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6.1 Momentum Equation: Derivation

Recall Newtons second law of motion, i.e.

( )

= =
t d
m d
F or a m F
For a fluid system, the Newtons second law may be written as

( )

t d
Recall from, chapter 5, the Reynolds transport theorem

+ =
. . . . s c
d b V d b
t d
v c
A V.
!o con"ert Newtons 2
law to #ulerian form, we use the Reynolds transport theorem. $ere,
B % Mom % mv, and so b % v. !he "elocity v must be relati"e to an inertia reference frame
(i.e. a frame that is not acceleratin&).
'ubstitutin& for B and b in e(uation () and combinin& with e(uation (2) &i"es the inte&ral
form of the momentum e(uation as

. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
s c across flow
momentum of rate Net
s c
v c in on accumulati
momentum of Rate
v c on acting
forces of Sum
d V d
t d
v c

+ = A V v v . F
6. Inter!retation o" t#e Momentum Equation
)pplication of the momentum e(uation to fluid flow problems is analo&ous to the use of the
*free+body, approach in solid mechanics.
!o apply the momentum e(uation to a fluid flow problem, the control "olume is isolated from
its surroundin&s and forces are applied to replace the influence of the surroundin&s.
-f the "elocity is uniformly distributed across each inlet and outlet port, the momentum
e(uation can be written in mass flow form as

+ =
i i
o o
m m V d
t d
v c
v v v
. .
!he momentum e(uation is a "ector e(uation which represents three scalar e(uations. -n
.artesian coordinate system, the three scalar e(uations are/
0 direction/

+ =
ix i
ox o x
v m v m V d v
t d
v c

. .
y direction/

+ =
iy i
oy o y
v m v m V d v
t d
v c

. .
1 direction/

+ =
iz i
oz o z
v m v m V d v
t d
v c

. .
!he choice of control "olume depends on what information we are tryin& to find. 'ee fi&ure
2.1 for illustration of different choices of control "olume.
For$e term%
3F represents all forces actin& on the control "olume. !hese forces include
4ody forces/ these are forces that act on mass elements within the body, e.&.
&ra"itational (wei&ht), electrostatic, and ma&netic forces.
'urface forces/ these are forces that re(uire physical contact, i.e. they result from the
surroundin&s actin& on the control surface, e.&. forces caused by pressure, shear stress
distribution, and supports and structures.
Note that when calculatin& pressure forces, the &a&e pressure is used.
Momentum A$$umu&ation
!he momentum accumulation term is 1ero if the two conditions below are satisfied/
!he "elocity and density of fluid at each point are constant with time in the control
"olume, i.e. the flow is steady.
!he structural elements within the control "olume (e.&. walls) is stationary.
-n many problems, the momentum accumulation is 1ero.
Momentum Dia'ram
!he momentum dia&ram is created by s5etchin& a control "olume and then drawin& a "ector
to represent the momentum accumulation term and a "ector to represent momentum flow at
each inlet and outlet port.
!he momentum dia&ram helps in the "isuali1ation of the problem.
()%temati$ A!!roa$#
!he systematic approach recommended for usin& the momentum e(uation is summari1ed on
pa&e 167 of the te0tboo5.
6.* T)!i$a& A!!&i$ation%
F&ui+ ,et%
!he followin& assumptions are made about a fluid 8et/
!he pressure is constant (and e(ual to ambient pressure) across any cross+section of
the 8et.
!he fluid "elocity is uniform across the cross section of the 8et.
E-am!&e: Pro.&em 6./
) water 8et of diameter 2 inches and speed v % 59 ft:s is fillin& a tan5. !he tan5 has a mass of 25
lbm and contains 5 &allons of water at the instant shown. !he water temperature is ;9
F. Find the
minimum coefficient of friction such that the force actin& on the stop bloc5 is 1ero.
'olution/ !o be presented in class.
!he assumptions made about fluid flow throu&h a no11le are itemi1ed below with respect to
fi&ure 2./
!he "elocity is uniform across sections ) and 4.
-f the no11le e0hausts into the atmosphere, the pressure at section 4 is atmospheric.
4ernoulli e(uation is applied between sections ) and 4 to obtain the pressure at ).
!his pressure will e0ert a force of ma&nitude pA, where p is the pressure (&a&e) at the
centroid of section ).
E-am!&e: Pro.&em 6.1
)n en&ineer, who is desi&nin& a water toy, is ma5in& preliminary calculations. ) user of the
product will apply a force F1 that mo"es a piston (D % 69 mm) at a speed of Vpiston % 99 mm:s.
<ater at 29
. 8ets out of a con"er&in& no11le of diameter d % 15 mm. !o hold the toy stationary,
the user applies a force F2 to the handle. <hich force (F1 "ersus F2) is lar&er= #0plain your
answer usin& concepts of the momentum principle. !hen calculate F1 and F2. Ne&lect friction
between the piston and the walls.
'olution/ !o be presented in class.
) "ane is a structural component, typically thin, that is used to turn a fluid 8et or be turned by
a fluid 8et (e.&. a blade in a turbine> a sail on a ship).
-n analy1in& flow o"er a "ane, the followin& assumptions are made/
.onstant fluid pressure e"erywhere.
#le"ation chan&es are ne&li&ible.
?iscous forces are ne&li&ible. !herefore, accordin& to 4ernoulli e(uation, the speed of
the 8et stream relati"e to the deflector surface remains unchan&ed. !hus, in the flow
o"er a "ane shown in fi&ure 2.@, v1 % v2 % v.
E-am!&e: Pro.&em 6.13
!he planar water 8et (29
F) is deflected by a fi0ed "ane. <hat are the x and y components of
force per unit width needed to hold the "ane stationary= Ne&lect &ra"ity.
'olution/ !o be presented in class.
-t is usually assumed that the "elocity is nearly constant across each section of the pipe.
!he force actin& on a pipe cross section is &i"en by pA, where p is the pressure at the centroid
of area and ) is area.
6./ A++itiona& A!!&i$ation%
Nonuni"orm 2e&o$it) Di%tri.ution
<hen the "elocity across at least one of the flow sections is not uniform, the &eneral form of
the momentum e(uation must be used.
#0ample 2.6 illustrates the use of the &eneral form of the momentum e(uation.
Movin' Contro& 2o&ume%
<hen an ob8ect is mo"in&, it is often con"enient to define a control "olume that mo"es with
the ob8ect.
!o calculate the mass flow rate in and out of the control "olume (usin&
A V. = m

d m A V.
), the "elocity is with respect to the control surface.
!he "elocity v in the momentum e(uation must be relati"e to an inertia reference frame. !he
reference frame selected may mo"e with the control "olume, or it can be independent of the
control "olume. -f the control "olume is mo"in& at constant "elocity (e.&. in e0ample 2.7), the
problem may be sol"ed with a reference frame attached to the body or with a fi0ed reference
frame. $owe"er, if the control "olume is acceleratin&, (e.&. in e0ample 2.19), a reference
frame mo"in& with the control "olume cannot be selected.
E-am!&e: Pro.&em 6.46
!his two+dimensional water 8et is deflected by the two+dimensional "ane, which is mo"in& to the
ri&ht with a speed of 29 ft:s. !he initial 8et is 9.9 ft thic5 ("ertical dimension), and its speed is
199 ft:s. <hat power per foot of the 8et (normal to the pa&e) is transmitted to the "ane=
'olution/ !o be presented in class.
For$e on a Re$tan'u&ar (&ui$e 5ate
) &ate across a channel under which water flows is 5nown as a sluice &ate (see fi&. 2.5).
'luice &ates are used in control of ri"ers and channel flows.
!o determine the force necessary to hold the sluice &ate in place, the hydrostatic pressure
relations cannot be used because the pressure distribution on the plate is not hydrostatic (see
fi&. 2.5b). -nstead, the momentum e(uation is applied on a control "olume which includes the
&ate ('ee pa&es 212+21 for the analysis).
6ater Hammer
<hene"er a "al"e is closed in a pipeline, a hammerin& sound is produced due to the pressure
wa"e created in the pipeline. !his process is called water hammer.
!he water hammer process is illustrated in fi&ure 2.2. !he "al"e at the end of the pipe is
closed suddenly and this creates a pressure wa"e which tra"els at the speed of sound between
the "al"e and the reser"oir. !he cycles of pressure "ariation at two locations in the pipe are
shown in fi&ure 2.;.
!he ma&nitude of the pressure wa"e is

c V p =
where V is the "elocity of water in the pipe before "al"e closure and c is the speed of sound.
!he speed at which the pressure tra"els (i.e. sped of sound) is

c =
<ater+hammer pressures can be (uite lar&e and can cause pipe failure. !o 5eep the pressure
within acceptable limits, it is recommended that one of the followin& measures be ta5en in the
desi&n of pipin& systems/
-nstall an accumulator (in the form of air chamber or sur&e tan5) near the "al"e.
Aperate the "al"e is such a way that rapid closure is pre"ented.
-nstall pressure+relief "al"es at critical points in the pipin& system.
6.7 Moment8o"8Momentum Equation
!he moment+of+momentum e(uation is useful for situations that in"ol"e moments. !his
includes analyses of rotatin& machinery such as pumps, turbines, fans, and blowers.
!he de"elopment of the moment+of+momentum e(uation parallels that of the momentum
e(uation. !he inte&ral form of the moment+of+momentum e(uation principle is/

( ) ( )

+ =
cs cv
d V d
A 2 v r v r M .
where r is a position "ector that e0tends from the moment center, 2 is flow "elocity relati"e
to the control surface, and v is flow "elocity relati"e to the inertia reference frame selected.
For uniformly distributed properties across the inlet and e0it ports, the moment+of+momentum
principle can be written as/

( ) ( ) ( )

+ =
i i i
o o o
m m V d
v r v r v r M

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