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, !
\ . (Letter 1) For oms in jail and Out
ole .
I '.. . .
HOpe You are OK, I history of CP, democracy Le. internal party democrac;y and the democracy in
have been paying a crucial role. It is a major causl in the collapse of,:USSR and restoration of
in Sovie China and in all countries; Annihi'lation or elimination of I
politiCal competitor was apart of the anti dem9cratic adivity there. Now the elimination of
ifl.9LJtsipean.dals9:JJytryiofrin that our party is also
I sU,ch left cadres without
exposing corns tnSloee who have debates or
'" "r:"'-;. -,' ,c ,..;,.; "':\'1"" '::. '. _ . "'. .- I ___ "/-:!\; . ..__ :- +.. .
. to die in enemy hand
of of
... 15 gOing
to [be. tn'ere Just aft:rty _.
rer;nam If In'3Ir:1) . .......... democratic
rights of PMs or .. . ora'rmed strength to gb6d. In this
copdition, there is 0 'spaceJor people contioub r .y,r.... .
1 . _ "'.,,'. 1 .." .. "u,; if"', " .
Caip is needed for and not vies versa:
asl per need of rev lutlon.. path. of the. ,ttle Ciountrr. p.,p;\'A1 'is
useful for our c untry Just like It \i>.r to engage them
sejlf in war nOW a all places. Now in. or their practi'cal
prpblein.....tof<rce and tounter the intense state 6ute.t why they will?
Wie may take pro aganda to prepare them,but the hrSty decision to intensify where
of pe pte's cOQdition ang to
base area in .K or BJInsJJch,C!;big .
we are too weak and where our pJeparatioA for war is .' ( we'haye,no
, no explosi es, no. weapons, no intelligence, n6 doctbrs no drivers, cind nO
is Ileft adventurist i nature. And we did not review our Jarlier decision to base areas in" I
Nt and Nalamala 0 A.P with this outlool<. Was the decisi6n correct as per the social and geographical
I' ..., . I .
cqndition of that rea? We are repeating'the historical mistakes and are
not trying to from
1 .'.-' ":
history for our sup riority. . .
pLp,e atthetime oltheir crisis through the of govt orthrough our
m:i1itant economis ,and for that they may help ;and jOi1n us partially. But are not prepared for
We need m ch time to prepare them, and for this our war must not be intensified in one or
t+opockets of su h a big country. Why because, in IntJnse war and it will difficult for us
t1 the. pie and people will not the1 self night as WiSh: .The
conditiO of our country , the POSition of Centralised Govt maFhmery v!a huge mIlitary
,commu ication., infrastructure and Govt refo111ms is different thai.:n tho at of the the.n China,
After 1857 the Bri ishers had planned to break Indian rural structure and founded the Panchayat
!' . j
system in micro Ie el, which is now developed to macro level and working asa main vehicle in the
of their suc essor to implement reforms. have some illusipn towards it !.ike it has
in Narayan atna. oreover, our Party position, work in working class and subjective
for a is totally at a different cbndition from ,that! of China. ThoLlgh in the .
. .. (Jf'JZ- 4, S '- s: c.J --VIa L., :J:f.'
V. 11,p,w.o ""P'
. J I, .,J;;tvtU'- ftJ..-v4.
/ j
2 J) V- _ s/tJ,;M C,6- I of-
. X
I .
our inhuman anti ecological activity. If leaders will laugh, when they heard the report
repression on eople after our armed action or one ,ambush on enemy, hoping a
good people's rmed retaliation subjectively, then what to say? " Those are very
for people like me arid cadres in our area;, People fear to PLGA instead of love and
f1' I I . 'I'
respect. I . ,., . .
As I write the d last 9- un;,;y
congress 6r ir'i I have Q.OU9t pnyanswer to my opinion on
.' '. ' ... etc from (eM
fL, .,,': ,"" is no
f .., ,h we: for: last 13 years, I
'J'ii" . , . "iJ.\".,:"rr'f
. to send all mattE!"r' t":: ' mediator
t;', : . -' _ . i ... i;)" .
n'eed, from the det .C' jaiL In the
/1 have to ,"'! ' !' .

'0 , 1 . .,",,'1'1;
" ;I. .
:.. ,;: ....; "'H
"" ...,,,
",',' j ,j,"


,; 'I . I
the internal emocracy pOlitically Orie ylew dOminated an,d at some time it
right view. M re danger the vlctqry of wrori g withoyt a real polemical
For which he Ih erstwhile socialist countries we;re
to/Jple by right forc Y6.':U'ki\ow, the dpposlfloh voice crossed there in
the of fighting re"t th
evMdkilled either rightist in Russia

Nepal Pr' "="", '."'.,,> , e party to!spp" :lrviews. So, I think all
thse a'sterec>fy';; darnpaign are not the
i";' . . for voice of
'questions in ;f\f:)g Q.nionly two or three
"e coming fr9un),' the real
t<;l on certain
during " ir.t a back
nd also in ,and .. ,be exerdsed
, '.' -,' ,
., ,w
tetrl by ,his' '. r
I ' . I . ..j , .i'f:..... . ..,
leaders of pa eecause, the s.q.cialist sy..ste;rn ,
comi7g from within the p rty always and that ... frp,m the l!i!...
in that. sOciety, i$b hOw 1single coMmunIst Pa" qf difiefert
1 d'ltgti!t$e
to 'It IS always better tl1,grve,sp -reM It"!'t;J'OO
I . ..... ,...... '. ,.,,;.,..'
this opiniGtl"au:nl;!' time,; GiscUS'Slij'flijn;,diia
am akain razing party. .
I .. .. .. ".. people's
.,.. 111 . e 1(1'lOt right now,
then lit 'will nappe'n I diiy.. in 'p;actice tbe is ,to' suppress or
,oppaS';f-e either in side party or!
deola:riflgopenly. In one J,'eetitlg of eSD and GHSR DOCMs, com ManD'jl ,in presence
of ccbn:netan/ (CM 'Chalpatjf Aparao
I.' . I . . " . .... 11
of <I
M,' We may. suspend, expel and if kill (in I{
de .Even people m tlm
not say thoug.h they are
Why .dld n. ot say anthmg agamst the pUnishment of mSlcle.the party.? To thiS question,
one WomflR com Nikita ar,swered "when we are saying one thjng, theleadNs sup,pressed our voice.
What we will say". AnotJer woman COin Ankita said, "What wtll happen if we will say anything?,: Of
cou. t.hiS com latter ga e one statement like "lhav
done one rtlistake:... b
joiningin par.,ty.
I willi write one book, so that no one will join in cOll}.munistparty in future and suffered like me."
Nikhil also had one similar opinion at that time, regarding pLinishment of death in side party. But,
they to say that +ing in side party. How internal! democracy is! .Allso in
asked the DOCMf to keep observation on me forione year to satIsfy their subjective
I ' .
assessment on me. I,'
listening aii this i had come to ,orne political conelYsio". rega,ding my internal political
olemics which I have been contmumg In some POints ( those I will wnte next) , I have doubt that,
! I'
tn4e to conduct t
f, e organi,ational actlvitviir Odi,ha,( As per their report, CC
.r. for. such orga isational relation organisational bodies.)
" wei hrv" ina drlve, no p on' to ,he and no purchasers , ..:. '0 many
no" have to go or If:Iflr in thi work. So:we have to take
In ,ituati n I work. To conpuct my work and
for 110Ft Foord,natlo" I as rQ!ie were with me till that time (as
pe\ F'1s 'i' 1 fO\ and practically thf,r
co\,s<l:lousness IS very 10, . .l"1.9t lJ19pe for war1 tt Is)1W fault that I am working as
!' ,.. .... . ':}.}i"-" ,.tlt' \h" , . '. . r \,: H::. ..
pragratists with low ski I, With nW GOmers, as there is no ,,:,ay to out. Also I have been always
aefOt" ,\0 Oply 'hinking Of rOllOlutlon l' another
.,,#-=' in cul
W"I,9f; 1'(0 " }W!O and wa' in j.i1for
,,)'d by . <elation' with
left him wil;b all deviated
and I rejected:., ..9, them befQ)re. ,; " . ., (!t:lms-. 'ere unable to
. ' his deviatioo$
pe'l"'F', _our Ij f,QoOll ""'\' .. to
gi,VE1 Rav. the w' .. ark. Ev.eJ'" ... ..t..r.,y .. ,b .... ,...: he. .was sel,ep:ed as m.'.q{l.\ ..g, ... ..p. an
.. ..'/( thJ
Aka\;h, ..j,' I", ,,' ,,.. .'
I : ! '
1 ,astood
gi""'" contact' '0 ceNt lI<I1iii;'j; of food ,upply
in my absence. They h,p als9 1 refused.
I ' ,"'." ,! .........':; '. . .'. ....,..... .,1 . . . . ..., . . '
Already he pressure
I, ' .. ']ii....;.-, :,; ,nfJ,.. ,... ,("1';,.,, ..j . ,......... I.' " . 1 ... ' . ;
war preparation. 'It .' '. . .' though in our
, I ' , ., ..' .... .' . ., '.' "'; " .. " .... - .. ." ." '. .' ' . 1',':,,' ., "1
... is.o,: . tn" help olloeal
roMs rt\linY;, 'i".";' ." ... Fs hili """""'" will come from A"1'. My
"and them. ... : . I i
T':' '... ..... '. - 'j . .
hood, enemy had one pla1 PUlA in
seod 50sant I Prasant Malhll of GaJpatl as He pne
,elected by P8M BR aod CCM '0 sendpK .,.,.nsom Of"i!1 He
,retreat.ed' fl1 eOiO' out of fear. In 2010 October I called him once to cheek and, give some general
I ,:" 'I . " I ,.,. .....,
W,Or:kD'ftsttloent front, He had me one letter In Jure 2011 to Jom the squad. I reftls and
pjane,j,!<,kOO" him iJ one viNage for observation. In thIS time he had got contact of one
sq i3 of.GhUmUsardn which there were 3 DVCMs) and tryey.had taken him with. Suddenly pe met
I I ,.' . . ,.
u 0
cilong with some stlbcommand member (AP) in o?e place wjth local forces.. I the
ibforma about hir. .from OVCM' aod advice them noti'O give h'm weapons and to keep hiO)in
db,ervation. tatter t1" was made one deci,;on in subcomrand aod CCM Manoj had also gi"'i good
dpinkln on him, as hf knew him.before. As CCMs we", remain most time iniSecret camp' and I bad
all local ar
ootside , '.0.many mistakes occorred';n functioning. ': such as
tmXlng'of local and maIO forces, In receiving of appomtments by my staffs) dOing phone In nearby
lowerl etc. Main fofces are .nd halt 'rl our den several ,ime due to work
For work dre,sure,1 had to do ,orne mistake" :whiCh we<e not avoidable if we h,d to do
work with so less an! unskilled subjective forces. !
, "

! _./1 !;! . _ " . ,
Iml fr9m 5 kilometre dirtance. They were . We started our planning meeting,
iringj started on us. We retreated onlyth'roughQhe tree. iThougb no life loss, many important
,/ including my and few ph9nes TIiIS)s the story, how in 2011 September
occurred were in' one
temPiorarV camp<near. materials and they

tC;>.3)J.l.Q.,&o' . Q.i<:;ontact those persons
\ '.i;I.Q-t'.!lhe job. I went to
batch also
.-:T .... - - ---.;....- ,
ether had don'eth'.. .
, c., ,..0..
w__ .r,. ..: e'.') .. .., . b 'It:!' .. __ .e,q.. T:pe,y., st!'lrtllioall doubt.s on m .. .
,:",-"1<11 , .. 'J! I -
again give , "" partY

reo have . oubt 0 Ravi
.'J; They wanted me to
H'elp IfO'r;"ne . ..... wont. But, finally they
I..trhes and send
.. iOi'.tlI.'; .. ... o.f.,ti. I. v ..... , ....d.. ..;:.' ... c,C...... .. ..,.;aI..r.n.. .. I '.'.' q.. ..... ane pa. rtiall
.. sto.ry'.i!...r,a. n.. ,a., .. ....L boe
fnel1py.toclar'lfY'hls late eturn. He admit hiS fault for gOing outside me. WIth doubt I:
others not to give him weapon. But, for pressure froml GeM couriers not complete ;the
enqUiiry.,fn subcommand some said to have doubt I said, though there is
dou9t we enquiry the Ravi is before one It
was decrded to have enqlJlry, but they send me In reverse directIOn. NoW, It wasno one s duty. I
instrLcted the DVGMs anb ACMs to have observation Ravi not to' give weapon. After meeting
I '. I h hidb:R .. f I d
h .
with local cadres and staffs' had come to;know t at t j story narrate y' aVI IS a se an: e
had gone to enemy's ha+ for which immediately he bad to be arrested. We send one batch for that
afterl discussion with aneher subcommand member sureshj who was with me. I also wrote;the
mattbr to CCMs, those. wfnt to another area for safety. re did not the local coms
with Il whom Ravi was th re; as they were send In another work by main forces. So, we went In
ambl!lshwork. . , ' .
i .
Abs failed-All safe root, place, person were arranged by me. But our main force did the as; per
their Isubjective wishes. hey did not dig the tunnel, did not remove the explosives after exposed.
I' I'
)'/:f1e,d'" 'evm time' to 'peak 'gain" me. When iI",.llethel, eunnl ng '\
/ attempt, finally they declared one year observation lilnl1ie,'They. didl'1otdis(ussabQutthis With m1b \
. before. In they wanted to show that alUgOod are done faults
happening due 0 my faults. Even what was revieweb earlier with Kisha1h
dada, was also hanged as per their wishes. the soc hdd
Kalingriagar are after the spontaneous an,ti displac:ement movt wascorr:eet
soc had also prised the steps arid we taken there. ,But now, as per'CCM Mandj
sending the cad e Basant to cif was a mistake. They are writing this in
plenum report i a differentvoice., ':,;,.,'" F ! .'
Joint meet wih AOB - In one AOS all these coms were presen,t. They alsd,
had given wrqqg iflfqrmation in it. '. J!>'g h'tfd never fallowed any political call of sod
for theiruperip i. feeUng. This they d . Ana during cOllectdr arrest the
:AQ6 '9W!)'lL, ee 1in<lAded for fal;; :::'!"or ',. t,y;,;y
,demandeq for G
nath Patro and'T:ap
:.. with. EV.e.n.w
I,n, thIs ,period anf. demanded to p
counfer part.
.'i , .
HaiIuIlian reltirw meet of special a'Ction -"(3ne-j';ev
'tbtl'll ayrion. When the raid programme was

,'. '" I,
,dTrrDl,lsh' as per thbir subjective wishes, mainly. with
not stay fdr oile daV.Eve'h " ". "" .,,'two
mQV;t. For th' ., 'ei
select Jplace where we could
from 'h. camp Itho,. the .nd olenS! '';'' flXl;d sanie
place', we have no doubt or Chatlshgadl like Sa;n'r. When
\7'. " .., they 'Old It " Impo'S,t>!e "'f0ntmue. the ambush,f,we keep
:he, odd cutters lour custody for all days we I gIven the novehwork to and keep
In c y a these people, and to conVince them politiCS wh ";yo,go home.
The ambush lIed ecause eattrrv with the guard
to stand on mine. The mine blasted causing the death of his guard. ", .
!lftenhisthe earlilrev,ew, were refinished. Now it wal said not only i, but from Gh"i..... : to Saml'
taChalpatiall +have dev1ation,. So, we couid not ,ucee'S. Now they ,aid it Is fault of
could not give one driver tilor .my Ha:uman of
Ramayana isstart'1
.t 0 tell the truth at h,IS death bed. Is It a communlstsplflt? Or Instead of real
review to advance Ithe work we are only following the style to through stones on the back of
frog,/toad, tho," ar in,lde the well? , .' . .
Reyiew on Accou t Next they wanted to target on me on account. I had marked a new thing In thIS
period. CCMs those had never serious about their accoLnts, now engaged one yes man AP cadre
Swarupa to write all articles those I had d. In mebting I deposited all accounts and slips they
be'rhanded-c . orne dou and put que on my articles and rates. I cleared those. I
l<lk really happy be ause during last 13 years I had seen such cheeking on which

1hould be done in c! mmunist party. Rowever this was dfme only for me, not for others. All others
I )t
I '. [-
. .!
I",., , I
alldtf1ere wer.e In ft. Now thehe Is shortage of some 4 and half IflCks.
top.4ttheoblme qfthatacCOl(ntallioqnme,FQr had one side talk when I went
.. 1 . /..,"" ......... 'J'
is apart from that 4 and

. 'X: as perithlEiJ iOlf-round .
", .p-ne,expenditureet!i;''AL with .
. .. ,'HgOf wrong .iirotlng from above to
:"'.i')' .. 1."
never givt:
.; SUbash
some thousand of rupees. W h()me we are
All '.
'1 these tribal .. . '.'1'>m11i<\t1io
sf' are so corrupt? let ". : j .. li'df'
11ad marked the fiJclal beeh forgiven
with, ,one. simp-Ie logic Ithat. ,Will, . Wf: no
and, .fr:r
proper .,figure expenditure
of . J ,
.' . worked in
'not account

.. :r.,.e'\b'i$ .. .. "p. .. 'lan... fU.'IJY, srr..rendered? So, financial anarchy is a ';Xc;:/ :.,/'ereitlpaitv,
whiCh "is' adahgerous trlend.
After released from above said custody, I decided tine politTcal with local cams
a1d send to you. I had been inside on poliCY
matter and tactical So far I had enjoyed partial mternal demotracy.... hoppmg more
future. rhen I came to road of 1emOCraCYiS dosed and be
c1?Sed in future mor and. :hen I think .domgan: wrk for called revolution an means, dOing another Crime for JJ1=ople and society. Even, I have to give ',fe for
nd cause in the hand df so called coms. Because, In SDS diJision of Odisha our SOC corns had taken
pm to kill in firinJ, as he had organised fractionally local cadres against the BJ and Cuttack
He escaped. When I reported this to CCMs, as topics, they were not serious on it and
I .', I
never commented anything on this.
I . '
.. :'/
!,'jF l
I ;?<f
I " ,"
<J'fdRllit contradlct'j n In our area an issue against me. A1s If all these were created by me. They
hap sold this wlth.out through the hlstory,of our In, each issue and our role for ,dalit-
M> trlralunlty .Eve,nlfther. had taken the problem to people, tfke the s)d.e 'Of some dalit land grabbers
'.' .. the old party (means our
. c
on trend inthls"LP:a

' .-

.. ; ltg..
I " 1
..... ...
secrana"n tI)IS., '.
f"i;:" .;:: .. ! ..'. \r.,:; "'I' - .
heC\rfng 5;Qm e cO:1m9'lep1:$ QI'! PI'C\vC\.kar ,and other PU
,pV caq,res will stay, Thevrre Hke After p'rrest
dao<l and PU .CCM da9
lilt 'PB.M
. had tned to convince. ml;l the 2i?,ql :and erstwhile
orgapisatirnal matter and their approC\ch on They yvere
n9t!thJl'lkil'lg ah,o,ut Orgjnisation and always thinking aboutfom,e type of pt.i,sipess in the name of
c-overs. So, thei1 advices regarding some Wpmpn cadfes shol,.lld n9t be allowed. Again, tom
from very beginning, when he had came here ,after his transfer to ERB , had been
me that Summit dada's is always talking moire than need abeut people, whenever
anyldebate is coming on any of our policy and action. Whet, Sumit dada was arrested, these, two
leaders had started diSjlussion about his wrong reLation with some women cadres. My point is if
theJe all are true, then t is not proper method Jhy they had feared to speak this or to
mak1e any resolution. on them, they were outside the .+I? These are but
the Iioid sectarian view regardmg PU, Of course they have deViations. But fighting the
deviitions in this way is lurel
another deviation i.e. sectarian1ism. Let us come to other
4) Some Problems in unity ofrevo!utionarYi groups and parties
. , I .','.:." Y I
i ,I' l
/'1 I
;t;l?mJL\;klllY for 10 al PRs- You know, two / three Be gal cams were working with us for
time from 2000 to 2002. At that time local caqres and !peopl'es opinion was not considered
.prophly:Jn .pecISI9hh1aktg.. W6rklrlgu,nderA(}BOthe pr8bleni VJas aggravated more. Leaders
movfment). remain as .YG . . in pocket,
only is the
gun rolqercpfl'l " the kl'Ca1 ' ne.rnassleaders

Impmrtant to !;Jeen Thoug-tl' . " '" 6 state
POR.! this PQR is riot fioal]' S!9tHl now and the re,.Vj:e .. Qt, ",,' ".
J ." .,1 ."" . . ."
B) Promotion not rlection- Iflstea:d. arid
nomination ana promotion of ttl:i,sjJll'arty"l:rfJwoilfh;omy ife5"men
and IgOOd boys/girls of are
.,t1!, .. ra,'t.. .... . . prevailed In
In SO','me commIttees .and at ,t.b ..
, suffeflngtrom ufitlerestlmaf'0n:
"v'..',' ",:, . ,I
aud non local- Local ,re's 09ini on has not taken
in 2Q03 SSD plenum, when 2/3
\Vrq;Dl$kgqRYIOW WIth 'Feal women cams, the AOB take It seriously,
SrikantW-ils.demoted only when he admitted his faults after the plenum. All problematic persons
d'eViafiOn) have been transferred to OdiSha!POCket frort\AOB.Whe
about Ajad or
anyI other {eac;iers deViajtion local cadres had they we:e discour<lged
perfons were supported! by. CC leaders on the of partla1ht
. when one ACM
had started some on his partner, he was suspended one year In ADS. But, when SOCM like
Basant or CCM li:!e Chalpati had done some wrong behaviour with women com? One SOCM
s.uspended for one year only and another Basa-nt was .!forgiven without any punishment.. . For
! .1 .
CCfI/1 like Chalpati also the punishment had remained same,iThough it has been said that, for same
I ' I .
faul,,:SCM andCCMs ShrUld be demoted. . .. '
D) !PCiftiality in p I nishment and promotion- II would like to say about one recent
inCibe8t of 2011/12, Ou CC special company had one special action tour to Odisha ,Ajad {ex-SOCMj
I .. I
whu h'd known the fa get pl"e was ,1I0wed by CCM Bhr' to go outside to s""ende, befoee
'-17.. /
. direct enc iith police in my UG life, In b,qth cases CCM BK and Manoj were present
resgect:vely: I had nariat.ed the KB enc above. 'n}003, Basadara plenum another enc
occurre,d. First the sel etlon of place andciri'angeltle.nt to one Telegu cadre (latter
surrfnd,ered), and I was given the responsibilJtYlqr:eC:.lvelebders,fr-om AOB. One local militia :was
sen9 as.courier of BK fr m the camp from. Berahampur, with the advice
of trat: Telegu cadre. They {rel
; doubt enc occurred with the
infotma'tion of that be Id militia.. raiS,ed many fake question like why I 'had
t.hem to land ftrugg'e vlUa,ge (a. an? of ours), from that
village information wentlto enemy an leader's subjective attitude,
are continuing tOdr
, . : . .'
to do from I ip'ersonwhom aii. two a local int
I' '. . /":>"', .. " ;'"
person." hadn6than ,. ehicles directly, the u;' as
and 'crt .'ydriving in " vehicle
well.llWhatever had; _
and done it. _
small insize.But in rEhiiE!f' despite
and Ilwas made lone ",. ,
I '. ' .,' .. ,< "1'; .
DUri1gf'Jayagarh raid whylsaid"f for
maintenance, minimum' ','pe on"SfO)1fneV'reparation is useless.
I ' I ',;','.. ". . . "
But till last hour no driv ,':t"'oMe'1 went back becau',." ........--
could n6t arrange for hi Ohe'Jf\ltattait-n,e' , ay in one rented
rooml.!-Ie a'S ..... . 'of!;it;hpJe life ). So there was. no
: I ." "';'" u," . [ .. .i::t<,j!)!9) - },.1 ';.,.;. :.'t .' .. -" .. . '. .
pEirsdntb maHffall1't'He'V''n'i(:les':l'natl'tQ'cn'. . . ,..... , and some non party

'Itjuif one with the responsibility of orye was too
to stay 4utside at that last tour. Money prop " ..' 'srtt;O . O;IiJ4{),
partY I,wetould not arra'lgE;,d 300 persons and done the work: ith only 1 '. . r prec<;luticilO ,
noa1bush party was thefe as we had decided. Due to 0 orces we had choice a long root
instei:l't! 6fshort return root, to avoid one small P5. One vehicle, that last one had battery problem
and some for our approach. In this conditIon man and material was the main
.In addition to It localism and particular cams fault in their respective duty should' be
But, subjectivJly some people ,particularly those.have one politicai rivelarity with me ,
tried io show the of'RUD no gear-bus fake story put all the pests of jackfruit on my
head .1 AS.... if I was the 10. ne person.. to.deCide eve.ryt.hin
.. So the r.. 11eView could not conclude. I had se. nt I
my on this to CC orally. Lastly CC reviewed lack of man and material, localism as main
problJm. But this review did not come to us , <;lnd was spoken when I asked to one CCM. About
localish, there is no common opinion in major leaders. It reflehs the real problem of localism. And
I I' I,
for our (;oms doubt, I had to give one example. When I reported that there was one LMG above the
targetllone and five membf.r sentry system as per int report, odr CCM started sock on the man who'
had given correct inrormat1ion (latter proved), and threatened take action on him Tor any failure:of



saying about you' Be,apse, 01 the matt., in one SOC meet.
-v{ ccr B:ha.skar ha.d t.
. as t<jk,el"l some resolution on this but

taking , ,.' . ... from 200 to

' way you are
those are
' .' ,

of 0(, ".,).cannot guidethe';'f,
ACMsfrom AU ' ".tOelocal MO to
,bQpJies made defunct.ltwaS
. AP $;(1 sew, SZCMs . - "t
behavjour. _.,', M" i ,'.1 ' ..,'
,timelike some

orgf ni, 5, "ati,q'!alposition, th,.s. W.... ",qri;l,
fav?ur of us, up to tha the MO
and cpntinuing them llnexp.' "
JJJW,MA . cadres ih50S, ';':;f ti'9,t
Tr,e, had to rJect one delegate for 9 unity
me.secretary hadfo go. There was debate on some Poilltical suqJ;:,ct and needed In
that <;:gng. Sq for no cause the conference was stopped; It was not a great pro\:'ller;n. But, we were.
t' to sen.dou1 opinion the said partyl n?
as t, he.""qS and s explamed latter m our state comr
meeting. se,cause, three, W,
! o.f erstwhile MCCt, those were staying in home tii" that had to .the cong for
volunteer work from our state. We were not Informed about thiS till that time. It IS very much
undemocratic of the party which cannot forgiJen. I think some coms had feared the
oPihion on AOB practice might expose their ugly faces and for JUJUMARA.So they crossed our
derl,ocratic right. How v1e can hope democracy after revolution from such a party? I
1) JuperioritY of cits -Our AOS leaders always for thL superiority and tried to keep Odisha
as their slubordinates. They want one Odisha
struggle, So, always they are agalllst for any Odlsha .eme Be It before 2000 or
attl200A or even now. It ;s not out of pi". to note that. the 'ecent Speml plenum h'd organ"ed
AQ:tl J!:l t#,e;
". foul"
/4,jevee w,nted thi , position 'nd the sect"i'nism in due to Due
;t CCM<' . ... ..... . :1,
. Though I wasi1 area
Nay?gard-Baudo in 2006 protection by our leaders.
A101g I had the ercemtlme 0 urban
to 0r:ganise tudents need.. But Our GCM BR and
some ot ers ad com':rented on tnl . ; meeting oefore Telegu cadres like AJad. As
becJ1use they are thinkh'I"' . .,' revolutionary
worR. '. ," , . " ' .
- , .. '.:.. ;.1
Next, the secfe-t' ny: of OS unity by
CCin 2007. Butnox&:' in
wor+ ,Cjrything
needed..Again/.: 'wdrk'in i I
\several.. .... .. '?., lor
)Rfl fine":,";,,,,
That s why I ha(:l al . tHe
problem of intolerance. He is a gp(;),Q ",-1
utmoft ,jmport;mt totra?slatron
organiser. Have so many , '.' d:bEieii 'he're ,
only is ,a.!.nd lry ... me
the date of Journalist? Wh,twithout taking
I . .' ; i.y, .. ",i ;.'\;-1""<.
f(9rt1,l:J;im.Jj'F,c, 9f q::. He is
to give
G0Me(\1 S with 11 is "
gn'di' '. use
given 'e wor.'1<tdsend ni6ney i\:lid iltegat I , Ask to
I '1 'I ' ',.' ',"'
';'-Wea tins' 'for' .otlier state I to farlow' his:. t;is,,
WfYble fases cif Orlisha', never had he,' _ "," ?:!'e ;me
tb hiT who can speedily post his lef;ters , Jr bta@7yt5iigs'So tliat he
wni tClke for that. And if there is any failure shouitl be{the pests of jackfruits)
on of barbers fille me. Thank you coms. not
for , those have so much sectarian thinking and . Now with this
conditibnhe CCM Manoj is proposing to dissolve the state -and ,they want to keep it as
SOC indefinite period Inot wishing to transfer it as Sc. it was decided to transfer
committee into Sc in 2006. Then what is the problem totransfer it into SC ? If we will argue about
then was the 3 member AP state committee (in Jogal, who surrendered before
enemy his arrest and helped to kill two other SCMs ) was ktrbng? Is all other committees like
AOB ar strong, those are uieting the old areas and continuoJsl y moving to new area to exercise
their sectarian activity safel ?
I" .
y they may
e should not be
M titY ".
@Hf;: ;1 c :'.. "',' """',r . ,' .. -":,
.,,;lifn" lo'rt'islbusinesinren i.-e.' ,j$., the, main
dtvIslon and in' elsewhere, tri1Jal atek.Tfte tribal !
should'dealt as part
lfiIld lords only after targetmg '.' , ,
between tribal authority and $econdary one
and itmust he dealtas friendly contradiction mainly. minpthat there is
pos!Abi1:ity for enemy class to use this authority to oiotli' movement
and :formation of peoplf' s power. In such acondition autfi6rlty in some places
bec9mde. supporter rf land lord class. Then we wIll d1eaIt them as a part of antagoms.,'tiC
contra: IctIon. .
II . In. n:
Bs?: .had all entry since long, here non-tribal
auth?nty IS pOSitIOn m I.ocal authOrity pancahayat sys!em
',to thiS tribal a,re,la, and an 'J.lllong the
some of the old chiefs and priests among tnGal developed their local authoflty
through the panchayat system. ,I .
I Any authority I110t only as class position, but as per the basis of their political
ideoligical position will become a hurdle to building 6f people's power. this
... t:nUstbe delta.
we indst try to
, I
7 jl
! A) ',,'
, 1.1
ont!llsimattef:"IC1: ,Without adding our
"'e; r!i\gionsinhabited
!:lv " '. bureaucratic
them;am, lnbal c;hlefs, :'i' '.:,$ ate
ano, In s<;,r:n[' " ,2(:1\. :v"
becQl11e tJSh "dhavedev,el9ped themselves as localoppressor$. baSIS
for the or parties in the name of welfare of va}i014s
. to be to ensure on the Adiv.asi
of IS. the sa,me tl3etiCS to
be adoptt;d so tliat a strong Unity within the could be achieved and also a strong
unl, bl'iWnt6iHng pete of tribal and non-tribal can be dev'tPed and rna intained.
FirJ,1, th,e positi,on of all all'lq:yr India. role :a.nd
benefiter role of the In Is'not studIed prQperlY III thIS statement. The
role !of,Pachayat systerh and the dominant role of in tribal-nontribal mixed area,'
specially the poor contlition of tribal in such mixed culFe area are not studied
Subjbctively the partichlaf condition of DK (if any suco condition does prevail there) ,has
beenl generalised through it.1 I
Next( what prompted tfue CCM / SZCM to write such a wnsolidations circular, those never
had class here in Basadara ?r any of Odisha? These leaders did \not
move mthis area. Basant, one DVCM at that tIme, was also a new comer. How he could,get
! \ ' "
t had been
I ,(
"II ' _,-:F)/

,/"','r' I
- - : even the Maji (Chiefs) Organisation had divided in'n-two dudng the rno"'_ One
>\08 I.eade" 8has",r and
Chrl?at, (both are, CM. a series of
some extend ahd' , ,
, ;
auth,of,ity of .p, :@"Jj,fin,S,ideJrf,\'
.,., """', ' T
dou?t to de "
are CQUrdIcnons. ',.. ', .... "\1':,
,. ,BJ
MYI dear
exploitation, Wee;; 'i
d 1'1 ,', 'b
a If or tn ,al lJ,p,ni
Ii' . ,
burrmg or
IS, .t4e ...

, " "".
?r it -not governed by :I,,' ., .i,;. , .
of ,trIbal autonomy you waijt:fO g,tvc' a, " . , " . , ,? rOll ,are
for yow: , whiChI .You
.nst agtlcfltural , ,medlcal,edu
ktlonal'pOhcles. So, trow: you ?8:h
aijtonomy for a tnbal area? ,I '
iQcludingleadres are quarrelling on allopa.thic and homeopathic in
inteUecffiril Magazines lfke Arona Tara. Which is sCientifib and which is unscientific you lire
nQt solution. M9st of our squads. and haveb,een, giving medicine.s: to
peoplb v,.'lthout dose polley and are creatmg problem for whole, WhICh IS haImful to SOCIety, ,
In soine' areas ourpeopk are ,9heating malaria }2atients bt giving only paracetamol or half
dose dhloroquine. Even Jsome leaders are advising not to full dose to people, as they do
not it. Yes other cmt have finalised some dO,:se books and general policy. We
: ' I
also finapsed some m0gel in our committee on this, bilt leaders are not interested in it to
develqp.; What to say about our initiation on the development of traditional Ayurvedic
medicines? :
operrtwe 'examples to
. -,."
I ,
ebnerete tribal
docl,unent. :For
e, ,

.;., .. :./ ;
:1 i ,
. He had re ained one of In !prgaplsational matter. Also ,our p,eople
to .take helplof DSU fact fmding to Jus,tlfyt!lls .:ifhougl\',the report is not sufficient to
anrlhl,late Arjun , all UJese were needed before the, action.!) thad raised the problem before CC via
CC1Milbut no reply till . .' . ' J< . . "
the TU office the offi bJt;f;\ .
thi!, bicaus;we are
pefYbourgeols .. I had ral$ed ;the
till now..
".. ' "."', ,',
. ...". >"[J... : . .
'1 " iV)Ja
ab3hdh;U. 'J'v1 had ..'t..'hh ..IE.e.' ..'.!;R.7a.i.g. ha.' ...r.
'I .. ..' "" 'F '. ..
.. ated in 2011py 9." ga.rh c.oms. He. 1:> "' " ....."".' ,.- .. 15,:'1.,
of I he contactedIme and to '",; ,;. ',' 'Jte;g
C. hitls.h,.garh .coms . I h5d reported .thJS t.
. CGJ:v1." ... ..
warki\led. The comPlair onhlm is
thair"a handicapped .'
etc'! All MLAsl MPs/
pedp,e. But for this .
I ., 'n one Platek ''''''V",'B'i

. .' "tT-tt- i
,r, ' 'Sdrj)e cadres 'f.
:diS1rUjseGl' na'mes for it in
kill':odb sikaka of Niamgitf"mOvt for their doubt, on him or 'new
any this area. williionlY ?f s.o
C.'a.. to satlsr. the
theory of annihilation. ' one like mecwlll Qe !asterllshed
thiS.,! ' i , '., ., .
I :
I . 1 '...'.
S)\jVrong, policy Tn minority. .' : .
in 2002 our corns repeatedly asked to Mile my opinion on Christianity In BSO , i
could not fallow the But they had not said anythl'!g about my report on BSD and alsp on
including the class analysis there. ( I ar11' 'enclositg that report which also prove the I
thinking and also to our view ) leaders in relation 2003-04
BSD \indde.nt.) Next left sectana1n fnends of AOB had
leaflet against Christlan+ In Snkakulam district, to make the hold of the party strong
tribej Latter the AOB ca res and squClds were vacated from; this SOra ( all most all are Christiil
domihated area,
_)jl;P- eke,
'.. Hke'AP
1t,gpenly stared
, to bring
. e " .
" te one1'tifttr

RB cflief O'n this. 2 have, v I
what rrCM5 werE:! :s2ti{ing tn!re.{ As reported 'to me by 5unit) ,Bu 0 iClally be did no f:.-..Il )
"I' t''':'' - , I
m I ' , '
I ,. ' , " _.' ) ,'. I
sec , debates no', ":'hy had
to ERB-

hlef wlthnut
informing me 7" I said 'tnere IS As dOI'18 thiS.' I
.. .. ..:.. ... I tl;lF! .... i.d .. ,._:a"" ..I: .. ... c.arry thiS.
yes m;lp, So temporanlythey stopped It, B\lt J these peqpJe are. anti mmonty. They I
Hindu in , Chri.stianity
In p<l,mphlets, In DK Wr= cafnot stoppedorganlsatlonlrke Ramkns,fna mlSSlon but oust Christian by . '
the fprcr of To st09 a.n
person not indirect.With
", by IS not correct.}. So, Indlre,c Vf.' .. I?rkS are he.,pmg In expanatlon of Hindu
fundamentalist religiOUS work and spreads castes among Tnbes, i '
k,so (CM Manoj conJinuoUsly opposing till now the book o'n Kandham<ll riot. After ribt I wrote1the
book land was finalised in the then 2 men SOC, It was Widely and popularised. The leaders
neverl read it. Basanta said !that ,in this it is written 'tribal have separate religion. But, no
religion, ;as per our party After clarification, he satisfied not, but agreed, But ManoJ has been
this topic fragmenually. The truth is in any party basic document no such thing is written.
SeconbI Y'( So many intellectuals read it, but they never commentllike this. Thirdly, Hindu fundamentalists
,. ....
I ' "<'2!')'f .
, ! 1;;:tr'P

" ,'pe1ople's soap ,Is it ? How many people In tribal IIrOIl aro using this soap? So, is it our anti
im1perialist politica I moor or pro monopoly capitalist propngllndll ? .'
of sexual " . 1
It IS another POint of cUllural sectanonlsm on which dispute been'Belng on from 2003 to till now, As
my knowledge this is the culture qf Mllsllms,. for vlolatlion of:whlch women musllms are often
'ft.recl'd to
Not itlhas become a n
D ... DI<I< cadres .. .n.,.: .. ,a:.,..
watch I
cleanness and for healtl1.,
for trU:li,!,i; ,:
I', . " ..' .' '.'
went back}
Narayanpatna werre
listirlg and rep6'itiA'g cadres, their feelings
\ '.'
for there th'inki "It'ana superiority. lets, go d(;!ep to'
domination, undemocratic . .
:;;.... ...
theory ,I could not unde:J:and.
fractilOn!nCharge sh.e, . "
chance. I '. re 7
Evenl DK . ,m"O'S' I .'scuS!
the matter With CCM :Ma:,Q],/'He. t and we should
educJtelike that. 1 .' Wh tlteT . the young boys.
, .,. fo"exu,'
south zone.
t':"'-ti::, .. :i
nt:ilttu":' _","p'-'.i, ..
Cu 'nd "-" Ohe : Is
spreCldl ".' Tnba.1 people their hunting culture. That IS separate thlng,'But'i If PBMswtll patronise

imaginb ,\f he will not see ihow some commanders are happy td save the hairs of pig with ,boil watl::r
It (As h'd dpne In SKl camp. ,ne+eport no one, said ,nything,), S ,
together had killed one mother mice and put Itbefore'per kIds. The kids I from their
dead . Then they h,d put all of those in fire and ate. Thisjwas arbarian enjoyment of our
PLGA tdrce:s, when we retur1ed from failed ambush koto alpeople were facingpolice repression,
It is the problem of trib I background of corns, but t problem of wrong education for which they
are the love for ma , nature and one type of is developing speedily in party for
ruthlessl killing.
o many things On differenttQPlcl(rorrl my practical expedence to understand the
I " , " ""',,,, ." "", ','
PI'''9l''m. IfJ wi'.' kee entice I.
then" wolf be cnme 10 """,OliOl1: '. h . y.. ,.!W. lNhy 'n
'I "''in'Utiona,,! party ":" been ,.ii<t.
'i"e"ed'y, , Pave po, "",,'
""'Oron. So the<e w'" <> p", I '", '""
'''dety on 1n !'Y, I
ne'ede,d.Thisrfghti :,'
, I" ,,'
mass'line :-:Class
i ,:',.' ".' " "

.Politlea, p'qb'em,

. But , ma
Ii,... To
it ,i.
, I

I A d' M' L" h '" I .
ccor Ing r '. arxlsm- enlnlSm, t e participatIOn or boycott of Parliament including the election to
lit are forms of s ruggle related to tactics. So we niLst in ruling class parliamentary affairsl!
'[YOU may also bO... and ,intervene in Padr'.iament by organiSitl.g outside
organising libe '. .' , I.
i his ML party changed time and
IformulatlOn IS ch nged In recent .. forTulatlOn has been cranged for sever,al times
sUbJectivei,shes .v.;e are In recent party document Sand T ,
Vintt,en that ..... Aq::on:llng MC!;,. . . I'I,articipation.or boycott forms
!struggle and. rei to tactics. B},It " ,!},of reVISionism, When the
']parliament::lry pa h . m0dern theril
ffhis ..
,wrong to say, like all other tadlcst!\it&.
I . .' .' .. . . ..i..
'Ithe}(;;,ountryln ge eral and serves
,pf;QP,le$s war. ., .
Ii .; '",
,!. genera'lI;
:! ].
,! '.. '.. : .
Rarticip,ale;d,iri. election.either bea:ltne tevisiemi$1t'Cir:
:": r ,. "I :' . . - . . _ _ _ >;
/he various gr ..s"ih);'q:.
i elections, are getting boggro,dO,J;'Jn\.,. .... ." ,
i abandoned ancl be'co,me revisJbniSt's. '... ".":
Mhdude that bbyrott Of;lctlol, though" a ""esi;on of t.cti<;S,
. !.. s gyin. in India as it is not at 'all compat!ble with .
protra 5 war". .1. :
I . I
! i But, now drYS our people are participating in Panchayat Election in Narayanpatna and inl
as per press report. There is no doubt participation. Yes ,you may say!
,;thatCMAS is partiicipating and in jillparisad it supported the BJD candidate, that party which sign in oner
:agreeinent tostJp ,repression in area. The AOB comrJittee is intervening in this political demands by!
,arresting the MuJ. All these are part tq tactics of participation; So, You are implementing:
.ll;r;:tionas .tfct.iCS a organisation, IIwhich is leaded by:one party DVC::M. Afldalll ..
:agreements are done as per hiS direction.
'il When we +rein our special plenum , +e had taken so many resolutions to
,panchayat electio . But when wewere separated, In last moment one CCM Chetan had c()me pnd sgld,1
if!there. is topirs to discuss. We should +t think just like Assembly or!
Parliament electro s. our force to qust the relatively antI people elements and help:
: .- .,"'...".
Again to. clear the .doubt , "Iasked the. matter t9 another CCM Manoj ami
Suspended CCM about this. They said, yes, we can do Irke that. But where we ? Istherei
such forces? Thereisnot thedebate , whether to do 01'1 not? But, if you want to do like that, then whyi
are writing in other way inyour documents? Then liS it not usjng election as tactics. The dual role in'
theory and practic s in all matter including election should be stopped.
;!' .
, ......:
the pw,
are trying to show all tribal as. Hindu: we will not dJscuss how kui's religious faith is di,fferent from\ Sora,
that from, oya .... and all tribal religIOn faiths are separa,te from Hindu; then how to convince tHe real
thing. Yes, j st like Hindu, Christian ...etc tribal rbligion faiths have not taken complete religion Jl
But are not hey religion faiths? Then what we wdl call those? What is your party document is saJlng or
not, that is not the matter. But you CeMs are to convince the matter .You are only the
matter as if 0\lr target is just to heJptheHindti arguments. Tribal are not Christians, not
J they .have religion "". there are some similarities on some points. Be4use ,
they will not Piople J after clarification why it is writteh like
that J y<;lu a e ralsmg the matter from ,2Q9,8"tlllri0w without consistency. Your mind is not to dJlelop
movt and.or a0isatio.n ,but to Whatever remain in any place. Your ,
howanybod can. wnte a book you? Is not it ? Can you oppose the
tribal pebple those are calling their '. . . rna Dharm or anything . like that? Who you
thiS.. write.' ?_4te.You ':lot tolerant tOiWiI.YJfi:.. ';tf,:' :, I,
."':.'." I
9) ... , '. I
'\ in arty the Political
sectarianism whati have been '.
for ret eate for
AMiok said bout !:' "('I
buffalos ( . ,.
... .
It IS. O:ot oflt
) ,', n. - . - -;' - . .-. "tl'; s.:
, ".- I
.'. : peopleare proud of ,
::: . ..
t.g! leaders never .. about problem of cadres
'. i'e ...."., . . . \ ... . . '."c' . "....".... "., . .' ...
.'. . regard. o':)E!;.CC1m'19i.irnagineOOW 6 ![I.<;IY,lbing
'E)$::i'O'nl Odishawere tdurt1ete'd;'in 2oPQ6, during prQgrMllme. oesPit,\OU r
about the food problem of nationalities andt0make some separate
arrangement 'l0 one had listened. The same is now. You' cart ta"ke as much mirchi 16nd
you I.ike , but you not allowed to mix in your water, or eat :bne
O.O.lo....n., In s.UbS... .... ted. If yo.u WIll. eat.,. then. Y.ou '.IS.. t.. en. thmg fro.m... cu.. '.tu... r.all.mpenahsts.. ... t Of
course I Ii'ever stopped and take as I needed .But Ipcal cadres ACM sl D.QMsare also fearing to: ask
for spmething. What to talk about cadres ? I had ask1sugarto <!pd in day. I had to ask slJ.gar Seeing com said re ,
from sakar sugar .e.very day..1rePJI.ed , coml.\we
WIll have saka bl.mar and you WIll have karom b,mar ( Mlrchl degases). What to do ? Then I was allo,":"ed
to take sugar. ome people may think it very small thing .But it is verY hig problem in of
guerrillas the jungle ,a point of quarrel and non local... every day, which we
now in our are . Because we politically stopped the theory of Cultural imperialism. !
Similjr is the condition of some JhadkhandL coms, those had during raid. When Ire
local Fait for food, they said these are meant for buffalo. And In recent action programm
2011, our PLG1 people through away all local salts with the advice of CCMs ,because it has not Irke
powder. We are writing in magazines against iodised salts, about imperialist assault on local producfs,
but we are not .eady to use local products. But, jf you buy the Margo soaps for squad member instead! o.f
'1 I
the maoist bra d 'ifebuoy , then CCM like BR will comment on you that ,iYou are not using lifebUOy - the
The a9 r:oach re:lected in Basadarr . The of w,hich also already written in
6 of this 'et
er;. Before this review, when' had handed over my letter to Sumit Dada, hehadl said
"the approa h,af AQB leaders on minority is not barrect. I told about their wrong resolution toIGs."
But, what t e GS had said, he did not speak. !
After the 20 riot and annihilation of Lakhana Nando, there was wide confusion inlside
p.arty and no';.t1a. m. :'e."fro.m except cine or tw0from Cc. Finally wel,lhad
I ': !. I
taken wide p opaganda from forum to countenthe fascist offensive. But, vfhen
the Christian people organised arorfnq'usi';'PBMlike BR started advising us to write ,in circulars Il
pamplJ!ets t 'Christianity is problem.', I said ,we know, " religiJn is
", t
reluctantly re silent and illY I
.. ", ;.. -
./')ll:!><t,in 2Q09 , when CCM Manqj c<.!r:n,e
theo came'. I would Iike.t
it bE!'tore
Ii..S, .."

. '''''.(iv)
. I
< ... '
sp,ead;ng Hindu religion" these ..;." '. w.;
Min?rities: ThE:! relig,ious !ike the ,
;15%' bftJlelndian Populcltion: ihey .
t<lsciSt gangs and discrimination by
I.HI) Among the religidus mirirtitlS the
chauv,?,sm In the f9rm.of natIonalism. Theyare. portraYing tw
re cOl11munf1;y as creating an atmosphere of mIstrust and hatred' against the
Jllilii';"tY. P6
hd arrests have the deCade . i i
. The party should Oppose, expose and fight agamst the growing threat of H,ndl,l
forGes. ideoldgi,Hy, politically arid also fight them at the level by ado .tin a.11 til
,priC!te 111! ns. At the same time we must also
1 iO ,
I the party must continue to focus' its attention in adVancing the actual
Istruggle, that is, r
protracted people's wa r, wh kh Willi fina lIy pu' an end to this threat. i
: " We rr'i.ust .1idely propagate the of new democratic revolution among the p.eople of
Irellglous mlnont\esand make them .reallze that they too oppressed the t.hree
;weighing down the backs of the entire Indian people and It IS only by fighting united WIth their
:brethren among the Hindu majority that they can put an end to the religious persecution. We must
,class struggle as tre key link in solVing the problem of cdmmunalism permanently.
The party prrgramme speaks like.....
"34. The peo Ie's democratic state will carry out the following tasks:-
Your a :[,U1tural is simple in.G[ovt m.t.hOdLy.. l:1l1 ...:.e.r.iflIc . . . ... ....p ... aPita',.1 ist metho ,.1. Are
you agal t Use of pesticide ? Then what is your alteniative .? Are you in favour of diatural
pesticides and fertilisers? Is it working in Jahtan Sarkar? "I
You have not said anything regarding new Jiemocratic indllstry and the of
". !
di.S r.. there.? is. t..h..........L
.. '. ... I........ p,.e:o.
b Share.
, . to tnbal
.... e
.. '.:
......... oc.:a ... le's in in:.d
U5try? This t/1. ing also
are about "fe are not gettmg to do anythmg for itl. We
are In an epdless war WIth the anny., " I
But, we the tribal slogan without defmed altemtte in
our documents. They have to hopeifo!uofr :.9c:ayen only after theIr death. As we dunor
think for better tribal we are taking the help of il
theones ofi wrong class out look to over the back ward tnbes by l!lsmg
the tiny an non-antagonistic contr, .'. . , I
,Theoty of :
'Auf:\ihilatio .of dassenemy is the !(,li!).
' "11\"-'

le1,der like ip, I';
the conect re"iew. Itis,ppl
a,etlssuJ . Just after the unlflcatloJI Qf erStwhIle
.5/6 village people in IUIUMARA sambalPar, ,The '.'
h '. : "',m.i st..emerits ,They ;ar!' i,lnfurme" Tiu!re ot
o "" ... doing such pg;., and al/ iIWP,j)n' f,vour of
was alone to oppOSe thIS. ThIS F nMher followed our.,""", I!nf or c'ass .
hadl given wrong by that , there a s9.1wa ca.mpaig11
" Sam.>lpur. 5<> they had dono. on Salawa IUdU"1lWndas, Othe!WISe , I Slid
th.tthis Is wrhng , is not out of place to wrtte that, the s"mbalpur-Deogarh'Sudargarh diviSirn
coms I.tter dried about any such salwa judum altivlty there, But they had 'aid in 'Upport of tiS
actio.n theoretically. As per their opinion 'we create red terror by dOing suph type of
annihilation a4
: They are not worried about prlOf propaganda on thi, the peop/f .
This was one of the disputed points, for which the state conference POR in 2006 had not finalised,
i) I woL like to note some mo,. points this theory, 'com 2000 up to n6w I had
: sp hny unnecessary annihllaMns in Odi,ha, In Malkangiri d e SUCI coilre BIswanajh
anlihilated by leaders.for only rivalry. he was an In or ntt ._
, it was not dear.. At that time GS adVIce our AOB leaders to revIew thIS matter. He adVised ,
we should take Irctmost care While doing action on leaders mostly on leaders Of left part'e1 '
those are not in power in concern state. I I
. i
if] Again,. Arjun Kendruka of s1nyal CPI(ML} was annihilated in relation,
Naryanpatna mdvt To explain the cou'" of ,nmh,'at,on, ou, AOe leaders had taken tne help of S,t'lf
who was expellbd by elem long before. After some days Sitru was separated from them and killer
so many Faterial to write a circular Over tJiinJ,;i;;k,i'" be
Ito anSWe, the truth, So: leaders *lwayS tepiy in " i't
CCM s ,report that.I should not thmk ly e.It .....her.... a 0 ... t.'.B.asahFor............... ;...:.,i .P...... ... ... b.. ..u ........... r.... ;.o You I 'I: uever to take ,eport from me or to hstd ahout the problem. ",,: ;"Xi", II '\
Yor have do,!e some ,<periJuent trihillS)'S!#m,1,t>';I!i, our \,.,
S and T cjass appro<\ch or of Iodian a : '
separate clais ? If yes, then write it in wur documents. Is the DK theory ben"fit<i!i the I"
revolution in uniting 90% or atl"""t80% ilribal there, thos:e are of their n#tural ' ,i
rights ? Or it, creates one base f(jf """I)J.J'JlJ< foducing Our sup!?"rt base to one third triba,! ? Is
this theory hi'" only targete;] tit" elIelllit1totS'o!i' ,goVl scheme ,or ,fue non-benefiter combon
persons? I the theory has bene1l1<l4 . '. it Cannot Help fue tribal autonomy,
shollld guaaply their economiOllk ' 'd tHem as 'snit t6 theit life, respect lbeir
soeial and cultural system and:t gtl\d1'Jlllly, One demoe!atic
revolution .k,.ol end all type, Q ' " ",Jronl lilly society.0 If, yoJJ are
0 "' ... '" . i. h h 'I
tem wy you ave not,;), '.' '. Am:l 0., .ut
t:: '.>"." "
tribal chief YQU ".
cast ....
these non tIlbaJ
After J3asadnQ;
,aade.0J11'e '
intfnse debate., Yo on Y : e*
. lU theIr ". '. '..' '...
Ihot,!Ok:e the Enghsh S and T to conS/'*fl/Il<)n , ,
' sze mul'" in regard. . i
B,ll, ,ilP
q:.IlrIBKi'm! had
' ", f \'i"YSllId lIJat I nave' ful:k oif o!;Iss eoneep! , 8_
,: ab"l't 'he P:"."1!'1
" . "l1i' of sltuallon m l!as!!dam , I saw "l Jogal non f0nnally.lha, 1':W on. po1".,1
mad: the sUtmtion SOme normr ,(Read the elll""fion of BSD, plenum, l'
'evlew , witat ., had drreofed to de ? It SCy ... """i'w ad"'mce? It '5 !,me to go '0 the, people ago!"
,! ' study the fa+s , admit 'hose before people self , leam fro,m. 'he""""!e ob " mJ
' misF."es 'c' 'he ;elation f';ople ) , But they all sajd, It IS
annIhIlatIOn aqtIpnon/ SantI Sena hIef Daku WhIch brought. the SUccess.
there was no 1ispute bnDaku MaO l's annihiUltioiI and I did not yote for
! principal cause Of,' succ\;';s;s:'t y. taken t.ellon it and had .. 0
I wrote ab(}ve, Of .thlS meenng , when o!IT class ;evolutlOnaD!
AOB sze corns had hsten one senes bomb bIas! 10 Bangladesh (: whIch had killed as
,as 50 common FOpIe) , they had campaigned 4th encourage)n I;ont of CCMS! , that, see
[,the PPW have m Bangladesh, I had oppwsed thIS verS/op 10 that mee!mg gIVIng th9
:,exampie of the* wrongthinking, For thisBR in ", deneki dan ki enjukopoti? "i,
!,-, means I ShOUld no.t tao'lk th, IS example abO. ut thinkmg of SZC. '. Ms dunng dIS,CUS.SlOn on i
lJUJUMARA or On Laner I had ralS9ti the prohlem before PBM (an,d the then,
,Odisha in charge): in Odisha SOC me/ger meeting, GS also had listen. the report,
ftalf and said do hot take Basan!'s probiem mecharilcaJly. ,
", ,Why I ari, writing this now again? The is still in dominant position. When I I
Mad gone to Lalgado in 2009 , 'here local COms haql same. Kisan j i (Ram j i) had tried
t.0 convince somJthing like this, but they did not agree to Implement It. Why because, as per ;i

. ,. .., ..
is .... II
Whett to Olll area !"jJfesst9f porlOd , ,)N<
.. t
am. '. bU.. .. .... ;........I.Y.a .... ...:... .... ..:.. :.n..iS..i.wt.I.: ....=...:.'. ....I..t... ."'.e.
...r.. operlY..., recckqIl w.ere..IlOfPf.oper'I
. II .' '.' . '. i
change lO 010. and old ",,'lOs '.\,,!nt
a,ls!! ,:fhf
new bn1lJl.
to COtl>e .on f"',e't:pf
. The IonepVCM alon;1.
for SUO " 'thattime . ...... .. . ." " ," j . i
tl !
' , !
authority Fill become the supporter of class and 'Some time they may also join lin Our
UF. So very, tacticall the must be dealt , , II
' ".,
",' be re:eni,'
basett s;uIiJJ;
ReMfew G i' I:;, \"shu: "fe'
,,:':', Oar
,a.ehailand non-'Implcnr,

, ,! '
divfision; s4dfidIrletiH5! fS few"" fi'
cO,n-oot:'Peoil'e'havebeenbatassedoy COtIrt,'(:':' "', ..
, I' " " ,',,,_,,,, <.. ,.(Q'\, "

' In a Sltu:atIoR lS"!!flet
1n fonn , ': ,,II
......... we m Apnl .HI. In 22i-. had "'IF
some for'd(i:'mohtlOfi ofland I:lord'shouses. TIme pcnod of '
land strug;glel was not sufieieftt. There was nol!need to take such actions to adyance the 14nd
,WitQoutgoing other fOrfs no need of suchf9rms.Out 0if.
landI k"ds, two B.sanw
and OaW"Ili\b were surrenQ",edIand J9
. So
targetmg therr not correct: Anot!ler P.Salurl no Immedlatecnmity wIth LIS. S.o It ,as
not nec9ss,ary to target hIm. \Ve should put them before pe,QpJ,e to leave theIr
such fOnTIS like demolition directly is ]Inot correct. In this case we fai,lcd to follqw
PdliC)"q,:n surrend,ere,d, la,nd There sftould not be any generalisation resolution flor
actIon: Ifneeded we max select partIcular one. II :
But WThen we should follow such policie,s for surrendered land lords, we!must keep Ilin
mind that thede persons may raise their head agkinst us in our defensive positidn. So alwah
we should hat watch on them.. II . i
We may conVlllce the chaukidarsfor surrender or gIve pressure through people ito
leave the jOb"IB\Jr we cannoUhreat for such t?ing unless he is an infornler. How we hfd
threatened to aJI chauk!dars is not correct. I . . '. ':" II
The reslult and Impact ofMay DVe meet: resolutIOn was not revIewed 111 pepth III Ju!cY
i DVC meet. We <lIsa did not follow the party P9licy of taking resolution for annihilation ih
! bc. tor beati
1in AC etc. Sectm:ian trend, approach and individual functionirii;
i i a mudh., The actions those \vere decide3 in AC are not all correct. Again other
ithe decision of meetin
no more action was But such wrong thing was!practised ih
!those days. In of AC "itself and sectarian trend \\:alil
I, i
I i
6) POlitifaI Sectarianism next to 0lganisatiO
t sectarianism..
we r
forced to workunder AOB cmt wasa good land strl,Jl5gle (Gudari land st
m Basadar, (BSO). When th,ere ample to develop the Bsd movement and land
our CCM an,d ADB leader advice our DVcmtf to callediclqss struggle al5ainst tribal
(the SOCa"jd: state) to esta.blrsh RPC. It that:.the of OK, (about which II' had
should be BSd,;llrrespectlve of dl.fferent objective ,situation. that
time I was a SlCM. Our leaders mduamgCCMs rever try to explam the theory to me, though i,t was
not written lin our 5 and T or any to do so. Without analysing the theory whikther
that is applicable to all places inclHd1ng jmplemented !Jnd,er estimating my view. !I was
of land of I<>cal organlsati011 and
,en,t ,r
" ml,ss C,ircu,,' lar was ibuted. in w
dlVlSIQIlS ofl A0J::l, asa great moqeJ \!pn.. Only after negative result of the
theory , ,Y"Qne,ONCMcom
Out, '
tb work ag;lirlst r:n !
'j'':;''''', : I! .:, ':'" ',,', ,
us alDout com Bk, C;!lpIQ
serious loss Ito the

tJJ$Q,r;'( wa.5" heTe to follow the pr.esent 'pr:oblems ;.
-'.. ..':
.' " ,I
- : I
tbe plenum of,aasdara Division held in the ofMarch
,,; p;,m.ofAOB In 2002, we p.ut ipne
perspective to raIse the m to a dIVltilQ!;l movement m one and to GZ In :two
The' g6Verrttnent of ddfsh be.en to suppress the growing movemeni of
Basdara thi'ohgh moaernisatio';' of PSI" weapon$and training itsamied fOrces the of
AP police etl;. .In thisperidQ' 0 arch 2C)03 Je dtgahised the Basdara plenum and gave lit a
di:vision Again'v;e put e tp Basdara a part of AOB libedlted
zone and tal advance It to a GZ WIthIn year. Also we had planned to extend Ithe
north. We fixed the following tasks in the plenum.
I. To i
class struggle. I
2. To cJass struggle into anti state strugrle.
3. To achIev9 people's support. I
4. To form squads.
5. To build area of struggles. :
6. To start building ofRPC. I 'i
As a part of this perspective we had our work positively and as part of
state struggle had plan correctly to control informers. Also the had staryed
consolidation I and recruitment campaign whicH also gave some successful res,ult.We
attempted to advance the class struggle -in pmkicular we have been trying to turn the
seizing movekent into land struggle. We also some success in this regard. People
to participate in it. We had attempted in 20 villages to build land i struggle ahd
with that proposal Le. to bring the Odisha soc l:Jnder ADB. But, politically they never think af::ilout
odisha, its geoP,e condition and political 'After serious repression ih AP their
eemain in Odi,"a and mind and type of woek in At ',' I
Jl On issue of Secretary and SOC/Se Aftee lpaeation of oue acea of woek feom the seetJian
'0 II . 'I
Our CC. to send ch11,pati to Ddisah. ThF person responsiblJ for
kIlling Innocent tnbal knowingly, whom AP pO/'ice had taken force fully with them. The perlson
'bl fl I . B 0' ' ' . 0' h 'I " i II
res:onsr, e oss In asa ara movt "ad ai long history of activity Of killing
of ,nnocents 1 AOB. He would of Odosha committee, a, pee cc pian,
Aftee the of anothee theee was pcoblem and;they could
send him. It 'IS also not out of for to extend
north, Chalpa.ti QQffiJtp reduce the work area: of to
one third In n,ame of consolidatIOn. Ii peopJeare una.ble
to understand the dialectical relatiorl'gi:QosO:Jida.tion of Q'; ".. . diad
always have teen seeing the " '.
a Person was selectedpv
is on ,.
WIsh one whllPenng
they ar,e,
,_ ,__,
erstwflHe MCCI state defunct unity had organised lits own meetingjust a hour before dtJii;l'i jQint
Its on ;0"," n,,,o",,, 'Thoagh
hqd thiS ang" gave thlFJr opmlOn. eJect or the'secy
Qr::tg,jhqqkhandl pers.o
un-experienced about functioning of a Committee and pollt,cal,ly
ih sectarian actions was selected I had given my opinion !dearly to thk
then that in such a heterogen. body and ,in such sectafian conditidh
I did not' i any top responsibility like What I had proposed in that meeting was
organise combined study on Odisha History an91 class analysis etc to develop qne commow
understanding Ion politics. At that time some S<)DGM's have the opinion that Oqisha has
revolu,tionary history, there i.s no feudalism in doing red terror actions I
withoyt mass line is correct etc. But till n?w neither this study ilbr any political
organised for a weak SOc. In this condition I had flLnctioned as spoke person Cum s:ecy in
statements (as per the SOC decision), conducting meeting, concluding the debfltes,
anything was needed and also for co-ordination. THliS had some inferiority in; the form 0t
fal;;e supeelorityl among the then ,ecretaey. And the POR (I was given the to weite itl
was put for discJ.ssion the' superiority and sectarian t!fend of the secretary burst
who was not wokingin field was main supporter oflsUCh idea and had reglned from I
this condition in bne meeting how the secretary how the meeting was conducted that repo
I am endosing III heee with foe youe eethinking. To a delegate for CC eong in undemoeeatle
the state conference was stopped and no action was; taken on the wrong trends of But,l
'I !I ]miss propaganda w,as done on me that, I had wanteq, to be secy and so this is going on'l There is noi
idoUbt, I am more capable than the persons in our and even the persons by cc.
I ]
,-' ,-'
II ! i i
, ,
'A h' h 'h .
. ':
programme.. s per 1m e mig t give information to Q,eyv prec;a,lJf,iqn. In .
andIdoe to lack of peape, concept il education Due "Wch ,as 14 co:inmon
pohce me1 "those 'etahat, ng and i["ostl
had "'J!''''''':'l- 4e had
reVIewed the fault of klllmg so many police, It! was formal and the we: have not
deeply. vie are speaking about class concept voke, as p'" of tactiCs. in
recent kotogarh abs, where We killed 3 APR and tribal police >those were not engaged,C!lkainst
us directly. il " I
i. I
F) Fake she wrote me one letter with Jnemy
pressure, tHough she did not give any ex:
made any loss to others., I did not rJlceive
hec lettee til, nOw. I wcote onelette, t';flet''': ,'v' my stand on suchlette,. I had inf.icmed this t1 ERB
secy in my letter and, also abo, ' '\elett,er. (I am this lett"er to ERB [,Ichief
I . . , .. I
here with). for CCM co Bhaska,t. . ' '. Q,9 nqt all the other surrender He
t" one review and note,rt,' 4
d nOtqP90'e..
he ha? and wrrttento;
anything against me out of fear ;'j":,', ", 'Ir,
',' ,"I! , ' ,"" discussio'n was take'l)pj\"l';''f
ScDCMs, whyl we' will make a"
what we will answer? $;0" ..
mother , ., __ .
ma,ttl;!f !h!=
SlaYing f(jl1}ily,
favfur of the people's movt.1M, wito, t\l"''''f'!Plf 11l(.., .,.' ,.'
N.P leader Bhalo, CCM Bhaskar and Ajad (latter ' .
'.i,.",:!.;,,,,:. ':.," 1 . :I.!, . ,I
think that we had tried toma ke v!a party, ,';.', , ,'ii,
'. VOl;;J", mYlault 1o do all such thingNn i#iJd failhJ Ouc pa"" 11a"lJ9
covec, no DP ele. We 'Pmething, Fo, this.'W'e moneX ex ,,,'1
ano ,'" ilni my account. In pa"" 'ccount system. I "'"', 10", Thoc "
no collect",e planning fo, cov."" I? 0' all th". ",Y,W". W(!I ,p.eak the planml1!l befnee i
cmts"oo r
the,e " no J,aranty that th" WIll nOI go to m few days. Be"",use, we are t'Ylng to Ira
,evolution with one a pa"" havin* ve'Y m"'imum quality 10 f"ce the war of sta,t ,
So, with the Jdvice of PBM Summit dada I had some, and some with our Own initiati8n.
I,' 'i .. ,.. .... .'1
Whether he had,reported in his committee or I do not know. SOm:! I had also done with the
I i
pe,misSion of soc. All these ace not wcong,
You neld' one Badal like d'ive, hoese, but not thinki"g about his you
one 5 for CCMJ hbspital work, shelter so and so. BJt, you never discuss with her nor
I : . h h d a UJ ,. I . h out gIVing In 'det a./ '1' Informa Ion toll think her problems of cover in t ese 11 year-so I \:Jone a Itt e, Wit o.
. j' " . . . W
'. !I
to one weak Sac. Why SOC, some (CMS are not in IT position to keep,secret about cor;ns i.n city
they had all in Basadaea DVC meetings: t". Info'ms aee IQ enemy, ,Ali these
needed fo' onJ revolution and I had done. ,I ,t coceecr But th" should not r w'th sUj"
sectaeian 'nd dbubt minded CCMs, But, thece " quest,"n of makmg pel'Sonal pcoperty as Y91
people have doilibts, Thanks fo' you, doubt; tho'e "" unable to give 4 and half lack ,"pels
account after reice,nt special but Odisha And I will ask about your accounts, yo'u
give the account, I am sure of It.
'j I
1i I
,f !
" .' I., ,
'ienemy, When onf DCIVI.from DK had ran away with lover, '!tie in same
iltarget, that he kje-r' But other local squad did ab.bufthe work,
then a:ked to gOI home or had shown any vacillation, Iwere forcefully kept by tidin,g with tOPe in the
Tame aT expose, PH from AP, Sorupa, who has b
:en here for last 2 years without fa,llowin
gUide or soc, had wanted t.o retreat movt after thE!riiartyrdom of b,usband
!com Ravi. l3ut, suadenly she had changed her and was promoted as one ACM qy CCMs, to
,fake her for one special Plenum,of Odisha 2011. This was organised suddenly
yvithout plan and without participation of 2 diVisions!1 in which 3 local ACMs were not allowed to
participate for their vacillation. It is not,oUtiof:place tolinote that, all local ACMs are continuing
i.\n m... ite.. se.: harassment. s6 many of local non-local type of
from above.' ':','IL." . I
lP Pa!V<;iHty ir . 'LOf corns also, the so-called review and
Cl!;lOUt role have parties, Till I ribw there
:t'as "'view onl all erstwhile . ... ....:. of t {lffo/ ,
,f: !1d, qad bend befpreenemy . "mo'
DVCM and one A<LM was narro
:seev Santanu { had
{ he had surrenderecf ..
ra.!sep,py lb,jg}grqgp:of< .t
declared. 'rhuch' eiiqei,y,
.resolution r-elilictantly:.ltIshat butaf plate
Wr>ittervcmeletterlabout the grdupism among SDS for
differenteoms including about Ranvir. '," i .' .
q1"\ill"o pe,.6;;';;;:;\ex oyqi\A land is of !J1Gm
of one and DVCM Dor GhasJra . Both ex-DVEMsof
I3SD were affettedby same deceases Le. repeated i icit sexual relations with women, iinside and
the party.llt was decided by 2 member socillmeeting to write one booklet about Dora's
wrong trends this one. After the meeting i1,between Uday was also arrested: from one
where he hdillicit relation with house oW1Fr's wife. After arrest, he was, politically
surrendered before enemy and had given anti"party sta'tements and interview, So, I include his name
in that book in sclme place. Though the booklet wasilmainlY carried the wrong trends; The then
5QCM Ajad, who fad beenpatronised-Udays wrong ttfends, opposed toindude Udays :name as a
person or to speak him characterless in this As per him we should spea,k this only
for Dora, Two ccJs BR and Bhaskr had supported Aja and said we should not write his ;name. For
fhis the booklet dlst'ribution was stopped and During our hasty decision for reprint, the
: ' "1 . II':
press mechanism was exposed and persons in it were awested. .
My question is, irrbspective of local or non local, my 6adre or their cadre, we should against
deviations like illicit sexual relation. When bothlbora and Uday had worked in same division
both were affelcted with same virus, how we can the book on only one? Then, what we will
a:nswer to people about the second person? But, inste'hd of thinking about the problem ;politically,
sertacian friends ace thinking differently. II :
: II
I g
'I ,
I ' I had sle
the unity erstwhile PU PWafter 5 years j9int actionat;1d disCUSSioh.
;! Then several sr
groups like us had joined it. Albo in 20b4 tbl:! of united pvJ with
;1 Each before unity has their Own Theunity most be donl:! the basis Wf
"I that review and \;Vlthequal respect. When I had se;len In 2000 partYCOng (;lth cong} that' the p,U
,j party is written as a right I was Their on mass movt
:1 armed struggle was. denounced.ln that. cong via over emphaSIs on armed PW.II'
II marked some approach for thiS PH party in AOB, in WB (for CCM .Aji:ly dada aJsl"
II who had lessexr.e,rience in leading a gtJ! 'rt.illa SqU<ld)ljAhd towards us, what to say? If would
,givenone x:Y rr
party name beforeoQr,;Wpup like other groups, whh one forllJal CC or S:C
:1 there might be , respeq for us. But we had not don1k
:1 like So, ACM In piP! C!II) us and.our movt
II some different ray. Again, when the. 'l,P ,9
united pWhad been suffering losses,
11 anorher l11,er
er had MC:CI:There was profulem in botr
: I e ' had. taken plaf:' One
", I
, ,
, ,I
'I struggle betweer both parties for at
;Iwas, done on past )Nork of particLilarpa
iIhas Qone only the basis of strength'
,mighty is right .
!Imuch as 80, we accept blindly an.c;t
:Iviewour AOB .
i tp cOmpete'"

oh Here
is on arm'edstrength only.
as'itWas donl:!in ffD.C' ,,'$..Q
. . '
'. , .
,.' :.
.... "
. i,
!!iecorYd;,our' ,! elms were more interestl:!d fat the' united '. . . .' ... ,
which the erstWhile PW pteferred the
'i ., I ", II i I '
!1".......Wbfl."",ef"coms wlshed the na m. CPl,(':,,"oi"1')' Whali' with 'he All"'.1 . .,. i '. I
.iSi!" CM Bhas,", r from old PW me in BJ camp, he started talking me i1
'Telegu, to reportl S9
:!thing against old MCCl"work irt BJ. "They have only 2 RPC so far in BJ;
'(.eMs ate not spending. much time in field, Only Kish<lri1dtlda is thinking correctly and restI are not like;
Etc..." wasHe he nad reported me. work has been one', thisl
felling remained in most of old PW what to say aboutcadtes? They ,are noti
about tHeir subjective assessment and activity, which is one Ofmajpr cause ofl
in AP or blsewhere. All groups have sbme and some negatives. They should try tol
; I I ' ..! I
from e"h 0n,r. But here. the thing ;s different. !' .!
i(What is our orgfnisation pOSition in all India other Ifhan OK and BJ? If we start right,now directl
bbnfrontation with goVt,' I1ke it was done in AP or in OK, where we can stay? Again,. the movtl
'1 I' '. '. 11 .' , , " ., , I ., I
be crossed. 50 knowingly we are not advanCing s9me work In that direction. ThiS IS, one ceM sI
('6f MCCI side, no.1 in jail) opinion: I do not know he had put this opinion in Cqmeeting at i
time or it is non-formally
I .
deCided opinion of some
But, I t
It IS wntelme
't' t
t,? light inciUdingl alII thing, ,those are. po!nts ito ,note, as in unity, open
pplemics.When we gOing to achieve organlsatlOna/unlty Without politIcal unity, such. things Will
. i I
of organisational and Partiality.
So, J think, tlhis, is a virus in side party. This alsJ to "some extenq criminality in SOfille
cadres. That's why I de.cided to.start this fight ope1i1Y, so the MaJist
party may ,them along With the democracy ,loving leaders. As for fighting frqm inside is
possible in thif democracy of armed strength, so froin outside might help mqvt ip
way .Today you a similar IFPinion With me. While I have Writingti
G.S, Maolst.s killing people, wrrhout investigation of the If a;h
diSCUSSion IS pjos,slbJe at thiS Juncturei then ask these people first to,stop such activity. Otherwi,ke
.' 't
th 1"1 II , . 'I
Willi eS,e peop e IS use 'i!keto open the ma,tter before the :people with a
commitment f0r real democracy. Butallthesesnoul'd be done before they (the sectarian friends) c1n
kill me. II . ,

fight ,Political and;t);,n
gif of ann:
to build 3"rkaJpeopt
"1 '.' . ..,,,., i'" . d:li,:r;>" j ;',v
! with er:;twhile PUand mJ{[ .'i
i,!, Cin.\.'.' .... 'Qb.....l .. f m IO.f.a.... c.ce.... ptance..for some old PW corns". jic.";,' ;'.. .:....." . :1'."""rl' ff ",', ''''-,h. " I'. . ',' . II ., ,. . I
!i Hir>lll' Pu, PW fmm ,gpS. politicany , W<lj 'Q ,,",",m!
Ii with ihtBasafra of Oqisha. I close to ItM POO'i
:1 pt5S1{IOT'FO"f'P'(:!J eSB vs.lndlanpeople as one of the,fundevnental co:ntradfC!lOn j
i I of c) about
'i niassorganlsatfon :and legal leaders In secret party <!ommlttee With proper Instead
:Ionly using theml siiitply in work. d) about different form of st'ruggles andl
ilorganisations instead of only one for places likes punj 1b etc Other than I had some opini,on on otherl
'ItOPics, But, in u+
process . hout waiting to the 1pture political outcome, f had joir
the PWI
with B al Gh <:Ira and Budha as Bhal was to join the partry and we were '\Vorking as al
.. k., roup. No thirh[ was a mistake .Of course they ent away out of fear of repressior.,just afterl.
!tw onths. But, on our practical experiencJof work in area of AOB PW, we somel
'i I I "
} :j omplains therr This might coms (leaders) who never to toleratel
iFiticism from rhey have been thm kmg ther self as only correct . So, hOWl they could,
7 , ' , . II
In this condition Some coms come to thiS area from Bengal, those were persons of old PW, close
!o AOB corns in 'hl,ir work relation. ' II
One such couple (known to you and few CCMs) repJatedly had raised the question why I had not
i+ined aid PW, tho"gh they were close to our area 0lloper.tion? They had once thro"gr the
diefected single shbrt weapon by saying that these arelrour party (PU) weapons, They hao mdde the
.j '. II
:: I
)4- I
I :1 II
I fake story. The mainforcememberswerealso information about me. So, he
I wfPte one CC,MMan10jasked arrest him from village, In next
I to kflowtbe But o.ur readers did not satisfied with his
told. Now they decided to kill him in
one enquiry in his village. Re.luctantly
. II .. til I,$ifl'9!:S<w
. the final <luthority to commander of
.;... .. aetJ9n.. requested the
",-.: ..'
.' letter that ';:j'd;{aw so many
., a9 enquired about,ttiJh'!1( one
.'. lJthlm before them. l" . , .' Ii'me, he
1"A'i;'''''"'''",9lf .. ' '.' ;.:rgowith
We O'rust kill I1j,rn . ..... .'. ,... .. :y
hifn. 'am su re, Ieader$.ilre;
.' ', , T" ",",,fIr 6 Y II
I . I .... ';; . ",
l\:w'. ...rn .. .. ... ... .. 't "' .. .... ;r .. .. .. ..
....cst.:;' . btl sa'ys that,
II," <> ," <>. or Indulges
in o:pen ant't"party .F1er'frorrl his/her
l.j1!'c-0Alie intIiPfO'r.ife,15nly when two-thirds
o'ftt'.e:ltlff'a .. ...,' J"""". I

,t,"""c':; a democratic and timetakfrigpr6cesS.SUt
revolution, as per the doubts of Jriter wHtten in
nerbobk: " . I" ,ii'
lun ( . atJc Plenum- AgaIn, to target me and brganisatibt'ia'lIy, (eMs arranged one
sip ciql pi en . ( N.d-When without prior plan and decision of higher tbtnmittee , leaders Ilike BK
aln&Chalpati hCld with me to arrange one special R\enum fdllowing the Basadara problem in
i004, they were critidized by AOB committee). But, they hibd arranged one plenum even
the (action programmb. They gave proposal to dissolve soc committee In AOB, prior! to this
p1lenum. I oppose thi1s,as AOB leaders had been opposlhg any independent partY committee in
ddiiha from .But I did not oppose any thllng due to their aggressive attitude, They
the plenum without a proper decision, with of non local cadres and eXFluding
Ideal; cadres. This is undemocratic method to achiev. majority in side party. There allo they
the review as pJr their wish and some time they that, if I will not, agree then, the, ((M's
" II',
will be as final opinion. How we can call it a state plenum then? And, here ,I could
t' my opinion In hall. Some Chha'l,gadl 'ild,e, and AP ,ad'e< weee promp!ed by
. :1
"'I _-- ..
. .. '. ,
for RavJ, $usant and all other deVIated persons I was m;a
t th . b d II . '; .
. em In su cornman
'. !I .. r...i:nc,
reSR':!sible.Manoj now startedi1:tyingtflat:aS'1iI:e,-er
. ! II .
Th d
'd tllt d" h' . II. . ..... ;
ey I. no IS Ing my a VIce In t IS regard. The ambush failed but '--:vas also taken 9 responsible,
though ",,, second,,,,. One pocson of oJ!.n .. sec'Ously ;Ii ,nd send he, 10
hospital for. Which also I was blamed partially. , ,
Annihilation h
Rovf ond t/jeri after -, n th is pe,;o,d R,vi ,IOllg ",lth oM mi/iliacom Ivemfo, locll
. ,uevedic medich. fo, one com. They ,;"e'e send by comm,.nd.,. <;Om ""'noj "ad
: of them befo'i vllI'ge people ,n Ravi aft
[ rntem>g.atlo
, kepI anothe, mUip,,.p,,,on
iFcustOdy fo' one month. v/ had come en my agent th,ough Susant. de'd body .has not beel
Ii hislfamlly.CCMS. had doh. it 0' discusSihg with local cdr''' and eve'
'! w,thout.,nfo,mrr me,. ,t IS not questionable, the method ij
against Our partY constItution, that
I . . . . ... 'fi
After that, witH false iO: observational custody andl
" '1 .....,j ,.,' . :
[started threatening local vlir A,s much-as!

i'includin ACMS.(PMS and squad .' ,i.IlHI mpn\hqn'1 ho'l!}.!l>1ll'Ji
:threatened by tHem. 4 squad meml:lers" . . !
' I ..... -.' ;;
[arrested, more were in the
, ""'. I

'great Telegu like M

:h d " .J k' b
t e eCIS'.on Was "a en a . 01.1'
" i
.. "!l.any f!<m .a<lsion on 'O..H"'-IS. tsndiJid
"b_\p\O_ O<! ':I"'" - this 'ddad on me. 'l><P"-'" .of
R,a/:um!,sh@arne"lwasmad,e,resp:OflSIJble; Though, ,neIther I take that name In Imly mouth outsIde the
the nome CCMs might had In theil
romp",,"on n:
, enemy's handand",me 'n ""]dJa as one
story. But latter tl')ey ralsed.f:akecomplaln'on me I had exposed the name of RahIm before
cadres and that wJnt to enemy through coverts insi,Q,e party. In anot;fue
ta,tement bi main
lCes fore
f9 , com "Ised doubt on me and r;;l<hil' about the exp... '" ' Aam.1
as pe,
hi,m another comm'ission from CC will come to enquiry and punish in this matters. He went on with
; I II .
s",Ch fake with subjective SuchtPe of wo,k is <on deA1iab'e.
jOiAt DOC nteting of BSD and Gh", one DOC com had "red against the to
aq'est 3 women members, those were Wishing tb go home during Christian festival, In my
the,e Col. M,noj!Bh"k" CCM "id that +these a,e needed fo, ,evoluti9n ,nd if
needed one membJr arid leader can be killed. He had alIso supported the kiJling of innocents some
: I' .' , !
time. For this he had taken examples of Stalin." .,
quatioo for of Ramesh- Anothe' PM, had gone to hame dmonths
6e F,e, w" by PLGA with doubt. He ,"me to a,ea whe,e I was in custody of CFMs. He
squ,d gill.. They we'e in undelStanding to go home as pe' But
du,[mmm,ndecs kept the gid by conVincing hee, when Ibhe Ian aw,y in that date. Now \h,t boy
dame 'nd move in ,J"ch of th"gl" ,nd fo' some '0,,1 f,g,nlsation wo'k. He met the sq"'d with
..._------,_._-----.!..- -, ..-
Rahim storY-I, period one story had come in ,news paper about the arrival of Rahim and hiiS
. wife (both CCMs per news paper) along with and Mimo' in Odisha. to enquiryI
the 2..exual on in Odisha unit, and I had be pu 'shed in pe pie's court. I had narratelli .
this news pape1 story CCM aders had l(3ughed a little, as if thif
was very normal news Tor them. They did not wish fO condemn the story of on me
any scandal. AJ if they were enjoying the fake propaganda. But, how this name went
outside? I put +e que
tion. Then after much it was decided that, either by!phone or bt .
CCM's lette' to fOB, itmight be happened... I .: i
(In this conne9ion another matter was much ;fake propagand
on me
]/; on one democ1atic activist Dandapani Mql1!3Jlty rJgarding relation with women cadres, I asked
permission fro1 CCMsin one letter, to interview in September BecauseiJ
when had send one journalistf,'"" '.' . a,Q!;!., CeM Manoj had raised cOm pt;;J in
P6M Sumil dada .,' i.thout takin'. had
with me? Then tn2009, In December one: .' wIthout declslonl.shoulli.knot
). i. ..,' ".. :rl
. In .. '.' .! .....
: AQf.lare giVing IrrelevantiH'1 .
Several, times I 7ad brought .
. However I had to take permrs'Slon'forlafi. .
do so. The prodramme di'd not'worJ<'o:wt.Butto
plenum-20Uth1t we fui3a,trriedfor interviewoq sCi'!, . I
. I, '" . L,."
.' As per decision, I had '.
" bgtDwenUogether. The place wherewe stayed, I mfGlrmedto
that for one or thefle.
: work'..,I, saw cut. ManoJ s area,
that time. tent was and so In thE:
forest for thelT qally needs. The Village IS big andonllandlord IS there. So the den exposed to'i
i many unknown I asked to change the den. there was rainimevernjngand our cadres an{l!
CC guards werejnot searching alternate place with irriOus. In that evenimg I <iaHedtmtt local team,
to our place (along with Because, .in root ifor last tWO!
. days and some doms were suffering from alari main force batch had to go that;
i root. It was tliat the local forces shoul not the main force. SOi it was wise ito call themi
i to us. Till that! time Susant and did not the den. In next morning Iwe got the!
abo:Ut: enemy movement. The squad who had brought the inforrpatibn from!
iVillage, inform ut Already feo; precaution I ha11 send persons search alternate! place. They,
i returned. asked for laptop to see some despite he had heard i the enemy
iinformation; He !;vas not serious till that time. When I! informed about enemy he agreed!
i to shift. We we1tto second and practically unsafe p!iace. Though there no urgent imaterials in!
first den, comm1nder asked one team who had carned my compuper to move,
Ifor materials. Ot/lers were engaged for .asked ie to sit for!
:planning. (Theselwere nq,rmal in Maoist always In radiO 90mputer or,
and unnecessary weetlQgs of time and place. Tr;bal, are!
'thinking more e;;:,ercise or hunting and cooking than any other thing. Main or Lpcal, all are!
'same in this mader. in this unsafe second place no 01r including I had cheek the retreat,root and alii
members inciudihg DVCMs were repeatedly had wemt to one big stone, in which people can saw
t. . (He IS not d fa. hlng, not II '
[) ::and only one JOI for one
!Witb PU 'ng rectification qL
, .
b,efore at once BRi Manoj and AJClP
,uppre" forcefully. When I
BBC t6Id;then
cOtJ1d not d'9re tr sayhls opinion
.lTIefor beli'eve i1 thelrfractiona,1 Cl:i"
, of<:a'dre's right W speech?"'" .

reg;:lrdlog Or:le
soemL martyred con'l Ravi in my prese'bcelong. .
fonce.rn arf to me through this wrong in our
'iconstltutlon). As fight now they are unable to do ih to politically
,eliminate me, if they cannot do it phy,ically. They plan fully
"nd othee thing f10m me, whkh they ace not able to but ace no
:pcoblem th" oemaI but the pc"ent behind ,he
pog after It become old.
- Which IS an exploiter ..
" II '
'In addition to this, I would like to write one more thing on this point from my experie,nce. In 20091
one PBM 9" had to ,+ on ot?er
.f.\,.;.,..p,\.p .... , e.. i.' ....a.. Inq
.. .. s ..,-.J.r.l.l.'.. C.' .. gIVln ..t.s. A .. .. ''0'.' tlei
evolutionary). on VIJay dada andSutr'frtliti't!!3:dfalong,
"''n one P8MfCCM should not talkl1ke this
,'(i', ..y. "".- ..' .: .. : . '.' !
he did not say like this and tried td
. whe.lilft'r '
in odhha
1 "

on It In between. .' '1,' ',," .. ' '.",... ,."';
, Aja:d's surrenLr-Ajad a, loql ..... n?t
I'lr6posalwrthon!lotal girl, he had developed love and pfVy'sical relation ih
wrongmethda] $cH'ie 'gdt fhistrated and wanted surrender. He was
ManoJ in- Martkth'6Ugh hE(f(rieW the target and visit of PlGA. He had prdmised not tb
J .. . . . II I
disClose any secret matter and perhaps our leaders s:tilLbelieve hjm, nOtsuspeet him. .
. . ,.1' M . j . k d d"- II .t f th "..... I 'd't . ! Ii d t d
In t IS Situation com ,anoJ a so ase 'meto 0 prepara Ion ore .. I IS ar 0 f
preparation in !this poor condition of our organisati6n. If t9 do anything, I proposed t? allow me
go for one ncr Iacea foe thl' ration. But, and ,aid tna, I hod to F In ceveele
dire,ction firstt'o meet otherCC leadersand then my work. :
-.1 . II i'
PLGA moverPent exposed-Before this, when the, PlGA main force had passed thra'ugh Korapuf ( ,
. from DKL Chetan had wrote one letter to degenerated DVCM Ghasi and iwhen he
arrested throJgh that letter, enemy got the about the main force's SOi in
next place PlGA forces were followed by and faced intense combing Niyamgiri of
Next they had to come to (Raygada-Gajpati-Kandmal) Ghumusar
I . . .
Kandhama!-Ganjam) out of compulsion.
I ' . :
I : I
Now I was called by leadership in June and so manlY works were given by them including to arrange
I . I . :.:1
shelters in 3i
to .buy 6 arrang.11e food materials and needs1ln three IfO,.t
distriets.... etc, Along With thiS explOSives for the 9rogramme, for AOB ana OK had t9 be arrangrd.
One sub command was formed with 2 CCMs, dne suspended CCM, Soc secy ar 2. comP1ny

tetter 2 I
Pear com GS, Vija'yl Dada and Sumit Dada I.
I .:,
Hope You dre fine. We ::lre with more
ft II ..
to you. A ir d.evelopments of debatable
write the letter. Though It IS too late, I hope, as per our cons
answer. II' . .\.,..
, I
I had receiv.ed Gom Pravakars letter {through whom I
on 18
night. intense enemy moving, eh'e'
i. I 'I
si?e. tre report. of villagers and a
shIp of X and Yare' searchrngfor me. {We were not sure but
,'angliage of the pJrson reported by villager. He.m '.. t I' .'
diJ not write the 2
person's it' ,1;... ..
they .....
dtlne this wIth baltl intension. They'were
"d h I
t.-2st a 8710 had
VOI<;,e for us m
hd\ give food tb them.
So in this sltua'tlorl,
Yes, there Fs, today t'
inside the party of h'Or? If ndt directly, then they Wfll
who had come from PU
prgahlsCltion on hIs own initiation in Bandhugaon areJ, again he had f; ..., .
. base, he .was expelled and protection. ...,"
hiS Wife. ). Some like tliat. We are
:Will' in future too. For such activity Kuma / Chetan,
.<IOP suspended CFM Ravi!Chalpati /Aparao might in1rructed united or sep<!rately. because,
actually they ha9 kept me in for 3 months on their:
:assessment on mf' I do not know,' whether GS and oth,e
cqrn. hag wrote to do like i
jthat, he advice to with sWc;:.<;:orns. Had .ou(respective CCMiS asked
permIssion for an y other krnd of dealrng WIth me (prrctlca/ly the lone SOeM)? They hap done thiS
Without declaringlopenly the matter to cadres or by me with a rope (as they were: doing with
1\ ,.fother coms). But,! I was not allowed to meet the 10cJI, cadres or write letters to others and finally
:they had declared one bureaucratic observation on mJ for one year. :
. 1) InternL Democracy - I
I' I'
have a little knJwledge about the communist party's; internal democracy problem, In the name of
proletarian dictatorshiP in the socialist Govt and in the name of -
:centralism inside fhe party, one type of bureaucratic functlonrng has been developed In ,Side parties:
land GOyts. In feu1al or semHeudal states like us, the is more. leaders are thinking them as.
;masters and cadrfs have courage to oppose. the I:iader's Can a son/dau
his/her father in feudal society? The problem IS more or less Similar to the problem In bourgeolsl,
'parties In our And if somebody fights, then Ilhetshe has to become one of leaders.!
," I II !;.
I 4-
__ __
.! :'.' 1 l
ljpreparation-of revolution we have to build partXf Peopl7's -3!:,my and both UG and
,:organisations forI future UF, but form of arid struggle w not be s _,
,:throughout we .practlcall
are directing inllpresent days. Peop n Jar
organisation In their struggle to face the ar'1j'ed gang of "'"'-
ipdisha or for pe0ple of lalgarh, we should not copy form of .-
if I .- <: d C==>. ',' ...:.,.-
'mechanically as our subjective Wishes. We have t'Q/rethink our
Narayanpatna, la/garh etc in this relation... I
As we are movinJ subjectively and our form struggles Ld organlsalions are not"
, d't' nOli th I .... II. . ' "
1 10 pr per y, or e peop e are In It as per need; we
sectarian theoriesl out of our subjectism, of armed
class and mass line, not considering the contradictions amOng' "
are applying the alrmed strength upon the ta achieve the so caUecf
titnesSing such via Tribal system with the 1
opinion of seq.arian leaders, both tribal:c chiefs are taret f
' 1', [I ", .
demolishing their authority we can buil [,{we. in one are<l
We havk
done it in Nql'ayanpatlns itlttne'd to go in Pa'
, I . .
tran our way. or Base ' needs "i
s!itUatlon, .Ieast r be t,he,le, .. " it is m'
When there IS change rn obJectilte SltOa'tIOfl, In socro-eco.. . we hay
expanation of electr .k media i uence we simply dnnot reject it by propagating
; I ' , . """"""!: 1 ..' '. '.' . :
theory of Imperialist culture. '.' I ! ,,;,'
' .. " ! I
Sp, 'we must take all preparatiQn secretly I dr' in the _method of insurrection,
all those to It is I)ot..corredt in which method we have been doing tHl
' S . did
f I I
lJIass orgarllsalol'ls.
t" Th II t', . f
Wfl rng
M'tM' . 'd " .. ' d'
ame IS nee i or ega
'e 0
.... In Its 1 eo,ogy an
giVing vote boycQttball through it is Umked with this wrorlk'idea ofexpOSirlgeverything to and
g6' for directconfrdntation. What is t<hebe,mefJ,t, if one or'gC3nisatlon' wUh
brand will a big sounded meeting ora)a-Ily -aga'rhst with ha!ndful of
in of afterll bratitlif.lg 'r.
otper mass organisations will face similar repression those are haVing any type of direct or jrndlrect
it. Alllhesel are due our subjective
I The abolition of fifth. fundamental contra9ictibn I'CBB vs.lridian People' from basic
! documents twice in! Our process of unity of PU -PW and next PW=MCCI, in the period I of LPG
;:. I'.! ,
eXPcloitation and diS?lacement is also a.poi.nt to note. ItI had done pdrtof pre of
in higher level Viithout any debate rn Side party rank, and file, which IS also one symptom of our
6eJenerated inner democracy. It is also part of poliJical subjective assessment, Similarly about
I the! question of prinJipal vehicle of Imperialist exploitatidh in our country, though the frami1ng was
I . I
' <defeated
.in last cong in
one vote, it is inf
uencing our activIty,
" f .
d thO
k' II
ramrng 0
ICS Ing In
I f I . I
subsequent period.! I
I ; I ''- fl . d'
In ouray
t d ct"t
' . It
All these subjective assessrngnt , sectarian Idea are re eme
oay a y via 9
sectaria1n'dealing to other nationality, mass leaders or people Of other I', ; J 0 ,
. ,
. ,

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