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This is the month of the big one down south. It is the
month that "yo'all" are invited to "unfreeze your bird"
and go down to the Sun 'n Fun Fly-I n at Lakeland,
Florida, from the 17th through the 23rd.
This year marks the 3rd annual event, and the Sun 'n
Fun is getting bigger and better each year. From a begi n-
ning three years ago, when it was a large regional fly-in
spread over a long weekend, it has now become what its
backers boast to be a "Mid-Winter Oshkosh", complete
with a leased and beautifully prepared fly-in site, a full
week's program including forums, workshops, aerial
demonstrations, commercial sales, an aviation novelty
market, and an aircraft parts flea market. Add to this a
corn roast on the field every evening and an awards ban-
quet at Lakeland's beautiful new convention complex,
and you have a great week ahead of you.
' If mama and the kids aren't quite as enthusiastic
about airplanes as you are, there are 25 famous Florida
attractions close by, including Disney World, Circus
World, Cypress Gardens, Sea World and Busch Gardens.
You may want to visit the J FK Space Center and the
Piper Navajo aircraft factory yourself.
The Sun 'n Fun is the result of a regional cooperative
effort, backed by the SESAC (Southeastern Sport Avia-
tion Council) EAA chapters, under the directorship of
Bill Ehlen, with the Tampa and Lakeland area chapters

\ I L .; - t d_

being the nucleus, and the Florida Sport Aviation
Antique and Classic Association, the EAA Antique/
Classic Division's Florida Chapter, presided over by Pres-
ident Ed Escallon. The Sun 'n Fun corporation itself is
under the direction of President Len McGinty. Len is
ably assisted by a long list of officers and chairmen,
including John Shinn, E. M. Avery, Betty Jones, Graham
Gates, Billy Henderson, Rocky Sawyer, Duffy
Thompson, and many, many more.
If you are wondering about accommodations, there
are 18 motels and two camp grounds in the Lakeland
area, plus camping facilities at the fly-in site for tents,
motor homes and travel trailers. There are many more
hotels and motels within a few miles of Lakeland.
Special events at the Sun 'n Fun will include the
display of the completely restored Laird Super Solution,
with Matty Laird on hand to answer your questions, and
the "Gathering of Eagles" (those who flew before 1935).
and to get it to you soo ner. Our goal is for you to
receive it during the first week of the month. We shall
not be satisfied until we accom plish this. Our other goal
is to double our Division membership. This we cannot
do alone. We need your support and help. Please use the
membership applications, which we have been sending to
you with the magazine, to sign up your friends who are
interested in the Antiques and Classics. You will be the
greatest beneficiary of our increased membership.
In closing, I would like to thank all of the officers,
directors, advisors, convention chairmen, co-chairmen
and volunteers, and particularly your Editor of The
Vintage Airplane, AI Kelch, who helped to make my job
so much easier and more enjoyable, and I would like to
thank each of you members for all of your efforts on
behalf of the Division. We have a great organization, and,
with the help of each one of you, we shall make it even
Your EAA Antique/Classic Division willI be holding its r-----,------------------.
winter Board of Directors meeting at Lakeland, on
Thursday, the 20th. So if you'd like to sample some of
that famous southern hospitality, "yo'all" come to the
un nun.
It has been just one year since your Board of Direc-
tors elected me to fill the unexpired term of president of
your Division. Many wonderful things have happened to
me during this past year, including your demonstration
of confidence by electing me to a full term as President
last August. I shall certainly do my best to live up to
your expectations.
As I reflect back over the year, I see that, while we
have accomplished much in many respects, we have
fallen short of a-couple of our goals. We have just taken
new steps to speed up the publication of this magazine
S. N.OTE . "
With this Issue we. start a new With this Issue
also have a new of Cedar?urg WIS.
They are a convenient 5 minutes from the Vintage of-
f' W I h f' Id f .. A
Ice. e we come t em to our Ie 0 activity. great
word of thanks is extended to Ray Scholler and the
gang at Times Publishing for their fine work, they have
expertly printed Vintage since its inception.
We have increased the base page content to 24 pages
from 20. Many of last years issues were large r when we
had the material. We will continue to add pages as we
gain members and materi al. Should anyone have sent in
an article that is now not published please contact me as
a doubl e check that it was not lost in transit. Happy
New Year and good flying.
AI Kelch
P.O_ BOX 2464 0
P_O_ BOX 181
LYONS,WI 53148
8102 LEECH RD_
Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130.
53130 and Milwaukee PoSt Office
at $14.00per 12 month period of
is open toall whoare interested i n avia
Editor Assistant Editor
AI Kelch Lois Kelch
Associate Editor Associate Editor
Robert G. Elliot! Edward D. Williams
1227 Oakwood Ave. 713 Eastman Dr.
Daytona Beach, Florida 32014 Mt. Prospect , Illinois 60056
Associateeditorswill be identified in the table ofcon-
tents on articles they send in and repeated on the
ar ticl e if they have written it. Associate editorships
will be assigned to those who qualify (5 articles in
any calendar year).
Claude l.Gray, Jr. AI Kelch
9635 Sylvia Avenue 7018W. Bonniwell Road
Northridge" California91324 Mequon,Wisconsin 53092
James B. Horne Evander M. Britt
3840Coronation Road Box 1525
Eagan, Minnesota55122 Lumberton, North Carolina 28358
George E. Stubbs M. C. "Kelly" Viets
Box 113 RR1,Box151
Brownsburg, Indi ana 46112 Stillwell , Kansas 66085
WilliamJ. Ehlen Morton Lester
Route8, Box 506 P.O.Box 3747
Tampa, Florida 33618 Martinsville. Virginia 24112
W. Brade Thomas,Jr. Dale A. Gustafson
301 Dodson Mill Road 7724 Shady Hill Drive
Pilot Mountain,NorthCarolina 27041 Indi anapolis. IN46274
Robert A. White Roger J. Sherron
1207 Falcon Drive 446-C Las Casitas
Orlando, Florida32803 Santa Rosa, CA95401
Maunce "Sonny"Clavel StanGomoll
Box98 104290th Lane, N.E.
Wauchula, FL 33875 Minneapolis,MN 55434
usively by Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc. ana is published monthly at
Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corners,Wisconsin
. Wisconsin 53201. Membership rates for Antique Class Aircraft, Inc.
0.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership
The Restore's Corner ...._._.._..... . ... .. . ........ . ..... ..... . ...1
Cessna .._. ..._.. . ._...._... .,............... ...._.. . ....... . . 3
1976 Ryan Reunion ..................____ ........_ .._....___ ...._7
Gee Bee Airplanes _. __ .._..._...___ ._......._.._._...._..........8
Vintage Album. __ ..._._._.,.__ .__ _.........,___ ._._. _..........11
Bellanca __ ...._._.____ ...,_.____ .__ ....._.......__ ........_._.13
Shannon Air Museum. _.._._._ ....___ .________ ._____ ._____ ._.___ .17
oNON-EAA MEMBER - $34_00_ Includes one year membership in the EMAntique/Classic Division, 12
monthly issues ofTHE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year membership in the ExperimentalAircraft Associa-
tion, 12 monthlyissuesofSPORT AVIATION and separate membershipcards.
oNON-EAA MEMBER - $20_00_ Includes one year membership in the EMAntique/Classic Division, 12
monthlyissues ofTHE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; c;ne year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa-
tion and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION notincluded.
oEAA MEMBER - $14.00_ Includesoneyear membership in the EMAntique/Classic Division, 12 monthly
issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE and membership card. (Applicant must be current EMmember and
mustgive EMmembership number.
ONTHE COVER (Back Cover)
Cessna 79SA formerly owned by Factory picture of Cessna 790
Bob Wilson see story page 3. showing crosswind landing con-
Copyright 1976Antique Classic Aircraft , Inc.All Rights Reserved.
By Bob Wilson
Rt. 3 Box 2758
Ocala, FL. 32670
(All Photos Courtesy of the Author)
One of the best ot the Classic airplanes today is the
Cessna 195. Here's a nice big, comfortab le, all metal bird
that hauls five people in comfort with 120 Ibs. of bag-
gage, and over five hours fuel range. I t has great perform-
ance, even today with a good 160 mph cruise at about
14 GPH, depending on engine installation, which stil l
puts out a reasonable 12 MPG. Now if you're obsessed
with fuel costs, have no use for radial engines and tail-
wheels scare you, then a 195 is not your bag, and you'd
better stay with your Mooney.
Some of us older folks like round engines that sound
like a real airplane should sound, and don't mind the
poor visibility on the ground. Taxiing is similar to any
radial engine taildragger, and requires some S-turns to
see where you're going. If you've ever driven your car
with the hood up, you'll get the idea. It has great visibil-
ity in flight, and a good solid feel like a bigger airplane.
It has good slow flight performance, slips nicely, and
does beautiful wheel landings. 3 point landings are a
breeze, as long as you pay attention. Over the years, the
195 has acquired a reputation for ground looping it does
not deserve. I would like to defend the old girl once and
for all, by stating that a 195 does not ground loop.
However, a pilot will occasionally allow it to ground
loop. I t takes a firm hand and two active feet to control
it on the ground. It is no better or worse than a
Stearman, AT-6, or similar round engine tail dragger. It
is completely predictable and controllable in the hands of
a competent pilot. You want to be sure you have good
brakes and stay alert until it is parked. Once you have
accepted that fact, it is a real pleasure to fly.
The original 195 development started about 1945
with the experimental P-780, which was sort of a cross
between an Airmaster and 195 with metal wings and tail,
but fabric covered fuselage. The engine was the 245 HP
Jacobs, cowl and propeller from the Cessna multi-
engined trainer UC78 "Bamboo Bomber". Total pro-
duction of the 190/195 series was 1,085, of wh ich
204 were 190's with the 240 HP Continental Engine. All
195 's had 7 cyl inder "Shakey Jake" engines of various
sizes. Like many older airplanes, some were modified
with different engines, such as the 330 HP Jacobs, 450 P
& W, and would you believe even a 6 cyl. opposed.
Cessna 795A, formerly owned by the author, with a "Shakey jake".
Above. Experimental P780, 5 place with 245 HP "jake".
Left. A full house Cessna 790 panel looks very impres-
sive even ifyou don 'f need it.
The most recent, and probably the best 195 engine is
the R-755-S Jacobs that puts out 350 HP through an
Airesearch Turbocharger. The beauty of this "Jake" is
that it's a new production engine from Jacobs-Page of
Yukon, Oklahoma and is the same size and displacement
as the original Jacobs. It fits the same cowling and en-
gine mount, with only a few extra pounds additional
weight. The only clue to look at a Turbo Powered 195 is
the exhaust stacks coming out the side, rather than the
single pipe at the lower left. Now we have an airplane
that will true out over 200 MPH at 20,000' for under
$20,000 and that's a pretty hard combination to beat.
The blue book price for a 195 today shows about
$7,000 to $16,000, although you'll see a few jewels in
Trade-A-Plane up to $20,000.
If you own a 195 you'll probably want to join a club
Above. A brand new Cessna 790 leaves the factory for
its first home.
Left. The only thing I can say good about this Flat 6
conversion is that the workmanship was outstanding.
to share your needs with others. They put out a News-
letter, have social events and fly-ins. Contact Eastern
195 Association, 25575 Butternut Ridge Road, North
Olmsted, Ohio 44070, and The International 195 Club,
P.O. Box 737, Merced, California 95340.
The Cessna factory has few 195 parts left, but
between the 195 clubs and people like John Van Sant of
Erwinna, Penna., and a copy of Trade-A-Plane, you can
find most enything you'll ever need. Every year the price
of 190/195's are going up, but are still an excellent buy
for the guy that needs a 5 place fam ily airplane with
good performance. You also have a handsome classic
machine you can be proud to take to the local fly-in and
dazzle all the tricycle drivers. After all, you must be
something special to fly such a bear; with a round engine
and a tail wheel.
By: Chris Matthews
204 Rodonoran Dr.
Santa Clara, CA. 95057
Paso Robles, California - - - - - The sixth annual gath-
ering of West Coast Ryans, their owners, their restorers,
and their fans was a fabulous success ...thanks to Mike
Sullivan, Julie Walter, the John Gokchoff family, Mike
Wing, Archie Dean, and many other Southern Califor-
nians who put it together.
Northern Californians congregated at Hollister on Fri-
day June 18 and took off for what may well be their
favorite weekend of the flying season. One pass over the
town announced their 'arrival' and, by the time everyone
was tied down at the airport, a total of 23 Ryans were in
attendance. The most dramatic entrance scene was stol-
en by Milo Tichack's dog 'Prince' who popped up out of
the front cockpit (on command)! In addition to twenty
PT-22's, one STM, one SCW, and one NR-1, six visiting
aircraft joined in, one of which brought Ole Fahlin who
built most of the propellers there. An 'Honorary Ryan'
sign was taped on Don Carter's Bucker J ungmeister
because he had one of his Ryans there, too. Norris
Norsigian flew his beautiful Stearman, as guest of Alan
'Shiny Ryan' Buchner. Long Beach was well represent-
ed: Don Burkett in a PT-22, Elton Burkett, Elsie and son
in a PT-19, Wanda and Ted Brownell in a Cessna 195,
and, Dan Redden in a Stinson 108.
Friday evening's program was strictly hangar flying
over barbecued hamburgers and a keg of beer. Buddy
rides and hot and cold engine starting contests led Sat-
urday's events. Next, the ladies judged the formation
flying contest - four groups of four made three passes:
diamond, echelon and trail, won by Bill Ahern, Bob
Laughlin, Ray Schutte and Mike Sullivan. Ray Schutte
also won the "Loop, Spin and Roll" contest. Prior to
that contest, Bill Richards (winner of the Best Overall
Ryan trophy) had a glorious moment: Vance Parker,
newest Ryan owner and former Blue Angel, asked Bill,
"How do yOU roll one of these things?"
A discouraging crosswind on the small runway and a
busy air tanker force working from the main runway
almost cancelled the rest of the contests. But the airport
manager, Division of Forestry, and all interested parties
worked out -a safe operation. Winners in the competition
were Bill Mette - Short Field Takeoff, Bill Allen and
Bob Laughlin - Flour Bombing, Alan Buchner - Spot
Landing. Participation and performance points total gave
Bill Mette the Best Overall Contestant trophy.
The city of Paso Robles presented red, wh ite and blue
rosettes to all present at the Saturday night banquet.
John Gokchoff captured the Best Hangar Flyer trophy.
Oldest Rayn (belonging to one owner) was won by Bob
Yates, for 31 years of TLC. I n an interview at the
Watsonville Fly-In, Bob was asked if he loved his air-
plane more than his wife, to which he replied, "Well, I
love my wife, but I had the airplane first!" The Oldest
Unmodified Ryan trophy was awarded to Fred Homan's
Serial Number 1 001 .
Best Dressed Pilot and Co-Pilot were Mike Sullivan
and Julie Walter, who wore bright red, white and blue
jumpsuits of unmistakably bicentennial motif. Dave
Masters' STM was the Best Overall Civilian Marked
Ryan. Best Overall Military Marked Ryan was Ron
Chapel's and Jim Firanzi's PT-22.
Furthest Distance Flown went to Bob Laughlin and
Bill Allen of San Diego...they are partners, and Bill had
been getting ready to solo for awhile. So, he received a
Ryan pin for soloing in a Ryan and had to earn it Sun-
day mor ning. Audrey Schutte received honorable
mention for soloing the family Ryan, and flying husband
Ray to Paso Robles. Other loyal pilots and co-pilots
attending were Ellen and Jay Hayes, Jack Olson, Mae
and Pete Stru m (and daughters Jeannie and Margaret),
Rose and Dick Burgess, Frank Corbit, Stan Jorgensen,
Don Carter's daughter Kim, Fred Homan's son Larry,
John Gokchoff's wife Joan and son Chris, Bill Ahern's
friend Rose, Don Burkett's friend June, and Bob Yates'
daughter Chris Matthews. Ryan restorers George
Boreham, Norm Justice, and Janice and Rick Loomis
came, too.
An early Ryan factory film, home movies of prior
Reunions and a few other fly-ins, interspersed with talk
of upcoming flying events and invitations, followed the
awards. In the company of others who share a love of
the old airplanes and flyi ng by the seat of your pants,
one feels assured: This era isn't past!!
Chris Matthews and her father, Bob Yates
Left to Right. Bill Allen, julie Walters, Bob Laughlin,
Mike Sullivan
Dave Master's STM Ryan.
By: Robert H. Granville, R.F.D. No.4 Box J76
Skowhegan, ME. 04976
(Photos courtesy of the Author)
Helping to build an airplane was probably a long way
from my mind back in the summer of 1928. I was a
young man, working at any job I could find in my home
town of Madison, N.H .
On July 4th, 1926, I had taken a ride in an OX-5
powered Waco at North Conway. Other than that ship, I
had hardly seen an airplane fly. The pilot was P. H.
Spencer who has since become a famous designer of
amphibians, his latest being the Spencer Air Car. My
eldest brother Zantford , usually called "Grannie" was
ru nning Granville Air Service at old East Boston Airport.
He had hired Spencer to bring his ship to New Hamp-
shire and hop passengers over the holiday week end.
Spencer had all the passengers he could haul. I was
able to help out some and I enjoyed it very much. Look-
ing back over fifty years, I realize I was hooked for life.
In 1928, Grannie's repair business was rapidly
expanding and he needed more help. About September
1 st I received a telegram , offering me fifty cents per
hour to work for him and I could hardly wait to go. The
following Sunday, I headed my 1921 Studebaker touring
car south and arrived at Grannie's home in Malden, Mass.
before dark . I started work the next morning.
Grannie had left Madison at a very early age and by
1920 or '21, he was running h is own garage in Arlington,
Mass. He also had the Chevrolet Agency and sold 490's
and F.B.'s although he wasn't of age yet. He was a nat-
ural born designer and mechanic and was always building
something new or making improvements on other
designs. One such was his new type front springs, which
was a great improvement over the factory springs on the
490 models. Another item was his cone clutch oiler. The
clutch could be oiled by turning a pet cock on the dash
with the engine running. There were many others and
business was very good, but his constant dream was to
get into aviation.
Around 1922 or '23, Grannie added my oldest
brother Tom to his one man garage staff. Tom learned
very fast and after a year or so, he found himself in
complete charge. Grannie went to East Boston and got a
mechanics job with Boston Airport Corporation. By this
time he had a family to support, but with the garage
profit too, he managed to take part of his pay in flying
time. Solo came in less than five hours, and with ten
additional hours, he had his private license.
Grannie was never one to take orders from others for
very long, so he now left the company and set up his
own competitive repair business on the same field. At
first, his shop was a 10'x20' room built on a large white
truck chassis. It was equipped to handle all sorts of field
work and had its own power source. This was a large
generator powered by the truck motor. Next he built a
truck out of a 1923 Cadillac. This could go anywhere
and carried a full component of tools, welding equip-
ment, etc. I t had wing racks and if the airplane couldn't
be repaired enough to fly back to Boston, the wings and
tail could be removed and the ship towed back. Of
course, it was necessary that the landing gear be whole in
order to do so.
Before I joined him, Grannie had a couple of ex-
cellent mechanics and that spring he had also taken on
my two younger brothers Mark and Ed. Mark was about
17, and Ed about 16. Grannie was making a top notch
welder out of Ed, and Mark was to become our expert
engine installation and repair man. Now we were all
together, the five Granville Brothers.
Also, prior to my coming, Grannie had rented most
of the first floor of the Engel Cone shoe factory. Th is
was on the corner of Porter and Orleans St., and not far
from the field . Here he could handle major repair and
overhaul jobs, and that fall it was overflowing.
East Boston Airport was small and made of Boston's
accumulation of coal ashes dumped in the marsh.
Skyways Inc. and Boston Airport Corporation had most
of the airplanes, but there were also several private sh ips.
Ships kept in repair and flying by Granville Air Service
were Skyway's Stearmens, K-Rs etc. and some private
ones, A Buhl Air Sedan, Waco's, Travel Airs etc.
Pilots on the field that I remember best were Charlie
Emerson, Jack Langley, Tom Croce, Wiley Apte, Fred
Ames, the Kenyons and Harold Moon. Of course there
were others, also students, like Dannie Dugan who
ferried some of the big ones across the Atlantic during
World War II.
This was all heaven to me, but my first job was to
man the desk at our shop, and take care of nearly a years
neglected bookkeeping. There was a state income tax to
deal with on the first of the year. I also learned to do the
buying, and run the stock room which was getting to be
the one place in New England where one could buy all
kinds of airplane materials. Part of my time was spent
working on OX-5cylinders for a while. We traded a lot of
them, both new and second hand. My job was to grind in
new intake and exhaust valves and install new guides and
springs. These were oiled up well and carried on our
shelves ready to slide on. As I remember it, our exchange
price was about $12.00 each.
One big job we had on the floor that fall, was the
building of a two place biplane amphibian for a branch
of Skyways called Skyways Synd icate. Their engineers
were designing it right in our office. These were three
young graduate aeronautical engineers, fresh from col-
lege, and with me, there were four guys working in one
office all named Robert and called Bob. They were Hall,
Ayer & Dexter. Later, in Springfield they all worked for
Gee Bee on the early Gee Bee sh ips.
The amphibian was designed around a Velie M-5 en-
gine which was hoped to be about 80 Hp. When the
rating came out it was around 45. This would never do,
so the design had to be changed to install a Warner
Scarab. Although the ship was more than 50% complete,
this made a huge delay and we never did finish it.
However it was completed by others, and flown a year
or so later.
Also on the floor, were seven crackups to rebuild and
we were assured of a busy winter. These were three
American Eagles, a Whirlwind Woodson, an Argo and the
other two were Wacos.
Grannie now had a fine crew and an excellent reputa-
tion. He had even been lucky enough to handle the
"Friendship" job in 1927. This was the Fokker Tri Motor
which Bill Stultz flew to Europe with Amelia Earhart. I
didn't see it, but I think Grannie painted it yellow and
orange, and also installed the pontoons on it, at the
water edge of the field.
He had been dreaming about his own ship and now
decided the time was ripe to build it, so he started mak-
ing a few drawings. A conference was called, and a deci-
sion was made. Grannie would design the airplane. Any
of the boys who were interested could participate in the
construction without pay. We would build it, evenings
and Sundays, with no interference with regular work.
The brothers all agreed to this, and there were one or
two others. One was AI Axtman, Grannie's oldest
employee, and right hand man. AI also put up a $500.00
loan to purchase the surplus Velie M-5 from Skyways. I
do not have a 3 view drawing of the original sh ip as none
was ever made, but do have one of the Model P, which
followed it and was similar in most respects. Grannie felt
he could improve on many things he had not been happy
with on other ships, and he started his design as follows.
Grannie lifts Genet powered Gee Bee -1 from Conn. River for its first flight on
pontoons Summer of 1929.
First it was to be a two place, side by side biplane
with a lot of stagger, and using a Clark Y wing curve.
Power plant would be the Velie. Landing gear, with
seven inch oleo travel would have universal joints at all
attachment points. This would save the fuselage tubes in
case of landing gear wash out. It would also have a swiv-
eling hard rubber tail wheel. With welded steel tube fu-
selage and spruce and mahogany wings, it would be very
strong, yet light. Tail group would be something entirely
different than others, thick streamline sections made
mostly of one quarter inch tubing and brazed.
Another feature was to be interchangeability. Top
and bottom wings were identical with full length ai-
lerons. Bottom set to be used as flaps. (Flaps in 1928?)
Left and right stabilizer could be interchanged as could
rudder with left or right elevator. Stabilizer would have a
vernier control from the cockpit. Fin could be adjusted
on the ground only.
Unlike most light ships of that period, this ship would
have 26"x5" Bendix brakes, operated individually from
the rudder pedals and together when stick was pulled all
the way back.
One of the best features of this ship was the horizon-
tal dual control sticks. These came back from under the
instrument panel and turned down about five inches for
a hand grip. I n and out motion gave you elevator control
and moving right and left gave aileron control I ike any
other stick. However, two people could sit on the fine
leather cushions with nothing in the way. Even a lap
robe could be used in cold weather.
Some time in December 1928, work got underway in
the construction of Gee Bee Model E-1. Gee Bee stands
for Granville Brothers. We would work our regular nine
hour day, go to town for food and then work until 10
P.M. on the ship. Most of the steel tubing used was
S.A.E. 1020 and was purchased locally. We had Sitka
spruce in stock, also 1/16" mahogany plywood, so we
used it for the wings. Money was found by Grannie to
buy a wood propeller, some S.A.E. 4130 tubing for the
landing gear, Dartmouthtex fabric, and a set of Stewart
Hartshorn tierods, landing and flying wires. Dope and
thinner was in good supply.
Ed, who was getting real sharp with the Smith torch,
did the welding and with our good crew, the work
progressed quite rapidly. Grannie found time to make
some drawings during the day. As I was not one of the
regular mechanics, I could often spend some time at
either wood working or cover and doping also.
Sundays were busy days at the airport in summer, but
in winter we could spend most of our time on the ship.
Tom, who ran the garage all week, was also with us on
About May 1 st, all assemblies were finished and the
fuselage landing gear, engine and tail surfaces were all
together, and it was ready to go to the field. Colors were
bright red and silver, with scalloping on wings and fu-
selage, which later became very familiar on all Gee Bees.
The cowling was burnished with a cork and valve grind-
ing compound about the same as was done on the Amer-
ican Eagles. A Gee Bee trade mark designed by Grannie
and used on all our aircraft, was on both sides of the
rudder plus the license number Mass. 31-3086. It looked
very nice.
On the 2nd evening of May, we were ready to move
out, but the weather was very bad. A wild storm was in
progress, with gusts of wind and sudden down pours.
Grannie had hoped to make the first flight at daybreak
to avoid spectators. We waited until after midnight.
There was no improvement, but we took the ship over
to the field anyway. Between blasts of wind and rain, we
got the wings on and rigged, still hoping for a break in
the weather at daylight. Grannie ran over to the watch-
man 's tower to get a parachute which had been promised
him. However, it was locked up, and he came back emp-
ty handed. It was now almost daylight, but no better
weather. Grannie decided to run up the engine and try a
little taxiing, so he pulled on his hel met and goggles, and
Mark pulled the prop for him.
Apparently, he had made up his mind to fly it regard-
less of the weather or lack of parachute. Before we re-
alized what he was up too, the Velie came up to full
throttle, and he was off the ground and gone into the
darkness. We could hear the engine for a few seconds
Genet powered Gee Bee -7 at Boston Airport early 7929
after he disappeared toward Revere.
The moment of truth had arrived, and we were scared
stiff. Still blowing and raining and not yet showing day-
light, his chances looked pretty slim, at least to me. In
perhaps fifteen minutes, we heard him coming in,
although we couldn't see him. He set it down just as a
fresh deluge hit, but our crew was on his wing tips as
soon as he hit the field. With plenty of man power, we
soon had it behind the hanger and tied down.
Grannie was a very happy young man on that morn-
ing of May 3, 1929, as were we all. With no technical
training, little flying experience, but a lot of common
sense, he had designed, built and flown a brand new type
of aircraft. He had also flown it under the worst cond i-
tions imaginable, and won.
Weather conditions did not improve all day long, and
no other airplane got off the field. Even the airline Fords
did not come in or go out.
As soon as the weather cleared, Grannie made several
more short fl ights. He was satisfied with the way it han-
dled, but felt that more power was needed . However he
was now ready to try a flight with a load. Looking
around for a light weight, he decided I was it. (120 Ibs.
in those days) We got off O.K. so it was my luck to
receive the first ride in a Gee Bee. It was also my good
fortune on May 30, 1930, to be the first person to have
a first solo flight in this same airplane. However, at that
time, it was powered by a 125 HP. Chevrolet 0-4, which
gave it grand performance.
As time went on, our biplane plans were redesigned
to meet federal specifications, and it was put into small
production at Springfield, Mass. E-1 was used to exper-
iment with various engines and was flown with an
Armstrong-Siddley Genet, Kinner K-5, upright Cirrus,
and an inverted Chevrolet 0-4. It was also flown on Edo
floats, and skiis which were Grannie's own design. In fact
it flew around New England until 1938 or '39, when all
state licensing was discontinued. As it could not be li-
censed under existing rules, it was finally scrapped some-
where in Vermont. What a shame.
Little did we realize, that rainy night in 1929, that our
little Model E would be followed by the Kinner powered
P series, then the high performance Gee Bee Sportsters,
the 200 M.P.H. Senior Sportsters, the 300 M.P.H. Super
Sportsters, and finally ships which did not carry the Gee
Bee trademark, such as the "O.E.D." of 1934, the
"Moonship" and also Frank Hawks' "Time Flies" and
the "MAC". These last two ships both had high speeds
of 375 M.P.H.
However, each of these is another story, stories
including days of triumph and happiness, days of
extreme saddness, days of near hunger, but always deep
pride in design and workmanship. These standards were
never lowered on any Gee Bee aircraft.
Men and Thei r
_ ..=-r-
Dear Mr. Kelch :
As per your note of 10/ 6/76, I am enclosing
an article which I hope you will find of general
interest. If th is article seems to be of interest to
the gang, I will try to get out one on the Gee
Bee Sportsters.
Gee Bee Model P, New 'fork Aviation
Show, 7929.

I have just received my first copy ofVintage
Airplane and enjoy it very much. Afriend has
loaned me several oldercopieshowever.
Yours truly, Bob Granville
Kinner K-5 powered Gee Bee -7
Springfield Airport - Christmas Day
- ' "-\
... 'r..... __....
OS". '-"'-_ _'."'.. ,

By: john Mc C. Morgan, (EAA No. 836947) SummitAviation Inc. Middletown,
Delaware 79709. Part I was in Vintage issue April 7974, Part /I was in
October 7974, Part /II was in December 7974.
(Photos courtesyoftheAuthor)
My first memories go back to 1938 when G. M. Bellanca talked of building a
smaller airplane for the private owner. My brother and I were Stinson dis-
tributors and his company, Air Service Inc., had been since 1930. We knew
Stinson was building a three place small airplane and we became concerned with
what G. M. might think of the competition right on his airport from
One of the last known pictures of
G.M. Bellanca beside either a Cruis-
master or earlier model. Probable
date - The early '50's.
a company which was a tenant ofhis. He used to tease
us about making us drop Stinson, butproblemswith his
Junior, as the first Cruisair was called, soon put an end
to the heckling. The Stinson 105 ofcourse was outand
in big production in the summerof1939.
A picture accompanies this article showing the first
14-9 Junior, While plans called for a retracting gear, it
first flew "stiff legged" with a 90 HP Le Blond Engine.
The cabin door did not have the fuselage cut-out that
production models incorporated. This was not done
until the late Bert "Fish" Hassell took ittotheChicago
Show, probably before certification. Iam sure. prior to
approval,asthefirstaircraftwas lost in testflights killing
the pilot. More about that later. The aircraft was so
difficult to get in and out of, that "Fish" said it was
dubbed "The Photographic Bellanca" because of the
comments the men made as ladies got in and outofthe
Dates are hazy after almostforty years, so Ihave just
checked CAA and FAA Specs to get precise ones. The
14-9, first ofthe longseries, datesback toan August24,
1939 approval. Thisapproval cameafter a long period of
testing lasting probably more than a year. The aircraft
had progressed well and the CAA had passed theairplane
with few problems - that is almost. If Irecall correctly,
it was all but done when GM wanted a higher do not
exceed speed and Cecil Hoffman, the Bellanca testpilot
for a good many years, went to altitude one afternoon
to run this dive. My brother and I, across thefield from
the factory, got a phone call thatan aircraft,believed to
be the 14-9, had crashed across the Delaware River in
New Jersey. We jumped in a Stinson Reliant - a 1938
SR10 Gull Wing - and flew the few minutes to a strip
and then were driven a mile or so to the scene. Sure
Three 14-19 Cruismasters in front of the author's
hangar at Bellanca Field, New Castle, Delaware. (Pro-
bablyabout 1953-54)
G.M. Bellanca with a happy customer (anybody know
who it is?) With a 14-19Cruismaster. Early 1950's.
enough, there it was. It had hit quite flat, barely nose
down and was relatively intactalthough badly damaged.
This wing, unlikeall built later, was fabric covered. Only
the leading edge was plywood. Fabric had stripped from
the wing, and the tips were sortofshredded, as ifflutter
there or in the ailerons had been the problem. Cecil had
been fatally injured, but I well remember that he was
still seated in the pilot's seat looking only as if he had
been terribly bruised. Some laterconjecturethoughtthe
flutter had caused such violentstickoscillations, thathe
wasalmostbeaten todeath.
At this point, after careful study, it was decided to
cover the cantilever wing with plywood. While the lost
airplane had passed all spin tests, even for theCAA, this
new plywood covered wing model did notwanttorecov-
er per CAA requirements. By this time Holger Hoiriis,
who flew the Bellanca Liberty to Denmark in 1931,was
the pilot. He seemed to spin it every day for months
with no success. Airflow waschanged around theengine
A one of a kind experimental trainer built for a Wright Field Air Corps competition. The
Fairchild PT-79 of course won. It was Franklin powered and is still owned by August
Bellanca. Was damaged in a fire and has not been repaired. Last known flight was 7947 or
'42. Wings were right off the Cruisair.
cowling, the wing root and all other thinking was done
with no success. Finally the large fins were added on the
outboard ends of the stabilizers and the up elevator
restricted mechanically when the landing gear had been
retracted. They then ended up with an al most spin proof
aircraft, and it went into production. I have checked my
log book, thinking I flew it before approval, but the only
entry I could find was May 5, 1940 - nine years to the
day after my solo flight on the same airport.
Believe it or not, but in December of 1940, approval
was received from the CAA for the 14-9L - the same
aircraft with a different engine, this time, the unheard
of Lenape 95HP. This approval was run for a Statesville,
N. C. gent who planned to run an intrastate airline with
three of them. They were built, went to Statesville, and I
have no further recollection of their success, or lack of
it. I do remember the engine presented many problems,
but the purchaser wanted the additional 5 HP, and I
think a lighter engine.
Just prior to Pearl Harbor, a big change was made,
and the Cruisair became a pretty good machine. It had
always - from the start - had beautiful flight char-
acteristics. However, as was the Stinson, it was un-
derpowered, especially with a full gross load of 1750 Ibs.
which included three people. The Franklin 120 became
available and was approved in December 1940. The en-
trance by the USA into the War brought things to a halt,
and Bellanca went into war work.
Of course, the largest number built of one model, was
the 14-13 series started after the war, and incorporating
the new Franklin 150 HP engine. This was approved in
September, 1946, and the plant went full bore,overflow-
ing the airport with unsold aircraft. Production was
either stopped or slowed way down at that point,
Bellanca then bought some facilities or rented same at
Cape May County Airport in New Jersey, and in order to
make the Cruisair more saleable, it was decided to set up
a mod center there and install outside baggage compart-
ments, repaint exteriors which had been exposed to the
weather in outside storage at Bellanca Field, and add
equipment to customers' specs. For months, my brother
Dick and I, plus Jack Keaveney, factory test pilot,
shuttled the airplanes back and forth the fifty-sever,
miles to Cape May. It was a great sport, but in our
exuberance, it is a wonder we did not become a cropper.
The route was all over swamp and the edge of the Del-
aware River, and further south the Delaware Bay. I very
seldom remember any of us being over 50' in a rag tag
formation or race, to see who could get there first and
get landed while cutting the other out of the pattern.
When it was all over, we had lucked out and had fun
Of course 1946 saw the advent of the Bonanza and
the much less successful Navion. The Bonanza, while
priced somewhat higher than the Bellanca, but still at
the present day values, a ridiculous $7,000, give or take
a few bucks, cut drastically into demands for the
Cruisair. In 1949, Bellanca flew th is aircraft with 190 HP
Lycoming, and it was approved as the model 14-19 in
September. Several years later, G. M. Bellanca went out
of the airplane business - selling the Cruisair rights to a
company that has been known as Northern, Downer and
currently the old name - Bellanca Aircraft Corporation.
As we all know, the nosewheel was added and different
powerplants and turbocharging became a part of the
latest models.
It is not known, the changes in structure of fuselage
and wing, which were required to bring the gross weight
in 1960 to 3,200 Ibs. from the 1,750 Ibs. of 1939. To
the writer's knowledge, there was precious little change
in the wing, once the plywood was added in 1938 or
1939. It is a shame after al most forty years, that drain
holes on a wing were either not installed or became
clogged, allowing a spar to rot and cause an inflight fail-
ure. Other than thunderstorm induced failures, I know
of none other.
One last thought. All of you readers who can go back
to having flown the 75HP Stinson 105 in 1939, will
remember their take-off performance, or rather their
lack of same. That summer our company, Air Service,
I nco across the field from the Bellanca factory, had been
most successful in selling the little Stinson - much to
Bellanca's chagrin. Probably through a challenge by us,
or the factory, we ran some take-off tests with these two
aircraft competing - the Junior as it was know then, and
Stinson 105. I remember well, as I flew the Stinson, the
Junior jumped out in front with its 90HP, but the
Stinson was in the air sooner after a shorter run. Of
course the climb and speed were no contest.
CAA and FAA approval dates and other information
are listed on right:
I hope none of the loyal Cruisair owners pick this
article apart too badly. An effort has been made to be
factual, but as mentioned too many times already, the
years do take their toll of one's memory.
Rearwin LeBlond or
Ken Royce 90 HP
Lenape Brave 95 HP
Franklin 120 HP
Franklin 150 HP
lycoming 190
Continental 230 HP
Continental 260
Continental 260 HP
Continental 300 HP
lycoming Turbo
290 HP
Lycoming 290 HP
with Kit)
Above. Another view of the early Cruisair mod-
ified with large span stabilizer, small fins and
outside baggage compartment. The latter fea-
ture avoided much wrestling of luggage in and
out over the seats, a feature still used today.
The overall appearance has taken on a clean
look, accentuated by the simple paint job.
Below. One of the later basic models of the
14-13 about 1948. The baggage compartment
had been added along with larger span stabilizer
and smaller fins plus a steerable tai/wheel. The
overall finish, upholstery and neat simple eli-
gance of the Bellanca, is reminiscent of the fine
automobiles of the era.
ByP. B. Sullivan
Rt. 3, Box466-D
Fredricksburg, VA 22407
(Photos Courtesyofthe Author)
Fredericksburg, Virginia is a pleasant small city of
some 17,000, situated on the Rappahannock River and
saturated with history. Although not as widely known as
Williamsburg, Fredericksburg claims to be America's
most historic city, with any number of famous sons sent
to Washington in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Sadly, it was also in the bloody center of at least five
key battles of the Civil War in which there were
combined casualties of 100,000.
Now Sidney L. Shannon Jr., a Fredericksburg busi-
nessman and aviation enthusiast has put the city on the
map for historians of aviation with the opening last
summer of his Shannon Air Museum.
The museum, located at Shannon Airport on state Rt.
2 about a mile south of the city, houses the eight gems
in Shannon's collection, including: A World War I Stand-
ard E-1 fighter, a 1916 Spad VII, a 1927 TravelAir 2000,
a 1929 Curtiss Robin , a 1932 Aeronca C-2, a 1927
Pitcairn PA-5 Mailwing, a 1938 Stinson SR-10G
(Gull wing) and a 1945 Piper J-3 Cub.
Standard E-7
7976Spad VII
Pitcairn Mailwing
Travel Air2000
Curtiss Robin
}-3 Cub
andotheraviation memorabilia
RobinandPiticain atShannon in March 76
! ;
! (
1/ 1
: J
l\ -I
Above. jack Moos flies the Pitcairn, 3/76
The condition of these aircraft is outstanding, and all
but the Standard, of which but two remain, are occa-
sionally flown.
Curator of the museum is Capt. H. T. "Dick" Merrill,
who with more than 45,000 hours logged (and he didn't
log any until the 1930's) is probably the world's most
experienced pilot. He's a young 82, still holds all his
licenses, even though he retired from Eastern Airlines at
age 60.
Merrill taught himself to fly in 1920 in a Jenny, way
down in Mississippi. He barnstormed the next seven
years, then took a job flying mail in a Fokker for St.
Tamany Gulf Coast Airways on the New Orleans-Atlanta
route. In 1928 he joined Pitcairn Aviation and flew the
night mail from Richmond to New York. When Pitcairn
became part of Eastern in 1932, Merrill flew Curtiss
Condors and DC-2's on the New York-Miami run.
He has dozens of records, "firsts" and awards, includ-
ing the Harmon Trophy for the first commercial
two-way crossing of the Atlantic in 1937 in a Lockheed
Electra. I n World War II he flew the Hump in C-46 cargo
aircraft for three years in a supply operation in which
hundreds of planes were lost.
Even after his retirement Merrill couldn't stay out of
the cockpit. In 1966 he, Arthur Godfrey and two other
pilots set 21 world records in a globe-circling flight in a
Jet Commander. And it's only been about three years
since he set a Palmdale-to-Miami mark ferrying Eastern's
first Lockheed L-101l.
Merrill's Fredericksburg headquarters is a new brick
and steel museum measuring about 120 by 130 feet. In
addition to the large display area there is a theater for
movie and slide shows, two rooms for display of models
and artifacts, a I ibrary and gift shop. I n a corner of the
immense display hall there is a replica of an early avia-
tion machine .shop, which Shannon calls a monument to
the guys who kept those early planes in the air."
Shannon acquired his Standard from a florist's shop
in Dayton, where it had been used as a business
advertisement. He likes to joke about snatching the E-1
Below. Travel Air 2000, OX-5 engine
from under the nose of the Air Force Museum (which
nevertheless managed to find the only other one). The
little machine has an 80 horsepower Le Rhone and can
reach 103 miles per hour and 14,500 feet - or it could,
if it were still flown, but due to its rarity it is grounded,
the only plane in the collection that doesn't stretch its
wings from time to time.
Shannon acquired the E-1 in 1956 and spent eight
years restoring it. It was his first antique, and he was
The Spad is a masterpiece, purchased th is year from
James Ricklefs of San Carlos, California, who spent
three painstaking years rebuilding it, complete with 150
horse Hisso engine. It has been flown twice this year in
Virginia by Jack Maas, who reports that it handles beau-
The plane, purchased by Ricklefs from J. B. Petty of
Gastonia, N.C. in 1969, was one of 120 Spads originally
built by a British firm under license from Societe
Anonyme Pour L'Aviation Et Ses Derives (SPAD).
Shannon's Pitcairn, with barking 200-horsepower
Wright J-5, is finished in the markings of Eastern Air
Transport, Inc., a forerunner of Eastern Airlines. This
PA-5 is identical to the ones in which Shannon's father,
Sidney Sr., and Dick Merrill flew the mails. Shannon Sr.
later rose to become vice president of operations for
Eastern Airlines, a position he held for many years.
Above. 7932 AeroncaC2 "Razorback"
Below. The}3restoredbyShannon Museumpersonnel.
The Shannon PA-5 is one of four of that model
remaining, including one in the new National Air and
Space Museum. It is believed to be the only one still
flying and is licensed to haul 500 pounds of mail in the
front compartment. The plane was originally purchased
from Pitcairn Aircraft, Inco of Bryn Athyn, Pa. by
Colonial Western Airways, Inc.
The aircraft has been flown cross-country in recent
years, includ ing a trip to Ottumwa in 1972, and has
garnered its share of show hardware. Yet it was bought
from a dusting pilot as a basket case and totally rebuilt
by Shannon's mechanic, Francis Clore.
Flying alongside the Pitcairn today, it is easy to imag-
ine the early mail pilots, bundled against icy winds in the
open cockpit, totally relying on the faithful Wright
engine and on the ruggedness of the airframe to get in
and out of unimproved strips. Navigation aids were
non-existent, and at night the only light for landing was
the two big ones outboard on the lower wings.
The TravelAir 2000 is also a beauty, but has a dif-
ferent personality, one that says "come fly me" on
sunny summer days. And it promises a great trip.
Shannon acquired this aircraft in 1973 from Max Walton
of Wichita, the original owner. It is silver and blue with
red upholstery, and its OX-5 mill swings a huge prop,
curved like a scimitar. One look makes any enthusiast
wonder why they don't build planes like it anymore.
Shannon has a clipping from the May 21, 1928 edi-
tion of The Free Lance-Star, the daily newspaper in
Fredericksburg, telling about the arrival of his father's
new TravelAir in the city. The article reports that the
new plane "reached here yesterday afternoon from
Wichita, Kansas. The ship is a biplane, powered with a
Curtiss OX-5 ninety horsepower motor, and can carry
two passengers in addition to the pilot .... The plane is
known as the Travel Air and is one of several models
now being made to sell at prices ranging from $3,000 to
$3,500. It is capable of a high speed of about 100 miles
an hour under full throttle and cruises at from 70 to 80
miles an hour. "The plane was flown here from the fac-
tory in Wichita, Kansas by Mr. Shannon (this was Sid's
father, and a different aircraft from the one in the muse-
um) in fifteen hours' flying time. the air line distance
from Wichita to Fredericksburg is about 1,200 miles."
Douglas Corrigan earned his "Wrong-Way" nickname
in a Robin similar to Shannon's orange and yellow ma-
chine . The three-place ship, with 165 horsepower Wright
J-6 is in pristine shape, right down to its wicker seats,
and still cruises at 95. Shannon has owned th is J-1 model
Robin since 1955, and it underwent total restoration in
Few planes have more personality than the little
Above. WWi E 7 Standard, found in a florist's shop
in Dayton, Ohio.
Below. 7929 Curtiss Robin
Aeronca C-2, with its 36-horse Aeronca twin power-
plant, open-air cockpit and parasol wing. The 700-pound
plane cruised at 70, was pooped out at 85 and still sets
down at 36 miles per hour. Shannon has owned it for
many years, and it is regularly exercised, always pleasing
the crowds at the annual summer fly-in and airshow at
Shannon Airport.
Last summer Shannon acquired a Gull-Wing Stinson
SR-10G from George Stubbs of I ndianapolis, who had
restored it to immaculate condition with the markings of
American Airlines. The five-place craft is powered by a
300 horsepower Lycoming radial; it has a 155 mile per
hour maximum and a 130 mile per hour cruise. This
particular aircraft was featured on the cover of the
March, 1974 edition of The Vintage Airplane.
The most recently built of Sidney Shannon's ma-
chines is a classic Piper J-3 Cub built in 1945. It is com-
plete in original Cub markings and the powerplant is, of
course, the 65 horse Continental. It was thoroughly re-
novated in Fredericksburg by Shannon personnel.
Sidney Shannon's museum is believed to be the only
civil aviation museum in Virginia, and it is certainly an
outstanding one. He foresees no immediate additions to
the collection, but there is plenty of space available in
the museum, and he is always on the lookout for in-
teresting aircraft and aeronautical memorabilia.
Editor's Note. The picture is of Leslie Miller's Travel Air, now
owned by Brian W. Dalton. The following two letters refer to it,
and are self-explanatory.
AI Kelch
May 16,1976
Dear Mr. Miller:
It was very nice to talk toyou today. It is such apleasure for me to
talk to people who were active during the golden age ofaviation and
even more so in your case because you made such a contribution to
bringing the airplane into itsown.
You asked about me. I am 28 years old and a Lieutenant in the
Army Medical Department and am presently working at the Army
hospital here at Ft. Huachuca. My home base is Dallas, Oregonwhere
my brother is now. with all the airplanes. He is 26 and very much
involved with antiqueairplanes. When we were growing up, there was a
duster outfit in town that had four Travelairsand we got to knowand
love them then. My first contact with aviation was when Iwas about
13 years old and I tried to buy one of the Travelairs. The price was
about 100times what Icould afford at the time so Ihad todefer the
purchase. Over the past three years mybrotherand Ihave managed to
buy two basket case planes plus the data plate and papers for a third.
In addition we have a J-3 Cub that is flying now.
My brother 's plane is aTravelair 4000thatused to belongto Wilber
May of the May Company department stores in Los Angeles. Of
course, it was powered by aWright J-5.
My plane, the one that you owned, was a straight 2000 with the
OX-S engine_ Ihave included a pictureofit that was taken about 1938
or so, some ten years after you owned it. It was still in original
configuration at that time but was soon after converted to a Comet
engine. When I got it, it had a Lycoming R-680, 300 hp. engine with it
and it was apart with many parts missing. Ihave had some luck assem-
bling partsbutwe have not yet begun serious restoration.
Both my brother and I are dedicated to restoring these pl anes as
close to original as possible. This includes the original instruments,
paint schemes and engines, if possible. Once done, we intend to use
them. We have located a Wright J-S engine that is somewhat
incomplete but restorable, but have had no luck finding an OX-5 or
OXX-6 engine for my plane. Therefore, I will probabl y put the
Lycomingback on unless Ican find a Hi sso orWri gh t j-4or j-S.
I would be most interested in your remembrances of this airplane
and that era around Los Angeles. Also, if you know where Ican get
some original parts, particularly engines and instruments, Icould really
use the information.
Thank you again for the nice visit and I wish you success in your
Brian W. Dalton
R. W. Bli ss Army Hospital
Ft. Huachuca, Arizona 85613
Phone (602) 458-3150
june 22, 1976
Mydear young Friend,
You can only imagine how delighted Iam to receive from youyour
nice letter and your compli ments to my efforts in the past in connec-
tion with aviation.
For an oldster, which I qualify for, since I am almost 80yearsold
now, it is very difficult to not at times live in the past and to possibly
talk a little bit too much of the past to the extent that the present
laymen may misunderstand and consider such conversations as windy
indulgence in self aggrandizement. Be that as it may, to receive a nice
letter from a young man who has such evident intense interestas you
and you r brother have, in bringing to the present, the storyofthe past
in aviation, Isaluteyou for your effortand interest.
It is ofgreat interest to me also to have the log on whatbecameof
one of myoid ships. It is almost unbelieveable that thisairplane is still
in existance and the photograph ofit will be cherished as long as Ilive,
and no doubt by my famil y ofthree sons and adaughter, all ofwhom
are flyers, includinga number ofmy grand';Ons who are flyers.
In the old days, I regarded the development ofaviat ion as aprime
requisite in the safe-guarding of this nation, and even also other
nations with the same value offreedom. It would seem boastful ofme
to say that back in the old days I did envision the greatairline routes
that lace the United States and the world, and the development of
tremendous airplanes and speeds. Ifelt the effortwas well worth whil e
in view of what we believed we were contributing to humanity. I am
firmly of the belief even today, that had we not developed speed of
transportation between countries, and tremendous improvements in
communications likewise in the radio and TV, many conflagrations
throughout the world might have otherwise developed intoeven more
than the sad wars we have experienced.
Ibelieve that improved communicati onsand improvement in travel,
internationally, acquainted people throughout the world with each
other to the extent that some damper was put on wars even though
not completely so. We are more inclined to talk thingsover now than
to fight it out on the battlefield, and as timegoes on, within the scope
of your life time, Iam quite sure people of the world will eventuall y
live with each other peacefully. God willing'
The area of Los Angeles was theseed bed largely ofwhat has taken
place to date in aviation. Back in the early 20's there were the Black
Cats that included such peopl e as Leo Thomic, Frank Clark, Earl
jones, Reginald Denny and a number of others whose names escape
me. These were the Dare and Do boys who flew the airplanes in the
early movies ofaviation and probably some ofthe best stunt flyers of
times. In the mid 20's - Wally Ber ry, Ken Maynard, Ben Lyons,
Clarence Brown, Ed Deering, Buck j ones. Most movie people lent their
efforts and presence in behalf of avia ti on , but become avid flying
enthusiasts and pilots. As old as Iam, Isimply can't remembereven Y.
of the old gang. Otto Timm and Wally Timm's names come to mind as
part of the Bl ack Cats era or thereabouts. You could look over the
roster of aviation and find hundreds made their mark in the Los
Angeles area. Walter Waterman. His name now occurs: as Icanvas my
memory I suppose Icould go on and on picking up a new nameeach
hour that I tri ed. Anyway, it was agreatera. Myoid Travelair was one
ofanumber Iowned and in which rests fond memories.
I have been asked by the Antique Classic Division ofExperimental
Aircraft Association to conduct a Forum on the OX-S engine on
Sunday, August 1, at 1:00 p.m. in the Forum Tent u3 (south ofthe
main gate and just north of Ollie's Woods) at Oshkosh, Wisconsin
during their convention. So possibly you might be there and ifyou are,
I would be happy to meet you personally, as well as your brother, if
youcan make it.
Regarding availability of OX-S parts, it has been 50years now since
I was manufacturing the Millerized improvements and everything has
been scattered to the four winds that I had. I do knowofafellow by
the name of johnny Lowe, on Ringling Blvd., in Sarasota, Florida_
johnny is a real old timer and he did have acomplete Millerized OX-S
and quite a few parts. It seems to me he had ason-in-law who was an
airplane pilot, who may have come in possession ofthis engine. Idon't
know whether it could be pried lose from them or not. I know they
prized it highly. Attending the aircraftconvention might be profitable
to you in the line of learning ofavailable parts. It would give you a
cross section of the effort made by all of them in the procurementof
old aircraft materials. Wish I could help you more. As I write, I
remember that Melba Beard out in Arizona somewhere had quite an
interest in OX-S partsprocurement.
Lt. Dalton, it has been nich to hear from you. Ihave written about
as'much as I can remember atthis time, and Ilook forward tohearing
ofyour progress.
With very king personal regards, Iam
Your Friend
LeslieC. Miller
P.O. Box 77
Warne, NC 28909
(704) 389-6695
Dear Mr. Nielander:
I just want to let you know that your editorial in the August issue
of The Vintage Airplane just hit the nail real square on the head. It
looks to me as if the whole future ofEAA, and more so, AAA, is tied
up in this matter of something to build that will give the builder some
real satisfaction and be a fine pl ane. Your list of possible planes is a
good one. I have been harping on this idea for a long while without
any success.
Wag-Aero has shown us that the Cuby is possible. Ihave hoped that
they would have a real s u ~ s s with this idea and be encouraged to go
ahead with other pl anes. As you pointed out, thereare a few planesof
this type that have not been haul ed out ofthe barns.
Now the big question is: how do we get this sort of undertaking
activated? It see ms to me thatagood talk with Pau loughtto help out.
Maybe an arti cle in SPORT AVIATIONreques ting any informationas
to where these planes mdY be hiding would bring out something_
Perhaps the AAA would also run somesortofarticleon thi s.
Now, the other way would be to find someone who owns one of
these and to let some engineer use the plane to draw up aset ofplans.
I suppose there might be leg,!! difficulti es about this, but probably
they could be' resolved somehow. Maybe there are other possible
sources for a set of plans. I don't know the answers, but I fee lvery
st rongly that we shou ld not let your idea drop. It should be activated.
Maybe another way would be to get some qualified engineer to
design a pl ane ALMOST like one in your lis t, but justenough different
so that it would be a new plane. Then anyone who had stringson th e
original designs, that we couldn't cut, would not have any strings on
the new one. Again, I say, I think your idea is a good one, and I
sincerely hopesomethingwill comeofit.
Yours truly,
Howard Holman
Wayne, Maine04284
September 22, 1976
Howdy J. R.:
Hey, man! I like your August, '76 editorial! Sallright, it is, and I
hope you get people thinking and working along "Replica" lines. I
assume you are aware that:
1. R. G. Huggins has put toget her plansdrawings for the Curtiss-
Wright Junior.
2. John Houser at Aeronca in Ohi o knowsofagroupofdedicated
peopl e workingon newdrawingsfor the AeroncaC-2 &C-3.
3. FAA Jamaica, NY has drawings for theTaylor E-2 Cub.
4. EAA library has a complete set of American Eaglet drawings.
(Someone ought to "tell" the guy who is marketing an "Amer-
ican Eaglet" Glider.) An Ameri can Eaglet, isalmost completed
(replica) at Sault Ste. Mari e, Ontario.
5. Drawings for various Moth & Avi on aircraft are avail able, of
course, and one gu y is even offering Gipsy Major engines cer-
tified & converted to run upright - just great for the DH 60
Moth replica.
6. Bucher JUNGMANN drawings should soon be availabl e from
Montreal, Quebec.
I would love to see McClureor someonedodrawings for thatWil ey
Post - ( Ford " A"engine partswill beavail ab leforyears tocome).
Now if someonecould get asmall series ofori ginalradials backinto
production - even ata trickle- we'd really have something. Guess we
are entitled todream, eh?
I've often wondered about that Kl emm (AntiqueTreasure Hunting)
on the junkpil e in South America - wonder ifit'sstill there? Wedon't
have Pan Am or Braniff here - tri ed to get some contacts through
DeHaviliand here, but no luck. If Ihad acontact Ithink I'd maybe try
to get that Iii' 01 bird.
Anyway, "Cheers ",
Garth Elliot
2nd LineWest
Ontari o, Canada LOJ 1KO
September14, 1976
Dear AI:
Everything is back to normal more or less around Rhinebeck after
the Hammond sport Air Show. Curtiss "D" and Bleri ot N have flown
each weekend since in asteeplechase, sli ghtl ycondensed from theones
we did at H-spor t. Foxy is having quitea time with Bl eriot as he keeps
taking it hi gher and higher each week, wea ther permitting. Each land-
inghe is more sur eabout taking it around!.
Was thumbing through a 1931 Air Tai ls looking for an art icl e on
Heath Parasol's for Herb Eisen of the Aerodrome Staffand ran across
thi sad for Eaglet's. Thought you might like it for your scrapbook or
I'm st ill tinkering on my '41 5-3, now up at Dick King' sbarn, also
still looking for Fleet pam es peciall y model II fuselage, lower wing
panels, logs, and rudder, plus much misc. Any leads appreci ated. Pl ease
say hi to Buck A. next t ime you see him for me - he has an extra
fuselage doesn' t he?
I'm pl anning on going to Florida with Col e in December or when-
ever. Iguess the Dolphin iscomingprettygood as Andy Keefe hasse nt
afew pictures up already.
Also I'm looking around for some typeofaircraftlike the Eaglet-
something different that I could use in Cole's show. He wants the
young types to start getting involved with fl yi ng there own machines
for "pants races" or other ac ts. I'mespeciall y in terested in acrazyC-3
ac t,so I'm looking, would appreciateany leads, thanks.
If you have any of those extra Antique and Classic mags I would
appreciate some. Also who is the guy to send the $to for memberShip?
Well good luck on whatever you are doing? E-2, Eaglet , Travelair
As far as E-2 goes, I can get wings, ai lerons, engine, gear;do you
have pl ans for fu selage?? any other parts? Thanksabunch .
See you in Fl orida.
John Barker
October11, 1976
Dear Mr. Nielander:
I am the proud owner ofa Rearwin Sport ster sin 656D, whi ch is
fitted with Le Blonde K.R. 5 F. si n 1225. My problem is this: Iam a
prematurely retired Aircraft engineer (health reasons), with 37 years
practical ex perience, (mostl yon light aircraft).
As I did not have any data on thi s delightful and rare aircraft, I
took numerous photosof vital parts, etc., before di smantling the air-
frame into its various components. All this happened seven years ago
and after a spate of illnesses (including a heart problem that lost me
my pil ot's license) I find myself able to work again on Rearwin
ZK-AKA. However, the photos taken by me have completely
di sappeared. On top of thi s, our Department of Civil Aviation has
ti ghtened up on theoverhaulingofold aircraft. As aconsequence, Iam
trying to loca te someone in the USA who can put me in touch with
another Rearwin 9000KR owner, or a club of Rearwin owners, to
enable me to find out modificat ions, repa ir schemes, availabi lity of
parts (if any) , data about bothengineand airframe, etc.,etc. Ihave to
start somewhere and after talking to numerousaviat ion people, oneof
them came up with your name and address fro m the Experi mental
Aircraft Association's magazine, SPORT A VIA Tl ON, so if you coul d
find your way clear to either pass this letter on or to send me the
address of someone who could help me out, I wou ld be extremely
Yoursincerely, Ivan T. East 34 Ashleigh Crescent,
Miramar Well ington, New Zealand
September 23, 1976
Dear Mr. Nielander:
Thank you for the timely concern for the REPLI CA AIC and their
owner/builder/pilots. We have been the orphan fringe of the
WARBIRDS and ANTIQUE/ CLASSICDivi sion for a long time,but ,at
least, Antique/ Cl ass ic madea move ofrecognition ofa problem,which
isadefinite step towardsasolution.
Nearly eleven years ago, at our formation, recommendations had
been made for the membersto join the EAA; World War IAeroplanes,
under Leo Opdycke; Cross &Cockade Soc iety, as the majororganiza-
tions that would profit the membership. I suggested that the Antique
Airplane Association mi ght also be ofadvantage.
Regarding the latte" no matter how accurate a Replica of an air-
craft which either is rare or no longer exists may be, there was no
provi sion for the Replica aircraft. For those few owners ofOriginal
WW Iaircraft, AAA canbe auseful group and mi ght be benefi cial.
Warbirds and Antique/Cl assic Di visions were not operative at the
start of our group, and while I joined both myself, fe lt that until the
recent Vintage Airplane and the President 's sharp insight, both would
be more ofthe sa me in which we would serve their purposes more than
havinga functional roleofour own.
Accordingly, I shall recommend future affiliation of our mem-
bership with A/ C Di vis ion, whi ch will be merel yanextention si nceall
the members should already be EAA members in good standing.
I should like to see the samething happenwith WARBIRDS, under
the EAA Banner, in which regard they also consider thescale ai rcraft,
WW I and WW II, along with the full si Le repli cas, and will then feel
free to recommend that we support Warbirds fully in recognition of
their support ofus.
Obviously the Repl ica Quilders will not be competiti ve to the"Big
Brothers ", Both Antique and /or Warbird, but compliment each as a
secondary, yet autonomous point ofinterestand,what ismore, added
noses as voterstoadd clou tas needed.
Hopefull y the Warbird Di vision might join thoughtswith thoseyou
have just expressed and Ihave been trying to form so that we mi ght
eachserve oneanother.
Wonderful thought , and I am ver y gra teful for it. Now todo what-
ever isneeded to make it all jei.
Sincerely yours,
Stanl ey L. Morel
"Der ZirkusMei ster"
Dear Mr. Escallon, Fl a. Chapt er Pres.
From the very beginning your association hasbeen deeply involved
and has contr ibuted greatly to thesuccessofSun 'n Fun. Theworking
fly -i n at our new site this pas t weekend was a magnificentdemonstra-
ti on of the dedication to EAA's ai ms and goals possessed by your
As an officer of Sun 'n Fun I lack the words to express the deep
feeling of gratitude that I have for the effort made here. Asan EAA
member I salute the FSAA&CA for it s signifi cant contributions to
Sport Avi ation in all itsendeavors. As a member of the FSAA&CA I
am very proud to be oneofyou.
Your organi zation has done muchto bring EAA'erstogetherand to
give them directi on and purpose. It is per sonall y a rewardingand sat-
is fyi ngexperi ence to be a part ofit.
Billy M. Henderson, VP
502 Norfolk Circle
Lakeland, FL 33801

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