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TEXT ANALYSIS Groups 1A, 1B, 1C Mondays

First half hour of class:

Text Analysis Presentations Round 1
Working as a team and assigned a play from Circles reading list, research
and put together a 25 minute or less presentation in front of the class that
will help us put into perspective diferent plays from diferent eras.
Presentations will include
!" # synopsis of the plot, a description of characters and setting and a
discussion of the themes of the play$
2" # %iography of the playwright including their play resume$
&" # discussion of the playwrights contemporaries and what was
going on in theater while they wrote$
'" # %ackdrop of the play an historical timeline descri%ing what was
going on in each of the other ma(or arts )painting, music, literature",
sciences, politics*government )especially as it pertains to the
playwrights own country" and society$
5" # presentation of drawings, pictures, photos and other archival
material to %e shared with the class. +how what the actors would have
worn, what the current styles in fashion were, what music was heard
and, if they e,ist, visuals of actual productions$
-" # handout for the class that outlines . !/5 a%ove. )0ne or two
sheets, %ack and front, 21 copies." 2nclude any unusual
terms*de3nitions from your research that will clarify things for the
4" # short )less than 3ve minute", rehearsed, %ut not memori5ed,
reading from the play6feel free to use costumes, well/chosen props
and music. 7ell us %rie8y how the te,t was structured and how it was
diferent from theater te,ts from earlier eras.
# straight/on %ook report will not do. Present the facts, 9:7; <ont %ore us.
=ntertain us. 9e inventive. 9e theatrical. 7hink interactive. :se the
2nternet )i.e.". :se the >i%rary of Performing
#rts at >incoln Center. :se The Timetables of History 2 provide for you in
Colins ofice. Cheat, plagiari5e, %orrow. :se your iPods, C<s, >aptops for
audio and visual displays. :se the costume shop. <o a mock run of your
presentations a day or two %eforehand so you do not lose part of your 25
minutes setting up and so you do not go over your allotted time. ?irst 3ve
minutes of class is setup time. @ou must %egin %y 3ve minutes past the hour.
2 will cut you of at &1 minutes past the hour. Pare it down. Aet to the point.
#ny materials used will %e posted for in Bm !12 so other classes can see
your work.
Second half hour of class:
ound Ta!le Text Analysis "#ne$a%t plays !y Tennessee &illia's
Well sit in a circle, te,ts in hand, and slug our way through an assigned
play. 7he 3rst te,ts from which we will %e working are found in 27 Wagons
Full of Cotton %y 7ennessee Williams. =ach section
will %e assigned one of the following one/act plays for in/class analysis
!" The Long Goodbye Aroup !#
2" Talk To Me Like The RainAroup !9
&" 27 Wagons Full of CottonAroup !C
Preparation should include purchase of the compilation 27 Wagons Full of
Cotton, which contains all three plays, and a detailed e,amination*reading of
your assigned play.
#lthough you will %e assigned only one play for the round ta%le discussions,
you should read all three plays. :pon completion of your assigned play you
will %e asked to write a one/page essay on how the other two one/acts are
%oth similar and dissimilar, using the analysis techniCues learned in the
round ta%le discussions.

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