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Company Name/OJT Center Contact Person/s

1 Frontline Focus International Inc. Ms. Abby Salangad

2 Tagaytay Highlands International Golf Club Inc. Ms. Grace A. Fernandez
Ms. Annie o!illa
Mrs. "ita #erlogan
$ #ureau of Internal e%enue Mr. &dgar #. Tolentino
Ms. "odi!inda '. o!
( &no!oto 'hils. Manufacturing Inc. Ms. "eah Tibayan
) *ana! 'hils. Inc. Ms. Corazon Sa+uilayan
, Fu-ihiro 'hils. Inc Ms. ichel '. Magno
. International Institute of ural econstruction Ms. &!ily Mon%ille
/ City Hall Ca%ite 'ro%ince Mr. Christo0her Gal0a
1 G2"*F2C& Inc. 3 S0lendido 'ro-ect Ms. Hazel Manarang
14 SSS Tagaytay Ms. 5ictorina G. Carlos
11 2ffice of the city 0lanning and de%elo0!ent Mr. Alberto Ararao
12 'ro%incial &ngineering 2ffice &ngr. Mario Silan
1$ 6ni%ersity Health Ser%ices *r. o!eo Sanchez
1( &agle idge Golf and Country Club Ms. Maricel &s0iritu
1) Auto Tech Mr. 7onito Galano
1, Munici0ality of Indang Hon. #ien%enido *i!ero
1. 6SHI2 'hils Inc. Mr. *o!ingo #alde
1/ Fu-ihiro Co!0uter Center Mr. 8effrey Cortez
11 To9ns *elight Mr. Andre9 'acu!io
:en '. Sunga
24 Ma;i! 'hils. 20erating Cor0 Ms. Ai!ee #. 'ellos
8ohnny ubio
21 C%Su S0ecial 'ro-ects *r. "u!ine Crisosto!o
22 ay!ond 8oya Auto Ser%ice Center ay!ond 8oya
2$ TA'#I Hatchery Mr. Mario "i9ag
2( International 'recision Asse!blies Inc. Ms. Ma. Conce0cion 'ernia
2) Munici0ality of Tanza Ms. A!or <agahastian
2, AMA Co!0uter College Ms. 8illian 5eloso
2. Ca%ite "ibrary3"egislati%e #uilding Ms. Michelle Alcid
2/ 6ni%ersity "ibrary3Technical Ser%ices Section Ms. "eonita Costa
21 Going Straight Salon Mr. 8hong Medina
$4 Munici0ality of Alfonso= Hon. 5irgilio 5arias
$1 >AAC3C&IT Mr. Si!eon *aez
$2 CI&T egistrars 2ffice Mr. Marlon 'erena
$$ 6ni%ersity egistrars 2ffice Ms. A%elina 7o%a
$( #ang?o Mabuhay Ms. &lsa "u0isan
$) ''S Mr. 8un odil
$, Mangahan Motor and @elding Sho0 Mr. Cesar Cortez
$. Metrolab Industries Inc. Ms. 8ennifer Mercado
$/ 6ni%ersity 'rofessional e%ie9 Center *r. Aolanda Ilagan
$1 M5M Construction &ngr. Marcelino Mercado
(4 Ad!inistrati%e Ser%ices *r. Mary 8ane Te0ora
(1 Munici0ality of Indang Ms. "ourdes >. 5illanue%a
(2 Far &ast !ariti!e Foundation Inc Mr. 'erlado M. &s0inosa
($ #an?ard Inc. Ms. 5il!a M. #altazar
(( Auto Su00ly and Motor Sho0 Mr. enato Atienza
() 2SA *r. Marilyn &scobar
(, Tire <ing *as!arinas Mr. Carlos Canete
(. F. Motors Mr. 5ener 5erano
(/ 'ro%incial Ca0itol Atty. &!elito C. 'elayo
(1 C&IT Guidance 2ffice Ms. 8oanne 7uestro
)4 C%S6 ecords 2ffice Ms. *olores int
)1 C<2S& Managee!nt Consultancy Ser%ices Ms. osel A. Gabanes
)2 C&IT eading oo! Ms. "ilia Torres
)$ ''6 Mrs. Cene #ago
)( 8H Auto Sho0 Mr. Fernando Colorado
)) #IC27 &nter0rises &ngr. Ignacio :aragoza
), C%Su Accounting 2ffice Mrs. "olita Herrera
). Ca%ite 'ro%incial "ibrary Ms. Michelle F. Alcid
)/ STA*&C egional A00lied Co!!unication
*r. Teddy Te0ora
)1 C%S6 6ni%ersity egistrar Mrs. A%elina 7o%a
,4 Munici0ality of Mendez Ms. Christine ". #oo?
,1 'hili00ine 7ational #an? Ms. &den &s0ino
,2 Coo0erati%e #an? of Ca%ite *r. Marieta I. 8a%ier
,$ "ocal Go%ern!ent 6nit Mrs. "ourdes >. 5illanue%a
,( 'hilhealth Insuarnce Cor0. Mr. Gerlon 8ose0h Mag0antay
,) *I"G 3 2ld Session Hall Ca0itol Co!0ound &fren M. &cha%iaB MGM
,, Audio@A5 Contractor Cor0 Mr. ene *ulgui!e
,. Industrial Gal%anizers Cor0 of the 'hils. Mr. 8oel #rigala
Ms. Claudette Aguila
,/ A*# Ser%ices and Industrial SalesB Inc. Mr. ufo . Andal 8r.
,1 Ar?i9or?; Mr. ene ichie Corcuera
.4 '"*T Malate C 'aco CS: Ms. 5i%ian 5iray
.1 Telford Ser%ice 'hils. Inc. Ms. *olly ose *ela Cruz
.2 Cinderella !ar?eting Cor0 Ms. Ani9ay Herrera
.$ *2"& Ms. 7ora Aguilar
.( Tagaytay City @ater *istrict Ms. Michelle Casano%a
.) Fu-ihiro 'hils. Inc. Ms. @illie Moud Mar+uez
., 8oya Auto Ser%ice Center ay!ond 8oya
.. Trece Martires City @ater *istrict 8uliet . 2ca!0o
./ Chiao "in &lectronics 'hils Cor0. &ngr. Miner%a #. *atuin
.1 S!artlin? Ser%ices 'te. "td. Agnes Cruzado
/4 7a%al Sea Syste!s Training CenterB 7ASSC2M "C* Arthur S. TaduranB '7
/1 S2MIC2 Steel Mill Cor0. Mr. *anilo 5illas

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