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NAME OF THE PHARMACY: ____________________________________

ADDRESS/LOCATION: _________________________________________
NAME OF THE PHARMACIST: ___________________________________
CONTACT NO. & EMAIL: _______________________________________

1. Indicate the average sales level of the following oral OTCs by categorizing each according to the given scale:
Pain Killers and Analgesics

1. Very low
2. Low
3. Moderate
4. High
5. Very high

Supplements and Multivitamins

1. Very low
2. Low
3. Moderate
4. High
5. Very high


1. Very low
2. Low
3. Moderate
4. High
5. Very high


1. Very low
2. Low
3. Moderate
4. High
5. Very high

Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS)

1. Very low
2. Low
3. Moderate
4. High
5. Very high


1. Very low
2. Low
3. Moderate
4. High
5. Very high

2. In your opinion, to what extent do the following factors affect the demand (and sales) for OTCs:


1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Doctors Prescription

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Previous experience of the consumer or previous experience of someone close to the consumer

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Brand image of the OTC

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Price (affordability)

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Shelf Space/Position given to the OTC

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Pharmacists recommendation

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent


1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

3. How frequently do your customers seek your advice while buying Probiotics:

1. Rarely
2. Occasionally
3. Frequently

4. How likely are customers to change their intended brand of ORS on recommendation of a pharmacist:

Highly unlikely
Highly likely

5. What is the extent to which you receive doctors prescription for anti-diarrheal treatment containing Probiotics:
1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

6. Which types of doctors prescribe probiotics as treatment for diarrhea:
1. General Physicians
2. Consultants
3. Pediatrician
4. None of the all

7. What is the extent to which you receive doctors prescription for anti-diarrheal treatment containing ORS:
1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

8. Assuming that some consumers do end up buying a brand of Probiotics recommended by pharmacist, which factor is most
likely to influence their decision:

1. Trust and previous relationship with the pharmacist
2. Price
3. Better promised efficacy of the alternative suggested by the pharmacist
4. Any other factor (please specify): __________________________________________

9. Which brands of Probiotics are more in demand:

1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
4. ---------------------------

10. Which type of ORS is preferred by adult consumers:

1. Ready-to-use liquid solutions
2. Instant powder form

11. In terms of packaging and quantity offered, which type of instant powder form ORS is preferred more by consumers:

1. One that makes approximately one liter of liquid solution and can offer around 4 adult doses
2. One that makes can be dissolved in a glass of water and offers one single dose

12. For an instant powder form Probiotics that makes one single dose, what is the quantity that most consumers are likely to

1. Pack of 10 sachets or more
2. A few loose sachets

13. For an instant powder form Probiotics that makes one single dose, what is the price that most consumers would be willing
to pay per sachet:
14. To what extent would the following factors encourage you to recommend a newly introduced brand of Probiotics (that also
contains ORS) to your customers:

Trade discounts

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Trade promotions

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Proven efficacy of the ORS

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

Knowing that it is preferred and recommended by doctors

1. Not at all
2. Marginally
3. To some extent
4. To a reasonably high extent
5. To a very high extent

15. For an instant powder form ORS + Probiotics, what kind of Shelf Keeping Unit (containing multiple sachets) would you

1. Paper cartons or boxes that can be placed on shelf or counter
2. Paper cartons or boxes that can be hung from a hook creating a dispenser-like packaging, making it easy to sell
individual units (sachets)
3. Any other (please specify): ________________________________________________

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