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Lesson Plan Date: Median, Mode, Maximum, Range, Minimum

Everyday Math Unit !e"tion #um$er%s&: '('
Everyday Math Page #um$er%s&: ))* + ),)
!ho- your -or.( #o "al"ulators allo-ed(
/( 0 list o1 1ive test s"ores -ere 23, 2*, *,, 2, and 2*( 4ind the 1ollo-ing:
a& Range
$& Median
"& Mode
d& Maximum5Minimum
)( !even 6eo6le -ere as.ed ho- many miles they lived 1rom -or.( 7he res6onses -ere
/8, *, /', )/, 8, 9 and /,( 4ind the 1ollo-ing:
a& Range
$& Median
"& Mode
d& Maximum5Minimum
,( 0t a 6et store, a survey -as ta.en ho- many 6ets ea"h 6erson had( 7he results -ere:
), 8, ,, /, 3, ', ), *, 3, ) ,*, ,( 4ind the 1ollo-ing:
a& Range
$& Median
"& Mode
d& Maximum
e& Minimum
Period: :::
Date: /35/85)3/3
'( 0 sam6le o1 eight students -ere randomly sele"ted and as.ed, ;Ho- many times did you
"he". your email yesterday<; 7he num$ers -ere: ,, 3, =, *, /3, ), 2, /)(
4ind the 1ollo-ing:
a& Range
$& Median
"& Mode
8( 0 student had ta.en six tests and re"eived s"ores o1 ==, *,, =/, =,, *9, 9'( 7he seventh test
-as "oming u6 and the student -ant to .no-:
a& -hat -as needed on the seventh test to have a median s"ore o1 =,< 4ind the
seventh test s"ore(
$& -hat the minimum and mode -ould $e using the seventh test s"ore 1rom 6art a(
4ile #ame: K:>Hardy Elementary !"hool>Mathemati"s>Home-or.>HW /3:/8:)3/3 Median, Mode, Maximum, Range, Minimum M! Word
Lesson Plan Date: Median, Mode, Maximum, Range, Minimum
Everyday Math Unit !e"tion #um$er%s&: '('
Everyday Math Page #um$er%s&: ))* + ),)
!ho- your -or.( #o "al"ulators allo-ed(
/( 0 list o1 1ive test s"ores -ere 23, 2*, *,, 2, and 2*( 4ind the 1ollo-ing:
a& Range *, + 23 B /,
$& Median C23D 2,D 2*D 2*D *,E 2*
"& Mode 2*
d& Maximum5Minimum
Max: *, Min: 23
)( !even 6eo6le -ere as.ed ho- many miles they lived 1rom -or.( 7he res6onses -ere
/8, *, /', )/, 8, 9 and /,( 4ind the 1ollo-ing:
a& Range: )/ + 8 B /2
$& Median: C8D *D 9D /,D /'D /8D )/E /,
"& Mode: #o Mode as ea"h -hole num$er a66ears on"e
d& Maximum5Minimum
Max: )/ Min: 8
,( 0t a 6et store, a survey -as ta.en ho- many 6ets ea"h 6erson had( 7he results -ere:
), 8, ,, /, 3, ', ), *, 3, ) ,*, ,( 4ind the 1ollo-ing:
a& Range: * + 3 B *
$& Median: C
"& Mode
d& Maximum
e& Minimum
'( 0 sam6le o1 eight students -ere randomly sele"ted and as.ed, ;Ho- many times did you
"he". your email yesterday<; 7he num$ers -ere: ,, 3, =, *, /3, ), 2, /)(
4ind the 1ollo-ing:
a& Range
$& Median
"& Mode
8( 0 student had ta.en six tests and re"eived s"ores o1 ==, *,, =/, =,, *9, 9'( 7he seventh test
-as "oming u6 and the student -ant to .no-:
a& -hat -as needed on the seventh test to have a median s"ore o1 =,< 4ind the
seventh test s"ore(
$& -hat the minimum and mode -ould $e using the seventh test s"ore 1rom 6art a(
4ile #ame: K:>Hardy Elementary !"hool>Mathemati"s>Home-or.>HW /3:/8:)3/3 Median, Mode, Maximum, Range, Minimum M! Word

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