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30 More Tips to Save

Since I've got a little more room on the page, here's a roundup of 30 more ideas that might help you save
a buck or two.
1. Stop buying things you can get free. From books use the library! to long distance try Skype! to
checking accounts credit unions! there are ways to find things free that you might otherwise pay for.
2. Do Christmas (and other giftgiving ho!idays" shopping yearround, so you can buy almost all your
presents on sale or clearance. "ust keep track of who's getting what so you don't mi# things up or buy too
many gifts.
3. Don#t buy things ne$ $hen used $i!! do. From cars to clothes to computers, help your budget and the
planet by buying pre$owned.
%. &uy things out of season $hen they#re cheaper. For e#ample, shop for decorations after the holiday
is over, get back$to$school items in the winter, winter wear in the spring, and patio furniture in the fall.
'. Create a ($ant( $aiting !ist before ma)ing purchases. %fter 30 days, you might find you changed
your mind or the item's price has dropped.
*. Don#t shop $hen you#re hungry or sad. In either case, you're liable to bite off more than you can
+. ,se a !ist. &ou'll save money by reducing impulse buys.
-. .hen you receive a $indfa!! / a raise0 a ta1 refund0 or contest $innings / don#t go on a
shopping spree. 'et ahead by paying down debt, investing, or saving for a rainy day.
2. 3!$ays ta)e advantage of the competition ( get several price )uotes including fees and perks! and
see who really wants your business.
10. 4ou don#t get $hat you pay for0 you get $hat you as) for. If something's e#pensive, always
haggle ( and not *ust on cars and +,s, but on everything from your credit card interest to doctor visits.
11. Chec) for coupons on!ine and in print before buying anything at all. -ut don't let a coupon, 'roupon
or other deal convince you to buy something you weren't going to buy anyway.
12. &efore you buy something ne$0 se!! something o!d ( it helps offset the cost and creates more
space. It can also lower storage costs.!
13. 5et by $ith a !itt!e he!p from your friends. Swap movies, games, and books to keep entertainment
costs down. &ou can also share more practical things ( from tools to carpools.
1%. 6ever !ease or renttoo$n. +hese are *ust hidden ways to pay interest and increase costs.
1'. 7!an errands around your schedu!e and to minimi8e trave!. +his may mean doing everything all
on one day in one central area! or doing certain things when you're headed in a certain direction.
1*. Don#t be penny $ise and pound foo!ish by s)imping on maintenance ( when it comes to your
car, house, and body, small e#penses now are better than giant ones later.
1+. &ring food and drin) from home. /hether it's going to work or going on vacation, what you can
bring with you isn't *ust cheaper ( it's usually better.
1-. .hen you do eat out0 get a togo bo1. Spreading a meal over two sittings will make both the price
and your waistline more attractive.
12. &oo) a hote! room $ith a )itchen and spend less eating out. -etter idea0 Swap houses with someone
else and don't pay anything for vacation lodging.
20. 5ro$ your o$n food or shop at a farmer's market to save big on fruits and vegetables.
21. Try generic brands and ask for rainchecks on out$of$stock sale items.
22. &e energy efficient. +urn off lights and unplug devices you aren't using. 1ake cheap efficiency
improvements like sealing leaks and adding insulation.
23. 9nvest in a hightech so!ar c!othes dryer / a!so )no$n as a c!othes!ine. If you have to use
appliances, use less detergent and rip fabric softener sheets in half.
2%. Ma)e your o$n c!eaning supp!ies with cheap ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. 2earn how
and find recipes in 3ow to 1ake 4ishwasher 4etergent and 1ore.
2'. Ma)e your o$n everything e!se: 2et imagination replace money by making greeting cards,
decorations, 3alloween costumes, gifts and *ust about anything you en*oy spending time on.
2*. Don#t pay for a pro un!ess you need one. &ou can get free do$it$yourself lessons at some home
improvement stores, and there's tons of information online. %nd don't forget other professional services.
For e#ample, you may not need a ta# professional.
2+. 5et rid of services you don#t need, like cable or your landline phone service.
2-. ;earn ho$ to find the best freebies for the !east effort, because free stuff you have to work for isn't
really free.
22. <veryone recommends a budget, but keep track of your savings as well as your spending. Seeing the
reward alongside the restraint can keep you motivated.
30. Don#t pay interest. 5enting other people's money is e#pensive. 6eep it to a minimum, unless what
you're buying is increasing in value by more than what you're paying in interest.

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