Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Collaborative Learning

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Collaborative Learning

Gao Yufen
One of the most different experiences here in NIE is the collaborative learning
experience in computer class. There are advantages and disadvantages concerning this
new approach to the learning. However, I think the former outweigh the latter.
The first advantage of this collaborative learning is that it makes learning an
eno!able and less formidable experience. "s the product of traditional #hinese
education, I am taught to perform m! own dut! all b! m!self. "nd the values of self$
diligence and doing$it$alone are further emphasi%ed b! the teachers in class. &earning is
reall! serious! 'ut learning side b! side with m! group members here, I feel learning a
never$touched subect such as (building m! own web site) is not so formidable as I would
be doing it alone, for I can fall back on m! group members from time to time. 'esides,
there are originalities in each of our members. Often I invite them to look at the
interesting pictures I drew with *aint, and the! will ask me to eno! the funn! cartoons
and animated cards the! find. There is laughter all the wa! through the course.
"nother advantage of this approach to learning is that being a group as a whole,
we can share knowledge between us. I ma! be more familiar with word processing and
other basic computer knowledge since I have been using it for +uite a few !ears, but other
members of the group ma! be better in some specific areas or +uicker to learn new
information provided in class here. Thus alwa!s there are man! things we can learn from
each other. -e discuss the topics, revise it together, and seek backups and feedbacks from
each other.
The most important function of this collaborative learning, in m! opinion, is that
it builds up a sense of team spirit. The success of the final presentation is dependent on
the contribution of the whole group. It is never individual work. That means we cannot
keep good ideas or skills to ourselves. -e need to be willing to (share) whatever in our
minds or we found. if I come across a web page talking about (/ala! 0estival) which is
not m! interest, I should save or send it to 1enn! 2a member of our group3, for it is the
right topic for her part of work in the final presentation4 &ikewise, she sends me a
beautiful picture about elephants walking in the sun set rainforest, for m! part is about
(tourist attractions, %oos) and so on. 0rom the course, we now weigh (group-esteem) is
more important than (self$esteem).
However, there are disadvantages in the process. 0or example, it is much time$
consuming. it takes time to agree to what we all agree and we should work on a time
when ever! member is able to come to the lab. 0urther, if one member is being legged too
much behind and not willing to catch up b! himself and waiting other members to do
ever!thing instead of her, it reall! creates problems.
In summar!, I think I, together with other members of the group, benefits a lot
from this collaborative learning experience in #omputer Instructional Technolog! course.
-e share, eno! and progress as each member does.

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