Principles of Marketing - Assessment - Grading Criteria

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grade 9-10 8-9 7-8 6-7 5-6

5 Identify the problem Demonstrates thorough
understanding of the
scope and the scale of
the problem located
precisely within its
contet ! time and
Demonstrates awareness
of the scope and scale of
the problem with broad
parameters of contet"
time and circumstances
Is able to identify
problem and gi#e
indications of the
that ma%e it problematic
Is able to identify$name
the problem with some
reference to contet
Does not identify the
problem or identification
is insufficient
6 &nalysis of the
'a%e a logical and
coherent approach at all
steps in the analysis and
demonstrates high le#el
of critical thin%ing
'he analysis
demonstrates a logical
approach and eemplifies
coherent and critical
'he analysis
demonstrates a logical
approach and generally
displays critical thin%ing
'he analysis is mainly
ogical in approach and
displays an ability to
engage in critical
'he analysis is
insufficiently logical in
approach and displays
little or no ability to
engage in critical thin%ing
5 (onclusion )s*
&ll conclusions and$or
recommendations are
highly appropriate
and$or creati#e
'he conclusions and$or
recommendations are
appropriate and$or
'he conclusions and$or
recommendation are
appropriate and with an
element of creati#ity
+ome good points
emerge from the
discussion of options"
and alternati#e but the
,conclusion, are not
ons are not appropriate
and there is little$no
e#idence of critical
, 'eam cohesion and
contribution to
re0uired output
'he team made the best
use of the %nowledge"
s%ills and attributes of
the members to produce
the full re0uired output
'he team made good use
of %nowledge" s%ills and
attributes of the members
to produce the re0uired
+ome alignment was
e#ident between the
%nowledge" s%ills and
attributes of the team
members and the
re0uired output
'here is e#idence of an
effort to align the
%nowledge" s%ills and
attributes of the team
members with the
re0uired output1
wea%ened by team issues
2nsuccessful to aligning
the %nowledge" s%ills and
attributes of the team
members with the re0uired
output. +erious team
issued remained unsol#ed
, 3ral communication
structure" format
and organisation of
(ontent is
comprehensi#e and
arranged logically"
structure is creati#ely
tailored for the
audience" and clearly
signposted throughout1
presentation meets time
(ontent pro#ides good
co#erage of topic with
logical se0uence1
structure is well tailored
for the audience" with
clear signposting" meets
time limits and is well-
paced to a#ailable time
&de0uate co#erage of
content and follows
logical se0uence1
organi4ed and signposted
appropriately for the
audience1 time limits
adhered to1 presentation
is mainly well-paced
5asic co#erage of
content1 attempts to
follow logical se0uence1
some awareness of
appropriate organisation
and signposting for
audience1 some timing
Inade0uate content that
lac%s coherence" not
organi4ed or signposted to
communicate ade0uately
to audience1 timing issues
limits" is ecellently
paced to a#ailable time
- Deli#ery style
)#erbal and non
6ighly professional"
well paced and
presentation1 #oice clear
and confident1
maintained #ery good
audience connection
with positi#e eye
contact and body
language1 minimum
reliance on written
7rofessional" well paced
and con#incing
presentation1 #oice
consistently lear and
confident1 maintained
good audience
connection with positi#e
eye contact and body
language1 minimum
reliance on written notes
7resentation is generally
professional" #ocal
deli#ery con#eys
meaning. 8ith only
minor lapses in features
li%e audibility" clarity and
pace1 eye contact and
body language helps to
connect with audience1
minimum reliance on
written notes
7resentation shows some
success in professional
elements" #oice con#eys
basic meaning but lac%s
audibility" clarity" eye
contact and body
language does not
connect with audience"
some o#er-reliance on
written notes
7resentation lac%s
persuasi#eness" #ocal
deli#ery not clear" no eye
contact" inappropriate
body language1 o#er
reliance on notes
- 2se of #isual aids"
other e0uipment
2se of aids is
proficient" imaginati#e
and highly rele#ant1
they are consistently
and s%illfully integrated
to maimi4e impact in
transmitting meaning
and engaging audience
&ids are thoughtfully
chosen and constructed"
they are appropriately
used and integrated to
maimi4e impact in
transmitting meaning and
engaging audience
+uitable aids are used but
not effecti#ely ) too
many" too few" low
rele#ance*1 some attempt
to integrate the aids to
contribute to the impact
of the presentation and
relate to audience
&ids are used but the
0uality$rele#ance is
inconsistent1 they only
contribute slightly to the
impact of the
presentation and the
transmission of meaning
&ny aids that are used are
inappropriate" not
integrated and either do
not add to meaning

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