Advertising Appeals - Details

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A Trio of Needs

1. Need for Power: (see 5-hour energy drink Ad)

Need for power is the individuals desire to control
environment or the surroundings. In this advertisement of
5hour energy drink, it is shown that after having the drink,
the person need for power has fulflled and people can
work properly at any time of the day. People get motivated
by seeing this ad and they going to use this energy drink to
fulfll their need for power.
2. Need for Afliation: (see Nokia Ad)
Need for aliation is the need for friendship, acceptance,
and belonging. In this advertisement of Nokia, it is shown
that whether you are far away from the people you love,
Nokia can connect you and it can increase or develop the
friendship between the two. !here is high level of aliation
in this Nokia ad. "arketers have taken this approach in
order to create the aliation between the Nokia and
people, who use it.
. Need for A!hie"e#ent: (seePe$si Ad)
!he need for achievement is the need for personal
accomplishment and it is closely related to egoistic and
self#actuali$ation needs. In this advertisement of Pepsi, it is
shown that if u have done everything and master in
everything but until and unless you dont have the mark of
the Pepsi u havent fulflled the need of accomplishment.
!he symbol of Pepsi is the highest achievement.
%T&'&TA(&AN APP)A': (see &*)A A+, ad )
Ikea is a home furnishing company which
focuses on the functionality of its products
which is a highly utilitarian appeal for the
consumers. "ost of the Ikeas furniture is
versatile % like closets, cabinets, storage
units, sofa#cum#beds, curtains & room dividers '(#in#)*, etc. Ikea is
known for its compact and sophisticated furniture which is a space#
maker, thus making your home and oce very spacious. !he
furnishings of Ikea are low#priced and pertain to utility. !hat is why the
+,- advertisement of Ikea depicts a utilitarian appeal by showing the
attributes and compactness of a walking closet.
-)./N&0T&1 APP)A': (see T-) 2/.3 0-/P A+,
In the ad of ./01 23/P they have used the
340/NI5 appeal which includes fantasi$ing and
pleasure that one gets by ac6uiring a product.
7Natures way to beautiful7 focuses heavily on
making the consumer recogni$e they are beautiful,
naturally, at any age. It might seem odd for a
cosmetic company to promote natural beauty, but
the .ody 2hop is promoting strength and beauty
through individuality. 8sing their natural minerals
make#up and skin#care products to bring out softer, brighter skin rather
than layering on to9ic chemicals on your sensitive skin. !hus in this ad
they started of by giving a statement 7you are beautiful7 and then
continuing the idea by further linking it to nature and being naturally

!he advertisement depicts the 7hedonistic appeal7 ## as the girl in
the ad, after using body shop:s product fantasi$es being in a serene
and natural environment. In the end of the ad, the e9pression on the
models face 'when she is standing on the edge of a cli;* shows that
she feels the beauty within her and relates it to the beauty of the
&. APP)A' -- Pleasure Prin!i$le (see
-ardee4s ad)
I0 focuses on the pleasure principle whereby the person feels an urge
to get instantly satisfed in terms of thirst and hunger.
!he ad depicts<
Instant gratifcation,
I0s in=uence in childhood,
2ubliminal aspect as well.
!he model in the ad portays her passion for the 3ardees burger which
reminds her of her childhood when she used to sneak out to 3ardees
before dinner. !his ad clearly shows the in=uence of I0 over the model.
!he consumers feel an urge to have 3ardees burger when they watch
this ad. !his ad also has a subliminal aspect % because the model eats
the burger in an enticing manner and her moves of eating the burger
are se9ual.
0u5li#inal Ad"ertising (6at!h 0wensen &!e
1rea# ad)
2ubliminal appeal depicts a hidden message which is embedded in
the subconscious mind of the consumers.
!he ad depicts a naked girl which embeds the message of triple
appeal in the consumers subconscious mind.

2uch messages are stored in the subconscious mind of the
consumers and later on it triggers the consumers to e9perience the
product. !hus, their behaviour is in=uenced by subliminal messages
and they end up buying the product.
Attri5ution 7odel Ad"ertise#ent
+ttribution model describes the processes through which people make
determinations of the causality of action. In this ad e9ternal attribution
theory is used, the product is recommended by the endorser, >essica
+lba. !his is a believable ad because people can easily relate the
model with the product, as she is a star and uses beauty products to
look good. In the right#down side of the ad attribution of product is
described that it is =awless and weightless and available in natural skin
shades. !his product is for working ladies who need something to look
fresh and perfect like >essica.

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