Life and Times of Shah Bhitai

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Life And Times Of Shah Bhitai

1 Names of Bhittai
2 The early life
3 The Urs
4 Bhitai's ancestry
5 Education
6 Appearance and characteristics
!uest for reli"ious truths
# $iety and ascetism
% The final years
Names of Bhittai
&a'hino &atif
&atif (hot
Bhitt )o *hah
+Belo,ed- you are a.are of my illness/
Belo,ed's endurin" lo,e is that chronic illness0
1y physician- for you to this ailment am 2 confined/
(i,e me health's "ood tidin"s/ remo,e distress of my mind0
3or you 2 .eep/ for you my cries are destined4
2dle and .ic'ed am 2/ free me from this e,il desi"n/
1ay you come/ .ho are my e5pert physician0
6isappointed consultin" other physicians/ you alone are my medicine/
7ou/ .ho are so near/ clasp me to your 8osom0+
.........Bhitai [Sur Sasui]
The Opening
$erhaps the only ori"inal poet .hose poetry has passed unadulterated into the *indhi
lan"ua"e and has 8ecome a part of the rich literature of *indh is *hah A8dul &atif Bhitai0
9e is not only considered a cele8rated poet/ 8ut a cele8rated saint :;ulia<0 This ma'es
him e,en more prominent amon" the .orthies of this "reat land/ the *indh0 +The poet+/
says a "reat .riter/ +is a heroic fi"ure 8elon"in" to all a"es0 &et nature send a 9ero=soul4
in no a"e is it other than possi8le that he may 8e shaped into a poet0+ This compliment is
not for hom .ho ta'es up his pen and in'/ and puts do.n stan>as on paper0 That is 8ut a
poor thin"/ indeed/ come out .ith his flimsy 8ut pleasant tit=8its to amuse himself and his
friends for a .hile0 2t is for that stran"e indi,idual .ho/ on different occasions/ is seen
amon" the ,illa"ers toilin" in fields for their scanty earnin"s/ amon" the "ypsies loiterin"
throu"h the hills and ,alleys/ amon" the soldiers fi"htin" for their fatherland/ amon" the
learned doctors preachin" sermons to reli"ious con"re"ations/ amon" the merry 8and of
lo,e=stric'en di>>y=8rained sensualists/ = in fact/ amon" all classes of people/ = o8ser,in"/
deeply o8ser,in" different phases of natur and mind/ chantin"/ as he shifts from place to
place/ those s.eet strains that rend the hearts of the hearers0
Shams-ul-Ulema Mirza Kalich Beg/ in his 8oo' +&ife ;f *hah A8dul &atif Bhitai/+
emphasises that/ +this indi,idual/ this ori"inal/ .orld=o8ser,in"/ myriad=minded
indi,idual is the true poet0 9e thin's musically4 he spea's musically/ he acts musically0
9is ,ery silence is musical+0
Poet And Prophet
The ancients .ere not much .ron" .hen they made no difference 8et.een $oet and
Prophet0 $erhaps in the case of no other poet can these remar's 8e more applica8le/ then
in the case of the "reat poet of *indh/ *hah A8dul &atif Bhitai0 2f this poet cannot 8e
identified .ith Prophet/ he may/ in e,ery .ay/ 8e identified .ith *aint0 9e is in,ested
.ith an intense transcedentalism and a sacred "lory0 2f he is not deified/ he is certainly
caumised0 A spiritual "uide/ .hile li,in"/ = a poetical saint/ .hile dead/ = he still rei"ns
o,er the hearts of millions/ 8y his "ra,e/ musical/ mystical/ mysterious strains0
The arly Life
*hah A8dul &atif Bhitai is 'no.n throu"hout the len"th and 8readth of *indh/ as .ell as/
in places all o,er the .orld .here *indhis li,e0 9e .as not ?ust adored for his poetry
alone0 $eople from far and near respected and lo,ed this man as a saint/ a sufi and a
spiritual "uide0 Not much is 'no.n a8out the early life of this no8le son of *indh from
.ritten records0 1ost of the information that has come do.n to us has 8een collected
from oral traditions0 A reno.ned *indhi scholar/ educationist/ and a foremost .riter of
plays/ dramas and stories/ 1ir>a @alich Be"/ has rendered a yeoman ser,ice to *indhi
literature 8y collectin" details a8out the early life of *hah Bhitai/ from the dialo"ues that
he has constantly held .ith some of the old fol's/ still li,in" at that time/ .ho 'ne. these
facts from their fathers and "randfathers for they had seen *hah &atif in person and had
e,en spo'en to him0
+The ne5t day 2 sat do.n/ and listened to the
*tory of the 'Aaira"is0'
Their salmon=coloured clothes .ere co,ered .ith dust0
Their hair=8ands .ere .orn out0
They had let their hair "ro. Buite lon"0
The lonely ones ne,er tal' to anyone a8out their 8ein"0
These 'Nan"a' are content and happy0
They mo,e a8out unmar'ed amon"st the common fol'0+
........Shah Latif Bhitai
9e .as 8orn sometime around 16#% A060 :11C2 A090< at a small ,illa"e called Bhainpur
near @hatian0 1ore properly/ his 8irthplace .as 9ala 9a,eli :a cluster of houses to the
*outheast of Bhainpur/ not ,ery far from it</ of Talu'a 9ala in 9ydera8ad district of
*indh0 9e died/ at the a"e of si5ty three/ on 14th *afar 1165 9i?ra/ that is/ 152 A060 To
commemorate his memory/ e,ery year/ on 14th *afar of the 9i?ri Dalendar/ an Urs = a
fete/ a fair = is held at Bhitshah/ .here he li,ed the last years of his life and .here his
ela8orate and ele"ant mausoleum stands0
+Belo,ed's seperation 'ills me friends/
At 9is door/ many li'e me/ their 'nees 8end0
3rom far and near is heard 9is 8eauty's praise/
1y Belo,ed's 8eauty is perfection itself0+
.....Bhitai [Sur Yaman Kalyan]
The Urs
The Urs is a "rand affair/ perhaps/ the only fete or fare :mela< in *indh/ .here people
from almost e,ery ,illa"e and to.n of *indh = rich and poor/ youn" and old/ scholars and
peasants = ma'e a determined effort to attend0 The Urs lasts for three days0 Alon" .ith
other features/ li'e food fairs/ open=air mar'ets sellin" traditional *indhi .are/ and
entertainin" and competiti,e sports/ a literary "atherin" is also held .here papers
concernin" the research .or' done on the life/ poetry/ and messa"e of Bhitai/ are read/ 8y
scholars and reno.ned literary fi"ures0 9is disciples and ascetics/ sin"ers and artists/
"ather around and sin" passa"es from his Risalo0 *cholarly de8ates and e5hi8itions of his
.or' and traditional *indhi artefacts are also or"anised0
+*leepin" on the ri,er's 8an'/ 2 heard of 1ehar's "lory/
Bells aroused my consciousness/ lon"in" too' its place/
By (od- fra"rance of 1ehar's lo,e to me came/
&et me "o and see 1ehar face to face0+
.....Bhitai [Sur Suhni]
Bhitai!s Ancestry
*hah A8dul &atif's linea"e has 8een traced 8ac' directly to the 9oly $rophet 1uhammad/
throu"h 2mam Eain=ul=A8ideen/ son of 2mam 9ussain/ "randson of the $rophet0 9is
ancestors had come fro 9erat in Dentral Asia/ and settled at 1atiari0 *ah A8dul @arim
:16CC A060</ .hose mausoleum stands at Bulri/ a8out 4C miles from 9ydera8ad/ a mystic
:*ufi< poet of considera8le repute/ .as his "reat/ "reat "rand father0 9is ,erses are e5tant
and his anni,ersary is still held at Bulri/ in the form of an Urs :fete or fare<0
*hah &atif's father/ *yed 9a8i8 *hah/ li,ed in 9ala 9a,eli/ a small ,illa"e :no. in ruins =
this is ho. *indhi's care for their herita"e-</ at a distance of a8out fourty miles from
1atiari and not far from the ,illa"e of Bhitshah0 &ater he left this place and mo,ed to
@otri/ .here *hah &atif spent some part of his adolscent life0
Bhitai!s ducation
Early education of our 8elo,ed poet idi not e5ceed .hat the ,illa"e school curriculum
could pro,ide0 9is first teacher .as Noor 1uhammad Bhatti Fai.al0 1ostly/ *hah &atif
.as self=educated0 Althou"h he has recei,ed scanty formal education/ the Risalo "i,es us
an ample proof of the fact that he .as .ell=,ersed in Ara8ic and $ersian0 The 9oly
!ur'an/ the 9adith/ the 1asna.i of 1aulana )alaluddin Goomi/ alon" .ith the collection
of *hah @arim's poems/ .ere his constant companions/ copious references of .hich ha,e
8een made in *hah )o Gisalo0
Bhitai!s Appearance and "haracteristics
2n appearnce/ Bhitai .as a handsome man/ of a,era"e hei"ht = li'e e,ery othe son of
mother *indh0 9e .as stron"ly 8uilt/ had 8lac' eyes and an intelli"ent face/ .ith a 8road
and hi"h forehead0 9e "re. a 8eard of the si>e of the 9oly $rophet's 8eard0 9e had a
serious and thou"hful loo' a8out himself and spent much time in contemplation and
meditation/ since he .as concerned a8out his moral and spiritual e,olution .ith the sole
purpose of see'in" pro5imity of the 6i,ine0 9e .ould often see' solitude and
contemplate on the 8urnin" Buestions runnin" throu"h his mind concernin" man's
spiritual lifeH
Fhy .as man createdI
Fhat is his purpose on this earthI Fhat is his relationship .ith his DreatorI
Fhat is his ultimate destinyI
Althou"h he .as 8orn in fa,oured conditions/ 8ein" the son of a .ell='no.n and ,ery
much respected *ayed family/ he ne,er used his position in an un.orthy manner/ nor did
he sho. any li'in" for the comforts of life0 9e .as 'ind/ compassionate/ "enerous and
"entle in his manner of speech and 8eha,iour .hich .on him the ,eneration of all those
.ho came across him0 9e had "reat respect for .oman/ .hich/ unfortunately/ the present
day *ayed's and Aaderas :the landlords< do not ha,e/ and he e5ercised immense reser,e
in dealin" .ith them/ in an a"e .hen these Bualities .ere rare0 9e hated cruelty and could
ne,er cause physical pain to any man or e,en to an animal 9e li,e a ,ery simple life of
self=restraint0 9is food .as simple and fru"al/ so .as his dress .hich .as often deep
yello./ the colour of the dress of sufis/ ?o"is/ and ascetics/ .titched .ith 8lac' thread0
Till this day/ his relics are preser,ed at Bhitsah his mausoleum stands</ some of
.hich include a +T+=shaped .al'in" stic'/ t.o one made of sandal=.ood and
another of transparent stone/ .hich he used for eatin" and drin'in"0 9is lon" cap and his
8lac' tur8an are also preser,ed0
Dhildren of *indh/ all o,er the .orld/ "o and see for yourself your "reat herita"e0
;r"anise tours to the 9oly &and of mother *indh = afterall/ as a 1uslim you "o for
$il"rima"e to 1ecca/ and as a 9indu/ you "o for yatra to Temples/ 1andirs and
(urd.aras in 2ndia0 9o. sad/ ho. pity/ ho. unfortunate/ ho. shameful that the mother/
.hich has "i,en you your life/ you ha,e a8andoned and ne"lected0 7es/ your pil"rima"e
or yatra should/ 8e first to the 9oly 1other *indh/ and then "o ahead and fulfil your
reli"ious o8li"ations0
$erhaps/ it .ould 8e appropriate to mention here/ that the *ayed's/ .ho are called *ayed's
8ecause it is 8elie,ed that they are the descendants of the $rophet/ are held in "reat
re,erance/ respect and a.e 8y the common *indhis/ .ho .ould do anythin" at a *ayed's
8iddin"0 1ost of the *ayed families in *indh ha,e "i,en 8irth to scholars/ educationists/
professional = and they ha,e ser,ed *indh .ell0 9o.e,er/ there are many unscrupulous
*ayed's/ .ho has ruthlessly and o8scenely used and a8used thier name and to
su8?u"ate and oppress the poor/ simple and nai,e common *indhi people for their o.n
selfish/ lasci,ious and "reedy = political and economical = "ains0 2t is these *ayeds and the
Aadera's :the landlords< of *ind/ .ho has ta'en a.ay the di"nity of the simple people and
turned them into serfs/ sla,es/ and su8er,ient and ser,ile su8?ects of their ,ast empire=
li'e serfdom0 *o/ you see/ it is not ?ust the Ara8s/ the Ar"huns/ the Tar"huns/ the
1u"hals/ and the 1oha?irs/ alone to 8e 8lamed for the rape of mother *indh0 *indhis
should 8lame themsel,es first0 The de,il lies .ithin us0 2t is .e/ especially/ the *ayeds/
the reli"ious fanatics and 8i"ots/ the 1irs/ the Aaderas/ the 1erchants/ the Aanias/ of the
8euatiful land of *indh/ .ho ha,e methodically and surreptitiously cla.ed and mauled
a.ay the au"ust and ,enera8le 8ody of their mother/ *indh0 *hame- Fhat a shame-
+Dloud .as commanded to prepare for rain/
Gain pattered and poured/ li"htenin" flared0
(rain horders/ hopin" for hi"h prices/ .rin" their hands/
3i,e .ould 8ecome fifteen in their pa"es they had planned0
3rom the land may perish all the profiteers/
9erdsmen once a"ain tal' of a8undant sho.ers/
&atif says ha,e hope in (od's 8lessed "race0+
......Bhitai [Sur Sarang]
Bhitai!s #uest $or %eligious Truths
2n Buest of reli"ious truths/ *hah Bhitai tra,elled to many parts of *indh and also .ent to
the 8orderin" lands0 9e 'ept himself aloof from the political scene of fa,ouritism and
intri"ues .hich .as "oin" on at the hei"ht of the and rule of Kalhoras in *indh0
2nstead of ,isitin" to.ns and cities/ in political can,assin"/ to ser,e the purpose of the
rulers and elite of the land/ thou"h he .as much respected 8y the mem8ers of the dynasty
and could ha,e 8enefited from it/ he .ent to hills/ ,alleys/ the 8an's of ri,er/ and the
fields/ .here he met the ordinary simple people/ the sufis :mystics</ the ?o"is :ascetics< =
all dressed in the same saffron=coloured :"ayr=oo< clothes as himself/ stitched in 8lac'
thread0 1ost of these ?o"is and sanyasis .ere 9indus0 9e .andered far and near/
dis"uised as a ?o"i/ in the company of these sanyasis0 9e .ent to the (an?o 9ills in the
south of 9ydera8ad for contemplation/ and then to mountains in &as Bela in the south of
*indh and Baluchistan0 3or three years/ he tra,elled .ith these ?o"is and sanyasis/ in
search of the truth/ peace/ and harmony/ to 9in"lay/ &a'hpat/ Nani at the foot of the
9imalays and to *appar *a'hi0 At se,eral places in the %isalo/ mention has 8een made of
these ?o"is and of his ,isits to these .onderful/ holy and peaceful places0 The t.o surs/
Gam'ali and @hahori/ descri8e them under ,arious endearin" names and a detailed
account of the ?o"is' lifestyle is "i,en0 9e also tra,elled to such far a.ay places as
)una"ardh0 )esalmere and parts of the Thar desert0
+2n deserts/ .astes and )essalmir it has rained/
Dlouds and li"htenin" ha,e come to Thar's plains4
&one/ needy .omen are no. free from care/
3ra"rant are the paths/ happy herdsmen's .i,es all this share0+
..........Bhitai [Sur Sarang]
1y 8rother/ @halid 1a'hdoom/ ,isited the Thar recently/ alon" .ith his friends = li'e Bhitai ,isitin"
)esalmere .ith the ?o"is and sanyasis0 9e .as shoc'ed to see this cradle of mother *indh in such a sorry/
pathetic and pitia8le state = no .ater/ no electricity/ not much food to eat/ thatched mud and stra. houses/
and no formal facilities for the education of Thari youn"sters0 And/ yet/ the people .ere so 8eautiful/
lo,ea8le/ affectionate/ hospita8le/ ?o,ial/ cultured/ and ma"nanimous = li'e/ .hat e,ery child of mother
*indh ou"ht to 8e0 2sn't this .hat our mother *indh e5pects us to 8eI 2sn't this the .ay our mother *indh
has 8rou"ht us up to 8eI 2sn't this the teachin" of our saints/ sufis/ ?o"is/ adn sanyasis0 2sn't this .hat is
reBuired from *indhis of us throu"h the "uidance/ preachin" and implorations of the *hah/ *achal/ *a'ami/
and countless other sa"es of *indhI Fhat has come of us- 2 .onder/ 2 .onder- And/ yet/ .ith no formal
education to their credit/ the Tharis/ these "enuine and illustrious children of mother *indh/ could recite the
entire *hah )o Gisalo :the 1essa"e of *hah< 8y=heart0 E,ery e,enin" they "ather around the lo"s of fire/
especially in .inter/ and sin" the son"s/ in ,arious surs = the 'a'afis/ the ,ais/ the dohiros of *hahi Bhitai0
Bhitai - &is Piety' &is Ascetism
By the time he .as a youn" man of t.enty one years/ he 8e"an to 8e 'no.n for his piety/
his ascetic ha8its and his a8sorption in prayers0 ;8ser,ation and contemplation .ere
chief traits of his character0 A num8er of people floc'ed round him addin" to the already
lar"e num8er of his disciples0 This aroused ?ealousy of some po.erful/ ruthless/ tyrranical
persons = landlords/ $irs/ 1irs/ and Gulers = .ho 8ecame his enemiesfor some time0
&ater/ seein" his personal .orth/ and the peaceful and ascetic nature of his fame/
a8andoned their ri,alry0 At this time he .as li,in" .ith his father at @otri/ fi,e miles
a.ay from the present site of Bhitshah0 2t .as here that his marria"e .as solemnised in
113 A060 .ith Bi8i *ayedah Be"um/ dau"hter of 1ir>a 1u"hul Be"0 *he .as a ,ery
,irtuous and pious lady/ .ho .as a proper companion for him0 The disciples had "reat
respect for her0 They had no children0
2n the true ascetic spirit/ *hah &atif .as no. in search of a place .here in solitude/ he
could de,ote all his time in prayers and meditation0 *uch a place he found near la'e
@arar/ a mere sand hill/ 8ut an e5otic place of scenic 8eauty/ four miles a.ay from Ne.
9ala0 This place .as co,ered 8y thorny 8ushes surrounded 8y many pools of .ater0 2t
.as simply and aptly called 'Bhit' :the *and 9ill<0 ;n the heaps of its sandstones he
decide to settle do.n and 8uild a ,illa"e0 As it .as sandy/ he alon" .ith his disciples du"
out the hard earth from a distance and co,ered the sand .ith it to ma'e the "round firm0
After months of hard la8our/ carryin" the earth on their heads and shoulders/ the place
.as no. fit enou"h for the construction of an under"round room and t.o other rooms
o,er it/ alon".ith a room for his old parents0 A mosBue .as also 8uilt and the houses of
his disciples properly mar'ed out0 2n 142/ .hilst he .as still 8usy settin" up a ne.
,illa"e/ Bhit/ he "ot the sad ne.s of the death of his dear father00 *oon after this *hah
&atif shifted all his family mem8ers from @otri to Bhitsah/ as the ,illa"e no. 8e"an to 8e
called0 9is father .as 8urried there/ in accordance to his .ill/ .here his mausoleum
stands only ei"ht paces a.ay/ from that of *hah A8dul &atif/ to.ards its north0
Bhitai - The $inal (ears
3or the last ei"ht years of his remar'a8le life/ *hah &atif li,ed at Bhitshah0 A fe. days
8efore his death/ he retired to his under"round room and spent all his time in prayers and
fastin"/ eatin" ,ery little0
+&a""i &a""i .a'a=u .iarra an"rra lat?i/
$a=i 'harren pasah=a pasand=a 'arrend=i pirin=a ?ay0+ ......Bhitai
+Find 8le.- The sand en,eloped the 8ody/
Fhate,er little life left/ is to see the 8elo,ed0+
+These Naan"as+ J1K "o to 9in"la? J2K
To see 1other @ali/
They ha,e 8een to'a/
These .orshippers of *hi,a0
There is nothin" li'e them
;n the 3rontier
;r in *indh
;r in 9industan-
They ha,e .o,en their souls in GamaH
2nside of them/ there is only GamaH
Fhere *hi,a o,ersees/ that is .here they settle0
2 am con,ersant .ith the 7o"is
Fho al.ays see' the sun0
All the hours of the day/ their eyes are on mother @ali0+
....Bhitai [translated by Professor D.H. Butani in !he "elody and Philoso#hy of Shah Latif]
J1K type of 7o"i/ J2K 6e,i's :*hi,a's consort< temple = a place of pil"rima"e in *indh
After 21 days in there/ he came out and ha,in" 8athed himself .ith a lar"e Buantity of
.ater/ co,ered himself .ith a .hite sheet and as'ed his disciples to sin" and start the
mystic music0 This .ent on for three days continuously/ .hen the musicians/ concerned
a8out the motionless poet/ found that his soul had already left for its hea,enly a8ode to 8e
in the pro5imity of the Belo,ed for .home he had lon"ed for/ all his life/ and only the
8ody .as there0 9e suffered from no sic'ness or pain of any 'ind0 The date .as 14th
*afar 1165 :9i?ra< correspondin" to 1520 A060 9e .as 8urried at the place .here his
mausoleum no. stands/ .hich .as 8uilt 8y the ruler of *indh/ (hulam *hah @alhoro0
9is name literally means/ 'the ser,ant of the *hah'0 9e/ alon" .ith his mother/ had adored
and re,ered *hah &atif and .ere his de,oted disciples0 The .or' of the construction of
the mausoleum .as entrusted to the .ell='no.n mason/ 2dan from *u''ur0 The
mausoleum/ as .ell as the mosBue ad?oinin" it/ .ere later repaired and reno,ated 8y
another ruler of *indh/ 1ir Nasir @han Talpur0 A pair of 'ettle drums/ that are 8eaten
e,ery mornin" and e,enin" e,en till today 8y the fa'irs/ ?o"is and sanyasis/ .ho freBuent
the mausolem/ .ere presented 8y the Ga?a of )esalmeer0
+@orren 'an=i salam=u achio a'atand=a unn=a ?ay0+
+Dountless pay homa"e and sin" peace at his a8ode0+
+Tell me the stories/ oh thorn=8rush/
;f the mi"hty merchants of the 2ndus/
;f the ni"hts and the days of the prosperous times/
Are you in pain no./ oh thorn=8rushI
Because they ha,e departedH
2n protest/ cease to flo.er0
;h thorn=8rush/ ho. old .ere you
Fhen the ri,er .as in full floodI
9a,e you seen any .ay=farers
Fho could 8e a match of the Ban?arasI
True/ the ri,er has "one dry/
And .orthless plants ha,e 8e"un to flourish on the 8rin'/
The elite merchants are on decline/
And the ta5 collectors ha,e disappeared/
The ri,er is littered .ith mud
And the 8an's "ro. only stra.s
The ri,er has lost its old stren"th/
7ou 8i" fish/ you did not return
Fhen the .ater had its flo.
No. it's too late/
7ou .ill soon 8e cau"ht
3or fishermen ha,e 8loc'ed up all the .ays0
The .hite fla'e on the .aterH
2ts days are on the .ane0+
......Bhitai [translated by Prof. D. H. Butani $%&%'(%&)&* in !he "elody and Philoso#hy
of Shah Latif+ Promilla and ,o.+ -e. Delhi %&&% $/SB- )%()0112(%3(2*
The early life
*hah A8dul &atif Bhitai is a most famous *indhi poet and *ufi0 9e .as not ?ust adored
for his poetry alone0 $eople from far and near respected and lo,ed this man as a saint/ a
*ufi and a spiritual "uide0 Not much is 'no.n a8out the early life of this no8le son of
*indh from .ritten records0 1ost of the information that has come do.n to us has 8een
collected from oral traditions0 A reno.ned *indhi scholar/ educationist/ and a foremost
.riter of plays/ dramas and stories/ 1ir>a @alich Be"/ has rendered a yeoman ser,ice to
*indhi literature 8y collectin" details a8out the early life of *hah Bhitai/ from the
dialo"ues that he has constantly held .ith some of the old fol's/ still li,in" at that time/
.ho 'ne. these facts from their fathers and "randfathers for they had seen *hah &atif in
person and had e,en spo'en to him0
+The ne5t day 2 sat do.n/ and listened to the *tory of the 'Aaira"is0' Their salmon=
coloured clothes .ere co,ered .ith dust0 Their hair=8ands .ere .orn out0 They had let
their hair "ro. Buite lon"0 The lonely ones ne,er tal' to anyone a8out their 8ein"0 These
'Nan"a' are content and happy0 They mo,e a8out unmar'ed amon"st the common fol'0+
00000000*hah &atif Bhitai
9e .as 8orn sometime around 16#% DE :11C2 A090< to *hah 9a8i8 in the ,illa"e *ui=
!andar a fe. miles to the east of the present to.n of Bhit *hah :named after him</ on
*afar 14/ 11C2 A090 ie No,em8er 1#/ 16%C DE0 9e died at Bhit *hah on *afar 14/ 1165
A090/ ie )anuary 3/ 152 DE0 2n his memory/ e,ery year/ on 14th *afar of the 9i?ri
Dalendar/ an Urs is held at Bhit *hah/ .here he spent the last years of his life and .here
his ela8orate and ele"ant mausoleum stands0
&atif "ot his early education in the *chool:ma'ta8< of A'hund Noor 1uhammad in 8asic
$ersian:the "o,ernment &an"ua"e at that time< and *indhi:local spo'en lan"ua"e<0 9e
also learned the !uran0 9is correspondence in $ersian .ith contemporary scholar
1a'hdoom 1oinuddin Thatta,i/ as contained in the Gisala=i=;.aisi/ 8ears .itness to his
scholastic competence0
+Belo,ed's separation 'ills me friends/ At 9is door/ many li'e me/ their 'nees 8end0 3rom
far and near is heard 9is 8eauty's praise/ 1y Belo,ed's 8eauty is perfection itself0+
00000Bhitai J*ur 7aman @alyanK
The Urs
The Urs is a "rand affair in *indh/ .here people from almost e,ery ,illa"e and to.n of
*indh = rich and poor/ youn" and old/ scholars and peasants = ma'e a determined effort to
attend0 The Urs commences e,ery year from 14 th *afar: 2nd month of 9i?ra calander<
and lasts for three days0 Alon" .ith other features/ li'e food fairs/ open=air mar'ets
sellin" traditional *indhi .are/ and entertainin" and competiti,e sports/ a literary
"atherin" is also held .here papers concernin" the research .or' done on the life/ poetry/
and messa"e of Bhitai/ are read/ 8y scholars and reno.ned literary fi"ures0 9is disciples
and ascetics/ sin"ers and artists/ "ather around and sin" passa"es from his Gisalo0
*cholarly de8ates and e5hi8itions of his .or' and traditional *indhi artefacts are also
+*leepin" on the ri,er's 8an'/ 2 heard of 1ehar's "lory/ Bells aroused my consciousness/
lon"in" too' its place/ By (od- fra"rance of 1ehar's lo,e to me came/ &et me "o and see
1ehar face to face0+ 00000Bhitai J*ur *uhniK
Bhitai's ancestry
*hah A8dul &atif's linea"e has 8een traced 8ac' directly to 1uhammad/ throu"h 2mam
Eain=ul=A8ideen/ son of 2mam 9ussain/ "randson of the $rophet0 9is ancestors had came
from 9erat in Dentral Asia/ and settled at 1atiari0 *hah A8dul @arim 16CC DE/ .hose
mausoleum stands at Bulri/ a8out 4C miles from 9ydera8ad/ a mystic *ufi poet of
considera8le repute/ .as his "reat/ "reat "rand father0 9is ,erses are e5tant and his
anni,ersary is still held at Bulri/ in the form of an Urs0
*hah &atif's father/ *yed 9a8i8 *hah/ li,ed in 9ala 9a,eli/ a small ,illa"e/ at a distance
of a8out forty miles from 1atiari and not far from the ,illa"e of Bhitshah0 &ater he left
this place and mo,ed to @otri/ .here *hah &atif spent some part of his adolscent life0
Early education of the poet did not e5ceed .hat the ,illa"e school curriculum could
pro,ide0 9is first teacher .as Noor 1uhammad Bhatti Fai.al0 1ostly/ *hah &atif .as
self=educated0 Althou"h he has recei,ed scanty formal education/ the Gisalo "i,es us an
ample proof of the fact that he .as .ell=,ersed in Ara8ic and $ersian0 The !ur'an/ the
9adiths/ the 1asna.i of 1aulana )alaluddin Gumi/ alon" .ith the collection of *hah
@arim's poems/ .ere his constant companions/ copious references of .hich ha,e 8een
made in *hah )o Gisalo0
Appearance and characteristics
2n appearance/ Bhitai .as a handsome man/ of a,era"e hei"ht0 9e .as stron"ly 8uilt/ had
8lac' eyes and an intelli"ent face/ .ith a 8road and hi"h forehead0 9e "re. a 8eard of the
si>e of 1uhammad's 8eard0 9e had a serious and thou"hful loo' a8out himself and spent
much time in contemplation and meditation/ since he .as concerned a8out his moral and
spiritual e,olution .ith the sole purpose of see'in" pro5imity of the 6i,ine0 9e .ould
often see' solitude and contemplate on the 8urnin" Buestions runnin" throu"h his mind
concernin" man's spiritual lifeH
Fhy .as man createdI Fhat is his purpose on this earthI Fhat is his relationship .ith
his DreatorI Fhat is his ultimate destinyI
Althou"h he .as 8orn in fa,oured conditions/ 8ein" the son of a .ell='no.n and ,ery
much respected *ayed family/ he ne,er used his position in an un.orthy manner/ nor did
he sho. any li'in" for the comforts of life0 9e .as 'ind/ compassionate/ "enerous and
"entle in his manner of speech and 8eha,iour .hich .on him the ,eneration of all those
.ho came across him0 9e had "reat respect for .oman/ .hich/ unfortunately/ the present
day *ayed's and Aaderas :the landlords< do not ha,e/ and he e5ercised immense reser,e
in dealin" .ith them/ in an a"e .hen these Bualities .ere rare0 9e hated cruelty and could
ne,er cause physical pain to any man or e,en to an animal 9e li,e a ,ery simple life of
self=restraint0 9is food .as simple and fru"al/ so .as his dress .hich .as often deep
yello./ the colour of the dress of sufis/ ?o"is/ and ascetics/ .titched .ith 8lac' thread0
Till this day/ his relics are preser,ed at Bhitsah his mausoleum stands</ some of
.hich include a +T+=shaped .al'in" stic'/ t.o one made of sandal=.ood and
another of transparent stone/ .hich he used for eatin" and drin'in"0 9is lon" cap and his
8lac' tur8an are also preser,ed0
+Dloud .as commanded to prepare for rain/ Gain pattered and poured/ li"htenin" flared0
(rain horders/ hopin" for hi"h prices/ .rin" their hands/ 3i,e .ould 8ecome fifteen in
their pa"es they had planned0 3rom the land may perish all the profiteers/ 9erdsmen once
a"ain tal' of a8undant sho.ers/ &atif says ha,e hope in (od's 8lessed "race0+ 000000Bhitai
J*ur *aran"K
Quest for religious truths
2n Buest of reli"ious truths/ *hah Bhitai tra,elled to many parts of *indh and also .ent to
the 8orderin" lands0 9e 'ept himself aloof from the political scene of fa,ouritism and
intri"ues .hich .as "oin" on at the hei"ht of the and rule of @alhoras in *indh0
2nstead of ,isitin" to.ns and cities/ in political can,assin"/ to ser,e the purpose of the
rulers and elite of the land/ thou"h he .as much respected 8y the mem8ers of the dynasty
and could ha,e 8enefited from it/ he .ent to hills/ ,alleys/ the 8an's of ri,er/ and the
fields/ .here he met the ordinary simple people/ the sufis :mystics<0 9e .ent to the (an?o
9ills in the south of 9ydera8ad for contemplation/ and then to mountains in &as Bela in
the south of *indh and Balochistan0 3or three years/ he tra,elled .ith these ?o"is and
sanyasis/ in search of the truth/ peace/ and harmony/ to 9in"lay/ &a'hpat/ Nani at the foot
of the 9imalays and to *appar *a'hi0 At se,eral places in the Gisalo/ mention has 8een
made of these ?o"is and of his ,isits to these .onderful/ holy and peaceful places0 The
t.o surs/ Gam'ali and @hahori/ descri8e them under ,arious endearin" names and a
detailed account of the ?o"is' lifestyle is "i,en0 9e also tra,elled to such far a.ay places
as )una"ardh0 )esalmere and parts of the Thar desert0
+2n deserts/ .astes and )essalmir it has rained/ Dlouds and li"htenin" ha,e come to Thar's
plains4 &one/ needy .omen are no. free from care/ 3ra"rant are the paths/ happy
herdsmen's .i,es all this share0+ 0000000000Bhitai J*ur *aran"K
Piety and ascetism
By the time he .as a youn" man of t.enty one years/ he 8e"an to 8e 'no.n for his piety/
his ascetic ha8its and his a8sorption in prayers0 ;8ser,ation and contemplation .ere
chief traits of his character0 A num8er of people floc'ed round him addin" to the already
lar"e num8er of his disciples0 This aroused ?ealousy of some po.erful/ ruthless/
tyrannical persons = landlords/ $irs/ 1irs/ and Gulers = .ho 8ecame his enemiesfor some
time0 &ater/ seein" his personal .orth/ and the peaceful and ascetic nature of his fame/
a8andoned their ri,alry0 At this time he .as li,in" .ith his father at @otri/ fi,e miles
a.ay from the present site of Bhitshah0 2t .as here that his marria"e .as solemnised in
113 DE .ith Bi8i *ayedah Be"um/ dau"hter of 1ir>a 1u"hul Be"0 *he .as a ,ery
,irtuous and pious lady/ .ho .as a proper companion for him0 The disciples had "reat
respect for her0 They had no children0
2n the true ascetic spirit/ *hah &atif .as no. in search of a place .here in solitude/ he
could de,ote all his time in prayers and meditation0 *uch a place he found near &a'e
@arar/ a mere sand hill/ 8ut an e5otic place of scenic 8eauty/ four miles a.ay from Ne.
9ala0 This place .as co,ered 8y thorny 8ushes surrounded 8y many pools of .ater0 2t
.as simply and aptly called 'Bhit' :the *and 9ill<0 ;n the heaps of its sandstones he
decide to settle do.n and 8uild a ,illa"e0 As it .as sandy/ he alon" .ith his disciples du"
out the hard earth from a distance and co,ered the sand .ith it to ma'e the "round firm0
After months of hard la8our/ carryin" the earth on their heads and shoulders/ the place
.as no. fit enou"h for the construction of an under"round room and t.o other rooms
o,er it/ alon" .ith a room for his old parents0 A mosBue .as also 8uilt and the houses of
his disciples properly mar'ed out0 2n 142/ .hilst he .as still 8usy settin" up a ne.
,illa"e/ Bhit/ he "ot the sad ne.s of the death of his dear father00 *oon after this *hah
&atif shifted all his family mem8ers from @otri to Bhitsah/ as the ,illa"e no. 8e"an to 8e
called0 9is father .as 8uried there/ in accordance to his .ill/ .here his mausoleum stands
only ei"ht paces a.ay/ from that of *hah A8dul &atif/ to.ards its north0
The final years
3or the last ei"ht years of his remar'a8le life/ *hah &atif li,ed at Bhitshah0 A fe. days
8efore his death/ he retired to his under"round room and spent all his time in prayers and
fastin"/ eatin" ,ery little0
+&a""i &a""i .a'a=u .iarra an"rra lat?i/ $a=i 'harren pasah=a pasand=a 'arrend=i pirin=a
?ay0+ 000000Bhitai +Find 8le.- The sand en,eloped the 8ody/ Fhate,er little life left/ is to
see the 8elo,ed0+
After 21 days in there/ he came out and ha,in" 8athed himself .ith a lar"e Buantity of
.ater/ co,ered himself .ith a .hite sheet and as'ed his disciples to sin" and start the
mystic music0 This .ent on for three days continuously/ .hen the musicians/ concerned
a8out the motionless poet/ found that his soul had already left for its hea,enly a8ode to 8e
in the pro5imity of the Belo,ed for .ho he had lon"ed for/ all his life/ and only the 8ody
.as there0 9e suffered from no sic'ness or pain of any 'ind0 The date .as 14th *afar
1165 9i?ra correspondin" to 152 DE0 9e .as 8uried at the place .here his mausoleum
no. stands/ .hich .as 8uilt 8y the ruler of *indh/ (hulam *hah @alhoro0 9is name
literally means/ 'the ser,ant of the *hah'0 9e/ alon" .ith his mother/ had adored and
re,ered *hah &atif and .ere his de,oted disciples0 The .or' of the construction of the
mausoleum .as entrusted to the .ell='no.n mason/ 2dan from *u''ur0 The mausoleum/
as .ell as the mosBue ad?oinin" it/ .ere later repaired and reno,ated 8y another ruler of
*indh/ 1ir Nasir @han Talpur0 A pair of 'ettle drums/ that are 8eaten e,ery mornin" and
e,enin" e,en till today 8y the fa'irs/ ?o"is and sanyasis/ .ho freBuent the mausolem/
.ere presented 8y the Ga?a of )esalmeer0
+@orren 'an=i salam=u achio a'atand=a unn=a ?ay0+ +Dountless pay homa"e and sin" peace
at his a8ode0+
+Tell me the stories/ oh thorn=8rush/ ;f the mi"hty merchants of the 2ndus/ ;f the ni"hts
and the days of the prosperous times/ Are you in pain no./ oh thorn=8rushI Because they
ha,e departedH 2n protest/ cease to flo.er0 ;h thorn=8rush/ ho. old .ere you Fhen the
ri,er .as in full floodI 9a,e you seen any .ay=farers Fho could 8e a match of the
Ban?arasI True/ the ri,er has "one dry/ And .orthless plants ha,e 8e"un to flourish on
the 8rin'/ The elite merchants are on decline/ And the ta5 collectors ha,e disappeared/
The ri,er is littered .ith mud And the 8an's "ro. only stra.s The ri,er has lost its old
stren"th/ 7ou 8i" fish/ you did not return Fhen the .ater had its flo. No. it's too late/
7ou .ill soon 8e cau"ht 3or fishermen ha,e 8loc'ed up all the .ays0 The .hite fla'e on
the .aterH 2ts days are on the .ane0+ 000000Bhitai Jtranslated 8y $rof0 60 90 Butani :1%13=
1%#%< in +The 1elody and $hilosophy of *hah &atif+
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai (1689-1752) perfected Sindhi poetry both in fro and in
content and i! rec"oned a! the peerle!! a!ter of Sindhi #er!e!$ %he o!t !alient
feature of hi! poetry i! Sufi!& 'hich he had pre!ented 'ith de(terity in hi! faou!
'or"& Shah )o *i!alo$ %he ain characteri!tic! of Shah Leif+! poetry i! that it i! a
,rear"able record of -od-into(icated an.! lon/in/ to ri!e abo#e hi! le#el of life in
order to eet hi! 0a"er1$ 2e had a coand to e(pre!! and interpret the 3oy! and
!orro'!& hope! and a!piration! of the people of Sindh$ Shah Latif+! poetry depict!
nature and it! anife!tation! in a o!t #i#id and #i#aciou! anner$ 2e had
copo!ed beautiful #er!e! on the ri#er 4ndu!& the !hinin/ !urface of la"e! and the
barren ran/e! of hill!$ 2e had al!o #er!ified on the beha#ior of the !ea and the boat!
and boat!en li#in/ on the !hore of the !ea$ 2e 'a! the o!t prolific 'riter and poet
of hi! a/e$ 2i! poetry i! deeply rooted in the !oil of Sindh& yet it ha! a uni#er!al
So /reat i! the ipact of hi! iortal 'or" on Sindhi literature that one hear! it!
di!tinct echo in all the poetry produced by later /eneration!$ 5ro the tie of !hah
Latif to the Briti!h con6ue!t of Sindh& there 'ere a lar/e nuber of Sindhi poet!&
!uch a! 0ohaad 7aan of Lu'ar& Abdul -rohari& Sachal Sara!t& Bedil& Be"a!&
Sai& 8ir Ali -ohar A!/har (8ir 8a/aro)& *oohal 5a6ir& 8ir A!/har Ali& 8ir -hula Shah
*a!hidi and Sabit Ali Shah Sabit& 'ho!e 'or"! a !till to be found$ 9urin/ the day! of
the Sura!& the Saa! and later on durin/ the :alhora and the %alpur period&
Sindh 'a! the court lan/ua/$
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai (!oetie! 'ritten Bhittai or Bhittaii) 'a! a
de#out 0u!li Sufi& but hi! !pirituality 'a! broad and 'elcoin/&
a"in/ roo for 0u!li and 2indu ali"e$ 2e i! one of the o!t
re#ered poet! and !aint! of the Sindh re/ion of 'hat i! today 8a"i!tan$
Althou/h born into a 'ell-re!pected faily& he turned a'ay fro the
cofort! of life& re#ealin/ a natural a!cetic tendency$ 2e adopted the
!affron-colored robe! and !iple life!tyle of the 'anderin/ Sufi! and
!anya!in! of the re/ion$
4n hi! 6ue!t for inner truth& !till a youn/ an& Shah Bhitai left hi!
hoe and be/an to tra#el e(ten!i#ely& fa#orin/ !all #illa/e! and the
country!ide& interactin/ 'ith the coon people and other 0u!li and
2indu a!cetic!$ 2e 6uic"ly de#eloped a reputation for holine!! and
ab!orption in editation$ At thi! tie di!ciple! be/an to /ather about
Shah Bhitai returned to hi! faily hoe for a 'hile& 'here he arried
Bibi Saidha Be/u& a youn/ 'oan 'ho 'a! re!pected in her o'n
ri/ht for her /reat piety$ Sadly& !he died at a youn/ a/e& and Shah
Bhitai ne#er rearried$
Bhitai and hi! /ro'in/ circle e#entually o#ed to a place of retreat& a
!and hill (1bhit1) ne(t to !cenic :iran La"e$
A fa!cinatin/ !tory i! told of hi! poetry$ ;hen Shah Bhitai 'a! nearin/
death& he didn+t 'ant hi! poetry to !iply 'a!te a'ay& !o he had hi!
'ritin/! thro'n into the nearby la"e$ But& at the re6ue!t of a di!ciple&
Bhitai allo'ed hi! poetry to be re-'ritten do'n by another di!ciple 'ho
had eori<ed the$
)f you are see*ing Allah

2f you are see'in" Allah/
Then 'eep clear of reli"ious formalities0
Those .ho ha,e seen Allah
Are a.ay from all reli"ions-
Those .ho do not see Allah here/
9o. .ill they see 9im 8eyondI
&et us "o the land of @a'
Fhere lo,e flo.s in a8undance/
There are no entrances/ no e5its/
E,ery one can see the &ord-
There is no li"ht nor day
E,ery one can see the &ord-
Those .ho lo,e the &ord
The .orld cannot hold them0
$alaces do not attract them/
Nor .omen nor ser,ants
Nothin" 8inds themH
The renouncers lea,e e,erythin" 8ehind0
A messa"e came from the &ordH
A full moon shone
6ar'ness disappeared
A ne. messa"e came from the &ordH
2t does not matter .hat caste you are
Fhoe,er come/ are accepted0
Fhere shall 2 ta'e my camel/
All is &i"htL
2nside there is @a'/ mountain and ,alley/
The &ord and the &ordH there is nothin" 8ut the &ord0

:translated from *indhi 8y 60 90 Butani<
&e"acy of *hah &atif is a recent 8oo' on BhitaiMs life and .or's0 2n a recent 8oo' re,ie./ A8ro .ritesH
NT.o and a half centuries after his death/ the cele8rated *indhi philosopher=poet *hah
A8dul &atif Bhittai :16#%=152 A6< continues to inspire and influence the li,es and
acti,ities of the peace=lo,in" mystic souls of *indh0 2ntellectual acti,ities/ social/ political
or ideolo"ical discourses are considered meanin"less .ithout the recitation of his poetry0
*hah &atif has 8ecome an essential part of the day=to=day life of the people of *indh so
much so that e,eryone .ants to find out more a8out his life/ his principles and 8eliefs and
disco,er the true interpretation of his mesmerisin"ly meanin"ful poetryLO
Mysticism of Shah Adul !atif Bhitai
N*ufi is made one .ith all/ &i'e 8reath in ,eins/ Fhat he achie,es he discloses not/ To
dislose is a sin/ 8y this he a8ides0O
LL0Bhitai Jsur 7aman @alyanK
*hah A8dul &atif Bhitai .as 8orn sometime around 16#% A060 :11C2 A090< at a small
,illa"e called Bhainpur near @hatian0 1ore properly/ his 8irthplace .as 9ala 9a,eli :a
cluster of houses to the *outheast of Bhainpur/ not ,ery far from it</ of Talu'a 9ala in
9ydera8ad district of *indh0 9e died/ at the a"e of si5ty three/ on 14th *afar 1165 9i?ra/
that is/ 152 A060 To commemorate his memory/ e,ery year/ on 14th *afar of the 9i?ri
Dalendar/ an Urs = a fete/ a fair = is held at Bhitshah/ .here he li,ed the last years of his
life and .here his ela8orate and ele"ant mausoleum stands0 The ,ary nature of that
creati,e insi"ht of sufism .ithin Bhitai resulted in intense feelin"s and deep
contemplation that pro,ided him .ith momentary "limpses to fathom the 6i,ine essence
and the reality of thin"s0
N*ufi is not limited 8y reli"ious 8ounds/ 9e discloses not the .ar he .a"es in his mind/
9elps and assists those .ho .ith him fi"ht0O
LLL0Bhitai J*ur 7aman @alyanK
*hariat is a sta"e in .hich the see'er has to li,e accordin" to la.s of reli"ion as strictly
laid do.n/ o8ser,in" all the rituals0 TariBat is the sta"e of renunciation .hich soon leads
to the ne5t sta"e of 9aBiBat/ the truth/ that sta"e in .hich the see'er is "ranted re,elation
of the true nature of the (odhead and .hich is retained0 1aarifat is the sta"e of the
spiritual ?ourney .here the e,ol,ed soul of the see'er finds itself in 6i,ine appro5imity0O
Doncernin" the ori"in of mysticism/ Bhitai Buotes the .ords of the 9oly !urManH
NBelo,ed is in your lap/ .hy as' othersI 9is si"nes are in your soul/ .hy not learn and
contemplateI To see' her lo,e/ none .ent to mar'et place0O
NBelo,ed .ithin you and you see' him here and there 9e is Ncloser to you than your ,ein
?u"ular/O 7ourself is the hurdle/ 8et.een your lo,e and you0O
LLL00Bhitai J*ur *asui A8riK
*ince Bhitai contemplates chiefly on the 6i,ine attri8ute of lo,e/ his mysticism has also
8een called lo,e mysticism/ as most of his surs re,eal0 9e contemplates too on the 6i,ine
attri8utes of 8eauty/ compassion and munificence/ si"nifyin" them 8y sym8ols .hich are
ta'en from our o.n mundane .orld/ familiar to the masses0
2n the relentless search of truth/ Bhitai .as sei>ed 8y an intense lon"in" for a direct
approach to his Dreator0 9is soul .as constantly thirstin" for the 6i,ine and all thin"s
6i,ine0 This lead him to the path tra,ersed 8y mystics0 9is Buest for eternal truth 8ecame
his primary concern0 9e found (od in e,erythin" = 8elie,in" that NAll that is/ is (od/O
rest is all illusion and deception0
N3oremost/ omniscient and supreme is .orldMs &ord/ ;f 9is o.n mi"ht in e5istence since
aeons old/ 1i"hty Dreator/ 1erciful/ *ustainer/ ;ne and ;nly/ 9is praises sin"/ 9e
planned and perfected the uni,erse0O
LLL00Bhitai Jsur @alyanK
Althou"h Bhitai is mainly referrin" to the sufis/ .ho are the see'ers of the path .hich
leads them ultimately to the re,elation of eternal truths/ it can 8e applied to any one .ho
pursues an ideal and stru""les for its achie,ement0 9e too is confronted .ith many
hardships and has to sacrifice much in ,arious .ays0 2f he is selfless/ sincere in the
pursuit of his "oal/ is not dismayed 8y the many o8stacles and hurdles that come in his
.ay/ then undou8tedly he .ill succeed in achie,in" his ideal0 This in fact is the under=
current of nearly all surs0 1adam @hamisani emphasises that/ N(od is *hah A8dul &atifMs
8elo,ed in all the surs of the Gisalo0O
Shah A+dul Latif
*hah A8dul &atif/ a "reat scholar/ saint and spiritual poet/ .as 8orn in 9ala 9a,eli near
the @hatiyan ,illa"e of 9ydera8ad 6istrict/ *indh in 16#%0 9is ancestral roots lay in
Af"hanistan0 2t is said that the *hah's father/ *yed 9a8i8 *hah/ had mi"rated from
1atyaru/ his ancestral home in Af"hanistan to Bhainpur in *indh/ in order to "ain
spiritual contact .ith a local pious man0
A8dul &atif recei,ed his early education from a 1adrasa run 8y A'hund Noor 10 Bhatti0
9e .as proficient in the 'no.led"e of !uran and the traditions0 9e al.ays carried .ith
him copies of the !uran/ 1asna,i 1aulana Goom/ and Gisalo of his "reat "rand father
*hah A8dul @arim of Burli0 The poet e5celled in the *indhi lan"ua"e0 9e .as also
proficient in the $ersian/ *ans'rit/ *arai'i/ Urdu and Baluchi lan"ua"es0
*hah .as a missionary and 8elie,ed in practical learnin"0 2t is throu"h his ?ourneys that
he acBuired the 8ac'"round for most of his poems0 9e denounced e5tra,a"ance/ in?ustice
and e5ploitation in all forms and at all le,els/ and praised simplicity and hospitality0 9is
spiritual and mystic poetry carries a messa"e of lo,e and uni,ersality of the human race0
2n 113/ the *ufi poet married Bi8i *aidha Be"um0 2t .as a lo,e marria"e0 9is .ife died
at an early a"e/ 8efore she could ha,e any children0 *hah ne,er married a"ain0
2n 142/ *hah A8dul &atif decided to settle in Bhit/ meanin" +The *andy 1ound+0
9a,in" a "reat passion for music/ one day he ordered the musicians to play music0 They
played continuously for three days0 Fhen they stopped playin" from pure e5haustion/
they found the poet dead0 9e died in 152/ and is 8uried in Bhit0 A mausoleum .as later
constructed there0
Before his death/ fearin" that people mi"ht i"nore his poetry/ he destroyed all his .ritin"s
8y" them in the @iran &a'e0 But at the reBuest of one of his disciples/ the sufi
poet as'ed his ser,ant/ 1ai Naimat/ .ho had memori>ed most of his ,erses/ to re.rite
them0 The messa"e .as duly recorded and compiled0 A copy of the compilation 'no.n as
+(an?+ .as retained at the mausoleum0 The ori"inal copy disappeared sometime in 1#540
2t .as in 1#66/ 114 years after the poet's death/ that Ernest Trumpp/ a (erman scholar
.ho 'ne. *indhi as .ell as many other lan"ua"es/ compiled +Gisalo+/ a complete
collection of *hah A8dul &atif's poetry/ alon" .ith t.o other *indhi scholars0
*hah A8dul &atif Bhitai is al.ays remem8ered for his "reat poetry .ith lo,e and
Shah Bhitai " The Soul #f Sindh
*aaeen 1ohan Bha""at *in"s
(ratitude and Dourtesy To *aaeen )amali
+Be patient/ 8o. thy head and see/
&o- An"er is a mi"hty .oe0
2n patience there a8ideth ?oy/
; honest *ir/ this surely 'no.0
Be patient0 $atient fol's pre,ail0
The stiffnec'ed are in sorry pli"ht0
The palate of all hasty men
9ath ne,er sa,oured patience ri"ht0
9e eats the 8read of punishment
Fhose early an"er 8rea'eth forth0
The man of malice holds his ro8e
And finds .ithin it nou"ht of .orth0+
The Opening ,ords
*ittin" alone in the study=room of my home in my adopted country Singapore 0000 4li45 / far
far a.ay from my 8elo,ed motherland/ *indh/ as my *ids and family 0000 4li45 sleep/ 2
.rite0 1y old tape recorder is playin" an old tape of one of the "enuine dau"hters of
*indh/ *ushila 1ehtani/ .ho is sin"in" the openin" lines of the "Risalo Of Shah Abdul
Latif Bhitai:"
-$oremost' Omniscent and Supreme' is .orld!s Lord'
Of &is o.n might in e/istence since aeons old'
Mighty "reator' Merciful' Sustainer' one and only'
&is praises sing' &e planned and perfected the uni0erse1-
...........Shah Bhitai
Fith "reat dedication/ respect and "ratitude to this no8le son of Sindh 000 4li45 / 2 continue
.ith my Buest for the .aterin" of flo.ers of my roots/ 8y tellin" you the story of *hah
A8dul &atif Bhitai and his poetry 000 4li45 = his dreams/ dou8ts/ desires and de,otion =
.hich far surpasses = in rhythm/ meanin" and melody = any other poetry 8y any other
poet 000 4li45 of the East/ at any a"e and time0
*hah A8dul &atif Bhittai is not ?ust a paramount poet of *indh/ he is the ,ary soul of
*indh0 2f he .ould ha,e 8een 8orn in 1iddle east = near 1ecca or Bethelhem
= they .ould ha,e proclaimed him a prophet0 2f he .ould ha,e surfaced in En"land/ they
.ould ha,e made him a $oet &aureate = no8ody .ould ha,e 'no.n *ha'espeare/ Byron/
@eats or *helley0 2nstead/ he .as 8orn in a tiny ,illa"e of central *indh = *indh/ .here
one the "reatest ci,ili>ations/ that the .orld has e,er 'no.n/ flourished = a "reat mother
deser,es a "reat son0 Bhitai/ the no8le son of *indh is the heart and soul of 1other *indh0
Fithout him/ *indh .ill 8e li'e a .anderin" "ypsy/ perpetually searchin" for the li"ht/
see'in" "uidance and enli"htenment/ and con?urin" a relentless Buest for the truth in
pursuit of her restless soul0 Today/ 8leedin" and in pain/ this no8le mother is at the
threshold of death = her soul is no more .anderin"0 9er soul is secure in the poetry of
*hah Bhitai0 E,en for the children of *indh = truncated/ .ounded/ mauled/ and
,anBuished thou"h they may 8e = the solace comes in the form of soul that remains = the
poetry and music of Bhitai0
+Fhether hot or cold/ march on/ there is no time to rest4
&est dar'ness falls/ you fail to find Belo,ed's trac's0+
............Bhitai [Sur Hussaini]
This is the story of that no+le soul of Mother Sindh' Bhitai' and his poetry1
+9ote- my 9ote- my flesh .ill 2 "i,e to the 8easts/
Tearin" it into 8its for them to feast0
*ettin" fire to Bham8hore/ 2 ha,e come to you/
No rest and no peace can 2 "et .ithout $unhoon0
This sad maid/ on herself placin" "rindin" stone/ her sorro.s "rind/
Dome/ 8e near me/ "o not far .here you cannot 8e found0
Belie,e me/ friends- 2 ha,e seen 9im in my ,ision/
Fithout 9is si"ht/ life is li'e death to this sad one0
2 am cra>ed 8y the s.eet cup that &o,e made me drin'/
Ari's lo,e has set me on fire that 8urns .ithin0
Fere 2 to "o under the earth/ 2 .ill not "i,e you up/
*e,erin" my head/ my 8ody to dust .ill 2 entrust/
9earin" 9im depart/ this misera8le maid laments/
Belo,ed/ turn to me your "lances full of "race0
*isters- may my &o,e on me 9is 'indness sho.er0+
..........Bhitai [6ai from Sur Sassui $Hussaini*]
4li45 here for...Life And Times Of Shah Bhitai
*hah A8dul &atif of Bhit/ lo,in"ly called '*hah Bhitai/' is adored throu"hout the len"th
and 8readth of *indh/ irrespecti,e of peoples reli"ious 8eliefs and intellectual standin"/
not only as the "reatest poet of *indh 8ut as a saint/ a sufi and a spiritual "uide0 2t is the
spiritual si"nificance of his poetry/ e5pressed in most touchin" do.n=to=earth .ords/
harmonised .ith a musical settin"/ that ma'es a direct appeal to the hearts and souls of
the listeners/ includin" the elite and the man in the street0 The peasant plou"hin" his field/
the herdsman and the shepherd tendin" to the herd of cattle or floc' of sheep/ the
fisherman castin" his fishin" net in the .ater/ the sailors "oin" to sea/ the ,illa"e house=
.ife at her daily chores and the ,illa"er midst his companions at leisure time/ sin"s/
recites or hears this su8lime poetry that uplifts his ,ery soul/ 8e he a 1uslim or a 9indu0
2n the to.ns and cities of mother *indh/ the scholars/ intellectuals and learned people/
hold sessions of its recitation and its sin"in" 8y reno.ned artists of the land0 E,ery
Sindhi 000 4li45 / youn" and old/ .hether literate or not/ man or .oman/ 'no. most of the
,erses 8y=heart/ and often Buote them in daily con,ersations at si"nificant occasions0
1other *indh has has 8een ra,"ed and her children has suffered the pan"s of distress and
destruction0 The poems/ son"s and ,erses of Bhitai/ .hen heard/ 8rin" uncontrolled tears
to e,ery *indhis eyes0 Fho is this manI Fhat is his philosophyI Fhy his poetry ele,ates
people to hei"hts of ecstasyI Fhy is this no8le son of *indh/ ri"htly refered as the soul of
of *indh0 *hah A8dul &atif Bhitai = not much is 'no.n a8out the life of this thin'er/ saint/
and sufi/ from the .ritten records0 1uch of the information has come do.n to us throu"h
oral traditions0
*hah )o Gisalo/ in essence/ is untranslatea8le into any lan"ua"e0 The 8eauty of *indhi
lan"ua"e/ especially the *indhi used 8y Bhitai/ the liltin" melody/ the churnin" of the of
the .ords/ the music in e,ery line of the ,erse/ and sheer hypnotic effect on heart/ mind
and soul/ can only 8e felt and appreciated in the ori"inal *indhi lan"ua"e0 Not ?ust
*indhis/ 8ut forei"ners/ as .ell/ has 8een enthralled 8y this ecstatic poetry0 6r Annemarie
*chimmel/ a (erman scholar and lin"uist/ has learnt *indhi/ especially to 8e a8le to
peruse for herself the poetry of Bhitai/ .hich/ accordin" to her/ +e5presses the most
refined mystical e5periences and the most ine5plica8le mo,ements of the soul0+ 7es/ the
poetry of this *oul of *indh creates tur8ullences ri"ht to the ,ary core of one's soul0 E,en
Ernest Trumpp/ the reno.ned (erman scholar and missionary/ and 90T0 *orley/ the
En"lish scholar/ 8oth ha,e 8een mesmeri>ed 8y the ma"ical spell of the ',ais'/ 'dohiras'
and ''a'afis' sun" 8y the de,otees of Bhitai0
2 ha,e used much of the material/ on Bhitai 000 4li4h / his poetry and philosophy/ from
Madam Amina Khamisani!s 000 4li45 En"lish translation of the Gisalo/ +Gisalo ;f *hah
A8dul &atif Bhittai H Translated in Aerse+/ .hich she pu8lished in 1%%20 2 ha,e read some
other translations of the Gisalo in En"lish/ as .ell0 These translations/ 2 found/ mostly in
8its and pieces/ in ,arious )ournals and 1a"a>ines0 This is the first time 2 ha,e in my
possession a complete 8oo' .hich/ ri"htly so/ is +*hah )o Gisalo+/ in En"lish0 The .or'
of 1adam @hamisani/ is most promisin" and outstandin"0 9er scholarship/ her lo,e for
Shah and his poetry is e,idenced from the pain and effort that she has ta'en in
e5pressin" the surs/ usin" the most appropriate .ords/ .hich/ really .ent deep do.n the
recesses of my soul/ creatin" the ecstatic feelin"/ althou"h not as deep and stron" as the
ori"inal .ords0 9a,in" ser,ed the educational and de,elopmental cause of mother *indh
so .ell/ 8y teachin" "enerations of *indhi children/ the art and intricacies of En"lish
poetry and literature = and this includes my sister *uraiya 1a'hdoom as .ell = at the
Uni,eristy of *indh/ her .or' of translation of Gisalo in En"lish .ill/ certainly/ "o do.n
in the annals of *indhi history/ as a remar'a8le and monumental ser,ice to 1other *indh
and her children0 All children of *indh/ includin" my hum8le self/ are "rateful to her for
this ma"nificent contri8ution0
+Those .ho lost their path/ searchin" the roc's/
&earnt much from the lost path/
(i,in" up 8oth the .orlds/ 8eaten trac' they follo. not0
6ust on their 8odies for the Belo,ed they "ather/
*ome 'no.led"e of Lahut seem to possess these .anderers0+
.................Bhitai [Sur Khahori]
4li45 here for...Shah 2o %isalo 3 The Message Of Lo0e
The compiled ,erses of *hah Bhitai are called "Risalo" .hich means -Message-0 They
are the recorded comprehensi,e collection of ,erses 'no.n as 7an8/ .hich is preser,ed
at the mausoleum of the 8elo,ed poet of *indh/ at Bhitshah0 The history 8oo's tell us/
that ?ust 8efore his passin" a.ay/ he thre. the manuscripts of his .or' into the @arar
&a'e/ ad?acent to his a8ode at the Bhit :the Goc'<0 9e did this/ fearin" that people may
not 8e a8le to understand the main theme and purpose of his messa"e in the ,erses0 They
may misunderstand him0 9is disciples .ere disappointed and e5tremely "rie,ed0 Fith
deep lo,e for his people and 8ein" 'ind of heart/ considerate and 8ene,olent/ he could not
see his disciples in sorro.0 Therefore/ he allo.ed them to assem8le another manuscrip
from the fe. manuscripts that .ere in possession of some of his disciples0 The main
contri8utor to this collection .as a lady 8y the name of 1ai Niamat/ a de,oted disciple of
his/ .ho had memorised most of his ,erses0 As she san" the ,erses/ in different surs/ his
disciples recorded them into manuscripts0 Thus/ .e are fortunate/ to ha,e this
-Message- 000 4li45 of that soul of Mother Sindh' 000 4li45 .ith us/ today0
+7ou are the Belo,ed/ you are the physician/
7ou alone are pain's medicine/
Fithin me are aches of innumera8le 'inds/
&ord- heal Thou my afflicted mind0+
.............Bhitai [Sur Yaman Kalyan]
4li45 here for...Bhitai!s #uest $or The Truth
Fho is manI Fhat is his ori"inI Fhere did he come fromI Fhere is he 8oundI Fho has
Dreated himI Fhat is the relationship 8et.een the Dreator and the createdI These are
some of the 8urnin" Buestions that perpetually/ systemetically and methodically trou8led/
haunted and fascinated Bhitai0 9e .anted ans.ers to these Buestions0 The more he
pro8ed the more he unra,elled the mysteries of man's e5istence and his relationship .ith
his Dreator0 2n the relentless search of truth/ Bhitai .as sei>ed 8y an intense lon"in" for a
direct approach to his Dreator0 9is soul .as constantly thirstin" for the 6i,ine and all
thin"s 6i,ine0 This lead him to the path tra,ersed 8y mystics0 9is Buest for eternal truth
8ecame his primary concern0 9e found (od in e,erythin" = 8elie,in" that +All that is/ is
(od/+ rest is all illusion and deception0 Bhitai .as a saint and a mystic = a sufi0 (uided 8y
deep feelin" and contemplation/ throu"h a process .hich has 8een termed as the +fli"ht
of the alone to the Alone+/ sufis ha,e 8een a8le to arri,e at certain truths of the spiritual
life0 Fe shall ma'e an attempt here 000 4li45 to discuss the ,ary nature of that creati,e
insi"ht of sufism .ithin Bhitai/ .hich resulted in intense feelin"s and deep contemplation
that pro,ided him .ith momentary "limpses to fathom the 6i,ine essence and the reality
of thin"s0
+Sufi is not limited 8y reli"ious 8ounds/
9e discloses not the .ar he .a"es in his mind/
9elps and assists those .ho .ith him fi"ht0+
..........Bhitai [Sur Yaman Kalyan]
*hah's poetry also has touchin" descriptions of ho. all the 8irds and animals in the
desert .ere saddened 8y *assui's predicament/ .hen she is 8etrayed 8y a shephard in the
desert0 *hah .as also 'no.n for his compassion0 ;ne story relates ho. he adopted t.o
puppy do"s .ho .ere a8andoned/ they .ere named 'moti' :pearl< and ''henoo' :the 8all/
the round one<0 They follo.ed him in his .ide tra,els around *indh .ith ?o"is and alone0
+Dhela'a 'ehaN 6e na choriya'a/
BhadGa'a piyan=i na 'heer=a-+
....Bhitai $sur "a9ar:i*
&am8s you did not li8erate/
The shac'led ones do not nurse-
+6il=i ?o dil8ar=u hay'Go/
(haGNaa 'a'an=a 'a?an=iH
6il Bi 6di?ay hi'Gay 'he/
TorGay sa,,=a "huran=i4
*ay chil,ila chai?an=i/
?ay dar dar lahini dostee0+
+The heart has 8ut one 8elo,ed/
1any you should not see'H
)ust "i,e heart to one/
E,en hundreds may see'4
Feasles they are called/
Fho "et 8etrothed at e,ery door0+
+Aahdahoo la sharee'a lahoo/
Ee riha?ee ree/
@haTeeN ?ay ha'ara'aeeN/
Ta handh=u tuhin?o hee=u4 $a'aGNha'aee cha,anduee pee=u/
Bharay ?aamu ?anat maoN0+
Unity .ith no eBual/
$onder on this reality/
Fin or lose/
This shall 8e your a8ode4
*urely 9e .ill say Pdrin''/
The into5icant of hea,ens-
+)ay tooN 8aet=a 8haaeeN=i/ say aayatooN aaheeN=i/
NeNyo man=u laeeN=i/ piriyaaN sande paar=a 6ey-+
That .hich you re"ard as couplets/
Are ,erses re,ealed di,ine/
They "uide our soul/
To.ards the essence of the Belo,ed-
+9alo halo 'oriyeN/
Na>u'=u ?in ?o neehuN/
(an6hini saaro 6eehuN/
DhhinaGNu mooru ma si'hyaa0+
Behold the .ea,ers/
6elicate is their lo,e/
They ?oin e,ery day/
And learnt not to part-
.Surs - The Melodies Of &armonized Music
Sur means a mode of sin"in"0 There are 3C surs in *hah )o Gisalo0 Each sur is
systemetically related to its su8?ect matter0 1ethodically/ a sur is sun" accordin" to the
theory and practice of 2ndian Dlassic music .ith its rags and ragnis/ sun" at different
times of the day and ni"ht and on different occasions0 *urs are named/ accordin"ly/ to
their music and also accordin" to the su8?ect matter0 The underlyin" theme of all surs/
ho.e,er/ is to find out that ho. is man "oin" to culti,ate those "odly attri8utes in himself
.hich .ill assist him in his endea,ours to.ards a hi"her e,olution0 9ence/ Bhitai's
poetry reflects the process in,ol,ed 8y .hich man's inner life is de,eloped0 The perusal
of Risalo ta'es us to a .onderful ?ourney/ .here the para8les/ the incidents/ the le"ends/
the episodes/ are not related as mere stories0 2t is only their si"nificance that is e5pressed
in poems/ that deal .ith the hi"her e,olution of man0 These stories and episodes = *assui/
1ar,i/ and *uhni/ etc0 = are 8ut the 'pe"s on .hich Bhitai han"s his 6i,ine themes/'
accordin" to Allama 2020 @a>i/ the late Aice Dhancellor of the Uni,ersity of *indh0 The
surs of Bhitai are the 'musical themes/' and Bhitai's art is 'impressionistic par e5cellence/'
2n his surs/ in addition to the profound mystic and moral themes/ Bhitai/ refers freBuently
to the pli"ht of the poor and the the peasants/ the fishermen/ the .ea,ers/ the
helpless and the needy .omen/ the sufferin" and the suppression0 Bhitais/ sincere concern
for this class of children of mother *indh and his intense lo,e for mother *indh/ has/
indeed/ prompted him to select the episodes and stories for his Risalo from the local
fol'lore/ the stories of .hich .ere a common 'no.led"e amon"st *indhis/ and .hich
had 8een passed do.n from "eneration to "eneration of *indhis0 9o./ then/ can a sur 8e
definedI 9o. is the Risalo compiled .ith surs/ 6ais and DohirosI
*hah &atif's fame had spread far and .ide in his lifetime0 2f his tra,els led him across
some city in Ga?asthan or (u?rat/ he .ould 8e reco"ni>ed0 Fhen he .as not tra,ellin"/
*hah &atif returned time and a"ain to a small mound/ or Bhit/ .here a small hamlet
consistin" of his circle of fa'iirs "re.0
&atif's ori"inal music compositions :Gaa" or *ur< made him famous amon"st musicians
of his time in much of 2ndia0 T.o of the "randest 2ndian musicians of the time/ Attal and
Dhanchal/ .ere attracted to his circle and so .as (ulaana/ a .omen sin"er of repute .ho
.as much 8lessed 8y the poet saint0
To.ards the end of his life/ the poet yearned for a pil"rima"e to @ar8ala :the site of the
martyrdom of 2mam 9ussain/ a descendant of the $rophet 1uhammed .ho refused to
su8mit to the tyranny and in?ustice of the Ara8 ruler<0 9e proceeded to Fan" Fillaser a
port in @utch to 8oard a 8oat for the ?ourney0 A little .ays from the port/ a pious man
"reeted him and su8mittedH +;/ Ge,ered ;ne- 7ou ha,e al.ays 8een tellin" people that
the Bhit .ill 8e your 8urial place-+ &atif immediately understood the import of the Buery
and returned to Bhit0
There he donned 8lac' "arments and .ent into seclusion for 2C days0 6urin" this time he
occassionaly ate a fe. morsels or sips of .ater0 9e 8e"an to sin" .hat .ould 8e his final
composition :*ur @edaro< = a som8re 8allad commemoratin" the martydom .hich ser,es
as a reminder that tyranny must 8e resisted and that the life of the spirit is 8eyond the life
of the flesh :it .as traditional for others to record &atif's compositions<0 ;n the t.enty=
first day/ he came out and too' a 8ath0 2t is said that the ,aii Jtype of *indhi poemK
+'ahirre man?hi hisaa8a00+ :+;n .hat count am 2 here00< from *ur *uhinii .as on his lips0
&atif as'ed the fa'irs at Bhit to play music and sin" son"s/ and he thre. a sheet o,er
himself as he sat in contemplation0 +3or three consecuti,e days/ his 3aBirs en"a"ed
themsel,es in son" and music0 Fhen they stopped they disco,ered that *hah's soul had/
.ithout anyone's 'no.led"e/ flo.n to the A8ode of Eternal Bliss0 9e left the earthly
planet on J22 6ec0 151 A6K+ = @alyan Ad,ani0
A splendid tom8/ .ith a hu"e dome/ .as 8uilt 8y the most famous architect and artist of
the time 2dan and completed .ithin 3 years0 2t is intricately decorated .ith *indhi
craftsmanship0 *ince the time/ millions of people of all .al's of life/ creeds and castes/
ha,e made a pil"rima"e to pay homa"e each year to the poet=saint .ho represents the
soul of *indh0 A small museum near8y contains all the .orldly material possessions &atif
left 8ehindH a patched/ tattered tunic/ a Built/ a 8e""in" 8o.l0
+*un sets/ *asui .eeps tears of 8lood/
No messen"er/ no tra,eller from .hom to as' of that place/
Donfused she remains/ 8ut does not thin' of "oin" 8ac'0+
00000000000000Bhitai [Sur Sasui ;bri]
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
2e 'a! born in 1689 at a #illa/e called 2ala 2a#elli near 2yderabad& Sindh$ Shah
Abdul Latif. 'a! the direct de!cendent of the 8rophet 0uhaad throu/h 4a
7ain-ul-Abideen& !on of 4a 2u!ayn$ Shah+! father& Syed 2abib Shah had i/rated
fro 0atyaru& Af/hani!tan to Sindh$
;hen he 'a! youn/& he fell in lo#e 'ith the dau/hter of the #illa/e.! landlord$ %he
landlord ho'e#er& turned a/ain!t hi and tried hi! be!t to hara!! hi! faily$ After
that Shah Latif& left hi! hoe becae a !piritual 'anderer$
4n the 6ue!t of eternal lo#e& he tra#eled in any part! of Sindh and ad3oinin/ land!
'here he et Sufi! and =o/i!$ 2e !pent three year! in the copany of the!e Sadhu!$
5inally& 'hen he arri#ed in %hatta& he et a Sufi !aint 0a"hdoo 0uhaad 0oin$
2e under!tood the inner condition of Shah Latif& and held hi there for a fe' day!$
2e then told hi& 1%he truth& for 'hich you are 'anderin/ around& i! in!ide of
your!elf$ A an i! a irror for a an$ =ou+#e !een -od+! anife!tation in the hand of
that /irl$1 After a fe' day! li#in/ 'ith that Sufi !aint& Shah Latif felt inner !ati!faction
and then he left for 2ala$
By the tie he returned to 2ala& the landlord had already died he arried the lo#e of
hi! life Bibi Saidha Be/u 'ho died 'ithin a fe' year! of their arria/e and he
ne#er arried a/ain$
After her death& he 'ould often !ee" !olitude and !pend o!t of hi! tie in
conteplation and 0ura6aba (Sufi editation) and 'ritin/ poetry$
2e li#ed a #ery !iple life$ 2i! food 'a! !iple a! 'ell a! hi! dre!!& 'hich 'a! often
of !affron color& the color of the dre!! of Sufi! or =o/i!& !titched 'ith a blac" thread$
5or the la!t ei/ht year! of hi! life& he li#ed at Bhit!hah& a !all #illa/e built by hi$ A
fe' day! before hi! death& he retired to hi! under/round roo and !pent all hi! tie
in prayer! and fa!tin/& eatin/ #ery little$ %he /reat Sufi poet died in 1752 'a! buried
at the !ae place 'here a !hrine no' !tand!$ 4n 1866& 11> year! after the poet+!
death& a -eran !cholar ?rne!t %rup copiled Risalo& a coplete collection of
Shah Abdul Latif+! poetry&
Sufi Poet-Saints (cntd)
Salman Saeed
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
Go not far , sasui , nor give up the quest,
walk not with your feet, yet sit not quite content,
All connection with joys of life snap,
Walk with your heart , that the journey may soon end."

Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai - Poet Laureate of Sindh
[1689-1752] - Poet Laueate of Sindh

!Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai "a# bon in the #$all %illa&e of Bhit [ the $ound] about 15' $ile# noth of
(aachi ) *i# +# i# held e%e, ,ea bet"een the 1-th and 15th of Safa . the #econd /#la$ic luna
Shah Latif can be #aid to be the #oul of Sindh) *e "a# a &eat #aint . a nationali#t . a hu$ani#t
and a 0oet "ho#e #tatue i# 0eha0# on 0a "ith the &eat 0oet# of the "old [B,on. (eat# .
Selle,. 1euda. 2il3e. 2i$baud. etc ] ) 4u#t a# the 5li6abethan 0eiod [ 15''-17''] i# 3no"n $oe
fo Sha3e#0eae than fo the e$0ie-builde# a# 2alei&h and Si 7anci# 8a3e [ "ho#e 0lunde
of the S0ani#h &old a$ada# eaned hi$ the 3ni&hthood fo$ the 9ueen] . #o the (alhoa 0eiod
of Sindh hi#to, [ "hich $ana&ed to "ith#tand 1adi Shah:# in%a#ion of 8elhi in 17-9 ] "ill be
e$e$beed $oe fo Shah Latif;# 0oet,)
<he (alhoa# 0eiod duin& "hich Shah Latif li%ed ."a# a 0eiod of &eat 0o#0eit, and the to"n#
of <hatta and *,deabad thi%ed unde the &ood &o%enance [ lo" ta=e#. canal ii&ation .
te=tile# ] of the (alhoa# "ho "ee oi&inall, ulin& the noth of Sindh nea Su33u) <he 5a#t /ndia
>o$0an, de#cibed <hatta ?a# la&e a# London? @ /ntenational co$$ece &a%e <hatta it#
0o$inence "ith te=tile# e=0ot# and A''' #hi0# B boat# and A'' #chool#) <he (alhoa# "ee to
#Cuee6e out the Sa$$a# and the Soo$o# "ho uled the #outhen 0at# of Sindh) <he &eat
o$ance of Sa#ui-Punhu "a# bon in the Sa$$a# 0eiod [ 1-''- 15''] and "hich Shah Latif
late $ade the #ubDect of hi# Su#)

"Shah Jo Risalo" the message of Shah
*i# 0oet, "a# fi#t tan#lated into Ee$an in 1866 [a hunded ,ea# afte hi# death] b, 5ne#t
<u$0 a Ee$an #chola and $i##iona, "hen in 186';# he beca$e fa#cinated b, Sindhi
lan&ua&e and cultue and the Do&i# and #in&e# "ho #an& Shah Latif;# %e#e# [&anD]) Fith the hel0
of Sindhi #chola# he co$0iled a #election of the oi&inal %e#e# and called it ?Shah 4o 2i#alo?
[the $e##a&e of Shah])
Late in 19A'. 8)*) Sole, an 5n&li#h #chola leant Sindhi. and 0ubli#hed #election# fo$ the
2i#alo b, the G=fod +ni%e#it, Pe## entitled ?Shah Abdul latif of Bhit - *i# Poet,.Life and
<he $o#t ecent "o3 [ 199A]. fo$ "hich $o#t of the tan#lation# &i%en hee ae ta3en fo$ . i#
that of A$ena (ha$i#ani a 0ofe##o in 5n&li#h Liteatue at the Sindh +ni%e#it,)
Huch of Shah Bhitai;# 0oet, e=0e##e# the indi%idual #ee3in& fo Eod in te$# of "ell-3no"n
ballad# and the ne&ation of the e&o) /n /#la$ic tadition the #ee3e and the #ou&ht ae both
$ale#) Shah follo"in& the /ndian tadition $ade hi# indi%idual a fe$ale) Shah;# heoine;# co$e
$ainl, fo$ the lo"e #tata than the heoe#. and ,et the, out#hine the $en) <he di%ine i# the
belo%ed . "ith the fe$inine fo$ a##ociated "ith eath fetilit,. nutue. "i#do$. and intuition and
the $a#culine "ith ationalit, an lo&ic)
The Surs of Shah Jo Risalo
<he "od ? Su? $ean# a $ode of #in&in& )/n all thee ae -' Su# in Shah 4o 2i#alo) /n /ndian
cla##ical $u#ic. it# ? 2a&? and 2a&ini#? ae #un& at diffeent ti$e# of da, and ni&ht) /n 2i#alo the
Su# ae na$ed accodin& to thei #ubDect $atte ) <he undel,in& the$e i# ho" the indi%idual i#
to culti%ate the &odl, attibute#. ne&ate hi# e&o #o a# to e%ol%e to a bette hu$an bein&)
Bhitai at i# ?i$0e##ioni#tic? ) *e u#e# the 0li&ht of the 0oo. the 0ea#ant,. the fi#he$an. the
"ea%e#. and the hel0le## need, "o$en in hi# "o3) <he ancient fol3loe na$e# of hi# #toie#
and e0i#ode# #uch a# Sa#ui . Ha%i. Sohni . Bila"al beco$e the $ean# b, "hich he attain# hi#
end - na$el, that of the e%olution of bette hu$an bein&# in #ociet,) /n $an, %e#e# the %itue# of
0atience and the e%il# of ao&ance . an&e ae #te##ed
5=a$0le# of the Su# I
-- ?Su *u##aini? &loifie# the $at,do$ of *a#an and *u##ain)
-- ?Su Sa$undi? #in&# of the tadin& tadition# of Sindh) <he Hon#oon# ae o%e and the #ailo#
&et ead, to catch the ecedin& $on#oon "ind#) Shah &i%e# thi# 0oet, a $eta0ho of
"o#hi00in& the ?8ee0? #ea [Eod] if one i# to &ain ubie# and 0eal#)
-- ?Su 2a$3ali? i# de%oted to Jo&i#K 4o&i#. ? the, ca, nothin& . not thei e&o. )))) Shah Latif #a,#
I ? Soo"# ae the ona$ent of Do,#@ / ha%e no u#e fo Do,# un$i=ed "ith #oo"#)))) don:t follo"
the "ell beaten 0ath @ 0eo0le float do"n#tea$ . ,ou #hould #"i$ u0#tea$))?
-- ? Su Saan&? i# an c, and ode fo the Hon#oon 2ain# in the 0ached Sindh count,#ide .
-- ?Su Sa#ui? i# on the ta&ed, of Sa##i and he lo%e Punhu.
-- ? Su Bila"al? #in&# of the &olden 0eiod in Sindh unde the Sa$$a# and the ta&ed, of Bila"al
a libeal #cion of the o,al . "ho "a# 3illed [ cu#hed in an oil 0e##] b, the fanatici#$ of the
othodo= Sa$$a#)
ook at the weavers,
delicate is their love,
they join every day,
and learn not to part.
!ufi is not limited "y religious "ounds,
#e discloses not the war he wages in his mind,
#elps and assists those who with him fight.
[ Su Ja$an (al,an]
" Go not far , sasui , nor give up the quest,
walk not with your feet, yet sit not quite content,
All connection with joys of life snap,
Walk with your heart , that the journey may soon end.
[ Su Sa#ui ]

Shah Latifs Sasui-Punhu [ a ta&ic o$ance of the Sa$$a# 0eiod 125'-1-5')]
Sa#ui "a# bon in a Bah$in fa$il, @ becau#e he hoo#co0e indicated that #he "a# de#tined to
$a, an alien .he fathe floated he in a "ooden bo= do"n the /ndu# i%e) A "a#he$an at
Ba$bhoe [ e@ the fol3 #on& ?$ea lutta -e #heha Bha$boe nee ))) #in&e 8) A$Dad ] found he
and bein& childle## ado0ted he) Becau#e of he beaut, he na$e "a# Sa#ui. Sindhi fo $oon [ in
San#3it ?Sa#hi? ]) *e beaut,;# fa$e &e" fa and "ide #uch that it attacted a $echant 0ince of
Hehan. Baluchi#tan) /t "a# $utual lo%e at fi#t #i&ht) Punhu $aie# Sa#ui . efu#e# to be a
tade and #ettle# do"n in Bha$boe to beco$e a "a#he$an) Gn heain& thi# ne"# . Punhu;#
fathe tun# fuiou# and #end# hi# othe t"o #on# . "ho du& Punhu and ta3e hi$ a"a, "hile
Sa#ui #lee0#) Sa#ui "a3e# u0 to find Punhu &one. #tat# "al3in& baefoot in he #each fo
Punhu) A #he0hed on the "a, %ie"# he "ith a lee, e,e) Sa#ui 0a,# to $othe eath to 0otect
he honou and the eath o0en u0 to end he life) Punhu $ean"hile eco%e# and e#ca0e# bac3
to Bha$boe onl, to find Sa#ui dead) *e too $eet# the #a$e end and i# thu# united "ith #a#ui in
"!un sets , !asui weeps tears of "lood ,
$o messenger , no traveler from whom to ask of that place ,
%onfused she remains , "ut does not think of going "ack."
[ Su Sa#ui Abi]
<he 0oet, ha# de#ci0tion# of ho" all the bid# and ani$al# in the de#et "ee #addened b,
Sa#ui:# ta&ed, ) Shah Latif;# co$0a##ion "a# #uch that one #to, elate# to hi# ado0tion of t"o
0u00, do&# "ho "ee abandoned ) *e called the$ ?$oti? [ 0eal ] and ?3henu?? [ a ball ] ) <he#e
t"o do&# follo"ed hi$ aound hi# ta%el# "ith the fa3i# and Do&i# in Sindh)he had ado0ted

Shah Latifs Suhni - Mehar : [ a ta&ic o$ance of the Sa$$a# 0eiod 15-'-155')]
<he A&hun &eat de#cendant# of Een&hi# (han "ee 0u#hed out of (andha b, Baba and
de#cended on Sindh aound eal, 152' and "ee a##i$ilated into the Sindhi cultue) <he
A&hun# defeated the Sa$$a# ) <he Sa$$a# ae belie%ed to be oi&inall, 4KJada%a# 2aD0ut#
"ho #ettled in EuDaat afte the eal, [ 9'' A8 ] Aab in%a#ion and late difted bac3 into Sindh
and fou&ht the (hilDi# alon&#ide the Soo$o#) Fhen late 0eace "a# $ade. the e#ult "a# that
the *indu chief# of lo"e Sindh lo#t 0o"e) 7o a "hile Sindh "a# #haed bet"een the A&hun#
and the <a3han) *u$a,aun $aied an A&hun Sindhi &il *a$ida Banu at a %illa&e Patt in Sindh
in 15A1 and 2ana Bi#al of A$a3ot &a%e #helte to *u$a,un) *ee A3ba "a# bon on Gctobe
15. 15A2) /#a (han A&hun in 1655 in%ited the Potu&ue#e fo hel0 a&ain#t the local tibe#) <hatta
"a# #ac3ed) /t i# in thi# 0eiod of da3ne## that the e0i#ode of Suhni -Heha i# #et in )
<he #to, hee that Shah Latif;# 0oet, #in&# of i# the ta&ed, of Suhni [the beautiful one ] - it i#
al#o 3no"n in PunDab a# Sohni - Hahi"al ) Sohni i# the dau&hte of <ula. a 0otte of Shada0u )
/66at Be& a $echant-0ince of Bo3haa . fall# in lo%e "ith Sohni) ) *e fo&et# hi# bu#ine## and
Bo3haa and #ettle# do"n a# a buffalo-hed b, the na$e of Sahi aco## the i%e )5%e, ni&ht
Sohni "ould #"i$ aco## on he 0itche till one da, he an&, and Dealou# #i#te in-la" e0laced
the ba3ed 0itche "ith an unba3ed one) A# Sohni ente# the i%e the 0itche $elt# and Sahi
heain& he cie# al#o Du$0# in to #a%e he . and both $eet a "ate, &a%e)
<he la#t da,# of Shah)
<he hi#to, boo3# clai$ that #o$eti$e befoe hi# death. Shah the" the $anu#ci0t# of hi# "o3#
into the (aa la3e nea hi# %illa&e of Bhit [ the $oundK oc3 ]) *i# ea#on fo doin& #o "a# that hi#
0eo0le $a, not unde#tand the $ain the$e of $e##a&e#) *o"e%e hi# di#ci0le# had #o$e olde
co0ie# of hi# "o3) and it "a# the $ainl, thou&h the effot# of a lad, b, the na$e of Hai Hia$at.
a di#ci0le. "ho had $e$oi#ed a lot of hi# %e#e#) <hu# b, he #in&in& the %e#e#. hi# di#ci0le#
"ee able to ecod hi# $e##a&e#)
/t i# #aid that Shah lon&ed to 0efo$ a 0il&i$a&e to (abala [ the #ite "hee *a#an B *u##ain
"ee $at,ed ]) A# he "ent to (utch to boad a #hi0 fo the Doune,. a 0iou# $an $et hi$ and
#aid I ? G #aint ,ou ha%e al"a,# #aid that Bhit "ill be ,ou buial 0lace ?) At thi# e$a3 . Shah
"ent bac3 to Bhit )
/t i# #aid that he donned blac3 &a$ent# and "ent into #eclu#ion fo 2' da,# . co$0o#in& ?Su
(edao? a #eiou# ballad about e#i#tin& t,ann, and about the etenit, of #0iit and the
$otalne## of the bod,) Afte thi# he #an& ?Su Suhini? [ 3ahie $anDhi hi#aaba - on "hat count
a$ / hee ])
Shah Latif a#3ed the Do&i# and the fa3i# to 0la, $u#ic and #in& ) *e died afte thee da,# on 22
8ece$be 1751) <he onl, "oldl, 0o##e##ion# he left behind "ee a 0atched cloa3. a Cuilt and a
be&&in& bo"l)
Wind "lew& 'he sand enveloped the "ody,
Wind blew! The sand enveloped the body,
Whatever little life left, is to see the beloved.
These Naangas go to Hinglaj
To see Mother Kali,
They have been to Dwarka,
These worshippers of hiva.
There is nothing like the!
"n the #rontier
"r in indh
"r in Hind$stan!
They have woven their so$ls in %a!a&
'nside of the!, there is only %a!a&
Where hiva oversees, that is where they settle.
' a! (onversant with the )ogis
Who always seek the s$n.
*ll the ho$rs of the day, their eyes are on !other Kali.

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