Majaalis Shahr Ramadhan Ibn Uthaymeen

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Sitting Buiing the Blesseu Nonth of Ramauan

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Compileu on Nay 24, 2u14 Rajab 26, 146S

Souice: http:ummuabuulazeez.com2u11u817sittings-in-

0iiginal Aiabic Text:
Sitting Buiing the Blesseu Nonth of Ramauan
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;#*'$ "#$$#%& < The Neiits of the Nonth of Ramauhan...................4

",=1%/ "#$$#%& < The Neiits of the Fasting.........................7

>+#*/ "#$$#%& < Fiom the Rulings of Fasting Ramauhan.....................1u

;1)*$+ "#$$#%& < The iulings of piaying in Ramauan ..................1S

;#2$+ "#$$#%& < The viitues of ieciting the Quian anu its types...............17

"#?$+ "#$$#%& < The Categoiies of people peitaining to fasting...........2u

",@,%$+ "#$$#%& < The Categoiies of people peitaining to fasting continueu.......2S

A#&+$+ "#$$#%& < 1he 8emalnlng CaLegorles of eople ln lasLlng and Lhe 8ullngs of
Maklng up Lhe lasL ....................................26
B#%$+ "#$$#%& < The Wisuom of Fasting...........................29
>,%$+ "#$$#%& < The Etiquettes if the Compulsoiy Fast.................S1

A.,@,%$+ "#$$#%& < The iecommenueu etiquettes of the compulsoiy fast........S4

>C,.2$+ "#$$#%& < Fiom the seconu type of Quia'an iecitati.............S6

>+#*$,,%$+ "#$$#%& < The Etiquettes if ieciting the Quia'an..............S9

;1)*$,,%$+ "#$$#%& < Fiom the invaliuatois of the fast...............41

;#2$,,%$+ "#$$#%& < The conuition that must be fulfilleu in oiuei foi something to
actually bieak the fast..................................44

"#?$,,%$+ "#$$#%& < Regaiuing Zakat...........................46

",@,%$,,%$+ "#$$#%& < Those entitleu to ieceive the Zakat.............49

A#&+$,,%$+ "#$$#%& < The Battle of Baui........................S1

B#%,$,,%$+ "#$$#%& < The Battle of the Neccan Conquest................S4

>C,%$,$+ "#$$#%& < The Neans of Tiue victoiy.... .................S6
Sitting Buiing the Blesseu Nonth of Ramauan
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>C,%$6 ;#*'$ "#$$#%& < The viitue of the last ten uays of Ramauhan.........S9

>C,%$6 ",=1%/ "#$$#%& < Stiiving haiu in the last ten uays anu in the night of

>C,%$6 >+#*/ "#$$#%& < The Besciiption of Paiauise..................64

>C,%$6 ;1)*$+ "#$$#%& < The Besciiption of the People of Paiauise........66

>C,%$6 ;#2$+ "#$$#%& < The Besciiption of Bell-Fiie...................69

>C,%$6 "#?$+ "#$$#%& < Things that leau to the Bell-Fiie................72

>C,%$6 ",@,%$+ "#$$#%& < 1he Second CaLegory of Lhlngs whlch lead an lndlvldual Lo
Lhe hellflre.........................................76

>C,%$6 A#&+$+ "#$$#%& < The Zakat of Fiti.......................79

>C,%$6 B#%$+ "#$$#%& < Repentance..........................82

>+#*$#,$+ "#$$#%& < Concluuing the Nonth.....................8S

Sitting Buiing the Blesseu Nonth of Ramauan
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1he Shelkh beglns by pralslng Allah.
My dear broLhers, we have come Lo a noble" monLh, and a grand" season. Allah
makes greaL ln lL Lhe reward. Pe opens Lhe doors of good for whosoever Lurns Lo
Lhem. lL ls Lhe monLh of goodness and blesslngs, Lhe monLh of besLowmenL and
flourlsh. 8amadhan ls Lhe monLh ln whlch was senL down Lhe Cur'an, as a gulde Lo
manklnd, also clear Slgns for guldance and [udgmenL (8eLween rlghL and wrong). lL ls
Lhe monLh LhaL ls known for mercy, forglveness, and safeLy from Lhe llre. 1he flrsL of
lL ls mercy, Lhe mlddle of lL ls forglveness, and Lhe lasL of lL ls safeLy from Lhe llre.
news of Lhls monLh's greaLness and preference ls wldespread, and Lhe evldences of
Lhls are well-known. As ls sLaLed ln Lhe Saheehayn (8ukharl and Musllm), Cn Lhe
auLhorlLy of Abu Purayrah (8A), LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
sald, 'When kamadhan comes, the gates of neaven are opened, and the gates of
ne|| are c|osed, and the Dev||s are cha|ned.'" And lndeed Lhe gaLes of Peaven are
opened ln Lhls monLh, for Lhe lncrease ln good acLlons and good deslres from
manklnd. And Lhe gaLes of Pell are closed for Lhe decrease ln dlsobedlence from Lhe
eople of lalLh. And Lhe uevlls are chalned so LhaL Lhey are noL able Lo do whaL Lhey
would normally do oLherwlse.
lmam Ahmad narraLes on Lhe auLhorlLy of Abu Purayrah (8A) LhaL Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald: My naLlon was glven flve speclflc Lhlngs durlng
Lhe monLh of 8amadhan whlch no naLlon before us was glven. 1he breaLh of a
fasLlng person ls sweeLer Lo Allah Lhen Lhe smell of mlsk, Lhe Angels ask for Lhe
forglveness of Lhe fasLlng one unLll Lhey eaL, Allah beauLlfles Peaven every day and
says, "My r|ghteous servants are about to be spared suffer|ng and harm, then they
w||| be sent to you", Lhe uevlls are chalned so LhaL Lhey are noL able Lo do whaL Lhey
would normally do oLherwlse, and Lhey are forglven ln Lhe lasL nlghL, Lhey sald, "C
Messenger of A||ah, are you referr|ng to Lay|atu|-adr?, Pe replled, 'no, buL lndeed
Lhe reward follows Lhe good deed, once Lhe deed ls performed.'"
My broLhers, Lhese are flve parLlcular Lhlngs Allah has chosen speclflcally for you
from amongsL Lhe oLher naLlons.
1he f|rst one, that the breath of a fast|ng person |s more be|oved to A||ah than the
sme|| of m|sk.1hls ls a smell whlch ls dlsllked among Lhe people buL Lo Allah lL ls
beLLer Lhen Lhe scenL of mlsk because lL ls a resulL of worshlp and obedlence of
Allah. Whenever Lhere ls a slgn or resulL of obedlence and worshlp, lL ls beloved Lo
1he LxalLed Cne, and Lhen Pe rewards Lhem wlLh whaL ls superlor, and more
preferred. uo you noL see Lhe marLyr who ls kllled ln Lhe way of Allah wlLh Lhe
Sitting Buiing the Blesseu Nonth of Ramauan
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lnLenLlon of Lhe Word of Allah Lo be domlnanL? 1hey wlll come on Lhe uay of
!udgmenL wlLh blood LhaL ls red, buL lLs smell wlll be Lhe smell of mlsk. And also
durlng Pa[[ Allah (SW1) says Lo hls Angels, Look aL my slaves who have come Lo me
dlsheveled and dusLy" (narraLed by Ahmad and lbn Pabban ln hls Saheeh). 1hls
dlsheveled appearance ls beloved Lo Allah ln Lhls slLuaLlon because lL ls a slgn of
obedlence Lo Plm as lL represenLs Lhe observance of lhram and leavlng of Lhe
1he Second, Lhe Angels ask for Lhelr forglveness unLll Lhey break Lhelr fasL. Angels
are noble slaves Lo Allah, "1hey do not d|sobey A||ah |n what they are commanded,
and they do what they are ordered." And Lhey are mosL deservlng for Lhelr du'ah Lo
be answered for Lhe fasLlng people, as soon as Lhey are glven permlsslon Lo do so.
When Allah glves Lhem permlsslon Lo do so, lL ls a proof of Lhe greaLness of Lhe
fasLlng person's fasL. And when Lhe forglveness ls soughL, lL brlngs forglveness as
well as a proLecLlon from slns ln Lhls llfe and ln Lhe nexL. All of Lhe sons of Adam are
slnners who are ln need of forglveness from Allah (SW1).
1he 1hlrd, Allah beauLlfles Peaven every day and says, "My r|ghteous servants are
about to be spared suffer|ng and harm, then they w||| be sent to you." 1he
sufferlng refers Lo Lhe sufferlng and hardshlps of Lhls llfe. 1he servanLs hasLen Lo do
good whlch glves Lhem happlness ln Lhls llfe as well as Lhe nexL and wlll brlng Lhem
Lo uar Assalaam.
1he lourLh, Lhe uevlls are locked wlLh chalns so Lhey may noL accompllsh mlsguldlng
Lhe bellevers from Lhe 1ruLh and keeplng Lhem from LhaL whlch ls good. 1hls ls from
Allah's help for Lhe bellever, LhaL Lhelr enemles: Lhe ones whom call Lhelr people Lo
be companlons of Lhe llre, are [alled. As a resulL of Lhls, you wlll see Lhe bellever
dolng more acLlons LhaL are good, and sLaylng away from dolng evll ln Lhls monLh
more Lhan ln any oLher monLh.
1he llfLh, Allah forglves for Lhe naLlon of Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
ln Lhe lasL nlghL of Lhls monLh. lf Lhey do whaL ls requlred of Lhem ln Lhls blessed
monLh, from fasLlng and praylng, Lhen Allah wlll reward Lhem when Lhey compleLe
Lhe deed. lor lndeed Lhe good deed ls rewarded aL Lhe compleLlon of Lhe deed.
1here are 3 ways LhaL Allah (SW1) rewards hls slaves ln Lhls monLh. 1he flrsL way ls
LhaL Allah (SW1) makes Lhese acLlons obllgaLory on us. AcLlons LhaL wlll ralse us ln
sLaLus and be a cause for our forglveness. Pad lL noL been prescrlbed for us, Lhen we
would noL worshlp Allah wlLh Lhese acLlons, because acLlons are noL performed
excepL Lhey are revealed Lo hls Messenger. Allah speaks abouL Lhose whom creaLe
acLs of worshlp from oLher Lhan whaL Allah has revealed and made lL shlrk. Allah
(SW1) says, Pave Lhey parLners, who have esLabllshed for Lhem some rellglon
wlLhouL Lhe permlsslon of Allah."
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1he second way ls LhaL Allah gave Lhem Lhe 1awfeeq (ablllLy) Lo do Lhe rlghLeous acLs
LhaL many oLhers have neglecLed. Pad lL noL been for Allah's help Lhen Lhey would
noL have done Lhese acLs, so Lo Allah (SW1) ls all pralse and graclousness. "1hey
make |t a favor unto you that they have surrendered. Say: Deem not your
Surrender a favor unto me, nay, but A||ah has favored you by |ead|ng you to the
Ia|th, |f you are truthfu|."
1he Lhlrd way ls LhaL Lhe reward ls mulLlplled by Len Lo 700 Llmes Lo many more
Llmes. So Lhe graclousness ls from Allah (SW1) wlLh Lhe good deeds and Lhe rewards
for Lhem, and all pralse ls due Lo Allah Lord of all Lhe worlds.
My brothers, seek|ng the rewards of kamadan |s a b|g b|ess|ng on whoever tr|es to
seek them by do|ng what they are requ|red and by com|ng c|oser to the|r Lord. And
by stay|ng away from d|sobed|ence and heed|essness and forgett|ng about n|m,
and move to n|s remembrance. And from d|stanc|ng yourse|f from A||ah (SW1) to
mak|ng yourse|f c|oser to n|m.
1he Shelkh reclLes llnes of poeLry abouL comlng closer Lo Allah durlng 8amadhan.
C Allah awaken us from Lhls heedlessness, and glve us Lhe ablllLy Lo lncrease ln
1aqwah, and glve us Lhe ablllLy Lo make use of our Llme durlng Lhls speclal Llme, and
forglve us and our parenLs and all Lhe Musllms, wlLh your mercy. And send your
peace and blesslngs on Lhe ropheL Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam).
1here were some llnes here and Lhere LhaL could noL be LranslaLed, you may refer Lo
Lhe Arablc verslon here:

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My brothers: know that fast|ng |s from one of the greatest acts of worsh|p and
lrom Lhe greaLness of fasLlng ls LhaL Allah prescrlbed lL on all of Lhe naLlons and
made lL obllgaLory on Lhem. "Ch you who be||eve, fast|ng has been prescr|bed for
you [ust as |t was prescr|bed on those before you so that you may be p|ous." lf lL
were noL such a greaL acL, Lhen lL would noL be prescrlbed for all of Lhe naLlons.
Cne of Lhe merlLs of fasLlng ls LhaL lL ls a cause for forglveness and explaLlon for slns.
As lL ls sLaLed ln Lhe Saheehayn, Cn Abu Purayrah (radlallaahu `anhu), LhaL Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, whoever fasts kamadhan w|th fa|th
and seek|ng h|s reward, h|s past s|ns w||| be forg|ven." Whlch means, falLh ln Allah
and pleasure wlLh Lhe obllgaLlon, expecLlng Lo geL rewarded for lL, and noL dlsllklng
LhaL fasLlng ls obllgaLory, and noL havlng doubL ln belng rewarded. ln Saheeh Musllm
on Abu Purayrah as well, LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, 1he
flve dally prayers, and lrlday Lo lrlday, and 8amadhan Lo 8amadhan, are an
explaLlon for whaL ls ln beLween Lhem, lf you sLay away from Lhe ma[or slns."
AnoLher merlL of fasLlng ls LhaL lL ls noL measured wlLh a speclflc amounL of reward,
buL Allah rewards for fasLlng wlLhouL accounL. As ls sLaLed ln Lhe Saheehayn, on Abu
Purayrah (radlallaahu `anhu), Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, Allah
sald, "Lvery act|on of the son of Adam |s for them, except for fast|ng wh|ch |s for
me, and I reward for |t." And fasLlng ls proLecLlon, lf one of you ls fasLlng leL hlm noL
behave or speak lndecenLly, lf someone Lrles Lo abuse hlm or flghL hlm, leL hlm say, 'I
am fast|ng'. 8y Lhe one ln whose hand ls Lhe soul of Muhammad, Lhe smell
emanaLlng from Lhe mouLh of Lhe one fasLlng ls beLLer wlLh Allah Lhen Lhe smell of
mlsk. lor Lhe fasLlng person Lhere are 2 momenLs of happlness, when he breaks hls
fasL, he ls happy Lo eaL, and when he meeLs hls Lord, he ls happy wlLh hls fasL. And ln
anoLher narraLlon, "Lvery good act|on of the son of Adam |s mu|t|p||ed from 10 up
to 700, A||ah sa|d, "Lxcept for the fast|ng, for |ndeed |t |s for Me, and I reward for
|t, they |eave the|r des|res and the|r food for My sake."
1hls beauLlful hadeeLh shows Lhe many merlLs of fasLlng ln a number of dlfferenL
1he f|rst: Allah has chosen Lhls acL ouL of Lhe many oLher acLs Lo be for Plmself. 1hls
shows Lhe noblllLy of Lhls acL, and how much lL ls loved by Allah. lasLlng shows Lhe
Sitting Buiing the Blesseu Nonth of Ramauan
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slncerlLy Lo Allah, as lL ls a secreL beLween Lhe slave and hls Lord. no one else can
see Lhe fasL excepL for Allah. Someone may be all by Lhemselves and sLlll wlll noL
break Lhelr fasL from fear of Allah, and hope for Pls reward. lor Lhese reasons Allah
has rewards Lhls slncerlLy and made fasLlng for Plmself from amongsL Lhe oLher acLs
of worshlp, as Allah sald, "ne |eaves h|s des|res and food for My sake." Cn Lhe uay
of !udgmenL Lhe beneflL of Allah chooslng Lhls acL for Plmself wlll become clear. As
Sufyan bln uyaynah (radlallaahu `anhu) sald, When on the Day of Iudgment a s|ave
|s be|ng taken |nto account and from amongst a|| of h|s act|ons are s|ns, and a|| that
rema|ns |s that person's fast, A||ah w||| take from h|m a|| of the s|ns and enter h|m
|nto Iannah w|th h|s fast."
1he Second: Allah sald abouL fasLlng, "And I reward for |t." 1he good deeds are
mulLlplled ln number, Lhe good deed wlLh Len llke lL up unLll 700 llke lL and even
more. As for fasLlng lL ls rewarded by Allah wlLhouL regard for numbers, and Allah ls
Lhe mosL noble and Craclous. And glvlng ls based on how much one can glve,
meanlng LhaL Allah wlll glve greaL amounLs of reward for fasLlng wlLhouL accounL.
lasLlng ls paLlence on obeylng Allah, and paLlence from dlsobeylng Allah, and
paLlence on whaL Allah decrees. All Lhe Lypes of paLlence have come LogeLher ln Lhls
monLh, as well as paLlence wlLh hunger LhlrsL, and weakness of Lhe body and soul.
So, lL ls a musL LhaL Lhe fasLlng one should be paLlenL, as Allah says, "A||ah rewards
the pat|ence ones w|thout account."
1h|rd: lndeed fasLlng ls proLecLlon, proLecLlon from acLlng or speaklng lndecenLly. As
Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "When the day of fast|ng comes do
not act |ndecent|y or cause m|sch|ef." lL ls also a means of proLecLlon from Lhe llre
as narraLed by lmam Ahmad wlLh a good chaln on Lhe auLhorlLy of !ablr (radlallaahu
`anhu) LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Iast|ng |s a protect|on
for the s|ave from the I|re."
Iourth: 1he smell of Lhe fasLlng person's breaLh ls more beloved Lo Allah Lhan Lhe
smell of mlsk, because lL ls a slgn of fasLlng so lL ls loved by Allah. 1hls shows Lhe
greaLness of fasLlng ln Lhe vlew of Allah. Lven someLhlng LhaL ls haLed amongsL Lhe
people becomes loved by Allah because lL ls a slgn of obedlence Lo Allah Lhrough
I|fth: lor Lhe person fasLlng ls 2 momenLs of happlness, when he breaks hls fasL and
when he meeLs hls Lord. As for hls happlness ln breaklng Lhe fasL, LhaL ls because
Lhey are happy wlLh Lhe blesslng Allah glves Lhem for glvlng Lhem Lhe ablllLy Lo do
such a greaL acL. And how many people prevenL Lhemselves from Lhls reward by
flndlng happlness ln eaLlng and drlnklng and golng Lo weddlngs whlle Lhey should be
fasLlng? As for happlness wlLh Lhelr fasL when Lhey meeL Lhelr Lord, once Lhey see
Lhelr reward wlLh Allah (SW1) glven Lo Lhem llke money aL a Llme of poverLy once lL
sald, "Where are the fast|ng ones that they may enter Iannah from the door of Ar-
rayyan wh|ch no one e|se but they w||| enter." Also ln Lhls hadeeLh, once Lhe fasLlng
one ls cursed by someone or someone flghLs wlLh Lhem, Lhen Lhey should noL reLurn
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wlLh Lhe same behavlor, Lhls mlghL make Lhe curslng and flghLlng lncrease. 1hey
should noL also remaln sllenL, buL Lhey should leL Lhe oLher person know Lhey are
fasLlng so Lhey know LhaL Lhey wlll noL face Lhem wlLh Lhe same behavlor ouL of
respecL for Lhe fasL. "kepe| w|th what |s better: 1hen w||| he between whom and
thee was hatred become as |t were thy fr|end and |nt|mate. et to ach|eve th|s |s
on|y for those who are pat|ent |t |s not g|ven to any but those endowed w|th the
greatest good fortune."
Also from Lhe merlLs of fasLlng ls LhaL lL lnLercedes for Lhe person on Lhe uay of
!udgmenL. Abdullah 8ln Cmar (radlallaahu `anhu) narraLes LhaL Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Iast|ng and ur'an are two |nterceders on the
Day of Iudgment, the fast w||| say, "My Lord, I prevented h|m from food and
des|res so grant me |ntercess|on for h|m", and Lhe Cur'an wlll say, "I prevented h|m
from s|eep|ng at n|ght so grant me |ntercess|on for h|m." ne sa|d, "So they w|||
|ntercede." narraLed by Ahmad.
My brothers: 1he mer|ts of fast|ng w||| not benef|t un|ess you perform the fast |n
the correct manners and are m|ndfu| of |ts ru|es and boundar|es. Ask A||ah to
forg|ve your shortcom|ngs dur|ng the fast. Ch A||ah protect our fast, and make |t an
|ntercess|on for us, and forg|ve us and our parents and the Mus||ms, and send your
peace and b|ess|ngs on our rophet Muhammad (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam).

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1he 1h|rd S|tt|ng
Irom the ku||ngs of Iast|ng kamadhan
My broLhers: lndeed fasLlng 8amadhan ls a plllar of lslam. Allah says, "Ch you who
be||eve, fast|ng has been prescr|bed for you [ust as |t was prescr|bed for the peop|e
before so that you may be p|ous." Iast|ng dur|ng a certa|n number of days. 8ut
whoever of you |s |||, or on a [ourney, [sha|| fast |nstead for the same] number of
other days, and [|n such cases] |t |s |ncumbent upon those who can afford |t to
make sacr|f|ce by feed|ng a needy person. And whoever does more good than he |s
bound to do does good unto h|mse|f thereby, for to fast |s to do good unto
yourse|ves - |f you but knew |t. It was the month of kamadan |n wh|ch the ur'an
was [f|rst] bestowed from on h|gh as a gu|dance unto man and a se|f-ev|dent proof
of that gu|dance, and as the standard by wh|ch to d|scern the true from the fa|se.
nence, whoever of you ||ves to see th|s month sha|| fast throughout |t, but he that
|s |||, or on a [ourney, [sha|| fast |nstead for the same] number of other days. God
w|||s that you sha|| have ease, and does not w||| you to suffer hardsh|p, but [ne
des|res] that you comp|ete the number [of days requ|red], and that you exto| God
for n|s hav|ng gu|ded you ar|ght, and that you render your thanks [unto n|m]." And
the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) sa|d, "Is|am |s bu||t upon f|ve th|ngs,
test|mony that there |s no God except A||ah, and that I am h|s messenger, the
performance of prayers, the compu|sory char|ty, the performance of the
p||gr|mage to the nouse of A||ah, and fast|ng |n the month of kamadan". Agreed
upon. And ln Musllm wlLh fasLlng ln Lhe monLh of 8amadhan before pllgrlmage. All
of Lhe Musllms have agreed on Lhe obllgaLlon of fasLlng durlng 8amadhan. lL ls
clearly mandaLory ln Lhe rellglon of lslam. If someone den|es that |t |s an ob||gat|on,
then they have d|sbe||eved and they shou|d repent, |f not then they w||| d|e a
d|sbe||ever who has apostated from Is|am, not to be washed or g|ven the kaffan or
prayed upon |n the [anazah, or have duah made for them to be g|ven mercy, or
bur|ed |n a Mus||m grave, |nstead they have to have a ho|e far away dug for them
so that they may not harm others w|th the|r bad sme||, or harm the|r fam|||es w|th
the|r presence.
8amadhan become obllgaLory ln Lhe second year of Pl[rah. So Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) fasLed for 9 years and fasLlng wenL Lhrough Lwo
1he f|rst stage was LhaL a person was glven a cholce beLween fasLlng and feedlng a
poor person, wlLh fasLlng belng more preferred.
1he second stage was fasLlng wlLhouL Lhe cholce as ls sLaLed ln Lhe Saheehayn on
Lhe auLhorlLy of Salama bln Al ako'o (8A) LhaL when Lhe verse "Ior those who can do
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|t (W|th hardsh|p), |s a ransom, the feed|ng of one that |s |nd|gent" was revealed,
LhaL whoever dldn'L wanL Lo fasL would feed a person, unLll Lhe followlng verse
abrogaLed Lhe orlglnal verse by saylng, "whoever of you ||ves to see th|s month sha||
fast throughout |t, but he that |s |||, or on a [ourney, [sha|| fast |nstead for the
same] number of other days." So Allah made lL obllgaLory wlLhouL glvlng a cholce.
1he fasLlng ls noL obllgaLory unLll lL ls cerLaln Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe monLh has been
reached, and Lhere ls no fasLlng before Lhe monLh beglns, as Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "None of you shou|d fast a day or two before kamadan
except for a man who customar||y fasts. ne shou|d fast that day." (8ukharl) And Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe monLh ls deLermlned ln Lwo ways.
1he flrsL way, ls by seelng Lhe new moon as Allah says, "Whoever of you ||ves to see
th|s month shou|d fast |t" and Lhe saylng of Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam), "If you see the new moon then fast." (Agreed upon) lL ls noL a condlLlon
LhaL everyone has Lo personally see Lhe new moon, lf someone LrusLworLhy
wlLnesses, Lhen lL ls obllgaLory on everyone Lo fasL.
1he wlLness musL have a maLure braln, musL be Musllm, musL be LrusLworLhy and
also have good vlslon. As for a young person, or an lnsane person, Lhen Lhelr wlLness
ls noL Lo be Laken. Also, a dlsbellever ls noL Lo be Laken as a wlLness as ls relaLed by
lbn Abbas (8A) who sald, A 8edouln came Lo Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) and sald, "Indeed I have seen the new moon for the start of kamadhan" so
Lhe ropheL (SAW) sald, "Do you bear w|tness that there |s no de|ty worthy of
worsh|p except A||ah?" he replled "yes", Lhen he sald, "do you bear w|tness that
Muhammad |s the messenger of A||ah" he replled, "yes", Lhen he sald," Ch 8||a|,
te|| the peop|e to fast tomorrow." (narraLed by 1he flve excepL for Ahmad) Cf Lhose
noL Lo be Laken wlLness lnclude, a person known as a llar, a hasLy or lmpulslve
person, a person wlLh weak eyeslghL who lL ls lmposslble for Lhem Lo see lL. lL ls
posslble for 8amadhan Lo sLarL on Lhe wlLness of one person as ls sLaLed by lbn umar
(8A) LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he peop|e saw the new
moon, so I to|d the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam), and he fasted and
ordered the peop|e to fast." (Abu uawood and Al Paklm) and ln Musllm sald,
"Whoever sees |t, |t |s ob||gatory on them to te|| those |n charge of the Ummah"
1he sLarL of lasLlng, Lld, and Pa[[ are all done ln Lhe same procedure. lf someone ls
ln a far away place and Lhey see Lhe new moon, Lhen Lhey should fasL and Lry Lhelr
besL Lo reach Lhls news Lo Lhose ln charge of Lhe ummah. And lf Lhe news of Lhe
sLarL of Lhe monLh and end of lL reaches someone before Lhe governmenL
broadcasLs lL, Lhen lL ls obllgaLory Lo follow Lhe news. lL ls an lslamlcally legal proof
LhaL should be acLed upon, as Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) ordered
8llal Lo Lell Lhe people Lo fasL as soon as he heard abouL Lhe sLarL of Lhe monLh, and
made lL obllgaLory on Lhem Lo fasL.
lf Lhe sLarL of Lhe monLh ls lslamlcally legal, Lhen Lhere ls no need for calculaLlon
(manazll) of Lhe moon. 8ecause Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) made
Lhe rullng accordlng Lo seelng Lhe moon, noL by lL's calculaLlon, as Pe (sallallaahu
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`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "When you see the new moon fast, and when you see the
new moon stop the fast." (Agreed upon) Pe (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) also
sald, "If two Mus||m w|tnesses see the new moon then fast, and stop the fast."
1he second way Lo sLarL Lhe monLh ls by flnlshlng Lhe monLh before lL. 1he lunar
monLhs can only be 29 or 30 days. 1he ma[orlLy of Lhe Llme you wlll flnd LhaL 1 or 2
monLhs ln a row Lo be 30 days wlLh Lhe Lhlrd monLh belng 29. So when Lhe prevlous
monLh reaches 30 days, Lhen Lhe legal rullng ls Lo sLarL Lhe nexL monLh even lf you
don'L see Lhe moon. As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Iast when
you see the new moon, and break your fast when you see the new moon, and
when you cannot see |t, then count 30 days." (Musllm) and ln 8ukharl wlLh Lhe
endlng of, lf lL ls Loo cloudy Lhen flnlsh 30 days of Sha'baan." ln Saheeh lbn
khuzamaa lL ls relaLed LhaL 'Alsha (8A) sald, "1he rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa
sa||aam) used to memor|ze the days |n Sha'baan more than he wou|d |n other
months, then he wou|d fast at the s|ght|ng of the new moon, |f he cou|dn't see |t,
then he wou|d count 30 days, then he wou|d fast." (Also relaLed ln Abu uawood and
uar CuLnl who declared lL Saheeh)
WlLh Lhese ahadeeLh lL has been made clear LhaL 8amadhan ls noL sLarLed wlLhouL
Lhe slghLlng of Lhe new moon, lf you don'L see lL Lhen flnlsh Sha'baan and do noL fasL
on Lhe 30Lh day. As Ammar bln ?asslr (8A) sald, "Whoever fasts on the day that
there |s doubt whether |t |s kamadhan or not, then that person has d|sobeyed Abu|
aas|m(sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam)." (Abu uawood, 1lrmldhe, and An-nlsaae)
Ch Allah glve us Lhe ablllLy Lo follow Lhe guldance, and make Lhls monLh a monLh of
good and blesslngs, and help us Lo obey ?ou and keep us from Lhe paLh Lo
dlsobedlence Lo ?ou. And forglve us, and our parenLs, and Lhe Musllms, wlLh ?our
mercy. And send your eace and 8lesslngs on our ropheL Muhammad and on hls
famlly and hls companlons and Lhose LhaL follow Lhem unLll Lhe uay of !udgmenL.

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1he Iourth S|tt|ng
Irom the ku||ngs of ray|ng |n kamadhan
My brothers: Allah has made many dlfferenL Lypes of acLs of worshlp obllgaLory
upon us so LhaL we may Lake a parL from every Lype. So LhaL we do noL [usL flll up on
only one acL of worshlp and end up leavlng LhaL acL. lrom Lhese acLs of worshlp,
Allah has made some obllgaLory, whlch we are noL permlsslble Lo have deflclencles
ln performlng nor are we allowed Lo leave Lhem. Allah has also made some acLs nafl
(supererogaLory), from whlch we can aLLaln geLLlng closer Lo Allah, and
lrom Lhls Allah has made Lhe flve dally prayers obllgaLory. 1hey are flve ln acLlon,
and flfLy ln Lhe scale. Allah has made Lhe nafl prayers as a way Lo perfecL Lhe
obllgaLlon, and Lo aLLaln closeness Lo Allah. lrom Lhese acLs are Lhe seL nafl prayers,
whlch are wlLh Lhe obllgaLory prayers. 1wo rak'ahs before la[r, four before uhuhr,
and Lwo afLer lL, Lwo afLer Maghrlb, and Lwo afLer 'lsha. 1hen Lhere ls Lhe nlghL
prayer whlch Allah Lalks abouL Lhose whom perform Lhem ln Lhe Cur'an by saylng,
"1hose who spend the n|ght |n adorat|on of the|r Lord prostrate and stand|ng" and
by saylng, "Who forsake the|r beds to cry unto the|r Lord |n fear and hope, and
spend of what we have bestowed on them. No sou| knows what |s kept h|d for
them of [oy, as a reward for what they used to do." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) sald, "1he best prayer after the ob||gatory ones |s the prayer at n|ght."
(Musllm) Pe (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)also sald, Ch peop|e, Spread sa|aam,
offer food generous|y, upho|d the t|es of k|nsh|p, stand |n prayer at n|ght when
peop|e are s|eep|ng, and enter arad|se |n peace." (graded Saheeh by 1rlmldhe and
lrom Lhe nlghL prayer, ls Lhe wlLr prayer. 1he leasL of lL belng [usL one rak'ah and Lhe
mosL belng eleven rak'ahs, and you make lL odd by havlng [usL one rak'ah by lLself.
As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever wants to pray one
rak'ah for w|tr, then they may." (Abu uawood and Annlsaae) Cr you may make wlLr
wlLh Lhree rak'ahs as Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever
wants to pray three rak'ahs for w|tr, then they may." (Abu uawood and Annlsaae) lf
you wlsh, you may perform Lhese rak'ahs wlLh [usL one salaam as ls narraLed by
ALLahawee, LhaL umar bln AlkhaLaab (8A) used Lo make wlLr Lhree rak'ahs wlLhouL
maklng Lasleem excepL aL Lhe end. And lf you prefer Lo pray Lhree wlLh a Lasleem
afLer Lhe flrsL Lwo as ls relaLed by 8ukharl LhaL Abdullah 8ln umar used Lo make Lhe
afLer Lhe flrsL Lwo rak'ahs Lhen make Lasleem agaln afLer Lhe Lhlrd even so LhaL he
would do someLhlng lmporLanL beLween Lhe Lwo parLs of Lhe wlLr prayer. And lL ls
posslble Lo pray flve rak'ahs wlLhouL slLLlng or maklng Lasleem excepL aL Lhe end.
1hls ls due Lo Lhe sLaLemenL of Lhe ropheL(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam),
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"Whoever wants to make w|tr f|ve, then they may." (Abu uawood and Annlsaae)
'Alsha (8A) sald, 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) used Lo pray 13
rak'ahs aL nlghL, from Lhose he would make Lhe lasL 3 wlLr wlLhouL slLLlng ln Lhem
excepL aL Lhe end. (Agreed upon) Cr Pe (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) would make
seven rak'ahs wlLr and would perform Lhem [usL llke Lhe flve rak'ahs as sLaLed by
umm Salama (8A), "1he rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) used to make
seven rak'ahs w|tr as we|| as f|ve, he wou|d not have a sa|aam or ta|k |n between.
(Ahmad, nlsaee, lbn Ma[aah)
1he ropheL(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) would also make wlLr wlLh nlne and
would slL aL Lhe end of Lhe elghLh rak'ah and make Lashahud and dua, Lhen he would
geL up and pray Lhe nlnLh rak'ah and make Lashahud aL Lhe end of lL and Lhen make
Lasleem. 1hls ls known because of Lhe hadeeLh narraLed by 'Alsha (8A) who sald,
"1he rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) wou|d pray 9 rak'ahs, not s|tt|ng
except at the e|ght |n wh|ch he wou|d pra|se A||ah and make dua, he wou|dn't
make tas|eem, then he wou|d get up and pray the n|nth |n wh|ch he wou|d pra|se
A||ah and make dua, then make tas|eem." (Ahmad and Musllm) Pe (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam)would also pray 11 rak'ahs, and lf he wlshed he would make
Lasleem afLer every Lwo rak'ahs, and make Lhe lasL rak'ah wlLr. 1hls ls known from
Lhe hadeeLh narraLed by 'Alsha (8A) ln whlch she sald, "1he rophet(sa||a||aahu
`a|ayh| wa sa||aam) used to pray |n the t|me between 'Isha and Ia[r 11 rak'ahs,
mak|ng tas|eem after every two, and mak|ng w|tr w|th the |ast one." (Al !ama'ah
excepL 1lrmldhee) And lf he wlshed, he (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) would pray
four Lhen four Lhen Lhree. As 'Alsha (8A) sald, "1he rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa
sa||aam) wou|d pray four, and don't ask about how perfect and |engthy they were,
then he wou|d pray four more, and don't ask about how perfect and |engthy they
were, then he wou|d pray three." (Agreed upon) 1he scholars of flqh from Lhe
Panabll and Lhe Shafl'ee say LhaL lL ls permlsslble Lo make wlLr 11 wlLh one Lashahud
or wlLh Lwo, one ln Lhe second Lo lasL and one ln Lhe lasL rak'ah.
raylng durlng Lhe nlghL ln 8amadhan has speclal beneflLs. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever stands for prayer at n|ght, w|th fa|th and
ant|c|pat|on of reward, he |s forg|ven for h|s past s|ns." (Agreed upon) WlLh falLh
means falLh ln Allah, and bellef ln belng rewarded for hls acL. AnLlclpaLlon means
LhaL Lhey don'L do Lhe acL ouL of showlng off, or ouL of expecLlng Lo geL money.
1araweeh |s the pray|ng at n|ght dur|ng kamadhan w|th be||ef that you w||| be
rewarded for the act|on. It |s ca||ed taraweeh because the peop|e used to make |t
|ong, and whenever they wou|d reach four rak'ahs, then they wou|d rest for a
1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) was Lhe flrsL Lo make Lhls prayer ln
congregaLlon ln Lhe mas[ld, Lhen he lefL lL for fear of people Lhlnklng lL was a fardh.
As ls sLaLed ln Lhe Saheehayn, on 'Alsha (8A) LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) prayed ln Lhe mas[ld one nlghL wlLh some people, Lhen more people came,
Lhen on Lhe Lhlrd or fourLh nlghL even more people came, so he dldn'L come ouL Lo
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Lhem. 1hen he laLer sald, "I saw what you were do|ng, and noth|ng stopped me
from com|ng to you except the fear of th|s becom|ng an ob||gat|on on you." 1hls
was durlng 8amadhan. Abu uhar (8A) sald, "We fasted w|th the rophet (sa||a||aahu
`a|ayh| wa sa||aam) and he d|dn't |ead us |n prayer unt|| there were [ust seven days
|eft |n the month, so he |ead us |n prayer unt|| the |ast th|rd of the n|ght, then he
d|dn't |ead us the fo||ow|ng day, then he |ead us up unt|| [ust unt|| ha|f of the n|ght.
So we sald, "C messenger of A||ah, why d|dn't you pray the ent|re n|ght?" Pe sald,
"Whoever prays w|th the Imam unt|| the Imam |s f|n|shed, then they get rewarded
for pray|ng the who|e n|ght." (narraLed wlLh a Saheeh chaln)
1he plous predecessors have dlsagreed abouL Lhe number of rak'ah LhaL should be
performed for Laraweeh and wlLr. Some sald 41, some sald 30, some sald 29, some
sald 23, some sald 19, some sald 13, some sald 11, and oLher Lhan Lhls was sald as
well. 1he sLrongesL of Lhem ls 11 or 13 as ls sLaLed ln Lhe Saheehayn on 'Alsha (8A)
LhaL she was asked how Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) used Lo pray ln
8amadhan. She sald, "ne never used to dur|ng kamadhan or otherw|se, pray more
than 11 rak'ahs." lbn 'Abbas (8A) sald, "1he prayer of the rophet (sa||a||aahu
`a|ayh| wa sa||aam) was 13 rak'ahs, mean|ng the n|ght prayer." (8ukharl) Salb bln
?azeed (8A) sald, "Umar b|n A|khataab (kA) ordered Ubay b|n k'ab and 1am|ma
Adaree to |ead the peop|e w|th 11 raka'ahs." Cur plous predecessors used Lo make
Lhe prayer very long. Salb bln ?azeed (8A) sald, "1he |mam used to rec|te w|th
(maeen), so much so that we used to re|y on us|ng st|cks from the |ength of
stand|ng." And Lhls ls Lhe opposlLe of whaL a loL of people pracLlce Loday. Some
people pray Larweeh wlLh lmmense speed, Lhey do noL have Lhe mandaLory
calmness and serenlLy, whlch ls a plllar of Lhe prayer. 1he prayer ls noL valld wlLhouL
Lhe calmness. So Lhey leave Lhls plllar and make lL hard for Lhose behlnd Lhem from
Lhe weak, slck, and old. 1he scholars may Allah have mercy on Lhem say LhaL lL ls
makrooh for Lhe lmam Lo make Lhe prayer exceedlngly fasL.
It |s not f|tt|ng for men to |eave th|s prayer and m|ss out on a|| of the rewards, and
they shou|d not |eave unt|| the |mam f|n|shes the prayer and the w|tr so that they
may rece|ve the reward of pray|ng the ent|re n|ght. lL ls permlsslble for women Lo
aLLend Lhe Laraweeh prayers ln Lhe mas[ld lf lL won'L cause any flLnah. As Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Do not prevent the s|ave women of
A||ah from com|ng to the mas[|d." 1h|s |s from the act|ons of the p|ous
predecessors as we||. 8ut |t |s ob||gatory that she must dress modest|y observ|ng
proper h|[ab, and not |nappropr|ate|y dressed, and not w|th perfume, and not
speak|ng |oud|y, and not beaut|fy|ng herse|f. As A||ah (SW1) says, "that they shou|d
not d|sp|ay the|r beauty and ornaments except what (must ord|nar||y) appear
thereof." um ALee sald abouL when Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
ordered Lhe women Lo come Lo Lhe Lld prayer, "Ch Messenger of A||ah, one of us
does not have a [||bab" so he replled, "Let one of her s|sters g|ve her one to wear."
(Agreed upon) 1he sunnah for women ls Lo arrlve afLer Lhe men, and Lo be far from
Lhem, and Lo sLarL from Lhe lasL llne, for Lhe lasL llne ls Lhe opposlLe of Lhe men. As
Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he best of ||nes for the men |s
the f|rst, and the worst of ||nes |s the |ast. 1he best of ||nes for the women are the
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|ast ||nes, and the worst are the f|rst ||nes." (Musllm) And Lhey should leave Lhe
mas[ld afLer Lhe lmam makes Lasleem, and Lhey should noL sLay laLer excepL lf Lhey
have an excuse Lo do so. um Salamah (8A) sald: When the rophet (sa||a||aahu
`a|ayh| wa sa||aam) used to make tas|eem, the women got up and |eft wh||e the
prophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) rema|ned short|y |n h|s p|ace before he got
up. She sa|d: th|s |s and A||ah knows best, because the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh|
wa sa||aam)wanted the women to |eave before the men can catch up w|th them."
C Allah forglve us and our parenLs and Lhe Musllms, wlLh your mercy. And send
peace and blesslngs on Lhe ropheL Muhammad, and hls famlly, and hls companlons

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1he I|fth S|tt|ng:
Irom the Mer|ts of kec|t|ng ur'an and |ts 1ypes
My 8roLhers: Allah (SW1) says, "1hose who rehearse the 8ook of A||ah, estab||sh
regu|ar rayer, and spend (|n Char|ty) out of what We have prov|ded for them,
secret|y and open|y, hope for a commerce that w||| never fa||"
1here are Lwo ways Lo reclLe Lhe 8ook of Allah. 1he flrsL ls by bellevlng whaL you
read, followlng lLs rullngs, dolng whaL lL commands, and sLaylng away from whaL lL
forblds. We wlll Lalk abouL Lhls ln anoLher slLLlng lnshallah.
1he second way ls [usL vocallzaLlon. 1hls ls also known as Clra'a (reclLaLlon). 1here
have been many LexLs LhaL Lalk abouL Lhe vlrLues of Lhls Lype, wheLher lL be reclLlng
Lhe Cur'an, surahs, or [usL ayahs. uLman lbn Affan narraLes LhaL Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he best of you |s who |earns the ur'an and
teaches |t." (8ukharl) ln Lhe Saheehayn on 'Alsha (8A) LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "A person who rec|tes the ur'an, and reads |t f|uent|y,
w||| be |n the company of the obed|ent and nob|e ange|s, and he who reads the
ur'an ha|t|ng|y and w|th d|ff|cu|ty w||| have a doub|e recompense."
ln Lhe Saheehayn as well on Lhe auLhorlLy of Abu Musa Al Asharl (8A) LhaL Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, 1he examp|e of a be||ever, who
rec|tes the ur'an and acts on |t, |s ||ke an orange (utru[[ah) wh|ch tastes n|ce and
sme||s n|ce. And the examp|e of the be||ever who does not rec|te the ur'an but
acts on |t |s ||ke a date that tastes sweet but has no sme||." ln Saheeh Musllm on
Lhe auLhorlLy of Amama (8A) LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald,
"kec|te the ur'an for |t w||| come n the Day of Iudgment as an |ntercess|on for |t's
compan|on." Also ln Saheeh Musllm on Lhe auLhorlLy of Aqbah bln 'Amlr (8A) LhaL
Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Wou|d one of you not go to the
Mas[|d and |earn or rec|te two verses from the 8ook of A||ah, the M|ghty and the
Ma[est|c. 1hat wou|d be better for h|m than two she-came|s. And three verses
wou|d be better for h|m than three she-came|s. And four verses wou|d be better
than four she-came|s, and whatever the|r number may be of came|s." ln Saheeh
Musllm as well on Lhe auLhorlLy of Abu Purayrah LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) sald, "No peop|e meet |n the house of A||ah rec|t|ng ur'an and
teach|ng |t to each other, but the ange|s surround them, mercy covers them,
tranqu|||ty descends on them, and A||ah ment|ons them to those who are w|th
n|m." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) also sald, "Ma|nta|n the ur'an.
Ior ver||y, by ne |n Whose nand Muhammad's sou| |s |n, |t (the ur'an) |s more
|ntense |n escap|ng (memory) than a came| from |ts re|n." (Agreed upon) Pe
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) also sald, "None of you shou|d say, 'I forgot such-
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and-such an ayah.' kather he was made to forget." (Musllm) Cn Lhe auLhorlLy of
Abdullah lbn Masood, LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald,
"Whoever reads a |etter from the 8ook of A||ah, he w||| have a reward, and th|s
reward w||| be mu|t|p||ed by ten. I am not say|ng that 'A||f, Laam, Meem' (a
comb|nat|on of |etters frequent|y ment|oned |n the no|y uran) |s a |etter, rather I
am say|ng that 'A||f' |s a |etter, 'Laam' |s a |etter and 'Meem' |s a |etter."
(1lrmldhee) Also on Lhe auLhorlLy of lbn Masood LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) sald, "1h|s ur'an |s the 8anquet of A||ah. Learn as much as you can
from n|s banquet. 1h|s ur'an |s the kope of A||ah, and |t |s the C|ear L|ght and
Usefu| nea||ng. It |s a protect|on for the one who c||ngs to |t and a rescue for the
one who fo||ows |t. It |s not crooked and so puts th|ngs stra|ght. It does not dev|ate
so as to be b|amed. Its wonders do not cease. It does not wear out w|th much
repet|t|on. So rec|te |t. A||ah w||| reward you w|th ten good deeds for every |etter
of |ts rec|tat|on. I am not say|ng that 'A||f, Laam, Meem' (a comb|nat|on of |etters
frequent|y ment|oned |n the no|y uran) |s a |etter, rather I am say|ng that 'A||f' |s
a |etter, 'Laam' |s a |etter and 'Meem' |s a |etter." (Paklm)
My brothers: 1hese are the benef|ts of rec|t|ng the ur'an. 1hese rewards are for
those that ant|c|pate |t a|ong w|th A||ah's p|easure. A b|g reward for an easy act|on
and the |oser |s the one who |ets th|s opportun|ty pass. 1here are speclflc rewards
for reclLlng cerLaln surahs. ln Saheeh 8ukharl on Lhe auLhorlLy of Abu Saed bln al
Mo'lee (8A) LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald Lo hlm, "Sure|y I
w||| teach you the greatest surah |n the ur'an (Iat|ha)." 1he laLlha ls Lhe seven-ofL
repeaLed verses of Lhe Cur'an. lrom lLs greaLness ls LhaL lL ls a plllar of prayer. A
prayer ls lnvalld wlLhouL Lhe laLlha. As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) ,
"No prayer |s va||d w|thout the open|ng of the ur'an." (Agreed upon)
Some oLher surahs are Al-8aqarah and All-'lmran. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald, "Learn how to rec|te Surah A|-8aqarah for there |s a b|ess|ng |n |t,
and there |s sorrow for abandon|ng |t, and |t |s unbearab|e for the |d|e and that A|-
8aqarah and A||-'Imran are ||ke two f|owers wh|ch w||| shade those who |earned
them by heart on the Day of Iudgment, as |f there were two |arge c|ouds or two
f|ocks of b|rds." (Musllm) Abu Purayrah narraLes LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) sald, "1he house |n wh|ch A|-8aqarah |s rec|ted w||| not be entered by
the Shaytan." (Musllm) 1haL ls because lL conLalns ayaLul-kursl as Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever rec|tes ayatu| kurs| at n|ght.then
the Shaytan w||| not approach them unt|| they wake."
Cn Lhe auLhorlLy of lbn 'Abbas LhaL !lbreel (AS) sald Lo Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) , "1h|s |s a door |n the heaven wh|ch has been opened today,
and |t has never been opened before today, and an ange| has come down through
|t. 1h|s |s an ange| who has come down to the earth, and he never came down
before today. ne [that ange|] gave the greet|ng of Sa|aam and sa|d: 'ke[o|ce, for
you have been granted two ||ghts wh|ch have not been g|ven to any rophet
before you: the Cpen|ng (chapter) of the 8ook (chapter A|-Iaat|hah) and the
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c|os|ng verses of chapter A|-8aqarah. ou w||| not read even one |etter of them but
you w||| be granted reward." (Musllm)
AnoLher speclflc surah ls surah lkhlaas. ln Lhe Saheehayn on Lhe auLhorlLy of Abu
Sa'eed al khudrl, LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "8y ne who
my sou| |s |n n|s hand, |ndeed |t |s equa| to one th|rd of the ur'an." Also Al-lalaaq
and An-naas have vlrLues assoclaLed wlLh Lhem. So sLrlve much my broLhers ln
reclLlng much Cur'an ln Lhls blessed monLh. !lbreel (alayhl sallaam) used Lo revlew
Lhe Cur'an wlLh Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) once every 8amadhan,
excepL Lhe year LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) passed away. ln LhaL
year !lbreel (alayhl sallaam) revlewed wlLh hlm Lwlce Lo make lL sLrong and flrm. Cur
plous predecessors (8A) used Lo lncrease ln reclLlng Lhe Cur'an durlng 8amadhan.
Azzuhree used Lo say LhaL when 8amadhan came lL ls [usL reclLlng of Lhe Cur'an and
feedlng of Lhe poor. And lmam Mallk (8A) used Lo sLop hls slLLlngs of hadeeLh and
would only focus on Lhe Cur'an. CaLada (8A) used Lo consLanLly flnlsh Lhe Cur'an
every seven nlghLs, and durlng 8amadhan every Lhree nlghLs, and durlng Lhe lasL Len
days of 8amadhan, every nlghL. lbrahlm Anakhee used Lo flnlsh lL durlng 8amadhan
every Lhree nlghLs, and ln Lhe lasL Len days every Lwo nlghLs. And Al-Aswad (8A) used
Lo reclLe lL every Lwo nlghLs LhroughouL Lhe monLh.

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1he S|xth S|tt|ng
Categor|es of eop|e |n Iast|ng
We have preceded ln Lhe Lhlrd ma[lls LhaL ln Lhe beglnnlng Lhe obllgaLlon of fasLlng
was ln Lwo sLages. 1hen Lhe laLer rullng remalned and Lhe people were dlvlded lnLo
Len caLegorles:
I|rst: 1he Musllm, of age, sane and able Lo fasL, resldenL, free from any prevenLlon
from fasLlng, Lhen fasLlng ln lLs correcL Llme ln 8amadhan ls obllgaLory for hlm. 1hls ls
from Lhe evldence of Lhe Cur'an, Sunnah, and consensus of Lhe Musllms. Allah says,
"1he month of kamadhan was revea|ed |n |t the ur'an." and Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "If you see the new moon then fast" (Agreed
upon) And Lhe Musllms have agreed on Lhe obllgaLlon for Lhls person Lo fasL. As for
Lhe kaflr, Lhen fasLlng ls noL obllgaLory for hlm, nor ls lL accepLed, because he ls noL
flL for worshlp. lf he accepLs lslam durlng 8amadhan, Lhen he does noL have Lo make
up Lhe days mlssed, due Lo Lhe ayah "Say to the d|sbe||evers |f they stop then they
w||| be forg|ven for whatever preceded." And lf he becomes Musllm durlng Lhe day
ln 8amadhan, he musL sLop eaLlng Lhe resL of Lhe day, because lL became obllgaLory
on hlm Lo fasL when he became Musllm, and he doesn'L have Lo make up Lhe day,
because lL wasn'L obllgaLory on hlm Lo fasL when Lhe day began.
Second: A chlld, and lL ls noL obllgaLory on Lhem Lo fasL unLll Lhey reach puberLy due
Lo Lhe hadeeLh, "1he pen |s ||fted from three, the s|eep|ng person t||| he wakes, the
ch||d unt|| they grow, and the |nsane person unt|| he comes back to h|s senses."
(Ahmad, Abu uawood, An-nlsal and Al-Paklm declared lL Saheeh) 8uL hls guardlan
should order hlm Lo fasL lf Lhe chlld ls able, so LhaL he wlll be used Lo lL when he
reaches puberLy. 1he Sahaba used to make the|r ch||dren fast wh||e they were
young, and take them to the mas[|d, and have for them a toy made of woo|, and |f
the ch||d wou|d cry from hunger, then they wou|d g|ve the ch||d the toy to p|ay
And many parents are heed|ess of th|s matter today, and they don't order the|r
ch||dren to fast. kather some parents prevent the|r ch||d from fast|ng even thought
the ch||d want to fast, th|nk|ng that they are be|ng merc|fu| to them. 1he rea||ty |s
true mercy to the|r ch||dren |s to ra|se them on the r|tes of Is|am, and w|th a proper
educat|on. So whoever prevents them from that or |s neg||gent, then he |s an
oppressor to them and to h|mse|f. 8ut |f the ch||d fasts, and the parents see they
are harmed by |t, then they shou|d prevent them.
1he ma|e reaches puberty |f one of the fo||ow|ng three occurs:
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1: 8eleaslng sperm, elLher from a weL dream or someLhlng else, due Lo Lhe ayah,
And lf Lhe chlldren from you reach al-hulm (puberLy), and Lhe hadeeLh, "Ghus| on
Ir|day |s wa[|b for every muhta||m" (Agreed upon).
2: CrowLh of publc halr, from Lhe saylng of ALlya alCuraldhl, "We were presented to
the rophet on the day of uraydha, so whoever was muhta||m or had pub|c ha|r,
was k|||ed, and |f not he was spared." (Ahmad, nlsaee, and lLs Saheeh)
3: 8eachlng 13 years old, due Lo Lhe saylng of Abdullah bln umar, "I came to the
rophet on the day of Uhud, and I was 14, and he d|d not a||ow me to f|ght." Al-
8ayhaql and lbn Plbban ln hls Saheeh added wlLh an auLhenLlc chaln, "and he d|d
not th|nk that I reached puberty, and I came to h|m on the day of khandaq, and I
was 1S and he a||owed me to f|ght." 8ayhaql and lbn Plbban added wlLh a Saheeh
chaln, he consldered me as maLure." (narraLed by Lhe Croup) lbn nafl' sald, "We
to|d th|s hadeeth to the kha||fa, Umar b|n Abd||-Az|z, then he sa|d, "th|s |s the ||m|t
between the ch||d and the adu|t." And he Lold hls workers Lo glve from Lhe wealLh
whoever reached 13" (8ukharl)
And females aLLaln puberLy Lhe same way as Lhe male, wlLh Lhe addlLlon of
mensLruaLlon. So when a glrl mensLruaLes Lhen she ls maLure, so she ls held
responslble even lf she dldn'L reach Len years old. And lf a chlld reaches puberLy
durlng Lhe day ln 8amadhan, lf he ls fasLlng already Lhen he should conLlnue, and lf
he was noL fasLlng he should noL eaL Lhe resL of Lhe day, because he has become an
adulL who ls obllged Lo fasL. And he does noL have Lo make up Lhe day because he
dldn'L fulflll Lhe condlLlon of fasLlng aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe day.
1h|rd: An lnsane person, someone who has losL hld mlnd. lasLlng ls noL due on hlm
because of Lhe hadeeLh, "1he pen |s ||fted from three." And hls fasLlng ls noL
correcL, because he doesn'L have Lhe ablllLy Lo comprehend Lhe worshlp he ls dolng,
or Lo make an lnLenLlon for lL, and worshlp ls noL accepLed wlLhouL lnLenLlon. 1hls ls
known from Lhe hadeeLh, "Act|ons are by |ntent|ons." So lf he ls lnsane someLlmes,
and someLlmes hls senses reLurn Lo hlm, Lhen he only has Lo fasL when he ls sane.
And lf he goes lnsande durlng Lhe day, Lhen hls fasL ls sLlll valld, [usL llke lf a person
became slck durlng Lhe day, because he lnLended Lo fasL when he was sane wlLh a
correcL lnLenLlon, and Lhere ls no evldence of Lhe lnvalldlLy of hls fasLlng especlally lf
he knows LhaL he loses hls senses aL a speclflc Llme. And he does noL have Lo make
up Lhe days LhaL he was lnsane. And lf he recovers durlng Lhe day, Lhen has Lo sLop
eaLlng LhaL day, and he does noL have Lo make lL up, [usL llke chlld who reaches
puberLy, or Lhe kaflr who becomes Musllm.
Iourth: 1he senlle who has become dellrlous and senseless, and losL Lhe ablllLy Lo
[udge, Lhen he ls noL obllgaLed Lo fasL, and he does noL have Lo deed oLhers, because
he ls no longer responslble due Lo Lhe loss of hls senses, so he ls llke a young chlld.
8uL lf he has senses someLlmes, and ls senlle someLlmes, Lhen he only has Lo fasL ln
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Lhe flrsL case, and Lhe same applles Lo prayer.
I|fth: 1he weak person lncapable of fasLlng, and hls condlLlon wlll never lmprove,
llke an old person, or a Lermlnally lll person, l.e. cancer, Lhen he does noL have Lo fasL
as he ls noL able, and Allah says, "Iear A||ah as much as you are ab|e" and "A||ah
does not p|ace a burden on someone that they cannot bear" 8uL he lnsLead of
fasLlng, has Lo feed a poor person for each day, because Allah made feedlng a poor
person equal Lo fasLlng when Lhere was a cholce beLween Lhe Lwo, when fasLlng was
flrsL obllgaLed. 1hen lL was speclfled LhaL feedlng replaced fasLlng for Lhe weak
person and lL equaled lL.

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1he Seventh S|tt|ng
Categor|es of eop|e |n Iast|ng (cont|nued)
My broLhers: We spoke lasL Llme abouL flve caLegorles of people ln fasLlng and Lhe
rullngs concernlng Lhem, we wlll Lalk abouL more caLegorles.
S|xth: 1he Lravellng person lf Lhey do noL Lravel [usL so Lhey don'L have Lo fasL. lf your
lnLenLlon Lo Lravel ls [usL so LhaL you don'L have Lo fasL, Lhen lL obllgaLory for you Lo
fasL, and haram for you Lo break Lhe fasL. lf on Lhe oLher hand you are Lravellng for a
reason, Lhen you have Lhe cholce beLween fasLlng and noL fasLlng for Lhe duraLlon of
your Lravels. As Allah says, "And whoever |s s|ck or trave||ng, then they may fast on
d|fferent days. A||ah wants to make th|ngs easy for you, and not make them hard."
ln Lhe Saheehayn on Anls bln Mallk (radlallaahu `anhu) LhaL he sald, "We used to
trave| w|th the rophet and ne|ther d|d the fast|ng persons cr|t|c|ze those who
were not fast|ng, nor d|d those who were not fast|ng cr|t|c|ze the fast|ng ones."
Sald al khudhrl (radlallaahu `anhu) sald, "We saw that whoever had the strength
fasted |ndeed that |s good, and whoever cou|dn't fast ate, and |ndeed that |s
good." (Musllm)
lL ls more preferred for Lhe Lraveler Lo do whaLever ls easler, wheLher lL be fasLlng or
eaLlng. lf Lhere lsn'L a ma[or hardshlp, Lhen lL ls beLLer Lo fasL. As was reporLed by
Abu uarda (radlallaahu `anhu), "We [ourneyed w|th the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh|
wa sa||aam) dur|ng kamadhan when |t was an extreme|y hot (season). Some of us
shaded ourse|ves w|th our hands, because of the extreme heat. No one was fast|ng
among us except the rophet and Abdu||ah b|n Ab| kawahah. 1he rophet broke
h|s fast |n cons|derat|on for h|s compan|ons when he knew that the fast was
gett|ng the best of the compan|ons and br|ng|ng on them an unnecessary
hardsh|p." (Musllm) ln anoLher hadlLh reporLed by !ablr 8ln Abdullah (8A): "When
the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) [ourneyed to Makkah, |n the year of
v|ctory, he fasted unt|| he reached a p|ace known as kara'ah A|-Gham|m. ne was
|nformed that the compan|ons who were fast|ng were hav|ng d|ff|cu|ty w|th the
fast. So, they were wa|t|ng to see what he wou|d do. 1he rophet (sa||a||aahu
`a|ayh| wa sa||aam) then requested a gob|et fu|| w|th water after 'Asr prayer and
drank |t wh||e everyone was |ook|ng." (Musllm)
lf fasLlng becomes an exLreme hardshlp, Lhen lL ls besL noL Lo fasL. ln Lhe prevlous
hadlLh reporLed by !ablr (radlallaahu `anhu), when Lhe ropheL broke Lhls fasL
because of Lhe dlfflculLy of Lhe bellevers, he was Lold LhaL some people lnslsLed on
fasLlng. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "they are rebe|s, they are
rebe|s." (Musllm)
ln Lhe Saheehayn on !ablr as well, he sald, uurlng one of Lhe ropheL's [ourneys, he
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saw a heavy crowd around a man who was belng shaded. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) lnqulred, `What |s th|s'? 1hey sald `ne |s fast|ng.' 1he ropheL
(sallallaahu` alayhl wa sallaam), sald: `It |s not r|ghteousness to fast dur|ng a
[ourney." lf Lhe Lraveler feels Lhe hardshlp durlng Lhe day, Lhen lL ls permlsslble Lo
break Lhe fasL as long as Lhey lefL Lhe clLy. 8ecause Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) and Lhe people all fasLed unLll Lhey reached a dlfferenL clLy (kara'ah Al-
Chamlm), so when Lhe [ourney became dlfflculL, he aLe, and so dld Lhe people.
lf Lhe Lraveler reaches hls Lown durlng Lhe day and he wasn'L fasLlng, Lhen hls fasL
wlll noL be accepLed lf he sLarLed. 8ecause, he wasn'L fasLlng ln Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe
day, and fasLlng musL be sLarLed before la[r. 8uL, does he have Lo sLop eaLlng for Lhe
resL of Lhe day? 1he scholars have dlffered ln Lhls maLLer. Some have sald, "It |s
ob||gatory for h|m to fast the rest of the day out of respect for the t|me (zaman)."
Some of Lhe scholars say LhaL Lhey are noL obllged Lo fasL Lhe resL of Lhe day because
lL wlll noL be of beneflL Lo Lhem. lbn Masood (radlallaahu `anhu) sald, "Whoever ate
dur|ng the begg|ng of day then shou|d eat the rest of the day." Meanlng, lf you had
an excuse noL Lo fasL earller on durlng Lhe day, Lhen lL ls permlsslble Lo eaL Lhe resL
of Lhe day. And Lhls ls from Lhe school of Mallk, and As-Shafl'e, as well as been
relaLed on Lhe auLhorlLy of lmam Ahmad.
Seventh: 1he person who ls slck and Lhey are dlvlded lnLo Lhree caLegorles.
1. 1he slck person who Lhe fasL doesn'L cause hardshlp for Lhem, nor does lL harm
Lhem. 1hen lL ls obllgaLory for Lhem Lo fasL, because Lhey do noL have an excuse.
2. 1he slck person who Lhe fasL becomes a dlfflculLy on Lhem, buL lL doesn'L harm
Lhem. 1hls person should eaL accordlng Lo Lhe ayah "Whoever amongst you |s s|ck
or trave||ng." lL ls dlsllked for Lhls person Lo fasL, because he ls noL Laklng Lhe
clearance (rukhsa) from Allah, and Lhey are hurLlng Lhemselves.
3. 1he slck person whom lL wlll harm Lhem. lL ls obllgaLory for Lhls person Lo eaL. As
Allah says, "And make not your own hands contr|bute to your destruct|on." And as
Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, Indeed your body has r|ghts over
you." (8ukharl)
lf someone geLs slck durlng Lhe day whlle Lhey are fasLlng, Lhen Lhey make break
Lhelr fasL. Also lf someone ls feellng beLLer and Lhey declde Lo fasL durlng Lhe day,
Lhen Lhls wlll noL counL because fasLlng sLarLs afLer la[r. Should Lhls person conLlnue
Lo fasL Lhe resL of Lhe day? 1here ls a dlfference amongsL Lhe scholars concernlng
whlch we spoke abouL earller wlLh Lhe Lraveler.
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lf a slck person flnds ouL LhaL fasLlng wlll make Lhelr condlLlon worse, or wlll delay
Lhelr heallng, Lhen Lhey are allowed Lo eaL. 1hey can make up Lhe days when Lhey
are beLLer, and lf Lhelr condlLlon wlll never lmprove, Lhen Lhey have Lo feed a poor
person [usL llke we dlscussed ln Lhe flfLh caLegory.

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1he L|ghth S|tt|ng
1he kema|n|ng Categor|es of eop|e |n Iast|ng and the ku||ngs of Mak|ng up the
My broLhers: We have Lalked abouL seven dlfferenL caLegorles of people ln fasLlng
and Lhese are Lhe remalnlng caLegorles.
L|ghth: 1he mensLruaLlng woman. She ls noL allowed Lo fasL as Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "I have not seen anyone more def|c|ent |n
|nte|||gence and re||g|on than you. A caut|ous sens|b|e man cou|d be |ed astray by
some of you." 1he women asked, "C A||ah's Apost|e! What |s def|c|ent |n our
|nte|||gence and re||g|on?" ne sa|d, "Is not the ev|dence of two women equa| to the
w|tness of one man?" 1hey replled ln Lhe afflrmaLlve. Pe sald, "1h|s |s the def|c|ency
|n her |nte|||gence. Isn't |t true that a woman can ne|ther pray nor fast dur|ng her
menses?" 1he women replled ln Lhe afflrmaLlve. Pe sald, "1h|s |s the def|c|ency |n
her re||g|on." (Agreed upon)
lf a woman beglns mensLruaLlon even a momenL before sundown, Lhen LhaL fasL
does noL counL. She ls Lo make up LhaL fasL on a dlfferenL day.
lf Lhe woman becomes pure from Lhe mensLruaLlon durlng Lhe day, she cannoL begln
Lhe fasL for Lhe resL of Lhe day because fasLlng sLarLs afLer la[r. 8uL should she sLop
eaLlng Lhe resL of Lhe day? 1here ls a dlfference of oplnlon whlch we spoke abouL
when we spoke abouL Lhe Lraveler. lf Lhe woman becomes pure durlng Lhe nlghL,
even lf lL ls an lnsLance before la[r, Lhen she musL fasL LhaL day. She also has Lo make
up Lhe days LhaL she mlssed, as Allah (SW1) says, "the prescr|bed number (Shou|d
be made up) from days |ater" and 'Alsha was asked, "What |s the case of the fast|ng
woman, she makes up for the m|ssed fast and not for the m|ssed prayer? She sald:
"When we had our per|ods at the t|me of the Messenger of A||ah, we were ordered
to make up the m|ssed fasts, and we were not ordered to make up the m|ssed
prayers." (Musllm)
N|nth: A pregnanL or nurslng woman who fears harm Lo herself or Lo her chlld. She
should noL fasL accordlng Lo Lhe hadeeLh of Anls bln Mallk (8A) LhaL Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "A||ah has re||eved the trave|ers of fast|ng and
ha|f of the prayer, and the pregnant and the breast-feed|ng women of the fast."
She ls Lo make up Lhese days LhaL she mlssed as soon as Lhe slLuaLlon allows for lL.
1enth: A person who musL rescue someone else's llfe. lor example, from flre,
drownlng, eLc. lf Lhey have Lo eaL ln order Lo save Lhe person's llfe, Lhen lL ls
obllgaLory on Lhem Lo eaL and Lo make up Lhe day aL a laLer Llme.
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An example of Lhls ls a person flghLlng ln Lhe way of Allah. 1hls person may eaL and
make up Lhe fasL laLer. 8egardless lf Lhey are ln Lhelr own counLry or Lravellng, Lhey
break Lhe fasL wherever Lhey meeL Lhe enemy. 8ecause Lhls ls proLecLlon for Lhe
Musllms, and lL ls maklng Lhe word of Allah (SW1) Lhe hlghesL. Abu Saeld Al-khudrl
(8A) sald, We Lraveled wlLh Lhe Messenger of Allah Lo Makkah whlle we were
fasLlng. We sLopped aL a place and Lhe Messenger of Allah sald: 'ou are com|ng
c|ose to your enem|es. ou w||| be stronger |f you break the fast.' 1haL was a
concesslon and some of us fasLed and some of us broke our fasLs. 1hen we came Lo
anoLher place and Lhe ropheL sald:
'In the morn|ng you w||| face your enemy. 8reak|ng the fast w||| g|ve you more
strength.' So we broke our fasL, Laklng LhaL as Lhe besL course of acLlon." (Musllm)
1hls hadeeLh shows LhaL havlng sLrengLh Lo flghL ls a reason Lo break Lhe fasL, Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu alayhl wa sallaam) dldn'L order Lhem Lo break Lhe fasL aL Lhe
flrsL sLop, buL he ordered Lhem aL Lhe nexL sLop when Lhey were close Lo Lhe enemy.
Whoever from Lhe menLloned caLegorles LhaL breaks Lhelr fasL, lL lsn'L dlsllked for
Lhem Lo dlsplay LhaL Lhey aren'L fasLlng as long as Lhe reason ls an obvlous reason
llke slckness or old age. 8uL lf Lhe reason ls someLhlng hldden llke mensLruaLlon,
Lhen Lhey should eaL ln prlvaLe and noL dlsplay LhaL Lhey are noL fasLlng. 1hls could
be a reason for an lgnoranL person Lo Lhlnk lL ls permlsslble for Lhem Lo break Lhe
fasL as well.
Whoever lL ls upon Lhem Lo make up Lhe days, Lhen Lhey should make up Lhe exacL
number of days Lhey mlssed. lf Lhey dldn'L fasL Lhe enLlre monLh Lhen Lhey should
make up Lhe enLlre monLh. lf Lhe monLh was 30 days LhaL year, Lhen Lhey make up
30. lf Lhe monLh was 29 days, Lhen Lhey make up 29. lL ls besL Lo make up Lhe days as
soon as Lhe person ls able Lo, because lL ls raclng Lo do good.
lL ls permlsslble Lo delay maklng up Lhe days unLll Lhere ls beLween Lhem and Lhe
followlng 8amadhan Lhe amounL of days Lhey have Lo make up. As Allah says, Lhe
prescrlbed number (Should be made up) from days laLer, Allah wanLs Lo make Lhlngs
easy for you and noL make Lhem hard" lrom Lhls easlness ls LhaL lL ls permlsslble Lo
delay even lf Lhey need Lo make up Len days, and Lhere ls only Len days beLween
Lhem and Lhe nexL 8amadhan.
lL ls noL permlsslble Lo walL unLll Lhe nexL 8amadhan wlLhouL maklng up Lhe days
mlssed. As 'Alsha (8A) sald, "1here used to be days I had to make up from
kamadhan, and I wasn't ab|e to make them up except |n Sha' baan." (8ukharl) !usL
llke prayer, you cannoL delay Lhe flrsL unLll Lhe nexL. lf Lhe reason for noL fasLlng
conLlnues unLll Lhe nexL 8amadhan Lhen Lhere ls noLhlng wrong wlLh LhaL. lf Lhe
person dles Lhan hls famlly can make up Lhe days for Lhem. As Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever d|es and they have days that they
have to fast, then h|s fam||y fasts for them." (Agreed upon)
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Pls famlly ls hls lnherlLors or relaLlves. lL ls permlsslble for Lhem Lo fasL LogeLher wlLh
Lhe number of days LhaL Lhe person needed Lo make up ln [usL one day. As ls relaLed
by 8ukharl, LhaL Al Passln sald, "If 30 peop|e fasted for them on one day, |t |s
a||owed." Pls relaLlves can also feed a poor person for everyday LhaL was mlssed lf
Lhey do noL wlsh Lo fasL.
My broLhers: 1hese caLegorles of people are from Lhe Sharlah of Allah. lor every
caLegory ls lLs own soluLlon based on Lhe slLuaLlon, so know Lhe rullngs of your Lord
from Lhe Sharlah. And Lhank Allah's blesslng on you for maklng Lhlngs easy.

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1he N|nth S|tt|ng
1he W|sdoms of Iast|ng
1he shelkh dlscusses ln lengLh abouL obllgaLory acLlons and how fasLlng ls an
obllgaLory acLlon.
Cne of Lhe resulLs of fasLlng ls LhaL lL causes a person Lo galn 1aqwah (pleLy). As Allah
(SW1) says, "Ch you who be||eve, fast|ng has been prescr|bed upon you [ust as |t
has been prescr|bed upon the peop|e before you so that you may atta|n p|ety."
lasLlng ls all abouL acLlng upon obedlence and leavlng Lhe dlsobedlence. As Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever does not |eave off fa|se
speech and fa|se conduct, A||ah has no need of h|s |eav|ng off food and dr|nk."
(8ukharl) 1he fasLlng person should noL curse someone back lf Lhey are cursed, as
Lhe ropheL ( (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam), LhaL Lhey should say l am fasLlng. 1hls
ls a remlnder Lo Lhe person curslng Lhem, as well as a remlnder Lo Lhe fasLlng person.
lrom Lhe rullngs of fasLlng ls LhaL Lhe hearL should be busy wlLh remembrance of
Allah. Cnce a person spends Llme wlLh Lhelr deslres, Lhen Lhls wlll lead Lhem Lo
heedlessness. lor LhaL Lhe ropheL ( (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) advlsed us Lo
noL eaL Loo much food. As he (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he son of Adam
cannot f||| a conta|ner worse than the stomach, he shou|d eat [ust enough to keep
h|s back stra|ght, but |f they must eat more than they shou|d |eave one th|rd for
food, one th|rd for dr|nk, and one th|rd for a|r." (Ahmad, nlsaee, lbn Ma[ah) ln
Saheeh Musllm Lhere ls a hadeeLh on Lhe auLhorlLy of Pandhala, who was one of Lhe
scrlbes for Lhe ropheL (SAW), where he sald, "nandha|a has comm|tted hypocr|sy"
1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "And what |s |t?" Pe sald, "C
Messenger of A||ah, when we are w|th you, you rem|nd us of ne|| and neaven and
|t |s as |f we can see |t w|th our eyes. but whenever we go away from you and
attend to our w|ves, ch||dren and bus|ness, much of these th|ngs go out of our
m|nds. 1hereupon Allah's Messenger ( (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald: 8y n|m
|n Whose hand |s my ||fe, |f your state of m|nd rema|ns the same as |t |s |n my
presence and you are a|ways busy |n remembrance (of A||ah), the Ange|s w||| shake
hands w|th you |n your beds and |n your paths but, nanza|a, t|me shou|d be
devoted (to the wor|d|y affa|rs) and t|me (shou|d be devoted to prayer and
med|tat|on). ne (the no|y rophet) sa|d th|s thr|ce.
lrom Lhe wlsdom of fasLlng ls LhaL Lhe forLunaLe person wlll know Lhe amounL of
blesslngs LhaL Allah (SW1) has favored Lhem wlLh, from Lhe food, drlnks, and
relaLlons wlLh Lhe spouse. Many people are noL forLunaLe enough Lo have Lhese
blesslngs, so Lhey wlll Lhank Allah (SW1) for Lhem. 1hls wlll also cause Lhem Lo
remember Lhelr broLher who ls less forLunaLe Lhan Lhem. Who wlll ln mosL cases go
Lo sleep cold and hungry, buL wlll lnsLead go Lo sleep wlLh cloLhes and food. 1hls ls
why you see Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) Lhe mosL generous and
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even more so ln Lhe monLh of 8amadhan when !lbreel would come Lo hlm and Leach
hlm Lhe Cur'an.
lrom Lhe wlsdom of fasLlng ls LhaL lL ls Lralnlng for conLrolllng Lhe soul, and Lhe
power Lo sLop yourself. lor lndeed Lhe person ls lncllned Lo evll excepL for whom
Allah shows mercy. lL also breaks down a person and makes Lhem more humble. lL
wlll glve Lhem humlllLy Lo Lhe CreaLor, and klndness Lo Lhe creaLlon.
lrom Lhe wlsdom of fasLlng ls LhaL Lhe blood becomes less flowlng and more
consLrlcLed when a person ls hungry and LhlrsLy. 1hls wlll cause Lhe flowlng of
shayLaan Lo be less as well, because lndeed Lhe shayLaan flows Lhrough Lhe
bloodsLream of Lhe son of Adam. As lL ls relaLed ln Lhe Saheehayn by Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam). So lL wlll decrease Lhe whlspers of Lhe shayLaan, and
wlll decrease Lhe eplsodes of deslre and anger. As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald, "C youths! Whoever amongst you |s ab|e to marry, then |et h|m do
so, for |t restra|ns the eyes and protects the pr|vate parts. 8ut whoever |s unab|e,
then |et h|m fast, because |t w||| be a sh|e|d for h|m." (Agreed upon) So fasLlng ls a
proLecLlon and suppresslon of Lhe deslres.

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1he 1enth S|tt|ng
Irom the Mandatory Lt|quettes of Iast|ng
My broLhers: know LhaL Lhere are many manners LhaL are lmporLanL for Lhe
compleLlon of Lhe fasL. 1here are Lwo caLegorles of manners for Lhe fasL wlLh Lhe
flrsL of Lhem belng mandaLory Lo know and memorlze and Lo pracLlce. 1he second
Lype ls recommended Lo know memorlze and pracLlce.
lrom Lhe mandaLory manners ls Lo malnLaln Lhe obllgaLlons LhaL Allah has prescrlbed
for us boLh whaL we musL say and whaL we musL do. W|th the most |mportant be|ng
the f|ve da||y prayers wh|ch are of the p|||ars of Is|am, after the Shahada. So |t a
must to make sure the prayer |s preformed w|th |ts p|||ars, ob||gat|ons, and
cond|t|ons. It shou|d be performed at |ts appo|nted t|me and w|th the
congregat|on. Ior |ndeed th|s |s from p|ety. Not pray|ng |s from the absence of
p|ety, and |s a means for pun|shment as Allah (SW1) says, "8ut after them there
fo||owed a poster|ty who m|ssed prayers and fo||owed after |usts soon, then, w|||
they face Destruct|on, Lxcepted, however, sha|| be those who repent and atta|n to
fa|th and do r|ghteous deeds: for |t |s they who w||| enter parad|se and w||| not be
wronged |n any way"
1here are some of the fast|ng peop|e that neg|ect the congregat|ona| prayers |n the
mas[|d. Allah orders us ln one verse by saylng, "When thou (C Messenger art w|th
them, and standest to |ead them |n prayer, Let one party of them stand up (|n
prayer) w|th thee, 1ak|ng the|r arms w|th them: When they f|n|sh the|r
prostrat|ons, |et them 1ake the|r pos|t|on |n the rear. And |et the other party come
up wh|ch hath not yet prayed - and |et them pray w|th thee, 1ak|ng a|| precaut|on,
and bear|ng arms" Allah orders us Lo pray ln congregaLlon aL Lhe Llme of flghLlng and
fear. So ln Lhe Llme of safeLy and securlLy, lL should be even more of a prlorlLy. A
bllnd man once sald Lo Lhe ropheL , "C Messenger of A||ah, I have no gu|de to |ead
me to the mosque (to attend the congregat|ona| prayer)." Pe asked Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) for permlsslon Lo pray ln hls house and Lhe ropheL
permlLLed hlm. 1hen, when he Lurned Lo go, Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) called hlm and sald: 'Do you hear the ca|| to prayer?' 1he bllnd man sald
'yes.' 1he ropheL Lhen sald: "1hen respond to |t [by com|ng to the mosque]."
(Musllm) 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) dldn'L glve hlm a clearance Lo
pray aL home. 1he person who leaves Lhe prayer has mlssed ouL on many rewards,
for lndeed Lhe prayer ln congregaLlon ls mulLlplled. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) sald, "Indeed the prayer |n congregat|on |s rewarded by seventy t|mes
more than the prayer a|one." (Saheehayn)
When someone leaves Lhe congregaLlonal prayer Lhey are sub[ecLed Lhemselves Lo
punlshmenL as well as belng slmllar Lo Lhe hypocrlLes. As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Indeed the hardest prayers for the hypocr|tes are the
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'Isha and Ia[r prayers, and |f they knew what was |n them |n terms of reward then
they wou|d come to |t even |f they had to craw|, I was a|most go|ng to |eave the
prayer and ask someone e|se to |ead the peop|e, then |eave w|th some peop|e and
take wood to those who do not come to the prayer and burn the|r homes w|th
f|re." (Saheehayn) lbn Mas'ood (8A) sald, "who ever wou|d be p|eased to meet
A||ah as a Mus||m, then |et h|m take care of those sa|at wh|ch are ca||ed to because
they are of the ways of huda (gu|dance), and A||ah has g|ven to your rophet the
ways of huda. And |f you were to estab||sh sa|at |n your homes, ||ke that person
stay|ng beh|nd |n h|s home, you wou|d be abandon|ng the sunnah of your rophet,
and |f you were to abandon the sunnah of your prophet you wou|d sure|y go
astray. And there |s not a man amongst you that pur|f|es h|mse|f (yatatahhar), and
does so proper|y, then d|rects h|mse|f to one of these mosques except that A||ah
w||| wr|te for h|m w|th each step he takes a hasanah (mer|t), and ra|ses h|m a
grade, and drops from h|m a sayy|'ah (demer|t). And I have seen us, where not one
of us wou|d stay beh|nd from prayer |n congregat|on except for a hypocr|te whose
hypocr|sy |s known. And one that cou|d not come on h|s own wou|d be carr|ed
between two men unt|| he |s stood |n the row." Cne of the worst ways to m|ss the
prayer |s to be heed|ess and s|eep through the t|me, and the scho|ars say about
th|s, "Whoever de|ays a prayer past |ts t|me w|thout an excuse from the shar|ah, |t
wou|d not be accepted even |f they prayed 100 t|mes."
lrom Lhe eLLlqulLes LhaL are mandaLory: 1he fasLlng one musL leave off all haram
Lhlngs wheLher lL be an acLlon or a saylng. 1hey should leave off lylng, and lylng ls
any news LhaL ls noL known. 1he worsL of lylng ls LhaL whlch ls agalnsL Allah and hls
Messenger , Lhls ls done by maklng LhaL whlch ls haram hallal and vlce versa. Allah
(SW1) says, 8uL say noL - for any false Lhlng LhaL your Longues may puL forLh,- "1h|s
|s |awfu|, and th|s |s forb|dden," so as Lo ascrlbe false Lhlngs Lo Allah. lor Lhose who
ascrlbe false Lhlngs Lo Allah, wlll never prosper. A brlef en[oymenL [may be Lhelrs ln
Lhls world] -buL grlevous sufferlng awalLs Lhem [ln Lhe llfe Lo come]" ln Lhe
Saheehayn lL ls relaLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald,
"Whoever ||es about me |ntent|ona||y, then |et them prepare the|r abode |n the
f|re." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) warned us agalnsL lylng as he sald,
"beware of fa|sehood, for |ndeed fa|sehood |eads to s|nn|ng, and |ndeed s|nn|ng
|eads to the I|re. A man cont|nues to te|| ||es and str|ves upon fa|sehood unt|| he |s
wr|tten as a ||ar w|th God." (Agreed upon)
1he fast|ng person shou|d a|so |eave the backb|t|ng, wh|ch |s ta|k|ng about your
brother |n the|r absence someth|ng they wou|d hate, regard|ess |f th|s th|ng they
hate |s someth|ng to do w|th the way they were created. lor example belng bllnd,
or someLhlng Lo do wlLh Lhelr acLlons, llke belng foollsh or an evlldoer. 8egardless lf
Lhey acLually have Lhls LralL or noL. 8ecause Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) was asked abouL backblLlng and he sald, "It say|ng someth|ng about your
brother wh|ch they wou|d hate." 1hen he was asked, "What |f they rea||y do have
th|s tra|t?" Pe sald, "If he has th|s tra|t then |t |s backb|t|ng, |f he doesn't, then |t |s
s|ander." (Musllm) Allah has prohlblLed backblLlng ln Lhe Cur'an and glven us a very
dlsLlncL plcLure Lo lmaglne, As Allah says, "And spy not on each other beh|nd the|r
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backs. Wou|d any of you ||ke to eat the f|esh of h|s dead brother? Nay, ye wou|d
abhor |t."
1he fasLlng person should also avold nameemah, whlch ls Lhe spreadlng of evll Lalk
beLween people ln order Lo separaLe beLween Lhem. 1hls evll acL ls from Lhe ma[or
slns. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald LhaL Lhls Lype of person would
noL enLer aradlse. Cne Llme Lhe ropheL walked pasL Lwo graves and sald, "1h|s
two peop|e are be|ng tortured even though what they d|d was not that great, one
of them d|d not used to wash h|mse|f after us|ng the bathroom, and the other one
used to spread nameemah." (Agreed upon) 1hls acL causes dlvlslons amongsL Lhe
ummah as well as causes haLred beLween Lhe Musllms. And know LhaL lf someone ls
saylng nammemah Lo you, Lhen Lhey are also saylng lL abouL you.
1hey should also avold rlpplng people off when lL comes Lo buslness LransacLlons.
1hls ls also a ma[or sln. 1he ropheL declared belng free, or dlsassoclaLlon from Lhese
people as he sald, "Whoever r|ps peop|e off |s not from us." (Musllm) 1hls ls an acL
whlch brlngs mlsLrusL, and dlshonesLy beLween people. Whoever galns money from
Lhls ls only galnlng haram, lL wlll noL lncrease a person excepL ln dlsLance from Allah.
Also, Lhe fasLlng person should avold muslc ln all of lLs Lypes. As Allah (SW1) sald,
"8ut there are, among men, those who purchase |d|e ta|es, w|thout know|edge (or
mean|ng), to m|s|ead (men) from the ath of A||ah and throw r|d|cu|e (on the
ath): for such there w||| be a num|||at|ng ena|ty." lbn Mas'ood was asked abouL
Lhls verse and sald, "I swear by the one that there |s no one other than that |t |s
mus|c." lbn Abbas, lbn umar, !ablr, ukraamah, Saeld bln !ubalr, Al hassln, and
Mu[ahld all sald Lhe same for Lhls verse. 1he rophet warned us about mus|c by
say|ng, "1here w||| appear peop|e |n my Ummah, who w||| ho|d adu|tery, s||k,
a|coho| and mus|ca| |nstruments to be |awfu|." (8ukharl) Poldlng lL lawful means
LhaL Lhey wlll perform Lhls acL wlLhouL even feellng bad. We can see today many
Mus||ms ||sten|ng to mus|c as |f |t |s someth|ng |awfu|. 1hls ls a resulL of whaL Lhe
enemles of lslam have devlsed for Lhe Musllms so LhaL Lhey wlll noL concenLraLe on
Lhe remembrance of Allah, as well as Lhe rellglon. 1here has emerged many people
who llsLen Lo muslc more Lhan Lhey do Lo Cur'an, or hadeeLh, or people of
knowledge. So be very careful Lo avold Lhls oh you Musllms. And refraln from
falsehood boLh ln saylngs and ln acLlons. As Lhe ropheL sald, Whoever does not
abandon fa|sehood |n word and act|on then A||ah the M|ghty and Ma[est|c has no
need that he shou|d |eave h|s food and h|s dr|nk." !ablr (8A) sald, "When you fast,
you shou|d a|so fast your ears, eyes, and tongue from |y|ng and un|awfu| deeds, do
not harm your ne|ghbor, you shou|d have a peacefu| ca|mness, and your fast|ng
day and non-fast|ng day shou|d not be the same."

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1he L|eventh S|tt|ng
Irom the Lncouraged Lt|quettes of Iast|ng
My broLhers: 1hls ls Lhe second half of Lhe eLlqueLLes of fasLlng, and lL ls Lhe
eLlqueLLes whlch are encouraged. lrom Lhem ls havlng Lhe suhoor (eaLlng ln Lhe lasL
parL of Lhe nlghL before la[r). 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) ordered
Lhls by saylng, "art|c|pate |n the suhoor for |ndeed there |s b|ess|ng |n |t." (Agreed
upon) Pe (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) also sald, "1he d|fference between our fast
and that of the eop|e of the 8ook |s the eat|ng of suhoor." (Musllm) 1he ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) also recommended daLes for suhoor by saylng, "1he
best of suhoor for a be||ever are dates." (Abu uawood) 1he ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) also sald, "A|| of suhoor |s b|ess|ng, so do not |eave |t, even |f
one of [ust has water to dr|nk, for |ndeed A||ah and h|s Ange|s send the|r b|ess|ngs
on the peop|e that eat suhoor." (Ahmed wlLh a sLrong chaln)
1he person maklng suhoor should make Lhelr lnLenLlon Lo lmlLaLe Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) so LhaL lL wlll become an acL of worshlp, and Lhey
should also make Lhelr lnLenLlon of eaLlng suhoor LhaL lL wlll glve Lhem Lhe power Lo
fasL for Lhe day, so LhaL Lhey wlll be rewarded. Zayd lbn 1hablL reporLed: "We ate
suhoor w|th the Messenger of A||ah and then got up for the prayer." Someone
asked: "What was the amount of t|me between the two?" Pe replled: (1he Llme lL
Lakes Lo reclLe] 30 verses" (8ukharl) 'Alsha (8A) relaLes LhaL 8lllal used Lo make Lhe
ALhan aL nlghL, so Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Lat and dr|nk
unt|| Ibn Um Maktum makes the athan for |ndeed he makes |t once Ia[r t|me has
arr|ved." (8ukharl) uelaylng Lhe fasL makes fasLlng easler as well as lL's a proLecLlon
from oversleeplng la[r. As Allah says, "and eat and dr|nk, unt|| the wh|te thread of
dawn appear to you d|st|nct from |ts b|ack thread."
lL ls also recommended Lo break Lhe fasL as soon as Maghrlb Llme enLers. 1he
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he peop|e w||| cont|nue to be |n
good cond|t|on as |ong as they hasten to break the fast. (Agreed upon) 1he sunnah
ls Lo break Lhe fasL wlLh fresh daLes. Anas (8A) sald, "1he prophet (sa||a||aahu
`a|ayh| wa sa||aam) used to break h|s fast w|th fresh dates before he prayed. If he
d|d not f|nd fresh dates then he wou|d use dr|ed dates. If he d|d not f|nd that a|so
he drank a few s|ps of water." (Ahmad, Abu uawood, 1lrmldhee) Cnce Lhey break
Lhelr fasL Lhey should make suppllcaLlon for whaLever Lhey wlsh. As Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Indeed for the fast|ng person once they break
the|r fast |s a duah that |s not re[ected." (Sunnan Abl Ma[ah)
lrom Lhe acLlons LhaL are recommended are lncreaslng ln reclLlng Cur'an, dhlkr,
duah, prayer, and charlLy. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he
supp||cat|ons of three persons are not re[ected: the supp||cat|on of a fast|ng person
at the t|me of break|ng fast, of a [ust ru|er, and of a person who |s wronged. A||ah
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causes the|r supp||cat|ons to r|se above the c|ouds, and gates of heaven are
opened for them, and A||ah says, '8y My Ma[esty, I w||| he|p you, even |t be after a
wh||e'." (lbn Plbban, Ahmed, 1lrmldhee) lbn Abbas descrlbes LhaL Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) was Lhe mosL generous of people, even more so ln
8amadhan. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Who from amongst
you |s fast|ng today?" Abu 8akr replled, l am." Pe (Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) sald, "Who from amongst you has fed a m|skeen (needy person)
today?" Abu 8akr replled, "I have." Pe sald, "Who from amongst you has fo||owed
a [anazah (fo||owed beh|nd a funera| proceed|ng or gone to w|tness process of
bur|a|) today?" Abu 8akr replled, "I have." Pe sald, "Who from amongst you has
v|s|ted a s|ck person?" Abu 8akr replled, "I have." 1hen Lhe Messenger of Allah
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1hese tra|ts (or character|st|cs) are never
co||ect|ve|y found |n a person except that he w||| enter arad|se." (Musllm)
1he fast|ng person shou|d a|so thank A||ah for b|ess|ng them to be ab|e to see th|s
month. Many peop|e cou|d not reap the benef|ts of th|s month because they
passed away before |t came, or they are not perform|ng the ob||gat|ons of th|s
month. So they shou|d thank A||ah for g|v|ng them the chance to rece|ve
forg|veness, and up||ft|ng |n status.
My broLhers: ?ou should acL upon Lhe eLlqueLLes and manners of Lhls monLh. And
fo||ow the way of the sa|af. Ior |ndeed the |atter part of th|s Ummah w||| not
become r|ghteous un|ess |t acts upon what the former part of th|s Ummah d|d
from obed|ence and |eav|ng of the s|ns.

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1he 1we|fth S|tt|ng
Irom the Second 1ype of ur'an kec|tat|on
My broLhers: We spoke ln Lhe flfLh ma[lls abouL one of Lhe Lypes of reclLaLlon of
Cur'an. We wlll Lalk abouL Lhe second Lype whlch ls reclLlng wlLh bellef and followlng
whaL lL orders and sLaylng away from whaL lL prohlblLs.
Allah (subhana wa Laala) says ln Lhe Cur'an, "(nere |s) a 8ook wh|ch We have sent
down unto thee, fu|| of b|ess|ngs, that they may med|ate on |ts S|gns, and that men
of understand|ng may rece|ve admon|t|on." 1o Lhls exLenL ls whaL Lhe plous
predecessors used Lo learn Cur'an, and belleve ln lL, and follow lLs rullngs. Abu
Abdurrahman Asulme (radlallaahu anhu) sald, 1he people LhaL used Lo reclLe Lhe
Cur'an such as uLhman bln Affan, Abdullah bln Masood, and oLhers, Lold us LhaL
when Lhey learned from Lhe Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) Len verses
Lhey would noL keep learnlng unless Lhey knew all of Lhe knowledge and acLlon
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe Len verses. 1hey sald, "We wou|d |earn the ur'an and
know|edge and the act|ons a|| together." 1hls ls Lhe Lype of reclLaLlon whlch wlll
brlng elLher happlness or mlsery. Allah (SW1) says, and he who follows My guldance
wlll noL go asLray, and nelLher wlll he be unhappy. 8uL as for hlm who shall Lurn
away from rememberlng Me - hls shall be a llfe of narrow scope and on Lhe uay of
8esurrecLlon We shall ralse hlm up bllnd. [And so, on 8esurrecLlon uay, Lhe slnner]
wlll ask: "C my Susta|ner! Why hast 1hou ra|sed me up b||nd, whereas [on earth] I
was endowed w|th s|ght? [Cod] wlll reply: "1hus |t |s: there came unto thee Cur
messages, but thou wert ob||v|ous of them, and thus sha|t thou be today cons|gned
to ob||v|on!" lor, Lhus shall We recompense hlm who wasLes hls own self and does
noL belleve ln hls SusLalner's messages: and, lndeed, Lhe sufferlng [of such slnners] ln
Lhe llfe Lo come shall be mosL severe and mosL endurlng. Allah shows us ln Lhese
noble verses Lhe reward for followlng lLs guldance LhaL was revealed Lo Lhe
Messengers, and shows Lhe punlshmenL of Lhose who Lurn away. As for Lhose who
follow Lhe guldance Lhey wlll noL be lead asLray nor wlll Lhey be unhappy. 1hey wlll
have happlness ln Lhls llfe as well as Lhe nexL. As for Lhe ones who Lurn away and are
arroganL on acLlng on Lhe Cur'an Lhen lL ls mlsery and mlsguldance ln Lhls world and
Lhe nexL, Lhey wlll have a llfe of narrow scope and depresslon wlLh an lncorrecL
Aqeedah. And no rlghLeous acLlons ln Lhls llve "1hose are ||ke catt|e, nay they are
more m|sgu|ded, they are the heed|ess." 1hey wlll be heavlly consLrlcLed and
conflned ln Lhe grave. 1hey wlll be gaLhered on Lhe uay of !udgmenL bllnd, "Cn the
Day of Iudgment We sha|| gather, them together, prone on the|r faces, b||nd,
dumb, and deaf: the|r abode w||| be ne||: every t|me |t shows abatement, We sha||
|ncrease from them the f|erceness of the I|re." So when Lhey closed Lhelr eyes ln
Lhls world Lo Lhe LruLh, and dldn'L llsLen Lo Lhe LruLh, nor dld Lhey speak Lhe LruLh,
"1hey say: "Cur hearts are under ve||s, (concea|ed) from that to wh|ch thou dost
|nv|te us, and |n our ears |n a deafness, and between us and thee |s a screen: so do
thou (what thou w||t), for us, we sha|| do (what we w|||!)" Allah glves Lhem ln Lhe
afLerllfe slmllar Lo whaL Lhey were on ln Lhls llfe and wlll neglecL Lhem llke Lhey
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neglecLed Lhe rellglon. "C my SusLalner! Why hasL 1hou ralsed me up bllnd,
whereas [on earLh] l was endowed wlLh slghL?" A flLLlng recompense (for Lhem)"
buL lf any does evll, Lhe doers of evll are only punlshed (Lo Lhe exLenL) of Lhelr
deeds." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) asked, "D|d anyone of you see a
dream?" So dreams would be narraLed Lo hlm by Lhose whom Allah wlshed Lo Lell.
Cne mornlng Lhe ropheL sald, LasL nlghL Lwo persons came Lo me (ln a dream) and
woke me up and sald Lo me, 'roceed!' l seL ouL wlLh Lhem and we came across a
man Lylng down, and behold, anoLher man was sLandlng over hls head, holdlng a blg
rock. 8ehold, he was Lhrowlng Lhe rock aL Lhe man's head, ln[urlng lL. 1he rock rolled
away and Lhe Lhrower followed lL and Look lL back. 8y Lhe Llme he reached Lhe man,
hls head reLurned Lo Lhe normal sLaLe. 1he Lhrower Lhen dld Lhe same as he had
done before. l sald Lo my Lwo companlons, 'Subhan Allah! Who are Lhese Lwo
persons.As for Lhe flrsL man you came upon whose head was belng ln[ured wlLh Lhe
rock, he ls Lhe symbol of Lhe one who sLudles Lhe Curan and Lhen nelLher reclLes lL
nor acLs on lLs orders, and sleeps, neglecLlng Lhe en[olned prayers." Cn lbn Abbas
(8A) LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald ln Lhe Pa[[aLul Wad'ah, "C
peop|e! Satan has g|ven up hope that he w||| ever be worsh|pped |n th|s |and of
yours, so he |s content that he |s obeyed |n whatever rema|ns other than that,
espec|a||y the ev|| acts that you be||tt|e. 1herefore, beware of h|s danger to your
re||g|on. I have |eft w|th you two th|ngs, and |f you ho|d to them, you w||| never fa||
|nto m|sgu|dance, for they are p|a|n and c|ear: the book of A||ah (the ur'an) and
the sunnah of h|s prophet." (Craded Saheeh by alhaklm) ln Saheeh Musllm Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he ur'an |s a proof for or aga|nst
you." Slaves of Allah, Lhls ls Lhe Cur'an whlch lf lL were revealed on a mounLaln lL
would humble lLself and cleave asunder from Lhe fear of Allah. Pow many verse are
reclLed on us and our hearLs are llke sLones or harder? And how many 8amadhans
wlll pass by and our slLuaLlon ls llke Lhose who are ln mlsery. Where are we amongsL
Lhose who when Lhey hear Lhe call of Allah Lhey answer lL, and lf Lhe verses of Allah
are reclLed on us or hearLs are fllled wlLh fear? 1hose are Lhe people whom Allah ls
pleased wlLh and Lhey know Lhe LruLh and rlghLfully deserve Lhelr reward.
lbn Mas'ood (8A) sald, "It |s a must for the rec|tor of the ur'an to rec|te at n|ght
when the peop|e are s|eep|ng, and dur|ng the day when they are eat|ng, and w|th
weep|ng when the peop|e are |augh|ng, w|th p|ety when they are heed|ess, and
w|th sadness when the peop|e are happy."
My broLhers: 8e m|ndfu| and remember the ur'an before |t |s too |ate. And be
m|ndfu| of |ts boundar|es. And know LhaL lL can elLher be a wlLness for you or
agalnsL you. and a uay on whlch Lhe evlldoer wlll blLe hls hands [ln despalr],
exclalmlng: "Ch, wou|d that I had fo||owed the path shown to me by the apost|e!
Ch, woe |s me! Wou|d that I had not taken so-and-so for a fr|end! Indeed, he |ed
me astray from the remembrance [of God] after |t had come unto me!" lor [Lhus lL
ls:] SaLan ls ever a beLrayer of man. Anu [on LhaL uay] Lhe AposLle wlll say: "C my
Susta|ner! 8eho|d, [some of] my peop|e have come to regard th|s ur'an as
someth|ng [that ought to be] d|scarded! Ior so |t |s that aga|nst every prophet We
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have set up enem|es from among those who are |ost |n s|n: yet none can gu|de and
g|ve succour as thy Susta|ner does!"

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1he 1h|rteenth S|tt|ng
Irom the et|quettes of kec|t|ng the ur'an
My broLhers: lndeed Lhls Cur'an LhaL ls beLween your hands, LhaL you read, reclLe,
and wrlLe, ls Lhe words of Allah. lL was glven Lo !lbreel one of Lhe noble angels, who
revealed Lo Lhe hearL of Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) so LhaL he may
be a warner wlLh a clear Arab Longue. Allah has descrlbed Lhe Cur'an wlLh many
greaL and noble descrlpLlons so LhaL we may hold lL ln hlgh sLaLus and respecL lL. 1he
shelkh Lhen menLlons many verses whlch l wlll noL LranslaLe.
So all of Lhese noble verses LhaL were and were noL menLloned all show how noble
Lhe Cur'an ls and our obllgaLlon Lo hold lL ln hlgh sLaLus, and Lo show good manners
when reclLlng lL and Lo keep from maklng fun or play wlLh lL.
lrom Lhe eLlqueLLes are Lo make Lhe lnLenLlon slncerely Lo Allah (swL). 8ecause
reclLlng Lhe Cur'an ls from Lhe greaL acLs of worshlp as Allah says, "Ca|| ye, then,
upon A||ah w|th s|ncere devot|on to n|m." "1hey were not ordered except to
worsh|p A||ah s|ncere|y w|th pure monothe|sm."
Also, Lhey should read Lhe Cur'an wlLh Lhelr mlnd presenL, and conLemplaLlng whaL
Lhey are readlng as well as undersLandlng lL. And Lhey should have khushoo' ln Lhelr
hearL, and Lhey should feel LhaL Allah ls addresslng Lhem dlrecLly, because Lhe
Cur'an ls Lhe words of Allah (swL).
lrom Lhe eLlqueLLes ls LhaL Lhey should reclLe whlle Lhey are pure. 8ecause lL ls
respecL Lo Lhe words of Allah (SW1). A person who ls lmpure should purlfy
Lhemselves before Lhey reclLe Lhe Cur'an. 1he lmpure person can make aLhkar or
1he Cur'an should noL be reclLed ln a place where people are noL golng Lo be quleL
and llsLen. nor should lL be reclLed ln a place deslgned for answerlng Lhe call of
naLure. When a person has Lhe deslre Lo reclLe Lhe Cur'an Lhey should sLarL by
seeklng refuge from Lhe ShayLaan. As Allah says, "When thou dost read the ur'an,
seek A||ah's protect|on from Satan the re[ected one." As for reclLlng Lhe 8asmala,
Lhls should only be done aL Lhe beglnnlng of a surah. WlLh Lhe excepLlon of suraLa
1aubah, whlch does noL have a basmala because Lhe Sahaba dlffered on wheLher lL
was Lhe conLlnuaLlon of surah Al-Anfal so Lhey lefL ouL Lhe basmala. lf Lhe surah
should have had lL, Lhen lL would be Lhere as Allah says, "We have, w|thout doubt,
sent down the Message, and We w||| assured|y guard |t (from corrupt|on)."
1he person reclLlng should also make Lhelr volce nlce. ln Lhe Saheehayn lL ls narraLed
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by !abeer bln MuL'am, "I heard the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) rec|te
surah attur |n Maghr|b prayer, and I have never heard a better vo|ce or rec|tat|on
than that of the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam)." lf Lhere are some people
around Lhe reclLor LhaL mlghL geL harmed, llke a person sleeplng or a person praylng,
Lhen Lhe reclLor should use a low volce.
1he person should also reclLe ln a measured Lone, as Allah (SW1) says, "and rec|te
the ur'an |n s|ow, measured rhythm|c tones." When a person reclLes slow LhaL wlll
help Lhem Lo ponder over whaL Lhey are reclLlng. umm Salama (radlallaahu `anha)
was asked abouL Lhe reclLaLlon of Lhe ropheL and she sald he used Lo reclLe lL ayah
by ayah.
1hey should also make su[ood when Lhey come Lo LhaL polnL ln Lhe surah. 8egardless
where Lhey are or whaL Llme lL ls, Lhey make Lakbeer, make sa[dah, say subhana
8abe Al 'Ala, make dua, Lhen geL up wlLhouL Lakbeer or salaam.
1hese are some of the et|quettes of rec|t|ng the ur'an, so be sure to take heed of
them and try to pract|ce them, and seek the rewards from your Lord.

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1he Iourteenth S|tt|ng
Irom the |nva||dators of the Iast
My broLhers: Allah (SW1) says, "so now assoc|ate w|th them, and seek what A||ah
nath orda|ned for you, and eat and dr|nk, unt|| the wh|te thread of dawn appear to
you d|st|nct from |ts b|ack thread, then comp|ete your fast 1||| the n|ght appears."
Allah Lells us ln Lhese noble verses Lhe ways Lo lnvalldaLe Lhe fasL as well as Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) ln Lhe Sunnah.
1here are seven ways to |nva||date the fast.
1he I|rst: Pavlng relaLlons wlLh your wlfe. And Lhls ls from Lhe blggesL and greaLesL
slns, Lhe person's fasL ls lnvalld wheLher lL be obllgaLory fasL or volunLary. lf Lhey are
ln Lhe day of 8amadhan Lhen Lhey have Lo free a bellevlng slave, lf Lhey do noL have
one, Lhey have Lo fasL Lwo consecuLlve monLhs, whlch Lhey cannoL mlss a day excepL
wlLh a valld excuse. Whlch would be Lhe days of Lld, or slckness, or Lravellng. lf Lhey
mlss a day wlLhouL an excuse, even lf lL ls [usL one day, Lhey have Lo resLarL Lhe Lwo
monLhs all over agaln. 1hls ls because Lhey have Lo be Lwo consecuLlve monLhs. lf
Lhey are noL able Lo fasL for Lwo monLhs, Lhen Lhey musL feed slxLy poor people, Lo
every person half a kllo. lL ls narraLed ln Saheeh Musllm LhaL a person had relaLlons
wlLh hls wlfe durlng 8amadhan, so he asked Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) abouL lL and Lhe ropheL asked, Do you have a s|ave?" he sald, "No." Pe
asked, "Are you ab|e to fast two months?" Pe replled "No." "So feed s|xty poor
1he Second: 1he release of sperm from klsslng, Louchlng, eLc. 1hls ls from Lhe
deslres LhaL Lhe fasLlng person should avold. As ls sLaLed ln Lhe PadeeLh Cudsl, "ne
|eaves h|s food, dr|nk, and des|res for My sake." (8ukharl) As for klsslng and
Louchlng wlLhouL e[aculaLlon, Lhen lL does noL lnvalldaLe Lhe fasL. As ls ln Lhe
saheehayn on Alsha (radlallaahu `anhu) LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) used Lo klss and embrace hls wlves whlle fasLlng for he had Lhe mosL conLrol
of all of you over hls deslres." ln Saheeh Musllm lL ls narraLed LhaL Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) was asked by umr bln Abl Salama, "Shou|d
one observ|ng fast k|ss (h|s w|fe)? 1he Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald Lo hlm: Ask her (ummu Salamah). She lnformed hlm LhaL Lhe
Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)dld LhaL, whereupon he sald:
Messenger of Allah, Allah pardoned you all your slns, Lhe prevlous and Lhe laLer
ones. upon Lhls Lhe Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald: 8y Allah,
l am Lhe mosL Cod-consclous among you and l fear Plm mosL among you." 8uL lf a
person fears LhaL Lhey wlll noL be able Lo conLrol Lhelr deslres and release sperm or
have lnLlmaLe relaLlons, Lhen Lhey should use all of Lhelr power Lo avold Lhls deslre.
As for e[aculaLlon from a dream or from Lhlnklng abouL someLhlng Lhen Lhese do noL
break Lhe fasL, because Lhe dream ls someLhlng LhaL one cannoL conLrol. And as for
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Lhlnklng abouL someLhlng Lhen Lhls ls forglven as Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald, "A||ah w||| not ho|d respons|b|e those |n my ummah who th|nk about
someth|ng but do not do or say |t." (Agreed upon)
1he 1h|rd: lood and drlnk. 1hls can be from elLher Lhe mouLh or Lhe nose. As Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Lxaggerate |n |st|nshaq (water |n the
nose dur|ng ab|ut|on), except when you are fast|ng." (narraLed by Lhe flve, graded
saheeh by 1lrmldhee) As for smelllng someLhlng, Lhen LhaL does noL lnvalldaLe Lhe
fasL because lL doesn'L enLer Lhe sLomach.
1he Iourth: 1here are Lwo Lhlngs ouLslde Lhe caLegory of food and drlnk, buL are
1). 1he ln[ecLlon needle of blood, Lhls lnvalldaLes Lhe fasL.
2). 1he needle LhaL feeds, for example an lv. Lven lf lL lsn'L real food, buL Lhls ls whaL
ls meanL by lL, or lL acLs ln Lhe place of food. As for Lhe ln[ecLlon LhaL ls noL food, nor
ls noL meanL Lo be food, Lhen lL does noL break Lhe fasL. 8egardless lf lL ls ln[ecLed ln
Lhe muscle or nerve. lL ls noL food, so Lhe rullng ls noL Lhe same as lL ls for food. 1he
llfLh: urawlng blood Lhrough cupplng. As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
sald, "1he one do|ng the cupp|ng and the one rece|v|ng the cupp|ng both have the|r
fasts |nva||dated." (Ahmed, Abu uawood) 1hls ls from Lhe madhab of lmam Ahmed
and Lhe ma[orlLy of PadeeLh scholars. lrom Lhese we conclude LhaL lL ls noL
permlsslble for Lhe fasLlng person Lo donaLe blood. lf Lhere ls a necesslLy Lhen lL ls
allowed for Lhem Lo donaLe Lhe blood, Lhey can eaL LhaL day, and make lL up laLer. As
for mlnor scrapes, cuLs, and Lhe llke, Lhese do noL counL because Lhe amounL of
blood Laken ls noL Lhe same as ln cupplng, and lL doesn'L affecL Lhe body as much.
1he S|xth: lood leavlng Lhe sLomach and escaplng from Lhe mouLh, or Lhrowlng up.
1he ropheL (SAW) sald, "Whoever throws up by acc|dent, then they don't have to
make the day up, whoever throws up on purpose then they must make |t up."
(narraLed by Lhe flve excepL nlsaae, and graded Saheeh by Al-Paklm) lnLenLlonally
Lhrowlng up ls by puLLlng pressure on Lhe sLomach, or sLlcklng someLhlng ln Lhe
LhroaL, or by smelllng someLhlng foul, or seelng someLhlng foul, Lhese wlll all
lnvalldaLe Lhe fasL. As for Lhrowlng up wlLhouL a reason Lhen Lhls ls okay.
1he Seventh: 1he blood of a woman l.e. mensLruaLlon. Whenener she sees blood,
Lhe fasL ls lnvalldaLed regardless lf lL ls ln Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe day or Lhe end of Lhe
day. Lven lf lL be before Lhe seLLlng of Lhe sun by a momenL. lf she feels LhaL blood ls
golng Lo be released buL lL doesn'L happen unLll afLer sunseL, Lhen her fasL ls valld.
It |s not perm|ss|b|e for a person to |nva||date the|r fasts |n one of these ways |f |t |s
an ob||gatory fast ||ke kamadhan or for exp|at|on. Cn|y |f a person has a |eg|t|mate
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excuse ||ke trave||ng, or s|ckness. 1hese days have to be made up at a |ater t|me. If
a person |s do|ng a vo|untary fast then |t |s perm|ss|b|e for them to break the fast
w|thout a va||d excuse.

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1he I|fteenth S|tt|ng
1he Cond|t|ons that w||| not make the Inva||dators Inva||date
My 8roLhers: 1he lnvalldaLors LhaL we Lalked abouL ln Lhe fourLeenLh ma[lls wlLh Lhe
excepLlon of mensLruaLlon, do noL lnvalldaLe Lhe fasL under Lhree condlLlons.
1he f|rst cond|t|on: lf a person ls lgnoranL, Lhen Lhelr fasL ls noL lnvalld. 1hls ls
because Lhe verse, "Cur Lord do not ho|d us respons|b|e |f we forget or fa|| |nto
error." Allah sald perLalnlng Lo Lhls verse, "I have done so." (Musllm) As well as Lhe
verse, "8ut there |s no b|ame on you |f ye make a m|stake there|n: (what counts |s)
the |ntent|on of your hearts: and A||ah |s Cft-keturn|ng, Most Merc|fu|." 8egardless
lf Lhe person ls lgnoranL Lo Lhe Sharl'ah Lhlnklng LhaL Lhls acL does noL lnvalldaLe Lhe
fasL. Cr lf Lhey are lgnoranL of Lhe slLuaLlon or Lhe Llme. lor example lf someone
Lhlnks LhaL la[r hasn'L arrlved yeL and Lhey conLlnue Lo eaL, or lf Lhey Lhlnk Lhe sun
has seL and Lhey begln Lo eaL. All of Lhese slLuaLlons do noL lnvalldaLe Lhe fasL. As ls
relaLed ln Lhe Saheehayn 'Adl b. PaLlm (radlallaahu `anhu) reporLed LhaL when Lhls
verse was revealed, "Unt|| the wh|te thread of dawn appears to you d|st|nct from
the b|ack thread." Adl b. PaLlm sald, "Messenger of A||ah (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa
sa||aam), ver||y I keep underneath my p|||ow two str|ngs, one wh|te and the other
b|ack, by wh|ch I d|st|ngu|sh n|ght from dawn." upon Lhls Lhe Messenger of Allah
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "our p|||ow seems to be very w|de! Ior the
word kha|t (str|ng, thread) |mp||es the b|ackness of the n|ght and the wh|teness of
the dawn!" 'Adl dld eaL afLer Lhe Llme of la[r came, and Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) dld noL order hlm Lo make up Lhe fasL. Also on Lhe auLhorlLy of
Asma'a blnL Abl 8akr (radlallaahu `anhu) LhaL she sald, "We broke our fast dur|ng
the t|me of the Messenger (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) wh||e |t was c|oudy,
then the sun became v|s|b|e to us, and I do not reca|| the rophet (sa||a||aahu
`a|ayh| wa sa||aam) order|ng us to make the day up." (8ukharl)
S|m||ar|y, |f you break the fast after the t|me for Ia[r approaches, and you th|nk |t |s
st||| before Ia[r, then you f|nd out that the t|me for Ia[r has a|ready approached,
then your fast |s st||| va||d. ou do not have to make up the fast, because you were
|gnorant of the t|me. Cnce the person f|nds out that they shou|d not be eat|ng,
then they shou|d |mmed|ate|y stop eat|ng and c|ean the|r mouth.
1he second cond|t|on: lf a person forgeLs and eaLs. 1hey also do noL have Lo make
Lhe day up. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever eats or
dr|nks wh||e they are fast|ng out of forgetfu|ness, then they shou|d cont|nue
fast|ng, for |ndeed |t |s A||ah who feed them and gave them to dr|nk." (Agreed
upon) Cnce Lhey reallze LhaL Lhey should be fasLlng, Lhen Lhey musL sLop eaLlng and
remove whaLever Lhey have ln Lhe mouLh. lL ls obllgaLory on Lhe person who sees a
fasLlng person eaLlng Lo remlnd Lhem as Allah says ln Lhe Cur'an, "And he|p each
other on goodness and taqwah."
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1he Lhlrd condlLlon: lf someone ls forced Lo eaL. 1helr fasL ls sLlll valld and Lhey are
noL responslble for maklng Lhe day up. Allah (subhanahu wa Laala) says, "Any one
who, after accept|ng fa|th |n A||ah, utters Unbe||ef,- except under compu|s|on, h|s
heart rema|n|ng f|rm |n Ia|th - but such as open the|r breast to Unbe||ef, on them
|s Wrath from A||ah, and the|rs w||| be a dreadfu| ena|ty." So lf Allah pardons Lhe
rullng of kufr on who ls forced, Lhan Lhe rullng of oLher Lhlngs should be Lhe same as
well. As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Indeed A||ah pardons for
my Ummah m|stakes, forgetfu|ness, and compu|s|on." (lbn Ma[ah, 8ahaql)
1he fast |s not |nva||dated by koh|, or med|c|ne for the eyes, even |f they can taste
|t |n the|r throat, because |t |s not |ntended as a food or dr|nk. L|kew|se med|c|ne |n
the ears and on cuts do not |nva||date the fast.
If you taste the food and don't swa||ow |t, or |f you sme|| food, then your fast |s st|||
va||d. 1he scenL of lncense wlll noL break Lhe fasL elLher, buL Lhey should noL
exaggeraLe wlLh lnhallng Lhe smoke.
Us|ng the m|swak w||| not break the fast e|ther. In fact, |t |s recommended to be
used espec|a||y |n the begg|ng and the end of the day.
lL ls also permlsslble Lo cool yourself off wlLh waLer whlle you are fasLlng. lL ls
narraLed LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) used Lo poor waLer on hls
head whlle fasLlng from LhlrsL or from Lhe heaL. lbn umar (radlallaahu `anhu) soaked
hls cloLhes and Lhen wore Lhem whlle fasLlng.

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1he S|xteenth S|tt|ng
Irom 2akah
My broLhers: Allah (subhanahu wa Laala) says ln Lhe Cur'an, "And they have been
commanded no more than th|s: 1o worsh|p A||ah, offer|ng n|m s|ncere devot|on,
be|ng true (|n fa|th), to estab||sh regu|ar prayer, and to pract|ce regu|ar char|ty,
and that |s the ke||g|on k|ght and Stra|ght." As well as, "and be constant |n prayer,
and spend |n char|ty, and [thus] |end unto God a good|y |oan: for whatever good
deed you may offer up |n your own beha|f, you sha|| tru|y f|nd |t w|th God - yea,
better, and r|cher |n reward." As well as, "And [remember:] whatever you may g|ve
out |n usury so that |t m|ght |ncrease through [other] peop|e's possess|ons w|||
br|ng [you] no |ncrease |n the s|ght of God, whereas a|| that you g|ve out |n char|ty,
seek|ng God's countenance, [w||| be b|essed by n|m:] for |t |s they, they [who thus
seek n|s countenance] that sha|| have the|r recompense mu|t|p||ed!" 1he verses
LhaL descrlbe Lhe zakah as belng an obllgaLlon are many. As for Lhe ahadeeLh, Lhere
ls ln Saheeh Musllm on Lhe auLhorlLy of Abdullah bln umar (radlallaahu `anhu) LhaL
Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Is|am was estab||shed on f|ve,
tawh|d, estab||sh|ng prayer, g|v|ng the zakah, fast|ng kamadhan, and na[[."
So g|v|ng zakah |s one of the p|||ars of Is|am. Whoever den|es th|s ob||gat|on wh||e
they are aware, then they have d|sbe||eved and |eft the fo|d of Is|am. Whoever |s
greedy |n perform|ng th|s, or |s def|c|ent |n |t, then they are from the wrongdoers
who are heed|ess to be|ng pun|shed.
Zakah ls obllgaLory on four Lhlngs.
I|rst: 1haL whlch emerges from Lhe ground llke crops. 1hls ls from Lhe saylng of Allah
(subhanahu wa Laala), "C you who have atta|ned to fa|th! Spend on others out of
the good th|ngs wh|ch you may have acqu|red, and out of that wh|ch We br|ng
forth for you from the earth." As well as, "and g|ve [unto the poor] the|r due on
harvest day." 1he greaLesL of Lhe rlghLs LhaL your money has over you ls zakah. 1he
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Cn a |and |rr|gated by ra|n water or
by natura| water channe|s or |f the |and |s wet due to a near by water channe| Ushr
(|.e. one-tenth) |s compu|sory (as 2akah), and on the |and |rr|gated by the we||, ha|f
of an Ushr (|.e. one-twent|eth) |s compu|sory (as 2akah on the y|e|d of the |and)."
(8ukharl) 1he zakah |s not due unt|| the crops reach the thresho|d (n|saab) wh|ch |s
f|ve Awsuq. Cne Awsuq equa|s s|xty Sa'ah. 1hls means LhaL Lhe Lhreshold ls 300
Sa'ah. 1hls ls calculaLed Lo be abouL 612 kllos. 1here ls no zakah on oLher Lhan lL.
1here |s no zakah on fru|ts and vegetab|es, Lhls ls known from Lhe sLaLemenL of
'umar (radlallaahu `anhu), "1here |s no char|ty for vegetab|es." And Lhe sLaLemenL
of 'All (radlallaahu `anhu) 1here |s no char|ty on the app|e and the ||ke. 8ut, |f they
se|| |t for money, and one year has passed on |t's prof|ts, then there |s zakah on |t."
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Second: Anlmals such as camels, sheep, caLLle. 1he Lhreshold for camels are flve,
cows are LhlrLy, and sheep are forLy.
1h|rd: Cold and sllver no maLLer whaL sLaLe Lhey are ln. As Allah (subhanahu wa
Laala) says, " 8ut as for a|| who |ay up treasures of go|d and s||ver and do not spend
them for the sake of Gods - g|ve them the t|d|ng of gr|evous suffer|ng [|n the ||fe to
come] on the Day when that [hoarded wea|th] sha|| be heated |n the f|re of he||
and the|r foreheads and the|r s|des and the|r backs branded therew|th , [those
s|nners sha|| be to|d:] "1hese are the treasures wh|ch you have |a|d up for
yourse|ves! 1aste, then, [the ev|| of] your hoarded treasures!" 1hls ls Lhe greaLesL
way Lo glve ln zakah. Abu Purayrah reporLed Allah's Messenger (SAW) as saylng, "If
any owner of go|d or s||ver does not pay what |s due on h|m, when the Day of
kesurrect|on wou|d come, p|ates of f|re wou|d be beaten out for h|m, these wou|d
then be heated |n the f|re of ne|| and h|s s|des, h|s forehead and h|s back wou|d be
cauter|zed w|th them. Whenever these coo| down, (the process |s) repeated dur|ng
a day the extent of wh|ch wou|d be f|fty thousand years, unt|| [udgment |s
pronounced among servants." (Musllm)
2akah |s due on the go|d and s||ver regard|ess |f |t |s be|ng used or stored. 1hls ls
known from Lhe hadeeLh of Abdullah bln Amr bln Al 'Aas (radlallaahu `anhu) LhaL a
woman once came Lo Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) wlLh her daughLer
who was wearlng Lwo Lhlck braceleLs of gold. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) asked lf she pald zakah on Lhe braceleLs, so she answered ln Lhe negaLlve,
so he replled by asklng lf she wlshed for Allaah Lo replace Lhem wlLh braceleLs of flre
on Lhe uay of !udgmenL. She Lhen removed Lhe braceleLs and gave Lhem Lo Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) and sald, "1hese are for A||aah and n|s
Messenger." (Ahmad, Abu uawood, nlsaee, 1lrmldhee) 'Alsha (radlallaahu `anha)
reporLed LhaL, 1he Messenger of Allah came Lo me and saw me wearlng sllver rlngs,
whereupon, he asked: 'What |s th|s, A|sha?' l replled: 'I made them to adorn myse|f
for you, C Messenger of A||ah.' Pe sald: 'D|d you pay the|r zakah?' l sald: 'No, or
what A||aah w|shes.' 1hen he sald: '1he|r pun|shment |n ne|| |s enough for you.'"
(Abu uawood, 8ayhaql, Paklm)
2akah ls noL due on gold unLll lL reaches lLs Lhreshold, whlch ls LwenLy dlnars. 1he
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald abouL gold, "1here |s noth|ng upon you
unt|| |t reaches twenty d|nars." (Abu uawood) Whlch ls Lo be calculaLed Lo Loday's
2akah |s not due on s||ver unt|| |t reaches |ts thresho|d, wh|ch |s f|ve 'Awaq. 1hls ls
from Lhe sLaLemenL of Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam), "1here |s no
char|ty upon other than f|ve 'Awaq." (Agreed upon) Whlch Lhe Shelkh calculaLes Lo
Loday's currency. 2akah |s taken on cash because cash takes the p|ace of s||ver, so |f
you reach the thresho|d of s||ver then you have to pay zakah on |t. 2akah |s due on
the money, go|d, and s||ver regard|ess |f |t |s |n your possess|on or not. So for th|s
reason, zakah |s due on a |oan that |s g|ven out as we||. 1he person can e|ther add
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the |oan w|th the|r money every year, or they can wa|t unt|| they get the money
back and then pay what they wou|d have pa|d for every year.
Iourth: All LhaL ls held wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon Lo Lrade and make money wlLh, from
anlmals, Lo cars, Lo food and drlnk. So the person shou|d est|mate the cost of |t a||
once |t reaches one year |n the|r possess|on. 1hen they shou|d take out 14 of the
tota| amount, the amount |s not est|mated by how much the person pa|d, but |t |s
taken by how much the product |s worth.
1here |s no zakah on what a person uses for themse|ves, be |t food, dr|nk, house,
an|ma|s, cars, c|othes, and go|d and s||ver [ewe|ry that |s used. 1hls ls known from
Lhe sLaLemenL of Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam), "1here |s no char|ty
due on a s|ave or horse be|ong|ng to a Mus||m." (Agreed upon)

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1he Seventeenth S|tt|ng
Irom the eop|e of 2akah
Allah (subhanahu wa Laala) says, "1he offer|ngs g|ven for the sake of God are
[meant] on|y for the poor and the needy, and those who are |n charge thereof, and
those whose hearts are to be won over, and for the free|ng of human be|ngs from
bondage, and [for] those who are over burdened w|th debts, and [for every
strugg|e] |n God's cause, and [for] the wayfarer: [th|s |s] an ord|nance from God -
and God |s a||-know|ng, w|se."
lrom Lhls noble verse, Allah shows us Lhe rlghLful recelvers of Lhe zakah, and Lhls
from Allah's [usLlce and mercy. Allah (subhanahu wa Laala) dlvldes Lhem lnLo 8
caLegorles and shows us Lhe obllgaLlon of Lhe zakah. lL ls noL permlsslble Lo glve
zakah Lo oLher Lhen Lhese, because Allah (saubhanahu wa Laala) knows whaL ls
beLLer for Pls creaLlon Lhan we do. 8uL for people who have lnner cerLalnLy, who
could be a beLLer law-glver Lhan Cod?"
Categor|es 1-2: 1he poor and the needy. And Lhey are Lhe ones who cannoL flnd a
way Lo supporL Lhemselves, and famllles. 1hey do noL have a sLeady lncome, a
successful buslness, and lL ls on us Lo help Lhem. 1he scholars say, "So they shou|d
be g|ven enough money to susta|n them and the|r fam|||es for one year unt|| the
next year |s reached." Also Lhe person who doesn'L make enough money Lo supporL
hlmself and famlly ls glven Lhe exLra amounL needed Lo be able Lo supporL Lhem. As
for Lhe person who ls able Lo supporL Lhemselves, Lhen Lhey are noL Lo be glven
money. Lven lf Lhey ask for lL, Lhey should be advlsed noL Lo ask for LhaL whlch ls noL
permlsslble Lo be glven Lo Lhem. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallam) sald,
"Whoever asks from the peop|e for money to ga|n the|r own money, are on|y
ask|ng for embers from ne||, so |et them |ncrease or decrease." (Musllm) Cne Llme
Lhe ropheL(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallam) Lold Pakeem lbn Plzam (radlallaahu
`anhu), "C nakeem! 1h|s property |s ||ke a sweet fresh fru|t, whoever takes |t
w|thout greed|ness, he |s b|essed |n |t, and whoever takes |t w|th greed|ness, he |s
not b|essed |n |t, and he |s ||ke a person who eats but |s never sat|sf|ed, and the
upper (g|v|ng) hand |s better than the |ower (rece|v|ng) hand." (8ukharl) Zakah ls
noL for Lhe rlch or Lhe able.
Category 3: 1hese are the ones |n charge of co||ect|ng and g|v|ng out the zakah.
1hey are Lo be glven for Lhe amounL of work Lhey puL ln. lf Lhey are flnanclally sound,
Lhen Lhey should add lL Lo Lhe zakah LhaL ls belng glven ouL, and Lhey wlll parLlclpaLe
ln geLLlng rewards for LhaL.
Category 4: 1he ones whose hearts are to be won over. 1hey are Lhe new converLs
Lo lslam. 1hey are Lhe ones whom hearLs are weak ln lman. 1hey are glven Lhe
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money Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr commlLmenL Lo lslam.
Category S: 1o free the s|aves. 1hey are glven Lhe money LhaL ls enough Lo buy Lhelr
Category 6: 1he ones whom are burdened w|th debts. 1hey are glven enough
money so LhaL Lhey can geL ouL of debL, also so LhaL Lhey can repalr Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween Lhem and Lhe Musllm who loaned Lhem Lhe money. 1here ls a hadeeLh ln
Musllm LhaL Cablsa al-Pllall sald, "I was under debt and I came to the Messenger of
A||ah (may peace be upon h|m) and begged from h|m regard|ng |t. ne sa|d: Wa|t t|||
we rece|ve Sadaqa, so that we order that to be g|ven to you. ne aga|n sa|d: ab|sa,
begg|ng |s not perm|ss|b|e but for one of the three (c|asses) of persons: one who
has |ncurred debt."
Category 7: 1h|s |s for [|had |n the path of A||ah, whlch ls meanL Lo make Lhe word of
Allah Lhe hlghesL. lL ls glven Lo Lhe Mu[ahld wlLh Lhls lnLenLlon, Lhey are glven
enough so LhaL Lhey can perform [lhad, or so Lhey can purchase weapons.
Category 8: 1h|s |s for the wayfer. 1hls ls for Lhe person who Lravels and ls cuL off
from wealLh from Lravellng. 1hey should be glven enough Lo go back Lo Lhelr famlly.
lf Lhey are rlch, Lhen Lhey have no rlghL Lo Lhe money.
2akah |s not to be g|ven to a d|sbe||ever, excepL lf Lhey are under Lhe caLegory of
Lhelr hearLs belng won over. 2akah |s not g|ven to a r|ch person, excepL lf Lhey are
Lhe once collecLlng and dlsLrlbuLlng lL, or flghLlng for Lhe sake of Allah, or need Lo geL
ouL of debL Lo repalr LhaL whlch ls beLween Lhem and anoLher Musllm. 2akah |s not
to be pa|d on someone's dependents. lL can be pald Lo someone's famlly member,
as long as Lhey are noL Lhelr dependenL.

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1he L|ghteenth S|tt|ng

1he 8att|e of 8adr
My broLhers: lndeed ln Lhls blessed monLh, Allah gave Lhe Musllms vlcLory ln Lhe
baLLle of 8adr. 1hls day ls called Lhe uay of lurqan (crlLerlon) because Allah
(subhanahu wa Laala) separaLed on Lhls day beLween Lhe 1ruLh and lalsehood, wlLh
Lhe vlcLory of hls Messenger and Lhe bellevers. 1hls was ln 8amadhan ln Lhe second
year Pl[rl. 1he reason for Lhls baLLle was because Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) heard LhaL Abu Sufyan was headlng from Sham Lo Makkah wlLh a caravan
belonglng Lo Curaysh. So he Lold hls companlons Lo leave so LhaL Lhey may Lake Lhe
caravan. 1hls ls because Curaysh foughL Lhe Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) and hls companlons and Lhey dld noL have a LreaLy beLween Lhem, and Lhey
forced Lhem from Lhelr land and Lhelr wealLh, and Lhey sLood agalnsL Lhelr dawah of
LruLh. So Lhe Musllms had Lhe rlghL Lo Lake Lhe caravan. So Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) lefL wlLh 300 and some companlons, Len of Lhem on horses, 70 of
Lhem on camels, 70 of Lhem were from Lhe Muha[ereen, and Lhe resL were from Lhe
Ansar. 1hey were lnLendlng Lo Lake Lhe caravan, and Lhey weren'L expecLlng Lo flghL
a baLLle. 1hls ls so LhaL Allah could carry ouL an order LhaL was golng Lo happen, and
Lo do whaL he wllls. Abu Sufyan found ouL LhaL Lhe Musllms were golng Lo aLLach so
he senL someone Lo Curaysh Lo prepare Lo defend Lhe caravan. Abu Sufyan Look a
dlfferenL rouLe and wenL Lowards Lhe sea, so he was safe.
As for Curayash, when Lhe message reached Lhem Lhey prepared for war wlLh 1000
men, 100 horses, and 700 camels, and slngers slnglng abouL Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe
Musllms, lnsolenLly and Lo be seen of men, and Lo hlnder (men) from Lhe paLh of
Allah. lor Allah compasseLh round abouL all LhaL Lhey do." When Abu Sufyan learned
abouL Curaysh leavlng he Lold Lhem LhaL he was safe and LhaL he dldn'L need Lhem.
upon hearlng Lhls message Abu !ahl sald, "8y A||ah, we w||| not turn back unt|| we
get to 8adr. 1here we w||| stay for three days, s|aughter an|ma|s, have a feast,
dr|nk w|ne and have the g|r|s s|ng for us. A|| of Arab|a sha|| hear of our march, our
strength and sha|| afterwards respect us."
As for Lhe Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam), when he heard of Lhe
advancemenL of Curaysh, he gaLhered Lhe Sahaba wlLh hlm and soughL counsel from
Lhem. Pe (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Indeed A||ah has prom|sed me e|ther
the caravan or the v|ctory." So Al Maqdad bln Al Aswad who was one of Lhe
Muha[ereen sald, "Ch messenger of A||ah, do what A||ah (subhanahu wa taa|a) has
ordered, for by A||ah we wont say what the ch||dren of Israe| sa|d to Musa, "Go
you and your Lord and f|ght, |ndeed we w||| stay here." 8uL we flghL on your rlghL
and your lefL, from ln fronL of you, and from behlnd you." Sald bln Muadh, who was
from Lhe ansar and Lhe leader of Lhe Aus sald, "Ch Messenger of A||ah, |t may be
that you fear we may not see |t from our agreement to protect you outs|de of
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Mad|nah, but I want to te|| you on beha|f of the Ansaar that you may |ead us
wherever you ||ke, a||gn w|th whom you may des|re or break re|at|ons w|th whom
you may th|nk f|t, you may take whatever you des|re from our property and g|ve us
as much as you want, for, whatever you wou|d take from our property wou|d be
dearer to us than what you wou|d |eave for us. We w||| fo||ow whatever you
command us to do. 8y A||ah, |f you go ahead unt|| you reach 8ark Gh|mdan, we w|||
accompany you, and by A||ah |f you march |nto the sea, we w||| a|so do |t w|th
you." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) smlled when he heard Lhls from
Lhe Muha[ereen and Lhe Ansaar, and sald, Co and flghL, for lL ls as Lhough l can see
us flghLlng Lhe enemy." So Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) wenL wlLh Lhe
army of Lhe Merclful unLll Lhey reached a low polnL conLalnlng Lhe waLer of 8adr.
AlPobab bln Almundhlr sald, "Ch Messenger of A||ah do you see th|s p|ace we are
|n? nas A||ah ordered you to choose th|s p|ace for the batt|e? Cr |s |t a war p|an?"
1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) replled LhaL lL was a war plan. Al-Pobab
Lhen sald, 1he cho|ce of th|s p|ace |s |nappropr|ate." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) asked hlm, "So, what do you suggest, nobab?" Pe replled, "I
th|nk we shou|d f||| up a|| the we||s but one, and p|ace our army |n front of |t. 1hus,
we can dr|nk wh||e they cannot. 8e|ng th|rsty, they are go|ng to f|ght us for water,
wh||e we are go|ng to f|ght for our cause." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) used hls suggesLlon. So on LhaL nlghL, Allah senL down heavy raln for Lhe
kuffar. lL was so heavy LhaL lL sLopped Lhem from advanclng. 1hls same raln was llghL
for Lhe Musllms, and made Lhem pure, and made Lhelr feeL sLeady. 1he Sahaba bullL
for Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) a shelLer on hlgh ground wlLh a vlew
of Lhe baLLlefleld. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) came down and
prepared Lhe ranks. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) also made dua for
Allah Lo glve Lhem Lhe vlcLory LhaL Lhey were promlsed. Allah (subhanahu wa Laala)
sald, "When thy Lord |nsp|red the ange|s, (say|ng) I am w|th you. So make those
who be||eve stand f|rm. I w||| throw fear |nto the hearts of those who d|sbe||eve.
1hen sm|te the necks and sm|te of them each f|nger. 1hat |s because they opposed
A||ah and n|s messenger. Whoso opposeth A||ah and n|s messenger, (for h|m) |o!
A||ah |s severe |n pun|shment. 1hat (|s the award), so taste |t, and (know) that for
d|sbe||evers |s the torment of the I|re." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
Lhen wenL back up Lo hls encampmenL wlL hlm was Abu 8akr and Sald bln Muadh
(radlallaahu `anhu) and he was maklng dua. Pe Lhen sald, "1he hosts w||| a|| be
routed and w||| turn and f|ee." And he encouraged hls companlons Lo flghL and sald,
"8y the one whose hands ||es the sou| Muhammad, no one w||| be k|||ed today
wh||e they are pat|ent and w|th the r|ght |ntent|on and not turn|ng away, except
that A||ah w||| enter them |nto Iannah." upon hearlng Lhls, umalr bln alPemam
sLood up wlLh daLes ln hls hands and sald, "Ch Messenger of A||ah, |s arad|se the
w|dth of the heavens and earth?" 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
replled, "es." Pe sald, "(8akh|n! 8akh|n!) Ch Messenger of A||ah, there |s noth|ng
stand|ng between me and enter|ng parad|se except to be k|||ed by the enemy, |f I
||ved unt|| I eat these dates, then |t w||| be a |ong ||fe." Pe Lhen Lhrew down hls
daLes and foughL unLll he was kllled may Allah be pleased wlLh hlm.
1he ropheL(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) Look a handful of dlrL and Lhrew lL
Lowards Lhe enemy. 1here was noL one person of Lhem LhaL dldn'L geL dlrL ln Lhelr
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eyes, Lhls was a slgn from Allah (subhanahu wa Laala). So Lhe enemy was defeaLed,
and Lhey Lurned and ran, and Lhe Musllms chased Lhem away. 1hey kllled 70 of Lhem
and capLured 70. 1he number of Musllms LhaL dled were 24. Cf Lhe enemy LhaL was
kllled were, Abu !ahl, Shalbah bln 8ablah, and hls broLher uLba, and hls son Waleed.
lL ls narraLed ln Musllm LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) klssed Lhe
ka'bah and made dua agalnsL Lhose four.
As for Lhe prlsoner of war, Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) soughL
counsel from hls companlons. umar (radlallaahu `anhu) wanLed Lo klll all of Lhem
because Lhey were Lhe leaders of dlsbellef. Abu 8akr (radlallaahu `anhu) wanLed Lo
sell Lhem back and sald lL may be LhaL Allah wlll gulde Lhem Lo lslam. So Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) declded Lo Lake Lhe blood money, some were freed
for 4000 dlrhams, oLher for 1000 dlrhams, some of Lhem were released afLer
Leachlng some Musllm chlldren how Lo read and wrlLe. CLhers were freed for some
Musllms LhaL Curaysh had, and some were kllled by Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam), and some were released for free because of a cerLaln beneflL.
1hls ls Lhe baLLle of 8adr, a small group beaLlng a larger group, "Cne f|ght|ng for the
sake of A||ah, and the other one d|sbe||evers." 1he smaller group won because lL
was esLabllshed wlLh Lhe rellglon of Allah. So esLabllsh Lhe rellglon of Musllms so LhaL
Allah wlll make us vlcLorlous agalnsL Lhe enemles.

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1he N|neteenth S|tt|ng
1he 8att|e of the Makkan Conquest

My broLhers: !usL llke Lhe 8aLLle of 8adr Look place ln Lhls monLh, so dld Lhe openlng
of Makkah. Whlch Look place ln Lhe 8Lh year of Pl[rah. Allah goL rld of shlrk by glvlng
Lhe Musllms vlcLory ln Lhe clLy, and made lL an lslamlc clLy. 1hese are Lhe evenLs LhaL
led Lo Lhe openlng of Makkah. AfLer Lhe 1reaLy of Pudablyah was compleLed,
whoever wanLed Lo enLer ln agreemenL wlLh Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) could, and whoever wanLed Lo enLer ln agreemenL wlLh Curaysh could. So
khuza'a enLered ln agreemenL wlLh Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam), and
8anu 8akr enLered ln agreemenL wlLh Curaysh. 1hese Lwo Lrlbes had confllcL
beLween each oLher durlng Lhe Llme of lgnorance. 8anu 8akr aLLacked khuza'a, and
Curaysh was secreLly provldlng Lhem weapons and men. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) was Lold abouL Lhls, and Curaysh found ouL and reallzed LhaL Lhls
broke Lhe LreaLy. 1hey senL Abu Sufyan Lo Lry Lo convlnce Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) Lo keep Lhe LreaLy buL Lhe ropheL(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
would noL even respond Lo hlm, he Lhen Lrled speaklng Lo Abu 8akr and 'umar, Lhey
dld noL respond elLher, he Lhen spoke Lo 'All who aL flrsL dldn'L speak Lo hlm buL
flnally sald, "I do not th|nk that anyth|ng can he|p you now. ou are the ch|ef of
8anu k|nana, so get up and try to restore peace". Pe asked, "Do you th|nk |t wou|d
do any good?" 8y Cod, l do noL, replled All, buL Lhere ls noLhlng else you can do. Pe
Lhen reLurned Lo Makkah and Lold Curaysh whaL had happned and how he made
peace beLween Lhe people, Lhey asked hlm lf Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) approved of hlm Lo make peace, and he replled no, so Lhey sald, "Woe to
you, they made a foo| of you."
1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) ordered hls companlons Lo prepare for
war, and he made dua for Allah Lo Lake away Lhe lnformaLlon and seelng from
Curaysh so LhaL Lhey wlll noL know Lhe Musllms are comlng unLll Lhey reach Makkah.
Cn Lhe way Lo Makkah, Lhey came across Al-Abbas who had hls famlly wlLh hlm, and
he was maklng Pl[rah as a musllm Lo Madlnah. 1hey also came across Abu Sufyan lbn
alParlLh as well as Abdullah 8ln Abu umayah who was one of Lhe sLaunchesL
enemles of lslam, and Lhey boLh became Musllm. Cnce Lhey reached a place called
Marra Adhahraan, Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) ordered Lhe soldlers
Lo llghL Lhe campflres, and Al-Abbas rode on hls donkey so LhaL he would be safe. Al-
Abbas Lhen heard Lhe volce of Abu Sufyan saylng Lo 8udayl bln Waraqah, l have
never seen an army wlLh Lhls much flre." 8udayl replled LhaL lL was khuza'a, and Abu
Sufyan sald LhaL khuza'a ls less and smaller. AfLer AL-Abbas recognlzed Abu Sufyan
volce he called ouL Lo hlm and sald rlde wlLh me and l wlll Lake you Lo Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) . So Al-Abbas Look Abu Sufyan Lo Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) and Lhe ropheL(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald,
"Woe to you, Abu Sufyan! nas not the t|me come for you to acknow|edge that
there |s no god but A||ah' Abu Sufyan rep||ed, 'now k|nd and gent|e you are! 8y
A||ah, I th|nk that |f there had been another god bes|des A||ah, he wou|d have
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he|ped me today.' 'Woe to you, Abu Sufyan! Is |t not t|me that you recogn|zed that
I am the Messenger of A||ah!'" Abu Sufyan heslLaLed, and Al-Abbas sald Lo hlm,
"Woe to you Subm|t!" 1hen Sufyan made Lhe Lrue Shadah and became Musllm.
1hen Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) ordered hlm Lo sLand wlLh Al-
Abbas aL a place where all of Lhe Musllms would pass by, and he saw all Lhe dlfferenL
Lrlbes wlLh Lhelr flags. So Lhe ropheL(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) Lhen enLered
Makkah wlLh greaLness, and hls head lowered ln humlllLy Lo Allah (subhanahu wa
Laala). 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) Lhen sald whoever enLers Lhe
Mas[ld ls safe, whoever enLers Lhe house of Abu Sufyan ls safe, and whoever enLers
Lhelr house and locks Lhe door ls safe. 1hen Lhe ropheL(sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) wenL Lo Lhe ka'bah and made Lawaf whlle rldlng. 1here were 360 ldols
surroundlng Lhe ka'bah. Pe desLroyed Lhe ldols wlLh a sLlck LhaL he had whlle
reclLlng, "1he truth has come and fa|sehood has van|shed away. Ia|sehood |s ever
van|sh|ng." Pe Lhen enLered Lhe ka'bah whlch had plcLures whlch he ordered Lo be
desLroyed, he Lhen prayed lnslde Lhe ka'bah. Pe Lhen made Lakbeer and proclalmed
Lhe oneness of Allah, Lhen he sLood aL Lhe door of Lhe ka'bah whlle Curaysh were all
waLchlng Lo see whaL he would do nexL. Pe (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald,
"1here |s no god but A||ah the Cne, w|th no partners, to n|m be|ongs the k|ngdom,
and ra|se, and he |s capab|e of a|| th|ngs, h|s prom|se |s true, and he gave v|ctory
to h|s s|aves, and caused the enemy to f|ee, C peop|e of the uraysh ! A||ah has
abo||shed the haught|ness of the Iah|||yyah and |ts venerat|on of ancestors. eop|e
a|| spr|ng from Adam, and Adam came from dust.' 1hen he rec|ted th|s verse, 'C
mank|nd, We have created you ma|e and fema|e, and appo|nted you races and
tr|bes, that you may know one another. Sure|y the nob|est among you |n the s|ght
of A||ah |s the most God-fear|ng of you. A||ah |s A||-know|ng, A||-Aware. Ch eop|e
of uraysh, what do th|nk I w||| do w|th you today? 1hey sa|d, "Good oh nob|e
brother, son of a nob|e brother." Pe sald, "Ior |ndeed I w||| say to you ||ke usuf
sa|d to h|s brothers, ""1h|s day |et no reproach be (cast) on you: A||ah w||| forg|ve
you, and ne |s the Most Merc|fu| of those who show mercy!" So go for |ndeed you
are free." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sLayed for 19 days ln Makkah
and he prayed Lhe prayer of Lhe Lraveler, and he dld noL fasL Lhe resL of Lhe monLh.
WlLh Lhls greaL openlng Allah gave vlcLory Lo Lhe bellevers, and Lhe people enLered
lslam ln crowds. A sLaLe for Lhe Musllms ruled by Lhe book of Allah was esLabllshed,
and Lo Allah ls all Lhe pralse, and Lhls ls from Lhe bounLy of Allah whlch wlll lasL unLll
Lhe uay of !udgmenL.

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1he 1went|eth S|tt|ng
keasons for the kea| V|ctory
My 8roLhers: Allah has helped Lhe bellevers ln many slLuaLlons, ln 8adr, al-Ahzab, al-
laLh, Punayn, and oLhers. Pe helped Lhem as a fulflllmenL of hls pledge, "And |t |s
|ncumbent upon Us to he|p the be||evers." And Pe helped Lhem because Lhey sLood
for Lhe rellglon, whlch ls superlor Lo all Lhe rellglons, so whoever sLlcks Lo Lhls deen
Lhen he ls superlor over all oLher naLlons. "ne |t |s who has sent forth n|s Apost|e
w|th the [task of spread|ng] gu|dance and the re||g|on of truth, to the end that ne
may cause |t to preva|| over a|| [fa|se] re||g|on however hatefu| th|s may be to
those who ascr|be d|v|n|ty to aught bes|de God." Allah helped Lhem because Lhey
prepared Lhemselves boLh physlcally and splrlLually. So Lhey sLood flrm when Lhey
confronLed Lhe enemy, followlng Lhls guldance and en[oylng hls supporL, "8e not,
then, fa|nt of heart, and gr|eve not: for you are bound to r|se h|gh |f you are [tru|y]
be||evers. If m|sfortune touches you, [know that] s|m||ar m|sfortune has touched
[other] peop|e as we||, for |t |s by turns that We apport|on unto men such days [of
fortune and m|sfortune]: and [th|s] to the end that God m|ght mark out those who
have atta|ned to fa|th, and choose from among you such as [w|th the|r ||ves] bear
w|tness to the truth - s|nce God does not |ove ev||doers." So Lhey wenL forward
sLeadfasLly, maklng every klnd of preparaLlon, as Allah says, And lf Lhou couldsL buL
see [how lL wlll be] when Pe causes Lhose who are benL on denylng Lhe LruLh Lo dle:
Lhe angels wlll sLrlke Lhelr faces: and Lhelr backs, and [wlll say]: 1aste suffer|ng
through f|re." 8oLh Lhe lnward power and Lhe ouLward mlllLary power, and Allah
helped Lhem because Lhey helped hls rellglon, "And A||ah w||| he|p those who he|p
h|m." All power and mlghL LhaL opposes hlm wlll become weak and humlllaLed, as Pe
says, "1o A||ah be|ongs the end of the affa|rs." So when Lhe help seems far ln a
bellever's eyes, Lhen he knows LhaL end belongs Lo Allah, Pe changes Lhe affalrs as
Pe wllls. So when Lhe bellever ls glven power on earLh, he should noL be decelved by
greed, boasLfulness, prlde, or mlschlef, for only Allah's rellglon and adherence Lo lL
wlll lncrease hls power. Allah makes clear Lhe person deservlng Pls help.
1he I|rst Descr|pt|on: "1hose, |f we g|ve them power on earth, estab||sh the
prayer." And power on earLh ls noL unLll Allah's worshlp ls acLuallzed, as Pe says,
"And yet, some peop|e worsh|p, |nstead of God, th|ngs that can ne|ther benef|t
them nor harm them: thus, he who den|es the truth does |ndeed turn h|s back on
h|s Susta|ner!" So lf Lhe bellever sLands up for Allah's worshlp slncerely, ln hls
saylngs, acLlons and deslres, noL wanLlng poslLlon or pralse form people, and
remalns flrm upon LhaL ln ease and hardshlp, Allah wlll esLabllsh hlm and glve hlm
power on earLh.
1he Second: LsLabllshlng Lhe prayer as ls requlred from hlm, fulfllllng all lLs
condlLlons, plllars, and obllgaLlons, Lhen perfecLlng lL by Lhe musLahab acLlons. So he
perfecLs hls wudu, and correcLly does ruku and su[ood, and ls careful abouL Lhe
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prayer Llme and abouL praylng ln congregaLlon. And he malnLalns khushoo', whlch ls
Lhe presence of Lhe hearL and sLlllness of Lhe llmbs, because khushoo' ls Lhe soul of
Lhe prayer. So a prayer wlLhouL khushoo' ls llke a body wlLhouL a soul. Ammar bln
yaslr sald LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "A person may |eave
the prayer w|th noth|ng but a tenth of |t wr|tten for h|m, or a n|nth, 8th, 7th, 6th,
Sth 4th, 3rd, or ha|f." (Abu uawood and nlsaee)
1he 1h|rd: Clvlng Lhe zakah, glvlng lL Lo Lhe deservlng, seeklng Allah's pleasure by lL,
purlfylng Lhemselves and Lhelr wealLh and beneflLlng Lhe poor. And we already
dlscussed zakah ln ma[lls 17.
1he Iourth: Ln[olnlng Lhe good, Cood (Al-Ma'ruf) ls everyLhlng LhaL Allah and hls
Messenger ordered, elLher obllgaLory or musLahab. A bellever Lo anoLher bellever ls
llke a wall, one parL supporLs anoLher. So [usL llke a bellever llkes for hlmself Lo be
obedlenL and rlghLeous, Lhen he musL love Lhe same for hls broLhers.
1he I|fth: lorblddlng Lhe evll, whlch ls everyLhlng LhaL Allah and hls Messenger
forbade, from ma[or or mlnor slns, wlLh regards Lo worshlp, manners, or deallngs
wlLh people.
So orderlng good and forblddlng Lhe evlls, are a cause of honor and unlLy for Lhls
ummah. 8ecause of Lhls, lL ls an obllgaLlon on every Musllm as much as Lhey are
able. Were lL noL for orderlng Lhe good, and forblddlng Lhe evll, Lhe people would
have spllL lnLo many dlfferenL groups and secLs. And by lL, Lhls ummah was favored
over all oLhers "ou are |ndeed the best commun|ty that has ever been brought
forth for [the good of] mank|nd: you en[o|n the do|ng of what |s r|ght and forb|d
the do|ng of what |s wrong, and you be||eve |n God. Now |f the fo||owers of ear||er
reve|at|on had atta|ned to [th|s k|nd of] fa|th, |t wou|d have been for the|r own
good, [but on|y few] among them are be||evers, wh||e most of them are |n|qu|tous"
and because of lgnorlng Lhls duLy! "1hose of the ch||dren of Israe| who went astray
were cursed by the tongue of Dav|d, and of Iesus, son of Mary. 1hat was because
they rebe||ed and used to transgress. 1hey restra|ned not one another from the
w|ckedness they d|d. Ver||y ev|| was that they used to do!"
!" $%&'& ()*& +&',-).$)"/'0 whenever Lhey are acLuallzed, along wlLh deLermlnaLlon
and maklng preparaLlon, wlll resulL ln Lhe help of Allah. So Lhey wlll be helped ln
ways Lhey never lmaglned. verlly, Lhe bellever knows LhaL physlcal power, no maLLer
how sLrong, ls noLhlng compared Lo Lhe power of Allah who creaLed Lhem.
"As for Aad, they were arrogant |n the |and w|thout r|ght, and they sa|d: Who |s
m|ght|er than us |n power? Cou|d they not see that A||ah Who created them, ne
was m|ght|er than them |n power? And they den|ed Cur reve|at|ons. 1herefore We
|et |oose on them a rag|ng w|nd |n ev|| days, that We m|ght make them taste the
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torment of d|sgrace |n the ||fe of the wor|d. And ver||y the doom of the nereafter
w||| be more shamefu|, and they w||| not be he|ped."
And llroun boasLed abouL hls klngdom of LgypL, and Lhe rlvers LhaL ran underneaLh
hlm, so Allah drowned hlm ln waLers llke lL, and gave hls klngdom Lo Musa and hls
people, who llroun consldered as lowly. And Curaysh boasLed abouL Lhelr power,
and came ouL for Lhe baLLle of 8adr, arroganLly and showlng off. 1helr leaders were
saylng, "we w||| not return from 8adr unt|| we s|aughter came|s there, and dr|nk
w|ne, and ||sten to mus|c, so a|| the Arab w||| hear about us." So Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) and hls companlons desLroyed Lhem, and Lhey
became an example of humlllaLlon unLll Lhe uay of !udgmenL.
So we Musllms ln Lhese Llmes, lf we Look Lhese sLeps for Lhe help of Allah, and
fulfllled Lhe obllgaLlons of our rellglon, and we became an example Lo be followed,
noL followers Lo oLhers, and we used modern mlllLary Lechnology wlLh slncerlLy Lo
Allah, Allah would help us agalnsL our enemy llke he helped Lhose before us. "It |s
the |aw of A||ah wh|ch hath taken course aforet|me. 1hou w||t not f|nd for the |aw
of A||ah aught of power to change."

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1he 1wenty I|rst S|tt|ng
1he reference of the Last 1en N|ghts
My 8roLhers: 1he |ast ten n|ghts of kamadhan have come upon us, |n them |s great
rewards and v|rtues.
Cne greaL aLLrlbuLe of Lhese lasL 10 days ls LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) worked harder ln worshlp ln Lhem more Lhan any oLher Llme. lL ls narraLed
ln Musllm on Alsha (radlallaahu `anha) LhaL Lhe ropheL used Lo exerL hlmself ln
Lhese lasL 10 days more Lhan any oLher Llme. Alsha (radlallaahu `anha) sald, "When
the |ast 10 days came, he used to "t|ghten h|s |zar" and stay up a|| n|ght |n worsh|p,
and wake h|s w|ves." (Saheehayn) 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) used
Lo comblne boLh prayer and sleep ln Lhe flrsL 20 nlghLs, buL ln Lhe lasL 10 he would
prepare Lo work hard an LlghLen hls lzar" (sLay away from hls wlves)
So |n these ahadeeth are proofs of the v|rtue of these |ast 10 n|ghts. 8ecause Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) worked harder than norma| |n h|s worsh|p.
And he would comblne beLween prayer, reclLlng Cur'an, maklng dhlkr, glvlng charlLy,
and oLher forms of worshlp. Pe also used Lo LlghLen hls lzar" whlch means LhaL he
would sLay away form hls wlves Lo free hlmself for prayer and dhlkr. AnoLher proof
of lL's vlrLue ls LhaL he used Lo sLay up aL nlghL, praylng, reclLlng Cur'an, and maklng
Lhlkr wlLh hls hearL, Longue, and llmbs, due Lo Lhe greaLness of Lhese nlghLs, and
seeklng LaylaLul-Cadr, Lhe nlghL LhaL whoever worshlps ln lL, wlLh eman, and seeklng
reward, wlll be forglven all of hls prevlous slns. WhaL ls clear from Lhese ahadeeLh ls
LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) used Lo do dlfferenL klnds of
worshlp ln Lhls nlghL, reclLlng Cur'an, praylng, and also eaLlng suhur, eLc. So Lhere ls
no conLradlcLlon beLween Lhls facL and Lhe hadlLh whlch ls narraLed ln Saheeh
Musllm on Alsha (radlallaahu `anha) LhaL she sald, "I never saw h|m pray a|| n|ght
unt|| morn|ng."
AnoLher proof of Lhe vlrLue of Lhese nlghLs ls LhaL he used Lo wake hls wlves for
worshlp ln Lhem, because Lhey are ln Lhe presence of a chance of a llfeLlme. So lL ls
noL accepLable for any sane Musllm Lo pass Lhls greaL opporLunlLy for hlmself and hls
famlly, because lL ls only a few nlghLs. Maybe a person wlll be happy ln Lhls llfe and
Lhe hereafLer because of Lhls one nlghL.
And from Lhe huge depravaLlons and losses ls LhaL you see some Musllms wasLlng
Lhelr Llme n useless maLLers on Lhls valuable nlghL, and when lL ls Llme Lo pray Lhey
fall asleep. 1hey have mlssed a greaL deal of good, and Lhere ls no guaranLee Lhey
wlll have Lhls chance agaln. 1hls ls from Lhe shayLan's Lrlcks. 1he sane person would
noL Lake Lhe ShayLan as an ally, knowlng how much ShayLan haLes us, and Lhls goes
agalnsL loglc and eman.
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lorm Lhe speclal maLLers of Lhls monLh ls LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) would make lLlkaf ln lL. lLlkaf ls sLaylng ln Lhe mas[ld Lo free your Llme Lo
worshlp Allah. 1hls ls a conflrmed sunnah ln boLh Lhe Cur'an and PadlLh. Allah says,
1hen str|ct|y observe the fast t||| n|ghtfa|| and touch them not, but be at your
devot|ons |n the mosques." And Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) made
lLlkaaf and hls companlons followed hlm ln LhaL. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald, "I made |t|kaaf |n the f|rst 10 days of kamadhan |ook|ng for th|s
n|ght, then the m|dd|e 10, then I was to|d |t |s |n the |ast 10. So whoever wants to
make |t|kaaf then |et h|m do so." (Musllm)
lL ls narraLed ln Lhe Saheehayn on Alsha (radlallaahu `anha) LhaL she sald, "1he
rophet made |t|kaaf |n the |ast 10 days of kamadhan unt|| he d|ed. 1hen h|s w|ves
made |t|kaaf after h|m." Alsha reporLed LhaL when Lhe ropheL wanLed Lo make
lLlkaaf, he would pray la[r, Lhen enLer hls place of lLlkaaf, so Alsha asked permlsslon
Lo enLer and he gave her permlsslon Lo enLer, and she puL up a LenL Lo sLay ln. 1he
Pafsa asked permlsslon Lo enLer, and also puL up a LenL, Lhe same happned wlLh
Zalnab. So when Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) saw Lheses LenLs, he
sald, "What |s th|s?" 1hey sald, "1hey were put up for A|sha and nafsa and 2a|nab."
Pe sald, "D|d they |ntend r|ghteousness by th|s? 1ake them down so I don't see
them." So Lhey were Laken down and he lefL hls lLlkaaf ln 8amadhan. 1hen he made
lLlkaaf ln Lhe flrsL 10 days of Shawwal. (lrom 8ukharl and Musllm) lmam Ahmad sald,
"I don't know of any of the U|ama who d|sagreed that |t|kaaf |s sunnah."
1he polnL of lLlkaaf ls sLaylng away from people Lo worshlp Allah ln Lhe mas[ld,
seeklng reward and LaylaLul-Cadr. So he should be busy ln worshlp, and he should
noL wasLe hls Llme ln Lalklng excepL ln useful maLLers wlLh hls famlly or frlends. 1he
proof ls from Lhe hadeeLh of umm al Mumlneen Safllya (radlallaahu `anha), "1he
rophet was mak|ng |t|kaaf, so I v|s|ted h|m at n|ght, so I ta|ked to h|m, then got up
to |eave. So the rophet got up w|th me." (Agreed upon)
MarlLal relaLlons are forbldden for Lhe person maklng lLlkaaf, and whaL leads Lo lL
from klsslng and Louchlng. As for leavlng Lhe mas[ld wlLh only parL of Lhe body lL ls
permlsslble because of Lhe hadeeLh were Alsha (radlallaahu `anha) says, "1he
rophet used to st|ck h|s head out of the mas[|d and I wou|d wash h|s ha|r wh||e I
was |n menstruat|on." (8ukharl)
As for |eav|ng the mas[|d, |t |s |n three ways.
I|rst: Leavlng for necesslLy, such as for uslng Lhe baLhroom, maklng wudu or ghusl,
and eaLlng and drlnklng. All Lhls ls permlsslble unless Lhey can be done ln Lhe mas[ld.
Second: Leavlng Lo do a rlghLeous acLlon LhaL ls opLlonal, such as vlslLlng Lhe slck or
followlng a [anaza, eLc. Pe should noL do Lhls. lf he wanLs Lo vlslL a slck person, or he
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fears Lhe slck person may dle, L\he may make a condlLlon LhaL he wlll leave ln Lhe
beglnnlng of hls lLlkaaf, and Lhls ls flne.
1h|rd: Leavlng for someLhlng lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe lLlkaaf, such as buylng and selllng,
havlng relalons wlLh your wlfe, eLc.1hls should noL be done even lf a condlLlon ls
made before Lhe lLlkaaf, and lL would break Lhe person's lLlkaaf.
Irom the greatest th|ngs about theses n|ghts |s that they conta|n Lay|atu|-adr,
wh|ch |s better than 1000 months. So rea||ze the v|rtue of these n|ghts and do not
waste them.

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1he 1wenty Second S|tt|ng
Day 1wenty-1wo Str|v|ng |n the Last 1en Days and Lay|atu|-adr
My broLhers: ln Lhese blessed Len nlghLs ls LaylaLul-Cadr whlch Allah has made greaL
and noble for Lhls ummah. Allah says, "Indeed We have revea|ed |t |n a b|essed
n|ght, |ndeed we were a|ways warn|ng. Whereupon every w|se command |s made
c|ear As a command from Cur presence.-Lo! We are ever send|ng A mercy from
thy Lord. Lo! ne |s the nereafter, the knower Lord of the heavens and the earth
and a|| that |s between them, |f ye wou|d be sure. 1here |s no God save n|m. ne
qu|ckeneth and g|veth death, your Lord and Lord of your forefathers." Allah
descrlbed lL as blessed because of all Lhe good and vlrLues lL possesses. lrom lLs
greaLness ls LhaL Lhe Cur'an was revealed ln lL, and Allah descrlbes Lhls nlghL as every
wlse command belng made clear. Meanlng LhaL on Lhls nlghL Allah decrees for Lhe
followlng year every person's wealLh, good, and evll, and all else LhaL wlll happen Lo
Lhem. Allah (SW1) says, "Lo! We revea|ed |t on the N|ght of ower. Ah, what w|||
convey unto thee what the N|ght of ower |s! 1he N|ght of ower |s better than a
thousand months. 1he ange|s and the Sp|r|t descend there|n, by the perm|ss|on of
the|r Lord, w|th a|| decrees. (1hat n|ght |s) eace unt|| the r|s|ng of the dawn." Cadr
can mean greaLness, or lL can mean decree because Lhls ls Lhe nlghL LhaL Allah wlll
decree for Lhe upcomlng year. 8etter than a thousand months means, |n terms of
|ts v|rtues and deeds, that |s why whoever estab||shes th|s n|ght w|th fa|th and
seek|ng reward, |s forg|ven for a|| prev|ous s|ns. As for the ange|s, they are s|aves
of A||ah that worsh|p day and n|ght, they come to earth |n th|s n|ght w|th good,
b|ess|ngs, and mercy. 1he SplrlL ls Clbreel (AS). 1haL nlghL ls eace, means LhaL lL ls
peace for Lhe Musllms because Lhere are freed from Lhe flre ln Lhls nlghL. unLll Lhe
rlslng of dawn means LhaL LaylaLul-Cadr ends aL la[r, and all Lhe acLs of worshlp ln
Lhls nlghL should conLlnue unLll la[r, and ln Lhls noble surah, we are shown Lhe many
vlrLues of Lhls nlghL.
1he I|rst 8|ess|ng: Allah revealed Lhe Cur'an as a gulde Lo manklnd whlch conLalns
Lhelr happlness ln Lhls llfe and Lhe nexL.
1he Second 8|ess|ng: 1he greaLness of Lhls nlghL whlch we wlll never be able Lo
undersLand as Allah says, whaL wlll convey unLo Lhee whaL Lhe nlghL of ower ls!"
1he 1h|rd 8|ess|ng: lL ls greaLer Lhen 1000 monLhs.
1he Iourth 8|ess|ng: 1he angels come down ln Lhls nlghL, who do noL come down
excepL wlLh good, blesslngs, and mercy.
1he I|fth 8|ess|ng: lL ls eace or safeLy from Lhe punlshmenL of Allah.
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1he S|xth 8|ess|ng: 8ecause of lL's greaLness, Allah revealed a surah abouL lL whlch
wlll be reclLed unLll Lhe uay of !udgmenL.
lrom Lhe vlrLues of Lhls monLh ls LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
sald, "Whoever estab||shes Lay|atu|-adr w|th fa|th, and seek|ng reward, h|s
prev|ous s|ns are forg|ven." (8ukharl) Whlch means havlng falLh ln Allah, and
expecLlng Lo geL rewarded.
LaylaLul-Cadr ls ln 8amadhan because Allah says, Indeed we have revea|ed |t |n
Lay|atu|-adr." As well as, "1he month of kamadhan A||ah revea|ed the uran." So
from Lhese Lwo ayahs we know LhaL LaylaLul-Cadr ls ln 8amadhan. 1hls nlghL was
also Lhere for Lhe oLher naLlons, as ls relaLed LhaL Abu uhar (radlallaahu `anahu)
asked Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam), "Ch Messenger of A||ah, te|| me
about Lay|atu|-adr, |s |t |n kamadhan? Pe sald, "es |t |s |n kamadhan." Pe Lhen
asked, "Is |t w|th the rophets that once they d|e |t |eaves, or does |t stay unt|| the
Day of Iudgment?" Pe replled, "es, |t |s unt|| the Day of Iudgment." 8uL, lL's
greaLness and reward ls speclallzed for Lhls naLlon as ls Lhe day of !umuah, and Allah
knows besL.
1hls nlghL ls ln Lhe lasL 10 nlghL of 8amadhan as Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald, "Seek |t |n the |ast 10 n|ghts of kamadhan." (Agreed upon) lrom Lhe
proofs, lL seems Lo be closer Lo Lhe odd nlghLs. As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam), "Seek |t |n the odd n|ghts of the |ast ten n|ghts of kamadhan." (8ukharl) lL
ls more llkely Lo be ln Lhe lasL seven nlghLs, as Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam), "Seek |t |n the |ast ten n|ghts, but |f you are weak or o|d, then do not |et
the |ast 7 n|ghts pass you by." (Musllm) And from Lhese lasL seven, Lhe mosL llkely ls
Lhe 27Lh nlghL as Abl bln ka'b (radlallaahu `anga) sald, "8y A||ah I know when
Lay|atu|-adr |s, and |t |s the n|ght that the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam)
ordered us to worsh|p |n, and |t |s the 27th n|ght." (Musllm) 1he 27Lh should noL be
Lhe only nlghL LhaL a person makes for Lhls worshlp, because lL may be Lhe 27Lh one
year, Lhen Lhe 23Lh anoLher year, accordlng Lo Lhe wlll of Allah. 1hls nlghL has been
made hldden by Allah (subhanahu wa Laala) as a mercy for Lhe bellever so LhaL Lhey
may lncrease ln prayer, Lhlkr, and dua, and geL closer Lo Allah. Also, so LhaL Allah can
see who ls devoLed Lo seeklng ouL Lhe nlghL, as opposed Lo who ls lazy.
My brothers: Lay|atu|-adr |s greater than 1000 months. So exert yourse|ves and
str|ve |n seek|ng th|s n|ght, and do not be heed|ess. Ch A||ah, make us from those
who fast kamadhan, and become successfu| from our worsh|p on Lay|atu|-adr.

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1he 1wenty 1h|rd S|tt|ng
Irom the Descr|pt|on of arad|se (may A||ah Make us from |ts Inhab|tants)
My broLhers: PasLen Lo Lhe forglveness of your Lord, and Lo aradlse, whose wldLh
ls LhaL of Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh, lL has whaL no eye has ever seen, nor whaL any
ear has ever heard, nor whaL has never crossed Lhe mlnd of any person. Allah (SW1)
says, "1he parab|e of the Garden wh|ch the r|ghteous are prom|sed!- beneath |t
f|ow r|vers: perpetua| |s the en[oyment thereof and the shade there|n" and, (nere
|s) a arab|e of the Garden wh|ch the r|ghteous are prom|sed: |n |t are r|vers of
water |ncorrupt|b|e, r|vers of m||k of wh|ch the taste never changes, r|vers of w|ne,
a [oy to those who dr|nk, and r|vers of honey pure and c|ear. In |t there are for
them a|| k|nds of fru|ts, and Grace from the|r Lord." And, "8ut g|ve g|ad t|d|ngs to
those who be||eve and work r|ghteousness, that the|r port|on |s Gardens, beneath
wh|ch r|vers f|ow. Lvery t|me they are fed w|th fru|ts therefrom, they say: "Why,
th|s |s what we were fed w|th before," for they are g|ven th|ngs |n s|m|||tude, and
they have there|n compan|ons pure (and ho|y), and they ab|de there|n (for ever)."
And, "And the shades of the (Garden) w||| come |ow over them, and the bunches
(of fru|t), there, w||| hang |ow |n hum|||ty. Gob|ets of s||ver are brought round for
them, and beakers (as) of g|ass (8r|ght as) g|ass but (made) of s||ver, wh|ch they
(themse|ves) have measured to the measure (of the|r deeds) 1here are they
watered w|th a cup whereof the m|xture |s of 2an[ab||, 1he water of a spr|ng
there|n, named Sa|sab|| 1here serve them youths of ever|ast|ng youth, whom,
when thou seest, thou wou|dst take for scattered pear|s. When thou seest, thou
w||t see there b||ss and h|gh estate." And, "In a Garden on h|gh Where they hear no
|d|e speech, Where|n |s a gush|ng spr|ng, Where|n are couches ra|sed, And gob|ets
set at hand, And cush|ons ranged, And s||ken carpets spread." And, "A||ah w|||
adm|t those who be||eve and work r|ghteous deeds, to Gardens beneath wh|ch
r|vers f|ow: they sha|| be adorned there|n w|th brace|ets of go|d and pear|s, and
the|r garments there w||| be of s||k." 1he shelkh menLlons many more verses from
Lhe Cur'an descrlblng aradlse.
As for Lhe ahadeeLh LhaL descrlbe aradlse, Abu Puralrah sald " We sa|d "Ch
Messenger of A||ah, speak to us about arad|se. What |s |t's bu||d|ng mater|a|?" Pe
sald "A stone of S||ver and a stone of Go|d, and |t's cement between the br|cks |s
musk. It's pebb|es are pear|s and rub|es, |t's so|| |s saffron. ne who enters |t w||| be
|n b||ss and never w||| become wretched, he w||| ||ve forever and w||| never d|e. n|s
garment w||| not wear out and h|s youth w||| never fade."(Ahmed and 1lrmldhee )
1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "neaven has 8 doors, there |s a
door named Ar-kayaan, no one enters |t except the fast|ng ones." (Agreed upon)
1he ropheL (SAW) sald, lndeed Lhere are 100 levels ln [annah Allah prepared for
Lhe mu[ahedeen ln hls sake beLween each level Lhe dlsLance beLween Lhem ls llke
LhaL of Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh, so lf you ask Allah, Lhen ask of Plm for llrdous for
lndeed lL ls ln Lhe mlddle of Peaven aL Lhe hlghesL polnL, and from lL Lhe rlvers begln
and above lL ls Lhe Lhrone of Lhe Merclful." (8ukharl) Also ln 8ukharl LhaL Lhe
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ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he peop|e of Iannah w||| see the
peop|e above them [ust ||ke you see the stars that are so far." And he (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "In arad|se there w||| be a tent of a s|ng|e ho||owed pear|,
the w|dth of wh|ch w||| be s|xty m||es from a|| s|des. 1here w||| ||ve a fam||y |n each
corner, and the other w||| not be ab|e to see the be||ever who goes around to
them." (Agreed upon) And he (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he f|rst group
(of peop|e) to enter Iannah w||| be sh|n|ng ||ke the moon on a fu||-moon n|ght.
1hen w||| come those who fo||ow them who w||| be ||ke the most sh|n|ng p|anet |n
the sky. 1hey w||| not stand |n need of ur|nat|ng or re||ev|ng of nature or of sp|tt|ng
or b|ow|ng the|r noses. 1he|r combs w||| be of go|d and the|r sweat w||| sme|| ||ke
musk, |n the|r censers the a|oes-wood w||| be used. 1he|r w|ves w||| be |arge eyed
ma|dens. A|| men w||| be a||ke |n the form of the|r father Adam, s|xty cub|ts ta||."
(Musllm) as well as, "1he |nhab|tants of Iannah w||| eat and dr|nk there|n, but they
w||| not have to pass excrement, to b|ow the|r noses or to ur|nate. 1he|r food w|||
be d|gested produc|ng be|ch wh|ch w||| g|ve out a sme|| ||ke that of musk. 1hey w|||
be |nsp|red to dec|are the freedom of A||ah from |mperfect|on and proc|a|m n|s
Greatness as eas||y as you breathe." (Musllm) and, "In arad|se there |s a street to
wh|ch they wou|d come every Ir|day. 1he north w|nd w||| b|ow and wou|d scatter
fragrance on the|r faces and on the|r c|othes and wou|d add to the|r beauty and
|ove||ness, and then they wou|d go back to the|r fam||y after hav|ng an added
|uster to the|r beauty and |ove||ness, and the|r fam||y wou|d say to them: 8y A||ah,
you have been |ncreased |n beauty and |ove||ness after |eav|ng us, and they wou|d
say: 8y A||ah, you have a|so |ncreased |n beauty and |ove||ness after us." (Musllm)
and ln Musllm as well, "1here wou|d be an announcer (|n arad|se) who wou|d
make th|s announcement: Ver||y I there |s |n store for you (ever|ast|ng) hea|th and
that you shou|d never fa|| ||| and that you ||ve (for ever) and do not d|e at a||. And
that you wou|d rema|n young and never grow o|d. And that you wou|d a|ways ||ve
|n aff|uent c|rcumstances and never become dest|tute, as words of A||ah, the
Lxa|ted and G|or|ous, are:" And |t wou|d be announced to them: 1h|s |s the
arad|se. ou have been made to |nher|t |t for what you used to do." Suhalb
reporLed Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) saylng: When those deserv|ng
of arad|se wou|d enter arad|se, the 8|essed and the Lxa|ted wou|d ask: Do you
w|sh Me to g|ve you anyth|ng more? 1hey wou|d say: nast 1hou not br|ghtened our
faces? nast 1hou not made us enter arad|se and saved us from I|re? ne (the
narrator) sa|d: ne (God) wou|d ||ft the ve||, and of th|ngs g|ven to them noth|ng
wou|d he dearer to them than the s|ght of the|r Lord, the M|ghty and the
G|or|ous." (Musllm) Also ln Musllm, Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald
LhaL Allah wlll say Lo Lhe people of !annah, "My p|easure has been bestowed upon
you, and I w||| never be angry w|th you aga|n."
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1he 1wenty Iourth S|tt|ng
Irom the Descr|pt|on of the eop|e of arad|se
My brothers: ?ou heard Lhe descrlpLlon of paradlse and lLs blesslngs, and whaL lL
conLalns from happlness. 8y Allah, Lhls ls whaL Lhe people should compeLe Lo
achleve, and whaL Lhey should spend Lhelr enLlre llves Lo seek. As Allah (subhanahu
wa Laala) says, "8e qu|ck |n the race for forg|veness from your Lord, and for a
Garden whose w|dth |s that (of the who|e) of the heavens and of the earth,
prepared for the r|ghteous, those who spend (free|y), whether |n prosper|ty, or |n
advers|ty, who restra|n anger, and pardon (a||) men,- for A||ah |oves those who do
good, And those who, hav|ng done someth|ng to be ashamed of, or wronged the|r
own sou|s, earnest|y br|ng A||ah to m|nd, and ask for forg|veness for the|r s|ns,- and
who can forg|ve s|ns except A||ah.- and are never obst|nate |n pers|st|ng know|ng|y
|n (the wrong) they have done." 1hls ls Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe people of paradlse.
I|rst: "the r|ghteous" 1hese are Lhe ones who fear Lhelr Lord, and fear Lhe
punlshmenL ln Lhe afLerllfe, and Lhey do whaL Lhey are commanded obedlenLly, wlLh
hopes of belng rewarded
Second: "those who spend, whether |n prosper|ty, or |n advers|ty" Lhese are Lhe
ones who spend whaL ls commanded of Lhem from zakah and charlLy, and spendlng
on Lhose who have a rlghL Lo Lhe money, and on !lhad and oLher paLhs of good.
1hese people spend ln prosperlLy and Lhey do noL love Lhe money, and Lhey spend ln
adverslLy wlLhouL fear of needlng Lhe money.
1h|rd: "who restra|n anger" 1hey are Lhe ones who conLrol Lhelr anger, and when
Lhey geL angry Lhey don'L harm Lhose around Lhem from Lhelr anger.
Iourth: "and pardon men" 1hey are Lhe ones who forglve Lhose who have wronged
Lhem. 1hen Allah says, "for A||ah |oves those who do good." Whlch shows LhaL
Lhose who pardon oLhers are from Lhe good doers, because Lhey wlsh Lo make good
Lles beLween Lhe people as Allah says, "So whoever forg|ves, and repa|rs the
re|at|onsh|ps, |ndeed the|r reward |s on A||ah."
I|fth: "And those who, hav|ng done someth|ng to be ashamed of, or wronged the|r
own sou|s, earnest|y br|ng A||ah to m|nd, and ask for forg|veness for the|r s|ns" 1he
sln Lo be ashamed of ls from Lhe ma[or slns, llke wrongfully kllllng someone, or
dlsobeylng Lhelr parenLs, or commlLLlng zlna, or sLeallng, or Laklng Lhe money of Lhe
orphan, or spendlng ln usury, and oLher ma[or slns. 1he sln LhaL wrongs a person's
soul ls from Lhe mlnor sln. So lf a person commlLs a ma[or or mlnor sln, Lhen Lhey
remember Lhe greaLness of Lhe one whom Lhey dlsobeyed and feel fear, Lhen Lhey
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remember hls forglveness and mercy, so Lhey race Lo lL, and for Lhese reasons, Lhey
are forglven. As Allah says, And who can forglve Lhe slns excepL Allah." 1hls shows
LhaL Lhey do noL seek forglveness from oLher Lhan Allah, because no one else can
forglve besldes Plm.
S|xth: "and are never obst|nate |n pers|st|ng know|ng|y |n (the wrong) they have
done" Meanlng Lhey do noL conLlnue commlLLlng Lhe sln whlle Lhey know lL's a sln,
and Lhey know Lhe greaLness of Lhe one whom Lhey dlsobey. And Allah (SW1) says,
"Successfu| |ndeed are the be||evers Who are humb|e |n the|r prayers, And who
shun va|n conversat|on, And who are payers of the poor due, And who guard the|r
modesty Save from the|r w|ves or the (s|aves) that the|r r|ght hands possess, for
then they are not b|ameworthy, 8ut whoso craveth beyond that, such are
transgressors, And who are shepherds of the|r p|edge and the|r covenant, And who
pay heed to the|r prayers. 1hese are the he|rs who w||| |nher|t arad|se: 1here they
w||| ab|de." 1hese noble verses comblned many descrlpLlons of Lhe people of
I|rst: "the be||evers" 1hese are Lhe ones who belleve ln Allah and wlLh all of Lhe
obllgaLlons of falLh, from Lhe angels, books, messengers, Lhe LasL uay, and ulvlne
uecree lLs good and bad, Lhey belleve ln all of Lhls and pracLlce lL ln Lhelr saylngs and
Second: "Who are humb|e |n the|r prayers" 1helr hearLs are presenL wlLh Lhem, and
Lhey feel as lf Lhey are sLandlng beLween Lhe hands of Allah (SW1) speaklng Lo hlm
wlLh Pls words, and geLLlng closer Lo Plm wlLh Pls remembrance, and Lhey make
suppllcaLlon Lo Plm, so Lhey are humble.
1h|rd: "Who shun va|n ta|k" valn Lalk ls all LhaL has no beneflL, and Lhere ls no good
ln lLs saylng or acLlon, so Lhey sLay away from lL from Lhelr sLrengLh and Lhelr
wllllngness noL Lo wasLe Llme. !usL llke Lhey make Lhelr prayer fllled wlLh
humbleness, Lhey make Lhelr Llmed fllled wlLh beneflL.
Iourth: "And who pay the zakah" 1hey pay whaL Lhey are obllged Lo, and Lhls ls a
way Lo purlfy Lhelr saylngs and acLlons.
I|fth: "And who guard the|r modesty Save from the|r w|ves or the (s|aves) that
the|r r|ght hands possess, for then they are not b|ameworthy" 1hey proLecL Lhelr
modesLy from commlLLlng zlna, and also from Louchlng and seelng. lor Lhen Lhey
are noL blameworLhy" shows LhaL lL ls permlsslble for Lhem Lo be wlLh Lhelr wlves
and whaL Lhelr rlghL hand possesses, 8uL whoso craveLh beyond LhaL, such are
Lransgressors" shows LhaL masLurbaLlon ls noL permlsslble, because Lhe verse only
menLlons Lhe wlves and whaL Lhe rlghL hand possesses.
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S|xth: "And who are shepherds of the|r p|edge and the|r covenant" 1hey do whaL
Lhey promlse aL lLs promlsed Llme wlLh lLs promlsed condlLlons. Allah has menLloned
Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe people of paradlse ln many dlfferenL parLs of Lhe Cur'an. Allah
menLlons Lhem so LhaL whoever deslres Lo go Lo paradlse wlll know lLs requlremenLs.
1here are also many ahadeeLh descrlblng Lhe people of paradlse. 1he ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1here |s not any one from amongst you who
makes wudhu, Lhen says, "I bear w|tness there |n no God but A||ah a|one w|th no
partners, and I bear w|tness that Muhammad |s h|s s|ave and Messenger, except
that the e|ght doors or parad|se are opened for them, and they can enter from
wh|chever one they des|re." (Musllm) also, "Whoever fo||ows the Mu'ath|n w|th
the|r heart enters parad|se." (Musllm) Also, "Whoever bu||ds a mas[|d w|th the
|ntent|on of seek|ng the face of A||ah, A||ah bu||ds for them a house |n Iannah."
(Agreed upon) Also, "I|ve prayers A||ah has prescr|bed on the s|aves, whoever
performs them w|thout |os|ng any of them, and w|th |ts r|ghts, they have a
covenant w|th A||ah that they w||| enter Iannah." (Ahmad, Abu uawood, nlsaee)
1hawban (radlallaahu anhu) asked Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) abouL
an acL LhaL wlll enLer hlm lnLo paradlse, 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam),
"Increas|ng |n su[ood |s upon you, for |ndeed you do not make one sa[da to A||ah,
except that A||ah w||| ra|se you |n status and w|pe away from your s|ns." (Musllm)
1he ropheL (SAW), "1here |s not a Mus||m s|ave who prays to A||ah 12 rakahs of
extra prayers, except that A||ah bu||ds for them a house |n Iannah."(Musllm) And
Lhey are four before dhuhur, and Lwo afLer lL, Lwo afLer Maghrlb, and Lwo afLer lsha,
and Lwo before la[r. Muadh lbn !abal asked Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) Lo Lell hlm abouL an acLlon LhaL wlll brlng hlm closer Lo aradlse and keep
hlm away from Lhe llre. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "ou have
asked about a great matter and |ndeed |t |s easy for whoever A||ah makes |t easy
for, worsh|p A||ah and don't assoc|ate w|th n|m any partners, estab||sh the prayers
and g|ve the zakah, and make na[[." (Ahmad, graded Saheeh by 1lrmldhee) 1he
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he Umrah to Umrah |s a forg|veness
for what |s between them, and a na[[ Mabroor |s not rewarded except w|th
Iannah." (Agreed upon) 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) was asked whaL
wlll cause Lhe mosL people Lo enLer !annah. Pe sald, "1aqwah of A||ah, and good
manners." (1lrmldhee and lbn Pabban's Saheeh)
1hese ahadeeLh show us many acLlons of Lhe people of aradlse, for whoever
deslres reachlng lL. We ask Allah Lo make easy our paLh Lo !annah.

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1he 1wenty I|fth S|tt|ng
1he Descr|pt|on of ne||-I|re
My brothers: Allah has warned us ln Pls book abouL Lhe Pellflre, and lnformed us
abouL Lhe dlfferenL punlshmenLs lL conLalns, LhaL whlch Lerrlfles Lhe bellever, as a
mercy Lo us so LhaL we may fear Plm and be cauLlous. So llsLen Lo whaL has come ln
Lhe Cur'an and ahadeeLh of lL's punlshmenLs so LhaL you may remember. And repenL
Lo Allah and submlL Lo hlm before Lhe punlshmenL comes.
Allah (SW1) says: "Iear the I|re, wh|ch |s prepared for those who re[ect Ia|th." "Ior
the ke[ecters we have prepared cha|ns, yokes, and a b|az|ng I|re." for Lhe wrong-
doers We have prepared a llre whose (smoke and flames)" "And ver||y, ne|| |s the
prom|sed abode for them a||!, 1o |t are seven gates: for each of those gates |s a
(spec|a|) c|ass (of s|nners) ass|gned." "1he Unbe||evers w||| be |ed to ne|| |n crowd:
unt||, when they arr|ve, there, |ts gates w||| be opened." "Ior those who re[ect
the|r Lord (and Cher|sher) |s the ena|ty of ne||: and ev|| |s (such), Dest|nat|on.
When they are cast there|n, they w||| hear the (terr|b|e) draw|ng |n of |ts breath
even as |t b|azes forth A|most burst|ng w|th fury: Lvery t|me a Group |s cast
there|n, |ts keepers w||| ask, "D|d no Warner come to you?" "Cn the Day that the
un|shment sha|| cover them from above them and from be|ow them, and (a
Vo|ce) sha|| say: "1aste ye (the fru|ts) of your deeds!" "1hey sha|| have Layers of
I|re above them and Layers (of I|re) be|ow them: w|th th|s doth A||ah warn off h|s
servants: "C My Servants! 1hen fear ye Me!" "1he Compan|ons of the Left nand, -
what w||| be the Compan|ons of the Left nand? In hot w|nd and bo|||ng water and
|n the shades of 8|ack Smoke Noth|ng (w||| there be) to refresh, nor to p|ease"
Lhey sald, Co noL forLh ln Lhe heaL." Say, "1he f|re of ne|| |s f|ercer |n heat." lf only
Lhey could undersLand!" And whaL wlll make you know whaL lL ls? a llre 8lazlng
flercely!" Surely Lhe gullLy are ln error and dlsLress. 1he uay Lhey wlll be dragged
Lhrough Lhe llre on Lhelr faces, (Lhey wlll hear) 1asLe ye Lhe Louch of Pell" And
whaL wlll explaln Lo Lhee whaL Pell-llre ls? lL leaveLh naughL, lL spareLh naughL,
uarkenlng and changlng Lhe colour of man!" "C you who be||eve! save yourse|ves
and your fam|||es from a f|re whose fue| |s men and stones, over |t are ange|s stern
and strong, they do not d|sobey A||ah |n what ne commands them, and do as they
are commanded." "Sure|y |t sends up sparks ||ke pa|aces, As |f they were tawny
came|s." And you wlll see Lhe gullLy on LhaL day llnked LogeLher ln chalns, 1helr
shlrLs made of plLch and Lhe flre coverlng Lhelr faces" "When the fetters and the
cha|ns sha|| be on the|r necks, they sha|| be dragged, Into bo|||ng water, then |n the
f|re sha|| they be burned" "then (as to) those who d|sbe||eve, for them are cut out
garments of f|re, bo|||ng water sha|| be poured over the|r heads. W|th |t sha|| be
me|ted what |s |n the|r be|||es and (the|r) sk|ns as we|| And for them are wh|ps of
|ron Whenever they w||| des|re to go forth from |t, from gr|ef, they sha|| be turned
back |nto |t, and taste the chast|sement of burn|ng." 1hose who re[ecL our Slgns,
We shall soon casL lnLo Lhe llre: as ofLen as Lhelr sklns are roasLed Lhrough, We shall
change Lhem for fresh sklns, LhaL Lhey may LasLe Lhe penalLy: for Allah ls LxalLed ln
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ower, Wlse." verlly Lhe Lree of Zaqqum, ls Lhe food of Lhe slnful, Llke dregs of oll, lL
shall boll ln (Lhelr) bellles, Llke Lhe bolllng of hoL waLer." lor lL ls a Lree LhaL sprlngs
ouL of Lhe boLLom of Pell-llre, 1he shooLs of lLs frulL-sLalks are llke Lhe heads of
devlls." 1hen shall you, C you who err and call lL a lle! MosL surely eaL of a Lree of
Zaqqoom And flll (your) bellles wlLh lL, 1hen drlnk over lL of bolllng waLer, And drlnk
as drlnks Lhe LhlrsLy camel." for Lhe wrong-doers We have prepared a llre whose
(smoke and flames), llke Lhe walls and roof of a LenL, wlll hem Lhem ln: lf Lhey
lmplore rellef Lhey wlll be granLed waLer llke melLed brass, LhaL wlll scald Lhelr faces,
how dreadful Lhe drlnk! Pow uncomforLable a couch Lo recllne on!" ln fronL of such
a one ls Pell, and he ls glven, for drlnk, bolllng feLld waLer. ln gulps wlll he slp lL, buL
never wlll he be near swallowlng lL down hls LhroaL: deaLh wlll come Lo hlm from
every quarLer, yeL wlll he noL dle: and ln fronL of hlm wlll be a chasLlsemenL
unrelenLlng." "Sure|y the gu||ty sha|| ab|de |n the chast|sement of he||. It |s not
re|axed for them, and they despa|r there|n. And We are not un[ust to them, but
they themse|ves were un[ust. 1hey w||| cry: "C Ma||k! wou|d that thy Lord put an
end to us!" ne w||| say, "Nay, but ye sha|| ab|de!"" Lhelr abode wlll be Pell: every
Llme lL shows abaLemenL, We shall lncrease from Lhem Lhe flerceness of Lhe llre."
1hose who re[ecL lalLh and do wrong,- Allah wlll noL forglve Lhem nor gulde Lhem
Lo any way-LxcepL Lhe way of Pell, Lo dwell Lhereln for ever. And Lhls Lo Allah ls
easy" "Ver||y A||ah has cursed the Unbe||evers and prepared for them a 8|az|ng
I|re,- to dwe|| there|n for ever: no protector w||| they f|nd, nor he|per." lor any
LhaL dlsobey Allah and Pls Messenger,- for Lhem ls Pell: Lhey shall dwell Lhereln for
ever." And whaL wlll explaln Lo Lhee LhaL whlch 8reaks Lo leces? lL ls Lhe flre
klndled by Allah Whlch rlses above Lhe hearLs Surely lL shall be closed over upon
Lhem, ln exLended columns."
And the verses descr|b|ng the pa|nfu| pun|shment of ne|| are many.
As for Lhe ahadeeLh, Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu alayhl wa sallaam) sald: "ne|| w||| be
brought on the Day of Iudgment, |t w||| have 70,000 ropes, w|th 70,000 ange|s
pu|||ng on each rope." (Musllm) "our (ord|nary) f|re |s one of 70 parts of the (ne||)
I|re." Someone asked, "C A||ah's Apost|e 1h|s (ord|nary) f|re wou|d have been
suff|c|ent (to torture the unbe||evers)," A||ah's Apost|e sa|d, "1he (ne||) I|re has 69
parts more than the ord|nary (wor|d|y) f|re, each part |s as hot as th|s (wor|d|y)
f|re" (Agreed upon) Abu Purayrah sald, We were wlLh Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) and we heard a nolse. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald, "Do you know what that was?" 1hey sald, "A||ah and n|s Messenger
know best." Pe sald, "It was a stone that A||ah sent to ne|| 70 years ago, and know
|t f|na||y reached the bottom." (Musllm)
uLbah 8ln Charwan (radlallaahu `anhu) sald ln a speech, "We know that |t takes the
stone 70 years to reach the bottom of ne||, 8y A||ah the ent|re ne|| w||| be f|||ed,
does that surpr|se you?" (Musllm) 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald,
"If [ust a sma|| p|ece of 2aqqum was re|eased on the earth, |t wou|d have ru|ned
the ||ves of the peop|e." (nlsaee, 1lrmldhee, lbn Ma[ah) 1he ropheL (sallallaahu
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`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "|ndeed the |east of pun|shments |n ne|| |s that someone
w||| have sanda|s of f|re, that w||| bo|| the|r bra|n ||ke bo|||ng water, and they w|||
not th|nk that anyone |s gett|ng pun|shed more than they are, and th|s |s the |east
of the pun|shment." (Musllm, slmllar ln 8ukharl)
1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "A||ah w||| send to the peop|e of
ne|| c|ouds, and once the c|ouds reach them, |t w||| be sa|d to them, "Ch peop|e of
ne||, |s there any th|ng you ask?" 1hey wlll Lhlnk LhaL Lhey are Lhe clouds of Lhe
dunya wlLh waLer LhaL used Lo come Lo Lhem, so Lhey wlll say, "We ask C Lord, the
dr|nk." So |t w||| ra|n on them bo|||ng water, wh|ch w||| |ncrease them |n the|r
bo||ng, and cha|ns wh|ch w||| |ncrease the|r cha|ns, and coa| that w||| |ncrease the
f|re on them."
Also, "A||ah prom|sed for the person who dr|nks a|coho| that they w||| dr|nk from
"1eenatu| khabaa|" 1hey asked "What |s that?" Pe sald, "1he sweat from the
peop|e of ne||."
Ibn A|-Iawz| (rahlmahullaah) sald abouL Lhe Pellflre: a place lLs lnhablLanLs are
banlshed Lo, where Lhey are forbldden from LasLlng any pleasure, Lhelr cleanllness ls
changed Lo blackness on Lhelr faces, and Lhey are beaLen by hammers sLronger Lhan
mounLalns, over lL are angels, harsh and severe, lf you only saw Lhem. So Lhelr
sadness ls permanenL, no happlness afLer lL, and Lhelr sLaLe ls unchangeable, Lhey
wlll never leave, llvlng Lhere forever and ever. upon lL are angels, harsh and severe.
WhaL sadness for Lhem, LhaL Lhe CreaLor ls angry wlLh Lhem! 1hey are exposed ln
fronL of all Lhe people, Lhey cry over wasLlng Lhelr llves, and every Llme Lhey cry Lhe
punlshmenL lncreases! WhaL happened Lo Lhelr chaslng of Lhe dunya!? WhaL
happened Lo Lhem sLrlvlng ln slns?! lL seems llke only a dream.Lhen Lhelr bodles are
burned, and Lhen healed, Lhen burned. upon lL are angels, harsh and severe.
Ch Allah save us from Lhe llre and proLecL us from lL, and enLer us by your mercy
wlLh Lhe rlghLeous and plous ln !annah.

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1he 1wenty S|xth S|tt|ng
1h|ngs that |ead to the he||f|re
My broLhers: know LhaL Lhere are reasons for enLerlng Lhe hellflre, whlch Allah has
clarlfled ln Lhe Cur'an and on Lhe Longue of hls ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam). 1haL ls so people may avold lL and proLecL Lhemselves from lL. And Lhese
are of Lwo klnds:
I|rst: Causes that make a person a kaf|r, whlch Lake hlm from eman Lo kufr. 1hls
obllgaLes upon such a person Lo ablde ln hell forever.
Second: causes that make a person a Ias|q, and he deserves Lo enLer hell, buL he
wlll noL sLay Lhere forever.
We w||| ment|on some cases for the f|rst category.
I|rst: 1o commlL shlrk, by maklng a parLner Lo Allah ln Pls rubublyah, uluhlya, or
aLLrlbuLes. So whoever Lhlnks Lhere ls anoLher creaLor parLnerlng wlLh Allah or by
hlmself, or Lhlnks Lhere ls anoLher Cod LhaL deserves worshlp, or devoLes some klnd
of worshlp Lo a false god, or LhaL someone has knowledge, power, eLc., llke Allah's,
Lhen Lhls person has commlLLed ma[or shlrk, and wlll ablde ln hell forever. Allah says,
8uL you wlll see Lhose ln whose hearLs ls a dlsease hasLenlng Lowards Lhem, saylng:
We fear lesL a calamlLy should befall us, buL lL may be LhaL Allah wlll brlng Lhe vlcLory
or a punlshmenL from Plmself, so LhaL Lhey shall be regreLLlng on accounL of whaL
Lhey hld ln Lhelr souls."
Second: kufr ln Allah, or hls angels, or books, or messengers, or Lhe uay of
!udgmenL, or Cadr, so whoever dlsbelleves ln one of Lhese elLher by denylng lL, or
doubLlng lL, Lhen he ls kaflr, who wlll sLay ln hell forever. Allah says, "Sure|y those
who d|sbe||eve |n A||ah and n|s messengers and (those who) des|re to make a
d|st|nct|on between A||ah and n|s messengers and say: We be||eve |n some and
d|sbe||eve |n others, and des|re to take a course between (th|s and) that. 1hese |t |s
that are tru|y unbe||evers, and We have prepared for the unbe||evers a d|sgracefu|
chast|sement." And, verlly Allah has cursed Lhe unbellevers and prepared for Lhem
a 8lazlng llre, 1o ablde Lhereln for a long Llme, Lhey shall noL flnd a proLecLor or a
helper, Cn Lhe day when Lhelr faces shall be Lurned back lnLo Lhe flre, Lhey shall say:
C would LhaL we had obeyed Allah and obeyed Lhe Messenger! And Lhey would say:
Cur Lord! We obeyed our chlefs and our greaL ones, and Lhey mlsled us as Lo Lhe
(rlghL) aLh. Cur Lord! Clve Lhem double enalLy and curse Lhem wlLh a very greaL
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1h|rd: ulsbellevlng ln one of Lhe flve plllars of lslam, so whoever dlsbelleves ln
Lawheed, or ln Lhe ropheL, or LhaL lslam ls general for all manklnd, or Lhe obllgaLlon
of prayer, fasLlng, zakah, or ha[[, Lhen he ls a kaflr because he ls denylng Allah, hls
messenger, and Lhe l[maa' of Lhe Musllms. Llkewlse, whoever denles LhaL shlrk ls
forbldden, or kllllng an lnnocenL soul LhaL Allah has forbldden Lo be kllled, or LhaL
zlna and homosexuallLy are forbldden, or anyLhlng else LhaL ls very clear ln Lhe
Cur'an and sunnah Lo be haram. 1hls ls because he ls denylng Allah and hls ropheL.
8uL lf a new Musllm denles LhaL one of Lhese ls forbldden ouL of hls lgnorance, he
doesn'L become a kaflr unLll he learns more abouL Lhe rellglon, Lhen sLlll denles lL
afLer hls knowledge.
Iourth: Mocklng Allah or hls rellglon or ropheL, Allah says, "1he nypocr|tes are
afra|d |est a Sura shou|d be sent down about them, show|ng them what |s (rea||y
pass|ng) |n the|r hearts. Say: "Mock ye! 8ut ver||y A||ah w||| br|ng to ||ght a|| that ye
fear (shou|d be revea|ed). And |f you shou|d quest|on them, they wou|d certa|n|y
say: We were on|y |d|y d|scours|ng and sport|ng. Say: Was |t at A||ah and n|s
commun|cat|ons and n|s Messenger that you mocked?"
I|fth: Curslng Allah or hls rellglon or ropheL. lbn 1aymlyyah sald, "Whoever curses
A||ah or the rophet then he |s a kaf|r, regard|ess |f he thought |t to be ha|a| or
haram to say |t." Cur companlons sald, "ne becomes a kaf|r |f he was [ok|ng or
ser|ous." 1hls ls Lhe correcL poslLlon, and lL ls narraLed on lshaq bln 8ahawyah LhaL
he sald, "1he Mus||ms agreed that whoever curses A||ah or h|s rophet or den|es
someth|ng that A||ah revea|ed then he |s a kaf|r, even |f he obeys what A||ah
revea|ed." And Lhe rullng ln curslng any ropheL ls Lhe same as Lhe rullng on curslng
Lhe ropheL Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
As for curslng oLher Lhan Lhe ropheL, Lhen lf Lhelr lnLenLlon ls Lo curse Lhe propheL,
for examp|e |f someone curses the Sahaba |ntend|ng to curse the rophet, because
they were |m|tat|ng the rophet. Cr |f someone accuses one of the rophet's w|ves
of z|na, then he |s a kaf|r because he |s defam|ng the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh|
wa sa||aam), Allah says, "8ad women are for bad men and bad men are for bad
women. Good women are for good men and good men are for good women"
S|xth: 8ullng by oLher Lhan whaL Allah revealed, Lhlnklng lL ls more correcL and
beneflclal, or LhaL lLs equal Lo whaL Allah revealed, or LhaL lLs permlsslble Lo rule by.
Pe ls a kaflr, because Allah says, "Whoever d|d not [udge by what A||ah revea|ed,
those are they that are the unbe||evers." L|ke w|se |f someone th|nks that ru||ng by
other than what A||ah revea|ed |s better than A||ahs ru|es, or th|nks that |t |s equa|,
or that |t |s perm|ss|b|e to ru|e by |t, then he |s a kaf|r, even |f he ru|es by what
A||ah revea|ed, be cause the |s deny|ng A||ah's statement, "8ut who, for a peop|e
whose fa|th |s assured, can g|ve better [udgment than A||ah?"
Seventh: N|faq, whlch ls Lo be kaflr ln Lhe hearL, buL Lo appear exLernally as a
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Musllm, wheLher by words or deeds. Allah says, "Sure|y the hypocr|tes are |n the
|owest stage of the f|re and you sha|| not f|nd a he|per for them." Lhls caLegory ls
greaLer Lhan Lhe prevlous ones, so lLs punlshmenL ls more severe, Lhey wlll be ln Lhe
lowesL depLhs of hell, because Lhelr kufr ls a comblnaLlon of kufr, decelL, and
mockery. Allah says abouL Lhem, And Lhere are some people who say: We belleve ln
Allah and Lhe lasL day, and Lhey are noL aL all bellevers. 1hey deslre Lo decelve Allah
and Lhose who belleve, and Lhey decelve only Lhemselves and Lhey do noL percelve.
ln Lhelr hearLs ls a dlsease, and Allah has lncreased Lhelr dlsease: And grlevous ls Lhe
penalLy Lhey (lncur), because Lhey are false (Lo Lhemselves). And when lL ls sald Lo
Lhem, uo noL make mlschlef ln Lhe land, Lhey say: We are buL peace-makers. Are noL
Lhey lndeed Lhe mlschlef-makers? 8uL Lhey percelve noL. : And when lL ls sald Lo
Lhem: 8elleve as Lhe people belleve Lhey say: Shall we belleve as Lhe fools belleve?
now surely Lhey Lhemselves are Lhe fools, buL Lhey do noL know. When Lhey meeL
Lhose who belleve, Lhey say: We belleve," buL when Lhey are alone wlLh Lhelr evll
ones, Lhey say: We are really wlLh you: We (were) only [esLlng.""
N|faq has many s|gns, from Lhem: Doubt|ng what A||ah revea|ed, even |f he makes
h|mse|f appear to be a be||ever, Allah says, 1hey on|y ask |eave of you who do not
be||eve |n A||ah and the |atter day and the|r hearts are |n doubt, so |n the|r doubt
do they waver." Also, Lo haLe Allah and hls messenger, Allah says, "nave you not
seen those who assert that they be||eve |n what has been revea|ed to you and
what was revea|ed before you? 1hey des|re to summon one another to the
[udgment of the Sha|tan, though they were commanded to deny h|m, and the
Sha|tan des|res to |ead them astray |nto a remote error. And when |t |s sa|d to
them: Come to what A||ah has revea|ed and to the Messenger, you w||| see the
hypocr|tes turn|ng away from you w|th (utter) avers|on." A|so, to hate the
super|or|ty of Is|am, and |ts v|ctory and to be happy at |t's |osses, A||ah says, "If
good befa||s you, |t gr|eves them, and |f hardsh|p aff||cts you, they say: Indeed we
had taken care of our affa|r before, and they turn back and are g|ad." and Lo! you
are Lhey who wlll love Lhem whlle Lhey do noL love you, and you belleve ln Lhe 8ook
(ln) Lhe whole of lL, and when Lhey meeL you Lhey say: We belleve, and when Lhey
are alone, Lhey blLe Lhe ends of Lhelr flngers ln rage agalnsL you. Say: ule ln your
rage, surely Allah knows whaL ls ln Lhe breasLs. lf good befalls you, lL grleves Lhem,
and lf an evll affllcLs you, Lhey re[olce aL lL, and lf you are paLlenL and guard
yourselves, Lhelr scheme wlll noL ln[ure you ln any way, surely Allah comprehends
whaL Lhey do."
L|kew|se, to want f|tna and d|v|s|on between Mus||ms, and to ||ke that, Allah says,
nad they gone forth w|th you, they wou|d not have added to you aught save
corrupt|on, and they wou|d certa|n|y have hurr|ed about among you seek|ng (to
sow) d|ssens|on among you, and among you there are those who hearken for the|r
sake, and A||ah knows the un[ust." Also, Lo love Lhe enemles of lslam and Lhe
leaders of kufr, and Lo pralse and commend Lhem, and Lo spread Lhelr oplnlons,
Allah says, "nave you not seen those who befr|end a peop|e w|th whom A||ah |s
wroth? 1hey are ne|ther of you nor of them, and they swear fa|se|y wh||e they
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L|kew|se to f|nd fau|t w|th the be||evers, and to cr|t|c|ze the|r |badah "1hey who
taunt those of the fa|thfu| who g|ve the|r a|ms free|y, and those who g|ve to the
extent of the|r earn|ngs and scoff at them, A||ah w||| pay them back the|r scoff|ng,
and they sha|| have a pa|nfu| chast|sement." So Lhey accuse Lhose who work hard of
showlng off, and Lhose who do less of noL dolng enough. Also, Lo be arroganL
regardlng Lhe du'a of Lhe bellevers, and Lo bellLLle and doubL lL. "And when |t |s sa|d
to them: Come, the Messenger of A||ah w||| ask forg|veness for you, they turn back
the|r heads and you may see them turn|ng away wh||e they are b|g w|th pr|de."
Also, Lo be lazy wlLh Lhe prayer. "Sure|y the hypocr|tes str|ve to dece|ve A||ah, and
ne sha|| requ|te the|r dece|t to them, and when they stand up to prayer they stand
up s|ugg|sh|y, they do |t on|y to be seen of men and do not remember A||ah save a
||tt|e." 1he propheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallam) sald, 1he heav|est prayers on the
munaf|qeen are Isha and Ia[r." (Agreed upon) Also, Lo harm and annoy Allah and
Lhe ropheL. Allah says, "And there are some of them who mo|est the rophet and
say: ne |s one who be||eves every th|ng that he hears, say: A hearer of good for you
(who) be||eves |n A||ah and be||eves the fa|thfu| and a mercy for those of you who
be||eve, and (as for) those who mo|est the Messenger of A||ah, they sha|| have a
pa|nfu| pun|shment." and "1hose who annoy A||ah and n|s Messenger - A||ah has
cursed them |n th|s Wor|d and |n the nereafter, and has prepared for them a
hum|||at|ng un|shment. And those who speak ev|| th|ngs of the be||ev|ng men and
the be||ev|ng women w|thout the|r hav|ng earned (|t), they are gu||ty |ndeed of a
fa|se accusat|on and a man|fest s|n."
So Lhese are some of Lhe slgns of Lhe munaflqeen, we menLloned Lhem so LhaL we
can beware of havlng Lhese slgns ln ourselves.

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1he 1wenty Seventh S|tt|ng
1he Second Category of th|ngs wh|ch |ead an |nd|v|dua| to the he||f|re

My broLhers: We spoke lasL week abouL many dlfferenL reasons form Lhe flrsL Lype
of enLerlng Pell and remalnlng Lhere forever. We wlll Lalk abouL Lhe second Lype,
and Lhls ls Lhe reasons LhaL make a person enLer hell buL wlll noL remaln ln Lhere
keason one: D|sobey|ng the parents, Lhls lncludes cuLLlng Lhem off, noL llsLenlng Lo
Lhem, or saylng or dolng someLhlng lmpermlsslble Lo Lhem. Allah says, "And your
Lord has commanded that you sha|| not serve (any) but n|m, and goodness to your
parents. If e|ther or both of them reach o|d age w|th you, say not to them (so much
as) "Ugh" nor ch|de them, and speak to them a generous word. And make yourse|f
subm|ss|ve|y gent|e to them w|th compass|on, and say: C my Lord! have
compass|on on them, as they brought me up (when I was) ||tt|e." And A||ah says,
"G|ve thanks unto Me and unto thy parents. Unto Me |s the [ourney|ng." 1he
ropheL (sallallaahu alayhl wa sallaam) menLlons a person LhaL dlsobeys Lhe parenLs
as noL enLerlng !annah ln Ahmad and nlsaee.
keason two: Cutt|ng the re|at|ons of the womb. 1hls ls when a person doesn'L glve
hls relaLlves Lhelr rlghLs from Lhe dunya and from Lhelr wealLh. ln Lhe Saheehayn, Lhe
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "ne w||| not enter Iannah the person
who cuts the re|at|ons." Allah (subhanahu wa 'Laala) says, "8ut |f you he|d
command, you were sure to make m|sch|ef |n the |and and cut off the t|es of
k|nsh|p! Such are the men whom A||ah has cursed for ne has made them deaf and
b||nded the|r s|ght."
Unfortunate|y, many Mus||ms have neg|ected th|s duty of obey|ng the parents and
of upho|d|ng the t|es of k|nsh|p. Some peop|e use the excuse that the re|at|ve does
not want to be uphe|d w|th them, and th|s excuse does not ho|d. 8ecause, |f
someone on|y uphe|d the t|es to the re|at|ves that wanted to upho|d the t|es w|th
them, then they wou|dn't be do|ng |t for the sake of A||ah. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he person who upho|ds the t|es of k|nsh|p, |s not the one
who [ust cont|nues a t|e, but |t |s one who |f a re|at|onsh|p |s cut, they repa|r |t."
keason three: Dea||ng |n usury, as Allah (subhanahu wa 'Laala) says, "C you who
be||eve! do not devour usury, mak|ng |t doub|e and redoub|e, and be carefu| of
(your duty to) A||ah, that you may be successfu|. And guard yourse|ves aga|nst the
f|re wh|ch has been prepared for the unbe||evers. And obey A||ah and the
Messenger, that you may be shown mercy." Allah promlsed Lhe person who goes
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back Lo deallng ln usury afLer belng shown Lhe LruLh and belng warned, LhaL Lhey
would enLer hell eLernally. "1hose who swa||ow down usury cannot ar|se except as
one whom Sha|tan has prostrated by (h|s) touch does r|se. 1hat |s because they
say, trad|ng |s on|y ||ke usury, and A||ah has a||owed trad|ng and forb|dden usury.
1o whomsoever then the admon|t|on has come from h|s Lord, then he des|sts, he
sha|| have what has a|ready passed, and h|s affa|r |s |n the hands of A||ah, and
whoever returns (to |t)- these arc the |nmates of the f|re, they sha|| ab|de |n |t."
keason four: uslng Lhe wealLh of Lhe orphans. 8egardless lf Lhe orphan ls male or
female. Allah (SW1) says, "(As for) those who swa||ow the property of the orphans
un[ust|y, sure|y they on|y swa||ow f|re |nto the|r be|||es and they sha|| enter
burn|ng f|re." And an orphan ls a person whose faLher dles before Lhey reach
keason f|ve: Clvlng false wlLness. 8earlng wlLness Lo LhaL whlch you don'L know or
LhaL you do know and you are noL sure of.
keason s|x: 8rlblng an offlclal. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he
person g|v|ng the br|be and the person rece|v|ng the br|be are |n the ne||f|re."
keason seven: 1he person who makes false oaLhs. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever cuts the wea|th of h|s brother w|th a fa|se oath, then
|et h|m take h|s p|ace |n the f|re." (Ahmad, graded Saheeh by Paklm)
keason e|ght: A person who [udges between the peop|e w|thout any know|edge, or
w|th corrupt|on and crookedness. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald,
"1he [udge |s of three types, one |s |n heaven and the other two are |n he||. As for
the one who |s |n heaven, |t a man who knows the truth and [udges by |t, the man
who knows the truth and doesn't [udge by |t |s |n he||, and the man who [udges for
the peop|e wh||e he |s |gnorant, then he |s |n he||." (Abu uawood, 1lrmldhee, lbn
keason n|ne: A person who r|ps off those that he |s |n charge of, and doesn't g|ve
them adv|ce, and doesn't dea| w|th them |n a way that |s for the|r benef|t. 1he
ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1here |s not a s|ave, who on they day
they day are r|pp|ng off those that they are |n charge of, except that A||ah forb|ds
for them Iannah." (Agreed upon)
keason ten: Mak|ng an |mage of someth|ng that has a sou| from humans and
an|ma|s. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever makes an
|mage, then A||ah w||| pun|sh them unt|| the put a sou| |nto what they created, and
they w||| not be ab|e to ever." (8ukahrl) As for drawlng Lrees and planLs, and Lhe
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llke, Lhen Lhls ls permlsslble accordlng Lo Lhe ma[orlLy of scholars.
keason e|even: ln Lhe Saheehayn Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald,
"Sha|| I not |nform you about the |nmates of ne||? It |s every v|o|ent, |mpert|nent
and proud person." 1he vlolenL ls Lhe one who ls very harsh and ls noL genLle Lo Lhe
LruLh, nor Lo Lhe creaLlon. 1he lmperLlnenL ls Lhe greedy person. 1he proud person ls
Lhe one who lsn'L humble Lo Lhe creaLlon and sees hlmself as hlgher Lhan Lhe people.
keason twe|ve: Lat|ng from utens||s made of go|d or s||ver for both men and
women. lL ls menLloned ln Lhe Saheehayn LhaL Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald, "1he person who eats or dr|nks form go|d or s||ver utens||s, then they
are dragg|ng he||f|re |n the|r stomach."
8eware of the reasons for enter|ng he||. And do the acts that w||| pu|| you further
away from he|| so that you may be successfu| |n the hereafter. And know that th|s
||fe |s a short t|me of p|ay. And ask your Lord for steadfastness on the truth unt||
death. And that ne gathers you on the Day of Iudgment w|th those ne |s p|eased
w|th from the be||ev|ng men and women.

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1he 1wenty L|ght S|tt|ng
1he 2akat of I|tr
My broLhers: lndeed Lhls noble monLh ls almosL over, so whoever was good ln Lhls
monLh, Lhen leL Lhem pralse Allah, and whoever wasn'L, Lhen leL Lhem repenL Lo
Allah. lndeed Allah has made lL obllgaLory Lo end Lhls monLh wlLh glvlng Lhe
zakaLulflLr before Lhe Lld prayer, we wlll Lalk ln deLall abouL lL.
As for lLs rullng, lL ls an obllgaLlon LhaL was obllgaLed on us from Lhe ropheL
Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam), and whaLever he obllgaLes or orders us,
lL ls Laken Lhe same as someLhlng obllgaLed on us from Allah (subhanahu wa 'Laala).
As Allah (subhanahu wa Laala) says, "Whoever obeys the Messenger then they have
|ndeed obeyed A||ah." And lL ls an obllgaLlon on Lhe young and old, male and
female, free man and slave, from Lhe Musllms. Abdullah bln 'umar (radlallaahu
`anhu) sald, 1he rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) made zakatu|f|tr from
kamadhan ob||gatory, a sa'ah of dates or bar|ey on the s|ave, free, ma|e, fema|e,
young, and o|d from the Mus||ms." (Agreed upon)
It |s not ob||gatory to be pa|d on the baby st||| |n the mother's stomach, but |f they
pay |t for the rewards, then that |s okay. 'uLhman (radlallaahu `anhu) used Lo Lake
lL. Lach person |s respons|b|e for pay|ng |t on themse|ves, |f they can't then the|r
fam||y can pay |t for them. Whoever can't afford to g|ve one sa'ah, then they can
g|ve |ess as Allah (subhanahu wa Laala) says, "Iear A||ah as much as you're ab|e."
And Lhe saylng of Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam), "If I order you w|th
someth|ng, then do |t to the best of your ab|||ty." (Agreed upon)
As for the w|sdom beh|nd pay|ng zakatu|f|tr, |t |s sustenance for the poor, and |t
w||| stop them from begg|ng on the day of L|d. 1hey w||| be ab|e to [o|n the r|ch
peop|e |n the|r happ|ness, and |t w||| be L|d for everyone. It |s a|so makes a person
more generous, and |t pur|f|es the person's fast and comp|etes any def|c|enc|es |n
|t. It a|so shows a way to thank the b|ess|ngs bestowed upon us from A||ah, for
f|n|sh|ng fast|ng |n th|s month, and worsh|p|ng |n |t.
lbn 'Abbas (radlallaahu `anhu ) sald, "1he rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam)
made zakatu|f|tr ob||gatory for the fast|ng person as a pur|f|cat|on from s|ns
comm|tted dur|ng the fast, and to feed the poor, so whoever g|ves |t before the L|d
prayer, then |t |s an accepted zakah, and whoever g|ves |t after the L|d prayer, then
|t |s cons|dered char|ty." (Abu uawood, lbn Ma[ah)
It shou|d be g|ven |n the form of human food ||ke dates, r|ce, ra|s|ns, or other types
of food for humans. 1he zakatu|f|tr was g|ven |n dates or bar|ey dur|ng that t|me
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because that |s the food that they used to eat. Abu Sa'eld al khudry (8A) sald, "We
used to g|ve on the day of f|tr dur|ng the t|me of the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh|
wa sa||aam) a sa'ah of food, and our food was bar|ey, ra|s|ns, cheese, and dates."
So |t |s not perm|ss|b|e to g|ve an|ma| feed, because the rophet (sa||a|aahu `a|ayh|
wa sa||aam) ob||gated |t to be eaten by the poor not by an|ma|s. Nor shou|d |t be
g|ven as c|othes, covers, and other th|ngs, on|y food for humans, because the
rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) made |t food, and you shou|dn't do other
than that.
lL ls noL permlsslble Lo glve Lhe equlvalence of Lhe food. 1hls ls golng on someLhlng
dlfferenL Lhan whaL Lhe ropheL Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
ordered, as Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever does an
act|on that |s not from us, then |t |s re[ected." (Musllm) Also glvlng Lhe equlvalence
ls agalnsL Lhe acLlons of Lhe Sahaba (radlallaahu `anhu), as Lhey used Lo glve lL as a
sa'ah of food. As Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "It |s upon you to
fo||ow my way, and the way of the r|ght|y gu|ded ca||phs after me." (Ahmad, Abu
uawood, lbn Ma[ah, 1lrmldhee) 2akatu|f|tr |s an ob||gatory act that |s very spec|f|c,
so |t |s not perm|ss|b|e to g|ve |t other than how |t was spec|f|ed, [ust ||ke |t |s not
perm|ss|b|e to g|ve |t |n other than |ts spec|f|c t|me. It |s someth|ng g|ven |n front of
everyone pub||c|y, not ||ke money wh|ch |s g|ven secret|y between the g|ver and
the taker. 1he sa'ah shou|d be g|ven |n terms of the measurements dur|ng the t|me
of the rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) and ad[usted to today's
1he t|me that |t becomes an ob||gat|on |s the n|ght of L|d. So |f someone d|es
before the sett|ng of the sun, even |t |s by two m|nutes, then |t doesn't have to be
pa|d. 8ut |f someone d|es after the sett|ng of the sun, even by two m|nutes, then |t
must be pa|d on them. A|so |f someone |s born before the sett|ng of the sun, then
|t must be pa|d on them.
As for the t|mes to g|ve the zakah there are two: a t|me that |s preferred, and a
t|me that |s perm|ss|b|e.
As for the preferred t|me, |t |s the morn|ng of L|d before the prayer. As Lhe hadeeLh
of Abu Sa'eld al khudrl when he sald Lhey used Lo glve Lhe zakah on Lhe day of flLr,
and a hadeeLh of lbn 'umar LhaL Lhe ropheL Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) used Lo order Lhe zakah Lo be glven before Lhe people leave for Lhe Lld
prayer. (Musllm) lor Lhls reason lL ls good Lo delay Lhe Lld prayer so LhaL Lhe people
can have Llme Lo glve ouL Lhe zakah. As for Lhe Llme when lL ls permlsslble, Lhls ls
before Lld by a day or Lwo.
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It |s not to be g|ven after the L|d prayer w|thout an excuse, otherw|se |t |s not
accepted. If a person has a va||d excuse then th|s |s f|ne, ||ke be|ng at sea dur|ng
the t|me of L|d, or be|ng to|d about the day be|ng L|d and |t |s a surpr|se to you. Cr
|f you are re|y|ng on someone to d|str|bute |t for you and they forget, then th|s |s
f|ne to g|ve after the L|d prayer as we||.
As for the p|ace where the peop|e rece|ve the zakah, they shou|d be the poor
peop|e ||v|ng |n the area. kegard|ess |f a person ||ves |n a Mus||m country or not, or
|f the peop|e |n a d|fferent country cou|d use |t more, |t |s to be g|ven |n the area
where a person |s ||v|ng.
As for the peop|e that rece|ve the zakah, they are the poor peop|e who have debts
that they cannot pay by themse|ves. lL ls permlsslble for Lhe zakah Lo be dlsLrlbuLed
on more Lhan one poor person, and lL ls permlsslble for all of Lhe zakah Lo go Lo [usL
one person as well. lt |s a|so perm|ss|b|e for the poor person to take the zakah and
use |t as zakat u| f|tr for themse|ves or the|r fam||y members.

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1he 1wenty N|neth S|tt|ng
My broLhers: Conclude Lhls monLh of 8amadhan wlLh repenLance Lo Allah from
dlsobeylng Plm. And wlLh reLurnlng Lo Plm wlLh whaL pleases Plm. lndeed a person
wlll never sLop from commlLLlng slns, and belng deflclenL. And all of Lhe sons of
Adam are slnners, and Lhe besL of slnners are Lhose LhaL repenL. As Allah says, "(And
to preach thus), 'Seek ye the forg|veness of your Lord, and turn to n|m |n
repentance, that ne may grant you en[oyment, good (and true), for a term
appo|nted, and bestow n|s abound|ng grace on a|| who abound |n mer|t! 8ut |f ye
turn away, then I fear for you the pena|ty of a great day." And, "Say: I am on|y a
morta| ||ke you, |t |s revea|ed to me that your A||ah |s one A||ah, therefore fo||ow
the r|ght way to n|m and ask n|s forg|veness, and woe to the po|ythe|sts," And, ",
and turn to A||ah a|| of you, C be||evers! so that you may be successfu|." And, "C
you who be||eve! turn to A||ah a s|ncere turn|ng, maybe your Lord w||| remove
from you your ev|| and cause you to enter gardens beneath wh|ch r|vers f|ow, on
the day on wh|ch A||ah w||| not abase the rophet and those who be||eve w|th h|m,
the|r ||ght sha|| run on before them and on the|r r|ght hands, they sha|| say: Cur
Lord! make perfect for us our ||ght, and grant us protect|on, sure|y 1hou hast
power over a|| th|ngs" And, "sure|y A||ah |oves those who turn much (to n|m), and
ne |oves those who pur|fy themse|ves." And Lhere are many verses LhaL menLlon
1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallam) sald, "Ch you who be||eve, repent to
A||ah, and seek h|s forg|veness, for |ndeed I seek repentance 100 a day." (Musllm)
and he sald, "Indeed I repent to A||ah |n one day more than 70 t|mes." (8ukharl)
and he sald, "A||ah |s more p|eased w|th the repentance of a servant as he turns
towards n|m for repentance than th|s that one amongst you |s upon the came| |n a
water|ess desert and there |s upon (that came|) h|s prov|s|on of food and dr|nk a|so
and |t |s |ost by h|m, and he hav|ng |ost a|| hope ||es down |n the shadow and |s
d|sappo|nted about h|s came| and there he f|nds that came| stand|ng before h|m.
ne takes ho|d of h|s nosestr|ng and then out of bound|ess [oy says: C |ord, ou are
my s|ave, and I am your Lord. ne comm|ts th|s m|stake out of extreme de||ght."
(Musllm) he also sald, "If the son of Adam had a mounta|n of go|d, they wou|d want
to have two mounta|ns, and they w||| not be p|eased unt|| the|r mouth |s f|||ed w|th
d|rt, and A||ah forg|ves for whoever repents." (Agreed upon)
So repenLance ls reLurlng Lo Allah from dlsobedlence Lo obedlence, because Pe
(subhanahu wa 'Laala) ls Lhe rlghLfully worshlped, and Lhe rlghLs of worshlp ls LhaL a
person should be low and humble Lo Lhe Lord wlLh love, and lf someone dlsobeys
Allah, Lhen Lhelr repenLance ls Lo reLurn Lo Allah, and Lo sLand aL Pls door Lhe
sLandlng of someone who ls poor ln fear, and humbleness.
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And repentance |s an ob||gat|on, and |t |s not perm|ss|b|e to de|ay |t. 8ecause A||ah
and n|s Messenger ordered us to make repentance, and nobody knows what w|||
happen to them |f they de|ay |t. Cont|nu|ng on the d|sobed|ence of A||ah w||| make
the heart hard, and w||| d|stance a person from A||ah (subhanahu wa taa|a) and
w||| decrease the|r fa|th. Ior |ndeed the fa|th |ncreases w|th obed|ence and
decreases w|th d|sobed|ence. Cont|nu|ng to comm|t s|ns w||| |ead to mak|ng |t a
hab|t wh|ch w||| make |t even harder to stop, and th|s w||| open the door for
Shaytan and w||| |ead to more and b|gger s|ns.
And repentance to A||ah shou|d be s|ncere, and |t has f|ve cond|t|ons.
I|rst: lL should be done slncerely for Lhe sake of Allah, and wlLh hope of belng
forglven, and fear of belng punlshed.
Second: 1hey should feel regreL and sadness over whaL Lhey dld, and Lhey should
wlsh LhaL Lhey never dld LhaL sln.
1h|rd: 1hey should deslsL from commlLLlng Lhe sln, oLherwlse Lhe Lawba ls noL
accepLed. lf someone sLole money from someone, Lhen Lhelr repenLance ls noL
accepLed unLll lL ls reLurned Lo Lhe person, lf LhaL person ls dead, Lhen lL should be
glven Lo Lhelr lnherlLors. lf LhaL person doesn'L have lnherlLors Lhen lL ls Lo be glve Lo
bayLalmal. lf Lhey are unsure of who Lhe money Lhey sLole belongs Lo, Lhen Lhey
should glve lL ln charlLy. lf Lhey spoke abouL someone behlnd Lhelr back, Lhen Lhey
should apologlze Lo Lhe person.
Iourth: 1he person should resolve LhaL Lhey wlll noL reLurn Lo Lhls sln, Lhls ls Lhe
frulLs of Lhe repenLance as well as proof lLs slncerlLy.
I|fth: lL cannoL be made afLer Lwo cerLaln Llmes. Cne Llme general for all people, and
one Llme speclflc for each person. As for Lhe general Llme for all people, Lhen LhaL ls
when Lhe sun rlses from Lhe wesL. As Allah says, "Cn the day when some of the
s|gns of your Lord sha|| come, |ts fa|th sha|| not prof|t a sou| wh|ch d|d not be||eve
before, or earn good through |ts fa|th." 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
sald, Whoever repents before the sun r|ses from the west, A||ah w||| forg|ve
them." (Musllm)
As for the spec|f|c t|me, then |t |s the stages before a person's sou| |eaves the body.
As Allah says, "And repentance |s not for those who go on do|ng ev|| deeds, unt||
when death comes to one of them, he says: Sure|y now I repent, nor (for) those
who d|e wh||e they are unbe||evers."
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Allah says, "Say: C my servants! who have acted extravagant|y aga|nst the|r own
sou|s, do not despa|r of the mercy of A||ah, sure|y A||ah forg|ves the fau|ts
a|together, sure|y ne |s the Iorg|v|ng the Merc|fu|." And Allah says, "And whoever
does ev|| or acts un[ust|y to h|s sou|, then asks forg|veness of A||ah, he sha|| f|nd
A||ah Iorg|v|ng, Merc|fu|."

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1he 1h|rt|eth S|tt|ng
Conc|ud|ng the Month
My broLhers: 1he month of kamadhan |s |eav|ng us, and |t |s e|ther a w|tness for
you or aga|nst you. So whoever ends the month and he d|d good, then |et them
pra|se A||ah for that and have g|ad t|d|ngs of much reward, for |ndeed A||ah does
not |ose the reward of a person who d|d good. As for the person who d|d ev|| acts,
then |et them repent to h|s Lord a s|ncere repentance, for |ndeed A||ah forg|ves for
whoever repents. Allah has prescrlbed for you ln Lhe end of Lhls monLh acLs LhaL wlll
brlng you closer Lo Allah and lncrease your lman, and lncrease your good deeds.
Allah has prescrlbed for you zakaLulflLr, and we spoke abouL Lhls already, and Allah
prescrlbed for you Lo make Lakbeer on Lhe lasL day once Lhe sun seLs unLll Lhe Lld
prayer. Allah (subhanahu wa 'Laala) says, "So that you may f|n|sh the month, and
make takbeer to A||ah for what he has gu|ded you, and so that you may be
thankfu|." 1he Lakbeer should be sald llke Lhls: "A||ahu Akbar, A||ahu akbar, La
I||aha I||a|ah, A||ahu akbar, a||ahu akbar, wa|||aah||hamd." And Lhe men should say
lL ouL loud ln Lhe mosques, markeLplace, and houses. 1hls ls Lo show Lhe greaLness of
Allah, and Lo show Lhankfulness. As for women, Lhey should say lL quleLly, because
Lhey are ordered wlLh modesLy and uslng low volces. 1here ls noL a more beauLlful
slghL Lhan Lo see Lhe people maklng Lakbeer of Allah ln every place afLer Lhey
flnlshed Lhe monLh, Lhey flll Lhe places wlLh Labeer and pralse seeklng Lhe mercy of
Allah and scared of Pls punlshmenL. Allah has also prescrlbed Lhe Lld prayer, and lL ls
a compleLlon Lo Lhlkr of Allah (subhanahu wa Laalaa). 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) ordered boLh men and women Lo aLLend Lhe Lld prayer, even Lhough
Lhe house ls beLLer for Lhe women, excepL for Lhe Lld prayer.
umm 'ALlyah (8A) sald, 1he ropheL Muhammad (sallallaahu`alayhl wa sallaam)
ordered us Lo go ouL for llLr and alAdha, Lhe young vlrglns and Lhe mensLruaLlng
women, as for Lhe mensLruaLlng woman she should avold Lhe prayer area, and
should wlLness Lhe goodness and Lhe many Musllms. She sald, "Ch Messenger of
A||ah, one of us doesn't have a [||bab" Pe sald, "Let one of her s|ster g|ve her one of
her [||babs." (Agreed upon)
lL ls from Lhe sunnah Lo eaL before leavlng Lhe house, lL should be an odd number of
daLes. Anls bln Mallk sald, "1he rophet (sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) used eat on
the day of I|tr an odd number of dates." (Ahmad, 8ukharl) And Lhey should go by
fooL Lo Lhe mas[ld, excepL lf you have an excuse llke belng old, or belng far away. As
All bln Abl 1allb sald, "It |s from the sunnah to go to the L|d prayer wa|k|ng."
(graded hassan by 1lrmldhee) lL ls also sunnah for Lhe man Lo have a nlce
appearance, and wear perfume, and wear hls besL cloLhes. Abdullah lbn 'umar sald,
'umar boughL a sllk cloak from Lhe markeL, Look lL Lo Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam), and sald: "C A||ah's Apost|e! take |t and adorn yourse|f w|th |t dur|ng
the L|ds and when the de|egat|ons v|s|t you. Allah's AposLle answered: "1h|s dress |s
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for those who have no share |n the nere-after." (Agreed upon) ne sa|d th|s because
|t was made of s||k wh|ch |s haram for men to wear. As for the woman, she shou|d
|eave w|thout beaut|fy|ng herse|f, or wear|ng perfume, or dressed |mmodest|y.
And you should come Lo Lhe prayer wlLh khushoo' and a presenL hearL, and you
should lncrease ln Lhe Lhlkr of Allah and du'ah, and seeklng ls mercy, and fearlng hls
punlshmenL, and Lhey should plcLure Lhe people gaLherlng Lo Lhe mas[ld, as Lhe
people gaLherlng beLween Lhe hands of Allah on Lhe uay of !udgmenL. And you
should be happy wlLh Lhe blesslngs of Allah on you, for flnlshlng 8amadhan, and
belng able Lo do Lhe prayer, fasLlng, reclLlng, charlLy, and oLher acLs of worshlp. lor
lndeed LhaL ls beLLer Lhan Lhe world and whaL lL conLalns. Say: ln Lhe grace of Allah
and ln Pls mercy- ln LhaL Lhey should re[olce, lL ls beLLer Lhan LhaL whlch Lhey
gaLher." lor lndeed fasLlng and esLabllshlng 8amadhan wlLh falLh and expecLlng lLs
reward ls a cause for forglveness from slns, and purlflcaLlon. So Lhe bellever geLs
happy wlLh Lhe compleLlon of Lhe fasL and prayer, so LhaL lL purlfles Lhem. Whlle Lhe
person of weak falLh ls happy Lo geL Lhe fasLlng over wlLh. And Lhe dlfference
beLween Lhe Lwo groups ls vasL.
My broLhers: 1hls monLh ls over, buL Lhe acLlons of a bellever never flnlsh before hls
deaLh. Allah (subhanahu 'wa Laala) sald, "And worsh|p your Lord unt|| death
overtakes you." And, "Ch you who be||eve, fear A||ah as he shou|d be r|ghtfu||y,
and do not d|e except as Mus||ms." And Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
sald, "When the s|ave d|es, then h|s act|ons are cut." So noLhlng cuLs Lhe acLs of
worshlp excepL deaLh, so when 8amadhan ls compleLed, Lhen Lhe bellever should
sLlll conLlnue Lo fasL. lasLlng ls allowed durlng Lhe whole year, and we pralse Allah
for LhaL. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Whoever fasts
kamadhan, then fasted s|x from Shawwa|, |t |s as |f they fasted the ent|re year."
(Musllm) Also fasLlng Lhree days of every monLh. lL ls besL lf Lhese are Lhe days of
8adh, whlch are Lhe 13Lh,14Lh, and 13Lh of Lhe monLh. 1he ropheL (sallallaahu
`alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "Ch Abu Dhar |f you fast three days of every month, then
|et |t be the 13th, 14th, and 1Sth." (Ahmad, nlsaee) 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) also sald LhaL fasLlng on Lhe day of Arafah ls a forglveness for Lhe pasL
and upcomlng years. (Musllm) And fasLlng on Lhe day of 'Ashura forglves Lhe pasL
year. 1he ropheL Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) was asked, "Wh|ch |s
the best fast after kamadhan?" he sald, After fast|ng kamadhan, fast|ng the
month of Muharram." (Musllm) 1he ropheL Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa
sallaam) sald, "1he act|ons are ra|sed on Mondays and 1hursday, so I ||ke my
act|ons to be ra|sed wh||e I am fast|ng." (1lrmldhee)
When Lhe nlghL prayer ls over ln 8amadhan, know LhaL lL ls permlsslble Lo pray every
nlghL of Lhe year, and Lo Allah ls Lhe pralse for LhaL. 1he ropheL Muhammad (SAW)
used Lo pray aL nlghL unLll hls feeL swelled, and when he was asked abouL Lhls he
sald, "Shou|d I not be a thankfu| s|ave?" (8ukharl) 1he ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl
wa sallaam) also sald, "Ch peop|e spread the sa|aam, and feed the poor, and keep
the re|at|ons of the womb, and pray at n|ght wh||e the peop|e s|eep, you w||| enter
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parad|se |n peace." (graded Saheeh by 1lrmldhee) ln Saheeh Musllm Lhe ropheL
(sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "1he best prayer after the ob||gatory ones |s
the n|ght prayer." A person should pray Lhe nlghL prayer ln unlLs of Lwo, and lf Lhey
fear LhaL fa[r wlll approach, Lhen Lhey should pray one rak'ah and LhaL wlll be Lhelr
wlLr. And lf Lhey wlsh Lhey can pray Lhe dlfferenL ways LhaL were descrlbed ln Lhe
fourLh slLLlng. 1he ropheL Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) sald, "A||ah
tabarak wa ta'a|a descends every |ast th|rd of the n|ght to the f|rst heaven and
says, "Who w||| make du'ah so that I can answer |t? Who w||| ask so that I w||| g|ve
them? Who w||| seek forg|veness so that I w||| grant |t to them?" (Agreed upon)
And Lhlkr follows Lhe flve prayers, as Allah says, "When you f|n|sh the prayer then
make th|kr of A||ah stand|ng, s|tt|ng, and on your s|des." When Lhe ropheL
Muhammad (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam) flnlshed Lhe prayer, he would say
asLaghflrallah" Lhree Llmes, Lhen say Allahuma anLassalam wamlnkassalam
LabarakLa wadhll[alalee wallkraam". And Lhe ropheL (sallallaahu `alayhl wa sallaam)
sald who every made Lasbeeh afLer ever prayer 33 Llmes and hamd 33 Llmes and
Lakbeer 33 Llmes, Lhls ls 99, Lhen sald Lo compleLe 100, La llaha lllallah wahdahu
lashareekalahu, lahulmulku walahulhamdu wahuwa ala kull shaln qadeer" hLen he ls
forglven for hls slns even lf lL was as much as Lhe foam of Lhe sea. (Musllm)
So sLrlve by broLhers ln dolng Lhe acLs of obedlence and leave Lhe slns so LhaL you
may achleve Lhe successful llfe ln Lhe world and ln Lhe nexL, as Allah (subhanahu wa
'Laala) says, "Whoever does good whether ma|e or fema|e and he |s a be||ever, We
w||| most certa|n|y make h|m ||ve a happy ||fe, and We w||| most certa|n|y g|ve
them the|r reward for the best of what they d|d."
Ch A||ah make us steadfast w|th eman and on do|ng r|ghteous act|ons, and g|ve us
a n|ce ||fe and a||ow us to be w|th the r|ghteous, and a|| pra|se |s to A||ah Lord of
the wor|ds, and send your peace and b|ess|ng on the rophet Muhammad
(sa||a||aahu `a|ayh| wa sa||aam) and on h|s fam||y and compan|ons.
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