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This work was an essay I did for my English College class, and I'm very proud of it so I

decided to share:

Inner Beauty V. Physical Beauty

Beauty is a perception of an object, person, or aspect, which is fully opinionated by the
mind; therefore, beauty cannot be proven by fact or law since it is completely based on
how and what a person distinguishes the aspect to be. There are two categories of
beauty: inner beauty and physical beauty. Physical beauty is the beauty a person
inherits from a parent and/or ancestor, whereas inner beauty is a beauty that can be
achieved. Physical beauty includes appearance, complexion, and physical features, while
inner beauty is comprised of characteristics, traits, and personality of an individual.
(Essay Topics.) Also, Inner beauty and physical beauty have different qualities or
importance. These two beauties have an effect on people, yet they differ and various
ways such as the portrayals of the beauty, what it means, how a person can acquire
them, and the quality of the beauty.
The first difference is the portrayal or descriptions of the beauties. Inner beauty is a
beauty that is based on characteristics, traits, attitude, personality, and just the whole
being of who a person is and the expression of who a person is to other people. Inner
beauty is also a state of confidence on how someone feels, and in the moment of a
certain feeling a person can express an ugly inner beauty or beautiful inner beauty.
Physical beauty is an individuals outer appearance including their elegance, complexion,
hair color, face shape, eye shape, eye color, body type, ect. (Essay Topics.) This
beauty is a beauty in which how people first sees someone and even judges them off of
these features as a person.

Another difference in these two categories of beauty is how they are achieved, occur, or
come about in an individual. Inner beauty is the beauty that is defined in how you
behave, so it can be changed through your actions, behavior, and manners. As physical
beauty is the outer appearance it essentially achieved through birth, and heritance.
Since physical beauty is something we are born with, some features cant be changed,
but others can. Plastic surgery and cosmetics have given a rise to changing the outer
appearance of a person, making it easier for someone to disguise their true outer
beauty with a beauty they consider is more acceptable.

The quality of the beauties is a huge point of the importance of the two. (Essay
Topics.) Inner beauty is seen to be more important and pure than physical beauty
because it holds no lies, and it attracts the heart, mind, and soul. For inner beauty is a
beauty that is not temporary as physical beauty, but enduring and so unfathomable, in
which it creates who a person is and it is an ultimate factor in which ways people are so
exclusively different from others who roam the Earth. Physical beauty is an illusion that
has no real strength, but can easily possess a shallow mind. (Panek, Joseph.)Physical
beauty is in the eye of the beholder and isnt seen as highly as inner beauty because a
person who is physically attractive can have a repulsive inner beauty or heart that can
easily diminish their whole attractiveness. This beauty can easily fade away over time
and so what is left is the inner beauty of a person, and that is the beauty that shall
never cease to exist, for it is the beauty that creates the lasting impression on the
people who were exposed to it. (Panek, Joseph.)

In conclusion, inner beauty and physical beauty have a lot of importance in the way
people are treated, but they have many differences in between them. The way they are
defined, how they are achieved, and even the value of the beauties makes them
different in nature. One thing is final: beauty is opinionated and so there is no exact
proof that someone can be beautiful.

Works Cited
(Essay Topics.) "Comparison of Inner Beauty and Physical Beauty Essay Topics, Buy
Custom Comparison of Inner Beauty and Physical Beauty Essay Paper Sample Cheap,
Service." Comparison of Inner Beauty and Physical Beauty Essay Topics, Buy Custom
Comparison of Inner Beauty and Physical Beauty Essay Paper Sample Cheap, Service.
N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.
Panek, Joseph. "A Seeker's Thoughts." : Beauty (Inner Beauty vs. Outer Beauty). N.p.,
n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.

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