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UGS Scheme in Sivaganga

Municipality Final Report Design Calculations

Design Calculations
Sewage Treatment Plant at Vembangudi - Sivaganga Municipality
1. Basic Design Criteria
Population to be served ultimate! " #$%&&&
Population to be served 'ntermediate! " ($%&&&
Sewage output per capita = 90 lpcd
verage !low "#ntermediate$ = %&%' M(D
verage !low "ultimate$ = )&*' M(D
+ea, in!low rate -0-*.-0*' +ea, pumping = /9'&0 lps
(ow in!low rate -00'.-0*' low rate pumping = )% lps
12D load per capita assuming raw sewage 12D o! *00 mg3l
= 90 4 *00 = -) gm3day say
Total B)D load at ultimate stage " *.+# , +&& " $$1- .g/day
Total B)D load at intermediate stage " 0.0# , +&& " 1(*- .g/day
Faecal coli!orms "FC$ in raw sewage = % 4 /0
3 /00 ml
verage pond temperature is assumed as -%
C in coldest month o! year "Dec&$
5vaporation losses are ignored6 as it will 7e very small in winter when there will
7e rains also&
5!!luent standards to 7e met8 12D
9-0 mg3l : SS 9 *0 mg3l : FC9/060003/00 ml
$. Screen C1amber
Screen cham7er will 7e designed !or ultimate pea, pumping rate o! say
3s& Since coarse screens is provided at main pumping station6 only
medium screen with clear openings o! -% mm: with 7ars o! si;e %0 mm 4 /0mm6
slope 0%
to hori;ontal is proposed at S<+&
Depth o! the !low "controlled 7y +arshall !lume placed downstream$ =ide +ara
= 0&%* m
ssuming velocity through screen openings as 0&'% m3s
>o o! 7ars "n$ is given 7y "n ? /$ 0&0-% 4 0&%* 4 0&'% = 0&/9'0
n = /@&@/ A /) Say
2idt1 o3 screen c1amber " 1* 4 1! , &.&$0 4 1* , &.&1 " &.($m or ($cmsay!
+rovide / channel @- cm wide
U*BpBSB90lpcd.SFRB=*Bstp B-*''09'0'&doc S<C /3%
UGS Scheme in Sivaganga
Municipality Final Report Design Calculations
+ea, velocity in approach channel = 0&/9'0 3 "0&@- 4 0&%*$ = 0&@0 m3s C 0&% m3s&
s only manually ra,ed screen is proposed and as the unit will 7e in stainless
steel6 no stand.7y channel is needed&
+. 5rit C1amber
Design is !or ultimate pea, !low "0&/9'0 m
6o. o3 c1annels proposed " 1 duty 4 1 standby
+ea, !low to 7e handled = 0&/9'0 m
ssuming !low through velocity o! 0&* m3s and detention o! @0 sec
5!!ective length = @0 4 0&* = /' m
dding e4tra !or tur7ulence at entry6 total length = -- m say
Flow depth controlled 7y +arshall !lume = 0&%* m
C3S rea reDuired = 0&/9'0 3 0&* = 0&@@ m
verage width o! channel = 0&@@ 3 0&%* = /&-% m
+rovide trape;oidal section /&)m at top6 0&' m at 7ottom
Flow through =elocity = 0&/9'0 3"/&-% 4 0&%*$ = 0&-9 m3s 2E
Depth control section will 7e a +arshall !lume6 which will dou7le !or !low
measuring also& "See 0 7elow$
Settling velocity = 0&/9'0 3 "/&) 4 /'$ = 0&00@ m3s which is 9 0&0/'m3s reDuired
7y C+F552 Manual !or settling 0&/% mm particle o! -&@% sp&gr&2E&
Grit accumulation = 0&0% to 0&/% m
3 Mld "as per Manual$ recommended8
Grit production per day at = )&*' Mld 4 0&/% m
3 Mld = /&// m
ssuming grit will 7e removed "twice in a wee,$
Guantity to 7e stored in each channel = /&// 4 )3- = *&'9 m
Depth o! grit accumulation = *&'9 3 "-- 4 0&'$= 0&-- m
ctual depth to 7e allowed to prevent scouring o! settled grit = 0&*% m say
Depth o! !low at minimum !low o! )% lps will 7e 0&-' m
<op !low width at D o! 0&-' = /&-0 m
=elocity through grit channel at lowest rate o! = 0&0)% 3 ""/&-0?0&'$ 4 0&-'3-$
= 0&-@ m3s6 which is !airly close to6 desired value o! 0&*0 m3s&
U*BpBSB90lpcd.SFRB=*Bstp B-*''09'0'&doc S<C -3%
UGS Scheme in Sivaganga
Municipality Final Report Design Calculations
-. Measuring 7lume
dopt +arshall !lume with throat width o! --% mm&
G "in lps$= --@0 4 H 4 "Fa$
For G
i$ Ma4imum pumping rate at ultimate stage 0&/' m
F = ""/9'&0 3 "--@0 4 0&--%$$
= 0&%* m say
ii$ Minimum pumping rate intermediate stage 0&0)% m
F = "")% 3 "--@0 4 0&--%$$
= 0&-' m say
0. Secondary Treatment
naero7ic pond ? Facultative pond ? polishing ponds
Design is 7ased on Design Manual o! M25> I F6 Gol #6 /99)
Design o! waste sta7ilisation ponds "considering average rate o! !low only$
Jear +opulation Flow in M(D
-00' 0@000 0&/0 M(D
-0-* @-000 %&%' M(D
-0*' '-000 )&*' M(D
a 8naerobic Pond 9ltimate stage!
* modules !or Ultimate population
Min& temperature anticipated = -%
C say
Ma4& 2rganic loading permissi7le= *%0g3m
dopt *00 g3m
3day as a !actor o! sa!ety
Capacity reDuired = "--/0 3 *00$ 4 /000 = )*'0 m
Detention period = )*'0 3 )*'0 = / day
Min& detention period should 7e / day
ssume de.sludging interval = * years "ssumption8 * ponds6 one pond
desludged each year$
<otal sludge = '-000 4 0&00 4*
= 9'00 m
<otal pond volume = )*'0 ? 9'00 =/)--0 m
Depth assumed = -&% m
rea reDuired = /)--0 3 -&% =@''' m
ssume * modules
rea o! each module = @''' 3 * = --9@ m
U*BpBSB90lpcd.SFRB=*Bstp B-*''09'0'&doc S<C *3%
UGS Scheme in Sivaganga
Municipality Final Report Design Calculations
Fence provide area o! each pond is 0&-* ha
12D removal = )0K = /%%0 ,g 3 day
F& coli!orms in e!!luent = % 4 /0
3 "/?@&-4/$ = @&9 4 /0
3 /00 ml
b. 7acultative Pond
2rganic loading rate permissi7le L temperature -%
C is *%0 ,g 3 ha day&
Residual 12D in naero7ic pond e!!luent = --/0 4 0&* = @@0 ,g3day
Facultative pond area reDuired = "@@0 3 *%0$ = /&9 ha
depth = /&% m
llowing !or sloping sides6 assume /&0% m average depth
Capacity provided = /9000 4 /&0% = -)%%0 m
Detention period = "-)%%0 3 )*'0$ = *&) days
Satis!ies minimum detention period reDuirement at -%
ssume overall 12D removal o! 90K in naero7ic pond ? Facultative pond&
12D in Facultative +ond e!!luent = *00 4 0&/ = *0 mg3l
Residual 12D load = --/0 4 0&/ = --/,g3day
ssume * modules !or ultimate population
rea !or each module = /9000 3 * = @***m
Fence provide area o! each pond is 0&)* ha
F Coli!orms in Facultative pond e!!luent
= @&9 4 /0
3 "/ ? "@&- 4 *&)$$ = -&'' 4 /0
3 /00 ml C /06000
Removal not su!!icient
c. Polis1ing Pond 8
Detention period = * days at temperature -%
C "a7ove -0
Capacity reDuired = )*'0 4 * = --/00 m
verage Depth = /&0% m
rea = --/00 3 /&0% =/%-@9 m
rea o! each module = /%-@9 3 * = %090 m
Fence provide area o! each pond is 0&%/ ha
<otal Hater spread area = /&%* ha
12D loading rate = --/ 3 /&%*
= /00 ,g3ha3d
(oading rate is within permissi7le value o! )%K o! loading o! preceeding F+ or
-@* ,g3ha3day
5!!luent 12DL -%Kremoval = *0 4 )%3/00 = --&% mg3l
U*BpBSB90lpcd.SFRB=*Bstp B-*''09'0'&doc S<C 03%
UGS Scheme in Sivaganga
Municipality Final Report Design Calculations
F&Coli!orms = -&@) 4 /0
3 "/?@&- 4 *$ = /0000 3 /00 ml
Final 12D and F. Coli!orm value not satis!actory&
d. Polis1ing Pond B
Detention period = * days
Si;e it as !or polishing pond
12D o! e!!luent = --&% 4 0&)% = /) mg3l&
<his is satis!actory
F& Coli!orms = /0@90 3 "/?@&- 4 *$ = )%0 3 /00 ml
<his is satis!actory&
e. Bond design
8naerobic Pond Bunds
<op width o! 7und = >ot less than /&% m
dopt - m in view o! the greater depth "-&% m$
Free 7oard = 0&@ m
Common 7unds with water on 7oth sides
5ither side may 7e empty with water on other side or water may 7e on 7oth
dopt slope -&% F8 /= "lined$
s per graphical construct6 line o! saturation !alls within toe o! 7und
s concrete lining is proposed which will reduce percolation6 clearance !rom
toe o! 7und to line o! saturation not proposed&
1unds with water on one side only
#nside slope /=8 -F "lined$
2utside slope /=8 -&%F <ur!ed
7acultative Pond and Maturation Pond Bunds
<op width o! 7und = /&% m
Free 7oard = 0&@ m
Common 7unds with water on 7oth sides8 +rovide /= 8 -F
2uter 7unds with water only on one side
#nside slopes /=8 /&%F "lined$
2utside slopes /=8 -&%F "tur!ed$
U*BpBSB90lpcd.SFRB=*Bstp B-*''09'0'&doc S<C %3%

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