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KOLKATA | ||w |||| | S|||CuR| | B|uBA||SwAR
llh uS 0hLlhE
Scau lh|s w|lh you|
Bus terminus: The
Babughat and Central
gachi by 30 September
this year. P13
Kushwaha: The
Supreme Court has
refused to grant bail
to former UP minister
Babu Singh Kushwa-
ha in the NRHM scam.
Forecast: Rain or
Rainfall 1.0 mm
Max: 34.7 (+3)
Min: 27.1 (+1)
Max: 91%|Min:67%
05:04 hrs
1823 hrs
+ ;
+ ;
Bhopal, 17 July
It started as a fierce fight
among three tigers in the
Bandhavgarh tiger
reserve in Madhya
Pradesh yesterday, but it
ended in one of the tigers
getting killed, a forest
guard dead and two other
officials and the elephant
they were riding to stop
the fight injured.
According to forest
officials, the fight began
in the Mirchaini area
under beat number 313 of
the reserves Tala range.
A two-and-a-half-year-old
tiger from the Hardia
area intruded into the
Mirchaini area and soon
after two tigers ~ both
~ lunged towards it to
ward it off and drive it
out of their territorial
On getting informa-
tion about the fight, for-
est deputy ranger R A
Pathan and forest guard
Vinod Pakhale rushed to
the spot on elephant back
along with mahaut Nee-
But the moment the
elephant reached the
spot, both the tigers of
Mirchaini area broke off
from the fight and made
the pachyderm their tar-
get. One of them mauled
it on its trunk, while the
other pounced on its foot.
The elephant panicked
and went into a bucking
frenzy in an attempt to
throw off the tigers.
It did succeed in
throwing off the tigers,
but in the process the
three forest personnel
tumbled down from its
back. Mr Pathan and
Neelam somehow man-
aged to get into the shel-
ter of the nearby trees. A
panic-stricken Pakhale
too started running with
all his might, but he fell
to the ground at some
distance and never got up
again, forest officials
By this time another
team of forest personnel
reached the spot. They
picked up Vinod who was
rushed to the Umaria dis-
trict hospital. However,
doctors at the hospital
declared him dead. It was
a mystery how he died.
Forest officials couldn't
say with certainty
whether he had a fatal
fall or whether the attack
by the tigers had any-
thing to do with his
While the rescue oper-
ation was going on, the
tigers resumed their
fight. It ended only after
one of the three was
killed. Later, forest offi-
cials found the dead
feline was one of two
tigers from the Mirchaini
It is a very tragic
incident. What makes us
even sadder is the fact
that we found after
checking Vinod
Pakhales service record
that the day he died was
his birthday, Bandhav-
garh park director Mr C
H Murlikrishnan told
The Statesman today.
Only the post
mortem report will
reveal the cause of his
death. According to
information we have got
so far there were no
external injury marks on
his body, Mr Murlikrish-
nan added.
(representative photograph)
Afghan policemen arrive at the
site of a suicide attack in front
of Kabuls military airport on
Thursday. AFP P10
hAS 0hE 0ll ThE B0lL
llELLCE ll
Kuala Lumpur/Kiev, 17 July
All 295 people on board a
Malaysia Airlines plane
were killed today after the
jet was shot down over war-
torn eastern Ukraine near
the Russian border, nearly
four months after the mys-
terious disappearance of
MH370 in the Indian Ocean.
The Malaysia Airlines
Boeing 777 was flying from
Amsterdam to Kuala
Lumpur carrying 280 pas-
sengers and 15 crew.
Malaysia Airlines con-
firmed that it received noti-
fication from Ukrainian Air
Traffic Control that it had
lost contact with Flight
MH17 at 1415 GMT (8:45
p.m. IST) 30 km from Tamak
waypoint, approximately
50 km from the Russia-
Ukraine border.
Nearly 300 people died
when a Malaysia Airlines
Boeing 777 crashed in east-
ern Ukraine,an advisor to
the Ukrainain Interior Min-
ister, Anton Herashchenko,
said. The aircraft was shot
down over Ukraine by ter-
rorists operating a Buk sur-
face-to-air missile system,
he said in a Facebook post.
Witnesses from the town
of Torez in the rebellion-
wracked Donetsk region of
Ukraine told RIA Novosti
news agency that the plane
wreckage and dead bodies
have been found in the area.
The debris of the plane cov-
ered an area of about one
square kilometre. Burning
wreckage and bodies strewn
on the ground were seen at
the village of Grabovo, some
der in an area where pro-
Russian rebels are active.
Malaysia's Star newspa-
per, quotingsources, saidthe
cruising at an altitude of
30,000 feet.
Ukrainian President
Petro Poroshenko said that
the jetliner may have been
shot down over his country's
airspace. This incident is
not a catastrophe. It is a ter-
rorist act, he said.
Ukrainian officials have
accused pro-Russian rebels
of being responsible for
shootingdowntheplane. But
the press service of the self-
Republic claimed the jet
was downed by a missile
fired from a Ukrainian air
force Su-25 combat jet, a
charge denied by Ukraine.
We do not exclude that
the plane was shot down and
confirm that the Ukraine
Armed Forces did not fire
at any targets in the sky,Mr
Poroshenko said in a state-
ment posted on the presi-
dent's website.
A number of Ukrainian
military aircraft have been
shot down by missiles in
recent weeks. Ukraine has
accused Russia's military of
supplying advanced mis-
siles to the rebels.
Earlier today, Ukrainian
officials blamed the Russian
air force for shooting down
one of its ground attack
jets on Wednesday. Ukraine's
government has accused
Russia of allowing weapons
and military equipment,
including tanks, to cross
the border illegally into the
hands of pro-Russia sepa-
A|| 295 0| B0AR |||||, |||V, R|B||S B|A|| |AC| 0!||R
Death in the jungle
NewDelhi, 17 July
Yielding to Opposition
demands, the government
today agreed to a discussion
in the Rajya Sabha on the
Gaza situation on Monday
but not before the day's pro-
ceedings were washed out
over the issue.
Doubts, however, remain
on whether the House will
function even tomorrow as
theOppositionisstill not sat-
isfied and wants discussion
at the earliest.
The Opposition con-
tended that a wrong mes-
sage has already gone out
to the world about the
silence of Indian Parlia-
ment on such a serious
The issue had disrupted
proceedings in the House for
the last two days which saw
a deadlock as the Opposition
persisted with its demand
for an early debate while the
government resisted strong-
ly, arguing that any dis-
courteous remark could
affect India's relations with
Israel and Palestine.
External Affairs Minis-
ter Sushma Swaraj even
wrote to Rajya Sabha Chair-
man Hamid Ansari, saying
that the notices given by
Opposition members for a
debate are inadmissible but
her contention was reject-
ed. Mr Ansari, however, did
not give a ruling in favour
of immediate discussion,
saying a date will be fixed
for it in consultation with
the government.
After the ruckus ensured
washout of the proceedings
of Rajya Sabha with oppo-
sition parties like Congress,
Left, SP, JD(U) andTrinamul
Congress remaining
adamant, the government in
the evening agreed to have
a discussion on Monday.
Official sources said the
debate will take place at 12
p.m. on Monday.
It is so serious that it figured
even in the Declaration of
BRICS Summit attended by
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi. A wrong message has
alreadygoneout totheworld
by the silence of the Indian
Parliament so far,said CPI
leader D Raja while making
a strong pitch for immedi-
ate discussion.
Leader of Opposition
Ghulam Nabi Azad also
importance of the issue
while pushing for a discus-
sion. The issue had been list-
could not be taken up as gov-
ernment opposed it.
Latching on to the fact
that it had been listed, the
Opposition said no other
matter can be taken up till
this issue is disposed off.
deadlock over the rules and
procedures ever since it met
for the day today, leading to
three adjournments before
Deputy Chairman P J
Kurien called it a day just
before 3 p.m.
The Opposition main-
tained that since the debate
could not take place yes-
terday despite being listed
in the business, it should be
taken up today.
Mr Kurien said the list of
business is day-specific and
so yesterday's business can-
not be conducted today.
Before adjourning the
House, Mr Kurien asserted
that a lot of arguments has
taken place over the proce-
dures and the matter is
closed now. He then called
Mr Prabhat Jha (BJP) to ini-
tiate discussion on Rail Bud-
get. Thistriggeredanuproar
and some members trooped
into the Well, prompting
the Chair to adjourn the
House for the day.
In his ruling, Mr Ansari
accepted the written plea of
Leader of the House Arun
Jaitley that the issue be not
taken up for discussion
today and the government
will communicate an appro-
priate date for the same
Accordingly, in view of
the provisions of Rule 177
read with the communica-
of the House, the short dura-
tion discussion on Pales-
tine has not been listed in
today's agenda paper, Mr
Ansari said.
After RS washout, govt
ready for debate on Gaza
A wrong message has
already gone out to the
world by the silence
of the Indian
Parliament so far
NewDelhi, 17 July
in the Lok Sabha demand-
ingastatement fromthegov-
ernment over the meeting
of Indian journalist Ved
Pratap Vaidik with the mas-
termind behind 26/11 Mum-
bai attack and JuD chief
Hafiz Saeed in Pakistan,
External Affairs Minister
Sushma Swaraj said the In-
dian High Commission in
Pakistanhadnot beenaware
of the meeting and therefore
there was no question of the
mission facilitating it.
We have received a
report from the Indian High
Commission (in Pakistan).
The High Commission has
categorically stated that
they did not know about
this meeting and, therefore,
the High Commission facil-
itating it, she said.
Making a brief state-
ment in the Lok Sabha,
Mrs Swaraj said she had
heard that Vaidik told some
news channels that the High
Commission knew about
the meeting. We had then
sought a report from the
High Commission.
She said she had made it
clear earlier and I am again
saying with full responsib-
nothing to do with either the
visitof Vaidikorhismeeting
with Saeed. Her statement
came after Congress and
RJD members trooped into
the Well, with Congress
leader Mallikarjun Kharge
asking if ministers can
ter outside Parliament or in
Rajya Sabha, why can't
they do it here (Lok Sabha).
NewDelhi, 17 July
Large parts of northern
and central India may soon
plunge into darkness as 46
coal-based power plants are
facing the prospect of shut-
down owing to shortage of
coal stock.
While the nation's largest
power producer, the Nation-
al Thermal Power Corpo-
ration stated that six of its
plants have critical levels of
coal stocks, the Central Elec-
tricity Authority said 46
outof 100generationstations
in the country have fuel
stock of less than 7 days.
The power plants cur-
rently reeling under short-
age of coal supply constitute
nearly half the thermal
power plants in the country.
NTPC, the country' s
largest power producer as
well as the biggest consumer
of domestic coal, is the
worst sufferer as eight of its
23 electricity generating
stations have stocks to last
a mere two days. These eight
power projects ~ Jhajjar
(1,500 MW), Rihand (3,000
MW), Singrauli (2,000 MW),
Korba (2,600 MW), Sipat
(2,980 MW), Vindhyachal
(4,260 MW), Simhadri (2,000
MW) and Ramagundam
(2,600MW) ~comprise20,940
MW of its total 43,128 MW
generating capacity.
These plants are mainly
affected due to poor supply
Coal India. The public sec-
tor firm and its subsidiaries
are supplying less fuel to the
power utility plants than the
annual contracted quantity.
India reported a peak
power deficit ~ shortfall in
electricity supply when the
demand is at its highest ~
of 3.7 per cent last month.
The total power demand
during the month stood at
1,42,647MWof which1,37,352
MW was met, leaving a gap
of 5,295 MW.
In the Lok Sabha, Power
Minister Piyush Goyal said
correctiveaction is being
taken by the government to
improve coal supply, includ-
ing efforts by Coal India
Ltd to raise production
gets. Power utilities have
been advised to use import-
ed coal wherever necessary.
bells when it on July 14
wrote to to the Power Min-
istry saying six of its plants
with a combined capacity of
16,840 MW or 15 per cent of
India's total energy capac-
ity from coal-fired plants,
have stocks of up to two
days and cannot weather
even a smalldisruption in
Indian mission unaware
of Vaidik-Saeed meet
NewDelhi, 17July: A day after
Trinamul Congress floor
leader in the Lok Sabha, Mr
Sudip Bandyopadhyay sent
conciliatory signals to the
BJP-led NDA, Union Power
MinisterPiyushGoyal today
described Miss Mamata
Banerjee as cooperative'. He
said the Bengal Chief Min-
ister had assured him of
cooperation on issues con-
cerning Coal India Limit-
ed.I had a very good meet-
ing with the honourable
chief minister, Mr Goyal
told Mr Bandyopadhyay.
She was extremely cooper-
ative and willing to consid-
erall theproblemswhichthe
Coal IndiaLimitedandother
Central public sector under-
takings are facing,he said
during Question Hour. SNS
Brasilia, 17 July
India will host the next sum-
mit of IBSA (India, Brazil,
South Africa) in New Delhi
next year, giving promi-
nence to the grouping
notwithstanding the BRICS
forum of which these coun-
tries are also members.
This was agreed to at a
meeting Prime Minister
Narendra Modi had with
South African President
Jacob Zuma here last night
on the sidelines of the
summit BRICS leaders held
with South American lead-
Both leaders recognised
the importance of IBSA as
a forum of members who
racies and similarities of
views on various matters of
international agenda of
political and economic con-
The dates will be decid-
ed in consultation with each
other, Dinkar Khullar, Sec-
retary West in the External
Affairs ministry told
reporters travelling with
the Prime Minister on the
way back to India.
It was also decided that
the meeting of the India
Africa Forum (IAF) will be
held in December in Delhi
this year.
On the margins of the
meeting, Prime Minister
had detailed talks with Pres-
ident Donald Ramotar of
Guyana, President Ollanta
Humala of Peru and Presi-
dent Desi Bouterse of Suri-
name. His meeting with the
leaders of Guyana, Suri-
name and Peru assumes
significance in the context
of the large presence of per-
sons of Indian-origin (PIOs)
in these countries.
There are about 43 per
cent Indian-origin people
in Guyana and 21 per cent
in Suriname. Ten minis-
ters of Guyana are of Indi-
|0w, C0YA|
India to host IBSA
summit next year
London, 17 July: The ICC
today appointed Gordon
Lewis as the Judicial Com-
missioner to hear the mis-
conduct case against Eng-
land paceman James Ander-
son and the preliminary
hearing will be conducted
on 22 July, a day after the
Lord's Test concludes here.
Anderson is facing a
charge under Level 3 of the
ICC Code of Conduct for Pla-
yers, following allegations
that he pushed and abused
India's Ravindra Jadeja dur-
ing the lunch break on the
second day of the Notting-
ham Test. Details about
Jadeja's hearing will be
announced in due course.
Jadeja was charged by Eng-
land team manager Phil Ne-
ale for a Level 2 offence, wh-
ich carries a fine of betwe-
en 50-100 per cent of appli-
cable Match Fee and/or up
to two Suspension Points. PTI
1A|1A R0w.
|CC APP0||!S
Dark days ahead for northern, central India
The wreckage of the Malaysian airliner after it crashed near the town of Shaktarsk, in rebel-held east Ukraine. AFP
While the NTPC says six of its plants have critical levels of coal
stocks, the Central Electricity Authority says 46 power generat-
ing stations have fuel stock of less than 7 days
Power minister Piyush Goyal says corrective
efforts are being made to improve coal supply. 3
There are two days worth of coal stocks at
eight NTPC plants, accounting for 20,940 MW
of its total generating capacity of 43,128 MW.
The plants are affected due to poor supply of
coal from Coal India ~ less that the annual
contracted quantity (ACQ).
Everybody, including gays, have human rights. It is
the job of the government to protect their rights
u||0| ||A|!| ||||S!|R

Former US president Bill Clinton
waves to villagers during a func-
tion on the outskirts of Lucknow
on 17 July. AFP
Man acquitted :Delhi
court has acquitted a
man on the charges of
raping and cheating a
woman on Thursday.
She had alleged that
tions with her on a
false promise of mar-
riage. PTI
Unfortunate death:
dead on Thursday in
an agriculture field
in the outskirts of
Sirikonda village in
Karimnagar the pea-
hens might have died
af t er consumi ng
poisonous grains. PTI
NewDelhi, 17 July
Taking a dig at the govern-
ment, Congress today ques-
tioned as to who is the 'Num-
ber 2' after Prime Minister
Narendra Modi.
(from the government) that
are alarming, said Con-
gress leader Mr K V Thomas
while participating in the
debate on Union Budget in
the Lok Sabha during which
he targeted the government.
is only one leader in the gov-
ernment, he asked, Why
there is no Number 2... Isn't
there is collective leader-
context of the Prime Min-
ister being away on a foreign
visit for the past five days
is in charge in his absence.
During the UPA tenure,
the then Prime Minister
Mr Manmohan Singh would
name the senior most Cab-
inet colleague as incharge
in his absence.
There is something
going wrong with the gov-
ernment,Mr Thomas said.
The dig came amid a
debate in political and
bureaucratic circles as to
who is 'Number 2' in Modi's
While Mr Arun Jaitley is
considered as the closest to
Modi and is said to be run-
ning the show, Rajnath
Singh, who was party pres-
ident till now has catapult-
ed himself to a slot that
makes him sit next to the
Prime Minister.
On Tuesday, no party
leader presided over a meet-
ing of BJP Parliamentary
Party in the absence of Mr
Modi, who is abroad, giving
clear signals that there is no
'Number 2' in the govern-
Meanwhile, touching
uponahost of othermatters,
Thomas raised the issue of
government directive about
appointment of private sec-
retaries to the Ministers.
We are concerned about
the unity of the Cabinet...We
expect (some kind of) trans-
parency and dignity, he
Minister questioned the
government on why gover-
nors are being smoked out
like in the case of Mr M K
Is it (such a trend) good
for the country, he won-
ly quit as governor of West
We are prepared to go
together (with the govern-
ment) but we must be taken
into confidence... We might
be only 44 (members) but we
are also voice of the people,
Mr Thomas said.
Asserting that Congress
has contributed to the devel-
opment of the country,
Thomas reminded the Oppo-
sition that the party gave
leadership for 60 years since
NewDelhi, 17 July
Government was pilloried
in Lok Sabha today with
opposition members unre-
lenting in their criticism of
handling the economy and
saying the advent of BJP in
power has brought sky-rock-
eting prices and bad days
for the people.
They were critical of the
failureof the BJP-led gov-
ernment to provide ade-
quate allocation for key sec-
tors like health and educa-
tion, even after coming to
power by promising jobs to
millions of unemployed
The opposition members
also made a strong pitch for
bringing back black money
to rev up the economy.
Resuming the discussion
onthegeneral budget, Sama-
jwadi Party chief Mr
Mulayam Singh Yadav told
the government that since
it has come to power, prices
of essential commodities
have sky-rocketed instead of
comingdown, whichwasone
of their lofty promises.
Those who had come to
power promising that they
will bring down prices of
essential items by at least 25
per cent, have failed to keep
the promise as the prices
have been rising since the
Narendra Modi government
took office, he said.
Mr Yadav, a former
Defence Minister, regret-
ted that the armed forces
were not getting enough
allocation to stay fighting fit
to effectively meet the exter-
nal threats to the country. He
also expressed concern over
Chinese incursions into
the Indian territory.
The SP supremo wanted
the government to start a
huge drive against black
He especially faulted the
government for ignoring
the farmers and not talking
about changing the coun-
tryside, and instead speak-
ing only about construc-
tion of new townships.
You have conducted
searches against petty shop-
keepers but what will you
get out of them? You don't
have the guts to go for the
big guns, he said, adding
that six biggest industrial-
ists in Asia are from Gujarat
and the Prime Minister is
also from there.
Mr Udit Raj (BJP)
expressed concern over ris-
ing non- performing assets
(NPAs) and termed liquor
baron Vijay Mallya, who
reportedly had substantial
amounts of NPAs with state-
run banks, as the king of
If the Rs 6 lakh crore
worthof NPAsarerecovered,
to raise subsidy to the poor
and the farmers, he said.
Trinamul Congressmem-
ber Mr Sugata Bose want-
should continue and its
implementation should not
be at the cost of the states
concerned.There should
be iron-clad constitutional
guarantees provided to
them, he said, lamenting
that the states had suffered
a lot by false promises by
the Centre on the central
sales tax.
Mr Bose said the alloca-
tion for infrastructure was
best in the present fiscal sit-
uation but expressed dis-
appointment over the low
allocation to health and edu-
cation.RJD member Mr
Pappu Yadav said the Bud-
get hardly has anything for
farmers and also demand-
ed allocations for various
projects in Bihar including
for Nalanda University.He
ernment was not giving spe-
cial status to Bihar.Noting
that the Budget has pre-
sented a vision for the coun-
try, Mr Om Birla (BJP) said
the proposals would help in
bring down fiscal deficit
and provide fillip to eco-
nomic development.
According to him, steps
need to be taken to develop
the desert regions in
Rajasthan.AIUDF leader
Mr Maulana Badruddin
Ajmal demanded that the
government should come
up with initiatives for
Brahmaputra river like that
for Ganga river.Mr Ajmal,
who is from Assam, also
urged the government to
seal the borders to prevent
theinflowof illegal migrants
from Bangladesh.
NewDelhi, 17 July
The government today
said that over 67 per cent
rural households of the
country do not have
access to toilets as per
Census 2011 and that it
will review the Nirmal
Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) to
accelerate the pace of
sanitation coverage.
Minister of State for
Drinking Water and San-
itation Mr Upendra
Kushwaha, in a written
reply to the Lok Sabha,
said that a number of
steps has been taken to
accelerate sanitation cov-
erage, including an
increase in financial
grants to NBA in the 12th
Five Year plan.
To improve the pace
of its implementation,
changes are made to the
scheme (NBA) as and
when required. The min-
istry is in the process of
reviewing it with a view
to accelerate the pace of
sanitation coverage in
the country, Mr Kush-
waha said.
The NBA, a compre-
hensive programme, is
administered by the gov-
ernment through states
to ensure sanitation facil-
ities in rural areas
including construction of
toilets. Its main objec-
tives are eradicating the
practice of open defeca-
tion and ensuring clean
As per the Census
2011, out of the total
16,78,26,730 rural house-
holds, 11,29,97,499 are
without toilets within
the premises. As many as
67.33 per cent rural
households are without
access to toilets, the Lok
Sabha was informed.
As per the report, in
Jharkhand 91.67 per cent
rural households are
without access to toilets
while in Chhattisgarh it
is 85.15 per cent.
Giving details of steps
taken under NBA to
accelerate sanitation cov-
erage, Mr Kushwaha
said, Increasing the
financial support for san-
itation, the 12th Five
Year Plan outlay has
been fixed at Rs 37,159
crore which is 468 per
cent higher than the 11th
Five Year Plan Outlay of
Rs 6,540 crore.
He said that under
NBA the financial incen-
tives for construction of
toilets have been raised
for all eligible beneficia-
ries to Rs 4,600 from ear-
lier Rs 3,200.
Emphasise has also
been laid on Information
Education Communica-
tion (IEC) with 15 per
cent of the total outlay of
districts projects ear-
marked for it, Mr Kush-
waha said, adding that
his ministry regularly
reviews progress of
NBA's implementation.
Reviewing sanitation scheme
!|| 0PP0S|!|0| |A||S A S!R0|C P|!C| |0R BR||C||C BAC| B|AC| |0||Y
New Delhi, 17 July: Health
Minister Harsh Vardhan
today batted for human
rights of gays and said it
was the government's job to
protect their rights. Every-
body, including gays, has
human rights. It is the job
of the government to protect
their rights,he said on the
sidelines of an event.
He, however, declined to
make further comments
when asked to explain his
positionashisparty, BJP, had
supported the Supreme
Court judgment which had
upheld the validity of Sec-
tion 377 of IPC, criminalis-
BJP, which was in oppo-
sition when the Supreme
Court judgement came last
year, had said it was for the
government to decide the
next course of action over
the matter, and the party
would take a position
depending on the official
The SC is at present hear-
ing a curative petition on the
matter. Senior BJP leaders
have spoken in different
voices over the issue and
sent Home Minister Raj-
nath Singh had termed gay
sex unnatural. PTI
NewDelhi, 17 July
Amid an Opposition din, the
Lok Sabha Speaker, Mrs
Sumitra Mahajan, today
referred the Scheduled
(Prevention of Atrocities)
Amendment Bill, 2014, to a
Standing Committee. Her
move was strongly objected
to by the Congress. The
Congress and other Oppo-
sition parties, including the
RJD and RSP, had stormed
the well of the Lok Sabha
External Affairs Minister
Sushma Swaraj on the meet-
ing of journalist Ved Prat-
ap Vaidik with 26/1 mas-
termind Hafeez Saeed.
Amid this uproar, Mrs
Mahajan referred the Bill to
the Standing Committee.
Minister for Social Justice
Chand Gehlot said he would
go by the orders of the
Speaker on the measure
when she asked whether it
should be referred to the
Standing Committee. When
order was restored in the
House after a statement
from the External Affairs
Minister on the Vaidik issue
and the debate on the gen-
eral budget, leader of the
Congress Mallikarjun
Kharge raised the issue of
the Bill and objected to its
being referred to the Stand-
ing Committee.
At one point, Mr Kharge
went to SP leader Mulayam
Singh Yadav whom the
thedebateontheBudget, but
the SP chief was not
impressed. Mr Kharge and
another Congress member
Mr K H Muniappa insisted
that the issue involved 23 per
cent of the population in the
country and they wanted to
have their say in the matter.
Supporting their con-
tention, their party col-
league Mr Shashi Tharoor
raised a point of order say-
ing it was not proper to take
a decision when the House
was not in order. Mrs Maha-
jan overruled all the objec-
tions observing that the
to know of the Bill being
referred to the Standing
Committee if they had not
resorted to a din.
by the House to refer the Bill
to the Standing Committee
and more discussion sought
by the Opposition could be
possible in such a Commit-
tee, sheobserved. TheSched-
uled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes (Prevention of Atroc-
ities) Amendment Bill, 2014,
seeks to replace an Ordi-
nance. The Bill states that
if a public servant, who is
not a member of a SC or ST,
wilfully neglects the duties
required to be performed by
himunderthisAct, heorshe
shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term
from six months to one year.
The Bill also makes pro-
visions for states to set up
special courts to try offences
under the Act.
SC/ST Amendment Bill sent
to Standing Committee
NewDelhi, 17 July
A new Inter-Ministerial
Task Force (IMTF) has been
constituted to undertake a
comprehensive review of
existing coal sources and
consider feasibility for ratio-
nalisation of linkages, the
government today said.
Ministry of Coal had
constituted IMTF on June
25 to review the existing
sources and consider feasi-
bility for rationalisation of
linkages from these sources
with a view to reduce the
utilities, cement, steel and
spongeironsector,Coal and
Power Minister Piyush
Goyal said in a written reply
to Lok Sabha.The major
recommendations of the
Task Force include accep-
tance of the recommenda-
tions of the functional direc-
tors of Coal India Limited
(CIL) in respect of ratio-
nalisation of existing
sources for which it received
applications from captive
power plants.
Coal India has received
a total of 31 applications for
rationalisation including
eight from captive power
plants, out of which it rec-
ommended rationalisation
in seven cases.The number
of applications from sponge
iron plants was 21, out of
which rationalisation was
recommended in four case,
the government said adding
in case of cement plants
there were two applications
which were recommended.
The other recommenda-
tions of task force included
rationalisation of coal sup-
plies for Sanjay Gandhi and
Satpura Thermal Power
Plant of Madhya Pradesh
Power Generation Compa-
ny Limited, reduction in
Limited .
NewDelhi, 17 July
The government will go
ahead with the appointment
of chairpersonandmembers
in Lokpal once search com-
mittee rules are amended,
Union Minister Mr Jitendra
Singh said today.
Giving details on the sta-
tusof Lokpal inRajyaSabha,
he said a writ petition has
been filed by NGO Com-
mon Cause before the
Supreme Court challeng-
ing the validity of search
committee rules.
During the course of
hearing of the case on May
5, the court has been
informed that the govern-
ment will re-examine the
issue and make formal
only thereafter proceed fur-
ther in the matter, said
Singh, Minister of State for
Personnel, Public Griev-
ances and Pensions.
Accordingly, govern-
ment has examined the mat-
terandit hasbeenfoundthat
a number of provisions in
the said rules require to be
amended. The matter can be
processed further only after
the amendments are car-
ried out in the rules as per
the Supreme Court,he said
in a written reply.
TheLokpal andLokayuk-
tas Act provides for the
establishment of a Lokpal
for the Union and Lokayuk-
tas for the states to inquire
into corruption charges
against public functionar-
President Mr Pranab
Mukherjee had given his
assent to Lokpal Act on Jan-
uary 1, this year.
The previous govern-
the much-touted appoint-
ment of the Lokpal due to
objections raised by BJP
about the selection proce-
dure of the anti-corruption
New Delhi, 17 July: Govern-
ment had issued emigra-
tion clearance to over 10,350
workers for Iraq in the last
three years which was dis-
continued last month fol-
lowing wide-spread violence
in the oil-rich Gulf country.
During the last three
years, emigration clearance
for Iraq has been granted to
10,356 workers,Minister of
State for Overseas Indian
Affairs Gen V K Singh told
Rajya Sabha while replying
to a question.
The Minister said a total
of 120 Indians stranded in
conflict areas out of esti-
mated 210 citizens have been
evacuated so far including
46 nurses in Tikrit.In addi-
tion, about 2,200 Indian
nationals in relatively safe
areas have also been given
assistance to return to
India, he said. PTI
New task force to review
rationalisation of coal linkages
Lokpal appointment only
after rules are amended:Govt
Who is 'No 2' after
Modi, questions Cong
|!S C0V!S 10B
!0 PR0!|C! CAY
R|C|!S. |ARS|
'0V|R 1O,OOO
w0R||RS C0!
There are certain
signals from the
government that are
alarming.Why there is
no Number 2?Isn't
there is collective lead-
ership?There is
something wrong with
the government.
Since it has come to power, prices of essential
commodities have sky-rocketed instead of com-
ing down, which was one of their lofty
promises.Those who had come to power
promising that they will bring down prices of
essential items by at least 25 per cent, have
failed to keep the promise as the prices have
been rising since the Narendra Modi govern-
ment took office
There should be iron-clad constitutional guarantees provided to them. The
states had suffered a lot by false promises by the Centre on the central
sales tax, said TMC member Mr Sugata Bose.
If the Rs 6 lakh crore worth of NPAs are recovered, it would help the gov-
ernment to raise subsidy to the poor and the farmers, said Udit Raj of BJP.
Udit Raj expressed concern over rising non- performing assets (NPAs) and
termed liquor baron Vijay Mallya, who reportedly had substantial amounts of
NPAs with state-run banks, as the king of defaulters.
RJD member Mr Pappu Yadav said the Budget hardly has anything for
farmers and also demanded allocations for various projects in Bihar including
for Nalanda University
A number of steps has
been taken to accelerate
sanitation coverage,
including an increase
in financial grants to
NBA in the 12th Five
Year plan.
To improve the pace of
its implementation,
changes are made to the
scheme (NBA)
The ministry is in the
process of reviewing it Upendra Kushwaha
Firemen spray water into an
underground natural gas leak-
age point in Mumbai on 17 July,
2014. Nearby residents were
evacuated and traffic diverted
following a leak in the gas
pipeline owned by the Mahana-
gar Gas Limited.
Encroachment: Rail-
ways has 47,336hectares
of vacant land out of
which 942 hectares
has been encroached,
the Lok Sabha was
informed on Thurs-
day by Railway Min-
ister D V Sadananda
Gowda. SNS
Rane to quit on Mon-
day: Sulking Maha-
rashtra Industries
on Thursday said he
will quit the Prithvi-
raj Chavan ministry
on Monday but has
decided to remain in
the Congress. PTI
Hooda has violated the Constitution...I am shocked
how the Governor has even signed on it
SAY||C |ARYA|A |C|S|0| 0| S|PARA!| SCPC u|C0|S!|!u!|0|A|
R||u!|S A|||CA!|0|S !|A! B1P |S !RY||C !0 |uR| ||A: !0 |0R| C0V! || ||||
NewDelhi, 17 July
The BJP today scoffed at
reports that it was trying to
lure MLAs of other parties
to form a government in
Delhi, saying the party has
never indulged in horse-
BJP has never done any
horse-trading, nor will it
do so in future. The question
does not arise at all,Home
Minister and former BJP
president Rajnath Singh
told reporters here.
He also rubbished Aam
Aadmi Party chief Arvind
Kejriwal's allegations that
BJP was trying to poach
some opposition MLAs to be
able to form government
in Delhi.
The Home Minister, how-
ever, evaded a direct reply
on the possibility of BJP
forming the government in
the national capital in near
future. Please ask our party
president Amit Shah. I am
not aware of it. I have no
information, he said.
Asked whether there was
any direction to Delhi Lieu-
tenant Governor Najeeb
Jung to take initiatives for
government formation, Mr
Singh said no such directive
has been given by the Home
Delhi is currently under
President's Rule after the
Kejriwal-led AAP govern-
ment resigned in mid-Feb-
So far the BJP has been
refusing to take the plunge
citing lack of majority.
Newly-appointed Delhi
BJP chief Satish Upadhyay
had yesterday said that the
party would consider taking
a shot at government for-
mation if invited by the Lt
All BJP MLAs and MPs
in Delhi are believed to be
in favour of the party form-
ing the government and a
final decision on it is expect-
ed to be taken when Prime
Minister Narendra Modi
returns from the BRICS
summit in Brazil.
Former Delhi finance
minister Jagdish Mukhi is
considered to be in the race
for the chief minister's post.
BJP will require the sup-
port of five additional MLAs
to prove majority in the
Assembly and party sources
said the party was confident
of getting them.
BJP had emerged the
single largest party after
thepollswith32seats, includ-
ing one of Akali Dal, in the
70-member Assembly. But it
had refused to form gov-
ernment in December, say-
ing it did not have the num-
bers and will not resort to
any unfair meansto take
the reins.
AAP with 28 MLAs had
later formed the govern-
ment with support of eight
Congress MLAs. BJP's num-
ber came down to 28 after
three of its MLAs ~ Harsh
Vardhan, Ramesh Bidhuri
and Pervesh Verma ~ were
electedtotheLokSabha. The
strength of the Assembly
also went down to 67 and the
simple majority mark would
be 34.
Meanwhile, Union Min-
ister and in-charge of BJP's
affairs in Delhi Nitin Gad-
kari said the party has not
taken any decision on gov-
ernment formation in the
national capital.
I make it clear that my
party has not taken any
decision on forming gov-
ernment, he said.
It is up to the party pres-
ident and our parliamentary
board and they will decide...
It is the right of the presi-
dent and the Parliamentary
Party to take decision on it,
he said.
Mr Gadkari also termed
as baseless the allega-
tions levelled against BJP by
In the present situation,
without any evidence, con-
tinuously they (AAP) are
making allegations against
the government and the
BJPleadership. Itisbaseless.
There is no evidence.
NewDelhi, 17 July
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)
national convener Arvind
Kejriwal today launched a
scathing attack on Lt Gov-
ernor Najeeb Jung, who he
claimed, was expected to
invite the BJP to form a gov-
ernment in Delhi today.
Amid reports of BJP
forming the government in
Delhi, Mr Kejriwal attacked
Lt Governor Jung, with
whom he has had a love-hate
relationship, and asked
whether the LG should not
ask for a letter of support
of MLAs or else he would be
seen as acting partisan.
Sources (claim) despite
public outcry, LG likely to
invite BJP to form govern-
ment today. BJP will accept
it...BJP still does not have
nos. Sources - 6 Congress
MLAs not yet ready. BJP's
assessment - After taking
oath, it would become eas-
ier to buy MLAs...(sic)
Would LG save his chair
or the constitution - nation
will keenly watch. If a party
(BJP) has once already
declined the offer to form
govt - can the LG invite the
same party in the existing
Vidhan Sabha again? ...
Shouldn't LG first ask for a
list of supporting MLAs?
Else wouldn't LG be seen to
be acting partisan? (sic)Mr
Kejriwal said in a series of
Earlier in the day, AAP
had a meeting with its leg-
islators to formulate future
course of action. We will
expose the BJPs attempt to
buy Congress MLAs...,said
AAP leader Manish Sisodia.
Kejriwal attacks Delhi
Lt Governor Jung
Shimla, 17 July
The Himachal Pradesh
government proposes to
ban the sale of loose cig-
arettes (since they do not
carry a health warning
carried on packets) as
one of the measures to
curb the growing menace
of tobacco consumption
in the state. Most of the
youth are found buying
one or two cigarettes at a
There is no pictorial
warning on loose ciga-
rettes and the ban will
discourage adolescents
from smoking, said
Health Minister Kaul
Singh Thakur, who has
just returned from the
USA after attending a
World Health Organiza-
tion (WHO) workshop on
tobacco use.
Himachal Pradesh
will be the first state in
the country to ban sale of
loose cigarettes. Though
Himachal was declared
smoke-free in July 2013
and a ban was imposed
on selling tobacco prod-
ucts within a 100-metre
radius of educational
institutions, students
have been found to have
an easy access to tobacco
products, as the retailers
have been violating the
law. We also propose to
increase VAT on tobacco
products from the prese-
nt 36 per cent to 60 per
cent. Several studies and
surveys in Himachal
have found that the and
Other Tobacco Products
Act (COTPA) is flouted
by cigarette shops and
nearly 30 per cent of
school children, includ-
ing girls, use tobacco.
Over 75 per cent smok-
ers in the state indulge
in the habit at home,
compared to the lower
national average of 55
per cent. Even the flying
squads set up by the state
government to ensure
implementation of
COTPA have failed to
yield results especially
in the rural areas," said
the minister.
"We will now launch a
more aggressive cam-
paign, said Mr Kaul
Singh Thakur, so that
they do not smoke at
home and expose their
family members to the
The campaign would
include slides and pic-
tures of people suffering
from tobacco consump-
tion, he said.
Himachal stubs it out
BJP has never done
any horse trading, nor
will it do so in future.
The question does not
arise at all
Kashmiri boys ride a bicycle during a one-day strike against Israeli military operations in Gaza, in Srinagar on Thurs-
day. A one-day strike was called by the hardline Hurriyat Conference, led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani, to protest killings
in Gaza. AFP
Incursions along China border
due to perception difference
NewDelhi, 17 July
In the wake of reported
India today said such inci-
dents take place due to dif-
ference of perception about
boundary and leaders of
both the countries are in
talks to resolve the issue.
Incursions along the
border take place due to the
difference of perception
ister Rajnath Singh told
reporters here.
Mr Singh was reacting to
reports that Chinese troops
had made two incursion
attempts in the past few
days in Demchok and Chu-
mar areas of Ladakh sector
in Jammu and Kashmir.
The incursion bids by
the Chinese People's Liber-
ation (PLA) came even as
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi and Chinese Presi-
dent Xi Jinping emphasised
on the need to find a solu-
tion to the Boundary Ques-
tion during their meeting in
Fortaleza in Brazil on Tues-
day on the sidelines of the
BRICS summit.
The Home Minister said
heads of both the countries
are in talks on border issues
and how to resolve it.
sions had taken place in
the past too when the Chi-
nese side entered Indian
territory and were pushed
back by Indian security per-
sonnel. Sometimes they
enter and our forces push
them back, he said.
The latest incident
occurred in Charding Nilu
Nullah Junction in Dem-
chok sector on Tuesday
whenPLApersonnel entered
the area on their vehicles in
the wee hours claiming it to
be Chinese territory.
Bangalore, 17 July: In a hor-
rific incident, a six-year-
old girl student was alleged-
ly raped in a public school,
triggering severe protests
from outraged parents who
stormed the institution
demanding action against
the guilty, suspecting
involvement of the staffers.
The girl wasallegedlyraped
high school, which came to
light on 15 July, Joint Com-
missionerof Police(Lawand
Order-East), K V Sharat
Chandra said, even as the
incensed parents demand-
ed answers from the
management about the
alleged involvement of two
Mr Chandra said the girl
was sent for medical exam-
ination and the Forensic
Science Laboratory report
was awaited.
The issue figured in the
Assembly, where former
Education Minister Vish-
weshwar Hegde Kageri
(BJP) sought a reply from
the government on police
allegedly caning the agi-
tating parents. PTI
6-Y|AR-0| C|R|
RAP| || B|0R|
Though Himachal was declared
smoke-free in July 2013 and a ban
was imposed on selling tobacco
products within a 100-metre radius
of educational institutions, students
have been found to have an easy access
to tobacco products, as the retailers have been
violating the law
Badaun (UP), 17 July
The Irrigation Department
has warned that CBIs plan
to conduct a fresh autopsy
on the bodies of two teenage
girls allegedly raped and
murdered in Badaun may
runintoroughweatherif the
agency fails to exhume the
bodies within the next two
days. Due to heavy rains in
Uttarakhand, water level
in the Ganga is rising and
in next two days the graves
could be submerged ,Exec-
utive Engineer of Uttar
Pradesh Irrigation depart-
ments Flood Division DK
Jain said here.
The District Magistrate
had asked us to protect the
graves on the Ganga river
bank from floods. We have
given him our report after
inspecting the spot, Mr
Jain said. He said if the bod-
ies were not exhumed in the
next two days, it would
become difficult due to the
rising water levels.
Rape: Rising Ganga may
foil plan to exhume bodies
Pakistan Rangers violated ceasefire
again by firing on outposts along the
international border in Jammu district
Pakistani troops fired at Border Out Posts in Arnia
forward area in R S Pura on Wednesday just hours
after a BSF trooper was killed in an earlier ceasefire
violation by border guards on the other side
BSF troops took positions and retaliated resulting
in exchanges
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The Congress cannot remain a silent spectator. We have
decided to take out a peace march in Kanth on 26 July
SP|A|||C ACA||S! !|| A|||C| P0||C| A!R0C|!||S || !|| !0w| 0| |A|!| || |0RAABA, uP
A Delhi local trying to avoid
heavy rain in the National
Capital on Thursday.
Rajat Gupta
Polavaram relief:
Andhra Pradesh gov-
Rs 3500 crore for relief
and rehabilitation of
the tribal population
who would be affect-
ed by submergence
due to the Polavaram
project. PTI
Guwahati, 17 July
Dissident CongressMLAsin
Assam today stepped up
pressure on the state party
leadership, urging the high
command to resolve the
ongoing crisis in the state
unit by the end of the pre-
sent week.
Senior Congress leader
Mallikarjun Kharge had
come here last month to
assess the situation and met
each party MLA and MP on
a one-to-one basis. We want
all issues we placed before
him at the earliest, five
dissident Congress MLAs
told reporters here.
The dissident MLAs
pi, Bidyasingh Engleng,
Binanda Saikia, Pradan
Barua and Habul
The high command
must come forward to
resolve the various issues so
that we can function prop-
erly as one, for the remain-
ing two years before the
next Assembly elections
and gain the confidence of
people, Rongpi said.
We will wait till Satur-
day and then all MLAs will
sit together and discuss the
future course of action, by
next Monday. The Congress,
as a party has an important
role to play in the state and
the people expect a lot from
us, Rongpi added.
The MLAs pointed out
that they had placed before
Kharge a number of issues
to be resolved which includ-
ed among others the func-
tioning of the government.
The dissidents claim that
55 of the 77 Congress MLAs
had demanded a change in
the leadership of Chief Min-
ister Tarun Gogoi though
there were several other
before Kharge like the law
and order situation and
statehood demands in the
state, Rongpi said.
Saikiasaidthat theywere
hopeful the high command
would take a positive deci-
sion in this regard and what
the majority of the MLAs
said would be implemented.
Asked who the dissidents
are projecting as their chief
minister, Saikia said, This
stage as we are awaiting
the decision of the high
Health and Education
Minister Himanta Biswa
Sarma, who is allegedly
spearheading the dissidence
against Mr Gogois leader-
ship, however, claimed
he was not aware of the
press conference by the five
Sarma said he was in
Sibsagar to attend a meet-
ing at a college and knew
nothing about it so far.
Dissidence has plagued
the ruling party for the last
two years, but it came to a
head after Lok Sabha polls
this year with the Congress
tally coming down to three
from seven in 2009.
The dissidents openly
demanded a change in the
leadership and the high
command agreeing to send
a senior AICC leader to
assess the prevailing situa-
tion in the state unit.
Border Affairs Minister
Siddeque Ahmed had said
last week that Congress
MLAs would boycott the
forthcoming Assembly ses-
some would also protest
before the high command
in New Delhi if the chief
minister was not removed.
Gogoi also warned of
stern action against him
and alleged that Ahmed did
not have a Congress back-
ground and had helped the
Opposition AIUDF during
the last Lok Sabha polls.
|SS|||!S uRC| ||C| C0||A| !0 R|S0|V| |SSu|S BY w|||||
Panaji, 17 July: In an indication that they
are in no hurry to fall in line and may con-
tinue with their defiance, four senior Con-
gress leaders in Goa, facing inquiry for
alleged anti-party activities during the Lok
Sabha polls, did not turn up before a party
disciplinary panel.
The panel, headed by state Congress unit
president John Fernandes, had issued
show-cause notices to four leaders ~ for-
mer MP Fransisco Sardinha, state Youth
Congress chief Valanka Alemao, Lok
Sabha candidate Ravi Naik and former min-
ister Joaquim Alemao ~ and asked them
to appear before it on 16 July.
However, none of the leaders appeared
before the panel at the party's local office
yesterday. I received a call from Joaquim
Alemao that he is in Mumbai as his elder
brother had been hospitalised there. He said
that he will appear at the next date, Mr
Fernandes said. However, other leaders who
are under scanner did not even bother to
inform the panel about their inability to
appear before it, he said. PTI
Tarun Gogoi
Hyderabad, 17 July
Expressing dissatisfaction
over rescheduling of loans
of farmers, leader of the
opposition, YS Jaganmo-
han Reddy today set a dead-
line of one month for com-
plete waiver of farm loans
after which he threatened to
launch an agitation against
the ruling party.
It may be recalled that
Andhra Pradesh govern-
ment the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) in principle
agreed to reschedule loans
but turneddownrequestsfor
waiver of loans.
However, Mr Reddy who
has been aggressively pur-
suing the issue has threat-
ened to sit in dharnas with
farmers unless the TDP
waives all loans within a
month as promised by it. He
said rescheduling of loans
instead of waiver was noth-
ing but cheating people
who believed in the TDP
promise. Chandrababu
egorically told the Election
Commission that all logis-
tics were worked out and
loan waiver scheme is fea-
sibleandpromisedinall sub-
sequent meetings that with
all the experience he has as
chief ministerfornineyears,
the scheme is viable and will
be implemented immedi-
ately once he comes to
power, stated Mr Reddy.
After his electoral deba-
the loan waiver announce-
ment as the only reason
behind his defeat in the
elections. Accusing Mr
Naidu of shirking respon-
sibility, Mr Jaganmohan
Reddy also said that the
chief minister is trying to
wriggle out of the
situation. He also said that
rescheduling of loans
comes after natural calami-
ties, but now the chief min-
ister is claiming credit for
Both in Telangana and
Andhra Pradesh, the ruling
parties had promised to
waive loans in order to come
to power but Mr K Chan-
drasekhar Rao had restrict-
ed it to Rs one lakh only.
Jagan sets deadline for
waiver of farm loans
COMPANY Petition No. 719
of 2013.
In the High Court at
Original Jurisdiction.
In the Matter of:
The Companies Act, 1956;
In the Matter of:
Sections 433, 434 and 439
of the Companies Act,
In the Matter of:
Himangini Infracon India
Ltd., a company incorporat-
ed under the provisions of
the Companies Act, 1956
having its Registered Office
at Saharpur, Sodepur-
Madhyamgram Road (near
A.P.C. College), P.O.:
Jugberia, Kolkata-700110
within the jurisdiction of
this Hon'ble Court;
In the Matter of:
Debdutta Mukherjee, car-
rying on business as a
Proprietor of M/s.
International signs having
its Office at 174, Jessore
Road, Kolkata-700074 within
the Jurisdiction of this
Hon'ble Court;
A Petition under Sections
433, 434 and 439 of the
Companies Act, 1956 for
winding-up was presented
by petitioner on 20th
November, 2013 and the
said petition is fixed for
hearing before the
Company Judge on 4th
August, 2014.
Any person desirous of
supporting or opposing the
said petition should send to
the Petitioner's Advocate,
notice of his intention,
signed by him or his
Advocate, with his name
and address, so as to reach
the Petitioner's Advocate
not later than five days
before the date fixed for the
hearing of the petition.
Where he seeks to oppose
the petition the grounds of
opposition or a copy of his
Affidavit shall be furnished
with such notice. A copy of
the petition will be fur-
nished by the undermen-
tioned to any person requir-
ing the same on payment of
the prescribed charges for
the same.
Arun Kumar Mishra
Room No. 19 (Mezz. Floor)
4, K.S. Roy Road
Dated 14th July, 2014
Registered Office:
1, Bishop Lefroy Road
Corporate Identity Number
(CIN) -
E-mail Id:
Website address:
Notice pursuant to the
Listing Agreement with the
Stock Exchanges is hereby
given that the Board of
Directors of Tata Global
Beverages Limited will meet
on Monday, 28th July, 2014,
at Mumbai to inter alia con-
sider and approve the finan-
cial results of the Company
for the quarter ended 30th
June, 2014.
For Tata Global Beverages
V. Madan
Vice President & Secretary
Date: 16th July, 2014
Department of Lifelong
For details of the PG
Diploma Course in Yoga
Therapy log on www.
Joint Director
I, NO.13885376 ex-NK.
Subal Chandra Mandal
hereby declare to change
my sons name from Adutty
to Aditya Mandal
adjourned, vide affidavit
duly signed by 1st Class
Magistrate Berhampore
Court, Dist.: Murshidabad,
W.B. dt.08.07.14.
I, BINOD Kumar Sarma,
S/o. Ram Bilash Sharma,
R/o. 13, Shahid Dinesh
Gupta Road, Kolkata-700034,
shall henceforth be known
as Vinod Kumar Sharma,
vide affidavit sworn before
the Notary Public, Kolkata
on 16.07.14.
I, SURJABA Pal, residing at
Vill.- Uluberia Moyrapara,
P.O. + P.S.: Ulberia, Dist.:
Howrah- 711315 shall hence-
forth be known as Souryava
Pal, vide affidavit sworn
before the Notary Public at
Uluberia Howrah on
I, SUKLA Chakraborty,
W/o. Bholanath Chakraborty
shall henceforth be known
as Shukla Chakraborty, vide
affidavit sworn before the
Court of Barasat (WB) on
I, BHASKAR Ray, S/o. late
Mahadev Ray, Vill.: Fulberia,
P.O.: Beliatore, P.S.: Barjora,
Dist.: Bankura, State: W.B.,
do hereby declare that my
son and daughters actual
surname is Ray which was
wrongly recorded in my ser-
vice record as Roy so their
name Indrajeet Ray,
Indrajeet Roy and Indrani
Ray, Indrani Roy are same
and one identical person,
vide affidavit sworn before
1st Class Magistrate, SDO
Court, Bankura on 16.07.14.
REQUIRED one Library
Assistant (permanent post-
Unreserved) in a Govt. aided
College. Qualification:
School Final or equivalent.
Age: Max. 40 years
(Relaxable for 5 years for
SC/ ST/ PH and 3 years for
OBC). Salary, etc. as per pre-
scribed Pay Scale of Govt. of
West Bengal. Apply with rel-
evant documents within 10
days to Box SI0 1419
Statesman, Kolkata-700001
GOOD Content/Article
Writers wanted for Desk job.
Attractive remuneration
with Incentives. High profi-
ciency in English required.
(M): 8697458906.
ROAD Permit 0073179
issued by NTPC Singrauli is
misplaced with related doc-
uments. Any one in posses-
sion is requested to return
to T. ShankarHoneywell
Automation India Limited,
P.S. Srijantech Park, 8th
floor, DN-52, Sector-V, Salt
Lake City, Kolkata-700091.
Contact No.: 9831054983.
MY CLIENT Mrs. Arunima
Ahamed, wife of Mr.
Tamijuddin Ahamed
announces that the Power
of Attorney dated on 24-07-
2013 executed by Mrs.
Arunima Ahamed and by
this power she appointed
Smt. Dipti Das as Attorney
to sale, agreement etc. one
self-contained flat on the
first floor of the western
portion, measuring 715 sq.
ft. at 14, A. K. Mukherjee
Road, Kolkata-700090 and
recorded in Book No. IV,
Volume No. 3, Pages 2150 to
2160, Deed No. 01120 for the
year 2013 registered in the
office of A.D.S.R. Cossipore
Dum Dum of the aforesaid
Power of Attorney have
been lost and General Diary
lodged in P.S. Baranagar
vide G.D.E. No. 2502 dated:
24.05.2014. Any person or
persons have if any claimor
demand in whatsoever
manner informwith authen-
tic documents within 7 days
fromthis date. On expiry, no
claim will be entertained.
Manab Kundu
14, Jogendra Basak Road
THIS is to intimate to all
concern that Title Deeds in
respect of Premises No. 25,
Dhruba Kumar Paul Lane,
Ward No. 37, Shibpur,
Howrah has been lost from
the custody of my client Sri
Partha Mukherjee, son of
late Rabindra Lal Mukherjee
of No. 263, G. T. Road (S),
Howrah-711102 one of the
Co-owners of the above
property for which a
General Diary has been
lodged to Shibpur Police
Station being G.D.E. No. 139,
Dated: 02.07.2014. If any-
body has any right, title,
claim or interest in respect
of the said property he may
contact with the undermen-
tioned with all documents
and papers within 15 days
from the date of this notice,
otherwise no claim will be
entertained in future.
Raghu Nath Chatterjee
6/2, Ram Mohan
Mukherjee Lane
Shibpur, Howrah
It is hereby informed that
my client intends to pur-
chase a shop room being
covered area 107 sq.ft. on
the ground floor of
Sandhyay Apartment at
Holding No. 107, Kaibartya
Para Road, in Ward No. 16
under Titagarh
Municipality, Police Station
Khardah, Kolkata-700116, if
any person have any right,
title and interest on the said
property, immediate con-
tact No. below within 7 days
otherwise that persons
have no claim acceptable in
Ramkrishna Mazumder
(M) 9331431793
Notice is hereby given to
all concerned that our client
intends to purchase the
space measuring 125 sq.ft.
on second floor, in a multi-
storied building out of
space measuring undivided
proportionate share mea-
suring about 407 sq.ft. more
or less situated at Premises
No. 34 / A, Metcalfe Street,
Kolkata-700013. Any person
having any claim, share,
right, title, interest, tenancy,
mortgage, occupancy right,
power of attorney, agree-
ment and / or benefit of
contract concerning the
said property in any manner
or any objection whatsoev-
er to the sale thereof, must
notify the same to the
undermentioned with sup-
porting documentary evi-
dence, within 10 days (Ten
days) from this date where-
after the claim if any shall
be deemed to be waived
and no further claim shall
be entertained and our
client shall be free to pro-
ceed with the transaction.
Govind Agarwal
4A, Council House Street
MMS Chambers
Room No.: B-1
Tel.: 9331884042
e-Tenders are being invit-
ed by the undersigned from
bona fide bidders for six
Nos. works. Tender Ref. No.
01(2nd call) and 2/2014-
2015. Tender ID:
2014_CB_20746_1 to
2014_CB_20746_4 and
2014_CB_20726_1 to
2014_CB_20726_2. Bid sub-
mission closing date is
30.07.2014, up to 3.00 p.m.
The details of above tender
may be seen at http://e-ten-
der.wb.nic.inand from the
notice board of the office of
Executive Engineer
Kolkata Division
Social Sector
P.W. Dte., 4th Floor
76, Dr. Sundari Mohan
Avenue, Kolkata-700014
P-16, India Exchange
Place Extn., (7th floor)
Ph.: 033-2225-3532/3438
Lease of KIT Shops
by Sealed Bid Auction
Offer through Sealed Bids
are invited from intending
persons to take on lease
three shops measuring
about 158.45 sq.ft. / 161.46
sq.ft. at Spot Development
Project, Dakshinapan at
Gariahat.Bid Documents-
cum-Information Brochure
is available from KIT Office
on any working day (till 3
p.m.) up to 19th August,
2014 on payment of Rs. 1,000
(non-refundable) per set
will be received up to 3 p.m.
on 20th August, 2014 and
will be opened on 20th
August at 3.30 p.m. at the
same address.KIT reserves
the right to accept or reject
any or all applications and /
or cancel the lease process
without assigning any rea-
son whatsoever.For details
terms & conditions for
lease, please visit website
Chief Valuer-in-Charge
In reference to Notice
Inviting Tender No. F.5-11
(5)/ STORE/ DHS/ 2014-2015
dated 19.05.2014 & corrigen-
dum dated 09.06.2014 the
tender of Medical
Equipment for the year
2014-2015 valid up to
31.12.2015, which were
already published through
newspaper & also website: are
treated as cancelled.
Dr. S.R. Debbarma
Director of Health Services
Govt. of Tripura, Agartala
PWD, Cooch Behar
Division, invited NIET
No.12(2nd call of NIT-05)
of 2014-15 for civil works.
Tender Id:
2014_PWD_20873_1. Last
date of document down-
load & submission of ten-
der: 02.08.2014, 6.00 p.m.
For more details visit to
website: http://etender. or contact this
Statesman House,
4, Chowringhee Square
Kolkata-700 001
Tel: (033) 22127070-76,
(033) 71071700
Fax: (033) 2212-6181 /
Statesman House,
148, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi-110 001
Tel: (011) 2331 5911
Fax: (011) 2331 5295
3/10, INS Building
(3rd floor) Rafi Marg,
New Delhi-110 001,
Tel: (011) 2371 8434
Ishan House (2nd floor)
A-90, Sector II NOIDA,
UP 201 301
Tel: (0120) 95120-3891800/810,
Fax: (0120) 95120-2547216
13A, Dabgram Industrial
Growth Centre,
P.O. Satellite Township,
Tel: 2568615, 2568063 and
2568787. Fax: (0353) 2568296,
Email: /
City Office: H/0 Mr. S. K. Raha,
1st Floor (opp. Kanchanjungha
Stadium) 16, Bidhan Road,
Tel: (0353) 2524077
Plot 3A, Zone B, Sector A,
Mancheswar Industrial Estate,
751 010. Tel: (0674)
Telefax: 0674-2588061
Mr. Yogesh Kumar
D-Sector-294,Nehru Nagar,
Kotra, Bhopal, (M): 9424242664
The Statesman Limited, 2nd
Floor, UNI Building, A.C.
Guards, Hyderabad-500004,
Ph.: 040-2339 1739
4301, High Point IV 45, Palace
Road, Bangalore-560 001
Tel: (080) 22259129/ 22204813
5, Kasturi Buildings Jamshedji
Tata Road, Mumbai-400 020
Tel: (022) 2202 1045, 2202 1394,
Fax: 2204 4877
Email: thestatesman.mumbai,
Fagun Mansion (4th floor) 26,
Ethirai Road, Chennai-600 008,
Tel: (044) 28278037, 28279984
Fax: 28224800
2/2, Butler Palace (Near Jopling
Road), Lucknow-226 001,
Ph.: (0522) 2206705, 9415920949
Mr. Manish Saluja 53, Sahid
Samarak Complex Bombay
Market, G.E. Road,
Raipur 492001
Tel.: 5035985, (M): 9425202097
11/C, Road#1, Ashoknagar,
Ranchi - 834 002
Fax: (0651) 2247054
Email: binodenarayansingh
AIR-SURCHARGE; Kathmandu - Rs. 2, Eastern Region - Rs. 1
All other stations in India - Rs. 1
M.Tech. Admission
Session 2014-15
Website: &
Applications are invited
for admission in following
M.Tech. Courses for the
Session 2014-15. 2-Yr. (4
Semesters) full-time
M.Tech. Courses: (1)
Radio Physics &
Electronics (2) VLSI
Design (3) Computer Sc. &
Engg. (4) Information
Technology (5) Electrical
Engineering (6)
Instrumentation and
Control Engineering (7)
Optics and
Optoelectronics (8)
Chemical Engineering (9)
Polymer Science &
Technology (10) Ceramic
Engineering (11) Oil
Technology (12)
Petrochemical &
Petroleum Refinery
Engineering (13)
Pharmaceutical & Fine
Chemical Technology (14)
B i o m e d i c a l
Instrumentation. 3 yrs. (6
Semesters) part-time
M.Tech. Courses: (15)
Electrical Engineering,
(16) Instrumentation &
Control Engineering (17)
Computer Engineering &
Application (18) VLSI
Design (19) 2 yrs. (4
Semesters) M.Tech.
Course in Textile
Technology (Technical
Textiles) in the Dept. of
Jute & Fibre Technology.
Date of submission of
online application:
17.07.2014 to 24.07.2014.
Date of submission of
application fee through
"State Bank Collect" by
www. o nl i ne s bi . c o m
17.07.2014 to 26.07.2014.
Date of submission of
printed copy of applica-
tion after online submis-
sion with relevant testi-
monials and Bank e-
Receipt: 17.07.2014 to
28.07.2014 up to 3 p.m. For
detailed Notice,
Information and
Admission schedule visit
University Website and in
the Notice Board of The
Secretary Office, UCSTA,
92, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata-
700009. For online sub-
mission of application log
on: www.caluniv-ucsta.
net Secretary, UCSTA,
C.U., E-mail: secretary
Office of the Registrar
Applications in pre-
scribed form are invited
from candidates with
NET/SET/GATE for award
of JRF (State/University
Fellow) in the following
subjects (number of
posts mentioned against
History-1, Zoology-1.
Last date of receipt of
application is 11.08.2014.
Detailed information and
the Application Formmay
be downloaded from our
(Notice & Circulation).
Forms may also be col-
lected from the office of
the undermentioned dur-
ing all working days (11
a.m. to 3 p.m.).
Registrar (Offg.)
Advt. No. 14/R-14
Dated: 18.07.2014
(Govt. Aided)
Affiliated to the
University of
North Bengal
Appointment Notice
Applications are invited
from the eligible candi-
dates for the following
posts of Mekliganj
College, Mekliganj, Cooch
Behar. Posts: (1) Full-time
Guest Lecturer in Sanskrit
(One Post, open to all), (2)
Guest Lecturers in
Sociology (2 Posts, open
to all). Essential
Qualification: As per
U.G.C. norms. Candidates
not having U.G.C. criteria,
need not apply. (3) Full -
time Guest - Lecturer in
Physical Education (One
Post preferably Male)
Essential Qualification:
M.P. Ed. with good acade-
mic background fromM.P
to M.P.Ed. level. (4)
Electric Caretaker-cum-
Clerk (One Post open to
all) (purely Temporary &
N e g o t i a b l e ) .
Qualification: Graduate
with ITI. (5) Clerk having
knowledge on computer
operation (One post open
to all) (Purely Temporary
& Negotiable)
Qualification: Graduate
with Diploma in
Computer Application.
Application in plain
papers along with com-
plete biodata should
reach to the office of the
undersigned within
Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque
Principal, Mekliganj
Hyderabad, 17 July
Telangana chief minister Mr K Chan-
drashekar Rao warned of waging an all
out war against the Centre if it persists
with the proposal to give the Governor pow-
ers to monitor and review law and order
in the twin cities.
According to the AP Reorganisation Act,
Hyderabad would remain a joint capital for
during which law and order would be
under the control of the Governor.
secretary Mr Rajeev Sharma to rewrite the
business rules of the government but the
latter refused Mr Raos instructions.
Its nothing but encroaching upon the
powers of the state. If the Centre contin-
ues (to persist to hand over law and order
to the Governor) we will wage a full scale
war against the Centre, Mr Rao told a Press
conference late last night after chairing a
six hour Cabinet meeting.
He further added, If necessary we
will take into confidence chief ministers
of all other states. We will hold a meeting
with them and enlist their support in tak-
ing on the Centre.
General administrationandlawandorder
are the two portfolios that have always been
held by the chief minister. Even in adverse
law and order situations the Governor at
best used to seek a report from the CM. The
CM would then call on him at the Raj Bha-
Ministers explained that the clause
wasincorporatedbecauseof apprehensions
from a section of the Seemandhra popu-
lation here feared about their future once
the state was divided.
Looking back has there been even a sin-
gle stray incident against anyone who set-
tled here from Seemandhra? Is anyone air-
ing such fears? Mr Raos son and IT min-
ister Mr KT Rama Rao told The Statesman.
Mr Rao elaborated that maintenance of
law and order was a high priority item for
his government.
KCR warns of
waging war
against Centre
S||P |SC|P|||ARY
PA||| ||AR||C
Its nothing but encroaching upon
the powers of the state. If the Cen-
tre continues (to persist to hand
over law and order to the Gover-
nor) we will wage a full scale war
against the Centre
The PDP projected the unfortunate death of Haji Yousuf
in a manner as if I had committed a murder myself.
S|||||C AP0|0CY |R0| PP || |A1| |0|A||A CAS|
A member of the Students
Islamic Organisation looks on
during a protest against the
bombing of Gaza by Israel in
Bangalore. AFP
Potato levy abol-
ished: The Bengal
government has done
away with the Re 1
market levy that used
to be charged on every
quintal of potato and
sale markets in the
state. SNS
Hearing adjourned:
The hearing of the
case againstTrinamul
MP from Krishnagar
for making derogato-
ry comments was
adjourned by Mr Jus-
tice Dipankar Dutta
of CalcuttaHighCourt
till Monday. SNS
New Delhi, 17 July: The gov-
ernment today told the Lok
Sabha that based on the
outcomeof theGangaaction
plan, it may extend to other
major rivers of the country.
Water Resources, River
Development and Ganga
Rejuvenation Minister Uma
Bharti said the government
is giving special attention to
rejuvenation of Ganga and
consultations with various
stakeholders, including dif-
ferent ministries, acade-
mics, NGOS and technical
experts, are in progress.
Crystallisationof action
plan, including framing of
its salient features, time-
line and likely expenditure
would be known only after
thefinalisationof the action
plan for cleaning of River
Ganga, she said.
Based on the results of
the action plan for Ganga,
the government may extend
the action plan in a phased
manner for other major
rivers of the country, Ms
Bharti added.
She said Central assis-
tance is being provided by
her ministry to states under
two schemes ~ repair, ren-
ovation and restoration
(RRR) of water bodies and
flood management pro-
gramme (FMP) during the
12th Plan. She said while Rs
37.97 crore has been released
to states under RRR in 2013-
14, Rs 379 crore has been
released under FMP in the
same period. SNS
Darjeeling, 17 July
Trinamul Congress supre-
mo and Bengal Chief Min-
ister Mamata Banerjee indi-
rectly sought cooperation
from Gorkha Jan Mukti
Morcha (GJMM) chief,
Bimal Gurung, as she
addressed a gathering here
Sabha elections when her
party candidate lost to the
GJMM-backed BJP candi-
Coincidentally, Mr
Gurung, who is also the
Gorkhaland Territorial
Administration (GTA) chief,
today celebrated his 50th
birthday. He along with his
GJMM and GTA members
and members of the munic-
ipality did not attend the
CMs programme at
Chowrasta that was mostly
attended by Trinamul Con-
gress supporters and Lep-
chas and Tamangs dressed
in their traditional attire.
From the stage, the CM
extended her birthday greet-
ings to Mr Gurung.
"We had invited everyone
today, but they must be busy
celebrating Bimaljis birth-
day. I have sent him a letter
giving him my regards,"
the CM said.
A GJMM source con-
firmed that Mr Gurung read
the CMs letter. "The chief
minister has greeted Mr
Gurung with happiness,
prosperity and good health.
She further asks the leader
to continue to inspire peo-
ple through his humble ser-
vice, while she also sent
her regards to Mrs Gurung,"
the source said.
Politicsshouldnot inter-
rupt development works.
In order to implement true
development, we should
unite and work in full coop-
eration," the CM said.
She also inaugurated five
projects for Darjeeling dur-
ing the programme.
She appointed Sanjay
Moktan as the chairperson
of the Tamang Develop-
ment and Cultural Board
(TDCB). Mr Moktan is the
general secretary of the
Tamang Youth Association.
"Akin to the Lepcha
board, we have formed a
board for the Tamang com-
munity. We have already
prepared a notification to
operate the board and today
we are handing it over to the
Tamang community and
we are also giving Rs 10
the chief minister said.
She said she was satisfied
with the work being done by
the Lepcha Board which
had built 998 houses for
1,000 families at a cost of Rs
20 crore.
"We will give Rs 20 crore
more to the Lepcha com-
munity to build 1,000 more
houses," she said, as she
inaugurated the Rong Lee
Housing scheme for the Lep-
Though Miss Banerjee
did not say a word on grant-
ing a similar board for the
Sherpas, observers say the
community could be next to
enjoysuchafacility. Fuelling
such a speculation was the
praise the CM showered on
"Sherpas are our pride,"
she said, adding "they are
known for their moun-
taineering skills. I will def-
initely work for the devel-
opment of the communi-
Miss Banerjee also hand-
ed over Rs 1 lakh to the wife
of Dawa Wangchu Sherpa,
who went missing on Mount
Kanchenjungha recently.
ing laboratory.
"The state has already
sent its consent to the Cen-
tral government for grant-
ing tribal status to 11 com-
munities in the hills," Miss
Banerjee said.
Meanwhile, she com-
missioned the Balasun
drinking water scheme, laid
the foundation for a safari
park at Adabari forest near
Siliguri and the shrama
bhavan in Siliguri.
Announcing various
development programmes
and schemes and talking
about the work done by the
state government in the
recent years, Miss Banerjee
called a review meeting
with members of the GTA,
MLAs, municipality chair-
men, the district adminis-
tration and the state secre-
taries tomorrow.
A source in the GJMM
said Mr Gurung has given
his nod to his leaders to
attend the meeting.
|0R|S !A|A|C B0AR, w|S||S CuRu|C 0| B|R!|AY, S||RPA w||| C|V|| A|
NewDelhi, 17 July
Former Telecom Minister A
Raja today denied in a Delhi
court CBI's suggestions that
he had kept then Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh
in the dark about the deci-
sions taken by Department
of Telecommunications
(DoT) regarding allocation
of 2G spectrum licences.
Deposing as a witness to
defend himself in the ongo-
ing2Gcasetrial, MrRajatold
the court that he had met Mr
Singh and apprised him
about the decisions taken in
the DoT on the issue.
It is incorrect. I apprised
the Prime Minister of the
facts in my letter dated 2
November, 2007. Thereafter,
I received a letter from the
Prime Minister on the same
day. I replied to this letter on
the same day.
Afterthisexchangeof let-
ters, I met the Prime Min-
ister and apprised him of all
the decisions taken, which
were referred in the letters
and I handed over a folder
to him, Mr Raja told Spe-
cial CBI Judge O P Saini dur-
ing his cross examination by
the CBI prosecutor.
Mr Raja also denied CBI's
suggestions that he had
written a letter to the PM on
2November, 2007toavoidref-
erence of the matter relat-
ing to allocation of 2G
licences to the empowered
group of minister (EGoM).
It is wrong to suggest
that I wrote the letter dated
2 November, 2007 to hush up
the matter and to avoid ref-
erence of the matter to
EGoM, he said.
On being asked about
to PM on 2 November, 2007,
Mr Raja said: He (PM) had
been misguided by vested
interests, so I sent the letter
confusion in this regard.
During cross-examina-
tion, the CBI prosecutor
asked Mr Raja: Were these
two letters of 2 November,
2007 written by you to the
Prime Minister taken on
the record of DoT in any of
the files?
Responding to this, Mr
Raja said: It is not neces-
sary that all letters written
by a minister to the Prime
Minister must be reflected
in the file notings of the
evant is that the contents of
the letter to the Prime Min-
ister must reflect the exist-
ing position of the depart-
I apprised Manmohan about
all DoT decisions on 2G: Raja
CA|CA AC!|0|
P|A| |AY B|
Kolkata, 17 July
The Bengal government
today opposed the petition
of the state BJP to be added
as a party in the matter of
holding elections in 17
municipalities of the state
by 31 August.
Hearing the matter Mr
Justice Soumitra Pal of Cal-
state to give its affidavit-in-
petitioner its affidavit-in-
reply by 28 July.
Appearing for the State
Election Commission LC
Behani submitted no strait-
jacket formula could be laid
down in the matter and that
the state government didn't
want to issue a notification
forholdingtheelections. The
Commission had moved
court seeking the elections
be held in these municipal-
ities by 31 August after the
expiry of their term.
Last month, the Com-
mission had written to the
state government repeat-
edly for organising the polls
in June.
On the other hand, when
contacted during the day Mr
SR Upadhyay, who will suc-
ceed SEC Mira Pande,
refused to comment on what
case filed by Mrs Pande for
holding the elections to the
17 civic bodies.
Let me first assume
office. Iwill lookintothemat-
ter before arriving at a deci-
sion. It is not appropriate to
pass an impromptu remark
at this stage,Mr Upadhyay
Trinamul Congress all-
India general secretary
Mukul Roy said it would be
difficult to hold the elections
soon. The state govern-
ment has already begun the
process of converting some
these municipalities into
corporations. It's a time-
consuming exercise and it's
unlikely that elections to
these bodies can be held
before 2015, he added.
WB govt opposes BJP
petition on civic polls
Ahmedabad, 17July: TheCoast
Guard on Thursday com-
missioned three more Inter-
ceptor Boats (IB) in its fleet
for greater patrolling power
along the Gujarat coastline
which has vital economic
As the terrorists who
attacked the nations finan-
cial capital Mumbai on 26
November 2009 had entered
Indian waters by hijacking
the Coast Guard has since
embarked on a mission to
step up its surveillance
along the states 1,600-kilo-
metre long coastline.
The Coast Guard Inter-
ceptor Boats launched today,
code named C-411, C-412 and
C-413, have been indige-
nously built by Larsen &
Toubro Company. These IBs
are 27 metres long and have
high endurance of 500 nau-
tical miles with manoeu-
vrability in the high seas. SNS
!|R|| |0R|
|0R Cu1ARA!
Thiruvananthapuram, 17 July
As Malayalam month Kark-
itakam dawnedtoday, Hindu
homes and temples in Ker-
ala resonated with the
recital of the Ramayana.
The famous Malayalam
version of the Ramayana
titled Adhyatma
Ramayanam Kilippattu
written by Thunchath
Ezhuthachan is recited in
the month.
Men and women gather
in groups and read aloud
lines from the Ramayana in
the evenings during the
month. The most popular
oneistheBala Kanda, which
contains about 2,800 shlokas
depicting Sita's devotion
and Hanuman's selflessness.
The reading of the epic
begins on the first day of the
month and is completed by
the last day of the month.
The term Ramayana
maasam, or month of the
Ramayana used to describe
Karkitakam, beganasinfor-
mal coinage but printed
Hindu calendars have adopt-
ed it for generations.
On the eve of the first day
of the month, houses are
swept clean, disinfected and
sanitised. To fortify homes
against ill luck, lamps are
lit. Sree Bhagavati, the god-
dess of good fortune, is wor-
During the month non-
vegetarian food is avoided.
Leafy vegetables are eaten
and medicinal broth is
brewed to fortify the body
against disease.
Ayurvedic medicinal
potions like kashayam and
tonics are consumed to build
immunity, and hot oil mas-
sages are regularly admin-
Month of Ramayana begins in Kerala
Kolkata, 17 July
The state government was
on a sticky wicket at the Cal-
cutta High Court today dur-
ing the hearing of the chal-
lenge to the West Bengal
Human Rights Commis-
sion's (WBHRC) recom-
mendation to give compen-
sation to Jadavpur Univer-
sity teacher Ambikesh
Mahapatra who had been
arrested after he made a car-
toon of Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee.
While Mr Justice
Dipankar Dutta of this
court pointed out that Mr
Mahapatra was arrested
under a bailable section as
per the report of an addi-
tional commissioner of
police, state counsel
Avratosh Majumdar sub-
mitted that the accused was
arrested under a non-bail-
able section.
Is this a cover up? the
court asked. Why did the
additional commissioner of
police say so?it was further
The additional com-
missionerof policeappeared
to be under a wrong impres-
sion, Mr Majumdar sub-
After all, he is human,
he stated.
But the additional com-
missioner was assigned this
duty by the commissioner
of police, the court point-
ed out.
If the other accused was
given bail, there was no rea-
son for Mr Mahapatra not
being offered bail. it was
At the time of arrest
there was no memo for it,
the court pointed out.
The view that some-
body's fundamental rights
has been violated should
be given precedence,it was
observed when the state
counsel opposed the rec-
ommendation of compen-
Continuing to oppose the
recommendation of award-
ing compensation, the state
counsel submitted that com-
pensation cannot be given
for every violation.
The power of giving
compensation should be
used lightly, it was submit-
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in Darjeeling. SNS
JU prof: HC raps
Bengal govt
Ambikesh Mahapatra
4th Floor, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004
Request For Proposal (e-Procurement) Notice
NIT NO. : JH/UDD/TCPO/01/2014
E-tender (RFP) Reference No. - TCPO - 01/2014 Date: 18-07-2014
1. Name of the work: Consultancy Services for Preparation of Master Plan and Zonal Development
Plan of 32 Towns of Jharkhand.
2. Time Completion / Project Duration
Master Plan -12 Months.
Zonal Development Plan - 9 Months.
3. Date of Publication of tender documents on website : 18-07-2014.
4. Last Date /Time for receipts of Bids: Date: 19-08-2014; Time: 2-00 p.m.
5. Name & Address of Office Inviting Tender : Director, Municipal Administration, Urban
Development Department, Govt. of Jharkhand, Project Building, Dhurwa, Ranchi - 834004.
6. Contact No. Procurement Officer : Rajesh Kumar, 0651 -2401072.
7. Helpline No. of e-Procurement Cell Land Line : 0651 -2401072.
Note: Only e- tender will be accepted.
Further details can be obtain from the website:
Municipal Administration
Urban Development Department
4th Floor, Project Building
PR No.: 113866 (Urban Dev.) 2014-15 Dhurwa, Ranchi- 834004
Abridged NIQ
Quotation No. 09 of 2014-15
Last date of Application: 28-07-2014
up to 14-00 Hrs.
Quotation No.10 of 2014-15
Last date of Application: 28-07-2014
up to 14-00 Hrs.
Details can be seen in the Official
For all details and online tender submission
Executive Engineer, North Bengal
Development Department
North Bengal Development Department
Branch 8ecretariat
Vivekananda Bhawan
Hill Cart Road, 8iliguri
Page 9
SIR, A critical feature of the
BJP's election manifesto was
the resolve to recover unac-
counted money of Indians that
had been stashed away in ban-
ks abroad. Towards that end,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
has constituted a special inves-
tigative team (SIT) . The UPA
Government had failed to take
any tangible action on the spe-
cious plea of coalition compul-
Earlier, in 2011, the
Supreme Court had advised the
Centre to set up an independent
committee, spelling out its com-
position. The Centre was
directed to finalise a blueprint
for the recovery of black mo-
ney. No such committee was
formed; the UPA government
argued that the CBI and Enfor-
cement Directorate were capa-
ble of handling the matter.
On 22 March this year, the
Supreme Court pulled up the
UPA-II government for its fail-
ure to take strong action for the
recovery of black money or
undeclared income stashed
away by Indians in the tax
haven of Liechtenstein. The
court sought details by 29
April. The amount of illicit
money stashed away by uniden-
tified Indians in the Liechten-
stein bank is just the tip of an
iceberg. According to the latest
data published by Switzerland's
central bank, SNB, Indian
money in various Swiss banks
rose by 43 per cent during
2013. It is close to Rs 14,000
crore, including the money
held directly by Indian
clients and those through fidu-
ciaries or wealth managers.
Yours, etc., Samares
Kolkata, 8 July.
SIR, This refers to your inci-
sive editorial, Embarrassing
disgrace (4 July). It appears
that people's representatives
are suffering from the foot-in-
mouth disease. The Trinamul
MP from Krishnagar, Tapas
Paul, has extended the loop of
such crass politicians. He has
breached the moral code and
has, in terms of vulgar expres-
sions, surpassed all the foul-
mouthed leaders of his party.
His public statement is beneath
civility. The Chief Minister is
committed to take legal action
against any law-breaker irre-
spective of the party to which
he belongs. The head of govern-
ment is supposed to uphold the
sanctity of the Constitution. In
fact, Pauls derogatory and
inflammatory speech has been
an embarrassing disgrace to
Bengalis in general. The people
of this state had demanded
stringent anti-rape laws and
zero tolerance in the aftermath
of the gangrape and murder in
Delhi (December 2012). Now, an
MP from Bengal has publicly
threatened his political oppo-
nents with rape. It devolves on
the Chief Minister to show zero
tolerance towards the likes of
Tapas Paul. Far from it.
Yours, etc., SS Paul,
Nadia, 4 July.
Incorporating and directly descended from
THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818
Campus fiasco
A passport to...
e do not know whether this scam is uni-
quely Indian. Yet we do know that an
application for a passport ~ a citizenship
document to boot ~ can at once be a ner-
ve-wracking experience for the applicant and a
cesspool of corruption for Kolkatas Regional
Passport Office and the police. A more disgrace-
ful travesty of a citizens birthright is difficult to
imagine. Admittedly, the police have acted with
remarkable alacrity with Wednesdays decision
to introduce what it calls a verification certifica-
te to guard against multiple rounds of similar
queries and the attendant scope for bribery and
feet-dragging. The more the number of verifica-
tion visits, the higher the spin-off. Equally does
it reaffirm that the police seek money for not
sending an adverse police verification report to
the RPO, the issuing authority. Refusal to shell
out the consideration could leave a genuine appli-
cant waiting for his passport till the cows come
home. On a parity of skewed reasoning, it would
seem a clear report is determined by the appli-
cants willingness to shell out a bribe. To that can
be added the stranglehold of the touts ~ invari-
ably in cahoots with the police and passport
office staff ~ who have been exploiting the inher-
ent shortcomings to the fullest extent. With the
applicants by and large far from computer-savvy,
the online system is virtually in control of the
touts or fly-by-night travel agents. The entire sys-
tem wallows in the mire if by the admission of
the police, professional racketeers ~ masquerad-
ing as cops ~ conduct the verification mission.
The passport office is creaking at the joints.
The canker of corruption has permeated the
system and Wednesdays purportedly corrective
action can do but a little to set things right. At the
very least, it ought to be extended across the
state, most importantly the border districts with
the potential for a demographic dividend. If the
verification certificate is a Kolkata embroidery,
it will serve a limited purpose. A senior passport
officers contention that automatic generated
letters are sent on receiving adverse reports is
bureaucratic. If the data is inadequate, it can
well be checked at the time of submission of the
application; it ought not to be an afterthought
after a series of verifications, itself an irregular
procedure. Most particularly, it is the Tatkal
applicants, to whom pre-verification passports
are advanced at a premium, who are being target-
ed by government entities in search of a fast
buck. In the net, the mandatory recommendation
by a magistrate or senior bureaucrat is held at a
discount. Verily, the process is a joint venture of
the passport office and the police to ensure that
the citizenship document is delayed, if not
denied. Since weightier issues of foreign policy
appear to have been taken over by the Prime Min-
ister, can we expect the Minister for External
Affairs to focus her considerable energies on
mundane matters such as ensuring ordinary citi-
zens are not treated like dirt? And will the other
lady in the picture ~ Miss Mamata Banerjee ~
knock her diseased policemen into shape?
Army marks time
eactions to budget proposals always cause
recall of the story of the blind men and the
elephant ~ each group assessing it from
their own angle with the result that few are
ever fully satisfied with the exercise. An exercise
which finance minister Arun Jaitley admits was
conducted in constraining conditions, virtually
limited to what had been outlined in the interim
budget of the previous government with just
some modification. Acceptance of those con-
straints would be indicated from the generally
insipid reaction to the defence outlays ~ the mili-
tary will await the NDAs own endeavour in
2015 to decide whether the BJPs traditional call
for upgrading the defence machinery translates
into what counts: money. For while Mr Jaitley
may have increased the overall outlay to Rs 2.29
lakh crore, the hike merely keeps in step with
inflation and changes in foreign-exchange rates,
which is of much significance since close to 70
per cent of military hardware is imported. What
is projected as a highlight of the budget, the
increase of the FDI cap in defence production to
49 per cent will bring no immediate results.
Defence demands are virtually insatiable, and
so there are the customary rumblings that the
outlays fall short of the desired three per cent of
GDP, and how the Chinese spend so much more.
These are the usual, long-standing laments.
To keep harping on the need for a full-time de-
fence minister would be irritatingly repetitive ~
but not pointless. There is critical need for rev-
amping the system to ensure that what is allotted
is actually utilised, and the slowdown of acquisi-
tions courtesy the previous defence ministers
skewed priorities is rectified: resources are not
the garrote they were a couple of decades back.
The unfavourable balance between capital and
revenue expenditure cannot be overlooked indefi-
nitely. The forces will disagree, but there is con-
siderable unproductive expenditure that has to
be drastically reduced since the Pay Commission
will inevitably enhance the wage bill. It is not fu-
nny that while the military so forcefully presses
for implementation of Pay Panel awards (despite
slamming them as inadequate) there is no such
enthusiasm for giving effect to the recommen-
dations of several expert groups on reducing/re-
organising manpower, slashing the tooth-to-tail
ratio and shedding colonial hangovers. The func-
tioning of the civil-military higher defence ma-
nagement apparatus also needs thorough over-
haul ~ only an effective defence minister dare
rock the boat. It is not a question of whether Rs
2.29 lakh crore is adequate, but whether the
nation gets full value for every rupee of it.
o you remember FYUP? It is the fancy acronym for
four-year undergraduate programme . Here is a brief
history. This term came into usage in January 2012
when Delhi University Vice-Chancellor, Dinesh Singh,
shared FYUP plans with the media and insisted that it
would be introduced from the academic year of 2013. The
idea, of course, was to extend the duration of bachelor
study at his university from three to four years. In Septem-
ber 2012, Dinesh Singh unexpectedly invited some experts to
speak on FYUP at an academic congress. Based on these
presentations, a programme was suggested and passed off
as consultation on FYUP. In December 2012, an emergency
academic council meeting was called whose agenda was
available barely two days before it was held. The academic
council hurriedly approved the plan for introducing the
FYUP. This was quick-
ly followed by the Exec-
utive Council passing
necessary resolutions
with some against
votes. From January
2013 Delhi University
Teachers Association
(DUTA) started
protests against the
move. In April 2013 the
then Minister of State
Shashi Tharoor told
Parliament that Delhi
University was all set
to start the FYUP. The
programme started in
July 2013 amidst confu-
sion, including exit
points for students to
leave after two years, three years and on completion after
four years. The farce had just begun!
At that juncture, with my lifelong experience of univer-
sity systems in India, United States and Europe, I could fig-
ure out only two possible reasons for this move. Both were
intended to cater to the wealthy of our country. The first
was to facilitate smooth transition of our students to gradu-
ate schools in the United States without the need of an addi-
tional bridging year to conform to the US system of four-
year undergraduate programme. The other was to use the
FYUP at Delhi University as a propaganda mechanism for
attracting students of wealthy parents to four-year under-
graduate programme of US universities as they set up
shops in India. St. Stephens College, the main beneficiary of
this ploy, supported this move the most. The HRD Minister
in the UPA government, Kapil Sibal, was an enthusiastic
supporter. UGC was pressured to approve this move. Ironi-
cally, Kapil Sibal, Shashi Tharoor and Dinesh Singh are all
Supporters of the FYUP could not reveal the real rea-
sons behind this unilateral move of Delhi University. This
would not fit well with the propaganda of inclusive
growth. Novel arguments needed to be fabricated to pro-
vide some appearance of decency. We were told that our
school education is too bookish, based on cramming and
spoon-feeding by private tutors, and is not congenial to
developing critical faculties. One extra year was needed to
fill up this gap in our school education. Some haphazard
foundational courses were hastily put together for this pur-
pose. Another argument was to allow students more time to
choose their majors. This would help them avoid wrong
choices. Deviation from the national norm was justified
under the argument of the university autonomy.
Student unions from the Left, as well as from the Right
(BJP affiliated) protested vehemently against this move.
This is obvious, as a dramatic restructuring of the curricu-
la that only catered to the wealthy was shoved down their
throats by the university authorities. UGC, a supposedly
autonomous body, complied meekly with the whims of the
rich and the powerful, under pressure from the government.
The only dissenting voice, Yogendra Yadav, was summarily
fired for his opposition to the move. To the credit of the BJP,
they stated categorically in their election manifesto that
they would roll back the FYUP to the traditional one if they
were to grab power in Delhi. The aspirational middle class
cannot all afford the extra year of study for the benefit of
smooth transition to the graduate programme of US univer-
sities. Their votes, after all, count in an election!
I do not know of any country where the duration of
study for obtaining a university bachelor degree varies
from one university to the other.
All over the United States, the
12+4 system is followed for
obtaining a bachelor degree at
all universities and colleges. In
Europe, each country had its
own system that was uniform
throughout that country, but did
vary from one country to the
other. One major achievement of
the European Union was to
bring one uniform system of
university education throughout the Union as part of the
Bologna Accord. It was reached in 1988 by the Rectors of
European Union universities in Bologna, where they were
celebrating 900 years since the establishment of the Univer-
sity of Bologna, the oldest university in Europe. Education
Ministers of 29 European countries duly signed the Bologna
Declaration in 1999.
With the introduction of FYUP at Delhi University, we
made a novel move in the other direction. The motive was to
align the programme of one major university in India with
that of a different country, a move with no parallel in the
history of modern universities of any nation. Going back to
the Bologna Accord, EU countries decided to award two
types of bachelor degrees; one obtained in a university and
the other in what I like to call higher polytechnics/profes-
sional colleges. They together comprise the higher educa-
tion segment in all EU countries and are followed by about
40 per cent of all stu-
dents leaving the high
school. Universities fol-
low 8+4+3 and higher
sional colleges follow
8+3+3 years of success-
ful schooling to grant a
bachelor degree. Thus
all European universi-
ties require the same
number of years for a
student to obtain the
bachelor degree as in
India. Why then should
we try to mimic the US
There is very good
reason for four-year
undergraduate pro-
gramme in US universities. United States pioneered pub-
licly funded school education system in the West and made
big strides in reducing illiteracy among the whole popula-
tion. The country also had to devise a mechanism to inte-
grate a constant stream of immigrant youth with diverse
levels of schooling and language background into the
school system. The result was unique, with schools stress-
ing character-building, physical fitness, competitive sports
and social acceptability. Students learnt to be comfortable
with their individuality and confident of their abilities.
Traditional academic learning took historically a back seat
in US schools against other competing trainings. An aver-
age university freshman in the US has far less traditional
knowledge than his/her counterpart in Europe or in India.
By contrast, students in the US are more innovative and
risk-taking when they join the university than in other
countries. They need an extra year to fill up their gap in
classical learning in high school. If our students do not
develop critical abilities in school, we cannot fill the gap by
extending our university education by one more year. First-
ly, this is a luxury a poor country like India cannot afford.
Secondly, it is futile to try this at that late stage. It can only
be inculcated during formative years of a student in high
With the BJP in power in Delhi with absolute majority
in Parliament, the UGC sent a directive to Delhi University
to abandon the FYUP immediately and revert to the stan-
dard three-year system from the academic year of 2014. The
directive that was issued by the UGC comprised essentially
the same team that permitted Delhi University to switch
over to the FYUP just a year back. The HRD Ministry must
have encouraged UGC to make this volte-face, although our
new HRD Minister denied putting any such pressure. UGC
actually threatened Delhi University with dire conse-
quences if they did not oblige. After some dilly-dallying,
Delhi University was forced to roll back to the three-year
programme. This was a harrowing experience for the
incoming students. Those who started the FYUP last year
are still in a limbo.
Some top associates of the Vice Chancellor seem to have
changed sides. Rumours were spread about the Vice Chan-
cellors impending resignation, a very logical step indeed, to
be later denied by the Vice Chancellors office. Now that our
top educationists have been exposed in this sordid tale, no
section of our social elites has been left untouched by
unprincipled actions. The aam aadmi has no one left to look
up to anymore!
oncerns are growing
that the sluggish Korean
economy, struggling
with slumping con-
sumer spending and the steep
appreciation of the won, may
be further held back by increas-
ing labour disputes in the
months to come.
Thousands of unionised
truckers across the country
staged a one-day strike Monday,
asking for the early passage of
a Bill designed to improve their
working conditions. They
threatened to go on a general
strike unless their demand is
met soon.
Most automakers are also
facing the prospect of renewed
labour strife amid unfavorable
market conditions.
Union workers at a plant of
Renault Samsung Motors Co.,
the local unit of French car-
S.A., halt-
ed work for two hours on Mon-
day afternoon to put pressure
on management after initial
negotiations failed to bridge
differences over wages, bonus-
es and fringe benefits. The
move, which marked the first
walkout at any local carmaker
this year, is set to be followed by
similar action by unionized
employees of GM Korea Co.,
who voted last week to go on
strike but have yet to announce
a specific plan.
Labour and management at
Hyundai Motor Co. and Kia
Motors Corp., Koreas two
largest automakers, have made
little headway in talks that
started earlier this month.
In a move that will further
stiffen labour-management
relations, the Korea Confedera-
tion of Trade Unions, the more
militant of the nations two
umbrella unions, is planning to
stage a strike later this month
in solidarity with a group of
progressive teachers and edu-
cational workers.
As of the end of May, about
10 percent of companies had
completed annual negotiations
on wages and other working
conditions, the lowest level
since 1997, when the govern-
ment began compiling related
The figure raises concern
that this year will see a sharp
increase in the number of
labour disputes. During the
first six months of the year, 44
labour-management conflicts
were reported, up 250 percent
from the same period last year.
The growing tension at
workplaces is threatening to
end the relatively calm rela-
tions between workers and
management that have pre-
vailed since 2011, when long-
standing conflicts were settled
over the introduction of time-
off and multiple union sys-
tems. The impasse in this
years labour-management
negotiations is attributed to dif-
ficulties in reaching a compro-
mise on a set of thorny issues
such as the scope of ordinary
wages, cutback in working
hours and extension of the
retirement age.
oI. 6IIIIlll 163
S Koreas
labour disputes
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A member of the
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Recover the money... in black & white
SIR, With the passing of Nadine Gordimer, who was South Africas first recipient of the
Nobel Prize in Literature, the genre of novels and short stories has suffered an irrepara-
ble loss. She had exposed the degrading apartheid to her readers across the world. During
her literary career that spanned seven decades, she had chronicled the horrors of the
racist regime ~ from the enforced poverty and isolation of blacks to other forms of cruelty,
perpetrated by the whites. She had written 15 novels which were published in 40 lan-
guages. Her books focused on the tensions the apartheid government had created between
lovers, neighbours, employers and their employees. The regime, which institutionalized
racial discrimination, had banned three of her books. Nadine Gordimer had always insist-
ed that she held no political loyalties. Hers was one of the literary worlds most powerful
voices against apartheid, a fearless champion of human rights.
Yours, etc., Ramesh G Jethwani, Bangalore, 16 July.
he Bharatiya Janata Party, now
that it is in power, must realise
that it cannot legitimise the sys-
tem of different rules for differ-
ent people. To run a diverse
democracy like India successful-
ly, it will have to follow some
basic principles, howsoever
alien, to ensure that there is
some method in what passes for
political madness.
The Ved Pratap Vaidik con-
troversy is a case in point. Even
BJP workers are probably won-
dering where the partys strong
positions against terror master-
mind Hafiz Saeed have gone,
particularly as the weak Man-
mohan Singh government was
not allowed to open a dialogue
with Pakistan precisely on this
issue. The Congress party,
always hesitant and direction-
less, allowed even a visit by then
PM Singh to Pakistan to be held
hostage to the BJP's demand for
convincing action against Saeed
by Pakistan. A Mani Shankar
Aiyar had to pay a price for lam-
basting Saeed on a television
show in Pakistan, even though
they were not in the same stu-
dio, but according to the protest-
ers here were on the same show
and that was reason enough for
the strident attack on the Con-
gress MP.
Now the same party is
defending Vaidik, and it has
taken days for it to agree to sub-
ject the journalist and yoga man
Ramdevs aide to some level of
questioning. There are some
stark pointers that effectively
contradict Vaidik and the gov-
ernments claim of the meeting
with Saeed being just a journal-
istic enterprise, one that the
government is now being forced
to take note of.
The one-hour meeting
between Saeed, the most wanted
man in India and on top of the
US list of terrorists, and Vaidik
took place on July 2. Till almost
two weeks there was no word
from Vaidik about this sensa-
tional meet, until a photograph
of both smiling at each other in
conversation, appeared on social
media. Vaidik now insists that
he had leaked the photograph
but the question that he needs to
answer is "where is the inter-
view? Journalists meet terror-
ists, criminals and all kinds of
unsavoury characters all the
time but follow this always with
detailed reports as this is the
only reason and justification for
the meetings that might remain
secret for logistical reasons
before they take place, but
appear in the public domain
almost immediately after they
have taken place.
There has been nothing
from Vaidik to confirm that this
was a journalistic meeting. One,
his initial observations were
that he had tried to reform
Saeed which is certainly not a
journalistic duty.
Two, what did the two talk
about, the details from Vaidik
are too sketchy to merit com-
Three, how is it that a jour-
nalist who is meeting one of the
most wanted terrorists in what
amounts to a sensational coup
did not tape the meeting?
Four, and how is it that a
journalist committed to the
profession sat on this story for
two weeks until the disclosure
was literally forced out from
Vaidik has not been able to
answer these questions, and
really owes the profession an
explanation for glaring acts of
omission that then strengthen
those conspiracy theories which
tend to brand journalists as
intelligence agents, working for
masters other than the profes-
The NDA government has
also not really done itself proud.
How can it so underestimate the
intelligence of persons in and
outside the establishment to
actually insist that this was a
journalistic encounter, and
hence not for the government to
enquire into? Seriously, no
enquiry, no questioning, no need
for details about a meeting with
a man that intelligence agencies
in India should be keen to get
every comma and semi colon
about? And here a person close
to the current establishment by
his own admission meets Saeed
for an hour, and the government
shows no interest or even aware-
ness of such a major meeting
until it comes into the public
It is impossible for even a
Pakistani journalist today to
meet Saeed for a one-on-one
interview. Access to him is tight-
ly controlled by the Pakistan
government and the agencies
there, so the fact it was actually
relaxed for an Indian journalist
has raised eyebrows there as
well. Why? This remains the
million dollar question that both
governments, Vaidik and of
course Saeed alone are in a posi-
tion to answer.
When facts are not forth-
coming, it is old journalistic
practice to look for answers then
in what has not been said. And
there is a great deal here that
does not meet the eye. These
questions need to be answered
for full facts of a meeting that is
highly significant and impor-
tant and cannot be dismissed ---
except by vested interests---as
anything less.
Let's take the government
assertions at face value, which
of course no good journalist
would ever do. But in this case
let us accept that Vaidik ven-
tured into Saeeds den of his
own volition. Then the ques-
tions the government needs to
answer are:
a) When did it know that the
meeting would take place? And
here one expects that its intelli-
gence agencies would have
informed it.
b) And after being informed
did it get in touch with Vaidik?
After all he is a self professed
acolyte of Prime Minister
Narendra Modi.
c) if the response to both the
above questions is in the nega-
tive then the government needs
to explain its sanguine approach
to a meeting, the importance of
which is staring India and now
even Parliament in the face.
d) And why even now the
government while defending
Vaidik is so reluctant to speak
with him about this meeting and
what transpired there? Usually
journalists write such conversa-
tions down in black and white,
but in the absence of a single
write up from Vaidik detailing
the interview, surely the intelli-
gence agencies here and the gov-
ernment should have had some
sessions with the journalist
about the details. The BJP is act-
ing like the Congress party, the
usual ostrich like approach
when it has been detected doing
something it cannot explain. So
now its ministers and party
managers are feigning complete
ignorance, and disinterest under
the cloak of respecting free-
dom whereby a person close to
the government and the party
meets not a but the terror
mastermind in Lahore in a long
meeting and comes back with
the nonchalance of one who had
just met - not even Imran Khan -
but the shopkeeper next door.
And then looks at a photograph
of both with a yes that is our
Vaidik. Not bad, ha ha!
The Congress party perhaps
has something in its accusation
of a massive cover up by the
government. And until the
beans are spilt in a more con-
vincing fashion, this meeting
will continue to create ripples, if
not waves, in Pakistan-India
Remember the other person
in the photograph is Hafiz
Saeed, not a friend of Indias
and certainly not a friend of
Vaidiks. And the facilitators at
that end were Pakistans govern-
ment and agencies.
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A ,A||Y 0||||| ||wSPAP|R.
A very ancient feud is on the point
of settlement. The Zamorin of
Calicut is expected to pay a visit
shortly to His Highness the Raja of
Cochin. This event, if it takes
place, will signalise the ending of
eight centuries of enmity. About
the middle of the ninth century
Cheraman Perumal, a Viceroy of
the Chola Kings who afterwards
became an independent ruler,
retired to Mecca, dividing his king-
dom among his chiefs. The Rajas of
Cochin claim descent from this
monarch. The story of the founda-
tion of Calicut is that Cheraman
Perumal gave the Zamorin as
much land as a cock, crowing from
Talli temple, could be heard over -
hence the name Kolikod, meaning
"cock-fort." The only certain fact in
the history of Cochin, prior to the
advent of the Portuguese in 1502, is
that there was constant strife
between its rulers and neighbour-
ing chiefs, especially the Zamorins
of Calicut. The Portuguese assist-
ed Cochin, and in 1510 Calicut was
attacked by Albuquerque, who was
repulsed. At a later period, in 1759,
the Zamorin of Calicut invaded
Cochin, but was expelled with the
aid of the Raja of Travancore.
(From Our Correspondent)
Madras, July 17
The Madras Mail's Ootacamund
correspondent wires as follows:- A
most distressing case of suicide is
reported. Six Badaga girls, ranging
from 12 to 17 years of age, made
arrangements to commit suicide
by throwing themselves into the
Katari power station lake. On Mon-
day four girls left their homes in
Katari village and deliberately
walked into the water. The watch-
man in an adjoining potato field
heard the screams, but attributed
the noise to evil spirits. The girls
being missed a search was made
and the watchman having narrated
his story, it was assumed that the
girls had made away with them-
selves. After an extensive search
four bodies were recovered.
(From Our Correspondent)
Simla, July 17
A tragedy is reported at Salogra,
near Solon, in the little State of
Bhagat some twenty miles from
Simla. It seems that a Pathan ser-
vant in the employ of a Mr. Par-
sons, a retired Engineer, had been
told to turn out a woman whose
cattle were grazing in the com-
pound. The woman abused the
man, who thereupon fetched a gun
and shot her dead. He then turned
and shot a chowkidar, and made off
towards Chambi.
(From Our Correspondent)
Madras, July 17
The following notification has been
issued by the Government:- The
Hon. Mr. Justice Leslie Creery
Miller is permitted to resign his
office as judge of the High Court of
Judicature, Madras from July 18th.
The Governor-in-Council, in
accepting with regret Sir Leslie
Miller's resignation, desires to
place on record his appreciation of
the marked ability with which Sir
Leslie Miller has for nearly eight
years filled the office of Puisne
Judge of the High Court of
Madras. The Governor-in-Council
has been pleased to appoint Mr.
S.C. Spencer to officiate as Judge of
the High Court of Madras.
(From Our Correspondent)
Lahore, July 17
On Thursday morning the Lieu-
tenant-Governor inspected the
buildings of the new Veterinary
College and Hospital at Lahore. It
is hoped that the new college and
hospital will be ready for occupa-
tion at the close of the coming
vacation. Subsequently His Hon-
our visited the old beef market,
and finally settled the site of the
new Medical College.
A visit was then paid to Char-
ing Cross where an extensive pro-
ject for improvement, devised by
the Government architect was dis-
cussed. His Honour and personal
staff left Lahore shortly after mid-
night for Lyallpur.
100 Y|ARS AC0
BJPs curious
silence baffling
1 Terrific backing
keeps Tories cir-
culating restricted
material (9)
6 Happy child cha-
sing others is
loose-limbed (5)
9 Eastern school at
first refused to
present petition
10 Old exhaust lear-
ner driver put on
first wreck (5,2)
11 Nocturne beginn-
ing to go wrong
thats best (7)
12 Ex-spymaster to
help very cautious
person (3,4)
13 Hasten away in an
iconic Volkswa-
gen? (6,3)
15 Under ealdorman
he sat on original
offender (5)
16 Nonsense about
AEK replacing
back two is
exposed in Sun (5)
19 Double-breasted
coat recently intr-
oduced to trade
22 Rabid pets Ill
release, as did
Antony? (3,4)
23 Ethics he would
address when
passing a child of
five (7)
25 Device putting jets
into plunge? Stuff
one copper must
get into (7)
26 Tubers fromthis
rhizome scraped
out into apron (7)
27 He plays to the old
king (5)
28 Terrible sisters to
have meal with
Greek character in
visit fromEast (9)
1 Episode exactly on
time (5)
2 End result set to
make an
appearance (7)
3 Seabird in river
and lake unchan-
ged by time (7)
4 I create look that
disregards an
unknown fibre (5)
5 Not nearly enough
wool left angora
initially ordered
6 Daughters into
Lauren modelled
clean clothes (7)
7 Young golfing
supporter to be-
rate finisher at
Carnoustie (7)
8 Contrivance has
former lover kick
bucket, shut up
outside (9)
13 Rush with Cana-
dian singer to
engage British
image-maker (6,3)
14 Ones sent up our
usual Friday com-
piler in shout to
encourage drinker
17 Showy equipment
clubs sheepish
about (7)
18 Soft fizzy drink
lets off virtually
nothing (7)
20 Wrong Spenserian
answer first reser-
ve overturned (7)
21 Others in family
displaying gene-
rous attitude to
leftist (7)
23 Rich-tasting brew
froma heap sent
over (5)
24 Does fill odd slots
in Seattle USA (5)
|0!|. |iu|e: i| I|e|||e:e: e|u|e ||e |u||e| ul le||e|: i| ||e Wu|: |e(ui|e.
(B] I||I|e|e|| Wi|| !|e ||ee|e||, |u|u|)
CROSSWORD |0 26123
here have been voiced strident
demands that the journalist in spot-
light, Mr. Ved Pratap Vaidik, should
be arrested for committing sedi-
tion. What was his crime? He met
with Pakistani terrorist master-
mind Hafiz Saeed and made state-
ments about the future of Kashmir
while in Pakistan. What did he say
about Kashmir? He said that both
Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK)
and Indian held Kashmir should
have a common assembly, should
have free movement of peoples, and
for all practical purpose unite so
that they might enjoy a sense of
freedom and peace as people in
India do. I shall not comment on
the practicality or otherwise of this
proposal. It suffers from the same
inadequacy that President Mushar-
raf s proposal did of joint manage-
ment of the two Kashmir segments.
President Musharraf proposed
free movement of goods and people
across the Line of Control and joint
management of Kashmir territo-
ries held by India and Pakistan. I
pointed out then that this could not
be implemented unless the armies
of both nations ceased to be in con-
tention and became fully coopera-
tive. That in turn suggested a joint
defence treaty that would enable
both armies to wipe out terrorism.
That in turn suggested a full
fledged arrangement similar to a
confederation or one similar to the
European Union. Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh endorsed the
Musharraf formula and said that
borders should be made irrelevant.
Superior to both suggestions
was what Pandit Nehru proposed to
President Ayub Khan in 1964
through the message conveyed by
his emissary, Sheikh Abdullah.
Nehru proposed an Indo-Pakistan
confederation with Kashmir acting
as the bridge between both nations.
While the Sheikh was in Pakistan,
Nehru died and the exercise was
aborted. Nehrus proposal went fur-
ther than that of Musharraf and
did not suffer from any inadequacy
insofar as its feasibility was con-
Mr. Vaidiks meeting with
Hafiz Saeed has attracted severe
criticism because the latter master-
minded a terrorist attack against
India on 26/11. But is not Hafiz
Saeed indisputably supported
either remotely or directly by the
Pakistan government? Did not
President Ayub Khan, the man
Nehru reach out to, launch the 1965
war against India? Did not General
Musharraf launch the Kargil
engagement despite which Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh con-
ducted peace parleys with him?
Therefore my question is simple.
If Mr. Vaidik deserves to be
arrested for sedition and unpatriot-
ic activity due to his views on
Kashmir, would all those baying for
his blood have demanded similar
arrest of Pandit Nehru if he was
alive, or of Mr. Manmohan Singh
who can still be arrested? Question
and condemn the actions of Mr.
Vaidik by all means, but should
critics lose all sense of proportion?
!|| wR|!|R |S A V|!|RA| 10uR|A||S! A|,
CAR!00||S!. || B|0CS A!
Mr. Vaidiks exalted company!
NEWS |!||S
NewDelhi, 17 July
State-owned Oil and Nat-
ural Gas Corp (ONGC)
wants the government to
resolve critical issues
like fuel subsidy sharing
and natural gas pricing
before a planned $3-bil-
lion stake sale in the
company in order to fetch
a better price.
The government plans
to sell 42.77 crore shares,
or five per cent of its
stake, in ONGC worth Rs
17,400 crore at current
prices, this fiscal. The
first disinvestment by
the new government is
part of a plan to narrow
Budget deficit to the low-
est in seven years.
Commenting on the
stake sale, ONGC wrote
to the oil ministry, saying
any disinvestment at
this stage may not realise
the true potential/value
of the company shares.
ONGC said its payout
to help fuel retailers sell
diesel, domestic cooking
gas (LPG) and kerosene
at subsidised rates to con-
sumers has been steadily
rising ~ from Rs 44,466
crore in fiscal 2011-12 to
Rs 56,384 crore in fiscal
In fiscal 2013-14, its net
realisation after subsidy
payout was a mere $41
per barrel of oil. Out of
this, the company has to
meet cost of production,
which is $42-44 per barrel
as well as pay statutory
levies like cess, royalty
and VAT.
ONGC has been
requesting the ministry
to review the existing
subsidy sharing mecha-
nism so as to ensure a
minimum realisation
price of $65 per barrel to
generate sufficient cash
for domestic exploration
and international acqui-
sitions, it wrote.
The government asks
upstream firms like
ONGC to make good a
part of losses retailers
make on selling diesel
and cooking fuel below
cost. The share of
upstream firms has been
steadily rising over the
past few years.
While the subsidy
sharing has adversely
impacted its bottom line,
the non-transparent
mechanism of subsidy
sharing has become a
corporate governance
issue, ONGC said.
ONGC's independent
directors have been
expressing their con-
cerns on the existing
mechanism. Investors
have also expressed their
concern on the current
mechanism. According to
them, the current mecha-
nism is uncertain and
due to which they are not
able to properly value the
shares of ONGC, it
It said the government
had on 10 January noti-
fied a new pricing guide-
line for natural gas as the
current rate of $4.2 per
million British thermal
unit is not sufficient to
incentivise companies
for investment in gas
business. The guidelines,
which would have dou-
bled gas price, were to be
effective from 1 April, but
have been put on hold by
the new government.
A sustainable gas
pricing policy is required
to be spelt out by the Gov-
ernment of India for
enhancing investment in
the gas business, ONGC
ONGC opposes divestment now
CuRR||CY (|| RuP||S)
US$ 64.35
EURO 87.07
UK POUND 110.33
YEN 0.63
SWFR 71.71
CAN$ 59.94
SING$ 51.84
MAL RIN 20.21
!|0|AS C00|S S|||||C RA!|S
Thursday said it has
and Mr VG Kannan
as managing directors
and group executives.
Both come to SBI from
groupassociates, where
they held senior posi-
tions. PTI
FDI inflows up: The
foreign direct invest-
ment flows into India
more than doubled to
$3.60 billion in May,
the highest in the last
eight months. In May
2013, the country had
received FDI worth
$1.63 billion. PTI
Restructuring: Mak-
ing it easier for com-
panies, the govern-
that corporaterestruc-
turingactivities, includ-
ing amalgamations,
will be excluded from
theambitof relatedparty
transactions. PTI
Lawsuit against Infy:
Former US employ-
ees of Infosys have
filed a lawsuit against
it alleging discrimi-
nationbecauseof their
inability to commu-
denied by Infosys as
false and baseless. PTI
RBI pact:The Reserve
Bank of India has
inked a memorandum
of understanding(MoU)
with the Monetary
Authority of Hong
Kong for exchange of
supervisory informa-
tion, RBI said in a noti-
fication. PTI
Sebi bar: The Sebi
has barred Gammon
Infrastructure Pro-
jects' former CMD
Abhijit Rajan from
prima facie finding
him to have violated
insider trading regu-
lations. PTI
NewDelhi, 17 July
The government will kick
off its big-bang disinvest-
ment drive with five per
cent stake sale in SAIL in
September, followed by
ONGC and power sector
PSUs like REC, PFC and
The department of dis-
investment would embark
on road shows for SAIL
towards the end of this
month in countries like Sin-
gapore, Hong Kong, the
USA, the UK and continen-
tal Europe.
Domestic road shows
are equally important as
overseas ones. Road shows
take normally a month to be
completed. SAIL is the most
prepared company for dis-
investment,a government
official said.
The Budget 2014-15 pro-
poses to garner Rs 43,425
crore from PSU disinvest-
ment, of which about 30
per cent is expected to come
from five per cent stake sale
in ONGC.
Besides, a 10 per cent
stake sale in Coal India is
also on the cards which
could fetch about Rs 23,000
crore and will make up for
half of thedisinvestmenttar-
get.The sale of five per cent
stake or about 20.65 crore
shares of SAIL at the cur-
rent market price of around
Rs 85 a piece would fetch the
exchequer about Rs 1,800
The Cabinet had in July
stake sale in SAIL. Accord-
ingly, the first tranche of dis-
investment of 5.82 per cent
was completed in March
SAIL stake sale
in September
NewDelhi, 17 July
As many as 27 special eco-
nomic zone developers,
including Gulf Oil Corpo-
ration, Navi Mumbai SEZ
and DLF Info Park, have
sought more time from the
government to execute their
These proposals will be
taken up for consideration
by the Board of Approval
(BoA), headed by commerce
secretary Rajeev Kher, in its
meeting on 24 July.
The BoA is a 19-member
inter-ministerial body that
deals with special econom-
ic zones (SEZs) and the
issues related to them.
Some developers have
of minimum alternate tax
(MAT), poor response of
entrepreneurs for setting
up unit due to global eco-
nomic slowdown, problems
of land acquisition and envi-
ronmental clearances for
delay in implementing the
DLF Info Park (Pune)
sion of the validity period
of formal approval, grant-
ed for setting up of IT/ITeS
SEZinMaharashtra, accord-
ing to the agenda of the
BoA meeting.
Similarly Navi Mumbai
SEZ Pvt Ltd has sought
more time for its proposed
zones in Maharashtra.
Besides, the Board of
Approval will takeupthepro-
posal of AdaniPortsandSpe-
cial Economic Zone Ltd,
which has proposed to set up
a multi-product zone in
Gujarat. It is expected to
come up at an area of 1,856
Development Commis-
sioners of special econom-
ic zones have recommend-
ed cancellation of "formal
approval" granted to as
many as 43 SEZ developers.
27 SEZ developers
seek more time
NewDelhi, 17 July
Productionat biscuitsmajor
Britannia Industries' Delhi
factory has been partially
impacted as contract work-
ers have gone on strike.
The temporary workers
at the plant, which makes a
variety of products includ-
ing biscuits and bread, have
been demanding regulari-
sation of employment apart
from hike in wages.
The company has
declaredthestrikeillegal and
said availability of its prod-
ucts in the market will not
be impacted by workers'
The said illegal strike
has had a partial impact on
the production/operation
at the said factory,the com-
pany said in a filing to the
Bombay Stock Exchange.
Further, the company said:
Thisillegal strikehasavery
small impact on the overall
business/operation of the
company, includingtheavail-
ability of the finished prod-
ucts in the market.
Later in the day, a Bri-
son said: We have also
made arrangements to
secure services to the mar-
ket by shifting parts of pro-
duction to other locations.
a variety of biscuit brands,
including Good Day, Tiger,
50-50, Marie Gold, apart
from dairy products and
The Delhi factory
accounts foraboutthree-four
per cent of the company's
total production capacity.
Itemploysatotal of about
900 workers out of which
around 150 workers are per-
The company produces
12 company-owned plants
and 40 owned by third par-
Britannia contract
workers on strike
Mumbai, 17 July
A week after Budget
announcement, the Reserve
Bank of India today issued
draft guidelines for setting
upof "local feel"small banks,
which will disburse small-
ticket loans to farmers and
The central bank also
issued draft guidelines for
settingupof paymentbanks,
which will cater to mar-
ginalised sections of the
society, including migrant
labourers, for collecting
Such banks can be set up
with a minimum capital of
Rs 100 crore as against Rs
500 crore required for nor-
mal commercial banks,
according to the guidelines.
Both payments banks
and small banks are "niche"
or "differentiated" banks,
with the common objective
of furtheringfinancial inclu-
sion, the RBI said while
issuing draft guidelines for
licensingof paymentsbanks
and small banks.
Theproposedsmall banks
will provide a whole suite
of basic banking products
such as deposits and supply
of credit, butinalimitedarea
of operation, it said.
On the other hand, pay-
ments banks will offer a
limited range of products
such as acceptance of
demand deposits and remit-
tances of funds. They will
have a widespread network
of accesspoints, particularly
in remote areas, either
through their own branch
correspondents (BCs) or
through networks provided
by others.
Foreign investments in
these new category banks
would be as per the FDI pol-
The existing non-bank
pre-payment instrument
issuers, non-bankingfinance
companies (NBFCs), cor-
porate BCs, mobile tele-
phone companies, super-
market chains, companies,
real sector cooperatives and
public sector entities may
apply to set up a payments
In case of small banks,
resident individuals with 10
years of experience in bank-
ing and finance, companies
and societies will be eligi-
ble as promoters to set up
small banks.
NBFCs, micro finance
institutions (MFIs), and
local area banks (LABs)
can also opt for conversion
into small banks.
Preference will be given
to professionals from bank-
ing or financial sector,
NBFCs and MFIs to set up
small banks, if theymeet the
"fit andproper"criteria,the
draft said.
Local focus and the abil-
ity to serve smaller cus-
tomers will be a key crite-
it said.
The area of operations
of the small bank will nor-
mally be restricted to con-
tiguous districts in a homo-
geneous cluster of
states/union territories so
that the bank has the "local
feel" and culture, it said,
adding, the bank may be
allowed to expand in one or
more states with geo-
graphical proximity.
In his Budget speech on
10 July, finance minister
Arun Jaitley hadsaid: The
RBI will create a frame-
work for licensing small
banks and other differenti-
ated banks.
Earlier in April, the RBI
had given in-principle
approval to IDFC and Band-
han Financial Services to
set up full-fledged banking
R|S|RV| BA|| |SSu|S RA|! Cu||||||S |0R S|A|| BA||S A| PAY|||! BA||S
Mumbai, 17 July
Country's largest software
services firm Tata Con-
sultancy Services (TCS)
today reported a 45 per cent
jump in consolidated net
profit at Rs 5,568 crore for
the first quarter ended June
2014, driven by broad-based
growth across verticals and
The Mumbai-based firm
had posted a net profit of Rs
3,840 crore in the year-ago
period, it said in a filing to
Consolidated revenue
rose 22.9 per cent to Rs
22,111 crore for the April-
June quarter this fiscal
from Rs 17,987 crore for the
same quarter in 2013-14 fis-
cal. The figures are in Indi-
an GAAP.
Commenting on the per-
formance, TCS CEO and
managing director N Chan-
drasekaran said robust vol-
umes and healthy growth
across all industries and
key markets helped TCS
start the new fiscal on a
strong note.
We have a strong
our customer centric mind-
set, leadership in the digi-
tal space and strong execu-
tion capabilities will help us
sustain our momentum,
he added.
The company announced
a special dividend of Rs 40
sary of its IPO.
TCS' operating margin
stood at Rs 5,935 crore in the
first quarter, agrowthof 22.5
per cent year-on-year. It
added 15,817 (gross) and
4,967 (net) employees during
the said quarter, taking its
total headcount to 3,05,431
as of 30 June 2014.
TCS Q1 net jumps
45% to 45,568 crore
NewYork, 17 July
In the first major realign-
ment of workforce since
India-born Satya Nadella
took over as chief executive
officer, Microsoft has
announced slashing of up
to 18,000 jobs worldwide by
next year as the software
giant attempts to sharpen
focus on cloud and mobile
The move, however, will
have minimal impact in
India, which is an important
geography for the US-based
Oneof thelargestjobcuts
in the Redmond-headquar-
tered firm's almost four-
decade history, the move
will see about 12,500 jobs
being reduced from Nokia
Devices and Services, com-
prising both professional
and factory workers.
As of 30 June 2013,
Microsoft had about 99,000
people on a full-time basis,
58,000 in the USA and 41,000
worldwide. This, however,
does not include the employ-
deal.Earlier this year,
Microsoft completed the
acquisitionof Nokia's hand-
set division for which it
paid over $7.2 billion.
In a letter to employees,
Mr Nadella said: The first
step to building the right
organisation for our ambi-
tions is to realign our work-
force. With this in mind, we
will begin to reduce the size
of our overall workforce by
up to 18,000 jobs in the next
Earlier this week too, Mr
Nadella had written a sim-
ilar letter to the employees
suggesting structural
changes as the firm moves
towardsacloudfirst, mobile
first strategy.
Of that total, our work
toward synergies and strate-
gic alignment on Nokia
Devices and Services is
expected to account for
about 12,500 jobs, compris-
ingbothprofessional andfac-
tory workers," he said.
We are moving now to
start reducingthefirst 13,000
positions, andthevastmajor-
ity of employees whose jobs
will be eliminated will be
notified over the next six
months, he added.
When asked on the
restructuring impact on
India, a Microsoft India
spokespersonsaid: Wehave
about 6,500 employees in
India, which also includes
employees from Nokia. The
impact will be minimal. It
will be very very small.
Microsoft to axe 18K jobs,
India impact minimal
New Delhi, 17 July: The gov-
ernment today decided to
join the arbitration initiat-
its partners over delay in
revision of natural gas
prices, and named former
Supreme Court judge GS
Singhvi as its arbitrator.
This is the second arbi-
tration between RIL and
the government over east-
ern offshore KG-D6 block.
RIL had in November 2011
initiated an arbitration
against the government
move to disallow recovery
of certain costs over gas out-
put from KG-D6 block not
matching the targets.
With the government
delaying a revision in gas
prices, RIL and its part-
nersBPPlc of UKandCana-
da's Niko Resources had
on 17 June served an arbi-
tration notice on the gov-
ernment naming London-
based Sir David Steel as its
Justice GS Singhvi
(Retd), former judge of the
Supreme Court of India,
has been nominated as arbi-
trator on behalf of Gov-
ernment of India in the
arbitration initiated by RIL,
Niko and BP against the
government, an official
statement said.
The three firms want the
government to honour its
commitment and imple-
ment revised natural gas
pricesuponexpiryof the$4.2
per million British ther-
mal unit rate for their east-
ern offshore KG-D6 gas
fields on 31 March 2014.
The previous UPA gov-
ernment had on 10 January
notified a new domestic gas
pricing formula that would
have doubled the gas rates
from 1 April, but before it
would announce the new
price, general elections were
declared. The Election
Commission asked the UPA
to leave the decision to the
new government. PTI
New Delhi, 17 July: Glenmark
up its first manufacturing
facility in the USA at an esti-
mated investment of over Rs
500 crore to cater to the
North American market.
The proposed facility
would house three units to
produce oral solids, injecta-
bles and topicals and begin
production by the end of the
current fiscal.
The USA is a key strate-
gic market for Glenmark
and it is important for us to
have a manufacturing base
there to serve our growing
business in the country,
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
danha said in a statement.
The plan to set up a man-
ufacturing unit underlines
the fast-paced growth the
company has witnessed in
a short span of eight years
in the USA, he added. PTI
C||||AR| P|A|S
u||! || uSA
NewDelhi, 17 July
With Rs 4 lakh crore locked
up in litigations, the finance
ministry today set up a com-
mittee consisting of offi-
cials from Central Board of
Direct Taxes to suggest ways
to reduce mounting dis-
putes at various tax appel-
late forums.
The committee will
examine the assessment
orders, appellate orders and
to the ITAT related to
orders...and give its recom-
mendations for different
income groups, separately
for corporate and non-cor-
porateassesses, CBDTsaid.
The six-member panel
of IRS officers, headed by a
chief commissioner of
income tax, has also been
asked to study the efficacy
of existing system of filing
appeals to the Income Tax
Appellate Tribunal by the I-
T department and suggest
steps to reduce litigation
before the ITAT.
The current initiative of
CBDT is in line with the
intent of the government
seen in this Budget to reduce
tax litigation and bring cer-
tainty in the tax environ-
ment, said Mr Amit
Maheshwari, partner, Ashok
Maheshwary & Associates.
In the Budget, finance
minister Arun Jaitley had
said that a tax demand of
more than Rs 4 lakh crore
is under dispute and litiga-
tion before various courts
and appellate authorities.
This is one of the seri-
ous concerns of all taxpay-
ers in this country, he had
said. In order to reduce lit-
igation in direct taxes, Mr
Jaitley had propose to make
certain legislative and
administrative changes.
The panel is required to
analysis assessment orders
separately by categorising
income groups ~ up to Rs 25
lakh, Rs 25 lakh-Rs 1 crore,
Rs 1 crore-Rs 10 crore and
Rs 10 crore and above.
Panel to reduce tax
litigations set up
Any disinvestment at this
stage may not realise the true
potential/value of the
company shares
Review the existing subsidy
sharing mechanism so as to
ensure a minimum realisation
price of $65 per barrel
A sustainable gas pricing pol-
icy is required to be spelt out
by the government for enhancing investment in
the gas business
C0V! 10||S
|||!|A!| BY R||
12 |AY 1J 14 15 16 |AY
9 |AY 1J 14 15 16 |AY 9 |AY 1J 14 15 16 |AY
4 PER 1O N 4 PER K
11 1u|Y 14 15 16 1I 1u|Y
11 1u|Y 14 15 16 1I 1u|Y
11 1u|Y 14 15 16 1I 1u|Y 11 1u|Y 14 15 16 1I 1u|Y
4 PER 1O N 4 PER K
25,024.35 7,459.60
25,561.16 7,640.45
NewDelhi, 17July: Taking for-
ward a proposal made in the
Union Budget, market reg-
ulator the Sebi today came
out with draft guidelines for
Infrastructure Investment
Trusts (InvITs), which will
enable creation of a new
investment product for
arranging long-term financ-
ing for infrastructure pro-
These InvITs can be list-
ed on the stock exchanges,
will get tax benefits and
will investthefundscollected
from investors in infra-
structure projects, includ-
ing PPP (public private
As per the draft regula-
tions, on which the Sebi
has sought public comments
till 24 July, the listing shall
be mandatory for both pub-
licly offered and privately
placed InvITs. PTI
|0R|S |0R |||RA
!RuS!S |SSu|
Both payments banks and small
banks are "niche" or "differentiated"
banks, with the common objective
of furthering financial inclusion,
the RBI said
Small banks will provide a whole
suite of basic banking products such as deposits and
supply of credit, but in a limited area of operation
Payments banks will offer a limited range of prod-
ucts such as acceptance of demand deposits and
remittances of funds
Frankfurt, 17 July: The fam-
ilies controlling German
auto giant Volkswagen and
the Italian-US rival Fiat
Chrysler are sounding out
the possibility of a merger,
the weekly Manager Mag-
azin reported today.
Volkswagen Group is
sounding out a takeover or
partial takeover of rival
said in an article to be pub-
lished in its edition tomor-
Various talks have
already been held between
VW's key shareholder Fer-
dinand Piech, and the
Elkann and Agnelli fami-
lies as main shareholders of
The magazine quoted
company sources as saying
that the Italian maker want-
ed to focus on its Ferrari
sports car brand. PTI
|Y|S !A||0V|R
0| ||A!. R|P0R!
1,1) )14 .4+-
1. On behalf of the President of India, Headquarters
Eastern Air Command Shillong, invites tender form
from registered vendors for Supply, training and
installation of Automated Cooking Appliances for
Messes at various Units / Stations under Eastern Air
Command located in Eastern / North Eastern States
of India.
2. The bidders must satisfy all the conditions laid down
in the RFP for being eligible to submit their respec-
tive bids.
3. Last date of submission of bids is 20 Aug., 14
(11-00 hrs).
4. Download the RFP documents from The price of the Tender Set is
Rs. 1,000 (Rupees one thousand) only (non-refund-
able) which is to be submitted in the form of DD in
favour of 'AF Public Funds Accounts, Elephanta
Falls, Upper Shillong' payable at Bank of Baroda,
Upper Shillong along with bids.
5. Queries / Clarification may be sought from the Office
of Command Organisation Officer, HQ EAC, IAF on
all working days between 7-00 hrs. and 14-00 hrs.
(Monday to Friday) at the following Telephone / Fax:
(a) Tele.: 0364-2560203/7545
(b) Fax : 0364-2561261
davp 10802/11/0122/14-15

It is clear to me that we have made real progress in

several areas and that we have a credible way forward
|V|| AS || |0!| !|| S|C||||CA|! CAPS !|A! R||A|| || !|| |RA| |uC||AR !A||S
+ ;
+ ;
Pakistani security personnel
stand in front of a bullet and
blast-scarred house, used as a
hideout for suspected militants,
following a raid in Lahore on
Thursday. AFP
Lahore clash: Apolice
commando and a Tal-
iban terrorist were
forces and militants
holed up in a house,
about two kilometers
away from PM Nawaz
Sharif's home. PTI
Sri Lanka panel: Sri
Lanka has appointed
a three-member inter-
probingtheissueof mi-
rthern and Eastern
Provinces during the
war with the LTTE. PTI
Nigerian leader:
Embattled Nigerian
President Goodluck
Jonathan on Thurs-
day sought parlia-
mentary approval to
borrow up to $1 billion
in foreign loan to fight
Haram militants. AFP
China sentence: A
senior CPC official
was sentenced to
the first high-ranking
bureaucrat to be jailed
in China's anti-cor-
rupt i on crusade
led by President Xi
Jinping. PTI
Tuni si a at t ack:
Assailants killed 14
attack on two posts
near the border with
Algeria, where the
the government said
on Thursday. AFP
Italy arrests: Italian
police arrested three
men, linked to the
Naples-based mafia
syndicate, suspectedof
extorting a produc-
scenes for a TV drama
ster's villa. AFP
A 6.6 metre tall godzilla statue
stands behind two young women
at the Midtown park in Tokyo for
the promotion of the recent
godzilla movie at a press
preview on Thursday. AFP
Paris, 17 July
In the severest sentence
of its kind ever handed
down in France, a far-
right former local politi-
cian has been sentenced
to nine months in prison
for calling a black cabi-
net minister a chim-
Anne-Sophie Leclre,
a senior Front National
municipal candidate in
northern France, posted
adjacent images on
Facebook of a female
chimpanzee and the
Justice Minister, Chris-
tiane Taubira. The first
image was labelled at 18
months old and the
second now.
Challenged about the
images in a TV documen-
tary last year, Ms Leclre,
33, said: On the whole I
would rather see (Ms
Taubira) in the branches
of a tree than see her in
the government. She
was rapidly expelled
from the FN as part of a
drive by its leader,
Marine Le Pen, to clean
up the party.
The party was
nonetheless ~ to its fury
~ found guilty late on
Tuesday of inciting
racial hatred by a court
at Cayenne, in French
Guiana. The FN was
fined euro 30,000
(23,000). Ms Leclre,
from Ardennes, on the
Franco-Belgian border,
was given a nine-month
jail sentence, fined euro
50,000 and banned from
politics for five years.
Both the FN and Ms
Leclere have appealed.
Ms Leclre said: This is
totally out proportion...
Criminals are made to
wear an electric bracelet.
I get sent to prison.
FN leaders attacked
the judgment as a judi-
cial ambush immoral
and politically biased.
They complained that
the case had been heard
in Guiana ~ Ms Taubira's
birthplace and an over-
seas dpartement of
France which has an
overwhelmingly black
Clearly, in the court
in Cayenne, the normal
rules do not apply, the
FN said. These incredi-
ble violations of our
legal system must be vig-
orously denounced.
The party also com-
plained that it had found
no defence lawyer in
Guiana willing to take on
the case, brought by a
local anti-racist group.
The FN secretary gen-
eral, Florian Philippot,
said the severity of the
sentence on Ms Leclere
contrasted grotesquely
with light sentences
given to criminals who
massacre people with
Sentenced for racist attack
Gaza/Jerusalem, 17 July
Israeli warplanes today
resumed bombings on Gaza
after a five-hour truce ended
abruptly with Hamas mili-
tants launching rocket
attacks despite hectic diplo-
matic parleys to broker a
ceasefire to end the 10 days
of conflict that has killed 233
A five-hour ceasefire was
observed on the request of
the United Nations for
humanitarian reasons, but
hostilities quickly resumed
afteritended. Threechildren
were killed in an Israeli air-
strike in the heart of Gaza
city. Two Palestinians were
injured another airstrike.
At least three mortar
shells were fired from Gaza
during the ceasefire, and the
Israeli military said a sol-
dier was injured by an explo-
sion during an operational
activity near southern
Gaza. Troops responded
with mortar fire, the Israel
Defense Forces said.
UN Special Coordinator
for the Middle East Peace
Process Robert Serry had
asked Israel for a humani-
tarian ceasefire following an
incident in which four Pales-
tinian children were killed
on a beach in Gaza. The
fire to allow Palestinians to
stock up on food, water and
other necessities.
During the lull in fight-
ing, air raid sirens went off
brieflyinsouthernIsrael and
the truce appeared to be
generally holding.
Should the humanitar-
ian window be exploited by
isations for the purpose of
launching attacks against
Israeli civilian or military
targets the IDF will respond
firmly and decisively, the
Israel Defense Forces said
in a statement.
An earlier effort to per-
manently stop the fighting
failed when Israel resumed
airstrikes following a brief,
one-sided ceasefire brokered
by Egypt. While Israel
paused for six hours, Hamas
rejected the deal and con-
tinued firing rockets.
Hamas leaders said they
had not been consulted, and
complained the deal did not
address their demands for
greater freedom for Gaza's
1.8 million residents.
At least 233 Palestinians
have been killed and close
to 1,700 injured since Israel
began its anti-Hamas mili-
tary operation on 7 July,
according to Palestinian
health officials. Before
announcing the temporary
truce today, Israeli tank fire
killed three people in Rafah
town in Gaza. Their deaths
came after another seven
The one fatality on the
Israeli side so far was a
man killed on Monday after
being hit by a mortar shell
at the Erez border crossing.
Meanwhile, Israel's For-
eign Minister Avigdor
Lieberman and Hamas have
denied earlier reports of a
truce deal to end fighting in
Gaza between Israel and
Palestinian militants.
Mr Lieberman said the
reports were as of now
incorrect, and Hamas,
which controls Gaza, said
talks in Egypt were ongoing.
Palestinian President
Mahmud Abbas met Egypt-
ian President Abdel Fattah
al-Sisi today amidst inten-
sified efforts to end the fight-
ing in Gaza.
|SRA||, |A|AS R|Su|| A|RS!R|||S, R0C||! ||R| A|!|R ||V|-|0uR |u|A||!AR|A| C|AS|||R|
Washington, 17 July
The USA and EU have slap-
ped fresh sanctions on Rus-
sia, hitting its finance, milit-
ary and energy sectors, with
President Barack Obama
saying the action was taken
as Moscow continued its
provocative and destabilis-
ing actions in Ukraine.
The US Department of
the Treasury imposed a
broad-basedpackageof sanc-
tions yesterday on entities
in the financial services,
energy and arms or related
materiel sectors of Russia
as well as on those under-
mining Ukraine's sover-
eignty or misappropriating
Ukrainian property.
Russia has continued
to destabilise Ukraine and
provide support for the sep-
aratists, despite its state-
ments to the contrary,
UnderSecretaryof Treasury
for Terrorism and Financial
Intelligence David S Cohen
said. Because Russia has
failed to meet the basic stan-
dards of international con-
duct, we are acting today to
open Russia's financial ser-
vices and energy sectors to
sanctions and limit the
access of two key Russian
banks and two key energy
firmstoUSsourcesof financ-
ing and to impose blocking
firms and a set of senior
Russian officials, he said.
President Obama said
Russia has continued with
its provocative and desta-
bilising actions in Ukraine.
Given its continued
provocations in Ukraine,
today I have approved a new
set of sanctions on some of
Russia's largest companies
and financial institutions,
Mr Obama told White House
reporters soon after Depar-
tment of Treasury annou-
on Russia.
Along with our allies,
with whom I've been coor-
dinating closely the last sev-
eral days and weeks, I've
repeatedly made it clear
of weapons and fighters
across the border into
Ukraine; that Russia must
urge separatists to release
their hostages and support
aceasefire; thatRussianeeds
to pursue internationally-
mediated talks and agree to
meaningful monitors on the
border, Mr Obama said.
Jet downed: An Ukrainian
Air Force fighter jet has
been shot down by an air-to-
air missile fired from a
Russian plane, a spokesman
for Ukraine's Security Coun-
cil said today.
Fresh sanctions imposed
on Russia over Ukraine
People repair a house destroyed by Typhoon Rammasun in Batangas, south-west of Manila on Thursday, a day after the stormbarrelled over the region. AFP
London, 17 July
Pakistani diplomatsaccused
of rape and child abduc-
tion are among some of the
mostseriouscasesof foreign
representatives committing
crimes on UK soil in 2013,
according to a list released
by the British government.
Foreign and Common-
wealthOffice(FCO) released
the list of the serious alleged
offences in 2013which
includes unnamed foreign
officials,suspected of 14
crimes,who are protected
from British law by diplo-
matic immunity.
The cases involving
Pakistani diplomats were
among the five extremely
serious ones triggering a
special investigationrequest,
over-ruling diplomatic
The Foreign Office
defines serious offences as
those which would carry a
sentence of more than 12
months if a conviction was
secured. The number of
alleged serious crimes com-
mitted by members of the
UK is proportionately low,
FCO minister Mark Sim-
monds said in parliament on
The FCO does not tol-
erate foreign diplomats
breaking the law,he added.
Under the Vienna Con-
vention on Diplomatic Rela-
tions, those entitled to
immunity are expected to
obey the law, and if allega-
tions are brought to light the
relevant foreign govern-
ment can be asked to rescind
the privilege so they can be
But although Pakistan's
government partially lifted
immunity in one case so the
diplomat could be inter-
viewed by police, there is no
legal obligation to comply
with the British request.
Kabul, 17 July
Afghanistan today began a
massive audit of 8.1 million
ballots cast in the run-off
round of its controversial
presidential vote, hours
after a brazen Taliban raid
on Kabul's airport.
Gunmen carried out a
pre-dawn rocket attack on
Kabul International Air-
port today, temporarily shut-
ting off a gunbattle with
security forces in which
four attackers were killed,
officials said.
The militants occupied
two buildings which were
under construction some
700 metres north of the
facility, and were using them
as a base to direct rockets
and gunfire toward the air-
port and international jet
fighters flying over Kabul,
saidAfghanarmyGen. Afzal
Kabul Police Chief
Mohammed Zahir Zahir
later said four of the attack-
ers were killed and that the
attack was halted without
any civilian or police casu-
The airport was later
reopened and operations
returned to normal, Zahir
said, after security forces
inspected the runways for
shrapnel and explosives.
The attack comes during
a tense time in Afghanistan,
as a recount is underway
from the disputed second
round of a presidential elec-
tion seen as key to insuring
a peaceful transfer of power
ahead of the withdrawal of
most foreign troops by the
end of the year.
Taliban spokesman Zabi-
hullah Mujahid claimed
attack in a call to The Asso-
ciated Press.
Aman said several rock-
ets hit the airport but no
planes were damaged.
The airport hosts civilian
traffic and serves as a base
for Nato-led forces that have
other insurgents for more
thanadecade. Rocketattacks
near the airport are not
rare, but are not usually
this close.
The attack came nearly
a week after US Secretary
of State John Kerry helped
broker a deal to carry out a
full audit of last month's
presidential runoff follow-
ing allegations of fraud by
supporters of both candi-
The audit is aimed at
reversing a destabilising
political crisis that has
threatened to widen the
country's ethnic fissures as
foreign troops prepare to
withdraw after more than a
decade of war.
Some 23,000 ballot boxes
are being transported by
the Afghan army and Nato
forces to the capital, where
they will be examined at 100
verification stations.
The audit will take two
to three weeks, we are plan-
ning to form hundreds of
Yousuf Nuristani, chief of
the Independent Election
Commission told a Press
I hope both candidates
accept the results this time
after the overall audit, he
Unofficial and disputed
preliminary results showed
former Finance Minister
Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai
well ahead of his rival, for-
lahAbdullah, but Abdullah's
supporters have said that is
only because of widespread
fraud. 001 US-led invasion to
topple the Taliban.
Palestinian employees wait at a cash-point machine to collect their salaries during a temporary five-hour
humanitarian ceasefire on Thursday in Gaza City. AFP
Bangkok, 17 July
Thailand's former prime
minister Yingluck Shi-
nawatra was today granted
permission by the military
junta to travel to Europe for
a 20-day trip for the first time
after the first woman pre-
mier was ousted in a coup.
MsYingluck, 46, isexpect-
edtotravel toParisnextweek
to attend the 65th birthday
party of Thaksin Shinawa-
tra, herelderbrotherandthe
fugitive former premier.
Thaksin's birthday cele-
on 26 July. He has lived in
self-imposed exile except
for a brief visit to Thailand
in 2008.
TheNational Council for
Peace and Order (NCPO)
yesterday approved prime
minister Yingluck's request
to leave the country because
since the coup she has never
shown that she was against
the NCPO's work, army
spokesman Colonel Winthai
Suvaree said.
She has kept a low pro-
file ever since, he said.
from office in a controver-
sial court ruling and sub-
sequently the army seized
power on 22 May in a blood-
less coup.
of people summoned and
temporarily detained by the
Army chief Gen Prayuth
Chan-ocha has said the coup
was necessary to restore
order after half a year of
anti- government protests
and political turmoil that
left at least 28 people dead
and the government paral-
London, 17 July: The BBC
today said it will cut 415 jobs
from its news department as
part of its ongoing auster-
public broadcaster.
Director of news, James
Harding, said the move is
part of 800-million pound
efficiency savings required
after the licence fee was
frozen in 2010.
The latest cuts are expect-
ed to save 48 million pounds
per year.
BBC News currently
employs around 8,400 peo-
ple, including around 5,000
journalists, basedinLondon,
around the UK and overseas.
He also set out plans to
substantially restructure
BBC at the forefront of
producing news for the dig-
ital age using new tech-
nologies. PTI
**+ -95 !0
Cu! 415 10BS
Yingluck allowed to
leave country
Manila, 17 July: Millions of
people in the Philippines
endured a second sweltering
day without power today
after a ferocious typhoon
paralysed the capital and
wreckedflimsyrural homes,
claiming at least 40 lives.
Utility crews scrambled
to repair thousands of top-
pled power pylons as well as
transmission lines as the
death toll from Typhoon
Rammasun, the first major
stormof theSoutheastAsian
archipelago's rainy season,
inched up. It will take two
weeks for power to nor-
malise to pre-typhoon level
for everyone, Energy Sec-
retary Jericho Petilla told
reporters, conceding that
was slow. Meanwhile the
authorities expressed frus-
tration amid signs many of
those who died had ignored
government warningsabout
the dangers posed by the
typhoon, one of 20 forecast
to hit the Asian archipelago
this year. AFP
w|!|0u! P0w|R
A|!|R !YP|00|
Baghdad, 17 July: Two bomb
attacks, one of which ripped
through a sprawling Bagh-
dad market, killed at least
11 people in Iraq today, offi-
cials said.
The Sunni militant offen-
sive that has overrun much
of northern and western
Iraq in the past five weeks
has caused a spike in vio-
lence as fighting rages on
new battlefronts across the
At the same time, small-
er scale attacks some of
them targeting checkpoints,
others hitting purely civil-
ian areas remain a facet of
daily life.
Baghdad'sShorjaMarket, an
open air emporium that is
one of the most popular
places for residents to buy
foodstuffs, clothes and elec-
tronics. AP
11 ||||| ||
Afghan poll audit starts after airport raid
Pak envoys accused of
rape, abduction in UK
Indias England tour
2nd Test Day 2
Star Sports 1
Asian Tour 2014
PGA Tour 2014
Euro Tour 2014
Day 4: Malaysian open
Ten Sports
Day 3: Irish Open
Ten Golf
17:00 15:25
Albertsons Boise Open
Neo Sports


London, 17 July
The game of cricket
appears heavily loaded in
the favour of the batsmen
mittee has ruled against
changing the law related
to the size of the bat due
to lack of consensus on the
The WCC discussed the
issue at its meeting and
decided that the balance
between bat and ball has
not yet tipped so far in
favour of the batsman so
as to warrant a change to
the Laws of Cricket.
With no consensus,
the committee ruled that
MCC should not look to
limit the edges and depths
of cricket bats within the
Laws at this stage, but
should continue to moni-
tor this aspect of the game
closely, a report on offi-
cial MCC website stated.
At present the permis-
sible length of the bat is
38 inches while the width
is 4 and a half inches.
MCC had asked Impe-
rial College London to
study the size of cricket
bats through the decades,
with specific reference to
the thickness of bat edges
and depths.
The report stated that
modern bats have bigger
sweet spots, with much
larger edges, and that the
ball goes further when hit
closer to the edge.
In addition, research
carried out on One Day
1979 shows that the num-
bers of boundaries
and especially of sixes
being hit in each innings
has increased dramati-
cally in the intervening
The committee debat-
ed the pros and cons of
such an increase in sixes,
such as how boundaries
were good for those watch-
ing the game both in the
ground and on TV, as
lenceof mis-hitsnowgoing
ing the boundary ropes.
The committee also dis-
cussed the importance for
boundaries themselves to
be pushed out as far as pos-
sible within health and
safety regulations
to further prevent bowlers
from being disadvantaged.
The WCC committee
believes that a full-time
appointment of a head of
Anti Corruption & Secu-
rity Unit will go a long way
to improve effectiveness
across the globe to reduce
The threat of corrup-
tion is constant in the
game, particularly so in
domestic televised crick-
et, and it is believed that
approaches to players are
still being attempted.
The ACSU needs to be
able to ensure that indi-
vidual boards work togeth-
er to increase the collec-
tive database of informa-
tion relating to these
approaches. The appoint-
ment of a full-time leader
will ensure that it is bet-
ter positioned to commu-
nicate more effectively
the work and successes of
the unit.
Galle, 17 July
Jean-Paul Duminy hit a
superb unbeaten century to
put South Africa in a posi-
tion of strength on the sec-
ond day of the first Test
against Sri Lanka today.
The left-hander came in
to bat with South Africa
placed at a shaky 331-7 but
he batted sensibly under
pressure to help his side
declare their first innings
at 455-9.
In reply, Sri Lanka were
30-0 when stumps were
drawn for the day with
Kaushal Silva batting on
eight and Upul Tharanga on
Tharanga, playing his
firstTestinsixyears, showed
little signs of nervousness,
hitting four boundaries in
his 40-ball innings so far.
The Sri Lankan bowlers
were made to toil in hot and
humid conditions by the
grittyrival batsmenwhodug
in to ensure their team did
not lose the advantage of
winning the toss and batting
first on a placid track at the
GalleInternational Stadium.
It was Duminy (100 not
out) who stole the show
with a superb rearguard
action after opener Dean
Elgar had laid the founda-
tion for a good total with a
103-run knock on day one.
Duminy, 30, frustrated
the bowlers to take South
His 206-ball effort contained
10 hits to the boundary
including an exquisite cover
drive off skipper Angelo
Mathews had to give him-
self the ball in the absence
of pace spearhead Shamin-
da Eranga who remained off
thefieldwithasplit webbing
in his bowling hand.
Duminy, droppedon82by
Dilruwan Perera, was given
a standing ovation from his
mates in the dressing room
Test century.
He shared valuable part-
nerships with tailenders
Vernon Philander and
MorneMorkel (22)whosedis-
missal in the 167th over
skipper Hashim Amla to
declare the innings.
Philander (27) was
adjudged leg before wicket
off Mathews but the bats-
man asked for a review as
he felt the ball had hit him
high on the pads.
However, Hawk Eye
upheld the on-field umpire's
He faced 96 balls and
shared 75 runs for the eighth
wicket with Duminy. The
morning session belonged
to Quinton de Kock who
hit a maiden Test 50 after
resuming the day at his
overnight score of 17.
Therookiebatsman, play-
ing his second Test after
making his debut in Feb-
ruary, hit six fours in his
promising 90-ball innings.
A smashing cover-drive
off slow bowler Dilruwan
Perera (3-147) and another
through point that raced to
the boundary were the high-
lights of his innings.
But Perera earned his
revenge when he sent back
De Kock with a sharp turn-
edged in the slips to give
Mahela Jayawardene his
198th catch. The second and
final Test will be played in
Colombo from 24-28 July.
Worlds richest:Real
Madrid and Barcelona
were named as the
world's two richest
sports franchises by
Forbes. Real are the
number one sports
teamwithavalueof $3.44
billion and Barcelona
Tour de France:
Frenchman Tony Gal-
lopin won the 11th
stage of the Tour de
France. He escaped
from a depleted pelo-
ton on a fast descent in
the last 10km of the
con to Oyonnax.
New role: SouravGan-
guly's entry into crick-
et administration is
scheduled for 27 July
when he will be elect-
ed the Cricket Asso-
ciation of Bengal's
joint- secretary at its
annual general meet-
e drove off in
search of the real
Neymar and
stumbled on the real
The trip took us an
hour out of Sao Paulo to
Santos, a place and a club
synonymous with Brazil-
ian football legend: the
production line of so
many greats that the
mural depicting them all
runs half a mile along
the training ground's
whitewashed perimeter
wall. From Pele, Zito and
Dorval in past great days
to Robinho, Alex and
Neymar in these modern
times when footballers
are a multi-million
pound export commodity.
Santos, who banked 45m
for Neymar, should be
awash with wealth, but if
anyone knows where all
the cash has gone then
they're certainly not
telling. The only link
between this place and
the modern football
money machine is the
gleaming Nike store full
of over-priced shirts,
plonked incongruously
in the middle of the mod-
est, careworn stadium.
The flip side to this
scene of missing money
is that Santos does not
exude the cold corporate
exterior of 21st century
football. We wanted to
talk to those who discov-
ered Neymar, and while
that would have required
a battery of emails and
equivalent communica-
tions to staff at any other
elite club, here we stum-
bled on the player's one-
time youth coach in the
club museum. Lima
the Brazilian equivalent
of a Nobby Stiles or Pat
Crerand, who played and
roomed with Pele was
just milling around and
was not too busy to sit
and talk for as long as we
The club's communi-
cations officer, Caroline
Piedade, was not too busy
to translate, nor to offer
us the offices to plug in
computers and write.
Santos FC, with its
unfathomable lack of
wealth, provided the
richest welcome we had
known in football.
It was Brazil in micro-
cosm. The welcome is
warmer than any imagin-
able on earth because the
people love their place
almost as much as con-
versation and company.
Every apartment block in
Porto Alegre includes a
communal sala da festa
room for neighbours and
friends to gather. You will
never sell your apart-
ment there if it does not
possess an in-built chur-
rasqueira or barbecue
grill. Here were people
wanting to know about
me, my job and my chil-
dren and desperate to dis-
cuss all three in English,
a language alien to them
because, to a serious
level, it is only taught in
provate schools.
But the country, like
Santos Football Club,
feels like something out
of 1950, and at best a
script straight from Life
on Mars. The middle-
class family who rented
us their apartment on
Sao Paulo's Avenida
Reboucas thought noth-
ing of the fact there was
no running hot water in
the kitchen sink. `You
only get hot if you fight
for it,' said Fernando
Ostrovsky, the son of the
family. The taxi drivers
thought nothing of the
fact that their country
lacks the efficiency to fin-
ish a road-building pro-
ject, leaving flyovers and
bypasses built for the
World Cup hanging in
mid-air. The effect
became comical after a
They don't finish jobs
because the state's grip is
being relinquished slow-
ly and suspiciously in
this new democracy. An
specialist, Otavio Mar-
shall. who helped explain
why favela communities
are forced to rig up wires
to tap the overhead elec-
tricity supply, told me
that the unfathomable
tax system was rigged to
keep foreign business out
of Brazil.
He sent me details of a
lawyer who had dedicat-
ed himself to compiling
the tax regulations of the
Minas Gerais state,
where the Belo Horizonte
stadium is located, into
one volume. It weighs 7.4
tonnes and has been sub-
mitted for a Guinness
Book of Records entry.
And then there is the
corruption a fact of
life for this and any other
nation still staggering
into the light, 30 years
after military dictator-
ship. The investigative
journalist Juca Kfouri
writes about the ideology
here of rouba, mas faz
(roughly, `It's OK to steal
if you get things done').
The only topic which
absorbs the taxi drivers
more than this is the tax
havens into which most
of the money earned
seems to vanish.
There has been an
inbuilt air of resignation
about all of this among
the Brazilian people.
There's a rather northern
English black humour
about the place too,
mixed up with fierce
local pride. A popular
joke tells of two Brazil-
ians discussing, over two
bottles of the ubiquitous
Skol lager, how the coun-
try is going to the dogs,
when an Argentinian
friend walks up and con-
vivially starts agreeing
with them. They ask him
what on earth he's talk-
ing about.
But the World Cup has
quickened the Brazilian
desire to see their coun-
try become better. The
$11bn (6.4bn) spent on
football stadiums was
obscene when the sewage
runs into the streets of
the favelas, but this tour-
nament has demonstrat-
ed to the nation that they
can make things work.
Their planes ran on time.
Their airports were effi-
cient. The police made
the cities safe. An over-
pass at Belo Horizonte
did collapse, killing two
people, but the stadiums
And the tournament
has stirred a national
consciousness which, by
every available account,
did not seem to exist
before. The Brazilians all
talk about the `barking
dog' nature of popular
protest in their country
`a dog barks when you
rouse it but he doesn't
keep it up when you walk
away' but they'll tell
you that the anger which
preceded this tourna-
ment was different to any
other. The protests were
about the government's
incompetence and cor-
ruption and they won't be
vanishing now. As Geldo
Zahran, professor of
international relations at
Sao Paulo's Catholic Uni-
versity, told the Financial
Times at the weekend:
`There's now a cloud over
the elite. People [feel they
can] take to the streets
again. So the elite feels it
needs to be more respon-
Such are the benefits
of staging a World Cup in
a developing country,
rather than reinforcing
the riches of Germany,
Japan, Russia or Qatar.
The rewards have been
hard earned for Brazil,
who have had to fight for
every penny of help from
Fifa. That much was
clear from three hours I
spent in the company of
the country's erudite
deputy sports minister,
Luis Fernandes, back in
But the rewards for
those of us privileged
enough to cover the event
are unquantifiable and
So thank you, Shashi
Kapour, Lucia Scalco,
Ubiratan Marquette,
Luiza Scalco, Caroline
Piedade, Fernando Ostro-
vsky and many more like
you for your goodness,
your friendship, your
conversation and your
company. Yours has been
a World Cup the likes of
which we will not see
again for generations. In
the most meaningful way,
your country was the
Thanks Brazil, you were a winner too
S Africa 1st innings (onight) 268
Petersen lbw b Perera 34
Elgar c Chandimal b Lakmal 103
du Plessis c Silva b Perera 80
Amla c Perera b Herath 11
de Villiers b Lakmal 21
de Kock c Jayawardene b Perera 51
Steyn b Lakmal 3
Duminy not out 100
Philander lbw b Mathews 27
Morkel b Perera 22
Extras: (LB-2, NB-1) 3
Total: (for 9 wkts decl) 455
Fall of wickets: 1-70, 2-195, 3-220,
4-246, 5-266, 6-290, 7-314, 8-389, 9-
Bowling: Lakmal 33-12-75-3,
Eranga 9-4-32-0, Herath 60-12-148-
1, Mathews 11-1-36-1, Perera 53.2-
Sri Lanka 1st innings
Silva not out 8
Tharanga not out 20
Extras: (LB-1, NB-1) 2
Total: (for no loss; 12 overs) 30
Bowling: Steyn 4-1-4-0, Philander
3-1-9-0, Morkel 3-2-4-0, Tahir 2-0-
ASIA: Asia Cup - Play
Chinese Taipei 76
Japan 62
Iran 75
Jordan 60
Philippines 70
India 66
China 84
Singapore 37
EUROPE: European
Championship U18 B
Women - Preliminary
Israel U18 W 76
Iceland U18 W 52
Latvia U18 W 78
Germany U18 W 58
USA: NBA Las Vegas
Summer League - Play
GS Warriors 65
Atlanta Hawks 68
San Antonio Spurs 100
Milwaukee Bucks 71
Miami Heat 96
Los Angeles Clippers 87
Houston Rockets 93
Toronto Raptors 77
NBA D-League 87
Denver Nuggets 75
Philadelphia 76ers 85
Los Angeles Lakers 63
Monterrey 4
Toros de Tijuana 11
Laguna 5
Aguascalientes 8
Monclova 2
Saltillo 4
Reynosa 3
Mexico 16
Veracruz 4
Quintana Roo 2
Campeche 13
Oaxaca 2
Ciudad del Carmen 3
Puebla 6
Tabasco 5
Yucatan 4
|RuS!RA!|S SR| |A||A| B0w||RS !0 !A|| ||S S|| PAS! !|| 4OO-Ru| |AR|
Sourav Ganguly
Craig Kimbrel of the Atlanta Braves. AFP
Jean-Paul Duminy in action on Thursday. AFP
arcelona mounted an
impassioned defence
of their 75m signing
of Luis Suarez from Liver-
pool yesterday and did their
best not to further antago-
nise Fifa as they continue
the process of appealing
his four-month ban from
all football-related activi-
Asked if they had com-
promised their `More than
a club' slogan by signing a
player banned by the game's
governing body, sporting
directorAndoni Zubizarreta
said: `The philosophy has
never been about us claim-
ing to be perfect.
with all their imperfections.
People get things right and
they get things wrong and
they can learn from their
Inthehistoryof thisclub
we have had some good days
and some bad days. What we
have always done is learn
from mistakes and turn
themintopositives. Iamsure
that Luis will be a positive
force for this club in the
But when asked where
and how the striker might
prepare for the season if
the current ban on him set-
ting foot in Barcelona's Joan
Gamper training complex is
allowedtostand, Zubizarreta
was less forthcoming.
`Our lawyers tell us that
we have to be very prudent
ter,' he claimed. `We have to
give them time to mount the
best case before we say any
more.' Barcelona find them-
selves in a delicate situation
as they try to change the
natureof Suarez'sbansothat
it at least no longer pre-
vents him from training
with his new team-mates.
They are upset at what
appears to be an attempt by
Fifa to legislate beyond the
limits of its jurisdiction
in effect preventing one of
Barcelona's employees from
turning up at work but
they are dependent on the
governing body allowing
them to fast-track their
appeal to the Court of Arbi-
tration for Sport (Cas) in
Without that support
Bara would have to follow
a more standard appeals
procedure that will take
much longer than the Cas's
15-day `express' hearing.
They are also in the
process of trying to per-
suade Fifa to lift a 14-month
transfer ban imposed on
the club for breaking rules
over the signing of Under-
18s. They are keen to tread
a different path to the one
taken by Uruguay presi-
dent Jose Mujica, who
Suarez's lawyer Alejandro
Balbi also described the
four-month ban from all
football-related activity `bla-
tantly draconian, totalitar-
ian and fascist'.
The Barcelona president,
JosepMariaBartomeu, tried
to mend bridges with Fifa
president Sepp Blatter at the
World Cup final on Sunday,
while yesterday the new
coach Luis Enrique even
played down the effect that
all the uncertainty over
when Suarez can begin play-
ing might have on the start
of the season.
`It's not a tragedy,' he
said. `It's not ideal but nei-
ther can it serve as any
excuse. Another player will
take his place with the
Barcelona badge on his shirt
and represent the club.
`The ideal situation is to
haveall theplayersatmydis-
posal but we knew that he
[Suarez] couldn't train for
him. The season is very
long and he has signed for
five years.'
Despite publicly trying to
calmthesituation, Barcelona
remain upset that the sec-
ond-biggest signing in their
history behind Neymar is,
as far as football is con-
cerned, under Fifa house
arrest. Their appeal is based
largely on the way his four-
month ban will in effect be
longer than that because
Suarez will need to regain
fitness to be able to play once
he has served the punish-
ment. Some influential voic-
es at Barcelona have ques-
tioned how the trio of
Suarez, Neymar and Lionel
Messi will gel, with former
Bara coach and player
JohanCruyff doubtingtheir
compatibility. THE INDEPEDENT
Suarez will learn from his mistakes
Hoylake, 17 July
stumbled to a couple of late
bogeys to return a disap-
pointing three-over 75 on the
opening day of the Open
Championships here today.
Among the early starters,
going off at 7.09 am, Lahiri's
game looked wayward and
he missed a good number of
fairways especially on the
back nine and dropped four
bogeys and a double against
just three birdies.
Looking and sounding
disappointed Lahiri admit-
ted, It was ideal conditions
and I have no excuses. I
played pretty poorly espe-
cially on holes where there
were lots of opportunities.
The last four holes are eas-
ier holes and coming in, I
think I got a bit frustrated
that I didn't make anything
happen. It's a great learning
His'A' gamewasnowhere
in the vicinity and he strug-
gled at various stages, with
putting deserting him. I
struggled. Honestly, I was no
where near where I should
be with my game. It would
have been nice if I could
make a few more putts from
inside 10 or 15 feet. It just did-
n't fall for me today,said the
27-year-old. But he did hold
out hope and added, I have
to play my best golf tomor-
I know that. I missed a
lot of shots to the right and
didn't find enough fairways.
The frustration got the bet-
ter of me coming in and I've
got to be careful with that.
I've got to come out
tomorrow with more con-
fidence and more positivi-
ty. It was quite disappoint-
ing as the conditions were
good. I just hit a few destruc-
tive shots and didn't find
enough fairways. Not what
I was looking for obviously.
He is trying to feed off the
positive memories of his
appearance at Royal Lytham
and St. Annes two years
ago, where he finished tied
31st and also had a hole-in-
one. Everyone is really
excited. I had a great Open
two years ago (where he
finished tied 31st at Royal
Lytham and St Annes) and
ing me on. said Lahiri.
Poor show by Lahiri
*))+- *)++0))1)
Gary Ba||ance was on Thursday said to have been to|d of
his responsibi|ities as an Eng|and p|ayer after being pho-
tographed top|ess in a Nottingham bar on Sunday, hours
after the drawn first Test with ndia at Trent Bridge. The
Yorkshire batsman, who made 71 in the game, was
with his Eng|and co||eagues and was not
breaking team ru|es. But head coach Peter
Moores is understood to have spoken to
Ba||ance about his conduct.
Dutee debate: Seek-
ing to end the contro-
versy around sprint-
er Dutee Chand, the
Sports Authority of
athlete failed the test
conducted to check
the level of androgen
in her body.
Dope ban: Former
champion Evi Sachen-
handed a two-year ban
for doping at the Sochi
Olympic Games in
February. Her suspen-
17 February, 2014.
Hockey website: Hock-
ey India's High-Per-
formance Programme
ing of its three-phase
website, designedtobe
an interactive plat-
form for the country's
coaches and players.
Hawgood's hope: With
a well-balanced unit at
his disposal, the Indi-
an women's hockey
team coach Neil Haw-
good is confident his
young team will deliv-
er their best result at
the Commonwealth
Games in Glasgow.
Football tours: India's
U-23 men's football
team will go on expo-
sure trips to the Czech
Republic and China
before leaving for the
from 19 September to
4 October. Thirty prob-
ables are training.
Soccer tie-up: Indian
Super League fran-
chise Delhi Dynamos
ord FC which was exp-
ing players and tech-
nical staff available.
an women's cricket
team will play a Test
when they go on a two-
and-a-half week tour
of England starting
on 7 August. India are
scheduled also to play
three ODIs.
Top teams:Germany's
charge to claim the
World Cup title has
top of Fifa's world ran-
kings for the first time
in around 20 years.
The top three: Germa-
nds. India rose to 151.
Toni cruises: Ger-
many World Cup-win-
ner Toni Kroos agreed
on a deal to join Real
Madrid from Bayern
Munich on a six-year
contract. Hesidedwith
Real overtoutedmoves
to Manchester Unit-
ed or Chelsea.
Navas grabbed: Real
Madrid have agreed
on a deal for Levante
goalkeeper Keylor
Navas following his
Diego Lopez to either
Napoli or Monaco.
Police charged: Four
of ficers of Rio de
Janeiro state police
were detained on
charges of assaulting
the amount of public
to host the World Cup.
Fifa encomium:Costa
the revelation of the
World Cup, according
toFifa. Theyoutdidfor-
Italy and England to
rank No 1 in their
group at the end of
the initial round.
New era: Japan'sShin-
ji Kagawa has vowed
to prove his worth to
new Manchester Unit-
after a disappointing
World Cup plunged
his future into further
doubt. "I feel incredi-
bly excited," he said.
Thief held: Rocio
Oliva, an ex-girlfriend
of Maradonawasarrest-
Maradona said she
had made off with
watches and diamond
Printed and published by SANDEEP KUMAR AGRAWAL on behalf of THE STATESMAN LTD and printed at The Statesman Printing Press, 6 Munshigunge Road, Kolkata - 700023. Published from 4, Chowringhee Square, Kolkata - 700001 Editor: RAVINDRA KUMAR The Statesman Ltd, RNI No. WBENG/2708/57 For more updates
+ ;
+ ;
London, 17 July
Graham Gooch believes
Alastair Cook's current
slump has gone beyond a
loss of form and he will
need to remodel his game
if he is to return to scor-
ing hundreds.
The England captain
went into today's second
Test against India at
Lord's without a Test cen-
tury for 16 months, a run
stretching across 25
innings during which he
has passed 50 only seven
times and attained a
highest score of 72. In the
first Test against India
last week he was bowled
off his thigh pad and
round his legs for five.
Gooch, who helped
mentor Cook for many
years with Essex and
England prior to being
sacked as England's bat-
ting coach in the post-
Ashes cull, said: `He has
found all sorts of ways of
getting out recently, and
that is what happens
when you're in this kind
of form, but it would be
wrong to say this is just
bad form.
`Alastair does not get
8,500 runs in Test cricket
without being a good
player. You don't score 25
Test hundreds without
being a good player.
`I think sometimes
people forget just how
good a run-maker he is,
but in this instance he is
not just in a run of bad
form; opposition teams
have worked out how to
bowl to him to stop him
scoring, to stop him play-
ing shots. `Australia did
it, Sri Lanka, and now
India have copied it. He
has to go back and look at
his game and remake it,
to work out ways to score
runs. We have all had to
do it at some point in our
careers, though it is diffi-
cult in the middle of a
Test series.
`It is a challenge he
has got now and it is up
to him to find a way to
combat what the opposi-
tion are doing to him. He
can do it, though. Look at
the way he played when
he came back into the
one-day team. Everyone
said he couldn't score
runs quick enough but he
was one of the quickest
scorers. And he didn't do
it by slogging. `But when
he gets out there, it
sounds trite, but he has to
try and score runs not
think, `I am going to be
tight and hang in there
and they won't get me
out'; he has to look to
score runs.
`I am confident he will
come through. He is a
great player, he's proved
that by the runs he has
made, and I'm sure he
will score heavily again
for England like he has in
the past.' Gooch, who was
speaking at an event at
Lord's, also said Cook had
been mistaken to respond
to Shane Warne's con-
stant criticism of his cap-
taincy. `I think you have
to stay focused on what
you are going to do,'
Gooch added. `All this
stuff down the years with
players saying `I don't
read the press, it doesn't
affect me', that is rub-
bish. Complete lies. That
sort of criticism affects
everyone. No one likes to
be criticised; everyone
likes to be buttered up
and told they are good, to
want to be loved, that is
the world we live in.
`He needs to remain
true, and get on with
what he does best and
that is being a run-
Bowlers have worked Cook out
Registration No.KOLRMS/55/2013-2015 MH/MR/South-67/2012-2014

London, 17 July
Anybody wondering how
this series might receive
an infusion of life has their
answer. Dullsville has been
replaced by the mean streets
of the wild west.
It might not havebeenthe
way in which cricket gen-
erally would have preferred
to grab the attention of dis-
interested passers-by but
there is nothing like a dose
of ill will and a spat to gen-
erate awareness that some-
thing is happening. What-
ever occurred or did not
occur between Jimmy
Anderson and Ravindra
Jadeja during the first
therestof thesummerissud-
Clearly, it would help
hugely if the pitches were
somewhere near as lively as
the protagonists in the Not-
tingham altercation which
has led to both being up
before different beaks for
misdemeanours alleged to
have brought the game into
disrepute. All three Tests so
farthissummer, thefirst two
against Sri Lanka and the
have been marked by long
passages of distinctly unex-
citing play.
England, distinctly
patchy so far, must avoid
being distracted by the
Anderson issue. Their cap-
tain, Alastair Cook, seemed
to think that it might gal-
vanise both the fast bowler
and the team after nine
Tests and 11 months with-
out a Test win.
He said: `I don't think the
side will need any more
motivation because we're
desperate to win. We haven't
won one for a while but, if
anything, if it does bring us
tighter, even more closer
together and supporting
each other more during the
tough times then that can
work really well for us.'
Considering his travails
and the last thing he
wanted was to be dragged in
to a serious ICC complaint
involving one of his senior
players Cook has been
remarkably relaxed. Some-
how, his captaincy, so derid-
ed against Sri Lanka, was
full of wit and invention last
week. There was almost too
much of it for those who
would prefer to see a bit of
reactive captaincy, so that
plans have time to work
Cook has virtually been
the one constant in a senior
position in English cricket
in the last year. The resig-
nation this week of the chief
executive, David Collier, fol-
lows the departures, immi-
nent or complete, of the
marketingdirector, thecrick-
et managing director, the
chairman of selectors and
some blue riband players.
Only the chairman, Giles
Clarke and Cook survive.
Perhapstheywill beappoint-
ed for life if England start
winning again.
India look in a much
more composed frame of
mind than on their last visit
here in 2011 when they made
some rash selections, played
accordingly and lost 4-0.
There were occasions, how-
ever, even then when they
challenged and it was only
England's resilience and
refusal to lose the close ses-
sions that turned the series.
This has already become
a contest between two brit-
tle sides, as was demon-
strated in Nottingham. Both
teams had a batting col-
lapse of sorts but were then
revived by implausible 10th-
wicketstands, partlybecause
of the lifeless pitch but part-
ly because neither knew
how to finish matters off.
The captaincy of MS
Dhoni was fairly uninspir-
ing last week but he is a
phlegmatic character who
always conveys the impres-
sion that he has seen it all,
done it all and nothing will
bother him overmuch.
London, 17 July
Insisting that the much
talked-about altercation
between Ravindra Jadeja
and James Anderson was
nothing more than a minor
bust-up, former England
captain Michael Vaughan
said the visiting Indians
were blowing things out of
proportion in an attempt to
unsettle the home team.
It is all a bit pathetic and
sad that India have report-
thing that sounds like noth-
ing more than a minor bust-
up somethingthatcan
happen in the pressurised
environment of Test crick-
et, Vaughan wrote in 'The
Daily Telegraph'.
The sad part for me is
that they could not sort this
going to the International
Cricket Council. India are
such a powerful force in
world cricket but the game
needs them to wield that
sure they do not just use that
tage, as naive as that may
sound, said the former
Anderson allegedly
pushed and abused Jadeja
on the second day of the
drawn opening Test in Not-
tingham. The Indians
pressedformal chargesquite
a few days later and the
English responded by
counter-charging Jadeja.
India have to be careful.
They have to make sure
they have enough evidence
to prove Anderson did some-
thing seriously wrong oth-
erwise they will be accused
of crying wolf or confirm
suspicions they are just try-
ing to get England's best
an. I also do not see why MS
Dhoni has got himself
involved in this. It should
have been dealt with at
board level with slaps on the
wrists for both players. I am
a huge admirer of Dhoni. He
has been fantastic for the
game, awonderful playerand
captain of India so I do not
understand why he wants to
lower himself like this. It is
a shame. It leaves a bad
taste, he fumed.
It is wrong if Jimmy
against men, not under-11s
cricket. If he had thrown a
punch then Jimmy should
be banned but a little shove
and some verbals? Just get
on with it.
Gavaskars view:
Sunil Gavaskar has said
that the controversy regard-
ing James Anderson push-
ing Ravindra Jadeja during
the Trent Bridge Test, is not
good for the game.
I feel some action is
ter than cure. I think talks
between both sides have
failed as it has not resolved
anything. The Judicial Com-
mission needs to step in
with necessary investiga-
tion, Gavaskar said.
India blowing things out of proportion Skipper urges England to rally round Anderson
London, 17 July
No love was lost between the
English and Indian players
following the incident at
Nottingham. And Lords
might as well have become
a battlefield for players on
either side to flex their mus-
cles to prove their superi-
The grassy pitch proved
to be the home teams ally
after England skipper Alas-
tair Cook won an important
toss and asked the Indians
to face the music right away.
Indeed if Nottingham
was a bowlers graveyard,
Lords was no less than a
batsmans graveyard.
Such was Englands luck
on a day that the sun rarely
made an appearance in the
first half.
That helped the English
bowlers swing the ball by a
long way as if it was being
Before the first ball was
bowled, the great West Indi-
an Michael Holding
remarked, If you dont get
early wickets on this pitch,
you are not bowling well
In fact both Holding and
Kapil Dev felt the way the
wicket responded England
for 140.
actually didnt bowl well in
the first session.
James Anderson played
the lead role in making life
difficult for the Indian bats-
Yet, he too was guilty of
not making the batsmen
play as much as he should
Shikhar Dhawan and
Murli Vijay could hardly
be blamed for losing their
wickets as the ball pitched
outside their leg stump and
swung back long enough to
take the leading edge.
Virat Kohli started bril-
liantly while Pujara grind-
ed it out in his own way but
both fell to fine deliveries
from Anderson and Ben
Stokes respectively.
Though India did well in
the first session (73/2), it was
after lunch (140/6) that they
conceded a lot of ground to
the opposition.
They lost three quick
wickets for 15 runs with
Mahendra Singh Dhoni
and Ravindra Jadeja falling
cheaply after Pujaras exit.
Stuart Binny joined the
casualty list soon after tea
and at 145 for 7 the end for
India was well in sight.
Or so it appeared, as
Ajinkya Rahane rebelled
against the situation getting
support from Bhuvnesh-
war Kumar (36) who prob-
ably did enough to merit a
Fevicol advertisement.
Their fighting stand for the
eighth wicket yielded 90
runs off 148 balls.
Rahane single-handed-
ly took the fight to the oppo-
sition with brilliant tech-
His footwork was pre-
cise and he pierced the gaps
with lovely timing. As the
English bowlers got frus-
trated and dug it short, he
playing controlled aggres-
As a desperate measure,
England took the new ball
immediately after 80 overs.
However, it matter little to
Rahane whorespondedwith
a gorgeous straight drive off
Broad then disturbed
Bhuvneshwar Kumars fur-
niture to provide some relief
to the hosts. And with part-
nersmelting, Rahane imme-
diately switched to using the
long handle.
Anderson again was his
special fancy being glanced
for a four and then lifted
down the ground for a max-
Two more boundaries
off Anderson saw him inch
closer to a richly deserved
In the following over,
Broad managed to beat him
but the ball was clearly
going over the stumps.
Another boundary off
Andersona glide past
coverbrought upRahanes
hundred whose hands
reached for the heavens in
sheer delight.
Every Indian player was
out applauding on the Lords
balcony as were the spec-
tators in each and every
stand. It was a dream
moment for Rahane whose
innings changed the course
of the Test in a matter two
Despair followed delight
within a few deliveries as
Ajinkya fell in the same
over driving straight back
to the bowler.
He charmed the audi-
ence for 233 minutes, in
which he faced 154 balls
and his knock was punctu-
ated by 15 delightful fours
and one towering six.
By the end of an event-
ful first day, the smiles were
back in the Indian dressing
room. The last three wick-
ets had actually doubled
Indias score.
India not only had a fruit-
ful day, they also had at
least 100 runs more in their
England should have
bowled out India for 180-190
but they didnt bowl well in
the first session,reckoned
IanBotham andMikeAther-
And the man who made
Ajinkya Rahane.
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Ajinkya Rahane celebrates after scoring a century. AFP
India 1st innings:
Vijay c Ballance b Plunkett 24
Dhawan c Ballance b Anderson 7
Pujara b Stokes 28
Kohli c Prior b Anderson 25
Rahane c & b Anderson 103
Dhoni c Prior b Broad 1
Jadeja b Ali 3
Binny lbw b Anderson 9
Kumar b Broad 36
Shami batting 14
Sharma batting 12
Extras: (B-17, LB-10, NB-1) 28
Total: (For 9 wkts; 90 overs) 290
Fall of wickets: 1-11, 2-48, 3-86, 4-
113, 5-123, 6-128, 7-145, 8-235, 9-
Bowling: Anderson 22-7-55-4,
Broad 22-5-79-2, Plunkett 15-5-51-
1, Stokes 17-5-40-1, Ali 14-2-38-1.
way has improved
punctuality of its ser-
vices to 99.77 % as
year. Theoverall punc-
tuality during April-
June stood at 99.81%
as compared t o
99.47 % last year. SNS
Media seminar: Taki
Boys School organ-
ised a seminar Media
& Students Commu-
nity-Emerging Sce-
nario'' on Thursday
where eminent per-
sonalities presented
their views through
deliberations. SNS
Imprisoned: The
Cooch Behar District
Sessions Court sen-
tenced 10 persons to 10
years of rigorous
imprisonment for cul-
pable homicide. They
were arrested after
one Kamal Ghosh was
killed in 2001. SNS
New chairman: For-
of the Trinamul-led
South Dinajpur ZP
took charge as chair-
man of the District
Primary School Edu-
cation in presence of
TMC district presi-
dent Biplab Mitra. SNS
AjitSaha, 30, waskilled
in a road accident on
NH-34 near Ghosh-
para village in the
Alampur gram pan-
his way to Itahar in
North Dinajpur on a
motorcycle. SNS
Workers of Shalimar Paints
at a hunger demonstration in
Howrah on Thursday.
Madhumita Sarkar
` c 1`
+ ;
+ ;
Kolkata, 17 July
The state government has
set up a new trafficking
advisory committee to
addresstheissueof childand
women trafficking, said Dr
Shashi Panja, minister for
Women and Social Welfare
"The committee will
address the trafficking issue
andwill alsohaveataskforce
ready to deal with it," said
DrPanja. Thecommitteewill
be chaired by her as well.
The state has already
signed an MoU with Maha-
rashtra in this regard. It
plans on signing MoUs with
other states as well in this
regard. Thiswill helpinbet-
ter tracking and rescue of
victims I believe. The results
areminimumwhenit comes
to prosecute the offenders,
said Dr Panja today at an
event. The guidelines on a
child protection committee
was also released today.
The child protection com-
mittee will ensure child pro-
tection at different levels
~gram panchayat, ward,
village, block, district and
state levels under the flag-
ship Integrated Child Pro-
tection Scheme. The com-
mittee will also monitor
and play a vigilant role in
combating human traffick-
The minister said that
will be the priority of the
state government in this
She further added that
birth and marriage regis-
tration should be made com-
pulsory in the villages. This
will help to keep a track of
the child.
While talking about the
58 children fromMalda who
were rescued from Kerala,
Dr Panja said that "we can-
not stop migration but can
ever wants to move to anoth-
er state or village will have
cerned, she added.
State govt forms committee to
check child, woman trafficking
Barrackpore, 17 July
Locals today blocked the B
T Road in front of Titagarh
police station protesting
against alleged police inac-
tion after a four-year-old
girl was allegedly raped by
her neighbour last Saturday.
While police have arrest-
ed the accused, the victim's
not yet been produced in
court. Police cleared the
road block after about an
hour today.
According to locals, the
incident took place at a
slumareainTitagarh, where
several families stay close
together. The accused Mr
Khurshid Alam and his fam-
ily staying just beside vic-
tims house. Mr Alam is an
namul leader of this area.
According to Titagarh
police, this incident took
tims own house, when she
was alone in the house. But
Mr Alam was caught by the
mother of the victim as he
came out from her room.
Local residents beat him
up and lodged a complaint
at Titagarh police station.
Thereafter, on Sunday police
arrestedtheaccused. Butthe
locals and the family mem-
bers charged that despite
police arresting the accused,
they have not produced him
in Barrackpore court,
because the Trinamul Con-
gress is allegedly putting
pressure on police not to do
Road blocked over
police inaction
against child rapist
Kolkata, 17 July
To remove hawkers in
the New Market area, the
Kolkata Municipal Cor-
poration (KMC) has
formed a committee with
the representatives of
various trade unions to
conduct a survey in the
area. After survey, the
committee will identify
the spots where the
hawkers can put up their
stalls. The decision was
taken at a high level
meeting at the civic head
quarters today in which
the state transport min-
ister Mr Madan Mitra,
Mayor Sovan Chatterjee,
Member and Mayor-in-
council (Market) Mr
Tarak Singh, and the
Municipal Commisioner
were present. Represen-
tatives of INTTUC,
INTUC, CITU, members
of the Hawker Sangram
Committee and traders
unions participated in
the meeting. The owners
of various shops in New
Market had submitted a
deputation to the Mayor
urging him to take steps
against the illegal
encroachment of hawk-
ers in the area. The
hawkers have put up
stalls illegally occupying
the pavements causing
inconvenience to the
commuters and buyers.
People on vehicles face
problems as most por-
tions of the roads have
been occupied. In case of
any fire incident, fire
tenders will have a hard
time to enter the area.
There are however
several parts in the city
where the pavements
have been occupied by
the hawkers. Mr Asit
Saha, president of the
Hawkers Sangram Com-
mittee said that they
want to resolve the issue
amicably but the people
who earn their liveli-
hoods running stalls
need to be rehabilitated.
Mr Tarak Singh said
that the committee will
work out a solution to
deal with the hawker
A survey will be con-
ducted from next week
and certain places will
be demarcated for hawk-
ers to put up stalls on
the basis of the
decision taken by the
Where to, now?
Kolkata, 17 July
Kolkata will no longer have
a terminus for long dis-
tance buses from October.
The Babughat and Cen-
tral bus stand at Esplanade
will beshiftedtoSantragachi
by 30 September this year,
state transport minister
Madan Mitra said today.
Talking to the media at
Paribahan Bhavan this
evening Mr Mitra said the
new bus terminus at Santra-
gachi will come up on 10
acres of land. The decision
order of Calcutta High
The state transport
department has entrusted
the Hooghly River Bridge
Commissioner (HRBC) to
construct a modern bus ter-
minus and land surface at
Santragachi. The HRBC will
spend Rs 10 crore in this
regard. A taxi stand will also
come up at the terminus.
The state transport
department has received
another 6 acres land at Gor-
agacha in South 24 Par-
ganas to construct another
modern bus terminus. The
buses, which will not find
place at Santragachi will be
shifted at Goragacha. At
least 200 buses can be parked
at Goragacha at one go.
Chief Minister Mamata
Banerjee has handed over
both designated lands at
Santragachi and Goragacha
to the state transport depart-
ment, Mr Mitra said. The
HRBC will spend Rs 6 crore
to built a modern bus ter-
minus at Goragacha, Mr
Mitra said. Earlier, the state
transport department had
decided to remove the
Babughat bus stand at
Victoria Memorial from
automobile fumes. The con-
tinued presence of the bus
terminus is in complete dis-
cordance with the govern-
ment's riverside beautifi-
cation plan, Mr Mitra said.
gachi, nexttotherailwaysta-
tion, is bigger than the bus
termini at Esplanade and
Babughat taken together,
said a senior official of the
transport department.
From now on, all state
transport undertakings will
as a halting place. The gov-
ernment has also picked
out six depots at Taratala,
Joka, Kasba, Belgharia,
Thakurpukur and Nilgunge
near Belgharia where gov-
ernment buses from
Esplanade have been shift-
Transport minister
Madan Mitra said: Even
after moving to the new ter-
minius, the buses will be
allowed to stop at Esplanade
for passengers. The opera-
tors have now sought longer
stoppage times at Esplanade
for offloading.
Kolkata, 17 July
With the change in guard at
the Centre, the BJP has
started making inroads in
employees association of
Universities as well, as today
a BJP delegation led by Mr
Rahul Sinha, BJP state pres-
ident, met the Trinamul
backed employees' associa-
tion of the Bengal Engi-
neering College and Uni-
versities (BESU), who have
urged him to set up a unit
Sources in the Universi-
ty added that around 50-60
employees under the banner
of the Trinamul Congress
non-teaching staff associa-
tion invited BJP state pres-
ident Mr Rahul Sinha at
the campus and urged him
to set up a unit so that they
could voice their protests
against the irregularities in
the Universities.
A senior non-teaching
employee of the Trinamul
Congress cell of the Uni-
versity on condition of
anonymitysaidthat theyare
planning to start a new unit
of BJP at the University
campus and that they have
also urged Mr Sinha to
request the Ministry of
Human Resource Develop-
ment (MHRD) for Central
funds at par with other Cen-
tral Universities.
The employees' associa-
tion also claimed that they
are still in the dark on their
salaries, whether they will
be at par with other employ-
ees of Central Universities,
after BESU achieved the
IIEST status.
A member of the TMC-
backed employees' associa-
tion said that they have
appealed to the Vice-Chan-
cellor on several occasions
and urged him about steps
to be taken for parity in the
pay structure, but the V-C
allegedly refused to divulge
any details.
Mr Rahul Singh said that
by August they will set up
an employees' unit at BESU
to stop anarchy at educa-
tional institutions.
According to Mr Sinha
they will also begin similar
such units in other Univer-
sities. The state BJP has
apparently received infor-
mation from various TMC
employees' associations that
they are aggrieved with the
functioning of respective
Universities and that their
association has failed to
take up the issues serious-
ly, and that they want to join
the BJP.
Consequently the state
BJP is also planning to set
at all the Universities.
BJP gaining ground steadily
in state universities
Kolkata, 17 July: In a bid to
control vector borne dis-
eases like malaria and
dengue, the Kolkata Munic-
ipal Corporation (KMC) has
prepared a databank on
potential mosquito breeding
places in the city.
In this unique approach,
KMC's health department
has prepared a 9,048 page
databank in which the civic
body has identified perma-
nent mosquito breeding
grounds in all the 144 wards.
This will feature digitised
road-wise information of
the places which have been
detected as mosquito breed-
ing grounds.
A senior official of the
health department said that
the databank will immense-
ly help the department to
take precaution against
dengue and malaria in
the city.
Employees of the health
department will check these
breeding sites throughout
be taken to destroy the mos-
quito larvae.
Those living in and
around the mosquito breed-
ing grounds would be
instructed to ensure that
there is no accumulated
The databank revealed
that there are 44,211 open
masonry tanks, 4,704 uncov-
ered overhead water tanks,
12,403 wells, 5,202 slum clus-
ters, 3,802 under-construc-
tion buildings, 17,460 open
surface drains and 3,829
rooftops with seepage water
in the KMC area.
Mr Atin Ghosh, Mem-
ber and Mayor-in-council
(Health) said that this is a
unique concept which has
not been undertaken in the
country yet.
This bank will have
detailed information of all
the mosquito breeding cen-
tres. SNS
A!ABA|| !0
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Suri, 17 July
Thenameof AnubrataMon-
dal has not been included in
the charge-sheet submitted
to the court by a Special
Investigating Team prob-
ing the Parui Sagar Ghosh
murder case. The officials
also excluded names of six
otherTrinamul leadersfrom
the charge-sheet.
However, police claimed
that it was Bhagirath Ghosh
and Subrata Roy who shot
Sagar Ghosh on the night of
the murder.
The names of Anubra-
ta Mondal and Bikash Roy
Choudhury which were at
the number one and num-
ber two position in the FIR
respectively, have been
excluded from the charge-
sheet produced in the court.
Also, six other names have
been excluded, said Mr
Indranil Chatterjee, assistant
publicprosecutor, Suri, CJM
court. However, Hridoy
Ghosh, son of the deceased,
said: This was expected
fromthepolice. Weneverhad
ing us getting any justice.
The SIT also took the same
corrupt path. We also knew
son who is under the shel-
ter of the state Chief Min-
ister. Local BJP leaders
were also allegedly 'frus-
trated' over the issue. BJP
sources said they will pro-
tect Hridoy Ghosh and his
family with the help of local
police and the administra-
tion. The Ghosh family inci-
dentally, joined the BJP yes-
terday. We knew that the
name of Anubrata Mondal
would be excluded from the
charge-sheet. still it is frus-
trating to know that the
police department has no
responsibility. They are pro-
tecting such criminals
instead of the common peo-
ple. Still, wehavetokeepfaith
and be positive attitude
towards the country's judi-
cial and legislative system,
said Mr Dilip Ghosh, vice-
president, BJP, Birbhum.
Parui Ghosh murder case: Anubrata Mondals
name not included in charge-sheet
BABuC|A!, |SP|A|A| BuS |P0!S B|||C S|||!| BY JO S|P!||B|R
Kolkata, 17 July
State Education Minister
Partha Chatterjee today
said that many primary
schools run by the KMC
are in bad shape and lack the
minimum required infra-
He was speaking at the
felicitation programme of
the meritorious students of
KMC schools at the Town
Hall today.
The minister has sought
a report from the Member
and Mayor-in-council (Edu-
cation), Ms Mitali Banerjee
on the overall infrastructure
of 271 KMC-run schools in
the city.
"It has been seen that in
many such schools there
are very few students, while
in others there are hardly
any students," Mr Chatter-
jee said.
jee to prepare a report on the
requirements of these
schools and submit it to the
State Education department
and to the Chairman of the
KolkataPrimaryCouncil. He
assured that the depart-
ment will take steps to
enhance infrastructure of
these schools.
The state government
recently upgraded eight
KMC-run primary schools
up to class VIII from class
IV. The minister today felic-
itated around 97 students
whoperformedwell inannu-
al examinations from vari-
ous classes. Mr Chatterjee
said: "Poor students can-
not afford to go to private
schools and hence join KMC
schools. Overall infra-
structure of these schools
will be enhanced soon after
KMC submits a report."
On the molestation of a
class VII student of a Bagha-
jatin school he said a report
has been sought from the
school. The toilets would be
upgraded through funds
KMC-run schools are in bad shape
The three kids seemtotally absorbed in fascination. In Kolkata. Dilip Dutta
BJP state
president Rahul
Sinha met BESU
association today.
Around 50-60
employees of the
association invited
Mr Sinha.
MoUs to be signed
with other states to
combat problem.
Birth, marriage
registration to be
done in villages.
Partha Chatterjee and Shovan
Chatterjee during a felicitation
programme for top fifteen stu-
dents of KMCP schools for their
acedemic excellence, in Kolkata
on Thursday. Dilip Dutta
Planes : Fire and
Rescues 3D
Inox-Quest, 9:05 am*
1:30 pm, 3:55 pm*
5:55 pm, 8:30 pm*
Inox-City Centre,, 2:45pm
Inox-Forum, 11:20am
1:35pm, 6:10pm
Inox-South City, 9am
1:15pm, 3:15pm
Dawn of the Planet of
the Apes 3D
Inox City Centre
Inox-Forum, 8:10pm
Inox Rajarhat 5:05pm
Inox Hiland 11am
Inox Liluah 11.55 am
7.45 pm10.30 pm
Inox-South City,
10:40am, 10:35pm
The Fault In Our Stars
Inox-Quest, 9:05 am
1:10 pm*, 6:55 pm
Inox Forum11:40am
Inox South City 10am
Transformers: Age of
Extinction 3D
Inox City Centre
Inox Swabhumi
Inox Rajarhat 11:20am
Inox-South City,
Inod-Hiland Park,
Hate Story 2
RDB Cinemas,10.15am
12.50pm, 5.50pm,
Inox-Quest, 9:10 am,
11:35 am, 2:20 pm
5:05 pm, 7:50 pm
10:35 pm
Inox-City Centre,,, 8:10pm
Inox-Forum, 9:15am
2:20pm, 7:45pm
9:40am, 11:05am
5:20pm, 8pm
Inox-Rajarhat, 9am
11:25am, 4:15pm
7pm, 10:55pm
Inox-South City,
9:20am, 11:45am
2:30pm, 7:35pm
Inox-Hind, 9am
1:20pm, 6:10pm
Park, 9:10am
7:50pm, 10:35pm
Inox-Liluah, 9.10 am
11.50 am, 5.05
10.15 pm
Paradise, Noon
3pm, 6pm,
Navina, Noon,
Moonlight, (all
Menoka, 12.30pm,
2.45pm, 9.15pm
Jaya, 11.45am, 4.45pm
Elite, Noon, 3pm, 6pm,
Darpana, 12.15pm,
2.45pm, 5.45pm
Basusree, Noon, 6pm,
Ashoka, Noon, 4pm,
RDB Cinemas, 10am,
2.40pm, 8.45 pm
Inox-Quest, 9am
11:05 am, 1:30 pm*
3:30 pm, 7:55 pm
10:20 pm
Inox-City Centre,
9:15am, 1pm, 4:40pm
8:10pm, 10:35pm
Inox-Forum, 9:05am
11:10am, 3:45pm
6:25pm, 8:50pm
9:20am, 2:55pm
5:20pm, 7:45pm
Inox-Rajarhat, 9:15am
2:40pm, 7:50pm
Inox-South City, 9am
11:05am, 1:20pm
3:45pm, 8:50pm
Inox-Hind, 11:20am
3:55pm, 8:45pm, 11pm
Inox-Hiland Park,
8:55am, 1:25pm
6:30pm, 8:55pm
Inox-Liluah, 9.10 am
11.10 am, 4pm
8.45 pm, 11.10 pm
Paradise, 6pm
Menoka, 5pm
Jaya-2, Noon
Jaya, 2.10pm, 7.30pm
Basusree, 3pm
Amit Sahni Ki List
RDB Cinemas, 6.40pm
Inox-Quest, 11:45 am
4:30 pm, 9:35 pm
Inox-City Centre,,
Inox-Forum, 9:15am
1:20pm, 10:55pm
Inox-Swabhumi, 9am
1:45pm, 9:20pm
Inox-Rajarhat, 9:05am
1:50pm, 8:30pm
Inox-South City, 9am*
1:40pm*, 6:55pm*
Inox-Hind, 11:35am
Inox-Hiland Park,
9:20am, 7:40pm
Inox-Liluah, 9.10 am
7.50 pm
Humpty Sharma Ki
Inox-Quest, 9am,
10:25 am*,
11:30 am,
2:20 pm, 3:45
5:10 pm,
6:30 pm*,
10:50 pm
Inox Forum, 9am
11:30am, 2:20pm
3:35pm, 5:10pm
8pm, 10:50pm
Inox South City 9:10am
11:40am, 2:25pm
4:05pm*, 5:15pm
8:05pm, 9:20pm*
Inox City Centre 9am, 2:05pm,,
Inox Swabhumi 9am
11:30am, 12:30pm
2:20pm, 4:10pm
5:10pm, 8:10pm
Inox Rajarhat 9:10am
11:35am, 2:25pm
5:15pm, 8:05pm
9:45pm, 10:55pm
Inox Hiland, 9am
11:35am, 2:30pm5pm
8:10pm, 10:05pm
Inox Liluah 11.15 am
2.05 pm, 4.55 pm
7.45 pm, 10.35 pm
RDB Cinemas,10.30am,
1.05pm, 3.45pm,
6.25pm, 9.15pm
Inox-Hind, 9:05am
2pm, 4:50pm, 7:40pm
Paradise, 3pm, 8.30pm
Menoka, 7pm
Ei Raat Tomaar Aamar
RDB Cinemas, 4.45pm
Inox-Rajarhat, 1:35pm
Inox-South City,
Inox-Hiland Park,
Priya, 7.25pm
Jaya-2, 2.20pm
Ashoka, 2.15pm
Sada Canvas
RDB Cinemas, 3.30pm
Inox-Quest, 2:10 pm
Inox-City Centre,
Inox-Swabhumi, 7pm
Inox-Rajarhat, 3:40pm
Inox-South City,
12:15pm, 5:15pm
Inox-Hiland Park,
11:20am, 5:20pm
Inox-Liluah, 6.25 pm
Nandan-I, 2pm, 4pm
Priya, 5.30pm
Prachi, 5.15pm
Jaya-2, 7.30pm
Ashoka, 6.30pm
Galpo Holao Satti
Inox South City 2:35pm
Inox City Centre
Inox Rajarhat 11:10am
Inox-Hiland Park,
Inox-Liluah, 2.35 pm
Prachi, 2.30pm
Navina, 5.15pm
Mitra, Noon, 3pm,
5.45pm, 8pm
Jaya-2, 5pm
Aleya,1pm, 4pm,
Hrid Majharey
Inox-Hiland Park,
Nandan-I, 6pm
Priya, 12.30pm
Priya, 3.05pm
Bijoli Chhabighar
3pm, 5.45pm, 8pm
Sudoku is a number-placing
puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with
several given numbers. The
object is to place the numbers 1
to 9 in the empty squares so
that no row, no column and no
3x3 box contains the same
number. The difficulty level
increases through the week.
RED EYE/Bill Yates & Mel Casson
HENRY/Dick Hodgins
1 Ruff,
4 Draught
8 Fuss,
9 Carefree,
10 Spoil the
12 Signal,
14 Indeed,
16 Perpen-
19 Mantilla,
21 Thaw,
22 Tenable,
23 Rhea.
2 Usurp,
3 Fashion,
4 Decathlon,
5 Air, 6 Go
7 Theatre,
11 Eliminate,
13 Inexact,
15 Doubter,
17 Piton,
18 Adage,
20 Lob.
1 Origin (6)
5 Play on words (3)
9 Spiritual being (5)
10 Mass of ice (7)
11 Painstaking (13)
13 Hooded jacket (6)
15 Photographic equip-
ment (6)
16 Look away (5,4,4)
19 Ape (7)
21 Large sea (5)
22 Set of tools (3)
23 Stable (6)
2 Keyboard instrument
3 Loth (9)
4 Bird of prey (5)
5 Leguminous plant (3)
6 Stinking (7)
7 Drunken revelry (11)
8 Intruding (11)
12 Interchange (9)
14 Tapering pillar (7)
17 Requirements (5)
18 Give way (5)
20 Skill (3)
By arrangement with The Independent
Figures in parentheses denote
the number of letters in the words required
rabble and Scrabble Tiles are registered trademarks. All
rights in the game are owned in the U.S.A by Hasbro Inc.,
in Canada by Hasbro Canada Inc., and elsewhere by J.W.
Spear & Sons Limited, a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc.
Directions Make a 2 to
7 letter word fromthe
letters in each row.
Add points of each
word, using scoring
directions at right, 7-
letter words get 50-
point bonus. "Blanks"
used as any letter
have no point value.
All Judd's words are
in The Official
Scrabble Players
Webster) and OSW
Official Scrabble
Judd's solution
Answer to
FD Block Association (Amb)
9830452536, 9830181286
Happy Calcuttans 24400160
City Point Nurses Centre
2567-4113, 9831142623
Peoples Relief Committee
24 hrs Medical Oxygen
BOC India Ltd. 9831277777
Blood Banks
Ashok Laboratory 24720333
Central Blood Bank 23510619
Life Care 2284-6940
Peoples Blood Bank
2455-5164/ 5557
RK Mission Seva Pratisthan
Lalbazar (Police Control
Room) 22143230
S. P. (North 24-Pgns)
S.P. (South 24-Pgns) 2479-
Bhawani Bhawan
24791761/9, 24791933
Fire Service Station Salt
Lake: 2357-5293;
Howrah 2666-8111; Behala
Civic Services
Kolkata Municipal
Corporation: 2286-1000
Water: 2543-1602
Calcutta Telephones
Changed Number
Taxi Refusal
SMS 575756: Complaint and
Police Toll Free No. 1073
Transport Deptt. No.
CESC Fault Reporting
1912 and 4403-1912
Howrah Station Old Complex
1331/1332 (Auto Telephone
Numbers), 1310, 2638-
7412/3542/2581 (manual).
Sealdah: 2350-3535/3537
Shalimar Station: 2668-1121,
Eastern Railway and South-
Eastern Railway: 139.
The Creative World of
Asit Kumar Haldar
Inauguration by
eminent artist Shri
Shuvaprasanna on
Tuesday, 24 June 2014,
6.00 pmat Victoria
Memorial Hall till 27
July, 10.00 amto 5.00
Banyan Art Show
Ganges Art Gallery &
Shimeesha present
an exhibition of
paintings & Sculptu-
res done by artists
fromKolkata and
Baroda till July 25,
2014; 11amto 7pm
Home Decor
The Crafts Council of
India presents The
Home Decor
exhibition excusive
collection of home
decor and table ware
atr Kamala -
Rabindranath Tagore
Centre (ICCR) 9A, Ho
Chi Minh Sarani
Kolkata - 700 071 from
19th July to 26th July
2014; 10amto 7pm
banglanatak dot com
organises photogra-
phy exhibition on
Odishas culture
heritage at Tyagraj
Hall on July 18 from12
noon to 8 p.m.
Summer Show
Sima Art gallery
presents Summer
Show2014; 2pmto
Exhibition of
An exhibition by
Shibani Sengupta and
Siddhartha Sengupta
at Academy of Fine
Arts 3pmto 8pm
Unbelievably Low
Prices at Shoppers
Stop! Customers can
enjoy lowprices on
the best International
and Indian brands
across categories at
Shoppers Stop stores
are located at City
Centre at Salt Lake,
ForumMall at Elgin
Road, City Center II at
Newtown and South
City Mall at Prince
Anwar Shah Road.
Musical Programme
Debalina Bhowmick
and Sumana
Chaudhuri perform
musical programme
at Tyagraj Hall, Raja
Basanta Roy Road, on
July 19; 3pmonwards
Barkha Ritu
National Thematic Music festival Barkha Ritu to enchant music
lovers with monsoon ragas. Kolkata will witness the mesmerizing
performances of- Ustaad Shujaat Khan, Pt. Bhawani Shankar with
Ivy Banerjee at Kala Mandir on 18th July at 6:30 pm
Birla Academy of Art and culture presents an exhibition of the
awardees of the annual exhibition 2014 of Birla Academy fromJuly
19 to August 24, 2014; 3pmto 8pmat Birla Academy Southern Ave.
A Scene from:
Amit Sahni Ki List
Kolkata, 17 July
The director of SSKM, Prof.
Pradip Kumar Mitra, has
lodged a complaint of mis-
appropriation of funds run-
ning into several crores of
rupees against his prede-
cessor and four other ex-
employeesof thestatehealth
on the recommendation of
ADG CID, after it found alle-
gations of gross irregular-
ities of funds to be true.
The five accused have
been identified as Dr Ajit
Kumar Maity (former direc-
tor) Arup Kumar Shah,
Indrajit Majumdar, (secre-
taries) Sudhanshu Sekhar
Das (accountant) and
Achintya Goswami (store-
keeper). According to the
complaint, Dr Ajit Kumar
Maity, and four other former
employees of SSKM
siphoned off around Rs
38.16 crore in the name of
buying medical equipment,
medicines and repair of
defunct machines.
The alleged gross irreg-
year 1999 and 2003. The
scam first came to light
after the new government
assumed office in 2011 and
ordered the audit of the
financial transactions.
The officials of SSKM
had informed the state gov-
ernment about the gross
irregularities who directed
the CID to investigate the
In its report submitted
last year, the probe agency
held the allegations to be
authentic. The ADG CID
then recommended action
against those whose names
had cropped up in the scam.
Mr A K Maity scoffed at
the allegations and said that
hefailedtorecollect anymis-
use of funds during his
tenure, adding, "I have been
falsely implicated in the
matter and have no involve-
ment in any illegal activity.
Kolkata, 17 July
BJP Lok Sabha MP Babul
Supriyo today assured the
School Service Commission
(SSC) candidates who are on
ahunger-strikefast demand-
ing jobs that he would take
up the matter with Union
Human Resources Devel-
opment (HRD) minister
Smriti Irani.
The protest enters the
21st day today.
Supriyo requested them
to withdraw the fast. There
you to withdraw the fast as
the state BJP has already
taken up the issue and the
fast will only make the par-
ticipants sick,he told them.
He said he would talk to
Mrs Irani as the state gov-
ernment is reluctant to give
them jobs. Moreover, there
was large scale corruption
during the SSC examination
and the subsequent publi-
cation of results.
It may be recalled that
Mrs Irani had met repre-
sentatives of the agitating
candidates during her visit
to the city on 4 July. She had
also told the agitating can-
didates that education was
a "state subject" and she
would take up the matter
with the state government.
The agitating candidates,
however, refusedtowithdraw
the fast.
As our requests to the
state government to give us
jobs have failed we have no
other choice but to carry on
with the fast as we feel that
this is the best way to put
pressure on the state gov-
ernment,an agitating can-
didate said.
Supriyo asks SSC
candidates to end stir Kolkata, 17 July: Police are
looking for two people
allegedly involved in the
murder of a 45-year-old man
whose body was found from
tion yesterday.
Police, investigating into
the matter, identified the vic-
of Baranagar who went
missing on Tuesday morn-
ing. The family of the vic-
tim first lodged a missing
complaint on Tuesday itself.
Later in the evening they
lodgedacomplaint of abduc-
tion against two people. On
the basis of the complaint
police started an investiga-
tion and found that the two
persons named in the FIR
were missing as well.
Police said that the post-
mortem report stated that
the victim was killed by a
throat slit and hit by heavy
object in the head. Police
found a bottle of wine and
other belongings from the
placeof occurrence. Asenior
officer of the city police
said that they are investi-
gating the matter but could
say nothing more till the
probe was over. However,
police suspect that past busi-
ness rivalry might have led
to the murder. SNS
|A||u|! 0|
ACCuS| 0| ||SAPPR0PR|A!||C |u|S
Santiniketan, 17 July
An assistant Professor of
Visva Bharati has been
accused of producing false
documents to get a job at the
University. A Kathakali
dancer has lodged a com-
plaint inthisregardwiththe
Bolpur police station.
Kathakali dancer Rad-
hakrishnan A. said that the
assistant Professor of
Sangeet Bhavana, Mr N P
Shankaranarayanan joined
the varsity services mis-
leading the appointing
authorities. He also stated
that a writ petition has been
filed before the High Court.
According to the com-
plainant, an advertisement
was published by the Visva
Bharati authorities asking
applications for the post of
assistant professor for the
Kathakali dance depart-
ment of the varsity. Accord-
ingly, Radhakrishnan
applied for the post.
Shankaranarayanan also
applied for the post, who also
got the job. But according to
the complaint, the accused
got his Bachelor's and Mas-
ters degree from Kerala
Kalamandalam University,
which, was not a deemed
University at the time of his
passing. Still, Shankara-
narayanan declared him-
self apassoutfromadeemed
university which misled
the Visva Bharati appoint-
ing authorities.
However, today, no one
from the University was
available to comment on
the matter.
Visva Bharati professor
accused of fraud
South 24 Parganas, 17 July
The terms of two munici-
palities of South 24-Par-
ganas, Maheshtala and
Rajpur-Sonarpur end today.
ipalities and are expected to
take charge tomorrow.
Mr Partha Acharya, Sub-
Divisional Officer of
Baruipur, and Mr Krittibas
Nayek, Sub-Divisional
Officer of Alipore, will take
charge as administrators
from Mr Indubhushan Bhat-
tacharya, the chairman of
Rajpur-Sonarpur and Mr
Dulal Das, the chairman of
Maheshtala municipality .
The administrators will
runtheofficestill electedrep-
resentatives are in place.
TMC-led bodies were in
power in the two munici-
The Opposition had
alleged that the state gov-
ernment wanted to avoid the
elections as they had lost
ground in these munici-
Municipalities terms
end, administrators
to take over charge
Kolkata, 17 July
A professor was allegedly
harassed by the Kolkata
police late last night on the
grounds that his car was
involved in a case of snatch-
ing in the Chitpur area last
Professor Debashis
Sarkar, who teaches at the
government-run Jhargram
Raj College, alleged that an
officer from Hastings police
station summoned him after
informing him that his car
was used for the crime of
snatching in Khidderpore.
At around 10 p.m, the
said that two unidentified
miscreants had sped away
mobile phones and cash
worth Rs 2,530 from a lorry
driver at 4.30 p.m.
Professor Sarkar, how-
ever, told police that his car
was in his garage when the
alleged incident had taken
place, after dropping his
wife and elder daughter at
the airport.
After calling the officer-
in-charge of Hastings police
station, the professor came
to know of the allegation in
detail. He is also secretary
of the West Bengal Gov-
ernment College Teachers
The professor denied the
allegation but police kept
asking him to come to the
police station.
Today he met the com-
missioner of city police Mr
Surajit Kar Purkayastha
and Joint commissioner of
police (headquarters), Mr
Rajeev Mishra, and
expressed his grievance.
A senior officer at Lal-
bazar said that they had
checked up with the local
police station and are inves-
tigating into the matter.
might have been created by
the professor who might
have given the incorrect
registration number.
However, he said that
for the harassment.
At Nakhoda Mosque in Kolkata on Thursday. Piyali Chowdhury
In its report submitted last year,
the probe agency held the allega-
tions to be authentic. The ADG CID
then recommended action against
those whose names had cropped
up in the scam ~ Mr Ajit Kumar Maity, Arup kumar
Shah, Indrajit Majumdar, Sudhanshu Sekhar Das
and Achintya Goswami.
College professor allegedly
harrassed by city police
+ ;
+ ;
Behrampore, 17 JULY
The CPI-M state secretary,
Mr Biman Bose today
demanded that the depart-
mental inquiry report
against the IPS officer, Mr
Gyanwant Singh, in Rizwa-
nur Rahman death case
should be made public.
Reacting to reporters
queries on whether the state
governments decision to
close the file of depart-
mental inquiry against Mr
Singh and promote him to
the post of DIG, Murshid-
abad Range, was justified,
the CPI-M leader said, Let
the probe report be brought
to public notice.
Mr Bose today held a
party workers meeting on
the occasion of Jyoti Boses
birth anniversary at FUC
ground at Behrampore in
Murshidabad district.
The meeting was intend-
ed to pay homage to Jyoti
Bose, the former Chief Min-
ister of West Bengal, and
inspire the party cadres by
remembering his ideals.
The Trinamul Congress-
run state government drew
flak from several corners,
especially the opposition
parties, as it gave clean chit
recently to the IPS officer
indicted for his role in the
suspected murder of Rizwa-
nur Rahman in the year
2007 when the Trinamul
Congres chief, Miss Mama-
ta Banerjee had demanded
penalty of Mr Singh for his
dubious role in the mys-
tery murder case.
The IPS officer was
the Behrampore MP, Mr
Adhir Chowdhury of Con-
His delayed promotion to
the post of DIG-MR has
on the ground that the Tri-
namul led state government
may, like the erstwhile Left
Front government, may use
this tainted officer to let
down, Mr Chowdhury who
is now the President of
Pradesh Congress Com-
*||A| *0S| CR|!|C|S|S S!A!|\S |C|S|0| !0 PR0|0!| 0|||C|R
Siliguri, 17 July
Two more persons died of
'acute encephalitis syn-
drome' at the North Bengal
Medical CollegeandHospital
(NBMCH) today, while the
medical college authorities
claimed that the number of
patients suffering from the
disease has gone down.
Around 30 patients who
died in the past few days had
the encephalitis syndrome,'
according to NBMCH
A resident of Batabari
of Jalpaiguri district, Alia
Khatun, 55, and Sukhday
Das, 55, were the latest vic-
tims, taking the death toll
to four persons in the past
24 hours.
Around 11 children are
undergoing treatment in
the pediatric ward present-
"Around 28 children
were admitted with the
encephalitis syndrome
around two weeks ago. But
nowthenumberof caseshas
gone down. At present, 11
children are admitted here,
some of them in the ICU,"
said the head of the depart-
ment of pediatrics at the
NBMCH, Dr Mridula Chat-
Minister of state for
health, Chandrima Bhat-
tacharya, said a three-mem-
ber team of experts from the
health department is sched-
"Togetanoverviewof the
current situation at the
NBMCH, experts from the
virology department of the
School of Tropical Medi-
cine, community medicine
and a technician would visit
the NBMCH and submit
their report to the Swastha
Bhaban. The director of
health services, Dr
Biswaranjan Satpathy, will
also visit NBMCH later,"
Ms Bhattacharjee said over
telephone from Kolkata.
Patients suffering from
the disease are mostly from
Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar
districts and lower Assam.
NBMCH medical super-
intendent Dr Amaren-
dranath Sarkar expressed
get back to normal soon.
"The number of cases
has come down, as com-
pared to the past few days.
There are around 25 patients
Eight patients were admit-
ted yesterday and two died
yesterday of the acute
encephalitis syndrome,"
said Dr Sarkar.
"Inthebeginning, serious
were being admitted, and as
such, the death rate was
high," he added. The
NBMCH today received
encephalitis testing kits
from the National Institute
of Virology, Pune.
"We received two boxes
of kits today. Each box has
96 kits, and we have sought
five more such boxes. The
kits are used to test Japan-
ese encephalitis," said Dr
According to doctors, the
Culex mosquitoes are
pigs and water fowls.
Darjeeling district chief
medical officer of health, Dr
Subir Bhowmik said immu-
nisation progammes were
being conducted at various
"We have earlier dis-
cussed with the Siliguri
Municipal Corporation
(SMC) the piggery sector in
Siliguri. We will talk to the
SMC authorities again,"
said Dr Sarkar.
Piggeries are located in
various areas of the town,
including wards 1, 3, 5, 43,
35, 34, 40 and 14 under the
Encephalitis kills two more at NBMCH
Balurghat, 17 July
The Chief Minister, Miss
Mamata Banerjee is likely
to visit South Dinajpur dis-
trict next month.
A senior district Trina-
mul Congress leader
acknowledged that Miss
Banerjee might visit South
Dinajpur within first two
weeks of August.
The Chief Minister
might stay here for a day or
two depending on her sched-
ule. The purpose of her
visit, is to distribute patta
among the wretched home-
less dwellers of the dis-
trict, he said. It is learnt,
that the senior officials con-
cerned of the South Dina-
jpur Land and Land Refor-
mation department have
already prepared a list com-
prising 650 people belong to
the mentioned category.
The people belong to
the mentioned class would
get five satak of land each,
as per the list, based on the
financial year 2013-14,said
aseniorofficial of thedepart-
Party insiders also
informed that Miss Baner-
jee would inaugurate the
newly built Dialysis Unit at
Balurghat district hospital
and Sick New-born Care
Unit (SNCU) at Gangaram-
pur sub-divisional hospi-
The Chief Minister may
also announce the names of
some development projects
for the district.
According to party
sources, theChief Ministers
visit motivated the party
workers to take on the Oppo-
With the crucial assem-
bly election approaching,
the visit would be politi-
cally significant for the
party, a local ruling party
leader said.
The Chief Minister will
also meet the senior admin-
istrative officials to learn
about the progress of the
ongoing projects like 100
days work, Nija Bhumi Nija
Griha Prakalpa, Kanyas-
ree, Shikshasree etc.
However, a senior dis-
trict official said: We have
still not received any official
confirmation of her pro-
posed visit.
Mamata may visit South
Dinajpur in early August
Siliguri, 17 July
Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha
(GJMM) leader and
Kurseong MLA Mr Rohit
Sharma today came down
heavily on Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjees role in
Gorkha community by con-
stituting the Tamang Devel-
opment Board and the Lep-
cha Development Council.
The ethnic groups living in
Darjeeling are unitedly
known as the Gorkhas.
While dividing the Gorkha
community, the unity in
diversity, in Darjeeling Hills,
Mr Sharma. CPI-M leader in
theHills, KBWatter, alsocrit-
icised Mamata for her non-
cooperation in running
the Gorkhaland Territorial
Administration (GTA).
day Miss Banerjee pointed
out in Darjeeling that devel-
opment in the Hills was not
possible without coopera-
tion, while she said politics
creates problems in bring-
ing development. She can-
not utter such words.State
six months after the for-
mationof theGTA. Afterthat
she has done politics and
there was no cooperation
from her end to run the
GTA, Mr Watter said,
adding, She is playing
with fire by constituting
separate boards for the Lep-
cha, Tamang and other com-
munities in Darjeeling
In Hills, Didi playing with fire
Siliguri, 17July: TheFirstDivi-
sion Football Super League
2014 concluded at the
Kanchenjungha Stadium
here today.
Atharokhai Sarojini
Sangha, who amassed nine
points in the three match-
es they played, was declared
winners, while Dadabhai
Sporting Club, who notched
up six points from an equal
number of matches, was
named runners. Shiba
Chhettri of DSC was
adjudged the Most Promis-
ing Player of the Meet, while
his teammate Gopal Roy,
was given the Highest Scor-
er Award. SNS
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The CPI-M state secretary, Mr Biman Bose
today demanded that the departmental inquiry
report against the IPS officer, Mr Gyanwant Singh
in Rizwanur Rahman death case should be made
The Trinamul Congress ruled state government
drew flak from several corners, especially the
opposition parties, as it gave clean chit recently to
the IPS officer indicted for his role in the suspect-
ed murder of Rizwanur Rahman in the year 2007
The IPS officer was known for his rivalry
against the Behrampore MP, Mr Adhir Chowd-
hury of Congress
Waterlogged roads at Rampurhat in Birbhumon Thursday. Ashoke Bhakat
Hindmotor, 17 July
In a public convention in
Hindmotor today, theformer
state land reform minister
camedown heavilyonCITU,
and held the previous LF
state government respon-
sible for its wrong indus-
trial policies which ruined
the prospect of industrial
growth in the state during
its rule.
Mr Razzak Mollah crit-
icised the Left Front work-
ers union CITU for deviat-
ing from its aim and object
ive of fighting for the cause
of labourersandworkersbut
instead developed a secret
rapport with the industrial
giants for self political
Mr Razzak said, Dur-
ing my tenure as the state
land reform minister, I was
asked by the Hindustan
Motors Management for the
government approval for
the sale of Hindustan
Motors land to the building
promoters, which I had
promptly turned down.
Mr Razzak Mollah said
that during the Left Front
rule, the State Industrial
department sought his
official approval for the sale
of Hindustan Motors land
to the promoters stating
that the sale money would
be used to set up eight indus-
trial hubs in Hindmotor
The former land minis-
ter complained that thou-
sands of crores of money
received after selling the
lands was not put into use
for technological develop-
ment of the Hindustan
Motors company, the effect
of which is quite visible
The once flourishing
industry is closed and count-
death, the former land
reform minister said.
Mr Razzak, the founder
of Ganamancha, said to be
of workers and labourers
organisation would fight
for the cause of workers
and labourers of the Hin-
dustan Motors and would
continue talks with the
adamant management to
reopen the company holding
up its previous glory .
In response to the media
persons, Mr Razzak said
that the present govern-
ment have no time to think
over the prevailing prob-
lems of Hindustan Motors.
Instead it has kept itself
busy over all sorts of non-
Razzak criticises LF for
wrong industrial policies
Kolkata, 17 July
Minister of Housing and
Youth affairs, Mr Arup
Biswas today laid the foun-
dation stone of a multi-spe-
cialty hospital at MR Ban-
gur Hospital.
The Chief Minister had
announced setting up of
multi specialty hospitals
across the state to reduce the
burden on medical colleges
and to provide better treat-
ment to the poor at low cost.
"The 10-storey hospital
would come up at 1.5 acres
of land with an investment
of around Rs 100 crore. The
facility is expected to be
thrown open to the people
withinone-and-a-half years,"
said a senior health offi-
cial. The multi-specialty
hospital would have sever-
al departments that include
cardiology, cario thoracic,
Urology, Nephrology, Neuro
surgery and medicine, gas-
troentrology and Pul-
state government has col-
laborated with Shapoorji
Pallonji Group for the con-
struction of the hospital.
Minister lays foundation stone
of multi-speciality hospital
Bankura, 17 July
Two civic police volunteers
surrendered before the
ACJM Court, Khatra, in
Bankura today after they
were accused of causing
disturbance to police work
The state has approved
engaging 197 CPVF in Kha-
tra responding to a propos-
al by the Bankura district
ingly initiated the process
of offering contractual
appointment to the local
Yesterday, the process
was disturbed when the
police refused to absorb one
Mr Arijit Mondal of Khatra.
Mr Mondal incidentally
leads the CPVF union in
Bankura and his disquali-
ficationirkedasectionof the
job aspirants.
They started shouting
and sloganeering inside the
Khatra sub divisional police
office demanding inclusion
of Mondal, which was
turned down by the police
The police said that Mr
Mondal wasaccusedinsome
cases earlier and this was
revealed during police ver-
ification, andhewasdeemed
not fit for the job.
This led to further chaos
and the CPVF incumbents
started dharna squatting
at the entrance of the office.
The police registered
cases against Mr Mondal
and another Mr Chan-
dranath Bid and they sur-
rendered at the court today
and were granted bail.
Two civic police
volunteers surrender
On Wednesday, the process was disturbed
when the police refused to absorb one
Mr Arijit Mondal of Khatra
The district police accordingly initiated the
process of offering contractual appointment
to the local youths
The state has approved engaging 197 CPVF in
Khatra responding to a proposal by the Banku-
ra district police
During my tenure as
the state land reform
minister, I was asked
by the Hindustan
Motors management
for government
approval for the sale of
Hindustan Motors
land to the building
promoters, which
I had promptly
turned down
Kolkata, 17 July
The Left Front today organ-
ised a protest march in the
city to condemn the ongoing
Israeli offensive against the
Palestinians and urged the
Centre to play "an appro-
priate" role in the United
Nations on the issue.
Led by LF chairman Mr
Biman Bose the protesters
carried placards express-
ed Palestinians and shout-
ed slogans slamming the
Israeli bombardment of
Gaza. They demanded the
Centre to take the right ini-
tiative in the United Nations
for immediately ending the
Israeli attack by the Pales-
tinians .
Mr Biman Bose said the
attacks have been unleashed
during the holy Ramzan
month and condemned the
NDA government at the
Centre for not even allowing
a discussion in the
Parliament on this impor-
tant issue. The procession
in the Entally area and
ended at Park circus maid-
an traversing through AJC
Bose road. Meanwhile, the
All-India Peace and Soli-
's West Bengal state com-
attacks, urgedtheIndiangov-
ernment totakeaboldstand.
LF protests against
Israeli attacks in city
postgraduate degree in management is con-
sidered prestigious and opens up various car-
eer opportunities that are satisfying in terms
of remuneration and professional livelihood.
It also offers a better insight into diverse as-
pects of business such as marketing, human
resources, finance, systems and production.
MBA courses offered by various universities
and B-schools help students develop anoverall
approach of business and its management,
which most companies expect in an aspiring
Todays industries areinneedof skilledpro-
fessionals, whichis whyanMBAfroma reput-
eduniversityhas become mandatory. For most
management students, choosing a specialisa-
tion is often a tough decision.
Therefore, it is important to understand
the programme, market trends and expecta-
tions before pursuing an MBA. In most B-
schools, you get ample time before choosing
a specialisation in the second year. But how
do you go about opting for the right choice is
what matters most. From a students point
of view, there are various fields of speciali-
sation available in the industry today.
So what are the aspects that a student con-
siders while choosing his/her specialisa-
tion? A study conducted by the department
of management studies in various
Indian universities and B-schools
revealed that students choose
their specialisation based on
their area of interest and
nurture the drive to be-
come entrepreneurs af-
ter gaining some profes-
sional experience.
Students select their
specialisation under the
influence of market de-
mand, job scenario and
their parents. They also
keep in mind the course
pursued at the undergrad-
uate level. Some of themtake
career-related decisions depending on their
attitude and become keen on starting an
industry of their own after gaining some ex-
perience. There is another category that
decides its next step based on its under-gra-
duate course.
Sticking to one area is not the best idea.
Most companies across sectors look for gen-
eralists, not specialists. For instance, if you
join the finance division of a company, its
not necessary you would deal with that
domain forever. One might as well be req-
uired to cater to other verticals such as mar-
keting or operations somewhere down the
line. Candidates must follow the market for-
ces and get a good grasp of at least two to
three core functional areas.
Nowadays there are options like entre-
preneurship, rural development, sports
management, media
management, retail
management, NGO
management, hospi-
tal management, and
brand management that
bring in more variety for the students.
If you understand and research a disci-
pline well, youre bound to handle any kind
of job change and gather valuable experi-
ence and exposure in the long run. Before
zeroing in on a particular specialisation, it
is important to know about the kind of
opportunities available in the market and
where you want to see yourself in years to
come. Understand your role in different spe-
cialisations because industries and organi-
sations have different ways of acknowledg-
ing the efforts of employees. Some give good
appraisals and decent salary hikes and oth-
ers offer lucrative pay packages at lower
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ealth is one of the most dynamic and evolving sectors where
both private and public organisations invest immensely on res-
earch and development, infrastructure, advanced practices and
improved services. It plays a vital role in adjudging the policies of a
country and is one of the important ingredients of measuring the
economic development, per capita income, literacy rate and infra-
structural development.
Even in this global age where many new professions have emerged
due to technological and social development, medicos and para-
medicos are in high demand.
One such specialised paramedical course is diploma in Medical Lab
Technology. The course is highly technical in nature and is effective
for students who want to update themselves on innovative technolo-
gies. Medical technology is getting digitised everyday and the role of
mechanical devices has reduced to a great extent. Operators of smart
gadgets love to work with user-friendly machines in a clean and
sophisticated environment.
Medical Lab Technician is one of the most sought-after qualifica-
tions by many hospitals. Professionals with specialised diplomas in
this field can secure competitive positions and handsome salaries in
almost every set-up in corporate hospitals, government medical insti-
tutions and private nursing homes.
Those aspiring to pursue this course must clear +2 with Science
from a recognised education board. Usually, institutes offer a two-
year diploma in this field. The course module is a perfect blend of the-
ory and practice where an individual can imply the knowledge
acquired even during the study period.
During the recruitment season, top institutes invite corporate hos-
pitals and big nursing homes. Big brands in the health industry are
always keen to recruit candidates with this qualification. Apart from
professional qualification and technical skills, personal qualities like
disciplined life, perseverance, self-motivation, congenial behaviour,
concern for others and an inner drive to learn new concepts in med-
ical lab technology are also important to land jobs.
During the initial phase of their career, diploma holders often
assist doctors in minor and major surgeries and work with other
healthcare teams. Medical lab technicians equipped with knowledge
of advanced technology, surgeries and operations can contribute
massively in the ever-evolving health sector. Students opting for mere
graduation programmes after completing their higher secondary can
also go for diploma in medical lab technology that has the potential of
securing ones future.
!|| wR|!|R |S |R|C!0R 0| !|| ||S!|!u!| 0| PR0||SS|0|A| S!u||S A| R|S|ARC|
roadcast journalism is a very
exciting and rewarding field and
has emerged as one of the most
preferred career options for the cur-
rent generation. It basically involves
news reporting through radio and tele-
vision. We all know that broadcasting
is disseminating audio or visual pro-
grammes to a large number of radio or
television followers.
Manisha Sharma, senior faculty,
Heritage Institute of Management and
Communication, says, Broadcasting
is a lot like other entertainment sec-
tors that help creative and talented
minds keep the audience tuned in. The
success of television and radio chan-
nels depends on their ability to enter-
tain and satisfy the audience and pro-
vide full-fledged, truthful information.
Today we are in need of youthful, dri-
ven, enthusiastic students with a cre-
ative bent of mind.
Those with realistic
goals can find creative
and engaging opportuni-
ties in this sector. At
work, one gets the chance
to interact with a multit-
ude of people and prod-
uce newprogrammes and
commercials. In short,
there is no dearth of op-
tions for those with
plans to step on this turf.
But it is extremely
important for students
to stay updated with var-
ious types of news and
One must be prepared to enter the
world of production, public relations,
advertising or even publishing houses.
In television or radio houses, candid-
ates can work as production assistants,
audio engineers, producers, research
directors, anchors or reporters. More-
over, it is also important to research,
investigate and present news and cur-
rent affairs in a manner that attracts
viewers. Candidates must aim at pre-
senting information in a fair, balanced
and accurate way through news bul-
letins, documentaries and other factu-
al programmes
At times, you would be part of a pro-
duction team, which would comprise
other journalists, researchers, edi-
tors, broadcast assistants and produ-
cers. And sometimes, in small com-
mercial radio stations, you would
have to run a newsroom single-hand-
While pursuing a course, students
can take up internships to gain prac-
tical knowledge and sharpen the
basics. It is important to know that
talent drives the broadcasting indus-
try and helps attract an audience.
Formal education doesnt really make
a difference but holding a degree in
communications or journalism that
can hone your basic skills and get you
the right job. This comes handy for
people interested in pursuing news-
related careers.
Some colleges to pursue a broad-
cast journalism course are Epitome
College, Guwahati, Prans Media,
Noida, School of Broadcasting and
Communication, Mumbai and Aaft
School of Mass Communication and
Journalism, Delhi.
Admissions open
Dr Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree
Engineering College, approved by
the All India Council for Technical
Education and affiliated to the West
Bengal University Technology,
invites applications for its Btech
and Mtech courses. The Bachelors
course would be available in
Electronics and Communication,
Mechanical, Computer Science,
Electrical, Civil and Automobile
And the subjects for the Masters
level programmes would be
Mechanical and Communication.
The institute is known to provide
placements in companies like
Ashok Leyland, IBM, Tech
Mahindra and Accenture.
Interested candidates can call
03325600898, email at or visit
For experience holders
John Hopkins University School of
Medicine, in association with Hansa
Medcell, is offering international
post-graduate programmes in
distance education. Programmes
are available in cardiology,
diabetology, rheumatology, covering
all clinical aspects of these
specialties in depth. The course is
best suited for general
practitioners, consultant physicians
and orthopedics. The programme
has been developed in collaboration
with the Medical Education and
Scientific Foundation, New York.
Hansa Medcell, an independent
provider of Continuing Medical
Education, has been licensed
exclusively to provide the
MBBS or MD degree holders with
minimum three years of clinical
experience may apply. The
international fee for the programme
is US $1800. And it is being made
available to doctors in South Asia at
Rs 60,000. Educational grants, that
further subsidise the course fee, are
available on a limited basis.
For further information, please
National recognition
The National Institute of Design,
Indias premier and first design
institute, has been declared
Institution of National
Importance by an Act of
Parliament, by virtue of the
National Institute of Design Act,
2013. The bill that states, To
declare the institution known as the
National Institute of Design,
Ahmedabad, to be an institution of
national importance for the
promotion of quality and excellence
in education, research and training
in all disciplines relating to
Design, was passed unanimously
by the Lok Sabha on 9 July 2014. On
7 July, it was unanimously passed
by the Rajya Sabha.
The bill will now go to the
Ministry of Law, from where it will
be forwarded to the President of
India, for signature. This is the first
bill passed by a newly elected
National Democratic Alliance
government and was processed in a
short span of three days, in both the
Members in both the houses
spoke very highly of the activities
of the institute and unanimously
agreed to pass the bill, which would
authorise NID to deliver degrees
and offer PhDs. Till date, 40
institutes have been declared as
Institutions of National
Importance before NID. The setting
up of NID in 1965 was originally a
unique experiment in education
and learning that offered a
contextual background to the
creative industry for social and
economic development.
Your work might
Following story leads or gener-
ating ideas
Researching stories, using
sources such as the Internet,
archives and databases
Visiting locations and deciding
the best way of presenting a story
Writing scripts, website or
social media content
Preparing interview questions
and conducting live and pre-
recorded interviews
Presenting on TV/radio studios
or a location and recording
voiceovers for recorded material
Asking questions at briefings
and press conferences
Directing a small camera/sound
crew or possibly operating record-
ing equipment yourself
Editing stories to fit scheduled
Deciding on the best running
order for bulletins
Making changes on bulletins as
new stories break
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Make sure you
Know about the kind of job opportunities
available in a particular sector
Visualise yourself working in that area in the
long run
Understand your aptitude and interests before
taking a decision
Study the market opportunities
Examine your educational background and
experience and then find the right match
Look at more options available such as entre-
preneurship, rural development, sports manage-
ment, and hospital management
Making the right choice
Space for growth
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