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Seeking Marijuana Addiction Treatment: The Signs of an Addict

Marijuana is often treated in the media as a safe drug, but this is hardly the case. While there is
some potential for marijuana as a painkiller or medication, its abuse is a serious problem in the
United States, and addicts often suffer long-term conseuences including memory loss, rapid !eight
change, and a mo"e to other potentially dangerous drugs. #here is no uestion that marijuana
addiction is a serious problem for some people, reuiring immediate and complete medical treatment.
Some of the signs of marijuana addiction include:
Short term memory loss
$ad grades or poor job performance
$loodshot eyes coupled !ith marijuana odor on the breath or clothes
%pathy and indifference to e"eryday life and relationships
Most marijuana addicts do not seek help !ithout the inter"ention of a family member, friend, or
colleague. $ecause of marijuana&s reputation as a harmless recreational drug, addicts do not reali'e
that they ha"e a problem or don&t see an issue !ith their drug use, sometimes for years. #here is little
chance of an o"erdose from marijuana in the traditional sense, but it can ha"e an o"erall impact on a
habitual user&s life that is harmful. (f you fear that you or a lo"ed one has an addiction to marijuana, it
is important to seek treatment from a ualified therapy center or an addiction treatment facility.
Methods of Marijuana Treatment
Many addicts !orry about the nature of marijuana treatment and the tactics of the facilities that offer
such ser"ices. While treatment "aries, there is an emphasis on confronting the reasons for addiction.
Most treatment programs !ill not substitute another drug for marijuana, as is done !ith more
physically addicti"e drugs like heroin. (nstead, o"erall mental health is assessed and carefully
monitored. #he patient may be encouraged to discuss the reasons that they began to smoke marijuana,
ho! pot makes them feel, and their feelings about the treatment program as a !hole.
(n some situations, marijuana addiction is a sign of deeper mental or emotional issues and disorders
that !ill reuire treatment, such as depression or an)iety. *or this reason, it&s important to use a
marijuana addiction treatment program !ith highly trained professional therapists, as programs that
do not use licensed therapists or doctors may be unable to notice the signs of these disorders.
+rgani'ations like Marijuana %nonymous can be consulted for recommendations or for further
information about treatment options.
Why Marijuana Addicts Cannot Stop Alone
Marijuana addiction is difficult if not impossible to treat alone. #here are se"eral reasons for this, and
they stem from the factors that influenced a person to begin smoking marijuana in the first place.
$iology is one e)ample. ,ou may ha"e heard the term addicti"e personality. (t is thought that some
people ha"e a genetic structure that predisposes them to addiction, and this may make it easy to get
addicted to drugs like marijuana.
-eer pressure can also be important. many marijuana addicts begin smoking !ith friends and de"elop
an entire subculture around the drug. /uitting the drug means gi"ing up that subculture, and this can
be e)tremely difficult to do alone.
% high uality marijuana addiction treatment facility helps to remo"e the mitigating factors that can
cause an addict to fall back into drug use and pro"ide the tools that the addict needs to stay clean.
Most marijuana addiction treatment centers monitor the patient for months or e"en years after initial
treatment. #he cost of treatment for addiction can range from free to many thousands per month for
upscale facilities. +ther treatments and reco"ery options range from support groups and online
discussion forums, to medication and outpatient rehabilitation programs.
(f you kno! a person !ho struggles !ith marijuana addiction, seeking treatment is a "ery important
step. #alk to a licensed therapist or doctor to discuss the actions necessary to enter a marijuana
addiction treatment program right a!ay.
Marijuana Addiction
Smoking marijuana has gained some!hat legal status in certain parts of the U.S. 0obbying for
legality has gone on since the 1234s, !hen marijuana popularity began its climb to !here it is today,
the most !idely abused substance in the U.S.
Signs of pot usage can be difficult to spot. *or some, red eyes, slo!ed thought processes, slo!er
responses, constant coughing, an)iety 5often bordering on paranoia6, and dry mouth can be present.
+ftentimes, it becomes difficult to recogni'e !hether the user is high or not.
Symptoms of Pot Addiction
%ddiction is formed !hen constant, ongoing use has been established. #he addict needs to take pot to
make it through the day and !ill continue to use despite an increase in pot&s detrimental side effects.
#he chronic cough becomes more serious and noticeable. memory and thought processes remain
dulled for longer periods of time.
% common sign of addiction are drug-seeking beha"iors that users e)hibit in their e)traordinary
lengths to procure their drug of choice. -ot addicts may gro! marijuana plants for their o!n use, may
steal to acuire resources that allo! them to buy marijuana, and may become less moti"ated to
function in social, educational, and career arenas that they may pre"iously ha"e taken interest in.
#hey may become secreti"e and isolated in order to hide their addiction from those close to them.
Symptoms of marijuana addiction also include7 slo!er refle)es, lethargic responses to stimuli, lack of
focus, memory loss, slurred speech patterns, higher blood pressure and heart rate.
0ung cancer is a danger !ith marijuana addiction, because the effects of marijuana are more highly
carcinogenic than tobacco in cigarettes. #hose !ho smoke marijuana are also susceptible to mouth
and throat cancers.
Most marijuana users do not belie"e that addiction to marijuana is possible, although the ingredient in
marijuana that affects the brain 5tetrahydrocannabinol, or #896 is psychologically addicting. #hose
!ho use regularly may not be able to stop their dependence on the drug and, therefore, need to feel
the effects e"ery day.
Marijuana is called a gate!ay drug. #his means that the use of this seemingly innocuous, but
some!hat illegal, drug allo!s users to begin to cross the line bet!een drug users and non-drug users.
+nce that line has been crossed, the fear is the user !ill continue to use more dangerous and addicti"e
drugs. #his argument has kept marijuana from being legali'ed in many parts of the !orld. (t is true
that those !ho use marijuana may ne"er graduate to hea"ier drugs. 8o!e"er, a study cited by
*oundation for a :rug *ree World reported that those aged 1; to 1< !ho had smoked marijuana !ere
=3 times more likely to use cocaine. Si)ty percent of those !ho smoke marijuana by age 13 !ill later
use cocaine.
%ddicts !ho cra"e pot and try to stop !ill likely suffer from the effects of !ithdra!al, !hich may
include irritability, loss of appetite and sleep, and an intense cra"ing for more mary jane. Marijuana
addiction treatment maybe be necessary to break the addiction cycle.
Effects of Marijuana
Marijuana, !eed or pot affects the brain and ho! it functions. #he potency of !eed is directly related
to the amount of the acti"e ingredient, delta-2-tetrahydrocannabinol 5#896, it contains, !hich ranges
from 1> to ?4>. Weed also contains cannabidiol 59$:6, !hich causes psychological effects.
#89 is absorbed by the lungs and the bloodstream, then carried throughout the body and stored in
body fat. (t takes @ to A !eeks for #89 to be undetected in the bloodstream after marijuana use.
Immediate Effects of Marijuana se
Short-term effects of !eed are felt !ithin a fe! minutes, sometimes seconds. #hey peak bet!een 14
and ?4 minutes. #he immediate effects !ear off in ; to ? hours.
Some of the most common effects include:
(mmediate physical changes like di''iness, trouble !alking, giddiness, bloodshot eyes,
trouble remembering
Buphoria in most users. someone in a negati"e frame of mind might e)perience depression
instead of euphoria
:ry mouth
Ceduced reaction time
0oss of motor coordination
(ncreased heart rate, sometimes by 34>
9hest pain if there is compromised blood supply to the heart
Usually lo!ers blood pressure but can raise it slightly for some
:istorted perception of sight, sound, time and touch
:ifficulty thinking
#rouble problem sol"ing
%ltered color perception due to dilated pupils
B)treme hunger or the munchies, especially for s!eets
-roblems !ith memory
:ifficulty learning
!ong"Term Effects of Weed
#he long-term effects for chronic users last for days to !eeks after the acute effects !ear off. #hey
can include7
Degati"ely affects memory, math and "erbal skills
%lters the areas of the brain that control memory, attention, learning, pleasure and sensory and
time perception
0ong-term use leads to addiction in 2> of all users, 1<> of those !ho start using !eed at a
young age and ;3-34> of daily marijuana users
(mpacts fertility by lo!ering male testosterone le"el as !ell as sperm count and potency.
o"ulation cycle is disrupted in !omen
#ealth $isks for sers
(mmediate and long-term effects include health risk but there are other major health risks including7
#he risk of ha"ing a heart attack is fi"e times higher in the first hour after smoking marijuana
$reathing problems like daily coughing and !hee'ing
(ncreased numbers of respiratory illnesses like the common cold and pneumonia
(mmune system is compromised and not as effecti"e in fighting against illness
-roposed $enefits
There are proponents to the medical use of marijuana for the follo%ing reasons:
#89 helps nausea and "omiting e)perienced by patients undergoing cancer treatment
#89 increases the appetite and helps %(:S patients maintain their !eight
Marijuana is purported to reduce the feelings of an)iety and depression
0ong-#erm :angers of Weed
Marijuana contains some of the same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco, possibly 34-<4>
higher amounts. Users breathe deeply and hold it longer in the lungs causing major health issues.
Marijuana use during pregnancy can harm a de"eloping fetus and also lead to bearing children
!ith beha"ior problems.
#he risk of using other drugs like cocaine and alcohol is higher for those !ho ha"e tried
marijuana than those !ho ha"e not
$urnout or a dull, inattenti"e personality is a danger
Marijuana and -regnancy
0ike any drug, e)treme caution and consideration should be taken if you&re pregnant and !ant to
smoke pot. (t is reported that marijuana can ha"e the follo!ing negati"e effects on babies7
0o!er birth !eight
8igher incidence of asthma and likelihood of other physical ailments and diseases
0o!er (/ and beha"ioral problems
Eust like caffeine and alcohol, pot should be a"oided !hile pregnant as there are no benefits for the
fetus, only potentially negati"e ones.
Eating Weed
Some people do not !ant to smoke pot but still !ant to get the effects of marijuana. %nother !ay to
ingest ME is by eating it. :ispensaries sell marijuana-infused cookies, chocolate, candies. etc. % fe!
points about eating marijuana include7
#hree times more psychoacti"e than smoking pot
9an cause a psychedelic e)perience
#akes affect slo!er, usually 1 to ; hours
Bffects last longer, about @ hours
Marijuana has many short and long-term effects, !hich "ary from user to user. (f taken for medicinal
reasons, patients should consult !ith their doctors so they are a!are of side effects and other drug
#o% &oes Pot Affect Teen 'rain &e(elopment)
9all it marijuana, cannabis, !eed or pot, but it is all the same drug. While legali'ing marijuana is
slo!ly gaining acceptance around the country, there are still many good reasons !hy teenagers
should not us the drug. #eenage brains are still forming and need to be protected from this potentially
harmful and addicti"e substance.
Marijuana !egali*ation
%ccording to the Dational (nstitute on :rug %buse, marijuana use by teenagers declined during the
late 1224s through the mid-to-late ;444s, but it is currently on the increase around the nation. +ne
alarming statistic is that one in si) teens that try marijuana !ill become addicted.
Whether it is legali'ed or not for those o"er ;1 years old in some states, pot use is still illegal
e"ery!here for teenagers. #here are credible arguments and current research to support the fact that
teenagers should not smoke pot.
#oday, there is a higher concentration of the acti"e ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol 5#896, in
marijuana than there has been in the past.
Teens+ Weed and 'rain &e(elopment
%dolescent brains are still de"eloping. #eens !ho participated in the recent research studies !ere
those !ho smoked pot e"ery day o"er the course of three years. Marijuana use during the teen years
contributes to anomalous changes in the de"eloping brain structure. Cesearch sho!s that chronic use
of pot as a teenager can cause abnormal changes in their brain function including7
Ceasoning issues
:ifficulty !ith problem sol"ing
-roblems !ith !orking memory
#rouble !ith critical thinking
Weak academic performance
(mpaired e"eryday functioning
:ecline in (/ and cogniti"e functioning years later
#eens using marijuana can display beha"iors similar to that of schi'ophrenia because of the changes
that occur in the brain. Some teens !ith chronic marijuana use also had a higher risk of de"eloping
Magnetic resonance imaging 5MC(6 confirms physical changes to the actual brain matter of teens
!ho regularly smoke pot.
The affected areas of the ,rain include:
Striatum, !hich controls re!ard and moti"ation
#halamus, !hich regulates cogniti"e output
Flobus pallidus, !hich in"ol"es mo"ement and memory
(t is important to note that there are both physical and psychological side effects to marijuana use in
teenagers. #he negati"e effects on the brain, as noted in recent research studies, !ere still apparent
t!o years after a teen stopped smoking marijuana. *urther long-term monitoring of the effects of
marijuana on the teen brain !ill pro"ide more comprehensi"e data.
The End $esult
Many uestions remain unans!ered about marijuana use for teens. #he consensus at this time is this7
#he younger a person chooses to use marijuana, the more abnormal their ultimate brain function tests
!ill be o"er time. #hus, teens must be educated and ad"ised against using marijuana !hile their
brains continue to de"elop. #he conseuences are unkno!n and can be far reaching.
&rug Therapy
-reparing for drug addiction treatment, !hether for yourself or for someone you care for, is a
challenging prospect. Hno!ing !hat choices are a"ailable, and !hat the likely process !ill be like,
can help. $ecause of the deep compulsion of addiction and the many social, emotional and physical
elements in reco"ery, a strong preparation is necessary to gain the best possible results.
The Elements In(ol(ed:
What kinds of drug therapies are usedI
What is treatment likeI
Will medications be used in treatmentI
What are the odds of lasting reco"eryI
-inds of &rug Therapies
Most drug addiction treatments are blended therapies, dra!ing on a !ide range of different
approaches o"er the course of reco"ery. Barly stages are hea"ily in"ol"ed in medical aspects of
addiction and !ithdra!al, dealing !ith methods of coping !ith the nausea, pain, con"ulsions, fe"ers,
and other physical responses to terminating drug use. +nce the primary period of !ithdra!al has
been passed, therapy !ill mo"e on to medical maintenance, often in"ol"ing drug substitution
treatments, along !ith medications to continue to deal !ith stress, discomfort, and any underlying
medical issues contributing to the problems of reco"ery. %t this point long-term personal counseling
!ill begin, often including group and family counseling. #raining and "ocational counseling may be
needed, and a long-term plan for a lifetime of follo!-through can be e)pected.
E.periencing &rug Addiction Treatment
#he first stages of treatment are reliably stressful, unpleasant, and often physically grueling.
Withdra!al from any addicti"e substance triggers acti"e resistance in the body of the addict, along
!ith intense emotional and physical stress and cra"ing. :uring this phase of treatment, those helping
and supporting the addict must be firm, and resolute J a form of kindness often unappreciated by the
sufferer. 0ater stages become less immediately difficult, but no stage of reco"ery is simple.
9ounselors, therapists, and e"en fello! addicts and friends and family members are likely to tell
uncomfortable truths and eually likely to hold to high and un!a"ering standards. #his is necessary,
but addicts should be prepared for the difficulty and for the demands in"ol"ed.
What a,out Medications)
Some forms of addiction are treated !ith replacement therapies. +thers are not. :ecisions regarding
medication !ill, ultimately, be in the hands of doctors and medical psychologist and psychiatrists
speciali'ing in addicti"e treatments. % range of considerations !ill be taken into account, including
the underlying health of the addict and the likeliest complications. #he number of possible
medications is substantial, ranging from medications intended to ser"e as surrogates for the addicti"e
drug, to medications to reduce stress, maintain physical health, and fight the symptoms of
Medications used in drug addiction therapy aren&t themsel"es addicti"e, nor do they e"er really
replace the addicti"e drug. #hey merely ser"e as supports during the process of reco"ery, and can
help make the difference bet!een a successful attempt and a failure.
!ikelihood of Success
B"en !ith the best of treatments, a fully successful reco"ery is far from certain. Statistics "ary from
drug to drug and depend also on the addict and the circumstances, but a rough estimate of ;4> !ho
remain drug free !ithout long-term follo!-up and @4> !ho succeed !ith follo!-up is common. #he
odds facing an addict are e)treme, though indi"idual factors can alter the outcome. #he one sure fact
is that no one reco"ers !ithout first uitting, and uitting is easier and more likely to succeed !ith
medical and counseling support.
/etting #elp
#he best approach to reco"ery is to find a sound, secure drug addiction therapy program you can
trust. #hat&s best accomplished through referrals, personal e)ploration, and ultimately through
inter"ie!s !ith potential care gi"ers. *inding the information you need can be managed in a number
of !ays. *ederal, state, and county ser"ices are one route to information. ,our o!n doctor or medical
clinic may be of use. Ceferral ser"ices can pro"ide reliable and insightful information for those
!ithout other resources.

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