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This project is an industrial boiler controller that controls the temperature of
the heating element of a device according to its requirement. The system uses solar
power as the power supply. Thus, the project saves the electrical power upto the
maximum extent.
The sensed and set temperature values are simultaneously displayed on the
LCD panel. The circuit is programmed for on off control. !t is very compact using
few components and can be implemented for several applications including air"
conditioners, water"heaters, snow"melting equipments, ovens, heat"exchangers,
mixers, furnaces, incubators, thermal baths and veterinary operating tables.
The temperature sensor L#$% senses the temperature and converts it into an
electrical signal, which is applied to the microcontroller through &DC. The analog
signal is converted into digital format by the analog"to"digital converter '&DC(. The
sensed and set values of the temperature are displayed on the )*x+"line LCD. The set
temperature value can be varied from )C to +%%C using an external ,C- mount push
on switch.
The main features of the ro!e"t are#
). .sage of solar energy for boiler.
+. Displaying of sensed and set temperature on LCD display.
$. ,ossible to vary set temperature.
/. &lerts if sensed temperature exceeds set temperature.

The ro!e"t ro$i%es &earnin'(s of fo&&o)in' te"hno&o'ies#
). Temperature sensor.
+. &DC usage of #icrocontroller. ,h0 12) 2*3$)/3/4+
Ameeret# 5&"6, +
floor, 7ure8a court, &bove 9: ba8ers, &meerpet, ;yderabad < 6$.
Mi*aur +,( Roa%s# 5+3), #eher ,la=a, #iyapur >?@ Aoads, ;yderabad " /2.
Di&su-hna'ar# 5B"4, )st floor, :reemaan Aama Towers, Cpp09alani8ethan, Chaitanyapuri, ;yderabad " *+.
$. LCD interfacing to #icrocontroller.
/. :olar panel.
%. Doltage measuring circuit.
The ma!or .ui&%in' .&o"-s of the ro!e"t are#
). Aegulated ,ower :upply.
+. ,!C #icrocontroller.
$. Temperature sensor.
/. Crystal oscillator.
%. L7D indicators.
*. Aeset.
6. -u==er.
4. ,CT
2. LCD display with driver.
Soft)are(s use%#
). ,!C"C compiler for 7mbedded C programming.
+. ,!C 8it + programmer for dumping code into #icro controller.
$. 7xpress :C; for Circuit design.
/. ,roteus for hardware simulation.
Re'u&ate% Po)er Su&*#
B&o"- Dia'ram ,h0 12) 2*3$)/3/4+
Ameeret# 5&"6, +
floor, 7ure8a court, &bove 9: ba8ers, &meerpet, ;yderabad < 6$.
Mi*aur +,( Roa%s# 5+3), #eher ,la=a, #iyapur >?@ Aoads, ;yderabad " /2.
Di&su-hna'ar# 5B"4, )st floor, :reemaan Aama Towers, Cpp09alani8ethan, Chaitanyapuri, ;yderabad " *+. ,h0 12) 2*3$)/3/4+
Ameeret# 5&"6, +
floor, 7ure8a court, &bove 9: ba8ers, &meerpet, ;yderabad < 6$.
Mi*aur +,( Roa%s# 5+3), #eher ,la=a, #iyapur >?@ Aoads, ;yderabad " /2.
Di&su-hna'ar# 5B"4, )st floor, :reemaan Aama Towers, Cpp09alani8ethan, Chaitanyapuri, ;yderabad " *+.

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