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Live Migration vs.

vMotion: A guide to
VM migration

Both VMware and Microsoft have similar virtual machine live migration features that allow IT pros to move
virtual machines -- that are running -- from one host to another, but that hasn't always been the case. VMware
Inc., a very big name in virtualization, was first on the scene, debuting vMotion with GSX and vCenter in 2003.
VMotion caused quite a stir in the industry and was seen by many as a turning point for virtualization.
It wasn't long before other vendors attempted to develop a VM live migration feature of their own. Microsoft
responded with Quick Migration in its Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V release, but it fell a little short. Quick
Migration allowed a similar ability to move VMs among hosts, but it required that the VM pause for a short
time to perform the move. Microsoft took a major step toward matching vMotion by eliminating the need for
this pause with Live Migration, which replaced Quick Migration in Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V R2.
Even though both vendors now offer the feature, there are still important (if small) feature and process
differences. In this guide, we'll lay out how to use each live migration feature and explain the differences
between Hyper-V Live Migration and vMotion.
1. Understanding the basics of VMware vMotion
VMware vSphere vMotion moves running virtual machines from one ESX/ESXi host to another without
stopping the VM's operations. There are some restrictions on vMotion, although VMware has pushed to open
vMotion's possibilities as vSphere matures as a hypervisor platform for VM live migration.
VMware vMotion's limitations for vSphere admins to know
VMware vMotion live migrates VMs between hosts. Evolving with vSphere, vMotion has gained a lot of
capabilities, but it still has limitations.
Metro vMotion and other vSphere 5 updates
Storage DRS wasnt a secret. But there are lesser-known vSphere 5 features that may greatly affect your
VMware infrastructure, such as VMFS 5, SplitRx Mode and Metro vMotion.
Metro vMotion requirements
VMware's Metro vMotion requirements for networking, storage and vCenter keep live VM migration between
data centers just a dream for most IT shops.
Performing vMotion without shared storage
Microsofts upcoming Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V and VMwares upcoming vSphere 5.1 will both include
shared-nothing live migration functionality. But how does it help an IT admin?
Storage bottlenecks to watch for with vMotion
The move to SSD and enhanced Fibre Channel speeds can ease storage bottlenecks at endpoints in the
2. Putting VMware vMotion into motion
VMware vSphere vMotion enables Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), which balances host utilization and
supports scheduled maintenance. It also helps VMware Site Recovery Manager put VMs back into service
when unexpected failures occur.
Your vSphere options enabled by vMotion
VMware's options for virtual machine availability and backup can look like an alphabet soup. Get a handle on
VMware VADP, SRM, HA and FT features.
Working with VMware DRS
DRS balances virtual workloads and optimizes power use, all tailored to an admin's settings. But without a
pricy vSphere edition, DRS is out of reach.
How to deploy VMware SRM
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager enables virtualized data centers to reduce downtime and automate
failover in a disaster recovery plan. But these three considerations are musts for a successful installation.
How Metro Storage vMotion works
Find out how vSphere Metro Storage Cluster delivers cross-site HA and load distribution, as well as which IT
organizations are a good fit for it.
3. Using and comparing Live Migration vs. vMotion
While Live Migration isn't the original, it's now competitive with VMware's vMotion. In fact, the latest version
of Hyper-V Live Migration has even impressed some VMware loyalists. However, there are a few important
differences you should know about.
Comparing differences between Hyper-V Live Migration and vMotion
Both VMware and Microsoft now offer a shared nothing VM migration feature. Find out how they stack up in
this vMotion vs. Live Migration comparison.
Hyper-V Live Migration from a VMware user perspective
VMware expert Mike Laverick takes Hyper-V Live Migration and System Center Virtual Machine Manager for a
spin and likes what he sees, for the most part.
The basics of Hyper-V Live Migration
In this section of our guide on Hyper-V installation and management, we explore one of Hyper-V's standout
management features: Live Migration, which enables the movement of virtual machines from one host to
another without downtime
Important changes to Live Migration in Hyper-V R2
Microsoft's Hyper-V in Windows Server 2008 R2 will feature Live Migration, enabling virtual machines to move
between hosts with zero downtime. Here's how to get started with Live Migration.
Customize Hyper-V Live Migrations with PowerShell
SCVMM PowerShell cmdlets add granular flexibility to Hyper-Vs baseline Live Migration technology. These
SCVMM cmdlets will improve performance and reduce administration effort.
4. What to do when Hyper-V Live Migration doesn't work
VM live migrations don't always work as expected. Compatibility problems or resource limitations can short-
circuit Hyper-V Live Migration. Here are some tips and tricks to help you resolve problems and better leverage
Hyper-V Live Migration.
Troubleshoot storage and network configurations
For Live Migration to function correctly in Hyper-V environments, the proper storage and network
configurations must be in place. This tip shows you what to watch out for.
What causes Hyper-V failures?
Hyper-V live migration helps admins maintain infrastructures. But a few common configuration snafus can
cause failures. Do you know what to look for?
Limitations with PowerShell in Hyper-V Live Migration
Hyper-V Live Migration still has a few shortcomings, but these Windows PowerShell cmdlets can help you get
around them.
Brownouts, blackouts and dirty pages
You may not know about brownouts, blackouts and dirty pages in Hyper-V Live Migrations, but they are useful
for monitoring virtual machine live migration.
How to fix common Live Migration problems in Hyper-V clusters
This Hyper-V cluster guide provides solutions to common virtual machine cluster problems that plague
complex virtual infrastructures.

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