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J une 11, 2012

Imam J afar al-Sadiqs a.s ( Book On Dream Interpretation ) :::
When a person dreams he/she sees symbols, it is these symbols that if
correctly interpreted, can help tell what lies ahead for the person. Most
symbols carry more than one meaning and to know the correct meaning, the
dreamer will have to gather the different symbols in his dream like a puzzle.
The Eye ::
Seeing an eye in a dream could have one of five meanings:
1. High degree (or station)
2. Tragedy
3. Worries
4. Sickness
5. A long life
Water ::
Water in a dream is interpreted to be one of five things:
1. True faith
2. Strength and power
3. A difficult tribulation
4. Drinking companionship
5. Something that will be done by a ruler
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Legs ::
Seeing legs in a dream means one of seven things:
1. Livelihood
2. Long age
3. Seeking
4. Money
5. Strength
6. Travel
7. A woman
The Sky ::
If you see the sky white, that means there is a Blessing for you and Fertility.
If you see a green sky then it is Good that will come to you.
If you see it yellow then it is Illness and Sickness.
If you see it red then it is an omen of War and Bloodshed to come.
And if it is black then it is a sign of Drought and Hardship.
And if the sky is changing color then it means that in that place resides great
Trials and Tribulations.
Thunder ::
Thunder in a dream can mean five things:
1. Torture and Punishment
2. Wisdom
3. Mercy
4. Clout
5. The Anger of a King
Surah Noor ::
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Whoever dreams of himself reciting Surah Noor, Allah fills his subconscious
with the light of Faith.
Stairs ::
For the Good it means Victory over their Enemies, and for the Bad people it
means a Debt and Evil Sins.
The Sea ::
The Sea could represent one of six things in a dream:
1. A King
2. A President
3. A Scholar or Scientist
4. Knowledge
5. Money
6. Something very big that has been on your mind
The Prophets ::
A dream of a Prophet is interpreted on 11 faces:
It is (1) a mercy (2) a blessing (3) glory for the dreamer and (4) a highness in
station. And it is a glad tidings of (5) state or nation (6) and your victory it is
(7) strength (8) Happiness and a glad tidings of (9) strong people of
the true Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuhap) (10) and it is a glad tiding of peace
of that place (where the Prophet (pbuhap) was) (11) and whoever sees
himself raising his voice on a Prophet or arguing or debating with him, know
that he has added to his religion innovations.
Imam Hassan (a.s) and/or Imam Hussain (a.s) ::
Whoever saw Imam Hassan (a.s) and/or Imam Hussein (a.s) in a dream
means that he is in touch with some of the senior companions. And the person
will have peace of mind, and maybe that person will die as a martyr.
And whoever sees J afar al-Tayyar will go to Hajj.
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Night and Day ::
Whoever sees themselves leaving the darkness of the night and entering into
the light of the day will go from poverty to riches. And the day is light and the
light is true guidance.
The Moon ::
The Moon can represent 17 things:
1. King
2. Vizier (senator)
3. Kings advisor
4. President
5. Noble man
6. Slave girl
7. Boy
8. Something false
9. A leader
10. A sinful scholar
11. A great man
12. A Father
13. A Son
14. A Wife
15. A Wifes consort
16. A Child
17. Greatness
The Mountains ::
Seeing a Mountain in a dream is a symbol of Ownership or Kingship, Victory,
Leadership and finally meeting Rest.
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Rain ::
Seeing Rain in a dream has 12 possible interpretations:
(1) it is a Mercy (2) Blessing and (3) Cry for help (4) omen for an illness or (5)
misfortune to come, (6) omen of coming War (7) Symbol for Bloodshed (8)
Tribulations (9) Drought (10) Faith (11) Disbelief or (12) Lies.
Vegetables ::
Whoever sees himself in a dream eating vegetables will become ill; he will
lose his money and will be burdened with grief.
The Eagle ::
Seeing an eagle can be interpreted on 7 fronts: (1) Honor for the dreamer (2)
something the dreamer wants will come true. He will gain (3) Leadership, and
(4) people will mention his name in a nice way, (5) he will raise in ranks and
(6) the Eagle could be a confirmation in the dream or (7) a Warning .
Woman ::
Whoever comes to him a woman in his dream and he is frightened by her, it is
a sign that he/she has not given her family (in need) any Zakaat (charity).
Key ::
A key in a dream means that the dreamer shall open (overcome) some difficult
matters, and will be freed of grief, if he is ill he shall be cured, he shall receive
something he wanted, become strong in his faith, his needs taken care of, his
duas answered and he will receive knowledge and understanding.
Knife ::
A knife in a dream is interpreted in 8 phases:
1. Could represent Proof
2. Or a Child
3. Glory
4. Safety
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5. Brother
6. Power
7. The Conscience
And seeing the Blade is as seeing a knife.
Grapes ::
Whoever sees in a dream that he has a garden with grape trees in them
except that trees carried watermelons instead of grapes, it means that his wife
is pregnant by someone else other than him. Meanwhile seeing black
or white grapes means (1) Children (2) Knowledge (3) Farais (4) Money.
Burnt Fingers ::
Burn or burning your finger(s) in a dream means or predicts five things, (1) An
Illness (2) Grief (3) Disputes (4) Hostility (5) Disagreements between him and
his family and children.
Nightmares ::
Are all nightmares from Shaytan (Satan) (L.A)? Imam J afar Al-Sadiq (a.s) said:
Dreams come in three forms: (1) A good dream and glad tiding from Allah
(2) A nightmare and it is a warning from Satan the accursed (3) Confused
dreams (with no meaning from your subconscious). And when the believer has
a nightmare sometimes it is from Allah, for if the believer is doing something
sinful and if Allah wanted well for him, he will show him something that will
horrify him in his dreams. So he takes this dream as a sign to stop what he
was doing of sins, and a true vision
like this is part of the 70 parts of prophethood.
A Path or Road ::
A road or path in a dream represents five things: (1) The path of Religion, (2)
A certain Desire, (3) A good Deed, (4) Blessing and (5) Rest.
Pen ::
A pen in a dream is interpreted on seven faces: (1) Wisdom (2) A Command
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(3) Knowledge (4) Dignification (5) Authority (6) Order in ones Life (7)
Attaining ones desire.
Chair ::
A chair in a dream represents six things: (1) J ustice (2) Dignity (3) Authority
(4) Advancement (5) Raising in Position (6) Prestige.
The J ews ::
Seeing J ews in dreams means the appearance of something problematic and a
pilgrimage will be made for you, and it is an omen of Strength in the Sunnah
and Islamic Laws because the name Yahud (J ews) is derived from the word
(Huda) which means guidance.
Elephant ::
An Elephant in a dream represents 7 things: (1) A Non-Arab King (2) A
Homosexual Male (3) A Certain Place (4) A Strong Mighty Man (5) An Envious
Man (6) A Blood Drinker (7) War and Dispute.
Boats ::
Boats are representative of 8 things in dreams: (1) A Father (2) A Son (3) A
Woman (4) Travelling (5) Happiness (6) Blessings (7) Livelihood (8) Riches.
Wind ::
Dreaming of winds means 9 things: (1) Glad Tiding or (2) Money (3) Death (4)
Punishment (5) Murder (6) Sickness (7) Cure (8) Rest (9) Consumption.
Lightening ::
Lightening represents the King or Rulers Stockist. It also represents an enemy
and it is an admonition and mercy and represents the straight path.
Fire ::
Seeing fire in a dream means: (1) Tribulations and Trials (2) A Matter of Great
Concern (3) Corruption (4) Divergence (5) Controversy (6) Foul Talk (7)
Intention to Prevent (8) Anger of a Ruler (9) Punishment (10)
Depletion or Consumption (11) Not Planning (12) Knowledge (13) Wisdom
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(14) Path to Guidance (i.e. Moses burning bush) (15) A Calamity (16) Terror
(17) A Burning (18) A Ruler (19) An Oppressor (20) Plague (21)
Pleurisy (22) Advice (23) Security (24) Unlawful Money (25) Sustenance (26) A
Flowers ::
Seeing flowers in a dream means 6 things: (1) A Beautiful Boy (2) A Friendn
(3) A Man with low Mental Strength or Vigor who is untrustworthy (4) A
Housemaid (5) A Handsome Young man and in regards to a woman dreaming
this (6) it is an omen for a good marriage
Mirrors ::
A mirror could represent one of seven things: (1) A Woman (2) A Child (3)
Fame and Glory (4) Losing Rulership or Power (5) A Friend and Partner (6) or
the Dream is as it was, it is apparent.
The World ::
Seeing the World means 4 things: (1) an increase in position or ability (2)
Fame (3) High Rank (4) Acceptance and Authority.
Leopard/Cheetah ::
Whoever sees himself in a dream eating with a leopard or cheetah, sharing
with them food, that is an indication that the dreamer will receive security and
protection from an enemy and a benefit. And whoever sees a
cheetah or leopard bite him, or injuring him then that mean that he will
receive harm and enmity from an enemy, in the same amount as the injury
(i.e. small wound-small troubles). And whoever sees in his home or dwelling
place many leopards or cheetahs and they are yelling or growling in that place
that means that great harm, tribulations and misfortunes will come from an
Gazelle ::
A gazelle in a dream represents 4 things: (1) A Woman (2) A Slave Girl (3) A
Child (4) A benefit for the dreamer from women. So if you were to dream of a
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leopard attacking a gazelle, it could mean that an enemy will
harm your wife.
Ducks ::
A white duck represents money or a rich woman. And a black duck represents
a slave girl.
Eggs ::
Seeing eggs in a dream is interpreted on 9 faces: (1) A Child (2) Household (3)
Money (4) Glory (5) Station or Rank (6) desiring something (7) Getting a
Guarantee (8) Achieving a Goal (9) A Slave Girl.
Ice ::
Seeing ice in a dream means 6 things: (1) Wide Sustenance (2) Livelihood (3)
Lots of Money (4) Prices Becoming Cheaper (5) An Army (6) An Illness if seen
in a dream during the summer time.
Cold Weather ::
Cold weather in a dream represents five things: (1) A Misfortune (2) Conflict
(3) An Army (4) Drought (5) Disease in Illness.
Lion ::
Seeing a lion in a dream means: (1) A Strong or Harsh Man (2) A Strong
Enemy. Seeing mud in a dream in a cold environment or country is a worse
and more difficult omen than seeing it in a hot country or environment
Clouds ::
Clouds are an indication of 9 things: (1) Wisdom (2) Authority (3) Kingship (4)
Mercy (5) Sexual abstinence (6) Punishment (7) Drought (8) Affliction (9)
Trials and Tribulations.
Ring ::
A ring is interpreted on 8 phases: (1) A Child (2) Money (3) Authority (4)
Livelihood (5) A Servant (6) Elevation of Status (7) Adornment (8) Working
capital or Boss.
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Chinese ::
Seeing a Chinese person means 4 things: (1) A Woman (2) A Female Servant
(3) A Slave Girl (4) A benefit will come to you in regards to women or from
Mouth ::
Seeing a mouth or jaws in a dream means 7 things: (1) A Rank (2) A Safe
Haven (3) A storage or safe (4) Knowledge (5) Overcoming matters (6) A
Market (7) A veil or screen.
Stick or Staff ::
A stick or staff in a dream means 3 things: (1) A man with a majestic destiny
or ability (2) Kingship and Authority (3) Strength.
Hand ::
A hand in a dream means: (1) Life style (2) Money (3) Presidency or Authority
(4) A Child (5) Bravery and Avoiding unlawful acts and sins (6) Increases and
Dog ::
Seeing a dog in a dream means 4 things: (1) An enemy (2) A Greedy King (3)
A Servant with a bad action or attitude (4) An ignorant man.
The Kaabah ::
The Kaabah in a dream represents 5 things: (1) Caliph (2) A Great Imam (3)
Faith (4) Islam (5) Safety for the believers. Whoever sees himself sitting in the
sacred Haram of Mecca in a state of fear, he will be free of an oppressor and
will be safe of his traps.
Prayer ::
Seeing oneself praying or prayer in a dream means 7 things: (1) Safety (2)
Happiness (3) Fame (4) High Rank (5) Happiness after hardship (6) Attaining a
desire (7) A need will be taken care of.
Prostration ::
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Seeing oneself prostration or prostration means 5 thing: (1) Attaining a Desire
(2) A Nation (3) Victory (4) Loyalty to Allahs commands in his saying O you
who believe! Bow down, prostrate yourselves, and worship your Lord; and do
good so that you may prosper.
Surah Ale Imran (Family of Imran) ::
Whoever sees himself in a dream reciting Surah Ale Imran, his religion and his
words will be true and he will receive good in this life and the afterlife and he
will be peerless as to his religion.
Surah Al Ahzab (The Sects) ::
Whoever sees himself in a dream reciting Surah Al Ahzab, that is an indication
that they will receive support from Allah the Most High and they will continue
to follow truth.
Quran ::
Whoever sees himself reciting reading Quran in a place that Quran shouldnt
be read in means 4 things: (1) Peace (2) Riches (3) Reaching your purpose (4)
and a proof, for the Quran is a proof for you or against you.
Surah Al Taubah (The Repentance) ::
Whoever sees himself in a dream reciting Surah Al Taubah will be loved and
desired by the creatures of Allah and he will walk the path of good.
Surah Al Saff (The Row) ::
Whoever recites Surah Al Saff in his dream will die as a martyr.
Surah Al Hud (Prophet Eber) ::
Whoever sees himself reciting Surah Al Hud in a dream, it means he is walking
down the correct path in regards to religion.
Note: This book is not the full dream interpretation book of Imam J afar Sadiq
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Top Comments Hussam Tehaili, Arslan Hussain Abbas Arkawazi, Fasiha Fatima and 12
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Ali Kumo Please what's the name of the book?? Can you inbox me? Thanks??
1 September 4, 2013 at 8:48pm
Mutansar Bokhari Please give me the name of the book as well jazak Allah
1 J anuary 7 at 1:13pm
Arslan Hussain Abbas Arkawazi Thank you for sharing
May 5 at 4:29pm
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