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(. -.....Ministry of Railways)
-.-. ... . .....General Manager's Office,
.|-. -....Personnel Branch,
..-. ... - Yelahanka, Bangalore-560 064.
* &otification has -een iss.e! in/iting a00lications fro1 can!i!ates to
.n!ergo training as +ra!e *00rentices for the year #0%4-#0%5 in R'($
*rrange1ents 1ay kin!ly -e 1a!e to 0.-lish the sa1e in the 'e- site$
2ocation of file " C:\SVI\rwfwebFrom2012\Apri
201!\"po#$%I2&0!201!\pbr#n'(\)r#$e Apprenti'e*201!+1,.$o'

2Mini%tr3 of R#iw#3%4
General Manager3s Office,
4Personnel Branch5,
Yelahanka, Bangalore-64$
&o$R'()*+-%6)6#,)#0%4-%5$ ate!" #4$04$#0%4$
/ . ) I F I C A ) I . /
*00lications are in/ite! fro1 can!i!ates who ha/e 0asse! 6+6 4/C)V) ./015 fro1 recognise!
6nstit.tions to .n!ergo training as +ra!e *00rentices .n!er the *00renticeshi0 *ct %76% for the year
#0%4-#0%5, in the .n!er 1entione! !esignate! tra!es"-
e$ )r#$e%
Comm"nit3 re%er6e$ )ot# /o.
of Se#t% SC S) .7C 8R
% (itter 08 04 %4 #, 59
# Machinist 04 0# 06 %9 #5
9 :lectrician 0# 0% 09 06 %#
4 Mechanic 4Motor ;ehicle5 0% 0% 0# 04 08
5 +.rner 0% -- 0% 0# 04
6 :lectronic Mechanic 09 0% 04 07 %,
, <&< Progra11ing-c.1-
O0erator$ 4<O: Gro.05
-- -- 0% 0# 09
)ot# 122

*s 0er s0ecial reser/ation r.les, o.t of the %## seats, %7 will -e reser/e! to can!i!ates of =><3
co11.nity an! 07 to =>+3 co11.nity, 9% to OB<3s an! 04 to Ortho0ae!ically i10aire!$
&ote" 6n case trainees are not a/aila-le in a 0artic.lar tra!e4s5, this office can engage *00rentices in
other locate! tra!es to f.lfil the ?.ota allotte! at any 0oint of ti1e$
>i1ilarly if there are no ><)>+)OB< can!i!ates a/aila-le in any tra!e, the sa1e will -e 1a!e goo! in
other tra!e gro.0s$
Re%er6#tion of 9: %e#t% for e;+%er6i'emen< t(eir '(i$ren #n$ '(i$ren of
#rme$ for'e per%onne "
<hil!ren of !ecease!)!isa-le! :@-ser/ice1en incl.!ing those kille!)!isa-le! !.ring 0eaceti1e$ #5
<hil!ren of :@->er/ice1en 95 <hil!ren of ser/ing Aawans 45 <hil!ren of >er/ing Officers 55 :@-
)(e 'on$ition% to be %#ti%fie$ b3 t(e #ppi'#nt% #re #% foow%:
#$ PR:><R6B: :B<*+6O&*2 *& +:<C&6<*2 DB*26(6<*+6O&" -
a$ General" Passe! Matric.lation :@a1ination with >cience 4Physics E <he1istry5 or its
e?.i/alent or %0th <lass Pass .n!er %0 0l.s # syste1$
-$ +echnical" M"%t po%%e%% I)I 2/C)V)4 'ertifi'#te% on3 in any one of the !esignate!
tra!es s0ecifie! a-o/e fro1 a recognise! 6n!.strial +raining 6nstit.te$
c$ *ge 2i1its" *s on 0%$0,$#0%4, ha/e co10lete! %5 years an! sho.l! not -e 1ore
than #4 years$ +he .00er age li1it can -e rela@e! -y 5 years in case of
><)>+ can!i!ates an! 9 years in case of OB< can!i!ates$
!$ .ration of
*00renticeshi0" *00renticeshi0 is one year for all the !esignate! tra!es in!icate!
a-o/e at sl no$ % to 6 an! 06 1onths for the <O: Gro.0 tra!e of
<&< Progra11ing-c.1- O0erator$

e$ Rate of >ti0en!" .ring their one year)06 1onths training they will -e 0ai! sti0en! of
Rs$#800)- or Rs$#400)- 0er 1onth as the case 1ay -e$
+ 2 +
9$ 4a5 *00lications sho.l! -e s.-1itte! in the 0rofor1a sent herewith an! #ppi'#tion %ent in #n3
ot(er form wi not be #''epte$$
(b) +he a00lications -e acco10anie! -y the co0ies of rele/ant certificates 4SS0C< I)I
#n$ C#%te5 in s.00ort of"-

4i5 ate of Birth 4ii5 :!.cational)+echnical D.alification 4iii5 In '#%e of SC/S)/.7C
'#n$i$#te%< '#%te 'ertifi'#te i%%"e$ b3 t(e #ppropri#te Re6en"e A"t(orit3.
4$ +he war!s of ser/ing as well as retire!)!ecease! Railway :10loyees 4'ar!s as 0er Pass
R.les5 1ay also s.-1it their a00lication !irectly to this office in the 0rescri-e! 0rofor1a !.ly
enclosing a certificate to the effect that they are -ona fi!e war!s of ser/ing) retire!)!ecease!
Railway :10loyees$
5$ +he eligi-le a00licants will -e s.11one! for test)written test an! will ha/e to a00ear for the
sa1e at their own e@0ense$ +he eligi-le can!i!ates are a!/ise! to -e in rea!iness to a00ear
in the sa1e at short notice for which a se0arate a!/ise will -e sent in!i/i!.ally to the
6$ >electe! can!i!ates will ha/e to confor1 to the stan!ar!s of Physical fitness, as 0rescri-e! for
a00oint1ent as +ra!e *00rentices in the rele/ant tra!es$ Me!ical stan!ar!s will -e rela@e! for
0hysically !isa-le!$
,$ <an!i!ates selecte! for *00renticeshi0 will not -e allowe! to with!raw fro1 the co.rse e@ce0t
for reasons which are -eyon! their control$ Before co11ence1ent of *00renticeshi0, the
can!i!ates ha/e to e@ec.te a contract of *00renticeshi0, in the case of those who wilf.lly
a-sent the1sel/es, their contract of a00renticeshi0 will -e ter1inate! an! the training cost of
an a1o.nt e?.i/alent to his)her three 1onths last !rawn sti0en! shall -e reco/era-le fro1 *00rentice or fro1 his)her s.rety$
8$ 6t sho.l! -e note! that the recr.it1ent an! training of *00rentices will -e strictly in
co10liance with the 0ro/isions of *00renticeshi0 *ct %76% an! &o :10loy1ent is G.arantee!
to the *00rentices on co10letion of their training$
7$ :/ery *00rentice who has co10lete! the 0erio! of training will, on 0assing a test to -e
con!.cte! -y the &ational <o.ncil for +raining in ;ocational +ra!es to !eter1ine his
0roficiency in the !esignate! tra!e in which he has ser/e! as an *00rentice, -e gi/en a
certificate of 0roficiency in the tra!e -y the &ational <o.ncil$
%0$ +he *00rentice shall a-i!e -y the other R.les an! reg.lations fra1e! -y this a!1inistration
fro1 ti1e to ti1e$
%%$ +he co10lete! a00lications sho.l! -e sent -y 0ost with f.ll 0ostal a!!ress with 0in co!e,
a!!resse! to +he *ssistant Personnel Officer, Rail 'heel (actory, Yelahanka, Bangalore-%06,
so as to reach this office latest -y 29.0,.201!$ +he co/er containing the a00lication sho.l!
-e s.0er scri-e! as FAppi'#tion for "n$er5oin5 tr#inin5 #% )r#$e Apprenti'eG$ +he
*00lication with ins.fficient a!!ress an! witho.t 0in co!e will not -e entertaine!$

for >E/ERA0 MA/A>ER2P4.

P R . F . R M A
APPPRE/)ICES-IP AC) 1?&1 I/ RAI0 W-EE0 FAC).R1< 7A/>A0.RE+ &!

1. /AME in f" 270.C@ 0E))ERS4:
2. F#t(erA% n#me B (i% .''"p#tion :
9. F" Po%t# A$$re%% :
!. D#te of 7irt( 2Proof to be attached) :
,. A5e #% on 01.0C.201! : ***** 1r% ****Mont(% *** D#3%
&. St#te w(et(er beon5% to SC/S)/.7C
'omm"nit3 2If 3e%<proof to be #tt#'(e$ in
pre%'ribe$ proform#4 :
C. Det#i% of E$"'#tion#
D"#ifi'#tion :
2#4 >ener# :
2b4 )e'(ni'# :
2'4)r#$e in w(i'( :
3o" po%%e%% /)C
Certifi'#te 2Proof
to be #tt#'(e$4
E. )wo per%on# m#rF% of i4:
i$entifi'#tion ii4:
?. If 3o" #re # w#r$ of #n3 %er6in5< retire$
or $e'e#%e$ R#iw#3 Empo3ee< G"ote t(e
n#me of %"'( empo3ee to5et(er wit( (i%
f" offi'e #$$re%% #n$ re#tion%(ip. :

10. Pe#%e %pe'if3 t(e n#t"re of p(3%i'#
$i%#biit3 wit( proof of 'ertifi'#te2in '#%e
of .rt(op#e$i'#3 imp#ire$ per%on%4 :
11. 1o" %(o"$ in$i'#te if 3o" #re :
#4 C(i$ren of $e'e#%e$/$i%#be$
E;+%er6i'emen in'"$in5 t(o%e Fie$/
Di%#be$ $"rin5 pe#'e time
b4 C(i$ren of E;+Ser6i'emen
'4 C(i$ren of Ser6in5 H#w#n%
$4 C(i$ren of Ser6in5 .ffi'er%
e4 E;+Ser6i'emen

SI>/A)8RE .F )-E APP0ICA/)

4Ministry of Railways5
General Manager's Office,
4Personnel Branch5,
Yelahanka, Bangalore-64$
&o$R'()*+-%6)6#, ate!" #4$04$#0%4$
SECRE)AR1 ). >M/RWF/1/@.
>.-" Recr.it1ent of +ra!e *00rentices for the year #0%4-%5 in
6t is 0ro0ose! to %## can!i!ates as tra!e *00rentices for the year #0%4-%5 to
.n!ergo *00renticeshi0 training for a 0erio! of one year)06 1onths$ * notification to -e
0.-lishe! in 9 local news 0a0ers, one each in Hanna!a, :nglish an! Cin!i is sent herewith$
Please 1ake necessary arrange1ents to 0.-lish the notice i11e!iately$
:ncl" as a-o/e$
/ . ) I F I C A ) I . /
R#i W(ee F#'tor3< 1e#(#nF#< 7#n5#ore+,&0 0&!< propo%e% to re'r"it 122
'#n$i$#te% #% )r#$e Apprenti'e% w(o (#6e p#%%e$ I)I2/C)V) ./014 in Fitter<
M#'(ini%t< Ee'tri'i#n< )"rner< Me'(#ni' 2Motor Ve(i'e4 Ee'troni' Me'(#ni' #n$
C/C Pro5r#mmin5+'"m+oper#tor 2C.E >ro"p4 tr#$e%< to "n$er5o
Apprenti'e%(ip of one 3e#r/0& mont(%< "n$er t(e Apprenti'e% A't< 1?&1. )(e
'#n$i$#te% %(o"$ not be more t(#n 2! 3e#r% of #5e #% on 01.0C.201! #n$ in
'#%e of '#n$i$#te% beon5in5 to SC/S) #n$ .7C< t(e "pper #5e imit '#n be
re#;e$ b3 , 3e#r% #n$ 9 3e#r% re%pe'ti6e3. Fo"r %e#t% #re e#r m#rFe$ for
P(3%i'#3 $i%#be$ 2.rt(op#e$i'4 '#n$i$#te%$ )(e Apprenti'e% wi be p#i$ #
'on%oi$#te$ %tipen$ of R%.2E00/+ or R%. 2!00/+ per mont(< #% t(e '#%e m#3
Re%er6#tion of 9: %e#t% for e;+%er6i'emen< t(eir '(i$ren #n$ '(i$ren of #rme$
for'e per%onne:
C(i$ren of $e'e#%e$/$i%#be$ E;+Ser6i'emen in'"$in5 t(o%e Fie$/$i%#be$
$"rin5 pe#'etime. 24 C(i$ren of E;+Ser6i'emen 94 C(i$ren of Ser6in5 H#w#n%
!4 C(i$ren of Ser6in5 .ffi'er% ,4 E;+Ser6i'emen.
Appi'#tion form% m#3 be $owno#$e$ from t(e foowin5 #$$re%%$ )(e #%t $#te for %"bmi%%ion of #ppi'#tion i%

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