Like and Dislike: The Following Expression Can Be Used To Express Like

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Like and Dislike

The following expression can be used to express like:

I like/ love. Im very keen on.
I do like/ love.. Im crazy about..
I I (really ) enjoy Im very fond of..
The following expressions can be used to show Dislike
I dont like/ love.. I dislike.
I ( really) ate. Im not keen on

Task B
Read the following dialogue for number 1-3

Task A
Practice the dialog above in pairs by changing the bold typed word sentence!
1. Heni :What kind of music do you like?
Nana : I really like R "n B music
Heni : How about you?
Nana : I like Pop music.
2.Gina : Do you like reading a book ?
Sofia : Ye! I do
Gina : What kind of books do you like to read?
Sofia: I like reading novels. "nd how about you Gina! Do you like reading books#
Gina : No! I don$t% like reading
Sofia : So! what do you like?
Gina : I like singing and dancing%
#r. $u%a : Do you like $i&&a?
Doni : No! I don't like $i&&a.
#r. $u%a : What do you like for our lun(h?
Doni : I like (hi(ken ou% or fried fih.
#r. $u%a : "nd you "ndi ?
"ndi : )ried (hi(ken.
#r. $u%a : What do you like for deert?
We ha*e trawberry and
(ho(olate i(e (rea+.
Doni : ,h -ood! I like trawberry i(e
(rea+ *ery +u(h.
"ndi : I like too.
#r. $u%a : )or the drink?
Doni : I(e tea! %leae
#r. $u%a : Well! I'll %re%are all for you.
1. Who likes fried chicken?
A. Mrs. Puspa C. Andi
B. oni .
no one
!. Who is Mrs.Puspa probabl"?
A. waitress C. Andi#s
B. their $other . waiter.
%. oes Andi like ice crea$?
A. &es'he is C. (o' he
B. &es' he does . (o'
Andi don#t
&$m very keeen on of %%% & don$t like%%%

(The clip arts are taken from some sources including Martins clip art)

The te't is for number 1 ( )
)ello' $" na$e is *atih. + often ,!-.... $" ti$e doing $" hobbies.
)ere are $"
hobbies. + like ,")... /er" $uch. o "ou know wh" + lo/e it? Because
+ lo/e 0owers especiall" 1as$ines and roses. + ne/er forget to water
the$. The" are reall" beautiful' right?
+ ha/e a s$all garden in the back"ard. Besides se/eral kinds of
0owers' + also ,#-...
fruit trees there' such as papa"a and banana.
,$).. gardening' + also ,%)..... sports too. M" fa/orite sport is
c"cling. + usuall" do it
on 2unda". 3ast $onth' $" father bought $e a new bic"cle as $"
birthda" gift.
1. ". %ull .. look after
/. %end D. in(reae
2. ". %layin- (he .. arran-in- flower
/. doin- (ra%book D. (olle(tin- tationary
0. ". %lane .. %lant
/. %lan D. %lain
1. ". before .. beide
/. beide /. after
2. ". really like .. like
/. don't lo*e D. doen't like

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