surfaces can also serve as features because
of the way light responds to different
materials, such as timber, brick, and metallic
or reflective surfaces.
Understand Space and Create
Light Zones
Angled down lights and wall sconces can be
used to expand a rooms size or break up
open spaces and walls into discrete areas.
Up-lights can be used to make a room feel
taller or can be used to highlight certain
architectural features. Conversely in rooms
with vast ceilings, table lamps, floor lamps or
feature candles can bring the focus below
eye level to make a room feel more inviting
and intimate.
Take Task Lighting to Task
Shadowing is a common problem in
bathrooms and dressing spaces and these
rooms should employ a variety of different
types of task lighting techniques. A good rule
of thumb for lighting for dressing or makeup
application is to have a light source coming
from in front of you, whether its above or
from each side, preferably diffused and
casting an even amount of light on both sides
of your face.
Master Movement and Lighting
With home automation, light can be set to
different intensities in different areas and at
different times of the day. This allows you to
change your functional, bright preparation
space into an elegant entertainment space
with friends or a relaxed and romantic
evening in, without having to pull out the
candles to impress.
To read Darrens article in full, head to
Disclaimer. This newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. It is intended to provide general news and information only. While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information it contains,
neither the publishers, authors nor their employees, can be held liable for inaccuracies, errors or omission. Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be reproduced or reprinted without the express permission of
the publisher. All information is current as at publication release and the publishers take no responsibility for any factors that may change thereafter. Readers are advised to contact their financial adviser, broker or accountant before
making any investment decisions and should not rely on this newsletter as a substitute for professional advice. LJ Hooker Limited 0614 LC2392-01
Over 8 years of
local real estate
success and still
continuing to set
new records.
Shane Broekman is a family
man who grew up in The
Forest and has chosen to
raise his family here too.
"The Forest has so much to offer our
children, from a great selection of schools
to many different sports and activities for
parents and kids to enjoy" say Shane.
Shane knows of many amazing walking
and biking tracks around the area and
even mentioned waterfalls, aboriginal art
caves and great spots for uninterrupted
Shanes greatest advantage over other
agents who work in the area is that he
grew up here and still lives here, which
means a greater knowledge of the area
and how it can suit each individual buyers
Selling for more is not just about a
signboard and hoping for someone to fall
in love with your home, it is about the
lifestyle the house and the area can
provide that adds true value says Mr
Highlights of great lights
In this excerpt from his latest column for,
interior designer and judge of The Block, Darren Palmer, talks
about the benefits of good lighting.
Ph: 0404 044 280

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