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7/19/2014 RE: Patient Pain Education Tool - Davis, Aurora 1/2
RE: Patient Pain Education Tool

Your pt pain education tool looks really nice. Easy to understand, and flows well.

My only comments would be perhaps consider having the brand med name listed next to the generic med
name, as pts may be more familiar with that. Also maybe having the non-pharm pain relief methods in a
bullet point, or bolded so they stand out more. Although I'm sure you probably are trying to keep this to
one sheet, so I understand the space issue in doing that.

I really think you did a great job, I'll look forward to being able to use these on our unit!

Wendy Cyriacks RN, BSN, CMSRN
Charge Nurse 9th Floor Pulmonary Unit
University of Colorado Hospital

From: Davis, Aurora
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:40 PM
To: Krumbach, Barbara
Cc: Anderson, Ashleigh R; Baleva, Lindsay; Banh, Micheal H; Behrens, Melissa; Benson-Feero, Jennifer; Bishop,
Miranda R; Brelsford, Jennifer C; Bruce, Katherine C; Buese, Dori; Cyriacks, Wendy; Danziger, Iris; Devine,
Deborah; Donovan, Katherine J; Doyle, Emily F; Farmer, Alison M; Fink, Regina; Ford, Deborah; Gill, Rodney;
Gutmann, Kristin A; Hagman, Jan; Hill, Angela; Hochhalter, Liana; Hornick, Lynn; Juelich, Katherine; Kennedy,
Janis K; Kidd, Kenneth O; Koziel, Virginia; Lambert, Emily R; Lenny, Nicole; Limon, Shelly; Luebbe, Lauren M;
Lyda, Clark; McDevitt, Kelly; Montgomery, Robert; Morehead, Jackson R; Neale, Nicole D; Nicely, Starr L; Page,
Beverly; Paulsen, Kyle S; Pepera, Alisha M; Petrie, Janna; Rich, Ann M; Rwubusisi, Rebecca A; Serlin, Margo;
Shiskowsky, Kaycee; Stephan, Lindsie; Sullivan, Margaret C; Swedhin, Amanda M; Williams, Kirsten; Zwink,
Subject: Patient Pain Education Tool


As you may remember from our discussions during the December and January staff meetings, I am
attempting to improve the BMT/OMG unit HCAPS for pain management (as part of my credentialing
project). I've developed a patient education tool regarding pain management and would like to have
the Pain Champions' input before implementing it. While we are primarily a cancer floor, we also care
for med surg and other specialty patients, so please think of it as a tool that might be used for
Cyriacks, Wendy
Sat 1/25/2014 12:32 PM
To:Davis, Aurora <>;
7/19/2014 RE: Patient Pain Education Tool - Davis, Aurora 2/2
any patient.

Because of the fact that this tool needs to be approved by another committee before implementation, I
would like to get your input quickly. Please respond with any suggestions by Sunday, February 2nd.

Thank you!

Aurora Davis, RN, BA, BSN, OCN
Relief Charge Nurse
Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
University of Colorado Hospital
7/19/2014 RE: Patient Pain Education Tool - Davis, Aurora 1/2
RE: Patient Pain Education Tool
I like this idea! My only suggestion would be to bullet point the comfort measures to make them more
prominent. I find that patients wont read a lot of text because they feel so bad. The more that is bulleted, the
Good luck,

From: Davis, Aurora
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:40 PM
To: Krumbach, Barbara
Cc: Anderson, Ashleigh R; Baleva, Lindsay; Banh, Micheal H; Behrens, Melissa; Benson-Feero, Jennifer; Bishop, Miranda
R; Brelsford, Jennifer C; Bruce, Katherine C; Buese, Dori; Cyriacks, Wendy; Danziger, Iris; Devine, Deborah; Donovan,
Katherine J; Doyle, Emily F; Farmer, Alison M; Fink, Regina; Ford, Deborah; Gill, Rodney; Gutmann, Kristin A; Hagman,
Jan; Hill, Angela; Hochhalter, Liana; Hornick, Lynn; Juelich, Katherine; Kennedy, Janis K; Kidd, Kenneth O; Koziel,
Virginia; Lambert, Emily R; Lenny, Nicole; Limon, Shelly; Luebbe, Lauren M; Lyda, Clark; McDevitt, Kelly; Montgomery,
Robert; Morehead, Jackson R; Neale, Nicole D; Nicely, Starr L; Page, Beverly; Paulsen, Kyle S; Pepera, Alisha M; Petrie,
Janna; Rich, Ann M; Rwubusisi, Rebecca A; Serlin, Margo; Shiskowsky, Kaycee; Stephan, Lindsie; Sullivan, Margaret C;
Swedhin, Amanda M; Williams, Kirsten; Zwink, Jennifer
Subject: Patient Pain Education Tool


As you may remember from our discussions during the December and January staff meetings, I am
attempting to improve the BMT/OMG unit HCAPS for pain management (as part of my credentialing
project). I've developed a patient education tool regarding pain management and would like to have
the Pain Champions' input before implementing it. While we are primarily a cancer floor, we also care
for med surg and other specialty patients, so please think of it as a tool that might be used for
any patient.

Because of the fact that this tool needs to be approved by another committee before implementation, I
would like to get your input quickly. Please respond with any suggestions by Sunday, February 2nd.

Thank you!

Aurora Davis, RN, BA, BSN, OCN
Relief Charge Nurse
Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
Ford, Deborah
Thu 1/23/2014 1:47 PM
To:Davis, Aurora <>;
7/19/2014 RE: Patient Pain Education Tool - Davis, Aurora 2/2
University of Colorado Hospital
7/19/2014 RE: Patient Pain Education Tool - Davis, Aurora 1/2
RE: Patient Pain Education Tool
Hi Aurora,

A couple of thoughts from orthopaedics (where we treat A LOT of pain)- defining/listing what meds a
patient will "likely" get for different levels of pain would probably not be recommended. We have many
patients with chronic pain and/or who are unfortunately drug seekers, and will look at this list and
consistently state they have severe pain and then ask why they are not being offered these drugs. Some
patients see a written list, and even with explanation from RN/MDs, determine for themselves that it must
be policy, and then would accuse us of withholding pain management (whereas there maybe other
reasons a patient is not being offered specific drugs). Maybe modify the description to list drug classes &
routes, as opposed to specific medications?

Also, I think maybe the "reminder" about other pain management techniques (distraction, ice/heat, music
,etc . . .) should be placed first. This will help both patients and RNs consider these avenues as a first line
approach, rather than a last resort or not at all.



Kirsten E. Williams, RN, BSN

University of Colorado Hospital
From: Davis, Aurora
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:40 PM
To: Krumbach, Barbara
Cc: Anderson, Ashleigh R; Baleva, Lindsay; Banh, Micheal H; Behrens, Melissa; Benson-Feero, Jennifer; Bishop,
Miranda R; Brelsford, Jennifer C; Bruce, Katherine C; Buese, Dori; Cyriacks, Wendy; Danziger, Iris; Devine,
Deborah; Donovan, Katherine J; Doyle, Emily F; Farmer, Alison M; Fink, Regina; Ford, Deborah; Gill, Rodney;
Gutmann, Kristin A; Hagman, Jan; Hill, Angela; Hochhalter, Liana; Hornick, Lynn; Juelich, Katherine; Kennedy,
Williams, Kirsten
Fri 1/24/2014 2:01 AM
To:Davis, Aurora <>;

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