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E Stanley E Stanley E Stanley E Stanley Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner

Law school Law school Law school Law school dropout dropout dropout dropout
By Stanley Green
E Stanley Gardner E Stanley Gardner E Stanley Gardner E Stanley Gardner Law School Law School Law School Law School dropout dropout dropout dropout
Erle Stanley Gardner (July 17, 1989 March 11, 1970) was
an American lawyer and author of detective stories best
known for Perry Mason. Erle Stanley Gardner attended
Valparaiso University Law School in Indiana for one month
where he was suspended as he pursued his career in
boxing. 1911 Erle passed the bar exam as a self-taught
attorney. 1921 Erle opened his own law firm Sheridan,
Orr, Drapeau and Gardner in Ventura, CA. (Wikipedia)
College dropout College dropout College dropout College dropout
Lets contrast Erle Stanley Gardner college dropout to his
counterpart peer colleagues who have graduated from law
school. Who do you think should have the higher education?
According to the novel Perry Mason it appears that Erle as a
college dropout and self-taught lawyer is far smarter. As a
matter of fact Perry Mason has become the blueprint for each
criminal defense lawyer that has graduated from law school.
Many professional judges, prosecutors and criminal defense
lawyers have watched each episode to hone his or her legal
skills to conduct criminal trials. Erle is in fact a college dropout.

Sonia Marie Sotomayor Sonia Marie Sotomayor Sonia Marie Sotomayor Sonia Marie Sotomayor
Sonia Marie Sotomayor has testified under oath during her
congressional hearing to vet her appointment by President
Obama that Perry Mason has truly inspired her to pursue a
law profession. In other words our U.S. Supreme Court
Associate Justice has been inspired by the novel written by
Erle Stanley Gardner law school college dropout. What
message does this send to our kids? If a lawyer drops out of
law school and writes a detective story to become rich and
famous is worthy of inspiration as Supreme Court Justice.
Sotomayor should have scrutinized Perry Masson as a farce.
We the People We the People We the People We the People
The Preamble should have served as Sotomayors true inspiration
for pursuing her law school profession rather than Perry Mason.
This is the greatest political document conceived by our nations
Founding Fathers. It is the lawful duty of each US Supreme Court
Justice to uphold the Bill of Rights and/or Civil Liberties prescribed
under our First Ten Amendments. There isnt one single case
where Perry Mason has defended his client by advocating his or
her Bill of Rights guaranteed under our US Constitution. As such
Erle Stanley Gardner has been traveling down the wrong road.
Lawyers who Lawyers who Lawyers who Lawyers who practice practice practice practice Perry Mason Perry Mason Perry Mason Perry Mason
Would you allow a surgeon to operate on you that has
dropped out of medical school? I dont think so! There is no
difference between attending law school or medical college. A
student must clock a specific amount of classroom hours to
qualify eligibility to earn his or her college degree. How in the
world did Erle Stanley Gardner become a licensed professional
attorney with zero classroom hours completed after dropping
out of law school? Passing the bar exam should not have been
sufficient proof to award a license to practice criminal law.
Protection Protection Protection Protection
Our US Constitution is legal protection guaranteed by our Federal
government. It protects the legal rights of each person regardless
of his or her personal profile. It is the duty of our US Department
of Justice (USDOJ) to make sure that each person is afforded equal
protection in accordance to our 14
Amendment. Any person in
prison whether lawful citizen or not who has been deprived of his
or her constitutional protection is entitled to remuneration. His or
her criminal defense lawyer has been wrongfully practicing Perry
Mason, rather than upholding the legal protection of clients.
225,000 veterans behind bars 225,000 veterans behind bars 225,000 veterans behind bars 225,000 veterans behind bars
The United States of America has 225,000 veterans behind
bars. This isnt a fantasy like Perry Mason. Instead, we have
men and women that have secured our liberty, but cant
enjoy his or her own freedoms. He or she may have been
convicted, because his or her criminal defense lawyer didnt
truly understand how to defend his or her legal client. In
other words, they have attempted practicing law after Perry
Mason that ultimately lead to his or her felony conviction. I
hope to raise public awareness that Erle Stanley Gardner
was a college dropout that never graduated law school.
Are you a c Are you a c Are you a c Are you a college graduate ollege graduate ollege graduate ollege graduate? ?? ?
Are you a college graduate? Maybe you understand why it is
important to complete your college education. Of course now there
is no shame if a student were to drop out of college. Many have
become rich and famous like Erle Stanley Gardner. Yet, in our
society we honor college graduates as making achievements. Often
times there may be employees working on regular jobs with degrees
earning less pay than co-workers with less education. The latter
shouldnt be the case in our American society.

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