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Engagement at work was conceptualized by Kahn, (1990) as the Harnessing of

Organizational Members selves to their work roles, In engagement, people employ and
epress themsel!es physically, cogniti!ely, and emotionally during role per"ormances#
$he second related construct to engagement in organizational beha!ior is the notion o" "low
ad!anced by %sikszentmihalyi (19&', 1990)# %sikzentmihalyi (19&') de"ines "low as the
Holistic Sensation that, people "eel when they act with total in!ol!ement# (low is the state in
which there is little distinction between the sel" and en!ironment# )hen indi!iduals are in (low
*tate little conscious control is necessary "or their actions#
Employee engagement is the thus the le!el o" commitment and in!ol!ement an employee has
towards their organization and its !alues# +n engaged employee is aware o" business contet, and
works with colleagues to impro!e per"ormance within the ,ob "or the bene"it o" the organization#
$he organization must work to de!elop and nurture engagement, which re-uires a two.way
relationship between employer and employee#/ $hus Employee engagement is a barometer that
determines the association o" a person with the organization
Engagement is most closely associated with the eisting construction o" ,ob in!ol!ement (0rown
1991) and "low (%sikszentmihalyi, 1990)# 2ob in!ol!ement is de"ined as 3$he degree to which
the ,ob situation is central to the person and his or her identity (4awler 5 6all, 19&0)# Kanungo
(1978) maintained that ,ob in!ol!ement is a 3%ogniti!e or belie" state o" 9sychological
identi"ication# 2ob in!ol!ement is thought to depend on both need saliency and the potential o" a
,ob to satis"y these needs# $hus ,ob in!ol!ement results "orm a cogniti!e ,udgment about the
needs satis"ying abilities o" the ,ob# 2obs in this !iew are tied to one/s sel" image# Engagement
di""ers "rom ,ob in as it is concerned more with how the indi!idual employees his:her sel" during
the per"ormance o" his : her ,ob# (urthermore engagement entails the acti!e use o" emotions#
(inally engagement may be thought o" as an antecedent to ,ob in!ol!ement in that indi!iduals
who eperience deep engagement in their roles should come to identi"y with their ,obs#
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#OM%&N' %O(I)*$
+O)!S )&,*ST -*.*&,* #OM%&N'
The Coca-Cola Company engages in the manufacturing, distribution, and
marketing of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups worldwide.
The company ofers nonalcoholic beverages, principally carbonated soft
drinks, as well as noncarbonated beverages. Its beverage products
comprise bottled and canned soft drinks and beverages products. The
companys products also include beverage concentrates, such as
avoring ingredients and sweeteners! syrups, the beverage ingredients
produced by combining concentrates, sweeteners, and added water! and
fountain syrups that use e"uipment for mi#ing the syrups with carbonated
or noncarbonated water for immediate consumption, and are sold to
fountain retailers, such as restaurants. Through the world$s largest
beverage distribution system, consumers in more than %&& countries
drink the company$s beverages at a rate e#ceeding '.( billion servings
each day. Coca-
Cola Company also produces and markets noncarbonated beverages,
including waters and avored waters, )uice and )uice drinks, sports drinks,
energy drinks and teas and cofees. The company sells its *nished
beverage products primarily to distributors.
It sells its beverage concentrates and syrups to bottling and canning
operators, distributors, fountain wholesalers, and fountain retailers. The
Coca-Cola Company was founded in '++, and is head"uartered in -tlanta,

The #oca0#ola (oundation
&tlanta1 ,eorgia
$he mission o" $he %oca.%ola (oundation is to impro!e the -uality o" li"e in the community
and enhance indi!idual opportunity through education# )e support educational programs
primarily within three main areas; higher education, classroom teaching and learning, and
international education# <ur programs support scholarships "or aspiring students= encourage
and moti!ate young people to stay in school= and "oster cultural understanding# <!er the last
ten years, our (oundation has contributed more than >18? million in support o" education#
To efresh the +orld### in body, mind, and spirit#
To Ins2ire Moments of O2timism### through our brands and our actions#
To #reate .alue and Make a !ifference### e!erywhere we engage#
%oca.%ola is guided by shared !alues that will continue to li!e by as a company and as
)eadershi2; @$he courage to shape a better "uture@
%assion; @%ommitted in heart and mind@
Integrit3; @0e real@
&ccountabilit3; @I" it is to be, it/s up to me@
#ollaboration; @4e!erage collecti!e genius@
Innovation; @*eek, imagine, create, delight@
4ualit3; @)hat we do, we do well@

Ob5ectives of the %ro5ect$
$o *tudy the Employee Engagement practices in a well established AB%#
$o e!aluate the e""ecti!eness o" the Employee Engagement#
$o "ind out the satis"action le!els o" the Employees with the current system#
*S*&#H M*THO!O)O,'
$he research method o" the study eplains the systematic way o" "indings to the predetermined
ob,ecti!es# Aoreo!er this pro!ides the clean path to accomplish and achie!e clear solution "or
the problem stated# $he "ollowing are the stages through which the research has passed to obtain
the conclusions#
1# Ce"ine the research problem
8# De!iew the literature
E# Cesign research
?# %ollection o" data
'# +nalyze data
1# Interpret data
&# Deport the data
%ur2ose and Im2ortance of the stud36
$he answers "rom the Employees will gi!e the true picture o" the Employee Engagement#
+nalyzing the candidates answers will help in understanding problems "rom the Employees
!iew, thus will help to de!elop the current system and making it more e""ecti!e#
+ study is conducted to know the !iews o" the Employees on the %urrent *ystem# $o
know the attitude o" the Employees data is collected through structured -uestionnaire# ()here
-uestions are in pre.arranged order)#
$he -uestionnaire consists dichromatic, multiple choice and open ended -uestions#
$he -uestionnaire is designed "or Employees working with %<%+%<4+= the
-uestionnaires were gi!en as "eed back "orms to the candidates on behal" o" %<%+%<4+#
Sam2le Selection$ +s the ob,ecti!e o" the pro,ect is to study the Employee
Engagement to know the perception o" the Employees, sample is selected "rom Foice and Bon
!oice based pro"iles#
Sam2ling Size$ + sample size o" 1' is drawn, where the respondents are the Employees who
work "or Foice and Bon Foice process#
Source of data$
(or the purpose o" the study the "ollowing sources o" data are used#
%rimar3 data; 9rimary data re"ers to the collection o" "irst hand data#
Cata is collected through
4uestionnaire; Guestionnaire is prepared and circulated to the employees to know their opinion#
Observations; <bser!ations were done during the !isits to the organization#
Secondar3 data;
*econdary data re"ers to the data, which is not newly generated but rather obtained "rom#
9ublished sources#
Hnpolished sources i#e#, in"ormation about the per"ormance o" the company
Deport on the study#
De!iew o" literature etc#
!ata &nal3sis; +"ter the data ha!e been collected it has to be analyzed= the data obtained "rom
the -uestionnaire is arranged in a serial order# + master copy with tabulation methods has been
$abulation is a part o" technical procedure where in classi"ied data are put in
the "orm o" tablets# $he tablets thus obtained were analyzed with statistical techni-ues so that
interpretation would be precise#

+s 9er the abo!e obser!ations and analysis it seems that most o" the Employees o" I%(
+ustralia are Engaged and like there work and <rganization ecept "ew Employees who are Bot
Engaged and "ew who are Bearly engaged and can be changed to an Engaged Employee by their
super!isors by proper planning#
Employee Engagement is the buzz word term "or employee communication# It is a positi!e
attitude held by the employees towards the organization and its !alues# It is rapidly gaining
popularity, use and importance in the workplace and impacts
<rganizations in many ways#
1# $here was a time restriction o" ?' days, so the study was conducted by selecting a sample o"
1' respondents and the "acts and "indings may not represent a true picture o" the procedure
"ollowed in organization
-ooks referred$
6uman Desource AanagementJJJJJJJJJJ##*hashi# K# Iupta
Dosy 2oshi
6uman Desource AanagementJJJJJJJJJJ#F#*#9#Dao

6uman Desource AanagementJJJJJJJJJJ#(isher *haw

6uman Desource AanagementJJJJJJJJJJ#*ubba Dao

*m2lo3ee *ngagement Surve3
1# Coes (un at work happen regularlyK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
8# Co I get (eedback regularly "rom my super!isor "or impro!ing my per"ormanceK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
E# Co I "eel like coming to o""ice regularlyK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
?# Co I get su""icient opportunities to impro!e my skillsK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
'# Co I recei!e any recognition "or my contributions in last E monthsK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
1# +re my thoughts and "eelings gi!en due respect at work placeK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
&# Coes my manager demonstrate a personal commitment to my continuous learning and
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
7# Co I get encouraged to learn "rom my mistakesK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
9# Co I en,oy my workK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion
10# +m I aware o" the career opportunities that are a!ailable to me at my companyK
+# *trongly Cisagree
0# Cisagree
%# *lightly Cisagree
C# +gree
E# *trongly +gree
(# Bo <pinion

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