Literature Review Contribution

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Literature Review Contribution:

The global epidemic of HIV/AIDS is rapidly becoming the worst infectious disease catastrophe
in recorded history, surpassing the bubonic plague of the fourteenth century and the influenza
epidemic of !", each of which #illed some $% million people& 'ore than that number ha(e
already died because of AIDS, according to )*AIDS, which coordinates the )nited *ations+
response to the epidemic& The human immunodeficiency (irus, which causes AIDS, has infected
more than ,% million people& -hile Africa has recei(ed the most attention, AIDS is spreading
swiftly in other parts of the world&
Almost e(eryone who gets the (irus will die within eight to ten years of being infected.
according to )*AIDs in $%%$& -hy then should e/ecuti(es be concerned about AIDS0 Simply
because AIDS is destroying the twin rationales of the globalization strategy1 cheap labour and
fast growing mar#ets&
2ortunately, there are strategies for managing the impact of the disease on companies worldwide&
A growing body of e(idence suggests that for many businesses, in(estments in programs that
pre(ent infection and pro(ide treatment for employees who ha(e HIV/AIDS are profitable in
that their cost is less than the sa(ings they can lead to&
3ising absenteeism and higher employee turno(er due to HIV/AIDS ha(e forced companies to
employ and train more people than usual& AIDS has also forced e/ecuti(es to spend more time
coping with lower morale in their organizations and addressing the difficult legal, social, and
political issues that stem from the epidemic&
4ompanies ha(e tried many ways to pre(ent the spread of the (irus in the wor#force, but not all
of them ha(e pro(ed to be effecti(e& 2or e/ample, according to )*AIDS. education programs
that some business in(ested in during the !!%+s produced no clear benefits& 3ecent studies,
howe(er, show that employees+ ris# of HIV infection is reduced when companies pro(ide. in
additions to education and counseling, treatment for other se/ually transmitted diseases, which
facilitate HIV transmission& And encouraging employees to disco(er their HIV status through
(oluntary testing allows them to protect themsel(es if the (irus has not infected them or protect
others if it has&
Barnett, T. and A. Whitewide. 2006. AIDS in the Twenty-First Century: Disease and
Globalization, Second Edition. Hampshire1 5algra(e 'acmillan&
Rau, Bill. 2002. or!"lace #I$%AIDS &ro'ra(s& Arlington, VA1 2amily Health International&
Rosen, S., M. Bii, M. Fox, P. Hamaa!aa, B. "arson, ". "on#, and $. Simon. 2006&
#I$%AIDS and the "ri)ate sector in A*rica: I("act and res"onses& 6oston1 4enter for
International Health and De(elopment with the 7enya 'edical 3esearch Institute and 2arming
Systems Association of 8ambia&
Rosen, S., F. Feele%, P. &onnell%, and $. Simon. 2006. The "ri)ate sector and #I$%AIDS in
A*rica1 Ta!in' stoc! o* si+ years o* a""lied research. 6oston1 4enter for International Health and
Rosen, S., $. Simon, $. 'in(ent, W. Ma(leod, M. Fox, and ). Thea. 200*& AIDS is your
business. #ar)ard ,usiness -e)iew ./0/1.

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