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the Earth

Visionar y ideas & practical applications for a healthier body, soul, and earth

s t e i n e r b o o k s . o r g

7 0 3 . 6 6 1 . 1 5 9 4

Week 1
The Mystical Heart
of Abraham
with Christopher Bamford
Cancer: Living Forces
and the Soul Experiences
Near the Threshold
with Hans-Broder von
Laue, M.D. &
Rev. Julia Polter

2012 Renewal Courses

Week I: June 24 29 Week II: July 1 6
For Waldorf teachers and administratorsalong with parents,
trustees, artists, and thinkers seeking to deepen
their lives through anthroposophy.

The Art of Child Study:

An Inspirational Path to
Understand the Unfolding
Human Being
with Christof Wiechert

A Bridge Across the

Threshold: Creating
a Living Connection
with Marianne Dietzel

Picture Your Life:

Fundamentals of
Biography through
Eurythmy and the Arts
with Regina Kurek &
Linda Larson

Crossing the Rubicon:

Grades Six, Seven, and
Eight in the Waldorf
School Setting
with Eugene Schwartz

Handwriting: Using the
Vimala Alphabet to
Overcome Hindrances
with Jennifer Crebbin

In-Between: Building
Relationships for Healthy
Waldorf School
with Torin Finser

Parsifal Awakening Painting by Karine Munk Finser

World Languages:
Deepening By Doing in
Grades 1, 2, and 3
with Lorey Johnson &
Kati Manning

Faust: Encountering Evil

at the Threshold
with Frederick Amrine

Craft as Process, Rhythm,

and Transformation
with Aonghus Gordon &
Master Craftsmen
Stuart Groom, Chris
Halliwell, Jonathan Code,
& Michael Chase

Fundamentals of
Pedagogical Speaking
with Craig Giddens

Experiencing Music as a
Path to Spirit: Singing
through the Grades
with Eleanor Winship

Honeybees in Crisis: Our

Evolving Relationship
with the Animal Kingdom
with Gunther Hauk

Healing Gestures:
Renewing Forces for the
Early Childhood Teacher,
Opportunities for the
Young Child
with Laurie Clark &
Rena Osmer

AWSNA Mentoring Course

for Experienced
Eurythmy Teachers
with Leonore Russell &
Carla Comey

Know Thyself: A Colored

Perspective in Watercolor
Painting and Pastels
with Iris Sullivan

Week 2
Body, Soul, and Spirit:
Dialogues with the Divine
with Dennis Klocek

Projective Geometry
with Jamie York
An Introduction to the
Visual Healing Arts
with Iris Sullivan &
Karine Munk Finser

Register online at:

Renewal Courses sponsored by Center for Anthroposophy
Wilton, New Hampshire
Karine Munk Finser, Coordinator

Visit us online for details of our part-time

Foundation Studies in Anthroposophy and the Arts
Barbara Richardson, Coordinator
Clusters available on demand around the U.S.

Self-Education through
Intuitive Thinking and
Artistic Perception
with Signe Motter,
Douglas Gerwin,
Hugh Renwick, &
Elizabeth Auer

July 1 28, 2012

Waldorf High School Teacher Education Program
Douglas Gerwin, Director
Three-summers program specializing in

Arts/Art History Biology English

History Math Physics & Chemistry Pedagogical Eurythmy

Dear Friend,

During springtime, we experience fresh growth and

renewal around us in the outer physical world of nature,
and similarly we can appreciate and also experience
this blossoming internally if we are on a meditative
path. Then this gives us the impetus to be grateful for
the world around us and helps us resolve to help our
community and the Earth in even more positive ways.
This catalog is the first that combines our Steiner & Spirit catalog with
our traditional spring focus on healing ourselves and the Earth. Here you
will find many new and important books by distinguished authors that
encourage us to go into ourselves to discover the greater world, and into
the world to find our inner being.
We have provided pieces from a number of new books included in
the catalog, because it is spring and I personally love flowers, we have
a piece from Keith Critchlows stunning new book The Hidden Geometry of Flowers (page 52), plus selections from one of the new books by
prolific author Peter Selg, The Fundamental Social Law (see page 50).
In addition I know you will be please to see three new volumes in The
Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner (page 5), including Esoteric Lessons
19101912 (From the Esoteric School, vol. 2), from which two excerpts
appear (one from Christopher Bamfords introduction, plus two meditations (on pages5659).
It is our hope that you, our friends, readers, and colleagues, will discover in this 2012 Steiner & Spirit catalog new sources of inspiration and
encouragement for the years ahead.
All best wishes,

Gene Gollogly
President & CEO, SteinerBooks
P.S. The financial support of our readers is greatly needed and appreciated and tax-deductible. Please send a donation to SteinerBooks,

2 49

The Individual and the Community
from The Fundamental Social Law
by Peter Selg
The Mystery of Flowers:
Their Chosen Symmetry
and Their Intrinsic Geometry
from The hidden Geometry of Flowers
by Keith Critchlow
Introduction to Esoteric Lessons
by Christopher Bamford
from Esoteric Lessons 19101912
by Rudolf Steiner

610 Main St., Great Barrington, MA 01230, or call (413) 528-8233 or

send email to for more information on

Two Esoteric Lessons

how you can help. Please remember: You can always help support our

from Esoteric Lessons 19101912

work by ordering directly from us by phone or anytime online.

by Rudolf Steiner



NOTE: All prices are subject to change without notice.

Copyright 2012 by SteinerBooks. Design by Jens Jensen

New Books

Christ and the Disciples

The Fundamental Social Law

The Destiny of an Inner Community


Rudolf Steiner on the Work

of the Individual and the Spirit of Community

Translated by Catherine E. Creeger



udolf Steiner has said that

we must learn to live with
the etheric Christ in the Earths
aura in the same way that the
disciples once lived with Christ
Jesus on the physical plane. To
do this, it is essential to understand what took place between Christ and his
disciples. In numerous lecture cycles, Rudolf
Steiner spoke about the inner community of
the disciples, opening up perspectives that
help us see how the disciples accompanied
Christ Jesus during the three years of his
earthly life and after the Resurrection. Especially in his lectures on the Fifth Gospel, Steiner
shed light on the community of the disciples
from the viewpoint of the processes of human
consciousness that were intimately involved in
the events at the beginning of the new era and
were inscribed in the chronicle of evolution, the
akashic record.
In this book, Dr. Peter Selg presents the most
illuminating details of Rudolf Steiners research
into the hidden events that took place between
Christ and his disciples. For three years the
disciples were close to Christ. They shared his
life; they were there when he performed healings, and even when he prayed. These events
and the instructions they received from Christ,
often within their own intimate circle, away from
public view, form a significant part not only of
the four Gospels but also of the Mystery of
Golgotha itself.

Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

Translated by Willoughby Ann Walshe

PETER SELG was born in Stuttgart and studied medicine. Until

2000, he was the head physician
of juvenile psychiatry at Herdecke
hospital in Germany. He is director
of the Ita Wegman Institute for Basic Research
into Anthroposophy and professor of medicine
at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences. He lectures extensively and is the author
of many books, including Rudolf Steiner as a
Spiritual Teacher (2010); and Rudolf Steiner
and the Fifth Gospel (2010). He is married with
five children.

udolf Steiner understood

that human social, ethical,
and moral development lagged
far behind what had been
achieved in knowledge, science,
and technology; and that what
human beings had achieved in
these fields rested on what caused social and
moral life to be untenable for so many, namely,
the universal rule of egoism and self-interest.
In 1905, a historic year of political and economic crises, Rudolf Steiner formulated what
he called the basic social axiom or the cosmic law of work: The well-being of an entire
group of individuals who work together is the
greater, the less individuals claim the income
resulting from their own accomplishments for
themselves, that is, the more they contribute
this income to their fellow workers and the
more their own needs are met not through their
own efforts but through the efforts of others.
Underlying this fundamental social law is
the seminal realization that human social reality
pivots on the question of work and compensation. Does one work for oneself, for ones
salary? Or does one work for others, the community or larger society? For Rudolf Steiner, it
was critical to understand that work should be
a free deed. In other words, work and income
should be completely separated.
In this profound work, Peter Selg traces
how, at the end of the Great War, with Steiners tireless efforts for the threefold movement,
this fundamental sociospiritual insight moved
into the center of his activities as an overriding
practical and spiritual concern, rephrased as
the motto of social ethics, and deepened
and filled with the full reality of Christs teachings and life.

Read an excerptpage 50
ISBN: 9780880106542
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 136 pages

ISBN: 9780880107457
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 160 pages

2 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

The Creative Power

of Anthroposophical Christology

rom 2009 to 2010, Sergei

Prokofiev and Peter Selg
two leading authorities and
spiritual researchers into the
life and work of Rudolf Steiner
gave a series of conferences on
the Christological foundations
of Anthroposophy. Their aim was to show the
power of anthroposophic Christology. Consequently, they focused on key turning points in
Rudolf Steiners exposition: his major work, An
Outline of Esoteric Science; the first Goetheanum; the Reappearance of Christ in the etheric
realm and the relationship of this event to
Rudolf Steiners lectures on the Fifth Gospel;
and the Christmas Conference (19231924)
and the founding of the New Mysteries. The
lectures from the conferences (published as
four booklets in German) are collected here in
a single volume.
This book is essential reading for people
interested in the true meaning and depth of
Rudolf Steiners experience and understanding
of Christs act on Golgotha and his continuing
presence among us and within Anthroposophy.


born in Moscow in 1954, where
he studied fine arts and painting at
the Moscow School of Art. At an
early age he encountered the work
of Rudolf Steiner and quickly realized that his
life would be dedicated to the Christian path
of esoteric knowledge. He wrote his first book,
Rudolf Steiner and the Founding of the New
Mysteries, while living in Soviet Russia, and
it was published in English in 1994. After the
fall of Communism, he helped establish the
Anthroposophical Society in Russia. In 2001,
he became a member of the Executive Council
of the General Anthroposophical Society at the
Goetheanum in Switzerland.
ISBN: 9780880107334
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 272 pages

New Books

Rudolf Steiner
and Christian Rosenkreutz

The Mystery of the Heart

I Am Different from You


Studies in Spiritual Physiology: Aristotle,

Thomas Aquinas, Rudolf Steiner

How Children Experience Themselves

and the World in the Middle of Childhood

Translated by Margot Saar



udolf Steiner spoke often

of the relationship of
Anthroposophy or Spiritual Science to Rosicrucianism, but he
spoke less of the being of Christian Rosenkreutz himself. As
he said, To speak of Christian
Rosenkreutz presumes a profound trust in the
mysteries of the life of the spirita trust or faith
not in the person of Christian Rosenkreutz, but
in the mysteries of spiritual life.
For Steiner, Christian Rosenkreutz was
active in at least three ways. First, as one of
the great leaders of humanity, he worked to
bring esoteric spirituality into the modern world
and to lead it into the future. Second, as the
greatest teacher of Christianity he worked to
bring to humanity true heart knowledge of
Christ through the continued unveiling of the
Mystery of Golgotha in the etheric. Third, as
a concrete, particular individual being, Steiner
had a living, actual, personal relationship with
him. As such, because of our failure to understand, Steiner called him a noble martyr...who,
through his way of working, endured, and will
in future endure, more than any other person. I
say person, for the suffering of Christ was the
suffering of a god.
In the first part of this inspiring booka
work of devotion both to Rudolf Steiner and
to Christian RosenkreutzPeter Selg, as The
Great Servant of Christ Jesus, gives a detailed,
chronological, and fascinating account of
Steiners portrayal and, as much as possible,
experiences of Christian Rosenkreutz. He
shows how Steiner had essentially two teachers: the Master Jesus (Zoroaster) and Christian
Rosenkreutz. Moreover, Selg shows how these
two, with Rudolf Steiner, unfolded spiritual
science for our time. In the second part, he
shows how all this culminates, astonishingly
and miraculously, in the Michael School as it
manifested in the First Class.

Translated by Dana F. Fleming

Translated by Margot Saar

ISBN: 9780880106603
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 172 pages

oday we know very little

about the true nature of the
human heart. Our knowledge
arises only from a materialistic
or an emotional standpoint.
However, the human heart,
as Rudolf Steiner knew and
taught, is both spiritual and physicalthe place
where body and soul come together. It is the
place of their unity. We have lost this knowledge,
yet it is integral to the Western understanding of
what gives humanity its vocationour spiritual/
physical, our earthly/heavenly nature.
In this astonishing and inspiring book, Peter
Selg focuses on the evolution of the spiritual
understanding of the heart as transmitted
through Aristotle, the Gospels, and Hebrew
Scriptures to the Middle Ages, when, in the light
of the Mystery of Golgotha and its sacramental
life, it was synthesized and transformed by
Thomas Aquinas, after whom, with the rise of
modern science it, was lost until Goethe began
a process of recovery and development that
led to its complete renewal and transformation
in Rudolf Steiner.
The Mystery of the Heart tells this story in
three parts. Part one, For where your treasure
is, your heart will be also, examines the spiritual anthropology of the heart in the Gospels
in the light of Ezekiels prophetic saying: I will
give you a new heart and put a new spirit in
you; I will remove from you your heart of stone
and give you a living heart of flesh. Part two,
On the Essence and Movement of the Heart,
describes Aristotles understanding of the
heart and its transformation and deepening in
Aquinas. Part three examines the spiritual-scientific view of the heart as developed in Rudolf
Steiners teachings. Also included is an appendix containing selected meditative verses and
therapeutic meditations for the heart.

Read an excerptpage 54
ISBN: 9780880107518
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 260 pages

n many of his lectures to teachers on education, Rudolf Steiner

called attention to a significant
but often overlooked change
in the way children experience
themselves and the world that
occurs in the middle of childhood, in the ninth or tenth year.
There comes a time when children show, not in
what they say but in their whole behavior, that
they are struggling with a question or a number
of questions that indicates a crisis in their soul
life. It is a very subtle experience for the child
that requires an equally subtle response.
In this deep and concise book, Peter Selg
illuminates this momentous phenomenon in
child development, this dramatic change in
the childs consciousness. Though it is hardly
noticeable to the observer, Steiner reveals that
children during this time in life experience a
sudden inner instability, a loss of the foundation
they felt had been naturally supporting and carrying them. It is a crisis that pediatric psychologists and psychiatrists know well, as many
fears and weaknesses that rise to the surface
later, in adolescence, can be traced back to
this subtle event. Parents and educators need
to know what to say and how to act, because
their response at this time will be crucial for
the childs entire life. Through Rudolf Steiners
profound wisdom of childrens inner essence,
adults can learn to give them the experience of
being carried by a strong and sure relationship:
When children cross the Rubicon between
the ninth and tenth year without that feeling,
something will be lacking in their later life,
and they will have to struggle to attain what
they should have received naturally at that
moment in childhood.
I Am Different from You is a vital book for all
parents and teachers to readwell before the
crisis in the middle of childhoodto recognize
what is necessary to support children during
this decisive event in the right way.
ISBN: 9780880106580
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 120 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 3

New Books

Cultivating Inner Radiance

and the Body of Immortality

Journal for Star Wisdom 2012

Awakening the Soul

through Modern Etheric Movement




he human being is an
expression of the everunfolding wisdom of the creative Logos, the Word. The
whole of creation bears the
imprint of the cosmic sounding. The book describes a
way, through movement and
gesture, to work with the creative, sounding
principle that manifests in the Earths etheric
sphere. Creationexpressed through the flowering of the cosmic breathis losing its natural
connection with humanity and Mother Earth,
which are increasingly given over to anti-life
forces, which comprise destruction, inversions,
and lifeless replicas of creations gifts.
The sacred movements described here
arise from the art of eurythmy, which entered
the world in 1912. The sacred gestures, when
practiced with the words gifted to humanity by
the incarnated Logos 2,000 years ago, lead
us back to our connection with the fullness of
creation and toward the goal of developing the
resurrection body, the body of immortality. In
2012, we celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of eurythmy. This book invites
us to partake of the richness of the sacred
through life-enhancing movement and gesture
as a path to reconnect with the cosmic formative forces that sound the call of resurrection.
ROBERT POWELL, Ph.D., is an internationally known lecturer, author, eurythmist, and
movement therapist. He is the author of
numerous books, including his recent book
Prophecy Phenomena Hope (2011). Robert
presents workshops in Australia, Europe, and
North America and leads pilgrimages to the
worlds sacred sites. He is founder of the
Choreocosmos School of Cosmic and Sacred
Dance and cofounder of the Sophia Foundation (
ISBN: 9781584201175
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages

Cosmic and Human Metamorphosis


Newly Revised Editon

With contributions from: Daniel Andreev,

William R. Bento, Wain Farrants, Brian Gray,
Claudia McLaren Lainson, Sally Nurney,
Robert Powell, Robert Schiappacasse,
Richard Tarnas, and David Tresemer

7 Lectures, Berlin, Feb. 6, 1917-Mar. 20, 1917 (CW 175)

he Journal for Star Wisdom 2012 is a special edition that addresses directly
the challenges facing humanity in our time. It includes
articles of interest on star
wisdom (Astrosophy), as well
as a guide to the correspondences between stellar configurations during
the life of Christ and those of today. This guide
comprises a complete sidereal ephemeris of
geocentric and heliocentric planetary positions
and an aspectarian for each day through the
year. Published yearly, new editions are available beginning in October or November for the
coming year.
According to Rudolf Steiner, every step
taken by Christ during his ministry between the
baptism in the Jordan and the resurrection was
in harmony withand an expression ofthe
cosmos. Journal for Star Wisdom is concerned
with the heavenly correspondences during the
life of Christ and is intended to help provide a
foundation for Cosmic Christianitys cosmic
dimension, which has been largely absent
from mainstream Christianity during its twomillennium history.
Readers are invited to contemplate the
current movements of the Sun, Moon, and
planets against the background of the zodiacal constellations (sidereal signs) in relation
to corresponding stellar events during the life
of Christ. In this way, it becomes possible to
open oneself to attune to the life of Christ in the
etheric cosmos.
The main focus of this years journal is the
significant year of 2012 as a pivotal year in the
history of humanity and the Earth.
ISBN: 9780880106528
Paperback, SteinerBooks
8.25 x 11 inches, 250 pages
Illustrations and charts

As microcosms we are actually part of, and subject to,
the same laws that cosmic
beings are, just as the breath
we draw is subject to our own
human nature.... If our hearts
are sensitive to the secrets of
cosmic existence and not merely blocks of
wood, the words we have been placed into
the universe will cease to be an abstract
statement. We will be fully alive to the fact.
Knowing and a feeling will spring up within
us, the fruits of which will be born in our
will impulses, and our whole being will live
in unison with the great life, divine cosmic
existence. Rudolf Steiner

udolf Steiner lays out for Society members

right and wrong ways of establishing connections with those who have died. Rather than
following the materialistic desire to draw those
who have died back into the physical realm,
Steiner presents a means toward true spiritual
union through strengthening ones forces of
consciousness. He also showed how help is
provided from the sphere of Christs activity as
a balance for our time.


was born and grew up in Kraljevec,
Austro-Hungarian Empire (now in
Croatia). He became a scientific,
literary, and philosophical scholar, known
for his work with Goethes scientific writings.
Formally beginning his spiritual teaching career
under the auspices of the Theosophical Society,
Steiner came to use the terms Anthroposophy
and spiritual science for his philosophy, spiritual research, and discoveries. The influence
of Steiners multifaceted genius has led to
innovative and holistic approaches in medicine,
various therapies, philosophy, religious renewal,
Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture,
Goethean science, architecture, and the arts of
drama, speech, and eurythmy. In 1924, Rudolf
Steiner founded the General Anthroposophical
Society, which today has branches throughout
the world. He died in Dornach, Switzerland.
ISBN: 9781621480006
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 148 pages

4 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

New in The Collected Works of

Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly

Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature
10 lectures, Helsinki, April. 314, 1912 (CW 136)


Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Marsha Post

n the architecture of Rudolf

Steiners great cosmological temple, this extraordinary
course of lectures on spiritual
beings forms the central pillar
with other important texts such
as the fourth chapter of An Outline of Esoteric Science; The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World; and Inner Experiences of Evolution. These worksoutlining a
revolutionary angelological cosmologyare
at the heart of Steiners mission to transform
our understanding of the world by laying down
a new, non-dual, phenomenological path to a
contemporary divine-spiritual-physical cosmology that is angelological and theophanic.
According to Rudolf Steiner, what constitutes the world are beings, including the
Father being, the very ground of the world
itself. Steiners cosmology, or angelology,
is personal and known in relationship. Thus,
he presents it as states and activities of
conscious, and those divine-spiritual beings
whose states and acts they are. The spiritual
world is always a world of beings. The twin
realizations that I am an I-being, and reality
is constituted of other I beings go together.
Cosmology is angelology. Spiritual beings
define our experience of the reality.
In these lectures, we are led through a series
of meditations to recognize these spiritual
beings and know their activities. Steiners
approach is contemporarywhile continuous
with the most ancient understandings of the
cosmos, he rediscovers it for himself through
his own experience and consciousness,
expressing it in his own words, with logic and
language appropriate to our time.
Steiners achievement in these lectures, as
Valentin Tomberg said, cannot be compared
with the accomplishment of any contemporary
seer or thinker, or with any of the Middle Ages
or antiquity. It towers over them.
ISBN: 9780880106153
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 288 pages

Esoteric Lessons 19101912

Reimagining Academic Studies

From the Esoteric School, vol. 2

Esoteric talks, various cities (CW 266/2)

Science, Philosophy, Education,

Social Science, Theology, Linguistics


7 lectures, Berlin, March 5-11, 1922 (CW 81)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by James H. Hindes


Many who enter esoteric

training are very disappointed and say that they
had imagined the exercises
to be much more energetic
and the effects of the exercises to be far more drastic.
Those who tell this to themselves should quickly consider the possibility that they are caught in a great error,
and that they should make the greatest
efforts to correct this error as soon as
possible. It is not the exercises that lack
enough energy, but rather the individual.
It is not the exercises that are ineffective,
but rather the person who is not making
them effective. By living an esoteric life,
the student should become an entirely different person. One must add something
new to the old. Rudolf Steiner

n this second of three volumes from Rudolf

Steiners early Esoteric School, we find a further deepening of spiritual practice and training.
Rudolf Steiner explains the requirements one
must meet to become a serious student of
esotericism. In addition, he gives directions
always emphasizing the increasing need for
earnestnessfor the transformation of the
inner life, for the development of new spriritual
forces and capacities, and for recognizing and
overcoming the dangers that arise on a spiritual path. Moreover, he shows how one should
approach specific meditations.
These lessons mark Rudolf Steiners continued movement away from the Eastern path of
the Theosophical Society at the time and his
increasing focus on the Christian-Rosicrucian
path, recognizing Christ as the leader of the
path of his form of spiritual training.




Read an excerptpage 58

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by by Judith Wermuth-Atkinson

uring the last five years

of his life, Rudolf Steiner
dedicated his efforts to two
fronts, seeking both to reanimate the esoteric foundations
of Anthroposophy and to bring
Anthroposophy into the cultural
mainstream. This involved a
new language, aided powerfully by an influx of
young people (the so-called Youth Movement)
dedicated to bringing spirituality into all areas
of life. Many were college students who wanted
practical ways to bring Anthroposophy into
their areas of study. Steiner saw in their enthusiasm a new future for Anthroposophy and
understood that, if Anthroposophy could begin
to reshape higher education, as it had the lower
grades through the Waldorf movement, culture
could truly begin to be transformed. Thus, in
1921, an Association for Anthroposophical
College Studies was founded; and courses
and conferences began to be given in Dornach
and different cities.
This Berlin Course drew more than a
thousand participants. The goal was to give
an impression of the possible incentives
Anthroposophy could offer various scientific
fields. Among the areas represented were natural science (including medicine), philosophy,
education, social science, theology, and language. Each day began with a lecture by Rudolf
Steiner, followed by presentations from other
lecturers, artistic events, panel discussions,
and more. Steiner lectured on Anthroposophy
and Natural Science; The Organization of
Humans and of Animals; Anthroposophy
and Education; Anthroposophy and Social
Science; Anthroposophy and Theology;
Anthroposophy and Theory of Language.
ISBN: 9780880106375
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages

ISBN: 9780880106177
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 400 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 5

New Books

The Story of Waldorf Education

in the United States

The Venus Eclipse of the Sun 2012

Sexuality, Love, and Partnership

From the Perspective of Spiritual Science

Past, Present, and Future

A Rare Celestial Event:

Going to the Heart of Technology



Compiled by Margaret Jonas

epresenting more than a

decade of research, this is
the first account of the development of Waldorf education
in the U.S. With an eye to how
the meaning of the term Waldorf
education has changed over
time, the author identifies key trends in education, both Waldorf and general education, to
imagine the direction in which Waldorf education may go.
Part one shows how the number of Waldorf
schools grew slowly and steadily and how
they have evolved through four generations,
changing gradually from experiments to
alternatives and, in the process, forging and
re-forging Waldorf education itself.
Part two examines the methods and myths
of Waldorf education, showing what is essential and what is extraneous. Peeling away layers
of convention and even misunderstanding, the
author reveals Waldorf education as what many
believe Rudolf Steiner, its founder, intended it
to be: a living method of education that may be
employed by any teacher in any school.
As Waldorf education comes increasingly
into public view and into public schools, primarily through charter schools, questions
about what Waldorf methods are (and are not)
are increasingly relevant.
This book is a fresh, insightful, and valuable
resource for parents, teachers, and educators.

David points out how the practical art

of reading the signs in the Heavens can
lead to making a difference in the world.
William B ento, Ph.D., transpersonal clinical psychologist and Associate Dean at
Rudolf Steiner College

Rudolf Steiner presents the

human soul dilemma, split
into male and female attributes...but offers a path of
development that will eventually lead to overcoming
thesewhat Jung called
individuation, a merging with
the true self or true ego of the human
being. (from the introduction)

STEPHEN SAGARIN, Ph.D., is Faculty Chair, cofounder, and a teacher

at the Great Barrington Waldorf High
School in Massachusetts. He writes,
lectures, mentors, and consults with Waldorf
schools and is a former editor of the Research
Bulletin of the Research Institute for Waldorf
Education. He has taught history of education
at Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC;
human development at the City University of
New York; and history at Berkshire Community
College, Massachusetts. Dr. Sagarin is married
and the father of two children.
ISBN: 9780880106566
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 220 pages

he hyperbole and inflated

attention given to the supposed end of the world on
December 21, 2012, has
obscured an actual rare celestial event happening in June of
2012the passage of Venus
before the face of the Sun as seen from
the Earth, which happens every 125 years.
Although Venus is much smaller than the Sun,
Tresemer calls this an eclipse because of the
ways he expects it to affect world events. What
impact will it have?
David Tresemer discusses the dynamics of
Sun, Earth, Venus, and the exact location in
the heavens of this eclipse event, weaving a
dramatic story about the heart of technology,
its uses for good or for ill, and the direction
in which to find ones power in hands of the
heart, actions based on warm feeling toward
Discover the nature of erotic phantasms
and how to work constructively with them and
who will support us through these times.
cofounded the StarHouse in Boulder for community gatherings and
workshops and cofounded, with
his wife Lila, the Healing Dreams
Retreat Centre in Australia. He has also
founded the Star Wisdom website (www. Dr. Tresemer has written in
many areas, including The Scythe Book. With
his wife, he coauthored the recent One-TwoONE: A Guidebook to Conscious Partnerships,
Weddings, and Rededication Ceremonies
and coauthored, with Robert Schiappacasse,
Star Wisdom and Rudolf Steiner: A life Seen
through the Oracle of the Solar Cross.
ISBN: 9781584200741
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5.83 x 8.27 inches, 172 pages

6 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at


e live in a sexualized society, surrounded

by sexual imagery and content in almost
every area of life. This condition presents
us with many challenges. These include
decreased clarity and increasing confusion
about the distinction between love and sex;
strife between men and women over their roles
in society; and a persistent assault on childhood innocence.
Despite the sensibilities of his time, Rudolf
Steiner made a huge contribution to our
understanding of the complex theme of sexuality. In this freshly compiled anthology, Steiner
describes the point in evolution at which human
beings split from being androgynous, singlesexed beings to becoming beings of male and
female genders. He traces the changing roles
of the sexes in society, from the matriarchal
past to todays patriarchal dominance. The
division of the sexes brings suffering, but also
the possibility of achieving higher stages of
love. In the distant future, humanity can evolve
sexuality into a new form, with the possibility
that even the process of reproduction will be
Steiner is refreshingly nonjudgmental and
does not preach asceticism. He recognizes the
all-too-human frailty with which people confront their personal lives, even in the case of
such a great individual as Goethe. Sex is a necessary stage of human evolution, and the split
nature of the human being is a fact of our time.
Its healing will be gradual, but like Amfortas in
the Grail storywhose wounded groin was a
metaphor for amorous misadventurewe can
all be healed through love and compassion.
ISBN: 9781855842601
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 256 pages

New Books

Footprints of an Angel
Episodes from a Joint Autobiography


his is the story of a man

in search of his angel. He
begins with various events in
his life that he finds difficult to
explain. On close inspection,
the most obvious causes are
indefensible. Again and again,
he discovers that major turning points in his life
were not well thought out or carefully planned
and even seemed to happen largely by accident,
coincidence or even as a series of miracles.
The author uncovered a startling number of
such accidents. They seemed to occur in a
meaningful sequence, too purposeful to ignore.
Following this story, the reader witnesses how
the evidence grows and offers increasing conviction that an angel is functioning and acting in
his life, revealing a relationship between angels
and human life on Earth. The author offers
each piece of informationfootprintswhich
reveal the presence of an angel.
Waldorf schoolteacher, was president of the Threefold Educational
Foundation, treasurer of the Anthroposophical Society in America, and
founder of the RSF Social Finance, where he
continues on the Board of Trustees.
ISBN: 9781584201236
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 228 pages
ISBN: 9781584201328
Hardcover, Lindisfarne Books

Acts of the Heart

Culture-Building, Soul-Researching:
Introductions by Robert Sardello


n introduction conveys a
particular soul capacity. For
Robert Sardello, soul capacities are of the essence of what
he calls Spiritual Psychology.
Reading these introductions
is an astonishing experience.
They allow us to participate in the authors
own journeyto catch the bird in flight and
to fly with it.


cofounder (with Cheryl SandersSardello, Ph.D., in 1992) of the
School of Spiritual Psychology.
He is the author of several books,
including Facing the World with Soul and Love
and the World.
ISBN: 9781584201120
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 398 pages

Deliverance of the Spellbound God

An Experiential Journey into Eastern
and Western Meditation Practices


he author, a long-time student of Anthroposophy and

world religions, takes readers
on another journey, both outward and inward.
Marie-Laure Valandro begins
with a Vipassana Buddhist
retreat in southern Qubec with the well-known
meditation teacher, Goenka. The meditation
retreat becomes the touchstone of the authors
travels, while Rudolf Steiners Anthroposophy
serves as the ground. The author describes
the spiritual dimensions of her travels in India
and Europe, while always returning to her deep
understanding of Steiners spiritual science.
Deliverance of the Spellbound God offers
gifts of wisdom from an extraordinary life lived.
lived in Bourgogne, Morocco,
Algeria, Bretagne, Paris, Iran, the
U.S., and British Columbia and has
traveled and trekked extensively
throughout the world. She is an accomplished
painter and art therapist, a student of world
religious traditions and Anthroposophy, as well
as an avid biodynamic gardener. She lives in
the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia in a
post-and-beam house built by her son. MarieLaure is also the author of Camino Walk: Where
Inner & Outer Paths Meet (2007) and Letters
from Florence: Observations on the Inner Art
of Travel (2010).
ISBN: 9781584201007
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 230 pages


The Temple Sleep

of the Rich Young Ruler
How Lazarus Became the Evangelist John
Smith reveals his thorough grasp of the literature and a keen sense of what should
qualify as proof. A provocative study!
Charles W. Hedrick,
Missouri State University

ho wrote the Gospel of

John? The author identifies himself only as the disciple
whom Jesus loved, and Christian tradition tells us that this
disciple was the apostle John.
However, during the past century, scholars have increasingly come to doubt
that attribution. In 1902, Rudolf Steiner wrote
that the author of the Gospel of John was in
fact Lazarus. Steiners position stemmed from
his insight that Lazaruss encounter with death
involved far more than people realizedan initiation into higher spiritual realities that uniquely
qualified him to write this gospel. Edward Smith
takes up this argument and shows that subsequent research has tended to favor Lazarus for
reasons grounded in Johns Gospel itself. More
important, Smith shows that subsequent discoveries at Nag Hammadi and Mar Saba corroborate Steiners reasoning about the nature
of the raising of Lazarus, pointing to Lazarus as
the rich young ruler of Marks Gospel.
an Illinoisan transplanted to Texas
at mid-century. He is a husband,
father, and grandfather with
broad interests in life. A successful lawyer and businessman, amateur musician, and athlete, his lifelong search for the
deeper meaning of the Biblewhich he taught
for over twenty-five years before discovering
the writings of Steinerexpresses itself in his
many works. Eds other books include The
Burning Bush (1997) and The Souls Long
Journey (2003). Visit the authors website
ISBN: 9780880107327
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 366 pages

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New Books

Introductions to the Major Works

of Sri Aurobindo
Six Pillars


his book collects introductions to some

of Sri Aurobindos most important works.
Contents include: John Collins: Savitri: Poetic
Expression of Spiritual Experience; Thomas
Berry: The Foundations of Indian Culture: its
Contemporary Significance; Thomas J. Hopkins: The Vision of the Purushottama in Essays
on the Gita; J. Bruce Long: A New Yoga
for a New Age: A Critical Introduction to The
Synthesis of Yoga; Eugene Fontinell: A Pragmatic Approach to the Human Cycle; Robert
McDermott: The Life Divine: Sri Aurobindos
Philosophy of Evolution and Transformation


is president emeritus and chair of
the Philosophy, Cosmology, and
Consciousness Program at the
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). His other books include The Essential
Aurobindo, The New Essential Steiner, and The
Spirit of Modern India.
ISBN: 9781584200925
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 200 pages

THOMAS KEATING, founder of

the centering prayer movement,
has served at monasteries in
Colorado and Massachusetts.
He currently directs retreats in the practice of
Centering Prayer, a cornerstone of contemporary Christian contemplative practice. He is
the author of several books, including Divine
Therapy and Addiction. He lives at St. Benedicts Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado.

Elizabeth Laytons unconscious mind, propelling her to the Holy Land in search of the reality
of reincarnation.
But why is Elizabeth followed from the
moment she lands at Ben-Gurion International
The novel follows the intertwined lives
of the four until some resolution occurs for
each...and the mystery that drives the novel
along is solved.

ISBN: 9781590563434
Paperback, Lantern Books
5 x 8 inches, 220 pages

ISBN: 9781584201199
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 360 pages

The Early Years

Spiritual Turning Points

of South American History



As a visual artist, one of the qualities I particularly admire in these excellent works is
the descriptive power of Latessas writing.
Her imaginary world comes to life in the
mind of the reader in all its subtlety and
particularity. Doug Safranek, M.F.A.,
painter whose work can be seen in the
Museum of the City of New York, the NewYork Historical Society, and MoMA

his exciting adventure is the newest installment of the authors epic sagaher prequel
to Aurogoles Journey quartet.

The Thomas Keating Reader

SHIRLEY LATESSA is the author

of the fantasy quartet called
Auragoles Journey. She lives in
Greenwich Village, New York City.

Selected Writings from the

Contemplative Outreach Newsletter


his book gathers thirty articles by Father

Thomas from the newsletter Contemplative
Outreach, some never published elsewhere,
offering an overview of main strands of his
thinking and practice on Centering Prayer,
Lectio Divina, and interreligious dialogue. Rich
with insight and humanity, The Thomas Keating Reader offers a broad introduction to the
concepts that have animated Contemplative
Outreach and reveals the gifts and challenges
of the practice of the spiritual life.

ISBN: 9781584201250
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 532 pages

Dancing in the Fire

A Novel


e were there you know, her 7-year-old

daughter said, pointing to a print of
the Crucifixion, before we came down the
last time... Standing in Chartres Cathedral,
a twenty-year-old memory erupts out of

8 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

his volume follows the blueprint of its North

American counterpart, Spiritual Turning
Points of North American History. Whereas
that volume follows the foundation of the Popol
Vuh, this one retraces Andean myths from the
Titicaca region and from later Inca tradition.
Myth and historical records reinforce rather
than contradict each other. All of this is placed
within the perspective of modern Rudolf Steiners spiritual-scientific research, especially in
relation to events in Central America two thousand years ago.
In the end, the author shows a thread of
spiritual continuity that continues to play an
important role in South American culture.
LUIGI MORELLI approaches American culture and history by imaginatively weaving scientific methodology
with the legends and myths of the
Americas. All of his work is done with
the intent of finding the relationships between
American spiritual impulses, past and present,
and Rudolf Steiners legacy.
ISBN: 9781584201083
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 380 pages

New Books




The Science and Art of Healing

Pa p e r b a c k

A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities

The Cosmic Christ




Foreword by Owen Barfield

his book explores the Ecovillages movement and provides a comprehensive manual for planning, establishing, and maintaining
a sustainable community. Issues discussed
include leadership and conflict management;
house design; building techniques; farming
and food production; water and sewage;
energy sources; and alternative economics. In
the final chapter, the author brings it all together
in a systematic guide.

JAN MARTIN BANG works in alternative

communities, from kibbutz in Israel to his home
in the Solborg Camphill Community, Norway.
He leads training and development for new
ecovillage projects around the world. He is also
the author of Growing Eco-Communities.

he works of Teilhard de Chardin and Fritjof

Capra have stimulated many to think spiritually about the created world and the part of
humankind in its evolution. These issues were
also illuminated by Rudolf Steiner in his Christology, which placed the Incarnation at a pivotal
point of earthly evolution. Schroeder draws
upon these sources and clarifies the concepts
of reality, evil, and the meaning of cosmic.
born in 1931 in Frankfurt, is a priest
of the Christian Community. He was
director of the seminary in Stuttgart
until 2000 and is the author of several books,
including Necessary Evil (2005).
ISBN: 9780863157530
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 256 pages

ISBN: 9780863154805
Paperback, Floris Books
7 x 9 inches, 288 pages
100 color illustrations

Hidden Nature
The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger


ustrian naturalist Viktor Schauberger

(18851958) was far ahead of his time.
Through his observations of nature, he pioneered a new understanding of nature and
warned against the global waste and ecological destruction of our age. His remarkable dis-

coveries address issues such as sick water,

ailing forests, climate change, and, most
important, renewable energy.
and Geography at the University of Cambridge,
followed by graduate studies at the University
of Chicago. He has been worked with Schauberger material for more than twenty years.
ISBN: 9780863154324
Paperback, Floris Books
8 x 9 inches, 288 pages
80 black and white illustrations

The Imagery of the Zodiac


ost popular astrology tries to link personality types to a particular sign of the
zodiac. The zodiac, however, is an organic
whole that includes twelve individual and intimately connected creatures. Julius shows that
by studying the characteristics of the zodiacal
signs, contrasting each with its opposite, we
can gain a greater insight into their true nature.
Julius shows how those characteristics
affect human nature, presenting ideas about
the psychology of individuals and social groups.
Ultimately, he demonstrates how knowledge of
the zodiac can be used to strengthen a human
community in a positive way.
FRITS H. JULIUS was a Dutch scientist and
Steiner-Waldorf school teacher.
ISBN: 9780863151774
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages

he author presents his medical experience

in homeopathy, as well as his extensive
studies in history and mythology. The result is
this book and its bountiful store of remedies in
the natural world. His insights into the phenomenal world of nature reveal the inner activity of
the human organism and mind.
RALPH TWENTYMAN edited the British
Homeopathic Journal for twenty-one years and
has lectured extensively.
ISBN: 9780863151491
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages

The Book of Revelation


his book examines the unusual imagery in

the Book of Revelationnot as prophecies
of historical events, but as an expression of the
whole destiny of humankind on Earth.

ALFRED HEIDENREICH (18981969) lectured widely and wrote on aspects of Christianity and the New Testament. In his later years,
he was active in the Anthroposophical Society
in Great Britain, being a member of its council
and of the publications committee of the Rudolf
Steiner Press.
ISBN: 9780863156991
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 192 pages

The Unknown in the Gospels


eidenreich addresses head-on the seemingly puzzling contradictions in the Gospels,

asserting that the purpose of those difficulties
is to encourage us to make an active spiritual
effort to understand.
ISBN: 9780863156984
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 192 pages

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New Books

On Meditation

On Epidemics

Spiritual Perspectives

Spiritual Perspectives



Compiled by M. Gut

Compiled by M. Gut

hese brief extracts on meditation do not claim to provide

exhaustive treatment of the subject, but open up approaches
to the complexity of Steiners
extraordinary world of ideas.
Some readers will find these
fragments sufficient stimulus in
themselves, while others will use the source
references as signposts towards deeper study
and understanding.

ased on brief, pithy quotations

collected works, the spiritual
perspectives in this book present core concepts on epidemics.
These brief extracts do not provide exhaustive treatment of the
subject, but open approaches
to the complexity of Steiners extraordinary
world of ideas.

ISBN: 9781855842618
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 72 pages

ISBN: 9781855842625
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 72 pages
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages, Illustrated

On Fear

Anthroposophy AZ

Spiritual Perspectives

A Glossary of Terms Relating

to Rudolf Steiners Spiritual Philosophy

Compiled by M. Gut


We must eradicate root and

branch any fear and dread
in our soul concerning the
future that is coming towards
us.... We must develop composure with regard to all the
feelings and sensations we
have about the future; we must anticipate
with absolute equanimity whatever may
be coming towards us, thinking only that
whatever it may be will be brought to us by
the wisdom-filled guidance of the universe.

concise definitions of many
terms and concepts in Steiners
worldview, from the most commonplace to the more obscure.
It can be used as a reference,
but also as a gateway into
Rudolf Steiners manifold world
of spiritual ideas and concepts. Anthroposophy
can be seen to be a new languagea language
that leads to the world of spirit.
ISBN: 9781855842649
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

ased on brief, pithy quotations from Rudolf

Steiners collected works, the spiritual
perspectives in this volume present core concepts on the subject of fear.
ISBN: 9781855842632
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 80 pages

Creative Spiritual Research

Awakening the Individual Human Spirit


ow do adults learn and

develop? How can adult
learning become a living, growing process? Based on the
application of the seven life
processes, van Houten has
successfully developed the
methods of Vocational Learning (Awakening

10 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

the Will, 1999) and Destiny Learning (Practising Destiny, 2000). Here, he presents a new path
of adult learning, Creative Spiritual Research.
Based on the inner spiritual path of the individual, it relates to esoteric training, thresholds
of consciousness, and human creativity.
ISBN: 9781906999285
Paperback, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages

Rudolf Steiner: The British Connection

Elements from his Early Life
and Cultural Development

n this book, the author studies Steiners relationship to

the British Isles during the four
decades before his visits there.
Steiners early connection to
British culture leads inevitably
to his relationship to modern
science, highlighting the tension
between the Goethean philosophic view from
Central Europe and the Baconian perspective emanating from Western Europe.
ISBN: 9781906999292
Paperback, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 736 pages

Embryogenesis in Myth and Science


eihs explores the correspondence between the

creation story in Genesis and
other creation myths and human
embryonic development and
discusses how those intuitive,
heartfelt values we associate
with pregnancy and birth can be
reconciled with contemporary scientific thinking.

THOMAS WEIHS (19141983) studied

medicine in Vienna and Basel before moving
to Scotland to help found the Camphill Community for people with special needs.
ISBN: 9780863156717
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 160 pages

New Books

Movement and Rhythms

of the Stars

The Spiritual Event of

the Twentieth Century

A Guide to Naked-Eye Observation

of Sun, Moon, and Planets

The Occult Significance of the 12 Years

193345 in the Light of Spiritual Science


2nd Edition

comprehensive guide to
the basic movements
we can observe in the sky.
Schultz describes the daily
movements of the stars from
various areas of the Earth
(including Southern Hemisphere). Includes the Suns daily and annual patterns; the moons periods, nodes, and eclipses;
as well as the planets apparent movements and
loops, conjunctions and transits.


JOACHIM SCHULTZ studied science at a

technical college in Stuttgart and moved to
Dornach, Switzerland, in 1927 to research
planetary influences on plant growth. He was
the editor of Sternkalender, the annual publication of the MathematicsAstronomy Section at
the Goetheanum in Dornach.

sing the research methods

of spiritual science, the
author gives a first-hand testimony of Rudolf Steiners declarations about the new Christ
Revelation, offering his own
findings on this topic. Based on
esoteric Imaginative consciousness, Ben-Aharon gives an account of events
in the spiritual world during World War II and
the turmoil on Earth at the time. His words
have significance for understanding the work
of the group of souls that Steiner called the
Michael School.

Focus for Performance

JOSHUA EHRLICH is an organizational

consultant, executive coach, supervisor, and
accreditor of coaches. His clients include more
than 50 of the Fortune 100 across diverse
ISBN: 9780983198437
Paperback, Portal Books
9 x 6 inches, 226 pages

JEREMY NAYDLER is a philosopher and

cultural historian living in Oxford. He is also the
author of Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid
Texts: The Mystical Tradition of Ancient Egypt.
ISBN: 9780863158346
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 128 pages
50 color illustrations


The Golden Age of Chartres

The Teachings of a Mystery School
and the Eternal Feminine


hartres cathedral draws

millions of visitors every
year, yet its origins have been
largely forgotten. Ren Querido
explores its story, including
its foundation during the early
eleventh century by Fulbertus
as part of the great School of
Chartres, and its development under Bernadus
Silvestris, John of Salisbury, and the last great
master, Alanus ab Insulis.
REN M. QUERIDO, LLD, was a seminal
figure in Waldorf education for a half century.
ISBN: 9780863156724
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 160 pages


or ancient peoples, gardens

were home to spiritual and
divine beings. This idea of gardens as sacred places continued
into the European Middle Ages.
Since the seventeenth century,
however, nature has been
seen increasingly as a physical
resource to be exploited. More recently, gardening has become a more conscious art form,
intended to enhance natures inherent beauty.
Drawing on garden examples from ancient
Egypt to Monets Giverny, Jeremy Naydler
asserts that gardening can be regarded as a
sacred art.

Avail able Again


ocusing attention mindfully is

an essential skill for leaders
and their teams. By employing
techniques to ensure clarity of
mind and proactively manage
overload, leaders can develop
more creative strategies and
drive extraordinary outcomes.
This easy-to-use guide illustrates how
reflection and mindfulness are powerful tools
to maximize individual and organizational

ISBN: 9781906999315
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 80 pages

ISBN: 9780863156694
Paperback, Floris Books
9 x 7 inches, 240 pages


Gardening as a Sacred Art

Seeing, Experiencing, Understanding


eginning with simple sensory

experiments, the author provides simple but vivid explanations of the
basic colors, the complementary
colors, and the mystery of colored shadows. He also offers
commentary on the psychology and mythology of colors and demonstrates connections
between them, the planets and the signs of the
UELI SEILER-HUGOVA lectures and offers
courses on Goethes theory of color, on sensory theory according to Rudolf Steiner and
Hugo Kuekelhaus, and on integral star studies
(astronomy, astrology and astrosophy).
ISBN: 9781906999230
Hardcover, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 x inches, 144 pages
Illustrated in color

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New Books

Wall Street and

the Bolshevik Revolution

ISBN: 9781906999254
Paperback, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 104 pages

The Remarkable True Story of

the American Capitalists Who Financed
the Russian Communists


hy did the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia include more financiers
than medical doctors? In a courageous investigation, Antony Sutton establishes tangible
historical links between Russian communists
and US capitalists.
ISBN: 9781905570355
Paperback, Clairview Books
5 x 8 inches, 232 pages

By the Light of the Lanthorn

Working with People with Special Needs
A Cultural and Social Impulse in a Changing World


he Peredur Trust has been caring for disadvantaged and differently abled individuals, effectively and successfully, for more than
sixty years. Siegfried Rudel, its president and
one of its four founders, tells the story of how
the impulse behind the organizationinspired
by the philosophy of Rudolf Steinerfirst
ISBN: 9781906999278
Paperback, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages

The Templar Spirit

The Esoteric Inspiration, Rituals,
and Beliefs of the Knights Templar


argaret Jonas penetrates various claims

and reveals something of the esoteric
practices and beliefs of the Knights Templar,
including influences from other religious traditions. She presents her research on the meaning of the mysterious head that the Templars
were accused of worshipping, and examines

Queen of the Sun

the historical figures that lent their wisdom and

guidance to the founding of the order.

Too Much, Too Soon?

Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood

Foreword by Annette Brooke, MP

Preface by Steve Biddulph

eading policy-makers, educators, researchers, and parents advocate for alternative

ways for slowing childhood, making better policies, and, most important, providing the right
learning at the right time for children when they
are developmentally ready.
ISBN: 9781907359026
Paperback, Hawthorn Press
6 x 9 inches, 376 pages

The Knights Templar

Influences from the Past
and Impulses for the Future

What Are the Bees Telling Us?

his is the companion book to the critically

acclaimed film Queen of the Sun. It makes
a profound examination of the global bee crisis
through the eyes of biodynamic and organic
beekeepers, scientists, farmers, philosophers,
and poets. Revealing the mysterious world of
the beehive and the complex social community of bees, the book unveils millennia of beekeeping, highlighting our historic and sacred
relationship with bees, and how this is being
compromised by highly mechanized and
intensive corporate agribusiness practices.
The bees are messengers, and their continuing disappearance is a resounding wake-up
call for humanity.
TAGGART SIEGEL is a director of awardwinning documentaries and dramas that reflect
cultural diversity with absorbing style. The
Real Dirt on Farmer John won 31 International
Film Festivals awards. Siegel is a cofounder of
Collective Eye, a non-profit media organization
based in San Francisco and Portland, Oregon.
ISBN: 9781905570348
Paperback, Clairview Books
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages, Full color

It is becoming more and more important
to add truth to the plethora of distortion
that surrounds the Knights Templar. The
Orders spiritual legacy therefore needs
voices that make conscious the impulse
they carried, and to show how these
impulses have reappeared and metamorphosed in later times, and how they continue to be of pressing relevance today
in all spheres of lifefrom spirituality and
the arts to politics and the worlds of banking, commerce, and business. (from the
ISBN: 9781906999261
Paperback, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages

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The Sixfold Path

Six Simple Exercises for Spiritual Development


piritual development is a daunting phrase,

but spirituality can be an everyday aspect
our lives, helping us in difficult moments. Using
this down-to-earth approach, the author presents six exercises that will help readers take
charge of their life in ordinary situations, as well
as in their relationships.
These exercises offer a balance of action
and openness, self-control and feelings, thinking and trust.
ISBN: 9780863158636
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 96 pages

Recent Publications

The Hidden Geometry of Flowers

Sensitive Crystallization

In the Image of Orpheus

Living Rhythms, Form, and Number

Visualizing the Qualities of Wines

RILKE, A Soul History




an we imagine a world without flowers?

Their beauty offers us delight in their color,
fragrance, and form, and their substance offers
medicinal benefits. Flowers also speak to us in
the language of the plants form, provide cultural symbols in different cultures, and, at the
highest levels, offer inspiration.
In this beautiful and original book, renowned
thinker and geometrist Keith Critchlow focuses
on an aspect of flowers that has received
little attention. The flower teaches symmetry
and geometry (the eternal verities, as Plato
called them). In this sense, Critchlow tells us,
we can treat flowers as sources of rememberingways of recalling our own wholeness, as
well as awakening our inner power of recognition and consciousness. What is evident in the
geometry of a flowers face can remind us of
the geometry that underlies all existence.
Working from his own flower photographs
and with every geometric pattern hand-drawn,
the author reviews the role of flowers from the
perspective of our interrelationship with the
natural world. His illuminating study attempts
to re-engage the human spirit in its intimate
relation with all nature.
KEITH CRITCHLOW is a well-known lecturer and author and a founding member of
Research Into Lost Knowledge Organization
(RILKO); a founding member and Director of
Studies of Kairos; and a founding member
and President of the Temenos Academy. He is
Professor Emeritus and founder of the Visual
Islamic and Traditional Arts Programme at the
Royal College of Art, now the Princes School
of Traditional Arts. His books include Time
Stands Still: New Light on Megalithic Science.

Read an excerptpage 52
ISBN: 9780863158063
Paperback, Floris Books
8 x 9 inches, 448 pages
560 color illustrations

hrenfried Pfeiffer, who introduced biodynamics into North America, developed a

method to show the presence of formative life
forces. His research led to the sensitive crystallization method, using copper chloride crystals
mixed with samples of the particular plant.
The vibrant, beautiful images illustrate the
qualities of a wineits tasting qualities, its
grape variety, the nature of its terroir, and its
aging potential. Sensitive crystallization also
reveals the influence of environmental factors
and cultivation, whether intensive, organic, or

his book tells the inner story of Rilkes literary career, tracing, step by step, the mythopoetic journey inscribed in the interweaving
lines of the poets life and art. It blends biography with in-depth analyses of Rilkes poetry
and prose, drawing on Hillman and Jung, Plato,
Ibn Arabi, and many others.
Waldorf teacher, is also the author of two
books of poetry and a translator and editor.
ISBN: 9781888602524
Paperback, Chiron Publications
6 x 9 inches, 784 pages

CHRISTIAN MARCEL has used the method

of sensitive crystallization for more than twelve
years and has given seminars on the method in
France, Italy, and California.
ISBN: 9780863158025
Paperback, Floris Books
8 x 9 inches, 112 pages
120 color illustrations

Wisdom of the Stars

Astrology and Spiritual Biography


he author traces the development of astrology in human history, looking particularly

at how human consciousness has changed in
relation to star wisdom. The author also introduces the death chart, or the spirit birth chart.
Whereas a standard birth chart offers an image
of what a person brings into the start of their life,
a spirit birth chart is an image of the fruits of the
life they have lived.
LEO DE LA HOUSSAYE (19282009) grew
up in The Hague, Netherlands, worked for the
Dutch Institute for Organizational Development
and lectured widely on social and personal
development, astronomy, and astrology.
ISBN: 9780863157998
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages

The Animus
The Spirit of Inner Truth in Women
Volumes 1 & 2


Series Editor, Emmanuel Kennedy-Xypolitas

n two volumes, The Animus presents a psychological analysis of the animus. Themes
include the case of the sixteenth-century nun,
Jeanne Fery; the animus in the Book of Tobit
(or Tobias); literature generally (the Bronts in
particular); and the meaning of the animus for
modern women.
BARBARA HANNAH (18911986), a first-generation Jungian psychologist, was an original
member of the Psychological Club of Zurich
and a founder of the Jung Institute in Zurich.
ISBN: 9781888602463
Paperback, Chiron Publications
6 x 9 inches, 304 pages
ISBN: 9781888602470
Paperback, Chiron Publications
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 13

Recent Publications

The Goetheanum Cupola Motifs

of Rudolf Steiner

Becoming Human: A Social Task



Foreword by Sergei O. Prokofieff

Translated by Peter Stebbing

his book points to the

historic importance of the
first Goetheanum. Steiners
lecture on October 25, 1914,
and his lecture on the paintings of the small cupola on
January 25, 1920, appear
in English here for the first,
along with color photographs from 1922. Also
included are the little-known colored etchings
of the Goetheanum window motifs made by
Assya Turgenieff with Rudolf Steiner, as well
as other centrally important contributions to an
understanding of this new direction in art.

GERARD WAGNER (19061999) established

The Painting School at the Goetheanum.
ISBN: 9780880107372
Hardcover, SteinerBooks
8 x 11 inches, 248 pages

Prophecy Phenomena Hope

The Real Meaning of 2012:
Christ & the Maya CalendarAn Update

The Threefold Social Order

arl Knig shows that true

social change must begin in
individuals and that each person can practice renewal amid
everyday life.
KARL KNIG (19021966)
founded the Camphill Movement in Scotland based on the educational
ideas of Rudolf Steiner.
ISBN: 9780863158094
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 192 pages

Communities for Tomorrow

ISBN: 9780863158100
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

ISBN: 9781584201113
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 138 pages

Discovering Camphill
New Perspectives, Research, and Developments

On the Relationship of The Philosophy

of Freedom to The Fifth Gospel


he authors in this collection

explore a range of issues
that affect Camphill life. They
examine social, political, and
educational topics as diverse as
spiritual needs, residential childcare, disabled identity, working
with autistic children, and the development of
Camphill communities around the world.
ROBIN JACKSON is a consultant to Camphill
Rudolf Steiner School in Aberdeen, Scotland.
ISBN: 9780863158117
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 336 pages

14 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at


iven the centrality of the

Guardian of the Threshold to
modern initiation, one may ask
where this theme can be found
in The Philosophy of Freedom.
The author presents his insights
into this question in the first part
of this volume and, in part two, investigates the
connection between The Philosophy of Freedom and Rudolf Steiners research into to what
he called The Fifth Gospel.
ISBN: 9781906999247
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 120 pages


his book is a result of a conference called Community

Building in the Light of Michael
took place at the Goetheanum
in 2009. The contributions in
this book originate from there;
contributors include: Cornelius Pietzner Virginia Sease
Penelope Roberts-Baring Sergei Prokofieff
Peter Selg Bodo von Plato.


ere, the author updates the

research presented in the
ground-breaking book Christ &
the Maya Calendar: 2012 and
the Coming of the Antichrist
(coauthored with Kevin Dann),
focusing on two of Rudolf
Steiners significant prophecies. The first (from
1909) concerns the Second Coming of Christ,
his appearance to humanity as the Etheric
Christ. The second (from 1919) represents the
shadow side of Christs Second Comingthe
incarnation in human form of the being known
as Ahriman (ancient Persian tradition) or Satan
(Judeo-Christian tradition).

The Guardian of the Threshold

and The Philosophy of Freedom

Rudolf Steiners Watercolor Painting


his eligant book explores

the deep meaning of the
watercolor Easter (or Three
Crosses) painted by Rudolf
Steiner in April 1924. The
reader is led to contemplate
the profound mysteries of colors and the sense world, as
well as the divine, cosmic, human invisible reality behind them and manifested in the unique
event we celebrate as Easter.
The Easter experience offers the rainbow
meditation and what it means to be human.
Moreover, because humanity is (in Steiners
words) the religion of the gods, Angela Lord
ends her book with an exploration of the cosmic meaning that shines through the colors.

ANGELA LORD is a painter, interior color

designer, muralist, and art educator. She
studied with Gerard Wagner and received a
diploma from the Goetheanum Painting School,
Dornach, Switzerland. With her partner Robert
Lord, she began the Colour Transformation
Company, which specializes in the Lazure
painting technique, interior design, and murals.
Her books include Colour Dynamics (2010).
ISBN: 9780880107235
Paperback, SteinerBooks
8 x 10 inches, 80 pages

Recent Publications

Descent into the Depths of the

Earth on the Anthroposophic Path of


Stargazers Almanac 2012

Holistic Counseling and Psychotherapy:

Stories and Insights from Practice

Monthly Guide to the Stars and Planets



eginning with Rudolf Steiners seminal lecture on the

nine layers of the Earth, Judith
von Halle directs her spiritual
research to Christs descent
into the Earths depths following
the Crucifixion, discussing the
relationship between that event and modern
spiritual training.

JUDITH VON HALLE was born in Berlin in

1972. She attended school in Germany and
the U.S. and studied architecture, graduating
in 1998. She encountered Anthroposophy in
1997 and began working as a staff member
at Rudolf Steiner House in Berlin, where she
also lectured from 2001, while maintaining an
architectural practice. In 2004, her life was
transformed when she received the stigmata.
ISBN: 9781906999223
Hardcover, Temple Lodge
5 x 7 inches, 164 pages

The Sacred Cauldron

Psychotherapy as a Spiritual Practice


r. Lionel Corbett makes

the startling claim that, for
both participants in the psychotherapeutic process, the work is
really a spiritual discipline. The
psyche manifests the sacred
and provides the transpersonal
field within which the work of
therapy is done. The Sacred Cauldron demonstrates some of the ways in which a spiritual
sensibility can inform the technical aspects of
DR. LIONEL CORBETT trained in medicine
and psychiatry in England and as a Jungian
analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago.
He is a core faculty member of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, California, and the
author of The Religious Function of the Psyche
and Psyche and the Sacred.
ISBN: 9781888602517
Paperback, Chiron Publications
6 x 9 inches, 360 pages

ased on Rudolf Steiners

Anthroposophy and Psychosophy, the Psychophonetic
approach to psychotherapy
works with the whole human
being in body, soul, and spirit.
Founded by Yehuda Tagar,
Psychophonetics is unique in its emphasis
on a combination of conversation and action
phases in counseling sessions. Through the
language of experience and the language
of soul, it uses a unique gesture-and-sound
(nonverbal) approach in combination with body
awareness, movement, and visualizationa
method that goes beyond national, language,
and cultural differences.

ROBIN STEELE, Ph.D., facilitates personal

development courses such as The healing
power of sound; acts as a professional supervisor; and maintains a private psychotherapy
practice. Robin is the mother of three grown
children and grandmother of four.
ISBN: 9781584200864
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5.83 x 8.27 inches, 288 pages, Illustrated

When Wine Tastes Best 2012


hen you buy a bottle of

wine to enjoy at home,
wouldnt you like to know when
its going to be at its best? Based
on Maria Thuns biodynamic
calendar, this handy little pocket
guide tells you which days are
optimum wine-drinking days, and which days
to avoid if you want to get the best from your
bottle. At least two supermarket chains do their
wine tasting events only on the best days as
indicated by this calendar!
Includes a bonus month, December 2011, to
cover the Christmas season.
ISBN: 9780863158216
Paperback, Floris Books
4 x 5 inches, 48 pages


his popular calendar

is specifically for
naked-eye astronomy.
It it ideal for beginners,
children, and backyard
astronomers. It has
become a popular Christmas giftand one that
lasts the whole year. Each monthly chart features two views of the night sky, looking north
and south, and a visual guide to the phases of
the moon and the movements of the planets.
The notes include fascinating insights into the
science, history, folklore, and myths of the stars
and planets.
This year the feature article is about how our
worlds calendars work. There is also something on the Maya calendars prediction of the
worlds end, or at least a cataclysmic transformation, on December 21, 2012.
ISBN: 9780863158179
Calendar, Floris Books
16 x 12 inches, 32 pages, full color

The North American Biodynamic

Sowing and Planting Calendar 2012


he original biodynamic sowing and planting calendar,

now in its fiftieth year. This useful
guide shows the optimum days
for sowing, pruning, and harvesting a multitude of plants and
crops, as well as working with
bees. It includes Maria Thuns unique insights,
which go above and beyond the general information included in some other lunar calendars.
It is presented in color, with clear symbols and
explanations. All times and dates are shown in
Eastern Standard Time.
Includes a pullout wall chart for your barn,
shed, or greenhouse as a handy reference.
MARIA THUN has gardened all her working
life and is an authority on biodynamics. Her
annual sowing and planting calendar is published in 18 languages.
ISBN: 9780863158230
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 64 pages

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Recent Publications

Healing Ourselves from Medicine

Growing into Anthroposophy

How Anthroposophy Can Save Your Life

Four Stages of Spiritual Thinking

Mikhail Gorbachev:
Prophet of Change



From the Cold War to a Sustainable World

nyone working toward a deeper understanding of human existence will invariably

encounter many paradoxical and contradicting
phenomenain life, as well as in Anthroposophy
and the work of Rudolf Steiner. Growing into
Anthroposophy makes it clear that we should
view such paradoxes as the very foundation for
a realistic way of knowing; the many-layered,
contradictory facets of life cannot simply be
captured in schemes and theories.

Essays, Speeches and Interviews

Introduction by Robert Sardello

his bookbased on thirty years of practical experienceoffers a detailed working manual for applying the principles of an
anthroposophic approach to medicine that
anyone use. The book clearly explains the
philosophical underpinnings of this unique
approach to self-healing and will prove to be
valuable to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of human health and illness.

JOAQUIN TAN trained in acupuncture (1989)

and in Anthroposophic Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medicine in the WALA Company,
Germany. He conducts workshops and gives
lectures on wellness, healing, and the nutritional aspects of child development.
ISBN: 9780983226123
Paperback, Goldenstone Press
6 x 9 inches, 358 pages

Strange Loops
and Gestures of Creation

Foreword by Robert Sardello

his bestselling author confrontsmore

clearly, precisely and convincingly than any
previous writingour dire cultural situation. We
live today in a collective society that lacks all
true meaning of nurturing. The author points to
the inherent capacity of the heart (the physical
heart), bringing the survival-oriented brain
which functions through violence, manipulative
perception, and calculative clevernessinto
balance and to new creative capacities.
Here, the life work of Joseph Chilton Pearce
is brought into symphonic resonance, sounding all of the themes that have made him one of
the most significant thinkers of this time.

ISBN: 9780946206704
Paperback, Wynstones Press
6 x 8 inches, 130 pages

The Chymical Wedding

of Christian Rosenkreutz, Anno 1459


his anthology features select speeches

and writings, as well as tributes from
political contemporaries and partners in the
environmental and peace movements. The
tributes from colleagues and friendsranging
from political heavyweights George Bush and
Margaret Thatcher to renowned champions
of sustainability Maurice Strong and Achim
Steinerreflect the esteem in which Mikhail
Gorbachev is held and the special place he
occupies in modern history.
ISBN: 9781905570300
Clairview, Hardcover, $50.00


ISBN: 9781905570317
Clairview, Paperback, $30.00
6 x 9 inches, 344 pages
8 pages in color

Illustrated by David Newbatt

his Rosicrucian classic is still acknowledged

as a literary gem, an exceptional story written in the Western esoteric tradition. The story
follows the narrator, Christian Rosenkreutz, on
his path toward spiritual knowledge and inner
transformation. The whole experience of what
he first witnesses, then in which he participates,
and finally for which he takes responsibility,
profoundly challenges him.

DAVID NEWBATT is an artist and teacher who

lives and works at a Camphill Community in
Aberdeen, Scotland. He has illustrated several
books, including Parzival: The Quest for the
Holy Grail and Twelve Aspects of Michael.
ISBN: 9780946206681
Hardcover, Wynstones Press
9 x 13 inches, 408 pages
Illustrated in color

ISBN: 9780983226109
Paperback, Goldenstone Press
6 x 9 inches, 204 pages

16 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Compiled by Green Cross International

Witness to the Fullness of Light

The Vision and Relevance of the
Benedictine Monk Swami Abhishiktananda



wami Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux

OSB) was a French Benedictine monk who
went to India in 1948 and devoted his life to
becoming a bridge between East and West,
Hinduism and Christianity. The organization
Monastic Interreligious Dialogue sponsored
a symposium at Shantivanam, the ashram
that Swami Abhishiktananda and Abb Jules
Monchanin founded in 1950. This book charts
the influence that Abhishiktananda had on
Christianity in India, on other spiritual seekers
engaging with Hinduism and Christianity, and
the continuing importance of his work today.
ISBN: 9781590562697
Paperback, Lantern Books
5 x 8 inches, 96 pages

Recent Publications

Strengthening the Will

A Biodynamic Manual

Geology and Astronomy

The Review Exercises

Practical Instructions for Farmers and Gardeners


Selected lectures



Compiled by Martina Maria Sam

n this essential handbook, the editor has

gathered virtually all Rudolf Steiners statements on the review exercises, supporting
them with commentary and notes. Described
from different perspectives and approaches,
the book includes a surprising range of suggestions for practice. Individual chapters
focus on reviewing the day (transforming the
power of memory); reviewing events in ones
life (awakening the higher self); reviewing
the perspectives of others (awakening social
impulses); exercises in thinking backward
(illuminating the will); and more.

or anyone who practices or for those new

to biodynamic gardening and farming methods, numerous detailed questions arise: How
does one choose the proper seeds? What fertilizers should be used? Which natural products
are most effective? This manual, fully illustrated,
with explanatory diagrams and photographs,
provides answers.
Although the technical aspects of biodynamic
growing are exhaustively covered, the author
also considers the human qualities needed for
the success of this kind of agriculture.
PIERRE MASSON has decades of practice in
biodynamics on a mixed-farming and breeding
farm in Burgundy
ISBN: 9780863158315
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 224 pages
20 b/w and 60 color illustrations

ISBN: 9781855842380
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 112 pages

The Attentive Voice

hese essays, gathered from 25 years of

the Monastic Interreligious Dialogue Bulletin, describe ways that such dialogue has
enhanced the authors spiritual life, explaining
why interreligious relations have become an
important element of Catholic life. They show
that interreligious dialogue is an engaging,
enlightening, and spiritually enriching way to
respond to religious plurality.

WILLIAM SKUDLAREK is a monk of Saint

Johns Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota. He lives
and works in Rome as Secretary General of
Monastic Interreligious Dialogue.
ISBN: 9781590563090
Paperback, Lantern Books
5 x 8 inches, 128 pages

art one of this book describes various kinds

of rocks, soil, and mountains found on our
planet and explores how they came into being.
This section also deals with the depths of the
Earth and the long ages of time.
By contrast, part two examines the heights
of our universe in the movement of the Sun,
Moon, and stars. These celestial bodies give
us our sense the cycles of days, months, and
years. This book is a resource for Waldorf
teachers in classes six and seven (ages 1113).
CHARLES KOVACS was a class teacher at
the Rudolf Steiner School in Edinburgh until his
retirement in 1976. His extensive lesson notes
have been a useful and inspiring resource
material for many teachers. He is the author of
Parsifal and the Search for the Grail; Ancient
Greece; The Age of Revolution; and Ancient
Rome. He died in 2001.
ISBN: 9780863158070
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 176 pages

Pfeiffers Introduction
to Biodynamics

Reflections on the Meaning and Practice

of Interreligious Dialogue

Mathematics in Nature,
Space, and Time


hrenfried Pfeiffer was a pioneer of biodynamics in North America. This short but
comprehensive book is a masterful collection
of three key articles introducing the concepts,
principles and practice of the biodynamic
method, as well as an overview of its early
history. Also included is a short biography
of Ehrenfried Pfeiffer by Herbert H. Koepf,
author of The Biodynamic Farm: Agriculture
in Service of the Earth and Humanity (SteinerBooks, 2006).
Pfeiffers Introduction to Biodynamics was
previously published by the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association as Biodynamics: Three Introductory Articles.
ISBN: 9780863158483
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 7 inches, 80 pages

New Edition


he author has provided a Waldorf teachers

book for math. Illustrated throughout with
full-color illustrations and diagrams, chapters
include: Mathematics in Nature; Pythagoras
and Numbers; Platonic Solids, Rhythm and
Cycles. A Waldorf teacher resource for math,
classes 7 and 8. This edition combines Mathematics around Us and Mathematics in Space
and Time.

JOHN BLACKWOOD was a Waldorf teacher

in Sydney, Australia.
ISBN: 9780863158186
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 216 pages

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The Collected Works of

Our Dead

Inner Experiences of Evolution

Memorial, Funeral, and Cremation Addresses, 19061924

5 lectures, Berlin, Oct. 31Dec. 7, 1911 (CW 132)

(CW 261)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford Translated by Jann Gates

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Sabine Seiler and Christopher Bamford

h i s vo l u m e collects Rudolf Steiners memorial,

funeral, and cremation addresses, as well as a sampling of prayers and meditations for the dead. His intent
is other than if he were speaking in a lecture hall. While
based on spiritual-scientific research, his concerns are
ethical and existential, as well as ceremonial and communal. He stands as speaker before and for the livingrelations, friends, and community membersand for the one
who has died, even, in a way, for the greater cloud of all the dead.
Speaking in an intimate, personal way to both worlds, he unites the living
and the dead with words that are both practical and healing.
Shining through this book is Rudolf Steiners love for humanityhow
he loved his students and those with whom he worked, seeing the best
in them as he lovingly crafted their biographies; how behind all of this
stands his love for every human being and the whole of humanity as a
single being; how, indeed, his interest in and care for each human being
as a unique individualin this case, members of the Anthroposophical
Societyseems boundless.
ISBN: 9780880106269
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 372 pages

From the History and Contents

of the First Section of the Esoteric School 19041914
Letters, Documents, and Lectures
(CW 264)

Introductory and Concluding Remarks by Hella Wiesberger

Introduction by Christopher Bamford, Translated by John Wood

his is an important text for anyone interested in the

development of Rudolf Steiners teaching and for those
wishing to explore the advice and admonitions Steiner
provided for his early esoteric students. This collection
of letters, circulars, and lectures offer a glimpse of the
birth of the anthroposophic movement from the German
section of the Theosophical Society of the late nineteenth
century. One gains a clear picture of why Steiner could no
longer work within the theosophic framework, as well as the events that
led to the split between the Theosophical Society under the leadership
of Annie Besant and the Esoteric School under Steiners guidance and
Primarily in the form of letters are the specific exercises and advice
that Steiner gave to pupils who wished to further their spiritual capacities. Also included are his early lectures and teachings concerning the
Masters and their relationship to human evolution.

n this most remarkable and in many ways unique course

of lectures, Rudolf Steiner describes the inner experience of the states of consciousness known as the Saturn,
Sun, Moon, and Earth stages of evolution.
Lecture by lecture, Steiner details the experiences of
these states available to one who practices the spiritual
scientific path of meditation. By this means, these stages
and states gain an unexpected and existential reality:
suddenly, we recognize what Steiner is talking about. Most remarkable
of all, perhaps, is the description of the Earth state with its experience of
death, which Christ knew on the Cross at Golgotha, transforming earthly
and human evolution.
ISBN: 9780880106023
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 136 pages

The Bhagavad Gita and the West

The Esoteric Significance of the Bhagavad Gita
and Its Relation to the Epistles of Paul
5 lectures, Kln, Dec. 28-Jan. 1, 1913 (CW 142); 9 lectures, Helsinki, May 28-June 5, 1913 (CW 146)

Introduction by Robert McDermott Foreword by Christopher Bamford

Translation of the Bhagavad Gita by Eknath Easwaran

his combination of two volumes presents Rudolf

Steiners profound engagement with Hindu thought
and, above all, Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita as they illuminate Western Christian esotericism.
In his masterly introduction, Robert McDermott, a
longtime student of Rudolf Steiner, as well as Hindu spirituality, explores the complex ways in which the Bhagavad
Gita, has been understood in East and West. He shows how Krishnas
revelation to Arjunaa foundation of spirituality in India for more than
two and a half millenniaassumed a similarly critical role in the Western
spiritual revival of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
In the West, for instance, leading up to Steiners engagement, McDermott describes the different approaches manifested by Emerson, Thoreau, H. P. Blavatsky, and William James. In the East, he engages with
the interpretation of historical figures such as Mahatma Gandhi and Sri
Aurobindo, relating them to Steiners unique perspective. At the same
time, and most valuable, he illuminates the various technical terms and
assumptions implicit in the worldview expressed in the Bhagavad Gita.
In our age, when East and West are growing closer together and
we live increasingly in a global, intercultural, religiously pluralistic world,
this book is necessary reading for all concerned with a truly spiritual
approach to the new reality.

ISBN: 9780880106405
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 464 pages

18 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

ISBN: 9780880106047
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 464 pages

The C ollected Works of

Goethes Theory of Knowledge

First Steps in Christian Religious Renewal

An Outline of the Epistemology of His Worldview

Preparing the Ground for The Christian Community

Written 1886 (CW 2)

6 lectures and 2 discussions, Stuttgart, June 1316, 1921 (CW 342)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford Translated by Peter Clemm

Introduction by Christopher Bamford Translated by Marsha Post

s the editor of Goethes scientific writings during

the 1880s, Rudolf Steiner became immersed in a
worldview that paralleled and amplified his own views in
relation to epistemology, the interface between science
and philosophy, the theory of how we know the world and
ourselves. At the time, like much of the thinking today and
the foundation of modern natural science, the predominant theories held that individual knowledge is limited
to thinking that reflects objective, sensory perception. In 1924, Rudolf
Steiners distilled his view in Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts:
There are those who believe that, with the limits of knowledge derived
from sensory perception, the limits of all insight are given. Yet if they
would carefully observe how they become conscious of these limits,
they would find in the very consciousness of the limits the faculties
to transcend them.

his volume contains the first of the five Priest

Courses. Steiner frames the priests task as a need
to renew the religious element. He discusses the groups
stated concerns: ritual, the sermon, community building, and the relationship between these and individual
efforts to awaken to the I. The key, community-building,
requires finding what lives and weaves between human
beings. Steiner advises the group to abandon teaching
or exercising power through words and concepts. Instead of focusing
on knowledge of God (theology), they must find a way to communicate
actual life in Godexperience of the divine within the soul.
ISBN: 9780880106221
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 328 pages

What Is Necessary in These Urgent Times

In this concise volume, Steiner lays out his case for this view and,
moreover, begins his explication of how one goes beyond thinking to the
observation of thinking itself.

18 lectures, Dornach, January 9February 22, 1920 (CW 196)

ISBN: 9780880106238
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 156 pages

Freedom of Thought and Societal Forces

Implementing the Demands of Modern Society
6 lectures, various cities, May 26-Dec. 30, 1919 (CW 333)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

teiner stresses that the task of spiritual science is

to awaken us to reality and to a true understanding
of life that sees through illusions and understands the
ever-present potential of evil. He returns repeatedly to the
importance of community, of meeting one another faceto-face and heart-to-heart. We are called to cultivate trust
and receptivity, which requires spiritual transformation.
Selfishness and egoism have no part in the new way.
ISBN: 9780880106313
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 376 pages

ere, Rudolf Steiner offers a broad overview of his fresh

thinking on what he called the threefold social order.
He acknowledged that the demand for social change
derives mainly from the working class, whom industrialization had forced into a kind of indentured state dominated
by economics. From Steiners perspective, the underlying
issue is not just economic, however, but also spiritual or
cultural; culture and the cultured classes have become
estranged from real life. Society would need a free culture that includes
all classes. It would also need to shift labor into the legal sphere of rights,
the only position from which workers can find true freedom in society.
Capital, too, would need to be liberated from egoism and allowed, like
goods, to circulate freely. Above all, Steiner understood that social realities cannot be separated from the spiritual realities of human existence.
From this perspective, we lack knowledge of ourselves as spiritual
beings, and our thinking has become abstract. To remedy this, we must
first acknowledge it and then develop modesty and humility. Next we
must increase our capacity to love one another and the world.
ISBN: 9780880105972
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 248 pages

Introduction by Christopher Bamford Translated by Rory Bradley

Approaching the Mystery of Golgotha

10 lectures, various cities, 19131914 (CW 152)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford Translated by Michael Miller

hese lectures reveal the need for a true Michael

School and that Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy
are earthly representatives of Michael. Christ and Michael
are the explicit guiding lights of this collection, which itself
represents a profound act of ChristMichael service. With
courage, devotion, and conviction, Steiner, a free and
independent teacher of his own school, sets about
unveiling the truth and reality as he knows it. Repeatedly, he returns
to the sacrificial acts of Christcreative, sustaining, and enabling our
humanitybefore, during, and after Golgotha.
ISBN: 9780880106061
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 19

The Collected Works of

Esoteric Lessons, 19041909

Rosicrucianism Renewed

The Influence of the Dead on Destiny

From the Esoteric School, vol 1

8 lectures, Dornach, December 222, 1917 (CW 179)

(CW 266/1)

The Unity of Art, Science & Religion

The Theosophical Congress of Whitsun 1907

Introduction by Christopher Bamford,

13 lectures, various cities, 19071924 (CW 284)

oremost here is practice. Meditationconcentration on a living thought, an idea of

higher originbegins the process. Controlling thoughts, we begin to form our mental
(etheric) body; ordering memories, we begin to
work on our astral body. These two tasks are
our main goal. We must make our life into a
school for learning.

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Marsha Post

ISBN: 9780880106108
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 592 pages

Esoteric Lessons 19131923

his volume thus marks not only the birth

of Anthroposophy as a spiritual movement
of cultural renewalfrom which would flow
new initiatives in art, science, religion, education, agriculture, medicine, architecture, and
dramabut also the articulation of this activity
as the evolutionary tip of human consciousness
reaching back to the primordial mystery centers.
ISBN: 9780880106115
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 424 pages, 64 color pages

Death as Metamorphosis of Life

From the Esoteric School, vol 3



(CW 266/3)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Marsha Post

his volume traces the esoteric work (and

lack thereof) in the decade leading up to the
reestablishment of the General Anthroposophical Society and the creation of the First Class,
which replaced the Esoteric Section.
Part One contains thirty-nine lessons, as
Anthroposophy freed itself of Theosophy and
focused on deepening the Rosicrucian path.
Part Two, with only six lessons, contains
meditations that indicate a new direction.
Part Three contains the two esoteric lessons
given to the esoteric youth circle. Never before
made public, the meditations and instructions
are powerful and relevant. This section is preceded by a moving account of the history and
development of the esoteric Youth Movement,
in which Rudolf Steiner placed such hopes.
The volume closes with the Threefold Mantra
that foreshadowed the a approach for the First
Class and was used by those in the Esoteric
Section between 1920 and 1923.
ISBN: 9780880106184
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 520 pages

ith a single observation, Rudolf Steiner

can sometimes outline a radically new
reality that changes everything. Here, he introduces these extraordinary lectures by proposing that the boundary between the physical
and spiritual worlds lies right in the middle of
the human being.
The readers understanding of how human
destiny is influenced by those who have died
deepens with each lecture, as Steiner shows
how this reality becomes existentiala matter
of personal decisionthrough the Archangel Michaels great action in 1979, when he
assumed responsibility for the guidance of
humankind. Thus, together with Michael and
the whole spiritual world, those who have died
call upon us to change our consciousness.
ISBN: 9780880106146
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 184 pages

Including What Does the Angel Do in our

Astral Body? & How Do I Find Christ?
7 Lectures, various cities, Nov. 29, 1917Oct. 16, 1918 (CW 182)

The Spiritual Hierarchies

and the Physical World

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Sabine Seiler

hese lectures address us in our soul life and

speak to our hearts. They make clear the
bond that must unite our inner, spiritual work
and the outer work of manifesting spirit in life.
For, if spiritual wisdom does not live and grow
as a reality in the souls of those who practice it,
then the practical wisdom of service called for
by the spirit of the times will come to nothing.
The particular realities that Rudolf Steiner
focuses on are twofold: working with the dead
(and the spiritual hierarchies) and coming to
know the Christ. What these two have in common is that they are both Earth-centered. They
teach us the fundamental importance of everyday human destiny and earthly lifenot just for
humanity, but also for divinity and the cosmos.
ISBN: 9780880106078
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 216 pages

20 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Zodiac, Planets & Cosmos

10 lectures, Dusseldorf, April 13-22, 1909 (CW 110)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Ren M. Querido

mplicit in Rudolf Steiners view is the fact

that, essentially, the universe consists of consciousness. Everything else is illusion. Hence,
to understand the evolution of the cosmos and
humanity in any terms other than consciousness is also an illusion. Whenever we are dealing with grand cosmic facts, we are dealing
with states of consciousness. Thus, the only
true realties are beings in various states of consciousness. In this sense, any sciencespiritual or naturalis a science of beings.
ISBN: 9780880106016
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages

The C ollected Works of

Inner Reading and Inner Hearing

The Sun Mystery

And How to Achieve Existence

in the World of Ideas

12 lectures, various cities, March 21June 11, 1922 (CW 211)

Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity


Rudolf Steiners Challenge

to the Younger Generation

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

13 lectures, Stuttgart, October 315, 1922 (CW 217)

or Steiner, our most important task is to

overcome death by uniting with Christ. The
purpose of Anthroposophy is to bring this reality into world evolution, enabling all to experience the new reality.
These lectures were given in 1922, midway
between World War I and Steiners death
in 1925. They will be of particular interest
to anyone wanting to comprehend Rudolf
Steiners mature understanding of his mission:
enchristing the world.


11 lectures in 2 courses, with 2 Christmas lectures

OctoberDecember, 1914 (CW 156)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Michael Miller

hese two lecture courses, given just after

the beginning of World War I, stand as a
kind of unexpected gift. A few months later,
once the war became a reality, the possibilities
for esoteric work would change and it would
become more difficult to do spiritual research.
But in the short interval before the true horror
of the conflict unfolded, Rudolf Steiner was
able to give these lectures, which lay out in the
clearest fashion the path of anthroposophic
meditation, and its assumptions, language,
and consequences.

ISBN: 9780880106085
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 232 pages

ISBN: 9780880106191
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 248 pages

Freemasonry and Ritual Work

The Misraim Service: Texts and Documents
from the Cognitive-Ritual Section
of the Esoteric School 19041919
Texts, documents, and talks (CW 265)


Introduction by Christopher Bamford

his volume of rich, primary materials relates

Steiners teaching of the Misraim Service.
Ritual symbols, including the mallet, triangle,
Rose Cross, and pillars of Jachin and Boaz, as
well as the Temple Legend of Hiram Abiff and
Solomon and the story of Cain and Abel, all find
their place here. The ritual texts are given in full,
with illustrations and descriptions of making
the ritual objects.
ISBN: 9780880106122
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 632 pages

Becoming the Archangel

Michaels Companions:

udolf Steiner presented these lectures to

about a hundred German young people
who hoped to bring Waldorf education into the
culture of their time and for the future. Steiner
stressed upon his listeners the great importance of self-education as a prerequisite to all
other education. His was an attempt to guide
the youth toward understanding themselves
within the world situation. Steiner discussed
the need for a form of education permeated by
art and feeling, which brings inner nourishment
that can grow throughout ones life.
ISBN: 9780880106092
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages

Cosmic New Year

Thoughts for New Year 1920
5 lectures, Stuttgart, Dec. 18, 1919Jan. 1, 1920 (CW 195)

Youth and the Etheric Heart

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Peter Clemm

s with all of Steiners lectures given around

the Holy Nights, these jewel-like lectures
are both inspiring and sobering. The Archangel
Michael is once again the world regent. He
shows us a new path to Christ and to the spirit
world, calling on us to create new relationships
to spiritual realities. Yet, inertia or lack of will,
materialism, and powerful opposing forces
make his and our task more difficult. World War
I had ended, but peace was still a distant hope.
Prescient to our own moment, these stirring
lectures are more relevant than ever, still inspiring a call to arms.
ISBN: 9780880106139
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 128 pages

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Rudolf Steiner Speaks to the Younger

16 lectures, various cities, 1920-1924 (CW 217a)

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

his book is intended by its editors to be

supplementary to the 1922 Pedagogical
Youth Course, published as Becoming the
Archangel Michaels Companions. Together,
they present Steiners vision for Anthroposophy
as he hoped it would permeate culture through
young people able to take it up as a spiritual,
intellectual, and socially transforming path. The
task, which underlies the whole volume and
to which we, too, are called by service to the
Archangel Michael, is to open to the etheric
heart in humanity.
ISBN: 9780880106160
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 272 pages

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Works by Peter Selg

PETER SELG, our most prolific author, has written dozens of books over the years, inspiring readers through
his knowledge and insights into Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner. More than fifteen of his books are now
available in English. Below is a selection of his works (see pages 2 and 3 for his newest releases), and more
are currently in the prepublication process. To read more about his books, please visit

The Path of the Soul after Death

The Community of the Living and the Dead
as Witnessed by Rudolf Steiner in his Eulogies and Farewell Addresses

he author shows how Rudolf Steiner commemorated

the dead, the words he chose to use, and his descriptionssometimes in great detailof the inner processes
involved. What becomes clear is the extent to which his
connections to the deceased shaped his addresses and
related to their new stage of existence.
ISBN: 9780880107242
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 228 pages

The Essence of Waldorf Education

his passionate, inspiring, and moving book speaks from

deep knowledge of Anthroposophy and the authors
extensive experience as a child psychiatrist, returning to
the original impulses behind the first Waldorf school, their
continuing validity, and how they still respond to what we
need today. Waldorf education is not merely a theory but a
living reality, and Dr. Selg brings this reality to life before us
through the biography of the first Waldorf school. Thus, we
learn to see it in a new wayin its essence, as a healing model of what
education might become if the primary relationship, the inner core of a
school, is the free relationship between teacher and student.
ISBN: 9780880106467
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 128 pages


Human Pre-existence and the Journey toward Birth

rom the very beginning, children manifest an essential

dignity and a unique self, which they clearly brought
with them from the spiritual world. That unborn life of a
persons higher individuality guides the whole process of
incarnation. It frames our lives, but we fail to recognize
this because of a single-minded focus on immortality, or
life after death, which makes us forget the reality of our
unbornness. This unbornness extends not only from
conception to birth, but also includes the whole existence and history
of ones I in its long journey from the spiritual world to Earth. Unbornnessthe other side of eternityallows us to experience the fact that
birth is just as great a mystery as is death. In a new and striking way,
unbornness poses the mystery of our human task on Earth.
ISBN: 9780880107181
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 88 pages

Rudolf Steiner and the Fifth Gospel

Insights into a New Understanding of the Christ Mystery

udolf Steiner received The Fifth Gospelpreviously

unrecorded events from the life of Jesus Christbut
never finished the project of revealing it. Had he done
so, Anthroposophy and Christianity would have received
a soul-filled description of the Mystery of Golgotha. His
deeply moving and often startling lectures in 1913 are thus
fragmentary. Peter Selg tells the story of those lectures,
offering context to excerpts, with profound yet accessible
commentary. Most important, he offers insights into their deep meaning
to both Steiner and the hearts of those who heard and understood.
ISBN: 9780880107075
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

The Therapeutic Eye

How Rudolf Steiner Observed Children

udolf Steiners extraordinary ability to perceive the

inner nature and development of children provided
valuable insights into the creative learning process. Such
perception involves the re-creation of the child within
oneself, based on what we are able to observe in the
childs physical appearance, temperament, movement,
and environment. In The Therapeutic Eye, Dr. Peter Selg
discusses Steiners views on childhood development,
how teachers can look at children, and ways that these approaches
can be used to develop lessons and classroom activities to deal with
behavioral extremes and learning challenges.
ISBN: 9780880105941
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 96 pages



Peter Selg

The Agriculture Course, Koberwitz, Whitsun 1924

Rudolf Steiner and the Beginnings of Biodynamics
ISBN: 9781906999087 | Pbk | Temple Lodge | 208 pages | $26.00

The Figure of Christ

Rudolf Steiner and the Spiritual Intention
behind the Goetheanums Central Work of Art
ISBN: 9781906999018 | Bbk | Temple Lodge | 80 pages | $12.00

Seeing Christ in Sickness and Healing

ISBN: 9780863154775 | Pbk | Floris Books | 160 pages | $29.50

22 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Works by Edward Reaugh Smith

EDWARD REAUGH (pronounced Ray) Smith is an Illinoisan transplanted to Texas at mid-century. He is a husband,
father, and grandfather with broad interests in life. A successful lawyer and businessman, amateur musician, and athlete,
his lifelong search for the deeper meaning of the Biblewhich he taught for over twenty-five years before discovering
the writings of Steinerexpresses itself in his many works. For more about this interesting, hard-working author and his
books, please visit his website, The Bible and Anthroposophy (

The Souls Long Journey

The Burning Bush

How the Bible Reveals Reincarnation

Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and the Holy Scriptures: Terms & Phrases

n this book, Ed Smith presents remarkable insights

showing that reincarnation is deeply and powerfully
revealed in the Bibles most fundamental aspects. How
and why have these insights escaped attention for so
long? At last, they are uncovered here by a confluence
of conventional Bible study and the epochal spiritual
discoveries of Rudolf Steiner.
With particular emphasis on the organic provisions
of the Old Testament, Smith shows both what the assumptions of
the Masters hearers were and how the New Testament confirms the
ancient heritage. Arising from the fullness of the canon is an exciting
story of the long journey of humanity and every human soul, each a
beloved sheep whom the Creator is unwilling to lose.
Combining a lifetime of biblical study and teaching, fifteen years
investigating and contemplating Rudolf Steiners vast works, and
almost three decades of applying the analytical skill required in an
intense law practice, Smith has produced a potential classic the serious Bible student can ill afford to ignore.

d Smith combines his extensive traditional biblical

knowledge with his years of concentrated study
and reflection on hundreds of works by Rudolf Steiner.
The result is the first Bible commentary in the light of
anthroposophic insight.
This comprehensive book is based on the
anthroposophic perspectives given to humanity by
Rudolf Steiner during the early twentieth century. Bible
commentaries have always reflected the general line of thinking of their
authors. However, the dramatic newness of anthroposophic thought
means that the usual methods of using a Bible commentary may not
be appropriate here. A major assumption of most Bible commentariesthat one can go directly to portions dealing with given passages
of scripture and understand what is being said about themdoes not
fit. Thus, much of The Burning Bush is devoted to laying out a spiritualscientific foundation.
ISBN: 9780880104470
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
6 x 9 inches, 800 pages

ISBN: 9780880105354
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
6 x 9 inches, 360 pages

Davids Question

What Is Man? (Psalm 8:4)Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and

the Holy Scriptures: An Anthroposophical Commentary on the Bible

f, ultimately, there is only one reality, then neither religion

nor science can be fulfilled until they come together on
a higher plane. In this second volume of his authoritative,
anthroposophical commentary on the Bible, Edward
Reaugh Smith shows that there is no difference between
true science and the divine intelligence sought by true religion. The model for such a union of science and religion is
the spiritual science developed by Rudolf Steiner. In this
union, what the senses show us about the physical worldwhen keenly
observed and allowed to speak for itself instead of being abstracted into
theoriesbecome images of the spiritual world: As above, so below.
Drawing on his extensive knowledge of the Bible, the author shows
us that anthroposophy provides unique insights into the biblical account.
This is an important resource for anyone who wants to dig into the
deepest meanings of biblical scriptures.

The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

Unveiling the Author of Johns Gospel

n a way that is accessible, the author masterfully supplies

us with a range of collateral materials that is always interesting and illuminates the larger picture. New Testament
scholars as well as those concerned in any way with the
future of Christianity ought to sit up and take note. Anyone
seeking to understand the mystery of Jesus Christ and his
beloved disciple will find true food for the mind and heart.
ISBN: 9780880104869
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
5 x 8 inches, 96 pages

The Incredible Births of Jesus

ISBN: 9780880105002
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
6 x 9 inches, 560 pages

o story is so well known, nor perhaps any so little

understood, as the birth of Jesus. Its mystery steals
into every heart as days shorten into winter. And commercialisms thickening veneer has neither quieted the
cry of every soul nor stilled its urge to penetrate through
it all to an understanding of this most magnificent event
in all creation.
With characteristic intensity and skilled research, Smith brings his
anthroposophic insights to the heart of mainstream Christianity.

See page 7 for Ed Smiths newest book

ISBN: 9780880104487
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
5 x 8 inches, 112 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 23

Essential Works on Anthroposophy

Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path

An Outline of Esoteric Science

Christianity as Mystical Fact

A Philosophy of Freedom


And the Mysteries of Antiquity


Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

Written 1902 (CW 8)

Introduced by Gertrude Reif Hughes

Translated by Michael Lipson

Written 1910 (CW13)


n this foundational work of spiritual science,

we see how the creation and evolution of
humanity is embedded in the heart of the vast,
invisible web of interacting cosmic beings,
through whom the alchemical processes of
cosmic evolution continue to unfold. Included
are descriptions of the various bodies of the
human being, their relationship to sleep and
death, and a detailed, practical guide to methods and exercises, including the Rose Cross
Meditation, through which we can attain initiation knowledge.

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Translation and Notes by Andrew Welburn
Afterword by Michael Debus



Written 1894 (CW4)

his seminal work asserts that free spiritual
activitythe human ability to think and

act independently of physical natureis the

appropriate path for people today who wish
to gain true knowledge of themselves and the
universe. This is not abstract philosophy; it is
a warm, heart-oriented guide to the practice
and experience of living thinking. Readers will
not find abstract philosophy here, but a stepby-step account of how a person may come to
experience living, intuitive thinkingthe conscious experience of a purely spiritual content.
ISBN: 9780880103855
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 304 pages

An Introduction to the Spiritual Processes
in Human Life and in the Cosmos

How to Know Higher Worlds

A Modern Path of Initiation


ISBN: 9780880104098
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 448 pages



his book begins with the premise that the

capacities by which we can understand the
higher worlds lie dormant within each one of
us. Steiner carefully and precisely leads the
reader from the cultivation of the fundamental
soul attitudes of reverence and inner tranquility to the development of inner life through
the stages of preparation, illumination, and
initiation. By patiently and persistently following
his guidelines, new organs of soul and spirit
begin to form, which reveal the contours of the
higher worlds thus far concealed from us.
ISBN: 9780880103725
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 288 pages

uring the fall and winter of 19011902,

Steiner gave a series of lectures called
Christianity As Mystical Fact to members of
the Theosophical Society. The lectures were
rewritten and issued as a book later that year.
They mark a watershed in the development of
Western esotericism. This is a fundamental
book, in Stieners own development, in that of
Western esotericism, and for our understanding of the Christ event. Readers will find the
evolutionary development from the ancient
Mysteries through the great Greek philosophers to the events portrayed in the Gospels.
Includes an introduction and annotated
notes by Andrew Welburn and an afterword by
Michael Debus, a priest of the Christian Community, who summarizes the book and places
it in context.
ISBN: 9780880104364
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages

Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

Translated by Christopher Bamford

Written 19041905 (CW10)

Written 1904 (CW9)

his key work is for anyone seeking a solid

foundation in spiritual reality. Steiner presents a comprehensive understanding of human
naturefrom the physical body and the soul
to our central spirit being. He provides, too, an
extraordinary overview of the laws of reincarnation and karma and the various ways we live
within the three worlds of body, soul, and spirit,
describing the path of knowledge through
which each of us can begin to understand the
marvelously harmonious and complex worlds
of soul and spirit.
ISBN: 9780880103732
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 256 pages

24 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Founding a Science of the Spirit


14 lectures, Stuttgart, Aug.Sept., 1906 (CW95)

opics include human nature in relation to

the cosmos; earthly evolution; the souls
journey after death; reincarnation and karma;
good and evil; and meditation training. The
emphasis throughout is on scientific exposition
of spiritual phenomena.
ISBN: 9781855840775
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 168 pages

Essential Works on Anthroposophy

What Is Anthroposophy?
Three Spiritual Perspectives on Self-Knowledge

The Foundation Stone / The Life,

Nature & Cultivation of Anthroposophy



Introduction by Christopher Bamford

3 lectures, Dornach, July 2022, 1923 (CW225)

teiner discusses death; our physical life on

Earth and the etheric, astral, and spiritual
life of the cosmos; how physical lives are

completely interwoven with cosmic existence;

and how the missing links in evo
lution are
spiritual in nature. Steiner also considers waking, dreaming, and sleeping and how each is
connected with our lives.

he first part contains Steiners comments on

The Foundation Stone Meditation, which is
central in the meditative life of many students
of spiritual science. Part two, The Life, Nature,
and Cultivation of Anthroposophy, contains
Steiners letters to members of the society following the Christmas Conference. They contain
thoughts and guidelines regarding the Anthroposophical Society and its members conduct
in the world.
ISBN: 9781855840751
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

ISBN: 9780880105064
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 96 pages

ISBN: 9780880104739
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

ISBN: 9781855840966
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 224 pages

The Spiritual Guidance

of the Individual and Humanity

Translated and Introduced by Christopher Bamford
Preface by Friedemann Schwarzkopf

art one, A Way of Self-Knowledge: Eight

meditations that take the reader on a journey through human experience. Beginning with
ordinary experience, Steiner offers ways to
imagine and understand the physical body, the
elemental (or etheric) body, the elemental world,
the Guardian of the Threshold, the astral body,
the I-body (or thought body), the nature of
experience in suprasensory worlds, and ways
of perceiving previous earthly lives.
Part two, The Threshold of the Spiritual
World: Sixteen short chapters in which Steiner
provides aphoristic thoughts on trusting ones
thinking, cognition of the spiritual world, karma
and reincarnation, the astral body and luciferic
beings, how to recognize suprasensory consciousness, the true nature of love, and more.
ISBN: 9780880104432
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages


his key volume contains Rudolf Steiners

leading thoughts and related letters to
members of the Anthroposophical Society. In
brief, aphoristic paragraphs, Steiner succinctly
presents his spiritual science as a modern path
of knowledge. The 185 thoughts constitute
invaluable, clear summaries of Steiners fundamental lines of thoughtindeed, they contain
the whole of anthroposophy. They are intended
not as doctrine, but to stimulate and focus
ones study and discussion of spiritual science.

Written 1912 and 1913 (CW 16/17)


he key to being at home in the universe

is to comprehend the significance of our
individual lives on Earth and after we leave
the physical world. Steiner describes our
journey after death and its consequences for
our future. He shows us how our char
and actions on Earth affect us after we die
and how those experiences shape our next
physical life. Includes exercises that help us
explore our suprasensory human nature, so
that we can begin to act more consciously by
recognizing the real nature of morality and the
consequences of our present lives.

Written 19231925 (CW 26)

And the Threshold of the Spiritual World

Exploring Our Suprasensory Nature

5 talks, The Hague Nov.1318, 1923 (CW231)

Anthroposophy as a Path of Knowledge

The Michael Mystery

A Way of Self-Knowledge

At Home in the Universe

Introduction & Afterword by Paul Margulies

Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts

Some Results of Spiritual-Scientific Research

into Human History and Development
Written 1911, from 3 lectures, Copenhagen, June 1911 (CW 15)


Introduction by Hilmar Moore

Translated by Samuel Desch

udolf Steiner begins this work by pointing to

our awareness of a second self that guides
us through life. It guides us as infants and
children as we attain vertical balance in space,
learn to communicate in community, and begin
to think in the world. Through this initial wisdom
(which is still connected to the spiritual hierarchies) we enter the physical realm and then, as
we grow, we exchange it for self-awareness
and memory.
ISBN: 9780880103640
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 124 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 25


Rudolf Steiners Core Mission

The New Essential Steiner

Core Anthroposophy

The Birth and Development of SpiritualScientific Karma Research

An Introduction to Rudolf Steiner

for the 21st Century

Teaching Essays of Ernst Katz



udolf Steiners core missionrepeatedly

delayed owing to the a lack of capacity in
his colleagueswas to pursue contemporary
spiritual-scientific research into the phenomena of reincarnation and karma. This stimulating book describes the winding biographical
path of that mission. It focuses in particular
on the mystery of Steiners connection with
the influential medieval philosopher and
theologian Thomas Aquinas. Using numerous
archival sources and publications, Thomas
Meyer reveals many facts related to the core
of Steiners mission, showing the critical roles
played by Wilhelm Anton Neumann and Karl
Julius Schrer in its genesis and development.
Meyer examines how Steiners students
responded to his understanding of karma,
placing this most intrinsic mission in the context of current divisions in the anthroposophic
movement. He highlights especially the place
of spiritual science in culture and history and
shows how Steiner further developed the
great scientific ideas of evolution propounded
by Darwin by raising them to the plane of
individual soul and spiritual development. As
Steiner stated in 1903, Scientific researchers
explain the skull forms of higher animals as a
transformation of a lower type of skull. In the
same way, one should explain a souls biography through the soul biography from which the
former evolved.

Edited and Introduced with Notes

by Robert McDermott

T. H. MEYER is the founder of Perseus Verlag,

Basel, and editor of the monthly journal Der
Europer. He has written numerous articles and
is the author of several books, including Reality,
Truth, and Evil (2005) and When a Stone Begins
to Roll (2011), as well as major biographies of
D.N. Dunlop and Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz.
ISBN: 9781906999100
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 216 pages

ere is a completely new, illuminating introduction to the philosophy and essential

writings of Rudolf Steiner. It offers selections
from a wide variety of Steiners published
works, presenting a broad, accessible overview of Anthroposophy.
In his introduction, Robert McDermott
recounts Steiners life and work, from his
childhood and education to his work as a
natural scientist, philosopher, scholar, educator, artist, interpreter of culture, and seer.
He places Steiner in relation to major traditions of thought and explores the genesis and
development of Anthroposophy.


rnst Katz was one of the foremost teachers

of Anthroposophy in America during the
second half of the twentieth century. During
the early 1960s, he began writing his teaching essays in response to the many questions
through the years. His intention was to help
students comprehend the deep wisdom of
Anthroposophy. Dr. Katzs strength was his
ability to explain complex esoteric ideas in
terms of clear analogies, using examples from
everyday life.
DR. ERNST KATZ (19132009) was an
emeritus professor of physics at the University
of Michigan. He and his wife Katherine fostered
the growth of Anthroposophy in Ann Arbor and
in America for nearly sixty years.
ISBN: 9780880107228
Paperback, SteinerBooks
240 pages

ISBN: 9781584200567
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
336 pages

The School of Spiritual Science

Start Now!

An Orientation and Introduction

A Book of Soul and Spiritual Exercises


Collected and introduced by Christopher Bamford

editations, instructions for meditation,

exercises, verses for living a spiritual year,
prayers for the dead, and other practices for
both beginning and experienced practitioners
Start Now! is an inspiring guide to the practical
aspects of Anthroposophy. It offers the most
extensive collection available of Steiners spiritual instructions and practices, including meditation instructions; mantric verses; daily, weekly,
and monthly practices for developing ones soul
qualities; karmic exercises and meditations for
working with the dead, with the angelic hierarchies, and with our guardian angels.
ISBN: 9780880105262
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 272 pages

26 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

n 1924, Rudolf Steiner founded the School of

Spiritual Science within the framework of the
newly reestablished Anthroposophical Society.
This book represents a beginning attempt at
showing the nature, intent, and methods of
that pioneering school and its place in modern
culture. It describes the schools three prerequisites for membership and discusses its connection with the Anthroposophical Society and
the anthroposophic movement. The authors
also examine the role of its First Class in relation to Rudolf Steiners original intentions and
the responsibilities of its representatives.
ISBN: 9781906999162
Paperback, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 144 pages


Anthroposophy in Everyday Life

The Fifth Gospel

The Goetheanum

Practical Training in Thought Overcoming

Nervousness Facing Karma
The Four Temperaments

From the Akashic Record


A Guided Tour through the Building,

Its Surroundings, and Its History

13 lectures, Oct. 1913- Feb. 1914 (CW 148)



our of Rudolf Steiners best-loved lectures

are collected in this book. They are some
of the most accessible presentations of the
anthroposophic approach to life available in
English. With its many practical exercises,
mantras, and meditations, this book is a fundamental introduction for anyone beginning
or needing encouragement along the path of
inner development.
ISBN: 9780880104272
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
5 x 8 inches, 96 pages

May Human Beings Hear It!

The Mystery of the Christmas Conference

rom his clairvoyant reading of the akashic

recordthe cosmic memory of all events,
actions, and thoughtsRudolf Steiner was
able to discuss aspects of the life of Jesus
Christ that are not contained in the four Gospels of the conventional Christian Bible. Such
research may be called The Fifth Gospel.
Steiner speaks of Jesus life in the community
of the Essenes, the temptation of Christ in the
wilderness, and a significant, previously unreported conversation between Jesus and Mary.
ISBN: 9781855840393
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 264 pages

Love and Its Meaning in the World

ISBN: 9781902636535
Hardcover, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 944 pages

he Goetheanum in Dornach was conceived

as a visible expression of Anthroposophy.
Hasler explains how the Goetheanum was
built and describes its remodeled great hall
and stage. He details the buildings context,
landscape design, and other significant structures in its vicinity, and describes of the first
Goetheanum and its destruction by fire.

HANS HASLER, born in Switzerland in 1942,

studied Slavonic languages, history and education, before becoming a school teacher. He
was responsible for social therapy and education for special needs in the Medical Section,
and later managed the Goetheanum Building
Administration, through which he oversaw the
redesign of the main auditorium.
ISBN: 9781855842496
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
9 x 8 inches, 96 pages
Color Throughout



uring Christmastime of 19231924, Rudolf

Steiner reestablished the Anthroposophical Society at its headquarters in Dornach,
Switzerland. This important eventthe
so-called Christmas Conferencecan be
studied on many levels, and its mysteries have
for many years been central to Prokofieffs
anthroposophic research. He begins with the
enduring question: What did Rudolf Steiner
mean when he called the Christmas Conference the start of a world turning point of time?
In this far-reaching work, the author, working
from several perspectives, guides the reader
toward an answer.
Prokofieff suggests that the impulse of the
Christmas Conference can be re-enlivened
today only through individual conscious efforts
to experience its spiritual essence.

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

For human beings, love is the most important fruit of experience in the sensory world.
Once we really understand the nature of
love, or compassion, we will find that love
is the way spirit expresses its truth in the
world of the senses.... We may even say
that, in love, the spiritual world awakens in
the physical. The more truly a soul inhabits the spiritual worlds, the more it experiences lovelessness and lack of compassion as a denial of spirit itself.
Rudolf Steiner

his collection gathers all of Rudolf Steiners

main lectures and writings on love. From
earthly love to the nature and function of spiritual love, these pieces are essential reading
for understanding the meaning and future of
humanity and the Earth.
ISBN: 9780880104418
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 208 pages

The Representative of Humanity

Between Lucifer and Ahriman
The Wooden Model at the Goetheanum


his book introduces Rudolf Steiners sculpture, The Representative of Humanity. We

follow the evolution of the statue through the
photographic documentation of the models,
from six small versions to a full-size model. The
authors demonstrate the continual spiritual
movement evident in the whole series of small
models, and the metamorphic processes that
developed over an eight-year period.
ISBN: 9781855842397
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
9 x 8 inches, 96 pages
Color Throughout

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Esoteric Christianity

The Apocalypse of St. John

Esoteric Christianity

Secrets of the Stations of

the Cross and the Grail Blood

Lectures on the Book of Revelation

And the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz

12 lectures, Nuremberg, June 17-30, 1908 (CW 104)

23 lectures, 19111912 (CW 130)

The Mystery of Transformation




teiner shows that the messages to the

seven churches and the unsealing of
the seven seals must be understood as an
initiation text. Based on his initiation and on
spiritual science, Steiner interprets Johns
insights into cosmic and human history. In this
way, the spiritual images of Johns writing
the twenty-four elders, the sea of glass, the
woman clothed with the sun, the vials of wrath,
the lamb and the dragon, the new heaven and
the new earth, and the number of the beast
all take on new meaning.
ISBN: 9780880101318
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
5 x 8 inches, 240 pages

n addition to the outer manifestations of

historical Christianity, another hidden stream
of Christian thought and development exists,
sometimes called esoteric or Rosicrucian
Christianity. Showing intimate knowledge of his
subject, Steiner brings this once-secret, spiritual
movement into the light.
Steiner describes the influence of Christs
power throughout history, the function and
effects of karma, the role of the Buddha and
bodhisattvas, and the vital work of Christian
Rosenkreutz, Jeshu ben Pandira, and other
key historical individuals.

udith von Halle vividly experiences events

that occurred during the time of Christ.
Here, she discusses the Mystery of Golgotha
in its relationship to the formation of the Resurrection Body; the Mystery of the Spear Wound
in Christs side and the Grail Blood; and how
Christs Seven Words on the Cross relate to the
Stations of the Cross.
The contents of this volume have arisen
from my own spiritual experience, and
do not represent any kind of hypothesis
or speculation, except where I expressly
say that I am unable to make any definitive
statement about a particular event or set of

ISBN: 9781855840836
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 336 pages

Lazarus, Come Forth!

ISBN: 9781902636894
Hardcover, Temple Lodge
5 x 7 inches, 160 pages

The Reappearance
of Christ in the Etheric

Meditations of a Christian Esotericist

On the Mysteries of the Raising of Lazarus, the Ten
Commandments, the Three Kingdoms & the Breath of Life

The Mystery of John the Baptist

and John the Evangelist
at the Turning Point of Time


A Collection of Lectures
on the Second Coming of Christ

Translated by Robert Powell, James Morgante

13 selected lectures & writings, 19101917

rawing on the ancient and often-forgotten

sources of esoteric Christianity, Valentin
Tomberg reflects on the mysteries of humanitys covenant with God in history. The power
of these meditations is that they reflect the
authors personal spiritual journey into the
depths of Gods inner kingdom within the soul,
within personal relationships, and within nature
and the cosmos.
A previous edition of this work was titled
Covenant of the Heart.


An Esoteric Study

Introduction by Stephen Usher


ISBN: 9781584200406
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 296 pages

n 1910, Rudolf Steiner began a series of

lectures announcing the advent of Christs
appearance in the etheric sphere of the Earth.
This collection gathers his lectures on this
theme and related matters, such as spiritual
science and etheric vision; the etheric vision
of the future; the etherization of the blood; the
Sermon on the Mount and the land of Shambhala; the mysteries of comets and the Moon;
Buddhism and Pauline Christianity; spirit
beings and the ground of the world; and the
three realms between death and rebirth.
ISBN: 9780880105194
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 256 pages

28 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

n this brief, enlightening book, Prokofieff

addresses the mystery of the two Johns,
solving many unanswered questions. In particular, he sheds light on issues of incarnation
and incorporation, the nature of John the Baptists and John the Evangelists initiations, the
significance of their mutual work at the Turning
Point of Time, and its relevance to today.
ISBN: 9781902636672
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 48 pages

Spiritual Practice

Stairway of Surprise

The Gentle Will

The Effects of Esoteric Development

Six Steps to a Creative Life

Meditative Guidelines for Creative Consciousness



10 Lectures, the Hague; March 20-29, 1913 (CW 145)

Additional lecture, Berlin February 3, 1913

he author re-visions Rudolf Steiners six

basic exercises for our lives today. With
examples drawn from world literature and from
his psychotherapy practice, Lipson shows how
these exercises stretch from common events
in daily life to the depths of spiritual experience.
The path of meditation offered here is experiential from start to finish: not something to think
only, but something to live.

Translated by Michael Lipson


he gentle will is relaxed, receptive, expressive, creative, soft, light, and playfulnot
rigid or cramped. We use the gentle will in artistic activities. It is the original human will, the will
of the I. This softer will is not the determined,
useful, goal-oriented, egoistic, working will. It
will is free of me-feeling and egoism.
Khlewind shows us that our only hope is
a change in human consciousnessthat the
hard will must become gentle will. To this end,
he offers exercises to accomplish this.

Introduction by Christopher Bamford

MICHAEL LIPSON, Ph.D., conducts a practice

in Clinical Psychology and teaches meditation
internationally. He is a frequent host of the radio
call-in show VoxPop on WAMC, a public radio
station in Upstate New York.
ISBN: 9780880105071
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 7 inches, 128 pages

Group Meditation

GEORG KHLEWIND (19242006) was a

Hungarian philosopher, writer, lecturer, and
meditation teacher who worked from the tradition of Rudolf Steiners spiritual science. He
lectured and led workshops for inner development. His many books include From Normal to
Healthy (1988) and The Light of the I (2008).

ISBN: 9780880107303
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 7 inches, 128 pages

teiner spoke here for the first time to an

anthroposophic audience in a detailed,
intimate way about individual esoteric training
and the subtle effects of spiritual development
on every level of ones being. Beginning with
questions about the bodys experience of food
and drinkmeat, coffee, alcoholhe lays out
the progression of anthroposophic spiritual
inner work, up to direct perception of Paradise
and the Holy Grail. He discusses the role of
human beings in our evolution that takes place
between the forces of Lucifer and Ahriman.
ISBN: 9780880104203
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 224 pages

Enlivening the Chakra of the Heart

ISBN: 9781584200932
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 120 pages


ontinuing themes he introduced in Stairway

of Surprise, Dr. Lipson shows how ordinary
capacities such as thinking and feeling can
be intensified without limit in a group setting.
There are aspects of the world that are too vast
to be borne by one person alone but require a
group. Lipson demonstrates that theme-based
meditation links practitioners together in a special community that can endure greater light.
With repeated exercise, either in isolation
or in community, attention oriented toward
a high meaning grows more concentrated,
more intense. It frees us to drop our selfconcern and, instead, take in the full shock of
our shared existence on Earth.

Learning to See into the Spiritual World

Lectures to the Workers at the Goetheanum
4 lectures, Dornach, June 28-July 18, 1923 (CW 350)


hese talks cover a wide range of topics,

from the development of independent
thinking and the ability to think backward
to the uses of what seems boring and the
reversal of thinking between the physical and
spiritual worldsfrom the physiology of
dreams to living into nature and the spiritual
dimension of the various foods we eat.
As always in his lectures to the workers at
the Goetheanum, Steiners style is clear, direct,
and accessible.

The Fundamental Spiritual Exercises

of Rudolf Steiner


his book describes the fundamental exercises in thorough detail, giving suggestions
on practice. The author relates an important
and hidden aspectthat the exercises embody
a means for developing and strengthening
organic and living thinking, which is intimately
related to enlivening a new organ of perceptionthe heart chakra, or lotus.

FLORIN LOWNDES, a former Waldorf and

college teacher, founded the Center of HeartThinking in Boston and leads training seminars
in the U.S. and Europe.
ISBN: 9781855840539
Paperback, Sophia Books
5 x 8 inches, 208 pages

ISBN: 9780880102810
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 88 pages

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The Life and Work of Rudolf Steiner


Rudolf Steiner

The Life and Times of Rudolf Steiner

Chapters in the Course of My Life, 1861-1907

An Illustrated Biography

Volume 1: People and Places

Written 1924-1925 (CW 28)




Introduction by Christopher Bamford

Notes by Paul Marshall Allen

udolf Steiner seldom spoke of himself in

a personal way, but in his Autobiography
we are offered a rare glimpse into some of
the most intimate aspects of his inner life, his
personal relationships, and significant events
that helped to shape the philosopher, seer, and
teacher he became.
This edition restores the original format of
seventy chapters as written for the Goetheanum weekly newsletter.
ISBN: 9780880106009
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 416 pages, Illustrated

The Christmas Conference

he scientific and spiritual path of

anthroposophy is at the core of this work, a
philosophy and method that Steiner developed
throughout his life. This informative biography
clearly illumines the numerous struggles and
achievements in his lifechildhood; the young,
respected Goethean scholar and philosopher
in Weimar; his work in the Theosophical Society; the establishment of the Anthroposophical
Society and development of anthroposophy
as a spiritual science; the creation of spiritually
based movements in art, the social sciences,
education, medicine, agriculture, religion, and
Hemlebens biography of Steiner includes
a chronology, personal tributes, an extensive
section for further reading, an index, and 69
photographs and illustrations.
ISBN: 9781855840935
Paperback, Sophia Books
5 x 8 inches, 216 pages

For the Foundation of the General

Anthroposophical Society, 1923/1924
Writings and Lectures (CW 260)

Introduced and concluded by Virginia Sease

t Christmas 1923, one year after the first

Goetheanum was destroyed by fire, Rudolf
Steiner established the General Anthroposophical Society and joined his destiny with it. The
Foundation Stone verse, forms the center of
the book, is reproduced as Rudolf Steiner gave
it on each day of the conference, along with his
comments on its various rhythms.
Also included are Steiners lecture on the
plans for the second Goetheanum, illuminating
the spiritual significance of its architecture, as
well as a talk on the burning of the temple at
ISBN: 9780880101936
Hardcover, Anthroposophic Press
6 x 9 inches, 324 pages

A Life for the Spirit

Rudolf Steiner in the Crosscurrents of Our Time

Foreword by Robert McDermott

enry Barnes recounts the dynamic life,

philosophy, and work of Rudolf Steiner. He
does so by placing him in the crosscurrents of
history and showing him not as a spectator or
ivory-tower philosopher, but as a leading actor
in the drama, one whose entire being was
given in service to humanity and to the spirit.
HENRY BARNES (19122008) was a Waldorf
teacher and a general secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in America. He was also the
author of Into the Hearts Land: A Century of
Rudolf Steiners Work in North America (2005).
ISBN: 9780880103954
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages

30 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

mil Bock lectured widely on Rudolf Steiner

after World War II. During the course of
his research, he uncovered many previously
unknown aspects of Steiners life. The Life and
Times of Rudolf Steiner, the first of two volumes,
explores the great range of people who surrounded and influenced Steiner.
ISBN: 9780863156588
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
16 black and white illustrations

Volume 2: Origin and Growth of His Insight

ISBN: 9780863156847
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages

Rudolf Steiner and

the Founding of the New Mysteries


n his introduction, Prokofieff describes the

events in his life that led to his discovery of the
works of Rudolf Steinerproscribed then by
the Bolshevik dictatorshipand how he came
to write this book while living in Soviet Russia.
The author investigates the deepest mysteries of Steiners life and individuality and his
establishment of the new mysteries on earth in
the twentieth century. Prokofieff examines the
earthly and suprasensory aspects of the first
Goetheanum, the implications of the Christmas
Conference of 1923/1924, and the Foundation
Stone meditation, which Steiner left as a legacy
to the Anthroposophical Society.
This esoteric study of Rudolf Steiner and
Anthroposophyunprecedented in its depth
and significancewas first published in Germany in 1982 and met with astonished acclaim
ISBN: 9780904693614
Hardcover, Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 480 pages, Illustrated

Celebrating a Century of Eurythmy

Eurythmy Therapy
8 lectures, Dornach & Stuttgart, April 1218, 1921
and October 28, 1922 (CW 315)


egun in 1911, eurythmy was

developed for years as an
artistic and educational discipline. Rudolf Steiner pointed out
its healing aspects from the very
beginning, but it was not until
1921 that he presented a course
of lectures that describe a vital
new application of eurythmy. He presented to
the assembled eurythmists and doctors what
one participant described as a complete and
detailed method of eurythmy therapy in which
we could directly experience that, even today,
the creative and therapeutic power of the still at work.
Rudolf Steiners comprehensive lecture
coursepublished here in a thoroughly revised
translationdescribes the principles of therapeutic eurythmy and provides numerous specific exercises. Intended primarily for practicing
eurythmists, these lectures also contain much
material of general interest. Steiner reveals
the intricacies of rhythmic interplay between
human physiology and the life forces in the
world around us. He describes the qualities of
language and the dynamism contained in the
individual vowels and consonants, explaining
their relationship to eurythmy movements and
to human experience in general. Through such
movements, individuals can access the healing
etheric forces that surround us everywhere.
The exerciseswhich Steiner calls inner
gymnasticscontain enormous potential for
psychological and physiological wellbeing.
Gaining increasingly wide recognition today,
the practice of therapeutic eurythmy complements conventional medicine and offers a healing process for mind, soul, and body.
This new edition of these important lectures
includes an appendix with reminiscences by
early eurythmists, as well as commentary from
Dr. Walter Kugler, who revised and expanded
the notes on which this edition is based.
A previous edition was published as Curative

Therapeutic Eurythmy
for Children

An Introductory Reader

From Early Childhood to Adolescence


With Practical Exercises by

Edited and Introduced by Beth Usher


Preface by Michaela Glockler

his book collects exercises

gathered by Anne-Maidlin
Vogel from 1968 until 1998. It
includes much of the material
the author has used in her
own therapy lessons with
patients, with some of the
exercises created from her
work with children for more than thirty years.
This valuable resource will inspire and enrich
the work of therapists, provide a means to
more holistic pediatrics, give teachers a better understanding of how to approach their
students through movement, and encourage
parents toward a more effective, holistic aid to
their childrens overall health and development.
ISBN: 9780880105682
Hardcover, SteinerBooks
8 x 11 inches, 264 pages

Foundations of Curative Eurythmy


r Kirchner-Bockholt published the basic principles

and an authentic collection of
Steiners advice. This is her
both a guide for curative eurythmists in their therapeutic work,
as well as an introduction to this effective mode
of therapy.
a medical doctor and eurythmist. She worked
with Rudolf Steiner, who asked her to develop
curative eurythmy and train curative eurythmists. She died in 1973.
ISBN: 9780863154669
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages


eth Usher has gathered

excerpts from Steiners many
talks and writings on eurythmy.
This reader also features her editorial introduction, commentary,
and notes.
Contents include: In the beginning, God
created out of movement; School eurythmy
a kind of spiritual gymnastics; Eurythmy
therapythe word of the heavens is the human
being; Silent soul, speaking soul: Eurythmy as
a performing art; and How eurythmy arises out
of Anthroposophy.
ISBN: 9781855841147
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 6 inches, 328 pages

How the New Art of Eurythmy Began

Lory Maier-Smits, the First Eurythmist


his book traces the story

of the first eurythmist, Lory
Maier-Smits, with artistic care
and loving detail. The author
describes her early exposure
to anthroposophy; her training
under Rudolf Steiner from 1912;
the first performance of eurythmy
during the Theosophical Society festival in
1913; Rudolf Steiners lectures on the new art
of movement; the staging of eurythmy under
the direction of Marie Steiner; and Maier-Smits
later work as a trainer of eurythmists. Also
given is an account of Maier-Smits path of personal development, her marriage and family life.
MAGDELENE SIEGLOCH was born in Stuttgart in 1917 and trained in eurythmy under Else
Klink at the Eurythmeum in Stuttgart.
ISBN: 9780904693904
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 168 pages

ISBN: 9781855842243
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 176 pages

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Sophia ~ The Divine Feminine

The Goddess

Isis Mary Sophia

From Natura to the Divine Sophia

Her Mission and Ours

The Heavenly Sophia

and the Being Anthroposophia




his volume gathers edited

texts on the Goddess in
all her guises as described by
Rudolf Steiner. Topics include:
Rediscovering the Goddess
Natura; Retracing our Steps
Mediaeval Thought and the
School of Chartres; The Goddess Natura in the
Ancient Mysteries; The Goddess in the Beginningthe Birth of the Word; Esoteric Christianitythe Virgin Sophia; The Search for the New
Isis; and more.

Edited and introduced by Christopher Bamford

ISBN: 1855840944
Paperback, Sophia Books
5 x 7 inches, 112 pages

Christ and Sophia

Anthroposophic Meditations on the Old Testament,
New Testament, and Apocalypse

he feminine divine has had

many names in many cultures: Ishtar in Babylon, Inanna
in Sumeria, Athena, Hera,
Demeter, and Persephone in
Greece, Isis in Egypt, Durga,
Kali, and Lakshmi in India. She
is the Shekinah of the Cabalists,
and the Sophia of the Gnostics. To Steiner,
she is Anthroposophia (Divine Wisdom), who
descended from the spiritual world and passed
through humanity to become now the goal and
archetype of human wisdom in the cosmos.
Each chapter explores the mystery of the
various relationships of SophiaSophia and
Isis; Sophia and the Holy Spirit; Christ and
Sophia; Sophia and Mary, the mother of Jesus
(and Mary Magdalene); Sophia and the Gnostic
Achamod; and Sophia and the New Isis.


ISBN: 9780880104944
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages

Introduction by Christopher Bamford,

omberg shows how the

central story of entire Bible
is really a history of the Christ
being. He describes the cosmic and earthly preparations
for the Mystery of Golgotha,
its significance and results for
humanity and the world as a
whole, and the central role of the Sophia being
and her relationship to the Christ, the Holy
Spirit, the Disciples and Pentecost, and all of
humanity. He also imagines the Grail nature of
the Christs involvement in earthly history.

VALENTIN TOMBERG (19001973) lectured

and wrote on his understanding of the Bible,
Anthroposophy, and esoteric Christianity. During World War II, he left the Anthroposophical
Society and its internal struggles and converted
to Catholicism.
ISBN: 9780880107358
Paperback, SteinerBooks
7 x 10 inches, 472 pages

The Archetypal Feminine in the

Mystery Stream of Humanity
Towards a New Culture of the Family


he Authors survey of the

feminine archetype attempts
to illuminate the spiritual significance and meaning of the feminine principle today as well as its
future destiny. By considering
the mystery behind human and
earthly evolution, they arrive at
clear and accessible perspectives that can help
to transform human life today, especially the
culture of family.
Beginning with Eve in tradition and legend,
the authors comment on the Queen of Sheba,
the image of the Virgin in esoteric Christianity,
Isis-Sophia and the Great Mother, the birth of
art from the primal feminine, and the importance of women for modern esotericism.
ISBN: 9781906999179
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 112 pages

32 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

ased on the authors experience of the suprasensory

being behind spiritual science,
Sergei Prokofieff shows that
the being Anthroposophia is
not merely a poetic image or
abstract concept, but an actual
spiritual entity who works in the
higher worlds to benefit earthly evolution and
bring to humanity the new revelation of the
heavenly Sophia, the divine wisdom.
In the first part of the book, Prokofieff
describes the path that led him to experience
the being Anthroposophiaa path clearly outlined so that it can be followed by the reader. In
the second part, beginning with Steiners relatively few statements on the subject, the author
considers the position of the living Anthroposophia in the cosmic hierarchyspecifically her
relationship to Christ, to the heavenly Sophia,
and the to Archangel Michael.
ISBN: 9781902636795
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 312 pages

The Sophia Teachings

The Emergence of the Divine Feminine in Our Time


obert Powell uncovers a

secret stream of wisdom
flowing through the heart of
Christianity: the feminine principle known in Greek as Sophia,
or the being of Holy Wisdom herself. This sacred embodiment,
named in the Old Testament as
the first living being made by God, has comforted and guided seekers of truth in every age
and in every human culture.
Powell surveys the wonders and teachings
associated with this unacknowledged treasure
of Christianitys mystical pasta stream running from the Greek philosophers and King Solomon through the cosmic visions of Hildegard
von Bingen, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the
relation of Sophia to Mary the mother of Christ.
ISBN: 9781584200482
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 176 pages

Care of the Soul and Body

Ashes to Gold

Divine Therapy and Addiction


The Alchemy of Mentoring the Delinquent Boy

Centering Prayer and the Twelve Steps

One Day in the Life of 179212





n an in-depth analysis of the

The Devils Sooty Brother, the
therapists and teachers Brad
Fern and Tom Lutz provide a
practical and mythic outline for
the journey from adolescent
boys to maturity as young men.
BRAD FERN is a psychotherapist in private
practice in Minneapolis. He has been involved
in mytho-poetic mens work since 1986. He is
also the coauthor of the forthcoming Lantern
book, Songs of My Families.
TOM LUTZ has worked with adolescents and
families for thirty-three years. He has been
the clinical director of several Minnesota sexoffender programs and correctional institutions. He has a private practice in Hastings,
ISBN: 9781590563069
Paperback, Lantern Books
5 x 8 inches, 128 pages

Alcoholics Anonymous is a spiritual tradition. Its influence and spread in the present century is going to depend on how
well each generation of those in recovery
assimilate and interiorize the basic wisdom
that is enshrined in the Twelve Steps and
the Twelve Traditions. Thomas Keating

n this major work, Fr. Thomas

Keating reflects on the wisdom
and legacy of the Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve-Step
Method and its connections to,
and similarities with, the Christian mystical traditions of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina.
ISBN: 9781590561157
Paperback, Lantern Books
5 x 8 inches, 240 pages

A Psychology of Body, Soul & Spirit


Foreword by Teresa Hale

he author describes a highly

effective approach to stress
development using heart-based
exercises to help manage and
transform extreme emotions.
Through these methods, it is
possible to deal with many forms of stress,
anxiety, anger, and depression without resorting to drugs or psychotherapy, while regaining
power over ones daily life and emotions. The
benefit of these unique, easily practiced exercises can be felt within days.
practitioner in England and a medical adviser
for people with learning difficulties and mental
health problems.
ISBN: 9780863156090
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 7 inches, 112 pages

o a Virginia Correctional facility, he is known as Prisoner

179212. But to a legion of journalists and legal reform activists, he
is an author and German citizen
who for the past twenty-five
years has endured the harshest
and most unforgiving punishment this country
can offerthe American prison system.
Soering poignantly illustrates the importance
of meditation and faith when confronted with
extreme adversity, as well as the indisputable
need for prison reform. Although this inspiring,
eloquent memoir recounts just a day in the life
of one man, it provides a powerful voice for the
over two million men and women lost in the
maze of Americas prison-industrial complex.
JENS SOERING is aldo the author of The Way
of the Prisoner (2003) and The Church of the
Second Chance (2008).
ISBN: 9781590563458
Paperback, Lantern Books
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages

Anthroposophy, Psychosophy, Pneumatosophy

12 Lectures, Oct. 1909; Nov. 1910; Dec. 1911 (CW 115)


The Quiet Heart

Putting Stress in Its Place

Introduction by Robert Sardello

Essentially, the correct meaning of theosophy is the allowing of the god within
us to speak; what it tells you about the
world is theosophy. Anthroposophy, for
its part, may be characterized as the
wisdom spoken by us as human beings
when we are between God and nature,
and allow the human being in us to speak
of what is shining into us from above and
of what is projecting into us from below.
Anthroposophy is the wisdom that human
beings speak. Rudolf Steiner

hese lectures carefully and

precisely lead the reader
through the stages of preparation, illumination, and initiation,
from cultivating fundamental soul
moods of reverence and tranquility to esoteric self-development.
ISBN: 9780880103978
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
6 x 9 inches, 272 pages

To Change a Mind
Parenting to Promote Maturity in Teenagers


he author of the companion

book, An Unchanged Mind,
writes about how parents need
to recognize their children as
individuals, with their own feelings and opinions, as they start
to establish their unique identities as individuals and begin to
negotiate their way through high school and
beyond. He also makes clear that parents must
continue to establish limits.
Packed with examples and practical advice
for parents of preteens and teenagers.

JOHN A. MCKINNON, M.D., helped found

(with his wife) Montana Academy, a therapeutic school for troubled teenagers on a remote
ranch near Glacier Park. His wife, Rosemary, is
also a therapist. They have three daughters.
ISBN: 9781590562345
Paperback, Lantern Books
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 33

Anthroposophically Extended Medicine

Anthroposophical Medicine

The Menopause

Healthy Medicine

A Time for Change

20 lectures, Mar. 21Apr. 9, 1920, Dornach (CW 312)


A Guide to the Emergence of Sensible,

Comprehensive Care


Foreword by Dr. Steven M. Johnson

Introduction by Christopher Bamford
Translated by Catherine E. Creeger

aking account of modern

practice, and deeply versed in
alchemical, Paracelsian, and
naturopathic approaches, as well
as homeopathy, aroma therapy,
and other alternative therapies,
Steiner demonstrates, on the
basis of his own researches, how a truly integrated whole-person medicine is possibleone
that understands the human as a being of body,
soul, and spirit, a microcosm in the macrocosm,
a mirror of the earth and of the heavens.
ISBN: 9780880106429
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 356 pages

n this essential guide written

from the holistic perspective
of anthroposophic medicine,
Dr. Eveline Daub-Amend shows
how this turning point in a womans life can become a positive
time of transformationone
of entering a new phase of life with a fit and
healthy body, mind, and spirit.
As a former gynecologist, Dr. Daub-Amend
offers guidance on many issues: the role of
hormones; changes in the menstrual cycle and
hormonal balance; loss of fertility; contraception; and the affects on sexuality and partnership. She also provides advice on dealing with
hot flashes, sleep disorders, irregular bleeding,
joint pains, skin and hair care, and weight and
figure, as well as specific health problems such
as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
ISBN: 9781906999001
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

The Healing Process

Spirit, Nature, and Our Bodies


Forewords by Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D.
and James Oschman, Ph.D.

r. Zieve presents a new

paradigm for health care
that shows us how to go beyond
the limitations and severe
deficiencies of our current sickness care system. It embraces
and synthesizes the emerging
models of integrative medicine,
energy medicine, and energy psychology into
an effective and affordable approach to healing
for everyone.
ROBERT J. ZIEVE, M.D., was medical director of the Foxhollow Clinic in Kentucky and an
affiliate of Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland. He
is cofounder and director of the Pine Tree Clinic
for Comprehensive Medicine in Prescott, Arizona (
ISBN: 9780880105606
Paperback, Bell Pond Books
6 x 9 inches, 400 pages

11 lectures, Aug. 28, 1923Aug. 29, 1924 (CW 319)

Practical Home Care Medicine


A Natural Approach

Rhythmic Einreibung


A Handbook from the Ita Wegman Clinic

Foreword by Richard Leviton

Introduction by Christopher Bamford
Translation by Catherine E. Creeger

n these broadly ranging talks,

Steiner introduces fundamental
principles of anthroposophically
extended medicine. Some of the
most remarkable insights that
anthroposophy brings to medicine are contained in this volume.
For example, Steiner points out
that the heart is not a pump and that its motion
is a consequence, not the cause, of rhythmic
movements in human beings.
As in all his lectures to doctors and explanations of anthroposophic medicine, Steiner
emphasizes that his medical concepts should
not replace conventional Western medicine but
extend it; diagnosis and healing methods are
expanded to include soul and spirit.

his book offers a wealth

of practical information,
tinctures, teas, and ointments,
along with helpful information
on their preparation and uses.
provide a wide assortment of
useful methods for dealing
with common ailments. Drawn from the broad
experience of parents, nurses, and physicians,
Practical Home Care Medicine is an easy-tofollow health guide that will help keep your
family healthy and become a trusted companion in the home.
ISBN: 9781584200505
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 100 pages

ISBN: 9780880106412
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages

34 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at


hythmic Einreibung is a
therapy of rhythmic body oiling developed by Dr. Margarethe
Hauschka based on suggestions
from Dr. Ita Wegman. It is a development of Swedish massage,
emphasizing rhythmic elements
and qualities to create lightness rather than
Includes exercises for both beginners and
more advanced students.
MONIKA FINGADO, a trained therapist, has
worked at the Ita Wegman Clinic in Switzerland for many years. She studied craniosacral
therapy and is the author of many books.
ISBN: 9780863158339
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
65 black and white illustrations

Anthroposophically Extended Medicine

Extending Practical Medicine

The Vaccination Dilemma

The Human Organs

Fundamental Principles Based on the Science

of the Spirit


Their Functional and Psychological Significance

Liver, Lung, Kidney, Heart

Written 19241925 (CW 27)


n this classic introductory work

on spiritual medicine, Rudolf
Steiner worked in a unique
literary collaboration with the
physician Ita Wegman. Their
aim was to revitalize the art of
healing through spiritual knowledgeyet in so doing they did
not underrate or dismiss modern allopathic
medicine; rather, they illumined ordinary medicine beyond its materialistic outlook to a fuller
realization of the human condition. As Ita Wegman wrote in her preface: The aim was not to
underestimate scientific medicine in an amateurish way; it was given full recognition. But
it was important to add to existing knowledge
the insights that can come from true perception of the spirit, enabling us to understand the
processes of illness and healing.

he author presents the

vaccination dilemma from
multiple perspectives. It clearly
describes the immune system
and its workingsand what science does and does not know
about them. It offers suggestions and resources for parents whose children
are sick, whether from a common childhood
illness or from a vaccination reaction. And it
makes a case for an alternate view of disease
as a teacher that allows us to develop physically and spiritually, and as a necessary test of
strength that we have chosen out of our destiny.
SOPHIA CHRISTINE MURPHY is a specialist in anthroposophic homeopathic medicines
and therapies. She was Director of Weleda
USA and later founded Lilipoh magazine.
ISBN: 9781930051102
Paperback, Lantern Books
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

Form in Metamorphosis

L. F. C. MEES, M.D.

n this seminal study of human

bone forms, Dr. Mees reveals
the skeleton as an articulate
work of art. But who is the
artist? Using a blend of phenomenological
and artistic intuition, the author
carefully explores the anatomical facts of the human skeleton, with the beauty
of many bones impressively described and
illustrated through numerous parallel photographs and illustrations.

LEENDERT F. C. MEES, M.D. (19021990),

met Rudolf Steiner and became a lifelong student of Anthroposophy. He practiced medicine
and was a Waldorf teacher. He and his wife
founded a clinic for art therapy in Dreibergen.
He wrote extensively and lectured worldwide.
ISBN: 9780880100878
Paperback, SteinerBooks
7 x 10 inches, 108 pages, 103 illustrations

anthroposophic medicine
through the four main human
organs. He draws connections
between physiological processes together with the soul
life, with the organs interacting
and affecting one another at
different times and in various ways. He examines systematically the characteristics of the
liver, lung, kidney, and heart, and applies the
knowledge to various psychological disorders
and conditions.
met Ita Wegman and studied anthroposophically extended medicine in a study group of
young physicians. He later became leader of
the Medical Section of the Anthroposophical
ISBN: 9780906155363
Paperback, Lanthorn Press
5 x 8 inches, 96 pages

Complete Healing

ISBN: 9781855840805
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

Secrets of the Skeleton

Regaining Your Health through

Anthroposophical Medicine

Blessed by Illness


adds the dimension of
spiritual science to conventional,
allopathic medicine to provide
therapies for the whole human
being. The resulting therapeutic
opportunities offer the possibility of success when conventional treatment can only suppress symptoms.
This broader range of therapies dramatically
reduces the need for conventional pharmaceutical drugs.
DR. MICHAEL EVANS trained for medicine in Britain, Germany, and Switzerland
and helped establish Park Attwood Clinic in
Worcestershire, UK.
IAIN RODGER is a BBC producer and freelance writer.
ISBN: 9780880104890
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
5 x 8 inches, 192 pages


L. F. C. MEES, M.D.

odern medicine focuses

merely on removing discernable symptoms and ailments.
The author, however, asserts that
this does not really heal at all.
Rather, true healing considers
the whole human being. And,
to do this, doctors must learn
the language of our natural, healing life forces,
which affect not only the body, but also nature
and the greater cosmos. From this perspective,
illness is actually a gift, a blessing that urges
both patient and doctor to work together with
our illnesses for the sake of something infinitely
greatertrue healing.
Blessed by Illness is a powerful introduction
to alternative methods of healing.
ISBN: 9780880100540
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
5 x 8 inches, 250 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 35

Health for Body, Soul & Spirit

From Normal to Healthy

Old Age

Broken Vessels

Paths to the Liberation of Consciousness

Journey into Simplicity

The Spiritual Structure of Human Frailty



11 lectures, Sept. 818, 1924, Dornach (CW 318)

ow much practical time do we usually

devote to the general art of being human?
This practical guide to the self-healing of consciousnessit is both a spiritual psychology
and a contemporary manual of the inner life
begins by laying out very clearly the unhealthy,
unfree nature of todays consciousness.
Methodical self-observation leads to discovering the key to the liberating consciousness
from its habitual blind spots and automatisms
the realization of the universal primacy of cognition and the universal availability of its ground,
the free attention.
Through attention, if we practice the authors
exercises we begin to expand the range of
our possibilities of understanding and doing.
The exercisesbased on the Buddhas Noble
Eightfold Path and Rudolf Steiners cognitive
spiritual pathlead to a new life in which superconscious intuitions gradually take the place of
superconscious formations.
ISBN: 9780940262102
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages

Understand Your Temperament!

A Guide to the Four Temperaments


r. Childs demonstrates that the classical

four temperamentsthe fiery choleric, the
airy sanguine, the watery phlegmatic and the
earthy melancholicremain relevant, showing
how we can recognize them in others and in
ourselves and understand how they function.
GILBERT CHILDS, Ph.D., was a Waldorf and
public school teacher whose doctoral thesis
was Steiner Education as Historical Necessity.
In his retirement, he is a full-time author and an
avid gardener.

Helen Luke is a unique voice that carries

beautiful passion, feeling, and clarity. She
is clearly one of our most precious national
treasures. Clarissa Pinkola Ests,
author of Women Who Run with the Wolves
HELEN M. LUKE (19041995) studied at the
Jung Institute in Zurich, then moved to the U.S.
and established an analytical practice. Her final
book, Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On, a
memoir and excerpts from her fifty-four volumes of journals, was published posthumously.
ISBN: 9781584200796
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 132 pages

Crisis Points
Working Through Personal Problems

Foreword by Michael Lipson, Ph.D.
Rudolf Steiner reveals something about
the invisible structure of health and illness
as they are seen with the second sight of
spiritual research.... His comments about
the opening to spiritual worlds that can
accompany severe mental retardation
or illness foreshadow some of the most
important alternative psychiatry of our
own times. He anticipates elements in the
work of R.D. Laing, the Windhorse movement of Povall, and also the new practice
of facilitated communication, whereby
some autistic patients have been aided in
expressing a full and conscious inner life
to which their bizarre outward behavior
gives no clue. Michael Lipson
ISBN: 9780880105033
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 176 pages


hen you are going through a major crisis in your life, you may attempt to help
yourself. Other times you may try ways to help
a friend through a difficult time. As a counselor, Julian Sleigh has helped many people
get through various crises in their lives. In this
book he has distilled years of experience into
a process of twelve steps that help to resolve
all sorts of difficult situations. These steps are
designed to help us face the facts of our lives
and to perceive the feelings and emotions that
arise from our destiny.

JULIAN SLEIGH is a Christian Community

priest and counselor who works in South Africa.
In addition to Crisis Points, he is the author of
Thirteen to Nineteen, a book for parents with
ISBN: 9780863152825
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 64 pages

ISBN: 9781855840256
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 145 pages

36 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Lifting the Veil of Mental Illness

An Approach to Anthroposophical Psychology


ased on the work of Rudolf Steiner, Bento

looks at the human body, soul, and spirit,
and at the way the whole environment of physical
phenomena, life forces, and spirit beings affects
us as individuals. Going beyond our immediate,
earthly surroundings, the author considers the
cosmic effects of Sun, planets, and stars, offering a holistic view of the human soul.
WILLIAM BENTO, Ph.D., is the Associate
Dean of Academic Affairs at Rudolf Steiner
College in Fair Oaks, California, and works
as a transpersonal clinical psychologist at the
Center for Living Health in Gold River, California
ISBN: 9780880105309
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 128 pages

Health for Body, Soul & Spirit

Bach Flower Remedies

Form and Function


n the 1920s, the physician and homeopath Dr.

Edward Bach made his great discovery of the
healing effects of various flower essences. The
author describes how Bach made his discoveries and examines the living qualities of the
plants in their context and how the remedies
are actually produced. The result is remarkable. The author recounts his observations so
that readers can experience, in a living way,
the complex ways in which the remedy plants
growtheir gestures and qualities, ecology,
botany, and behavior.

Home Remedies

The Quiet Heart

Herbal and Homeopathic Treatments

for Use at Home

Putting Stress in Its Place



Foreword by Teresa Hale

onventional drugs are plentifulfrom painkillers to laxativesand it is sometimes

necessary to use these to relieve symptoms. Dr.
Wolff, however, suggests treatment methods
that resolve illnesses rather than suppressing
the symptoms. These kinds of treatments activate the whole body and its inherent powers
of healing.
Includes sections on asthma, fever, skin
conditions, migraine, arthritis, and diabetes, as
well as suggestions for stocking your medicine
chest, along with a convenient index that helps
you quickly research specific ailments.

JULIAN BARNARD has lived and worked in

Walterstone on the Welsh border for the past
twenty years. He is the author of a series of
books about Dr. Bachs flower remedies,
including The Healing Herbs of Edward Bach:
An Illustrated Guide to the Flower Remedies.

OTTO WOLFF is a medical doctor with many

years of experience. He is coeditor and an
author in the three-volume Anthroposophical
Approach to Medicine.

ISBN: 9781584200246
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
7 x 10 inches, 320 pages, Illustrated

ISBN: 9780880103626
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 124 pages

Stars of the Meadow

The Wisdom of the Chakras

Medicinal Herbs As Flower Essences

Tools for Navigating the Complexity of Life



ontinuing the work of Dr. Edward Bach,

David Dalton looks into the relationship
between health and the human personality. He
takes us on a thorough exploration of how to
use more than forty medicinal herbs as flower
essences, portraying each flower in a way that
is both substantive and inspired. Each description is organized to present a picture of how the
flower essence affects the adult personality as
it has been formed through life, and describes
its direct clinical effects on children and animals.

ome twenty years ago, the authora clairvoyant from youthbegan her examination
of the chakra system to explain the imbalances
so prevalent in people today and found that
it does much more. In addition to correcting
imbalances that prevent us from reaching our
aspirations in life, the chakras also help us realize the spiritual beings we truly are already.

DAVID DALTON is the founder and director of

Delta Gardens in southern New Hampshire.

ELLEN TADD has taught, lectured, and

counseled on actualizing spiritual potential in
everyday life for more than thirty years. She
lives in Massachusetts. Visit her website at

ISBN: 9781584200352
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
7 x 10 inches, 128 pages

ISBN: 9781590561751
Paperback, Lantern Books
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

he author describes a highly effective

approach to stress management and
personal development using heart-based exercises to help manage and transform extreme
emotions. Using these methods, it is possible
to deal with many forms of stress, anxiety,
anger, and depression without resorting to
drugs or psychotherapy, while regaining power
over ones daily life and emotions.
Dr. Gruenewald, an NHS doctor and holistic practitioner, offers a revolutionary, holistic
approach that he calls HeartSpheres. It is
based on new scientific research in neurology,
psychiatry, and psychology, as well as cardiology and complementary medicine. As clients
apply these techniques in their lives, case studies show the astonishing results witnessed by
the author.
ISBN: 9780863156090
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 7 inches, 112 pages

Five Spirits
Alchemical Acupuncture for Psychological and
Spiritual Healing


he Five Spirits are the Taoist map of the

human psyche. The system provides a view
of the nervous system and forms the basis of
Chinese medical psychology. It also describes
a precise and efficient technology for spiritual
transformation, the process through which a
human being rediscovers their essential wholeness and innate connection to the divine.
LORIE EVE DECHAR is an acupuncturist,
archetypal psychologist, poet, and student
of Zen.
ISBN: 9781590560921
Paperback, Lantern Books
7 x 8 inches, 448 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 37

Health for Body, Soul & Spirit

Jung and Steiner

Anthroposophy (A Fragment)

An Unknown Destiny

The Birth of a New Psychology

A New Foundation for the Study of Human Nature

Terror, Psychotherapy, and Modern Initiation


Written 1910 (CW 45)

Readings in Nietzsche, Heidegger, Steiner

Foreword by Robert Sardello

Afterword by Hans Erhard Lauer



Introduction by James A. Dyson, M.D.

Foreword by Robert Sardello,

Foreword by Robert Sardello

ehrs skilled and articulate understanding

of Jung and Steiner takes us into many
themes. He clarifies the difference between
soul consciousness and spiritual consciousness. He shows how meditation relates to the
image work of the soul; and he compares the
soul and spiritual views of sexuality. The author
also considers the Grail stream as a way of
uniting Jung and Steiner.
GERHARD WEHR was born in Schweinfurt,
Germany, in 1931. He is a free-lance author and
teaches at the Diakonenschule Rummelsberg
in Nuremberg. He is the author of numerous
publications in fields such as Christian spirituality, depth psychology, and Anthroposophy.
ISBN: 9780880104968
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 340 pages

ere are the first steps toward the development of a true psychology of spirit, using
a phenomenological approach to the human
senses, the life processes, the I-experience,
the human form, and the human relationship
to higher spiritual worlds. Steiner struggled
to express the concepts related in this book,
since many of the terms used in neurology,
psychology, and cognitive studies did not yet
exist in 1910. Since then there has been much
progress, and this translation benefits from
more than eighty years of development in the
study of the human senses, cognition, and,
Anthroposophy (A Fragment) is invaluable for
a deeper understanding Rudolf Steiners view
of the human bodyespecially its formation
and function in relation to spirit.
ISBN: 9780880104012
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 224 pages

Love and the World

A Guide to Conscious Soul Practice


rawing on images of the Grail legend and

myths of Sophia, the Soul of the World,
Sardello develops approaches to intelligence
of the heart, the world significance of grieving,
the transformative power of radical receptivity,
re-enlivening the senses, the creative power of
dreaming, and a new basis for relationships.
Robert Sardello, author of Love and the
World: A Guide to Conscious Soul Practice,
offers an immensely human approach to the
soul we share with one another and with the
world. Love and the World is vital reading for
anyone who wishes to explore the riches of
spiritual psychology.
ISBN: 9780970109743
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 224 pages

The Speech of the Grail

he author offers readings and practices that

promote the incarnation of noble souls.
Referring to the works of Nietzsche, Heidegger,
and Steiner, he describes how psychotherapy
can move beyond healing the ego to transcending the ego. Gruber shows how opening the
soul to meditative or intuitive forms of thinking
can contribute to the development of new soul
faculties of perception and to the experience
of moral freedom. Most important, he shows
how the incomplete and continuously evolving
Mystery of Golgotha can inspire the emergence and presence of modern human beings
infused with Christ consciousnessreverence,
wisdom, peace, and love.
MICHAEL GRUBER is an existential analyst
in private practice in New York City. His work
focuses on the dynamics of the therapeutic
relationship and cultivates attention to how language, dreaming, and not knowing create possibilities for transformations in consciousness.
He is a longtime student of mystical philosophy
and Anthroposophy.
ISBN: 9781584200642
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 192 pages

A Journey toward Speaking

that Heals & Transforms

Dark Light of the Soul

toryteller and ceremonialist Linda Sussman

explores a new way to speak, one that
heals and transforms. Her guide is Wolfram von
Eschenbachs epic tale of the Grail, showing
how it depicts a path of initiation toward healing speechto doing the truth in word and
action. She shows that it is not so much a path
toward perfection as a recovery of the proper
relationship with our imperfections.


he author explores the inner journeys of

Jakob Bhme and C. G. Jung. She connects their experiences and focuses on a
ground of being that contains all opposites
in potentiality, examining those experiences
from the perspective of depth psychology and
religion and offering meaningful insights.

ISBN: 9780940262690
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 296 pages

ISBN: 9781584200659
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 272 pages

38 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Star Wisdom

The Astrological Revolution

Christ & the Maya Calendar

The Clockwise House System

Unveiling the Science of the Stars as a Science

of Reincarnation and Karma

2012 & the Coming of the Antichrist

A True Foundation for Sidereal and Tropical Astrology



espite the explosion of books, videos

and TV shows that claim to penetrate the
mystery of 2012the numerical shorthand
for the completion on December 21, 2012,
of the thirteenth Baktun cycle in the Long
Count of the Maya calendarconsensus
about its meaning seems to remain elusive.
Christ and the Maya Calendar approaches the
significance of 2012 by spiritually penetrating
phenomena of today. Drawing on the book
of Revelationwhich provides an archetype
for understanding spiritual history, as well as
Rudolf Steiners Apocalyptic indicationsa
completely new context for grasping the end
date of the Maya calendar emerges.

Edited by Wain Farrants, with Robert Powell


fter reestablishing the sidereal zodiac as a

basis for astrology that penetrates the mystery of the stars relationship to human destiny,
the reader is invited to discover the astrological
significance of the whole vast sphere of stars
surrounding the Earth. This is revealed by studying the megastars, the most luminous stars of
our galaxy, illustrating how megastars show
up in an extraordinary way in Christs healing
miracles by aligning with the Sun at the time of
those miraculous events.
KEVIN DANN, Ph.D., has taught history at
SUNY Plattsburgh, the University of Vermont,
and Rutgers University. His other books include
Lewis Creek Lost and Found (2001).

Astronomy and Spiritual Science

Christian Hermetic Astrology

The Astronomical Letters of Elizabeth Vreede

The Star of the Magi and the Life of Christ


ho were the three wise men, and what

was the Star of the Magi that led them
to Bethlehem? Using a dialogue form, Powell
explores these questions and the basis for
the inauguration of Star Wisdom. Set in the
Temple of the Sun, where Hermes, the Egyptian
sage, gathers with his three pupils, Tat, Asclepius, and King Ammon, these discourses focus
upon the path of Christ, culminating in the Mystery of Golgotha. With Rudolf Steiner and Anne
Catherine Emmerich pointing the way, Robert
Powell has produced a book, through independent research and careful study, intended as
a contribution to a modern path of the magi
leading to a Christian wisdom of the stars.
ISBN: 9780880104616
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 312 pages

acques Dorsan was the leading pioneer of

sidereal astrology in France. Using more
than eighty sidereal horoscopes, this book
illustrates Dorsans clockwise house system.
Most of the charts are from the original French
edition, with many more added in this edition.
The book embodies one of the most important astrological discoveries of twentieth and
twenty-first centuries. Astrology normally views
the twelve houses in astrology in a counterclockwise direction, the direction of the zodiac
signs. According to Jacques Dorsan, however,
we should view them in a clockwise direction.
ISBN: 9781584200956
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 330 pages

ISBN: 9781584200710
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 280 pages

ISBN: 9781584200833
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 254 pages


his collection of the astronomical writings

by Dr. Elisabeth Vreede is a fascinating compendium of scientific and spiritual
knowledge. Between September 1927 and
August 1930, Dr. Vreede wrote a monthly
letter, available by subscription, about both
modern astronomy and classical astrology
in the light of spiritual science. These letters
include clear explanations of the fundamentals of astronomy and discussions on the role
of astrology in the modern world. They also
include inspiring presentations of a worldview
that sees the stars, planets, and all physical
phenomena as manifestations of spiritual
beings and spiritual activities.
ISBN: 9780880105880
Paperback, SteinerBooks
6 x 9 inches, 420 pages

Cosmic Christianity & the Changing

Countenance of Cosmology
An Introduction to Astrosophy


he author presents a real foundation for

modern star wisdom. Topics include the
evolution of cosmology; the origins of the
planetary symbols; our new relationship to the
stars as revealed in human lives and historical
events; and the role of the Archangel Michael in
our individual relationship to the stars.
This is an excellent place to begin ones
study of the stars and their meaning for both
our individual lives and for the world.
WILLI SUCHER (19021985) worked closely
with Dr. Elizabeth Vreede and devoted almost
sixty years to developing the new star wisdom
called Astrosophy, which he considered most
appropriate for modern humanity.
ISBN: 9780880103695
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 39

Esoteric Literature and Fiction

When a Stone Begins to Roll


Notes of an Adventurer, Diplomat & Mystic

The Quest for the Holy Grail

The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake

and the Beautiful Lily

Extracts from Episodes in a Life of Adventure

Illustrated by David Newbatt



Edited and introduced, with commentary

and an essay on inspiration by T. H. Meyer

aurence Oliphants autobiographical book, Episodes in a

Life of Adventure; or, Moss from
a Rolling Stone (1887), appealed
to Rudolf Steiner and prompted
him to pursue karmic research
on Oliphant. Steiner revealed
the karmic relationship between
the lives of Oliphant and the Roman poet Ovid.
Steiner commented that Oliphants individuality
is significant not only because of the previous
Ovid incarnation, but also because of its activity in the interval between the two incarnations.

T. H. MEYER is the founder of Perseus Verlag,

Basel, and editor of the monthly journal Der
Europer. He has written numerous articles and
is the author of several books, including Reality,
Truth, and Evil (2005) and major biographies of
D.N. Dunlop and Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz.
ISBN: 9781584200918
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 136 pages

The Three Candles of Little Veronica

The Story of a Childs Soul in this World and the Other
Illustrated by Iris Guarducci,
A fortunate few carry with
them through life the vision
of the innocent years. The
rest of us must work hard
to retrieve the light that is so
freely given to us at birth. But
if, in reverence for all life, in
patient observation, in sorrow, and in compassion, the veil of darkness falls from our
eyes, then it is we who are the lucky ones.
For in full consciousness we have reached
back into Paradise before the Fall. We
have earned that which every child inherits
unearned. Rosamond Reinhardt, from
the introduction
ISBN: 0913098841
Paperback, Housatonic Press
6 x 8 inches, 208 pages
5 full-page color illustrations

he story of Parzival, one

of the great classics, is
the colorful tale of knights,
filled with romance, love and,
adventure. David Newbatts
illustrations bring a refreshing
and direct interpretation of
Parzivals quest for the Holy Grail, while the
text gives a brief, clear, and concise introduction to some of the many characters and events
portrayed in this epic tale.
DAVID NEWBATT is an artist and teacher who
lives and works at a Camphill Community for
young adults with special needs in Aberdeen,

Illustrated by David Newbatt

Translated by Thomas Carlyle
Introduction by Tom Raines

his edition of Goethes fairy

tale arose from David Newbatts inspiration to join Thomas
Carlyles English translation
with a series of new pictures
to reveal the sevenfold process
in the storya process of inner
development and personal transformation.
In addition to the translation by Thomas Carlyle and the series of seven pictures by David
Newbatt, The Green Snake and the Beautiful
Lily includes an introduction by Tom Raines.

ISBN: 9780946206544
Hardcover, Wynstones Press
8 x 11 inches, 224 pages, 112 color images

ISBN: 9780946206582
Hardcover, Wynstones Press
8 x 11 inches, 48 pages
7 color images

Fingals Cave, the Poems of Ossian,

and Celtic Christianity

n the island of Staffa, near

Iona, Scotland, stands a
natural wonder of the world.
Fingals Cave is an extraordinary
cathedral-like space, its sides
and roof hexagonal balsatic
columns and its floor the ocean,
whose tides create constant music.
To understand Fingal and his importance to
Celtic culture, we must understand the poems
of Ossian and ancient Celtic Christianity. The
authors describe the history and importance
of the cave and the poems of Ossian, showing
why they influenced such diverse figures as
Medelssohn, Jefferson, Napoleon, and Turner.

PAUL MARSHALL ALLEN (19131998) was

an authority on the life and work of Rudolf
Steiner and a leading pioneer of Rudolf Steiners spiritual science in North America.
JOAN DERIS ALLEN founded Camphill
Architects at Botton Village, Yorkshire, with
Gabor Tall. Her architectural work has taken
her to Ireland, Scotland, and Norway. She lives
and works in Kimberton Hills, Pennsylvania.
ISBN: 9780826411440
Hardcover, Continuum
6 x 9 inches, 284 pages

40 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Who Wrote Bacon?

William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, and James I:
A Mystery for the Twenty-First Century


ecently, a movement has

been gaining ground that
sees Bacon as the covert
writer of the works attributed
that movement also wishes to
place Bacon on the pedestal of
British civilization, as a kind of
patron saint of the modern scientific age. The
author provides substantial confirmation of a
definite connection between Shakespeare and
Bacon, but one that radically challenges the
conclusions of the Baconian movement. He
also opens remarkable new perspectives on
King James I and his connections not only with
Shakespeare and Bacon but also with Jakob
Bhme, Rudolf II, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and the original Globe Theatre.
RICHARD RAMSBOTHAM teaches drama at
the Glasshouse College, Stourbridge.
ISBN: 9781902636542
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 184 pages, 8 b/w Plates

Esoteric Literature and Fiction

The Death of Merlin


Romantic Religion

Arthurian Myth and Alchemy

A Book of Correspondences



A Study of Owen Barfield, C.S. Lewis,

Charles Williams, and J.R.R. Tolkien

n this classic work, the author

traces the origins of the Grail
legend in early Christianity and
classical and Nordic mythology, following its development
in medieval and modern times.
He explores parallels between
the quest for the Grail and the
medieval alchemists search for the Philosophers Stone.
The Death of Merlin collects Steins essays
and lectures from the 1920s and 1930s. The
first section contains Steins memoirs, which
provide context for his research within the
culture of the era.


was an Austrian philosopher and a pioneer of
Anthroposophy. He also wrote The Ninth Century and the Holy Grail.
ISBN: 9780863156410
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages

he ancient town of Nicaea

(Iznik in modern Turkey) was
the site of two important councils of the Church in 325and 787.
Nicaea is an imaginative recreation of events surrounding
those councils and the characters who have passed through
Nicaea through the centuries. Using multiple
narrative styles that reflect the dazzling diversity of its peoples, Nicaea explores the central
themes of those councils: faith and political
power, individual conscience and collective
responsibility, art and truth, and the sacred
and profane.

MARTIN ROWE is the editor of The Way of

Compassion and founding editor of Satya: A
Magazine of Vegetarianism, Environmentalism,
Animal Advocacy, and Social Justice. He is
also a cofounder of Lantern Books. He lives in
Brooklyn, New York.

A Rosicrucian Tale

ublished in 1842, Zanoni

was inspired by a dream.
The author, a Rosicrucian, wrote
this engaging, well-researched,
novel about the eternal conflict between head and heart,
between wisdom and love,
played out by the Rosicrucians
before the dramatic background of the French
Revolution. The novel is divided into seven
parts, their titles reflecting the sevenfold path of
spiritual development.


1873) was a prolific Victorian novelist, editor of
the New Monthly Magazine, a member of Parliament, and Secretary of State for the colonies.
ISBN: 9780833400178
Paperback, Garber Books
5 x 8 inches, 416 pages

he title Romantic Religion

that these four thinkers share a
matured romanticism. For them,
creative imagination is central,
with literary and religious views
intimately related. Reilly devotes
an insightful chapter to each of the writers and,
in his conclusion, discusses their differences
and similarities. Barfield fans will be especially
impressed by the authors ability to clarify
Barfields famously condensed prose.
This is the first study to examine in depth the
theological and philosophic implications of the
work of that remarkable group of writers now
called the Oxford Christians.
R. J. REILLY is a professor of English (emeritus) at the University of Detroit, where he taught
for thirty-three years.
ISBN: 9781584200475
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 220 pages

ISBN: 9781584200208
Hardcover, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 288 pages


The Spirit of Modern India

Writings in Philosophy, Religion, and Culture


espite a growing interest in

Indian thought and life, the
best writings of major twentiethcentury thinkers have not been
well presented within their
cultural framework. This is the
first single volume to offer such
a wide representation of Indias experience and
scholarship through traditional and contemporary strains as articulated by her greatest modern thinkers. The period designated modern
refers to the remarkable century between the
mid-1800s and the mid-1900s.
Authors include Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Tagore, Gandhi, Nehru, Radhakrisnan, and Sri Aurobindo. Also includes introductions that place the selections in context.
ISBN: 9781584200840
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 336 pages


Two Fish on One Hook

A Transformative Reading of Thoreaus Walden


ere is a book about Walden

that takes Thoreau on his
own terms. Two Fish on One
Hook is a transcendental study
of Thoreaus transcendental
work. It offers us the task of
doing as Thoreau does, exhorting us to follow the patterns
Thoreau sets up in Walden and to approach his
work as an act of communicationone that
urges us to listen, to hear, and to act upon what
he has to say, one that becomes a transformative experience.
RAYMOND P. TRIPP, Jr. is a professor emeritus at the University of Denver, where he taught
American Literature and Medieval Studies.
ISBN: 9780940262898
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 160 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 41

Earth Healing & Transformation

Sacred Geography

Turned Upside Down

Coming Home

Geomancy: Co-creating the Earth Cosmos

A Workbook on Earth Changes and Personal


The Birth & Transformation of the Planetary Era


he term geomancy is an ancient word

for knowledge of the invisible and visible
dimensions of the Earth and its landscapes.
The author sees it as an essential complement to modern geography, which is interested
exclusively in one level of reality, the material
level of existence.
This book is not just a theoretical introduction to sacred geography, but a practical guide
through dimensions of places and landscapes.
Included are more than 170 practical examples
from various parts of the world, all presented
as original drawings.
MARKO POGACNIK is engaged in
geomantic and Earth healing work.
He developed a method of Earth
healing, lithopuncture, using stone
pillars positioned on acupuncture
points of the landscape. He lives in Slovenia.


ith the threat of global climate change,

a looming mass extinction of species,
and increasingly complex and volatile geopolitical relations, the entire Earth Community has
entered a most critical phase of what the author
describes as the Planetary Era.
What elements in the evolution of the
Western worldview might contribute to the
actualization of a sustainable planetary culture?
Drawing from a wide range of big-picture,
thinkersfrom Hegel, Teilhard, Jaspers, and
Campbell, to Ken Wilber, Richard Tarnas, and
Edgar Morinthe author presents his own synthetic theory of the evolution of consciousness,
leading to the birth and transformation of the
Planetary Era.

hether we like it or not, we earthlings

are about to enter a dramatic period of
change. The physical earth is entering a multidimensional form. The purpose of physical
Earth as we know it was to help us individuate.
The Earth is about to give in to a new multidimensional consciousness. This cannot
happen, however, unless we understand that
we are being asked to change, to let go of our
attachments to physical things. Resistance and
panic will only hinder the inevitable processes
of evolutionary transformation.
Marko Pogacik describes what we can
expect and how to prepare ourselves to deal
with it. He presents simple exercises and meditations that will not only help us survive and
adapt, but will alsoand more importanthelp
the Earth herself bring forth her true Self.

ISBN: 9781584200543
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 248 pages


SEAN M. KELLY, Ph.D., is professor in the

Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness
Program at the California Institute of Integral
Studies in San Francisco. He is also the author
of Individuation and the Absolute.

ISBN: 9781584200253
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 280 pages
Numerous line drawings

ISBN: 9781584200727
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
5 x 8 inches, 210 pages

Spiritual Ecology
Reading the Book of Nature and Reconnecting with the World
Selected Lectures

Learning from natures wisdom

to shape a healthy future
2012 Summer Course, June 17-23
Coming Alive to Nature:
The World of Color and Light


20 May Hill Road, Ghent, NY 12075


irtually every day brings alarming news of emerging environmental challenges, climate change and extreme weather, disappearing animal and plant species, and food crises. Can we respond to
these events from a broad, spiritually enlightened perspective?
Steiners insights are even more relevant today than in his time.
In the extracts in this volumepresented with commentary and
notes by Matthew BartonSteiner discusses human perception,
the Earth, water, plants, animals, insects, agriculture, and natural
catastrophes. Spiritual Ecology offers a wealth of original thought
and spiritual insight on the future of the Earth and humanity.
ISBN: 9781855842045
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 256 pages

42 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Spirit, Science & Nature

Understanding Water


A New Renaissance

Developments from the Work

of Theodor Schwenk

Soul of the Earth

Transforming Science, Spirit, and Society



t the center of this book is the idea that the

climate crisis is one shared by humanity
and the Earth as part of our mutual evolution
toward higher states of consciousness. Not
only is Earth the source of our body, but the
Earth also now depends on our efforts to shift
our consciousness toward goals higher than
self-satisfaction, entertainment, and consumption. Climate is the interface that displays the
results of our efforts to attain higher consciousness for all of the cosmos to see and evaluate.




heodor Schwenk, the renowned author of

Sensitive Chaos, founded the Institute for
Flow Sciences in the Black Forest of Germany,
where the authors of this stunningly illustrated
book are scientists. They offer a unique view
into the world of water, helping us better understand one of the most essential elements of our
earthly life.
ISBN: 0863155405
Paperback, Floris Books
8 x 9 inches, 112 pages
Lavishly Illustrated

Sensitive Chaos
The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air

DENNIS KLOCEK is an artist,

scientist, teacher, researcher, gardener, and alchemist and the director of the Consciousness Studies
Program at Rudolf Steiner College
in Sacramento, California. Visit his website at


ore than ever before, today we need water

consciousness and we can begin with
this essential and classic book on water as the
universal bearer of living, formative processes.
Beginning with simple flowing phenomena of
water and air, Schwenk gradually builds up,
with the help of marvelous photographs and
drawings, the letters of an alphabet that will
allow us to read the living meaning of water.
Schwenk gradually brings the spiritual, formative processes to light, and we come to see
the creative word in the universe. This is an
important work for a deeper understanding of
a fundamental element of life.

THEODOR SCHWENK (19101986), a wellknown author and lecturer, was a pioneer in

water and flow research. He developed droppictures for analyzing water quality and methods for healing polluted, dead water.
ISBN: 9781855840553
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
8 x 9 inches, 232 pages
72 color and b/w illustrations

he authors assess the need for change and

renewal in todays crises of philosophy, science, and society. They discuss the sources of
the critical situation today and search for a new
understanding of consciousness and mind,
looking toward a renewal of spirituality beyond
religion. They also examine possible reforms in
politics, economics, and education.
Contributors: Ervin Laszlo, Richard Tarnas,
Prince Charles, Iain McGilchrist, Larry Dossey,
Chris Clarke, Rupert Sheldrake, Anne Baring,
Satish Kumar, Max Payne, Peter Russell, Jean
Hardy, David Peat, and Elisabet Sahtouris.
ISBN: 9780863157592
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 336 pages

Green Hermeticism

ISBN: 9781584200949
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 304 pages
293 Color Illustrations

The Archetypal Cosmos

Rediscovering the Gods in Myth,
Science, and Astrology


e urgently need a coherent framework of

meaning to guide us beyond the growing
fragmentation of culture, belief, and personal
identity. Le Grice asserts that developing
insights of a new cosmology can provide this
framework. In a synthesis of ideas from the
seminal thinkers of depth psychology and new
paradigm sciences, he positions the new discipline of archetypal astrology at the center of an
emerging worldview that reunifies psyche and
cosmos, spirituality and science, and mythology and metaphysics.
ISBN: 9780863157752
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 336 pages

Alchemy and Ecology


Introduction by Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

ermeticism, or alchemy, is the ancient, primordial mystery science of nature through

which people in all times and places have, for
the sake of world evolution, sought to unite
Heaven and Earthdivinity, cosmos, earth,
and humanity, as a single whole. Selfless,
intimate, dedicated to healing and harmony,
Hermeticism has accompanied and sustained
every religious epoch and revelation. It may
be found in all historical cultures, from the
traditions of India and China in the East to the
Judeo-Christian West. It could even be said
that Hermeticism is the primal cosmological
revelation and the common ground of all spiritual traditions.
ISBN: 9781584200499
Paperback, Lindisfarne Books
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 43

Biodynamic Agriculture and Nutrition


The Biodynamic Year

Biodynamic Gardening

Increasing Yield, Quality and Flavour

For Health and Taste



his book tells how to produce abundant,

flavorful crops; how preparations can transform soil and plants; how the moon affects
planting and growth; the differences among
root, leaf, blossom, and fruit plants; the best
storage methods; and more.
ISBN: 9781906999148
Paperback, Temple Lodge
5 x 8 inches, 128 pages

The Biodynamic Farm

iodynamic methods work with the concept

that the Moon, Sun, stars, and planets
influence plants in regular rhythms, creating
ideal days to sow, weed, and harvest plants.
This book also tells you the best time of day
to sow and harvest fruit and vegetables, as
well as ways to use unique herbal remedies to
boost your gardens health and abundance.
Step-by-step illustrations, diagrams, and
color photographs show how biodynamic techniques can work for your garden.
ISBN: 9780863156960
Paperback, Floris Books
8 x 10 inches, 144 pages, in color

Developing a Holistic Organism


Foreword by Bernard Jarman

sthaus recommends the ideal livestock

numbers: 12 cows, 4 horses, 6 pigs, 10
sheep, and 120 hens. This mix is drawn from
the authors deep understanding of nature,
animals, agriculture and the cosmos, and from
his many years of personal experience as a
biodynamic farmer and teacher. The result is a
healthy, balanced, and sustainable farm.
ISBN: 9780863157660
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 128 pages

The Demeter Cookbook

Recipes Based on Biodynamic Ingredients

Food, Health, and Spiritual Development:
Selected Lectures

n this anthology (including an introduction,

commentary, and notes by Christian von
Arnim), Rudolf Steiner considers nutrition in the
light of his anthroposophic spiritual-scientific
research. He explains the impact of raw food,
vegetarian, and meat diets; the effects of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and salts; individual
foods such as potatoes, beets, and radishes;
and the impact of alcohol and nicotine.

From the Kitchen of the Lukas Klinik

ISBN: 9781855842106
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 192 pages


his official Demeter cookbook includes

recipes for sauces, soups, appitizers, salads, main dishes, puddings, and desserts. It
also features special recipes for casseroles
and gratins, vegetables, quark (curd cheese)
dishes, grain dishes, doughs, savory and sweet
pastries, muesli and drinksinterspersed with
informative commentary on the value of spices.
ISBN: 9781902636962
Hardcover. Temple Lodge
6 x 9 inches, 272 pages, in color

Christian von Arnim, editor

The Biodynamic Food and Cookbook

Real Nutrition that Doesnt Cost the Earth


llustrated with hundreds of color photographs this book explains the principles
behind biodynamic methods and places it
in the context of food and cooking through
the ages. Wendy Cook takes us through the
seasons with more than 150 recipes based on

44 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

many years of working with biodynamic nutrition. She considers the ethics of food, the
foundation of a balanced diet, and conjures
up the color and vibrancy of Majorca, which
has contributed to her personal approach.
Includes sections on breads, sauces, salads,
desserts, drinks, and more.
ISBN: 9781905570010
Paperback, Clairview Books
8 x 11 inches, 256 pages, Illustrated in

Agriculture Course
The Birth of the Biodynamic Method
8 lectures, Koberwitz, Jun 716, 1924 (CW 327)


Preface by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer

ith these talks, Rudolf Steiner launched

biodynamic farming. The agriculture
Steiner discusses is much more than organic.
It also involves working with the cosmos, with
the Earth, and with spiritual beings. Steiner
prescribes specific preparations for the soil,
as well as other distinct methods born from his
profound understanding of the material and
spiritual worlds.
ISBN: 9781855841482
Paperback, Rudolf Steiner Press
5 x 8 inches, 176 pages, color plates

What Is Biodynamics?
A Way to Heal and Revitalize the Earth
7 selected lectures


Introduction by Hugh Courtney

his volume includes seven seminal lectures

four on developing a spiritual perception
of nature and three from Steiners Agriculture
Course. Hugh Courtney of the Josephine Porter
Institute for Applied Biodynamics contributes a
passionate and visionary introduction.
ISBN: 9780880105408
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 200 pages


Biodynamic Agriculture and Nutrition





The Waldorf Kindergarten Snack Book

8 lectures, Dornach, Feb.Dec. 1924 (CW 348)

Understanding What We Eat and How

It Affects Us: The Story of Human Nutrition



Introduction by Gunther Hauk

Essay on Joseph Beuys by David Adams

n 1923 Rudolf Steiner predicted the dire state

of todays honeybee. He stated that, within
fifty to eighty years, we would see the consequences of mechanizing the forces that had
previously operated organically in the beehive.
The fact that more than sixty percent of the
honeybee population around the world has
died during the past ten years should make us
keenly aware of the importance of the issues
discussed in these lectures.
From physical depictions of the bees activities to elevated esoteric insights, these lectures
describe the unconscious wisdom of the beehive and its connection to our experience of
health, culture, and the cosmos.
ISBN: 9780880104579
Paperback, Anthroposophic Press
5 x 8 inches, 240 pages
13 Blackboard Drawings


n her twenties, while married to Peter Cook,

Wendy discovered the artistic and magical effects that food could have in creating a
convivial atmosphere. During that time, she
cooked for many well-known people, including
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Dudley Moore,
and Peter Ustinov. Later, when her daughter
became ill, Wendy came to study and understand deeper aspects of nutritionin particular
the effects of various foods on human health
and consciousness.
Foodwise presents a remarkable cornucopia
of challenging ideas, advice, and commentary,
informed by the seminal work of the scientist
Rudolf Steiner. Includes practical tips on cooking, planning menus, childrens food, sharing
meals, and mouth-watering recipes.
ISBN: 9781905570232
Paperback, Clairview Books
6 x 9 inches, 352 pages

Wisdom of the Bees

A Farmers Love

Principles for Biodynamic Beekeeping

Living Biodynamics and the Meaning of Community



oday, more than eighty years after Rudolf

Steiner gave his lectures on bees, we are
confronted with a serious decline of honeybees
around the world. This fact alone justifies Wisdom of the Bees, a practical and timely introduction to biodynamic beekeeping. Erik Berrevoets
revisits those seminal talks with the workers
at the Goetheanum and reexamines Steiners
observations and insights in the context of
todays dire situation and provides practical
advice for modern beekeeping practices.
ERIK BERREVOETS keeps native Australian
and European honeybees, carrying forward a
family tradition that goes back at least three
ISBN: 9780880107099
Paperback, SteinerBooks
5 x 8 inches, 152 pages, illustrated

hrough his life experiences, the author

learned to trust his intuition, to take risks
around his values, to find his souls destiny, and
to deal with death and loss by trusting that the
very best things can come directly from the
very worst things.
WALTER MOORA was born in the jungles of
Borneo in 1949 of Dutch parents. By the end of
high school, he knew he wanted to be a farmer
and began his life path. He and his wife Susan
live on farms in Wisconsin and Ecuador. Walter
writes, gives talks and workshops.
ISBN: 9780983198413
Paperback, Portal Books
5 x 8 inches, 132 pages

Illustrated by Jo Valens

useful compendium of information, recipes,

and anecdotes from Waldorf kindergarten
teacher Lisa Hildreth. Create soups, breads,
and fruit dishes with children, while learning
and teaching them how foods affect us and
how to use healthy ingredients.
ISBN: 9780880105637
Spiral-bound Paperback, Bell Pond Books
7 x 10 inches, 64 pages, Illustrated

The Waldorf Book of Breads


Edited and introduced by Winslow Eliot

Illustrated by Jo Valens

hese recipes are easy to follow and encourage the baker, both young and older, to use
the best possible ingredients, making bread
once again the healthy staff of life it once was.
Includes breads for the daily table and for the
seasons and special occasions.
ISBN: 9780880107037
Spiral-bound paperback, Bell Pond Books
7 x 10 inches, 64 pages, Illustrated

The Waldorf School Book of Soups


Edited and Arranged by Andrea Huff

Illustrated by Jo Valens

ou will find everything here, from stocks

and broths to selections of vegetable, bean,
cream, tomato, seafood, chicken, beef, and
dessert soups...and, of course, no book of
soups would be complete without a recipe for
Stone Soup! This cookbook has something
here for everyone.
ISBN: 9780880105750
Spiral-bound paperback, Bell Pond Books
7 x 10 inches, 64 pages

For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at | 45

New Books for Children and Young Adults

The Children of Hat Cottage


n a little island in a lake, three children and

their mother live in a cottage shaped like
a hat. One day, their mother went to the mainland to find yarn to make new clothes for the
children. While she is away, the children try to
help around the house, but housework is much
harder than they had thought.
They have lots of fun sweeping the chimney
but they get very dirty. They wash their clothes
in the lake and dry them over a firebut fires are
hard to control...will Hat Cottage still be stand-

all the flowers. They play outside in the fields

and the orchard until its time to go home for
supper. (Ages 25)

How to Make a Golem

(and Terrify People)

NANNIE KUIPER has taught and written on

the subject of child development. She has published many poems for children and translated
the poetry of A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh) and
C.M. Barker (The Flower Fairies).


ISBN: 9780863158582
Hardcover, Floris Books
10 x 8 inches, 28 pages
Illustrated in color

My First Root Children

ing when their mother returns? (Ages 36)

ISBN: 9780863158551
Hardcover, Floris Books
10 x 8 inches, 32 pages

The Princess and the Pea


Illustrated by Maja Duskov

his classic, seasonal Story is presented for

the first time as a boardbook for very young
children. The overall story remains the same,
but the language has been simplified. All of the
beautiful illustrations from the original picture
book are included, with some adapted sympathetically to fit the new format. (Ages 13)

he prince is looking for a true princess to

be his wife, but all the girls he meets are
too rude, too vain, or too greedy. One stormy
night a young woman knocks on the palace
door claiming to be a princess, so the queen
decides to put her to the test. Will she feel the
pea underneath the huge pile of mattresses?
(Ages 36)
ISBN: 9780863158575
Hardcover, Floris Books
8 x 11 inches, 28 pages
Illustrated in color

Reuben and Barneys Day on the Farm


Illustrated by Alex de Wolf

euben lives on a farm with his dog Barney.

Today they awoke and rushed outside to
start an exciting new day. They feed the chickens, pigs, and rabbits, weed the vegetable
patch, and stop the naughty goats from eating


dda is tired of her nickname Mouse and

wants to be braver, but when her house is
burgled on her twelfth birthday, Edda is more

afraid than ever...until Michael Scot starts

school. He claims to be a great alchemist who
can help Edda overcome her fears by teaching her to build a golem. But surely they cant
bring a giant mud monster to life? Can they?
(Ages 812)
ALETTE WILLIS was born in Britain, grew up in Canada, and moved
to Edinburgh in 2008. She gained
success writing short stories for
adults before returning to her first
love, childrens fiction. She currently works at
Edinburgh University as a teaching fellow and
researcher. For more about this author and her
work, visit her website at
ISBN: 9780863158407
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 7 inches, 240 pages

ISBN: 9780863158599
Board Book, Floris Books
6 x 7 inches, 10 pages
Illustrated in color

In the Land of Twilight


Black Tide


oran drives a trolley and a bus. It doesnt

matter that he has a bad leg in the Land
of Twilight. They eat candy that grows on trees
in the park, play with bear cubs, and meet a
moose. They even visit the King and Queen
in the royal palace. At the end of each nights
journey, Mr. Lilyvale takes Goran home just
before his mother comes and turns on the light.
(Ages 58)

obys dad and little sister have been kidnapped by pirates, and Toby is left alone in
the aftermath of the terrible Red Fever epidemic
that wiped out much of the worlds population.
The General, a mysterious figure, is leading a
villains who are kidnapping and imprisoning
people in a place he calls New Caledonia. But
where is this New Caledonia, and what does
The General plan to do with his captives?
Black Tide is the dramatic sequel to Red
Fever, winner of the Kelpies Prize in 2010.
(Ages 812)

ISBN: 9780863158865
Hardcover, Floris Books
8 x 10 inches, 44 pages

ISBN: 9780863158773
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 7 inches, 224 pages

Illustrated by Marit Trnqvist

46 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Books for the Family

Heaven on Earth
A Handbook for Parents of Young Children

Calm Kids
Help Children Relax with Mindful Activities

Nurturing Potential
in the Kindergarten Years


A Guide for Teachers, Carers, and Parents

he author explains a variety of approaches,

from meditations around daily activities for
busy families, to ideas for group quietness
sessions in school. She provides fun, tactile
rhymes for toddlers to help calm them before
bedtime, and suggests ways to help teenagers
reduce anxiety. She goes on to explain how
these methods can help children with ADHD
and those on the autistic spectrum, offering a
range of case studies.


ISBN: 9780863158629
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages
147 black and white illustrations

Celebrating Festivals with Children

t the heart of early-years Waldorf education

is the concept of etheric life forces. To
help children grow into healthy adults, etheric
forces must be recognized and nurtured properly. This book offers ways to understand and
visualize the difficult concept of these forces
in children. It also provides examples of how
to nurture children at different educational
stages and to stimulate healthy and active

he author describes festival celebrations

and the first seven years of child development. She considers Easter, Pentecost, St.
Johns, back-to-school day, harvest time, Michaelmas, lantern time, birthdays, Halloween,
Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany,
and carnival. She shows how to celebrate festivals in a meaningful way with children. Every
festival is prefaced with a contemplation for
adults before preparations with children. The
festivals include games, craft activities and
decorations, stories, songs, poems, and the
seasonal nature table.
FREYA JAFFKE was born in 1937 and worked
for many decades in a Reutlingen Waldorf
kindergarten. She leads seminars at home and
abroad and is the author of several books that
have sold more than a quarter of a million copies worldwide.
ISBN: 9780863158322
Paperback, Floris Books
5 x 8 inches, 144 pages

ISBN: 9780863158360
Paperback, Floris Books
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages

The Genius of Natural Childhood

Secrets of Thriving Children


he author draws on neuroscience to unpack

the wisdom of nursery rhymes, traditional
games, and fairy tales for healthy child development. She explains why movement matters and
how games develop childrens skills at various
stages of development. She offers a starter kit
of stories, action games, songs, and rhymes.
SALLY GODDARD BLYTHE is director of The
Institute for Neuro-physiological Psychology.
Her other books include The Well Balanced
Child: Movement and Early Learning.
ISBN: 9781907359040
Paperback, Hawthorn Press
5 x 8 inches, 240 pages



he author shows how

to create the regular life
rhythms needed to establish
a foundation for learning;
how to design indoor play
environments that allow
children the broadest development of skills; and how to
create outdoor play spaces that encourage vigorous movement and a wide sensory palette.


a kindergarten teacher for 21
years and a day care director of
an early-childhood program. She
also initiated a home-based kindergarten program. She is the mother of three
and lives in Virginia.
ISBN: 9780880105668
Paperback, SteinerBooks
7 x 9, 256 pages
Over 40 photos & illustrations

CORNELIS BOOGERD was born in 1952 in

the Netherlands and studied social sciences at
Driebergen. Since 1990, he has helped establish Waldorf schools and teacher training in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Photography by Stephanie Gross

Making a Family Home


Photography by Skip Hunt

llustrated in color with

lively, evocative photographs, Shannon invites
the reader into her home
and offers warm encouragement and practical
suggestions for virtually
every aspect of bringing
love, comfort, and beauty
to a family home.
lived in France, Germany, and
South Africa and received a B.A.
in Classics from the University of
Florida and taught high school
English. She has three children and lives with
her family in Austin, Texas. Her website is at
ISBN: 9780880107020
Paperback, SteinerBooks
8 x 11 inches, 90 pages
Full color throughout

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Realize Your Potential

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The Individual and the Community

From The Fundamental Social Law
by Peter Selg
When two or three are gathered together in my name,
I am there among them. Matt. 18:20
Although the outer words that describe threefoldness may not
seem to refer to Christianity, in fact the threefolding of the social
body is intended in the sense of real, true, practical Christianity.
Rudolf Steiner

he fundamental social law and the threefolding of the social body

were the measures Rudolf Steiner proposed to counteract tendencies dominating the early twentieth century. Developed in an age of
machines, technology, and rampant economic egotism, these countermeasures were an attempt to identify the conditions and guidelines
needed for developing a future peaceful social order. They bucked the
prevailing trend, which Rudolf Steiner repeatedly described as inevitably
leading not only to the destruction of natural resources and the means
of livelihood for future generations but also to the disruption of all human
connections. In a lecture in Dornach during World War I, on November
12, 1916, he said:
Purely outward advances in the development of work would lead
to the dissolution of all ties within humanity. People would become
increasingly unable to understand each other or to develop relationships that satisfy the requirements of human nature. Individuals
would increasingly pass each other by, safeguarding only their own
interests, and would be incapable of relating to each other except
as competitors. This must not be allowed to happen, or the human
race will fall into complete decadence.... It would be hell if the
human race were controlled entirely by competition and addiction
to acquisition. (172, 94)

Rudolf Steiners critique of civilization, however, was never moralistic

in character. He knew all too well that the culture of enhanced personality
in the industrial age was (and is) no tragic accident of creation but rather
a temporary necessity in the development of the human I. Experiencing the world through science has recently allowed people to detach
themselves from their surroundings as distinct personalities, in contrast
to the secure tradition of community that had persisted for millennia. In
modern times, it became both possible and necessary for individuals
to extricate themselves from old social ties.People took their chances
with their own personalities (186, 164), responding to an anthropological need to develop the capacity for individual freedom. The primal
phenomenon of [modern] social science is how Steiner described the
force of antipathy and egotismor even actual antisocialness (186,
175)that is present even in the dimension of the higher senses. He also
emphasized, however, that our task is to penetrate these present and
future tendencies with insight and to overcome them:
Our era is intended to make human beings realize that they are egotistical beings by nature. To overcome egotism, we must first investigate all of its sources in human nature. (186, 209)
When Rudolf Steiner spoke in Bern on December 12, 1918, his
remarks were emphatically future-oriented:

Today humanity has no inkling of how strong antisocial urges will

become between now and the third millennium, but for human
beings to evolve correctly, these antisocial urges must continue to
In earlier times, the development of antisocial urges was not
the spiritual bread of life that fed humanitys evolution, so no countermeasures were needed. In modern times, antisocial urges must
be developed in order to cultivate the individual Self. Like it or not,
human beings are subject to this evolution. But now the time has
come to introduce social forms to counteract this evolutionary tendency. Inwardly, antisocial urges must be active so human evolution
can reach its peak; outwardly, however, society must be structured
to prevent human beings from losing their connections to each other
in this life. What society asks of us now is nothing more than to provide the necessary counterbalance to the prevailing tendency in
humanitys inner evolution.

In the early twentieth century, Rudolf Steiners fundamental social law

emphasized the anthropological dimension of working for others as an
antidote to potentially destructive forces: We cannot allow the impulse
to work to be based on egotism. It must arise out of a view of the totality
(56, 248). Even in his earliest lectures on the subject, Steiner spoke of
social sensitivity to ones surroundings as a prerequisite to any futureworthy work arrangements. He also said that brotherly love for other
people (186, 312) and the interests and needs of the other (as representative of the entire community) can become the actual motivation
for work. Fundamental law: the individual can work only for others,
Steiner wrote in his notebook in 1919 (328, 86). In his lectures on social
science during the Vienna East-West convention three years later, in
June 1922, he said:
Most of all, however, our times are suffering from the lack of any
basic social understanding of how work can be incorporated into
the social organization correctly, so that everything we do is truly
performed for the sake of our fellow human beings. We can acquire
this understanding only by learning to really insert our I into the
human community. New social forms will not be provided by nature
but can emerge only from the human I, through real, person-toperson understandingthat is, when the needs of others become a
matter of direct experience for us. (83, 245)
Steiner tells us that the human impulse to work must be anchored in
the I, in each persons individuality. If human beings are to remain
human, the incentive to work must be present in each one (198, 184).
Ultimately, this also means in the individual in his or her immediate social
context. In a certain respect, the work of each individual belongs to
humanity (185, 213). According to Steiner, the individual owes the community his or her individual contribution and inputwhether physical or
mentalto the success and preservation of the whole:
The individual cannot want anything of what he or she produces;
individuals owe their work to the social community. Conversely, each
individual must live entirely from what the social community provides.
(266/1, 129)

50 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

The Individual and Community

Rudolf Steiner explained this fundamental law of human work again
in greater detail immediately after the end of the wars destructive
dynamics. Speaking in Dornach on November 30, 1918, he elaborated:
We have no interest in our fellow human beings if we believe we can
be sustained by money we have inherited or acquired through any
means other than work, which is the normal way to acquire money
today. No one can live on money alone. We must all eat, and what
we eat must be produced by human beings. We need
clothes, and everything we wear must be produced by
human beings. Human beings spend hours working so I
can have a coat or trousers to wear. Those people work
for me. What sustains me is their work, not my money.
My money has value only inasmuch as it gives me the
power to take advantage of work done by others. Under
todays social circumstances, we begin to be interested
in our fellow human beings only when we see, in spirit,
that x number of people must work for y number of hours
to sustain us in this social context. Making ourselves feel
good by saying, I love my fellow human beings is not
the point. We do not love human beings if we believe
that money is what sustains us, yet meanwhile we have
no notion at all of the people who work on our behalf to
meet our basic needs.
But the thought that x number of people work to provide our
basic needs is inseparable from another thought, namely, that we
must repay societynot in money, but in workfor the work done
on our behalf. We are interested in our fellow human beings only
when we feel responsible for paying back, in one way or another, the
amount of work performed for us.... Interest of this sort, which is the
prerequisite of a healthy social order, begins when we start to feel
indebted to the society in which we live. (186, 46f.)
In his presentations on threefolding in subsequent years, Rudolf
Steiner spoke repeatedly of the need for interest in the structure of society or real social interest (186, 47) as essential to the future of human
civilization. At the same time, he also spoke of a fundamental interest
in other people, in the concrete circumstances of their lives and in their
accomplishments on behalf of the community: Interest in the other person is what is needed. Formerly instinctive, it must now be acquired very
consciously. The main nerve in society is each persons interest in the
other. (186, 167) Steiner tells us that positive evolution is possible only
through work based on such interest, work that is non-egoistic at heart
and takes place in the context of perceived needs and tasks, in intrinsic
devotion to the whole and in love for the human social order:
As I have said in various contexts, understanding society is primarily
a question of understanding individuals and developing individually
differentiated interest in them. Wanting to get to know and understand human beings must become our most important task for the
future. (186, 24)
Ultimately, an individuals work is his or her individual assignment in
human life, and as such it must also be seen in the greater context of
the persons biography and social history. When questioned by workers
in the Liebknecht School in Berlin, Rudolf Steiner answered that happiness is not the prime motivator in human life; individuals have specific
assignments on earth, and accomplishing those tasks gives meaning
to individuals biographies while also integrating them into the context

of society. And in the spring of 1905, in a lecture in the Berlin House of

Architects, Steiner said:
As long as individuals seek only to satisfy their needs, they are personalities. When they do anything that transcends these efforts, they
are individualities. The source for such actions can be found only in
each individual.... This is where people acquire specific character,
where they imbue their mission with something unique. (53, 311)
Seven years later, in February 1912, Rudolf Steiner
pointed out that the social convention most hostile to a
real understanding of human incarnation and reincarnation was the principle that we must receive payment
corresponding to the work we do (135, 87f.). In the same
lecture, Steiner describes the positive impact of the idea
of reincarnation and karma:
Becoming convinced of reincarnation and karma and
discovering ways of bringing that idea into daily life will
transform our life as we move into the future. It will create
totally new ways of living and a totally new human community. (135, 85)
Beginning with his earliest spiritual-scientific presentations on work in the context of society, Rudolf Steiner had
emphasized that theosophy or anthroposophyunderstood as the spiritual study of the human being and the worldwas essential to humanitys further evolution, especially in terms of work and its place in a future
social order. The path of spiritual-scientific training is a way of enhancing and sensitizing our capacity to be interested and participate in the
destiny of individuals and of the world; ultimately, it paves the way for
a culture of insightful selflessness. Steiners spiritual-scientific findings
provided a new basis for understanding the human being. They offered
a means of fundamentally updating what it means to be humanthe
image of the human being in its anthropological, social, and cosmic
connections, which had been almost completely supplanted during the
development of materialistic science and culture.

Literature Cited:
GA 53: Ursprung und Ziel des Menschen [The origin and goal of the
human being] (1904/05): 2nd edition 1981.
GA 56: Die Erkenntnis der Seele und des Geistes [Knowledge of the
soul and of the spirit] (1907/08): 2nd edition 1985.
GA 83: The Tension between East and West. Spring Valley, NY:
Anthroposophic Press 1983.
GA 135: Reincarnation and Karma. Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press
GA 172: Das Karma des Berufes des Menschen in Anknpfung an
Goethes Leben [The karma of the vocation of the human being in
connection with Goethes life] (1916): 5th edition 1991.
GA 186: The Challenge of the Times. Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic
Press 1980.
GA 266/1: Esoteric lessons 19041909, vol. 1. Great Barrington, MA:
SteinerBooks 2007.

See the bookpage 2

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The Mystery of Flowers: Their Chosen Symmetry and Their Intrinsic Geometry
From The Hidden Geometr y of
Flowers: Living Rhy thms, Form,
and Number by Keith Critchlow

e cannot be certain what gives us the appetite

for order, but we can be certain that it was there
from the beginningwhatever cosmogony we ascribe
to. We all appreciate an ordered life with not too many
surprises. Life is not possible without order. Life has to
be ordered so as to be spontaneous.
Symmetry must rank highly as one of the chief mysteries in this impulse for order. The symmetrical arrangement of elements within the same system tends toward
balance, which is symmetry. The human body has a
high degree of natural symmetry, which is expressed
largely in a twofold wayin common with most of the
animal kingdom. From this we get our right-handedness
and left-handedness, which maintains our natural bodily
balance in movement. We know our internal organs
differ, yet they are distributed to maintain balance and
an interior harmony. Flowers express a plethora of
beautiful symmetries, ranging from the twofold to the
manifold. The most predominant symmetry, particularly
in wildflowers, is fivefold. It is intrinsic to this pentagonal
symmetry that the golden proportion of 1:1.618 and
so on is present, as we have consistently noted. Fruit
blossoms are most often fivefold, a symmetry that is
powerfully visible when we cut an apple across its
meridianpassing through the five enclosures for the
pips, or seeds.
Symmetry is described in the Shorter Oxford English
Dictionary as: 1. Beauty resulting from right proportion
between the parts of a body or any whole, balance,
congruity, harmony. 2. Such structure as allows of an
object being divided by a point or line or plane or radiating lines or planes into two or more parts exactly similar
in size and shape and in position relative to the dividing
plane, etc. The repetition of exactly similar parts. It is an
interesting fact that we all find beauty in symmetryyet
this is not easily explained. Maybe common sense says
a balanced arrangement is least threatening to our visual
understanding? Whatever else, flowers most evidently
speak to us and affect us in their radial symmetries.
Firstly, we have to establish that shape inevitably
means some sort of geometry (or stereometry), classified so adequately by Euclid within the Platonic tradition. Geometry, in this heritage, was seen as the bridge
between our world and the higher world of causation.
Curved geometry was considered the higher, or of
the heavenly order, whereas straight-line geometry
was considered representative of this world. The curve
represented the transcendent, the straight the rational,
the calculable.
All petals, when complete, go through a straightline direction as well as an overall curved unfolding.

The single-petalled Arum flower

(Calla palustris, or Zantedeschia)
has a classical dignity and a curious
similarity to images of the Lord
Buddha and his light-body reality.
Another version of this flower is
called Lords and Ladies.

Two flowers demonstrate their

adoption of the use of twoness.

These examples adopt the

strategy of threeness. The petals
demonstrate difference in sameness.

Both are embraced by symmetry. Thus the universal

order is reenacted by every flower.
There is more than a single way to measure the geometry of the petals and flowers. Not only does each petal
have its own characteristic profile and curvature, but
the ensemble of all the petals is what we call the flower.
This collective geometry includes the total symmetry.
Whatever else we might conclude about symmetry, it
is valuable to acknowledge Platos first principle of the
triad of Sameness, Otherness, and Being. In terms of
flowers, this means that no two petals, let alone leaves,
are ever exactly the same in a single bloom, yet they are
usually clearly identifiable as an Oak, Ash, or Willow. In
short, all scrutiny of the natural world will entail Sameness and Otherness. These two qualities will always
seem antagonistic or contrary and, therefore, will never
be resolved until our acknowledgement of Being is recognized. Being reminds us of the extraordinary balance
of nature and balance of the universe itself. Through
cognizing Being, we learn to see Sameness and Otherness simultaneously. In short, we can experience a host
of Tulips, though common experience reveals that each
will be slightly different; each is unique, yet unquestionably a Tulip. Paradox alone can achieve unity.
Here we are taking a further Timaean ethos of working
within the boundaries of likelihood or seeking the most
likely underlying order. As we live in the world of necessary change, we cannot expect to have available to our
unreliable senses absolutes or perfect examples in
nature to study. The best we can hope for is to find the
most likely indications of the originating perfections, as
Timaeus insists at the beginning of his Cosmogony myth.
These we consider valid to call evidence of archetypes,
or the determining principles. The existent flowers echo
or reflect the archetype or originating paradigms. These
are enshrined physically in what we can call their genetic
memory bank and their reactions to their immediate environmentsunlight, for example.
When seeking a solution to the curves of any particular flower petal, we can choose only the most likely or
closest curve. This requires a huge effort to exclude any
preformed theories, shapes, characteristics, and so on.
So we rely, as objectively as we can, on the nearest
solution to each petal curve. This is the gentle empiricism of Goethe determined by an internal integrity. We
must not fool anyone, least of all ourselves, in seeking the underlying principles of geometries. To make
the utmost effort to find the nearest to the truth was
Timaeuss advice. Solutions can be only offerings, not
proofs. Proofs are, after all, based only on a faith in an
accepted rule, or conventional principle.
To evoke the gentle empiricism of Goethe, we might
first observe the value of Goethes theory that petals are
transformations of leaves.
We have the one-petalled Aspidistra flower with
its central stalk. From the imaginative view point,
this can be seen as a remarkable likeness to the

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The Mystery of Flowers: Their Chosen Symmetry and Their Intrinsic Geometry

lovingly-represented light body that surrounds ancient

Chinese and Japanese representations of the Lord
Buddha. From this singular white petal and other colored petals, the next occurrence is of dual-petalled
flowers. These are either with only two petals or pairs of
two petals making up the flower. Two-petalled flowers
are rare but can be found.
From here we move to the much more frequent threepetalled flowers, such as the Snow Drop, the Tulip, the Iris,
and the Lily. So many apparently sixfold flowers are really
a double three in their petal structure under closer scrutiny.
The threeness of a leaf or flower immediately indicates
a sixness in the handedness of the leaf or the arrays of
the petals. However, the distribution of threeness in the
Lily and Iris is beautifully evident.
Next there are some very beautiful fourfold flowers,
or flowers with balanced spreads of four petals, not
least the Clematis, the Balloon Flower, and the beautifully fragrant Wall Flower. The Clematis is a good
example, but this flower also unfolds beautifully in a
double four (or eight-petalled) form.
Next we come to the most frequently occurring
symmetry in natural wildflowers: the fivefold, or pentagonal, symmetry. The list is impressive and includes
the original Dog Rose (that Rose form from which most
other Roses seem to have been bred), the Buttercup,
the Herb Robert, the Periwinkle, Borage, and so on.
These all display fivefold symmetry so beautifully yet so
individually and at quite different scales.
What becomes apparent once we get to the fivefold
symmetry is that the Golden Progression is underlying
the sequence. This organic progression is known as
the Fibonacci sequenceafter the Italian mathematician who it is believed was tutored in his early days by
Muslims in North Africa, where his father was
an Italian provincial governor. As we have previously noted, this sequence may be called
golden as it progressively comes closer to
the golden ratio of 1:1.6180339... This ratio
is arithmetically inexpressible in whole numbers, like Pi (from the circle), yet can be accurately expressed geometricallyparticularly
in the pentagon, with its diagonals making up
a pentacle. This remains a wonderful mystery
to the human mind.
Sixness is found in the Daffodil whose petals
fuse into its hexagonal shaft.
Next we come to the most rare of flower
symmetries, the virgin seven. This does
occur in such as the Primula flower, yet is
never completely balanced in its symmetry. It also
occurs occasionally in the Tuliponce again revealing
an imbalance, yet exquisitely beautiful.
Next we have eightfold symmetry, which is most
beautifully represented by the Cosmos flower in a range
and variety of colors. The sacred Lotus is in this symmetry and the Clematis is another fine example.

These flowers utilize fourness as

their petal strategy. What might
fourness be saying to the
insect world?

Nine, ten, eleven, twenty-one:

counting petals is the beginning of
understanding the arithmetical nature of flower petal choice. Names
are important, but here we wish to
focus on other aspects
of the flowers.

Ninefold symmetry does occur, although rarely: we

find it in certain Cactus plants and in others that are
exceptions rather than the rule. Again, nine is a notoriously mysterious symmetry. From the geometers viewpoint, this is because it cannot be constructed exactly
with a compass and straight edge. Good approximations can however be achieved.
Tenfold symmetry is also found occasionally, most
particularly in the Passion Flower. Yet even here it seems
to be composed of two fives. This same flower will also
occasionally exhibit an eightfold symmetry. Ten, we
recall, has the golden ratio inherent in its geometric form.
Elevenfold symmetry is very rare but does occasionally occur in flowers of the Daisy family (Compositae/
Twelvefold symmetry also occurs in the Daisy family
of flowers, but is not common.
Thirteenfold symmetry is more common in the multipetalled flowers like the Daisy family. But, as this is one
of the numbers of the golden sequence, it is not at all
Twenty-one, the next in the golden sequence, is
found again in the Daisy family and confirms the underlying golden order: 5, 8, 13, 21.
However, there are many exceptions in flowers with
multiple petals, as there are a bewildering number of
symmetries in the heads, or seed pods, of poppy flowerseven though the petals are usually fourfold and, on
occasions, sixfold.
One of the questions that arises when looking at
petal symmetries is: How much have humans engineered the numbers of petals? This raises the further
issue of how compliant the natural, or original, flower
is or was to being engineered into a more complex
formlet alone into quite different colors. In
the authors view, Tulips are the most painful examples of human interference, with the
obviously unnatural feathering of the petal
fringes. However there is also a staggeringly
beautiful range of possibilities that have come
out of human breeding, known as cultivars.
One of the reasons why the author enjoys
very small flowers, such as the Herb Robert,
is that the visual effect is so powerful, while
the size is not much bigger than a human
thumbnail! Fortunately, the smaller more
modest wildflowers have not attracted so
much attention of flower breeders or engineers. However, there is currently a growing
revival of interest in the value of wildflowers
in their natural setting. Durlston Head in Dorset is one
such important site, receiving a growing number of
wildflower enthusiasts from southern England.

See the bookpage 12

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Laughing in a Waterfall
A Mothers Memoir
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friend Kirsten, whose destiny
connection led them from
their home in Minnesota to
the Hawthorne Valley School
in upstate NY, and to their
untimely death in a car
accident three months later.
Mariannes story weaves together the impermanent
nature of life, with its worldly joys and sorrows, with
that which is beyond and transcendental. It ultimately
challenges the reader to feel and experience life more
deeply, to be open to its tears, losses, revelations and
laughter! PAT HOGAN, Author of Allisons Gift
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Introduction to the Esoteric Lessons by Christopher Bamford

From Esoteric Lessons 1910 1912
by Rudolf Steiner

et apart from the profane, everyday world, even in the reading, the
lessons present us powerfully with a feeling of holy seriousness. As
meditative readersas esoteric students inwardly participating in the
lessons through our hearts, minds, and willwe, too, can permeate ourselves with the deep peace, the inner silence, and the waiting that must
have been experienced by the original participants. Like them, we can
sense the possibility of inward intimacy with the spiritual worlds. Imaginatively, at least, we can be there with them and to some small degree
repeat their experience in our own way.
Thus, we learn that to unfold in inner development we must lay aside
the anxieties and egoistic concerns that events in the outer world stir up
in us, and for a holy period every day we must go into ourselves and sit
in silent, attentive, dedicated, empty inner composure. Uniting ourselves
with the universal spirit, we must open ourselves to a different level of
existence and being. Despite appearances, the fundamental reality is
that we live and move and have our being in a spiritual world. From this
point of view, all the rest is maya. Indeed, if we do not just read but
do the lessons, we will find ourselves becoming increasingly at home in
the processes of consciousness and the struggles and the often-hidden
(or secret) rewards of working inwardly through them to realize our own
ongoing and intimate relationships with the beings and worlds with whom
and in which we are unconsciously involved. Our relationship to the world
changes. The veil of maya grows thinner.
The mood is set with the invocation of the spirit of the day. We may
imagine the solemnity with which this was done and the palpable feeling
of attentive dedication (dedicated attention) that filled the roomto be
followed by a deep, reverent silence, out of which Rudolf Steiner, after a
while, began to speak.
When he does so in this volume, the theme is nearly always the path
of meditation as it is practiced today. Whereas in ancient times those
on the path often had to pass through life-and-death trials, our present
human constitution and cultural situation makes such feats both impossible and unnecessary. We have other trials, or practices, such as in
the first lesson (but recurring throughout the volume): truthfulness, in the
extreme, over against oneself.
Walking the path today demands a kind of transparent, direct, selfless self-honesty. This means an ever-deepening objective awareness
of what takes place in our souls. Later, we will learn that much of the
negative occurrences in our souls is the work, or presence, of other,
frequently hostile beings. Another trial, referred to in many lessons, is
patience. Patience is of the essence. (Rudolf Steiner advises using the
same meditation for long periods of time, even throughout ones life.)
Many students may feel they are getting nowhere in their practice, but
this is because they are still too attached to the kind of cause-and-effect
results they expect in the physical world; esoteric work occurs in another
dimension. Without knowing it, students are becoming different people.
For this, two things are needed. Faith, or trust, in the process is obviously
a primary requirement. Second, we must make ourselves worthy. As
Steiner puts it in the first lesson:
The Lords a meditation of great significance that any
student can undertake daily. I know one of those whom we call the
masters of wisdom and the harmony of feelings, who says, I take the
Lords Prayer as a meditation only once a month. The rest of the time

I attempt to make myself mature and worthy enough to be allowed to

immerse myself in even just one of the sentences of this wonderful
meditation. Thus, we must place ourselves spiritually in relation to
a meditationthat we want to make ourselves worthy enough to be
allowed to use it. Theosophy is not just a theoretical study but also a
living praxis.
How are we to become worthy? In addition to inner truthfulness and
patience (and, of course, humility, reverence, and gratitude), we learn we
must work to overcome or transform the three deep-seated attitudes, or
soul dispositions, that threaten our worthiness: doubt, superstition, and
egoism. Throughout this volume, Rudolf Steiner will return to these under
different names and suggest waysmeditation and life pathsby which
students might overcome or transform them. However, it may be noted
that, no matter how many different ways Steiner speaks about the path of
inner work, in a sense, there is nothing to overcome or transform except
our own egoism:
On the physical plane, we can do nothing, absolutely nothing, without egoism contributing to our actions. We should undertake a vow
to ourselves to bear in mind always that all we do originates from
egoistic motives.
Our world of desires consists of nothing but egoism, and we can
conquer this egoism only through deep humility.... We do not want
to kill the divine in us through egoism in our life of desires, but rather
allow Christ to live in us.
Every kind of egoism, every form of vanity, must be eliminated in
For us, the essential factor is the battle against, and the transformation of, egoism.
As for the ways of overcoming egoism, in different ways and most
movingly Rudolf Steiner turns again and again to the deeper meanings of
Christs teachings and the practice of the Rosicrucian meditation (Ex deo
nascimur, in Christo morimur, per spiritum sanctum reviviscimus) and the
Rose Cross meditation. For instance:
Only what we do in the name of another, in the name of the one within
us, whom we could call our God, does not proceed from egoism. To
feel this god within us, we must permeate ourselves with the awareness that we are a reflection of the archetype, according to which
this god created us, and that this reflection can be transformed only
slowly and gradually into the archetype. The archetype is our true self,
our true I that was formed as a seed in ancient Saturn, and this is
what approaches us when we recite our Rosicrucian verse. The Rose
Cross is the symbol through which we are shown the way to ascend
into the spiritual world. If it is seen as the spiritual world, then the
black of the cross is seen as white (the counterpart of the reflection)
and the red roses are transformed into a shining green color....
The masters of Wisdom give us many things for our meditations. One of the most effective of these is the one concerning the
Rose Cross.
We are to think of the black cross as the dying away of human
passions and we see in the red roses a symbol of the purified human
being who has shed the lower elements. If we transform the black
cross into a white one in our meditation then this symbolizes for us the
human being ascending spiritually. All egoism is then extinguished....
This volume is rich in practical suggestions and advice for those who
meditate. There is very little new esoteric informationthough some

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Introduction to the Esoteric Lessons by Christopher Bamford

readers will be surprised and interested to see Steiner, when discussing ways of overcoming various characterological aspects of egoism,
invoking Cornelius Agrippas four kinds of evil spirits, destructive in the
elements, the four demons Samael, Azazel, Azael, and Mehazael.
Clearly, Steiners aim for his inner circle of students was inner development and the consequent development of faculties or capacities.
Interesting, too, though many students had been with him for a number
of years, is the fact that the teachings he gives are not advanced or
esoteric, but go back as it were to basics and build upon them. That
is, they are useful for anyone, at any stage of practice. It is as if he realized that the approaching critical times (already present in many ways)
would require a different kind of groundingmore psychological and
ethical, it might be saidwhich he frames in terms of overcoming certain
character traits. Such basic work, he says, is much more important for
esotericists than for others:
Human traits are such that, when they remain in proper proportions,
people can control them very well with their I. However, if we allow
one of them to become too intense, then the I can fall under the
power of that trait. This is not so dangerous for exoteric people: the
spirit of the everyday will bring them back into balance. But it is different for esotericists. A character trait that acquires dominion over
them can lead them into all kinds of dangers. Above all, something
like this can come to expression even in their present life as an illness
of the physical body.
Such characterological imbalances (symptomatic of egoism) are
especially threatening in modern esoteric and spiritual work. This is
because nowadays it often happens that in our inner work we place
ourselves outside the usual and customary framework of contemporary
consciousness, thus losing the support that conventions and traditions
give. Doing so, Steiner notes, we become freer within ourselves. But
just in this way our bad sides come more to the fore. Here, however,
especially when we are under pressure, we can find support from an
unexpected quarter: the New Testament:
For every esoterically striving person, difficult and dreadful times will
come; then it is good to have a support. We find this support in the
New Testament. We find there advice for every situation, for every
case, a support for every weakness; we need only seek it. And if we
do not find it, then the conviction of our own weakness, that we cannot yet find the right passage, should comfort us that it must certainly
be in the New Testament.
Why the New Testament? Because it is addressed to the heart. In this
sense, the heart lies at the center of these lessons:
As an occult saying states, All paths into the spiritual world go
through the heart. During meditation, we can feel how lines go
toward a center point from every part of our external physical body.
This middle point is the heart. In their further course, these lines continue on in the opposite direction into the spiritual world. This is like a
feeling of Christ within us.
This means, of course, that the root and fruit of the path, whatever our
meditation, lies in and through selfless love:
To love all beings, to bestow love without expectation of love in return,
without recognition, without demand for rewardfor our ideal should
be that we love a human being because he or she is a human being!
How far must we be in our development in order to be capable of

such love! Can we educate ourselves to this selflessness, that we love

all others as we love ourselves, by means of commandments and
dogmas of the church or through the coercion of a moral law? Is it not
much more fruitful for our soul if we bring this lofty virtue to blossom
within us without any coercion whatsoever?
In practicing this teaching of Christ, a Hindu, a Muslim, a Parsi,
a Catholic, a Protestant, a Jewindeed, even a hereticcould be
a true Christian without even belonging to the Christian Church. We
also learn in our meditations that within them lies hidden the way that
Christ showed us, and that he himself is: I am the way, the truth and
the life. ...
In other words:
Love your neighbor as yourself; develop pure love of human beings.
Those who love someone because he or she is a human beingonly
those who do thisare in truth Christians, regardless of what creed
or which religion they may belong to.
Only meditation that is permeated by Christ has value. There is
an expression that has become trivial out in the world at largethe
expression universal love of humanity.
Living as a Christian means, above all, to accept with serenity
whatever destiny may bring us, never to complain about the work of
the gods, to accept with joy whatever they may send. It means that
this sentence becomes second nature in us: Look at the birds in the
sky, they do not sow, they do not reap, they do not gather into barns
and yet they receive what they need. Accept with gratitude what is
given to us.
All in all, this is an intimate volume. Rudolf Steiner is speaking not only
as a teacher, but also as a friend. When one considers the enormous
burdens he is carryingthe public lectures and the seminal lectures
to members, the mystery dramas and the Calendar of the Soul, the
gradual forging and revealing of free-standing Anthroposophy, of what
would become the Anthroposophical Society separate from Theosophy,
and the subtlety requiredall the while being aware of the depth of the
spiritual crisis with which he is dealing (not to mention the lies, libels, and
hostility flowing from Adyar), the urgency of responding to the Christ
event of the twentieth century (Christs reappearance in the etheric) and
the impending disaster of World War Iconsidering all this, one realizes
what a pleasure it must have been for him to work intimately with a small
group on essential mattersthe essential thing that is meditation.

CHRISTOPHER BAMFORD is Editor in Chief for

SteinerBooks and its imprints. A Fellow of the Lindisfarne Association, he has lectured, taught, and written widely on Western spiritual and esoteric traditions.
He is the author of The Voice of the Eagle: The Heart
of Celtic Christianity (1990) and An Endless Trace:
The Passionate Pursuit of Wisdom in the West (2003).
He has translated and edited several books, including Celtic Christianity: Ecology and Holiness (1982);
The Noble Traveller: The Life and Writings of O. V. de L. Milosz (1985) and
Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science (1994);. HarperSanFrancisco included an essay by Mr. Bamford in its anthology Best
Spiritual Writing 2000.

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Two Esoteric Lessons

From Esoteric Lessons 1910 1912
by Rudolf Steiner

Monday, May 16, 1910Notes from Mathilde Scholl

mong theosophists one often hears that an occult development is

associated with dangers. In response to this it must be stressed
that no one should let him- or herself be held back from treading the
occult path because of a feeling of fear. For those who get instruction
from a mystery school that has a right to exist, and who properly follow these instructions, will develop themselves in the right way. The
main thing is to awaken the proper seriousness within and to permeate
oneself entirely with the knowledge one learns in the esoteric lessons.
It is always good for esotericists to say to themselves that they still
have a long path ahead of them. One may have long ago grasped something with the intellect and still be far from guiding ones life according
to that knowledge. An example for this is found in the sentence that
should be well known by all theosophists: Everything that surrounds us
is Maya. There are people for whom this principle is very obvious, but
who never apply it to their lives, who allow pain and joy to affect them
without saying: If everything is Maya, then the cause of my pain is also
Maya. But it is good that this is the case, for if people take this principle to heart, into their feelings, too soon, then perhaps they could not
withstand the shock that they would thus experience when they apply
it to their pain. This requires great strength, which must be developed
slowly before applying it to the great events of life. Indeed, it is developed by the practice of applying the truth of this principle to the small
everyday occurrences that surround us in life. We know that everything
that surrounds us shows itself to us in a way other than it really is. Let us
consider a red object, for example. By what means do we see the color
red? By the light that falls on it. If the object is in darkness, then we do
not see it as red. But when light shines on it, the red color arises through
the fact that the object absorbs all the other colors evoked by the light.
Only the red color is reflected back, which it cannot use, does not want
or like. It shows us precisely what it is not in its essence.
Can human beings manage to penetrate into this inner aspect? Can
people come to know the true essence of phenomena? They can do
so only through meditative means. If we remain at the level of visual
perception, the mental picture, then we also remain caught in Maya.
But we usually do something else. When we meet a color, say red, it
then exerts an effect on our sensation, our feeling. We have a feeling
of refreshment when are looking at the color red. A blue that is lightly
mixed with violet will convey to us a mood of devoted reverence. We
have these sensations within us, and we have them with respect to
the feeling of the true. The objects that cause these feelings may be
Maya, may come into being and pass away, but the feelings themselves
remain the same. We could go for a walk in the woods, hear a rustling,
and be startled and scared by it because we imagine it is caused by a
snake, when actually a gust of air was the cause. Further on, we could
again hear a rustling but this time it actually comes from a snake. Each
time our fear is the same. It is now true, even though the cause was an
illusion the first time.
But how do we manage to get behind to the true essence of things
through our feelings?
When we see the plants in the spring, how they sprout, shoot forth,
and blossom, how are we to recognize the truth behind what they extend
to us as Maya? There is a moment in the life of plants when they show

us something of their inner essence, and this moment occurs when they
begin to die away. When does this moment occur? At fertilization. Until
then the plant has expended all its energy to reject what it does not
want. Now it has received something from outside, and its life is turned
around, so to speak. It loses the power of defense and withdraws back
into itself; the energy it had applied outward it now turns inward. Can
we awaken a feeling in us that is like this process in the soul life of the
plant? When do we ourselves want to withdraw and turn within? When
do we lose the power to defend ourselves toward the outside world?
With the feeling of shame. When we awaken this feeling in us, without
it being occasioned by an external event, and observe a fertilized plant,
then we become aware that exactly the same feeling lives in the plant,
that it lives in the plant so intensely that it causes the plants death. In
the fall a feeling of enormous shame goes through the plant world. The
red rose is a special example of this.
What color would we then choose for the feeling of dying away, of
drawing back from the outside world and turning toward the spirit?
Blackand thus we have the black cross, upon which red roses are
blossoming. Black carbonized wood, in which everything external has
died, is an expression for us of the fact that spirit is revealed behind all
death and dying. Goethe once spoke of the color that the Earth would
need to have when it is dying away at the end of the present cycle and
is passing into a spiritual kingdom, fructified by the spirit. It would have
to glow in flaming red.1 This statement originates in deep knowledge.
How could the Earth glow otherwise but through deep shame when it is
ripe to be fertilized by the spirit?
If in this way we awaken within ourselves feelings caused by external
things, then we will come closer to the truth behind external phenomena.
However, we can also awaken pictures and feelings within us without
any external reason whatsoever; we can produce mental pictures and
feelings all alone within us. Then we are together with a world within us
that was not evoked by any outer cause, and thus we can find our way
to absolute truth.
This should happen in our meditation. When we look at the Sun and
meditate on its enlivening influence, we always have an external reason for the meditation. However, when we ourselves awaken a mental
picture of light, using the words, In pure rays of light... and so on,
and then imagine that it is the garment of God, then we have created
something not bound to anything external. And then, when we awaken
the feeling of love for all beings in the next lines, then we are permeating
ourselves with this feeling, and it will become a powerful germinating
force within us.

Wednesday, May 25, 1910Notes from Elisabeth Vreede

Great all-encompassing spirit, in the knowledge of your
being is knowledge of the world that is to come to me.
You are.
I will unite my soul with you.
May the guide you appointed me, the guide who knows,
enlighten my path.
Feeling your guide, I tread my path of life.

Presumably this refers to a passage in Goethes Natural Scientific Writings, volume 3 (Berlin and Stuttgart 18841879), photographic reprint
Dornach 1975); Concerning a theory of color (vol. 1); Didactic part 6.
Section: The sensible and moral effects of color, no. 798. We read
there, The scarlet glass shows a well illuminated landscape in a terrible
light. So must be the color-tone spread out over the Earth on the day of
the Final Judgment.

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Two Esoteric Lessons

Your guide is in the life-Sun.
He lived in my longing.
I will take up his being into mine.
You are.
May my strength take up the strength of my appointed guide
into itself.
Blissfulness enters me, the blissfulness in which the soul
finds the spirit.
You are.
The last time we saw how the symbols that are given to
us in our meditations can and should work on us. Now,
today, in order to enclose these three esoteric lessons in a
circle, we want to speak about the erroneous paths, upon
which we can find ourselves as esotericists.
In ordinary outer life, we have all kinds of terms for characteristic traits that we know as good or evil. These terms
are often inadequate, one-sided for an esotericist, since
every character trait has two sidesa good one and a
bad oneand maintaining the proper balance must be a
chief task of the esotericist. Altogether, esotericists must
constantly guard themselves and be on guard. Human
traits are such that, when they remain in proper proportions, human beings can control them very well through
their I. However, if we allow one of them to become too intensive, then
the I can fall under the power of that trait. This is not so dangerous
for non-esotericists; they will be brought back into balance by the spirit
of the everyday. But it is different for esotericists. A character trait that
acquires dominion over them can lead them into all kinds of dangers.
Above all, something like this can come to expression even in their present life as an illness of the physical body. We would like to clarify this
with an example.
Who among us does not know irritation and a bad moods? All of us
have certainly been subject to them. Esotericists, however, must now
attempt to fight against them with their ordinary I, or self. If they allow
a bad mood to master them, then something very specific happens;
they fall prey to the false spirits of heaviness. There really is a spirit
or spirits of heaviness. In itself, the spirit of heaviness belongs to the
primal powers (spirits of personality, or archi), and he is the one who
brings us back to our physical body in the morning when we awake.
This belongs to his area of work, and it is good and proper for us. Now,
among these spirits there are those who go beyond their area of work
and want to work within the realm of the spirits of form. They are the
ones who overcome the etheric body of the esotericist who surrenders
to irritation or a bad mood. They then change the etheric body so that
the esotericist falls victim to hypochondria. In the physical realm, this is
then expressed in illness of the digestive tract. This can also be said in
exoteric lectures. In our esoteric lessons, we must remember only that
we are receiving direct messages from the master, who intends these
messages especially for esotericism.
Another character trait that an esotericist should constantly be on
guard for and should be constantly watchful for, so that one does not
succumb to it, is vanity and arrogance. We are often unaware of how
far we have already succumbed to it, and thus we must give it special
attention. How many imagine that they would like to help others because
they love humanity. However, when someone tells them that they can
achieve this only through unceasing, assiduous study, we notice that
they really dont want to do this; they would like to take matters in hand

and act immediately without considering how much damage they might
do through false help. This is a very dangerous vanity, however, and
all such do-gooders and confused dreamers have succumbed to it.
With beautiful words and vague phrases they preach their worldview,
for which they think they have a mission. Now what happens if an esotericist does not suppress such vanity? One succumbs to the spirit of
light and, again, not the normal good spirits that are recruited from the
host of spirits of wisdom, but rather the kind that work into the realm
of the spirits of movement. The good spirits of light have
the task of leading people into the spiritual world at night
when they fall asleep. They are to direct their entry to the
spiritual world, so that, although unconscious, they arrive
there. If esotericists want to accelerate their development
and, in so doing, do not learn what they need to know
about the spiritual world, then the other spirits of light
overpower them and influence their etheric body so that,
in the physical realm, ones head is affected. Confusion,
fanaticism, and finally, worst of all, insanity ensue.
Those who succumb to the spirit of heaviness injure
only themselves, and we should try to help such people
in every way possible; we should love not only humanity,
but each individual human being. Those who succumb
to the spirits of light, however, can injure humankind, hot
only themselves, with their confused fanaticism. For this reason, we
should ask ourselves repeatedly whether the reasons are really selfless
for wanting to develop ourselves. We should never tire of learning; the
more we learn, the more our humility will become self-evident.
We need not fear if we feel the spirit of darkness as follows: When we
awake in the morning, we feel exhausted and our limbs feel so heavy
that we can hardly move them. This is a passing stage and is a sign that
we have skipped over the false stage of hypochondria. And those who,
at certain times, have the feeling that they can barely hold themselves
with their feet on the ground, that they must hover, they do not have to
be worried either, because they have skipped over the stage of fanaticism, and this symptom is developmentally normal. The human soul is
kept in balance by the spirit of heaviness and the spirit of light, and an
esotericist should always be careful not to disturb that balance.
Instruction concerning this balance is given to us from the masters of
wisdom in the prayer that we speak at the conclusion of this lesson, a
prayer that contains all the wisdom of the world that will be revealed to
us more and more.
In the spirit lay the seed of my body.
And the spirit has incorporated into my body the eyes of
sense, that through them I may see the light of bodies.
And the spirit has imprinted into my body thinking and
sensation and feeling and will, that through them I may
perceive bodies and act upon them.
In the spirit lay the seed of my body.
In my body lies the seed of the spirit.
And I will incorporate into my spirit suprasensory eyes, that
through them I may behold the light of spirits.
And I will imprint into my spirit wisdom and strength and
love, so that the spirits may work through me and I
become the self-conscious instrument of their deeds.
In my body lies the seed of the spirit.

See the bookpage 5

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Index of Authors and Titles

Acts of the Heart 7
Agriculture Course 44
Agriculture Course, Koberwitz, Whitsun
1924 22
Allen, Paul Marshall 40
Andersen, Hans Christian 46
Andrea, Johann Vanentin 16
Animus 13
Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts 25
Anthroposophy (A Fragment) 38
Anthroposophy AZ 10
Anthroposophy in Everyday Life 27
Apocalypse of St. John 28
Approaching the Mystery of Golgotha 19
Archetypal Cosmos 43
Archetypal Feminine in the Mystery
Stream of Humanity 32
Ashes to Gold 33
Astrological Revolution 39
Astronomy and Spiritual Science 39
At Home in the Universe 25
Attentive Voice 17
Autobiography 30
Bach Flower Remedies Form and
Function 37
Bamford, Christopher 43
Bang, Jan Martin 9
Barnard, Julian 37
Barnes, Henry 30
Bartholomew, Alick 9
Bamer, Bettina 16
Becoming Human 14
Becoming the Archangel Michaels
Companions 21
Bees 45
Ben-Aharon, Jesaiah 11
Bento, William 36
Berrevoets, Erik 45
Beskow, Elsa 46
Bhagavad Gita and the West 18
Biodynamic Farm 44
Biodynamic Food and Cookbook 44
Biodynamic Gardening 44
Biodynamic Manual 17
Black Tide 46
Blackwood, John 17
Blessed by Illness 35
Bock, Emil 30
Boogerd, Cornelis 47
Book of Revelation 9
Broken Vessels 36
Bulwer-Lytton, Sir Edward 41
Burning Bush 23
By the Light of the Lanthorn 12
Calm Kids 47
Celebrating Festivals with Children 47
Children of Hat Cottage 46
Childs, Gilbert 36
Christ and Sophia 32
Christ and the Disciples 2
Christian Hermetic Astrology 39
Christianity as Mystical Fact 24
Christmas Conference 30
Christ & the Maya Calendar 39
Chymical Wedding of Christian
Rosenkreutz, Anno 1459 16
Climate 43
Clockwise House System 39
Clough, Caroline 46
Colour 11
Coming Home 42
Complete Healing 35
Cook, Wendy E. 44, 45
Corbett, Lionel 15

Core Anthroposophy 26
Cosmic and Human Metamorphosis 4
Cosmic Christ 9
Cosmic New Year 21
Creative Power of Anthroposophical
Christology 2
Creative Spiritual Research 10
Crisis Points 36
Critchlow, Kieth 13
Cultivating Inner Radiance and the Body
of Immortality 4
Dalton, David 37
Dancing in the Fire 8
Dann, Kevin 39
Dark Light of the Soul 38
Daub-Amend, Eveline 34
Davids Question 23
Death as Metamorphosis of Life 20
Death of Merlin 41
Dechar, Lorie Eve 37
de la Houssaye, Leo 13
Deliverance of the Spellbound God 7
Demeter Cookbook 44
deRis Allen, Joan 40
Descent into the Depths of the Earth on
the Anthroposophic Path of
Schooling 15
Disciple Whom Jesus Loved 23
Discovering Camphill 14
Divine Therapy and Addiction 33
Dorsan, Jacques 39
Dostal, Jan 16
Ecovillages 9
Effects of Esoteric Development 29
Ehrlich, Joshua 11
Embryogenesis in Myth and Science 10
Enlivening the Chakra of the Heart 29
Esoteric Christianity 28
Esoteric Lessons, 19041909 20
Esoteric Lessons 19101912 5
Esoteric Lessons 19131923 20
Essence of Waldorf Education 22
Eurythmy 31
Eurythmy Therapy 31
Evans, Michael 35
Extending Practical Medicine 35
Fairy Tale of the Green Snake
and the Beautiful Lily 40
Farmers Love 45
Fern, Brad 33
Fifth Gospel 27
Figure of Christ 22
Fingado, Monika 34
Fingals Cave, the Poems of Ossian, and
Celtic Christianity 40
Finser, Siegfried E. 7
First Steps in Christian Religious Renewal
Five Spirits 37
Foodwise 45
Footprints of an Angel 7
Foundations of Curative Eurythmy 31
Founding a Science of the Spirit 24
Freedom of Thought and Societal Forces
Freemasonry and Ritual Work 21
From Normal to Healthy 36
From the History and Contents
of the First Section of
the Esoteric School 19041914
Fundamental Social Law 2
Gardening as a Sacred Art 11

Genius of Natural Childhood 47

Gentle Will 29
Geology and Astronomy 17
Goddard Blythe, Sally 47
Goddess 32
Goetheanum 27
Goetheanum Cupola Motifs of Rudolf
Steiner 14
Goethes Theory of Knowledge 19
Golden Age of Chartres 11
Gorbachev, Mikhail 16
Green Hermeticism 43
Group Meditation 29
Growing into Anthroposophy 16
Gruber, Michael 38
Gruenewald, Peter 33, 37
Guardian of the Threshold and
The Philosophy of Freedom 14
Hannah, Barbara 13
Hasler, Hans 27
Healing Ourselves from Medicine 16
Healing Process 34
Healthy Medicine 34
Heavenly Sophia and the Being
Anthroposophia 32
Heaven on Earth 47
Heidenreich, Alfred 9
Hemleben, Johannes 30
Hidden Geometry of Flowers 13
Hidden Nature 9
Hildreth, Lisa 45
Holtzapfel, Walter 35
Home Remedies 37
Honeybloom, Shannon 47
House, Richard 12
How the New Art of Eurythmy Began 31
How to Know Higher Worlds 24
How to Make a Golem (and Terrify
People) 46
Human Organs 35
I Am Different from You 3
Imagery of the Zodiac 9
Incredible Births of Jesus 23
Influence of the Dead on Destiny 20
Inner Experiences of Evolution 18
Inner Reading and Inner Hearing 21
In the Image of Orpheus 13
Introducing Anthroposophical Medicine
Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path 24
Isis Mary Sophia 32
Jackson, Robin 14
Jacobi, Michael 43
Jaffke, Freya 47
Jonas, Margaret 12
Journal for Star Wisdom 2012 4
Julius, Frits H. 9
Jung and Steiner 38
Katz, Ernst 26
Keating, Thomas 8, 33
Kelly, Sean M. 42
Kirchner-Bockholt, Margarete 31
Klocek, Dennis 43
Knights Templar 12
Knig, Karl 14
Kovacs, Charles 17
Khlewind, Georg 29, 36
Khl, Johannes 26
Kuiper, Nannie 46
Kyber, Manfred 40
Lamborn Wilson, Peter 43
Latessa, Shirley 8

60 | For the latest and most complete information on our books, visit our website at

Lazarus, Come Forth! 28

Learning to See into the Spiritual World
Le Grice, Keiron 43
Life and Times of Rudolf Steiner 30
Life for the Spirit 30
Lifting the Veil of Mental Illness 36
Lindgren, Astrid 46
Lipson, Michael 29
Lorimer, David 43
Love and Its Meaning in the World 27
Love and the World 38
Lowndes, Florin 29
Luke, Helen M. 36
Lutz, Tom 33
Madden, Kathryn Wood 38
Making a Family Home 47
Marcel, Christian 13
Masson, Pierre 17
Mathematics in Nature, Space, and
Time 17
May Human Beings Hear It! 27
McDermott, Robert 8, 41
Mchattie, Gil 12
McKinnon, John A. 33
Mees, L. F. C. 35
Meekelorr 8
Menopause 34
Meyer, T. H. 26, 40
Mikhail Gorbachev: Prophet of Change
MindShifting 11
Mizon, Bob 15
Moora, Walter 45
Morelli, Luigi 8
Movement and Rhythms of the Stars 11
Murphy, Sophia Christine 34, 35
Murray, Lorraine E. 47
My First Root Children 46
Mystery of John the Baptist and John
the Evangelist at the
Turning Point of Time 28
Mystery of the Heart 3
Naravane, V. S. 41
Naydler, Jeremy 11
Newbatt, David 40
New Essential Steiner 26
New Renaissance 43
Nicaea 41
North American Biodynamic Sowing
and Planting Calendar 2012 15
Nurturing Potential in the Kindergarten
Years 47
Nutrition 44
Old Age 36
Oliphant, Laurence 40
One Day in the Life of 179212 32
On Epidemics 10
On Fear 10
On Meditation 10
Oppenheimer, Sharifa 47
Osthaus, Karl-Ernst 44
Our Dead 18
Outline of Esoteric Science 24
Parzival 40
Path of the Soul after Death 22
Pearce, Joseph Chilton 16
Pfeiffer, Ehrenfried 17
Pfeiffers Introduction to Biodynamics 17
Pogacnik, Marko 42
Polikoff, Daniel Joseph 13
Post, Marsha 45

Powell, Robert 4, 14, 32, 39

Practical Home Care Medicine 34
Princess and the Pea 46
Prokofieff, Sergei O. 2, 14, 27, 28,
30, 32
Prophecy Phenomena Hope 14
Psychology of Body, Soul & Spirit 33
Psychophonetics 15
Queen of the Sun 12
Querido, Ren M. 11
Quiet Heart 33, 37
Ramsbotham, Richard 40
Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric 28
Reilly, R. J. 41
Reimagining Academic Studies 5
Representative of Humanity 27
Reuben and Barneys Day on the Farm
Rhythmic Einreibung 34
Robinson, Oliver 43
Rodger, Iain 35
Romantic Religion 41
Rosicrucianism Renewed 20
Rowe, Martin 41
Rudel, Siegfried W. 12
Rudolf Steiner and Christian Rosenkreutz
Rudolf Steiner and the Fifth Gospel 22
Rudolf Steiner and the Founding
of the New Mysteries 30
Rudolf Steiner: An Illustrated Biography
Rudolf Steiners Core Mission 26
Rudolf Steiner: The British Connection
Sacred Cauldron 15
Sacred Geography 42
Sagarin, Stephen 6
Sardello, Robert 7, 38
Schmidt-Brabant, Manfred 32
School of Spiritual Science 26
Schroeder, Hans-Werner 9

Schultz, Joachim 11
Schwenk, Theodor 43
Schwenk, Wolfram 43
Science and Art of Healing 9
Sease, Virginia 32
Secrets of the Stations of the Cross
and the Grail Blood 28
Seeing Christ in Sickness and Healing
Seiler-Hugova, Ueli 11
Selg, Peter 2, 3, 22
Sensitive Chaos 43
Sensitive Crystallization 13
Sexuality, Love, and Partnership 6
Siegel, Taggart 12
Siegloch, Magdalene 31
Six Pillars 8
Sixfold Path 12
Skudlarek, William 16, 17
Sleigh, Julian 36
Smith, Edward Reaugh 7, 23
Soering, Jens 32
Sophia Teachings 32
Souls Long Journey 23
Speech of the Grail 38
Spindler,Hermann 44
Spirit of Modern India 41
Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies
and in the Kingdoms of Nature
Spiritual Ecology 42
Spiritual Event of the Twentieth Century
Spiritual Guidance of the Individual and
Humanity 25
Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical
World 20
Spiritual Turning Points of
South American History 8
Stairway of Surprise 29
Stargazers Almanac 2012 15
Stars of the Meadow 37
Start Now! 26
Steele, Robin 15

Steel, Richard 14
Steiner, Rudolf 4, 5, 6, 10, 18, 19, 20,
21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 42,
44, 45
Stein, Walter Johannes 41
Story of Waldorf Education in the
United States 6
Strange Loops and Gestures of Creation
Sucher, Willi 39
Sun Mystery 21
Sussman, Linda 38
Sutton, Antony C. 12
Tadd, Ellen 37
Tan, Joaquin G. 16
Templar Spirit 12
Temple Sleep of the Rich Young Ruler 7
The Biodynamic Year 44
The Foundation Stone / The Life, Nature
& Cultivation of Anthroposophy
Theosophy 24
Therapeutic Eurythmy for Children 31
Therapeutic Eye 22
The Venus Eclipse of the Sun 2012 6
Thomas Keating Reader 8
Three Candles of Little Veronica 40
Thun, Maria 15, 44
Thun, Matthias K. 15
To Change a Mind 33
Tomberg, Valentin 28, 32
Too Much, Too Soon? 12
Townley, Kevin 43
Tresemer, David 6
Tripp, Raymond P., Jr. 41
Turned Upside Down 42
Twentyman, Ralph 9
Unbornness 22
Understanding Water 43
Understand Your Temperament! 36
Unknown Destiny 38
Unknown in the Gospels 9

Vaccination Dilemma 35
Valandro, Marie-Laure 7
van Dam, Joop 12
van Houten, Coenraad 10
van Oort, Henk 10
Villeneuve, Crispian 10
Vogel, Anne-Maidlin 31
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 40
von Halle, Judith 15, 27, 28
von Olfers, Sibylle 46
von Plato, Bodo 26
Vreede, Elizabeth 39
Wagner, Gerard 14
Waldorf Book of Breads 45
Waldorf Kindergarten Snack Book 45
Waldorf School Book of Soups 45
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Way of Self-Knowledge 25
Wegman, Ita 35
Wehr, Gerhard 38
Weihs, Thomas 10
What Is Anthroposophy 25
What Is Biodynamics? 44
What Is Necessary in These Urgent
Times 19
When a Stone Begins to Roll 40
When Wine Tastes Best 2012 15
Who Wrote Bacon? 40
Wilkens, Andreas 43
Wilkes, John 27
Willis, Alette 46
Wisdom of the Bees 45
Wisdom of the Chakras 37
Wisdom of the Stars 13
Witness to the Fullness of Light 16
Wolff, Otto 37
Wright, Hilary 44
Youth and the Etheric Heart 21
Zanoni 41
Zieve, Robert 34

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alchemist, ecologist, Christian mystic, comparative religionist, and evolutionary theorist, who
was the creator of Anthroposophy (human
wisdom) as a path uniting the spiritual in the



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From the author of

Simon Lazarus

a novel by

M. A. Kirkwood

ages 16 on up
Spring 2012 t Spirit Star Press
isbn 978-0-9852379-0-5

Free Co lumbia

Free Co lumbia
a q ues t i n to the hea r t of a rti s tic a cti on

Summer Courses
3 courses with renowned and inspiring musician and
visual artist - Manfred Bleffert
Ju ne 1 6 -22 Instrument Building
Ju ne 25 -29 New Music Improvisation
July 2-6 Color and Tone in Relation to Rudolf
Steiners Soul Calendar
July 14 -1 8
Experimental work with color, light, music and puppetry
with Laura Summer, Nathaniel Williams, Faye Shapiro
and Marisa Michelson
July 23-27
Seeing the Word through Painting
a workshop with Laura Summer

a very short story by Laura Summer brought out of a

relationship to theCredo by Rudolf Steiner
also available from Free Columbia:
52 Weeks-Laura Summer
Dark and Light Drawing-Laura Summer
Art, Postmodernity and Anthroposophy-Nathaniel Williams
ordering info at

July 23-27
Orientation Toward an Inner Voice
vocal experimentation with composed and
improvisational music with Faye Shapiro and Marisa
All of the work at Free Columbia is based on an understanding of the
importance of creating a free cultural space, therefore there are no set
tuitions. Rather we offer suggested donation amounts based on what
it costs to run courses.

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to access a list of Rudolf Steiner's

complete works at

Front cover image: Odilon Redon (1840 1916): The Apparition, Oil, 19.69 x 25.59

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