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Leobelo Jofel Delicana June 24, 2013

AB Philosophy IV Epistemology

Human Knowledge: Unbounded
How did human beings discover metal and transcend form the use of mere stones? When
did machines start to rise? How did we start building vehicles for easier and faster transportation,
and phones for communication? One thing that science would answer is- the need of humans. In
line with this, Discovery Channel featured a film explained by modern scientist Michio Kaku
showing what the world would be in the next fifty years. The film was made in the year 2007.
Therefore, the researchers, scientists and developers in the film projected the developments and
advancements of human technology by the year 2057. These advancements I believe would
again be because of the changes in the so-called human need, if not tending to be more of a
In the realm of science, we can say that what the movie explains is the future of
technological science. If we put it in its technical terms, that is what they would call
innovation. Also, when we speak of science we speak of things that are studied by observation.
Therefore, these things humans observe are empirical, quantifiable statistical data. In the movie;
scientists, developers or whatever one may call them envisions a very advanced level of
technology. They were talking about flying cars of the future, smart ambulances, smart clothing,
brain detecting microchips and many more things that you may be seeing in one of those Stephen
Spielberg movies. Here we are talking about making possible what people of the past and even
of today thought was nearly impossible.
In the realm of philosophy, we can think about the development of human thinking. In
the first paragraph we have already asked some questions about this development. One may
come to say that, if humans have made such significant developments; it is really possible that
smart cars, smart houses and centralized computerized metropolitans would be made?
Moreover, we can see the progress in the human thinking through the years. Here, we see that
human development somehow ascends; may it be very little or significant. This development is
arguably the result of observation or of science itself.
As for epistemological explanations one thing is for sure, as long as the human senses can
observe and the human mind can think, there would be unbounded possibilities for human and
technological development. Again, the question will be: How can this be? As conscious
beings, humans can observe everything that his senses are able to perceive. Then, the thing
observed will undergo a mental process in the brain. In short, man senses and rationalizes. This
goes on as long as he lives and is in the right mind.
Lastly, even if advancements in the field of technology occur, one thing is certain: it will
never be treated as substitutes to all human capabilities. It is even said in the film that even in the
future, it would be difficult for us to rely solely to these machines. It is because the human mind
has the ability to adapt and make certain judgements immediately unlike robots who are only
limited to what has been programmed in them. In short, technology, innovation and machines
will never be greater to the abilities of the unpredictable human mind and its knowledge.

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