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To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres

To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
The main object of eery or!ani"ation is to earn more #rofit$ to achiee this object the
or!ani"ation shou%d increase its sa%es by !ettin! more customer and the on%y way to !et more
customer is that the or!ani"ation shou%d #roide e&#ected satisfaction to the customers'
Here the word customer satisfaction means (the uti%ity which customer e&#ect from the #roduct)
and when a customer !et e&#ected uti%ities it is ca%%ed as customer satisfaction'
MRF manufactures the %ar!est ran!e of tyres in India and enjoys the hi!hest brand #reference for
su#erior *ua%ity$ com#any manufactures the %ar!est ran!e of tyres in India and is the mar+et
%eader with the %ar!est mar+et share it tyre industry'
Since ,-./ MRF tyres has consistent%y been chosen as oem fitment by a%most eery major car
manufacturer in India a#art from tyres MRF a%so manufacturer coneyor be%ts$ #retreads and
adanced #o%yurethane #aints'
Here eery customer of MRF is !ettin! satisfaction and it may ana%y"ed by the fo%%owin!
MRF own 0o' , award for customer satisfaction by 1'2 Power Asia #acific for
It is a%so created !ood brand name in other countries a%so$ and it is the first Indian
com#any to e&#ort tyres to the 5S$ the ery birth#%ace of tyre techno%o!y' It is the first
com#any in India to manufacture and mar+et 0y%on tyres #assen!er tyres commercia%%y' 6
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
MRF is #roidin! hu!e number of #roducts to the customer as #er the re*uirement and
They #roide more warranties to the customers and it wi%% shows that the com#any has
confident on its #roduct'
So as #er the aboe information it found that the customer satisfaction towards MRF tyres is
!ood /
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Profit earnin! has become one of the im#ortant objecties of each and eery com#any'
It is ery easy to attract new customers but retainin! o%d customer is too difficu%ty on%y
the satisfied customer wi%% remain %oya% to the firm brands'
A #erson enters a showroom when he wants to #urchase tyres$ but before #urchasin!
tyres he consu%ts so many #ersons about tyre' 7i+e about #rice$ *ua%ity$ serice etc$ and then he
ma+e decision to #urchase'
If he finds any #rob%em with tyres$ he may chan!e his #ositie attitude into ne!atie
attitude towards tyres !ien by the showroom'
Considerin!$ a%% aboe #oints$ I hae decided (To study the Customers Satisfaction
towards MRF Tyres in 8a!a%+ot)' 9
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
A customer is not de#endent on us we are de#endent on customer $ this statement is basis
thin! for eery firm or serice sector'
Ob%ecti&es are!
,' To +now the customer satisfaction towards MRF tyres in 8a!a%+ot city'
2' To +now the attributes which creates customer satisfaction amon! MRF tyre users in
8a!a%+ot '
6' To +now the satisfaction %ee% of the customer with the MRF tyres'
/' To +now a%uab%e su!!estion form the customer' :
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
The study is #ure%y based on the surey conducted in 8a!a%+ot city and has focused on
customers' The study coers the information about the mind set which may aries from situation
4 where the res#ondents may not be ab%e to !ie re*uired and accurate information'
,. 2ue to res#ondents busy schedu%es$ the interests shown by res#ondents to answer the
*uestionnaire may be %ess' This may hae resu%ted in co%%ectin! inaccurate information'
2' 2ue to time and cost constraint the sam#%e si"e se%ected is ,33'
6' The se%ected sam#%e si"e is sma%% as com#ared to the tota% number of customers' Hence
the obtained resu%t may not be accurate as it may not re#resent the who%e #o#u%ation'
/' The #roject is o#en for further im#roement of the wor+' ;
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
iterat(re Re&ie)
Customer satisfaction
In a com#etitie mar+et#%ace where businesses com#ete for customers$ customer satisfaction is
seen as a +ey differentiator and increasin!%y has become a +ey e%ement of business strate!y'
Measurin! customer satisfaction
<r!ani"ations are increasin!%y interested in retainin! e&istin! customers whi%e tar!etin! non=
customers> measurin! customer satisfaction #roides an indication of how successfu% the
or!ani"ation is at #roidin! #roducts and?or serices to the mar+et#%ace'
Customer satisfaction is an ambi!uous and abstract conce#t and the actua% manifestation of the
state of satisfaction wi%% ary from #erson to #erson and #roduct?serice to #roduct?serice' The
state of satisfaction de#ends on a number of both #sycho%o!ica% and #hysica% ariab%es which
corre%ate with satisfaction behaiors such as return and recommend rate' The %ee% of satisfaction
can a%so ary de#endin! on other o#tions the customer may hae and other #roducts a!ainst
which the customer can com#are the or!ani"ation@s #roducts'
8ecause satisfaction is basica%%y a #sycho%o!ica% state$ care shou%d be ta+en in the effort of
*uantitatie measurement$ a%thou!h a %ar!e *uantity of research in this area has recent%y been
dee%o#ed' Aor+ done by 8erry B8art A%%enC and 8rodeur between ,--3 and ,--. defined ten
@Dua%ity Ea%ues@ which inf%uence satisfaction behaior$ further e&#anded by 8erry in 2332 and
+nown as the ten domains of satisfaction' These ten domains of satisfaction inc%udeF Dua%ity$
Ea%ue$ Time%iness$ Efficiency$ Ease of Access$ Enironment$ Inter=de#artmenta% Teamwor+$ Front
%ine Serice 8ehaiors$ Commitment to the Customer and Innoation' These factors are
em#hasi"ed for continuous im#roement and or!ani"ationa% chan!e measurement and are most
often uti%i"ed to dee%o# the architecture for satisfaction measurement as an inte!rated mode%'
Aor+ done by Parasuraman$ Geitham% and 8erry B7eonard 7C between ,-.9 and ,-.. #roides
the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a serice by usin! the !a# between
the customer@s e&#ectation of #erformance and their #erceied e&#erience of #erformance' This
#roides the measurer with a satisfaction H!a#H which is objectie and *uantitatie in nature'
Aor+ done by Cronin and Tay%or #ro#ose the Hconfirmation?disconfirmationH theory of
combinin! the H!a#H described by Parasuraman$ Geitham% and 8erry as two different measures
B#erce#tion and e&#ectation of #erformanceC into a sin!%e measurement of #erformance
accordin! to e&#ectation' Accordin! to Iarbrand$ customer satisfaction e*ua%s #erce#tion of
#erformance diided by e&#ectation of #erformance'
The usua% measures of customer satisfaction ino%e a surey with a set of statements usin! a
7i+ert Techni*ue or sca%e' The customer is as+ed to ea%uate each statement and in term of their
#erce#tion and e&#ectation of #erformance of the or!ani"ation bein! measured' -
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres

Impro&i*+ C(stomer Satisfactio*
Pub%ished standards e&ist to he%# or!ani"ations dee%o# their current %ee%s of customer
satisfaction' The Internationa% Customer Serice Institute BTICSIC has re%eased The
Internationa% Customer Serice Standard BTICSSC' TICSS enab%es or!ani"ations to focus their
attention on de%ierin! e&ce%%ence in the mana!ement of customer serice$ whi%st at the same
time #roidin! reco!nition of success throu!h a 6rd Party re!istration scheme' TICSS focuses an
or!ani"ationJs attention on de%ierin! increased customer satisfaction by he%#in! the or!ani"ation
throu!h a Serice Dua%ity Mode%'
TICSS Serice Dua%ity Mode% uses the 9 P@s = Po%icy$ Processes$ and Peo#%e$ Premises$
Product?Serices$ as we%% as #erformance measurement' The im#%ementation of a customer
serice standard shou%d %ead to hi!her %ee%s of customer satisfaction$ which in turn inf%uences
customer retention and customer %oya%ty' ,3
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
,-/: = A year to rememberL India was on the thresho%d of inde#endence'
A youn! entre#reneur$ M'M' Mammen Ma##i%%ai$ o#ened a sma%% manufacturin! unit where
ba%%oons$ %ate& cast s*uea+in! toys and industria% !%oes were manufacturedL %itt%e did he
rea%i"e then that the com#any he started wou%d !row to become the no', tyre manufacturer in
MRF estab%ished its first office in ,-/- at Chennai$ Tami% 0adu$ and India' The com#any be!an
as a manufacturer of toy ba%%oons and other rubber #roducts and then %ater on moed to
manufacture tyres in ,-:,'
To,a- MRF is i*to a lea+(e of its o)* )it.!
MRF manufactures the %ar!est ran!e of tyres in India and enjoys the hi!hest brand
#reference for su#erior *ua%ity$ com#any manufactures the %ar!est ran!e of tyres in India and is
the mar+et %eader with the %ar!est mar+et share it tyre industry'
Since ,-./ MRF tyres has consistent%y been chosen as oem fitment by a%most eery major car
manufacturer in India a#art from tyres MRF a%so manufacturer coneyor be%ts$ #retreads and
adanced #o%yurethane #aints
The mi%estones achieed whi%e bein! such a #ro!ressie and ibrant com#any$ is a%so reco!ni"ed
by the cor#orate wor%d throu!h a number of awards %i+e'
Eoted as one of the Indian most admired mar+etin! com#anies by A 4 M %eadin! adertisin! and
mar+etin! and mar+etin! journa%'
0o' , award for customer satisfaction by 1'2 Power Asia #acific for 233,42332
Most ethica% com#any in India by business wor%d$ a %eadin! business ma!a"ine' ,2
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
I*,(str- Re&ie)
I*,ia* T-re I*,(str- to Re+ister a /ro)t. of 01234 i* t.e Ne5t 6 $ears
The Indian Tyre Industry #roduced ;6: %a+h units of tyres B,, %a+h tonesC !arnerin! Rs'
,-333 crores in FK3;' MRF 7td' was the mar+et %eader B22N mar+et shareC fo%%owed c%ose%y by
A#o%%o Tyres 7td' B2,NC' The other major #%ayers were 1M Tyre 4 Industries B,.NC and Ceat
7td'B,6NC' The Indian tyre industry is characteri"ed by its raw materia% intensity Braw materia%
costs account for a##ro&imate%y ;3N of o#eratin! incomeC$ ca#ita% intensity$ and cyc%ica%ity$
fierce com#etition amon! the to# #%ayers$ %ow bar!ainin! #ower and resu%tin! %ow mar!ins' The
to# #%ayers are now focusin! on brandin! their #roducts and stren!thenin! their distribution
networ+ so as to increase their mar+et share'
The industry deries its demand from the automobi%e Industry' Ahi%e <EM mar+et off
ta+e is de#endent on the new ehic%e sa%es$ re#%acement mar+et demand de#ends on the tota%
#o#u%ation of ehic%es on road$ road conditions$ ehic%e scra##in! ru%es$ oer%oadin! norms for
truc+s$ aera!e %ife of tyres and #rea%ence of tyre retreadin!'
The main cate!ory of tyres #roduced in the country is that of Truc+ 4 8us tyres' These
tyres accounted for 9;N of the tota% tyre tonna!e #roduction in FK3; fo%%owed by 7CE tyres
which accounted for -N of the tota% tyre tonna!e #roduction' A##ro&imate%y 96N of the tota%
tyre tonna!e off ta+e was by the re#%acement mar+et$ 6,N by <EM and ,9N by the e&#ort
mar+et in FK3;' The industry tonna!e #roduction re!istered a 9 year CAIR of -':-N between
FK 32=3;' The %ar!est cate!ory of Truc+ 4 8us tyres recorded a 9 year CAIR of ;'.9N Bs%ower ,6
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
than the industryC whi%e 7i!ht Commercia% Eehic%e B7CEC$ motorcyc%e and car tyre cate!ories
!rew at ,9N$ ,:N and ,/N res#ectie%y Bfaster than the industryC' <ff the road B<TRC tyre
cate!ory Bcustomi"ed tyresC which fetch a hi!her mar!in com#ared to other tyre cate!ories$ is the
fastest !rowin! cate!ory'
The <TR tyre cate!ory has re!istered a 9 year CAIR of oer 23N in the %ast fie years'
Most of the to# #%ayers are increasin! their ca#acity for the #roduction of <TR tyres so as to
im#roe their #roduct mi&$ this bein! a hi!h mar!in #roduct'
The e&#orts from the country c%oc+ed a CAIR of ,6N in unit terms and ,.N in a%ue
terms in the #eriod FK 32=3;' Most of these tyres that are e&#orted are of cross #%y desi!n' Aith
radica%i"ation catchin! u# in some of these mar+ets$ the Indian manufacturers wi%% need to
!raduate to #roduction and e&#ort of radia% tyres so as to #rotect their share in the e&#ort mar+et'
Radica%i"ation of tyres is sti%% minima% in India'
<n%y the car tyre mar+et has moed to radia% tyres B-9NC but in a%% other cate!ories$
cross #%y tyres are sti%% #referred' Poor road conditions$ oer%oadin! in truc+s$ hi!her cost of
radia% tyres and #oor awareness of the tyre users are the main reasons for the non transition of the
domestic mar+et to radia% tyres' Howeer$ !oin! ahead radica%i"ation in truc+ 4 bus tyres may
increase due to !oernmentJs focus on infrastructure dee%o#ment' ,/
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
CARE Researc. pro%ects t.e I*,ia* T-re I*,(str- to re+ister a +ro)t. of 01
234 i* t.e *e5t fi&e -ears
The Indian Tyre Industry #roduced ;6: %a+h units of tyres B,, %a+h tonesC !arnerin! Rs' ,-$333
crores in FK 3;' MRF 7td' was the mar+et %eader B22N mar+et shareC fo%%owed c%ose%y by A#o%%o
Tyres 7td' B2,NC' The other major #%ayers were 1M Tyre 4 Industries 7td B,.NC and Ceat 7td'
B,6NC' The industry tonna!e #roduction re!istered a 9 year CAIR of -':-N between FK 32=
Truc+ 4 8us tyre cate!ory Baccountin! for 9;N of the tonna!e #roductionC recorded a 9 year
CAIR of ;'.9N Ba rate s%ower than that of the industryC whi%e 7i!ht Commercia% Eehic%e B7CEC$
Motorcyc%e and Car tyre cate!ories !rew at ,9N$ ,:N and ,/N res#ectie%y Bat rates faster than
that of the industryC' <ff the road B<TRC tyres Bcustomi"ed tyres which fetch a hi!her mar!in
com#ared to other tyresC cate!ory is !rowin! at a fast #ace' The <TR tyre cate!ory re!istered a 9
year CAIR of oer 23N in the %ast fie years' Most of the to# #%ayers are increasin! their
ca#acity for the #roduction of <TR tyres so as to im#roe their #roduct mi&$ for e'!' CEAT 7td'
is increasin! its <TR ca#acity at its 0asi+ #%ant from :3$333 to ,$33$333 tyres by end 233.$ 1M
Tyre 4 Industries is e&#andin! its <TR ca#acity from 29$333 tyres to /2$333 tyres by end 233.$
een sma%%er #%ayer %i+e Fa%con tyres is ma+in! its foray into the <TR cate!ory'
The e&#orts from the country c%oc+ed a CAIR of ,6N in unit terms and ,.N in a%ue terms in
the #eriod FK 32O3;' Most of these tyres that are e&#orted are of cross #%y desi!n' Aith
radica%i"ation catchin! u# in some of these mar+ets$ the manufacturers wi%% need to !raduate to
radia% tyres so as to #rotect their share in the e&#ort mar+et' Radica%i"ation of tyres is sti%%
minima% in India' <n%y the car tyre mar+et has moed to radia% tyres B-9NC but in a%% other
cate!ories cross #%y tyres are sti%% #referred' Poor road conditions$ oer%oadin! in truc+s$ hi!her
initia% cost of radia% tyres and #oor awareness %ee%s in tyre users are the main reasons for the non
transition of the domestic mar+et to radia% tyres' Howeer$ !oin! ahead$ radica%i"ation in truc+ 4
bus tyres may increase due to !oernmentJs focus on infrastructure dee%o#ment'
CARE Research e&#ects the tyre industry to re!ister a tonna!e !rowth of -O,3N in the ne&t fie
years BFK 3;O,2C' The truc+ 4 bus and 7CE tyre cate!ory are e&#ected to re!ister a CAIR of
.N and ,/N res#ectie%y BFK 3;O,2C' ,9
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres

Birla Tyres
Registered Office Shivam Chambers 53,
Syed Amir Ali Avenue, Kolkata,
West Bengal-7000!"
Phone #!-33-$$%&5'
Primary Industry (yre )anu*a+turers
Total Employees 30
Business Summary
Birla (yres entered the ,ndian tyre market in !!" (he manu*a+turing *a+ilities are lo+ated
at Balasore in -rissa" ,n ten years o* o.eration, it has s+aled ne/ heights o* .rodu+tivity"
(he initial +a.a+ity o* million tyres .er annum has sin+e been enhan+ed to "5 million tyres
.er annum" (he ne/ millennium sa/ it roll out high .er*orman+e Steel Belted Car and 0"C"1"
radials, using state-o*-the-art ma+hines /ith the latest te+hnology *rom the /orld *amous
2irelli o* ,taly" (he +ontinuous 3uest *or e4+ellen+e sa/ the Birla (yres team add many
*eathers to its +a." ,t has re+eived ,S- !00, ,S- &000 and 5S !000 +erti*i+ation"
Publicly traded 6o
Contact Persons
Name Phone Email
#!-33-$$%&5' ho7birlatyre"+om
Executie Team
Executie Name !esignation Phone
Indian N Internationa% N
Miche%in 23'3,N
8ri!hestone ,.'3/N
1M Tyres
Ioodyear ,:'3-N
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Company "ebsite htt.899///"birlatyre"+om9
Jk Tyre & Industries Ltd. - Company Profile.
Company Profile# :k (yre ; ,ndustries 0td"
Tic$er# 530007
Exchanges# B-)
%&&' Sales# $7,'5$,000,000
(a)or Industry# Chemi+als
Sub Industry# <ubber ; (ire )*rs"
Country# ,6=,A
Business !escription
*$ Tyre + Industries ,td- >ormerly kno/n as :"K",ndustries 0imited" (he ?rou.@s a+tivity is to
design, develo., manu*a+ture and market o* +onventional and radial tyres, tubes and *la.s" ,t manu*a+tures
tru+k and bus radials, steel radials *or +ars, 0C1, tru+ks and bus" ,ts radial brands o* the ?rou. in+lude
Altimo and <ally"
Apollo Tyres Limited is the premier tyre manufacturing company in India. In truck tyres it has more than 30% market
share. The brand XT7 became the largest selling truck tyre in the country. The ision of the company is to be a leader
in the Indian tyre industry and a significant global player.
.uic$ /acts
Country India
Industry Tyre manufacturin!
7istin!s 4 its codes 0SEF AP<77<TKRE> 8SEF 933.;;
Head <ffice ; Institutiona% Area$ Sector=62
Iur!aon Haryana = ,2233,$ India
Te%'F PB-,C=B,2/C=26.6332 to ,.
Re!istered <ffice :th F%oor$ Cheru#ush#am 8%d!'
Shanmu!ham Road$ Cochin=:.236, BMera%aC
Te%'F PB-,C=B/./C=26.,-32$ 26.,-36$ 26.3;23
Aebsite www'a#o%%otyres'com ,;
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
(he Bridgestone ?rou. Bthe .arent +om.any Bridgestone Cor.oration and its +onsolidated subsidiariesC
+onstitutes the /orld@s largest manu*a+turer o* tires and rubber .rodu+ts" (he .arent +om.any /as
established in !3 in the small to/n o* Kurume on the island o* Kyushu in" (oday, the Bridgestone
?rou. has manu*a+turing bases in $5 +ountries and sells .rodu+ts in over 50 +ountries /orld/ide" (ires
a++ounted *or about %0D o* +onsolidated sales in $00', /ith the remainder made u. o* a varied range o*
industrial and +onsumer .rodu+ts, together /ith bi+y+les and other s.orting goods"
-0- Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, (okyo 0&-%3&0 :A2A6
Sto+k Code - (SF
50% Sto+k 2ri+e - (SF

Shoshi Araka/a
,ndustrial ; )anu*a+turing
Mar8et ,ri&ers! I*,ia
Q Robust !rowth rate in a%% ehicu%ar se!ments oer %ast 9 years
Q Im#roed ca#acity uti%i"ation by a%% major manufacturersBR.3NC
Q 2ecrease in custom and e&cise duties to nu%%ify increase in raw
Materia% costs and increases <PM
Q 7ow %abour cost F #artia%%y offset by %ow #roductiity ,.
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Q Im#roed credit #rofi%e and %oan sericeabi%ity
Mar8et c.alle*+es! I*,ia
Q The Radica%i"ation cha%%en!e= Radia% s' Cross #%y Tyres
I%oba% aera!e= :9N India =2N
9.- (se Ra,ial t-res:
Posities 0e!aties
7on!er %ife =,33$333 +ms Com#aratie%y Hi!her Cost
8etter fue% efficiency S 9 to .N mar!ina%%y #oorer oer%oadin!
7ower as#ect ratio= 8etter contro%
Q <ther cha%%en!es SPoor roads
Mis#erce#tion that they are unsuited for India
2ifficu%ty to inte!rate in o%d ehic%es
7ac+ of radia% manufacturin! ca#abi%ities
Scope a*, c.alle*+es
Q Industry #oised for a ery !ood !rowth rate
Q More 1'EJs with wor%d mar+et %eaders= better technica%
Mnow=how and *ua%ity
Q Irowth in automobi%e sector S cumu%atie effect on
Tyre industry
Q Increasin! trend in ca#acity uti%i"ation S better out#ut
Q 0ew and uncharted territories as e&#ort mar+ets'
Q Increasin! #roductiity S both %abour and machinery
Q Com#etition from other dee%o#in! mar+ets
Q Increasin! raw materia% costs S wi%% effect <PM ,-
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
"Tyres with Muscle"
MRF 7td' is the first Indian com#any to e&#ort tyres to the 5S$ the ery birth#%ace of tyre
techno%o!y' It is the first com#any in India to manufacture and mar+et 0y%on tyres #assen!er
tyres commercia%%y' In 233/$ the com#any@s turnoer crossed I0R 63 bi%%ion mar+' The com#any
was !ien the tit%e of most ethica% com#any by @8usiness Aor%d@ ma!a"ine after a surey
conducted in ,---'
;(ic8 Facts
Founder M' M' Mammen Ma##i%%ai
Country India
Kear of Estab%ishment ,-/: as a toy factory
Industry Tyre Manufacturin!
7istin!s 4 its codes 0SEF MRF> 8SEF 9332-3
Re!istered <ffice ,2/$ Ireams Road
Chennai = :33 33:
Te%'F PB-,C=B//C=2.2-2;;;
Fa&F PB-,C=B//C=2.2-,.//? 39:2
Aebsite htt#F??www'mrftyres'com?
Re%ated Aebsite htt#F??www'mrf=e&#orts'com? BMRF E&#ortsC
Se+me*t a*, Bra*,s
Truc+ ? 8us Tyres 23
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
7i!ht Commercia%$ 1ee# 4 5ti%ity Eehic%e Tyres
Passen!er Cars Tyres
<ff the road tyres
Two=Ahee%ers Tyres
MRF t,!
MRF Limited is engaged in the manufacturing, distribution
And sale of an extensive range of superior quality tyres for
Various kinds of vehicles
The com#anyJs o#erations re%ate to manufacture of rubber #roducts$ such as tyres$ tubes$ f%a#s$
tread rubber
And coneyor be%t$ as we%% as s#ecia%ty coatin!s for a ariety of a##%ications' MRF has si&
#roduction faci%ities in India and around .3 sa%es offices' From its humb%e ori!ins in ,-/:$ the
com#any has come %on! way to become the mar+et %eader in the tyre manufacturin! industry'
MRF e&#orts its #roducts to oer ;9 countries
Aor%dwide' Today$ !%oba% tyre manufacturers hae to #%an and ada#t to chan!es in customer
2emand$ f%uctuations in raw materia% #rices and aai%abi%ity$ whi%e +ee#in! #ace with time%ines
for shi#ments> in the face of increasin! com#etition in the !%oba% mar+et#%ace'
MRF ra*8e, 2<t. b- Crai* Comm(*icatio* 2,
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
MRF$ IndiaJs %ar!est tyre=ma+er$ has moed u# the #ec+in! order' Accordin! to the %atest re#ort
of Tire 8usiness$ #ub%ished by Crain Communications of the 5S$ MRFJs ran+ has im#roed to
,2th durin! 2333 from ,6th durin! ,---'
The s#ecia% re#ort tit%ed$ H233, I%oba% Tyre Com#any Ran+in!H$ coered ;2 tyre com#anies
across the wor%d' Commentin! on the im#roed ran+in! of MRF$ e&ecutie director
Bmar+etin!C$ Phi%i# Ea#en to%d ET$ HIt c%ear%y shows the intrinsic stren!th of MRF$ brand e*uity
and its abi%ity to #rotect bottom=%ine'
He said that MRF is retainin! its #osition as number one tyre com#any in India for the %ast
seera% years' Its im#roed !%oba% ran+in! comes at a time when the automotie industry is
facin! a tou!h mar+et with tremendous #ressure on mar!ins'
At the !%oba% %ee%$ 8rid!estone Cor#oration was ran+ed number one by Tire 8usiness$ c%ose%y
fo%%owed by Miche%in' Amon! other major Indian #%ayers$ 1 M Industries was ran+ed ,;th
a!ainst ,:th in ,--- whi%e A#o%%o Tyres moed u# the %adder from 2, to ,. in 2333' Ceat was
#ositioned at 23 %ast year a!ainst ,- in ,---'
Ea#en said MRF has emer!ed as the so%e su##%ier of truc+ tyres to Eo%o' Ahi%e it is the %ar!est
su##%ier of radia% car tyres B/3 #er cent shareC to Te%coJs Indica with a month%y su##%y of ,3$333
MRF was ori!ina%%y started as a sma%% manufacturin! unit of ba%%oons$ %ate& cast s*uea+in! toys
and industria% !%oes' It was on%y in the year ,-:, that the com#any started manufacturin! tyres'
Today$ MRF has : manufacturin! #%ants in India %ocated in Tiruottiyur and Ara+onam in Tami%
0adu$ Mottayam in Mera%a$ Ponda in Ioa$ Meda+ in Andhra Pradesh$ and one in the 5nion
Territory of Pondicherry' It has a distribution networ+ of more than 2$933 out%ets in the country
and e&#orts tyres in oer ;9 countries !%oba%%y' The com#any estab%ished its first office in ,-/-
at Chennai$ Tami% 0adu' It has oerseas offices in 5nited Arab Emirates$ 8an!%adesh and
MRF manufactures the %ar!est ran!e of tyres in India and it has the hi!hest brand #reference' It
ma+es tyres for heay duty truc+$ bus$ %i!ht truc+$ #assen!er car to motor s#orts$ ra%%y cars$ off
the road earth moers$ two and three whee%ers$ farm serice and mi%itary serice' It is the mar+et
%eader and has 2: #er cent share in the Rs ,-$33333 mi%%ion Indian tyre industry' 22
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Funs+oo% India is a joint enture between MRF and Hasbro Inc'$ 5SA$ the wor%dTs %ar!est toy
com#any' Funs+oo%Ts Ioa #%ant has been ma+in! its own mou%ds for a number of its #roducts$
the most #o#u%ar of which are Pi#s*uea+s$ a ran!e of %ow #riced baby toys' MRF co%%aborated
with PIRE77I to manufacture Coneyor 8e%tin!' The MRF Coneyor 8e%t #%ant in Ar+onam$
Tami% 0adu$ with an annua% ca#acity of 6333 tonnes$ is the most modern be%tin! #%ant in India'
The com#any a%so has a #aints and coatin! subsidiary' It manufactures s#ecia%ity coatin!s for
wide ran!e of a##%ications %i+e Meta%coat$ Aoodcoat I%asscoat etc' MRF made a foray in
retreadin! as far bac+ as ,-;3' MRF Pretreads is the most adanced Precured Retreadin! system
in India' MRF made a foray in retreadin! as far bac+ as ,-;3' In the MRF Pretreads system$ the
tread rubber is #recured from MRFTs factory' It a%so has the s#ecia%ised e&#ertise re*uired for
retreadin! Radia% Tyres' The com#any is an ori!ina% e*ui#ment su##%ier B<ESC of radia% tyres to
Tata Indica$ Hyundai E%antra$ Ford Fiesta and many other cars' Eo%o a%so sources most of its
tyres from MRF for its Indian o#erations'
The Com#any swun! to %oss for the *uarter ended 2ecember 233.' 2urin! the *uarter$ the
com#any re#orted %oss of Rs 6.6 mi%%ion com#ared with a #rofit of Rs 9,;'93 mi%%ion in the
same *uarter %ast year' 0et sa%es for the *uarter rose ,;N to Rs ,6$9,-';3 mi%%ion$ whi%e tota% 26
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
income for the *uarter rose ,:'.,N to Rs ,6$9:3'63 mi%%ion$ when com#ared with the #rior year
#eriod' It re#orted %oss of Rs -3'62 a share durin! the *uarter com#ared with earnin!s of Rs
,22'36 a share in #reious year #eriod' 2/
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres 2:
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres 2;
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres 2.
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres 2-
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres 63
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres 6,
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres 62
The com#any has stood Hima%ayan hei!ht in the tyre industry' It !rabbed a%% most a%%
#resti!ious awards in the +ey areas %i+e #roduction$ customer satisfaction$ e&#orts and
many more'
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
A)ar,s a*,*ts!
I* <333= MRF la(*c.e, smile campai+* o* I*,ia*
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
MRF! A to(+. bra*,
An enter#rise that started as a toy ba%%on ma+er in ,-/: in South India *uic+%y !rew to
become one of IndiaJs bi!!est and res#ected com#anies' Renowned for #roduct su#eriority and
innoation$ MRF continues to be the %eadin! tyre ma+er in India'
MRF crossed the I0R 6 bn mar+ and a%so became the 0o , tyre com#any in India' MRF %e!end
the #remium ny%on car tyre was introduced'
The MRF #ace foundation was set u# with internationa% #ace bow%er$ 2ennis 7i%%i as its director'
0ot %on! thereafter$ #ace bow%ers trained at the foundation were se%ected for the Indian cric+et
team' In the year ,-.-$ MRF was the c%ear mar+et %eader in eery tyre se!ment' <nce a!ain in
reco!nition of e&ce%%ence$ MRF was awarded the Eishweshwarayya award for the 8est business
house in India'
MRF co%%aborated with Hasbro Int% 5SA$ the wor%dJs %ar!est toy ma+ers$ and %aunched funs+oo%
in India' Com#any a%so entered into co%%aboration with Ea#ocure$ Austra%ia to manufacture
#o%yurethane #aint formu%ations and with Pire%%i musc%ef%e&$ coneyor$ and e%eator be%tin!'
MRF a%so o#ened the MRF tyredrome$ IndiaJs first tyre com#any owned whee% care com#%e& at
MRF brou!ht the :
wor%d cu# bo&in! cham#ionshi# to Mumbai the first of its +ind= with 6-
countries #artici#atin!' In ,--6 4 ,--9 the com#any was oted by the far eastern economic
reiew as one of the ten %eadin! cor#orate !rou#s in India and a %eader in Asia' 2urin! the same
time MRF was se%ected as one of IndiaJs most admired mar+etin! com#anies by the readers of
the A4M ma!a"ine'
The com#anyJs turn oer crossed I0R ,9 bn in the year ,--9'In 2333$ MRF %aunched smi%e
cam#ai!n on Indian roads' It a%so %aunched GETS tyres for #assen!er cars in 2333'
MRF wins 12 #ower award in 2336 4 233/' So far it has ta+en : 12 awards'
I0 the year 233/$ MRFJs turnoer crossed I0R 63 bn mar+' In 2339$ MRF wins the itJs third
APRC ra%%y' In 233:$ MRFJs turnoer crossed the 9333 crore mar+' 6/
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
<n Feb ;
233:$ the 2'2' Tyres authori"ed dea%er for MRF tyres' It was
inau!urated by Shri Charantimath Prabhu Swamiji 4 Asst 2istrict Mana!er Mr' Pau% A%#%ar$
re!iona% office$ 8e%!aum'
MRF com#any fo%%ows the cor#orate identity for the estab%ishment of
showrooms across the country'
Cor#orate IdentityF
It means the com#any has its #o%icy in res#ect of %and$ bui%din!$ #aints 4 timin! of showroom'
It considers the fo%%owin! factors whi%e startin! a showroom as #er the Cor#orate Identity'
iC 7ocationF Eery commercia% #henomena needs a !ood %ocation' It u# %ifts the
business #rocess' 2'2'Tyres situated in a main road and it is connected to a bus stand'
iiC 8ui%din!F For customer attraction a we%% #%anned infrastructure is essentia%' It has
933 s*' ft area of show room' As we%% as 233 s* feet for !owdown$ which is connected
with show room'
iiiC MachineryF To insta%% the tyres in #ro#er way it has different machines %i+e ''$
aC Tyre Fermant machine
bC Air Com#ressor
cC Ahee% a%i!nment too%in! machine
iC 7aboursF The %abours are the base for any or!ani"ation' And in 8a!a%+ot$ there is
no #rob%em for re*uired %abours for this business' 2'2'Tyres has sufficient and s+i%%ed
Mey Com#etitorsF 0ew%y estab%ished A##o%%o Tyres Show rooms and other %oca% branded
tyre showrooms' 8ut these hae not any si!nificant effect on show room actiities'
,C Showroom must be situated in a #%ace which shou%d hae easy connectiity' 6:
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
2C Show room must hae the %en!th of 933 s*'ft'
6C Fronta!e of 23 feet connected with !owdon of minimum 233 s*'ft'
/C 2is#%ay of rac+s$ inside 4 outside showroom co%our$ dis#%ay boards$ ti%es$ rece#tion tab%e$
as #er the com#any s#ecifications'
9C Showroom shou%d hae automotie tyre fitment machine which must be #%aced in the
showroom isib%e to the customers'
:C Com#any decides month%y sa%es tar!et$ on the basis of #o#u%ation and number of
ehic%es' Tar!et !oes on renewin! and dea%er must com#u%sori%y achiee the tar!et'
;C Com#any has re!iona% offices$ so as to fu%fi%% the needs of a dea%er' It a%so has em#%oyed$
technica% su#erisor$ sa%es su#erisors'
,C To %oo+ after the dea%ers #rob%ems'
2C To faci%itate any chan!es in #rice of a tyre any im#roements$ and to inform the new tyres
which are !oin! to introduce in the mar+et'
6C Technica% Su#erisor is a *ua%ified technica% #erson who actua%%y com#%eted en!ineerin!
and !ot trainin! re!ardin! tyres and tubes s#ecifications'
/C <ne re!iona% office coers / districts' 8a!a%+ot comes under re!iona% office of 8e%!aum'
9C Com#any usua%%y re#%aces tyres if tyres are found to hae minimum of 9N manufacturin!
,C Twice in a month he isits the dea%er'
2C Co%%ects information about the customer'
6C Eisitin! each and eery customers and informin! them about *ua%ity and #rice of tyres'
/C He he%#s the dea%er to increase the sa%es and wor+s with them to achiee the month%y
To #roide better serice 22 TKRES has made 6 sections' They are as fo%%ows'
,C Sa%es Section
2C Accountant
6C Serice station
To achiee increased sa%es 22 TKRES has se#arate sa%es section' It #roides the
*uotations and a%% information re!ardin! the tyres to the customers' Sa%es section #%ays 6;
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
si!nificance ro%e in achiein! tar!ets by' It has to #roide a%% information re!ardin! sa%es to
re!iona% sa%es su#erisor'
It co%%ects a%% information of transaction and records in systematic manner' It maintains
different account boo+s for different tas+s' It a%so maintains %ed!ers and re!u%ar ba%ance
This de#artment #roides *ua%ity serice to customers' It fits the tyres in ri!ht #osition
with the he%# of tyre fitment machine' And it re#%aces the defectie tyres if the tyres found to
be 9N defecties and #roides tyre remo%din! faci%ity to customers in a %ess #rice'
IC Customer EisitF Customer care su#erisor attends the customer and !ies information
re!ardin! F
aC Mode%
bC Si"e
cC Price
dC Dua%ity
eC <ther information about tyres'
IIC Com#%aint of tyresF Com#%aints are ta+en from the customer recorded in the doc+ets
%i+e seria% number$ name of customer$ contact number$ date of #urchase and #urchase
bi%%' 6.
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
IIIC If any car radia% tyres #urchased from the showrooms$ then the tyres wi%% be fitted in
the showroom with the he%# of automate tyre chan!er'
IEC 2ea%er has to #ay from his own #oc+et for any #romotiona% actiities underta+en by
EC It co%%ects information re!ardin! to tyre users and sends it to re!iona% office' 6-
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
DISRTIBUTION CHANNE! The com#any has ertica% mar+etin! system' The
structure of the mar+etin! system ' /3
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
It ino%es the distribution of tyres and tubes #urchased from the com#any' The
showroom ma+es the #urchase of tubes and tyres' For the 8e%!aum re!iona% office$ and
distributes tyres and tubes to the customer throu!h the show room'
The 2'2' Show room stands at the 2ea%ers sta!e in the networ+ of distribution' It
#erforms the o#erations accordin! to the #o%icies of the com#any' /,
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Type of tyres 2006-
2007-08 2008-09*
Truc+ ? 8uses 22 /: :3
7i!ht Commercia%
. ,: 2.
1ee#?tre++er?Tra& / : ,3
Car 8IAS #%y / = =
Car radia%s 2/ /. ;3
-3 ,93 229
Mo#ed 9 ,2 ,9
Scooter / ,3 ,9
Auto 4 Ei+ram 62 .3 ,93
Tractor rear 2 / :
Tractor front / ,3 23
Tractor trai%or 2 2 2
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres /6
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres //
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
To achiee the stated objectie a surey was conducted at 8a!a%+ot city re!ardin!
customer (satisfaction towards MRF Tyres) #roided by 2'2'Tyres show room 8a!a%+ot'
Primar- Data!
Primary data is co%%ected by the random sam#%in! method' Here we hae random%y
interiewed 93 customers throu!h Duestionnaire and #ersona% interiew and co%%ected the
#rimary data'
Seco*,ar- Data!
These are !enera%%y #ub%ished sources which hae been co%%ected ori!ina%%y for some
other #ur#ose$ they are not !athered s#ecia%%y to achiee the objecties of the #articu%ar research
#roject hands but a%ready assemb%ed'
S(r&e- Tec.*i>(es!
<nce the researcher has decided to use surey method for co%%ectin! data he has to
ma+e a decision to ado#t any one of the fo%%owin! surey techni*ues'
,' #ersona% interiew
2' te%e#hone surey
6' mai% surey /9
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
It is the most common%y used instrument in co%%ectin! #rimary data' A *uestionnaire
consistin! of set of *uestions #resented to a res#ondent for his?her answer' The *uestionnaire is
ery f%e&ib%e in the sense that there are many ways to as+ *uestions'
Data Collectio*!
Method used to co%%ect data for the study was throu!h surey' Surey is a systematic
co%%ection of information direct%y from the res#ondents> surey was throu!h #ersona% interiew
which ino%es co%%ection of data throu!h face to face communication with the he%# of
Met.o, of Sampli*+!
8a!a%+ot city has a hu!e #o#u%ation and each #ersonJs o#inion cannot be co%%ected' So
the res#ondents were chosen random%y in 8a!a%+ot city'
Sample Si?e!
Sam#%e si"e for the study consisted of 93 #ersons residin! in 8a!a%+ot city' Amon! them
on%y some of them res#onded and others rejected to res#ond as they were not interested'
Sample U*it!
Customer of 2'2'Tyre showroom and owners of ehic%es in 8a!a%+ot City' /:
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Data A*al-sis!
I hae conducted mar+etin! surey on 93 customer to ana%ysis their satisfaction %ee%$ for
this #ur#ose I hae #re#ared a *uestionnaire to co%%ect the information from them' Amon! these
93 customers$ on%y some of them res#onded as #er that now we wi%% see the ana%ysis of the
co%%ected data'
,' The fo%%owin! tab%es shows the factors which motiated the customer to #urchase the
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Friends .
8rand Ima!e -
Adertisement -
Re%aties .
Se%f=decision ,:
Tota% 93
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
The aboe tab%e 4 !ra#h shows thatF
A' ,: customers hae #urchased MRF Tyres by there own decision'
8' . customers hae #urchased MRF Tyres by there Friends recommendation'
C' - customers hae #urchased MRF Tyres by its 8rand Ima!e'
2' - customers hae #urchased MRF Tyres on the basis of Adertisement'
E' . customers hae #urchased MRF Tyres on there Re%aties recommendation' 9,
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
2' The fo%%owin! tab%es shows the %ee% of satisfaction of customer need?#ur#ose of
#urchasin! (MRF TKRES)
Fu%%y Satisfied 26
Satisfied ,;
2issatisfied ;
Fu%%y dissatisfied 6
Tota% 93
The aboe !ra#h shows thatF
/9 N of #eo#%e are fu%%y satisfied with the #urchase of MRF tyres'
69 N of #eo#%e are just satisfied with the #urchase of MRF tyres'
,6N of #eo#%e are dissatisfied with the #urchase of MRF tyres'
; N of #eo#%e are fu%%y satisfied with the #urchase of MRF tyres'
6' As com#are to other tyres the (MRF TKRES) are rated as be%ow'
A@ Price of T-res 92
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Stron!%y Satisfied ,9
Satisfied ,:
0ot Satisfied ,3
Fu%%y 0ot Satisfied -
Tota% 93
63 N of customers are stron!%y satisfied with the #rice of MRF tyres'
69 N of customers are satisfied with the #rice of MRF tyres'
2, N of customers are not satisfied with the #rice of MRF tyres'
,/ N of customers are fu%%y not satisfied with the #rice of MRF tyres'
B@ ;(alit- Of T-res!
Stron!%y Satisfied 26
Satisfied ,9
0ot Satisfied .
Fu%%y 0ot Satisfied /
Tota% 93
/9 N of customers are stron!%y satisfied with *ua%ity of the tyres'
63 N of customers are satisfied with *ua%ity of the tyres
,: N of customers are not satisfied with *ua%ity of the tyres
- N of customers are fu%%y not satisfied with *ua%ity of the tyres'
C@ D(rabilit- of T-res
Stron!%y Satisfied 26
Satisfied ,:
0ot Satisfied ;
Fu%%y 0ot Satisfied /
Tota% 93
/9N of customers are stron!%y satisfied with durabi%ity of tyres
62Nof customers are satisfied with durabi%ity or tyres
,/Nof customers are not satisfied with durabi%ity or tyres 96
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
-Nof customers are fu%%y not satisfied with durabi%ity of tyres'
D@ Performa*ce Of T-res!
Stron!%y Satisfied 2,
Satisfied ,;
0ot Satisfied ;
Fu%%y 0ot Satisfied 9
Tota% 93
/2Nof customers are stron!%y satisfied with #erformance of tyres
69N of customers are just satisfied with #erformance of tyres
,/N of customers are not satisfied with #erformance of tyres
-N of customers are fu%%y not satisfied with #erformance of tyres
E@ Milea+e Of T-res!
Stron!%y Satisfied 2/
Satisfied ,9
0ot Satisfied ;
Fu%%y 0ot Satisfied /
Tota% 93
/.N of customers are stron!%y satisfied with the #erformance of tyres
63N of customers are on%y just satisfied with the #erformance of tyres
,6N of customers are not satisfied with the #erformance of tyres
-N of customers are fu%%y not satisfied with the #erformance of tyres 9/
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
9C The fo%%owin! tab%es show the customer o#inion about (MRF TKRES)'
Fu%%y Satisfied ,/
Satisfied 2,
0ot satisfied .
Fu%%y 0ot Satisfied ;
Tota% 93
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
As #er the aboe chart it shows the detai%sF
2. N of customers are fu%%y satisfied
/2 N of customers are satisfied
,; N of customers are not satisfied
,6 N of customers are fu%%y not satisfied
:C The fo%%owin! tab%eJs shows the behaior of the showroom #eo#%e whi%e ta+in! *uotations
or #urchasin! the (MRF TKRES)'
Eery Friend%y ,;
Friend%y 22
0ot friend%y /
2onJt +now ;
Tota% 93 9:
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
6/ N customer say that the behaior of showroom #eo#%e whi%e ta+in! *uotation or #urchasin!
MRF tyres were ery friend%y'
// N customer says that the behaior of showroom #eo#%e were friend%y
- N customer says the behaior of showroom #eo#%e not friend%y
,6 N customer says the behaior of showroom #eo#%e S donJt +now
;C The fo%%owin! tab%e shows the customers o#inion about serice char!es in show room'
Eery Reasonab%e ,9
Reasonab%e 2,
Cost%y .
Eery Cost%y :
Tota% 93
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Interpretation: 9.
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
63 N of customers said that serice char!es are ery reasonab%e'
/2 N of customers said that serice char!es are reasonab%e'
,: N of customers said that serice char!es are cost%y
,2 N of customers said that serice char!es are ery cost%y
.C The fo%%owin! tab%es show why customer #refers (MRF TKRES)'
Dua%ity ,-
Price ,2
Serice .
2urabi%ity ,,
Tota% 93
6. N customers #refers the MRF tyres due to the !ood Dua%ity
2/ N customers #refers the MRF tyres due to the reasonab%e #rice 9-
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
22 N customers #refers the MRF tyres due to its durabi%ity
,: N customers #refers the MRF tyres due to its serice
-C The fo%%owin! tab%es shows the #rob%ems faced by customers whi%e #urchasin! (MRF
7ac+ of Information ,,
0on co=o#eration of show room #eo#%e /
2e%ay .
0o #rob%em ,;
Tota% 93
22 N customer faced the #rob%em due to %ac+ of information
3; N customer faced the #rob%em due to non coo#eration of show room #eo#%e
,; N customer faced the #rob%em due to de%ay
9/ N customer faced no #rob%em :3
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
6,N of customers hae #urchased on there own decision' They hae decision
on the basis of e&#erience and some customers hae ta+en after ma+in!
com#arison with other tyres' Hence it reea%s that customers are satisfied with
Majority of customers means /9N are satisfied with the fu%fi%%ment of their
<n%y 63N of customers are fu%%y satisfied with #rice of the tyres about 2,N
are not satisfied and ,/N of customers are fu%%y not satisfied with the #rice'
About /9N of customers are fu%%y satisfied$63N o f customers are on%y just
satisfied and ,:N are not satisfied with the *ua%ity'
About /9N of customers are satisfied with durabi%ity of tyres$ and ,/N are not
satisfied with durabi%ity'
About /2N of customers are fu%%y satisfied with the #erformance of the tyres$
and on%y ,/N are dissatisfied' :2
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
The customers are hain! a ery !ood o#inion about the MRF TKERES)
about 2.N are stron!%y satisfied with its #erformance$ and on%y ,;N are not
satisfied with #erformance'
The customers are hain! ery !ood o#inion about the behaior of showroom
#eo#%e about //N of customers are sayin! they are friend%y and on%y ,6N are
donJt +now'
The serice char!es are ery reasonab%e in the iew of about /6N of
customers and about ,,N of customers be%iee that the serice char!es are
Majority of customers are fu%%y satisfied with the (MRF TKRES) :6
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Showroom must recruit we%% *ua%ified and s+i%%ed %abours that care about the
customer' It wi%% abo%ish the #rob%em of uns+i%%ed and #oor *ua%ity serice'
Showroom em#%oyees and wor+ers shou%d maintain friend%y re%ation with eery
Showroom shou%d #roide the remo%din! system to the e&istin! customers'
Showroom shou%d maintain tyres$ tube$ air com#ression machines etc$' which are
needed to the customer at any time'
A%ways ado#t the im#roement of sericin! system and +ee# the showroom in
!ood conditions' :/
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
o The com#any shou%d reduce the #rice of there #roducts'
o Im#roe the distribution networ+ and ma+e aai%ab%e the #roducts in
needed time of customers'
o Com#any a%ways +ee#s some #ri"es and !ifts to attract the customers'
o The #roducts shou%d adertised in the Re!iona% TE channe%s and in
%eadin! news#a#er must' :9
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres

To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
Accordin! to the study I conc%ude that the MRF TKRES com#any satisfies the customer
need and the #ur#ose$ but on%y #rob%em is with the serice !ien to the customers by the
showroom' So$ as #er study in my o#inion based on #roject I can say that MRF TKRES shou%d
thin+ about the serice #roided by showrooms in order to ca#ture the ma&imum mar+et
Accordin! to 8a!a%+ot city the mar+et is ast a%most the who%e district customers and
other new #eo#%e #urchase the MRF Tyres because it is o%d brand runnin! tyres in mar+et'
A%most #eo#%e demands the MRF Tyres com#arin! to other com#any tyres'
Com#any #roide more adertisement and a%ways +ee# customers need with
dee%o#ment of MRF Tyres' :;
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
AC(stomers Satisfactio* to)ar,s MRF T$RES i* Ba+al8ot cit-B
Dear Sir/Madam,
(Please tick ( ) appropriate answer in the box / space)
I. C(stomer I*tro,(ctio*!
II. 9.ic. factors moti&ate, -o( to p(rc.ase AMRF T$RESB:
AF Friends V W 8F 8rand Ima!e V W
CF Adertisement V W 2F Re%aties V W
EF Se%f decision V W FF <thers V W
III. To ).at e5te*t t.e AMRF T$RESB .as satisfie, -o(r p(rpose C *ee,:
AF Fu%%y Satisfied V W 8F Satisfied V W
CF 2issatisfied V W 2F Fu%%y 2issatisfied V W
I#. As compare to t-res .o) ,o -o( rate t.e follo)i*+ c.aracteristics of -o(r
Characteristics E&ce%%ent Eery !ood Iood Aera!e
Mi%ea!e :.
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
#! is -o(r opi*io* abo(t AMRF T$RESB:
AF E&ce%%ent V W 8F Eery Iood V W
CF Iood V W 2F 8ad V W
#I! ).at )as t.e be.a&ior of s.o) room people ).ile ta8i*+ >(otatio*s or ).ile
P(rc.asi*+ AMRF T$RESB:
AF Eery Friend%y V W
8F Friend%y V W
CF 0ot=Friend%y V W
2F 2onJt Mnow V D
#II! is -o(r opi*io* abo(t Aservice chargesB i* t.e s.o) room:
AF Eery Reasonab%e V W
8F Reasonab%e V W
CF Cost%y V W
2F Eery Cost%y V W
#III! 9.- ,i, -o( prefer AMRF T$REB:
AF Dua%ity V W
8F Price V W
CF Serice V W
2F 2urabi%ity V W
IE! problems face, ).ile p(rc.asi*+ AMRF T$RESB:
AF 7ac+ of informationJs V W
8F 0on co=o#erations of show room #eo#%es V W
CF 2e%ay V W :-
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres
2F 0o #rob%em V W
E! /i&e -o(r &al(able s(++estio*s to impro&e AMRF T$RESB:
To com#%ete this #roject I hae referred the fo%%owin! boo+sF
To study the Customers Satisfaction towards MRF Tyres ;,

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