Website Content-Nasa Satellite PRG 07-20-14

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Source: NASA EOSDIS GIBS System;

+*ture": ,-&.,&/0
www.#s.$o% ( Nt)o#2 Aero#ut)c 3 S*ce A"m)#)strt)o# 4NASA5 67
)# Gree#'e2t8 MD. Gu)2ty o9 co22us)o# w)t! m#y or$#)1t)o#s to !)"e
Geoe#$)#eer)#$ eroso2 s*ry)#$ 9rom t!e *u'2)c.
NASA:s EOSDIS 4Ert! O'ser%)#$ System Dt 3 I#9ormt)o# System5 A
"e*rtme#t o9 NASA "e")cte" to *ro%)")#$ ert! **er#ce "t to
m#y *ro9ess)o#s. GIBS )s )#s)"e )t.
EOSDIS:s GIBS 4G2o'2 Im$ery Browse Ser%)ces5 3 /,,; %)2'2e
*ro"ucts re u*"te" s o9te# s e%ery < !ours s!ow)#$ t!e e#t)re Ert!
s )t 2oo=s >r)$!t #ow.>
Arc!)tecture ( GIBS
GIBS )s com*ose" o9 two m?or 9u#ct)o#2 res "escr)'e" 'e2ow #"
re*rese#te" )# t!e rc!)tecture )m$e.

Source: NASA EOSDIS GIBS System;
+*ture": ,-&.,&/0
Note: Columbia University is the ONLY provider for socioeconomic data. The
primary water data provider (at the top of the chart! is University of "labama#
$untsville which is the ori%inal home of the military industrial comple&'s ()*
activity after ++,,! and the initial destination of hundreds of Na-i scientist
refu%ees in the O../C,"'s Operation 0aperclip (ori%inally called Operation
I#$est 3 Arc!)%2 - GIBS servers reguary ngest and archve magery from
what the ima%ery providers decide to send them8 nto fu-resouton,
mosacked ayers; these ayers are then chopped nto magery tes stored at
predened zoom eves for access. So u#2ess you !%e @2r$e e#ou$!A we'
'rowser scree# sett)#$ you c#:t see s!)t.
D)str)'ut)o# - GIBS servers serve the archved magery tes created above
through standard magery access servces.
Im$ery O%er%)ew
T!e GIBS )m$ery rc!)%e )#c2u"es **roB)mte2y C, )m$ery *ro"ucts
re*rese#t)#$ <D %)su2)1e" sc)e#ce *rmeters 9rom t!e NASA Ert! O'ser%)#$
Each magery product s generated at the natve resouton of the source data to provde
"fu resouton" vsuazatons of a scence parameter. GIBS works cosey wth the
scence teams to dentfy the approprate data range and coor mappngs to provde the
best quaty magery to the earth scence communty.
NOTE: T!)s Eert! sc)e#ce commu#)ty: "oes #ot )#c2u"e t!e $e#er2 *u'2)c.
T!ere re tems )# c"em)c sett)#$s w!o !%e ccess to ot!er )m$es t!t
w)22 #e%er $et #er o*e# source )m$e "t out2ets.
Many 4'ut #ot 225 GIBS magery products are generated by the EOSDIS LANCE near
rea-tme processng system resutng n magery avaabe n GIBS wthn 3.5 hours of
observaton. These products and others may aso extend from present to the begnnng
of the satete msson. I# "")t)o#8 GIBS m=es %)2'2e su**ort)#$ )m$ery
2yers suc! s "t&#o("t8 wter ms=s8 or')t trc=s8 #" $rt)cu2es to
)m*ro%e )m$ery us$e. 4See Term)#o2o$y 'e2ow5.
The GIBS team s actvey engagng the NASA EOSDIS data centers to add more magery
products and to extend ther coverage throughout the fe of the msson. The foowng
mage provdes a sampe of the varyng magery products avaabe wthn GIBS. Cck
the mage or the foowng nk to vew the fu GIBS product st.
Im$ery Access
GIBS magery s accessed through the foowng standards-based web servces and
Source: NASA EOSDIS GIBS System;
+*ture": ,-&.,&/0
Fe' M**)#$ T)2e Ser%)ce 4FMTS5 ( The WMTS mpementaton standard
provdes a standards-based souton for servng dgta maps usng predened
mage tes. Through the constructs of the speccaton, a WMTS servce
advertses magery ayers (e.g. magery product) and denes the coordnate
reference system, scae, and tng grd avaabe for access. The WMTS standard
compements the exstng Web Map Servce (WMS) OGC standard by provdng a
ess exbe but hgher performng mage request mechansm. For more
nformaton regardng the OGC WMTS speccaton, read here.
T)2e" Fe' M**)#$ Ser%)ce 4TFMS5 - The TWMS speccaton s a custom
extenson to the OGS WMS standard deveoped by the NASA |et Propuson
Laboratory. Smar to the OGC WMTS speccaton, TWMS ntroduces a "ted"
approach to magery requests so that tes may be pre-generated and cached for
fast response. Unke WMTS, the TWMS standard retans the usage of requests
contanng geographc coordnates for magery. However, t ony responds to a
mted number of predened geographc regons, creatng a grdded access
pattern. For more nformaton regardng the TWMS speccaton, read here.
Gey!o2e Mr=u* L#$u$e 4GML5 - The KML documentaton standard provdes
a souton for magery ntegraton nto mappng toos that utze support the KML
standard, speccay Googe Earth. Usng the constructs of the KML standard,
GIBS nfuses nks to the TWMS web servce endponts to factate magery vewng
wthn supportng toos. A custom KML generaton endpont s provded by GIBS to
dynamcay generate KML documents. For more nformaton regardng the KML
speccaton, read here.
Geos*t)2 Dt A'strct)o# L)'rry (GDAL) - GDAL s an open source
transator brary for raster geospata data formats that presents a snge abstract
data mode to the cang appcaton for a supported formats. By provdng
ntegraton nto the GDAL command ne uttes, GIBS magery can be easy
ncuded n magery processng workows, ncudng buk access. For more
nformaton regardng GDAL, read here.
Reyng upon these standards, GIBS magery are made avaabe for consumpton
by externa cent appcatons, magery tookts, and GIS appcatons. Often, these
ntegraton ehorts resut n shareabe code and essons earned that smpfy the
usage of GIBS magery. A sampng of support appcatons and tookts are shown
Source: NASA EOSDIS GIBS System;
+*ture": ,-&.,&/0
Im$ery Access
GIBS magery s accessed through the foowng standards-based web servces and
Fe' M**)#$ T)2e Ser%)ce 4FMTS5 ( The WMTS mpementaton standard
provdes a standards-based souton for servng dgta maps usng predened
mage tes. Through the constructs of the speccaton, a WMTS servce
advertses magery ayers (e.g. magery product) and denes the coordnate
reference system, scae, and tng grd avaabe for access. The WMTS standard
compements the exstng Web Map Servce (WMS) OGC standard by provdng a
ess exbe but hgher performng mage request mechansm. For more
nformaton regardng the OGC WMTS speccaton, read here.
T)2e" Fe' M**)#$ Ser%)ce 4TFMS5 ( The TWMS speccaton s a custom
extenson to the OGS WMS standard deveoped by the NASA |et Propuson
Laboratory. Smar to the OGC WMTS speccaton, TWMS ntroduces a "ted"
approach to magery requests so that tes may be pre-generated and cached for
fast response. Unke WMTS, the TWMS standard retans the usage of requests
contanng geographc coordnates for magery. However, t ony responds to a
mted number of predened geographc regons, creatng a grdded access
pattern. For more nformaton regardng the TWMS speccaton, read here.
Gey!o2e Mr=u* L#$u$e 4GML5 - The KML documentaton standard provdes
a souton for magery ntegraton nto mappng toos that utze support the KML
standard, speccay Googe Earth. Usng the constructs of the KML standard,
GIBS nfuses nks to the TWMS web servce endponts to factate magery vewng
wthn supportng toos. A custom KML generaton endpont s provded by GIBS to
dynamcay generate KML documents. For more nformaton regardng the KML
speccaton, read here.
Geos*t)2 Dt A'strct)o# L)'rry 4GDAL5 - GDAL s an open source
transator brary for raster geospata data formats that presents a snge abstract
data mode to the cang appcaton for a supported formats. By provdng
ntegraton nto the GDAL command ne uttes, GIBS magery can be easy
ncuded n magery processng workows, ncudng buk access. For more
nformaton regardng GDAL, read here.

Source: NASA EOSDIS GIBS System;
+*ture": ,-&.,&/0
Re2y)#$ u*o# t!ese st#"r"s8 GIBS )m$ery )s m"e %)2'2e 9or
co#sum*t)o# 'y eBter#2 c2)e#t **2)ct)o#s8 )m$ery too2=)ts8 #" GIS
**2)ct)o#s. O9te#8 t!ese )#te$rt)o# eHorts resu2t )# s!re'2e co"e
#" 2esso#s 2er#e" t!t s)m*2)9y t!e us$e o9 GIBS )m$ery.
A sm*2)#$ o9 su**ort **2)ct)o#s #" too2=)ts re s!ow# 'e2ow. To %)ew
9u22 2)st)#$ o9 eB)st)#$ c2)e#ts #" su**orte" 2)'rr)es8 2o#$ w)t!
2esso#s 2er#e" #" sm*2e co"e s#)**)ets8 c2)c= 'e2ow to %)s)t t!e GIBS

To )m*ro%e )m$ery us$e:
Im$ery Lyers&Dt
Im$ery Lyers&No("t
Fter Ms=s
Or')t Trc=s

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