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Welcome to Foos-U

Ball Control-Basic Level

"Ball Control" is how well you handle the ball while it is on your rods or in your possession !f you ha"e #ood ball
control$ you will rarely drop the ball or let it roll/slip away from you We are #enerally tal%in# about un-forced errors or
the ability to control the tempo of the #ame by how well you can %eep and &u##le the ball
Ball control is (!)*+ in the respect of not loosin# the ball !f you ha"e the ball on your ,-bar and you #et ner"ous then
accidentally %ic% the ball to the #oalie$ you ha"e &ust lost an opportunity to score$ that is death -n the other side of the
spectrum$ if you ha"e such wonderful ball control you can tic-tac the ball around and watch how your opponent reacts
to what you are doin#$ you will be able to pass or score at will on him/her Ball control is clearly the first s%ill you must
master$ without it you may as well spin the rods because the ball is of no use to you E"ery player of any le"el of s%ill
will ha"e #ood ball control .ou could ne"er ad"ance in play s%ill if you %eep loosin# control of a ball on your men
Understandin# the foot of the man /o to a table and stare at
the foot$ the area where the ball and the man come in
contact 0otice the 1ides of the man are F+*) and the
front/bac% of the man are rid#ed$ an#led$ cur"ed and co"ered
with little lines or di"ots )he tip of the front is rounded and
the most difficult part is the outer 2mm of the front and bac%
of the man ha"e a rid#e$ this alone can cause you to lose

+earn to "tic-tac" the ball )he best way to learn ball control
is to learn to bounce the ball bac% and forth 1ounds
easy434 0ow do it faster$ now slower 0ow do it while
loo%in# at the next rod o"er$ now the #oal$ now with your
eyes closed )his is li%e a 5en nin&a s%ill *D(!CE6 Do
not o"ercompensate$ if the ball is mo"in# a bad direction$
#ently coax it bac% to where you want it

)ry to pull and push the ball$ don7t smac% it While you are
tic-tac7in# or when you are settin# up for a shot or pass
)hin% more about pullin#$ rollin# or sho"in# the ball rather
then hittin# it * hit lea"es a brief moment of contact with
the ball$ therefore less directional control * sho"e #i"es
you a #entle acceleration of the ball$ much more control
1trate#y of Ball Control
1hoot or pass well Did you %now there is a time limit
in the rules 8sec 99: to pass or shoot a ball4 +et7s say
you #et the ball on your ,-bar and want to shoot it .ou
only ha"e ;< seconds$ if you waste ;= seconds #ettin#
the ball ready to shoot$ you surely do not want to run out
of time so now you ha"e to hurry *nd how much #ood
is a hurried shot4 >ow about passin#$ you only ha"e ;=
seconds to pass$ if you waste ;= settin# it up you are

1low ad&ustments$ thin% about spin$ )>!0? )he ball is a
tric%y suc%er !t wants to slip away ! ha"e watched
championship matches worth @;=$=== where the score was
2-2 and one player had the ball on the ,-bar ready to score
)hat player lost control of the ball and cou#hed it o"er to the
other players ,-bar )hat player turned ri#ht around a
#oofed it up and lost it to the other player 0e"er hit the ball
so hard it will lea"e your control unless you are shootin# or
passin# 1low deliberate actions are the way *nd always
be away of any spin on the ball

Be ready to shoot or pass at any time !f you ha"e
complete and confident control of the ball$ you will be
able to shoot or pass at will !f you don7t need to stare
at the ball to %eep control of it$ you can loo% at the
defense and loo% for holes and wea%nesses Which
would you rather be$ the player with their eye on the
#oalie or the one starin# at their own men to %eep
control of the ball4 !f you feel comfortable$ you will
play better and be less ner"ous 'A*C)!CE$
'A*C)!CE$ 'A*C)!CE

Do 0-) try to "control" the ball with the front or bac% of
your man )his is a throw bac% to loose ball control$ or "ice
"ersa Use the sides of the men or the toe to control the ball
Do not use the faces$ the front and bac%$ you will &ust lose
control ?eep the ball relati"ely under your rod$ not too far
bac% or forward !f it starts to #et away$ pin the ball with the
toe Do not smac% at it with your man
/-+DE0 AU+E1 of Ball Control6 ; 0e"er ser"e the ball to your opponents <-bar 9 0e"er lose the ball from your
<-bar bac%wards to the opponents ,-bar and , 0E(EA$ 0E(EA$ 0E(EA +ose the ball from your #oalie to the
opponents ,-bar .ou mi#ht as well score a point for them if you do that3
Ball Control-;=; will be a"ailable soon$ for now learn these techniBues
Loose Balls-Basic Level
"+oose balls" are considered when the foosball is rollin#$ rattlin#$ or bouncin# around the table out
of control *nother "loose ball" time is durin# a <-bar battle between the two <-bars where the ball
is not under the control of anyone in particular and is #oin# bac% and forth
We want to tal% about loose balls because of the "alue they play in a #ame of foosball !f you watch
a #ame between two teams you will notice somethin# about loose balls .ou will note only ;=C of
the balls which are ser"ed$ are score without a period of free action or without bein# a loose ball for
at least a short period of time 0ow thin% about that$ if D out of ;= balls become loose balls at the <-
bars or between the ,-bar and the #oalie or somethin#$ that means you could #ain control of D=C of
the balls at a minimum !n fact$ #reat players *++ share an ability at pic%in# up loose balls
*s with e"erythin# in foosball$ there are , main thin#s you can do to influence the ball
Be in the ri#ht place at the ri#ht time with your
men at the ri#ht an#le$ this means )>!0?
*>E*D Who do you thin% has a better chance of
#ainin# control of this loose ball and why4 Blac%6
>is men are an#led bac% and he has the wall
co"ered for if the ball comes off yellow on the

.our hands need to react to the ball$ li%e a baseball
#lo"e would close on a fly ball$ this means
AEF+EEE1 and AE*C)!-01$ this can be
trained3: 0ote how the fi#ure to the left is bac%
already$ then "absorbs" the impact of the ball about
;<cm )his is a #ood rule of thumb

.ou need the proper techniBues and "habits" to
impro"e the chances of your reflexes helpin# you$
this means ?0-W+ED/E and 'A*C)!CE
0otice in the enhanced dia#ram on the left$ see
how the blac% fi#ures are mo"in# side to side in
short motions and the fi#ure is tilted bac%$ but not
too far bac%4 )he reasonin# here is to #et a man
on the ball$ stop if from #ettin# by you and to #et
the ball mo"in# laterally under the rod )hen you
can pin or control the ball with the side of your
fi#ures )his is the #oal$ redirect$ capture$ "scuff"
the ball !t is "ery hard to &ust #rab the ball with a
1trate#y of +oose Ball Control
)rap the ball whene"er possible * ball pinned to
the wall is one of the surest ways of ?0-W!0/
you ha"e the ball stopped Either trap
demonstrated here is #ood .ou see if you catch a
ball in the middle of the field$ it mi#ht ha"e a spin
on it and #et away from you

1ide to side motion !f you ha"e a #ood side to
side motion$ and we do not mean ban#in# the
walls as that is called Farrin# and is not le#al$ see
the rules$ section ;2 .ou want to crouch down
and mo"e your rod side to side without sha%in#
the table Guic%$ short motions seem to be the

'in the ball with the toe of your man Either
from the front or the bac% )his is a nice way to
remo"e any spin on the ball and #ain positi"e
control *D(!CE6 Do not raise your you man
abo"e the hei#ht of the ball$ it may slip throu#h
)ry to be perfect li%e a sur#eon .ou should try
to hold the ball at the perfect hei#ht$ then pin the
ball firmly$ so it does not slip away )his is a
s%ill you need to practice3

Do 0-) try to catch the ball with the front or bac%
of your man )ry to B+-C? the ball instead then
#ain control with a pin or #et the ball mo"in# side
to side and stop it with the side of your men !f
you use the front or bac% of the man to #rab loose
balls$ you will lose control yourself far more then
you #ain control
+oose Balls-;=; will be a"ailable soon$ for now learn these techniBues
Shooting-Basic Level
1hootin# is what you do from the ,-bar When you shoot from the 9-bar out of #oal$ that is
considered clearin# the ball We will explore that in another area
)he a"era#e player shoots ,=C-2=C from the ,-bar )hey pass H=C-I=C from the <-bar to the ,-
bar !n a #ame to < points$ ,< of the points are scored from the , bar on a"era#e !f you could raise
your shootin# percenta#e &ust <C$ that would be amaJin#333 )hin% about how often you score from
the ,-bar$ is it e"en 9=C4 0e"er$ ne"er for#et rebounds$ if you can #et a rebound after a shot you
miss$ you #et another ;/, chance to score3 We are #oin# to discuss the basic %inds of shots Choose
one$ and #et really #ood at it Don7t waste your practice time on lots of shots
'ull 1hot6 .ou set the ball up next to the middle
man far away from you and sli#htly behind the
rod .ou pull the ball towards you and snap it into
the #oal )he best part of the pull shot is you ha"e
supreme control o"er the shot *nother #reat
thin# are the rebounds you #et with this shot
Because your hand is on the rod and you are in
control )his shot is tied for the Aollo"er for the
K; spot on the tour3 )his is the first shot you
should learn 1ee the mo"ies

Aollo"er or Lon%ey6 )he ball starts under the
front toe$ you place your WA!1) on the handle and
you mo"e the ball to one side or another then pull
up on your wrist$ this causes the ball to shoot into
the #oal )his is the easiest shot to #et Buite #ood
at )his shot is tied with the pull shot for the K;
shot on tour (irtually e"eryone shoots this shot
because it is so F*1)3 1ee the mo"ies
/oalie Defense-Basic +e"el
?eepin# balls out of the #oal 1ounds easy enou#h but remember this$ there are more the < foosball
wholes in the #oal and you ha"e only 9 men you can #et in front of the #oal at any time !f you
bloc% e"en half of the shots on #oal you are doin# a #ood &ob Consider this$ if you consider a
#oalies &obs in order of importance$ they are li%e this6 ; Clear the ball bac% down field if you ha"e
it in your area 8do not #i"e it to the other teams ,-bar: 9 ?eep slop 8loose bouncin# balls$ rattlin#
balls and that stuff: out of the #oal , Bloc% shots 0otice bloc%in# shots is third on the list3
>elp you feel better about what you are doin# on defense
Clear the ball6 1o$ you ha"e the ball in your #oal
area and you want to do somethin# with it Well
you ha"e already o"er thou#ht it >it it hard$ don7t
be afraid to use a craJy an#le$ and a"oid the other
teams ,-bar li%e the plaBue .ou simple must clear
the ball Do not let the other team #et it bac% on
the ,-bar 1mac% it hard$ down field !f it e"en
#oes towards the #oal that is a bonus )ryin# to
score all the time from the #oal is "ery dan#erous
)he other team will steal the ball way more often
then you will score

?eep the "slop" out of the #oal )he ball will
come at you strai#ht$ and it will come at an#les
and sometimes it will come at you bouncin#
around craJy !f you can %eep these balls out of
the #oal$ you ha"e a "ery #ood chance of
winnin# >ow to do this$ first$ tilt your man bac%
and slide it a#ainst one of the ed#es of the #oal and
lea"e it there 1econd$ use your 9 man bar to try
and bloc% the ball "away" from the #oal !f the
ball is comin# from the ri#ht$ try to bloc% it bac%
into the corner Fust a touch with the 9 bar can
mean the difference between a #oal and a bloc%

Bloc% shots Do yourself a fa"or$ D- 0-)
+E*A0 )>!1 1>-) Fust s%ip ahead ;9 months
to the pull shot$ you will switch to it sooner or
later E"eryone starts with the push shot because it
is easy$ then the re#ret it because it is worthless
E"eryone can bloc% the push shot "ery well 1ee
the mo"ies 80e"er mind$ there is no mo"ie
because this shot is worthless:

'ull ?ic%6 1tart the ball on the far man of the ,-
bar 'ull the ball rapidly to the middle man and
shoot it *lso there are se"eral din%s you can
add to it )his is a "ery powerful shot$ but it is so
"ery hard to master E"en if you master it you
can still ha"e trouble bein# consistent We do
not recommend this shot 1ee the mo"ies

'ush ?ic%6 1tart the ball on the near man of
the ,-bar 'ush it to the middle man and slap
it home )his shot is e"en worse the the 'ull
?ic% )his shot is harder and slower then the
pull %ic% But you can see the #oal/wholes in
the defense "ery well4 We do not recommend
this shot 1ee the mo"ies

Euro or Front )oe6 1tart the ball under the front
toe With a whip motion you shoot the ball to one
side or another )his shot is "ery hard to learn
)he pull side is "ery natural$ but the push is hard
to learn 0ow in Europe most e"eryone shoots it$
hence the name !n the U1* we use the pull shot
.ou need to learn more about the different table
styles and rules of play to understand why We
ha"e no mo"ie

)ic )ac% 1hot6 Bounce the ball bac% and forth
between your men on the ,-bar at random then
"slap" the ball into the #oal )his is a #reat shot
"style" !f you learn to shoot a tic tac% you will
#et better at foosball "ery rapidly ! still feel a
pull shot or a rollo"er will score more often$ but
you will be better at foosball and ball control if
you shoot a tic tac% 0o mo"ie$ ! am sure you #et
the idea about this shot style
'ush 1hot6 D- 0-) U1E )>!1 1>-)333 )his is
the first shot people learn because it is so natural
and easy 'roblem is this shot has many problems
and it basically suc%s .ou start the ball next to
the middle of the ,-bar men .ou push the ball
rapidly and slap it into the #oal Do yourself a
fa"or$ D- 0-) +E*A0 )>!1 1>-) Fust s%ip
ahead ;9 months to the pull shot$ you will switch
to it sooner or later E"eryone starts with the push
shot because it is easy$ then the re#ret it because it
is worthless E"eryone can bloc% the push shot
"ery well 1ee the mo"ies 80e"er mind$ there is
no mo"ie because this shot is worthless:

'ull ?ic%6 1tart the ball on the far man of the ,-
bar 'ull the ball rapidly to the middle man and
shoot it *lso there are se"eral din%s you can
add to it )his is a "ery powerful shot$ but it is so
"ery hard to master E"en if you master it you
can still ha"e trouble bein# consistent We do
not recommend this shot 1ee the mo"ies

'ush ?ic%6 1tart the ball on the near man of
the ,-bar 'ush it to the middle man and slap
it home )his shot is e"en worse the the 'ull
?ic% )his shot is harder and slower then the
pull %ic% But you can see the #oal/wholes in
the defense "ery well4 We do not recommend
this shot 1ee the mo"ies

Euro or Front )oe6 1tart the ball under the front
toe With a whip motion you shoot the ball to one
side or another )his shot is "ery hard to learn
)he pull side is "ery natural$ but the push is hard
to learn 0ow in Europe most e"eryone shoots it$
hence the name !n the U1* we use the pull shot
.ou need to learn more about the different table
styles and rules of play to understand why We
ha"e no mo"ie

)ic )ac% 1hot6 Bounce the ball bac% and forth
between your men on the ,-bar at random then
"slap" the ball into the #oal )his is a #reat shot
"style" !f you learn to shoot a tic tac% you will
#et better at foosball "ery rapidly ! still feel a
pull shot or a rollo"er will score more often$ but
you will be better at foosball and ball control if
you shoot a tic tac% 0o mo"ie$ ! am sure you #et
the idea about this shot style

)his is standard freshman/entry le"el course3
!n order to learn to pass$ you will need to learn what you are focusin# on while passin# Consider
dri"in# a car as a comparison$ the #oal is to #et where you want to #o But$ there is an o"erridin#
priority not to crash We would ar#ue it is more important 0-) to crash then it is to #et where you
are #oin# )he same notion applies to passin# in foosball 1ure$ you want to #et the ball to your ,-
bar$ but you sure as hec% do not want to loose the ball bac% to your opponents ,-bar or ha"e it stolen
to his <-barWith that we present these %ey concepts of passin#$ some lin%s to s%ills and some
concepts which are #ood$ but not as important as the ?E. concepts
<-bar defense
?ey Concepts of 'assin#
; 1trate#ically impro"e your chances of scorin#
the ball )herefore if you score from you ,-bar
better then from your <-bar$ we want to #et it to
our ,-bar
9 ?eep the ball away from the opponents best
scorin# location !f your opponent is a #ood
shooter from the ,-bar$ 0E(EA let the ball roll
bac% to the opponents ,-bar
, ?eep possession of the ball We would rather
call timeout then force a pass or rush to action
!f you ha"e the ball$ you are less li%ely to be
scored on
2 ?eep your confidence and concentration up
* #ood pass always helps to ma%e a #ood shot$
the opposite seems to be true as well 'layin#
well feeds on itself !f you are patient and pass
well from the <-bar$ you are more li%ely to be
patient and shoot an intelli#ent shot from the ,-

1ome 1%ills to 1tudy and +earn
Brush 'ass

1tic% 'ass
Catchin# the Ball
<-Bar Defense$ stoppin# a pass
'assin# ")hou#hts"
)hin#s to thin% about and implement if they help your #ame
; When you catch a pass$ don7t #et slac% or laJy -ften the ball has a spin or is bouncin# a bit and
can #et away from you !f you stay alert E(EA. time$ you can stop the ball from #ettin# away
9 Be patient when "#rabbin#" control of a ball )ry to use the sides of the fi#ures or the toe to
control the ball )he front and the bac% of the man should be used for brushin# or shadin# the ball
in a direction !f you try to catch a ball with the front or bac% face of the fi#ure$ you could easily
loose control of the ball Either stop it with the side of the fi#ure or pin it
, *"oid lettin# the ball bounce off the wall on its own !f a ball has a spin and it hits the wall$ it
could &ump away from you !f you can control a ball before it hits the wall$ do so 0ow don7t #et
hasty and smac% at the ball$ but if you ha"e a choice$ control the ball when you can *s in soccer$
"#o to the ball"
2 Be deliberate in your actions Do not swat laJily at the ball !f you are #oin# to learn to pass
and to catch$ then learn to pass and catch #ood$ solid$ Buic% passes Why learn to pass or catch a
slow$ wea% pass when any defense in the world would steal it away4
< *s in all thin#s in foosball$ be confident .ou are the foos-master Confidence is amaJin# !f
you are sure the ball is comin# to you$ you are more li%ely to #rab at it if the pass is deflected *s
the #reat foosball coach said$ don7t act li%e this is the first time you ha"e e"er made a pass3
We are de"elopin# this area We are #ettin# articles and comments from 'ro 'layers and we will
continue to e"ol"e this section3
)he "Catch" of a Foosball
!n my opinion the Catch is more important then the pass )hin% about it$ you can catch balls from
anywhere$ you can only pass the ball when you already ha"e it on your <-bar6-: +earnin# to catch
and control the ball can ma%e you a foosball machine
-ur #oal in catchin# is to %eep the ball in
control under the next rod Aemember the
loose ball lessons4 We want to use the bac%
of the man to slow the ball only ; time$ thin%
of it as a 7chest trap7 in soccer .ou wouldn7t
see a soccer player try to use their chest
more then one time on the ball ri#ht4 .ou
ha"e no control with the chest so you try to
#et the ball down and use your feet !n
foosball you want to use the sides of the man
and the toe
1o the ball is comin# to your rod$ does not matter where from but let7s say a pass for ar#ument
; )rap the ball6 *#ainst the wall or in the middle of the table it is the
same )rap it and ta%e as much of the force off the ball as you can$ but
ne"er let it #et away from you
)wo schools of thou#ht here$ absorb and an#le
-)he absorb the impact theory6 1ome people thin% you should use
your hand to "ta%e" the ed#e off the speed of the ball by actually #i"in#
to the balls direction While most #ood players do this$ ! find it Buite
challen#in# for newer players
-)he an#les of the men theory6 'hysics would say that there is an
an#le that you can set your fi#ure so that the ball comes into the foot
and all the ener#y is directed down and the ball stops .ou need to
adopt this in #eneral because you want the ma&ority of the ball ener#y
to #o into the table
-Unified Theory of Catching: Lan that sounds impressi"e Due to
spin and the ball bein# lifted off the table a bit$ neither the "absorb" or
the "an#le" theory wor%s perfectly$ so we use a combined theory We
want to start with the foot in a #ood position$ then when the ball hits
the foot of your man$ you absorb some of the ener#y 1ome of this
absorption is down automatically by your #rip and some is done in
your mind
-/rip on the handle6 .ou need to ha"e control of the handle$ but you
need to be soft .our hand needs to be able to manipulate the rod and
the men$ while at the same time bein# soft when the ball comes in
contact with the foot
CA!)!C*+6 D- 0-) B-U0CE -0 !L'*C) !f your hand is
"limp"$ you mi#ht bounce when the ball hits your man$ meanin# the
ball will #o bac%wards Either learn to a"oid this$ learn to pin the ball
as it rolls away or become a #raceful loser
-Fin#er tips on rod6 )his is a tric% some people use )hey actually
pinch the rod with their fin#er tips )his allows for nice absorption$
with no bounce
/i"e it a try
-Control the ball6 1o you trapped the ball$ now if it is not stopped
either pin it to the wall or #et it rollin# side to side under the rod D-
0-) U1E )>E FA-0) -A B*C? -F .-UA L*03 Use only the
sides or the toe where e"er possible .ou must brea% the habit of usin#
the front/bac% of your foot on the ball3 -nly use them when you shoot
or pass
)his is a #ood start for you Aemember to learn the loose ball s%ills

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