Script For Sayawit Festival 2014

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Script for Sayawit Festival 2014:

Sheila: May we request everyone to please rise for the opening prayer...
PG: be followed by the singing of our Philippine National Anthem.
I. Prayer/Doxology
II. II. Philippine National Anthem
III. III. Production Number
(Grand Entrance of the hosts) [maulaw tas GRAND] heheheehe

Sheila & PG: Good evening College of Business Administration! Welcome to Sayawit Festival 2014!

PG: I am Paul Gilbert Delloso Ananayo..

Sheila: And I'm Sheila Mae Saile Somosa..

PG & Sheila: And we are your hosts for tonight.

PG: Sheila, I have to say. You are one extra stunning lady tonight with that wonderful dress of yours. Really suits
you ;-)

Sheila: (ay, ikaw na bahala kung unsa man ang imong iingon ai? Haha) and of course PG I so prepared very
much for this night because tonight is a very special night and I am so thrilled to be part of this activity because
And ladies and gentlemen, we have a lot of things in store for you this evening. Because we will be showcasing
different talents from different year levels. But a competition will not be possible without avid supporters, right?

PG: Right Sheila. So to loosen up a bit and to chase away all the nervousness that our contestants are feeling
right now, may we hear some cheers from the audience. And I personally believe that the year level with the
loudest roar will really have an inch against other year levels and might as well win the majority of events.

PG: Theyre new, theyre fresh, theyre innocent but they have that burning flame of hope in them, Let's hear it
from the FRESHMEN!

Sheila: How about a louder cheer from tough, the hopeful and the never giving up, SOPHOMORES!

PG: They say three is the charm, and charmed they are.. Can I hear more from the JUNIORS?!

Sheila: And last but not the least, the bearers of the name Silliman University College of Business Administration
when they travel around the world and who are one more step closer to achieving their dreams the very
competitive SENIORS!

PG: Wow! The Luce Auditorium is on fire!!! Well Sheila, as we all know, there will be four categories for us to
witness tonight they are the Acoustic Bandakada, A Capella, Modern Dance & the Dancesport.

Sheila: Oh, I cant wait to see them perform on stage!

PG: Soon Sheila, you wont be waiting much longer. Before anything else, and to formally welcome us all in this
wonderful evening, let us welcome with thunderous applause, our lovely dean, DR. Ma. Estella Lezama.


Sheila: Thank you very much Maam for your message. And now, let us welcome the people who will be holding
the future, shall I say, of our contestants.

PG: And will be having a very very hard time to choose the best from among the best of each category. Lets
meet our judges..

Sheila and PG alternately reading the resume and introduction of the judges (Sheila first)

PG or Sheila: Now that we have known all of the judges, for us to really know how the contestants were able to
join such categories, allow us to read to you the guidelines while the criteria for judging for each category are
flashed on the wide screen..


Sheila: And now, the long wait is over. And the talents and skills of the contestants will now be put to the test.

PG: Ladies and Gentlemen, brace yourselves coz youre about to go on a ride filled with entertainment,
showcasing pure talents from your friends sit back and enjoy the show. Lets welcome on stage, the first group
for the Acoustic Bandacada competition.


Sheila: Wow PG. That was a musical explosion of talent. They have all done so well.

PG: Yes, indeed Sheila, all those hard work, there you have just seen on stage.
(talks about the next category while the judges breath and contestants prepare last minute)
(same goes with the other after events, talking about the next event while judges take a breather)

V. After all categories
PG: Wow, just wow, all their performances have left me speechless Sheila.
Sheila: Pure talent and entertainment. Did you enjoy it guys? That is why, when you have something special within you, do
not ever be afraid to share to everyone else.
PG: That is right Sheila.
(Giving of certificate of recognition to judges)
Always have someone to assist in giving the certificates
(Closing remarks if any from anyone)
VI. READING OF RESULTS (very careful ta ani)


END. Any edits? Feel very free to do so ;-)

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