English Department Meeting November 4, 2009 432 Carl Wimberly Hall

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English Department Meeting

November 4, 2009
432 Carl Wimberly Hall
3:50 p.m.

Present: William Barillas, Bradley Butterfield, Susan Crutchfield, Sharon Dansereau, Natalie
Eschenbaum, Peg Finders, Ryan Friesen, Richard Gappa, Carla Graham, James Gray, David Hart,
Lalita Hogan, Sharon Jessee, Gary Konas, Haixia Lan, Thomas Pribek, Luke Schaaf, Sharon
Scholze, Darci Thoune, Robert Wilkie

I. Meeting convened at 3:50 p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes October 7, 2009.

Minutes were approved.

III. Reports and Announcements.

1. Amaud Johnson poetry reading after this meeting; colloquium by Barillas this Friday
2. Department Open House next Monday, November 9, 3:00 – 4:30 pm
3. Next semester’s upper-level course descriptions have been e-mailed to students; Gray
asked for these to sent to professors. Konas will post them on the departmental website.
4. Tutorial for English professors on using advising on Wednesday November 11, 3:40 in a
computer classroom TBA. We’ll be reminded via email.
5. Search and Screen committees for our two positions are meeting.
6. Classroom modifications: Crutchfield met with Ruthann Benson. We’ll be getting
whiteboards and “smartboard” technology in rooms currently with “nothing.” Report
submitted about rooms with no wireless access.
7. China program progressing well. Students will take courses in English major in Spring
8. Colloquia – Hart reminded us that we need presenters for Spring Semester

IV. Dept. Mission Statement: Gray moved for adoption of version 3 of the statement. The word
“readers” in the last sentence will be changed to “individuals.” Motion passed by voice vote.

V. General Education Assessment Update: Crutchfield reminded dept. that Gen Ed

committee rejected our assessment rubric for ENG 200. Assessment committee is
working on revision of rubric. So we need to wait for approval before doing the
assessment. We have not heard yet if ENG 110 rubric is approved.

VI. Education Major Revision (first read-through). Suggestions and corrections for
the Ed. Major’s committee draft proposal. ENG 462 and 470 should not appear in
section G (World Literatures) and 400-level writing courses, including advanced
creative writing seminars, should be added to section C (Writing). Ed. Committee
will meet so department can vote in December meeting.

VII. FERPA. (Family and Educational Rights Act). Thoune reviewed how this affects us. It
has to do with students’ right to privacy. We have to be careful with students’ work
(essays, etc.). It is illegal to leave students’ work where others can access it.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by William Barillas

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