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Lesson Plan (Reading)

Name: Dinesweri PET 070021

School: : S.M.K Methodist
Class: Form !estari
"#e: 2$
Date: 1$ %an&ar' 2010
Time: 12.$0(m till 1.)0(m
Theme: En*ironment
To(ic: "ir Poll&tion
S'lla+&s S(eci,ication: 2.1 -+tain in,ormation ,or di,,erent
(&r(oses +' readin# materials in (rint s&ch as
re(orts and articles and &sin# other electronic media s&ch as the .nternet.
Pro,icienc' /e*el: .ntermediate
Main S0ill: 1eadin#
.nte#rated s0ills: /istenin#2 3ritin#2 S(ea0in#
Pre*io&s Knowled#e: St&dents ha*e done e4tensi*e readin# on Preser*in# 3ater
Moral 5al&es: 3e sho&ld (reser*e o&r en*ironment ,or o&r ,&t&re #eneration
"im o, the lesson: "t the end o, the lesson2 st&dents sho&ld +e a+le to e4(lain the most e,,ecti*e
wa' to (reser*e nat&re and also +e a+le to &se concord correctl'.

-+6ecti*es o, the lesson: "t the end o, the lesson2 st&dents sho&ld +e a+le to7
1. 8i*e at least *iews a+o&t the *ideo cli(
2. Share at least $ ideas d&rin# the +rainstormin# session
$. Present at least one e,,ecti*e method to (reser*e en*ironment
. Fill in the +lan0s with correct concord with at least ) correct answers o&t o, 9 +lan0s.
). Fill in the +lan0s with at least : correct answers o&t o, 10
/esson Sta#es Teacher;s acti*it' St&dent;s

1. Teacher shows a *ideo cli(
entitled >" letter 3ritten in the
'ear o, 2070; to the st&dents.
watch the
*ideo cli(

Pre? 1eadin# 1. Teacher as0s st&dents what
the' &nderstand ,rom the
*ideo cli(.
2. Teacher shows $ (ict&res and
as0s ) @&estions<related to the
(ict&res= to the st&dents.
<1e,er to Fi#&re 1=
share their
answer the

1. The st&dents then are di*ided
into #ro&(s o, 7. There are )
2. 3ith all the in,ormation
a*aila+le2 the teacher #i*es a
ta+le that contains three
col&mns2 namel'2 >K; stands
,or 0now2 >3; stands ,or want
to 0now2 and >/; stands ,or
learned to each #ro&(.<1e,er
to Fi#&re 2=
$. The teacher instr&cts the
st&dents to disc&ss a+o&t what
the' 0now a+o&t the to(ic and
,ills the >K; col&mn and ,ills
&( what the' want to 0now in
the >3; col&mn and ) min&tes
are #i*en ,or this tas0.
. /ater on2 the teacher
distri+&tes an e4cer(t to each
o, the #ro&(.<1e,er to ,i#&re
). Each #ro&( #ets a di,,erent
9. The st&dents need to read the
e4cer(t2 and with the #&idance
o, the @&estions that are #i*en
+elow the e4cer(t2 the' need
to disc&ss with the #ro&(
mem+ers and ,ind o&t the
answers ,or the @&estions and
also com(lete the ,inal
col&mn2 that is what the' ha*e
learned </ col&mn= +ased on
the e4cer(t.
,orm their
St&dents ,ill
in >K; and
>3; col&mn


7. The teacher #i*es 2 min&tes
,or them to read silentl' and
teacher as0s them ,or di,,ic&lt
words. ., there is an'2 the
teacher tries to teach the word
,rom the conte4t. -ther
st&dents are enco&ra#ed to
hel( as well.
:. Then2 ) min&tes #i*en ,or the
st&dents to cond&ct disc&ssion
amon# the mem+ers in the
#ro&( to answer the @&estions
A. .mmediatel' a,ter that2 the
st&dents need to (resent the
answers to the class which
indirectl' e4(lains a+o&t the
e4cer(t that the' ha*e. -ther
#ro&(s need to listen and write
down the #i*en in,ormation in
the >/; col&mn. The
(resentation sho&ld ,oc&s on
the second @&estion which
as0s the st&dents to come o&t
with the most e,,ecti*e
method to (reser*e the
10. "t the end o, this tas02 the >/;
St&dents ,ill
in the >/;
clari,' the
words which
the' are not
s&re a+o&t
the meanin#
disc&ss in
their #ro&(
and answer
(resent and
,ill in the >/;
col&mn o, the each #ro&(
consists o, in,ormation #i*en
+' the other #ro&(s.
11. ",ter all the #ro&(s ha*e
(resented2 teacher as0s
whether the' ha*e ac@&ired
the in,ormation that the' want
to 0now in the >3; col&mn. .,
there are still some st&dents
who ha*e not #et the
in,ormation2 ,irstl'2 the
teacher allows the other
st&dents to hel( these
st&dents. ., the st&dents co&ld
not (ro*ide the in,ormation2
the teacher will as0 the
st&dents to ,ind the
in,ormation and this tas0 is
#i*en as homewor0.
col&mn and
raise &( the
@&estions in
the >3;
Post? 1eadin# 1. Teacher (ic0s one o, the
e4cer(ts and &ses it to teach
the st&dents on how to &se
concords <1e,er to Fi#&re =
2. 2 .Teacher #i*es a wor0in#
sheet which consists o, a
(assa#e where the st&dents
need to ,ill in with the correct
concords<1e,er to Fi#&re )=

com(lete the

Teacher reca(s the lesson +' as0in# St&dents
Consolidation: how we can sa*e water and hi#hli#hts
the &sa#e o, concords
answer the

Teacher #i*es @&estionnaire which
mostl' related to the (ersonal
e4(eriences o, the st&dents2 the
@&estions do not in*ol*e ,acts and as
stated a+o*e2 the answers are related
to the (ersonal res(onse o, the
st&dents to the to(ic.<1e,er to Fi#&re

Follow &(
St&dents sho&ld ,ind in,ormation ,or
the &nanswered @&estions in >3;

Teachers comments:

Supervisors comments:
Figure 1

Figure 2
K-W-L Sheet
K (Know) W (Want to
L ( Learned)
Figure 3
The excerpts for While- Reading
Part 1
The main cause of global warming is air pollution. Air pollution is the release of
particles into the air from any burning activities such as burning fuel for energy.
Burning fuels such as coal and oil produces a large amount of green house gases.
Example of green house gases is Carbon Dioxide. These green house gases rise
into the atmosphere and trap the heat, eeping heat from releasing. Thus the
temperature increases.
!hat is this part about"
Thin of the most e#ective way to preserve the environment and explain why
you thin this method will be e#ective.
Part "
!e can prevent global warming by reducing the use of cars. This can be done by
using public transportation as it reduces one$s individual greenhouse gas emissions
to the atmosphere. Besides that, we can use bicycle to travel in a short distance. %f
the emission of the green house gases is reduced, we can ensure that clean air and
water will remain for future generations.
!hat is this part about"
Thin of the most e#ective way to preserve the environment and explain why
you thin this method will be e#ective.
Part #
Each person can play an important role in helping to reduce global warming. Thus, a
person should educate himself about global warming. &e should learn about the
techni'ues that can be used to prevent global warming. &e can get the information
from the campaigns organi(ed by the government, mass media such as internet and
television and etc. !ith the nowledge that he has, he will be able to persuade
others to mae simple but e#ective changes in daily behavior.
!hat is this part about"
Thin of the most e#ective way to preserve the environment and explain why
you thin this method will be e#ective.
Part $
)ne of the e#ects of global warming is rising of the sea level. !ith increasing
average global temperature, the water in the oceans expands in volume. Besides
that, due to the high temperature, the icebergs will melt and this also increases the
volume of the water. As the volume increases, phenomenon as *+ash +ood, will
occur. *-lash +ood, is a rapid +ooding of river or streams which is caused by heavy
!hat is this part about"
Thin of the most e#ective way to preserve the environment and explain why
you thin this method will be e#ective.
Part %
.opulation growth contributes to global warming. There is a clear lin between the
problems of global warming and overpopulation, as increases in C)/ levels follows
growth in population. Thus, more green house gases are released to the
atmosphere. Besides that, we have too many people on Earth, who are using
technologies that are destructive for the Earth.
!hat is this part about"
Thin of the most e#ective way to preserve the environment and explain why
you thin this method will be e#ective.

&igre $
The main cause of global warming is air pollution. Air pollution is the release of
particles into the air from any burning activities. Examples of burning activities are
burning fuel for energy. Burning fuels such as coal and oil produces a large amount
of green house gases. Example of green house gases is Carbon Dioxide. These
green house gases rise into the atmosphere and trap the heat, eeping heat from
releasing. Thus the temperature increases.
-igure 0 12ational Clo(e3
4cientists have found that a mother$s exposure to certain chemicals which are
widely found in urban air can adversely a#ect a child$s intelligence level. .olluted air
is bad for ids$ developing brains and could also be contributing to the dumbing
down of Americans. These chemicals are released into the air from burning
activities. The new study, funded by the 5ational %nstitute of Environmental &ealth
4ciences 15%E&43, the 6.4. Environmental .rotection Agency and several private
foundations, found that youngsters exposed to high levels in 5ew 7or City had full
scale and verbal %8 scores that were 9.:; and 9.<= points lower than children with
less exposure to these chemicals. %n addition to avoiding living in polluted cities if at
all possible, there are other strategies parents can turn to in order to protect and
even boost the brain power of their children. -or example, as reported in
5atural5ews, breastfeeding babies raises %8 levels and >sh oil has been shown to
improve intelligence levels of teens. Another smart idea is avoid exposing your
o#spring to neurotoxic chemicals such as +uoride .
&igre ' (Qestionnaires)
;. 7ou were waling at your neighborhood and saw your neighbor was burning
garbage in an open place. !hat you will do"
/. 7our school is situated only ;m from your house. &ow you will travel" ?ive
reasons for your answer.

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