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KgRxex I c_wk`i Pvjjv:

KgRxex I c_wk`i Pvjjv wbgic:

K) KgRxex I c_wkiv wbqwgZ GKB vb emevm Ki bv|
L) mq wnmve cwiPvjbvq Af bq| `xN mgq ai mq KiZ Pvq bv|
M) wcZv-gvZv wk`i mq bvbv KvR eenvi Ki _vK|
N) evsKi AvBb Kvbyb mK Zgb AeMZ bq| wkiv evsKi cwieki mv_ cwiwPZ bq|
O) Dchy wkv bv _vKvq wkiv UvKv Rgv I Dvjb Gi evavi myxY nq|
P) Awbivc` vb A_ mq Kivq bvbv SzuwKi myLxb nq|
Q) mq Kivi Afvm bv _vKvq AbwZK KvR UvKv LiP Kivi ceYZv `Lv `q|
Pvjjv DiY evsK GKvDU wKfve mvnvh Kie:
K) KvwRZ A_ mevP wbivc` _vKe
L) mq wbq nqivwb e ne
M) h Kvb mgq UvKv Rgv Ges Dvjb KiZ cvie
N) h Kvb mev cvIqvi wkky mbvKib mvnvh Kie
O) fwelZ Abvb evswKs mev cvIqvi myhvM Zix ne
P) wk evsKi GKRb mvwbZ MvnK wnme ghv`v cve
Q) mq wbfi my`i I wbivc` Rxebi ^c Zix ne|

3. c_wk I KgRxex wk`i evswKs wK: z` KgRxex wk, evw, ivvNvU, Ub
kb, evm v, jNvU I dzUcv_ emevmiZ KgRxex wk/wKkvi`i evswKs LvZ Avbvqb I
fwelZ DbZ Kgmsvb mwi gvag Zv`i ga mq ceYZv Zwi, KvwRZ A_i
myiv, c_ nevi ceYZv nvmmn Zv`i eni KjvY mvabi Dk gv 10(`k) UvKvi wewbgq
evsK wnmve Lvjvi D`vMwU c_wk I KgRxex wk`i evswKs wnme cwiwPZ|

4. c_wk I KgRxex wkiv wKfve evsK GKvDU Lyje:
evsK GKvDU Lvjvi Rb c_wk I KgRxex wk`iK AekB emiKvwi msvq (evsj`k evsK
KZK Abygvw`Z) wbewZ nZ ne| wki c emiKvwi msv KZK wbavwiZ ew Zvi
Qwe, mg Z_ msMn Kieb Ges ZvK AewnZ Ki mg wnmve cwiPvjbv Kieb| wk cqvRb
Zvi ewMZ wnmve _K h Kvb mgq A_ Dvjb I Rgv KiZ cvie| wnmveavixi eqm
18(AvVviv) eQi c~Y nevi ci wnmve cwiPvjbvKvix GbwRIi KgKZvMY `vwqZ nZ wegy
neb Ges wnmveavix wbRB evsK wnmvewU cwiPvjbv KiZ cvieb| G me wnmve nZ Kvb
cKvi mvwfm PvR ev wd KZb Kiv ne bv| mqx wnmvei `wbK wwZi wfwZ wbqwgZ
gybvdvi mevP nvi eQi `yB evi c`vb Kiv ne|

5. GK bRi evsjv`k evsKi mvKzjvi Ges evsK mq wnmve:
evswKs c-wewa I bxwZ wefvM
evsjv`k evsK, cavb Kvhvjq, XvKv, weAviwcwW mvKyjvi bs - 05 ZvwiL : gvP 09, 2014,
dvyb 25, 1420
mvKyjvi Bmy Kib gvt Avbvqvij Bmjvg, Dc-gnveevcK|
mvKyjvi G hv ejv nqQ-

Challenges of working and street children:

The Challenges of working and street children are following:

1. Working and street children dont live in the same place regularly.
2. They are not accustomed to savings management. Reluctant to savings for a longer period
of time.
3. Children savings are used by their parents for various purpose
4. Lack of knowledge about the rules and regulations of the bank. Childrens are not used to
with the bank environment
5. Due to lack of proper education children face various difficulties to both deposit and cash
6. Savings in an unsafe place causes various risks.
7. Due to absence of savings practice there is a tendency to spend the money in unethical

How the bank account will help to overcome the challenges:
1. Hard earned money will be at top most security
2. Harassment related to savings will be stopped/ Savings harassment will be stopped
3. Cash deposit and withdrawn will be available at any time
4. Help to identify children in getting any kind of services.
5. Create the opportunity to get other banking services in the future.
6. Child will receive the honor of being a customer the bank
7. Dreams of a descent life depending on savings will be created.

3. What is a street and working children banking?
Street and working children banking is known as the inclusion of the working children living at
home, street, train station, bus stand and pavement in banking sector

for a bright future through creating better employment so that to develop a saving tendency,
security of the hard earned money, and for their welfare, opening a bank account a on 10 taka

4. How Street and working children will open an account:
To open an account street and working children have to register in a non-government
organization (approved by Bangladesh bank). On behave of the children, a responsible person for
the non-government organization will collect the photo along with all other documents and will
run the account. Child will be able to deposit and withdraw cash at any time when he needed.
When the accountholder will reach 18 years of age, account operators from the NGOs will be
released from his responsibilities and the account holder will maintain the account by him. These
accounts are free from any kind of service charge and fees. Depending on the daily balance on
highest interest rate will be paid two times per year.

5. At a glance circular of Bangladesh bank and savings account in the bank:
evswKs c-wewa I bxwZ wefvM
Bangladesh Bank, Head office, Dhaka, DRPD circular no-05 date: March 09, 2014, Falgun 25, 1420
Circular issued by Md. Anawerul Islam, Deputy- Manager.
What are stated in the circular?

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