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Benign tumors

1)Odontogenic tumors:
A) Epithelial origin:
Name Age Site Effect on Radiograp Differenti Treatme Notes
surrounding hic al nt
tissue features diagnosi
Amelob 20-50 Posterio -Root Well defined - Surgical -Discovered
l- yrs r resorption. radiolucency Dentigerou resection incidentally due
Average mandibl -Tooth with s cyst. after to pt CC for
astoma 40 e. displacement. radiopaque -OKC,giant knowing facial
Black -Extreme septa cell the extent asymmetry.
Males expansion with making a granuloma of the -High
the unicystic type. honeycomp , myxoma tumor by recurrence
or soup have the CT and rate,
bubble similar MRI. aggressive.
appearance honeycom -CT is highly
b. recommended.
CEOT 8-92 yrs Mandibl -Teeth Associated - Local -Pindborg is
Average e displacement with Dentigerou resection, another name.
42 PM-M -Expansion unerupted s cyst. more
Males area. -Prevent the tooth with - conservati
eruption of the well defined Ameloblast ve than
associated tooth. radiolucency oma. ameloblas
with oma.
close to the
AOT 5-50 yrs Maxill - Inhibit eruption Well defined -Calcifying Conservati
Average a of an involved corticated odontogen ve surgical
16 Incisor tooth. with ic cyst. excision.
Females canine- -Teeth radiopaque -OKC.
premola displacement. foci at the -CEOT
r -Root resorption is center (↑ (more in
region. rare. with age). mandible).
B) Connective tissue origin:
Name Age Site Effect on Radiograph Differenti Treatment Notes
surroundi ic features al
ng tissue diagnosis
Myxom 10-50 Mandibl -Teeth Multilocular, - -Total -Develops
a yrs e displacement well defined Ameloblastom resection with only on the
Female PM-M . and well a, giant cell generous bone of the
s region. -Rarely cause corticates with granuloma, amount of facial
resorption. mixed center bcoz they are surrounding skeleton.
-Scalloped and septa that also bone. -High
between make it tennis multilocular. -With recurrence
the roots. racket- -Simple bone appropriate rate due
-Expansion like or cyst. treatment the to the lake
may cause stepladder- prognosis is of the
fracture. like pattern. good. capsule.
Cement 12-65 Mandibl -Externat well-defined -Periapical Self limiting, -Develops
oblasto yrs e root radiopacity with cemental rarely recurs with
Males PM-1st M resorption. a cortical dysplasia after permanent
ma region. -If large, border and then (less defined enucleation. teeth.
cause a well defined band, less
expansion radiolucent rounded).
with intact band just inside Hypercement
outer cortex. the cortical osis (no
border. expansion,
trauma is
Odonto 11-39 Mandibl -Tooth Well defined -Desmoplastic Simple Associated
genic yrs e displacement radiolucency, if fibroma (more excision (low with
Female PM-M . small- aggressive). recurrence unerupted
fibroma s region -Root unilocular,if -Myxoma. rate). vital tooth.
resorption. large- -Giant cell
-Expansion multilocular granuloma.
with fine and
straight septa
like myxoma.
C) Mixed origin:
Name Age Site Effect on Radiogra Differenti Treatm Notes
surroundin phic al ent
g tissue features diagnosis
Odont 10-20 -Complex- -Interfere with Well defined -Cemento Removed Develop
oma yrs posterior normal borders with ossifying by simple and mature
M=F mandible eruption of radiopaque fibroma (less excision. while the
- in the 1st teeth. center. radiopaque). They do correspondi
Compoun and 2nd -Large complex Compound -Periapical not recur ng teeth
d molar odontomas has regular cemental and are are forming
odontoma area. may cause well dysplasia not locally and cease
s are - expansion of arranged (wider invasive. developme
about Compound the jaw. center look uneven nt when the
twice as -anterior -Associated like teeth, sclerotic associated
common maxilla with complex has border). teeth
as the with abnormalities irregular complete
complex unerupted such as center developme
type. canine. impaction, radiopacities nt.
malpositioning, .
of adjacent
Amelobl 5-20 yrs Mandible -Expansion Well defined -Dentigerous Enucleatio -Enamel,
Peak at PM-M with intact and often cyst or n and dentin, and
astic 15 region. cortical bone corticated hyperplastic mechanica cementum
fibroma -A -Failure of the unilocular, follicle. l curettage are not
common tooth sometimes it - of the formed in
location is associated with may become Ameloblasto surroundin this tumor.
near the the tumor to multilocular ma (defined g bone. -Most
crest of erupt, or with septa). common
the maybe indistinct -Myxoma symptom is
alveolar displaced septa. (older age swelling or
process or apically. with sharp occlusal
in a septa). pain.
follicular -Low
relationshi recurrence
p with an rate.
occlusal to
the tooth).
Amelobl Same as Posterior Well defined -Ameloblastic Conservati -Scattered
astic ameloblas mandible. and fibroma ve collections
tic sometimes -Odontoma enucleatio of enamel
fibroma. corticated (less n. and
ameloblasto with mixed radiolucent, dentine.
ma ma with center younger
age). ma
external honeycomb
root or soup-

Multilocular Axial CT
ameloblasto showing
ma causing Multilocular
lingual ameloblasto
expansion. ma in the

CEOT- Mixed radiolucent

radiopaque lesion
associated with an
unerupted tooth.

AOT- mixed (A) A lesion with sparse pebble-like calcifications
tumor with associated with a maxillary cuspid. (B) A lesion related
displacement of to a maxillary lateral incisor with abundant calcification.
the incisor and
the canine.

A periapical view shows a multilocular pattern. Note the Odontogenic myxoma-An occlusal
one straight sharp septa (arrow). Also note the fine view shows slight buccal
straight septa emanating from the crest of the expansion considering the size of
edentulous alveolar ridge; these may simulate the the lesion.
appearance of spiculation seen in malignant tumors.

lesion associated with a bicuspid.

large, bulbous, radiopaque mass associated with the
apical portion of the mandibular right first molar. A
radiolucent band can be seen surrounding the mass,
and root resorption of the molar roots has occurred.

Complex odontome associated with unerupted tooth. Compound odontome.

2) Non-odontogenic tumors:
Name Age Site Effect on Radiograp Differenti Treatm Notes
surround hic al ent
ing features diagnosis
An ameloblastic fibroma in the body and ramus of the right mandible.
Osteom Older than Posterio Large Well defined Osteomas Surgical -Form from
a 40 yrs. r lesions can borders with involving the resection if membranous
Cortical mandibl displace multiple condylar it interfere bones of the
type e adjacent soft appearance head can be with skull and face.
osteomas mainly tissues, such on the center, difficult to normal -It is more
develop the as muscles, in the cortical differentiate function or common in the
more often lingual and cause type the from due to frontal and
in Male, side of dysfunction. center is osteochondro cosmetic ethmoid sinuses
whereas the radiopaque, in mas, reasons. than in the
Females ramus. the cancellous osteophytes, The maxillary
have the part the or condylar cortical Sinuses.
highest center hyperplasia. type is -Three types:
incidence composed of more compact bone
of the trabecular difficult to (ivory), cancellous
cancellou structure. resect. bone, and
s combination of both.
Heman 1st decade Posterio - Sometimes -All other Central -Proliferation of
gioma (up to 10 r Enlargement well defined lesion hemangio blood vessels
yrs). mandibl of the ID and corticted, affecting the mas have creating a mass
Females. e, canal. others are ill posterior to be that resembles
ramus, - defined like mandible, but treated a neoplasm.
and ID Displacemen malignant only it affects immediatel -Most frequently
canal. t and often tumor. They the ID canal. y with noticed in the
resorption of produce surgey. skin and
adjacent honeycomb or subcutaneous
teeth. tennis racket tissues.

A panoramic radiograph
shows an osteoma in the
right mandibular angle
region (arrow).

An osteoma in the frontal sinus.

(A) A Caldwell view shows a large,
mass in the frontal sinus (arrows).
(B) A lateral view shows an
osteoma occupying
An occlusal film of a case of a central
hemangioma of the mandible with adjacent
spiculation (arrows) which has a very
similar appearance to the spiculation seen A hemangioma in the anterior
in osteogenic sarcoma. maxilla shows a coarse
trabecular pattern.

Done By : Abdallah Awadi

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