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The wooden boards creaked under my feet as I groped for the

wall; the paint faking of as my nails scratched into the plaster.

The goose bumps grew along my skin as the static raced up my
arm; adrenaline pumping in my veins; sweat pouring over my
hunted body. The Light grew dimmer at the end of the corridor
time was running out
The "ody lay on the foor; in its mauled mess# it lay there#
oblivious to the pain that racked my hunted torso. "lood and hair
spattered the kitchen foor; $nal cries still echoed in my ears#
years though it seemed. %s stillness $lled my wretched soul# my
!ear &ne still seemed to writhe in her death throes before my
very eyes 'er glass eyes still staring up at me; vengeance in
every silent cryher feline claws still e(tended in incomplete
combat# passing on the mission )inger*s un$nished mission
was now my mission.
+ill ,ido.
I left the bloodied kitchen behind; its endless testimony forever
etched into my mind. -y target. ,ido. -y killer instinct seeping
into my veins; ancestral spirits calling to mereturning to my
identity. I am The 'amster. The !oberman*s scent permeated the
house# betraying his identity# his trust in the one thing he held
dear. /i0e was on my side; strength on his. )inger*s strength $lled
my being; feline rage consuming me with bloodlust.
+ill ,ido.
Time was running out; even as my mind swam with plans and
strategies# I knew that with each passing moment# I was drawing
even closer to the showdown# the end# my irrevocable fate. "ut if
he found me I 1ust hoped that he would make it 2uick and
painless. images of )inger fashed before my eyes that is how I
would become; a thing beyond description# an identity beyond
recognition. 3uick4 5ainless4 That would be a miracle %nd the
showdown4 Is that nothing short of a miracle4 The very thought
of having to face the !oberman brought shudders to my haggard
I have to stop thinking about it666 ,ocus %ll must die someday;
why bother with it now4 7ven as the thought crossed my mind#
the vengeful mission of )inger $lled my consciousness. 8&666 I
will have a plan6 I will be ready for that dog and when the
moment comes# I will stand strong# baring my fangs. I will be
The wooden boards creaked under my feet as I groped for the
wall; the paint faking of as my nails scratched into the plaster.
The goose bumps grew along my skin as the static raced up my
arm; adrenaline pumping in my veins; sweat pouring over my
hunted body. The Light grew steadily dimmer at the end of the
corridor time had run out. The clock had stopped ticking
This was it. 'e was here9 %nd I was ready.
'is black presence slid through the doorway# obscuring the light
behind him as he came; darkness fooded room# e(tinguishing all
hope from that deathly atmosphere 'is glassy eyes were
obsidian. black and unseeing. 'oles that sucked me in9 tearing
my sight away from his looming presence at the end of the
corridor I recounted my strategy. This was my Turf. 8o9one had
ever con2uered a hamster on his own turf not now; not ever.
-y cheek pouches $lled# I bunched my muscles as he came
thundering down the corridor. as fast as greased lightning# black
and smeared with evil I would not move; bracing myself for the
impact# my claws dug into the foor# anchoring against the fate
that I knew would come

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