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Study: Multiple surges of radioactive substances

detected far from Fukushima Daiichi Over 10,000

times usual levels at plant Mayor: Govt knew but
never told us, they cant be trusted Worst may be
yet to come; Risk of much broader contamination
CBS: Many miles away spike in cesium detected
this week
Japan Correspondent: Its very scary, officials trying
to brainwash public about Fukushima crisis
Professor: Were wrapping our heads more and more
around Fukushimas legacy human impact
becoming more clear thats a very big and serious
issue here Virtually no public support for nuclear
power (AUDIO)
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Japan Doctor: Tokyo should no longer be inhabited
Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima People truly
suffering Bleeding under skin, urinary hemorrhaging
Childrens blood tests started changing last year Time
running short up to physicians to save our citizens and
future generations
Published: July 17th, 2014 at 11:11 am ET
By ENENews
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Dr. Shigeru Mitas essay published in the newsletter of Association of Doctors in Kodaira (Tokyo),
translated by WNSCR, July 16, 2014: Why did I leave Tokyo? To my fellow doctors, I closed the
clinic in March 2014, which had served the community of Kodaira for more than 50 years, since
my fathers generation, and I have started a new Mita clinic in Okayama-city on April 21. [...] It is
clear that Eastern Japan and Metropolitan Tokyo have been contaminated with radiation [...]
contamination in the east part [of Tokyo] is 1000-4000 Bq/kg and the west part is 300-1000
Bq/kg. [...] 0.5-1.5 Bq/kg before 2011. [...] Tokyo should no longer be inhabited [...]
Contamination in Tokyo is progressing, and further worsened by urban radiation concentration
[...] radiation levels on the riverbeds [...] in Tokyo have increased drastically in the last 1-2 years.
[...] Ever since 3.11, everybody living in Eastern Japan including Tokyo is a victim, and everybody
is involved. [...] The keyword here is long-term low-level internal irradiation. This differs greatly
from medical irradiation or simple external exposure to radiation. [...] People are truly suffering
from this utter lack of support. [...] If the power to save our citizens and future generations exists
somewhere, it [is] in the hands of individual clinical doctors ourselves. [...] Residents of Tokyo are
unfortunately not in the position to pity the affected regions of Tohoku because they are victims
themselves. Time is running short. [...]
Dr. Mita on patient symptoms since 2011: White blood cells, especially neutrophils, are
decreasing among children [...] Patients report nosebleed, hair loss, lack of energy,
subcutaneous bleeding, visible urinary hemorrhage, skin inflammations [...] we began to notice
changes in childrens blood test results around mid-2013 [...] Other concerns I have include
symptoms reported by general patients, such as persistent asthma and sinusitis [...] high
occurrences of rheumatic polymyalgia [...] Changes are also noticeable in the manifestation of
contagious diseases such as influenza, hand-foot-and-mouth disease and shingles. [...]
See also: Japan Physician: I hope adults will leave Tokyo, not just children -- Strange things
happening -- Medications don't seem to work -- Rare diseases increasing dramatically (VIDEO)
And: Japan Physician: Parents should evacuate children from Tokyo; Danger from Fukushima
radiation -- "The threat has seemed to be spreading" -- "Ive seen a lot of patients badly affected"
Published: July 17th, 2014 at 11:11 am ET
By ENENews
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Japan Doctor: Tokyo should no longer be inhabited
Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima People
truly suffering Bleeding under skin, urinary
hemorrhaging Childrens blood tests started
changing last year Time running short up to
physicians to save our citizens and future generations
Fox: Fukushima radioactive material still being found
in U.S. soil Japan Govt: The disaster posed
radiation threat to human society In 4 days
detectable all across northern hemisphere
Denmark: Fukushima clearly had widespread
consequences, not limited to borders (VIDEOS) (377)
Study: Multiple surges of radioactive substances
detected far from Fukushima Daiichi Over 10,000
times usual levels at plant Mayor: Govt knew but
never told us, they cant be trusted Worst may be
yet to come; Risk of much broader contamination
CBS: Many miles away spike in cesium detected
this week (121)
FORUM: Off-Topic Discussion Thread (Non-Nuclear
Issues) for Mar. 25, 2014 Present (51)
Japan Physician: I hope adults will leave Tokyo, not
just children Strange things happening
Medications dont seem to work Rare diseases
increasing dramatically (VIDEO) (20)
Study: Multiple surges of radioactive substances
detected far from Fukushima Daiichi Over 10,000
times usual levels at plant Mayor: Govt knew but
never told us, they cant be trusted Worst may be
yet to come; Risk of much broader contamination
CBS: Many miles away spike in cesium detected
this week
Japan Correspondent: Its very scary, officials trying
to brainwash public about Fukushima crisis
Professor: Were wrapping our heads more and more
around Fukushimas legacy human impact
becoming more clear thats a very big and serious
issue here Virtually no public support for nuclear
power (AUDIO)
1. TV: Were talking about generations being affected by Fukushima, and also their future
healthcare How are those in charge getting away with this, time after time by just saying
sorry? What do we tell the younger generation about what happened to our ocean?
(VIDEOS) August 24, 2013
2. Translator Chokes Up: Japanese mother of 2 kids with thyroid cysts says I couldnt stop
this, I couldnt save my children this time but I have to stand up and stop it (AUDIO)
November 26, 2012
3. Kyodo News: Fukushima raises concerns over viability of Japans future Former Prime
Minister: Reactor restarts a criminal act toward future generations; Fate of country at
stake; Myth that nuclear power clean and safe has collapsed January 22, 2014
4. The New Yorker: Anti-nuke street artist is Japanese Banksy Cult phenomenon in Tokyo
I love the American people I want them to help save Japan We need foreigners to
save us from ourselves Featured in upcoming film (VIDEO) October 1, 2013
5. Disturbing Short Film Set in Near-Future Tokyo (VIDEO) September 5, 2011
July 17th, 2014 | Category: Audio/Video Clips, Fukushima Daiichi, Japan (Fukushima), Tokyo Area
409 comments to Japan Doctor: Tokyo should no longer be
inhabited Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima People truly
suffering Bleeding under skin, urinary hemorrhaging Childrens
blood tests started changing last year Time running short up to
physicians to save our citizens and future generations
July 17, 2014 at 11:29 am Log in to Reply
"Kodaira, in western Tokyo, is one of the least-contaminated areas in Kanto; however, we
began to notice changes in childrens blood test results around mid-2013 even in this area.
Contamination in Tokyo is progressing, and further worsened by urban radiation
"manifestation of contagious diseases such as influenza, hand-foot-and-mouth disease and
shingles" Dr Shigeru Mita
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July 17, 2014 at 12:08 pm Log in to Reply
Great so URBAN FAIR in Yaletown Vancouver imported Japanese Oranges
for the sheep to eat. Its the ONLY place in North America that serves these
radiated oranges. Nobody else has them, exclaims the clerk as she yells to the
shoppers. Free samples!!
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 12:29 pm Log in to Reply
canuck1, how nice for you that you feel superior to "the sheep." But a
lot of the "sheep" are also adults parents who need to be warned to
protect themselves and especially their children. So maybe YOU can be the one to
hang out at the supermarket and TALK to people about it? And to the store
management? Ask them how they fell about poisoning their customers. You don't
have to yell at them just TELL them. Look them in the eye and TELL them.
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Fox: Fukushima radioactive material still being found
in U.S. soil Japan Govt: The disaster posed
radiation threat to human society In 4 days
detectable all across northern hemisphere
Denmark: Fukushima clearly had widespread
consequences, not limited to borders (VIDEOS)
Study: Multiple surges of radioactive substances
detected far from Fukushima Daiichi Over 10,000
times usual levels at plant Mayor: Govt knew but
never told us, they cant be trusted Worst may be
yet to come; Risk of much broader contamination
CBS: Many miles away spike in cesium detected
this week
Japan Doctor: Tokyo should no longer be inhabited
Everyone here is a victim of Fukushima People
truly suffering Bleeding under skin, urinary
hemorrhaging Childrens blood tests started
changing last year Time running short up to
physicians to save our citizens and future generations
Japan Correspondent: Its very scary, officials trying to
brainwash public about Fukushima crisis
Professor: Were wrapping our heads more and more
around Fukushimas legacy human impact
becoming more clear thats a very big and serious
issue here Virtually no public support for nuclear
power (AUDIO)
Emotional interview with Navy sailor suffering after
Fukushima exposure: Others with same symptoms
told to be quiet nobodys heard from them
Health is worsening, worried Im going to die Cant
really use legs or arms, hands barely functional
Rashes all over body, spasms, shaking Doctors
tell us its all psychological (AUDIO)
Japan experts warn of more quakes off Fukushima
coast Govt: Theres fear relatively large ones will
occur Recent M6.8 a delayed tectonic reaction to
M9.0 on 3/11 This is just one aftershock of several
to come could occur in next 2 weeks (VIDEO)
Officials: Radioactive material released into air from
Fukushima plant, areas far away being contaminated
Govt tracking plumes using emergency prediction
system Large amount of radioactive substances
will soon be released (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
Japan Nuclear Prof.: Fukushima plant now a swamp
of radioactive material Cant stop pumping in more
water because they dont know where melted fuel
went Build roof over entire site? Asahi:
Continued presence of water threatens construction
of ice wall around reactors
1:36 AM EDT, Jul 20
MFX 1209 If atomic radiation power
production is safe why won't general
DEE N AY MUTATION Comment on Fox: Fukushi ma
radi oacti ve materi al sti l l bei ng found i n U.S. soi l -- Japan
1:35 AM EDT, Jul 20
What happens when WHO and CDC raise
that to 100% as the norm......
Dr. Goodheart Comment on Study: Mul ti pl e surges of
radi oacti ve substances detected far from Fukushi ma Dai i chi --
1:31 AM EDT, Jul 20
NO one has proved that there are NOT
deaths happeneing at Fukushima.
Dr. Goodheart Comment on Study: Mul ti pl e surges of
radi oacti ve substances detected far from Fukushi ma Dai i chi --
1:29 AM EDT, Jul 20
Calling people dumb on this site won't get
July 17, 2014 at 1:23 pm Log in to Reply
WNTF -I feel kinda like your comment to Canuck is uncalled for
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 17, 2014 at 1:51 pm Log in to Reply
Yes please, I agree.One of the things I like about ene is that
we *get* sarcasm, anger, frustration, rants and dispair that
each of can feel safe to post here. We help share information and what I
got out of Canuck's post is something I was totally unaware ofthe
URBAN FAIR in Yaletown Vancouver is a venue that is providing
imported Japanese Oranges to unsuspecting fair attendees. WHOA!
I live 10 miles from the Canadian border and we have our own well known
Okanogan Family Fair, attracting 10,000 plus attendees and vendors. (I
had a booth there every year.)
I can't tell you how many times we had to deal with notifying the fair
organizers when we detected a booth including something harmful in
their wares. This was prior to having the worry about radiation from
Japanese produce or other imported goods. Our concern at that point
was mainly being anti-GMO's and pesticides.
So I ask, go lightly when judging a fellow information sharer over a choice
of a word or generality. We all (myself included) are guilty from time to
time. Our real enemies to take a bead on are pro-nukers!
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 3:32 pm Log in to Reply
Sorry, folks, if that was an overreaction. Just a response
to seeing people referred to as "sheeple" all over the
place. And people may say that it is NOT with contempt. But I've
honestly come to find it contemptuous. A lot of people would WANT
info, but their lives are pressured, oppressed, overworked. Some
would even be horrified if they found the truth undeniably looking
them in the face, because then their own families are endangered.
And then those are peple you would want to fell COMPASSION for,
even if they came to this late.
That doesn't make them "sheep" or "sheeple."
Maybe canuck meant sometimes totally different. But if so, a
clarification would be helpful because I've been hearing it for years
now and it doesn't sound like me in contempt of the poster, but
maybe the poster being in contempt of ordinary people to the
degree that they are called "sheeple."
Would YOU like to be called "sheeple"? Just asking. Or maybe you
are totally fine with that.
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July 17, 2014 at 4:35 pm Log in to Reply
baaaaaaaah. once a sheeple, not for a long time ,
butnot upset by others using the term for my skin
is thick and our enemies
are not we
must stay focused and friendly
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Calling people dumb on this site won't get
you any brownie points. Not...
Dr. Goodheart Comment on Study: Mul ti pl e surges of
radi oacti ve substances detected far from Fukushi ma Dai i chi --
1:28 AM EDT, Jul 20
Prove it, come on, work harder.. We are
not convinced.. Come up with...
Dr. Goodheart Comment on Study: Mul ti pl e surges of
radi oacti ve substances detected far from Fukushi ma Dai i chi --
1:26 AM EDT, Jul 20
All cancers are within a rising norm.. like
boiling frogs slowly. Study the...
Dr. Goodheart Comment on Study: Mul ti pl e surges of
radi oacti ve substances detected far from Fukushi ma Dai i chi --
1:23 AM EDT, Jul 20
Sally, Ellie and Dan... It would be a shame
if he posted one...
Jebus Comment on Fox: Fukushi ma radi oacti ve materi al
sti l l bei ng found i n U.S. soi l -- Japan Gov't:...
1:22 AM EDT, Jul 20
When you go explore your heart, you will
understand. When you start caring...
Dr. Goodheart Comment on Study: Mul ti pl e surges of
radi oacti ve substances detected far from Fukushi ma Dai i chi --
1:20 AM EDT, Jul 20
Is this more of the driving to ZERO theory?
Computer simulations, and virtual...
Dr. Goodheart Comment on Study: Mul ti pl e surges of
radi oacti ve substances detected far from Fukushi ma Dai i chi --
1:20 AM EDT, Jul 20
New earthquake map reveals risks rising
for much of the U.S. Posted on...
VanneV Comment on FORUM: Off-Topi c Di scussi on
Thread (Non-Nucl ear Issues) for Mar. 25, 2014 - Present
>> Comment Archive
FORUM: General Nuclear Issues Discussion Thread
FORUM: Fukushima Webcam Discussion Thread
FORUM: Off-Topic Discussion Thread (Non-Nuclear
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FORUM: Post Your Radiation Monitoring Data Here
FORUM: Alternative Energy Converting to clean,
renewable energy sources (626 Comments)
FORUM: Petitions, Ballot Initiatives, Other Signature
Drives (VIDEO) (303 Comments)
FORUM: Upcoming meetings, gatherings, &
demonstrations about energy issues (563
FORUM: What should be done about Japan burning
radioactive debris? (356 Comments)
FORUM: Methods for combating radiation and its
effects (1,776 Comments)
FORUM: Effects of low level radiation (954
FORUM: Possible Fukushima-related Anomalies
Deformations, Yellow Rain, Metallic Taste in Mouth,
etc. (2,000 Comments)
>> See All Discussion Threads
July 17, 2014 at 4:58 pm Log in to Reply
I didn't even read the comment as being able
people. I thought it was face-value that oranges
were being fed to sheep. I have no idea what sheep eat. so I
thought you were insulting this person who was bringing news
to all of us.
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July 17, 2014 at 4:59 pm Log in to Reply
being 'about' people. sorry for the spelling
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:17 pm Log in to Reply
Respectfully.. why would I do that? (Just
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July 17, 2014 at 6:23 pm Log in to Reply
lol I did the same thing on first read I
visualized sheep eating oranges and then
thought, no no, that can't be right !!! never seen s
sheep eating oranges and I've seen a lot of sheep
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July 17, 2014 at 6:02 pm Log in to Reply
There are times when I often wish I was once more
part of the Flock
Meandering through life, eating sleeping, eating, sleeping, on
occasion being fleeced by the banks and the PTB.
And then, once more I come to what senses I have left and
realise that that life has gone forever, that the only way to
survive is to become the hunter, not the prey.
I freely admit to using the word 'sheeple', but it isn't in
As sheep, they would have no chance to awaken As sheeple,
they're half awake, they just need a jolt to bring them around
fully, but that trigger is unique to each individual, and just as
hard to find. Sadly most may never wake up, but, some will.
In fact we anthropomorphize all the time
Those that come here to sabotage and disrupt, we call
Those people whom we work to defend and awaken we call
sheep / sheeple.
And as for ourselves, I'm pretty sure that we all have some form
of animal that we identify with In case you haven't guessed
I'm partial to wolves personally.
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The word 'Sheeple' actually goes back to the 1940's
Dictionary definitions 'Sheeple'
Rise and rise again
until the Lambs become Lions.
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July 17, 2014 at 6:11 pm Log in to Reply
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:24 pm Log in to Reply
Lambs becoming lions I might be able to
get behind..
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July 17, 2014 at 10:50 pm Log in to Reply
No sheep were harmed in the production of my
But yes, it is my statement.
Today an 80-year-old friend (well-versed on Fukushima)
told me her Texas doctor (middle-age non-Japanese) went
to Japan to visit her niece.
My friend: "Aren't you scared of the radiation?"
Doctor: "Oh no, everything is just fine in Japan."
SP: And that is why people get labeled sheeple. There are
billions of them. Uneducated about their world despite the
greatest communication tools of any species on earth.
Sadness in Japan
Ignorance and Denial in America
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July 17, 2014 at 10:54 pm Log in to Reply
ya, in the information age, the worst
product is information.
That said, no Beagles were harmed in the production
of my rants!
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July 19, 2014 at 5:01 pm Log in to Reply
7~19~5995 Sabbath in this "Twilight Zone
Apocalypse" A.K.A. "DOOMSDAY"!
Sickputer, know just what you mean. Right after 3~11
a neighbor told me that they were traveling to Hawaii.
When I mentioned "Fukushima's radiation hitting
there, she scoffed and replied, "No problem!" like
what I was saying was irrational. They are still here as
grumpy as ever.
I put up a yard sign (actually a foot square white tile
painted with q tips and spray paint) with a solar light
and windmill (sold @ 99Cents Only and Dollar Tree
It reads: (Frowning face) Killer radiation from
Fukushima,Japan? IT'S HERE!! Uncensored News: (Smiley face pointing to this
We are at the end of a cul-de-sac next to a small
public park.This is just the latest in our collection of
handmade signs that include: Drugs? Be Smart Don't
STOP WAR! Believe the Bible.
I also put the Fukushima message on most out going
mail. It looks like WE have to be the Pony Express to
deliver this message.
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July 18, 2014 at 3:54 am Log in to Reply
well, davidh7426, I'm guilty too, I suppose.
I call the "sheeple," "asleeple."
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Johnny Blade
July 20, 2014 at 1:19 am Log in to Reply
Yeah sometimes I wish I could go back to those
simpler times when the problems & obstacles
faced during life's trials didn't include disasters that almost
always were issues I could overcome and I still had a
sense of comfort that TPTB would be there for us when
crisis's and/or disastrous events threatened millions of
people including yours truly and family. It just seemed like
sound logic to assume they'd never leave nearly the entire
world's ass hanging out in the (radioactive)wind and
perhaps more naively believing there was in existence
someone,or some agency,etc. that'd step in,step up and
deal with anything so insidiously threatening that ? would
heroically "fix" or "remove"[?] anything we faced
ESPECIALLY if it was "man-made" in its origins!That was
then(pre-311)and this is NOW. Now being 3+years since
the onset of the 311 ELE and I can't even give them credit
for TRYING to do anything worth mention except to act in
ways that cause even more irreparable damage & mistrust
of anyone in positions of authority alleging to have the
public's best interest at heart supported by CREDIBLE
scientists & research,why would we trust & put our faith in
them EVER again when they send heckling piss ant's here
to repeat the same lies from their handler's scripts without
providing ANYTHING able to restore their credibility or
even the benefit of doubt in TPTB's favor via just ONE
example of success or competence in dealing with the
disaster of THEIR own making??!!
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July 18, 2014 at 3:16 pm Log in to Reply
I concur~~~~~~:
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 3:43 pm Log in to Reply
From ZeroHedge:
"There's two ways to look at it. Everything in the North Pacific is dying, in the
worst possible way. The suffering has to be horrific. So, do you want your kids
swimming in that?
Or, considering all the children's lungs are full of enriched uranium and
plutonium particles, there's radiation in the dairy and water they drink, in the
vegetables and meat they eat (Lord help them if they're still eating seafood),
as our next False Prophet says, "What fuckin' difference does it make?"
Even my 84 year old Mom says she wouldn't have kids with all this crap going
on, and a lot of her Grandma friends say the same thing.
I hope all those illegal immigrants coming across the border know they're
marching into a radioactive death. Oh, wait, they weren't told???"
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July 17, 2014 at 6:04 pm Log in to Reply
What are scientists saying now? This is the 7th great
extinction event that we are in the midst of? They don't
mention it being hurried along with radiation releases though.
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Time Is Short
July 18, 2014 at 5:01 pm Log in to Reply
Here it comes:
'The Cancer Death-Panel App Is Here'
"The latest innovation in cancer care isnt a medical breakthrough
but an app to ration new drugs. Itll measure care in terms of what it
costs health plans, instead of what it means for patients lives.
That its being developed under the auspices of the American
Society for Clinical Oncology, or ASCO, the worlds leading oncology
association, is a grim warning about the state of organized medicine.
The app will use an algorithm like those many health plans apply to
limit access to innovative treatments. Wellpoint Inc., for one,
measures cost-effectiveness by comparing the benefits, side effects
and costs of various treatments for specific types of cancer. The
ASCO app uses the same benchmarks
The apps biggest problem, though, is that its one-size-fits-all: It
treats all patients as the same, ignoring the genetic variation in
patient response that a new class of targeted cancer drugs will
soon address.
Dig a bit deeper, and its clear that ]Dr. Lowell Schnipper, who
heads ASCOs Value in Cancer Care Task Force] and his allies
have a more ideological motivation. He talks of limiting spending on
new treatments as a way to make the health-care system, not just
the cancer system, more rational and just.
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Time Is Short
July 18, 2014 at 5:02 pm Log in to Reply
And this line of thinking does away with the
Hippocratic Oath. No longer is the doctors first
obligation to apply for the benefit of the sick, all measures that
are required. Instead, Schnipper believes three months of
added life is not a large enough benefit to trump the greater
benefits to many that would have to be foregone to provide it.
In fact, he regards the premium that Americans place on life as
a character defect, observing, Other cultures do not seem to
view the postponement of death by a few months the same
way we do."
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July 17, 2014 at 6:45 pm Log in to Reply
The response from Urban FairLOL!!!!!
Thank you very much for letting me know your concerns regarding the
Japanese oranges and square watermelons. I can appreciate your level of
concern from the two emails that you have sent but please be assured that
we are in compliance with all federal regulations when it comes to imported
produce. I have personally looked into the matter along with the importer and
our head office support team to ensure that the product we have imported
from Japan meets or exceeds the regulations set forth by the government of
Canada as all incoming goods are also inspected in port.
I am also informed by the importer that these items we have brought in are
grown in the south of Japan, over 1000 kms from Fukishima. Please
understand that we would never bring anything into our stores that we weren't
100% confident in the quality, understand completely the point of origin or in
our relationships with our vendors/suppliers.
I sincerely hope that I have addressed your concerns and although I wouldn't
expect you to purchase any of these items, I hope you are more confident
that we would never, in ignorance, put out product for our customers that
could potentially harm anybody. If you have any questions, please contact me
directly and I would be happy to address them.
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 17, 2014 at 7:09 pm Log in to Reply
Snort! The ol' "we are in compliance, trust us"
reply, eh?
Keep letting us know what's going on north of our border Scott. Much
appreciated and good luck to all on your side of the imaginary line that
divides us.
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July 17, 2014 at 10:56 pm Log in to Reply
Weasal reply. Not specific.
And I love that "I wouldn't expect you to purchase these items"..and
thus test them and create a class action lawsuit.
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July 18, 2014 at 3:57 am Log in to Reply
Is that the reply that you actually received from the people at
the fair? If so it would be interesting if someone would or
could test the oranges with a geiger counter and/or maybe video the test
and guess I can be a sheeple just as much as the next personsorry I
don't know more about the dietary intake of farm animals but I'm going
to stick with Florida oranges in future.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:21 pm Log in to Reply
You may also wish to point out to the store management, that should
those irradiated oranges cause any form of illness or disability, then
they and the store owners, will probably spend the vast majority of the rest of their
lives in a courtroom being taken to the cleaners by their customers.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:24 pm Log in to Reply
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July 18, 2014 at 10:47 am Log in to Reply
Unbelievable~~ My friend Kathy has just married to a handsome black
man met through == The
best choice for you!. Here you will meet lots of inter`racial singles and find
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 9:57 pm Log in to Reply
Reported as usual. BTW, why doesn't this person go cross
themselves with some other species, like a pig or a dinosaur?
Nothing against interracial dating here, just against cr-pheads who do not
even have the respect to care about the grave issues at hand.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 12:14 pm Log in to Reply
It is only going to get worse and worse globally, until people wake up and
stop this mega nuclear disaster, which is just STARTING.
This is not just Japan's problem, it is a GLOBAL disaster
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July 17, 2014 at 1:52 pm Log in to Reply
Good Doctor, how in the world can this global nuclear disaster be
stopped how ? Alone with what we already have and cannot deal
with, we are doomed, it doesn't matter anymore if we stop nuclear or not, or am I
wrong ? All I can do is watch it to unfold and stand firmly in my place, being of
service wherever I can That is my conclusion after being in this forum for 1.5
years now. Japan will be the demo for the rest of us to study in how we are going
down. I am not scared, just sad beyond expression, looking at a dying world that I
love with all my heart, nurturing the last spark of hope that glows in the darkness
surrounding my soul miracles happen, and miracles is what we need. And what
else shall we do as doing what we know, what we have always done living our
lives, going along with our own agendas. In my mind the male half of our species
has managed to take planet earth down, supported by a death oriented religion
that discards and demonizes the female, the earth, the body, and promises the
desirable "happy life" after death but only if you follow their exclusive rules and
be brainwashed.
Tears and Hugs May all beings be free from suffering. May all beings be
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 3:37 pm Log in to Reply
Very sensitive commentary, and YES, miracles can happen. Health
itself is based in high and harmonious vibrations, can we only rise
above. It's just gotten more and more challenging!
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July 17, 2014 at 10:03 pm Log in to Reply
Thank you WNTF for seeing a bigger picture
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 3:50 pm Log in to Reply
The 'male' half did this? Oh, please, there was, uh, there was, oh, I
know! It was Madame Curie and her damn watch dials. Yeah,
that's it.
Actually, the ability to split the atom came from one particular group. Now,
they could have just hidden it away, since so many of them knew what was to
come, but off they went, and now we're here.
It could be said that the brightest of the brightest did this, bringing all life to an
Oh, well, it was fun while it lasted.
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July 17, 2014 at 5:22 pm Log in to Reply
I believe scientists in Nazi Germany were the first to discover
nuclear fission if so, I don't see how they could have hid
their success.
Of course, Oppenheimer shepherded America's efforts in combating this
threat, and after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, I recall many of the
scientists involved in the Manhattan ProjectOppenheimer included
changed their view on the morality of using nuclear weapons.
What must have that felt like? Man's continual desire to reveal the
secrets of the universe, driven by a wartime effort to defeat an abhorred
enemy, only to achieve success and then see the consequences to
humanity. How does one absolve themselves from the feelings of
responsibility for releasing such a horror?
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:33 pm Log in to Reply
My impression is that Oppenheimer did not absolve
himself at all. His famous "I am become Death, destryer
of worlds" speech is eerie, haunted. He looks like his very soul had
been bombed out.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:34 pm Log in to Reply
But that said, the people who caused THIS (Japan,
America covering up, the international nuclear
cabal, GE, etc.) seem utterly lacking in conscience.
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July 17, 2014 at 7:26 pm Log in to Reply
Russia was in there also.
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July 18, 2014 at 1:16 am Log in to Reply
That quote from Hindu scripture came after the
successful test at Alamogordo. I believe it was then
when he realized his ambition to effect historic scientific
achievement had blinded him to the far reaching consequences
of his actions. He certainly changed his position after the war
on Teller's work on the hydrogen bomb being staunchly against
its development.
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July 18, 2014 at 1:27 am Log in to Reply
I do think Oppenheimer left his life feeling he
had blood on his hands.
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July 18, 2014 at 1:39 am Log in to Reply
He looked so sad at what he had
At least he didn't say "we bring good things to life" like
the coward behind the TEPCO scapegoat.
If a car had faulty inferior brakes there would be an
uproar and a recall. If you go out because time is
short to destroy a world; la, la, larrr, all is happy and
party on. Seems a bit devilish to me!
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July 18, 2014 at 1:31 am Log in to Reply
He sold his soul. He was a talented marketer
a leader of scientists. He had a goal. And he
was wrong.
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July 18, 2014 at 1:58 am Log in to Reply
You would love the Mahabharata it graphically
describes atomic warfare and the radioactive
fallout from it in great detail centuries before
The bible speaks of lots wife turning and facing an atomic
explosion. Try telling this to sex obsessed religious people
that invent sins that were never sins. The destruction of
those two cities had nothing to do with sex or sexual
Even more ancient texts speak of the evil winds.
It seems that history may well be repeating itself. All these
warnings passed down time.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:01 am Log in to Reply
Maybe we-collectively have been here
before. If that's the casewe didn't learn
anything since that last go around.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 10:12 pm
True. Writings discovered from many
ancient civilizations apparently
suggest cataclysms that may have been nuclear.
Wasn't just The Great Flood at all. Revelation
even refers to a whole world going down
overnight. Unclear that that was not in the
ancient past.
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July 18, 2014 at 1:29 am Log in to Reply
yep, seems like the Devil entered his body as he
"gave up" with admission of the I have become
death phrase
"and we all felt like that"
sheesh, at least that means, he felt like that.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 6:52 pm Log in to Reply
"driven by a wartime effort to defeat an abhorred
No, we were partners:
'Nazi Nexus', by Edwin Black (nominated for 10 Pulitzer Prizes)
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July 18, 2014 at 12:51 am Log in to Reply
Thank you for the link. I was referring to scientists in
my statement, not corporations.
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Time Is Short
July 18, 2014 at 1:19 pm Log in to Reply
Are you referring to the scientists that were
kidnapped and brought to the US to continue
their research?
'Operation Paperclip'
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July 18, 2014 at 4:56 pm Log in to Reply
Actually, I was thinking of the scientists
that gladly went to Los Alamos to work with
Oppenheimer. Thank you again for the link;
obviously, this topic is of high interest to you.
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July 18, 2014 at 5:22 pm
For those interested, there was a
great PBS miniseries about
Oppenheimer done in the early 80s. It is
available on DVD <a
Sam Waterston played Oppenheimer and did a
spectacular job showcasing the nuances of this
sometimes enigmatic man. Most of what I know
about Oppenheimer is from watching this series
several times as well as reading the book that I
believe it was based uponAmerica's Children
by James Thackara.
The DVD includes an interview with
Oppenheimer from the early 60s sharing his
thoughts on the Manhattan Project.
I readily admit that I am not an expert on this
period of American history, just a fan.
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Time Is Short
July 18, 2014 at 5:22 pm
Many were kidnapped. They were
Germans and wanted to help rebuild
their country. The US had other ideas.
Stuck in the middle of the New Mexico desert,
with no place to run. They traded one set of
slavemasters for another.
Remember, the Nazis didn't lose. The German
people lost. The Nazis have done very well for
themselves over the years since.
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July 18, 2014 at 5:23 pm
That didn't come out the way I wanted
it to
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 10:13 pm Log in to Reply
TIS, I doubt that they had to be
"kidnapped." It's called ""making a deal."
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July 17, 2014 at 7:33 pm Log in to Reply
Speaking of female greed
Lady Barbara Judge is just back from inspecting the nuclear
plants at Fukushima in Japan,
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 8:03 pm Log in to Reply
Oh, Gawd, don't bring her back from the dead! Just
when we thought she was gone . . .
So much for the male bashing.
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July 18, 2014 at 1:10 pm Log in to Reply
"Lady Barbara Judge is just back from inspecting
the nuclear plants at Fukushima in Japan, the ones
closed down after the devastating earthquake and tsunami two
years ago. She visited the control rooms at Daiichi plant one
where three of the reactors went into meltdown and met many
of the men who risked their lives by working during the
emergency to cool the over-heated reactors and eventually
shut them down."
1. "the ones closed down" REALLY?
2. She visited the control rooms at Daiichi PLANT ONE
wtf???? plant one(the whole plant is plant 1? or did she go in
the sarcophogas of Unit 1?) I think she went to the 'far away'
present day 'control room' SO BRAVE!, psychobabbling the
public thru the 'safe' 'restartable' energy production facility?
3. "after the devastating earthquake and tsunami two years
ago." 2 YEARS AGO, WTF???? try 3yrs assbags!
4. "men who risked their lives by working during the emergency
to cool the over-heated reactors and eventually shut them
down." pray tell how those reactors were 'shut down'?
the vile shyte that spews from this international criminal's
gaping lie-hole should make the entire world vomit blood. evil
psychopathic witch. very difficult to look at her photo without
feeling as if she is EVIL INCARNATE. deal with the devil indeed.
she looks like Malificent ffs.!
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July 17, 2014 at 8:12 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 8:13 pm Log in to Reply
ok WTF? that was bizarre
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July 17, 2014 at 8:17 pm Log in to Reply
it was orwellian, lol
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July 18, 2014 at 4:05 am Log in to Reply
Hey! or-well, how's about some Barn Burners?
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July 17, 2014 at 8:19 pm Log in to Reply
I think I found a pic of Lady Judge in her youth.
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July 17, 2014 at 8:29 pm Log in to Reply
credit: Masayuki Yoshinaga, digital photgraph.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 10:14 pm Log in to Reply
I don't quite accept that she is female in the same way
that I don't quite accept that she is human.
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July 17, 2014 at 4:51 pm Log in to Reply
There are women in the government, the Congress, the nuclear
industry who are all complicit. There are plenty of women I wouldn't
choose to have as a ruler. Dr. Stein of the Green Party, I do vote for. But
Hillary? All the women supporters of nuclear industry have equally taken us
down and all the women who do not actively try to stop nuclear energy.
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July 17, 2014 at 4:58 pm Log in to Reply
Women Changing the Face of Nuclear Industry
Choosing Careers in Nuclear Science and Technology
Profiles of Exceptional Women in Nuclear Energy
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July 17, 2014 at 4:58 pm Log in to Reply
The Woman Behind the Bomb
In this company the name Lise Meitner has diminished to a
Yet in her day she had a reputation as one of Germany's best
experimentalists. Einstein fondly referred to her as "our Marie Curie."
Meitner's perceptive realization that atomic nuclei can be split in half was
the first step in a cascading set of discoveries that would relentlessly
lead to the atomic bomb. But, in the midst of these revelations, Meitner
had to flee from Nazi Germany, which cut her off from her laboratory and
colleagues. While this exile saved her life, it cost her the Nobel Prize and
a prominent niche in many annals of physics.
Fortunately, attention is gradually being refocused on this remarkable
woman. Richard Rhodes devoted an appreciable section in The Making
of the Atomic Bomb to Meitner's work on nuclear fission. And now Ruth
Lewin Sime, a chemist at Sacramento City College, has written the
definitive scientific biography of Meitner, a riveting and masterful account
of a scientist's steadfast devotion to physics. Sims blends the science
and history with seamless ease. Even though decades have passed
since the collapse of the Third Reich, Sime's extensive research offers
fresh insights on the devastating legacy of Nazism's distortion of the
scientific truth.
Born in Vienna in 1878, Meitner was one of eight children; her father
was among the first group of Jewish men to practice law in Austria. As
with Curie (but rare for a woman at the turn
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July 17, 2014 at 4:59 pm Log in to Reply
As with Curie (but rare for a woman at the turn of the
century), the intellectual atmosphere that surrounded
Meitner as a child nurtured her scientific proclivity. Only the second
woman to obtain a doctoral degree in physics at the University of
Vienna, she was soon drawn into the novel study of radioactivity.
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July 17, 2014 at 5:04 pm Log in to Reply
Why in hell are you blaming this on women??? War
is a man's game! You sicken me by blaming women!
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July 17, 2014 at 5:34 pm Log in to Reply
I'm not blaming women. I'm just saying that
women are equally responsible. And if we want
to get rid of nuclear energy and weapons we need both
men and women. There are as many evil women and evil
men. The evil men all have mothers, and most have wives.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:42 pm Log in to Reply
And that said, excessive testoterone has
never helped. And that is not women's
Women GENERALLY (there are always exceptions
it's a continuum) temper, mold and harmoniz e
extreme aggression. Though we've needed alot of
aggressive drive to get things done in the world. As
always, it's a balance, not a blame factory. At the
same time, YES, this world is way over-weighted onto
a destructive male side. We always seem to wind up
at war!
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July 17, 2014 at 5:37 pm Log in to Reply
All the women in the US Congress except one
voted for the Iraq War. And most of the men
had wives, and none of them protested the war that I know
of. There are women who are pacifists, but there are also
Look at Margaret Thatcher, for example.
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July 17, 2014 at 6:24 pm Log in to Reply
Sorry if I have over-reacted. It's just that
I'm still bristling mad about the Hobby-
Lobby decision, the GOP war on women, all this crap
about bringing the political discussion "down" to a
woman's level, etc so, I don't mean to take it out on
you or your valuable input to the discussions here. (I
think Margaret Thatcher would be VERY PRO NUKE),
I'm proud of Chancellor Andrea Merkle.. and or
but. I give women of science credit for their
contributions. In many ways they just didn't
comprehend the future and what it would bring about
and no one can blame them for that part of history.
But I do agree with Dr Helen Caldicott that nuke
missiles and rockets are a male-sexual issue
underlying all of this too.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:19 am
Rockets and missiles aren't the shape
they are because its a similar shape
to a penis. They are that shape due to
aerodynamics and launch systems.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:08 am
Yeah, just check out the shape of a
Mark I reactor in a schematic or
graphic portrayal. A pretty obvious male thing.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:08 am
RE: the Mark i, "I say dear, it has
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July 18, 2014 at 4:11 am
OK, well maybe it's just a Freudian
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July 18, 2014 at 4:12 am
Getting off topic..but just want to
respond to lucius corneliusit's not
the phallic-shapeit's the 'power' but it's also
pretty obvious that nuke containment vessels
seem very female-gender-oriented too.
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Time Is Short
July 18, 2014 at 1:24 pm
"The Obelisk is an ancient phallic
symbol of the male energy and solar
energy. Obelisks were originally erected in honor
of the sun god. That connection comes from
Egyptian worship of the Phallus. The phallus was
a sculptured representation of the male organ of
generation. The worship of it is said to have
originated in Egypt. Osiris, the sun god was killed
by Typhon and cut up into 14 pieces. When Isis,
the moon goddess [wife to Osiris] heard this, she
searched and found all the parts of his body
except his phallus. She buried all the parts and
built a column [obelisk] as a symbol of his
erected phallus, the missing part, and
worshipped it."
Look familiar?
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July 18, 2014 at 1:09 am Log in to Reply
The best part about Lise Meitner was that she
harbored no ill will toward Strassman even
though she was hounded out of Germany to Denmark and then
to England she eventually won a Nobel and walked to the
stage in Stockholm with Strassman telling him to be strong
"lest they think that we're old"
Great woman, great scientist, too bad the work she did helped
to lead us down the nuclear road to hell we are on
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 5:16 pm Log in to Reply
'[Hillary] Clinton lobbies for US firm in Czech nuclear bid'
"US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to persuade Czech leaders
on Monday to choose American firm Westinghouse over a Russian
competitor for a $10 billion nuclear power project that is the countrys
biggest-ever public energy bid."
But, Westinghouse an 'American' firm?
"Westinghouse, a unit of Japanese firm Toshiba Corp,"
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July 17, 2014 at 6:29 pm Log in to Reply
She does worry meand I'm sure any Japanese firm is
still subservient/some subsidiary of America..
I'm not meaning to male bash either. Please don't get me wrong or
misunderstand my point. There are many brave, honorable, sincere
good men out there. However, I do think that we do need more
women with a different point of view in leadership roles around the
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:45 pm Log in to Reply
You see? That's why we might be left with NO ONE to
vote for in 2016.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 6:55 pm Log in to Reply
And voting isn't rigged why?
"It doesn't matter who votes, it's who counts the votes that
Josef Stalin
Voting is nothing more than a poll for the elite at this point. We
get who/what they want.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 8:06 pm Log in to Reply
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly
ruined my country. A great industrial nation is
controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is
concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all
our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have
come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most
completely controlled and dominated Governments in the
civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no
longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the
majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a
small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson
All this from a retiring US President, who knew full well he
helped push the final nail in the coffin when he signed the
Federal Reserve Act. This was his confession, not just a
comment he made.
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July 19, 2014 at 11:54 am Log in to Reply
Dear Anne, I need to say something here: if you as a women
in the western male societies want to be independent and
empowered the only chance you have is to play by the rules of the
males. I did and know what I am talking about. I was a guy in a mini skirt
playing their game. And in order to make it you as a woman have to be
many more times better that the lousiest male in your field so what
does that make us ? Patriarchal whores, right ? What other choices do
we have ? You tell me
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July 19, 2014 at 12:25 pm Log in to Reply
You ol' man hater. Your song & dance is getting old &
tiresome. it's a form of discrimination, and I am sick of it.
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July 19, 2014 at 12:44 pm Log in to Reply
This of off-topic. How dare you call me a whore. I am not
a whore, I have never been a whore. And I will never be
a whore. There are now more women enrolled at universities than
men. We need equality, nothing more.
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July 19, 2014 at 12:54 pm Log in to Reply
OT: time out. homolumina, please be careful with
what you infer towards others. it is not just
unintitiated males. The humans suffer from racism and classism
too, greed and the failures of privilege. compassion will not
remove greed, even if it gentles it in the immediate circle of the
greedyPeople here can have different perspectives,
theologies and belief systems. If you feel bad about your time
doing work as a 'male in a miniskirt' do not project it on others. I
was a female in trousers operating jackhammers and
bulldozers, and i was never anything other than what i am:
female. Female is a huge category, as is Male. We. Are.
Anne, i do not believe anyone is calling you a woman who
charges for intimacy!
Back on point.
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July 19, 2014 at 1:09 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 5:11 pm Log in to Reply
How about that lying Tammy woman at the WIPP townhall?
How about the NRC lady who has massive conflicts of interest, and promotes
nuclear as she is supposed to regulate it.
I am sick and tired of male bashing. Admittedly males have done more of the
dirtywork, but as you see in the last decade as women and minorities have
been promoted upward, they are latching onto the corruption and power trips
with gusto!
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July 17, 2014 at 5:28 pm Log in to Reply
Power corrupts through hubris as well as greed.
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 17, 2014 at 5:47 pm Log in to Reply
Yes absolutely! A person's reproductive gear has nothing to
do despicable behavior.
But unfortunately, the divide and conquer game surfaces frequently.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:47 pm Log in to Reply
Women and minorities? What's that all about? You've just
called women disempowered and weak. (Sorry, stock. Your
commentaries are mostly great. But I do believe that that's what you just
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 7:19 pm Log in to Reply
No, WNTF. He's saying as the glass ceilings come down
and everyone gets a chance to dip their beak in the
corruption at the top, they're all drinking up.
It was easier to blame the white men when they ran things, but now
it's everyone at the top. It's just easier to keep blaming the 'White
Guys' and keep the spotlight off themselves.
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July 17, 2014 at 7:49 pm Log in to Reply
Yep, plenty of corrupt old white guys, but the new
school up and comers seem to believe that
corruption is the ONLY way to go.
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July 17, 2014 at 8:10 pm Log in to Reply
He just said that they have power now and share the
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July 17, 2014 at 5:41 pm Log in to Reply
Male bashers are trying to defeat the anti-nuclear movement. We
have too many TEPCO employees or advocates of the nuclear
industry on this website.
And this whole topic is off-topic and as usual disrupting a very important topic:
the necessity to evacuate Tokyo.
Please have some sympathy for the men, women, and children of Japan.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:48 pm Log in to Reply
Am TOTALLY for evacuating Tokyo. From the get-go.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 6:50 pm Log in to Reply
By the same token, a lawsuit to at least evacuate CHILDREN
from northern Japan was tossed out of court without even a
hearing. What groups would even have the POWER to push this?
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 6:57 pm Log in to Reply
If you only knew how corrupt the justice systems are,
WNTF, you would shiver.
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July 19, 2014 at 1:06 pm Log in to Reply
continued OT with apologies: not with you there anne. truly, i
know people, men and women, you would call 'male-bashers'
and the ones i know are deeply anti nuke. in fact they are environmental
activists with great integrity who hate how the patriarchal system is
destroying the earth, and they study and educate on stats about men's
violence towards women around the world, in almost all cultures, and
right hereanalyze how religious texts (from multi religious backgrounds)
support subjugating females.and extrapolate to rejecting all organized
religionrejecting corporate structuressometimes even rejecting the
nuclear family as a unit they want anything to do with. What they hold in
common, at least in my experience, is a strong anti nuke and pro
environmental, pro women and children first, pro love and compassion,
bias. they see the earth as female and see it being raped by patriarchy.
I think we all contain good and bad in us and it is up to us to choose what
we act in support of. Our values and choices are not essentially bound to
our 'body parts' though they are deeply influenced by how we are raised
and treated day to day.
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July 19, 2014 at 1:07 pm Log in to Reply
and yes, agree, need to evacuate tokyo. FIRST Educate
tokyo! then start politically and geographically providing
escape routes, how? do not know. Start with consciousness and
education. Here. what we do.
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July 19, 2014 at 1:53 pm Log in to Reply
Sorry, but there plenty of countries with a patriarchal
culture that refuse nuclear energy or weapons in their
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July 19, 2014 at 1:56 pm Log in to Reply
agree, anne, but look at germany- first they went
through the third reich period..they evolved to
where they are now. they sure didn't start there.
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July 19, 2014 at 1:57 pm Log in to Reply
i pray the usa evolves before it is too late for
our children and grandchildren
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July 18, 2014 at 4:00 am Log in to Reply
Homolumina, respectfully I'm a member of that religious group I
think you're referring to and was always taught to me mankind was
supposed to be a good steward on the earth. The "don't worry, ignore it, you'll
just be beamed up into your wonderful heavenly new life" thing is a really
strange, alien concept to me. It was never a part of my belief system, anyway.
Have not atrocities, war, bloodshed, evil occurred everywhere, in every
culture on earth?
Maybe there are a few notable exceptions. The Hopi people and their
peaceful ways may be one of the notable exceptions.
All I'm asking is please don't vilify people you don't know, especially if you
really don't know much about their belief system.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:54 pm Log in to Reply
@DrG love your comments and website over all these years, please
pray tell us how this mega nuke disaster can be stopped? If know you
deserve the highest honor of all for saving this planet from destruction when this
disaster started in 2011 a Japanese physicist posted a video on youtube about
how this event will only grow out of control ending with the destruction of Japan.
The final images of the video were of a young Japanese family holding on to each
other at the edge of a precipice surrounded by constant radiation fog. This family
was trying to decide if it would be best to die a slow death or to end it quickly as
the physicist looked on apologizing to them for the destruction he had caused.
have looked for this video for the past year as it was very powerful but it appears
to have been removed. Anyone out there remember it, have a link or perhaps
copied it? Thanks and Peace out to all
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July 17, 2014 at 2:05 pm Log in to Reply
papacares, was it Mt. Fuji In Red by Kurosawa?
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July 17, 2014 at 4:25 pm Log in to Reply
@O-W, Thanks, yes that is what the one referred to used to
make the vid that came out shortly after 3/11 the one I 1st
saw had the funky Mt Fuji scene removed and started with the guy in the
suit saying, "6 nuclear reactors have exploded" part they had also
dubbed in English rather than subtitles tried to open the link you have
so graciously provided, site says video currently unavailable here is
another site (not in English) that opened, not sure how long it will remain
open once it gets known on enenews
still looking for the one posted 3 years ago. Towards the end of the vid
the young man beating at the radiation fog with his hands in frustration
speaks volumes.
Who would have thought a movie made in 1990 would actually be what
we are living today. We Were Warned
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July 17, 2014 at 4:54 pm Log in to Reply
All enenewsers everyone should see this video posted
one month ago and currently showing only 27 views it
is a vivid portrayal of things to come from a movie made in 1990
the scientist in the drama even explains what the visible colors you
are now seeing in the sky represent this is your future
thanks again or-well
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July 17, 2014 at 6:21 pm Log in to Reply
Its in Belgium too , with full moon you can see those
"beautyfull" mix of smog and radioactif colors most
of the night on the horizon..
"inane lies " i'm seeng
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July 17, 2014 at 11:13 pm Log in to Reply
papacares, a fascinating clip from 1990
how propheticthat ability to 'see'.
Yet the old film clip of Oppenheimer shows he knew, way back
then, that Pandora's box had been opened. But what is even
more remarkable is that mankind was told centuries ago.
Well, they have studied the benefits of positive energy, (once
referred to as 'faith')
But what rests at the bottom of Pandora's box?
It is called Hope
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July 17, 2014 at 11:55 pm Log in to Reply
Yes ! Papacares, or-well !
I was looking for this clip. Pinksailmat talked about it
but swore it's been removed from youtube after 3/11. Thank
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July 18, 2014 at 12:12 am Log in to Reply
bo, I may be able to see a few things you or
papacares can't. I have no trouble finding the
entire Mt Fuji In Red subtitled exactly in full as papacares
described it the family cliffside at the end, the suit guy
jumps, the smoke rolls in, the Dad frantically and uselessly
waving his jacket at it
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July 18, 2014 at 12:19 am Log in to Reply
I see it too or-well! The thing is, a few
months ago pinksailmatt discussed this
scene but complained it was no longer available on
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July 18, 2014 at 12:21 am
Maybe uploaders are catching up to
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July 18, 2014 at 12:27 am
I wanna send the clip to @STONE
regarding pink sky discussion but
my Twitter account keeps blocking me out
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 6:33 pm Log in to Reply
Stay positive, focus on and imagine a bright hopeful future for
humankind. It will happen, one way or the other.. Use your power
of imagination and put positive feelings behind it; joy, peace, happiness..
Imagine this future when you are happy.. It is our destiny and birthright, and it
is why we are here.
The answers are all there, or will be provided.
The first step is to shut down all nuclear reactors.
It is much like an addict.. the addict has to stop using FIRST, and then ask for
help. He or she will get it and recovery is almost always possible.
Nuclear is like that.. the addict is lying to themselves and to everyone else,
but cannot stop because it feels so good; power high, money high, status
high, energy monopoly, etc.
There are multiple ways once the shutdown happens that the mess can and
will be cleaned up rapidly, but first the addict has to hit bottom.
The bottom has not been hit yet.
Of course, there are also other possibilities like the 100th monkey
consciousness shift, but it is not worth waiting for.
Whatever the mind of man can conceive, man can achieve
Napolean Hill
Einstein said that our most powerful faculty is imagination, not logic
Imagine a positive future for the whole world, hold to that and be a spiritual
Imagine a positive future for the whole world, hold to that and be a spiritual
warrior, fighting on that level..
Add prayer if you desire and have time.. for more effect.
It does not take that many people..
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 6:44 pm Log in to Reply
check the spirit page on AGRP.. very specific details about all
of this and videos explaining how to do it.
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July 17, 2014 at 8:00 pm Log in to Reply
Thx Dr.Goodheart , for the wise words..
(where is Obe btw , he has a way with compliments and
such )
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melting mermaid
July 17, 2014 at 8:30 pm Log in to Reply
I've been wondering the same thing. And weekoburi.
Didn't he live in Japan?
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July 17, 2014 at 8:40 pm Log in to Reply
Me three
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July 17, 2014 at 9:18 pm Log in to Reply
Dr. Goodheart, re 'the positive approach'
leaving aside some of the ridiculous remarks, isn't that the
philosophy behind what is being attempted in Japan, that everybody has
been mocking? The 'feel good', enlivens the spirit and it awakens the
body's good energy.
Can't you see that behind the scene, there have been people attempting
to do exactly what you are saying here?
Isn't that what this song is about? Even singing positive songs like this,
But there are those that utilize the good, for purely personal gain.
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July 17, 2014 at 11:20 pm Log in to Reply
"it is our birthright"
man without regard for 'the other' lost his birthright.
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July 17, 2014 at 5:49 pm Log in to Reply
YES Doc if only the PTB would wrap their heads around this and start
acting with humanity but they want the wheels of cash to keep turning
and can't seem to come to terms with this disaster which is understandable as it is
truly unreal, devastating and no end in sight. I'm by no means condoning their
behavior but I do realize the difficulty and implications. If only we could just shut
down all the nukes but unfortunately it's not that simple. Germany has started but
until we develop an effective way of storing or better yet destroying the enormous
amounts of waste. On never mind this is so very frustrating.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm Log in to Reply
MORE than "frustrating." If every dollar in the world were right now
put into storing and/or destroying nuclear waste, that would still be
an endless task complicated by ongoing escalating emissions. It would be
fantastically better than NOTHING being put into it, of course it would! But
instead, we keep heading in the wrong direction.
And if the U.S. does not take a lead role in denouncing nuclear power, it's
hopeless. But no one in power will do it, it seems. First we were furious about
Obama doing nothing but cover-ups and black-outs and turning off radiation
monitors. But even he is just a puppet. Who is steering the Titantic?
Frustration could never describe it. "Globalism" has turned out to be a
horrifying monster.
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July 17, 2014 at 9:23 pm Log in to Reply
"Who is steering the Titantic?"
An emergency crewand I would suspect by now, the good
ones are praying
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July 17, 2014 at 11:32 am Log in to Reply
A Tokyo doctor who has moved to western Japan urges fellow doctors to promote
radiation protection: A message from Dr. Mita to his colleagues in Kodaira, Tokyo
The keyword here is long-term low-level internal irradiation. This differs greatly from
medical irradiation or simple external exposure to radiation.
I recommend all of you to watch the NHK program, ETV special: Chernobyl nuclear accident:
Report from a contaminated land, which is available on Internet.
Their experience tells them that Tokyo should no longer be inhabited, and that those who
insist on living in Tokyo must take regular breaks in safer areas.
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July 17, 2014 at 11:34 am Log in to Reply
ETV special: Chernobyl nuclear accident: Report from a contaminated land
[Google translation] 1st 2014.4.20 way to the NHK Special series
"Endless radioactivity" containment "struggle" (first half)
I wonder can we imagine, the weight of the time a few decades -.
TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that caused the world's worst accident
of the Great East Japan Earthquake level of three years ago, reactor three that
meltdown. In the field, working to remove the nuclear fuel that burn through, to
dismantle the reactor was charged with strong radioactive substance of
"decommissioning" is about to begin at last. Do you follow what the course really, it is
"decommissioning" a nuclear reactor three, that is fed back to residents who
evacuated, attempt unprecedented in human history example, thoroughly over a long
period of time at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant a "decommissioning"
record. I to start from April a large series facing scientific, social issues. Part 1, will
explore "decommissioning" or how endless work, Saigetsu a few decades is what effect
the society and people. Is "Senshinchi" of decommissioning, the United States and
Chernobyl, Three Mile Island nuclear power plant also thorough coverage, NHK were
obtained valuable internal video related to decommissioning. Put the camera in
decommissioning work at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and stare at the
scene of struggle in the "containment of
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July 17, 2014 at 11:34 am Log in to Reply
"containment of radioactivity" is a major premise of decommissioning. In
addition, local governments and people of Fukushima to watch with
breathless interest, the whereabouts of decommissioning also interviewed. I will
explore the impact that decommissioning has on society and human beings.
Series, I want to continue to record the long-term production staff coverage while
change of ownership, the work of decommissioning take a few decades, a new TV
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July 17, 2014 at 12:42 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, our thoughts need to be directed down the correct path with
regards to how we should interpret the situation of cleanup and
restoration of the FDNPP's.
Lord knows how our minds can wander into unpleasant and uncomfortable
tangents that sees quite a large number of victims due some sort of
reparations. Could they all be hypochondriacs?
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:01 pm Log in to Reply
The correct path now is to make peace with your Maker.
And if you're an athiest, have a piece of pie.
Whatever it takes to smile on the way out.
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danger kitty
July 17, 2014 at 4:20 pm Log in to Reply
Not an atheist, Time is Short, but I'll take the pie too.
Chocolate cream. With spirulina sprinkles. Hold the
strontium (not too close).
strontium (not too close).
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July 17, 2014 at 12:07 pm Log in to Reply
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 12:32 pm Log in to Reply
Dr. Mita's nod to INTERNAL radiation is critical. No matter how tiny the
ingested particle, if it sticks to tissue or bone inside the body, it's a constant
emitter in that one location that leads to cancer. That total mis-education needs to be
totally reversed. I applaud this doctor who knows that the DOCTORS have to speak out
to save the populace.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:25 pm Log in to Reply
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July 18, 2014 at 11:43 am Log in to Reply
Yes, I have been waiting for more of this! The Japanese do not lack
education, integrity, observation skills or high intelligence!! They
probably have some of the most capable professionals to actually address the
problem, if it hadn't been so hidden away in a culture paralyzed by fear/conformity.
Thanks, DR. M.!
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July 17, 2014 at 12:32 pm Log in to Reply
The term body burden was used to describe the amount of radioactive
material present to a human body, which acts as aninternal and ongoing
source of radiation
Exposure to plutonium was linked to cancers, brain tumors, and reproductive
disorders, but plutonium was determined to be most dangerous when taken into the
lungs. Particles of plutonium weighing 10 micrograms or less can easily be inhaled.
Robert Stone, head of the Plutonium Project Health Division at the Met Lab in Chicago,
made the first estimate of a permissible plutoniumbody burden. He set the limit at 5
micrograms. In July 1945, scientists at Los Alamos reduced that standard by a factor of
five, to 1 microgram. In 1949, in the wake of the disturbing new results from animal
testing, representatives from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada at the
Tripartite Permissible Dose Conference set aneven stricter standard: they agreed that
the maximum body burden for plutonium should be 0.1 microgram (p. 177)
Iversen, Kristen, Full Body Burder: Growing up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats
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July 17, 2014 at 12:32 pm Log in to Reply
Tripartite Conferences on RAdiation Protection Canada, United
Kingdom, United States (1949-1953)
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July 17, 2014 at 12:54 pm Log in to Reply
Yes I tried to watch it but can't figure out how to translate it , do you know
how vanne ?
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July 17, 2014 at 1:05 pm Log in to Reply
Dr. Shigeru Mita addresses the need of blood examination among children
in the Kanto area
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July 17, 2014 at 1:07 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 1:11 pm Log in to Reply
Japan Physician: I hope adults will leave Tokyo, not just children
Strange things happening Medications dont seem to work Rare
diseases increasing dramatically (VIDEO)
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 7:07 pm Log in to Reply
VaanaV, the previous link you gave to Dr. Mita from November, 2011 is
excellent, though he is still somewhat cautious. Note that he never uses
the word "leukemia." I wonder if he were giving the same talk today, there might be
some serious edits. It's hard to imagine that severe decreases in white blood cell
counts does not lead to BLOOD disease.
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July 17, 2014 at 7:39 pm Log in to Reply
I think leukemia has elevated white blood cell counts. Low counts
can lead to cancer.
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July 17, 2014 at 7:43 pm Log in to Reply
Looks like I'm wrong.
Leukopenia: A low white blood cell count. A decrease in the production of
functional leukocytes (white blood cells) weakens the body's immune
defense, which can make you more prone to infections.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 8:14 pm Log in to Reply
When caused by radiation, such as chemotherapy or
Fukushima, it's known as 'radiogenic leukopenia'.
And we all have it.
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July 17, 2014 at 7:45 pm Log in to Reply
Not wrong after all:
A high white blood cell count usually indicates:
An increased production of white blood cells to fight an infection
A reaction to a drug that increases white blood cell production
A disease of bone marrow, causing abnormally high production of white
blood cells
An immune system disorder that increases white blood cell production
Specific causes of high white blood cell count include:
1. Acute lymphocytic leukemia
2. Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
3. Allergy, especially severe allergic reactions
4. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
5. Chronic myelogenous leukemia
6. Drugs, such as corticosteroids and epinephrine
7. Myelofibrosis
8. Certain bacterial infections
9. Certain viral infections
10. Polycythemia vera
11. Rheumatoid arthritis
12. Smoking
13. Stress, such as severe emotional or physical stress
14. Tuberculosis
15. Whooping cough
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July 17, 2014 at 7:48 pm Log in to Reply
I am wrong;
Low white blood cell count
By Mayo Clinic Staff
A low white blood cell count usually is caused by one of the
Viral infections that temporarily disrupt bone marrow function
Congenital disorders characterized by diminished bone marrow
Cancer or other diseases that damage bone marrow
Autoimmune disorders that destroy white blood cells or bone
marrow cells
Overwhelming infections that use up white blood cells faster than
they can be produced
Drugs that destroy white blood cells or damage bone marrow
Specific causes of low white blood cell count include:
1. Aplastic anemia
2. Certain medications, such as antibiotics and diuretics
3. Chemotherapy
5. Hypersplenism, a premature destruction of blood cells by the
6. Infectious diseases
7. Kostmann's syndrome, a congenital disorder involving low
neutrophil production
8. Leukemia
9. Lupus
10. Malnutrition
11. Myelodysplastic syndromes
12. Myelokathexis, a congenital disorder involving failure of
neutrophils to enter the bloodstream
13. Other autoimmune disorders
14. Other congenital disorders
15. Parasitic diseases
16. Radiation therapy
17. Vitamin deficiencies
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July 17, 2014 at 7:58 pm Log in to Reply
Neutropenia is an abnormally low level of neutrophils, a type
of white blood cell. All white blood cells help the body fight
infection. Neutrophils fight infection by destroying harmful bacteria and
fungi (such as yeast) that invade the body. People who have
neutropenia are at increased risk for developing serious infections
because they do not have enough neutrophils to destroy harmful
microorganisms that cause disease. Some degree of neutropenia occurs
in about half of people with cancer who are receiving chemotherapy, and
it is a common side effect in people with leukemia. .
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 8:20 pm Log in to Reply
Great info, VaaneV. This is what starts our downward
path when exposed to the Fukushima radiation, resulting
in hundreds of problems besides cancer.
This is why radiation kills the kids first, then the weaker older
The world is going to watch the youngest children die off while the
older humans get sick slower.
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July 19, 2014 at 6:55 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, TIS and VanneV. Thx so much for bringing this
up again. It needs saying a thousand times. YOur
lists and scenarios ARE what is primarily caused by low level
radiation exposure and NOT just cancer. Cancer generally
comes last with the exception of some blood cancers in
children. Right now it is the weakening of starfish to fight off a
bacterium, and this in turn then starves the fish which then
depletes the food supply for all, including humans, while the
food acts as a carrier of radioisotopes, which for all life,
including humans creates a circumstance of larger and larger
populations who are finding it difficult to maintain health. Even
those humans with access to all the good things of a high tech
society like abundant food and water and certain medical
support will be challenged to not have some kind of chronic
illness. It is the price we are demanding that all life pay for our
creating sciences and technologies which allow us to exploit the
world in ways that are devoid of consequence or responsibility.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 10:40 pm Log in to Reply
Which may mean that large numbers of children already
have leukemia, officially diagnosed or not. I believe that
strontium may be a main culprit with that, might have to re-check.
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July 17, 2014 at 2:09 pm Log in to Reply
Doctor Calls For Evacuation of Japan
Dr. Shigeru Mita, Mita Clinic in Tokyo: Our patients mostly come from Tokyo, Chiba,
Kanagawa, Saitama, and other Northern Kanto areas.
The pediatricians' general textbook says that reference value of neutrophil [the most
abundant type of white blood cells, essential part of immune system] for healthy
children (6-12 years old) is [...] 4000, but it has shifted to 2500. It is lower than the
threshold value of 3000. I think this points at a serious problem.
Strange things happening Medications dont seem to work Rare diseases
increasing dramatically
November 12, 2013
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July 17, 2014 at 8:51 pm Log in to Reply
Yes VanneV, we need both red AND white blood cells.
Even before March 2011, the purported oxygen level in Tokyo was low,
and it is likely to be low in every large city.
People need oxygenated blood, and personally I suspect that it is that lack that will
make it hard to fight infections. Damage to the bone marrow from radiation,
depletion of oxygen (which will occur from the release of radionuclides) and not
just oxygenthese are the areas of doctors and chemists.
I suspect that way back in the 1950's, probably before, had people listened to the
chemists, nuclear energy would have been squashed. But powerful energy was
the 'god' of that time and it appears, still is.
Now? Your EPA is attempting to police 500,000 hazardous substances, with laws
being written that failed to address those concerns.
Ask the chemists? My imagination can only wonder how they possibly could have
remained sane when confronted with such stupidity.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 10:44 pm Log in to Reply
Unclear what the EPA gets to "police." Fracking alone is legally
protected from disclosure. But the EPA (which maybe before
Bush-Cheney was at least somewhat protective) has greatly broken down, as
evidenced by the new outrageous raise in so-called "safe" radiation to post-
lethal levels. It's not just that they do nothing they positively do harm! Like
the Environmental Poisoning Agency.
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July 17, 2014 at 11:34 am Log in to Reply
Japanese singer Kazuyoshi Saito does a great song about "It has all been a lie"
Radiation fly up in the air
Radiation dive under the water
They really are pricks
Commemorated here
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July 17, 2014 at 11:37 am Log in to Reply
1000+ tweet and thank you all
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July 17, 2014 at 11:56 am Log in to Reply
stock, moving, thanks for posting.
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July 17, 2014 at 11:35 am Log in to Reply
Hey, Bo, can you check this out. Am trying to check out this Dr. Thanks. Is this his
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July 17, 2014 at 12:56 pm Log in to Reply
Can anyone find a bio, or history on this Dr.? I can't. Where did he go to
school? I have a bad feeling about him.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:00 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 1:04 pm Log in to Reply
That's not him. Name reversed.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:08 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 1:12 pm Log in to Reply
Why are you getting snippy? From article
I closed the clinic in March 2014, which had served the community of
Kodaira for more than 50 years, since my fathers generation, and I
have started a new Mita clinic in Okayama-city on April 21.

I had been a member of the board of directors in the Kodaira
medical association since the 1990s, the time I started practicing
medicine at my fathers clinic. For the last 10 years, I had worked to
establish a disaster emergency response in the city."
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July 17, 2014 at 1:48 pm Log in to Reply
SadieDog, it IS unlikely Mita Shigeru and Shigeru
Mita are the same person, but not because the
name is reversed.
Japanese name order is commonly Family name/Given name.
You would expect to see that on an official form. It would be like
seeing Smith, John on the form. And, as the clinic is the MITA
clinic, we can assume that is the family name, just as we would
find a SMITH Clinic, not a JOHN Clinic.
It is also typical to reverse the name order for translations.
However Mita Shigeru was co-authoring research papers up
to the mid 2000's. If Shigeru Mita was fully occupied with client
care at the Mita clinic, it is unlikely he would have had time to
do all that research.
So, it is PROBABLY 2 people with the same name, regardless
of what order those names appear in.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:06 am Log in to Reply
This is correct..
These seem like 2 different people but with
ssme name Shigeru Mita. That's both a common first and
last name in Japan so not surprising.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:10 am Log in to Reply
Bo, can you find him in either of those
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July 18, 2014 at 12:32 am
What do you mean 'either'?
I only saw the link on kodaira clinic
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July 17, 2014 at 1:26 pm Log in to Reply
why would you have a bad feeling about him? he is speaking the truth
your claim cause me concern about your intentions
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July 17, 2014 at 2:14 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 6:18 pm Log in to Reply
Well obvious, thats your problem. And yours Anne. I research
everything and everybody. The truth does not fear investigation.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:07 pm Log in to Reply
Hey Bo, then check this out. The dr. Says he was on the board in the 90's.
Can you verify, please. Kodaira Medical Assoc.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:28 pm Log in to Reply
not bo here but i checked the links at the clinic in the Radiation
Resources and translated it, from skimming them it looks very
good,very real,no propaganda. fwiw ,ymmv.
hope this comes through in English.
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July 17, 2014 at 2:23 pm Log in to Reply
[Google Translate]
The information on radioactivity
In this page, we guide you through the HP has to offer (radiation
measurement result, consultation, and Q & A) a variety of information about
radioactive contamination associated with the accident at the Fukushima
Daiichi nuclear power plant.
[Provision of information from Tama Xiaoping health center]
Environmental radiation measurements in Tokyo
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health
Inquiry counter
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
(There is no radiation emergency medical institutions in the Tokyo
metropolitan area) radiation emergency medical institutions list
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Q & A
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Institute of Yokosuka Medical Association http://www.yokosukashi-
Nuclear Safety Research Association
The [come radiation measurements, wind direction, wind]
The wind direction information, about the wind
Wind direction over, the earth's surface, wind (SunnySpot) http://www.sunny-
Information about
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July 17, 2014 at 2:23 pm Log in to Reply
Information about the radiation measurement
Tokyo Waterworks Bureau
(Measurement of water supply has been published. Asaka (Tone) +
tenancy (Tamagawa) + groundwater water supply Deng is (14%))
(We are on the test results (dust, rain water, etc.) in fallout 2. Saitama
Prefecture space radiation dose measurement results in 1. Saitama)
Citizens' Nuclear Information Center
(Street indoor, outdoor, I have published the results of measurement of
space radiation dose on the soil of the park)
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July 17, 2014 at 2:20 pm Log in to Reply
Where did he say he was on the board of the Kodaira Medical
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July 17, 2014 at 2:27 pm Log in to Reply
in the article linked to below the headline.
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July 17, 2014 at 3:02 pm Log in to Reply
Hi Sadie I'm just seeing this post / article but have to sign off.. looks like
others chimed in and did the work.. but will read through tonight!
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July 17, 2014 at 11:38 am Log in to Reply
The radiation is in the food supply, no doubt. The radiation is in the dust (one
picogram of Sr-90 emits almost 5.2 becquerels, and dust particles weighing only
micrograms could easily put out millions of becquerels). And then there is the black dust from
the fuel cores. And the wind blows the dust around. How much longer can this info be
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July 17, 2014 at 11:43 am Log in to Reply
and the trees and plants perpetuate the distribution with every bit of pollen
in the wind.
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July 17, 2014 at 11:44 am Log in to Reply
not to forget the freaking incinerators death fuel
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July 17, 2014 at 11:59 am Log in to Reply
And here in the US, people getting sick and dying from swimming
in the waters
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July 17, 2014 at 12:10 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 12:44 pm Log in to Reply
That's been a problem long before Fukushima though. My
brother contracted a flesh eating bacteria 10 years ago when
he and his family were picking up someone else's trash at a campsite
next to a large lake. It was just a slight scratch. They saved his life and
his arm. I think it has more to do with polluting the water.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:28 pm Log in to Reply
not to the degree it is a problem today
BP first poisoned the gulf, now Fukushima and human created
waste has poisoned waters for decades
exponentially growing pathogen problems
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:06 pm Log in to Reply
Exponentially growing immune system suppression.
Everything flows downhill from that.
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July 17, 2014 at 6:33 pm Log in to Reply
I do have to wonder if that corexit might somehow
increase that flesh-eating bacteria
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July 17, 2014 at 6:45 pm Log in to Reply
me too, first thing i thought was Synthia
Craig Ventor,and Corexit.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:27 am Log in to Reply
interesting link. thanks.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 7:03 pm Log in to Reply
Read 'The Vampire Of Macando':
Horrific, with lots of deaths.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 12:31 pm Log in to Reply
Not just in Japan, but all over the world nuclear invisible death
particles are spreading, blowing with the wind..
Pandora's box has been opened, and the horrors are coming out, non stop.
Worst of all, it affects the innocent children the most..
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July 17, 2014 at 1:01 pm Log in to Reply
The Doors; Riders on the Storm
Riders on the storm
Riders in the Radioactive storm
Next to these Atomic Reactors we're born
Into this contaminated world we're thrown
Like a dog with a Strotium bone

An actor out alone

Riders in the storm
There's Plutonium killer dust on the road
Your brain will carry a heavy fearful load
Take your Geiger counter with you today
Be cautious where your children play
Riders in Radioactive storm
If ya give Atomic energy a free ride
Sweet Earth memories will die
Cesium killer dust on the road, yeah
Folks ya gotta take a stand
Politicians ya better love man
Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends
Our life should never end
Gotta love mankind, yeah
Riders of the storm
Riders of the Radioactive storm
Into this polluted house we're born
Into this nasty world we're thrown
Like a dog chewin' a radioactive bone
An actor out alone
Riders in Xenon storm's
Riders in Tritium storm's
Riders in Cesium storm's
Riders in Actinide storm's
Riders in Plutonium storm's
Riders in Americium storm's
~Gasser Classic~
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danger kitty
July 17, 2014 at 12:01 pm Log in to Reply
Dr. Mita- thank you for braving the Japanese secrecy laws.
.Could the harsh new realities of our world be any clearer? Madness brought us
here beyond sadness. Chaos lies just outside that door Abeshitezu, your choice. Truth or
fascism? In all of history, one of those two choices always fails.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 12:39 pm Log in to Reply
Dr. Mita says he's been practicing for over 50 years, so he is maybe about
75 years old? Sometimes it's the bravery of those who have already
weathered so much, that brings people to their senses. What a fabulous human being
he is to be doing this in the face of such cruel opponents. And he is right it is
DOCTORS who need to speak out, to spearhead evacuation efforts by revealing
medical results.
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July 17, 2014 at 12:50 pm Log in to Reply
You are incorrect. He does not say that. This is how mis-info spreads.
Read it more carefully.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 7:10 pm Log in to Reply
He said what the headline said he said.
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July 18, 2014 at 11:58 am Log in to Reply
AMEN! I don't know if they have to take the Hippocratic Oath in Japan
to become a physician, but I'm sure there is a similar requirement and
ethics baselines. It's also just about intellectual integrity! How can you dedicate
half your life to the disciplines of science and medicine to gain admission, earn the
terminal degree, pass Boards, complete your residency, maintain certification,
establish a practice and YET DENY the Medical Truth that you see everyday???
He just represents a very good, competent doctor and they won't be able to wipe
out the profession. A lot of doctors actually LOVE MEDICINE and being able to
heal & care for people!!
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July 18, 2014 at 12:00 pm Log in to Reply
(yes, I do have doctors in my family. It's not just a job, it may be a
calling!!! And it's for life!! )
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 12:02 pm Log in to Reply
Tokyo; Is It Safe To Visit or Live In? via @AGreenRoad
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:07 pm Log in to Reply
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 12:03 pm Log in to Reply
Govt. Had 1 Million Potassium Iodide KI Pills Available, But Refused To Hand
Them Out After 3/11 Fukushima Mega Nuclear Disaster; via @AGreenRoad
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 12:42 pm Log in to Reply
Well, these are major-league criminals who are responsible for every thyroid
canceer caused by their deliberate negligence. All they had to do was say it
was precautionary. And BTW, potassium iodide pills are CHEAP.
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July 18, 2014 at 7:01 am Log in to Reply
I think someone became very rich making those pills.
Why where they never handed? Do they even have 1.000.000 pils?
The pharmaceutic industry is corrupt. We all know this. I think we payed tax money for
pils that where never produced in those bigg numbers.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 10:59 pm Log in to Reply
No, those pills are cheap. And they absolutely should have been
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melting mermaid
July 17, 2014 at 12:10 pm Log in to Reply
Overwhelming sadness for the people of Japan and everyone downwind. God
bless the good doctor.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 12:46 pm Log in to Reply
God bless him and may people LISTEN. It takes DOCTORS revealing
MEDICAL results to get this to shift. Ordinary people could outright die and
they'll call it just "anecdotes" or "fear-mongering." He has medical test results. And he is
right it is the DOCTORS' job not to be obedient to their evil masters, but to be
responsible for public health.
BTW, they seem to have turned Fukushima Medical University into a training ground for
Dr. Mengeles. Those doctors need to revolt! No one will do it for them and no one CAN
do it for them.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 7:21 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, melting mermaid, everyone downwind. All 8+ billion of us.
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July 18, 2014 at 7:57 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 12:27 pm Log in to Reply
Inept Governments who spend money they don't have to protect their own power
and priveledge, use nuclear power to effectively steal from the future, at huge cost
to society.
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July 17, 2014 at 12:28 pm Log in to Reply
External exposure.
Nuclear core soot, called "black substance", fell throughout central Japan.
Black nuclear core soot collected on roads, parks, and playgrounds; it is, truly, everywhere.
Incineration spread contamination around.
"Support by Eating" meant Fukushima fruit, vegies, and meat continued to be consumed.
Many here on ENEnews urged evacuation of Tokyo after 3/11/2011.
When that didn't happen, 'Newsers pronounced Tokyo, and all of Japan, "toast."
Now these people are finished.
Walking dead.
Just pause to comprehend 50,000,000 casualties.
The kiddies are taught that everyone will have cancer.
Cancer is now considered a normal part of life.
Think about how bad this is going to get.
The sick caring for the dying.
Olympics in Tokyo in 2020?
Doubt this very much.
Long before 2020, it will be clear to everyone what has happened there.
Still haven't found those 3 missing cores, have you, TEPCO?
Still haven't isolated those cores from the groundwater flowing underneath those Reactors,
have you, TEPCO?
Tick, tock, tick, tock, TEPCO.
Time is running out for Japan, and for all Pacific Ocean peoples.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 12:33 pm Log in to Reply
Where are those multiple melted OUT coriums, TEPCO?
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 12:51 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, PUN, was totally revolted to read yesterday's news about "cancer
seminars" for ten-year-olds, telling them that cancer was just "typical," so
not to worry. So Mommy dies and it's just "typical," or siblings die and it's just "typical,"
or whole neighborhoods die and it's just "typical"?
But part of the evil may also be embeddded in playing to the Japanese culture's strong
suit: stoicism. Better to be stoical than to make waves culturally. they SO need forces
like Dr. Mita pushing them past that!
Of course in America there is the opposite problem. Tell distressed people to stop
using guns to solve their problems! We're on the opposite end of the impulse-control
And will American doctors get their act together? We'll have to see.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:27 pm Log in to Reply
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July 18, 2014 at 4:32 am Log in to Reply
DItto. Don't know how to produce the emoticon. ?-< ;-(( [:=[
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Bungalow Phil
July 17, 2014 at 5:58 pm Log in to Reply
4000 Bq/kg is still being detected in sheep ala Norway after Chernobyl
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July 18, 2014 at 8:03 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, a great swath of Europe was contaminated very badly. German
wild boar still show high also.
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July 17, 2014 at 12:28 pm Log in to Reply
One nuclear plant taking out a country. And for no reason.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 12:59 pm Log in to Reply
"No reason"? Actually, it's always been for the SAME (bad) "reason": War!!
Who here even believes any of the "Atoms for Peace" crap any more?
NPP's have always been the handmaidens of the weapons industry.
Then the greed became so overblown and institutionalized, that increaasing lies were
spread to protect it. Then Fukushima was what? An "unintended consequence"? That's
the LEAST that might be said of it. But it's still the end game of WAR games.
Why could we never do anything sane, like take a worldwide vote on who wants the
human race to be warlike and who wants it to be peaceful? Or how to curtail the
monsters in our midst? Now I wonder why sanity has been turned into such a
dangerous option. This doctor in Japan is laudably and humanely SANE. Yet he may
also be an endangered species.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 1:41 pm Log in to Reply
Not just a country this could be global, via plutonium..
The incubation clock is running, ticking..
We will see..
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July 17, 2014 at 12:30 pm Log in to Reply
This article made me think of this:
Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room.
Bedsitter people look back and lament,
Another day's useless energy spent.
Courtesy of the Moody Blues
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July 17, 2014 at 12:40 pm Log in to Reply
Love the Moody Blues, Speedy.
Nights In White Satin Moody Blues eqmQ
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July 17, 2014 at 6:05 pm Log in to Reply
My favorite song.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:33 am Log in to Reply
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July 18, 2014 at 4:35 am Log in to Reply
My favorite . Question
Justin Hayward may only have been 17 or 18 years old when he wrote that song.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:37 am Log in to Reply
Better sound quality version.
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July 17, 2014 at 12:33 pm Log in to Reply
Boycott everything made in Japan.
The products are probably radioactive anyway.
Don't visit Japan.
It is too dangerous to go there.
Make Japan behave in a responsible way.
Boycott Japan.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 12:36 pm Log in to Reply
And DIVEST of any investments that do business in Japan Put your money into
renewable energy, carbon free
This is the time to take massive actions.
Wake up, or die.. That is where we are at.
Freedom of will and freedom of choice
Have we hit bottom yet?
No. not yet. The gathering gloom will probably get much darker before the light
breaks through and people awaken.
The future is bright and hopeful, but we must CHOOSE it and then take massive action
to reach it.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
It is up to each of us.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:53 pm Log in to Reply
Nicely stated: A Hero's Challenge in the Radioactive Era!
from our own Dr. G.
we're going to have to be prepared to go on t.v., radio, wherever there is a
microphone and the message must somehow be positive, and hopeful
somehow mirthful as in "You always wanted to know how the world would end?
Well now we know; as has been predicted by our wise anti-nuclear forbears, who
were helpless to stop the momentum of the civilian nuclear power juggernaut."
A favorite quote from my research on the history of civilian nuclear power: (I forget
who said it a utility exec somewhere ) "We are being launched into the
nuclear power age not on the basis of science but on the basis of insurance
policy!" (referring to the fraudulent and unconstitutional Price Anderson Act which
should be brought before the Supreme Court for review, post Fukushima
Give the black-robed nine the chance to make utter fools of themselves in
reaffirming the positive aspect of nuclear power, even though the public has to
ensure it for any damages protection it may have (pennies on the dollar!!)
The first re-authorization of P-A Act, in 1975, was hotly debated
In 2005, during the Cheney-Bush era, it was rushed through for a twenty(!) year
period, under the cover of night, last item passed by a skeleton crew right before
the Christmas break no news no news
As I said before: "The Mendacity of Big Nuke Knows No Bounds"
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 1:04 pm Log in to Reply
Us, we would never again buy any foodstuffs (or anything else) from Japan.
But what we've also tried to do (which others can also do very easy!) is
go to the management of stores like Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Costco's, that are
supposed to market great food, and advise them to take their Japanese products (soy
sauce in Trader Joe's, sushi in Whole Foods, green tea at Costco's) off the shelves!
Telling them politely but firmly, to please don't poison their customers!
that said, I tend to think that we've accomplished nothing, at least thus far it's just
that we all have to somehow start thinking bigger than just ourselves (as I'm sure you
appreciate and concur.)
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 1:42 pm Log in to Reply
good idea
To make that more powerful, take along a pancake radiation detector and find
something from japan that is radioactive; it makes the point that much more
Check anything from japan for radiation; cars, parts, electronics, etc
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July 17, 2014 at 1:50 pm Log in to Reply
After boycotting Japan, consider boycotting every product from
California (and the rest of the West Coast states) because they are just
as nuke-laden, not to mention the "legal" poisons and chemicals used on and
AROUND the crops.
There are also a lot of products soldon the East coast of the USthat come from
Mexico, which are surely as bad or worse than from California.
Not to mention the standard practice of so-called "organic" growers to use fish-
emulsion and other ocean products as "fertilizers" on their landeffectively
transferring huge amounts of Cs/Sr/Pu/Am from ocean products into vegetable
and meat products that otherwise wouldn't have had them.
There is no safe food in the world of Nuclear, period. The best you can do is
steward your own, be anti-nuclear, boycott, and hope for the best.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:15 pm Log in to Reply
California didn't get the worst of it. It comes in to the Pacific
Northwest, then along the Canadian border until it hits the end of
the Rockies, where it gets blown south and distributed throughout the mid-
Follow the jetstream. That's all that's necessary.
The food coming out of the mid-west is far more contaminated than anything
California is putting out.
Also look at a map of NPPs in the US. The overwhelming majority are east of
the Mississippi River. All that tritium over the years blowing in the jetstream,
contaminating the entire east.
The real question is, what are people going to do when they realize ALL our
food and the water we drink is radioactive? Add to that the US exports the
bulk of the world's food.
This is what .gov is afraid of, and they will go to any length to prevent it from
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July 17, 2014 at 4:29 pm Log in to Reply
nevertheless, Cali got hit pretty hard, EPA data showing lots
of uranium, and thus plutonium, and all the other usual
Garden food sampling shows nothing above background in midwest.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:47 pm Log in to Reply
That's not what I read over in the Rad Monitoring Forum,
stock, or the rad monitoring sites.
Not that the US isn't completely covered by now, and more in the air
and more coming.
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July 17, 2014 at 5:07 pm Log in to Reply
I am doing a run on some fresh Zucchini as we
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July 17, 2014 at 5:43 pm Log in to Reply
TIS: Agreed, especially about there being so many more
NPPs as you move East through the U.S.
I'm not trying to fuel an argument about who has the least contaminated
land (those debates can get very heated), but rather to make it clear
that, as the wind flows West to East, the west coast of the U.S. is
geologically first.
The only way to be a little more sure of depositions is to have very good
testingsomething in very short supply at the moment. That being said, I
refuse to buy anything from the west coast, or the midwest.
If my land in the east is more contaminated than the Mid or the West,
then I will eat from my land and that of my neighbors until I become the
nuclear industry's next kill.
In my opinion, even if there were no rads at all, I would be morally corrupt
to purchase from locations distant from me because of the support my
money would give to the mining industry, coal, fossil fuels, plastics, car
companies, and more. To support one of them is often to support them
For instance, Toshiba aint just making TVsToyota aint just makin
TrucksMitsubishi aint just making VCR'sand on and on. To purchase
any of these products is to support the nuclear cartel.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 18, 2014 at 2:29 pm Log in to Reply
Radiation does not work in the form of a 'blanket'.
It works in the form of patches, and hot spots.
Some areas are ok, others are hot, depending on many factors.
Plutonium went all the way around the world, at low levels, but it was
found and measured in Lithuania.
The US is upwind, so it got a higher dose.
Where it rained downwind and after FUKU, hot spots are found.
Follow the jet stream..
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 7:17 pm Log in to Reply
N.E., SERIOUS problem about boycotting California produce: It's
the breadbasket of half the country!! So once people do that (if
they do,) then there are food shortages and panics. Everyone caught
needing to eat.
Well, unless or until Monsanto "helpfully" steps in. It's a bad sci-fi plot where
at first it seems like everyone is fed and then everyone dies. Captain Kirk
discovers the folly of the ancient, now extinct race, in the 24th century.
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July 17, 2014 at 6:07 pm Log in to Reply
Do we write anonymous letters?
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July 17, 2014 at 8:19 pm Log in to Reply
Why? We are legion, we are not anonymous
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July 18, 2014 at 4:38 am Log in to Reply
laughing! Sorry my reply came in misplaced on this
discussion. Was replying to We are not They Finally . I
meant about writing letters to local grocery stores asking them not to
stock (not you smiling)..Japanese products on store shelves.
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Sol Man
July 17, 2014 at 12:44 pm Log in to Reply
The sacred covenant between the universe and parents has been broken. It is the
love that requires parents to protect their children from harm, as much as this can
be done. But, the reality of radiation loosed upon the world makes this very difficult.
It is not just the radionuclide load being dispersed. Even in beautiful Colorado ( think;
everywhere, really) the gas/oil wells belch out cancer-causing voc's (benzene) in close
proximity to schools and housing developments. Few in the administration, legislature, and
certainly the offending industries give a a moment's notice about anyone's exposure. They all
just keep approving the drilling, almost anywhere. Everybody is subjected to the poisons in
the biosphere; it's everywhere!
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 1:06 pm Log in to Reply
Benzene, you say? And we thought that CO2 was the bogeyman. Point
being: We need WAY more education about what-all is dangerous out
there. But the BEST person on geoengineering and general toxification of the
environment seems to be Dane Wigington of Well worth
looking him up.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:45 am Log in to Reply
WNTF, you would be appalled at the chemicals and radioactive
substances used in fracing operations (as the industry spells the word).
Many of these lethal substances needn't even be reported for an operation to be
Just read an environmental disclosure statement published by a citizen's watchdog
group in Idaho. Fracing is planned for two or three counties there, and the people
are being duped into thinking it is safe. The planned operations will straddle at
least two major aquifers in the area. It's possible the Snake River could be
The fracers state that since the operations will be at a "shallow" level, there is less
risk. That's a lie; they're planning to frac sandstone at shallow depth. So they're be
turning the ground into a frac'ed mess in one of the most tectonically active states
in the entire U.S.
And for those of you in California, unaware, "test wells" are now in operation here,
too. Several along the I-5 and I-99 corridor, near places like Corning, Chico, Yuba
What a stupid way to produce energy.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:47 am Log in to Reply
The same company running the major frac operations in New
Mexico is now moving to frac in Idaho.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:11 pm Log in to Reply
Well, that's probably "an exchange program" [sarc] WIPP in
NM takes the lethal garbage from Idaho National Labs and
sends back fracking experts to create yet more lethal garbage for Idaho.
But bad laws protect BOTH industries.
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Time Is Short
July 18, 2014 at 1:34 pm Log in to Reply
A solid list of fracking chemicals:
A fracking well uses just under a million gallons of fresh water per year. Once
contaminated with fracking chemicals, the water is unreclaimable toxic
forever. One well is only good for just under three years at the most, many
empty in nine to ten months, when they are moved to a new location.
Fracking is a cancer, spreading out from the initial drill points, killing
everything within its' perimeter.
'Dead Babies and Utah's Carbon Bomb'
"A sudden and extreme spike in neonatal mortality in Utah's rural Uinta Basin
is most probably related to the toxic air pollution related to the fossil fuel
drilling/fracking frenzy in Eastern Utah. And the local poobahs want to kill the
Fracking turns the land into barren wasteland, and the people with it.
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July 18, 2014 at 11:21 pm Log in to Reply
Benzene exposure disabled me with wracking asthma and vertigo many
decades ago when i was first in the trades, working in a factory, and
had no training about safety..spray painting with no ventilation. Benzene is a
carcinogen, targets central nervous system, lungs and also more..
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 17, 2014 at 2:19 pm Log in to Reply
It's quite a paradigm shift occurring now. It may seem slow but I'm seeing
many more people in our grocery stores turning things over, reading labels and not
embarrassed to talk with a fellow shopper who is doing the same thing.
We have a new attitude building of self accountability manifesting many people are
not waiting until enough people have time & clout to challenge or *convince* a store
manager to order better inventory. Our local chains where I live are already reacting to
consumer choices and carrying more locally sourced and certified foods because they
want our business. It's becoming competitive but not confrontational. They don't bristle
when we talk about how it's going with finding safe food or ask exactly where something
came from. They, being bound by current (sometimes misleading or obsolete)
regulations, are becoming more than willing to hear the latest word on the street that
helps them tune in to change for the better.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:48 am Log in to Reply
Saw a sign on a water purifying machine at Whole Foods recently
which said, "Removes Radiologicals!" In support of what you said,
LastChants Teri.
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 18, 2014 at 2:43 pm Log in to Reply
Whole Foods isn't exactly a trusted corp these I don't
know if their non radioactive water claim holds water.
(I can see a bit of silver cloud ling though in the fact that people who shop
there would be getting the word *radioactive* embedded in their sub
conscious, adding to the familiarity of it being linked with *concern* )
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 18, 2014 at 2:49 pm Log in to Reply
Guess the fast finger syndrome got me.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:18 pm Log in to Reply
"The sacred covenant between the universe and parents has been broken."
No, Sol Man, it's just another opportunity to grow. If we're here to learn something, this
is a teaching moment. The lesson of compassion would be my guess.
And if not, well, more pie.
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July 17, 2014 at 6:17 pm Log in to Reply
or as Kurt Vonnegut said, "So it goes."
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July 18, 2014 at 4:49 am Log in to Reply
C'est la vie, c'est la meme chose. C'est la guerre.
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July 18, 2014 at 4:50 am Log in to Reply
Ou, c'est la vie, c'est la guerre, ah, c'est la meme chose.
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Sol Man
July 18, 2014 at 5:11 am Log in to Reply
Teachers taught and we learned that without a stable genome we might
just as well try to enjoy our last cups of tea in loving memory memory of
the once living entities that have checked out.
Have you checked out the list on extinction protocol?
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July 18, 2014 at 12:01 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, the pollution you speak of is now rampant and everywhere..
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July 17, 2014 at 12:46 pm Log in to Reply
In March of 2011 I sent emails to friends saying that I expect half of Japan will need
to be evacuated..
it was pretty easy to see this need for rapid evacuation; watching the videos of the exploding
reactor buildings, and quickly finding out the size of the total fuel inventory there [about 2200
tons], and comparing to Chernobyl [180 tons of fuel]..
It was very obvious to me that several hundred tons of fuel-rods were pulverized into dust and
scattered into the atmosphere and ocean.
Yet, unless we continue to pursue containment of the nukemess at Fshima it will continue to
get much worse.
Two near-term goals of circular containment:
build a bigger breakwater which includes 100% water control,
and build a large aerial cable crane for demolition which includes a system of moveable
modular shielding walls under a tent-dome in effort to maintain air-control for maximum air-
washing to knockdown the particulates.
Electro-activated water is the best tool for decontamination of the air and demolition materials
under a constant sprinkler system.
Capacitive deionization air-filtration can remove most of the rad-aerosols except the tritium.. won't be perfect, but it's better than throwing rocks at it like frustrated cavemen.
Icewalls can be very useful when properly applied..
they make good forms for concrete in unstable soils.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 1:09 pm Log in to Reply
POints well taken, but I continue to not grasp AT ALL how anything there is
even "contained even to de-contaminate." It's not like just pour it into
something and apply some process. So what would you suggest for this scene that is
so WAY OUT OF CONTROL? Everything I've read leads me to believe that even if they
snapped out of denial and suddenly became humanitarians who felt obligated to clean
everything up (unlikely X 1000%,) it is just too late to do it.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:58 pm Log in to Reply
What 21 is saying is that there is plenty that can be done that isn't
currently being applied. He's not saying that it isn't costly (in terms of
economy and in terms of lives), but simply that there is a tremendous amount of
work that CAN be done.
It's about mitigation. Literally millions of mitigation tasksonsite and around the
worldcould be underwaybut many are NOT being taken because the authorities
are still trying to make believe that nothing is wrong. To begin large-scale
mitigations is to admit large-scale problems.
It's never too late to mitigate.
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 17, 2014 at 2:26 pm Log in to Reply
++++ "can be done"
Support possibilities and mitigation.
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:20 pm Log in to Reply
You need to check out the new 'First Commandment' of the
Georgia Guidestones, guys.
Never let a good crisis go to waste. .gov
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Time Is Short
July 18, 2014 at 1:36 pm Log in to Reply
"1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual
balance with nature."
How nice of them . . .
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July 17, 2014 at 1:17 pm Log in to Reply
21stCentury: +311 on the outer breakwater, providedit is a solid reinforced
concrete wall, with locks for 100% water control.
Also need your take on underground Impermeable Wall Enclosure of stop 100% of flow
of groundwater in the aquifer under FDNPP.
Enclosure must encircle Reactors1-4.
Also fill corium lava tubes with borated concrete to maximum depth possible.
Deep core drilling at harbor to determine extent and depth of contaminated water
plume from the plant.
This groundwater must be stopped from spreading underground contamination into
Fill containments1-4 with concrete.
Keep it up!
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July 17, 2014 at 2:00 pm Log in to Reply
PUN; I don't have a lot of time to read much of everybody's graffiti on
this hiway overpass on the road to Hell..
I understand this ENEnews is an adhoc lo-budget effort by one individual; much
appreciated accidental haystack here.
Apparently you & I both have had a pretty good look at many of the hi-resolution
photos/videos of the Fshima-wreck..
and the "thing" speaks for itself.
To those of us with engineering experience the solutions are easy to see&agree
quickly and move on into a coordinated plan of implementation.
I do appreciate TEPCO's failed efforts, they have had both hands tied behind their
back while trying to conceal secrets that are plain to see. Since 1962 I have fully
realized that every fission reactor in the world has been tied into weapons
Stanley Kubrick nailed it with Dr.Strangelove
PUN, I appreciate your keen insights into the geology and water onsite.
This battle of containment needs to hold a circular line of defense just beyond the
3-month dosimeter zone, while launching efforts on the reactor-bldgs. We are like
combat-engineers cleaning up a nasty war-zone full of unexploded ordinance.
[MOX-rods scattered like broken spaghetti everywhere]
All the latest architectural tricks needed here..
lately I have seen many reports of big LEGO-blocks doing robot self-assembly
[BoronCarbide LEGO's ? polymer & cement]
I'd like to see FDNPP become an 800 acre stabilized pool, then we can mine the
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July 17, 2014 at 2:41 pm Log in to Reply
Many thanks for the post.
I see fukushima contamination as a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 problem.
1/3 went up just after 3/11, with the explosion of Units1,2,&3, and the burnout
of the Unit4 Equipment Pool through the side of the building.
1/3 is airborne, corium soot, the "black substance" that is spread across the
countryside, and all the smoke and steam that has gone airborne since the
1/3 is waterborne, flowing into the Pacific Ocean from the ongoing, ill-
conceived cooling of reactors by TEPCO, from direct contact of groundwater
with underground nuclear fuel debris, underground corium, and corium lava
About the first 1/3, we can do nothing, except perhaps to track this plume
around Earth every 40 days, and warn people to stay inside, and take
remediation measures as the fallout continues to come down.
The airborne 1/3 can be stopped if we plug the corium lava tubes with
concrete, put a 10' concrete roof over the grounds of FDNPP, covered with a
membrane roof, and also put your dome and filtration system in place.
The waterborne 1/3 can be stopped if we build an Impermeable Wall
Enclosure around Units1-4, followed by your outer-harbor and locks to stop
the ongoing contamination of the Pacific Ocean.
This response is exactly on the scale needed to contain this disaster.
Anything short of such measures will prove inadequate to the task.
Many thanks, 21stCentury, for taking time to post here. Take care.
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July 17, 2014 at 6:39 pm Log in to Reply
How very interesting.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:59 pm Log in to Reply
Stay with it 21stC!!
Sooner or later you will get this commission.
I promise to hire you when elected President as head of a new Anti-nuclear Party
starting up right now on enenews!!!
Just putting that out there
I will do the job for $1.00 just like DuPont's pay for helping to design and build the
gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, during WWII.
Will have to sell a book first, I suppose
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:22 pm Log in to Reply
No problem with the book, Nedli. Just get a convicted Communist
terrorist bomber to ghostwrite it for you. Instant bestseller.
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July 17, 2014 at 12:54 pm Log in to Reply
Folks.they are getting ready to restart their Nuclear reactors..
It may have already happened, we will be the last to know
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:25 pm Log in to Reply
Once someone has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, does it really
make any difference if they quit smoking?
If restarting those reactors allows people to live a little more comfortable lifestyle until
they die, so what? They're all going to go off once the workers all die and no one will go
in to repair the cooling systems, so does it really make much difference either way?
Hard to say . . .
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July 18, 2014 at 6:48 pm Log in to Reply
The re-start is not that simple. Re-starting the Japanese reactors will
re-kindle the demand for uranium, and increase mining operations in
the Southwest and elsewhere, which pollutes both miners, their families, the dust,
and the aquifers. It is not just about Japan, yet it is also a grave insult to the
people of Japan to be asked to tolerate one more ounce of anything nuclear
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July 17, 2014 at 12:55 pm Log in to Reply
Radiation does not discriminate, it does not care if you are animal, vegetable or
bacteria, etc. and it will effect all living entities and it could be only one gene
mutation away from setting in motion a world wide epidemic of biblical proportion from one or
more entity.
Don't mess with mother nature, mother knows best?
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:32 pm Log in to Reply
There are already multiple worldwide epidemics underway, weeman, with
most of them drug-resistant. I would ask how many were created in a lab?
Certainly the radiation, after three years of saturation, has begun the destruction of our
immune systems.
While the destruction of our medical healthcare is underway:
'Why America's Healthcare (Sickcare) System Is Broken And Unfixable'
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July 17, 2014 at 1:08 pm Log in to Reply
"The answer,my friend, is blowin' in the wind."
Bob Dylan, How many roads must a man walk down before we call him a man?
The entire response to the Fukushima meltdowns has been one big lie. The elites in the US,
Britain, France and Japan are heavily invested in this flawed technology. Some of those
countries are involved in fantasies of world domination using pre-emptive strikes.
The children are always the roadkill of "when the cannonballs fly." Modern warfare kills a very
high percentage of non-combatants. The peaceful atom was propaganda to evade the Soviet
Union's offer of total disarmament. The Cold Warriors such as Allen Dulles, Eisenhower and
some of his cabinet wanted "victory." Some here is their victory; little kids being forced to
breathe fuel fleas and drink and eat radioactive food and water.
The Neocons in both political parties in the US push their delusional fantasies. Shinzo Abe
reverberates with his own delusions of glory. There is no glory in this; only shame. This will go
down in history as the Children' holocaust of Japan.
The Japanese Secrecy Law persecutes physicians who are willing to tell the truth. The US
elites have participated in this war crime.
How surprising is all this to us who know the history of nuclear energy? Above-ground testing
was a Nazi-like crime against humanity. There is no science that allows the elites to raise
permissible limits; that is a political decision, not public health science. Cowards
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July 17, 2014 at 2:01 pm Log in to Reply
As always Socrates, eloquent, right on the point. Thank you ! As you point
out: the warlords uninitiated power and control graving alpha males are
responsible. There grandiose fantasies are divorced from reality, of course,
disconnected from life they are.
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July 17, 2014 at 2:04 pm Log in to Reply
their grandiose
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July 17, 2014 at 2:08 pm Log in to Reply
There you are, Socrates, telling it like it is, eloquently
I think we need to steer the debate to uranium dusts how small a multiple atom dust
particle can be, an become airborne, and inhaled
The toxic dusts of DU plutonium dust
I remember at eight years of age, at the New York World's Fair, 1964, in Flushing
Meadows, Queens, a strange bewilderment at some GE exhibit or maybe SONY
where for some reason the viewer was taught, "that there are more atoms in your single
hand, than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of all the oceans in the entire world
These nuclear numbers tend to boggle the mind.
.1 microgram of plutonium exposure, the "safe limit for human exposure" reduced first
from 5.0 micrograms, then down to 1.0 microgram, and then to .1 is how many atoms
of plutonium??
So glad (Not!) that the nuketards can do math so well
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July 18, 2014 at 2:50 pm Log in to Reply
Dust in the Wind~~~
Gist listen here first>
I close my eyes,
only for the truth and the moment's gone.
All my Nuclear fears pass before my eyes with curiosity.
Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind.
Same old scientific bullshit song, just a drop of Cesium in an endless sea.
All they do pollutes the ground, though we refuse to see.
Dust in the wind,
We are now radioactive dust in the wind.
Don't hang on,
Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.
It slips away,
All your money won't another minute buy.
Dust in the wind,
All we are is dust in the wind.
Now don't hold on
No reactors lasts forever polluting the Earth and sky.
As all humanity slips a way
And all your science won't another minute extend.
Dust in the hot twisting wind.
We are all now reduced to dust in the wind,
We are polluted nano dust in the wind.
Dust in the unforgiven wind.
Everything is radioactive dust in the wind,
Everything is now dead from Actinide laced winds,
~Gasser Classic~
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July 17, 2014 at 7:13 pm Log in to Reply
July 17, 2014 at 1:08 pm Reply
Hi Socrates , if you don't mind i complete the quoteof the grandmaster
Bob Dylan Blowin' In The Wind Lyrics
How many roads most a man walk down
Before you call him a man ?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand ?
Yes, how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned ?
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
Yes, how many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea ?
Yes, how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free ?
Yes, how many times can a man turn his head
Pretending he just doesn't see ?
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
Yes, how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky ?
Yes, how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry ?
""""Yes, How Many Deaths Will It Take Till He Knows
That Too Many People Have Died ?""""
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
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July 18, 2014 at 2:59 pm Log in to Reply
@DisasterInterpretationDissorderIf hope you dont mind I up grade it
a notch.
"Blowin' In The Wind"
Go here before you read there>
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many Radioactive seas must a white dove sail
Before she dies in the sand?
How many times must the Buckey balls fly
Before on you they land?
The truth, my friend, ain't blowin' in the wind,
Only Plutonium is blowin' in the wind.
How many years can mankind exist
Before he's contaminated by the sea?
How many years can aging Nuclear reactors exist
Before they're no longer allowed to pollute you and me?
How many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is Cesium's blowin' in the wind.
How many times can dumb TEPCO look up
Before they can't see the sky?
How many commonsense ears must man have
Before he can hear people cry?
How many radiation deaths will it take till he knows
Too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the Fukushmia wind.
~Gasser Classic~
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July 18, 2014 at 12:08 pm Log in to Reply
Cowards who always follow the money tree they create
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melting mermaid
July 18, 2014 at 12:17 pm Log in to Reply
Hey Obe, we were worried about you. Super glad to hear from you.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:29 pm Log in to Reply
Thanks and I missed you all. Had to go see my father who had a
90th birthday party with the entire family. Had not been back in 25
years and my boys and I showed up and surprised him.
He is now very feeble since he is battling prostate cancer and bone cancer,
but as a world war 2 vet he is very tough and still hanging in there. Flew
across the country and saw the massive pollution problems we all have now
from the sky I always get a window seat.
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July 18, 2014 at 6:52 pm Log in to Reply
"Above ground testing was a Nazi like crime against humanity" Couldn't
agree with you more there. Add the three worst nuke accidents together
and you might get near the total of the radionuclides released. As Busby says, in some
ways the worst has already happened. It rained down on our heads 1945-1963, and no
one realises the current cancer epidemic worldwide is related to those relatively
massive exposures. Someday I hope they are all tried as war criminals and locked up. If
any of them are still living.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:13 pm Log in to Reply
Wake up folks, the world needs to be informed. The government's will NOT do it.
We have to do it ourselves.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:29 pm Log in to Reply
The discussion about Dr Mita is very disturbing.
Who questions the only Doctor to speak the truth?
Shills, trolls? Who are you.
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July 17, 2014 at 3:11 pm Log in to Reply
I suspect Obvious, it's because he IS the only one to speak, and therefore
that makes his information suspect as there is no way to verify it, until
another doctor steps forward.
It's like having only one witness to a crime, a witness who may prove to be unreliable in
the stand.
I very much doubt that those who question his veracity are shills, or trolls They're just
naturally suspicious of him as a witness.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 3:24 pm Log in to Reply
In the links above, AGRP articles, there are other medical doctors and
experts saying the same thing, plus TONS of evidence.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 3:28 pm Log in to Reply
Just because a poison is invisible, does not make it any less
Who do you trust?
That is the question.
Who is the liar and who is the truth teller?
Follow the money, and you will know the answer for yourself
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July 17, 2014 at 4:41 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 4:40 pm Log in to Reply
but, globally his position is supported by IPPNW, PSR DR Caldicott et
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July 17, 2014 at 6:32 pm Log in to Reply
I like to know who a person is. Especially before I call him a hero. I
was trying to find out about the good Dr. Get some info on his
background And when certain things are hard to find, I get suspicious. I ask
questions. That's how you learn.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 6:46 pm Log in to Reply
Ask questions inside yourself. You have Dr. Goodheart inside
of you, as does everyone.
Learn to trust yourself.
Learn to listen to your own Dr. Goodheart.
Everyone has the inner physician, but very few learn how to access that
part of themselves, much less trust it.
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July 17, 2014 at 7:05 pm Log in to Reply
That's what I am doing. Trusting my instinct, gut My
spidey sense. Before I go around spouting his story, I
want to know what I'm saying is verified. My inner Dr. Is all I have.
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July 19, 2014 at 5:14 am Log in to Reply
OK, I'm reading this thread backwards. I think I now
understand your desire to know the truth about this,
Sadie Dog.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 7:30 pm Log in to Reply
To Dr. G: You're really great. Really. But no, people do
NOT necessarily have great inner impulses. Many
people do not even think their way through a paper bag.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 18, 2014 at 2:38 pm Log in to Reply
It is not about thinking.. it is trusting that 'no thought'
place in the gut..
Making decisions with no information or even false
information/lies is ok, as long a person has learned how to
access that intuitive part of themselves.. and trusts it.
Intuition is actually the opposite of logic.
Logic and science is what got us into this FUBAR, because they
are lost without heart and intuition.
They have their place, but intuition, especially when combined
with heart centered compassion, is much more reliable.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 7:28 pm Log in to Reply
Wait: He's been practicing in the Tokyo area for FIFTY years. He's
been running the blood tests all along clinically. And taking a huge risk
speaking out at all. And HE'S the one to suspect?? I have enormous problems with
that. HUGE problems. Like how could that area be pounded day in and day out
with such gargantuan doses of radiation and NOT show up in the blood?? But he
is the only one even coming forward from clinical experience. An elderly doctor
heartsick at what he has already seen.
So yes, I have HUGE problems with people going all cynical over this, and relying
on their "own inner doctor." Did your inner doctor get a medical degree or run
clinical tests of scores of children? No, I thought not! And that's makes YOUR
opinion worth what, exactly? Not much, fellow. Sorry.
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We Not They Finally
July 17, 2014 at 7:29 pm Log in to Reply
I'm being polite here, Sadie Dog. What I actually feel is far more
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July 17, 2014 at 8:22 pm Log in to Reply
Sounds like you have anger issues. Why are you upset that I
am trying to find out about someone who is part of multiple
stories here? I'll say it again, I'm not sure he is what he says he is. That's
it. It's personal, nothing to do with Fukushima. Just vetting the guy.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:11 pm Log in to Reply
Vetting?? The man is JUST A MESSENGER. All of his
observations and conclusions for metro Tokyo are
confirmed all over other blogs, Twitter, other sites, Fukushima
Diaryyou name it.
It's well-established science, and moreover, common sense. Tokyo
has been within range of the worst nuclear disaster ever for 3 years.
The water supply and Bay are very contaminated, explosions put
them downwind, burned radioactive debris and Fukushima
agricultural products in their area, etc. etc.
It's great to hear it from another expert scientist or doctor, but this is
JUST MORE OF THE SAME. Extremely predictable
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July 19, 2014 at 5:12 am Log in to Reply
Sadie Dog, are you aware of what happened on March
15, 2011, after Reactor 3 had detonated? The winds
shifted to the southwest, and took the MOX fuel plume across the
mainland, and the Tokyo area.
Little wonder the doctor is seeing so many desperately ill patients.
There has also been a large incineration effort underway, all over
the country. There were stories about it here in 2011, 2012. Arnie
Gunderson and Dr. Christopher Busby commented on the
incineration of radioactive waste, and the likely health effects.
Please consider this when you do your "vetting" of the doctor and
his report.
Many, many stories about these two things (and radiation levels in
Tokyo) have been published here. Have you read them?
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July 17, 2014 at 7:47 pm Log in to Reply
We Not They Finally
You are not comprehending what you are reading or are not
reading carefully.
NOWHERE does he say he has been practising medicine for 50 years.
The CLINIC HIS FATHER'S CLINIC had been serving the community for
more than 50 years.
IF you bother to read the whole article which is only excerpted above, it says
right near the beginning that he started practising medicine in his father's
clinic in the 90's.
You will also see his picture. If that's looking like someone in their 70's or the
elderly doctor you say he is I say bring those years on.
Trust him or not trust him that's up to you and anyone else but at least get
correct what is right there in front of you in black on white.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:22 pm Log in to Reply
???..all the better that he's been part of the same family
practice for 50 years. Those are the best doctors and
dentists who learn the most, as it's passed down in the immediate family.
I say he can take credit for his family's established practice for many
yearshe's part of it with the same name!
He deserves praise not skepticism, although he's just delivering the
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July 18, 2014 at 12:26 pm Log in to Reply
i.e. Don't shoot the messenger! Yes, no one wanted to
hear these tidbits so clearly and decisively, but he's just
a messenger, not the perpetrator! Save the debate for them, I say!~
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 18, 2014 at 2:12 pm Log in to Reply
Thank you.
I am extremely happy we even have a thread letting us know about this
Dr. who is speaking out about medical issues where he lives and can
observe critical changes that we otherwise wouldn't know about.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:22 pm Log in to Reply
If he is younger, then MORE power to him, because he has
MORE to lose! He may have growing children of his own too.
And if he is currently one lone voice, at least that voice got somewhat
freed to the world.
He's is clearly AT RISK doing this! NO WAY he would juswt make up the
clinical data. So is it sense or compassion that people lack when they
think that THAT is a red flag to not listen?
I react because it borders on offensive. If YOU were one lone spokesman
in a hostile environment you would NEVER want to be received that way.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 18, 2014 at 2:45 pm Log in to Reply
Seems like messengers are getting shot all over this thread..
dodging bullets is a specialty of messengers.
Nowhere is it being suggested to avoid logic and science, or medical reports
such as from this good doctor who did lots of medical tests in Tokyo. Believe
his tests. They do not lie.
What is being pointed at is the fact that logic is often not enough for people,
such as MF for example.
The problem being pointed at is that the the open and honest, truthful sharing
of information is NOT ENOUGH for people stuck in their heads, and having
closed off hearts and intuition.
WE NEED ALL OF THEM WORKING to be rainbow warriors. That is the point
being made here.
Sorry you misunderstood. Could it be that your response pointsat a lack of
intuitively understanding what was being pointed at and relying too much on
logic? Maybe not..
Communication with logic and words is imperfect at best.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:25 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, AND he yes, did the medical tests! Why would anyone
think that he would make up anything as horrifying as mass
plummeting in white blood cell counts in children?
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July 17, 2014 at 1:41 pm Log in to Reply
A couple of commentaries by Asahi staff worth reading.
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July 17, 2014 at 1:51 pm Log in to Reply
1000+ tweet
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July 17, 2014 at 2:19 pm Log in to Reply
I have a good idea if they really want to start back up, have the utility
purchase a full insurance policy to cover any damages in the face amount
of $10 trillion (roughly one quadrillion Yen) and that'll show you just how much they
want their nuclear plants back on line.
They won't do it. They can't do it. Hence they should not be allowed to have their stupid
nuclear toys.
End of rational discussion of the matter, in a sane and rational world .
USA helped lead the world over a cliff
Still nothing of merit or note from Nuclear Toady-in-Chief, Jeffrey Immelt, of GE
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 3:33 pm Log in to Reply
Great idea
Push it, tip it
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July 17, 2014 at 2:23 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, I agree that restarting nukeplants is unnecessary..
we have alternative technology that directly displaces nukeplants..
Here's two of a thousand;
and don't forget geothermal is under-used million-to-one !!
that said; we need to understand that in the present situation, restarting nukeplants
under adult-supervision carries the same risk as just letting those nukeplants sit idle
without 100% removal.
All nukeplants in Japan and worldwide need bigger breakwaters and much more solid
environmental containment structures built around then NOW, not later.
Trojan Nukeplant still has 800tons of nukefuel stored onsite, but the authorities waffle
on the flood risks all along the Columbia River.,_Oregon
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July 19, 2014 at 5:05 am Log in to Reply
Trojan, yeah, great name. Like a Trojan horse just waiting to be
unleashed on the unsuspecting public.
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July 17, 2014 at 2:14 pm Log in to Reply
I was surprised when I first started blogging that google adwords paid up to $2 per
click, then of course they work you downward to like $.80 a click. Just for
information for those who would like to do further efforts to promote the anti radiation agenda.
I am not anti nuclear
I am anti radiation, anti stupid business investment, anti stealing from the future.
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July 17, 2014 at 6:33 pm Log in to Reply
woodywood143 tweeted this one day: Google Adsense Conspiracy ? "This is how we lost our ADs on YOFF"
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July 17, 2014 at 8:20 pm Log in to Reply
Now that makes that obvious.Google is "live"
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July 19, 2014 at 5:25 pm Log in to Reply
So what did you do about it??
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July 17, 2014 at 3:03 pm Log in to Reply
I agree. Sometimes there is a serious disconnect between what we mean and what
we write. *)
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July 17, 2014 at 3:08 pm Log in to Reply
Anti nuclear is oxymoron. I love the Sun, it brings life, heat, and nourishment. We
should have learned from Chernobyl, and we did not. Now we have microcrystals
of Barium137, from Xe137 becoming Cs137 then becoming this super reflective material in the
upper air.
After the spectral research I did, it is obvious to me, that the pink in the sky is Cesium137, it
eventually becomes bright pink Barium137. In the time this stuff takes to form, the newer
additions pouring out of FUKU by the tons, Cesium will molecularly attach to older materials
still electrostatically suspended in the atmosphere. This is forming, tiny highly reflective
crystals that are scattering the light. Radiation is only one of our issues here, endless
darkness will encroach as this stuff continues to change in our air. If things are this badly QED
changed now, it will certainly get worse as time goes on. And speaking of time they use these
Cesium crystals in atomic clocks as the time standard frequency generator. So as time
marches on precisely, every atom that changes into Barium137 will add that much more
reflectivity to the atmosphere, robbing Earth from her precious K line emission sunlight. So
this answer blowing in the wind is devastating one.
QED cannot lie, truth is in the light; it is the governing factor for everything in the Universe.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 3:32 pm Log in to Reply
That is the label stuck on people by the pro nuclear folks..
Actually anyone who's mind understands the negative consequences of nuclear is PRO
The nuclear industry is actually ANTI LIFE, and PRO GENOCIDE.
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July 18, 2014 at 5:02 am Log in to Reply
Dr. G, am in agreement with your statement above.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:58 pm Log in to Reply
Can nuclear power rebrand itself as environment-friendly?
The notion of nuclear power as a climate solution remains anathema to many
inside and outside the environmental movement. The arguments against using it
are manifold, including not just the most recent nuclear disaster in Japan but also
the challenge that there is no permanent resting spot for spent uranium fuel.
Beyond the safety issues, critics point to the high cost of construction, which run
well into the billions for a single reactor.
These are key reasons Nuclear Matters recruited Ms. Browner, once an ardent
opponent of nuclear energy, who has joined other environmentalists operating
independently, such as James Hanson at the Columbia University Earth Institute,
to support nuclear power. Those eco-activists have found common ground with
moderate Republicans who believe that climate change must be addressed to
avoid its worst possible effects, such as rising tides and melting snow caps.
Frankly, if you are concerned about the safety issues, then why not endorse the
newer nuclear plants that are built with added safeguards, Abraham adds.
Moreover, the existing plants have been consistently upgraded to meet the
newest challenges and safety threats.
More than 430 commercial nuclear power reactors are operating in 31 countries,
according to the World Nuclear Organization
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July 18, 2014 at 1:30 pm Log in to Reply
With Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change, Things Could Get
Worse | Common Dreams
Theres more bad news from the climate scientists. Not about global warming,
where the news is never good, but about the impact nuclear weapons would
have on the atmosphere, our climate, and food production if even a very
small number were used in a limited, regional conflict.
The basic narrativea nuclear famine bombing run, if you willhas not
changed much since 2007, when Brian Toon, Alan Robock, and other experts
in atmospheric science simulated the use of 100 Hiroshima-sized bombs over
cities in India and Pakistan and found that enough soot and smoke would be
injected into the upper atmosphere from the resulting firestorms to block
sunlight from reaching substantial areas of the Earths surface for a decade
or more. This, in turn, would cause sudden and dramatic global cooling,
significant loss of rainfall, and shortened growing seasons in key agricultural
Based upon those initial scientific findings, International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) first estimated that as many as a billion of
the worlds most vulnerable people would face starvation as a result of global
food shortages. New studies revealed that even this shocking conclusion was
an underestimate, and last year IPPNW published asecond edition of our
Nuclear Famine report, warning that at least two billion peoplemore than a
quarter of the
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July 18, 2014 at 1:33 pm Log in to Reply
The basic narrativea nuclear famine bombing run, if you will
has not changed much since 2007, when Brian Toon, Alan
Robock, and other experts in atmospheric science simulated the use of
100 Hiroshima-sized bombs over cities in India and Pakistan and found
that enough soot and smoke would be injected into the upper
atmosphere from the resulting firestorms to block sunlight from reaching
substantial areas of the Earths surface for a decade or more. This, in
turn, would cause sudden and dramatic global cooling, significant loss of
rainfall, and shortened growing seasons in key agricultural regions.
So help me out here folks how much has Fukushima dropped by now ?
Sorry for the posting mess
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July 18, 2014 at 1:34 pm Log in to Reply
Shoot firestorm not radiation I have to slow down sorry
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July 19, 2014 at 4:48 am Log in to Reply
PPPPPHHHHHHHHHHTTTTT !!!!! Pardon me while I spit out my
Frankly, if you are concerned about the safety issues, then why not endorse
the newer nuclear plants that are built with added safeguards, Abraham
adds. Moreover, the existing plants have been consistently upgraded to meet
the newest challenges and safety threats.
More than 430 commercial nuclear power reactors are operating in 31
countries, according to the World Nuclear Organization
From your post, clamshellernh, arrgh. They lie like dogs.
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July 19, 2014 at 4:49 am Log in to Reply
"Consistently upgraded to meet the newest challenges and
safety threats."
Prove it, Bozo.
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July 17, 2014 at 3:22 pm Log in to Reply
These latent sicknesses from radiation poisoning are now becoming chronic. I
guess you would say on schedule from past fallout experiences. After five years
from the heavy fallout cancers will begin to develop for decades to come. Radioactive cesium
poisoning is bad enough wait until radioactive strontium takes hold.
Japanese government officials falling ill and with bloody noses like the Japanese baseball
player. Only a government bent on nuclear power generation would ignore the consequences
of meltdowns. Could Japan become a wasteland?
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 3:30 pm Log in to Reply
It IS a radioactive wasteland, per Arnie, per multiple MD's.. they are all
saying the same thing..
EVACUATE TOKYO, plus all points NORTH of that.
Anything less, is Genocide from now until forever, pure and simple.
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July 17, 2014 at 3:25 pm Log in to Reply
Damn. Somehow this got stuck way down here. Should have been somewhere in
the beginning. Sheez
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July 17, 2014 at 3:38 pm Log in to Reply
Does anyone have IP tools?
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July 17, 2014 at 3:43 pm Log in to Reply
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July 17, 2014 at 3:45 pm Log in to Reply
play with it. they have a version for sale too.
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July 17, 2014 at 3:47 pm Log in to Reply
Report comment
July 17, 2014 at 3:48 pm Log in to Reply
by now you should have found
OAK RIDGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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July 17, 2014 at 4:00 pm Log in to Reply
Trolls try to hide from the light.
We are legion, We are not anonymous!
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July 17, 2014 at 4:37 pm Log in to Reply
Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of
Inspector General Hotline. This serves to acknowledge receipt of your
message. The Hotline facilitates the reporting of allegations of fraud, waste, or
abuse concerning Department of Energy programs and/or operations. You may
obtain additional information regarding the Hotline at
The "Complaint Processing" section explains the actions the Office of Inspector
General may take regarding your complaint.
Please note that your complaint to the Office of Inspector General does not
preclude you from pursuing other remedies that may be available to you.
You may request an update on the status of your complaint by contacting the
Hotline Coordinator
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Inspector General
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July 17, 2014 at 6:13 pm Log in to Reply
? The site didn't work for me is that what's-his-name's location ?!
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July 17, 2014 at 8:29 pm Log in to Reply
Its one of those whats his names
You have to replace the dashes with periods to be a conventional IP
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July 17, 2014 at 3:52 pm Log in to Reply
You really have to admire this doctor's courage to stand up and speak out
honestly in the face of the Abe-fueled dishonesty-miasma. We need more people
like him.
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danger kitty
July 17, 2014 at 4:08 pm Log in to Reply
This is OT but I just found this useless gem and I couldn't help sharing it. From
NRC's website in an 'educational' piece about Geiger counters:
" If RadNet were to detect a meaningful
increase in radiation above the baseline, EPA
would investigate immediately. With its
nationwide system of monitors and
sophisticated analytical capability, RadNet is
the definitive source for accurate information
on radiation levels in the environment in the
Things are too dire now to laugh; can anyone spell LIARS?
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 4:41 pm Log in to Reply
If you turn off everything they say and write, and just pay attention to what
they do, it sure looks like they're killing us off on purpose.
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July 17, 2014 at 5:40 pm Log in to Reply
This in many ways is the most powerful statement I have seen post 3/11.
While not unexpected, it is still so painful and sad to read.
We are talking one of the populated places on earth when we are talking of Tokyo, Japan
This is something that awaits the entire world if nothing is done to stop the forces of greed
that keep growing and serving us up the nuclear toxin everywhere.
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Dr. Goodheart
July 17, 2014 at 6:58 pm Log in to Reply
So true
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Time Is Short
July 17, 2014 at 7:11 pm Log in to Reply
Live and in living color.
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July 17, 2014 at 8:21 pm Log in to Reply
Evil is the opposite of live
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July 17, 2014 at 8:30 pm Log in to Reply
No. It's live reversed. Like god and dog.
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July 17, 2014 at 8:34 pm Log in to Reply
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July 18, 2014 at 12:46 pm Log in to Reply
A semordnilap
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July 17, 2014 at 10:20 pm Log in to Reply
ENENEWS has almost 23,000 "likes" but there are only 111 comments on the
EPA's proposal to increase radiation limits for the public. DEADLINE SOON.
Comment period extended to Aug. 3. Is anyone out there? Read and comment. Follow NIRS.
We want an increase in radiation protection, not a decrease!! Lower the amount of radiation
the public can be exposed to, don't increase it! EPA has a screw loose.!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0689-0001
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July 17, 2014 at 10:32 pm Log in to Reply
Thanks for moving this around ..Arizona
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July 18, 2014 at 5:05 am Log in to Reply
There were (I thought) well over 250 comments a couple of days ago,
maybe the Mo Foe, MF comments were removed? Now that would be
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:29 pm Log in to Reply
Well, or they might just be removing comments selectively. The last
thing they do before you can submit your comment, is to threaten you
with open exposure of your identity on the internet. But maybe they would just
rather withhold people's comments if they say anything forceful even in the face of
that. (Don't know.)
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July 18, 2014 at 11:40 pm Log in to Reply
You can sign up for all daily responses ..I have them comming in.
And if you can repeatedly write comments perhaps they are
counting say one with a person who wrote twenty .
It's a mess though and something as importaint as this I would think should
and could have some type of controls put in place as not to have it be abused
, like the voting booth scandals
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July 18, 2014 at 11:42 pm Log in to Reply
There are regional meetings set up for this discussion too , I
posted it today somewhere here
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July 17, 2014 at 11:13 pm Log in to Reply
Dr Shigeru Mita:
''Tokyo should no longer be inhabited everybody living in Eastern Japan
including Tokyo is a victim, and everybody is involved. [...] The keyword here is long-term
low-level internal irradiation. This differs greatly from medical irradiation or simple external
exposure to radiation ''
This is the Forbes Magazine headline:
Scaring The Japanese People With Radiation Is Criminal
The story is by James Conca who, according to The Breakthrough Institute, ''has over 30
years of experience as a scientist specializing in geologic disposal of nuclear waste, energy-
related research, subsurface transport and environmental clean-up of heavy metals.''
Dr Conca says:
''There is no increase in thyroid health problems in Japanese children living in and around the
Prefectures of Fukushima and it is unlikely there ever will be
just a phone call to a real scientist would have gone a long way to preventing this scare.
Not one person has, or likely will, die from Fukushima radiation.''
- In other words, nothing to worry about. I am sure Dr Shigeru Mita will be relieved. I am sure
he will now see the error of his ways and move back to Tokyo and publicly retract his warning.
Especially in view of the fact that readers of Forbes Magazine may conclude he is an unethical
person guilty of malfeasance in propagating bad science.
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July 17, 2014 at 11:21 pm Log in to Reply
on the other hand, he is a medical professional who has been living in
Tokyo and treating and examining real patients with real, not imagined,
complaints in the aftermath of Fukushima. Perhaps the medical doctor knows more
about it than ''a scientist specialising in geologic disposal of nuclear waste''. By the way,
how's that going these days, the geologic disposal of nuclear waste?
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July 17, 2014 at 11:31 pm Log in to Reply
I call shenanigans on Dr. Mita. Prove me wrong. I hope I am.
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July 17, 2014 at 11:47 pm Log in to Reply
You would better serve yourself, if you proved yourself right.
This is not like posting third person data on the effects of radionuclide
This seems to be a first person account of the effects that this Dr. has
Apples and oranges SadieDog, some amount of empathy and compassion is
warranted for that reason alone
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July 17, 2014 at 11:53 pm Log in to Reply
November 2013 -
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July 18, 2014 at 12:13 am Log in to Reply
Sadie I'm confused what you're getting at here..
I looked at the site you pointed to, there is no name or
intro of Dr. Mita on website.
Just says: medical association
But doctor seems concerned and legitimate in the article to me..
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July 18, 2014 at 12:16 am Log in to Reply
It's cool, just trying to check him out. Just a feeling.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:38 am Log in to Reply
I support turning every stone.
My recent discovery was Happy11311 whom I thought was
a whistleblower TEPCO worker it seems to be common
understanding among activists that he is an agent.
But this doctor seems sincere to me.
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:31 pm Log in to Reply
Sincere and with medical tests in hand and
AT RISK. What does it take for people?
Most people would never stand in his shoes. This is
heroic, far as I can see.
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July 18, 2014 at 12:33 pm Log in to Reply
Uh, you might want to try reading some science on nuclear
disasters and their impact on human physiology, but I guess you
hold Science and Logic in grave doubt. Nevermind!..
Just keep pretending it never happened It seems to work for many people,
for now-
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July 18, 2014 at 12:38 pm Log in to Reply
(directed at this SadieDog-??)
So, are you living in Tokyo, is that it?
Plans to attend the Summer Olympics?
I have more than a feeling that he's absolutely on point
and I know his concerns have been corroborated by many other
residents and medical professionals. Have you read anything from the
mothers in Tokyo or Fukushima? Maybe they're not sincere enough for
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July 18, 2014 at 12:43 pm Log in to Reply
Works like a dream every time and every person I talked
too back home and in several airports had no clue what
happened in Japan 3 years ago.
It was literally sickening to think that all these people actually thought
they were somewhat informed by MSM and had in their mind actually
received an education.
The education they received was how to make tons of taxable money
taken by others by force while promoting the current Zeitgeist Matrix so
that they could do/go do more shopping!
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July 19, 2014 at 4:34 am Log in to Reply
"Shenanigans" ??? What are these alleged "shenanigans" in your
Do you have any idea how difficult it is for a person, especially a professional
in the Japanese "establishment" and social order, to break rank and make a
report like this?
Sadie Dog, I don't mean to insult you, but it might be helpful for you to study
Japanese culture and society a bit before making this type of allegation.
It's like smearing someone's character when you know NOTHING about them,
their culture, nor their true intentions. Which by the way appear to be
Doubt, yes, that's always healthy to some extent. But to say someone is
pulling "shenanigans" w/o a shred of evidence, and just based on a feeling,
seems pretty cold to me. IMO and it's just my opinion, he's putting his
reputation and livelihood, maybe even his safety (arrest possible?) on the line
by making this report.
There is a saying in Japan, "the nail that sticks up gets hammered down."
Suggest you look that one up in a browser search along with "Japan" as a
search term, and spend some time reading what comes up.
Again, not to insult you, but I think if you understood Japanese culture better
you might be better able to discern his intentions.
Never hurts to ask questions, though. That's how we all learn.
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July 19, 2014 at 4:35 am Log in to Reply
rogerthat, attempted geologic disposal? More fitting, methinks.
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July 19, 2014 at 6:17 am Log in to Reply
yes, trying to put it where the sun don't shine lol
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July 18, 2014 at 12:38 am Log in to Reply
Mt. Fuji might decide the issue. Pressure is building up inside of Mt Fuji.
Yellowstone National Park is building up heat and pressure. We see lots of activity
in the Ring of Fire in the Pacific. Something big is happening as the magnetosphere is
According to what some are saying, plasma neutron mass spectrometry from satellites
revealed a coming problem. The lithosphere the outer part of the crust of the earth is
moving. Fissues under the ocean and recently, for examle in Siberia, demonstrate sinkholes
opening up. Scientists are studying these changes all over the globe.
Methane hydrates are being released. This accounts for the rapid change in climate
Lithosphere on the crust is sliding over crust prior to magnetic poke shift. Ancient magma
domes are evidence of isostatic shifts. Isostacy refers to the lithoshere floating above the
Earthquakes and volcanoes will wipe out the surface of the earth, as happens during a pole
Meanwhile, huge tunnels have been prepared for the elite to ride out the pole shift. The rest
of us will be left on the surface. Riding this out underground may not actually save those
fortunate enough to have a chance, but they are keeping it a secret in case it might work.
Sounds bizarre but it explains why there is no appropriate fear of Fukushima, or even of war,
as these would be relatively inconsequential when compared to the above scenario.
These are just thoughts. it explains what is observed.
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July 18, 2014 at 1:51 am Log in to Reply
Hopin' you are wrong about imminent eruptions of Fuji and the Yellowstone
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July 18, 2014 at 2:08 pm Log in to Reply
Socrates, makes perfect sense
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:37 pm Log in to Reply
Get what you are saying. But honestly think that people are apathetic not
because they are so educated abut methane hydrates as the more rapid-
acting bad alternative to radiation[!], but more because they cannot bear the thought of
losing their lifestyle. They cannot transpose themselves into crisis mode until they are
forced to. Like "I'll start thinking about it when it's already too late."
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July 18, 2014 at 5:41 am Log in to Reply
When you think about it, the real "sheeple" here are the people who are in charge
and have total access to the REAL information of the dangers and human
tragedies being caused by the contamination.
These leadership people are following the banker masters very obediently and without
objectionskeeping the Public confused, ms-informed, and ms-directed with malicious intent.
People expect that their leaders to have "higher moral standards" and would respect the well-
being of their electorate.
But leaders that ignore the deadly results and turn a blind eye to the obvious contamination
health dangers are also endangering themselves and their families because, they breath the
same air; drink the same water; and eat the same foods. So, the REAL fools are the fools
playing with the REAL information and stopping it's dissemination to the Public.
Like obedient sheep following others in single file to slaughter, so too are these stupid and
simple-minded leaders "leading the pack" into disaster and elimination. "A fool and his
power/money are soon partedwhen his morality is superseded by a lust for evil intent."
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July 18, 2014 at 2:40 pm Log in to Reply
Yes, that is the truth!
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:39 pm Log in to Reply
It rarely occurs to control freaks that the next victims might be THEM.
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July 18, 2014 at 8:19 am Log in to Reply
An international pro-nuclear effort lead by the IAEA to prevent the reality of
radioactive harms exists. It is not just the Japanese government but an
international group of nuclear businesses and countries that leave people in areas that are
contaminated with radiation. There seems to be a fundamental flaw in human nature, a short
term survival instinct of denial, that serves people in some way and the nuclear industry in
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July 18, 2014 at 10:40 am Log in to Reply
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July 18, 2014 at 1:05 pm Log in to Reply
If you're interested in all People knowing about Fukushima (& WIPP &
Hanford etc.) find rad business cards at
other resources for getting the rad word out
DO YOUR PART, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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July 18, 2014 at 2:02 pm Log in to Reply
Chemfood, you've got mail, off-line, from Sparky.
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July 18, 2014 at 11:45 pm Log in to Reply
go sparky go
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July 18, 2014 at 11:56 pm Log in to Reply
Good to see you're back, Chemfood. Missed you here, didn't see your
posts for awhile.
One of these days (when budget allows) will print out a slew of your stuff & will
pass it around. Have been dealing with health issues & death of family member, so
kinda out of it lately.
Keep out the great work. You and Vital1, stock, and everyone else here providing
education & education materials IMO deserves a gold medal.
So thankful for people like you. I have the gift of gab & so I get into really involved
discussions about Fukushima. Mostly talk to people working in grocery stores,
customers, out and about. Many of the young people listen respectfully, esp. the
ones who are in committed relationships, married, wanting to have children, or
those with young children.
The urge to protect our loved ones is a strong one. I'm able to talk with a lot of
young mothers. Most of them are respectful and carefully listen. Surprising, many
of them already know about Fukushima.
I'd have to agree with many of you we are reaching a tipping point. Wish I worked
in medicine because I'm still finding many practitioners, even in holistic health,
have no understanding of the dangers of radiation. Maybe others can do that for
me, those who work in that field or can gain their professional respect.
Seems like people either know, or are curious, suspect something's going on, or
they're just oblivious and don't want to be bothered.
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July 18, 2014 at 11:58 pm Log in to Reply
Do that for me, on behalf of all of us (talk to the medical
professionals) that is. Not just me. It needs to be spoken and
acknowledged on behalf of every living being on earth.
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July 18, 2014 at 11:59 pm Log in to Reply
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July 18, 2014 at 1:14 pm Log in to Reply
Dr. Mita should be applauded for coming out and speaking the truth. Screw those
evil bureaucrats in japan(and elsewhere). This dr. has nothing to gain by what he
has stated, except for relieving his conscience.
I would never step foot in that radiated region. This has been the crime of all existence. If
Mother Earth had the ability to remove us from it's surface, we would have been gone
thousands of years ago.
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LastChants Teri -in NE WA
July 18, 2014 at 2:27 pm Log in to Reply
Applause and +++++++++++++++
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July 18, 2014 at 3:30 pm Log in to Reply
happy wekend
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July 18, 2014 at 3:31 pm Log in to Reply
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Black Reign Man
July 18, 2014 at 1:55 pm Log in to Reply
911 jolt; failed Mid East war to wipe out terrorism jolt; self inflicted recession,
Congress makes banks whole jolt; Corporations buy US Government jolt;
Fukushima disaster jolt; Hanford jolt; WIPP jolt; Savannah River site jolt. Dr. It looks
like the American people are non-responsive brain dead.
Congratulations, the people have been thoroughly subdued.
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July 18, 2014 at 11:50 pm Log in to Reply
Black Reign Man, was there an event at Savannah River? Or "just" the
disgusting fact the U.S. is allowing the high level nuke waste to be shipped
there from other nations?
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Black Reign Man
July 19, 2014 at 10:36 am Log in to Reply
The disgusting fact, and 60+ years of its own waste being stored
"temporarily," in leaking, above ground facilities while they seek a way
to dispose of it permanately.
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July 18, 2014 at 3:38 pm Log in to Reply
Freedom has been given up for the false promise of security. When people rely on
others to tell them what is right or wrong and / or what to do, they have essentially
died. They are merely passive automatons. Screw that !
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:40 pm Log in to Reply
Again, stop this PLEASE!
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We Not They Finally
July 18, 2014 at 11:41 pm Log in to Reply
Whoops went in the wrong spot. Just reporting you-know-who.
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July 19, 2014 at 10:44 am Log in to Reply
Tokyo Safe according to
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July 19, 2014 at 11:02 am Log in to Reply
They must have special measurement areas and special instruments.
This juxtaposed against the article says it all.
Study: Multiple surges of radioactive substances
detected far from Fukushima Daiichi Over 10,000
times usual levels at plant Mayor: Govt knew but
never told us, they cant be trusted Worst may be
yet to come; Risk of much broader contamination
CBS: Many miles away spike in cesium detected
this week
Japan Correspondent: Its very scary, officials trying
to brainwash public about Fukushima crisis
Professor: Were wrapping our heads more and more
around Fukushimas legacy human impact
becoming more clear thats a very big and serious
issue here Virtually no public support for nuclear
power (AUDIO)
Who do you believe a doctor or someone selling something?
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Heart of the Rose
July 19, 2014 at 11:28 am Log in to Reply
Fukushima is an eternal 'dirty bomb'.
TPTB ..are so shameless ..they will feign shock the medical implications ..start
to trickle in.
But 'they' know the reactions of radiation on the human body various dose levels ..and
lengths of exposureetc.
(Testing many unto their graves.)
All worked out in the blue, blue South Pacific.
The Islands of Secret Project 4.1
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Heart of the Rose
July 19, 2014 at 11:35 am Log in to Reply
OT.. There are so many other dreams to dreamtruly.
South Pacific " Some Enchanted Evening "
Reba McEntire & Brian Stokes Mitchel
" Some Enchanted Evening "
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July 19, 2014 at 12:33 pm Log in to Reply
Bali Hai
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