SidebySide1TG Unit14 GZ

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Text Pages 139140: Side by Side Gazette

A.M. New Zealand
ahead P.M.
behind time zone
east west
1. Have students talk about the title of the
article and the accompanying chart.
2. You may choose to introduce the following
new vocabulary beforehand, or have students
encounter it within the context of the article:
1. Have students read silently or follow along
silently as the article is read aloud by you, by
one or more students, or on the audio
2. Ask students if they have any questions.
Check understanding of vocabulary.
3. Check students comprehension by having
students decide whether the following
statements are true or false:
There are 22 time zones.
Each time zone is a different hour of the
The time zone that is west of your time
zone is an hour ahead.
The time zone to your east is an hour
There are four time zones in the United
When its midnight in London, its 11:00 A.M.
in New Zealand.
1. Read the table aloud as the class follows
along. Point to each location on the world
map as you read the city and country name.
Highlight the new vocabulary: USA;
Caracas, Venezuela; Buenos Aires, Argentina;
England; Lisbon, Portugal; Spain; Italy;
Greece; Istanbul, Turkey; Russia; China;
Korea; Japan; Sydney, Australia.
2. For additional practice do either or both of
the following:
a. Tell students to imagine that theyre in
New York, and ask:
How many hours ahead is Rio de Janeiro?
How many hours ahead is Hong Kong?
How many hours ahead is Sydney,
How many hours behind is Los Angeles?
b. Ask students:
Which time zone do we live in?
What time is it right now?
What time is it right now in (Caracas,
How about in (Lisbon, Portugal)?
c. Continue naming places around the world
and having students determine the time
right now.
architect painter
carpenter pilot
cashier translator
farmer waiter
lawyer waitress
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1. Clap in Rhythm
Object: Once a clapping rhythm is established,
students must continue naming different
a. Have students sit in a circle.
b. Establish a steady even beatone-two-
three-four, one-two-three-fourby having
students clap their hands to their laps twice
and then clap their hands together twice.
Repeat throughout the game, maintaining the
same rhythm.
c. The object is for each student in turn to name
an occupation word each time the hands are
clapped together twice. Nothing is said when
students clap their hands on their laps.
Note: The beat never stops! If a student misses
a beat, he or she can either wait for the next
beat or pass to the next student.
2. Miming Game
a. Write down on cards the occupations from
text pages 126 and 139.
b. Have students take turns picking a card from
the pile and pantomiming the occupation on
the card.
c. The class must guess the occupation.
Variation: This can be done as a game with
competing teams.
3. Associations
a. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
b. Call out the name of an occupation and tell
students to write down all the words they
associate with that occupation. For example:
cashier: supermarket, store, money
painter: houses, paint, colors
pilot: airplanes, travel, uniform
c. Have a student from each pair or group come
to the board and write their words.
Variation: Do the activity as a game in which you
divide the class into teams. The team with the
most number of associations is the winner.
4. Ranking
a. Have students rank these the occupations
from very interesting to not interesting, with
the first being very interesting.
b. As a class, in pairs, or in small groups, have
students compare their lists.
c. Then have students rank the items from make
a lot of money to dont make a lot of money, and
from work a lot of hours to dont work a lot of
5. Survey
a. Have students conduct a survey by
circulating around the room and asking each
other, What do you do? or, if students are
not yet employed, What occupation do you
want to have?
b. Have students take notes and report back to
the class.
c. For homework, have students draw up the
survey results in graph form (such as a bar
graph or pie chart.) In class, have students
share their graphs in small groups before
submitting them to you for review.
Variation: Instead of interviewing fellow class
members, have students interview friends, family
members, or students in another English class.
6. Advantages and Disadvantages
a. Have students draw two columns on a piece
of paper. At the top of one column, have
students write Good. At the top of the
other column, have them write Bad.
b. Dictate the name of an occupationfor
example: farmer.
c. As a class, have students brainstorm the
advantages and disadvantages of that
occupation. Write their ideas in columns on
the board and have students copy on their
papers. For example:
Good Bad
work outside work a lot
fun doesnt make a lot of money
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d. For homework, have students write a
paragraph about any occupation they like. In
their paragraphs, have them discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of that
e. Have students discuss their paragraphs with
each other.
1. Have students read silently or follow along
silently as the text is read aloud by you, by
one or more students, or on the audio
program. Check understanding of new
vocabulary: on time, appointment.
Culture Note
The expression on time represents an
important concept in U.S. culture. In the
United States people are generally
expected to arrive on time (at the invited
or appointed time).
2. Have students first work in pairs or small
groups, responding to the questions. Then
have students tell the class what they talked
about. Write any new vocabulary on the
Set the scene: Youre listening to a recorded
message at the Multiplex Cinema.
Listen and match the theaters and the
Thank you for calling the Multiplex Cinema!
The Multiplex Cinema has five theaters with the
best movies in town!
Now showing in Theater One: The Spanish
Dancer, a film from Spain about the life of the
famous dancer Carlos Montero. Show times are
at one fifteen, three thirty, and seven oclock.
Now showing in Theater Two: When Are You
Going to Call the Plumber?, starring Julie
Richards and Harry Grant. In this comedy, a
husband and wife have a lot of problems in their
new house. Show times are at two thirty, four
forty-five, and seven fifteen.
Now showing in Theater Three: The Fortune
Teller. In this film from Brazil, a woman tells
people all the things that are going to happen in
their lives. Show times are at five oclock, seven
forty-five, and ten fifteen.
Now showing in Theater Four: The Time Zone
Machine, the exciting new science fiction movie.
Professor Stanley Carringtons new machine can
send people to different time zones around the
world. Show times are at five fifteen, eight
oclock, and ten thirty. Theres also a special
show at midnight.
Now showing in Theater Five: Tomorrow Is
Right Now. In this new drama, a truck driver
from Australia falls in love with a
businesswoman from Paris. Where are they
going to live, and what are they going to tell
their friends? See it and find out! Show times
are at six oclock, eight thirty, and ten forty-five.
The Multiplex Cinema is on Harrison Avenue,
across from the shopping mall. So come and see
a movie at the Multiplex Cinema. Youre going
to have a good time! Thank you, and have a nice
1. c
2. e
3. a
4. d
5. b
LISTENING Thank You for
Calling the Multiplex Cinema!
and Culture
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Describe a Movie!
1. Divide the class into pairs.
2. Have each pair create a description for each of
these movie titles:
The English Lawyer
The Application
College Days
Late for Love
The Accident
3. Have students share their descriptions with
the class.
1. Set the scene: JulieP is writing to her
2. Have students read silently or follow along
silently as the message is read aloud by you,
by one or more students, or on the audio
3. Ask students if they have any questions.
Check understanding of Sunday school.
4. Options for additional practice:
Have students write a response to JulieP
and share their writing in pairs.
Have students correspond with a keypal on
the Internet and then share their experience
with the class.
Have students talk about the people and the
situation, and then create role plays based on
the scene. Students may refer back to previous
lessons as a resource, but they should not
simply reuse specific conversations.
Note: You may want to assign this exercise as
written homework, having students prepare
their role plays, practice them the next day with
other students, and then present them to the
Making Predictions
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