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Cum se identifca

La forma de singular este adaugat:

1. "s" : regula generala;
2. "es" : daca singularul substantivelor au terminatia in ch, sh, s, ss, z, x;
3. "ies" : daca singularul are terminatia y si inaintea lui e o consoana;
4. "es" : daca singularul are terminatia o iar substantivul e intrat de mult in
5. "ves" : majoritatea substantivelor terminate in f sau fe (excetii: roof! roofs
d"arf! d"arfs#;
$. la substantivele de origine greaca% substantivele terminate in sis% la lural sis e
inlocuit de ses.
inainte de "s" avem o consoana surda (p, t, k, f, th#: cats, roofs, boats, books,
cups ("-s" se pronunta "s")
inainte de "s" avem altceva decat in ca&ul anterior: ideas, boys, balls, days ("-s"
se pronunta "z")
2 boxes, buses, dashes, prizes ("-es" se pronunta "iz")
babies, ladies, factories, spies (from bab'% lad'% factor'% s'# ("-ies" se
pronunta "iz")
tomatoes, potatoes, heroes, volcanoes (from tomato% otato% (ero% volcano#
("-es" se pronunta "z")
wives, elves, loaves, lives, thieves, knives (from "ife% elf% loaf% life% t(ief%
)nife# ("-ves" se pronunta "vz")
analyses, hypotheses, bases (lural from anal'sis% ('ot(esis% basis# (la
singular "-sis" se pronunta "sis", iar la plural "-ses" se pronunta "siz")
1. * serie de substantive au pluralul neregulat:
child (copil) - children, man (barbat)-men, woman (femeie) - women,
die (zar) - dice, foot (picior) - feet, goose (gasca) - geese, mouse
(soarece) - mice, ox (bou) - oxen, tooth (dinte) - teeth

2. +nele substantive au aceeasi forma si entru singular si entru lural: sheep% fish (se
adauga forma de lural ,es- cand este vorba de mai multe secii de este#% fruit (se adauga
forma de lural ,.s- cand este vorba de mai multe soiuri de fructe#% species% dice% deer%
Ex: His favourite was a big white sheep.
The sheep were grazing in the field.

3. +nele substantive au deja forma de lural (sunt urmate de un verb la lural#;
denumind lucruri formate din doua arti: trousers% spectacle% pants% shorts% (sun#
glasses% pyjamas% slacks% scissors% tongs% compasses% scales.
4. +nele substantive nu rimesc niciodata forma de lural (money% information%
news% progress% luggage% furniture% homework% advice% knowledge#; ideea de lural
se va reali&a rin folosirea sintagmelor: a piece of/ two pieces of% an item of, two items
of (entru substantive ce denumesc lucruri abstracte#% a bit of. /n acest ca&% verbul
folosit in fra&a va fi totdeauna la singular.

Ex: The money is on the table.
need a piece of valuable information.

!. +nele substantive se termina deja in ,.s-% dand astfel imresia de lural. La lural
ele nu isi sc(imba forma: mathematics, physics, politics, billiards, darts,
gymnastics, diabetes, measeles, mumps.
Ex: "athematics is one of the most important sciences.
0at ! cats
1oof ! roofs
2oat ! boats
/dea ! ideas
2o' ! bo's
2all ! balls
2ox ! boxes
3otato ! otatoes
Loaf ! loaves
4nal'sis ! anal'ses
0(ild ! c(ildren
5an ! men
6oman ! "omen
7ie !dice
8oot ! feet
9oose ! geese
5ouse ! mice
*x ! oxen
:oot( ! teet(
;'ot(esis ! ('ot(eses
Lad' ! ladies
;ero ! (eroes
:omato ! tomatoes
8actor' ! factories
2us ! buses

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