SDWNY - City of Buffalo Court 2014 Questionnaire

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Bryan Ball
Kitty Lambert-Rudd
Vice President
Political Afairs
Nola Trotter
Vice President
Community Afairs
Ronald Groth
Robin Jansma
An Afiliate of
PO Box !"# Bufalo# N$ %&'(! )ebsite*
July 2014
Dear City of Buffalo Court Candidate,
Stonewall Democrats of Western New York is te les!ian, "ay, !ise#ual,
trans"ender and $ueer %&'B()* Democratic +oice in western New York, We are te
lar"est &'B() -olitical or"ani.ation in WNY, workin" to ad+ance te ci+il ri"ts of te
&'B() community in our community and "o+ernment and elect candidates wo are
su--orti+e of te ci+il ri"ts mo+ement and oter -ro"ressi+e issues im-ortant to our
community, Since te 1//0s, our mem!ersi- as included community acti+ists and
citi.ens, strai"t allies and re-resentati+es from city, town and +illa"e, county, state and
federal "o+ernment,
0ur endorsement -rocess for te 2014 election season is currently underway, 1s a
candidate for 2amily Court, we are interested in your candidacy, We would like to
-ro+ide you wit te o--ortunity to en"a"e in our -rocess for endorsement !y Stonewall
Democrats of WNY, 1s you may know, an endorsement from SDWNY is im-ortant to
many &'B() community mem!ers, as well as our family, friends and su--orters, as tey
decide weter to +olunteer for -articular cam-ai"ns, and as tey -re-are to ead for te
-olls to cast teir +ote, We are interested in te 2amily Court election not only as
mem!ers of te &'B() community, !ut as us!ands, wi+es, -arents and ta#-ayers, We
look forward to workin" wit candidates for 2amily Court intent on -romotin" te well3
!ein", safety and di"nity of all -eo-le,
(o !e considered for endorsement, -lease com-lete and return the enclosed
questionnaire to us so tat we may consider endorsement for Buffalo City Cour at our
ne#t meetin", You will !e asked to a--ear in front of te or"ani.ation durin" te meetin"
on Tuesday, May 22 at 6pm. 4lease contact Bruce 5o"an %617388736289* or (om 'leed
%6173:103::06* of our ;ndorsement Committee to scedule a time for your inter+iew,
The completed questionnaire should be either emailed to,
faxed to (!6" #$%&2''# ((ttention) *ryan *all, +tonewall ,emocrats of -./" or
mailed to<
1ttention< ;ndorsement Committee
Stonewall Democrats of WNY
40 Bo# 8:6
Buffalo, NY 1420:
You sould also !e aware tat our re+ised endorsement -rocess is attaced, Sould you
a+e any $uestions in te meantime, -lease do not esitate to contact us, We tank you
and look forward to recei+in" your com-leted $uestionnaire for consideration for
endorsement !y Stonewall Democrats of WNY,
Bryan Ball
President. Stonewall Democrats of Western New York
+tonewall ,emocrats of -estern .ew /or0 1ndorsement 2rocess
Candidates for elected office wo wis to !e considered for endorsement must com-lete our $uestionnaire and
scedule an inter+iew a--ointment wit te mem!ersi- at a "eneral meetin",
;ndorsement of a candidate re$uires a +ote of si#ty -ercent of te mem!ersi- -resent at tat meetin", =f no
candidate recei+es te re$uired si#ty -ercent +ote for endorsement, su!se$uent !allots sall !e taken deletin"
te candidate recei+in" te least num!er of +otes or no +otes on te -re+ious !allot,
=f, after te com-letion of !allotin", no candidate as recei+ed te si#ty -ercent of te +ote re$uired, candidates
may !e rated as >acce-ta!le,? >unacce-ta!le,? or >no -osition,? de-endin" u-on te candidate@s record andAor
-osition statements, =f si#ty -ercent of tose +otin" cannot a"ree on a ratin", te candidate will !e assi"ned te
ratin" of >no consensus,?
=f a candidate is endorsed, te remainin" candidates will not !e rated,
Stonewall Democrats WNY City of Buffalo Court, 2013, page 2
PO Box !"# Bufalo# N$ %&'(! )ebsite* +++,sd+ny,or-
23!' 1.,45+1M1.T 671+T84..(851 9 :8T/ 4; *7;;(<4 :475T
Before you continue, -lease understand tat<
Stonewall Democrats of WNY may -u!lici.e your res-onses in -ress releases and +oters@ "uides, on our we! site,
and +ia oter cannels of communication, Stonewall Democrats of WNY will also identify candidates wo fail to
res-ond to tis $uestionnaire,
Stonewall Democrats of WNY will old you -u!licly accounta!le for actions inconsistent wit your res-onses
durin" your cam-ai"n and if elected durin" your term in office,
Stonewall Democrats of WNY will not consider endorsement of any candidate if tey su--ort any state or
national +ersion of te Defense of Carria"e 1ct %D0C1* le"islation,
2art !)
4lease su!mit your ty-ewritten res-onses to te followin" $uestions on a se-arate seet,
!." -hy are you running for a =udicial position, and what qualifies you for the position>
2." -hy are you see0ing the endorsement of the +tonewall ,emocrats of -./>
%." ,o you belie?e that bias affects our =ustice system, particularly in areas such as domestic ?iolence and
custody@?isitation issues in?ol?ing <A*T6 indi?iduals> 8f so, how do you propose to eliminate this>
'." ,o any of the organiBations, associations or clubs to which you belong prohibit or limit membership on the
basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability, national origin or gender identity and
$." -hat is your experience with the <A*T6 community both generally and professionally> (s an attorney,
ha?e you e?er represented clients in?ol?ed with <A*T issues>
6." -ill you wor0 to insure that gender identity and expression or sexual orientation is not a consideration in
your staff hiring decisions>
." -hat 0ind of support would you li0e to ha?e from the <A*T6 community if you win your primary>
#." +tonewall ,emocrats of -estern .ew /or0 strongly belie?es that candidates ha?e a responsibility to
pro?ide ?oters with truthful, fair and clean campaigns for public office and to conduct her or himself in a
manner conduci?e to a ci?il, issue&oriented debate with their fellow candidates. -ould you be willing to
sign a written pledge to conduct your campaign accordingly>
Stonewall Democrats WNY City of Buffalo Court, 2013, page 9
C." 8f endorsed by the +tonewall ,emocrats of -./, will you list the endorsement on all applicable campaign
literature (i.e.) all literature listing any other organiBational endorsements">
!3." 8f endorsed by the +tonewall ,emocrats of -./, will you attend a <A*T6 community forum to introduce
endorsed candidates held prior to the primary election>
!!." -ould you 0nowingly see0 endorsement of or ad?ertise on any homophobic@transphobic media>
/es .o
= attest tat tis $uestionnaire re-resents my o-inion of te issues on tis $uestionnaire<
4lease com-lete te attaced issues sur+eys, si"n !elow and return $uestionnaire, sur+eys and your resume by either by
email to, faxed to (!6" #$%&2''# ((ttention) *ryan *all, +tonewall ,emocrats
of -./" or mailed to<
1ttention< ;ndorsement Committee
Stonewall Democrats of WNY
40 Bo# 8:6
Buffalo, NY 1420:
Stonewall Democrats WNY City of Buffalo Court, 2013, page 4

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