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Volatility in terms of demand is seen mostly in case of

a. Semiconductors
b. Consumer Electronics
c. Medical Devices
d. Network Equipments
2. What are the three business models or sements within NE! industry "
e. #rtisan$ #ll rounder and %ollower
f. #ll rounder$ &eader and 'rchestrator
. #rtisan$ #ll rounder and 'rchestrator
h. None of the above
3. 'ptions available for equipment manufacturers for lon term viability are
i. (ecome a leader in their equipment cateory
). (ecome an electronics manufacturin service provider
k. *et acquired by an orchestrator$ all rounder or non traditional NE!
l. ( or C
4. !rofitability issues are promptin services to increasinly look at lowerin operational costs and capital e+penditures to
achieve a lower cost per subscriber.
m. ,rue
n. %alse
5. !rovision of internet videos on mobile telephones is an e+ample of ne+t eneration networks enablin consumer-friendly
and industry efficient cross over.
o. ,rue
p. %alse
6. *oole entry into the telecom market is an e+ample of
q. .ncreasin importance of manaed services$ network asset outsourcin and shared networks
r. NE! and consumer electronics partnership
s. Competition to the traditional service providers
t. /ervice provide consolidation
7. (usinesses that enerally focus on equipment and where manufacturin is core competency$ are0
u. Erricson
v. Nortel
w. 1uniper
+. 'nly 2 3 4
8. NE!5s are increasinly becomin solution and service providers
y. ,rue
6. %alse
9. C',/ is
aa. Commercial off the shelf
bb. Converin of the structure
cc. Common offerins to software
dd. Chanin of the service provider
10. # key trend that is drivin other trends in the NE! sement is the rowin importance of0
ee. #lliances
ff. .nternet !rotocol
. 'pen /tandards
hh. Merers 3 #cquisitions
11. What are the key rowth areas of NE! !layers"
ii. Mobile communications
)). Data Minin
kk. Equipment provisionin
ll. Network !lannin
12. %undamental forces reshapin the NE! marketplace include0
mm. Chanin industry landscape
nn. Converence if .! based networks
oo. /hift in value creation
pp. #ll of the above
13. .n the marketplace the trend in service provider sement is0
qq. &imited number of medium NE!5s is addressin a limited number of service providers
rr. &imited number of medium NE!5s is addressin a lare number of service providers
ss. &imited number of lare NE!5s is addressin a limited number of service providers
tt. &imited number of lare NE!5s is addressin a lare number of service providers
14. Electronics industry imperatives include

a. Ma+imi6in lobal capabilities
b. %ocus on advancin the e+perience of end users
c. Both <1> & <2>
d. %ollowin the traditional product development approach
15. Most of 1apans stronest electronic brands are amon the world leaders
a. ,rue
b. False
c. Don5t know
16. MNC5s fear to link with Chinese firms due to 0
a. %ear of .ntellectual !roperty piracy
b. %ear of counterfeitin
c. %ear os insufficient skill diversity
d. Both <1> & <2>
17. .(M5s study of 1EC 71apan Electronics Company8 focused on the followin parameter.
a. !roductivity
b. %inancial performance
c. (rand value
d. All of the above
18. ,he most important challene faced by China is
a. &ack of innovation creation
b. &ack of work force diversity
c. Lack of manaers skilled in !estern business "ractices
d. &ow cost workforce
19. Electronic companies are tryin to minimi6e cost mainly by
a. Streamlinin lobal business "rocesses
b. 9e-adoptin traditional product development approach
c. :eepin entire set of operations under its control 3 not adoptin outsourcin approach
d. 9eleasin few products into the market so as to avoid e+penditure on the new product.
20. 1apan Electronics ,urnaround 71E,8$ an initiative to make 1apanese Eletronics competitive$ is bein steered by
a. 1apan *overnment
b. #B$
c. #sean #ssociation
d. 1apan .ndustry %orum
21. .dentify the key actions that may help the NE!s succeed
a. 9eposition portfolio to create focus on s;w 3 services
b. Create equipment 3 service diversity
c. (uildin a speciali6ed enterprise composed of modular components
d. #ll of the above
22. #cquisition of <west by N,& is an e+ample of service provider consolidation
a. ,rue
b. %alse
23. (ased on medium ; lon term trends$ which of the followin is ; are the most sustainable business model7s8
a. Equipment manufacturers
b. NE!s providin all the services on their own
c. 'rchestrators and #llrounders
d. NE!s with ma+imum partnerships
24. .dentify the characteristic of the #ll 9ounder business model in the NE! industry
a. Manufacturin is core competence
b. /ervices performed independently
c. %ocus on equipment
d. =ih deree of indirect sales
25. .dentify the characteristic of the #rtisan business model in the NE! industry"
1 equipment manufacturer
2 focus on end to end solution
2 services mainly throuh partners
3 services performed independently
26. Which of the followin are mid term ecosystem trends that affect service providers"
4 service provider consolidation
5 manaed services and asset outsourcin
6 !artnerships with consumer electronics
7 #ll the above
27. NE! are increasin becomin solution and service providers
8 %rue
9 %alse
28. What does 4* in NE! domain refer to"
10 #nalo telephony
11 Diital cellular technoloy
12 $obile tele"hone technolo&
13 .nternet protocol technoloy
29. Ma)or drives of NE! sement include
14 rowth of economy
15 traditional business model
16 demand for solutions
17 only > and 4
30. Which service trend in the NE! sement account for hiher value;marin
18 consultin and desin
19 deployment and interation
20 manaement and support
31. NE! sement encompasses
21 wireline service providers
22 wireless service providers
23 network communication equipment providers
24 all of the above
32. New technoloy emerin in NE! space include
25 V'.!
26 .!,V
27 %,,!
28 All of the above
33. .n the ne+t eneration networks the network intellience lies in
29 control pane
30 access pane
31 service "lane
32 transport plane
34. ,he most important :!. relevant to NE! service providers is
33 Marin improvement
34 #vailability or system uptime
35 Market /hare
36 (oth > and 2
35. Which of the followin are mid term ecosystem trends that affect enterprise sement
a. /ystem interator packae communication solutions
b. !artnership with consumer electronics
c. 'n demand communication services
d. Both A and C
36. Which of the NE! business models provides manufacturin and operational efficiency leadership
a. #rtisan
b. #ll-rounder
c. 'rchestrator
d. #ll of the #bove
37. ,he dereulation that opens up new markets for NE!s also introduces new competitions in others markets
a. ,rue
b. %alse
38. .n a new vehicle the value of Electronic equipment and software is estimated to be
c. >?-2? @
a. 2?-4? @
b. '()*( +
d. A?-B? @
39. Can .(M considered as a electronics Company
a. ,es
b. No
c. Don5t know
40. &arest market for semiconductors is0
a- China
b8 1apan
c8 .ndia
d8 C/
41. Which of the followin is not necessarily a new applications
a. /kype
b. .oole Search
c. Dou tube
d. My space
42. .mprovement plannin and distribution 7updates$ patches$ uprades$ and so on8. Durin which phase is this done"
uu. Desin
vv. (uild
ww. Sell and su""ort
++. None of the above
43. !ain !oints in electronic industry include0
a8 (rand Erosion
b8 Commoditi6ation
c8 .ncreasin cost structure and variable demand
d- All of the above
44. China is a leadin trade partner for Electronic with0
a- /a"an
b8 .ndia
c8 C/
d8 European Countries
45. ,he most important challene facin the 1EC is0
a8 #in workforce
b8 /hortae of 1apanese enineers
c8 .ncreased merer and acquisition pressure from forein countries
d- Lack of !orkforce diversit&
Note0 #ll of the above and the first in the list in option 7d8
46. *lobali6ation helps electronic companies to0
a8 ,o reali6e benefits from economies of scale
b8 ,o ain cross border learnin for new markets
c8 None of the above
d- Both <1> and <2>
47. Electronic companies are tryin to minimi6e cost mainly by
a- Streamlinin lobal business "rocesses
b8 9e-adoptin traditional product development approach
c8 :eepin entire set of operations under its control and not adoptin outsourcin..
d8 9eleasin few products into the market so as to avoid e+penditure on new product
48. Converence of products;services across industries- falls under which industry influence
a- %hreat of ne! 0ntrants
b8 ,hreat of substitutes
c8 (arainin power of suppliers
d8 (arainin power of (uyers
49. Demand for components is outstrippin supply E falls under which industry influencin factor "
yy. ,hreat of new entrants
66. ,hreat of substitutes
aaa. (arainin power of /uppliers
bbb. (arainin power of buyers
50. Which of the followin statements are false "
ccc. /ervice providers will look to outsource their network operations to NE!s$ driven by the need to reduce network
manaement costs
ddd. ,here will be a reduced number of service providers and a stroner customer base.
eee. %raditional service "roviders !ill not be under "ressure from the ne! market
entrants !ho "rovide #1 based communication and entertainment services.
fff. End users will demand equipment that can interate a wide rane of functionalities.
51. #ll the sub-sements 7NE!$/emiconductors$ Consumer electronics$etc8 of the electronics market are rowin at the same
a. ,rue
b. False
c. Don5t know
52. #ccordin to .(M5s 1E, initiative$ 1EC must act quickly to
a. Shift & share resources ra"idl& to o"timi2e ro!th o""ortunities
b. Mere with or acquire successful innovative start-ups
c. (oth F>G 3 F2G
d. None of the above
53. =ow can an NE! havin an #rtisan business model become an #ll 9ounder
a. Establish partner network to enable end-to-end capabilities
b. 0nhance ca"abilities b& ac3uisitions or oranicall&
c. (ecome leader of #llrounder cateory
d. None of the above
54. What are the new market challenes and dynamics facin the NE!s today"
37 consolidation amon players
38 services and solutions rather than equipments
39 converence of technoloies
40 All of the above.
55. Which of these are true"
41 NE! are no loner servicin the telecommunications service providers. ,hey are workin for enterprise
42 #n toda&4s ne! eneration net!ork soft!are enables additional services
43 Miration from circuit switched networks to new enerations network is stopped
44 Value creation in providin equipments rather than software and services.
56. .ndustry wise alliances to develop hardware and software based solutions
45 /C'!E #lliance
46 SAF
47 C!-,#
48 #ll of the above.
57. Why are NE!s bein forced to revisit their ., /ervice /tratey
49 ., /ervice providers are providin packaed communication solutions to enterprises
50 Service 1roviders and enter"rise customers are ado"tin a sinle vendor strate&
for #% and communication re3uirement
51 .t is a leal requirement
52 None of the above
58. What will brin leadership for NE!s within the industry
a. Consolidation and Converence
b. Capability and Vision to complete lobally
c. (ein niche vendor
d. A and B
59. :ey business processes for NE! players
a. .nnovation
b. /upply chain
c. /olution Development
d. All of the Above
60. Converence can be best e+plained by
e. Dou ,ube videos on Nokia phones
f. , Mobile and *oole team up to use Web search enine
. Nokia and /iemens merer to provide end Eto-end solutions
h. 5nl& a and b
61. successful electronics companies deliver innovative solutions cheaper and faster that the company promote brand imae
build customer loyalty and provide hih-quality products and services
i. ,rue
6. False
k. Not always true
l. Don5t know
62. Conduct a market analysis to identify customer requirements obtain feedback about previous products determine what
main competitors are doin Durin which phase is this done
m. 7esin
n. (uild
o. /ell and /upport
p. None of the #bove
63. .n today5s scenario collaboration amon different players is needed initial research and deliver throuh loistics$
manufacturin and distributions
a. %rue
b. %alse
c. May be
d. Don5t know
64. ,he forecasted rowth in electronics industry suests sinificant profits for all players
a. ,rue
b. False
65. :ey success factors for Electronic Company include0
a. .nnovation
b. Customer feedback
c. /trateic alliance with complementary companies
d. All the above
66. :ey challene faced by Electronic Companies is0
a. #ntense com"etition
b. /hiftin brand loyalties
c. %rantic pace of technoloy
d. #ll of the above
67. Competitive pressure in the electronic industry results in0
a. (rand Erosion
b. /hort product life
c. Commoditi2ation
d. #ll of the above
68. %aster time to market can lead to shorter time to value and hiher returns.
a. %rue
b. %alse
c. Maybe
d. Don5t know
69. # lare proportion of lobal electronics industry 7*E.8 revenues come from
a. /emiconductors
b. NE!
c. Consumer Electronics
d. 'ffice productivity and Computers
70. Which of the followin is not true "
a. China offers the electronics industry willinness to partner and interest in fosterin innovation
b. China5s challenes include privacy$ corruption and limited enforcement of intellectual property rihts.
c. China4s middle class is ro!in market for ne! "roducts and services.
d. China5s stron leal system is fosterin innovation.
71. Which of the followin are mid ; lon term trends in NE! .ndustry "
a. /inle vendor to provide interated ., and communication solutions.
b. /ervice provider consolidation$ increasin importance of manaed services.
c. =osted on-demand communication services will ain wider acceptance.
d. All of the above.
72. ,he si6e of NE! sement 7/ervices . E+tended equipment . service provider equipment in the year 2??H was
a. I>J? (illion
b. 82(9
c. I2A2
d. I>H?
73. :ey trends facin NE!s include0
a. Converence
b. Consolidation
c. ,echnoloy 3 .nnovation
d. All of the above
74. Demand for interated ., and communication platforms have resulted in colloborations between /ystem .nterators 7/is8$
.ndependent software vendors 7./Vs8 and NE!5s.
a. %rue
b. %alse
75. Ne+t eneration Network 7N*N8 is one KKKKK network that transports all information and services 7voice$ data and media8
in contrast to traditional multiple speciali6ed networks.
a. Comple+
b. Convered
c. Dedicated
d. /tart shaped
76. ,he most important :!. relevant to Network equipment market is0
a. ,ime to market for new products
b. #ccurately forecastin the demand
c. Marin improvement
d. 'nly > and 2
77. NE! companies are not taretin the followin service providers as customer sements
a. 0ducation and :esearch
b. ./!s
c. Content !roviders
d. Cable ,V and satellite operators
78. Ma)or Customer /ements in NE! includes
a. /ervice !rovides
b. &are Enterprise (usiness
c. Commercial Entities
d. 5nl& 1 and 2
79. Which of the followin falls in electronics industry cateory
a. /ervers and 9outers
b. .ndustrial control and power enerator equipment
c. Cell !hones and Video ame Console
d. All of the Above
80. .dentify the characteristic of the 'rchestrator business model in the NE! industry
a. Services mainl& throuh 1artners
b. /tron in operational efficiency
c. /trives to do everythin alone
d. %ocus on equipment
81. 'n Which areas must 1ECs focus on to realin
a. (usiness model innovation
b. Customer %ocused enterprise
c. *lobal overnance and communications
d. All of the above
82. New business models in the electronics industry include
a. 9apid product development
b. .ndustry standard components
c. 9eplication of the !C business Model
d. All of the Above
83. Diital business architecture$ reliable broadband internet connection innovation networks and social computin allow the
creation of semi-closed ecosystems with partners$ suppliers and customers ,his is known as
a. %irst wave phenomenon
b. /econd wave phenomenon
c. ,hird wave phenomenon
d. Fourth !ave "henomenon
JA. Which of the nep business model provides technoloies and services leadersive more than the others
a. #rtisian
b. 'rchastrator
c. All roiunder
d. none
JB. NE! spends more on 93D than the electronics industry as awhole when comparin 93D as a percentae of reveenues
a. %alse
b. %rue
JL. what are the new market challenes and dynamic facin the NE! today"
e. consolidation amon players
f. services and solutions rather than equipments
g. converence of technoloy
h. all of the above
87. how can ., service providers provide packaed communication solutions for enterprise customers"
a. develop communication software for enterprise customers
b. "ackaed communication solutions alon !ith e3ui"ments from ;01
c. (oth # and (
d. None
88. converence of communication networks can be attributed to
a. consumer demand
b. internet protocol
c. new technoloy and architecture
d. all
<9= Semiconductor Ca"ital 03ui"ment $akers are a "art of ;01 >alues chain
9(= China is the best)kno!n industr& for a hub for

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