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Four Types of Atheism

Matija Kovaevi
In my encounters with atheists, Ive realized that their reasons for adopting atheist worldview are pretty valid
and fair, because they derive mainly from the rejection of erroneous images and claims about who God is - the
only representations of God they've met so far - e.g. capricious tyrant burning people ih hell. hat's why I always
appreciated atheists more than bad religionists. !theists should never be viewed as mere rebels, though there are
also some who are, but as thin"ing people who see the nonsense of false religions.
Ive noticed four main types of atheists according to what made them reject God#
Bad-Religion Rejecters. $eeting just distorted human representations of God, they justifiably rejected the
idea of such bad God e%isting at all.
Brainless-Religion Rejecters. $eeting just nave, intellectually incoherent religious beliefs, they naturally
rejected God as prescientific imagination.
Responsibility Fleers. $eeting real God, they realized their responsibility before their &reator and 'udge
and fled away to forget it all, not pausing to meet Him as their Saviour and rovider.
Self Seekers. $eeting real God and (is loving, selfless, giving character, they realized its in conflict !ith
their egotistical desires, and felt it easier to erase (im from their mind.
)irst two should actually be applauded for their atheism, because Im an atheist too when it comes to false,
blea" and plain stupid images of God * such God really does not e%ist. he last two are to various degrees
intentionally erasing God from their worldview so that they can +enjoy their life. Ill be bold enough to say that they
neither didnt fully meet real God, because then would they "now that a life with God is a most enjoying and
abundant life one could ever live.
'esus promised# ,I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly- .'ohn
/0#/01. 2llen G. 3hite e%claimed# ,If I had a thousand lives, I would devote them all to the service of the 4ord-
.5eview 6 (erald, $arch 78, /9901. :o I believe none of those atheists fully rejected God, for they have
never fully known i!. ;ut what could help them see God as (e really is< Its possible through the ;ible *
Gods 3ord written down by (is inspired prophets and penmen throughout a period of more than /800
years. here God spea"s for (imself. 'esus &hrist, the :on of God, confirmed that when (e said# =:earch the
:criptures ... these are they which testify of $e= .'ohn 8#>?1.
I was amazed to discover how Gods 3ord has solutions for each of those four types of atheists#
Bad-religion rejecter# Get to "now and behold the real character of God through studying @ew estaments
accounts of life and teachings of 'esus &hrist * Gods incarnate revelation. "#ehold the $amb of God, !hich
ta%es a!ay the sin of the !orld& ' (o! ac)uaint yourself !ith Him, and be at peace&* .'ohn /#7?A 'ob 77#7/1
Brainless-religion rejecter# 5ead and search Gods 3ord systematically to grasp its intellectual coherenceA
study the prophecies of Baniel .especially chapter 7 and C1 and trace its fulfilment in history. "+ome no!, and let
us reason together& ' , am God, and there is none li%e me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from
ancient times the things that are not yet done&* .Isaiah /#/9A DE#?./01
Responsibility fleer# ;efore you flee God in fear of (is just demands, wait to see the main traits of (is
character * forgiving mercy and selfless love * revealed fully on the &ross. "-ait on the $ord. be of good
courage, and he shall strengthen your heart& ' /or God did not send His Son into the !orld to condemn the
!orld, but that the !orld through Him might be saved&* .Fsalm 7C#/DA 'ohn >#/C1
Self seeker# ;efore you erase God from your mind, "now that (es more than willing to forgive you and
more than able to give you new heart. "$et the !ic%ed forsa%e his !ay, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. let
him return to the $ord, and He !ill have mercy upon him. and to our God, for He !ill abundantly pardon& ' 0 ne!
heart also !ill , give you, and a ne! spirit !ill , put !ithin you&* .Isaiah 88#CA 2ze"iel >E#7E1
F. :. If you'd li"e to just get the main point in short, watch this#
"y Gibson - I#! an $theist "oo %https&''www(youtube(co!'watch)v*+,"-./dse0g1

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