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Pla docent de l'assignatura

Dades generals

Nom de l'assignatura: Angles Oral
Codi de l'assignatura: 259072
Curs acadmic: 2009-2010
Departament: Dept. Didctica de la Llengua i la Literatura
Crdits: 6

Hores estimades de dedicaci

Factor hores/ECTS 25

Hores de treball dirigit
Hores d'aprenentatge
Hores presencials

Hores totals de treball de l'alumnat 0

Crdits ECTS 0


Aquesta assignatura est especialment dissenyada per als estudiants de lespecialitat de LLENGUA
ESTRANGERA o altres estudiants amb un nivell alt de fludesa en angls.

Objectius d'aprenentatge

Referits a coneixements
Examination of patterns underlying the surface detail of English phonetics and phonology.
Extensive practice in sound production and performance skills, together with ear training to
build up participants' powers of auditory discrimination.
General awareness of the implications of the phonology of English in the EFL classroom.

Blocs temtics

1. The sessions will include oral practice and coverage of all main aspects of English
phonology and methodological approaches for the EFL teacher:
* phonemic system (vowels and consonants)
segmental analysis
suprasegmental features
word stress
sentence stress
weakening and coarticulation processes
intonation and its meaning
methodological implications for the EFL classroom

Avaluaci acreditativa dels aprenentatges

Attendance and active participation will be paramount. Attendance is, therefore, a basic
requirement to pass the course. Participation will include individual demonstration(s) with
material(s) done during the sessions.
1.- Attendance & class participation (20%)
- Class participation will include individual presentation(s) and notetaking
- Any student missing 10 class sessions without due justification will not qualify to pass the course
2.- Individual tasks (30%)
- These tasks based on weakly readings will be optional to obtain excellence (however, all tasks
programmed have to be handed in if a student wants to qualify for the 30% of individual tasks)
3.- Final oral testing (50%)
- Individual performance (interview and 2 readings, one of them of the student's choice) (40%)
- Group performance (sketch or other) (10%)

Fonts d'informaci bsica
KENWORTHY, J. (1987). Teaching English Pronunciation. London: Longman.
KREIDLER, CH. W. (1989). The Pronunciation of English. A course book in Phonology. Oxford: Basil
OCONNOR, J.D. (1967). Better English pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ROACH, P. (1983). English phonetics and phonology. A practical course. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Text electrnic
A dossier will be provided at the beginning of the course with materials to work with during the
sessions and an extended bibliography.

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