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The present is one more addition to the existing literature pertaining to the great and
celestial science of Astrology. Many ordinary incidents in life which we pass by and notice
not, as well as the phenomena of nature, are easily explained with reference to Astrology.
There have been indications of it in the works which I have previously translated, viz., rihat
!ataka, !atakapari"ata, #ripati paddhati and $haladeepika, works by the giants of Astrology.
As an instance of the influence of the phenomena of nature on human life reference may be
made to the rainbow caused by the refraction of the #un%s ravs through a watery prism
consisting of particles of rain water. The rainbow is produced of a morning or of an evening,
ie when the #un is at the &agna or the Astha &agna. Then, when the #un is at the &agna or
the 'ising #ign or the Ascendant, the seventh house is encircled by beautiful circles of the
seven variegated colours on a watery plane. (ven so, the 'ising #ign is encircled by circles
of like nature, when the #un is posited in the )th house. The &agna represents the native,
while the seventh house denotes the partner of the native. The life of the native will be
happy, cordial and "ovial of there be a sympathetic, loving and understanding support from
the partner. The seven colours of the rainbow represent the seven planets who by various
combinations produce the seven kinds of energy or seven modes of motion that are found
common in the universe.
*ttarakalamrita, which is here translated, discloses a treasure house of knowledge on
Astrology so far unrevealed. This work is ascribed to +alidasa of the court of ,ikramasurya-
itself a proper name suggesting ,ikrama of the solar race. A part of the work is called
.+alidasa krita/ and indeed #ri ,. #uryanarayana #iddhantigaru, who has published the
original work in Telugu 0haracters, describes this as an astrological work of the Maha +avi
+alidasa, giving a colophon at the end of each chapter in Telugu that this *ttarakalamrita
was the work of #ri +alidasa. It is not possible to say whether any +alidasa was the author
of this work. In any case, the author of this work, important as it is in the field of astrology,
ought not to be confused and mixed up or identified with the immortal poet of that name, as
even the intrinsic evidence is against it.
The value of the work will be evident from the information available in it with reference to the
.1/ three births 2 past, present and future, - with detailed references concerning longevity3
.4/ special kinds of 'a"ayogas and their hangas .5/ solar year and its delineation 6 effects
of the ,arshika 7asas of the several plants3 .8/ importance attached to 'ahu and +etu .9/
.:imita/ or Muhurta for the inauguration post, ; c., enterprise or a ceremonial 2 0fr. +handa
A new idea is developed in the commentaries on this work6 that of depicting the parts played
by !upiter and #aturn as co-workers. ,arahamihira in his rihat !ataka has described the
owners of the 14 signs in the following manner6
The first .$ada/ mentions the owners of the first eight signs while a separate .$ada/ has
been allotted to mention the lords of the remaining four signs. The idea contained here is to
show the line of demarcation between the first eight signs and the last four signs. The first
eight signs signify all aspects of the native from birth to death, i.e., material ones. The last
four denote the following <ualities, viz., 7harma Tapas =ame >ain and Moksha. In fact3
these four signs represent 7harma, 7harma Arttha +ama and Moksha. ?ere Arttha and
+ama should not be taken in the material sense. They play their part only so far as they help
the native to attain salvation. :ow the last four signs are owned by !upiter and #aturn and
these two are therefore classed as philosophical planets. The eighth sloka in the same
Adhyaya is a further support of the same idea.
!upiter is a planet who is supposed to represent the rahmin class, while #aturn, the
outcast or 0handala. A mutual $arivartana 2 interchange, aspect or con"unction between
these two planets will mean the establishment of a cordial relation between the rahmin and
the outcast. This is a very necessary <ualification for a true philosopher. In this connection, it
will be apt to <uote the following sloka6
,iewing from another aspect, !upiter is a planet representing happiness while #aturn
represents misery - II-9, ). !upiter denotes holy places, while #aturn stands for filth, etc. A
cordial relation between the two will naturally prove the existence of an impartial viewing of
all things in the native.
Again, !upiter is supposed to be the Amaraguru or the preceptor of the >ods, and so, can
be understood to represent :arayana, that is, ,ishnu. In very #aiva temple in India the idol
of #aturn - #aniswara is inevitable. Therefore, it will not be mistake if one were to conclude
that #aturn represents ?ara. It is a well known statement in ?indu $holosophy that ?ara the
last of the ?indu Trinity, stands for 7estruction, while ?ari, the middle one, is for $rotection.
A mutual relationship between the two planets in a nativity will now mean that the native has
got the capacity to understand that there is no distinction between ?ari and ?ara, which
otherwise means that existence in, and exit from, the world are to be treated with the same
amount of pleasure.
#outh Indians are only familiar with +alamrita of about 5@ verses, dealing with religious
duties and ritual observed in ?indu-more strictly rahmin-homes.
About A9 charts belonging to people of various ranks and ages have been introduced so as
to be educative to the reader. 'amrks concerning the various aspects of life have been
freely made in appropriate places.
The second +anda is published for the first time. 'ahu and Mercury are identified with *rdu
and Telugu respectively.
My thanks are due to .1/ the authorities of the >overnment Briental Mss. &ibrary, Madras,
for enabling me to obtain the manuscript relating to the second +anda .4/ Messrs 6 0.#.
,enkatarama #astri, .#c., 0hamara"apet3 .&. :arasimha #astri, Astrologer, angalore
0ity3 ?.'. #eshadri Iyer, M.A., #hankarpur and ,edamurti ,. $admanabhachariar of the #ri
0hamara"endra #anskrit 0ollege, angalore 0ity, for their ungrudging help tendered in the
preparation of this work. I may add the loving, unfailing and ungrudging service of my
youngest son 0hi6 +.#. +rishnamurti, .#c., .?ons/ which made this a work of pleasure for
&astly, Mr. ,.. #rikantiah of Messrs6 ,.. #oobbiah and #ons deserves my heartfelt thanks
for the <uickness and promptness with which he enabled me to get this work printed.
,. #*'A?MA:CA #A#T'I.
Section-1 Time of Birth, lanet!, Bha"a!, etc#
#loka 2 16 I bow to the elephant-faced >od, the son of the >oddess havani, who is adored
at the commencement of any undertaking by rahma, ,ishnu, ?ara, Indra and the 7evas,
and in whose four hands, the weapons .$asa/ and the like, and a sweet cake are gleaming
and who is the principal 7eity of king ,ikramarka of the #olar race.
#loka 2 46 I bow to the great >oddess, #ri +ali, who has reserved a snug corner in her left
side of the body for the residence of 0upid, who confers on her devotees all the they desire,
who holds in her hands .#ankha/, .0hakra/, the power of protection and granting boons,
who is mounted on a lion, who is sporting with the Moon crested >od, who is shining
brilliantly with her three eyes and who takes a keen interest in the welfare and protection of
king ,ikrama of the #olar race.
y the reference to +ing ,ikramarka in the above two #lokas, it may be surmised that
+alidasa, the author of this work was under the patronage of that +ing.
#loka 2 56 In the first half of this work every thing has already been said in detail regarding
7efinitions and the like, and the same may be conveniently perused. I no describe in this
latter half of +alamrita, for the delectation of the wise, the treatment of horoscopes, about
<ueries, the true and very minute details of effects about past, present and future, couched
in verses of .#ardulavikriditae/ metre, and which is capable of attracting wealth in
multifarious ways.
The reference here by the author relates to the work 2 generally known in #outh India as
+alamritae. That book will have to be called in future as .$urva +alamrita/ to distinguish it
from the present one. It contains seven 0hapters or indus and consists of more than 54@
#lokas, all in #ardula ,ikridita metre.
#loka 2 86 The exact time of birth in terms of >hatikas, etc., that have elapsed since
#unrise, and the gnomonic shadow indicated by the instruments and other appliances
should first be ascertained. Then the duration of 7ay and :ight on the day of birth in
<uestion. =rom the correct position of the #un with respect to the =irst $oint of Aries D, the
&agna should be calculated. :ext, should be ascertained through the >uru%s blessings the
exact positions of the several planets in the zodiac at the time as revealed by the E7rink/
system of calculations. Then the havas with their #andhis. All these should be determined
with a clear intellect by the intelligent Astrologer.
#loka 2 96 Multiply the >hatikas and ,igha tikas that have elapsed since #unrise by 8 and
divide the product by F. The remainder will prepresent the number of the asterism .of birth/
reckoned from the groups of nine beginning with Aswini, Magha or Moola as the case may
#uppose there was a birth at 95 G ghatikas after #unrise on the night of =riday, the 45rd
!uly 1A)9. Then according to the method above enunciated, we have to multiply 95 G by 8
and divide the product by F3 we get a remainder A which shows the star at the time to be
$ushya, its Anu"anma, Anuradha, or its Tri"anma, *ttarabhandra. The natal star of the native
was actually *ttarabhadra.
Br, the ghatikas, etc., that have elapsed since #unrise at the time of birth should be
converted into ,ighatikas and then divided by 449 .TatvaH49 and AswinH4/. 7ivide the
remainder into the following groups of vighatikas as may be found possible6 viz., 19-5@-89-
According to this method, we have to multiply the 95 G ghatikas by I@ to convert them to
vightikas, thus6 95 G x I@ or 419 x 19. This has to be divided by 449. Thus 419 x 19 449 H
18 1J5. This falls within the 1st group of 19, which shows hat the sex is male ,ide next
#loka 2 I6 These five groups represent, in their order, male, female, male, female and male
i.e., any remainder from @ to 19 will indicate the birth of a male3 while that exceeding 19 and
below 89, a female3 any remainder above 89 and below F@ will denote a male3 while that
over F@ will denote a male3 while that over F@ and below 19@, a female. A remainder
exceeding 19@ and less than 449 will signify the native to be of the male sex.
Again, find out the 'asi and :avamsa occupied by Mandi as well as the Moon. The &agna
of birth will correspond to the sign occupied by Mandi or the Moon, whichever of them is
stronger. Br, it may be the )th, the 9th or the Fth from either of the above two signs. #hould
the :avamsa 'asis occupied by these two .viz., Mandi and the Moon/ be found to possess
greater strength than their corresponding 'asis, the &agna will correspond to any of the
aforesaid houses reckoned from the stronger of the two :avamsa 'asis.
The method advocated above by the author to deduce the &agna at birth through the
position of Mandi or the Moon at the time of birth does not appear to agree with the one
given by Mantreswara in his $haladeepika cf. III-1I. Mantreswara says K:ote the 'asi
occupied by Mandi at a birth and note also where the lord of that 'asi is posited. The &agna
at birth will be a position triangular to that of the aforesaid lord or one triangular to the
:avamsa occupied by the owner of the sign representing the :avamsa occupied by
.>ulika/. Lhen the Moon is strong, the &agna should be deduced similarly through the
Moon alone instead of through Mandi.M Mantreswara%s view appears as correct.
#loka 2 )6 The duration of the day in terms of >hatikas multiplied by 4I,44,1A,18,1@,I and 4
respectively and divided by 5@ will indicate .during the day/ the time .in ghatikas elapsed
since sunrise/ of the exact position of .Mandi, son of #aturn/, in the seven week-days
counted from #unday onwards. The period of 7ay or :ight when divided by A will indicate
the length of a part presided over by each of the planets. In day time, the lords of the first
seven parts are the seven planets reckoned from the lord of the week day chosen in the
order 2 #un, Moon, Mars, Mercury, !upiter, ,enus and #aturn.
#loka 2 A6 The Ath or last portion is lordless #aturn%s portion in each day is called >ulika. In
the night, the lords of the first seven portions or Muhurtas are the seven planets counted .in
the same order as aforesaid/ from the lord of the 9th week-day from the day chosen. ?ere
again, #aturn%s muhurta is >ulika. ?is exact position corresponds to the &agna at the very
end of that muhurta. These two sons of #aturn 2 Mandi and >ulika-are declared by sage
Mandavya as two villains, and they cause a lot of in"ury in the house dwelt or tenanted by
The distinction between Mandi and >ulika should be carefully noted. Their exact positions
on any week-day are not the same. Take for instance a #aturday. #upposing that the length
of the day to be 5@ ghatikas, we have Mandi%s position to correspond with the &agna at 4
ghatikas after #unrise, while >ulika%s position will correspond to the &agna at 5 G ghatikas
after #unrise.
#loka 2 F6 If at the birth of a child the &agna be +ataka, Mesha, ,rischika, Tula or +umbha,
the lying-in-chamber will be in the eastern portion of the house. If ti be #imha or Makara, the
chamber will be located in the southern portion of the house. If it be ,rishabha, the lying-in-
chamber will be in the western portion of the house. If the birth be in +anya, 7hanus,
Mithuna, or Meena, the lying-in-chamber is in the north of the house. The place of birth or a
child will usually be that corresponding to the &agna or its :avamsa whichever of them is
stronger. 0f. ,-4@3 ,-15.
#loka 2 1@6 Lhen the Moon does not aspect the &agna, the birth of the child will take place
when the father is absent in another village, is in his own village, or is on his way home,
according as the #un is in a moveable, immoveable or in a dual sign, and at the same time
be also posited either in the Fth or the Ath house, and not otherwise. If the Moon be in
con"unction with malefic planets, much distress has to be endured by the mother during the
delivery. 0f. ,-1, 1).
#loka 2 116 The females attending on the woman in child-bed are as many as there are
planets between the rising sign and the Moon. Those that are without the lying-in-chamber
will be denoted by the number of planets that are away from these two limits. The <uantity of
oil in the lamp will vary with the portion to be traversed by the Moon in the sign entered
upon, while the wick has to be guessed from the &agna, i.e., will vary with the portion of the
rising sign still below the horizon. The character of the lamp is to be guessed from the
character of the sign occupied by the #un 3 i.e., whether the light is moveable, fixed or both,
is to be declared from the nature of the 'asi in which the #un is. The #un, ,enus, Mars,
'ahu, #aturn the Moon Mercury and !upiter are respectively the lords of the <uarters 2
(ast, #outheast, #outh, #outhwest, Lest, :orthwest, :orth and :ortheast. The door of the
lying-in-chamber is to be guessed by means of the planets occupying the +endra position,
or rather by means of those that are possessed of strength3 i.e., when more than one planet
occupy the +endra position, the door must be guessed by the strongest of them3 when there
are no planets in the +endras, find which of the +endras is trongest, and the direction
foaced by the door is guessed accordingly.
Section-II Calc$lation of the !e"eral kin%! of !tren&th, etc#
#loka 2 16 All the twelve 'asis are ascending, each in its turn from .the nadir towards the
&agna or/ the (ast. The six houses from the &agna onwards, viz., 1st, 4nd, 5rd, 8th, 9th,
and Ith, constitute the right side of the native, while the other six denote his left side. These
latter also denote the right portion of his partner. The &agna is life or souls of the native
while the .!anma 'asi/ or the sign occupied by the Moon denotes his .7eha/ or body. All
about these, .soul and body/, should be predicted through these two significations .&agna
and the Moon/ and also with special reference to the planets owning the houses they
occupy, the particular havas in which they are in and the .hava +araka/ concerned.
#loka 2 46 The Moon, !upiter and Mars are the friends of the #un. the #un and Mercury are
the friends of the Moon. The friends of Mars are the #un, the Moon and !upiter. ,enus and
the #un are the friends of Mercury. The friends of !upiter are the #un. the Moon and mars.
Mercury and #aturn are the friends of ,enus. #aturn%s friends are ,enus and Mercury. The
#un%s enemies are #aturn and ,enus. The Moon has no enemies. Mars and Mercury have
each got only one enemy, and they are mercury and the Moon respectively, ,enus and
Mercury are the enemies of !upiter. The enemies of ,enus are the #un and the Moon. The
#un, Moon and Mars are the enemies of #aturn. The rest are neutrals. =rom a consideration
of the .Tatkalika/ friendship .friendliness obtaining for the time being/ between two planets
and the .:isarga/ or natural friendship one has to "udge whether the two planets are
exceedingly friendly or exceedingly inimical, etc.
#loka 4 N-5 N6 Mars, venus, Mercury, the Mon, the #un, Mercury, ,enus, Mars, !upiter,
#aturn, #aturn and !upiter are respectively the lords of the signs from Mesha onwards. Bf
the several kinds of divisions of the zodiac, the first is known as .>riha/ or .'asi/. A half of a
'asi is termed .?ora/. A third portion of a 'asi is known as .7rekhana/ or 7ecanate. There
are also other kinds of sub-divisions, viz., the .#aptamsa H 1J)th portion of a 'asi/,
.:avamsa 2 1JFth portion of a 'asi/ .7wadasamsa H 1J14th portion of 'asi/ and
.Trimsamsa H a degree of 1J5@th portion of a 'asi/.
#loka 5 N - 96 #umha, ,rishbha, Mesha, +anya, 7hanus, Tula and +umbha are the
Moolatrikona signs of the planets commencing with the #un. Mesha, ,rishabha, Makara,
+anya, +ataka, Meena and Tula are the exaltation signs of the seven planets respectively
from the #un onwards. Lhen a planet is posited in his exaltation, he gets one full 'upa as
his strength. The strength for a planet placed in his Moolatrikona house is 5J8ths of a 'upa.
=or a planet occupying his own house, the strength is N a 'upa. In a friend%s house, it is
1J8th and 5JAths when in the house of a dear friends. In an inimical house, the strength is
1J1Ith. It is 1J54 when in a sign owned by the planet%s inveterate enemy. It is 1JAth of a 'upa
in the house of a neutral.
0f. III-4, 5.
#loka -I6 Lhen a planet is retrograde in his motion, his strength is similar to that when in his
exaltation. If a planet is con"oined with a retrograde planet, his strength is N a 'upa. If a
planet be retrograde in his motion while in his exaltation house, he gets only his
.:eechabala/, i.e. nothing. If a planet be retrograde while in his debilitation house .of E=all%/,
his strength is similar to that when in his exaltation. A planet in con"unction with another
planet who is in exaltation gets N a 'upa. Lhen he is associated with another who is in his
debilitation, he gets nothing, a planet if he be in con"unction with malefics who are his
friends, or with benefics who happen to be his enemies, gets only N a 'upa.
All this is new information not contained in .#ripati-paddhati/.
#loka I N 6 The highest exaltation points of the planets countinbg from the #un are the 1@th,
the 5rd, the 4Ath, the 19th, the 9th, the 4)th and the 4@th degrees of the several signs
.mentioned in sloka 5 N - 9 supra/, their points of E=all% being the corresponding degrees in
the )th house from their exaltation ones. The strength accruing to a planet derived by .a
consideration of/ this position applies only to the 'asi occupied.
#uppose in a nativity, !upiter is in the 1st :avamsa of Meena, his exaltation :avamsa. ?e
will not be entitled to get one 'upa, as his strength under E:avamsa% in the
.#aptavarga"abala/ but he will be given only what is due to him as occupying a :avamsa
belonging to the Moon according to the kind of relationship he holds with him in the
particular nativity.
#loka I N - ) N6 In the case of an odd sign, the ?oras or halves of a 'asi belong
respectively to the #un and the Moon, and in an even sign, to the Moon and the #un. the
7rekhanas are owned by the lords of .a/ the 1st, 9th and Fth with respect to that 'asi in the
case of a moveable sign, .b/ the Fth, 1st and 9th, in the case of a fixed sign and .c/ the 9th,
Fth and 1st in the case of a dual sign. The owners of the #aptamsas or 1J)th portions are, in
the case of an odd sign, to be counted regularly from the lord thereof, while in the case of an
even sign they are to be reckoned from the lord of the )th onwards. :ext, as the order of the
There are 5 ways declared to find out the lords of the 5 decanates of each sign 6
I. They are the lords of the 1st, 9th and Fth with respect to that 'asi.
.i/ The 1st, 9th and Fth in the case of a moveable sign 3
.ii/ The Fth, 1st and 9th in the case of a fixed sign 3
.iii/ The 9th, Fth and 1st in the case of a dual sign.
II. They are the lords of the 1st, 14th and 11th with respect to that sign.
,arahamihira recognizes only the 1st of the above views.
The present author holds the second view.
Cavaneswara says that the 5rd method above cited should be followed only in .$rasna/ or a
#lokas ) N - A N6 The :avamsas of Mesha, #imha and 7hanus belong to the nine signs
from Mesha onwards, and they continue till the end of Meena. The owners of the
7wadasamsas or 1J14th portion of any sign are to be reckoned from that assign. The
Trimsamsas or degrees, i.e., 1J5@th portions of a sign allotted in an odd sign to Mars,
#aturn, !upiter, Mercury and ,enus are respectively 9, 9, A, ) and 9. In an even sign, ,enus,
Mercury, !upiter, #aturn and Mars have 9,),A,9 and 9 degrees respectively. The above
seven kinds of divisions constitute the #aptavargas. .#ee chart in the front page/.
#lokas AN -FN 6 (nter against the 'asi column the strength in terms of 'upas already
obtained for the 'ais, and write out against the other six vargas commencing from ?ora a
moiety of the strength fixed in the 'asi ,arga for the planet owning the ,arga in <uestion.
The sum-total of these seven kinds of strength constitute the .#aptavarga"abala/ of the
planet. This process should be gone through in the case of all the seven planets.
The following will be the #apthavarga"abala Table of the planets for the ?oroscope taken as
example in my edition of #ripathi paddhati .pp 4F-5@/ according to the method prescribed in
this book.
#un Moon Mars Mercury !upiter ,enus #aturn
'asi .5)9 .49 .5)9 .49 .)9 .49 .149
?ora .149 .149 .1A) .1A) .1A) .1A) .149
7rekhana .1A) .149 .5)9 .5)9 .19) .1A) .5)9
#aptamsa .1A) .149 .5)9 .@I4 .5)9 .149 .149
:avamsa .149 .149 .5)9 .@I4 .1A) .1A) .5)9
7wadasamsa .1A) .149 .@I4 .5)9 .5)9 .149 .5)9
Trimsamsa .5)9 .5)9 .1A) .@I4 .1A) .5)9 .149
Total 1.9I49 1.49 1.F5)9 1.5)9 4.49 1.85)9 1.I49
#loka FN -1@N 6 In the case of a planet approaching its exaltation, the .*chachabala/ or
exaltation strength in terms of a 'upa is repsented by a fraction whose numerator is the
number of degrees intervening between the planet%s depression point and the planet%s
present position and whose denominator is 1A@@. The defect of this from unity will denote
the planet%s .*chchabala/ when the planet is .Avaroha/, i.e., when it has crossed the
exaltation point and is proceeding towards its depression. Lhen a planet occupies a +endra
a $anaphara and an Apoklima house, it strength is 1 'upa, N a 'upa and 1J8th of a rupa
0f. #ripatipaddhati, III-4, 9.
#lokas 1@ N-11N 6 The Moon and ,enus, when they are in an even sign or in a :avamsa
owned by an even sign, get 1J8th of a 'upa as strength. It is reserve in the case of the other
planets 6 i.e., the #un, Mars, !upiter, #aturn and Mercury get the same amount of strength
.viz., 1J8th of a 'upa/ when they are in an odd sign or in a :avamsa owned by an odd sign.
Lhen masculine, hermaphrodite and feminine planets occupy respectively the initial, middle
or the last portion of a 'asi, 1J8th of a 'upa is to be assigned as their strength. The total of
these 9 kinds of strength constituted the .#tthanabala/ or $ositional strength of planets, the
first of the #hadbalas or six ma"or divisions of strength.
.,ide #ripatipaddhati, III-8/
#loka 11N - 14N6 Mercury and !upiter are strong in the &agna or (ast. The Moon and
,enus are powerful in the 8th of :orth3 #aturn in the )th or Lest 6 Mars and the #un, in the
1@th or #outh. The strength of these planets is zero or nil when they respectively occupy the
)th place from the above. #uch directional strength or .7igbala/ in the interventing positions
must be calculated by rule-of-three process.
#lokas 14N - 186 In the bright half of a month, the .$akshabala/ of benefic planets
corresponds to the number of Tithis passed in the $aksha, while that of the malefics, to the
number of Tithis remaining to be passed or gone through. This process is reversed in the
other or dark half of the month. The $akshabala in the case of the Moon will be doubled. If a
birth takes place in the middle portion of the 7ay, the strength .of the 'upa/ accrues to the
#un 3 if it be in the last or third portion of the 7ay, the strength goes to #aturn. The Moon
gets it if the birth be in the first portion of the night. If the birth be in the middle portion of the
night, the strength goes to ,enus. If the birth takes place in the third or last portion of the
night, Mars gets this strength. Mercury has it during the first portion of the 7ay. !upiter has
this strength at all times. This is called the .Ahoratra"a/ or .7inaratritribhagabala/. The .:ata/
in ghatikas multiplied by 4 and divided by I@ will denote the .:atabala/ in terms of a 'upa.
.0f. #ripatipaddhati III-F-18/.
#loka 18 N6 The same subtracted from unity will be the strength resulting from the .*nnata/.
The Moon, Mars and #aturn have the .:atabala/, while the #un, Mercury, !upiter and ,enus
have the .*mmatabala/. .0f. #ripatipaddhati III-1@/.
#lokas 18 N - 19 N6 The ghatikas that intervene between mid-day and the #un at a birth is
termed .:ata/, while .*nnata/ indicates similar interval .in ghatikas/ between the #un and
midnight. These two intervals when divided by 5@ express the .:atonnatabala/ of planets in
terms of a 'upa, and form a sub-division of .+alabala/. About instruments .such as #anku/
and the like, they have been described in detail in the previous half of the work.
0f. #ripatipaddhati I-5, III-1@/
#lokas 19 N - 1I N6 The lord of the year, the lord of the month, the lord of the week-day and
the lord of the .?oraHhour/ have respectively O, N, G, and 1 'upa as strength when a birth
has taken palce under their sway. The sum of these four kinds of strength goes to swell the
.+alabala/. To find the lord of the ?ora at any given time, multiply the ghatikas elapsed since
#unrise by 4 and divide the product by 9. The <uotient will reveal the number of ?oras that
have elapsed. The lord of the first ?ora on any week-day will be the lord of the week-day
itself3 the lords of the 4nd and succeeding ?oras have to be reckoned from that planet in the
following order6 the #un, ,enus, Mercury, the Moon, #aturn, !upiter and Mars.
#lokas 1I N - 1) N6 The Moon and #aturn are strong in their #outhern course. Mercury
possesses strength always. The rest become strong in their :orthern course. The strength
accruing from this is known as .Ayanabala/. The planets taken in regular order from Mars
should be declared to be strong when in their retrograde motion, their .0heshtabala/ being
calculated from the degrees in there respective #ighra +endras already described .by
others/. Lhen two planets are con"oined in such a way that they happen to be in the same
house and their longitudes agree even to the degree and minute, they are said to be in war
and that planet which is :orth of the other is declared to be the con<ueror and gains the
strength of the other in the #outh who is considered as van<uished.
#lokas 1)N - 1AN6 #aturn casts a full glance over the 5rd and 1@th houses, while the other
planets view the two houses only with a <uarter glance. !upiter aspects the 9th and Fth
houses with a full eye, while the rest see these houses with half a glance. Mars casts his full
eye over the 8th and the Ath houses, while the other planets aspect them with 5J8ths
aspects. All planets aspect the )th with a full eye. $lanets do not aspect the 4nd, the 11th,
the 14th and the Ith houses reckoned from the one occupied by them.
#lokas 1AN - 1FN6 #ubtract the aspecting planet from the aspected one. The result will
indicate the extent in signs, degrees, etc., of the range of aspect. The .7rigbala/ of the
aspected planet .in terms of 'upas/ can be accurately ascertained from these degrees, etc.
by rule-of-three process by the addition to, or subtraction from, as the case may be, of the
proportionate difference in strength between that fixed for that sign and the strength allotted
for the succeeding sign. The 7rigbala thus obtained should be classified under KMaleficM and
KeneficM according as the aspecting planets are malefic and benefic, and written in two
tables in terms of 'upas. Their algebraic sum will reveal the exact 7rigbala got for each
planet. 0f. #ripatipaddhati-II.
#&okas 1FN -4@N6 The #un, the Moon, ,enus, !upiter, Mercury, Mars and #aturn decrease
successively by 1J)th of a 'upa in their natural strength. The .:isargabala/ of the #un
should be put down as one. The several kinds of strength, viz., those derived from .1/
.#tthana-$osition/ .4/ .7ik-7irection/ .5/ .+ala-Time/ .8/ .:isarga-:atural/ and .9/ .0heshta-
motion/ should now be totaled up.
#lokas 4@N - 41N6 To this should be superadded the rectified 7rigbala of the planet.
=urther, if the planet be victorious in planetary war, one more 'upa should be added to its
strength 3 but if he be van<uished, one 'upa should be taken away. The sum-total thus
rectified or the several balas above-mentioned will be the planet%s #hadbala in 'upas. If this
strength be found to be less than 9 'upas. If this strength be found to be less than 9 'upas,
the planet should be declared as weak. It is said to possess normal strength when it ranges
from 9 to 1@ 'upas.
#lokas 41N - 44N6 Anything exceeding 1@ 'upas will be .$urnabala/. And such a planet will
prove auspicious. ?is 7asa will be an exceedingly favourable one and will confer on the
native concerned all that he cherishes, viz., wealth, happiness, etc., if he has passed his
depression and is proceeding to his exaltation point. In the case of a planet possessing
medium strength and going towards his exaltation, his 7asa period also will be productive of
happiness. ut should the planet be on his way to his depression point, the 7asa will prove
unfavourable. In the case of a planet whose strength is below the normal .i.e., less than 9
'upas/, his 7asa will only cause misery and unhappiness.
Section-III A'$r%a'a (en&th of (ife
#loka 16 The number denoting the asterisms from .Ashwini/ that have been passed by a
planet should be divided by 5 and the <uotient left out of consideration. The remainder
should be multiplied by 8 and the product will denote the number of :avamsas .from
Mesha/ already traveled by the planet and correspond to the number of years contributed by
the planet in the .Amsayurdaya/ system. The months, days, etc., over and above the years
referred to due to the planet%s position in the portion of the next .$ada/ should be calculated
from the interval lying between the end of the last .:akshatra pada/ and the position
occupied by the planet in the next one through the measure in days, ghatikas, etc., taken by
the particular planet to pass through its full course. The years thus contributed by the
several planets as well as by the &agna should be similarly obtained and totaled up.
Take for instance the case of ,enus in the nativity alluded to in the notes under I-9, supra.
?e is in the first <uarter of the star .$unarvasu/. ?e entered that .$ada/ on the Ath of the
month +ataka at 18gh. A vigh. And left the same for the 4nd .$ada/ on the 1@th idem at 9)
gh. 8@ vigh. ?e has therefore proceeded in the first .$ada/ for 1 day, 89 gh. 44 vigh. The
distance traversed by ,enus from the beginning of Aswini is I stars plus of the first .pada/ in
the )th star. The stars divided by 5 leaves no remainder. ,enus therefore contributes only of
a year or ) month, 44 days, etc. #imilarly, in the case of the other planets.
#loka 46 Lhen malefic planets occupy the I bhavas counted backward from the 14th, the
whole, a half, a third, a fourth, a fifth or a sixth respectively of their Ayurdaya is lost. If
benefics should occupy such positions, the loss is half of that incurred in the case of malefic
ones. In the case of a malefic planet occupying the &agna the whole of the Ayurdaya
contributed by the &agna is lost. Lhen a planet is in its depression point, the period
assigned to it is reduced by half. If the planet be posited in an inimical house, he loses a
third of his Ayus. Lhen he is eclipsed or defeated in planetary war, his Ayurdaya is further to
be diminished by half. This is the peculiarity in the Amsayurdaya method.
#loka 56 The number of ghatikas that have elapsed in the &gna 'asi at birth when multiplied
by F and divided by the number denoting the ghatikas, etc., of the rising period of that 'asi
will reveal the number .in terms/ of years contributed by the &agna. =rom the remainder, the
months, days, etc., may be similarly obtained by suitable multiplication and division by their
appropriate factors. Lhen the &agna is strong by the presence in it, or the aspect over it, of
its lord or a benefic planet or by its lord being in his exaltation, the number of years
contributed by the &agna will be as many years as are signified by the 'asis, etc., .counted
from Mesha/ in the figure denoting the &agna. This is the view according to some
#loka 86 There are two decanates one on each side of the &agna 7rakhana. =ind out the
#aptavarga"abalas in terms of 'upas before of the lords of these three decanates .or of the
planets occupying them if be the reading for and take only a fourth. This will represent the
religious merit .in 'upas/ of the native. The same subtracted from 8 will signify the evil
.papa/ portion. These two results should be carefully noted and their difference if found to
be 8 'upas of .punya/ will enable the person concerned to attain final emancipation.
#loka 96 Thus should be obtained the figures for the benefic as well as the malefic portions
of the #aptavarga"abalas of the lords of the three decanates referred to above. The malefic
portion should be multiplied by 14@ and divided by ). The result will be the number in years.
But of this take away as many 14@ year-periods as are possible. The remainder will be less
than 14@ and reveal the .Ayus/ of the native in the respective .!anma out of the past,
present and future/. This method has been suggested here only by way of discussion as
one simpler than the .Amsayurdaya/ method 6
#loka I6 .1/ ,enus, !upiter and Mercury when they are in +endra and +ona houses will
make the native long lived. .4/ If they occupy the 4nd, 5rd and 11th houses, the person will
have medium life, i.e., I@ years .5/ If these planets should be in the Ith, Ath and 14th
houses the native will live below medium life. .8/ The rest, i.e., the malefics, if posited in the
Ath, the 14th, a +endra or a +ona position, will invariably not be productive of good to the
person concerned.
#loka ) 6 Lhen the lord of the &agna is not aspected by benefics posited in a +endra or
+ona position, when the owner of the 'asi occupied by the lord of the lagna and the &agna
itself are not aspected by benefics, the person concerned will be short-lived. ?e will further
have no issues, no wife, and will be lacking in intelligence. ut if it be otherwise, the native
will be long-lived, fortunate, intelligent and ever renowned for his fame.
#loka A. If the &agna .correctly calculated to the degree and minute/ or the 'asi occupied
by the Moon, be aspected by the lord of the A
house3 or the lord of the A
house, reckoned
from the Moon or the &agna, be aspected by #aturn or Mars, and if in both the above cases
there be no aspect by benefits on the lord of the &agna or on the lord of the 'asi occupied
by the lord of the &agna, the native concerned, through ordinarily .expected to be/ similar to
markandeya in the matter of longevity, will be entitled to an exceedingly short span of life.
This sloka as well as the previous one are very important #loka ) gives one Alpayuryoga,
The present sloka enunciates more than one yoga 2 viz.
1.The lord of the &agna and the lord of the 'asi occupied by the lord of the &agna should
have no benefit aspect. The &agna or the 0handra &agna should be aspected by the lord of
the A
4.The lord of the &agna and the lord of the 'asi occupied by the lord of the &agna should
have no benefic aspect. The lord of the &agna should have no benefic aspect. The lord of
the F
house reckoned from the &agna or the 0handra &agna should be aspected by #aturn
or Mars.
S)CTION * + lanet! in the !e"eral Bha"a! an% their effect!#
#loka 1 2 $lanets of the undermentioned groups, if in any way mutually related, prove
auspicious to the native and make him a great personage and highly renowned 6
Those occupying their exaltation, own house, a friend%s house or a Trikona position3
P those that are posited in a +endra position and have attained ,argottamamsa3
P those that are aspected by benefics, that are con"oined with benefics, or are posited
betwixt benefics3
P those that occupy their Moolatrikona 'asis3
P those that are proceeding towards the centre of a hava3 and
P those that happen to own at +endra house and a +ona house at the same time.
#loka 4. The following sets of planets will prove inauspicious and mar the good or #ubha
yogas mentioned in the last sloka 6
.i/ planets in debilitation.
.ii/ planets van<uished in planetary war.
.iii/ $lanets occupying inimical houses.
.iv/ Those that are aspected by, or are in con"unction with, or are placed between malefics 6
.v/ $lanet associated with a retrograde planet, an Astangata or eclipsed/ planet or 'ahu 6
.vi/ $lanets posited in a hava #andhi 6
.vii/ $lanets that are weak
.viii/ $lanets owing 7usstthanas, viz., Ith, Ath and 14th, when con"oined with a lord of a
+endra or of a Trikona.

#loka 5 .a/ Lhen the Fth and the 1@th houses are occupied by their respective lords .b/
when the said lords are placed together in either of these houses, or .c/ when they
interchange places, or .d/ if they are so posited that they mutually aspect each other, these
two planets bring on 'a"ayoga to the native. .e/ If the said two planets be in con"unction with
any of the lords of the 9th, the )th the 1st and the 8th, or .f/ occupy any of these houses,
they bring on wealth and happiness to the native concentrated provided the said two lords
.of the Fth and 1@th/ do not own the Ath or the 11th house as well.

#loka 8 2 :ote the following three pairs of planets 6-
.1/ the lords of the Fth and 1@th houses reckoned from the &agna3
.4/ The lords of the Fth and 1@th counted from the Fth house from the &agna3
.5/ The lords of the Fth and 1@th counted from the 1@th house from the &agna.
These three respective pairs of planets are in their order capable of bestowing a high,
medium .or ordinary/ and small position in life on the native concerned. If any of the three
pairs aforesaid .a/ are by their position mutually related by any of the three kinds of
relationships referred to Qviz. .i/ by being in con"unction or close association .ii/ interchange,
i.e., each occupying the other%s 'asi and .iii/ mutual aspect,R and possess strength, .b/
occupy houses which are mutually in +endra positions, or .c/ be in con"unction with the
planet owing the house occupied by the lord of &agna, the person born will be come wealthy
and a chief among men.

#loka 9 .a/ The lords of the 'asi and Amsa occupied by a planet and the lord of the &agna3
.b/ the lords of the 1@th and Fth houses3 .c/ the lords of the 9th, 5rd, 8th and )th houses3
and .d/ the lords of the 4nd and 11th houses 2 these four sets of planets, if they are so
related that being placed in any of the above said houses they
.1/ are together in one house
.4/ occupy each other%s houses
.5/ have mutual aspect and at the same time occupy
a friendly house, own house or an exaltation 'asi, they respectively bestow on the native .a/
prosperity, .b/ elephants, horses and the like .c/ happiness and children and .d/ wealth.

#loka I. If the lord of a hava should occupy the Ath house .therefrom/, be eclipsed by the
#unSs rays3 be in depression, or posited in an inimical house and not associated with or
aspected by benefics, sages say that the hava is then completely destroyed. #hould the
hava be in con"unction with benefics, even then it will not be effective. Thus should the
&agna and the other havas be "udged.
#loka ). If the lord of the &agna occupy the first, middle or last decanate of the &agna, the
person born will turn out a "udge, a chief among men, or a headman of a village
respectively. If the planet in <uestion be aspected by or con"oined with ,enus, !upiter or
Mercury, or occupy the ,arga of a benefic or be in his exaltation, the native concerned will
become an emperor of tile whole earth and respected by other kings.
#loka A. If at a birth. .a/ the Moon with her digits full and endowed with strength be in her
exaltation, #wak-shetra or a friends house, identical with the Fth, 8th, 1@th
or )th and be aspected by or in con"unction with !upiter or ,enus3 or .bT if Mars and #aturn
be similarly endowed with strength and benefic aspect and occupy the 4nd and 1@th houses
from the &agna, the person concerned will be omniscient, will be endowed with all virtues,
will be extolled by people and will be a highly munificent and great personage.

#loka F, !upiter when he owns the 5rd and 14th houses in a nativity will be productive of
good to the person concerned. The same remark applies when he holds the ownership of
the Ath house or when he occupies the Ath house. ,enus will do good when in the Ith
house3 'ahu will be favourable when he occupies the )th, 8th, Fth, 11th and @th houses.
+etu will prove auspicious where he is in the 5rd house.

#loka 1@. If the lord of a hava be posited in any of the 7usstthanas .Ith, Ath, 14th/, in his
depression or inimical house, or be eclipsed be devoid of association or aspect of benefics,
be in con"unction with or aspected by his enemy, occupy his inimical or debilitation Amsa, be
con<uered in planetary war with malfics and conse<uently .have rays. that have become/
feeble .or low/ in brilliancy, that hava should be pronounced as totally destroyed or
useless. The case of all the havas from the &agna onwards should thus be viewed.
#loka 11. Lhenever .1/ the lord of a hava is posited in a Trikona house, a +endra house,
in the 5rd or 11th house, in a friendly, exaltation, own 'asi or :avamsa and is placed
between two strong benefics, while the owners of such +ona, +endra, 5rd or 11th house
aforesaid are also in their exaltation, or .4/ the said lord is associated with or aspected by
benefics, such lord will bring unsurpassed prosperity to that hava and that too in a short
#loka 14. If a hava, its lord, its +araka planet, these three, be surrounded by malefics and
conU"oined with powerful ma1efics and are weak and have no association or aspect of
benefics3 and if malefics occupy the Fth, 8th, Ath, 9th and 14th houses reckoned from each
of the said three, and the lords of the :avamsas occupied by these malefics be inimically
placed, eclipsed or con<uered in planetary war in that hava, then the destruction of the
hava should be declared.
#loka 15. If a benefic planet occupy his own exaltation, a friendly or Moolatrikona house or a
,argottama Amsa, it will promote the happiness of the person concerned. (ven if the planet
be a malefic one, it will prove auspicious under the above conditions. If the planets owning
the 'asi and :avamsa occupied by the lord of a hava be endowed with strength, that lord
will promote the increase of that hava. Any powerful benefic occupying friendly 'asi and
Amsa in .any/ hava confers wealth, etc. on the native.

#loka 186 The 'asi owned by a planet occupying the 14th, the Ath or the Ith house is
inauspicious, while the one containing the lord of such a house or the one aspect d by such
a lord is lost or fallen. ,enus, Mercury and !upiter in their order, if they are respectiv1y
posited in the above three houses will be productive of happiness. $lanets in the Ith, 14th
and Ath if happening .at the same time/ to be in their friendly, own or exaltation signs, or be
aspected by benefics will prove favourable. If the planets owning the said houses be
inimically placed, be in depresUsion, be eclipsed or van<uished in war, the planets
occupying these houses will then prove auspicious.
#loka 196 A planet that is in infancy, one in advanced age, one that is eclipsed or one that is
van<uish d, though aspecting / does not aspect at all. enefic and malefic planets aspect
during the bright and dark portions of a month towards the (ast and Lest respectively.
!upiter is strong in his aspect towards Lest. #aturn is strong Vwhile in, his direct motion.
Cenus and #aturn through eclipsed will not loseS in strength, Mars is strong even in his
enemy%s camp.
#loka 61I. .a/ enefics when posited in a +endra, 5rd, 4nd, 11th, 9th, Fth and even in the
Ith house will prove auspicious. .b/ Malefics will be so when in .*pachaya/ places. .c/ The
#un and #aturn, will be Sfavourable when in the Fth, and .d/ Mercury when in the Ath .e/
#aturn, when he is in his exaltation, own house, or in a 'asi owned by !upiter, will do only
good even if he occupies the &agna. .f/ ,enus, though placed in the 14th, Swill prove
auspicious except when he is in a 'asi or Amsa owned by #aturn.

#loka 1)6 The following, viz., .1/ the waning .1/ the waning Moon .4/ Mercury .5/ ,enus .8/
=ull Moon and !upiter, become auspicious in the proportion of O, N, G and 1 resUpectively.
!upiter and ,enus become fully favourable when in the house of a benefic and in
con"unction with the lord of the same. The following four groups, viz. .1/ waning Moon and
Mercury when he is a malefic, .4/ the #un .5/ 'ahu and Mars and .8/ +etu and #aturn are ,
productive of evil in the same proportion already stated.
#loka 1A6 If the .$hala +araka/ and the .hava +araka/ of any hava as also the lords of
the 'asi and :avamsa occupied by the &ord of the hava and the hava itself be hostile,
the effect of the hava is lost.
Lhenever a malefic planet occupies a 'asi functioned by a .+araka/, it will destroy the
effects produced by that karaka planet. The hava +arakas owing to their occupation of
havas to which they are +arakas will only produce a very small fraction of the .otherwise
usual/ effect.
#loka 1F The full Moonn, !upiter, #aturn and are termed 0hhadakas for the two houses
.4nd and 14th/ ad"acent to each of them. If !upiter .owing to his owning a 7usstthana/ even
should turn out as hostile to the native, he will be a 0hhadaka only for the 14th. The rest are
0hhadakas for the 4nd only. The lords of the several havas and their respective karakas
bring luck to the native concerned by a sort of .#ambandha/ between them through aspect,
occupation, con"unction or mutual exchange.
#loka 4@ 6 A planet in the 4nd house from a hava is called the .0hhadaka/ for that hava,
while that in the 5rd is called .,edhaka/. ?e who is placed in the 8th is termed .andhaka/.
The one in the Ath is known as .$ratibandaka/. =rom this planet in the Ath should be
predicted all about the increase and destruction of the hava. The lords of the 4nd and )th
houses with respect to any hava are termed Marakas of that hava.
#loka 41 6 The aspect cast on a planet by malefics who are friendly is known as
.#wadheena ,edha/. Lhile the one by malefics who are also inimical is termed
.$aradheena ,edha/. The effect caused by benefics will be similar and felt at the beginning
while the same arisen through malefics will be a bit untoward and felt at the end. The
native%s general luck and longevity will also be similar to the preponderance in strength of
the benefic and malefic planets.
#loka 44. 6 If any one of the following three yogas, viz., .a/ lord of the Ath occupying the 14th
or Ith 3 .b/ lord of the Ith being placed in the Ath or 14th 3 .c/ lord of the 14th being posited
in the Ath or Ith 3 .d/ the said three lords being connected in any way, by mutual interchange
of places, mutual aspect or con"unction and are at the same time free from such relation
with other planets, the person born will become a great king lording over other kings and
blessed with fame and wealth.

#loka 45. 6 If malefics be debilitated, and benefics endowed with strength occupy +endra
and trikona houses, and if the lords of the 1@th, Fth and 8th houses be all grouped either in
the Fth or the 1@th, the person born will be a king, highly intelligent, wealthy, famous,
endowed with great volour and long-lived. ?e will be revered by other kings, be virtuously
disposed and almost omniscient.
#loka 48 6 The 1st, 8th, )th and 1@th houses are known by the terms .+endra/, .+antaka/
and .chatushtaya/. The houses next to the +endras, that is, the 4nd, the 9th, the Ath and the
11th are known as .$anaphara/. Those next to the $anapharas, viz., the 5rd, the Ith, the Fth
and the 14th are called .Apoklima/. The 9th and the Fth houses are termed .Trikona/. The
5rd, the Ith, the 1@th and the 11th are called .*pachaya/. The house occupied by the Moon
is called .!amna 'asi/ while the &agna is known as .Audi/ or 1st house.
#loka 49 6 The #un is of the character of >od #iva and is the soul and father, while the
Moon is of the >oddess .#akti/ and is the mother .of all beings/. The remaining 9 planets,
viz., Mars, Mercury, !upiter, ,enus and #aturn have their origin from the 9 elements
.$rithivi/ .Ap/, .Te"as/ .,ayu/ and .Akasa/3 from .#atva/ have risen !upiter, ,enus and
Mercury 3 mars has come out of .'a"as/ or passion, while #aturn is from .Tamas/ or
darkness. The #un and the moon are not death-giving planets, but when they happen to
own the Ith or the Ath house, they become harmful and cause much evil.
#loka 4I 6 Lith the benefic planets occupying the Ith, the )th and the Ath houses reckoned
from the Moon and with no malefics in these houses, a person born becomes a king or one
e<ual to a king en"oying all kinds of happiness. ?e will be long 2 lived, victorious, widely
renowned, learned, command all pleasures, will be blessed with wife, children, friends,
houses, vehicles and other similar luxuries.
#loka 4) 6 The numbers 5@, 1I, I, A, A, 1@, 14, and 14 and 1 denote the kalas .measures of
power of brilliance/ of the seven planets from the #un onwards. Add the kalas of the lords of
the Fth house reckoned from the &agna as well as from the Moon. 7ivide the sum by 14.
The 'asi counted from the Moon indicated by this remainder, if occupied by a benefic singly
without the con"unction of any malefic, will make the native a +oteeswara .millionaire/ 3 if by
a malefric only, his wealth will be in thousands. If the said malefic be exalted, then also the
native will be a +oteeswara.
Note6 This is also called 7hana &agna or Indu &agna like the $ar =ortuna of western

#loka 4A 6 If two or more out of the lords of the 4nd, 9th, 11th and Fth houses are so posited
in a nativity that they become mutually related by any of the three kinds of #ambandhas and
are also strong, the person concerned will be a master of 5 lakh. #hould the lords of any of
the trhee 7usstthanas happen to be one of the partners in the above, #ambandha, the
result will be the destruction of the whole wealth and the contraction of debts and also
trouble from enemies. All these will occur during the 7asas of the lords of the above-said
four houses.

#loka 4F 6 If all the planets be placed in the four +endras from the &agna onwards and in the
four $anaphara house, all the Apoklima houses being left unoccupied the person born
becomes a king or leader of men. If in the above case benefic planets and the full Moon be
not in con"unction with or aspected by malefics and be also strong, the person born will be a
lord and extolled by the good. If otherwise, i.e., the planets are not powerful, the person
concerned will be comparatively lacking in the above-mentioned status.
#loka 5@ 6 If there be a birth at about 4 ghatikas after mid-night or mid-day, a king who will
sub"ugate all his enemies and who will always observe the religious rules of conduct and
who is endowed with good learning, will be ushered into the world.
If in the above case an exalted planet be in the 4nd house and be aspected by another
similarly exalted, the yoga will usher a +oteeswara-a very rich man. ut should the aspect in
the last case be by a planet occupying only his own house, the person born will be a
&akshadhikaree-owner of lakhs and be happy.
#loka 516 an immoveable rasi is stronger than a moveable one. A dual rasi is much stronger
than an immoveable one. In the case of three planets occupying three houses, the two
aspects cast by two of the planets over the third due to their being placed in a .chhadaka/ or
.,edhaka/ position .I,-4@ #upra/ will be increasing in power according as the aspecting
planet in each case is posite din a .chara or moveable/, a .#tthira or immoveable/ or a
.7wandwa or dual/ sign. The same rule also holds good with regard to the effects caused by
the planets from the three houses. In the case of the three decanates of which a 'asi is
composed, if the said 5 planets are all in .a/ the 1st decanate of a .chara/.
.a/ The middle one of a .#tthira/ and
.b/ The last one in a .7wandwa/
The effect will be full. It will be medium when theya re all in the middle decanate of a
.chara/, the last one in a .#tthira/ and the 1st in a .7wandwa/. The effect will be very little
when the planets are all in the last decannate in a .chara/, the first decanate in a .#tthira/
and the middle one in a .7wandwa/ sign.
#loka 546 Bf the two planets that cause a Coga good or bad 2 which will be the case only
when they are within 14 of each other, if the one which is slower in motion is in advance and
the other which is faster is behind, the Coga will come into effect and it will be full when the
interval is zero, and nil when the interval is 14. It will be proportionate in the intermediate
positions. If the planet that is faster is 14 or more behind the other which is slower, the effect
of the yoga will not come to pass.

#loka 556 If the Moon possessed of strength should cast any applying aspect .as per II-1AN
- 1FN supra/ on one atleast of the two planets causing the Coga referred to .in the previous
sloka/ within the prescribed limits, the effect will be specially marked. This will not, however,
be the case of the aspecting Moon be <uartered in any of the 7usstthanas. $lanets cast
their aspect on all the houses. The aspect will have the best effect when the planet
aspecting is in his exaltation or own house. It will be medium when the aspecting planet
occupies a very friendly house. In other houses, the effect will only be very defective.
#&oka 586 =ind the 'asi where the lord of a hava is posited. The .$ada/ of that hava will
be so many 'asis distant from that lords ad the lord is from the 'asi signifying the hava. It
is with reference to this .$ada/ and the good and bad planets posited therein, that the
prosperity and decay of the hava is to be predicted. Thus, should the A $adas be
determined in the case of 1st, 4nd, 8th, 9th, )th, Fth 1@th and 14th. The .$ada/ for the 14th
house from any hava is known as .*pa$ada/ for that hava, and that for the )th as
?ere the author explains what is meant by .Arudha/ or .$ada/. The .Arudha/ of a hava
falls in the 'asi which is so much distant from the rasi occupied by the lord of the hava
under consideration, as the lord himself is removed from the said hava.
Take an example.
0hart 2 )) Male 2 orn on 1F-I-1F@) at 55 gh. After #unrise.
#at. ,enus
!up. &agna


+etu +etu #at.

&agna Moon #un

alance of Moon%s 7asa 2 F years, 11 months and 19 days.
&et us now prepare the .Arudhachakra/.
!upiter, the lord of the &agna is in Mithuna, i.e., in the )th 'asi from the &agna. ?ence the
.&agna$ada/ falls in the )th 'asi from Mithuna, i.e.c 7hanus. ?ence :o. 1 is marked there.
Take the )th hava3 its lord, Mercury, is in the 1st house from the )th and therefore the
.#aptama $ada/ or the $ada of the )th hava is placed in the 1st house from Mercury, i.e.,
again in Mithuna. The figure ) is therefore placed there. :ow take the 9th hava. Its lord
Mars is placed in the Fth house from it, and the Fth house reckoned from Mars is #imha,
and here you see :o. 9 entered. #imilarly work up for all havas and you will see the 14
$adas scattered as shown in the 0hakra. The author has taken only A $adas, belonging to
1st, 4nd, 8th 9th )th Fth 1@th and 14th and has left out the four other 5rd, Ith, Ath and 11th.
ut .!aimini/ has generalized this to all the 14 havas and this seems to be correct.
1@ 5



A 8
It will be observed from an outwards glance at the .Arudha/ 0hakra that all the odd $adas
are situated in the odd havas reckoned from the &agna, while the even ones are in the
even havas. This may appear a mystery at the beginning 3 but it will be found out that this
is after all the result arising out of the very definition of .$ada/. Mathematically this theory
may be proved that it cannot be otherwise.
=or suppose we consider the .Arudha/ or .$ada/ or any hava. Assuming that the lord of
the hava under consideration is n rasis away from the hava, the .$ada/ of the hava falls
in the 'asi which is n rasis removed from the said lord. this means the .$ada/ falls in a 'asi
whish is n W .n-1/ or 4n-1 'asis removed from the hava. Lhen n is an integer, 4n-1 is
always odd. Therefore the .$ada/ will fall in an odd or even rasi reckoned from the &agna
according as the hava under consideration is odd or even.
In the usual 0hakra, the havas are situated successfively in order, but the $adas are
scattered here and there and sometimes two or more are in con"unction. The hava $ada
will be situated in the same hava, only when the lord of the hava is placed either in the
same hava or in the )th from it.
It will further be seen that, in the Arudha 0hakra, the havas are distributed and
conse<uently the effects too might vary. =or example in the ordinary diagram, the .7hana/
hava falls in Makara, and #aturn, its lord, is the planet to cause it seffect. ut from a
glance at the .$ada chakra/, it will be seen that the .7hana $ada/ is in ,rishabha 3 in other
words, the house of wealth is shifted from makara to ,rishabha, and its lord ,enus will be
the cause for its effect. In the course of 7asa, hukti readings based on the general
principles of horoscopy, opne will find that effects of certain nature not concerning with the
planet happen actually and he fails to ascribe proper reasoning for the happening of the
event. =or example, in the above horoscope, ,enus is the lord of the 4nd $ada and the Ith
$ada and is placed in ,rishabha. This gives the result that ,enus is capable of giving
wealth with much difficulty as he owns the Ith also. =rom the general principles of Astrology,
his lordship over .7hana/ hava cannot be at a glance said. Again, under general principles,
mercury has no connection with the 8th house other than for the mere association with
!upiter, lord of the 8th, but under .Arudha 0hakra/, mercury is the lord of the 8th and it is he
who gave the native high education, especially in mathematics. The .Arudh 0hakra/ will
thus explain all such discrepancies.
In the usual diagram, each planet owns at least one hava. ut under .Arudha 0hakra/ a
planet may own even more than two and sometimes none at all. It has been definitely stated
that a planet cannot cause the effect of a hava unless it owns it or aspects it, etc. applying
the same principle, it may be generalized that the planet will certainly cause the effect of the
$adas that are owned by it, aspected or occupied by it. If a planet does neither own, nor is
situated in any .$ada/, it will have no individual power to cause any effect. It seems that
during the period of this planet, nothing will happen in particular.
#loka 59 6 if the &agna$ada/ be benefic and occupied by a benefic, the person concerned
will en"oy all comforts. If benefics be posited in the +endras and +onas with respect to the
&agna$ada, the person will be a king and a very learned one. If malefics should occupy the
&agna$ada, its +endras and +onas, the effect will be otherwise. The same remark holds
good of malefics occupy the Ith, Ath and 14th places from the &agna$ada. Thus should the
good and bad effect be carefully investigated for all the A $adas.
#loka 5I 6 #imilarly should information regarding issues be predicted with the help of the
9th, 4nd and Fth $adas after a careful scrutiny of the havas, !upiter and the lord of the
&agna and the *pa$adas, and the con"unction and aspect of benefics. If there be no aspect
or con"unction of malefics, the native will have a good number of children. The sex of the
issues should be determined by the preponderance in strength of the several planets
#loka 5) 6 If Mercury, #aturn and mars be con"oined with the lords of the three *pa$adas
referred to in the previous #loka, and if the same three planets mutually occupy each others
'asis and Amsas3 or if #aturn and !upiter be together in a single house, there will be loss of
children. The 1@th house and its lord, if occupied or aspected by #aturn, will cause the
native to have adopted sons. Thus have declared the wise in various ways.
#loka 5A 6 All about the first wife should be predicted from the )th house from the &agna3
about the 4nd wife from the Ath house there from, and the successive wives found out in a
similar manner. If malefics should occupy these houses, the death of the wife or wives
should be declared and not so, if benefics be placed there. It is through the con"unction or
aspect of !upiter and other benefics also that the number of wives living, their respective
issues, their character and other <ualities should be ascertained.
#loka 5F 6 Thus, if benefics occupy the *pa$ada of the )th, the wife may be declared to be
beautiful, long lived and possessing good <ualities. If malefics occupy the *pa$ada and be
in debilitation, the native concerned will lose two wives. ut if the malefic be exalted and
con"oined with or aspected by a benefic, the person will have many wives living. If there be
no such benefic aspect or con"unction, the person may not remarry.
In this #loka, the .#aptama$ada/ is being considered as this #loka is in continuation of the
previous #loka where the +alatra hava is mentioned. The author describes here the
effects of .+aklatra$ada/ and its .*pa$ada, i.e. the .$ada/ of the one previous to
.#aptama/, i.e. .#hashta$ada/. This is in harmony with the general principles of Astrology
that whenever a bhava is considered. The positions of planet situated in the previous bhava
have to be reckoned as such planets have the power of .Achchhadana/ as is declared by
the author in. A <uestion may then be raised as to why the previous house in referred to and
not the next one. The reader will find an answer to this when he reads the #loka on
.Achchhadana/, where it is stated that generally planets have a tendency to have an
advance .Achchhadana/ and not a receding one.
Take the horoscope given above. ?ere the *pa$ada of the )th $ada, i.e. the Ith, falls in
,rishabha and ,enus is placed there in .#wakshetra/. ?is wife, i.c., his first wife is beautiful,
or good conduct and is blessed with long life. Lhen the .$ada/ is considered, all the general
principles of Astrology must be used and the results predicted. ut when .*pa$ada/ is
considered prediction must be based only on the planets con"oined with the *pa$ada. This
point is not clearly explained by the author, but a logical reasoning from the general
principles and by the wordings, this can be elucidated.
#loka 8@ 6 All about the first wife should be divined throught eh .7ara$ada/ and its
.*pa$ada/. Information about the second wife should be sought for through the Ath house
from these two $adas. #ages say that the number of wives that would be lost should be
declared through the amount of .$apatva/, if any, in the $ada over and above that in the
.7ara$ada/. Lhere the $ada concerned is highly .#ubha/, there it indicates that the
particular wife will be the promoter of the family, the giver of happiness, one endowed with
long life and affording en"oyment.
#loka 81 6 The number of :avamsas elapsed in the 5rd house counted backwards from the
&agna will indicate the number of elder-borns, while the number of navamsas still to rise in
the 5rd house counted in regular order from the &agna will denote the number still to be
born the number of males and females among them should be guessed according to the
rules on the sub"ect while the number of those surving or otherwise should be "udged from
the strength of the benefic and malefic planets respectively.
#loka 846 But of the planets from the #un onwards, find which has traveled the highest
number of degrees in the rasi occupied. ?e is designated as .adhikagraha/ or senior planet
in the nativity. If the #un should con"oin with this Adhikagraha, the person concerned will be
an adviser in the palace. If the full Moon and ,enus should be together with the
Adhikagraha, the native concerned will be very rich, learned and en"oy all pleasures, If Mars
be such a planet, a worker in metals and a rogue.
#loka 856 If the planet in <uestion be Mercury, the person will be skilled in sculpture, or a
dealer in earthen "ars and cloths. If it be !upiter, he will be a sacred rahmin engaged in
vedic duties, and versed in the ,edas and works auxiliary to the same. If ,enus be such a
planet he will be long lived, prone to indulge in sexual pleasures. If it be #aturn, he will
engage himself in all sorts of vocations. If it be 'ahu or +etu, the person will be clever in
preparing medicines from poison, metals and the like.
In these two slokas .84-85/, the author describes about .Adhikagraha/. ?e seems to have
taken this idea from !aimin who calls this planet as .Atmakaraka/ and he has attached much
importance to the .Amsa/ occupied by this Atmakaraka and has very elaborately dealt with
on this sub"ect. 'eaders may find these in !aimini sutras. In these two slokas, the author
has described the effects of planet "oining the Atmakaraka in 'asi chakra. =or example, the
exact planetary positions in 0hart )) given in $. 14@ are in order as follows6
#un Moon Mars Merc !up. ,enus #at. 'ahu &agna 8@-5I, 1@@-9I. 49@-8 4A@-4I 48@-) 11@-
) 8@-58 4@-1) F@-9A the .Adhikagraha/ or .Atmakaraka/ is mercury as he is the planet that
has advanced most in the 'asi occupied by him.
?ere the planet should be in con"unction with the Atmakaraka and not otherwise. ut !aimini
reads these effects from the con"unction of planets placed with this Atmakaraka in :avamsa
'asi for this, please see notes under the sloka 89.
#&oka 886 If the 4nd place reckoned from that .Adhikagraha/ be aspected or occupied by
the #un and venus, he will serve in a palace. If a malefic be in the 5rd house from the
.Adhikagraha/, the person will possess valour. If a benefic be there instead, he will be a
timid person. If the Moon be in the 8th house from the .Adhikagraha/ and be aspected by
,enus, the person concerned will be a great pilot or sailor. If the 8th house in <uestion be
occupied or aspected by the Moon and venus, the native will be endowed with storeyed
buildings .Mansions/ and similar comforts.
In this sloka, effects of plaents situated or aspecting the havas readers should note that he
has described effects applying the same general principles considering the .!amna &agna/,
.Arudha &agna/ and .Adhikagraha &agna/ or .atmakaraka &agna/ and !aimini has gone
even further.
#loka 896 If the Moon and ,enus be posited in or aspect the 8th house from the
.Adhikagrahapada/, the native will be the lord of very big mansions. If the said 8th place be
occupied by a planet in exaltation, ht effects will be similar3 but the native will also be
troubled by white and black leprosy. Thus should be divined every thing as above from a
consideration of the 'asi, :avamsa and 7wadasamsa occupied by the .Adhikagraha/. The
profession and manliness of a person should be divined through the planet that is next
"unior to the .Adhikagraha/
This is a very important sloka. The author has in brief exhausted all the details elaborated
by !aimini. ?e wants us to read similar effect from the :avamsa 'asi occupied by this
Atmakaraka and 7wadasamsa too, but !aimini has taken only :avamsa. Then he describes
that the planet next in degrees and minutes has also to be considered and the native%s
profession to be predicted out of that planet6 valour and courage from the planet next to it. In
this connection, I may say that this is nothing but an abstract of that !aimini has elaborated
and discussed in his !aimini #utras. ?e calls the planet foremost in +alas degrees in any
'asi a Atmakaraka the next in degree to Atmakaraka as Atmatyakaraka and the next as
hratrukaraka3 next as Matrukaraka and the next as $utrakaraka, the next as "hatikaraka
and the next as 7arakaraka. Lith this he stops and bases his prediction on these. This
theory of atrtributing +arakatva is like attributing a &agna to Atmakaraka and the successive
bhavas till )th to the successive planets. In fact, this is how he has dealth with the sub"ect.
S)CTION ,+ Relatin& to Action, -$nction or Doin&
#loka 1 - N 6 The following are what the first hava represents 6 .1/ ody .4/ limbs
.happiness and misery .8/ old age .9/ knowledge .I/ birth place .)/ fame .A dream/ .F/
strength .1@/ dignity .11/ politics .14/ longevity .15/ tran<uility .18/ age .19/ hair .1I/
appearance .1)/ pride .1A/ livelihood .1F/ ganbling for others .4@/ stigma .41/ honor .44/
skin .45/ sleep .48/ proficiency .49/ appropriating other%s money .4I/ tendency to insult
other men .4)/ freedom from disease .4A/ discontent .4F/ nature .5@/ agency .51/
perseverance in the breeding of cattle .54/ loss of decorum and .55/ blame from one%s
#loka 1N - 5 6 The following are to be determined from the second hava 6 .1/ speech .4/
wealth .5/ belief in sacred tradition .8/ supporting others .9/ nails .I/ en"oyment .)/ truth and
falsehood .A/ tongue .F/ eyes .1@/ garment .11/ diamond .14/ copper .15/ gem .18/ pearl
.19/ determination .1I/ perfume .incense/ .1)/ family relationship .1A/ trade .1F/ softness of
speech .4@/ liberality .41/ effort in the ac<uisition of wealth .44/ friendship .45/ friend .48/
splendour .49/ miserliness in spending .4I/ clear oratorical ability .4)/ scholarship .4A/ gold
.4F/ good silver .5@/ corn .51/ modesty .54/ nose .55/ firmness of mind .58/ a close
dependant .59/ rules of going and coming and .5I@ living power.
#lokas 8 - 8 N 6 .1/ courage .4@ after-borns .5/ battle .8/ ears .9/ legs .I/ roadside place .)/
confusion of the mind .A/ fitness .F/ heaven, paradise .1@/ causing sorrow .11/ dream .14/
soldier .15/ heroic valour .18/ one%s own relations .19/ friend .1I/ wandering .1)/ throat .1A/
eating unspoiled or pure food .1F/ partition of property .4@/ ornaments .41/ good <uality .44/
learning .45/ pastime .48/ bodily strength .49/ gain .4I/ bodily growth .4)/ noble descent
.4A/ servant .4F/ the part of the hand between the forefinger and the thumb .sacred to the
Manes/ .5@/ female servant .51/ "ourney in a small good vehicle .54/ a large undertaking
and .55/ one%s own religious duty these are to be divined from the third house.
#lokas 8 N - ) 6 The following are to be investigated through the 8th house 6 .1/ learning .4/
kingdom .5/ house .8/ travel .9/ vehicle similar to rickshaws, small boats and the like .I/ oil
bath .)/ mother .A/ relation .F/ friend .1@/ caste .11/ garment .14/ a small well .15/ water
.18/ milk .19/ perfume .1I/ a happy being .1)/ good name .1A/ a medicine of great
supernatural efficacy .1F/ trust .4@/ false allegation .41/ a tent or pavilion .44/ victory .45/
wearisome work .48/ land .49/ a garden .4I/ digging of a pond or well .4)/ and their
installation for the use of the public .4A/ mother%s side .4F/ a pure intellect .5@/ father .51/
wife .54/ hoarding of one%s savings .55/ a mansion .58/ art .59/ entrance into a house .5I/
conclusion .5)/ disposition .5A/ loss of one%s dwelling .5F/ paternal property .8@/ celestial
food .81/ the art of giving clues to the places where stolen property is kept, etc. .84/ an
anthill .85/ development of ,edic and sacred texts .88/ buffaloes .89/ cows .8I/ horses .8)/
elephant in rut and .8A/ abundance of corn, grain produced from wet-lands.
#loka A2FN 6 .1/ $rogeny .4/ virtuous act done by the father .5/ a king .8/a minister .9/
good morals .I/ mechanical art .)/ mind .A/ learning .F/ pregnancy .1@/ desertion .11/
umbrella .14/ moral stories .15/ auspicious letters .18/ garments .19/ a great action
desirable in various ways .1I/ paternal property .1)/ foresightedness .1A/ property derived
through wife%s luck .1F/ liaisons with courtezans .4@/ profundity .41/ firmness .44/ secret
.45/ decorum .48/ writing of news .49/ well-being .4I/ friendship .4)/ a long literary
production .4A/ engaging oneself in any business .4F/ belly .5@/ prayer by incantations .51/
riches similar to that of +ubera .54/ gift of cooked rice .55/ discrimination between virtue
and sin .58/ chanting of ,edic hymns .59/ wisdom .5I/ deep pondering .5)/ ways for
earning money .5A/ a festive occasion when drum or tabor is player .5F/ intense satisfaction
.8@/ profound learning and .81/ hereditary post of minister 2 these are to be determined
from the 9th house.
#loka FN-11N 6 The following are to be investigated from the Ith house 6 .1/ disease .4/
obstacle .5/ fighting in combat .8/ maternal uncle .9/ phlegm .I/ swelling in the body .)/
cruel actions .A/ insanity .F/ a boil .1@/ enmity .11/ miserliness .14/ sickness .15/ venereal
wound .18/ cooked rice .19/ weariness .1I/ debt .1)/ reproach .1A/ enemy%s satisfaction
.1F/ consumption .4@/ heat .41/ a wound .44/ mental worry .45/ intense anguish .48/ enmity
with many people .49/ incessant eye-trouble .4I/ receiving alms .4)/ untimely meals .4A/ a
fall from a boat .4F/ trouble and fear from one%s 7ayadins .5@/ gain .51/ exertion .54/ poison
.55/ a severe colic or gout .58/ fetters .59/ guarding of one%s own credit .5I/ urinal trouble
.5)/ dysentery .5A/ the six flavours .5F/ severe reproach .8@/ service .81/ theft .84/ calamity
.85/ prison house and .88/ misunderstandings with brothers and the like.
#loka 11N-15N 6 It is from the )th house that the following should be predicted 6 .1/
marriage .4/ unchastity .5/ winning of a love .8/ enmity with a debauched female .9/
deviation from the right path .I/ good perfume .)/ music .A/ flower .F/ eating of savoury food
and good drinks .1@/ chewing betel leaves with area .11/ break in a "ourney .14/ curd .15/
loss of memory .18/ ac<uisition of clothes and the like .19/ semen virile .1I/ purity of the
husband .1)/ a pair of wives .1A/ the male of female organ .1F/ urine .4@/ the anus .41/
trade .44/ sweet drink .45/ eating of nectar, soup, ghee, etc. .48/ gift .49@ destruction of
power .4I/ overthrow of the enemy .4)/ money that is locked up in another place .4A/
controversy .4F/ sexual union .5@/ adopted son .51/ tasting of things prepared in ghee .54/
foreign place .55/ wife .58/ all secret pleasures arising from sexual union and .59/ theft.
#lokas 15N-19N 6 .1/ &angevity .4/ happiness .5/ defeat .8/ insurance bonus .9X an
afflicted face .I/ urinary disease .1@/ calamity .11/ brother%s enemy .14/ teasing a wife .15/
a tuft of braided hair .18/ enemy%s fortress .19/ misery .1I/ idleness .1)/ punishment from
>overnment .1A/ fear .1F/ loss of money .4@/ giving a debt .41/ other%s money received out
of ignorance .44/ long-standing property .45/ the appearance of a wicked man .48/ sin .49/
killing of a living being .4I/ multilation of a limb .4)/ decapitation .4A/ formidable affliction
.4F/ a story that causes anxiety to the mind .5@/ trains of misfortune .51/ over diligence in
doing cruel acts .54/ battle .55/ intense mental trouble 2 all these are to be "udged from the
Ath house.
#lokas 19N-1) 6 .1/ >iving .4/ virtue .5/ resorting to holy waters .8/ penance .9/ reverence
to elders and the like .I/ medicinal drug .)/ conduct .A/ purity of mind .F/ divine worship .1@/
exertion for the ac<uisition of learning .11/ splendour .14/ a conveyance .15/ affluence .18/
policy .19/ dignity .1I/ moral story .1)/ travel .1A/ religious bathing .1F/ nourishment .4@/
association with good people .41/ happiness .44/ paternal wealth .45/ son .48/ daughter
.49/ wealth of all kinds .4I/ horses .4)/ elephants .4A/ buffaloes .4F/ coronation hall .5@/
regulating the rahminic faith .51/ a ,edic sacrifice and .54/ circulation of money 2 these
are to be divined through the Fth house.
#lokas 1A21AN 6 .1/ Trade .4/ honour from the sovereign .5/ riding on a horse .8/ athletics
.9/ >overnment work .I/ service .)@ agriculture .A/ doctor .F/ fame .1@/ depositing of a
treasure .11/ sacrifice and the like .14/ preeminence .15/ elders .18/ talisman .19/
incantations .1I/ mother .1)/ magnitude of moral merits .1A/ medicine .1F/ thigh .4@/ >ods
.41/ accomplishment of a spell .44/ prosperity .45/ adopted son .48/ a lord .49@ road .4I/
honour .4)/ honourable living .4A/ a prince .4F/ fame .5@/ teaching and the like .51/ seal
.54/ supremacy .55/ sub"ection and .58@ an intention to command 6 These should be
determined from the 1@th house.
#lokas 1AN24@N 6 .1/ gain in every way .4/ bad or wicked desire .5/ all kinds of receipts .8/
dependency .9@ eldest brother .I/ paternal uncle .)/ worshipping of deities .A/ worshipping
of the virtuous .F@ learning .1@/ ac<uisition of gold and wealth .11/ surpassing cleverness
.14/ paternal property .15/ the knee .18/ a preeminent place .19/ love of ornaments and
pearls .1I/ the masters wealth .1)/ loss of interest on capital .1A/ making of ornamenents
out of gold and sovereigns on behalf of ones lady-love .1F/ wisdom .4@/ ministership .41/
brother-in-law .44/ gain .45/ dawn of fortune .48/ realization of one%s wish .49/ easy gain
.4I/ cooking .4)/ desire .4A@ mother .4F/ longevity .5@/ ear .51/ the shank .54/ lovely
painting and .55/ skill in practical arts 6 these are to be looked into from the 11th house.
#lokas 4@N244N 6 Awakening from sleep .4/ mental pain .5/ the two feet .8/ fear from
enemy .9/ imprisonment .I/ liberation from pain .)/ discharge of debts .A/ elephants .F/
horses .1@/ paternal wealth .11/ enemy .14/ entry into heaven .15/ left eye .18/ people%s
enmity .19/ mutilation of a limb .1I/ gallantry .1)/ loss by marriage .1A/ renouncing ones
couch .1F/ termination of one%s appointment .4@/ the place of enemy%s imprisonment of
chains .41/ mental agitation .44/ wretchedness .45/ harm .48/ a blow to the thought of the
happiness of ones parents and brothers .49/ discussion or dispute .4I/ anger .4)/ bodily
in"ury .4A/ death .4F/ ongoing to another place .5@/ expenditure in all ways and .51/ loss of
wife 6 these are to be deduced from the 14th house.
#lokas 44N-49N 6 .1/ the soul .4/ power .5/ intense severity .8/ fortress .9/ good strength
.I/ heat .)/ splendour .A/ fire .F/ worship of #hiva .1@/ courage .11/ thorned trees .14/ being
in royal favour .15/ bitterness .18/ old age .19/ cattle .1I/ wickedness .1)/ land .1A/ father
.1F/ taste .4@/ self 2 realization .41/ skyward look .44/ one born to a timid woman .45/ the
world of mortals .48/ s<uare .49/ bone .4I@ valour .4)/ grass .4A@ the belly .4F/ strenuous
effort .5@/ forest .51/ half a year .54/ eye .55/ roaming over mountains .58/ <uadruped .59/
king .5I/ traveling .5)/ dealing .5A/ bile .5F/ scorch .8@/ circular shape .81/ eye-disease
.84/ body .85/ timber .88/ mental purity .89/ lordship of the whole country .8I/ freedom from
disease .8)/ the rulership over the #ourashtra country .8A/ ornament .8F/ disease in the
head .9@/ pearls .91/ lord of the sky .94/ short like a dwarf .95/ lord of the (ast .98/ copper
.99/ blood .9I/ kingdom .9)/ a red cloth .9A/ a stone .9F/ activity in public .I@/ river bank
.I1/ coral .I4@ strong at mid-day .I5/ east .I8/ mouth .I9/ long-standing anger .II/ capture
of the enemy .I)/ genuineness .IA/ saffron .IF/ hostility and .)@/ thick cord 6 all these relate
to the #un.
#lokas 49N - 4F 6 The following belong to the Moon 6 .1/ intelligence .4/ flower .5/ good
perfume .8/ going to a fortress .9/ disease .I/ rahmin .)/ idleness .A/ phlegmatic .F/
epilepsy .1@/ enlargement of the spleen .11/ disposition of mind .14/ heart .15/ woman .18/
good or bad .19/ sourness .1I/ sleep .1)/ happiness .1A/ any thing watery .1F/ silver .4@/
thick sugarcane .41/ typhoid .44/ travel .45/ well .48/ tank .49/ mother .4I/ impartiality .4)/
mid-day .4A/ pearls .4F/ consumption .5@/ whiteness .51/ waistband .54/ bellmetal .55/ salt
.58/ short in stature .59/ mind .5I/ ability .5)/ pond .5A/ diamond .5F/ #arad 'itu .8@/ an
interval of 8A minutes .81/ facial luster .84/ white colour .85/ belly .88/reverence to
>oddess >owri .89/ honey .8I/ fabour .8)/ "oking .8A/ nourishment .8F/ wheat .9@/
pleasure .91 splendour .94/ face .95/ <uick in throught .98/ love of curd .99/ mendicant .9I/
fame .9)/ beauty .9A/ strength at night .9F/ Lestward-faced .I@/ learned .I1/ suline .I4/
getting a "ob .I5/ love towards Lest .I8/ the middle world .I9/ nine gems .II/ middle age
.I)/ life .IA/ eating .IF/ going to distant counties .)@/ disease of the shoulders .)4/
umbrella or other royal insignia .)5/ good fruits .)8/ good blood and vital energy .)9/ fish
and other water born creatures .)I/ serpent .))/ silk garment .)A/ good budding .)F/
shining .A@/ clean crystal and .A1/ delicate cloth.
#loka 5@255N6 $rowess .4/ land .5/ strength .8/ wearing arms .for battle/ .9/ +ingship .I/
loss of virility .)/ thief .A/ battle .F/ hostility .1@/ enemy .11/ generosity .14/ fondness for
things which are of deep-red colour .15/ master of a garden .18/ sound of a trumpet .19/
affection. .1I/ <uadruped .1)/ king .1A/ fool .1F/ anger .4@/ going to a foreign place .41/
firmness .44/ supporter .45/ fire .48/ controversy .49/ bile .4I/ heat .4)/ wound .4A/ service
under a king .4F/ day .5@/ sky .51/ seeing @4/ shortness .55/ disease .58/ fame .59/ tin .5I/
sword .5)/ lance or spear .5A/ minister .5F/ breaking of a limb .8@/ "ewel .81/ >od
#ubrahmanya .84/ youth .85tpungent .88/ 7urbar hall .89/ earthen .8I/ hindrance .8)/
flesh-eater .8A/ calumniating others .8F/ con<uest of the enemy .9@/ bitter .91/ strong at the
end of the night .94/ gold .95/ >rishma 'itu .98/ valour .99/ enemySs strength .9I/
profundity of character .9)/ strength .95/ man .9F/ tendenUcy .I@/ >od rahma .I1/ axe
.I4/ forester .I5/ headman of a village .I8/ royal aspect .I9/ painful discharge of urine .II/
s<uare. .I)/ goldsmith .IA/ rogue .IF/ burnt place .)@/ good dinner .)1/ leanness .)4/
cleverness in archery .)5/ blood .)8/ copper .)9/ a beautiful cloth .)I/ facing the #outh .))/
inclination towards the #outh .)A/ desire .)F/ anger .A@/ scandal .A1/ house .A4/
commander of an army .A5/ the weapon caned a n .#ataghni/ .A8/ a tree .A9/ #arna ,eda
.AI/ brother .A)/ iron spade or hatUchet .AA/ management of wild animals .AF/
independence .F@/ persistency .F1/ land .F4/ magistrate .F5/ serpent .F8/ world .F9/
speech .FI/ fickleness of mind .F)/ mounting a vehicle .FA/ appearance of blood .FF/ drying
of b1oodUthese and other various makings have been credited by the wise as belonging to
Mars-enough of these.
#lokas 55 N - 5) 6 Mercury presides over .1/ education .4/ hroses .5/ treasury .8/
mathematics .9/ wisdom .I/ speech .)/ rahmin .A/ infantry .F/ writing .1@/ new garment
.11/ palatial building .14/ green colour .15/ sculpture .18/ astrology .19/ pilgrimage to holy
places .1I/ wise lectures .1)/ temple .1A/ trading .1F/ best ornament .4@/ sof words .4t/
,edanta philosophy .44/ maternal grandU father .45/ bad dream .48/ eunuch .49/ :orthern-
faced .4I/ skin .4)/ wet .4A/ bellI-metal and the like .4F/ renunciation .5@/ 'itu-season .51/
beautiful mansion .54/ doctor .55/ meck .58/ exorcising .59/ child .5I/ crooked aspect .5)/
heaven .5A/ modesty .5F/ paternal relation .8@/ fear .81/ dancing .84/ devotion .85/ "ocular
disposition .88/ strong in the morning .89/ ?emanta 'itu .8I/ rubbing .scratchUing/ .8)/
tran<uility .8A/ navel .8F/ flourishing of the family .9@/ mixture of things .91/ one that has
mastered the Telugu language .94/ worship of ,ishnu .95/ #udra .98/ bird .99/ after-,born
.9I/ admiration of language .9)/ the directions .9A/ Atharvana ,eda .9F religious action .I@/
flower, .I1/ dust .I4/ garden .I5/ purendrum, virile .I8/ evil .I9/ benefic .II/ moving in
villages .I)/ impartial impartial .IA/ fond of the :orthwest <uarter .IF/ one versed, in the
good legends of the past .)@/ one versed in grammar .)1/ one clever in the testing of
precious stones .)4/ a learned man .)5/ maternal,unc1e .)8/ sacred prayer .)9/ an amulet
and .)I/ spells of a high order.
#lokas 5AJ81 6 rahmin .4/ oneSs preceptor .5/ oneSs .8/ chariot .9/ cow .I/ infantry .)/
savings .A/ Meemamsa .F/ treasure .1@/ horse .11/ curd, etc., .14/ big bodyS .15/ valour .18/
fame .19/ logic .1I/ astrology .1)/ sori .1A/ grandson .1F/ dropsy .4@/ richness in elephants
.41/ philosophy .44/ elders like great grand-father .45/ mansion .48/ gem .49/ eldest brother
.4I/ grand-father .4)/ h1dra .4A/ cold season .4F/ wrath .5@/ "ewel .51/ merchant .54/
physical health .55/ a beautiful mansion .58/ royal honour .59/ thigh .5I/ >ods .5)/
penance .5A/ giving .5F/ religious duty .8@/ helpS to others .81/ impartiUality .84/ facing
:orth .85/ circular .88/ yellow colour .89/ moving in villages .8I/ :orth .8)/ dear friend .8A/
swinging .8F, oratorical talent .9@/ fat .91/ a used garment .94/ a new house .95/ happiness
.98/ old .99/ Manthra .9I/ twice-born .9)/ holy water .9A/ knee .9F/ movement in heaven
.I@/ a house bestowing full happiness .I1/ intellect .I4/ proficiency in learning .I5/ literature
.I8/ tower .I9/ pleasing an audience .II/ throne .I)/ inauguration of >od rahma YIA/
strong at all times .IF, month .)@F vessels .)1/ lapis &azuli .)4/ fruits arising from an
Agnisthoma rite .)5/ sweet "uice .)8/ the <uality of goodness .)9/ happiness .)I/ misery
.))/ length .)A/ gentleness .)F/ guessing the thoughts of others .A@/ gold .A1/
ornamentation .A@/ device .A5/ wind .A8/ phlegm .A9/ topaz .AI/ ,edic text .A)/ brillaney
.AA/ softness .AF/ a stone .F@/ worship of #iva .F1/ engaged in one3s religious duties and
.F4/ traveling in a carriage bordedred on all sides 6 all these are the doings of !upiter.
#lokas 84-89 N .1/ Lhite umbrella .4/ a good chowrie .5/ garment .8/ marriage .9/ income
.I/ a biped .man/ .)/ woman .A/ rahmin .F/ .1@/ whiteness ..a/ wife .14/ sexual
happiness .15/ short .18/ sour .19/ flower .1IF command .1)/Sfame .1A/ youthful vilour .1F/
vehicle .4@/. silver .41/ #outh-east <uarter .44/ saltish. .45/ ogling dance .48/ scratching
.49/ half a month .4I/ the <uality of passion .4)/ -strong .4A/ pearl .4F/ Ca"ur ,eda .5@/
,aisya .51/ .beauty .A4/ buying and selling .55/ love making .58/ watery place .59/ elephant
.5I/ horse .5)/ variegated colour .5A/ poetry .5F/ dancing .8@/ middle age .81/ singing .84/
en"oyment .8.1/ happiness from the wife .88/ gems .89/ fond of "oking .8I/ swimmer .8)/
servant .8A/ luck .8F/ variegated luster .9A/ a beautiful youth .91/ ,kingdom .94/ scents .95/
garland .98/ ,eena .699/ flute .9I/ amusement .9)/ lovely gait .9A/ eight kinds of wealth .9F/
lovely-limbed .I@/ sparing in meals .I1/ spring season .I4/ ormament .I5/ inclined towards
supporting many women .I8/ eye .I9/ truth-speaking .II/ proficiency in art .I)/ semen .IA/
sporting in water in water .IF/ profundity of character .)@/ pre-eminence .)1/ sharp-witted
.)4/ musical instrument .)5/ decoration for the stage .)8/ indulging in amorous sports .)9/
deteriorated body .)I/ one whose chief business is love .))/ being entitled to great respect
or esteem .)A/ fond of white garments .)F/ the art of dancing as propounded by harata
.A@/ >overnment seal .A1/ a lord .A4/ worship of >oddess $arvati and &akshmi .A5/ sexual
pleasure .A8/ gentlness .A9/ much emaciated .AI/ one who plays the role of the mother
during day time3 .A)/ literary composition at the beginning of a poem .AA black hair .AF/
auspicious .F@/ mystery .F1/ urine .F4/ moving in the serpent region .F5/ afternoon .F8/ a
knowledge of the sexual organ and secrets the same these are to be ascribed to ,enus.
#lokas 89 N - 9@ 6 .1/ Troubles like disease, etc. .4/ horse .5/ elephant .8/ skin .9/ gain .I/
rule or standard .)/ distress .A/ sickness .F/ misunderstanding .1@/ misery .11/ death .14/
happiness through a woman .15/ maid servant .18/ asses and mules .19/ outcaste .1I/ one
with disfured limbs .1)/ haunting woods .1A/ envious .1F/ gift .4@/ a lord .41/ a portion of life
.44/ eunuch .45/ one born of the lowest caste .48/ birds .49/ the three sacred .4I/ a servile
duty .4)/ unrighteous conduct .4A/ one without manliness .4F/ uttering falsehood .5@/
lasting long .51/ wind .54/ old age .55/ tendon, muscle .65S1/ strong at the conclusion of day
.59/ #isira 'itu or cold season .5I/ excessive anger .5)/ exertion .5A/ born of a very low
woman .5F/ a : .+unda/, .8@/ a m.F .>olaka/, .81/ dirty cloth, house .84/ a mind over such
things .85/ friendUship with the wicked .88/ black colour .89/ evil .8I/ cruelty .8)/ ashes
.8A/ black grains .8F/ wrist .9@/ iron .91/ nobility .94/ a year .95/ #udra .98/ ,aisya .99/ one
representing the father .9I/ foreign learning .9)/ lame, crippled .9A/ severe, harsh .9F/ a
blanket .I@/ Lest ward Ufaced .I1/ remedies for restoring to life, re"uvination .I4/
downward looking .I5/ living by agriculture .I8/ a room where weapons are kept .I9/ a
7ayadin .II/ an external position .I)/ fond of the :orth-eastern <uarter .IA/ serpent-world
.IF/ downfall .)@/ battle .)1/ wandering .)4/ a spear .)5/ lead .)8/ misdirected strength .)9/
a Turk .)I/ indigestion .))/ oil .)A/ wood .)F/ rahmin .A@/ the <uality of Tamas .A1./
wandering in forests and mountains .A4/ hard-heartedness .A5/ fear .58./ longstandUing
distress .A9/ ugly hair .AI/ whole sovereignty .A)/ alarm .AA/ goats and the like .AF/
buffaloes and the like .F@/ intent on sexual pleasure .F1/ dressing oneself for amorous
interviews .F4/ worshipper of >od Cama .F5/ dog .F8/ theft and .F9/ inclination to commit
cruel deeds6 All these belong to #aturn
#lokas 91-94 . .1/ *mbrella .4/ chowrie .5/ kingdom .8/ gathering .9/ fallacious argument
.I/ a wounding speech .)/ one belonging to the lowest caste .A/ a wicked, female .F/ a
vehicle bordered on all sides .1@/ an i religious man .11/ gambling .14/ strong at twilight .15/
intrigue with a wicked female .18/ going to a foreign country .19/ impurity .1I/ bone .1)/
enlargement of spleen .1A/ falseUhood .1F/ downward look .4@/ perplexity .41/ an emerald
.44/ facing the #outhern <uarter .45/ resorting to outcastes or other low people .48/ a bad
swelling .49/ a big forest .4I/ moving in a contrary direction .4)/ mountain .4A/ pain .4F/
staying @utside .5@/ inclined towards #outh-west .51/ wind .54/ phlegm .55/ sorrow .58/
serpent .59/ night wind .5I/ severe .5)/ long .5A/ reptile .5 / reading of dreams .8@/ travel
.81/ a Muhurta .84/ old age .85/ a vehicle .18/ world of serpents .89/ mother .8I/ father o
grandfather .8)/ air .8A/ an acute or sharp pain .8F/ catarrh .9@/ breathing .91/ great
courage .94/ forest .95/ fortress .98/ worshipper .99/ wickedness .9I/ cohabitation with -
<uadrupeds .9)/ writing of *rdu and .9A/ harsh --speech. These are ascribed to 'ahu.
#lokas 95-98 . .1/ Lorship of >oddess 0handee, >od #iva, >od >anesa and the several
other >ods .4/ doctor .5/ dog .8/ a cock .9/ vulture .I/ salvation .)/ all kinds of wealth .A/
consumption .F/ pain .1@/ fever .11/ bath in the >anges .14-/ great penance .15/ wind .18/
an outcast .19/ friendship .1I/ conferring of prosperity .1)/ stone .1A/ wound .1F/ the
science of witchcraft .4@/ inUconstancy .41/ knowledge of rahman .44/ belly .8 / eye-pain
.48/ stupidity .49/ thorn .4I/ deer .4)/ knowledge .4A/ the penance of silence .4F/
philosophy .5@/ all kinds of luxury .51/ luck .54/ causing trouble to enemies .55/ sparing in
eating .58/ indifference to the world .59/ paternal grandfather .5I/ hunger .5)/ intense pain
.5A/ a boil .9F/ freedom from disease .8@/ horned creatures .81/ the fig tree .beetleZ/ .84/
'evoking the order of arrest and .85/ #udra company-all these are to be sought for through
#(0TIB: 2 ,I
T?( 7A#A# A:7 T?(I' (==(0T#
#loka 16 The Avastthas or conditions of a planet are of nine kinds, viz., .1/ 7eepta-blazing
when he is in his exaltation, .4/ stimita-gratified or satisfied when he is in his own house .5/
Muditahappy when he is in a dear friend%s house .9/ ?eena deficient when he is <uartered
in a neutral%s house .I/ 7uhkha-de"ected when he is in an enemy%s house .)/ ,ikla-failing
when he is associated with a malefic .A/ +hala-base when he is van<uished in war and .F/
+opa-angry when he is eclipsed by the #un%s rays.
#loka 46 #ince the fruits of past +arma resulting from either good or bad actions are known
through the 7asas and huktis of planets, it is essential that the 7asas of the planets should
be sub-divided and the several effects of such sub-divisions should be known in order that
one may obtain the re<uired happiness by the performance of #hantis to overcome the evil.
#loka 56 The #un, the Moon, Mars, 'ahu, !upiter, #aturn, Mercury, +etu and ,enus are in
their order the lords of the 7asa period of years represented by the numbers I, 1@, ), 1A,
1I, 1F, 1), ) and 4@ respectively. The particular 7asa that starts in a nativity is thus
obtained6 count from +rittika till the natal star inclusive and divide the result by F. The
remainder will indicate the lord of the 7asa counted from the #un onwards.
#loka 86 =ind the number of >hatikas, etc., still to pass of the asterism at birth, divide the
same by the total >hatikas taken by the Moon to pass through that art. Multiply this fraction
by the appropriate 7asa-years mentioned in the previous #loka. The <uotient will be the
number of years still to pass in that 7asa. The remainder when multiplied by 14 and 5@ will
give the months and days re<uired.
#loka 9 2 9 N6 Multiply the 7asa years of a planet by the 7asa years of the other planet
whose hukti or sub-period is re<uired. The product will be in 4 or 5 digits. The number
indicated by the first or first two digits as the case may be will be the number of months
contained in the hukti, and the last digit multiplied by 5 will be the days to be added, etc.
thus should the period of all the hktis in the several 7asas be calculated. 0onvert the
hukti period into days and multiply the same by the number indicating the 7asa years of a
planet. Take a moiety of the product. This will signify the .,idasa/ or .Antara/ of the planet in
terms of >hatikas, etc., and this when divided by I@ will indicate the period in days. #imilarly
should the .#ukshmadasa/, etc., be calculated, but there is this peculiarity, i.e., the numbers
each below the other in their order will signify the sub-period in days, >hatikas and
Thus, Mercury%s hukti period in #aturn%s 7asa is obtained by multiplying 1)x1F. The
product is 545 which means 54 months and F days.
#imilarly to find out the sub-period of the Moon-0handrantara- in the above Mercury%s
hukti, we proceed thus6
0onvert the 54 months and F days .the period of the hukti/ into days, thus6 54x5@WF or
FIF. As the Moon%s 7asa period is 1@ years, this has to be multiplied by 1@ and a half of the
product is to be taken H FIF x 1@ x N or 8A89. This will denote the number in >hatikas of
Moon%s Antara. This when converted into days will be H 8A89 2 I@ or A@ days 89 >hatikas.
#lokas 9 N - I N 6 The #un%s 7asa will, if the #un be auspicious to the native, give during
his period sons, Intelligence, Lisdom, good status, knowledge, wealth, fame, valour,
happiness and divine favour. If the sun be inauspicious, the native will suffer intense
hardships3 all his efforts will become useless3 there will be much waste of money. ?e will
suffer from disease and there will be trouble from the enemy, royal displeasure, ill-health to
father and similar other happenings.
#lokas I N - ) N6 Lhen the moon is auspicious, the mother%s prosperity and the building of
tanks and the like may be expected. The native will get lands, gardens, houses, the
blessings of good rahmins, wealth, prosperity and "oyrides. If the moon be unfavourable,
the native will suffer from want of food, will be miserly, will become devois of pleasure and
wealth, suffer diseases, will be lacking in wisdom, will be censured, lose his mother, will
often get angry and suffer from fevers like typhoid.
#lokas ) N - A N6 The 7asa of Mars when Mars is auspicious will bring to the native lands,
desired ob"ects, knowledge clearness of mind, prowess, wealth, destruction of enemies,
advent of brothers. If Mars be inauspicious, there will be distress to brothers,
misunderstandings, troubles through lands, danger from fire, wounds, decay of eyesight and
the like, trouble from >overnment, misunderstandings with good people, shortcuts and
#loka A N - F N6 If mercury be auspicious, he will give during the 7asa clothing, endless
wealth, corn, status, prosperity, happiness, house, relations, success and fulfillment of
cherished desires and ob"ects. If he be inauspicious, the native will go to be foreign country 3
there will be anger, loss of relations, intellectual diminution, trouble from the merchant class,
misunderstandings, loss of lands and money and other calamities.
#loka F N - 1@ N6 !upiter, if auspicious, makes the native the headman of a big village,
blesses him with children, wealth and prosperity. The native will be a mine of all virtues, will
have many dependants, horses, "oyrides and other comforts. If !upiter be unfavourable,
there will be royal displeasure, mental worry, diseases, loss of courage, lack of corn, lack of
money, trouble from rahmisn, displeasure of the father, trouble for proper meals and

#loka 1@N-11N6 ,enus when favourable will bring all happiness, prosperity, high status,
"oyrides, the eight kinds of wealth, inclination to be virtuous- in a very high degree, gold,
garden, horses, music and processions. Lhen ,enus is there will be trouble to the wife. T e
person will become wick .d3 wealth will be wast d63 there will be a big theft in his house. ?e
will commit serious faults and will suffer diseases arising from his intrigues in a large- scale
with the woman folk.
#loka 11 N -14 N If #aturn be favourable, his 7asa will prove prosperous, will best the
native intelligence and will make him perform ?e will own bonds, will become the headman
of a village or of a small town. ?e will turn out to be [a big will be very enthusiastic.
v,hen#5.turn is in am picious, there win be poisoning, loss of wealth, troubles to body, etc.
and royal displeasure3 his work will be frustrated3 he will become worried and suffer
diseases causing intense trouble.
#loka 14N-15N6 7uring the 7asa of 'ahu,S when he is favourable, he will confer on the
native all that is best and desirable, a high position of authority, all kinds of virtues and
wealth. The person will resort to holy shrines3 will ac<uire sacred knowledge and power. If
'ahu be untoward, the person will be liable to d anger from reptiles, poison, disease and
trouble all over the body, danger from missiles and fire, worst enmity, a fall from a tree and
torments from enemies.
#loka 15N - 18N6 7uring the advent of +etu%s 7asa when +etu is favourable, there will be
success in all undertakings, ac<uisition of wealth through bloody deeds, good fortune
through a foreign king, attempts at poetical comUposition and destruction of enemies. Lhen
+etu is bad, he will cause to the native intense miseries3 all his efforts will become fruitless3
he will be doing only unprofitable things3 there will also be loss of position3 he will suffer from
rheumatism, tuberculosis, shaking all over the body,S misunderstanding with the rahmin
folk. ?e will further commit the worst follies.
#loka 18N - 19N6 .a/ If 'ahu or +etu occupy a .Trikona-9th or Fth/ and be con"oined with or
aspected by the lord of the 4nd or the )th house, they cause death during their 7asas. .b/ If
they occupy the )th or the 4nd house in con"unction with or aspected by the lord of the 9th
or Fth, they confer wealth and long life on the native. If under the same condition, viz., 'ahu
or +etu occupying the 4nd or the )th .c/ any malefic planet be in con"unction with the planet
owning the 4nd or6 the )th house, his 7asa will bring on death to the native.
=or .a/-#ee 0hart 19 .p. 5) supra/, 'ahu is posited in the 9th house along with Mercury, the
lord of the )th, and the death of the native was in 'ahu 7asa.
#loka 19N - 1IN6 .a/ If 'ahu or +etu occupy a dual 'asi along with the lord of the 1st, 8th,
9th, )th, Fth or the 1@th house, or happen to be the lord of any of those 'asi the native will,
during the planetSs 7asa period, get wealth power etc. .b/ if any one of the above said be
con"oined with or aspected by the lord of the Ith, Ath or 18th house, there will not be such
benefit to the native, but the 7asa will bring about the demise of the nativeSs mother or other
near relation.

#loka 1IN 1)N .a/6 The same two planets if posited in a fixed or a moveable 'asi and
con"oined with planets owning a +endra or a Trikona place will be productive of good fortune
during the 7asa of one of the two occupying an auspicious house. .b/ If they be in a malefic
house, they will not cause any good effect3 some are however .if opinion that they will bring
happiness. If these two should occupy malefic houses in company with benefics, they
become instrumental in causing the demise of the native.
#loka 1) N - 1A N6 If 'ahu or +etu be posited in the Ith, Ath or 14th house and -be
con"oined with or aspected by any of the lords of these houses, they begin to afflict the
native during their 7asas. If they con"oin with .Maraka/ planets or with the lords of the
7usstthanas, they bring about the death of the native. If they be associated with the lords of
+endra and +ona houses and be posited in the 7usstthanas, they cause some happiness
and then bring on death through diseases, wounds, misery, sword cuts, drowning or suicide.

#loka 1AN - 1FN .a/ If the said two planets be con"oined witht strong Cogakaraka planets
and be posited in the 1st, 5rd, 8th, )th, Fth or 1@th houses, they confer on the native
prosperity, happiness, children, wealth, power and superior vehicles. .b/ The same, if
con"oined with the lords of the )th and the 4nd houses or aspected by them, will cause the
entire loss of wealth to the native and also bring about his death.
#loka 1FN - 4@N. The exaltation houses of 'ahu and +etu are ,rishabha and ,rischika
respectively. Their .#wakshetra/ houses are +umbha and ,rischika. Mithuna and +any are
their Moolatrikona 'asis. #imha and +ataka are their inimical houses, while Tula and
Makara are their friendly signs. Mesha and the two 'asis owned by !upiter are their neutral
ones. The said two planets are declared to possess maximum strength when they are
exalted. At other places, their strength will be proportionate conformably to the nature of
their relation to the houses they occupy.
#loka 4@N - 41N. If these two planets, possessed of strength be posited in any hava or
have anyone of the hava .#ambandb a/ with the lord of any hava, they cause during their
7asa good and bad effects overlooking the effects, if any, that may be caused by other
planets. Lhichever house they occupy, they will possess the strength of the lord of that
house, and the good and bad effects resulting from the hava they occupy should be
predicted according to the strength of the lord of that hava.
#loka 41 N - 44 N6 Lhen the 7asa of any planet is ruling at the time, treat the house
occupied by that planet as the &agna, and find what house reckoned from this &agna is
occupied by the .huktinatha/. =ind also the strength of these two planets derived through
their being con"oined with or aspected by other planets. If these two planets be not mutually
in <uincunx aspect, the resulting effect will be happy. Btherwise, malefic effect will result
according to the .strength of the planet.
#loka 44N - 45N6 7asa periods and their sub periods of planets owning +endra houses will
prove auspicious, while those of planets owning the 4nd, 5rd and 11th houses will be
medium. The 7asas, etc., of planets owing the Ith, the Ath and the 14th houses will always
prove bad to the native. These effects should be predicted in the respective 7asas and
huktis of planets after a scrutiny of the lord of the 7asa and the house occupied by him.
#loka 45N - 48N6 If the .hukti-natha/ be posited in the 14th, Ith or Ath place from the
house ocUcupied by the lord of a 7asa, he then becomes the enemy of the 7asa-lord. The
planet in the 11th, the 4nd, 5rd, 8th, 9th, Fth or 1@th house from the .7asanatha/ is said to
be greatly auspicious to the native. The planet in the )th house from the 7asanatha and the
one in con"unction with him are also productive of good.
#loka 48N - 49N6 If the 7asanatha be malefic and the huktinatha be benefic and not in
con"unction with the same, the effect will be unfavourable. If the huktiUnatha be benefic
and be associated with the 7asanatha, the effect wm be mixed. The huktinatha, even if he
be a Cogakaraka planet, will become more unfavourable and distressing if he be not
con"oined with the 7asanatha.
If the 7asanatha has got power to cause both CogaS\ii1dSQS death, he will give the effects of
the Coga first in his own huktl.
#loka 49N - 4IN. If the entire period over which the above-mentioned Cogakaraka rules be
fully auspicious, and the huktis of the various malefic planets be likeU wise favourable, the
Cogakaraka planet postpones the causing of death to the native. #uch a 7asanatha will
never cause mixed effects. If he does, the 7asa will only prove completely fruitless. #o
opine the wise.
#loka 4IN - 4)N6 !upiter and ,enus in their mutual 7asas and huktis confer on the native
kingship or the place of a. ministerT much wealth and happiness through wife and children.
There will be performance of sacrifices, birth of children, celebration of marriages and other
simiUlar auspicious functions, provided the two planets are strong and occupy good havas
and are also aspected by or con"oined with benefic planets.
#loka 4)N - 4AN3 The same two planets if posited in such a way that they are either
<uincunx to each other or are mutually placed in the 4nd and 14th3 or if they two be
aspected by or con"oined with the lords of these houses3 or if they be themselves the
owners of these houses and be at the same time aspected by or in con"uncUtion with
malefics, and are weak in positional strength, etc., they will during their 7asas bring on the
sepation of wife and sons, displeasure of a high rahmin-chief, trouble through intrigues
with females, royal displeasure and fear of epilepsy.
#loka 4AN - 4FN6 If ,enus and #aturn posited in their exaltation, #wakshetra or
,argottamamsa be strong and Se<ually powerful to cause Coga, they will, in their mutual
7asas and huktis, make the native a beggar seeking alms and a powerless being, even if
he be born a king or a +ubera. #hould however one of the two be strong and the other
weak, the stronger one will give the Coga.
,enus and #aturn are natural friends and any student of astrology, logy will expect good
results in their mutual 7asat and huktis. ut the sense contained in this sloka is contrary to
the above statement. If the two planets are well placed, the hukti of ,enus in #aturnSs
7asa and S,ice versa will be the worst periods the native can possibly expect. The stronger
the two planets are the worse will be the effect.

#loka 4FN - 5@N. If both of them be weak and be so mutually placed that one occupied the
14th, the Ath or the Ith from the other, or happen to be owners of such places3 or be
con"oined with the lords of these houses, they become auspicious and confer wealth and
happiness on the native. If one of them own, an auspicious house and the other an
unfavourable one, even then, hath of them will produce good effects. If they are both
malefics, they will prove extremely favourable to the native.
#loka 5@ N - 51N. #aturn and the #un if they be placed in their own or exalted signs or in
the corresponding :avamsas and are in +ona or +endra positions, or be Sowners of these
houses, will bring to the person concerned royal favour, wealth and the like in the #unSs
hukti of #aturnSs 7asa, and happiness, wealth and victory in #aturnSs hukti of the #unSs
7asa. If the two planets in <uestion be both inauspicious, they cause distress to the Snative.
51N - 54N. If Mars and !upiter, in the same manner be strong, occupy favourable house
and possess the aspect or association of strong benefic planets, they bring 'a"ayoga to the
native3 they will bring "oy, all kinds of en"oyments and pleasure, sons endowed with long life,
marriage and other pleasant functions. If otherwise, they will produce contrary effects.
#loka 54 N - 55 N. !upiter and Mercury, similarly strong, will nuke the motive do good
actions, learned, clever in trading and endowed with wife, children and happiness. ,enus
and Mercury, !upiter and the Moon, the Moon and ,enus, !upiter and the #un, the #un and
Mars, the #un and Mercury, each of these pairs will produce effects similar to those stated
for !upiter and Mercury.
#loka 55 N - 58 N. =ind the exact position of the #un in a nativity. In any re<uired year after
birth, find our on what day, hour, etc., the #un in his periodical course occupies that exact
position. That day is called the solar year day of the native. =ind out the &agna at the time
and the positions of planets, and the several havas3 also calculate the #aptavarga"a bala
of the planets. The results will reveal the nature of the effects for that year to the native. The
number of the asterism in which the Moon is at the time when reckoned from the natal star
should be divided byF. The remainder will denote the order of the 7asa reckoned from the
#loka 58N - 5IN. =rom the exact position of the Moon at the time, find out how many more
ghatikas the Moon has still to pass in the star in which she is. This when multiplied by the
7asa days mentioned below of the planet concerned and divided by the total ghatikas taken
by the Moon to travel through the complete asterism will reveal the number of days,
ghatikas, etc. of the .first/ starting 7asa still remaining at the beginning of the new year. 11@,
I@, 54, 8@, 8A, 9I, 8, 9 and 1@ are the numbers in their order representing the 7asa, period
5I9 days in a year of 5I9 days for, the #un, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, !upiter, ,enus,
#aturn, 'ahu and the &agna respectively. The second and succeeding 7asas during the
year have to be reckoned in this order alone. The effects 2 good or bad 2 for any of the
7asas should be predicted after a full reference to the strength 2 positional, etc. 2 of the
planet concerned, the &agna at the entry of the year, the hava occupied by the planet and
the several aspects on the same .planet/.
The system that is described in the two foregoing slokas enables the reader to have a clear
idea as to how his position in life will be in any particular year. The system is uni<ue by
itself. The horoscope for any particular, Cear depends upon the exact time at which the #un,
during his transit, comes to the position he had occupied at the time of birth. The process of
casting such annual horoscopes consists in finding the exact time at which the #un arrives
at his old position in the year concerned. This time marks the beginning of the native%s new
Ta.le for /0ar!hika-ann$al1 Horo!co2e
Cear 7ay >hatikas ,igha
Tatparai Cear 7ay ?ours Minutes #econds
1 1 19 51 5@ 1 1 I 14 5I
4 4 51 5 @ 4 4 14 49 14
5 5 8I 58 5@ 5 5 1A 5) 8A
8 9 4 I @ 8 9 @ 9@ 48
9 I 1) 5) 5@ 9 I ) 5 @
I @ 55 F @ I @ 15 19 5I
) 1 8A 8@ 5@ ) 1 1F 4A 14
A 5 8 14 @ A 5 1 8@ 8A
F 8 1F 85 5@ F 8 ) 95 48
1@ 9 59 19 @ 1@ 9 18 I @
4@ 8 1@ 5@ @ 4@ 8 8 14 @
5@ 4 89 89 @ 5@ 4 1A 1A @
8@ 1 41 @ @ 8@ 1 A 48 @
9@ I 9I 19 @ 9@ I 44 5@ @
I@ 9 51 5@ @ I@ 9 14 5I @
)@ 8 I 89 @ )@ 8 4 84 @
A@ 4 84 @ @ A@ 4 1I 8A @
F@ 1 1) 19 @ F@ 1 I 98 @
1@@ I 94 5@ @ 1@@ I 41 @ @

(xact time is re<uired and a horoscope for that time should- be cast accurately. =ind the
asterism in which the Moon is at the time under consideration. The order of this asterism
reckoned from the natal star will reveal the lord of the 7asa counted from the #un which the
native is undergoing at the commencement of this year. The order of the 7asa lords will be
as fol1ows3 The #un, the Moon, Mar, Mercury, !upiter, ,enus, #aturn, 'ahu and the &agna.
The portion traversed by the Moon at the time in the particular asterism will reveal the
portion of the corresponding 7asa elapsed.
The above table is prepared to suit both systems of reckoning, viz., >hatikas, etc.,
,ighatikas, etc., and hours, minutes, seconds. The numbers 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, I, @ under the
column S7ayS refer to the ) days of the week from #unday onwards.
Chart- 34# Male 2 orn on F.11.1AF5, at 9.89 A.M.
7ied in !une 1F5@















alance of !upiterSs 7asa-about 5 years.
The birth in <uestion being at #unrise, the #un is posited in the rising :avamsa. Three
notable features are present in this nativity6 .1/ Mars, the Cogakaraka, occupies the centre
of the 4nd .7hana/ hava3 .4/ the #un, the lord of the 4nd, is posited exactly in the
Ascendant3 .5/ The Cogakaraka is in the 1@th +endra exactly with respect to the lord of the
&agna, and thus the aspect of Mars over the Moon is full. =rom this, it will be clear that the
power wielded by the native will be immense. The native will have to earn more by wielding
$ower in some administrative capacity in virtue of the position of the Cogakaraka. #o much
of stress had to be laid on Sthe above statement, because, the risingS planet is the #un, the
'a"vakaraka. The inheritance of the native will also be good as !upiter, the lord of the Fth
.house of =ather/ occupies the 4nd in con"unction with Mats, the Cogakaraka, while the #un,
the .$itrukaraka/ and the lord of the 4nd, is in the &agna. The above statement will have to
lose some of its force as the con"unction of the said planets has been marred by the
inclusion of Mercury, the lord of the 14th.
'egarding the position of the Moon, the presence of Mars, lord of the 'asi occupied by the
Moon, in +endra position with respect to her elevates the native to a considerably high
position the effect due to depression being nullified .,II-4I-4A/.
The aspect of #aturn, the lord of the Ath, over the .7hana/ hava and the )th is not so
good. The con"unction of the lords of the Ith and the 14th in the 4nd hava is a very strong
.7hana/ yoga. The presence of the two nodes of the Moon in +endras will surely bring the
native to prominence.
!upiter and Mars, lords of the Fth and 1@th as well as those of Fth and 1@th as well as those
of Fth are con"oined in the 4nd house resulting in a very strong 'a"a yoga .I,-8/
The native is an officer in the urman $. L. 7.
&et us prepare his chart for the year 1F5A - 5F.
The native has completed 81 years and entered on his 84nd year.
7ay 2 >?. ,igh - Tat.
?is birth was on #unday at 5@ N ,igh or 1 2 @ 2 5@ 2 5@
=or 8@ years 1 2 41 - @ 2 @
1 year 1 2 19 2 51 2 5@
Therefore for 81 years 5 2 5) 2 4 2 @
Lhich means, the time in <uestion Las 5) gh. 4 vigh on a Tues. day in the month of +ataka
in the year ahudhanya, and corresUponds to 5) gh. 4 vigh. on Fth August 1F5A.
Ann$al Chart for 1543 35






#un%s entry at 5) after
#unrise on F.A.1F5A
#un Moon









The Moon is traversing .*ttarashadha/. The portion of the star still to be traversed in
ghatikas is 44. The total duration of the asterism is I). 8. This star is the 8th when counted
from !yeshta, the natal star of the native. ?ence the lord of the 7asa at the commencement
of the year is the 8th from the #un that is Mercury. The balance of the 7asa I).1 x 8@ or 15
days. The severalis 44.1 periods of the year ruled by the planets are shown below 6
$lanets :umber in days 7ate of 0ommencement 7ate of
Mercury ]. 15 F-A-1F5A 41-A-1F5A
!upiter ] 19 44-A-1F5A A-1@-1F5A
,enus ] 9I F-1@-1F5A 5-14-1F5A
#aturn]. 8 8-14-1F5A )-14-1F5A
'ahu ] 9 A-14-1F5A 14-14-1F5A
&agna] 1@ 1F-14-1F5A 44-14-1F5A
#un] 11@ 45-14-1F5A 11-8-1F5F
Moon ] I@ 14-8-1F5F 1@-I-1F5F
Mars ] 54 11-I-1F5F 14-)-1F5F
Mercury]. 4) 15-)-1F5F A-A-1F5F

The nature of the year under consideration for the native is to be discussed from the annual
chart given in the previous page.
It is to be understood that the nature of the &agna will always give an indication as, to the
nature of that particular year. At the outUset, the year augurs bad as the lord of the &agna
has exchanged place with the lord of the 14th. To add to this, we have the complete aspect
of ,enus, the lord of the Ath, over the Ascendant. ,enus, being the lord of the 5rd, is
aspected by #aturn, the lord of the 14th, and is without any benefic aspect. The 5rd house
also is aspected by #aturn. #aturn, the lord of the 11th, receives the aspect of ,enus, the
lord of the Ath. The sun, the lord of the Ith aspects the 11th the 5rd house and Mercury
denote the afterborns .,-8. 5I/, while the 11th and !upiter, the eldest brother .,-1F, 5F/. The
year under reference will therefore be a bit unfavourable to the nativeSs brothers .younger as
well as elder/.
The #un, the lord of the Ith, is posited in the 9th, thus indiUcating that the nativeSs children
will not be keeping good health. The year I# not beneficial to the nativeSs partner also, as
the lord of the )th has gone to the Ith. ,enus, the lord of a 7usstthana, is posited in the )th,
and the )th is badly aspected by #aturn .the lord if the 14th/. Much of the strain of this
unfavourableness Swill have toS be borne by the native himself, as all these above remarks
are made with reference to the nativeSs 0hart. To be short, the presence of #aturn may
cause lot of expenditure mostly unexpected.
0oming to the particular periods, the year begins Swith MercurySs 7asa. ?e is gone to the Ith
which is the 14th from the .+alatra &agna/. The native will have to pass a difficult time, the
difficulty being mostly due to his partner. The severityS is considerably reduced as Mercury is
aspected by !upiter3
The next period is that of !upiter. The native ought to have, got the best he could get during
this year as !upiter governs t e nativeSs position and body. ut the position of !upiter in the
14th will have to cause some disappointment in this direction. To support it, this !upiter is
badly aspected by Mars who is con"oined with the lord of the Ith. $articularly during
!upiter%s period, the native will have to experience a bit of anxiety on account of his eldest
brother, as !upiter, the planet representing the eldest brother has gone to the 14th and is
aspected by Mercury in the Ith.
:othing good can be expected during the period of ,enus as this planet rules, over the Ath
house and is further aspected by a powerful #aturn. ,enus in the capacity of the ownership
of the 5rd may cause ill health and some distress to the brothers of the native during his
#aturnSs period win be an anxious one so far as the health of the nativeSs elder brother is
concerned, as #aturn is the lord of theS nth and is aspected by the lord of the Ath.
ut 'ahuSs 7asa will be certainly better than that of #aturn as 'ahu is aspected by !upiter.
:ext comes the &agna 7asa. The nature of this depends much on !upiter about whom
comment has already been made.
The #unSs 7asa may cause ill health to the nativeSs children as he is the lord of the Ith and
is posited in the 9th.
The only period during which the native will get some peace of mind is that ruled by the
planet representing the mind, that is, the Moon. #he is best placed, being aspected by Mars,
her friend the lord of the 4nd and the Fth. #he has escaped the #unSs aspect .the Moon is in
the Ith degree of Makara while the #un is in the 48th degree of +ataka/. The #un happens
to own the Ith.
The 7asa of Mars will also be good as he is aspected by the Moon, the lord of the 9th
though not so good as that of the Moon as he is eclipsed by the #unSs .lord of the Ith/ rays.
In conclusion, we shall have to infer that the whole year will not be a happy and a peaceful
one. The various incidents which the native will have to come across during this year will
make the native put on an appearance of entire resignation towards the doings of these
various planets as !upiter and #aturn-the two philosophical planets--have exchanged
#loka 5IN - 5)N. In this connection, due consideration should also be given to the effects
that may be caused by planets transitting during their course the several houses reckoned
from the .!anma 'asi/ radix Moon-,and the con"oined effects alone should be predicted. I
am now going to describe in a fine and easy manner the accurate effects of the several
7asas during a year.
#loka 5)N - 5AN . Lhen the #un is strong, there will be accumulation of wealth, ac<uisition
of ornaments and wearing of new apparel. If the #un be weak, there will be increase of sin
and enemies, loss of wealth and springing up of new troubles. Lhen the Moon is strong,
there will be royal favour, incessant flowing in of money and a position. Lhen the Moon is
weak, more enemies will turn up. The person will suffer from sickness3 there will also be
change of place, misery and misunderstandings with one%s people.
#loka 5AN - 5FN. If Mars be endowed with strength, there will be royal favour, success in
life and domestic happiness. Lhen Mars is weak there will be displeasure from the
sovereign, <uarrel with one%s own sons, enmity with one%s wife and decay of wealth. Lhen
Mercury is very strong, the person concerned will be energetic. ?e will en"oy more
happiness and there will be more gain. If Mercury be weak, there will result
misunderstandings with one%s brothers, etc. ?e will take to bad ways and will do mischief to
the rahmin folk.
#loka 5FN - 8@N Lhen !upiter is fully Spowerful, the person will command good vehicles,
and houses. ?e will be munificent, possess good intellect and much wealth. If !upiter be
weak there will be change of place and also loss of wealth. ?e will further go into bad waysS
and evil association. Lhen ,enus is possessed of much strength, there will be influx of
wealth and fame. The native will have good white robes and female company. Lhen ,enus
is weak there will be loss of wealth, danger from enemies, diseases through female arid ill
#loka 8@N - 81N. Lhen #aturn is strong, the person will ac<uire a good house, and be
happy3 he will become the headman or leader of a wild tribe. If #aturn be weak there will be
destruction of wealth, emaciation of the body, disease and ill-fame. Lhen 'ahu is strong, he
will make the native do good and virtuous acts get good income and rise in his official
position. Lhen he is unfavourable, the effect likewise will be bad there may happen the
demise of the father. The person will further befriend base people and associate with his
#loka 81N - 84 N . Lhen the &agna 7asa rules, the effect will be good, medium or bad,
according to the nature of the decanate occupied and the .#ambandha/, Cogas, etc. formed
by that lord. Thus have been declared in an elegant and concise manner the effects of the
several 7asas in a year. Intelligent men should predict nature of the effects with special
reference to the strength of otherwise of the planets concerned derived through their
association with benefics, etc.
#loka 1. Thus should all the effects be predicted in the case of a nativity through the position
of the several planets and the &agna at the time. In the absence of the horoscope, the
effects should be divined through the &agna rising at the time of <uery. There will be no
difference between the effects derived through the horoscope at birth or through the time of
<uery. If the day be clouded at the time and the exact >hatikas that have elapsed since
#unrise be not be readily available, the several 'asis and :avamsas should be determined
by further <ueries .as detailed in the next 5 slokas/.
#loka 4. A <uerist should approach an astrologer with fruits and 7akshina and should when
asked, mention a number below 1@A. The same should be taken as the basis and
predictions 2 good or bad 2 about the past, present and future, should be made by the
astrologer after salutations to the feet of his preceptor.
#loka 5 6 The basis number aforesaid should be divided by F3 the <uotient represents the
number of 'asis from Mesha that have elapsed, and the remainder represents the number
of :avamsas elapsed in the &agna at the time of <uery. The planets and the havas at the
time should be determined and effects-good as well as bad-should be predicted as before
through the +araka, planets and through the strongest of them.
#loka 8 6 The number of flowers and money units that had been handed over to him by the
<uerist, the astrologer should multiply by the basis number and divide the product by 14.
The remainder will signify the 'asi reckoned from Mesha in which !upiter was posited in the
<ueristSs nativity. Through the position of !upiter at the time of <uery, the astrologer can
easily guess the age by a look at the <uerist and the probable number of cycles made by
!upiter since the birth-time of the <uerist. The months days, etc. that have elapsed .since
the last birthUday/, will be revealed by the portion of the 'asi traversed by !upiter in the
'asi occupied by him at the time of <uery. The total period thus obtained is to be subtracted
from the present position of the #un to get the year, month, etc. of the birth in <uestion.
#loka 96 The month, the week day, the >hatikas, etc., elapsed on the day, all will be solar.
=rom this, the MoonSs position, the lunar years, month, Tithi, etc., and hence the whole
horoscope can be obtained, Thus have been described briefly the process of casting a lost-
horoUscope. The method to get at a horoscope has thus been chalked out for the
delectation of those interested in the science.
Thus ends the method for casting &ost ?oroscopes.
#loka I6 Multiply the basis number by 4 and divide the product by 5. If the remainder be 1,
the <uery is about a living being3 if it be 4, it relates to some mineral. If it be zero, it relates to
a plant. Lhen the &agna at <uery is Mesha, the matter relates to bipeds. If it be, ,rishabha,
it relates to <uadrupeds3 if the &agna be, Mitbuna, it is about pregnancy. Lhen +ataka is
rising, the sub"ect relates to a legal dispute. Lhen the &agna is #irnha, the matter relates to
#loka )6 If +anya be the &agna, the <uery relates to an intrigue with a woman other than
oneSs wife. The sub"ect will be about trading when Tula is rising. If ,rischika be rising, there
will be fear from the wicked. It will relate to wealth lost when sign 7hanus is rising. #ome
sinful deed will be the sub"ect if Makara be the &agna. If +umbha is rising, it will be about
some religiUous rites. If Meena be the &agna, it will relate to position and residence. Thus
sages say that it should be declared through the stronger of the two-viz., 'asi and :avamsa
-rising at the time.
#loka A6 If at the time of <uery, the #un occupies his own 'asi or :avamsa whichever is
stronger, the <uery relates to #overeign and kingdom. If the Moon be in a similar position, it
relates to tanks and the like. If it be Mars, the <uestion is about fire and danger from theS
king or enemies. Mercury, similarly situated will relate to trade and agriculture. !upiter will
refer to friends, king and the like. ,enus will point to more happiness3 while #aturn in such a
position will relate to a human being or immoveable property.
#loka F6 #imilarly, if a planet be exalted, the effect will be doubled3 if debilitated, the effect
will be nil. Lhen the planet is in a friendSs house, the effect will be half3 in a neutralSs house,
it will be very low. If two planets are exalted, or be in their #wakshetra 'asis, the <uery
should be answered by a wiseman after a reference to the stronger of the two and the
corresponding .+araka/ and the hava occupied by each of them.
#loka 1@6 If a planet be exalted at the time, the business will be accomplished in a few
>hatikas 3 if occupyUing his own house, the business will be done in a few days3 if <uartered
in a friendly house, it will be finished in a few months. Btherwise, it will take some years. If
the planet be in any other positions,in con"unction with or aspected by a malefic, failure of
the ob"ect will have to be predicted. If #aturn be exalted in the &agna, or if the lords of the
&agna and the hava indicating the nature of the <uery be con"oined with, or aspected by
strong benefics, the immediate accomplishment of the business should be predicted.
#loka 116 The horizon is a circle consisting of 5I@ degrees and there are 14 spokes each at
an interval of 5@@3 and the 1@A :avamsas are permanently located in the same. The four
pairs of moveable and immoveable signs beginning with Mesha represent the (ast and
other principal points of the compass in order. The four dual signs, viz., Mithuna, +anya,
7hanus and Meena signify respectively the four intermediate points, viz., #. (., #. L., :. L.
and :. (. The astrologer should enter in the concerned 'asis and :avamsas the several
planets according to their exact longitudes at the time,
#loka 146 If a person, with flowers, fruits, etc., .visible/ in his hand, should approach the
astrologer and standing in a place puts a <uery, the 'asi indicated by that place with respect
to the astrologer as per apportionment alluded to in. the last sloka is called the Arudha
&agna at <uery, and the astrologer should predict in all such <ueries the effects-good or bad
as the case may be-through the planets owning the Arudha &agna and the house
representing the nature of the <uery with special reference to the planets con"oined with
them or aspecting them.
#loka 156 =ind the >hatikas that have elapsed from #unrise at the time of <uery. Multiply the
same by F and divide the product by 4@. The <uotient in >hatikas, etc., will represent the
exact position of the Moon at the time and which will be useful for purposes of <uery. The
position of the Moon at the time as revealed in the (phemeris and the Moon above referred
to are respectiveUly known as #tthula and #ukshma. Their respective :avamsas should
also be determined.
#lokas 18-196 Lhen the #tthula Moon is aspected by the #ukshma Moon, Mercury and
!upiter, the <uery is about an animal. If aspected by Mars, 'ahu and #aturn, it is about a
mineral. If by ,enus and the #un, it relates to something of the vegetable kind. Lhen the
#tthula Moon is aspected by !upiter, ,enus and 'ahu, the <uery relates to something of a
mixed nature. If the .#tthula/ Moon be posited in Tula, +anya or Mithuna :avamsa, the
<uery concerns a biped. If in a :avamsa, owned by +ataka, ,rischika or Meena, it relates to
some creature of many legs. If the #tthula Moon is <uartered in a :avamsa owned by
7hanus or +umbha, it is about some creature devoid of legs3 if in a :avamsa owned by
Mesha, #imha, Makara or ,rishaUbha, it relates to a <uadruped. The 5 Avastthas of a
planet, viz., ala Cauvana and ,ridUdha are to be deduced from the planetSs position in the
1st, 4nd and 5rd decanate respectively of the 'asi in which it is at the time of <uery. #o say
the ancient sages.
#loka 1I6 The signs from Mesha onwards are respectively moveable, immoveable and dual.
The moveable 'asis are also termed >arbha. The immoveable ones are known as 7wara,
while the dual 'asis are called ahya. The signs indicated by the two classes, viz., >arbha
and 7wara will denote a thing or ob"ect kept in the fight hand, while a sign of the ahya
class will indicate the same in the left hand. This is the way by which things hidden in the
hand should be distinguished.
#loka 1)6 Thus should be guessed all about a thing, enclosed in the Shand. The shortness or
longin<uity of the ob"ect should be guessed through the measure allotted to the 'asi
concerned. The shape, colour, etc., are to be deduced from the :avamsas. The benefic or
malefic nature of the ob"ect should be divined through the nature of the planet-benefic or
malefic-occupying the 'asi3 so also the place fre<uented by the ob"ect-whether on the land,
sky water or mountains, and whether it is cruel, wild, tame or domestic, etc. S
#loka 1A6 The basis number already referred to must be divided by 9. The remainder, if it be
1, 4, 5, 8 or 9, will respectively denote whether the thing referred to by the <uerist will be
accomplished within the >hatikas, the Tithi, the weekday, the month and the year. Add the
<uotient already obtained to the basis number. 7ivide the sum so obtained by I@, 5@, ), 14
and I@ separately. The remainders will respectively denote the number, ef >hatikas, Tithi,
etc, in which the desired, ob"ect will be completed. This is the method to be, adopted in the
case of all kinds of <ueries.
#loka 1F6 If the lords of the &agna and the hava representing the ob"ect of the <uery be
benefic, occupy good houses and mutually aspect each other by any kind of aspect referred
to in 7rishtiphalaUkhanda II -1)N -1FN/, the range of applying aspect being within 14[, the
astrologer may as before predict the successful fulfilment of the ob"ect in proportion to the
strength, propitiousness, etc., of the two planets alluded to above, due consideration being
given to the nature of the aspect, viz., best, medium or worst .as defined in I, -55 supra./
The strength of the +araka planet should also be simultaneously considered and effect
predicted. =urther, if there be any planet posited between the two lords mentioned above,
having an applying aspect with either of the two within the range of14[, prediction may also
be made through that planet regarding the nature, functions, etc., attributed to the planet .in
the U+arakatva +handa ,, #loka 44N - 98N/. The period of fulfilment may be guessed as
per sloka 1A above.
This is an important sloka. ?ere the author has very briefly condensed the essential points
governing $rasnaphala nirupana - determining the effects of the <uery. Lhen a <uerist
consults an astrologer on any point, say for example, whether he will have issues, it has
been usual with the astrologers to conclude their prediction on the merits of the .&agnapa -
the planet owning the 'asi rising at the time of <uery/ and the .the lord of the $rasnabhava-
in this particular case, the lord of the 9th house/ and the +araka planet .in this case, !upiter,
the $utraknraka/. It has been found that in many cases, the predictions have miserably
failed though all the three planets were very favourably situated and this would perplex the
astrologer and make him lose faith in the principles. In this sloka, another important
condition is stated in addition to the above strength, and this is nothing but the importance
attached to the applying aspect and which has been copied ill the Lestern astrology.
Two cases are to be considered here6
0ase I6 The &agnapa and +aryapa should have applying aspects of any of the kinds
described in the .7rishtiphaladhyaya - i. e., 1st, 5rd, 8th, 9th, )th, Fth and 1@th 'asi
aspects/ for the success of the ob"ect under <uery. If all the laid planets are powerful and
there is a separating aspect, the good effects need not be predicted. The range of aspect
may be taken as 14@.
1. If this range is zero, the event will have happened at the time of <uery.
4. If it is within 14@, shortly.
5. If it exceeds 14@, it may not happen in the near future, but may happen at a far off future
If the conditions slated above for the success of the hava are satisfied, the degree of the
success should be predicted on the strength and auspiciousness of the planets.
If in addition to the above conditions, there is another planet Sbetween the two, aspecting
.applying aspect/ anyone of the said two planets, the success of the ob"ect will be achieved
very easily by oneSs own efforts and through the medium of the intervening planet. The
nature, caste, relation, etc., attributed3 to this interUmediary planet will guide the astrologer
in describing the details of the intervener.
0ase II 6 In the !ataka #astra, this point has been elaborately explained. 1t is said that even
if the two planets do not aspect each other, the success, entirely due to the help rendered
by a third person may be predicted if the two planets have the applying non-aspect within
the 14 degree range and the third planet has an applying aspect with any of them.U
=or example6
A <uerist asks whether he will be married or not.
Illustration for 0ase I. #uppose the &agna falls in 7hanus with !upiter 14@, and Mercury in
+anya 9@. As he <uestions about marriage, the $rasnabhav is )th, in this case Mithuna, and
its lord Mercury is exalted in +anya 9[3 he is +aryadhipa in this case. !upiter, the
&agnadhipa, is powerfully placed in the &agna and in his Mooltrikona. The two planets have
no prescribed aspects, but have the 8th and 1@th 'asi aspects. As Mercury, a faster planet,
is placed .14 minus 9/ )@ behind the slow planet !upiter .i. e., Mercury has an applying
aspect on !upiter/ and as the difference does not exceed the limit of 14@, it may be safely
predicted that he will have marriage with a prosperous girl and that the event will happen
without much exertion for the .same and without the help of an outsider.
If in addition, suppose the Moon is placed in Meena 4[, then the event will be hastened as
the Moon aspects .applying/ both Mercury and !upiter and a third party, i. e., a female
having the characteristics of the Moon, will accelerate the happening of the event.
All these results have to be based on the position, aspect, etc., of these planets.
#uppose, in, the above example, Mercury has 14[ and !upiter 9[3 then, failure in the attempt
has to be predicted though all other conditions are satisfactory, as the aspect is a separating
Illustration for 0ase II. #uppose Mercury is placed in Mithuna 19[ and !upiter in +ataka 1A[.
As the two planets are placed in 4nd and 14th from each other, they do not aspect each
other, but they have the applying non-aspect within a range of .1A minus 19/ 5 degrees.
#uppose the Moon is in Meena 1I[ As the Moon has applying 8th and 9th aspect to Mercury
and !upiter respectively, the ob"ect will be accomplished with the help of a third party whose
character has to be read out from the Moon.
In addition to these, there are 1I Cogas elaborately described in Ta"ika :eelakanti on this
sub"ect and the interested reader may refer to that book.
In this way all the <ueries must be properly answered with due consideration of the points
stated above.
#(0TIB: A 2 Miscellaneous
#loka 1 6 The ceremony of impregnation is most auspiciously done when the Moon is in
'ohini, Mrigasira, $urvaphalguni, $urvashadha/, $urvabhadra, Ardra, $unarvasu, $ushya,
?asta, 0hittra, #wati, ,isakha, Anuradha, #ravana, 7hanishta, #atabhisha, *ffaraphalguni,
*ttarashadha and *ttarabhadra, 7witeeya, #aptami, 7wadasi, $anchami, 7asaUmi,
Triteeya, Trayodasi, and in the week days of !upiter, Mercury, ,enus and the Moon, and in
an auspicious &agna unoccupied by any planet.
The Tithis - Ashtami, $owrnima and Amavasya are to be avoided.
#loka 46 The first sexual union of a male and a female soon after a bath after the firstS
menses is caned .:isheka/. That done in a similar manner after the ordinary monthly
menses is termed >arbhadhana. The :isheka is declared to be most auspicious when the
Moon at the time is in ?asta, #wati, Anpradha, Moola/, #atabhisha, #ravana, 'ohini,
*ttaraphalguni, *ttarashadha and *ttarabhadra and 'evati, the &agna being auspicious,
etc., and free from the occupation of any planet as stated before. Thus say the wise. .
#loka 56 If a girl, though in her 1Ith summer, with well-developed breasts and body is yet
not found to have attained her puberty, she must with great affection be made to sit on a
decent and beautiful seat on an auspicious day after being clad in white robes and
beautifully decked with golden ornaments, and her ,enus-spot smeared with red saffron-
powder mixed with rose water and other scents.
#loka 86 Treating her as one in her real menses for three days, she should be bathed on the
8th day. The husban<d should approach her in auspicious &agna, as stated before, when
the 9th house is unoccupied by any planet. If done in this manner, the girl will very soon
attain her puberty and prove a happy companion to her husband for propagation. #he will
also become fit for sexual interUcourse and will possess the right to partake with her
husband in the several religious ceremonies relating to the >ods and Manes.
#loka 96 If a birth happens when the Moon is in Aslesha and Megha, the effects will be as
stated below6 =or a child born in the 1st, 4nd, 5rd or 8th $ada of Aslesha, there will be .1/
destruction of wealth .4/ loss of brother .5/ demise of mother or .8/ death of father
respectively. If the birth be towards the very end of Aslesha, the child itself may take its
departure. To ward off the 7osha-harm above alluded to, one must propitiate >od 'udra,
>ods +ala, Antaka and Mrityu, as per rules, if the birth takes place in Magha in the 1st, 4nd,
5rd or 8th $ada, the effect will be the reverse of what has been stated in the case of Aslesha
#loka I6 The effects will be likewise if the birth happens when the Moon is in !yeshta and
Moola or 'evati and Aswini. In the above-said three pairs, the last degree of Aslesha,
!yeshta and 'evati and the first degree of Magha, Moola and Aswini are called
>andantarala and are supUposed as vulnerable points, so that, any birth happening therein
will soon cause the demise of the child. #hould however the child survive, he will be a king
or emperor possessing surpassing valour.
#loka )6 If a girl should attain maturity at such a "uncture, she will soon become a widow and
will be devoid - of issues, wealth, happiness and clothing. #he will be of bad disposition and
a bane on her fatherSs house. These can be averted and she can soon be made to bring
happiness and luck, and bear children too, if proper propitiUation to >ods, rahmins and
planets be made according to ,edic rites by !apa, oma and Archana .worship/.
#loka A6 If the birth of a girl or her maturity hapUpens in a Tya"yakala consisting of 8
>hatikas, the effect will be .1/ demise of the father .4/ demise of the mother .5/ loss of
wealth or .8/ oneSs own destruction according as the birth or maturity has happened in the
1st, 4nd, 5rd or 8th ghatika respectively of the Tya"yakala. To ward off the evils accruing
from these, one should perform the .1/ worship of >od 'udra .4/ worship of >od Cama .5/
worship of =ire or .8/ worship of >od mrityu respectively. Lhen the birth or maturity
happens during a solar or lunar eclipse, the death of the father or the mother will
respectively happen.
#loka F6 A precious and divine medicine should be got prepared or taken in when the Moon
is in the Amritaghatika of a star. It will then act like nectar and completely cure the disease
one is ailing from. It will also totally remove all troubles arising from the three humours. It will
restore perfect health and give vital energyS to the native and lengthen his life. The sage
7hanvantari, born of the ocean, has thus described in many ways the medical cures to be
effected for removing the various diseases. .
#loka 1@6 If a person be sonless even at his I@thS year, or if his horoscope reveals that he is
short-lived and that he has not been blessed with any issue, he must make arrangements to
adopt a son in the year wished for by him. The boy selected should be endowed with long
life, fame, issues, intelligence and prosperity. This funcUtion should be done on an
auspicious day in the *ttarayana and in a fore-noon.
#loka 116 The several +utas .4@/ between the person concerned and the boy proposed to
be adopted should agree, and the boy should be one of his own >otra. The Moon should
occupy at the time anyone of the following constellations6 viz., #wati, $unarUvasu, $ushya,
'ohini, Anuradha, ?asta, 'evati, Aswini, #ravana, 7hanishta, #atabhisha, *ttaraphalguni,
*ttarashadha and *ttaraUbhadra. The &agna and the 9th house should not be occupied by
any malefic planet. The Moon should possess Tarabala and also be strong, and the &agna
should be con"oined with or aspected by benefics.
#loka 146 The preliminary work leading to a marUriage should be got started by #umangalis
when the Moon occupies $unarvasu, $ushya, Aswini, Anuradha, ?asta, 0hittra, #wati,
#ravana, 7hanishta and #atabhisha, and on weekday other than those of ,enus and Mars.
The 9th and Fth houses should be unoccupied and the &agna at the time should be an
auspicious one. The several planets should also be propitiated and the whole function
should be performed accompanied by music dancing, and the like.
#loka 156 Bn a day when the Moon is full, on a day of Mercury when he is free from malefic
aspect and con"unction, on the day of !upiter or of ,enus, in hadra, $uma or !aya Tithi,
and when the Moon is <uartered in moveable asterisms - #wati, $unarvasu, #ravana,
7haUnishta and #atabhisha, - and in the fast-moving asterisms - Aswini, ?asta and $ushya
- in a &agna aspected or occupied by Mercury, !upiter and ,enus, when the 9th house is
unoccupied, the auspiciUous invitation letters should be got written couched in soft and
sweet language.
#loka 186 The number of the Tithis at the time of erecting a stick or a post .for a marriage
pandal/ should be multiplied by 9. To this product should be added the number of the daySs
asterism counted from +rittika. To this sum again should be superadded 14 and the whole
sum divided by F. If the remainder be ), 8 or 1, the tortoise king will be in water, which
means the result Uwill be gain or good. If the said remainder be A, 4 or 9, the tortoise will be
on land, and the effect of the same is loss or destruction. If the remainder in <uestion be 5, F
or I, he would be in the sky, and the effect would be death.
#loka 196 At the time of construction of any new building, write 5 emblems .in the form of
vertical cylinders/. In each of them draw 8 horizontal lines. eginning, from the bottom on
the left side, write out Aswini and the other asterisms as shown in the figure. The asterisms
that are ascending and the three on the tops are productive of good. ut if a malefic planet
be <uartered on any star on the ascending side, it indicates death. If the planet be benefic,
the result will be good.
#loka 1I6 In the case of any new entry to a house or town or the beginning of an
undertaking, count from the star occupied by the #un till the star occupied by the Moon at
the time, Abhi"it also being included in the reckoning. If the star happens to be within the first
) asterisms counted from the #un, it indicates evil3 if within the next 8, good will be the
result3 in the next 5, the result is bad and in the next 18, it is good. This is known as
,rishabha chakra. In the same way, if the star falls within the first 9 counted from that
occupied by the #un, it is bad3 if within the next A, it is good. It is bad in the succeeding A,
and in the last I, it is again good. This is called +alasa chakra. In this manner, the good or
bad effect of any undertaking may easily be ascertained.
#lokas 1)-1AN6 is chakra is named 7asa and is of the form of a human being, a male.
0ount from the natal star of the servant till that of the master. If the number be any of the
first 5, it is supposed to be on the head, and the effect will be gain of money3 if within the
next 5, it is on the face and denotes destruction. The next succeeding 9 denote the chest
and signify much accumulation of wealth3 if within the next I, it is on the two feet and the
result is poverty or indigence3 if any of the next 4, it is on the back and portends danger to
life3 the next 8 denote the abdomen .pelvis/ and the effect is good. The next 4 are allotted to
the anus and the result is fear. The last 4 belong respectively to the right and left hand, their
respective effects being wealth and death.
The 7asee chaka is also similar to the above, but is of the female sex. In that 0hakra, the
first 5 stars are on the head and indicate gain. The next 5 are on the face and signify loss3
the next 4 are on the two shoulders and indicate the death of the master. The next 9 are on
the back and denote growth. The next ) are on the chest and signify loss. The next6 one is
on the secret part and fore bodes insult. The next I are on the two feet, 5 on each and the
effect will be loss of wealth.
#loka 1A -1F 6 Lhen a she-buffalo or a cow is to be purchased or taken in a gift, the effect
will be as described below6 Lhen counting from *ttaraUphalguni to the star ruling on the
day of buying or receiving, if the number so got be within the first 5, it indicates gain3 if within
the next 4, it denotes loss3 the next A signify gain of money, the next 9, happiness3 the next
A, again gain, and the last 1, great fear. The corresUponding portions of the body indicated
by the said six groups are .1/ head .4/ face .5/ the two feet .8/ chest .9/ the breasts and .I/
the private part. ulls and other similar guadrupeds should be bought or taken in gift after
carefully consulting this 0hakra.
#loka 1FN -4@N6 Lhen mounting a horse, count from the star occupied by the #un till the
natal star of the person concerned .inclusive of of Abhi"it/. If the number be within the first 9,
it is on the back3 if within the next 1@, it is on the hind portion. The next 4 will be on the tail3
the next 8, on the legs3 the next 9, on the belly3 and the last 4, on the face. The effects of
these in their order are .1/ prosperity .4/ gain .5/ loss of wife .8/ obstacles .9/ destruction
and .I/ gain of money.
#loka 4@N - 4N6 Lhen mounting an elephant, count from the star occupied by the #un to
the natal star of the person. If the number be within .1/ the first 4 .4/ the next 4, .5/ the next
4, .8/ the next 4, .9/ the next 4, .I/ the next 8, .)/ the next 8, .A/ the next 8, and .F/ the last
I, the limbs in their order with the corresponding effects will be as follows6 .1/ ears-gain .4/
head-gain .5/ tusk-great gain .8/ tail-destruction .9/ trunk-prosperity .I/ back-wealth .)/-
chest-disease .A/ face-indifferent and .F/ feet-gain.
#loka 41N - 44N6 To mount a palan<uin, count from the #unSs star to the star occupied by
the Moon at the time. Allocate in the regular order 9 stars for each of the four <uarters of the
palan<uin beginning form the (ast, the last ) being reserved for the centre. The several
respective effects will be .1/ health .4/ much difficulty .5/ emaciation .8/ disease and .9/
good. Lhen the person mounts a palan<uin in an auspicious moment, it ensures long life,
growth and happiness.
#lokas 44 N - 486 In holding a royal umbrella, the asterisms .1/ Ardra, .4/ *ttaraphalguni, .5/
*ttarashadha, .8/ *ttarabhadra, .9/ 'ohini, .I/ $ushya, .)/ #ravana, .A/ 7hanishta and .F/
#alabhisha are always auspicious. 0ount from the natal star to the star occupied by the
#un. The first 5 asterisms are to be reserved for the bottom or handle of the umbrella, and
the next ) to the stick or holder3 the next 9, to the portion of the stick protruding above3 the
next A to the inside of the umbrella and the last 8 to its top. The several effects in their order
will be .1/ destruction .4/ loss of wealth .5/ royal favour .8/ a great and good king and .9/
#loka 496 0ount from the #unSs star to the star occupied by the Moon at the time. 'eserve 8
each for the four corners of the cot, and a star each for the four knobs of the four legs3 and )
for the centre of the cot. The corresponding effects will be extreme happiness for the ceatre,
ear for the four corners, good offsprings and prosperity for the knobs. Thus has been
described the Mancha chakra.
#roka 4I6 0ount from the #unSs star till the natal star of the person concerned. 'eserve 9
stars for the arrow-blade and 9 for the arrow-handle3 9 at the "unction point of the arrow and
the bend of the bow3 4 stars for the bow-cane and 9 at each of the two ends of the bow. The
respective effects will be .1/ gain .4/ victory .5/ becoming valorous .8/ discomfiture and .9/
destruction. Thus say the wise. This is called 0hapa 0hakra.
#loka 4)6 0ount from the star occupied by the #un till the natal star of the person
concerned. If the number happens to fall within .1/ the first 5 .4/ the next I .5/ the next 5 .8/
the next I .9/ the next 5 .I/ the next 5 and .)/ the last 5, they are said to be in the following
parts of the car, and their respective effects are as noted against each of them. .1/ 7anda or
central pole-success .4/ the wheels-fame .5/ the top-death .8/ the bottom-happiness .9/ the
front of the car-gain of money .I/ yoke-failure or obstacle and .)/ all round-Uyielding
#loka 4A6 0ount from the star occupied by the #un till the star ruling on the day. If the
number happens to fall in anyone of the nine groups of three each, the effect will be .1/
destruction .4/ prosperity .5/ freedom from disease .8/ destruction .9/ influx of wealth .I/
trouble from >overnment .)/ poverty, indigence .A/ causing death and .F/ happiness
respectively. This is the peculiarity of the >hurna 0hakra or oil mill used for extracting oil
from sesamum, cocoanut and the like.
#loka 4F6 0ount from the #unSs star to that ocUcupied by the Moon. If the number falls within
.1/ the first 8 .4/ the next 4 .5/ the next 4 .8/ the next 1 .9/ the next 9 .I/ the next 9 .)/ the
next 4 and .A/ the next I, the effects in their order will be .1/ prosperity .4/ destrucUtion .5/
much gain .8/ destruction .9/ death .I/ good .)/ emaciation of the body and .A/ much
wealth. Through this >hurna 0hakra, one must make a beginning in the proper time for
extracting the "uice of sugarcane.
#loka 5@6 0ount from the #unSs star till the star of the day in <uestion. If the number be
within the first 5, it is bad3 if between 8 and I, it is good3 if between ) and F, it is bad3 if
within the next 9, i.e., between 1@ and 18, it is auspicious3 if within 19 and 1), it is bad3 if
between 1A and 44, it is good. In the next 5, i.e., between 45 and 49, it is bad. In the last 4,
it is auspicious. This is the rule to be observed in the ?ala-plough 0hakra while sowing -
seeds or starting agricultural operations newly.
#loka 516 0ounting from the star occupied by the #un .inclusive of Abhi"it/, place the first I
above the boat, 5 on the top of the prop or support, 5 on the bottom of the same, one on the
back, I on both the sides at 5 each, and 5 on #ukkanaka-the helm of a ship and I inside the
boat. This is a 0hakra to be used when building a new boat or plying the same. The I stars
over the boat and a like number inside are declared to be propitious, while the rest indicate
evil. Arabic6 #ukkana.
#loka 546 0ounting from +rittika till the star ruling on the day, reserve 9 for the face, F for the
neck, A for the centre and 9 for the post. The respective effects of these 8 groups are .1/
honour .4/ gain .5/ the death of the master and .8/ kingship. This is known as 7eepika
0hakra and is to be used when a lamp is to be newly lit, in order to gain prosperity.
#loka 556 The 5 stars from 'ohini should be reserved for the centre. The remaining 48 in
groups of 5 each should be allotted in their order to the A <uarters or directions beginning
from the (ast. A well or a reservoir dug when the Moon is in anyone of these groups will
reveal the chance of finding water or not in that area in the following manner. .1/ Later will
be found very soon .4/ there will be no water .5/ medium .8/ no water .9/ plenty of water .I/
very sweet water .)/ water will be saltish .A/ full of water and .F/ medium.
#loka 586 At the commencement of building a house or digging a well or a reservoir, or while
opening a pleasure garden, the erection of a pillar or column should be done at a time when
the effect is declared as good or auspicious out of the following effects6 counting from the
#unSs star till that of the Moon, if the star at the time faIls within the first I, it indicates death3
if within the next 4@, the effect will be fame and prosperity3 if in the last 4, decay of wealth. It
is only then that the work will bring fame, happiness and prosperity to the family.
#loka 596 0ount from the #unSs star till, the asterism of the day. Allot 8 stars for the upper
portion of the door-frame, 5 for the centre, A for the 8 corners at 4 each, A for the top hinges
at 8 for each and the last 8 for the bottom of the frame. The respective effects are .1/
kingship .4/ kingship again .5/ banishment .8/ A kinds of wealth and .9/ death. This is
termed 7wara 0hakra and is useful to find out the auspicious asterism for erecting the door
#loka 5I6 =ind the Tithi ruling at the time3 add it to the number representing the week day
andS one more. 7ivide this sum by 8. If the remainder be 5 or @, it augurs happiness. If it be
1 or 4, it means loss of money. 0ount from the star occupied by the #un till the one
occupied by the Moon. 7ivide the number into F groups of 5 each and. allot them to the
several planets in the following order6 #un, Mercury, ,enus, #aturn, Moon, Mars, !upiter,
'ahu and +etu. If the star corresponds to a benefic planet, it indicates prosperity3 if to a
malefic planet, it forebodes evil. This 0hakra is to be used whenever a new oven is to be
used or a new fire is proposed for the purpose of propitiation of planets or a sacrificial rite.
#loka 5)6 Multiply the length by the breadth of a box in terms of inches and Cavas. 7ivide
the product by F. The remainders thereof, viz., 1, 4, 5, etc., will respectively correspond to
the F planets from the #un onwards. The effects are either good or bad according as the
remainder concerned refers to a benefic or a malefic planet. Lhere it exceeds 4 Cavas, it is
a mark. An inch H A Cavas.
#lokas 5A 2 5F6 Lhen a person wants to settle in a town or in a country, he should find out
the proper auspiciUous time in the manner described below, so that he may be blessed with
issues, money and prosperity. The 0hakra is in the form of a man. 0ount from the asterism
of the town or village till the natal star of the person concerned. If the number be within the
first 9, it is on the head, and the effect will be accumulation of money. If within the next 5, it
is on the face and indicates destruction if within the next 9, it is on the chest and ensures
wealth3 if within the next I, it is on the 4 feet at 5 per each foot and forebodes loss of wealth3
if it be the next star, it is on the back, and the effect is danger to life3 if within the next 8, it is
on the pelvis and indicates prosperity. The next 4 stars will be on the anus and forebode
trouble and fear. The last 4 correspond to the two hands - right and left-at one each, and
indicate much gain and poverty respectively.
#loka 8@6 0ount from the natal star of the boy who is to be invested with the sacred thread,
till the star occupied by !upiter. 'eserve the first 9 for the head, the next 5 for the face, the
next star for the chest, the next A for the 4 feet, 4 stars for the boySs $alasa staff, and the A
for the antelope skin worn. The respective effects will be .1/ happiness .4/ swerving from.
oneSs religious duties .5/ a slanderer .8/ sickly or afflicted with -.f1iseases .9/ lustrous and
.I/ learned.
#loka 816 In order to find out whether there is any treasure-"ewels, money, bones, etc.,
concealed in a house or site, and to ascertain the truth or otherwise of its existence by
verification, the following 0hakra named :idhi 0hakra is recommended6 7raw five
horiUzontal lines crossed by A vertical lines There will thus be 4A s<uares and these have to
be allotted to the 4A asterisms inclusive of Abhi"it thus6
#lokas 84-85N6 The ) s<uares in the top horizontal line - are occupied by the stars6 'evati,
Aswini3 harani, +rittika, Magha, $urvaphalgini and *ttaraphalguni respectively. The order
of the stars in the next horizontal line will be *ttarabhadra, $urvabhadra, #atabhisha,
'ohini, Aslesha, $ushya and 1 ?asta. The third horizontal row will contain in the regular
order the stars Abhi"it, #ravana, 7hanishta, Mrigasira, Ardra, $unarvasu and 0hitra. The last
line will consist of *ttarashadha, purvashadha, Moola, !yeshta, AnuUradha, ,isakha and
#wati. The Moon is the lord only for the 18 stars3 viz., harani, +rittika, Aswini, Ardra,
$unarvasu, $ushya, Magha, Aslesha, AbhiU"it, 'evati, #ravana, *ttarashadha,
$urvashadha and $urvabhadra. The #un is the lord of the other 18. The #un and the Moon
at the time of <uery will reveal the kind of the treasure hidden .vide #lokas 8I-8) infra/.
'evati Aswini harani +rittika Magha
*ttra $halguni
$urva hadra 'ohinin Aslesha $ushya ?asta Abhi"it
Abhi"it #ravana 7hanishta Mrigasira Ardra $unarvasu 0hittra
Moola !yeshta Anuradha ,isakha #wati

#lokas 85N - 896 The time in >hatikas taken by the #un to traverse a complete star from its
beginning to the end is declared to be the divisor. =ind the interval in ghatikas taken by the
#un from the time of his entry into that star till the desired moment and multiply the same by
I@ and use the divisor above referred to. The remainder multiplied by 4) and divided - by I@
will give the number of stars reckoned from Aswini that have been passed by the #un till that
time. These with the remainder in >hatikas and ,ighatikas will give the position of the #un
at the time. =ind out the interval taken by the Moon in the star she is occupying to travel the
Ishta ghatee or re<uired time. Multiply this by 4) and divide the product by I@. The <uotient
will reveal the number of stars reckoned from Aswini passed by the Moon. The remainder in
>hatikas and ,ighatikas will indicate her position at the time.
#loka 8I6 =ind the Moon at the time .as per previous sloka/. If the same be aspected by
planets from the #un onwards, the treasure concealed will contain .1/ golden "ewels .4/
silver .5/ copper .8/ brass .9/ gold .I/ bell metal .)/ iron .A/ tin and .F/ lead. If aspected by
many powerful planets, the treasure will contain many sorts of metals. If aspected by none,
there will be no treasure at all concealed.
#loka 8)6 If the Moon at the time be aspected by all the planets, the person will get valuable
treasure filled in a very big vessel. If the above-said Moon be in #imha, the treasure will be
in a golden vessel. if in the house belonging to the #tthula Moon .vide sloka ,II - 15 supra/,
it will be in a silver vessel3 if in the house of Mars, it will be in a copper vessel3 if in that of
Mercury, it will be in a vessel made out of a precious stone3 if in !upiterSs house, it is in a
stone-vessel3 if in the house of ,enus, it will be in an earthen pot3 if in #aturnSs, it is in an
iron vessel.
#loka 8A6 If the #un and the Moon are together in a star ruled by the Moon at the time .vide
sloka 89 supra/, it means there is treasure. If the two planets are in a star ruled by the #un,
the treasure will contain bones. If the #un and the Moon interchange their places, nothing
will be found. If the Moon be con"oined with malefics, the person cannot get the treasure3 if
con"oined with benefics, he will get it. The depth of the interned treasure is to be guessed, in
units of a handSs length, by the number of degrees passed by the Moon in the star.
#lokas 8F-9@6 7raw four vertical lines crossed by four horizontal lines. There will thus be F
s<uares. 'eckoning from the star occupied by the #un at the time, allot 5 stars for the
centre, the A other groups of 5 stars each being reserved for the A directions beginning from
the (ast. The position of the Moon on the day of the marriage will be revealed in anyone of
these s<uares. The several effects of these beginning from the central s<uare are .1/ loss of
the couple .4/ prosperity .5/ destruction of the entire family .8/ widowhood .9/ continuance
of the family .I/ large debt and disease .)/ the girl concerned going astray .A/ wealth and
corn and .F/ all kinds of prosperity. Thus the tree of 0hakras has been described by &ord
#iva to #ri :andin.
All kinds of prosperity


7estruction of the entire

Lealth and corn

&oss of the couple


>irl going astray
7ebt and 7isease
0ontinuance of the family

+A:7A - II
#loka ))6 Inscribing theS figure of the >oddess #araswati under the sacred syllabus .Aun/,
draw ten vertical lines crossed by ten horizontal lines. The s<uares formed by the even
.4nd, 8th, Ith and Ath/ columns and similar sets of rows .deleting the four such s<uares
round the central one/ are 14 in number. They represent the 14 'asis from Mesha onwards.
I shall how proceed to describe the functions of the twelve havas from the &agna onwards
for the ascertainment by the wise of the several effects.
The 0hakra referred to is similar to the one given in the margin. #ee also the t"
.#arUvatobhadra 0hakra/ deUscribed in $haSladeepika p. 5@A.
The 5rd .$ada/ of the sloka is missing.
#loka )A 6 All planets saspect the )th with a full glance, while the aspects of #aturn, !upiter
and Mars are peculiar. #aturn aspects the 5rd and 1@th with a full eye. !upiter casts a
similar glance over the 9th and Fth houses " while Mars, over the- 8th and Ath.
Bnly a portion of this sloka is available. =or further details, please see II-1) N - 1A N, #upra.
#loka )F6 All benefics, if they own the Trikona houses, prove auspicious when they occupy
be 5rd, 4nd, 11th and +endra flouses. A benefic owning a +endra will not give good results,
while on the other hand, a malefic -owning a +endra will not prove inauspicious. The lords
-of the Ath and 14th houses reckoned from the &agna, if in con"unction or mutually
occupying each otherSs houses, produce effects as described below6 The loard of the Ath
gives auspicious results, while the lord of the 14th brings wealth, luck, etc.
#loka A@6 If one of Sthe two- planets referred to above .i,e. owning the Ath or the 14th/
happens to own the &agna as well, he wm prove auspicious. !upiter and ,enus happening
to own the +endras are inauspicious, and should they be also posited in the .Maraka-4nd
and )th/ places, they become Marakas. Mercury, similarly situated, will prove likewise. The
Maan and the #un, they happen awn the Ath, will not prove Marakas Mars. Lhat is
otherwise called .Ara/ happening to own the 8th as well as the Fth .#imha &agna, far
example/ will prove auspicious, and not so if he awns only one of the said two houses.
#aturn, ,enus and Mars prove auspicious for people born under +umbha, Tula and Mesha
&agna respectively, though these planets are owners of 7usstthanas .Ath and 14th/.
Le shall discuss here the position of Mars in the 1@th for Mesha &agna and that of ,enus in
the )th for Tula &agna. In both the cases, the lords of the respective &agna arc posited in
+endra positions and give their full aspect to the Ascendant. Mars in Makara for Mesha
&agna is a draw- so far as the longevity of the person is concerned. Though Mars in this
position occupies one of the best +endras and is therefore with full 7igbala, his^lordship
over the Ath will also have to be considered. Mars in Makara will naturally mean his full
aspect over the &agna and cases where Mars and #aturn are devoid of benefic aspect, this
aspect will mean a very strong .Alpayuryoga/-vide III-A, 'ule,1, #upra.
=or people born under Tula, ,enu in Mesha is likewise in"urious for longevity. Lhen ,enus
and Mars are devoid of benefic aspect, two cases of very strong Alpayuryogas arise6 viz., .@
by virtue of ,enusSs position in the )th singly. .This rule applies only when ,enus is alone/
and .4/ ,enusSs aspect over the &agna as the owner of the Ath-vide III-A, 'ule 1, supra.
=or the two luminaries owning the Ath and not proving Marakas, 0t. I,-49, supra.
#loka A16 The two nodes 2 'ahu and +etu 2 if endowed with strength, produce effects
similar to the planet in whose house they are posited or with whom they are con"oined_. The
lords of the +endra and +ona houses, if not con"oined with the two 'odes, produce
beneficial results. Tae effects will be contrary, if they be otherwise. These two nodes in spite
of their malefic natureS become benefics by virtue of their position in certain houses or
association with certain planets.
#loka A4. If on of the two nodes and the lord of a Trikona be posited in the Fth or 1@th, or if
one of them be in the Fth and the other in the 1@th or vice versa, the Coga, will cause
prosperity to the native. (ven a conU"unction of either of these with the lord of a +ana will
prove beneficial. In the 0bbove circumstances, the 7asas of these two nodes as we as
those of the planets con"oinedZ Lith them will prove happy. If there were to be a planet who
is inauspicious associated by a sort of .#ambandha/ will either of the nodes, then the hukti
of the Coga-producing planet win prove adverse.
#loka A5 6 The two planets 2 'ahu and +etu become auspicious when they occupy a
Trikona or a +endra position .vide 0hart 88, pp. IF-)@/, or, when they are associated with
the lord of that particular +endra or +ona house in which they are posited they prove also
beneficial when they con"oin with the lords of any +endra or +ona house. If, in the above
circumstance, the lord of the Fth were to ownS the Ath or the 14th as well/ or if the lords of
the Fth and 1@th were to con"oin with the lords of the Ath or the 14th/ then the
auspiciousness of the Coga is lost. The Ath house is termed the house of longevity.
#loka A8. The Ath house counted from the Ath also repsents longevity. The 14th place
reckoned each of these, that is, the 4nd the )th from the &agna are known as .,Iaraka/
home. The in the 4rd house from the &agna or from its lord is a .$apin-inauspicious/. An
during the of such an inauspicious planet or in the 7asa of the planet owning the 14th house
itself will the native endure discomfiture.
#loka A9. #aturn, in spite of his being by himself auspicious/ if endowed with the power of a
Maraka, brings about the death of the native during his own hukti, overlooking the claims
of the other planets .that may have the right to do in the 7asas of inauspicious planets, as a
conse<uence of his .#ambandha/ with the lord of the 14th or of the Ath. All planets, if
invested with Maraka powers, do so in their own huktis in the 7asas of .a/ the lords of the
Ath and the 14th .b/ the planets associated with them or .c/ planets similarly situated.
#loka AI 6 In the 7asa of a planet owning a Trikona house, the nature of the sub-periods of
the several planets is to be guessed after studying the relative positions of these planets
with reference to the .7asanatha/. In this 7asa, the hukti of a planet owning a +endra will
be auspicious. Mere .#ambandh / with a +endraU lord will not make a planetSs hukti
auspicious. If a planet endowed with Maraka power prove also auspicious, Sthe auspicious
Coga will occur first.
#loka A). The hukti of an inauspicious planet may prove auspicious by virtue of his
.#ambandha/ with to be planets aforesaid. A Cogakaraka planet will be capable of doing
good in his 7asa during the hukti of another planet, even if the latter be not connected with
him. The two nodes prove auspicious in, their huktis during the 7asa of ]]]].
The translation cannot be completed as the last .$ada/ missing.
#loka AA. If the said two nodes be con"oined with a benefic and placed betwixt two malefics,
then the huktis of the malefics that are not con"oined with either ,of the nodes will give
auspicious effects. If the benefic associated with the node be a Cogakaraka one, his hukti
will give mixed effect. If not con"oined, the effect will be very adverse. If 'ahu or +etu be a
Maraka, then he will bring about demise in the hukti of the benefic planet in <uestion or in
that of his own.
#loka AF. 7uring #aturnSs 7asa, #aturn gives the effect of Mars in his own hukti and that of
his own in MarsS hukti. The same is the case in +u"aSs 7asa well. If the lords of the &agna
and the, 0handra &agna were to exchange places, they bestow 'a"ayoga on the native.
'a"ayoga will also arise when the lords - of the Fth and 1@th interchange. =or the benefit of
students, I shall now describe, after full investigation, the effect of the several &agnas and
the planetsS relationship with them.

#loka F@6 =or people born in the Mesha &agna, Mercury proves inauspicious. oth !upiter
and the #un prove auspicious when they are con"oined. The con"unction of !upiter and
#aturn is good. !upiter%s con"unction with the other planets is inauspicious. ,enus proves a
Maraka. #aturn and the rest do not prove so, even if they be inauspicious.
!upiter, ,enus and the Moon prove inauspicious while the #un and #aturn are auspicious
for those born in the ,rishaba &agna.
'e6 Mesha &agna6 !upiter and #aturn are the lords of the Fth and 1@th and hence their
con"unction results in a 'a"ayoga.
,enus owns the two Maraka places and therefore a Maraka. Mercury is a .$apin/ as he
owns the 5rd and the Ith.
#loka F16 #aturn by himself is capable of doing good to the antive. !upiter and the rest if
they prove Marakas will not cause death if they be alone.
=or people born in the Mithuna &agna, Mars, !upiter and the #un are Asubhas. The effect of
their con"unction is similar to what has been said before. The Moon by herself will not bring
about deathy, while the rest can do so.
,enus and Mercury are inauspicious while mars and !upiter are #ubhas for people born in
the +ataka &agna.
This is an important #loka.
'e6 ,rishabha &agna6 #aturn, being the Cogakaraka, has got the power to do good to the
native independently. In the case of !upiter and others, they will have to get the agency of
another planet to cause Maraka. In other words, one of these planets in its 7asa will cause
death in the hukti of another planet and not in its own. ,enus, through owning the &agna is
a $apin-in-auspicious because, he owns the Ith house also. 0f. 0hart-A4, $.1IA
'e6 Mithuna &agna6 The effect of the con"unctions of Mars, !upiter and the #un is very
tersely expressed. !upiter and Mars when con"oined bring about 'a"ayoga to the native as
they happen to own the 1@th and Fth houses reckoned from the 1@th. The con"unction of the
#un and Mars is inauspicious and is a weak point for the native as this con"unction will make
the lord of the 5rd weak. It should be noted that the three planets are the owners of all the
.*pachaya/ houses.
The Moon as owner of the 4nd happens to be a Maraka3 but as the luminaries do not
exercise that power .vide I,-49/, the work is got done by some other planet connected with
#loka F46 Mars by himself causes Coga. The #un does not kill. The rest .if they have that
function/ do it. These are the effects of planets for those born in the kataka &agna.
Mercury and ,enus are auspicious. #o also are Mars and !upiter. The combination of
!upiter and ,enus is not at all auspicious. Mercury and others cause death. These are the
effects for those born in the #imha &agna.
Mars, !upiter and the Moon are Asubha. ,enus is the only #ubha.
'e6 +ataka &agna6 Mars causes Coga as he is the Coga +araka. The #un does not kill
through he is the lord of the 4nd 2 .0f. I,-49/ supra. Mercury is inauspicious as he owns the
5rds and 14th.
'e6 #imha &agna 6 Mercury owns the 4nd and the 11th and is therefore auspicious. .I,-9/
Mars is the Cogakaraka.
#loka F5 6 ,enus and the Moon are Coga-producing planets and more so will be their
combination. ,enus is a Maraka and not the others. These are the effects for people born in
the +anya &agna.
!upiter, the #un and Mars are Aubhas. #aturn and Mercury are #ubhas. The Moon in
con"unction with her son, mercury, produces 'a"ayoga. +u"a proves a Maraka. The
con"unction of !upiter and the #un does not cause death. These are for people who have
their births in the Tula &agna.
The con"unction of the Moon and ,enus is very auspicious for people born in the +anya
&agna as the happen to be the lords of the 11th and 4nd .0f-I,-9 supra/.
The two inferior planets 2 ,enus and Mercury 2 are best friends and therefore Mercury is a
#ubha for Tula &agna in spite of his ownership of the 14th.
The combination of the Moon and Mercury is auspicious, because they are the owners of
the 1@th and Fth houses from Tula.
#loka F86 Mercury, Mars and ,enus, these three, are productive of bad results. The Moon is
the only #ubha. The #un and the Moon produce very good effects and e<ually so is their
combination. !upiter by himself will not be a Maraka, while mercury and others, if they
function as maracas, will bring about the demise of the native. These are the effects for a
person born in the ,rischika &agna.
,enus is the only planet that is Asubha, while the #un and Mars are highly auspicious.
'e6 ,rischika &agna6 Though Mars owns the &agna he is inauspicious as he owns the Ith.
0f. 0hart A@, p. 1I4.
#loka F96 The combination of the #un and Mercury will cause good Coga. Mercury proves a
Marka. ,enus and the rest are not so. These are the effects for a birth when 7hanus is the
Mars, !upiter and the Moon are Asubhas, while ,enus and Mercury are auspicious. #aturn
by himself does not kill. Mars and the rest may do so. ,enus is the Cogakaraka. These are
the effects for people born in the Makara &agna.
'e6 7hanus6 ,enus is an Asubha as he owns the Ith. The #un and Mercury are the lords of
the Fth and 1@th and produce 'a"ayoga when they con"oin together. Mercury owns two
+endra houses and is also a Makara as he is the lord of the )th.
'e6 Makara6 !upiter is an Asubha as he owns the 14th, and also because, Makara is his
:eecha 'asi. #aturn though owning the 4nd is not a Maraka as he is the lord of the &agna.
#loka FI6 !upiter, the Moon and Mars are Asubhas. ,enus is auspicious. The combination of
Mercury and Mars is productive of good yoga. !upiter does not kill. Mars, the #un and the
rest prove Marakas. These are the effects for people born in the +umbha &agna.
#aturn and ,enus, otherwise known as +avi, are #ubhas. Mars and the Moon are
inauspicious. The con"unction of !upier and Mars causes 'a"ayoga. Mercury kills, while
Mars does not. #aturn and the rest, if they prove Marakas, cause death.
'e 6 +umbha6 It may here be noted that !upiter, though he owns the 4nd and 11th is
considered as inauspicious for this &agna unlike Mercury who is classified as a #ubha when
playing a similar role in the case of #imha &agna .#loka F4 above/. $robably, this may be
due to the fact that the relationship between the #un and Mercury is closer and more
intimate than that between #aturn and !upiter.
'e 6 Meena6 #aturn, though owning the 14th, is considered as a #ubha. ,enus is a #ubha in
spite of the fact that he owns the Ath. This is so, because, Meena is his exaltation house.
Mercury is the lord of two +endras and of a Maraka house. =or the &agnas owned by
!upiter, Mercury invariably proves a Maraka.
#loka F)6 The above are the effects of a birth in the Meena &agna. The good or the bad
effects of any planet are to be guessed through a study of the planets that are con"oined
with the planet in <uestion and also of the position occupied by the said planet. $lanets
when they prove auspicious bestow on the native issues, wife, happiness to father, gain and
other auspicious incidents in their 7asas .i.e., in the 7asas of planets pertaining to these
havas/ and in their huktis or in the huktis of other planets.
#loka FA6 Intelligent and good people, even after having studied this science well, say VLho
has understood the scienceZ :o one. If there be any, he is the only man, and he keeps it for
himself. It has been made known that even asses, dogs and the like are born under similar
Cogas, and they also are sub"ect to the effects of these Cogas in the respective 7asas of
planets causing these Cogas. These Cogas are also influenced by other forces.V
#loka FF6 If there be any malefics posited in their highest exaltation coupled with their duty
as Marakas one need not say the amount of evil caused by them. #aturn brings about a
good amount of wealth and prospeUrity when he is posited in the &agna identical with
Meena, Tula or 7hanus. if, under the above condition, the )th +endra be not occupied or
aspected by !upiter or Mercury, the native will become a king. 7eath should be predicted in
the 7asa and hukti of the lord of the )th house.
#aturn is declared to be capable of conferring royalty on the native when he is posited in
Tula, 7hanus or Meena identical with the &agna.
#loka 1@@6 If !upiter be posited in the )th from the &agna, and ,enus in the )th from !upiter3
or if !upiter were to occupy the Ath house reckoned from the lord of the Ath and also be in
the 14th from a malefic, the person concerned will live only for 5@ years. If #aturn were to
occupy the Ath house counted from the lord of the Fth and. be also posited in an odd
:avamsa, the nativeSs prosUperity will not be continuous. If the same planet be Usimilarly
situated with respect to the lord of the 8th, the native will be deprived of his vehicles.

#loka 1@16 If the Moon be con"oined with ,enus, and the lord of the house occupied by the
two planets be in a +endra or a +ana, the native will, throughout his career, command good
vehicles and be endowed with prosperity. If the lord of the Ath house reckoned from the 5rd
be posited in the 5rd, Ith, )th, the 11th or theU 1st something untoward to his brothers
should be expected. If the Ath house be occupied by a planet in debilitation, and the
The reading is hopelessly corrupt. The translation could not therefore be completed.
#loka 1@46 If the lord of the Ath house reckoned from the Fth be aspected by the Moon, the
native will be Ushort - lived. If ,enus, be con"oined with 'ahu, there will be decline in the
nativeSs prosperity in the period beginning with +etuSs. If ,enus were to be posited in the Ith
or the Ath in con"unction with *lka and other comet, decrease in the longevity is indicated.
*lka is a comet supposed to be very harmful and his place in the zodiac is in the 1@th .9th/
asterism from the one -occupied by the #un.
#loka1@56 Lisemen say that the life of a person will be reduced when the lords of the
0hara, #tthira and *bhaya signs are posited in 0hara, #tthira and *bhaya 'asis
respectively. The life will be medium when the lords of the above-said signs occupy #tthira,
*bhaya and 0hara 'asis respectively. The person will be long-lived when the said lords
occupy *bhaya, 0hara and #tthira signs respectively.
Mars occupying a sign of ,enus or vice versa ushers a +ulata into the world.
The translation given for the first half of the #loka is only tentative. A line is missing in the
#loka 1@86 A child 7arn in any of the three week-days - #unday, Tuesday and #aturday
synchronizing with any of the three Tithis - 7witeeya, 7wadasee and, #aptamee, and any of
the stars other than 0hittra, will have to be declared as a result of the motherSs congress
with a person other than the lawful husband.
The sloka is not complete. Two lines are wanting.
=or the idea given above, compare the following from !atak - $ari"at
#loka 1@96 If malefics occupy the 8th and Ath houses, and ,enus, identical with the lord of
the )th, be posited betwixt malefics and be bereft of any benefic aspect in the nativities of a
couple born in the bright half of a month, the Coga is termed ,ahninipata - a cruel Coga/,
This sloka of a different metre in this place appears to be not a genuine one.

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