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Manual OfPrayers

Prayer against every evil

(may be used when one believes oneself under demonic harassment)
Spirit of our God, Father, Son and oly Spirit, Most oly !rinity, "mmaculate
#irgin Mary, $ngels, $rchangels and saints of heaven, descend upon me%
Please Purify me, &ord, mold me, 'll me with (ourself, use me% )anish all the
forces of evil from me, destroy them, van*uish them so that " can be healthy
and do good deeds% )anish from me all spells, witchcraft, blac+ magic,
male'c, ties, maledictions and the evil eye, diabolic infestations,
oppressions, possessions, all that is evil and sinful, -ealousy, per'dy, envy,
physical, psychological, moral, spiritual, diabolical ailments% )urn all these
evils in hell, that they may never touch me or any other creature in the
entire world% " command and bid all the powers who molest me, by the power
of God all powerful, , in the name of .esus /hrist our Saviour, through the
intercession of "mmaculate #irgin Mary, to leave me forever and to be
consigned into the everlasting hell, where they will be bound by Saint
Michael the archangel, Saint Gabriel, Saint 0aphael, our guardian angels and
where they will be crushed under the heel of "mmaculate #irgin Mary%
/onsecration Prayer Of St% &ouis Mary de Montfront !o Mama Mary in which
baptismal vows are renewed
(0enewing fre*uently one1s consecration to Mama Mary is e2ective means of
protecting oneself from evil)
", a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in thy hands, O "mmaculate
Mother, the vows of my )aptism% " renounce Satan, his pomps and wor+s and
" give myself entirely to .esus /hris, the "ncarnate 3isdom, to carry my cross
after im all the days of my life and to be more faithful to im than " have
ever been before% "n the presence of all the eavenly court, " choose thee
this day for my mother and Mistress% " deliver and consecrate to thee as thy
slave, my body and soul, my goods, both interior and e4terior, and even the
value of all my good actions, past, present and future, leaving to thee the
entire and full right of disposing of me, and all that belongs to me, without
e4ception, according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God, in
time and eternity% $men%
ealing of )ody, Mind and Spirit
($n e2ective prayer for healin% Pray this prayer with faith and trust in your
heart% "f you are praying over someone and trust in your heart% "f you are
praying over someone, add the name of the person%)
5ear &ord, " +now that there is no sic+ness (ou cannot eal% (ou +now all
things, (ou can do all things and " +now (ou love me very much% 3ith faith in
(our promise that whatever we as+ in prayer, you will grant us if it will be
good for our soul% " come before you to as+ for the healing

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