Tender and Planning and Estimation

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Chapter 7.

Preparation of Plans and Cost Estimates and

Tender Documents
J. Kvri
Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations
Rome, tal!
". N#RO$U%#ON
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1. R(F(R(N%()
ANN(2 " 3+$RO'O4%A' FOR/U'A)
ANN(2 & 4(N(RA' ,RO5)ON)
ANN(2 - ),(%A' ,RO5)ON)
ANN(2 . %ON)#RU%#ON OF %3,A#A F)3 FAR/ N 6A/*A
ANN(2 0 *ill No........ %onstruction of Outlets
ANN(2 1 *ill of 7uantities and %ontract %ost
ANN(2 8 *idding )chedule
(ngineering 9lanning, design and construction of dams, :arrages, 9um9ing stations, etc., is
normall! carried out ;ith a high degree of efficienc!. )ometimes, ho;ever, the smaller
structures, secondar! channels, etc., used for a<uaculture 9ro=ects are :adl! made or omitted
entirel! from engineering 9lans. n develo9ing countries engineers have fre<uentl! neglected
these minor ;or>s, 9articularl! those re<uired at the farm level. #o contractors the! do not mean
much 9rofit and the! are dis9ersed and difficult to su9ervise.
t has :een increasingl! recognized that one of the ma=or difficulties encountered in the
im9lementation of a<uaculture develo9ment 9rogrammes in develo9ing countries is 9ro9er
9ro=ect 9re9aration. nade<uate and 9oor 9re9aration of 9ro=ects has often caused the final
construction cost of the 9ro=ect to :e much higher than estimated. #he 9ur9ose of this lecture is
to 9resent in sim9le form the various ste9s re<uired in 9re9aration of 9lans, estimates and
tender documents for 9ro=ects and to descri:e some of the 9lanning 9rocedures that are used in
these 9rocesses.
,ro=ect 9re9aration is usuall! considered to include all those activities short of a final decision to
im9lement. #his 9rocess includes the follo;ing stages?
@iA dentification of the 9ro=ect. At this stage, the 9roduction target :ased on a mar>eting stud!,
the s9ecies to :e cultured and the s!stems of culture to :e ado9ted, the availa:ilit! of a large
enough draina:le and accessi:le land area free from flooding and having ade<uate soil
conditions as ;ell as ade<uate ;ater source, must all :e investigated and determined.
@iiA ,re9aration of outline or feasi:ilit! 9lan of the 9ro=ect.
@iiiA ,re9aration of detailed 9lan of the 9ro=ect.
@ivA ,re9aration of estimates of the 9ro=ect.
@vA ,re9aration of tender documents of the 9ro=ect.
$uring each stage, a num:er of activities and anal!ses must :e carried out and the findings
used to meet the re<uirements of the su:se<uent 9hase, until the 9ro=ect is finall! com9leted.
&." ,ur9ose of Outline ,lan
&.& ,rocedures for ,re9aration of Outline ,lan
2.1 Purpose of Outline Plan
#he 9ur9ose of an outline 9lan is to confirm that the 9ro9osed 9ro=ect can :e economicall!
develo9ed on the selected site, and to investigate and 9rovide all data, calculations and outline
9lans :ased on the different investigations re<uired for the 9ro=ect a99roval and detailed
2.2 Procedures for Preparation of Outline Plan
&.&." )ite selection
&.&.& %ollection of ma9s and data
&.&.- Outline 9lan
2.2.1 #ite selection
n a<uaculture 9ro=ect o9erations, site selection is of 9aramount im9ortance. )uccess of the
9ro=ect de9ends to a large eBtent on the 9ro9er selection of the site. #here are :oth ecological
and technological as ;ell as economic and social considerations involved in site selection.
Factors to :e considered in site selection are descri:ed in more detail in %ha9ter " on
considerations in the selection of sites for a<uaculture @,illa!, "C88A.
2.2.2 Collection of maps and data
#he follo;ing ma9s and data a:out the site should :e gathered to facilitate the 9reliminar!
investigations and calculations?
@aA /a9s
D contoured sheet of ma9 at a scale of "?&0 EEE to "?0E EEE. #his can :e used for 9re9aration of
a 9ro=ect location ma9, to determine the ;ater catchment area and to serve as a source of
information on road connections, etc.F
D land ma9 sho;ing :oundaries of 9ro9erties ;ith different o;nershi9s according to the official
register of o;nersF
D soil or geological ma9 sho;ing the to9soil or su:soil encountered at the siteF
D ;ater resources develo9ment ma9. #his ;ill hel9 in determining the ;ater source of the 9ro=ect
:! indicating the 9ossi:ilities of ;ater su99l! and drainage, as ;ell as :! sho;ing the de9th of
the eB9ected ;ater ta:les and !ield ca9acities of an! a<uifersF climatological ma9 sho;ing the
meteorological stations nearest to the site and the monthl! mean values of tem9erature and
D other develo9ment ma9, if an!, regarding the 9ro9osed site.
@:A /eteorological data
D mean monthl! tem9eratureF
D mean monthl! rainfallF
D mean monthl! eva9orationF
D mean monthl! humidit!F
D mean monthl! sunshineF
D mean monthl! ;ind s9eed and direction.
@cA 3!drological data
D data for discharge, !ield, floods and ;ater elevations of eBisting ;ater sources @rivers,
irrigation channels, reservoirs, s9rings, etc.AF
D restriction for ;ater su99l! to the fish farm @for eBam9le, 9eriods of the maintenance ;or>s in
the irrigation channelA.
2.2.& Outline plan
An outline 9lan is generall! used as a :asis for a99roval and financing of a 9ro=ect. #his should
9rove the technical feasi:ilit! of the 9ro=ect. #he 9roduction calculations concerned as ;ell as
the design should :e in sufficient detail so that a relia:le cost estimate including :oth the annual
o9erational and 9roduction cost can :e esta:lished.
#he 9rinci9al 9arts of the outline 9lan consist of the follo;ingF
@iA Re9ort
#his should contain the most im9ortant information on the 9ro=ect 9ro9osal including a
descri9tion of the site, soil characteristics determined :! the reconnaissance soil surve!, source
of ;ater and the results of the ;ater anal!sis, meteorological features used for 9lanning,
o9eration 9lan ;ith the necessar! 9roduction calculations, 9lanning considerations,
arrangement of the la!out 9lan for the 9onds and the location of the hatcher! and the other
:uildings ;ith the a99roach road to the 9ro=ect, arrangement for ;ater su99l! and drainage of
the 9onds and the hatcher!, the 9ond facilities, a:stract of costs for ca9ital, o9erational and
9roduction costs, economic anal!sis for :enefits, and the 9ro9osed construction 9rogramme.
Additionall!, all the statements o:tained and re<uired for a99roval and im9lementation of the
9ro=ect must :e 9resented usuall! in a list of anneBures to the re9ort.
@iiA 4eneral location ma9
#his is generall! an unsealed ma9 sho;ing the location of the 9ro=ect.
@iiiA ,lane ta:le ma9
#his has a scale of "?&EEE to "?0EEE de9ending the size of the 9ro=ect, sho;ing the :oundar!
lines and the 9ro9osed size of the 9ro=ect, the locations of the soil test 9its ;ith their elevations,
the rough contour lines and ;ater source and drainage 9ossi:ilities.
@ivA Outline la!out 9lan
#his 9lan to a scale of "?"EEE to "?0EEE should include the arrangements of the 9onds, the
;ater su99l! and drainage s!stems as ;ell as the location of the hatcher! and other :uildings
including the 9ro9osed a99roach road and the 9o;er and tele9hone lines.
@vA Outline crossDsections of di>es and channels
All the t!9ical crossDsections of the di>es and channels sho;ing their measurements and slo9es
re<uired for the cost estimate must :e 9rovided.
@viA 'ist of 9ro9osed :uildings and e<ui9ment
A list of the 9ro9osed :uildings ;ith their 9linth areas and the e<ui9ment needed for running the
9ro=ect should :e given for the cost estimate.
@viiA )oil and ;ater test results
)oil test la:orator! results of the sam9les ta>en from the test 9its for engineering and 9roduction
9ur9oses should :e 9rovided in ta:les ;hich are used for 9lanning di>es, etc. @*uring, "C8CA.
@viiiA %ost estimate
(stimates of :ase @civil ;or>sA cost must :e calculated using unit rates =udged to :e a99lica:le
for the region of the 9ro=ect site and ma=or <uantities of each item shall :e calculated from the
dra;ings in =ust sufficient detail to serve the needs of 9ro9er estimating. *uilding costs should
:e estimated on 9linth area. (arth;or> costs are :ased as far as 9ossi:le on a :alance
:et;een cutting and filling. (stimates of cost are given for electricit! su99l!, engineering @design
of detailed 9lan and su9ervision of constructionA, e<ui9ment, land 9rocurement and 9h!sical
'astl!, the o9erational costs and the 9roduction cost are 9rovided under se9arate heads.
@iBA m9lementation schedule
*ased on the results of the reconnaissance investigations and <uantit! calculations a :arDchart
for the various activities re<uired to com9lete the detailed 9lans and tender documents and
9rocure the land for construction should :e 9re9ared.
-." Revie;ing Outline ,lan
-.& $etailed ,lanning
&.1 Re'ie(in) Outline Plan
-."." #o9ogra9hic surve!
-.".& )oil surve!
After having a99roved the outline 9lan of the 9ro=ect, a revie; should :e made of all data
availa:le and, if this is insufficient, action should :e ta>en to rectif! the deficienc!. An!
modifications of the 9ro9osed o9erating schedule and related ;ater management and ;ater
re<uirement calculations for :oth the fish 9onds and the hatcher! have to :e com9leted 9rior to
commencing detailed 9lanning.
&.1.1 Topo)raphic sur'e*
#he to9ogra9hic surve! ;hich has to :e carried out at the site selected for a 9ro=ect should :e
:ased on a convenient datum mar>ed ;ith a tem9orar! :ench mar> @#*/A at the site. #here are
several methods used for to9ogra9hic surve!s. $e9ending u9on the nature and size of the land
re<uired for the 9ro=ect, the follo;ing methods are the most commonl! a99lied for to9ogra9hic
@iA 4ridding
@iiA ,lane ta:ling
@iiiA %rossDsection method ;ith traverse surve!
@ivA Radiating lines method ;ith traverse surve!
@vA #achiometr!
/ethods @iA and @iiA are ideal on relativel! flat land, ;hile methods @iiiA and @ivA ma! also :e used
:ut are :est suited to hill! terrain or use in a narro;, long valle!. #achiometr! can :e used in
either case. #he field ;or> in tachiometr! is ra9id com9ared ;ith the other methods and it is
;idel! used, therefore, for contouring of an! t!9es of areas. Gith reasona:le 9recautions, the
results o:tained can :e of the same order of accurac! as, or :etter than, those o:taina:le :!
other methods. #he follo;ing to9ogra9hic ma9s and 9lans are generall! needed for a 9ro=ect?
@iA ndeB or location ma9
@iiA *oundar! ma9
@iiiA %ontour ma9
@ivA %ross and longitudinal sections
@vA 'and ma9
-."."." Re<uirements of ma9s for engineering designs
@iA ndeB or location ma9
#his ma9, ;hich gives general information a:out the location of the 9ro=ect, the eBisting roads,
rail;a!s, to;ns or other settlements, rivers, la>es, contours, etc., is the most commonl!
9re9ared from one of the ma9 sheets scaled at "?0E EEE, ;hich ma! :e o:tained from the
)urve! $e9artment /a9 )ales $e9ot, or the )urve! $e9artment. An eBam9le of a location ma9
9re9ared for the %hi9ata Fish Farm is sho;n in Figure ".
@iiA *oundar! ma9
$uring to9ogra9hic surve!ing the :oundar! lines of the selected area for the 9ro=ect should :e
fiBed :! stones or concrete :loc>s. #he :oundar! lines are usuall! formed :! a closed traverse.
#he 9oints of the traverse lines are called stations or :earing 9oints @,*RA. #hese ma! also
serve for control of levelling or contouring o9erations over the site, and for setting out the
facilities of the 9ro=ect. #he :oundar! ma9, as sho;n in Figure &, must indicate the lengths of
the traverse lines for the :oundar! of the 9ro=ect, locations of the ,*Rs, the coordinates of the
reference meridian, the :earings of the lines, the actual area covered :! the traverse lines, the
eBisting roads, :uildings, rivers and other 9ro9ert! :oundaries. #he list of the coordinates of the
,*Rs, including the elevation as sho;n in #a:le ", should :e attached to the :oundar! ma9,
and the data should :e recorded in the construction site log:oo> :efore starting an!
construction ;or>s at the site. #his is essential as, if the ,*Rs are destro!ed :! an! machines
during the construction 9eriod, the! can easil! :e reDesta:lished from the site log:oo>.
!i)ure 1. Chipata !ish !arm. ocation map
!i)ure 2. $oundar* map
#a:le " 'ist of %oordinates and (levation of ,*Rs
P$R Coordinates +m, Ele'ation +m,
Partial E Partial N Eastin) Northin)
1"8E .C& .E-."" "E" 1E..-. &.&."
1"8- D "C..&1 D 1H.0. .C& --..08 "E" ."E.EH 0.0..
1"8. D "C-.08 D 1H.8E .C& &10.H8 "E" &"1.0" E.HHE
1"80 D "H".&E I 1H.0C .C& EH..18 "E" &H0."E E.CE1
1"81 D &C1.&E I"""."H .C" 8HH..8 "E" -C0.&H "."0H
@iiiA %ontour ma9
%ontour ma9s used in design of the facilities of the 9ro=ect must sho; the contour lines and all
the esta:lishments found at the 9ro9osed site such as roads, electric and tele9honic lines, rivers
and drains or other channels, :uildings, underground oil, gas or ;ater su99l! 9i9elines, :orro;
9its, :oundar! lines, including the location of the ,*Rs and the #*/s, the north direction as ;ell
as the scale used for ma99ing. #he contour ma9 ma! also sho; the location of soil sam9ling
stations ;ith num:ering. #he contour ma9s, de9ending on the size of area 9ro9osed for the
9ro=ect, should :e scaled in "?"EEE to "?0EEE.
#he contour lines should :e 9lotted on the ma9 at "E cm intervals for flat land and &E to &0 cm
intervals for hill! or valle! terrain.
@ivA %ross and longitudinal sections
f a 9ro=ect is esta:lished in an area ;here there are fish 9onds, drains and other channels, etc.,
their cross and longitudinal sections are often re<uired for designing of the ne; fish 9onds or
the renovation of the old ones, etc. n such a case, the crossDsections should have a scale of
"?"EE and the longitudinal sections should :e 9lotted to a scale of "?"EE vertical and "?0EE to
"?0EEE horizontal.
@vA 'and ma9
n order to 9rocure the land needed for a 9ro=ect, the re<uired area of the 9ro=ect should :e
mar>ed :! the selected :oundar! lines on the land ma9. For 9rocurement of land, the cadastral
data of the lands including their o;nerJs names, the size and unit 9rice, as ;ell as total amount
in local currenc! of lands, should :e 9re9ared as sho;n in #a:le &.
#a:le & 'and %adastral $ata
Item and o(ner-s name and and price
Num.er "rea +ha, Re/uired area +ha, Unit
+I. Rs,
Total amount
+I. Rs,
" )hri /.*. ,rasad CEE E."0. E."0. .E EEE 1 "1E
& )hri A.K. )ing CHC E."&0 E."&0 .E EEE 0 EEE
- )hri /.*. *eg C-. E.&&C E."-H .0 EEE 1 &"E
#otal "8 -8E
&.1.2 #oil sur'e*
A detailed investigation of soils is needed to design the facilities of a 9ro=ect. #he first ste9 in a
detailed investigation is a revie; of the ;or> alread! done in the 9revious 9ro=ect stage. #his
includes not onl! a revie; of the reconnaissance investigations, :ut also an eBamination of the
reconnaissance design, if an! is availa:le, and a determination of ;hether the o:=ective is still
the same. $e9ending u9on the results of the reconnaissance eB9loration and the size of the
9ro=ect, the re<uirements for the detailed soil surve! must :e 9redetermined. #he num:er and
s9acing of :orings including their eB9loration de9th is de9endent u9on ;hat is needed to get the
data of the soils found in the :ore holes at the site. *! stud!ing the eB9loration :oring logs
availa:le general information on the eB9ected conditions can :e o:tained. From this the
additional num:er of :orings including their s9acing distance and eB9loration de9ths can :e
determined. n order to avoid loss of time and mone! due to :oring su9erfluous :ore holes, the
follo;ing is suggested for 9re9aration of a detailed investigation @U.).$.., "C10A.
@iA " or & sam9le stations to each & to 0 ha of the site, should generall! :e used under uniform
soil conditions. /ore sam9le stations ;ill :e re<uired in varia:le soil conditions. #he (ngineer
conducting the field eB9loration ;or> should decide u9on the additional num:er of sam9le
@iiA #he de9th of each :ore hole should :e a minimum of &.E m :elo; the dee9est intended
eBcavation of the 9ro=ect area. #he :oring de9th and the num:er of sam9le stations for a s9ecial
structure, i.e. a large ;ater to;er, should :e commensurate ;ith the size of the structure.
A num:er of distur:ed and undistur:ed sam9les should :e ta>en from ever! stratum
encountered in the :ore holes. #he soil sam9les 9rovide material for an investigation of the soil
9ro9erties :! means of la:orator! tests. #he results of the soil investigations should :e detailed
in a re9ort @#erzaghi, "C18A.
-.".&." Re<uirements for soil surve! re9ort
#he results of the soil surve! should :e 9resented in a re9ort. A detailed soil surve! re9ort must
contain the follo;ing?
@iA 4eneral re9ort
n this 9art, the location of the investigations, methods of :oring and sam9lings, in situ tests
conducted at the site, the results of the la:orator! tests, the allo;a:le :earing ca9acit! and
settlement, the characteristics of the ground ;ater, including ;hether the ;ater ta:le is 9erched
or normal, its eB9ected fluctuation at the site and <uantit! of solu:le salts or other minerals
9resent as ;ell as foundation and di>e construction considerations, should :e descri:ed in
#he la:orator! tests should 9rovide the re<uired data as listed :elo; for the construction ;or>s?
@aA soil consistenc!
D li<uid limit @''A
D 9lastic limit @,'A
D 9lastic indeB @,A
D relative consistenc! @%rA
@:A soil com9onents
D grain size anal!sis curves coefficient of uniformit! @%uA
D 9article size anal!sis
@cA indeB 9ro9erties
D ;ater content @;A
D void ratio @eA
D 9orosit! @nA
D dr! densit! @ dA
D ;et densit! @ ;etA
D 9roctor maBimum dr! densit! @ ,rA
D a:solute s9ecific gravit! @4asA
D a99arent s9ecific gravit! @4sA
D cohesion @cA
D angle of internal friction @A
D allo;a:le :earing ca9acit! @ aA
D modulus of elastic! @(A
D 9ermea:ilit! coefficient @>A
@dA ground ;ater anal!sis
D 93
D content of sul9hate ion
@iiA 'ocation ma9
'ocation ma9 should sho; all the locations of sam9le stations ;ith their ground elevation.
@iiiA 'ogs of sam9le stations
A log is a ;ritten record of the data concerning soils and conditions encountered in individual
:ore holes. t also 9rovides the results of the la:orator! tests on ;hich all su:se<uent
conclusions are :ased, such as design of the facilities and method of construction. t ma! form
an im9ortant 9art of contract documents and it ma! :e re<uired as :asic evidence in court in
case of dis9ute. (ach log, therefore, should :e factual, accurate, clear and com9lete. t should
not :e misleading. #he headings on the log forms 9rovide s9aces for su99l!ing identif!ing
information as to 9ro=ect, hole num:er, elevation, dates started and com9leted, and the name of
the 9erson res9onsi:le. #he :od! of the log form is divided into a series of columns covering the
de9th, thic>ness and descri9tion of strata, the 9resence or a:sence of ;ater levels as ;ell as
the results of the la:orator! tests.
@ivA )oil 9rofiles
)ections to sho; the su:surface conditions are used in 9ro=ects located on hill! terrain. Ghere
soil 9rofiles are 9rovided in the soil re9ort, the information sho;n in them is limited to factual
data such as the ground surface line and logs of :ore holes located in their actual 9osition ;ith
res9ect to the ground surface line. Although the choice of sections is made to sim9lif!
inter9retation, actual locations of features such as ;ater ta:le, etc., are not illustrated :!
continuous lines, :ut onl! ;here the! are encountered in each hole.
&.2 Detailed Plannin)
-.&." ,ro=ect re9ort
-.&.& $esigns
-.&.- %riteria for designing 9ond facilities
-.&.. ,re9aration of detailed dra;ings
&.2.1 Pro0ect report
A com9lete re9ort should :e 9re9ared covering the 9ro=ect 9ro9osal, investigation, the
9roduction including its 9ro9osed method, engineering features, eBecution of construction,
summar! of costs, etc. t should contain a general descri9tion of the design including the
dra;ings. #he follo;ing outline of the items ;hich the re9ort should cover is included as a
guide. O:viousl!, all of the information listed in this outline is not necessar! for an! 9articular
small 9ro=ect, :ut the greater 9art of it ;ill :e usuall! re<uired for a larger 9ro=ect @Alien, "CH"A.
". ntroduction
#his includes the :ac>ground information and the notes of the 9ro9osal.
&. ,ur9ose of 9ro=ect
#his should contain the follo;ing 9articulars?
&." #!9e of 9ro=ect
D 9ilot fish farm
D research fish farm
D training fish farm
D 9roduction fish farm
@aA fish seed 9roduction fish farm
@:A commercial fish farm
&.& ,roduction of 9ro=ect
D 9ro9osed cultural method
@aA selection of fish s9ecies
@:A t!9e of fish culture
D monoculture
D 9ol!culture
D main characteristics of 9roduction
D 9roduction calculation considerations
@aA :roodstoc> re<uirement
@:A survival rates
@cA fr! re<uirement
@dA fingerling re<uirement
@eA stoc>ing ratio
@fA feed conversion ratio
@gA 9ond fertilization
&.- /ar>eting schedule
D methods
-. 4eneral information and data
#his should include the follo;ing 9articulars?
-." #he 9ro=ect site
D location
D accessi:ilit!
D communication
D 9o;er su99l!
D land status
D eBisting im9rovements
-.& 3!drological data
D design flood
D runoff
D ground ;ater 9otential
-.- /eteorological data
D mean monthl! tem9erature
D mean monthl! rainfall
D mean monthl! eva9oration
D mean monthl! humidit!
D mean monthl! sunshine
D mean monthl! ;ind s9eed and 9revailing direction
-.. Gater source and <ualit!
D descri9tion of ;ater source
D statement for ;ater rights or ;ater restrictions
D summar! of ;ater anal!sis
-.0 #o9ogra9h!
D summar! of to9ogra9hic surve!
D list of the :oundar! 9ointsJ coordinates
D list of the tem9orar! :ench mar>s
-.1 )oil characteristics
D summar! of the soil re9ort
D ;ater ta:le conditions
.. ,lanning considerations
$esign criteria and s9ecifications, descri9tion of the facilities, and schedule of eBecution should
:e stated in this section of the re9ort.
.." 'a!out of the fish 9onds size of 9onds
D ;ater de9th in the 9onds
..& Gater re<uirement summar! of the ;ater demand calculations
..- Gater su99l! and drainage s!stems
D for fish 9onds
D for hatcher! :uilding
- for additional concrete tan>s
D for race;a!s
D methods for ;ater filtration or ;ater treatments
... $escri9tion of the facilities
@aA fish 9onds
D di>es di>e 9rotection
D internal roads
D structures
@:A hatcher!
@cA 9um9ing station
@dA other :uildings
..0 $escri9tion of the construction ;or>s schedule of eBecution
0. %ost estimate and cost of 9roduction
@#hese ;ill :e 9resented in %ha9ter .A
1. 'ist of detailed dra;ings
t should contain all dra;ings re<uired for the 9ro=ect to :e eBecuted. #he follo;ing dra;ings are
most commonl! 9re9ared and enclosed ;ith the 9ro=ect re9ort?
1." 'ocation ma9
1.& 'a!out 9lan
1.- )etting out 9lan
1.. %ross and longitudinal sections
1.0 )tructural detailed dra;ings
1.1 ,lans of hatcher! and other :uildings
1.8 ,lan of 9um9ing station
1.H nstallation 9lans
&.2.2 Desi)ns
n order to ensure that the detailed 9lans should :e :oth economical and suita:le to the
construction, their design must :e 9ro9erl! 9erformed. #he follo;ing designs de9ending u9on
the nature and scale of the 9ro=ect usuall! have to :e 9re9ared for the detailed dra;ings.
-.&.&." 3!drological com9utations
#o design a fish farm, located on hill! terrain and fed :! ;ater stored in a reservoir or su99lied
from runoff of the ;ater catchment area, usuall! ;ill re<uire h!drological com9utations as
@aA determination of design flood for the s9ill;a! of the reservoir to fish 9onds or hatcher!F
@:A runoff of the ;ater catchment area of the 9ro=ect site should :e calculated to determine the
ca9acit! of the reservoir or the 9ossi:le area of the fish 9onds.
All these calculations :ased on the local meteorological and soil conditions ma! :e 9resented
using the calculating formulas as sho;n in AnneB ".
-.&.&.& ,roduction calculations and 9ond facilities
,roduction calculations 9rovided :! an A<uaculturist are the most essential 9arts of the 9ro=ect
documents. All statements of 9roduction calculations should :e considered to 9re9are an!
detailed 9lans of the 9ro=ect. #hese contain usuall! the follo;ing 9articulars?
@aA fish farm
D 9roduction target
D 9ro9osed cultural method cultured fish s9ecies
D stoc>ing rate
D initial ;eight
D 9ro9osed harvesting ;eight
D survival rate
D re<uirements of :roodstoc>, fr! and fingerling
D feed re<uirements
D feed conversion ratio
D 9ond fertilization
D 9ond management
D o9erational 9lan
D mar>eting 9lan
D 9ond s9ecifications
D t!9e of 9onds
D size and num:er of 9onds
D 9ro9osed ;ater de9th for each t!9e of 9ond
D harvesting s9ecifications
D harvesting method
D re<uirements of the harvesting facilities
D aeration re<uirements to the 9onds if needed
@:A hatcher!
D 9roduction target
D 9ro9osed hatcher! technolog!
D o9erational 9lan
D s9ecification of facilities
D aeration re<uirements.
&.2.& Criteria for desi)nin) pond facilities
@iA )ize and sha9e of 9onds can :e defined on the follo;ing criteria?
@aA ,roduction 9ur9ose? :ased on the s9ecies to :e cultured in the 9onds, the size should :e as
T*pe of pond $ottom area +ha,
)9a;ning @)A E.E" D E.0
Nurser! @NA E.E0 D &.E
Rearing and 9roduction @RA E.&0 D "E.E
3olding @3A E."E D ".E
#hese 9onds, eBce9t the rearing and 9roduction ones, should :e s<uare or rectangular in sha9e
@Go!nrovich, "CHEA.
@:A ntensification of 9roduction? the higher the 9roduction 9er unit area, the more im9ortant
:ecomes the 9roduction factor in relation to 9ond size. %onsidering the 9ossi:ilit! of a larger
amount of fish loss during a longer 9eriod of harvesting it is advisa:le to com9lete harvesting as
<uic>l! as 9ossi:le. t should ta>e no more than one da! 9er 9ond. #he maBimum amount of fish
;hich can :e handled :! an eB9erienced staff ;ith e<ui9ment in one da! de9ending on the
;ater and air tem9eratures, is "E to .E tons. #his can determine to a large eBtent the o9timal
size of the 9ond, as follo;s?
e'el of production Production $ottom area
ton1ha1c*cle +ha,
ntensive HD"E "D0
)emiDintensive 0D1 &DH
(Btensive -D. -D"E
@cA Ris>
'osses due to e9idemic diseases or algae :loom etc., in 9ond ;ater are more in larger 9onds
;ith higher stoc>ing densit!. t is not desira:le to ris> more than "E tons in each 9ond if an!
such losses are antici9ated.
@dA /ar>eting schedule
#he demand of fish for mar>et ma! :e determined :! the o9timal size of each 9roduction 9ond.
@eA 3arvesting method
#o facilitate netting, it is desira:le to limit the ;idth of the 9onds to a:out 80 m. 3o;ever, using a
se9arate harvesting 9ond or s9ecial harvesting :oB or structure, the ;idth and the sha9e of the
9onds are not limited.
@fA %onstruction cost
#he larger the 9ond, the lo;er ;ill :e the construction cost 9er unit area. #his is :ecause, the
smaller the 9onds, the greater is the 9ro9ortional area occu9ied :! di>es and channels. #he
construction cost for larger 9onds ;ill :e lo;er if their long sides can :e oriented 9arallel to the
contours. #he stee9er the ground gradient the more im9ortant it :ecomes to orient the 9onds
9arallel to the contour. ,onds oriented 9arallel to the contours also re<uire a shallo;er cut and a
shorter earthmoving haul, ;hich is ver! im9ortant ;hen the 9onds have to :e constructed ;ith
manual la:our. #he larger the 9ond, the more difficult it :ecomes to locate 9onds 9arallel to the
@iiA Gater de9th in the 9ond is determined :! the follo;ing factors?
@aA s9ecies to :e cultured in the 9onds @%hen, "C81F (d;ards, "C8HF 3uet, "C8&F 'ee, "C8-A

"'era)e (ater depth in m
# N R 2
%ommon car9 @%!9rinus car9ioA E.. E.H D ".0 ".E D &.E ".0
%hinese car9s?
4rass car9 @%teno9har!ngodon idellusA
)ilver car9 @3!9othalmichth!s molitriBA
*ig head @Aristichth!s no:ilisA D ".ED".0 ".0D-.E &.E
/ud car9 @%irrhina molitorellaA
)nail car9 @/!lo9harungodon 9iceusA
ndian ma=or car9s?
Rohu @'a:eo rohitaA
%atla @%atla catlaA D ".ED".0 ".0D&.E ".0
/rigal @%irrhinus mrigalaA
#ila9ia s9ecies ED0DE.1 E.1D".& E.HD".0 ".0
4re! mullet @/ugil ce9halusA D ".ED".0 ".0D&.E ".0
%atfish s9ecies E.1D".E E.1 ".ED-.E &.E
*lac> :ass s9ecies E.1DE.C ".ED".& ".ED&.E ".0
,e=erre! @*asilichth!s :onariensisA D E.H ".& ".&
%olossoma s9ecies ".E ".& ".0
Rhamdia s9ecies D ".E ".0 ".0
(el s9ecies D E..DE.1 ".ED".0 ".0
Fresh;ater 9ra;n @/acro:rachium rosen:ergiiA D E.C
Rain:o; trout @)almo gairdneriA D ".0D&.E &.E
@:A /eteorological features
*oth air and ;ater tem9erature as ;ell as ;ind velocit! must :e considered in determining the
;ater de9th in the 9ond.
n the tro9ical region, the dail! tem9erature fluctuations are smaller in dee9er 9onds than in
shallo; 9onds :ecause of the greater ratio :et;een the ;ater surface and volume. #his is
im9ortant :ecause the o9timal ;ater tem9erature re<uired for a higher fish 9roduction ma! :e
assured ;ith a sufficient ;ater de9th. Ghereas, in colder areas, such as (uro9e, ;here the
9ro:lem is ho; to attain higher ;ater tem9eratures in the 9onds more ra9idl!, the shallo;er
9onds are recommended to achieve a relativel! high fish 9roduction @3e9her, "CH"A.
#he direction and average velocit! of the 9revailing ;inds affect the natural circulation in the
9onds ;hich is ver! im9ortant for dee9er 9onds.
Ghen the ;ater source is solel! runoff, sometimes it is necessar! to increase 9ond volumes :!
increasing de9th so as to accumulate enough ;ater during the rain! season to suffice for the
entire gro;ing season.
@iiiA ,ond :ottom
n order to drain ;ater com9letel! the :ottom of the smaller 9onds and the :ottom of the internal
channels in the larger 9onds must :e slo9ed to;ards their outlet 9oints res9ectivel!. A minimum
:ottom slo9e of E." to E.& K is sufficient
@ivA $i>e
/easurements and slo9es of the di>es should :e determined according to the de9th of ;ater in
the 9ond, the size of the 9ond, soil conditions, construction method and the re<uirements of
trans9ort as ;ell as transit on the di>e. #he follo;ing figures re9resent good 9ractice?
3ater depth in the pond Top (idth of di4e !ree .oard
+m, +m, +m,
E.0E E.0E E..E
E.0E D E.HE E.0E D ".EE E..E D E.0E
E.HE D ".&E ".0E E.0E
".&E D &.EE &.EE D &.0E E.0E
&.EE D -.EE &.0E D ..EE E.0E D E.1E
#o9 ;idth for a road used :! vehicles should :e a minimum of -.E m. f there is a feeder channel
on the to9 of the di>e, its to9 ;idth should :e ;ide enough for :oth the feeder channel and a
road or a 9assage ;a!. #he latter is needed for 9ond o9erations and maintenance of inlets and
feeder channel @#a9iador, "C88A.
#he side slo9es of the di>es de9end u9on the soil conditions, ;ater de9th and size of the 9ond,
as ;ell as the eB9ected ;ave actions. #he follo;ing slo9es are recommended for di>es in
various soils?
T*pe of soil Inside slope Outside slope
)and! loam "?& D "?- "?".0 D "?&
)and! cla! "?".0 "?".0
Firm cla! "?" "?"
nside :ric> lining "?" D "?".0 "?".0 D "?&
nside concrete lining E.80D "?" "?".0 D "?&
#he eB9osed 9arts of the di>e @outside slo9e, cro;n, inside slo9e a:ove the ;ater levelA should
:e 9rotected :! grass against erosion. n 9onds ;ith more than a:out E,0 ha of ;ater surface,
;ave 9rotection made of :ranches, ri9Dra9, :ric> lining, :am:oo matting, etc. is re<uired at the
;ater level @)tic>ne!, "C8CA.
n order to have a sta:le di>e, a :erm ;ith a ;idth of &.E to ..E m must :e left :et;een the di>e
toe and the drainage channel @Khanna, "CH"A.
vA nlet and outlet structures
A fish 9ond should have se9arate inlet and outlet structures for ;ater su99l! and drainage as far
as 9ossi:le. #he inlet ma! :e an!thing from a sim9le 9i9e to a concrete sluice. t is ver!
im9ortant that the inlet :e screened to 9revent 9redator! fish and other animals from entering
the 9ond. #he floor level of the inlet is usuall! higher :! a minimum of E."E m than the ;ater
level in the 9ond 9artl! to ensure ;ater aeration and 9artl! to avoid esca9e of stoc>ed fish.
,rotection must :e 9rovided against erosion under and around the inlet. #he inlet is :etter
located in the centre of the short side of the 9ond, in order to 9rovide :etter ;ater circulation
@3ora, "C1&A.
#he outlet should :e, generall!, on the o99osite side to the inlet in smaller 9onds. A turndo;n
9i9e, o9en sluice or mon> are used as outlet structures. #he :est t!9e of outlet for controlling
;ater level in the 9ond and draining the 9ond is the mon>. #he mon> consists of a vertical to;er
;ith three 9airs of grooves for housing screens and sto9logs and a horizontal conduit 9assing
across the di>e at the lo;est level of the 9ond. t is advisa:le to 9rovide a harvesting :oB at the
do;nstream end of the conduit for harvesting the 9ond ;ithout netting. #his harvesting :oB ma!
also :e used for :reeding or for holding fish for mar>eting. #he size of inlet and outlet should :e
calculated on the :asis of the time needed for filling or draining the 9ond res9ectivel! @Gheaton,
For designing inlets of 9onds the re<uired filling times of different t!9es of 9onds can :e
considered as follo;s?
T*pe of ponds !illin) time in da*s
)9a;ning E."D E.-
Nurser! E.& D E.0
Rearing and 9roduction "D "E
3olding E.0 D &
For calculation of the discharge of the feeder channel including inta>e structure or 9um9ing
station the 9ea> ;ater demand has to :e considered. #he total filling time of all the 9onds can
:e calculated as 1 to -E da!s for 0 to &0 ha 9onds. #he drainage time for different t!9es of
9onds should :e as follo;s?
T*pe of ponds Draina)e time in da*s
)9a;ning E.& D E..
Nurser! E.& D E.0
Rearing and 9roduction &DH
3olding E.0 D ".E
#he total drainage time of all the 9onds can :e calculated as 0 to &0 da!s for 0 to &0 ha 9onds.
#he structures used for fish 9onds are made of various materials. For designing these
structures the dura:ilit! and maintenance cost of the materials used should :e ta>en into
account as follo;s?
5aterial Dura.ilit* 5aintenance cost
+*ears, +6,
Reinforced concrete @"?&?.A &ED-E "EE
)tone ru::le in "?0 cement mortar "E D "0 "0E
*ric> masonr! in "?0 cement mortar 0D"E &0E
Gooden 0DH -EED.EE
-.&.-." Gater re<uirement calculations
#he annual ;ater re<uirements of fish 9onds ;ill de9end on the soil conditions found at the
9ro=ect site, environmental factors, cultured s9ecies and the chosen technolog! of fish culture.
#o avoid an! difficult! during the o9eration 9eriod of fish 9onds all the factors have to :e
considered in this calculation. #he necessar! amount of ;ater for a 9ond in an average !ear
can :e calculated using the e<uation :elo;?
7r L 5f I 5rf I 'e I 's I 'c 5ra @m
7r L annual ;ater re<uirement @m
or lMsecA
5f L ANh L the 9ond volume to :e filled @m
A L average ;ater surface area of 9ond @m
h L average ;ater de9th of 9ond @mA
NoN5f L the 9ond volume to :e refilled @m
No L num:er of refillings a !ear
'e L AN( L ;ater loss from eva9oration @m
( L mean annual eva9oration @mA
's L AN#N)L see9age loss in the 9ond @m
) L see9age coefficient @mMda!A
'c L AcN".&N( L transmission loss in earthen channel @m
Ac L ;ater surface area of feeder channel @m
5ra L AeffNRa L ;ater inflo; from rainfall to 9ond @m
AeffL total area of 9ond including 8E di>es affected :! rain @m
Ra = mean annual rainfall @mA
# L o9erational time in da!s.
For a hatcher!, the 9ea> ;ater demand should :e determined considering the 9roduction target
and hatcher! technolog! 9ro9osed @,i9er, "CH&A.
For a race;a! s!stem, the maBimum flo; of ;ater should :e calculated. #his can :e
determined from the num:er of dail! ;ater changes in the race;a! and the cross sectional area
of the race;a! @'eitritz, "CHEA.
-.&.-.& 3!draulic com9utations
#o avoid overdesigned sizes of h!draulic structures for fish 9onds or hatcher!, and to assure
that their sizes are ade<uate for smooth o9eration, h!draulic com9utations to determine their
sizes should :e 9erformed, as follo;s?
@aA for ;ater su99l! s!stem
D design of the main and secondar! feeder channels including inta>e, division :oBes, 9um9ing
station or s!9hon, etc.
D design of inlets
@:A for drainage s!stem design of outlets
D design of drainage channel including its structures, i.e. culvert, fall, etc.
@cA for hatcher!
D design of the ca9acit! of 9um9 including its overhead tan> design of the ;ater su99l! 9i9eline
D design of the drain 9i9eline
D design of the filter s!stem
#o calculate the sizes of the a:oveDmentioned or other h!draulic structures the h!draulic
formulas given in %ha9ter H include all the formulas re<uired to determine the sizes of the
h!draulic structures. O:viousl!, the 9ea> ;ater demand :ased on the 9roduction calculations
should :e considered.
-.&.-.- )tructural calculations
n order to achieve sound h!draulic structures and :uildings the structural calculations should
:e 9erformed.
-.&.-.. )ta:ilit! anal!sis of di>es
#he di>es of fish 9onds must :e safe and sta:le during all 9hases of construction and o9eration
of fish 9onds. #o accom9lish this, the follo;ing criteria should :e met?
@aA the di>e must :e safe against sliding :! ;ater force
@:A the slo9es of the di>e must :e sta:le during construction and under all conditions of 9ond
o9eration including ra9id dra;do;n of the 9ond @%reager, "C0EA
@cA the di>e must :e designed so as not to im9ose eBcessive stresses u9on the foundation
@dA see9age flo; through the di>e, foundation and structures must :e controlled so that no
internal erosion ta>es 9lace and so there is no sloughing in the area ;here the see9age
emerges. #he amount of ;ater lost through see9age must :e controlled so that it does not
interfere ;ith 9lanned 9ro=ect functions.
An earthfill di>e designed to meet the a:ove criteria ;ill 9rove 9ermanentl! safe 9rovided 9ro9er
construction methods and control are achieved @%a99er, "C8HA
&.2.7 Preparation of detailed dra(in)s
#o 9re9are dra;ings :ased on detailed investigations and designs, the follo;ing should :e
D to ensure the most economic solutions and to avoid an! dela! in construction as a result of
shortage of materials, the structures and an! :uildings should :e generall! designed ;ith
availa:le local materials @#ang, "C8CAF
D to ensure dura:ilit! of structures and :uildings, etc., the :est <ualit! materials and
;or>manshi9 must :e usedF
D to maintain a high <ualit! of construction, standard local construction techni<ues should :e
ta>en into account ;hen the facilities are designed, and in 9articular ;hen the measurements of
earth ;or>s are determined.
-.&..." Re<uirements of detailed dra;ings
@iA 'ocation, :oundar!, contour and land ma9s
#he re<uirements of the a:ove ma9s have :een discussed in 9oint -.".".".
@iiA 'a!out 9lan
#his 9lan, de9ending on the size of the 9ro=ect area, must :e scaled in "?"EEE to "?0EEE. #he
la!out 9lan must sho; the contour lines if those are not 9rovided on a se9arate contour ma9
and all the esta:lishments found at the site such as the eBisting roads, electric and tele9honic
lines, rivers and drains or other channels, :uildings, underground 9i9elines, :oundar! lines,
including the location of the ,*Rs and the #*/s ;ith their elevations, the North line and the
scale used for 9lanning. n addition, the la!out 9lan must sho; the designed esta:lishments
such as fish 9onds ;ith their measurements and area as ;ell as the F)' in the 9onds, the
location of the feeder and drainage channels, all the structures ;ith their mar> and num:er, the
hatcher! and other :uildings needed, the 9um9ing station or other ;ater sources, i.e. ;ells, etc.,
the a99roach road, etc. #he characteristic data of the structures such as their mar>, size and
floor level must :e given in a ta:le on the la!out 9lan as sho;n in Figure -.
A se9arate la!out 9lan must usuall! :e 9re9ared for the :uildings sho;ing their locations
including the internal roads, the measurements and the floor levels of the :uildings, etc., their
connections to the designed 9onds, the North line as ;ell as other facilities, i.e. electric and
;ater su99l! 9i9elines, etc. #his 9lan is generall! scaled in "?0EE to "?"EEE.
@iiiA )etting out 9lan
n order to ensure the accurate mar>ingDout of all the earth;or>s of the fish farm, a setting out
9lan must :e 9re9ared. #he reference line including the #*/s, all the measurements of the fish
9onds and drains, as ;ell as feeder canals, including the location and num:ering of the cross
sections re<uired to 9eg out the centre lines of the di>es and the channels must :e illustrated on
this 9lan as sho;n in Figure .. #he elevations of the #*/s and other data needed for setting
out the facilities should also :e given in this 9lan. #he #*/s should :e esta:lished in such
9ositions that the! cannot :e destro!ed :! the machines during the construction 9eriod. #he
scale of this 9lan is the same, or less, than that used for the la!out 9lan.
@ivA %rossDand longitudinal sections of earth;or>s
@aA %rossDsections
%rossDsections of di>es, feeder and drainage channels, inner channels and harvesting 9its in
the 9onds should :e given in the detailed 9lans scaled in "?"EE. #;o t!9es of crossDsections
should :e noted as follo;s?
"A #!9ical crossDsections can :e 9re9ared for a smaller 9ro=ect located on flat land. n this case
the crossDsections must sho; all the measurements including their slo9es, etc., eBce9t their
actual height.
&A %rossDsections 9re9ared for a medium or larger 9ro=ect should :e generall! sho;n for ever!
0E m of their longitudinal sections including all the dimensions re<uired for their mar>ing out, as
;ell as their actual height. n this case, the section num:er of crossDsections should :e
indicated on the dra;ing. Using these crossDsections, the earth;or> calculations for the :ill of
<uantities can :e easil! done.
n addition to the a:ove, the necessar! elevations for :oth the to9 of the di>es, the F)' in the
9onds and the 9ond or drain :ottoms must :e indicated in all the crossDsections. A mar>,
num:er or section num:er must :e given to each crossDsection. #he eBisting ground level
including the instructions referring to the to9soil removal from the :asement of the di>es, should
:e noted on the 9lan. t is ver! im9ortant that the aBis of the di>es and drains, as ;ell as their
distances, :e illustrated on the dra;ing.
!i)ure &. a*out plan
!i)ure 7. #ettin) out plan
From time to time ;hen the soil used for construction of di>es has a higher see9age coefficient
than re<uired for an im9ervious di>e, a cla! core should :e designed into the di>es. n this case,
the measurements of the 9ro9osed cla! core including the s9ecifications needed for the core
materials must :e sho;n in the crossDsections.
n the larger 9onds, ;ave 9rotection has to :e 9rovided. #herefore, a t!9ical crossDsection of the
9ro9osed ;ave 9rotection in the 9onds should :e 9re9ared in a scale of "?0E. All the materials,
:oth in <uantit! and <ualit!, ;ith their s9ecifications should :e given in this crossDsection.
@:A 'ongitudinal sections
n general the longitudinal sections are to :e 9lotted in the scale of "?"EE in vertical and "?0EE to
"?0EEE in horizontal. #he! should contain as sho;n in Figure 0, the length, :ottom level in the
9onds or in the drains, the location and mar> of the structures and di>es, the ground level, the
designed crest level of the di>es, as ;ell as the F)' in the 9onds. 'ongitudinal sections ;ill
have to :e 9re9ared in the follo;ing cases?
"A n a :arrage 9ond s!stem for the valle! section occu9ied :!?
D fish 9onds
D each dam of the fish 9onds
D the diversion channel
&A n a larger contour 9ond s!stem for the ;ater su99l! channel, i.e. irrigation channel to the fish
D the main and secondar! feeder channels to the fish 9onds
D the main and secondar! drains
D the inner drains in the 9onds
D the di>es
#he longitudinal sections including the crossDsections concerned can :e used for the <uantit!
calculations of the different earth;or>s.
@vA )tructural detailed dra;ings
*ased on the result of the h!draulical com9utations and the structural calculations, the detailed
dra;ings of all the h!draulic structures including also the feeder channels as ;ell as the
9um9ing station if needed, must :e 9re9ared in the follo;ing detail?
"A 'a!out 9lan of the structure scaled at "?0E to "?&EE must sho; the 9lan, the re<uired sections
and vie;s as ;ell as other details of the structure ;ith all measurements and elevations
re<uired for form;or>, its connection to the di>e and the drain, etc., as ;ell as the <ualit! of the
different materials designed for the structure as sho;n in Figure 1.
&A Reinforcement details of the structure as sho;n in Figure 8 scaled in "?&0 to "?0E should
sho; all the :ars including their s9acing and mar> in detail sections needed for its construction.
-A Reinforcement 9lan should give the <ualit!, mar>, sha9e in cm, diameter in mm, num:er, unit
length and total length as ;ell as total ;eight of :ars re<uired for construction of the structure as
sho;n in Figure H.
#he additional detailed 9lans of the screen, the sto9logs or the installation 9lans of the 9um9s
for the 9um9ing station, must :e 9re9ared in a similar format and detail.
!i)ure 8. on)itudinal sections 9 Chipata !ish !arm
!i)ure :. 5(e4era !ish !arm. Details of outlet
!i)ure 7. 5(e4era !ish !arm. Reinforcement details of outlet
!i)ure ;. 5(e4era !ish !arm
!i)ure ;. +Cont-d,
@viA 3atcher! :uilding
*ased on the 9roduction technolog! and other calculations, the detailed 9lans of the hatcher!,
de9ending on its out9ut ca9acit! must :e 9re9ared in the follo;ing detail?
"A 'a!out 9lan of the hatcher! scaled at "?0E should sho; facilities for egg incu:ation and fr! of
fingerling holding tan>s of s9a;ners, the necessar! s9ace for handling and treatment of
s9a;ners, storage facilities for feed, e<ui9ment as ;ell as la:orator! room in ;hich the re<uired
chemical and other materials ma! :e stored @*ardach, "C8&F Ne;, "CH&A.
&A ,lum:ing 9lan should include all the 9i9elines of :oth ;ater and air su99l! to the incu:ation
and rearing facilities sho;ing the materials and size of each 9i9e including fittings as ;ell as the
designed drainage facilities.
-A nstallation 9lans of the incu:ation and rearing facilities should :e se9aratel! 9rovided in
detail ;ith a scale of "?"E to "?0E.
.A Reinforcement details of the different tan>s and the :uilding as ;ell as other detailed 9lans
needed for construction of the hatcher! must :e 9rovided in a scale of "?"E to "?0E.
7. E#TI5"TE#
.." ,re9aration of $etailed (stimates
*efore a99roving a 9ro=ect, the cost of ;or> re<uired must :e thoroughl! investigated. t is
necessar! to 9re9are the cost estimate, for the intended ;or> from the 9lans and s9ecifications.
#hus, an estimate for construction ;or> can :e defined as the 9rocess of calculating the
<uantities and costs of the various items needed in connection ;ith the ;or> @%ha>ra:orti,
7uantit! (stimate or 7uantit! )urve!
#his is a com9lete estimate of the <uantities of materials or items that ma! :e re<uired to
accom9lish the 9ro=ect concerned. #he <uantit! estimate is one of the most im9ortant ones in
order to arrive at an accurate cost estimate for the detailed 9lan.
$etailed (stimate
*ased on the results of the <uantit! estimate, this includes the cost estimate of ever!thing
re<uired for satisfactor! com9letion of ;or>, and should :e the :est and most relia:le estimate
that can :e made.
%om9lete (stimate
#his is an estimated cost of all items, i.e. cost of main contract or material, la:our and
su9ervision, cost of land, engineering fees, miscellaneous, viz. removal costs of o;ner,
contingenc! 9ercentage, etc., ;hich are related to the ;or> in addition to the detailed estimate.
7.1 Preparation of Detailed Estimates
.."." 4eneral a:stract of cost
..".& A:stract of cost
..".- Anal!sis of rates
..".. 7uantit! estimates
*ased on the methods used for the 9re9aration of detailed estimates in different countries, in
general the 9rinci9al 9arts of the detailed estimates consist of the follo;ing?
7.1.1 <eneral a.stract of cost
#his includes the name of the 9ro=ect, the date of 9re9aration and the cost of different main su:D
headings, including engineering cost of civil ;or>s, cost of e<ui9ment and land, etc. as ;ell as
contingencies. #he detailed cost of each su:Dheading is not sho;n in the general a:stract of
7.1.2 ".stract of cost
#he estimated cost of each and ever! individual item of ;or> is calculated :! multi9l!ing the
<uantit! :! the s9ecified rate in ta:ular form >no;n as OA:stract formJ as sho;n :elo;, then
adding all together to get the actual estimated cost of ;or>. A 9ercentage @".0 to &.0 9ercentA of
the a:ove estimate is usuall! added for a ;or> charge along ;ith an amount @usuall! E.0
9ercentA for tools and 9lant, to calculate the grand total of the estimated cost.
#1. No. Description of item Unit =uantit* Rate "mount
" P K for ;or> charge
P K for tools and 9lant
4RAN$ #O#A'?
n order to ensure that the detailed estimates can :e easil! surve!ed, su:Dheadings are usuall!
re<uired. n this case, each su:Dheading of the estimate is grou9ed for similar items of ;or>. For
an a<uaculture 9ro=ect, the su:Dheadings should :e as follo;s?
@aA )ite clearing and 9re9aration
@:A (arth;or> D this includes eBcavation, filling, dressing, de;atering, etc.
@cA %oncrete ;or> D this includes 9lain and reinforced concrete ;or>s, 9refa:ricated concrete
;or>s, form;or> for concrete structures, etc.
@dA *ric>;or> D this includes :ric>;or> in foundation and 9linth, :ric>;or> in su9erstructures, etc.
@eA )tone;or> D this includes stone ;or> for :ed or ;ave 9rotection and in structures, etc.
@fA Good;or>
@gA )teel;or>
@hA Roofing
@iA Gater su99l! and sanitar! ;or>s
@=A /iscellaneous
@>A Finishing
#he a:stract of cost should contain the different su:Dheadings sho;n se9aratel! and added
together to sho; the cost to com9lete the 9ro=ect.
7.1.& "nal*sis of rates
n order to 9rovide a correct and reasona:le rate 9er unit for a 9articular item, a detailed
surve!ed called an OAnal!sis of rateO should :e conducted on costs of materials, la:our and
e<ui9ment as re<uired for the unit follo;ing its s9ecification. #he rate 9er unit of an item
consists of the follo;ing?
@aA 7uantit! of materials and their cost
#he <uantities of various materials re<uired 9er unit rate for an item are determined :! the
s9ecifications. #he cost of materials should :e the cost on site. #o calculate this, an anal!sis of
rates of materials should :e calculated se9aratel!. #his includes the mar>et cost of the
materials, including loading and unloading costs, "E 9ercent 9rofit, and trans9ortation costs.
@:A 'a:our cost
#his includes the num:er of la:ourers, s>illed and uns>illed, and their res9ective ;ages
multi9lied :! the hours re<uired to com9lete 9er unit.
@cA %ost of e<ui9ment, tools or 9lant
Gherever 9ossi:le, the cost of e<ui9ment should :e allocated to a s9ecific item of rate, i.e. the
cost of o9erating a concrete miBer should :e s9read over those items for ;hich it is used. For
certain tools and 9lant it is difficult to allocate their use to an individual item of rate, and it is
therefore suggested that this eB9enditure :e included in overheads, i.e. esta:lishment charges.
@dA Overhead or esta:lishment charges
#hese include such items as office rent and de9reciation of e<ui9ment, salaries of office staff,
9ostage, lighting, travel, tele9hone charges, 9lans and s9ecifications, etc. #he! are usuall! & M
&K of the net cost of a unit of rate, and ma! increase to 0 9ercent.
@eA ,rofit
n general, a 9rofit of "E 9ercent is calculated for ordinar! contracts after allocating all charges
for e<ui9ment, esta:lishment, etc. For small =o:s "0 9ercent 9rofit and for large =o:s H 9ercent
9rofit should :e considered as common figures.
For such items of ;or> for ;hich it is difficult to 9re9are an anal!sis of rate, a lum9 sum @'.).A
rate should :e 9rovided in the estimate.
..".-." )chedule of rates or data for costing
#o facilitate the 9re9aration of estimates and to ena:le them to :e 9re9ared in a uniform
manner, a schedule of rates or data for costing each >ind of ;or> commonl! eBecuted is
9rovided :! different de9artments in each countr!. #hese usuall! include general conditions,
general s9ecifications, items of different ;or>s, data for trans9ortation, materials and la:our,
method of rate anal!sis, 9lant rate anal!sis and :asic unit rate anal!sis.
7.1.7 =uantit* estimates
As mentioned 9reviousl!, <uantit! estimates of items of various ;or>s should :e 9re9ared to
9rovide an accurate cost estimate for the im9lementation of a 9ro=ect. 7uantit! estimates should
:e 9re9ared se9aratel! for :oth the structures and the earth;or>s.
@iA 7uantit! estimates for structures and :uildings
/easurement of all structures and :uildings should :e ta>en as 9er the standard s9ecification,
or as 9er the schedule of rate, or as 9er current 9ractice.
@iiA 7uantit! estimates of earth;or>s
#he <uantit! estimates of earth;or>s, using the 9lans of cross and longitudinal sections, as ;ell
as contour 9lans if needed, should :e 9re9ared. /easurements for earth;or> shall :e
calculated from the relevant dra;ings.
%alculating formulas
@"A )ectional area having no transverse slo9e for di>ing or cutting ;ith same side slo9es
A L *Nd IsNd
, m

* L crest ;idth of di>e, m
d L height of di>ing or de9th of cutting, m
s L ratio of side slo9e as horizontal? vertical
@&A )ectional area having no transverse slo9e for di>ing or cutting ;ith different side slo9es
: L :ase ;idth of di>e, m
@-A rregular sectional area
)im9sonJs rule? divide the sectional area into an even num:er @nA of 9arallel stri9s :! means of
@n I "A ordinates, s9aced e<ual distances, d
@first ordinate I last ordinate I & , odd ordinates I . even ordinatesA
@.A 5olumes of earth;or>
@aA /id section formula
n this formula, the mean de9th or height should :e calculated first :! averaging the de9ths of
t;o consecutive sections. From the mean de9th the area of mid section should :e calculated
and volume of earth;or> com9uted :! multi9l!ing the area of mid section :! the distance
:et;een the t;o original sections. #o estimate the <uantit! of earth;or> for a di>e or a channel
;hose level sections are ta>en at a distance, $, ;hich ma! :e varied de9ending on the ground
level in the longitudinal section of the di>e or the channel, a ta:ular form can :e used as sho;n
#tation 2ei)ht or depth at
station +m,
5ean hei)ht or
depth +m,
stations +m, Di4e
" & - . 0 1 8
@:A #ra9ezoidal or end areas formula
#his method is :ased on the assum9tion that the mid area of a 9!ramid is half the average area
of the ends and the end sections are in 9arallel 9lanes. f A" and A& are areas of the ends the
volume of the 9rismoid is given :!
7uantit! of earth;or> ma! :e calculated :! tra9ezoidal formula in a ta:ular form as sho;n
#tation 2ei)ht or depth at
5ean sectional
Distance .et(een
+m, +m
, +m
, +m, Di4e
" & - . 0 1 8
@cA ,rismoidal formula
f the volume of earth :et;een t;o successive crossDsections is considered a 9rismoid, then a
more 9recise formula, the 9rismoidal formula, ma! :e used. t is generall! considered that end
sections are in 9arallel 9lanes.
@first area I last area I . even areas I & odd areasA, m

#here are a num:er of alternative ;a!s in ;hich the 9rismoidal formula ma! :e used. For
instance, it can :e used to calculate the volume of eBcavation in a smaller nurser! 9ond
a99l!ing the 9rismoidal formula for a single stri9
, m

$ L de9th of eBcavation, m
A" L to9 area of eBcavation, m
A& L :ottom area of eBcavation, m
Am L mid area of eBcavation, m

@dA 5olumes from contour lines
#his method ma! :e convenientl! used ;here accurate contours are availa:le. #he contour
interval ;ill determine the distance $ in the tra9ezoidal or 9rismoidal formula, and for accurac!
this should :e as small as 9ossi:le, 9refera:l! E." to E.0 m. #he areas enclosed :! individual
contour lines are :est ta>en off the ma9 :! means of a 9lanimeter. n com9uting the volumes,
the areas enclosed :! t;o successive contour lines are used in the tra9ezoidal formula,
5 L volume of earth :et;een contour lines A" and A&
$ L vertical interval
#his method can also :e used to calculate the volume of ;ater contained in a reservoir,
corres9onding to a given height. #his is done :! calculating the total volume contained :elo;
successive contours and then 9lotting volume against height to give a curve from ;hich the
volume at intermediate levels ma! :e read.
@eA 5olumes from s9ot levels
#his is a method :! means of ;hich the earth;or> for 9ond :ottom, :orro; 9its, etc. and similar
;or>s ;ith vertical sides ma! :e calculated. Using this method, the area mar>ed out on the
contour ma9 should :e divided u9 into s<uares or rectangles. (levations are ta>en at each of
the corner 9oints and :! su:tracting these from the corres9onding formation levels, a series of
heights is o:tained from ;hich the mean height of a series of vertical truncated 9risms of earth
can :e found. #he volume of each 9rism is given :! the 9lan area multi9lied :! the mean height
of the 9rism. #he 9risms ma!, of course, :e considered as either rectangles or triangles.
0." Advertisement for *ids @Notice to %ontractors, or nvitation to *idA
0.& $raft %ontract
0.- )tatements of Gor>, )ervices and #echnical )9ecifications
0.. *ill of 7uantities
0.0 )chedule of (Becution
0.1 *idding )chedule
0.8 A99roved $ra;ings
A tender is a ;ritten :id su:mitted :! a %ontractor in 9ursuance of the notification given, to
eBecute certain ;or> at calculated rates ;ith the terms and conditions laid do;n in the tender
8.1 "d'ertisement for $ids +Notice to Contractors> or In'itation to $id,
For ;ide 9u:licit! of a ma=or ;or>, the sealed :ids concerned are invited :! advertising in a
minimum of t;o dail! local ne;s9a9ers. All tender notices should :e in the standard form
esta:lished :! the com9etent de9artment. #he advertisement should contain the follo;ing
information? issuing office, :rief descri9tion of ;or>, location of 9ro=ect, estimated cost of ;or>,
office ;here 9lans and s9ecifications can :e o:tained and charges for them, 9rice of tender
form and other tender documents, class of %ontractors, earnest mone! to :e de9osited, time of
com9letion, date for recei9t of :ids and time of o9ening of :ids, acce9ting authorit! and rights
reserved to the O;ner. An eBam9le of a tender call notice is sho;n :elo;.
OR))A F)3 )(($
%OR,ORA#ON '/#($.
55(KANAN$A /AR4, *3U*AN()GARD80"EE&
#(N$(R %A'' NO#%(
No. CAD-385K: - Managing Director, Orissa Fish Seed Deveo!"ent Cor!oration #i"ited. $ive%ananda
Marg, &h'(anes)ar-*, Orissa invites seaed tenders +or the +oo)ing )or% +ro" the registered contractors
o+ State ,'(ic -or%s ./ 0 &1 and 2rrigation De!art"ents3 Na"e o+ )or%:- Constr'ction o+ 45 hectare +ish
seed hatcher6 !ro7ect at Chi!i"a in the dist. o+ Sa"(a!'r. 8ender a"o'nt:- /s. 4*,*5,494. Cost o+ tender
!a!er:- /s. 355 .Son re+'nda(e1. :.M. 4; o+ cost o+ tender !a!er:- /s. 4*,*55. Cass o+ Contractor:- <A<
Cass 0 a(ove. 8i"e o+ co"!etion:-8)eve "onths. 8he tender !a!er )i (e sod d'ring the o++ice )or%ing
da6s '! to 9-4*-8* and )i (e received on 45-4*-8* at * !.". and )i (e o!ened on the sa"e da6 at *.*5
!.". in the !resence o+ the tenderer or their a'thorised re!resentatives. 8he earnest "one6 )i (e d'6
!edged to the Managing Director, Orissa Fish Seed Deveo!"ent Cor!oration #i"ited, &h'(anes)ar in
sha!e o+ N.D.C.=N.,.S.C.=N.S.C.=Orissa >overn"ent #oan &ond= ,osta Savings ,ass &oo%=De"and Dra+t
on an6 2ndian nationaised (an%s at &h'(anes)ar, )itho't )hich tender )i (e ia(e +or re7ection. Certi+ied
co!6 o+ the Saes 8a? and 2nco"e 8a? cearance certi+icates are aso to (e attached and the origina to (e
sho)n at the ti"e o+ o!ening. 8he a'thorit6 reserves the right to cance an6 or a the tenders )itho't
assigning an6 reason thereo+.
MANA>2N> D2/:C8O/
For smaller 9ro=ects, an invitation for :ids is issued :! the o;ner to a selected grou9 of
%ontractors. t conve!s much of the information that ;ould :e included in an advertisement. n
this case, instructions to :idders should :e 9rovided in the letter of invitation to the (m9lo!er.
8.2 Draft Contract
0.&." #!9es of contracts
0.&.& 4eneral 9rovisions or general conditions
0.&.- )9ecial 9rovisions or s9ecial conditions
For im9lementation of the construction ;or>s of a 9ro=ect, an agreement, commonl! called a
contract, :et;een O;ner and %ontractor should :e concluded ;hich re<uires that certain legal
formalities :e o:served :! the 9arties. #he nature and content of contracts var! from countr! to
countr! and the terms of the contract should :e 9recise and definite and there should :e no
room for am:iguit! or misconstruction therein. #o avoid this contingenc!, the government
de9artment and agencies as ;ell as the Association of %onsulting (ngineers or the nstitutions
of %ivil (ngineers have esta:lished standard 9rinted contract forms @A:rahamson, "C1CA.
8.2.1 T*pes of contracts
UnitD9rice contract
For unitD9rice contracts. %ontractors are re<uired to <uote rates for various items of ;or> on the
:asis of the corres9onding unit 9rice.
Advantages of unitD9rice contract?
@iA #his form of contract ensures a more detailed anal!sis of cost :! the %ontractor. #he
authorit! concerned ;ith acce9ting the tender can easil! control the rates ;ith reference to its
o;n calculations and decide ;hich of the tenders is favoura:le.
@iiA )ince the %ontractors are to ;rite rates of individual items in figures as ;ell as in ;ords, it is
not eas! to form a ring during su:mission of tender and allot ;or> to one of the %ontractors
;ithout com9etition.
@iiiA #he %ontractors ;or> out the unit 9rices of all items of the *ill of 7uantities in order to 9ut
them in the :id. #hus, an un;or>a:le rated tender ma! :e avoided, ;hich leads to smooth
9rogress and timel! com9letion of the ;or>.
'um9Dsum contract
n this form of contract the %ontractor is re<uired to <uote a fiBed sum for eBecution of the ;or>
com9leted in all res9ects. For such a contract, it is ver! im9ortant that the dra;ings and
s9ecifications :e com9rehensive and sho; in com9lete detail all features and re<uirements of
the ;or>.
Advantages of lum9Dsum contractF
@iA #he em9lo!er >no;s eBactl! ;hat the ;or> ;ill cost.
@iiA $etailed measurements of the ;or> eBecuted are not re<uired to :e recorded eBce9t in
res9ect of additions and alterations.
%ontract ;ith lum9Dsum and unit 9rices
n this form of contract the %ontractor is re<uired to <uote 9artl! a fiBed sum for eBecution of an
entire structure com9letel! detailed on the dra;ings, and 9artl! unit 9rices ;hich ma! :e
re<uired for features of varia:le <uantities such as eBcavation of drains for 9onds.
Negotiated contract
Ghen ;or> is a;arded on contract :! mutual negotiation :et;een the 9arties ;ithout call of
tenders, it is said to :e a negotiated contract. t ma! :e in an! of the forms mentioned a:ove.
Advantages of this contract are that it :rings some econom! in eB9enditure. #he 9arties
selected :eing al;a!s relia:le and financiall! sound, ensure interru9ted ;or> ;ith less chance
of dis9ute.
$raft contracts consist of general 9rovisions or general conditions and s9ecial 9rovisions or
s9ecial conditions. #he general 9rovisions set forth the rights and res9onsi:ilities of the 9arties
to the construction contract and the suret!, the re<uirements governing their :usiness and legal
relationshi9s. ,articular re<uirements of the 9ro=ect are se9aratel! inserted in the s9ecial
8.2.2 <eneral pro'isions or )eneral conditions
4overnments have their o;n standard general conditions of contract 9rovided on the 9rinted
tender form. #he conditions s9ecif! mainl! the follo;ing articles?
". $efinitions and inter9retation
&. (ngineerJs re9resentative
-. Assignment and su:letting
.. (Btent of contract
0. %ontract documents
1. 4eneral o:ligations
8. 'a:our
H. Gor> materials and 9lant
C. %ommencement time and dela!s
"E. /aintenance and defects
"". Alterations, additions and omissions
"&. ,ro9ert! in materials and 9lant
"-. /easurement
".. ,rovisional and 9rime cost sums
"0. %ertificates and 9a!ment
"1. Remedies and 9o;ers
"8. )9ecial ris>s
"H. Frustration
"C. )ettlement of dis9utes
&E. Notices
&". $efault of (m9lo!er
#he general 9rovisions used :! FAO in the contract for an a<uaculture 9ro=ect as sho;n in
AnneB & s9ecif! the follo;ing articles?
". Nature and inter9retation of contract
&. $ela!s and default
-. Acce9tance
.. %o9!rights and 9atents
0. $is9utes and ar:itration
1. 'ia:ilit! ;ith res9ect to claims
8. %hanges and amendments
H. #ermination
C. Notices
8.2.& #pecial pro'isions or special conditions
#here are several articles or clauses in the s9ecial 9rovisions of a contract to govern the
character of the ;or> to :e carried out. AnneB - sho;s the general form used :! FAO for
a<uaculture 9ro=ects ;hich com9rise mainl! the follo;ing articles?
". Gor> and services to :e eBecuted :! the %ontractor
&. (<ui9ment, materials, su99lies, services and 9ersonnel to :e 9rovided :! the %ontractor
-. )chedule of 9erformance
.. Authorizations and 9ermits
0. 'evies, duties, taBes, etc.
1. )tatement of accounts andMor invoices of %ontractor
8. Over9a!ments
H. Remuneration and method of 9a!ment
C. Revision of 9rices
"E. *onus for earl! com9letion and 9enalties
"". %ertificates of com9letion of ;or>s
"&. ,eriod of maintenance
"-. %om9letion of 9eriod of maintenance
".. )u9ervision of ;or>s
"0. %onstruction site log:oo>
"1. Organization of the construction site
"8. ,articulars to :e su99lied
"H. ,resence of the %ontractor on the construction site
"C. nsurances at the cost of the %ontractor
&E. %learance of site on com9letion
&". ,atent rights and ro!alties
&&. ns9ection of site
&-. $esignation of the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer
8.& #tatements of 3or4> #er'ices and Technical #pecifications
0.-." #!9es of s9ecifications
0.-.& )9ecification ;riting
)tatements of ;or> and services contain the sco9e of the ;or> including descri9tion of the site
for ;or>, soil characteristics determined :! the reconnaissance soil surve! carried out at the
site, meteorological features needed for the construction ;or>s and the o9eration of the 9ro=ect,
descri9tion of the 9ro=ect in detail including the construction ;or>s and services re<uired.
#he technical s9ecifications contain detailed descri9tions of all ;or>manshi9, services and
materials as ;ell as testing methods ;hich are re<uired to com9lete a 9ro=ect in accordance
;ith the dra;ings and s9ecifications.
#he s9ecifications re<uired for a 9ro=ect are as follo;s?
"A )9ecification of ;or> is re<uired to descri:e the <ualit! and different materials needed for a
construction ;or> and is one of the essential contract documents. n this manner the %ontractor
can 9re9are a 9rogramme to 9rocure the materials re<uired for a 9ro=ect as ;ell as ena:ling the
O;nerJs re9resentative @the (ngineerA to chec> the <ualit! of materials, confirming the
s9ecifications and there:! avoiding an! dis9ute ;ith the %ontractor.
&A #his also s9ecifies the sco9e of ;or> and services 9rovided :! the %ontractor to the (ngineer
as ;ell as the ;or>manshi9, including the method of 9erforming the ;or>. #hus s9ecification of
a ;or> serves as a guide :oth to the %ontractor and the (ngineer in order to eBecute the ;or>
to their satisfaction.
-A As the rate of ;or> is :ased on a s9ecification, the %ontractor can calculate the rates of
various items of ;or>s in a tender ;ith his 9rocurement rates of materials and la:our. #hus
tender documents ;ithout s9ecifications of ;or>s are :aselessF
.A #he necessit! of s9ecification is to test the <ualit! of materials for the ;or> involved in a
0A )9ecification is an essential contract document and is re<uired for Ar:itration or court cases.
8.&.1 T*pes of specifications
#he s9ecifications are divided into t;o t!9es as follo;s?
)tandard s9ecifications
#he governmental de9artments and other 9u:lic agencies s9onsoring 9u:lic ;or>s 9u:lish
Ostandard s9ecificationsO, ensuring a uniformit! of administrative 9rocedure and of <ualit! of
constructed facilities, as evidenced :! s9ecific re<uirements of materials and ;or>manshi9
@/erritt, "C1HA.
/aster s9ecifications
n order that the s9ecifications for a 9articular contract ma! :e com9letel! ada9ta:le to the ;or>
of a contract, the standard s9ecifications almost al;a!s re<uire modifications and additions.
#herefore, master s9ecifications are 9re9ared :! design organizations. A master s9ecification
covers a 9articular item of construction, such as eBcavation of drains, di>es and concrete
structures of 9onds, etc. t contains re<uirements for all 9ossi:le conditions and construction
that can :e antici9ated for that 9articular item.
8.&.2 #pecification (ritin)
)9ecifications usuall! are ;ritten in the traditional st!le of com9osition. #he! should :e
9re9ared ;ith as much detail as necessar! to conve! that ;hich is re<uired and hence agreed
to. Am:iguit! and ver:osit! should :e avoided. A good s9ecification is clear, concise and easil!
understood. #he courts have traditionall! inter9reted am:iguous re<uirements against the 9art!
;ho 9re9ared them. )ince s9ecifications su99lement the dra;ings, the s9ecial 9rovisions and
standard s9ecifications together should not leave an! dou:t as to the <ualit! of the re<uired
An eBam9le of #echnical )9ecifications 9re9ared for the construction of %hi9ata Fish Farm is
given in AnneB ..
8.7 $ill of =uantities
A :ill of <uantities or schedule of <uantities consists of a com9lete list of all various items of
;or>s for a 9ro=ect, giving the item num:er and descri9tion of items ;ith unit and <uantit! of
;or> against each, thus ena:ling an estimated calculation of 9rice of ;or>. #he :ill of <uantities
is 9re9ared from dra;ings and s9ecifications and is arranged in a ta:ular form ;ithout
com9leting columns of rate and amount. An eBam9le of a :ill of <uantities for construction of
outlets is sho;n in AnneB 0.
#he ;or> of a 9ro=ect is usuall! divided into se9arate elements for 9a!ment 9ur9oses ;ith
res9ect to the >ind of ;or> involved, each element as a se9arate :ill designated as a 9a!ment
item. #he total 9rice of a :id is o:tained :! summation of the amounts for all items scheduled in
the tender, arrived at :! multi9l!ing the estimated num:er of units for each item :! the
corres9onding unitD9rice :id. A sam9le summar! used for :ill of <uantities and contract cost is
sho;n in AnneB 1.
8.8 #chedule of E?ecution
#he %ontractor shall com9lete the ;or> and services of the 9ro=ect to :e eBecuted under the
contract in accordance ;ith the schedule of eBecution.
)chedules ma! :e 9erformed in either ta:ular or gra9hical form, although the gra9hical form is
generall! used :ecause of ease in visualization.
#he most ;idel! used gra9hical 9resentation of schedule of eBecution is the rectangular :ar
chart @Figure CA. t sho;s starting and com9letion dates for each item of ;or>. t indicates the
items on ;hich ;or> must 9roceed concurrentl!, items that overla9 others and :! ho; much,
and the items that must :e com9leted :efore ;or> on others can :egin. t is a convenient ;a! to
advise the %ontractor of necessar! material deliver! dates.
For com9aring 9erformance of ;or> ;ith that scheduled, a :ar is usuall! 9laced a:ove the
schedule :ar sho;ing actual start and com9letion dates. #he chart in Figure C indicates that
clearing and 9re9aring of site started on the date 9rogrammed and ;as com9leted ahead of
time ;hereas construction of outlets :egan late. At the close of August, construction of outlets
;as 80K com9lete. #his method has the advantage of :eing sim9le. t can :e used for a smallD
scale 9ro=ect, ho;ever a more detailed schedule of eBecution is re<uired for a largeDscale
9ro=ect. n this case :ar charts have to :e se9aratel! 9re9ared for 9erformance of ;or> items
and others sho;ing materials and different machiner! needed for all items of ;or>s.
!i)ure @. Rectan)ular9.ar pro)ress schedule
8.: $iddin) #chedule
#he :idding schedule is a ver! im9ortant document on ;hich the contractor summarises his :id
including the total 9rice of :id, the load :earing ca9acit! of the soil at the site on ;hich the :id is
calculated and confirms as ;ell as signs the terms and conditions of the contract. #here are
various forms of a :idding schedule. A sam9le form of this used :! FAO for a<uaculture 9ro=ects
is given in AnneB 8.
8.7 "ppro'ed Dra(in)s
One set of a99roved dra;ings 9re9ared for the 9ro=ect should :e 9rovided ;ith the tender, on
;hich the :idders ;ill :e a:le to control the tenderJs :ill of <uantities and calculate their :ids.
#he follo;ing dra;ings have :een generall! enclosed ;ith the tender documents?
". 'ocation ma9 of the 9ro=ect, scale "?0E EEE
&. 4eneral la!out of the 9ro=ect, scale "?& EEE
-. )etting out 9lan, scale "?& EEE
.. %rossDsection 9lan, scale "?"EE
0. 'ongitudinal section of drains, di>es, etc., scale "?& EEEM"?"EE
1. )tructural dra;ings, including reinforced concrete, scale "?0E
8. $etails, scale "?&E
H. ,lans of the hatcher! and other :uildings, scale "?"EE
C. ,lans of the 9um9ing station, scale "?0EEM"?0E
"E. (lectrical installations, scale "?0E
"". )anitar! and other, if necessar!, installations, scale "?0E
Further dra;ings ma! :e issued from time to time at the discretion of the (ngineer, as need
A:rahamson, /.G., "C1C, (ngineering la; and the .%.(. %ontracts. 'ondon, /ac'aren Q
)ons, 'td.
Alien, '.J. and (.%. Kinne! @edsA, "CH", ,roceedings of the *ioD(ngineering )!m9osium for fish
culture, *ethesda, /ar!land, Fish %ulture )ection of the American Fisheries )ociet!, F%)
,u:lication, "?-E8 9.
*ardach, J.(., J.3. R!ther and G.O. /c'arne!, "C8&, A<uaculture? the farming and hus:andr!
of fresh;ater and marine organisms. Ne; +or>, Gile!Dnterscience, H1H 9.
*uringh, ,., "C8C, ntroduction to the stud! of soils in tro9ical and su:tro9ical regions.
Ga!ennigen, %entre for Agricultural ,u:lishing and $ocumentation
%a99er, ,.D'., G.F. %assie and J.$. 4eddes, "CHE, ,ro:lems in engineering soils. 'ondon,
)9on 'td., &81 9. -rd ed.
%ha>ra:orti, /., "CH&, (stimating costing and s9ecifications in civil engineering. Ne; $elhi
@9rivatel! 9u:lishedA
%hen, #.,., "C81, A<uaculture 9ractices in #ai;an. Farnham, )urre!, Fishing Ne;s *oo> 'td.,
"81 9.
%reager, G.,., J.$. "C0E, Justin and J. 3inds, (ngineering for dams. Ne; +or>, John Gile! and
(d;ards, $.J., "C8H, )almon and trout farming in Nor;a!. Farnham, )urre!, Fishing Ne;s *oo>
'td., &EH 9.
3e9her, *. and +. ,ruginin, "CH", %ommercial fish farming ;ith s9ecial reference to fish culture
in srael. Ne; +or>, Gile! nterscience, &1" 9.
3ora, ).'. and #.5.R. ,illa!, "C1&, 3and:oo> on fish culture in the ndoD,acific region. FAO fish.
#ech. ,a9., @".A?&E.9.
3uet, /. and J.A. #immermans, "C8&, #eBt:oo> of fish culture? :reeding and cultivation of fish.
Farnham, )urre!, Fishing Ne;s *oo>s 'td., .-1 9. .th ed.
Kafu>u, #., and 3. >eneone, "CH-, /odern methods of a<uaculture in Ja9an. #o>!o, Kodansha
'td., and Amsterdam, (lsevier, $evelo9ments in a<uaculture and fisheries science, ""?&"1 9.
Khanna, ,.N., "CH", ndian 9ractical civil engineersJ hand:oo>. Ne; $elhi, (ngineers ,u:lishers
'ee, J.)., "C8-, %ommercial catfish farming. $anville, llinois, nterstate ,rinters and ,u:lishers,
nc., &1- 9.
'eitritz, (. and R.%. 'e;is, "CHE, #rout and salmon culture @hatcher! methodsA. %alif. Fish. *ull.,
@"1.A?"C8 9.
'insle!, R.K., /.A. Kohler and J.'.3. ,aulhus, "C8C, A99lied h!drolog!. Ne; $elhi, #ata,
/c4ra;D3ill ,u:lishing %o., 1HC 9.
/erritt, F.)., "C1H ,)tandard hand:oo> for civil engineers. Ne; +or>, /c4ra;D3ill *oo> %o.,
9ag. var. &nd ed.
Ne;, /.*. and ). )inghol>a, "CH&, Fresh;ater 9ra;n farming. A manual for the culture of
/acro:rachium rosen:ergii. FAO Fish. #ech. ,a9., @&&0A?""1 9. ssued also in French and
,illa!, #.5.R., "C88, ,lanning of a<uaculture develo9ment D an introductor! guide, Farnham,
)urre!, Fishing Ne;s *oo>s 'td., for FAO, 8& 9.
,i9er, R.4. et al., "CH&, Fish hatcher! management. Gashington, $.%., U.). $e9artment of the
nterior, Fish and Gildlife )ervice, 0"8 9.
)tic>ne!, R.R., "C8C, ,rinci9les of ;arm;ater a<uaculture. Ne; +or>, John Gile! Q )ons nc.,
-80 9.
#ang, +.A., "C8C, ,h!sical 9ro:lems in fish farm construction. n Advances in a<uaculture edited
:! #.5.R. ,illa! and G.A. $ill. Farnham, )urre!, Fishing Ne;s *oo>s 'td., for FAO, 99. CCD"E.
#a9iador, $.$. et al., "C88, Fresh;ater fisheries and a<uaculture in %hina. A re9ort of the FAO
Fisheries @a<uacultureA /ission to %hina, &" A9rilD"& /a! "C81. FAO Fish. #ech. ,a9.,@"1HA?H.
9. ssued also in French and )9anish
#erzaghi, K. and R.*. ,ec>, "C18, )oil mechanics in engineering 9ractice. Ne; +or>, John
Gile! and )ons nc.
U) $e9artment of nterior, "C10, *ureau of Reclamation, (arth manual. A guide to the use of
soil as foundations and as construction materials for h!draulic structures. Ne; $elhi, OBford Q
*3. ,u:lishing %o., 8H- 9.
U) $e9artment of nterior, "C10, *3 ,u:lishing %o., H"1 9. &nd ed.
Gheaton, F.(., "C88, A<uacultural engineering. Ne; +or>, Gile!Dnterscience, 8EH 9.
Go!nrovich, (. and '. 3orvth, "CHE , #he artificial 9ro9agation of ;armD;ater finfishes? a
manual for eBtension. FAO Fish. #ech. ,a9., @&E"A?"H- 9. ssued also in French and )9anish
"NNEA 1 2%DROO<IC" !OR5U"#
". /(#3O$ FOR $(#(R/NN4 ,(AK F'OO$ FOR /NOR )#RU%#UR()
& #o design small dams ;ith small ;ater catchment areas @R "EE >mA for a<uaculture 9ro=ects,
the 9ea> flood estimate re<uired for the s9ill;a! calculations can :e determined :! the rational
formula @'insle!, "C8CA
, m
79 L 9ea> rate of flo;, m
% L coefficient of runoff
i L rainfall intensit! in cm 9er hour for a given fre<uenc! and a duration e<ual to the time of
concentration of the :asin
A L ;ater catchment area, ha 5alues for the coefficient of runoff are given in #a:le ".
#a:le " 5alues of %oefficient of Runoff, %
#oil t*pe 3ater catchment area co'er
Culti'ated Pasture 3oodlands
)and! or gravell! soils E.&E E."0 E."E
'oams E..E E.-0 E.-E
3eav! cla! soils or soils ;ith a cla! 9an near the surfaceF shallo; soils
a:ove im9ervious roc>
E.0E E..0 E..E
#he time of concentration, #c, is the time it ta>es for ;ater to flo; from the most distant 9oint in
the ;ater catchment area to the outlet 9oint. An e<uation for estimating this characteristic
#c L time of concentration in hours
' L length of the ;ater catchment area along the main stream from the outlet to the most distant
ridge in >m
3 L the difference in elevation :et;een the outlet and the most distant ridge in >m.
n areas ;here rainfall records are lac>ing, the time of concentration can :e calculated to arrive
at the duration of the design storm.
&. /(#3O$ OF ()#/A#N4 ANNUA' UN# GA#(R +('$ FOR UN4AU4($ GA#(R
%A#%3/(N# AR(A)
n order to determine the annual ;ater !ield estimated from a catchment area ;here there is not
enough data to ma>e an accurate calculation, the follo;ing formulas 9ro9osed :! *ren>en can
:e used?
Re)ion !ormula
Arid <A = E.E000 R D 00
)u:tro9ical <A L E.-8- R D .8
#ro9ical <A = E.--1 R D "8C
/onsoon <A D E.C1- R D 1-E
<A L estimated annual unit ;ater !ield in mm
R L mean annual rainfall in mm
%ontract No.
Article " D Nature and nter9retation of %ontract
@aA #he %ontractor shall, for the 9ur9oses of this %ontract, have the status of an inde9endent
contractor and shall :e full! res9onsi:le, in 9articular, for acts or omissions of his em9lo!ees.
#he %ontractor and his em9lo!ees shall conform to all a99lica:le la;s and regulationsF he shall
9rom9tl! correct an! violations thereof and shall >ee9 the Organization informed of an! conflicts
or 9ro:lems arising in relation to the authorities of the countr! concerned.
@:A #he %ontractor shall have the sole and full res9onsi:ilit! for the 9erformance of his
o:ligations under this %ontractF eBce9t as ma! :e 9rovided for in this %ontract or in a ;ritten
authorization :! the Organization, the %ontractor shall not enter into an! su:contracts or
other;ise assign, transfer or charge to an! third 9art! an! of his rights or o:ligations under this
@cA Nothing in this %ontract or relating thereto shall :e construed as constituting a ;aiver or
9rivileges or immunities of the Organization, nor as conferring an! 9rivileges or immunities on
the %ontractor or his em9lo!ees.
@dA No official, em9lo!ee, or other re9resentative of the Organization shall have an! share in this
%ontract, or receive an! :enefit therefrom.
@eA n the event of an! conflict or inconsistenc! :et;een the 9rovisions of )ection and )ection
of this %ontract, the former shall 9revail.
Article & D $ela!s and $efaults
@aA f there should :e an! dela! in the 9erformance of this %ontract or an! 9art thereof, the
%ontractor shall notif! the Organization in ;riting giving the cause, such notification to reach the
Organization no later than ten da!s after the date on ;hich the dela! is >no;n :! the
@:A f the %ontractor is una:le to o:tain an! materials or services necessar! for the 9erformance
of the %ontract from his normal sources of su99l!, he shall remain lia:le for an! dela!s ;hen
e<uivalent material or services can :e o:tained from other sources in good time.
@cA n an! event, if the %ontractor fails to ma>e deliver! of the material or to com9lete items or
services re<uired ;ithin the time s9ecified in the %ontract, or ;ithin an! eBtension that ma! :e
granted, the Organization ma!, ;ithout 9re=udice to an! further rights it ma! have under this
%ontract and in 9articular under Article H of this )ection?
@iA )us9end or cancel the right of the %ontractor to 9roceed further ;ith an! items or services D
or 9art thereof D in ;hich there has :een a dela!F
@iiA O:tain else;here u9on such terms and conditions as ma! :e deemed a99ro9riate,
re9lacement items or services similar to those ;hich the %ontractor failed to 9rovideF and
@iiiA /a>e a corres9onding ad=ustment to the consideration 9a!a:le to the %ontractorF
9rovided, ho;ever, that the %ontractor shall continue 9erformance of the %ontract to the eBtent
not sus9ended or cancelled under the 9rovisions of this 9aragra9h.
@dA #he %ontractor shall :e lia:le for an! eBcess costs or damage caused to the Organization :!
a failure or dela! on the 9art of the %ontractor in the 9erformance of his o:ligations under the
%ontract, eBce9t ;here such failure or dela! is due to?
@iA causes ;hich are attri:uta:le to the OrganizationF
@iiA an! unforeseen cause :e!ond the control of and ;ithout the fault or negligence of the
%ontractor, including :ut not limited to acts of 4od, acts of 4overnments, fires, floods,
e9idemics, <uarantine restrictions, stri>es, loc>Douts, and freight em:argoes.
@eA f, in the event of a default :! the %ontractor or a dela! attri:uta:le to him, the Organization
is of the o9inion that the determination of actual eBcess costs or damages, or an! 9art thereof,
incurred :! the Organization is not 9ractica:le, the Organization ma! re<uire the %ontractor to
9a!, in lieu of or in addition to actual damages, as the case ma! :e, the amount s9ecified in, or
to :e calculated in accordance ;ith, the relevant 9rovision of )ection " of this %ontract, as fiBed,
agreed and li<uidated damages for the duration of the dela! or default.
@fA #he Organization shall determine the effects of an! dela! or default 9articularl! in regard to
an ad=ustment of the consideration due to the %ontractor and to eBcess cost or damages
caused to the Organization and its findings shall :e :inding, 9rovided al;a!s that the %ontractor
shall have the right to avail himself of the 9rovisions of Article 0 of the section.
Article - D Acce9tance
@aA #he Organization ma! eBamine an! item, e<ui9ment, materials, su99lies andMor services to
:e 9rovided under this %ontract, at an! time 9rior to eB9ir! of this contract.
@:A #he Organization ma! re=ect an! item, e<ui9ment, materials, su99lies or services or ma!
re<uire alterations thereto or re9lacements thereof as a condition for acce9tance, and its
findings shall :e conclusive eBce9t in regard to defects or fraud ;hich ma! a99ear later.
@cA )hould the %ontractor :e un;illing to acce9t an! decisions made under @:A of this Article, he
shall have the right to avail himself of the 9rovisions of Article 0 of this section.
@dA f this %ontract s9ecificall! re<uires the %ontractor to 9rocure e<ui9ment, materials or
su99lies on :ehalf of the Organization, such 9rocurement shall :e of ne; e<ui9ment, materials
or su99lies unless 9rocurement of used e<ui9ment, materials or su99lies is a99roved in
advance in ;riting :! the Organization.
Article . D %o9!rights and ,atents
@aA #he co9!rights of each and an! related 9art of the ;or> to :e 9erformed under this contract
shall :e vested in the Organization including, ;ithout an! limitation, the rights to use, 9u:lish,
sell, or distri:ute, 9rivatel! or 9u:licl!, an! item or 9art thereof.
@:A #he %ontractor shall defend and hold the Organization, its em9lo!ees and agents free from
an! lia:ilit! ;hatsoever, for or on account of the use or infringement of an! co9!right, 9atterns,
trade mar>, 9ersonal or 9rivate right, or the right of an! %or9oration or Association in connection
;ith this %ontract.
@cA #he %ontractor here:! ;arrants that he has the right to grant the co9!right and other rights
referred to in this %ontract to the Organization and that the materials shall :e free from unla;ful
@dA )hould an! claim arise out of an infringement of an! third 9art! right ;hatsoever the
%ontractor shall :e res9onsi:le for settlement and he shall indemnif! the Organization against
all loss, in=ur! or damage, including an! legal costs or eB9enses, 9ro9erl! incurred :! or
occasioned to the Organization as a result of an! :rea> of the ;arrant! mentioned in 9aragra9h
@:A a:ove.
@eA An! co9!right or other rights, 9atent or other 9rotection ;hich is to :e eBce9ted from the
o9eration of this Article shall :e s9ecificall! stated in )ection .
@fA #he covenants and ;arranties s9ecified in this Article shall not a99l! to material ;hich the
Organization has furnished to the %ontractor.
Article 0 D $is9utes and Ar:itration
@aA (Bce9t as other;ise 9rovided in this contract, an! dis9ute :et;een the %ontractor and the
Organization arising out of this %ontract shall :e settled :! mutual agreement :et;een the
contracting 9arties.
@:A f the contracting 9arties are una:le to reach an agreement on an! <uestion in dis9ute or on
a mode of settlement other than ar:itration, either 9art! shall have right to re<uest ar:itration in
accordance ;ith the rules set forth for this 9ur9ose, :! the nternational %ham:er of %ommerce.
@cA #he 9arties agree to :e :ound :! an! ar:itration a;ard rendered in accordance ;ith the
a:ove 9aragra9h, as the final ad=udication of an! such dis9ute.
Article 1 D 'ia:ilit! ;ith res9ect to %laims
@aA #he %ontractor here:! indemnifies and holds the Organization harmless from and against
an! and all res9onsi:ilities, claims, demands, suits, =udgements, damages and losses, including
the costs, fees and eB9enses in connection there;ith or incident thereto for?
@iA an! in=ur! to his em9lo!ees and third 9arties
@iiA an! loss of, damage to, or destruction of an! 9ro9ert! of third 9artiesF arising out of, or in an!
;a! connected ;ith the 9erformance of the ;or> and services of the %ontractor under this
@:A #he Organization ma!, ;here in its o9inion, the successful im9lementation of the contract or
the re9utation of the Organization, might :e 9re=udiced, ;ithhold or deduct from the 9a!ments
due to the %ontractor under )ection of this %ontract such amounts as ma! :e re<uired to
honor third 9art! claims :rought against the %ontractor if these claims are connected ;ith the
su99lies or services to :e 9rovided under this %ontract and if, after consultation ;ith the
%ontractor, the Organization is satisfied that such claims have :een or ma! :ecome the su:=ect
of a =udgement, in=unction or similar court order.
@cA #he %ontractor shall ma>e 9rovision for ade<uate insurance to cover such ris>s as damage
to 9ro9ert! and in=uries to 9ersons, as ;ell as third 9art! lia:ilit! claims.
@dA For the 9ur9oses of this Article, the term Othird 9art!O shall :e deemed to include inter alia
officials, em9lo!ees and other re9resentatives of the United Nations, the Organization, and
other )9ecialized Agencies 9artici9ating in the im9lementation of this contract as ;ell as an!
9erson or entit! em9lo!ed :! the %ontractor or other;ise 9erforming services for, or su99l!ing
goods to, the %ontractor.
Article 8 D %hanges and Amendments
@aA #he Organization ma!, at an! time, :! ;ritten notification?
@iA ma>e changes in the s9ecifications andMor deliver! schedules, 9rovided al;a!s that such
changes do not increase the ;or> of the %ontractor, involve additional eB9ense, or reduce the
time ;ithin ;hich the ;or> must :e 9erformedF
@iiA increase or decrease the num:er of items or the amount of services and ad=ust the
consideration accordingl!, 9rovided al;a!s that such ad=ustment can :e esta:lished on the
:asis of the eBisting 9rovisions of this %ontract.
An! claim :! the %ontractor relating to ad=ustments under this 9aragra9h shall :e asserted :!
the %ontractor ;ithin 1E da!s of recei9t :! him of the notification of change, it :eing understood
that the eBact determination of the ad=ustment ma!, :! agreement :et;een the 9arties, :e
9ost9oned until the actual cost difference can :e ascertained, 9rovided, ho;ever, that no claims
for ad=ustment shall :e receiva:le after the date of final 9a!ment under this %ontract.
@:A An! modifications to this %ontract other than the changes 9rovided for under 9ara. @aA a:ove
shall :e effected :! amendment to the %ontract to :e mutuall! agreed :et;een the 9arties
Article H D #ermination
@aA #he Organization shall have the right to terminate this %ontract if it considers that the
continued im9lementation of the %ontract is im9ossi:le or im9ractical?
@iA for unforeseen causes :e!ond the control of the OrganizationF
@iiA in the event of a default or dela! on the 9art of the %ontractor.
@:A f this %ontract should :e terminated, the follo;ing shall a99l!?
@iA the Organization shall com9lete all 9a!ments ;hich ma! :e due u9 to the effective date of
@iiA the %ontractor shall deliver all ;or> in 9rocess and in an! event shall ta>e all reasona:le
measures to avoid an! loss or deterioration of goods or e<ui9ment or an! other damageF
@iiiA the Organization shall 9a! to the %ontractor an! sum ;hich is determined :! the
Organization as e<uita:le for an! ;or> in 9rocess.
@cA Ad=ustments to consideration and an! claims arising from or connected ;ith the termination
of the %ontract shall :e dealt ;ith in accordance ;ith the 9ertinent 9rovisions of this %ontract,
and in 9articular Article & of this )ection.
@dA Notices of #ermination shall s9ecif! the reasons for termination and ta>e effect at the earliest
"E @tenA da!s after recei9t thereof :! the addressee, it :eing understood that the 9rovisions of
the %ontract a99lica:le to the ;inding u9 of the %ontract, the li<uidation of claims and the
settlement of dis9utes shall remain in force for such additional 9eriod as ma! :e necessar!.
Article C D Notices
@aA An! notice affecting the rights or o:ligations of either 9art! to this contract shall :e given in
;riting and delivered in 9erson or :! telegram or :! registered mail to the addresses given
@iA #o the Organization?
$irector, Administrative )ervices $ivision,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
5ia delle #erme di %aracalla
EE"0- D Rome, tal!
@iiA #o the %ontractor?
At the %ontractorJs address sho;n in the ,ream:le to this %ontract.
@:A Notice shall :e considered as effected as on the date of deliver! to the addressee.
)igned on :ehalf of
#3( FOO$ AN$ A4R%U'#UR( OR4AN6A#ON
OF #3( UN#($ NA#ON)
Name and #itle?
)igned on :ehalf of
Name and #itle?
%ontract No.
Article " D Gor> and )ervices to :e eBecuted :! the %ontractor
#he %ontractor shall eBecute the ;or> and services set out in the O)tatement of Gor>, )ervices
and )9ecificationsO attached hereto as AnneB..., it :eing understood that such ;or> and
services shall include those ;hich, ;hile not s9ecificall! 9rovided for in the said AnneB... are
im9lied :! generall! acce9ted usages and standards of the trade and industr!.
Article & D (<ui9ment, /aterials, )u99lies, )ervices and ,ersonnel to :e 9rovided :! the
For the 9ur9ose of eBecuting the ;or> and services as set out in Article " a:ove, the %ontractor
shall :e res9onsi:le for 9roviding, at his cost, all 9ersonnel, e<ui9ment, materials, su99lies and
all other services as re<uired.
Article - D )chedule of ,erformance
@aA #he %ontractor shall commence 9erformance of the 9resent contract immediatel! u9on its
signature :! :oth 9arties and recei9t of the relevant authorizations, 9ermits, etc. to :uild as ma!
:e re<uired in accordance ;ith the la;s, decrees andMor regulations of the authorities
@:A #he %ontractor shall com9lete the ;or> and services to :e eBecuted under this contract in
accordance ;ith the O)chedule of (BecutionO attached hereto as AnneB ...
Article . D Authorizations and ,ermits
#he %ontractor is res9onsi:le for o:taining all such authorizations and 9ermits as ma! :e
re<uired for the eBecution of this contract, it :eing understood that the Organization ;ill use its
good offices to ensure that the 4overnment ;ill 9rovide the said authorizations and 9ermits and
;ill 9ut the construction sites at the dis9osal of the %ontractor, free of all encum:rances, in good
Article 0 D 'evies, $uties, #aBes, etc.
#he 9resent contract is not su:=ect to 9a!ment of an! levies, taBes, registration duties or an!
other duties or charges ;hatsoever.
Article 1 D )tatement of Accounts andMor nvoices of %ontractor
#he %ontractor shall address all statements of accounts andMor invoices for sums due for
9a!ment in accordance ;ith the terms of the 9resent contract to the Office of the Resident
Re9resentative of the United Nations $evelo9ment ,rogramme, hereinafter referred to as the
OUN$,O, after their certification :! the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer.
Article 8 D Over9a!ments
#he %ontractor shall 9a! or reim:urse to the Organization in the currenc! of original 9a!ment, or
in a currenc! to :e mutuall! agreed u9on?
@iA Over9a!ments made :! the OrganizationF
@iiA %osts incurred :! the Organization for the 9rocurement of alternative ;or>, services or
su99lies due to the %ontractorJs default.
Article H D Remuneration and /ethod of ,a!ment
@aA n full consideration of the ;or> and services to :e eBecuted :! the %ontractor and su:=ect to
the terms and conditions set out :elo;, the Organization shall 9a! to the %ontractor u9on
recei9t at the Office of the Resident Re9resentative of the UN$, of invoices in tri9licate, dul!
certified :! the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer a total amount not to
eBceed ............................ calculated in accordance ;ith the O*ill of 7uantities and %ontract
%ostsO, as sho;n in AnneB ...
@:A #he total amount s9ecified in 9aragra9h @aA a:ove shall :e 9aid in accordance ;ith the
follo;ing schedule?
@iA U9on recei9t at the Office of the Resident Re9resentative of the UN$, of siB co9ies of the
9resent contract signed in due form :! the %ontractor, and the insurance 9olicies effected in
accordance ;ith Article "C :elo;, the %ontractor shall :e entitled to a 9a!ment on account of
&0K of the total amount of the contract. #his 9a!ment is further su:=ect to the %ontractor
arranging, at his o;n cost, for a *an> 4uarantee issued :! a *an> acce9ta:le to the Resident
Re9resentative of the UN$,, ;hich guarantee shall ;arrant the unconditional refund to the
Organization :! the *an>, u9on recei9t of a notification from the Organization, of the amount of
the first 9a!ment made to the %ontractor in accordance ;ith this 9aragra9h. #his guarantee
shall follo; the outline of the O$raft *an> 4uaranteeO attached hereto as AnneB... and shall
remain valid until the OrganizationJs (ngineer has issued certificates of com9letion for all the
construction ;or>s covered :! the 9resent contract.
@iiA U9on recei9t at the Office of the Resident Re9resentative of the UN$, of monthl! invoices in
tri9licate, dul! certified :! the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer or other designated
re9resentative at the site, and stating the <uantit! of ;or> and services com9leted, the
%ontractor is entitled to the 9a!ment of the amount certified after deduction on a 9ro rata :asis
of the &0K referred to in su:D9aragra9h @iA a:ove, it :eing understood that the total amount thus
9aid shall not eBceed H0K of the total amount of the contract.
@iiiA U9on recei9t at the Office of the Resident Re9resentative of the UN$, of a certificate of
satisfactor! com9letion of all ;or> and services referred to in the 9resent contract, dul! certified
:! the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer or other designated re9resentative at the site and an
invoice in tri9licate, the %ontractor is entitled to a final 9a!ment of "0K of the total amount of the
contract, reduced if necessar!, :! the amount of 9enalties enforcea:le in accordance ;ith the
9rovisions of Article "E, 9aragra9h @:A :elo;. )uch final 9a!ment shall :e further su:=ect to
recei9t of a :an> guarantee, arranged at the eB9ense of the %ontractor, for an amount not to
eBceed 0K of the total amount of the contract, issued :! a *an> acce9ta:le to the Resident
Re9resentative of the UN$,, and ;hich shall follo; the outline of the O$raft *an> 4uaranteeO
attached hereto as AnneB ... and shall remain valid until the com9letion of the maintenance
9eriod in accordance ;ith the 9rovisions of Article "& :elo;.
Article C D Revision of ,rices
t is understood :et;een the Organization and the %ontractor that the 9rices as s9ecified in
AnneB... of the 9resent contract are firm and shall not :e revised under an! circumstances.
Article "E D *onus for earl! %om9letion and ,enalties
@aA No :onus shall :e due to the %ontractor for earl! com9letion of the ;hole or 9art of the
@:A #he %ontractor and the Organization agree that the Organization ma! ;ithold from an!
9a!ments due to the %ontractor an amount e<ual to "M"EEE of the total contract amount
indicated in Article H, 9aragra9h @aA, a:ove for each ;ee> of dela! in the satisfactor! com9letion
of 9art or all of the construction ;or>s :e!ond the dates s9ecified in AnneB ... , it :eing
understood that the ;itholding :! the Organization of the said amount does not in an! ;a!
constitute a ;aiver :! the Organization of its rights under )ection , Article & of the 9resent
Article "" D %ertificates of %om9letion of Gor>s
@aA Ghen the ;hole or 9art of the ;or>s have :een com9leted in accordance ;ith the terms of
the 9resent contract, the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer shall issue %ertificates of
%om9letion stating the dates on ;hich the ;or>s or 9arts thereof, ;ere com9leted in
accordance ;ith the terms of the 9resent contract. )uch %ertificates of %om9letion ma! :e
issued, if necessar!, su:=ect to an! tests as ma! :e 9rescri:ed :! the Resident (ngineer :eing
satisfactoril! concluded.
@:A #he date or dates s9ecified in the %ertificates of %om9letion issued in accordance ;ith the
9rovisions of the 9receding 9aragra9h shall :e the o9erative date@sA for the com9utation of
dela!s and 9enalties ;here necessar!.
Article "& D ,eriod of /aintenance
For the 9ur9oses of the 9resent contract O,eriod of /aintenanceO shall mean a 9eriod of one
!ear calculated from the date of com9letion of 9art or all of the ;or>s certified :! the
OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer in accordance ;ith the 9rovisions of Article "" 9aragra9h @aA
Article "- D %om9letion of ,eriod of /aintenance
U9on com9letion of the 9eriod of maintenance, the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer shall issue
a /aintenance %ertificate stating that the ;or>s, eBce9t for fair ;ear and tear, have :een
com9leted and maintained to his satisfaction. f the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer is of the
o9inion that he is una:le to issue the /aintenance %ertificate, the %ontractor shall com9lete, as
soon as 9ossi:le at his o;n cost all such ;or>s of re9air as ma! :e re<uired of the %ontractor in
;riting :! the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer. f the re9airs are carried out :! the %ontractor
during the 9eriod of maintenance, commencement of a ne; 9eriod of maintenance of one !ear
shall :e effective as from the date of com9letion of such re9airs as certified :! the
OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer.
Article ". D )u9ervision of Gor>s
@aA )u9ervision of the eBecution of the ;or>s under the 9resent contract shall :e the
res9onsi:ilit! of the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer or his dul! authorized Re9resentative.
#he Resident (ngineer or his Re9resentative shall generall! carr! out such duties in issuing
decisions, certificates and orders as are re<uired :! the %ontractor for the satisfactor! eBecution
of the contract. t is understood, ho;ever, that the %ontractor shall 9rom9tl! re<uest the
Resident (ngineer to 9rovide such instructions or guidance as ma! :e necessar! or lac>ing,
and it is further understood that failure to see> such instructions or guidance shall not constitute
a valid reason for dela!s in the eBecution of the ;or>s or for an eBecution ;hich is not in
accordance ;ith the relevant s9ecifications of the contract andMor the standards of the industr!.
@:A n 9articular, the Resident (ngineer is em9o;ered to?
@iA %arr! out tests of sam9les of materials and su99lies and verif! ;or>manshi9, as he ma!
consider necessar! at the cost of the %ontractor in order to ensure their com9liance ;ith the
relevant s9ecifications and standards of AnneB ...
@iiA A99rove in ;riting reasona:le eBtensions of the times for com9letion of the ;or>s as set out
in AnneB ...
@iiiA (B9lain, ad=ust and modif! in case of am:iguities or discre9ancies the s9ecifications of
AnneB...and the relevant dra;ings of the civil ;or>s, 9rovided al;a!s that this shall not result in
an! additional costs to the Organization :e!ond the total contract amountF
@ivA A99rove and certif! invoices su:mitted :! the %ontractor for ;or>s com9letedF
@vA ssue in ;riting certificates of com9letion and maintenance of the ;or>s or 9arts thereof.
@cA An! modification of the s9ecifications or a99roved final designs or dra;ings or 9lans related
thereto, or an! modifications of the terms of this contract ;hich ma! result in additional costs,
shall not :e :inding on the Organization ;ithout the 9rior ;ritten a99roval of the $irector
Administrative )ervices $ivision of the Organization.
Article "0 D %onstruction )ite 'og:oo>
@aA On each site, the %ontractor shall maintain a log:oo> for the entr! or recording u9on each
visit to the site and, at least, on a ;ee>l! :asis, of the follo;ing?
@iA )u99lies of constructional 9lant, e<ui9ment, :uilding materials and su99liesF
@iiA 7uantities of ;or> eBecuted and <uantities of materials em9lo!ed thereforF
@iiiA O:servations and recommendations of the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineerF
@ivA m9ortant facts or events ;hich are li>el! to influence the 9rogress of ;or>s.
@:A #he OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer shall 9rovide the %ontractor ;ith the necessar!
guidance for maintaining the log:oo> ;hich should have t;o detacha:le co9ies for each original
@cA #he site log:oo> shall :e made availa:le to the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer u9on his
re<uest and should, therefore, :e >e9t 9ermanentl! on the site. U9on com9letion of the ;or>s
the log:oo> shall :e handed over to the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer.
Article "1 D Organization of the %onstruction )ite
@aA )ave for the 9rovision of the construction site@sA, all measures necessar! for the organization
of such site@sA shall :e the res9onsi:ilit! of the %ontractor. n 9articular, the %ontractor shall :e
res9onsi:le for the follo;ing at his o;n cost?
@iA #he esta:lishment of foot9aths and :uildersJ roads. )uch foot9aths and roads ma! :e freel!
used :! the OrganizationJs (ngineer and his authorised agents or assistants and such other
enter9rises or firms as ma! :e called u9on to assist in construction ;or>s on the same siteF
@iiA #he la!out of the :uildings ;hich entails the use of alignments and levellingF
@iiiA #he availa:ilit! of ;ater for construction ;or>s, drin>ing ;ater, and electricit! for the
construction ;or>sF
@ivA #he 9rovision of fencing, lighting, sign9osts, cleaning, nightD;atchman services and
maintenance of the construction siteF
@vA #he renting of additional s9ace for the storage of :uilding e<ui9ment, materials and related
im9lements for the ;or>s if the construction site is inade<uate for such 9ur9oses.
@:A #he %ontractor shall ta>e all such measures as are necessar! to 9revent the occurrence of
accidents caused or occasioned :! the eBecution of the ;or>s. #he %ontractor shall :e
res9onsi:le for an! accident or damage caused to 9ersons, 9ro9ert!, 9u:lic high;a!s and
constructional ;or> arising from the trans9ort of constructional 9lant or e<ui9ment, materials
and su99lies.
@iA For the duration of the construction ;or>s, the %ontractor shall ensure that no unnecessar!
interference ;ith traffic is caused :! o9erations necessar! for the eBecution of the ;or>sF
@iiA #he construction site shall :e ade<uatel! 9rovided ;ith sign9osts and ;arning signals, :oth
:! da! and :! night. #he 9lan of signs and signals envisaged for the site shall re<uire the 9rior
a99roval of the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer :efore their installationF
@iiiA )uch costs as ma! :e incurred :! the %ontractor in im9lementing the 9rovisions of this
Article shall :e the res9onsi:ilit! of the %ontractor.
@iA #he %ontractor shall 9ermanentl! >ee9 on each site, all such instruments, tools and
e<ui9ment as ma! :e re<uired :! the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer for the testing of
materials and sam9lesF
@iiA Failure :! the %ontractor to o:serve the re<uirements of the 9rovisions of this 9aragra9h
shall entitle the OrganizationJs (ngineer to 9urchase such instruments or e<ui9ment as ma! :e
necessar! and the cost thereof shall :e deducted from sums due to the %ontractor.
Article "8 D ,articulars to :e su99lied
Githin fifteen da!s of signature of the contract :! :oth 9arties hereto, the %ontractor shall
su99l! the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer ;ith the follo;ing?
@aA a detailed list of the %ontractorJs em9lo!ees 9artici9ating in the eBecution of the ;or>sF
@:A a list of the materials, e<ui9ment and su99lies assigned for the ;or>s under the 9resent
Article "H D ,resence of the %ontractor on the %onstruction )ite@sA
@aA Githin fifteen da!s of signature of the contract :! :oth 9arties, the %ontractor shall su:mit to
the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer, for a99roval, the designation of his re9resentative ;ho
shall :e em9o;ered to su9ervise the eBecution of the ;or>s and re9resent the %ontractor in
relations ;ith the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer. #he designation of a re9resentative :! the
%ontractor shall not relieve the %ontractor of his o:ligations under the 9resent %ontractF
@:A #he %ontractor or his re9resentative shall attend all meetings convened :! the
OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer on the construction site. #he %ontractorJs re9resentative shall
:e em9o;ered to 9rovide the necessar! instructions forth;ith to the em9lo!ees of the
Article "C D nsurances at the cost of the %ontractor
@aA Githout 9re=udice to the relevant 9rovisions of )ection of the 9resent contract, the
%ontractor shall :e insured in such a manner against all material or 9h!sical damage, loss or
in=ur! from ;hatever cause arising from the eBecution of the contract as ;ould :e re<uired to
hold the Organization and the 4overnment harmless from an! res9onsi:ilit! therefor.
@:A #he %ontractor shall :e res9onsi:le in 9articular for an! loss, damage, or in=ur! resulting
from an! act or omission of his em9lo!ees. #he %ontractor shall also :e res9onsi:le for an!
direct or indirect loss or damage caused :! his servants or agents to an! 9ro9ert! of third
9arties, including the 4overnment, 4overnment officials and the Organization and its officials.
#he %ontractor shall :e re<uired to su:mit the 9olicies of such insurances to the Resident
Re9resentative of the UN$,F
@cA #he %ontractor shall :e insured against theft and the fire hazards and shall su:mit the
relevant 9olicies to the Resident Re9resentative of the UN$,F
@dA #he %ontractor shall immediatel! notif! the Resident Re9resentative of the UN$, and the
OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer of an! accident arising from the eBecution of the contract and
shall 9rovide full 9articulars thereof.
Article &E D %learance of )ite on %om9letion
Githin a month of the com9letion of the ;or>s, the %ontractor shall clear a;a! and remove from
the site all sur9lus materials, ru::ish and tem9orar! ;or>s of ever! >ind and leave the ;hole of
the site and ;or>s clean and in a ;or>manli>e condition to the satisfaction of the OrganizationJs
Resident (ngineer. Failure :! the %ontractor to clean the site ;ill cause the 4overnment to do
so at the eB9ense of the %ontractor.
Article &" D ,atent Rights and Ro!alties
#he %ontractor shall hold harmless the Organization and the 4overnment from and against all
claims and 9roceedings for and on account of infringement of an! 9atent, trademar> or other
9rotected rights used :! him for the eBecution of the ;or>s.
Article && D ns9ection of )ite
@aA #he %ontractorJs :id shall :e deemed to have :een formulated after ins9ection of the site
and o:taining all necessar! information as to ris>s, contingencies and other circumstances
;hich ma! influence or affect the eBecution of the contract.
@:A n 9articular, and ;ithout 9re=udice to the generalit! of the foregoing, the %ontractor shall :e
deemed to have ta>en full account of the follo;ingF
@iA eBisting :uildings, construction ;or>s, ca:les, 9i9es, etc.F
@iiA surface and su:Dsurface conditions and the eBistence of roc>s, etc.F
@iiiA the 9resence and nature of surface and su:Dsurface ;ater and modification of such
h!drological conditions ;hich might result from construction ;or>sF
@ivA dro9s or gradients and slo9esF
@vA meteorological and climatic conditionsF
@viA means of access to the siteF
@viiA availa:ilit! of necessar! ;ater and electricit!.
Article &- D $esignation of the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer
For the 9ur9oses of the 9resent contract, the OrganizationJs Resident (ngineer is?
/r. .............................
". 4(N(RA'
"." )co9e of Gor>
#he ;or> contem9lated under this contract includes general civil engineering ;or>s for the
construction of the fish farm ;ith a ;ater surface of ..0 ha, at %hi9ata, all as detailed in the :ill
of <uantities s9ecifications and dra;ings.
#he 9articular s9ecifications for the ;or> are as detailed herein after. #hese s9ecifications shall
:e read in con=unction ;ith relevant 6am:ian )tandard s9ecifications. Ghere 6am:ian
s9ecifications are not availa:le, the s9ecifications 9rovided :! the Resident (ngineer @the
(ngineerA or his Re9resentative ;ill :e final and the ;or> shall :e eBecuted accordingl!. Ghere
the s9ecifications in the 6am:ian )tandard s9ecifications are in variance ;ith s9ecifications
detailed herein, the s9ecifications herein shall govern.
".& 'a:oratories for Resident (ngineer
#he %ontractor shall 9rovide, maintain and remove, if re<uired, on com9letion of the ;or>s, an!
testing la:oratories re<uired in accordance ;ith the contract for the use of the Resident
(ngineer and his staff. #esting e<ui9ment shall :e located in testing la:oratories as re<uired :!
the (ngineer.
All la:oratories shall :e regularl! and 9ro9erl! cleaned and maintained :! the %ontractor for as
long as the! are used :! the (ngineer.
".- )urve! (<ui9ment
#he %ontractor shall su99l! and maintain in good ;or>ing order for the duration of the %ontract
the surve! e<ui9ment scheduled for use :! the (ngineer.
".. Attendance on the (ngineer
#he %ontractor shall 9rovide casual la:our re<uired :! the (ngineer ;hen chec>ing the setting
out and measuring u9 of the ;or>.
".0 (Bisting ground levels
#he %ontractor shall satisf! himself that the eBisting ground levels as indicated on the $ra;ings
or schedules of cross section levels are correct. #o control the eBisting ground levels the
elevations of the #em9orar! *ench /ar>s @$R4. No. &A shall :e used.
)hould the %ontractor ;ish to dis9ute an! levels, the ground in the area under dis9ute shall not
:e distur:ed :efore the (ngineer has given his decision as to the levels to :e used.
".1 ,rogramme of Gor>s
#he 9rogramme to :e 9rovided :! the %ontractor shall set out all the o9erations re<uired to
com9lete the ;or>s 9lotted against a time scale in ;ee>s and shall indicate the re<uirements for
9lant, la:our and materials 9lotted against the same time scale, including the 9eriods necessar!
to mo:ilize la:our and deliver e<ui9ment and materials to site. #he total 9eriods of com9letion
shall not eBceed those indicated in AnneB ..... of this contract.
&. /A#(RA')
&." Aggregates for %oncrete
Aggregates shall :e o:tained from a source >no;n to 9roduce aggregates satisfactor! for
concrete and shall :e chemicall! inert, strong, hard, dura:le, of limited 9orosit!, and free from
adhering coatings, cla! lum9s, coal and coal residues, and organic or other im9urities that ma!
cause corrosion of the reinforcement or ma! im9air the strength or dura:ilit! of the concrete.
Aggregates for concrete shall :e natural gravels or crushed stone com9l!ing ;ith *) HH&M"&E".
Fla>iness indeB ;hen determined :! the sieve method descri:ed in *) H"& shall not eBceed -0
for an! size of coarse aggregates.
For structural concrete of s9ecified com9ressive strength of Ne;tons 9er s<uare millimetre or
more at &H da!s, the ten 9ercent fines value of the coarse aggregate determined in accordance
;ith *) H"& shall not :e less than "E tonnes and for other structural concrete not less than 0
&.& *olts, Nuts and Gashers
/ild steel :olts, nuts and ;ashers for the hoo>s of sto9logs @$R4. No. "&A shall com9l! ;ith the
re<uirements of *) "0-? ,art " and either *) C"1 or *) &8EH.
&.- %ement
Normal ,ortland cement and 3igh (arl! )trength ,ortland cement shall com9l! ;ith the
re<uirements of 6am:ian )tandard 6) EE".
(ach consignment of cement shall :e >e9t se9arate, identified and used in order of deliver!.
t is to :e stored ;ith 9ro9er 9rotection from the ;eather.
#he cement :ags shall :e stored in such a manner as to 9ermit eas! access for 9ro9er
ins9ection. )tac>s shall not :e more than "E :ags in height and also should :e 8E cm a;a!
from the ;alls.
#he cement, if stored more than "&E da!s, shall :e tested for soundness :efore use on all
im9ortant ;or>s. f it is found defective in an! ;a! it shall :e condemned for use.
&.. ,aint and Other ,rotective %oatings for )teel;or>
All 9aints etc. eBce9t ;here other;ise descri:ed are to :e first <ualit! 9riming, undercoating and
finishing 9aints. #he! are to :e o:tained onl! from su99liers a99roved :! the (ngineer. ,aint
su99lied in sealed containers of not more than five litres ca9acit! shall :e su:mitted for testing
to the (ngineer or his Re9resentative.
&.0 ,i9es for Gater )u99l! and $rainage Gor>s
As:estos cement 9i9es shall com9l! ;ith the re<uirements of *) -101.
%oncrete 9i9es for general drainage use shall com9l! ;ith the re<uirements of *) 001 eBce9t
that the! ma! :e su99lied ;ith fleBi:le =oints as su99lied :! manufacturer. #he )9igot R.%.%.
9i9es shall :e %lass ) 9i9es.
&.1 )and
#he sand shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone or crushed gravel or a com:ination of an!
of these. t shall :e hard dura:le clean and free of adherent coating and organic matter and
shall not contain an! a99recia:le amount of cla!, :alls or 9ellets. t shall not contain an! harmful
im9urities such as iron 9!rites, al>alies, salts, coal, shale or similar laminated or other material
in such form or such <uantities as to affect adversel! the hardening, the strength and dura:ilit!.
#he maBimum <uantit! of cla!, fine salt, fine dust or organic im9urities in sand shall not eBceed
the follo;ing limits?
%la!, fine salt and fine dust?
@iA Not more than . 9ercent :! ;eight in natural sand.
@iiA Not more than "E 9ercent :! ;eight in case of crushed stone sand.
&.8 )teel Reinforcement
/ild steel and hot rolled high !ield :ars shall com9l! ;ith the re<uirements of *) 8H0. %old
;or>ed steel :ars shall com9l! ;ith the re<uirements of *) ""...
n the case of deformed :ars, as defined in *) 8H0? ,art " and *) "".., the results of :ond
tests shall :e furnished to the (ngineer as re<uired :! him.
&.H )tructural )teel
)tructural steels shall com9l! ;ith the re<uirements of *) "0-? ,art " and *) .-1E. n addition,
structural steel hotDrolled sections shall com9l! ;ith the re<uirements of *) .? ,art ".
&.C #im:er
#im:ersJ for sto9logs @$R4. No. "&A shall :e of the :est <ualit!, ;ell seasoned and free from
crac>s, loose >nots, cross grain, sa9;ood, sha>es and other defects and eBce9t ;here
other;ise a99roved, ;rought on all faces.
&."E Gater
Gater used for :oth miBing and curing concrete as ;ell as ma>ing mortar shall :e clean and
fresh and free from organic or inorganic matter in solution or sus9ension in such amounts that
ma! im9air the strength or dura:ilit! of the concrete. Gater for ma>ing concrete shall :e tested
in accordance ;ith *) -".H.
-. %'(ARN4 AN$ ,R(,ARN4 OF )#(
-." )ite %learing
#he %ontractor shall demolish, :rea> u9 and remove su9erficial o:structions on the site of the
fish farm in the ;a! or other;ise affected :! the Gor>s. 3e shall clear each 9art of the site at
times and to eBtent re<uired and a99roved :! the (ngineer.
*efore starting earth ;or>, the area demarcated for eBcavation of drains construction of di>es
shall :e cleared of :ushes, vegetation and trees. )tum9s and tree roots shall, unless other;ise
directed :! the (ngineer, :e gru::ed u9, and de9osited off the site in dum9s to :e 9rovided :!
the %ontractor.
-.& )tri99ing #o9 )oil
Unless other;ise directed, "E cm to9soil shall :e removed from all construction areas and for
reDuse in the surface dressing of the di>es for grassing shall :e stoc>9iled at the area located
:et;een the di>es of the 9onds ,-, ,1, ,C and /asu9e River.
.. (AR#3GORK)
.." 4eneral
.."." $escri9tion of ;or>
#he di>es, :ottoms, drains and feeder canals shall :e constructed according to the dimensions
and slo9es as 9er t!9ical cross sections and longitudinal sections enclosed or as 9er cross
sections a99roved :! the (ngineer.
..".& $efinitions, classifications and general use of earth;or>s materials
JFormation levelJ shall mean the surface level of the ground o:tained after com9letion of the
J)uita:le materialJ shall com9rise all material ;hich is acce9ta:le for use in the construction of
di>es and ;hich is ca9a:le of :eing com9acted in the manner s9ecified in %lause ..- to form a
sta:le fill having side slo9es as indicated on the $ra;ings.
JUnsuita:le /aterialJ shall mean other than J)uita:le /aterialJ and shall include?
@iA /aterial from s;am9s, marshes, dam:os or :ogsF
@iiA ,eat, logs, stum9s and 9erisha:le materialF
@iiiA /aterial susce9ti:le to s9ontaneous com:ustionF

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