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ARNOLD SCHWARENE!!ER, in "is #apa#it$
as !ove%no% of t"e State of Califo%nia&
)OHN CHIAN!, in "is #apa#it$ as t"e Cont%olle% of
t"e State of Califo%nia
Co,%t of Appeal Case No. A-./.0.
1S,pe%io% Co,%t Case No. R!230244-5446
Appeal f%o7 t"e S,pe%io% Co,%t, Ala7eda Co,nt$
T"e Hono%a8le F%an9 Roes#", Depa%t7ent :-
State (a% No. --<.-=
State (a% No. .454=0
A La@ Co%po%ation
433 Capitol 'all, ./
Sa#%a7ento, Califo%nia 05=-4
Telep"oneA 10-<6 :.-24533
Fa#si7ileA 10-<6 :.-24555
E27ailA dt$%aB97tC.#o7
C"ief Co,nsel, State (a% No. 305/5:
Dep,t$ C"ief Co,nsel, State (a% No. -./0.-
Assistant C"ief Co,nsel, State (a% No. -55340
La8o% Relations Co,nsel, State (a% No. ..<<<0
-5-5 S St%eet, No%t" (,ildinC, S,ite 433
Sa#%a7ento, CA 05=--2/.5=
Telep"oneA 10-<6 :.4235-.
Fa#si7ileA 10-<6 :.:24/.:
E27ailA Will;a7adaBdpa.#a.Cov
ARNOLD SCHWARENE!!ER, as !ove%no% of t"e
State of Califo%nia& DEPART'ENT OF PERSONNEL
($ t"is 7otion, Respondent Califo%nia Co%%e#tional Pea#e Offi#e%s
Asso#iation 1DCCPOAE6 see9s to dis7iss t"is appeal on t"e C%o,nd t"at t"e
appeal @as not ta9en f%o7 a final F,dC7ent and, t"e%efo%e, t"is Co,%t la#9s
F,%isdi#tion it. CCPOA a%C,es t"at t"e O%de% !%antinC W%it of 'andate
iss,ed 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t on De#e78e% -/, .330, alonC @it" t"e W%it of
'andate eGe#,ted 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t on De#e78e% .0, .330 and ente%ed on
De#e78e% :3, .330, do not #onstit,te a final F,dC7ent and, t"e%efo%e, t"e
p%esent appeal is p%e7at,%e and 7,st 8e dis7issed.
CCPOAHs 7otion 7,st 8e denied 8e#a,se it iCno%es a f,nda7ental
and in#ont%ove%ti8le fa#tA t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de%
di%e#ted CCPOA to p%epa%e a F,dC7ent in t"is a#tion. T"e O%de% di%e#ted
CCPOA to p%epa%e a F,dC7ent 8e#a,se t"e O%de% disposed of all #lai7s
%aised 8$ CCPOA in t"is a#tion. ($ di%e#tinC t"e p%epa%ation of a F,dC7ent
in its De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de%, t"e t%ial #o,%t ,neI,ivo#all$ indi#ated its
position t"at t"e O%de% %esolved all #lai7s and iss,es 8et@een t"e pa%ties to
t"is a#tion. To #on#l,de ot"e%@ise @o,ld ne#essa%il$ ass,7e t"e t%ial F,dCe
eit"e% did not intend @"at t"e plain lanC,aCe of "is O%de% #lea%l$ di%e#ts o%
t"at t"e t%ial F,dCe does not ,nde%stand t"e #on#ept of a F,dC7ent. Neit"e%
ass,7ption is s,ppo%ted 8$ t"e fa#ts "e%e.
!%antinC CCPOAHs 7otion to dis7iss @o,ld ,nF,stl$ %es,lt in
pe%7ittinC t"e7 to "ave an i77ediatel$ enfo%#ea8le @%it t"at Appellants
"ave no @a$ of appealinC. CCPOA is as9inC t"is Co,%t to ins,late t"e7
f%o7 an appeal @"ile also #onte7po%aneo,sl$ affo%dinC t"e7 t"e %iC"t to
%e#eive t"e 8enefits of t"e @%it. It is appa%ent CCPOA "as #"osen not to
p%epa%e a F,dC7ent to a#"ieve t"is spe#ifi# %es,lt.
Appellants !ove%no% A%nold S#"@a%JeneCCe%, t"e State of
Califo%nia, t"e Califo%nia Depa%t7ent of Pe%sonnel Ad7inist%ation, t"e
Califo%nia Depa%t7ent of Co%%e#tions and Re"a8ilitation, t"e Califo%nia
Depa%t7ent of 'ental Healt", and t"e Califo%nia Depa%t7ent ),venile
),sti#e 1#olle#tivel$, DAppellantsE6 "e%e8$ s,87it t"at CCPOAHs 7otion to
dis7iss s"o,ld 8e denied on t"e C%o,nd t"at t"is appeal is ti7el$ in t"at it
@as ta9en f%o7 an O%de% of t"e t%ial #o,%t disposinC of all #lai7s %aised in
t"is a#tion. Appellants f,%t"e% s,87it t"is Co,%t s"o,ld eGe%#ise its
dis#%etion to a##ept t"is appeal as ti7el$ p,%s,ant to Califo%nia R,le of
Co,%t =.-341e61.6 d,e to t"e siCnifi#an#e of t"e iss,es %aised in t"is a#tion
and t"e need fo% speed$ %esol,tion of t"ose iss,es.
In addition, 8e#a,se CCOPAHs opposition to AppellantsH Petition fo%
W%it of S,pe%sedeas is 8ased la%Cel$ on its a%C,7ent t"at t"is appeal s"o,ld
8e dis7issed as ,nti7el$, Appellants %espe#tf,ll$ s,87it t"at t"e denial of
t"is 7otion s"o,ld also %es,lt in t"is Co,%t C%antinC t"e Petition fo% W%it of
A. Factual Background of Case.
T"is #ase a%ises f%o7 t@o EGe#,tive O%de%s iss,ed 8$ !ove%no%
A%nold S#"@a%JeneCCe% di%e#tinC te7po%a%$ f,%lo,C"s of Califo%nia state
e7plo$ees. T"e fi%st, EGe#,tive O%de% S2-<23=, @as iss,ed on De#e78e%
-0, .33= and di%e#ted t@o2da$ a 7ont" f,%lo,C"s fo% all state e7plo$ees
#o77en#inC in Fe8%,a%$ .330 and endinC in ),ne .3-3. In t"is EGe#,tive
O%de%, t"e !ove%no% de#la%ed a8sent i77ediate a#tion, in#l,dinC f,%lo,C"s
of state e7plo$ees, t"e State @o,ld %,n o,t of #as" in Fe8%,a%$ of .330 and
@o,ld not 8e a8le to 7eet its 7andato%$ o8liCations.
On ),l$ -, .330, as a %es,lt of #ontin,ed 8,dCeta%$ and #as"
s"o%tfalls, t"e !ove%no% iss,ed a se#ond EGe#,tive O%de%, EGe#,tive O%de%
S2-:230, di%e#tinC a t"i%d f,%lo,C" da$ fo% state e7plo$ees. T"is se#ond
EGe#,tive O%de% @as iss,ed d,e to p%oFe#ted de#%eases in %even,es @"i#"
@e%e esti7ated to 8e at least K: 8illion 7o%e t"an o%iCinall$ p%oFe#ted
p,ttinC t"e siJe of t"e StateHs s"o%tfall at 7o%e t"an K.4 8illion fo% fis#al
$ea%s .33=230 and .3302-3. T"e eviden#e at t"e ti7e of t"is EGe#,tive
O%de% @as t"at t"e State @as fa#inC a K..= 8illion #as" s"o%taCe in ),l$
.330 t"at @o,ld C%o@ to K<.5 8illion 8$ Septe78e% .330 and t"e%eafte%
@o,ld a7o,nt to a do,8le2diCit f%eefall.
B. Summar of CC!OA s !et"t"on "n t#e Tr"al Court.
CCPOA #o77en#ed t"is a#tion on 'a%#" -<, .330. CCPOA is t"e
%e#oCniJed 8a%CaininC %ep%esentative fo% state e7plo$ees in State
(a%CaininC *nit < 1D(* <E6, @"i#" #onsists of state #o%%e#tional offi#e%s
and ot"e% state #o%%e#tional staff. T"e C%ava7en of CCPOAHs a#tion @as a
#"allenCe to t"e Dself2di%e#tedE f,%lo,C"s i7ple7ented fo% (* < e7plo$ees
8$ @"i#" #o%%e#tional staff @o%9inC inside #o%%e#tional instit,tions @"o,
d,e to ope%ational needs, a%e so7eti7es ,na8le to ta9e f,%lo,C" da$s off
d,%inC t"e pa$ pe%iod in @"i#" t"ei% #o7pensation is %ed,#ed, as a %es,lt of
@"i#" t"e$ a%e p%ovided @it" f,%lo,C" #%edits @"i#" %e7ain availa8le to
t"e7 t"%o,C" ),ne :3, .3-..
On Septe78e% .., .330, CCPOA @as C%anted leave 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t
to file a Se#ond A7ended Petition fo% W%it of 'andate, et#. 1See Exhibit
A to a##o7pan$inC De#la%ation of David W. T$%a LDT$%a De#l.EM.6 T"e
Se#ond A7ended Petition 1see Exhibit B to T$%a De#l.6 @as t"e ope%ative
pleadinC at t"e ti7e t"e t%ial #o,%t iss,ed its final %,linC in t"is #ase. 1See
dis#,ssion 8elo@.6
CCPOAHs Se#ond A7ended Petition alleCes fo,% #a,ses of a#tion
a%isinC f%o7 t"e i7ple7entation of f,%lo,C"s fo% (* < e7plo$eesA 1-6
+iolation of !ove%n7ent Code se#tion -0=.< and Sepa%ation of Po@e%s
Do#t%ine, Califo%nia Constit,tion, A%ti#le :, Se#tion :& 1.6 Fail,%e to
P%ovide Pa$7ent Ea%ned LsicM WaCes in NeCotia8le Fo%7 in +iolation of
La8o% Code se#tion .-.& 1:6 Fail,%e to Pa$ Califo%nia 'ini7,7 WaCe in
+iolation of La8o% Code se#tion --/-, et seq. and = Califo%nia Code o%
ReC,lations se#tion --333, et seq.& and 146 Fail,%e to Pa$ DesiCnated WaCe
S#ale in +iolation of La8o% Code se#tion ..:.
T"e fi%st #a,se of a#tion alleCed in t"e Se#ond A7ended Petition N
fo% +iolation of !ove%n7ent Code se#tion -0=.<, et#. N alleCes at
pa%aC%ap" 4/ as follo@sA
Plaintiff/Petitione% desi%es a F,di#ial
dete%7ination of its %iC"ts and a de#la%ation of
Defendants/RespondentsH o8liCations ,nde%
!ove%n7ent Code se#tion -0=.<186.
Plaintiff/Petitione% %eI,ests t"at t"is Co,%t
de#la%e t"at Defendants/Respondents a%e
@it"o,t a,t"o%it$ to i7ple7ent t"e p%oposed
%ed,#tion in sala%$ fo% *nit < 7e78e%s.
T"e se#ond #a,se of a#tion alleCed in t"e Se#ond A7ended Petition
N fo% Fail,%e to P%ovide Pa$7ent Ea%ned LsicM WaCes in NeCotia8le Fo%7 in
+iolation of La8o% Code se#tion .-. N alleCes at pa%aC%ap" 5= as follo@sA
Plaintiff/Petitione% desi%es a F,di#ial
dete%7ination of its %iC"ts and a de#la%ation of
Defendants/RespondentsH o8liCations ,nde%
La8o% Code se#tion .-.. Plaintiff/Petitione%
%eI,ests t"at t"is Co,%t de#la%e t"at
Defendants/Respondents a%e @it"o,t a,t"o%it$
to #o7pensate *nit < e7plo$ees fo%
app%oGi7atel$ -4O of t"ei% @o%9 "o,%s in t"e
fo%7 of defe%%ed so #all LsicM Pself di%e#tedH
f,%lo,C"s da$s, @"i#", a##o%dinC to
Defendants/Respondents, "ave no #as" val,e.
T"e t"i%d #a,se of a#tion alleCed in t"e Se#ond A7ended Petition N
fo% Fail,%e to Pa$ Califo%nia 'ini7,7 WaCe in +iolation of La8o% Code
se#tion --/-, et seq. and = Califo%nia Code o% ReC,lations se#tion --333, et
seq. N alleCes at pa%aC%ap" /: as follo@sA
Plaintiff/Petitione% desi%es a F,di#ial
dete%7ination of its %iC"ts and a de#la%ation of
Defendants/RespondentsH o8liCations ,nde%
La8o% Code se#tions --=..--, --=..-., and
--04, as @ell as Califo%nia Code of ReC,lations
se#tion --333, et seq. Plaintiff/Petitione%
%eI,ests t"at t"is Co,%t de#la%e t"at
Defendants/Respondents a%e stat,to%il$
o8liCated to pa$ all *nit < e7plo$ees fo% eve%$
"o,% and f%a#tion t"e%eof @o%9ed at least t"e
Califo%nia 7ini7,7 "o,%l$ @aCe and t"at, 8$
%ed,#inC *nit < e7plo$ees LsicM 7ont"l$ sala%$
8$ t"e a7o,nt %eI,i%ed to #o7pensate t"e7 fo%
t"%ee da$s of @o%9 1app%oGi7atel$ .4 "o,%s6,
Defendants/Respondents a%e failinC to pa$ said
7ini7,7 @aCe in violation of La8o% Code
se#tions --=..--, --=..-., and --04 and
Califo%nia Code of ReC,lations se#tion --333,
et seq.
Finall$, t"e fo,%t" #a,se of a#tion in t"e Se#ond A7ended Petition N
fo% Fail,%e to Pa$ DesiCnated WaCe S#ale in +iolation of La8o% Code
se#tion ..: N alleCes at pa%aC%ap" =: as follo@sA
Plaintiff/Petitione% desi%es a F,di#ial
dete%7ination of t"e %iC"ts and a de#la%ation of
Defendants/RespondentsH o8liCations ,nde%
La8o% Code se#tion ..:. Plaintiff/Petitione%
%eI,ests t"at t"is Co,%t de#la%e t"at
Defendants/Respondents a%e stat,to%il$
o8liCated to pa$ all *nit < e7plo$ees fo% eve%$
"o,% and f%a#tion t"e%eof @o%9ed at t"e @aCe
s#ale desiCnated in t"e p%io% 'O* and t"at, 8$
%ed,#inC *nit < e7plo$ees LsicM 7ont"l$ sala%$
8$ t"e a7o,nt %eI,i%ed to #o7pensate t"e7 fo%
t"%ee da$s of @o%9 1app%oGi7atel$ .4 "o,%s6,
Defendants/Respondents a%e failinC to pa$ said
"o,%l$ @aCe in violation of La8o% Code se#tion
As pa%t of ea#" #a,se of a#tion and @it" %espe#t to an$ alleCed
da7aCes s,ffe%ed 8$ (* < 7e78e%s, CCPOA 7e%el$ alleCes t"at DLaMs a
p%oGi7ate %es,lt of t"e StateHs @%onCf,l a#ts, t"e 7e78e%s t"at
Plaintiff/Petitione% %ep%esents "ave s,ffe%ed lost in#o7e in t"e fo%7 of
,npaid @aCes.E 1See Exhibit D to T$%a De#l., at QQ 4=, <3, /5, and =5.6
T"e p%a$e% of t"e Se#ond A7ended Petition in#l,des a %eI,est fo% D,npaid
@aCesE 1ite7 no. :6 and liI,idated da7aCes 1ite7 no. 46. 1Id.6
!roceed"ngs "n t#e Tr"al Court.
1. The September 29, 2009 Case Management
On Septe78e% .0, .330, t"e t%ial #o,%t "eld a Case 'anaCe7ent
Confe%en#e in t"is a#tion and t"%ee additional f,%lo,C" #ases t"at @e%e
pendinC 8efo%e it. T"e p,%pose of t"e Case 'anaCe7ent Confe%en#e @as to
esta8lis" a 8%iefinC s#"ed,le and a date fo% "ea%inC on t"e 7e%its of t"e
petitions fo% @%it of 7andate pendinC 8efo%e t"e #o,%t. At t"e Case
'anaCe7ent Confe%en#e, #o,nsel fo% CCPOA %aised t"e I,estion of #lai7s
fo% 7oneta%$ da7aCes and "o@ t"e$ @o,ld 8e "andled. T"e t%ial #o,%t
%esponded t"at it @as settinC a "ea%inC on t"e petitions fo% @%it of 7andate
and t"at if t"e%e @e%e iss,es ,n%esolved follo@inC t"at "ea%inC, t"e #o,%t
@o,ld set a f,%t"e% #ase 7anaCe7ent #onfe%en#e o% "ea%inC on t"e 7e%its as
ne#essa%$. 1See T$%a De#l., at Q .6 In its Case 'anaCe7ent Confe%en#e
O%de%, "o@eve%, t"e t%ial #o,%t did not 8if,%#ate an$ of t"e #lai7s %aised in
t"is a#tion, 8,t si7pl$ set o,t a 8%iefinC s#"ed,le and t"e date fo% "ea%inC
on t"e 7e%its. 1See Exhibit C to T$%a De#l.6
2. The Trial CourtHs Order Following the earing on
the Merits.
P,%s,ant to t"e t%ial #o,%tHs Case 'anaCe7ent Confe%en#e O%de%, a
"ea%inC on t"e 7e%its @as "eld on Nove78e% -<, .330. On De#e78e% -/,
.330, t"e t%ial #o,%t iss,ed its O%de% !%antinC Petition fo% W%it of 'andate.
1See Exhibit D to T$%a De#l.6 T"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% 7a9es findinCs on
ea#" of CCPOAHs #a,ses of a#tion.
(eCinninC at paCe fo,% of its O%de%, t"e t%ial #o,%t sets fo%t" its
DDis#,ssionE of t"e iss,es %aised in t"e #ase. S,8se#tion A of t"e
Dis#,ssion se#tion of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs o%de% %eads as follo@sA DT"e Self2
Di%e#ted F,%lo,C" P%oC%a7, As I7ple7ented, Constit,tes A Sala%$
Red,#tion In +iolation Of !ove%n7ent Code R -0=.<186.E T"e dis#,ssion
t"at follo@s sets fo%t" t"e t%ial #o,%tHs %easoninC ,nde%l$inC its #on#l,sion
t"at t"e StateHs f,%lo,C" p%oC%a7 fo% (* < e7plo$ees violates !ove%n7ent
Code se#tion -0=.<186.
In si7ila% fas"ion, s,8se#tion ( of t"e Dis#,ssion se#tion 8eCinninC
at paCe eiC"t of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% %eads as follo@sA DT"e Self2Di%e#ted
F,%lo,C" P%oC%a7, As I7ple7ented, +iolates 'andato%$ D,ties *nde%
La8o% Code Se#tions ..: and --/-, et seq.E In t"at sa7e se#tion of t"e
O%de%, t"e t%ial #o,%t finds t"at t"e StateHs self2di%e#ted f,%lo,C" p%oC%a7
does not violate La8o% Code se#tion ..-. 1See pp. 02-3 of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs
O%de%, Exhibit D to T$%a De#l.6 1Appellants ass,7e t"e t%ial #o,%t @as
%efe%%inC to La8o% Code se#tion .-., a %easona8le ass,7ption Civen t"at t"e
t%ial #o,%t dis#,ssion at t"is point of its O%de% involves pa$7ent in a
neCotia8le fo%7, i.e., pa$7ent t"at #an 8e D#as"ed o,t,E @"i#" is t"e s,8Fe#t
7atte% of La8o% Code se#tion .-. and not ..-, and also Civen t"e fa#t t"at
CCPOA alleCed a #a,se of a#tion ,nde% La8o% Code se#tion .-. and not
..-.6 T",s, t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% add%esses, and
%esolves, all #a,ses of a#tion %aised 8$ CCPOA in its Se#ond A7ended
Of pa%ti#,la% siCnifi#an#e to t"is 7otion, "o@eve%, is t"e di%e#tion
Civen 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t in t"e DCon#l,sionE se#tion fo,nd at paCe ten of its
O%de%. In t"at se#tion of its O%de%, t"e t%ial #o,%t di%e#ts t"e iss,an#e of a
@%it of 7andate D#o77andinC Respondents to %es#ind t"e po%tions of t"e
EGe#,tive O%de%s S2-<23= and S2-:230 t"at a%e in violation of State la@ t"at
@ill and "ave %es,lted in sala%$ %ed,#tions to t"ose e7plo$ees %ep%esented
8$ Petitione% in t"is a#tion.E T"e t%ial #o,%t additionall$ di%e#ts t"at t"e
@%it D@ill f,%t"e% #o77and Respondents to pa$ all e7plo$ees %ep%esented
8$ Petitione% in t"is a#tion fo% all "o,%s @o%9ed fo% @"i#" f,%lo,C" #%edits
"ave not 8een ,tiliJed.E Finall$, and 7ost tellinCl$ of all @it" %espe#t to t"e
#lai7s %aised 8$ CCPOA in t"is 7otion to dis7iss, t"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de%
di%e#ts t"at DPetitione% shall prepare a form of judgment fo% eGe#,tion 8$
t"e Co,%t and a fo%7 of @%it fo% app%oval as to fo%7 8$ t"e Co,%t and
eGe#,tion 8$ t"e Cle%9 of t"e Co,%t.E 1E7p"asis added.6
. !ctions Ta"en Since the Trial CourtHs #ssuance of
#ts $ecember %&, 2009 Order.
*pon lea%ninC of t"e De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de%, #o,nsel fo%
Appellants e27ailed CCPOAHs #o,nsel and %eI,ested t"e oppo%t,nit$ to
%evie@ 8ot" t"e fo%7 of t"e @%it of 7andate and the form of the judgment
t"at CCPOA intended to s,87it to t"e t%ial #o,%t. 1See Exhibit E to T$%a
De#l.6 CCPOAHs #o,nsel did not %espond ,ntil De#e78e% .., .330 @"en "e
fo%@a%ded to AppellantsH #o,nsel, via e27ail, a p%oposed @%it of 7andate
alonC @it" a #ove% lette% as9inC AppellantsH #o,nsel to %evie@ t"e @%it and
eit"e% app%ove as to fo%7 o% p%ovide o8Fe#tions p,%s,ant to R,le :.-:-. of
t"e Califo%nia R,les of Co,%t. 1See Exhibit F to T$%a De#l.6
On De#e78e% .=, .330, AppellantsH #o,nsel @%ote to CCPOAHs
#o,nsel settinC fo%t" AppellantsH o8Fe#tions to t"e p%oposed @%it. 1See
Exhibit ! to T$%a De#l.6 In "is lette%, AppellantsH #o,nsel %eite%ated to
CCPOAHs #o,nsel t"at Dt"e #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 o%de% di%e#ted $o,
to p%epa%e a F,dC7ent fo%7. Please p%ovide ,s @it" $o,% p%oposed
F,dC7ent at $o,% ea%liest oppo%t,nit$.E 1Id.6 CCPOAHs #o,nsel did not
%espond to t"is lette%.
Instead, on De#e78e% .0, .330, CCPOAHs #o,nsel s,87itted its
p%oposed @%it to t"e t%ial #o,%t alonC @it" AppellantsH #o,nselHs De#e78e%
.=, .330 lette% and a lette% of "is o@n in @"i#" "e #"allenCed t"e t%ial
#o,%tHs di%e#tion in its De#e78e% -/, .330 o%de% to p%epa%e a fo%7 of
F,dC7ent. 1See Exhibit H to T$%a De#l.6 In %esponse to t"is lette% 1and
,na@a%e t"at t"e t%ial #o,%t al%ead$ "ad eGe#,ted CCPOAHs p%oposed @%it
t"e da$ 8efo%e6, AppellantsH #o,nsel sent a lette% to t"e t%ial #o,%t on
De#e78e% :3, .330. 1See Exhibit I to T$%a De#l.6 In "is lette%, AppellantsH
#o,nsel info%7ed t"e #o,%t, a7onC ot"e% t"inCs, t"at "e "ad %eI,ested
CCPOAHs #o,nsel on 7o%e t"an one o##asion to #o7pl$ @it" t"e #o,%tHs
O%de% and p%epa%e a fo%7 of F,dC7ent, 8,t t"at CCPOAHs #o,nsel "ad, to
date, failed to do so. 1Id.6
On De#e78e% .0, .330, p%io% to its %e#eipt of AppellantsH #o,nselHs
De#e78e% :3, .330 lette%, t"e #o,%t eGe#,ted t"e p%oposed @%it s,87itted to
it 8$ CCPOA. 1See Exhibit " to T$%a De#l.6 T"e #o,%t ente%ed t"e @%it on
De#e78e% :3, .330.
On De#e78e% :-, .330, Appellants filed a Noti#e of Appeal f%o7 t"e
t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% and t"e W%it of 'andate ente%ed on
De#e78e% :3, .330. 1See Exhibit # to T$%a De#l.6 (e#a,se CCPOA "ad
failed to #o7pl$ @it" t"e t%ial #o,%tHs o%de% to p%epa%e a fo%7 of F,dC7ent,
Appellants filed t"ei% Noti#e of Appeal p,%s,ant to R,le =.-341e61.6 of t"e
Califo%nia R,les of Co,%t and too9 t"ei% appeal f%o7 t"e De#e78e% -/,
.330 O%de% and t"e W%it ente%ed on De#e78e% :3, .330, @"i#" ta9en
toCet"e% disposed of all #lai7s %aised in t"is a#tion. 1See dis#,ssion 8elo@.6
A. T#e Tr"al Court s Decem$er %&' ())* Order and
t#e +r"t of Mandate Const"tute an A,,eala$le
F"nal Rul"ng "n t#at T#e D"s,ose of All Cla"ms
Ra"sed $ CC!OA "n t#"s Act"on.
In its 7otion to dis7iss, CCPOA #ontends t"at t"e t%ial #o,%tHs
De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% and t"e W%it of 'andate do not #onstit,te an
appeala8le final %,linC in t"at t"e$ do not dispose of all t"e iss,es 8et@een
t"e pa%ties. Spe#ifi#all$, CCPOA #ontends t"at t"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% does
not add%ess t@o ele7ents of da7aCes it so,C"t in t"e a#tionA 8a#9 pa$ and
liI,idated da7aCes. 1See CCPOAHs 'otion, p. -.6 In 7a9inC t"is
a%C,7ent, "o@eve%, CCPOA #onf,ses t"e #on#ept of a #lai7 o% #a,se of
a#tion @it" t"at of a dis#%ete ele7ent of da7aCes o% a pa%ti#,la% %e7ed$
so,C"t 8$ it in t"is a#tion. A %evie@ of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330
O%de% de7onst%ates t"at it add%esses and disposes of all #a,ses of a#tion
pled 8$ CCPOA. In fa#t, #ont%a%$ to CCPOAHs #lai7s, t"e t%ial #o,%t O%de%
di%e#tl$ add%esses and disposes of t"e da7aCes aspe#t of t"e #ase 8$
o%de%inC all e7plo$ees %ep%esented 8$ Petitione% 8e paid fo% all "o,%s
@o%9ed fo% @"i#" f,%lo,C" #%edits "ave not 8een ,tiliJed. As s,#", t"e
O%de%, alonC @it" t"e W%it of 'andate, #onstit,te an appeala8le final %,linC.
T"is fa#t is eviden#ed 7ost #on#l,sivel$ 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%tHs di%e#tion in its
O%de% t"at CCPOA p%epa%e a F,dC7ent fo%7. A##o%dinCl$, CCPOAHs
7otion to dis7iss s"o,ld 8e denied.
1. Standard for a DFinal 'udgment.E
In Lyons v. Goss 1-04.6 -0 Cal..d <50, </3, t"e Califo%nia S,p%e7e
Co,%t a%ti#,lated t"e standa%d fo% dete%7ininC @"et"e% an adF,di#ation is
final and appeala8leA
It is not t"e fo%7 of t"e de#%ee 8,t t"e s,8stan#e
and effe#t of t"e adF,di#ation @"i#" is
dete%7inative. As a Cene%al test, @"i#" 7,st 8e
adapted to t"e pa%ti#,la% #i%#,7stan#es of t"e
individ,al #ase, it 7a$ 8e said t"at @"e%e no
iss,e is left fo% f,t,%e #onside%ation eG#ept t"e
fa#t of #o7plian#e o% non#o7plian#e @it" t"e
te%7s of t"e fi%st de#%ee, t"e de#%ee is final, 8,t
@"e%e an$t"inC f,%t"e% in t"e nat,%e of F,di#ial
a#tion on t"e pa%t of t"e #o,%t is essential to a
final dete%7ination of t"e %iC"ts of t"e pa%ties
t"e de#%ee is inte%lo#,to%$.
1See also, Griset v. Fair Political Practices Commission 1.33-6 .5 Cal.4t"
<==, <0=.6
In a#tions so,ndinC in eI,it$, a %,linC 8$ a #o,%t 7a$ 8e Dso
#o7plete t"at it leaves no iss,e fo% f,t,%e #onside%ation eG#ept #o7plian#e
@it" its te%7sE in @"i#" #ase t"e t%ial #o,%tHs dete%7ination @ill 8e
#onside%ed final D@it"o,t %eCa%d to t"e desiCnation Civen it 8$ t"e #o,%t.E
1Brown v. rophy!Craft Company 1-04=6 =5 Cal.App..d .4<, .4/.6 T"e%e
a%e n,7e%o,s eGa7ples of #ases in @"i#" appellate #o,%ts "ave fo,nd
de#isions 8$ t%ial #o,%ts to #onstit,te appeala8le final %,linCs 8ased on a
findinC t"at t"ose de#isions appealed f%o7 effe#tivel$ disposed of t"e
#lai7s 8et@een t"e pa%ties. Fo% instan#e, in "afeway "tores# Inc. v.
Brotherhood of eamsters# etc. 1-0/=6 =: Cal.App.:d 4:3, an appeal @as
ta9en f%o7 a de#ision 8$ a t%ial #o,%t 7e7o%ialiJed in a D7e7o%and,7 of
de#ision.E On appeal, t"e #o,%t noted t"at DLaMlt"o,C" a t%ial F,dCeHs
info%7al opinion o% de#ision no%7all$ does not #onstit,te an appeala8le
F,dC7ent o% o%de%, t"e 7e7o%and,7 of de#ision 7a$ 8e t%eated as an
appeala8le o%de% o% F,dC7ent @"en it is siCned and filed and @"en it
#onstit,tes t"e t%ial F,dCeSs final F,di#ial dete%7ination on t"e 7e%its.E
1"afeway "tores# Inc. v. Brotherhood of eamsters# etc.# supra# =:
Cal.App.:d at 4:4, fn. 4.6
T"e%e a%e seve%al si7ila% de#isions t"at a%e in a##o%d @it" t"is %,le.
1See e.C., $state of Loc% v. "uperior Court 1-0=-6 -.. Cal.App.:d =0., =0<,
in @"i#" a @%itten %,linC of a t%ial #o,%t desiCnated DDe#isionE @as fo,nd to
#onstit,te an appeala8le %,linC 8e#a,se it @as DsiCned and filed and T
#onstit,tes t"e t%ial F,dCeHs dete%7ination on t"e 7e%itsE& $state of Conroy
1-0//6 </ Cal.App.:d /:4, /:/, fn. -, t%eatinC t"e t%ial #o,%tHs DDe#isionE
as an appeala8le o%de% 8e#a,se it @as siCned and its lanC,aCe 1Dit is "e%e8$
app%ovedE6 indi#ated it @as intended as a final dete%7ination on t"e 7e%its
despite it 8einC i7p%ope%l$ la8eled& People v. &o'den 1-0/46 :0 Cal.App.:d
0-=, 0.3, t%eatinC t"e t%ial #o,%tHs 7e7o%and,7 of de#ision as an
appeala8le o%de% 8e#a,se Dt"e de#ision is siCned 8$ t"e F,dCe and filed in
t"e a#tion LandM its final pa%aC%ap" is #o,#"ed in te%7s of an o%de%.E6
T"e #ase of (arino v. Concord Community )ospital *ist. 1-0<56
.:: Cal.App..d 5- p%ovides an inst%,#tive eGa7ple of t"is %,le. (arino
involved an appeal f%o7 t"e denial of a @%it of 7andate to #o7pel a
#o77,nit$ "ospital dist%i#t, its 8oa%d of di%e#to%s and #%edential #o77ittee,
to a#t on an appli#ation fo% appoint7ent to t"e 7edi#al staff and to enFoin
t"e7 f%o7 den$inC t"e appli#ation. 1Id. at 55.6 T"e t%ial #o,%t iss,ed a
D7e7o%and,7 of de#isionE findinC t"e petitione% "ad failed to eG"a,st "is
ad7inist%ative %e7edies and, on t"at 8asis, den$inC t"e petition fo% @%it of
7andate. 1Id.6 T"e appellate #o,%t noted t"at Da t%ial F,dCeHs info%7al
opinion o% de#ision no%7all$ does not #onstit,te an appeala8le F,dC7ent o%
o%de%.E T"e #o,%t @ent on to state,
Ho@eve%, sin#e no pa%ti#,la% lanC,aCe is
%eI,isite fo% an o%de%, a t%ial F,dCeSs @%itten
state7ent of "is vie@s on t"e la@ and t"e p%ope%
de#ision 7a$ 8e t%eated as an o%de% @"en it is
siCned and filed and @"en it #onstit,tes "is final
F,di#ial dete%7ination on t"e 7e%its. 1: Wit9in,
Cal. P%o#ed,%e, ),dC7ent, R ., p. -=/:, R -., p.
-===& (a+well v. Per%ins 1-05:6 --<
Cal.App..d /5., /5<2/5= L .55 P..d -3M.6 1.6 In
t"e instant #ase, t"e #o,%tSs D'e7o%and,7 of
De#isionE indi#ates t"at it @as intended to 8e a
%,linC, fo% it #loses @it" t"e @o%ds, DPlaintiffSs
appli#ation fo% a Pe%e7pto%$ W%it of 'andate
and fo% P%eli7ina%$ InF,n#tion is denied,E and
@as siCned and filed. We "old it to 8e an
appeala8le o%de% o% F,dC7ent.
T"e De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% !%antinC Petition fo% W%it of 'andate
and t"e W%it of 'andate ente%ed 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t on De#e78e% :3, .330,
7eets t"e a8ove2stated #%ite%ia fo% t%eat7ent as a final %,linC of t"e t%ial
#o,%t. (ot" @e%e siCned 8$ t"e t%ial F,dCe and 8ot" @e%e filed in t"e t%ial
#o,%t. T"e #%iti#al dete%7ination, of #o,%se, is @"et"e% t"e t%ial #o,%tHs
O%de% and t"e s,8seI,entl$ iss,ed W%it of 'andate adF,di#ate all #lai7s
%aised 8$ CCPOA in its Se#ond A7ended Petition. An eGa7ination of t"e
t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% and W%it of 'andate de7onst%ates t"e t%ial #o,%tHs
,n7ista9a8le intent t"at t"e$ #onstit,te a final dete%7ination on t"e 7e%its
of all #lai7s %aised 8efo%e it. Fo% t"ese %easons, t"e p%esent appeal is not
p%e7at,%e as CCPOA #lai7s and its 7otion to dis7iss s"o,ld 8e denied.
2. The Trial CourtHs $ecember %&, 2009 Order and
the (rit of Mandate Constitute a Final
!d)udication of the Claims *aised b+ CC,O! in its
Second !mended ,etition.
An eGa7ination of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de%
!%antinC W%it of 'andate de7onst%ates t"e t%ial #o,%tHs intent t"at it, alonC
@it" t"e W%it of 'andate ente%ed 8$ t"e #o,%t on De#e78e% :3, .330,
#onstit,tes a final dete%7ination of t"e #lai7s %aised in t"is a#tion as
a%ti#,lated 8$ CCPOA in its Se#ond A7ended Petition. T"e 7ost o8vio,s
indi#ation of t"e finalit$ of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% is t"e di%e#tion Civen to
CCPOA to p%epa%e a F,dC7ent in t"e a#tion. ;et, t"e di%e#tion to CCPOA
to p%epa%e a final F,dC7ent is not t"e onl$ indi#ia of finalit$. T"e s,8stan#e
of t"e O%de% de7onst%ates t"at it disposes of ea#" of t"e #lai7s %aised 8$
CCPOA in t"is a#tion.
Griset v. Fair Political Practices Commission# supra# .5 Cal.4t"
<==, a #ase %elied ,pon 8$ CCPOA to s,ppo%t its 7otion to dis7iss,
esta8lis"es t"e 7odel fo% t"is Co,%tHs eGa7ination of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs
De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de%. In Griset, t"e plaintiff/petitione% "ad alleCed
fo,% #a,ses of a#tion in "is pleadinCs in t"e t%ial #o,%tA fo% an ad7inist%ative
@%it of 7andate, fo% a de#la%ato%$ F,dC7ent, and t@o #a,ses of a#tion fo%
inF,n#tive %elief. 1Id. at <0:.6 In %esponse to t"e plaintiffHs 7otion fo% a
@%it of 7andate, t"e t%ial #o,%t iss,ed a %,linC and o%de% den$inC 7anda7,s
%elief. T"e t%ial #o,%tHs o%de% stated it @as Da final dete%7ination of
LplaintiffHsM Fi%st Ca,se of A#tion fo% ad7inist%ative 7anda7,s ,nde% Code
of Civil P%o#ed,%e R -304.5,E addinC Dno f,%t"e% p%o#eedinCs a%e to 8e "eld
on t"at #a,se of a#tion.E T"e t%ial #o,%tHs %,linC @as not fo%7all$ ente%ed
as a F,dC7ent. 1Id. at <04.6
T"e t"%es"old iss,e 8efo%e t"e Califo%nia S,p%e7e Co,%t @as
@"et"e% t"e t%ial #o,%tHs de#ision den$inC t"e #lai7 fo% a @%it of 7andate
@as Da final F,dC7ent dete%7ininC t"e %iC"ts of t"e pa%ties, o% @as it a 7o%e
li7ited "oldinC leavinC so7e s,8stantive iss,es to 8e %esolved in f,t,%e
p%o#eedinCs.E 1Id. at <0<.6 T"e Co,%t D#on#l,deLdM it @as a final F,dC7ent
t"at f,ll$ dete%7ined t"e %iC"ts of t"e pa%ties.E 1Id.6 In %ea#"inC t"is
#on#l,sion, t"e Griset Co,%t ,nde%too9 an eGa7ination of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs
%,linC to dete%7ine @"et"e% it disposed of Dall fo,% #a,ses of a#tion
8et@een t"e plaintiff and t"e FPPC, even t"o,C" t"e%e @as no fo%7al ent%$
of F,dC7ent in t"e s,pe%io% #o,%t.E 1Id. at <0=.6 (ased on t"is eGa7ination,
t"e Co,%t #on#l,ded t"e t%ial #o,%tHs de#ision den$inC t"e petition fo% @%it
of 7andate Ddisposed of all iss,es in t"e a#tion 8et@een plaintiffs and t"e
FPPC,E 8e#a,se it #o7pletel$ %esolved all fo,% #a,ses of a#tion alleCed 8$
plaintiff in t"e t%ial #o,%t. 1Id. at <00.6 T"e Co,%t %ea#"ed t"is #on#l,sion
8$ eGa7ininC ea#" of t"e plaintiffHs #a,ses of a#tion and notinC t"ose
#a,ses of a#tion @e%e disposed of f,ll$ 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%tHs %,linC. 1Id. at
S,#" an eGa7ination "e%e leads to t"e sa7e %es,lt, i.e.# t"e t%ial
#o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% !%antinC Petition fo% W%it of 'andate
disposes of all fo,% #a,ses of a#tion %aised 8$ CCPOA in t"is #ase. As
noted a8ove, CCPOA alleCes fo,% #a,ses of a#tionA 1-6 +iolation of
!ove%n7ent Code se#tion -0=.< and Sepa%ation of Po@e%s Do#t%ine,
Califo%nia Constit,tion, A%ti#le :, Se#tion :& 1.6 Fail,%e to P%ovide Pa$7ent
Ea%ned LsicM WaCes in NeCotia8le Fo%7 in +iolation of La8o% Code se#tion
.-.& Fail,%e to Pa$ Califo%nia 'ini7,7 WaCe in +iolation of La8o% Code
se#tion --/-, et seq. and = Califo%nia Code o% ReC,lations se#tion --333, et
seq.& and 146 Fail,%e to Pa$ DesiCnated WaCe S#ale in +iolation of La8o%
Code se#tion ..:. T"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% add%esses
and disposes of ea#" of t"ose #a,ses of a#tion. In %esponse to CCPOAHs
fi%st #a,se of a#tion, t"e t%ial #o,%t fo,nd t"at t"e self2di%e#ted f,%lo,C"
p%oC%a7, as i7ple7ented, #onstit,tes a sala%$ %ed,#tion in violation of
!ove%n7ent Code se#tion -0=.<186. 1See Exhibit D to T$%a De#l., p. 4.6
In %esponse to CCPOAHs t"i%d and fo,%t" #a,ses of a#tion, t"e t%ial #o,%t
fo,nd t"at t"e self2di%e#ted f,%lo,C" p%oC%a7, as i7ple7ented, violates
7andato%$ d,ties ,nde% La8o% Code se#tions ..: and --/-, et seq. 1See
Exhibit D to T$%a De#l., p. =.6 Finall$, in %esponse to CCPOAHs se#ond
#a,se of a#tion, t"e t%ial #o,%t fo,nd t"at t"e%e @as no violation of La8o%
Code se#tion .-., alt"o,C" t"e t%ial #o,%t e%%oneo,sl$ %efe%s to it in its
O%de% as La8o% Code se#tion ..-, a #ode se#tion not at iss,e "e%e. 1See
Exhibit D to T$%a De#l., at p. 0.6 ConseI,entl$, t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e%
-/, .330 O%de% disposes of all #a,ses of a#tion %aised 8$ CCPOA in t"is
a#tion and, on t"at 8asis, s"o,ld 8e #onside%ed a final and appeala8le %,linC.
CCPOA %aises t@o a%C,7ents in %esponse. Fi%st, CCPOA a%C,es t"at
t"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% does not dispose of CCPOAHs #lai7s fo% 8a#9 pa$
and liI,idated da7aCes. To 8eCin @it", CCPOAHs #lai7 is ,nfo,nded and
in#o%%e#t 8e#a,se t"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% does add%ess pa$7ent of @aCes to
(* < e7plo$ees. T"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% states t"at CCPOA is entitled to a
@%it of 7andate D#o77andLinCM LAppellantsM to pa$ all e7plo$ees
%ep%esented 8$ LCCPOAM in t"is a#tion fo% all "o,%s @o%9ed fo% @"i#"
f,%lo,C" #%edits "ave not 8een ,tiliJed.E T",s, t"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de%
add%esses t"ose @aCes to @"i#" (* < e7plo$ees a%e entitled p,%s,ant to
t"e t%ial #o,%tHs %,linC.
F,%t"e%7o%e, in te%7s of anal$JinC @"et"e% t"e t%ial #o,%tHs
De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% is final and appeala8le, CCPOA #onf,ses t"e
#on#ept of #lai7s o% #a,ses of a#tion @it" t"at of dis#%ete ele7ents of %elief
8einC so,C"t in t"e a#tion. T"e p%ope% anal$sis fo% p,%poses of dete%7ininC
t"e finalit$ of t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% is @"et"e% it
effe#tivel$ disposes of all causes of action %aised 8$ CCPOA in t"is a#tion.
1See (orehart v. City of "anta Bar,ara 1-0046 / Cal.4t" /.5, /4:.6 As
noted 8$ t"e Califo%nia S,p%e7e Co,%t in (ycogen Corp. v. (onsanto Co.
1.33.6 .= Cal.4t" ===, 034, DLeMven @"e%e t"e%e a%e 7,ltiple leCal t"eo%ies
,pon @"i#" %e#ove%$ 7iC"t 8e p%edi#ated, one inF,%$ Cives %ise to onl$ one
#lai7 fo% %elief.E T"e (ycogen Corp. Co,%t f,%t"e% noted t"at a #lai7 fo%
%elief 7,st D8e distinC,is"ed f%o7 t"e remedy so,C"tA T"e violation of one
p%i7a%$ %iC"t #onstit,tes a sinCle #a,se of a#tion, t"o,C" it 7a$ entitle t"e
inF,%ed pa%t$ to 7an$ fo%7s of %elief, and t"e %elief is not to 8e #onfo,nded
@it" t"e #a,se of a#tion, one not 8einC dete%7inative of t"e ot"e%.E 1Id.,
e7p"asis added.6 T"e fa#t t"at CCPOA @as not C%anted a pa%ti#,la%
remedy it so,C"t in t"is a#tion does not alte% t"e #on#l,sion t"at t"e t%ial
#o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% disposes of all claims %aised CCPOA in
its Se#ond A7ended Petition and is, t"e%efo%e, a final and appeala8le %,linC.
CCPOA also a%C,es t"at t"e t%ial #o,%t indi#ated at t"e Septe78e%
.0, .330 Case 'anaCe7ent Confe%en#e t"at it @o,ld #ond,#t f,%t"e%
p%o#eedinCs to add%ess CCPOAHs da7aCes #lai7s. Fi%st, CCPOA
ove%states t"e #o77ents 7ade 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t at t"e Case 'anaCe7ent
Confe%en#e. T"e t%ial #o,%t indi#ated t"at if #lai7s %e7ained o,tstandinC
follo@inC t"e Nove78e% -<, .330 "ea%inC on t"e 7e%its t"e%e #o,ld 8e
f,%t"e% p%o#eedinCs in t"e #ase. 1See T$%a De#l., at Q 6 T"e t%ial #o,%t did
not ta9e fo%7al a#tion to 8if,%#ate #lai7s as %efle#ted in t"e Septe78e% .0,
.330 Case 'anaCe7ent Confe%en#e O%de%. 1See Exhibit C to T$%a De#l.6
Se#ond, an ,n%epo%ted state7ent 7ade 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t at a Case
'anaCe7ent Confe%en#e #annot se%ve to %ef,te t"e ,n7ista9a8le finalit$ of
t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% and s,8seI,entl$ ente%ed W%it of
'andate. T"e Co,%tHs O%de% inst%,#tinC CCPOA to p%epa%e a @%it and
F,dC7ent eviden#es t"e Co,%tHs #on#l,sion it "ad adF,di#ated all iss,es and
#a,ses of a#tion 8efo%e it. T"e t%ial #o,%tHs O%de% and W%it of 'andate
dispose of all #lai7s %aised in t"is a#tion and, t"e%e8$, #onstit,te an
appeala8le final %,linC of t"e t%ial #o,%t. A##o%dinCl$, CCPOAHs 7otion to
dis7iss t"is appeal s"o,ld 8e denied.
B. CC!OA s Rel"ance on Morehart v. City of Santa
Barbara Is M"s,laced.
CCPOAHs 7otion to dis7iss is 8ased la%Cel$ on t"e Califo%nia
S,p%e7e Co,%tHs "oldinC in (orehart v. City of "anta Bar,ara# supra# /
Cal.4t" /.5. Ho@eve%, (orehart is inapposite and does not se%ve as a 8asis
fo% C%antinC t"is 7otion.
In (orehart, t"e plaintiff filed a #o7plaint alleCinC five #a,ses of
a#tion. 1Id. at /:5.6 T"e t%ial #o,%t ente%ed an o%de% t"at plaintiffHs fi%st,
fo,%t", and fift" #a,ses of a#tion N fo% a @%it of 7andate, de#la%ato%$ %elief,
and inF,n#tive %elief N 8e t%ied sepa%atel$ f%o7 t"e se#ond and t"i%d #a,ses
of a#tion @"i#" so,C"t da7aCes fo% inve%se #onde7nation and violation of
#ivil %iC"ts. 1Id.6 Follo@inC a t%ial on t"e #lai7s fo% @%it of 7andate,
de#la%ato%$ %elief, and inF,n#tive %elief, t"e t%ial #o,%t ente%ed a F,dC7ent in
favo% of t"e plaintiff and an appeal f%o7 t"at F,dC7ent s,8seI,entl$
ens,ed. T"e Califo%nia S,p%e7e Co,%t initiall$ #onf%onted t"e iss,e of t"e
appeala8ilit$ of t"e F,dC7ent ente%ed 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t. Wit" %espe#t to t"is
iss,e, t"e Co,%t "eld as follo@sA
LWMe "old t"at an appeal #annot 8e ta9en f%o7 a
F,dC7ent t"at fails to complete the disposition
of all the causes of action ,etween the parties
even if t"e #a,ses of a#tion disposed of 8$ t"e
F,dC7ent "ave 8een o%de%ed to 8e t%ied
sepa%atel$, o% 7a$ 8e #"a%a#te%iJed as Psepa%ate
and independentH f%o7 t"ose %e7aininC.
1/ Cal.4t" at /4:. E7p"asis added.6
T"e fa#ts and "oldinC in (orehart a%e %eadil$ distinC,is"a8le f%o7
t"e p%esent #ase. Fi%st, t"e F,dC7ent ente%ed 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t in (orehart
disposed of onl$ t"%ee of t"e five #a,ses of a#tion alleCed in t"at a#tion. In
t"is #ase, t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% disposes of all t"e
#a,ses of a#tion alleCed 8$ CCPOA. Se#ond, in (orehart, t"e t%ial Co,%t
iss,ed an O%de% 8if,%#atinC diffe%ent #a,ses of a#tion into t@o sepa%ate
p"ases. No s,#" o%de% 8if,%#atinC t"e a#tion @as iss,ed 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t in
t"is a#tion. Finall$, t"e "oldinC in (orehart is t"at a F,dC7ent t"at fails to
complete the disposition of all the causes of action ,etween the parties is
nonappeala8le. T"at is not t"e #ase "e%e. T"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/,
.330 O%de% does #o7plete t"e disposition of all #a,ses of a#tion 8et@een
t"e pa%ties.
(orehart is distinC,is"a8le and inappli#a8le to t"e p%esent #ase.
T"e Califo%nia S,p%e7e Co,%tHs de#ision in Griset, a de#ision %ende%ed
afte% (orehart, is #ont%ollinC in dete%7ininC t"e o,t#o7e of t"is 7otion.
As in Griset, t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% f,ll$ disposes of all
#a,ses of a#tion alleCed in t"is a#tion. T",s, t"is appeal s"o,ld 8e dee7ed
ti7el$ and CCPOAHs 7otion to dis7iss s"o,ld 8e denied.
C. T#"s Court S#ould E-erc"se T#e D"scret"on
.ranted It !ursuant to CRC /.%)01e21(2 and
Acce,t T#"s A,,eal as T"mel.
Califo%nia R,le of Co,%t =.-341e61.6 p%ovides t"at a D%evie@inC
#o,%t 7a$ t%eat a noti#e of appeal filed afte% t"e s,pe%io% #o,%t "as
anno,n#ed its intended %,linC, 8,t 8efo%e it "as %ende%ed F,dC7ent, as filed
i77ediatel$ afte% ent%$ of F,dC7ent.E T"is %,le is appli#a8le "e%e.
Appellants filed t"ei% noti#e of appeal on De#e78e% :-, .330
follo@inC ent%$ of t"e W%it of 'andate in t"is a#tion and afte% t"e t%ial #o,%t
"ad anno,n#ed its intended %,linC in t"e fo%7 of its De#e78e% -/, .330
O%de%, 8,t 8efo%e t"e t%ial #o,%t fo%7all$ %ende%ed F,dC7ent.
It 7,st 8e noted t"at t"e %eason t"is appeal @as filed p%io% to
%endition of F,dC7ent is d,e to CCPOAHs #ontin,ed %ef,sal to p%epa%e a
F,dC7ent fo%7 as it @as di%e#ted to do 8$ t"e t%ial #o,%t in t"e De#e78e%
-/, .330 O%de%. ReCa%dless of t"e fa#t t"at F,dC7ent "as not 8een
%ende%ed, t"is Co,%t s"o,ld a##ept t"is appeal as Dfiled i77ediatel$ afte%
F,dC7ent.E *nde% R,le =.-341e61.6, an appeal filed 8efo%e final F,dC7ent
is %ende%ed, 8,t afte% t"e t%ial #o,%t "as %ende%ed its intended de#ision, is
dee7ed an appeal f%o7 t"e final F,dC7ent s,8seI,entl$ %ende%ed in t"e
a#tion. 1See (usic v. *epartment of (otor -ehicles 1-0036 ..- Cal.App.:d
=4-, =44, fn. -& California .ecreation Industries v. &ierstead 1-0==6 -00
Cal.App.:d .3:, .3<, fn. -.6
It is pa%ti#,la%l$ app%op%iate fo% t"is Co,%t to eGe%#ise t"e dis#%etion
C%anted it 8$ R,le =.-341e61.6 and dee7 t"is appeal to ta9en f%o7 t"e final
F,dC7ent in t"is a#tion Civen t"e i7po%tant p,8li# poli#$ #onside%ations
in"e%ent in t"e iss,es %aised in t"is #ase. T"is #ase involves siCnifi#ant
iss,es %eCa%dinC t"e StateHs a,t"o%it$ to i7ple7ent self2di%e#ted f,%lo,C"s
of state e7plo$ees to add%ess an ,np%e#edented fis#al #%isis. T"e
siCnifi#an#e of t"e iss,es %aised in t"is a#tion %eI,i%es t"at t"e #ase 7ove
eGpeditio,sl$ t"%o,C" t"e t%ial and appellate #o,%ts to 8%inC it to its ,lti7ate
%esol,tion. T"is is pa%ti#,la%l$ so @"en t"e t%ial #o,%tHs De#e78e% -/, .330
O%de% so o8vio,sl$ 8ea%s t"e indi#ia of finalit$ and appeala8ilit$.
CCPOA s"o,ld not 8enefit f%o7 its o@n %ef,sal to follo@ t"e t%ial
#o,%tHs #lea% di%e#tion to p%epa%e a F,dC7ent fo%7 8$ a%C,inC "e%e t"at t"e
p%esent appeal is ,nti7el$. CCPOAHs ,n%easona8le a#tions and position
@o,ld %es,lt in an o,t#o7e @"e%e t"e State is p%o"i8ited f%o7 filinC an
appeal, $et CCPOA is i77ediatel$ affo%ded t"e 8enefits and %iC"ts of t"e
siCned @%it. S,#" a %es,lt @o,ld 8e ,nF,st, espe#iall$ so in liC"t of t"e t%ial
#o,%tHs ,neI,ivo#al indi#ation in its De#e78e% -/, .330 O%de% t"at it @as
adF,di#atinC all #lai7s 8efo%e it.
Fo% t"e %easons stated a8ove, Appellants !ove%no% A%nold
S#"@a%JeneCCe%, t"e State of Califo%nia, t"e Califo%nia Depa%t7ent of
Pe%sonnel Ad7inist%ation, t"e Califo%nia Depa%t7ent of Co%%e#tions and
Re"a8ilitation, t"e Califo%nia Depa%t7ent of 'ental Healt", and t"e
Califo%nia Depa%t7ent ),venile ),sti#e %espe#tf,ll$ s,87it t"at CCPOAHs
7otion to dis7iss s"o,ld 8e denied.
In liC"t of t"e fa#t t"at CCOPAHs opposition to AppellantsH Petition
fo% W%it of S,pe%sedeas is 8ased la%Cel$ on its a%C,7ent t"at t"is appeal
s"o,ld 8e dis7issed as ,nti7el$, Appellants %espe#tf,ll$ s,87it t"at t"e
denial of t"is 7otion s"o,ld also %es,lt in t"is Co,%t C%antinC t"e Petition
fo% W%it of S,pe%sedeas.
DatedA )an,a%$ UUU, .3-3
A P%ofessional Co%po%ation
David W. T$%a,
Atto%ne$s fo% Defendants/Appellants
!ove%no% A%nold S#"@a%JeneCCe%, State of
Califo%nia, Califo%nia Depa%t7ent of
Co%%e#tions and Re"a8ilitation, Califo%nia
Depa%t7ent of 'ental Healt", Califo%nia
Depa%t7ent of ),venile ),sti#e.

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